<PAGE 1>


                         Washington, D. C. 20549-1004

                                   FORM 10-Q

(Mark One)

      EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

      For the quarterly period ended March 31, 1999


      EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

      For the Transition Period from ________________ to ________________

                         Commission File Number 1-7316

                            COMMONWEALTH ENERGY SYSTEM                   
      (Exact name of registrant as specified in its Declaration of Trust)

              Massachusetts                                  04-1662010  
      (State or other jurisdiction of                    (I.R.S. Employer
      incorporation or organization)                     Identification No.)

      One Main Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts              02142-9150    
      (Address of principal executive offices)               (Zip Code)

      Registrant's telephone number, including area code   (617) 225-4000  

      (Former name, address and fiscal year, if changed since last report)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to
such filing requirements for the past 90 days.       YES   X    NO       

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes of
common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

                                                    Outstanding at
         Class of Common Stock                        May 1, 1999  

      Common Shares of Beneficial
      Interest, $2 par value                       21,540,550 shares

<PAGE 2>

                        PART I. - FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Item 1.  Financial Statements

                          COMMONWEALTH ENERGY SYSTEM


                     MARCH 31, 1999 AND DECEMBER 31, 1998


                            (Dollars in thousands)

                                                    March 31,    December 31, 
                                                       1999          1998    
  Electric                                         $  967,294    $  963,181
  Gas                                                 392,792       391,069
  Other                                               118,509       118,717
                                                    1,478,595     1,472,967
  Less - Accumulated depreciation and
           amortization                               470,309       462,153
                                                    1,008,286     1,010,814
  Add - Construction work in progress
          and nuclear fuel in process                   9,181         8,510
                                                    1,017,467     1,019,324

  Nuclear electric power companies (2.5%
     to 4.5%)                                          10,357        10,391
  Other investments                                     3,562         3,640
                                                       13,919        14,031

RESTRICTED CASH - LONG-TERM                           173,056       172,239

  Cash and cash equivalents                            92,016        74,840
  Restricted cash                                      21,094        21,094
  Accounts receivable                                 145,038       122,064
  Unbilled revenues                                    15,970        21,211
  Inventories, at average cost                         20,457        32,924
  Prepaid property taxes                                3,371         8,112
  Other                                                 7,489         5,466
                                                      305,435       285,711
  Regulatory assets                                   217,611       210,628
  Other                                                47,986        51,933
                                                      265,597       262,561

                                                   $1,775,474    $1,753,866

                            See accompanying notes.

<PAGE 3>

                          COMMONWEALTH ENERGY SYSTEM


                     MARCH 31, 1999 AND DECEMBER 31, 1998


                            (Dollars in thousands)

                                                    March 31,   December 31,
                                                      1999          1998    
  Common share investment -
    Common shares, $2 par value -
      Authorized - 50,000,000 shares
      Outstanding - 21,540,550 in 1999 and
        21,533,820 in 1998                        $   43,081     $   43,081
    Amounts paid in excess of par value              112,210        112,170
    Retained earnings                                306,645        294,341
                                                     461,936        449,592
  Redeemable preferred shares, less current
    sinking fund requirements                         11,350         11,380
  Long-term debt, including premiums, less current
    sinking fund requirements and maturing debt      384,555        385,602
                                                     857,841        846,574

CAPITAL LEASE OBLIGATIONS                             10,795         10,982

  Interim Financing - 
    Notes payable to banks                             7,825          2,000
    Maturing long-term debt                           38,500         49,000
                                                      46,325         51,000
  Other Current Liabilities -
    Current sinking fund requirements                  8,498          8,123
    Accounts payable                                  76,478        106,952
    Accrued taxes -
       Income                                         16,905          8,720
       Local property and other                        8,182         10,633
    Other                                             97,789         67,985
                                                     207,852        202,413
                                                     254,177        253,413
  Accumulated deferred income taxes                  119,556        117,026
  Regulatory liabilities                             379,183        370,829
  Purchased power contracts                           57,421         59,507
  Unamortized investment tax credits
     and other                                        96,501         95,535
                                                     652,661        642,897

                                                  $1,775,474     $1,753,866

                            See accompanying notes.

<PAGE 4>

                          COMMONWEALTH ENERGY SYSTEM


              FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 1999 AND 1998

          (Dollars in thousands except per share amounts - unaudited)

                                            1999            1998
  Electric                                $139,987        $155,804
  Gas                                      114,941         115,139
  Steam and other                           14,741           5,661
                                           269,669         276,604

  Fuel and purchased power                  79,317          86,608
  Cost of gas sold                          55,382          55,377
  Other operation and maintenance           65,177          58,490
  Depreciation                              13,806          16,179
  Taxes -
    Federal and state income                15,348          16,106
    Local property and other                 9,190           8,790
                                           238,220         241,550

OPERATING INCOME                            31,449          35,054

OTHER INCOME                                   609             695

INCOME BEFORE INTEREST CHARGES              32,058          35,749

  Long-term debt                             8,578           8,517
  Other interest charges                     2,001           1,673
                                            10,579          10,190

NET INCOME                                  21,479          25,559
  Dividends on preferred shares                222             237
  TO COMMON SHARES                        $ 21,257        $ 25,322
  SHARES OUTSTANDING                    21,540,550      21,532,463

  PER COMMON SHARE                           $ .99           $1.18
  COMMON SHARE                               $.415           $.405

                            See accompanying notes.

<PAGE 5>

                          COMMONWEALTH ENERGY SYSTEM


              FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 1999 AND 1998

                      (Dollars in thousands - unaudited)

                                                       1999          1998

  Net income                                        $ 21,479       $ 25,559
  Effects of noncash items -
    Depreciation and amortization                     16,745         18,719
    Deferred income taxes and investment
      tax credits, net                                 1,776           (341)
    Earnings from corporate joint ventures              (274)          (488)
  Dividends from corporate joint ventures                374            107
  Change in working capital, exclusive of cash
    and interim financing                              2,891         16,458
  Transition costs deferral                           (6,879)       (14,332)
  Power contract buy out                              (2,265)           -
  All other operating items                            1,799         (4,560)
Net cash provided by operating activities             35,646         41,122

  Additions to property, plant and equipment
    (inclusive of AFUDC) -
      Electric                                        (5,193)        (6,369)
      Gas                                             (1,839)        (2,875)
      Other                                             (178)        (1,923)
Net cash used for investing activities                (7,210)       (11,167)

  Payment of dividends                                (9,174)        (8,969)
  Reimbursement of transaction costs                   4,483            -
  Proceeds from (payment of) short-term borrowings     5,825        (19,150)
  Long-term debt issues refunded                     (10,000)            -  
  Sinking funds payments                              (1,577)        (1,113)
Net cash used for financing activities               (10,443)       (29,232)
Net increase in cash, cash equivalents and
  restricted cash                                     17,993            723
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted
  cash at beginning of period                        268,173          4,299
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted
  cash at end of period                             $286,166       $  5,022

  Cash paid (refunded) during the period:
    Interest (net of capitalized amounts)           $ 10,438       $ 10,509
    Income taxes                                    $ (1,332)      $  5,294

                            See accompanying notes.

<PAGE 6>

                          COMMONWEALTH ENERGY SYSTEM

(1) General Information

        Commonwealth Energy System, the parent company, is referred to in this
    report as the "Parent" and, together with its subsidiaries, is collec-
    tively referred to as "COM/Energy."  The Parent is an exempt public
    utility holding company under the provisions of the Public Utility Holding
    Company Act of 1935 with investments in four operating public utility
    companies located in central, eastern and southeastern Massachusetts.  In
    addition, the Parent has interests in other utility and several non-
    regulated companies.  In December 1998, the Parent signed an Agreement and
    Plan of Merger with BEC Energy, the parent company of Boston Edison
    Company, that will create an energy delivery company serving approximately
    1.3 million customers located entirely within Massachusetts including more
    than one million electric customers in 81 communities and 240,000 gas
    customers in 51 communities.

        COM/Energy has 1,614 regular employees including 1,025 (64%) repre-
    sented by various collective bargaining units covered by separate con-
    tracts with expiration dates ranging from March 2001 through April 2003.

        In response to the significant changes that have taken place in the
    utility industry, COM/Energy sold substantially all of its non-nuclear
    generating assets in 1998 to focus on the transmission and distribution of
    energy and related services (see Note 2 (c)).

(2) Accounting Policies

    (a) Principles of Accounting

        COM/Energy's significant accounting policies are described in Note 2
    of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements included in its 1998 Annual
    Report on Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. 
    For interim reporting purposes, COM/Energy follows these same basic
    accounting policies but considers each interim period as an integral part
    of an annual period and makes allocations of certain expenses to interim
    periods based upon estimates of such expenses for the year.

        Generally, certain expenses which relate to more than one interim
    period are allocated to other periods to more appropriately match revenues
    and expenses.  Principal items of expense which are allocated other than
    on the basis of passage of time are depreciation and property taxes of the
    gas subsidiary, Commonwealth Gas Company (Commonwealth Gas).  These
    expenses are recorded for interim reporting purposes based upon projected
    gas revenue.  Income tax expense is recorded using the statutory rates in
    effect applied to book income subject to tax for each interim period.

        The unaudited financial statements for the periods ended March 31,
    1999 and 1998, reflect, in the opinion of the Parent, all adjustments
    (consisting of only normal recurring accruals) necessary to summarize
    fairly the results for such periods.  In addition, certain prior period

<PAGE 7>

                          COMMONWEALTH ENERGY SYSTEM

    amounts are reclassified from time to time to conform with the presenta-
    tion used in the current period's financial statements.

        The results for interim periods are not necessarily indicative of
    results for the entire year because of seasonal variations in the consump-
    tion of energy and Commonwealth Gas' seasonal rate structure.

    (b) Regulatory Assets and Liabilities

        COM/Energy's operating utility companies are regulated as to rates,
    accounting and other matters by various authorities, including the Federal
    Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the Massachusetts Department of
    Telecommunications and Energy (DTE).

        Based on the current regulatory framework, COM/Energy accounts for the
    economic effects of regulation in accordance with the provisions of
    Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 71, "Accounting for
    the Effects of Certain Types of Regulation."  Regulated subsidiaries of
    the Parent have established various regulatory assets in cases where the
    DTE and/or the FERC have permitted or are expected to permit recovery of
    specific costs over time.  Similarly, the regulatory liabilities estab-
    lished by COM/Energy are required to be refunded to customers over time. 
    In the event the criteria for applying SFAS No. 71 are no longer met, the
    accounting impact would be an extraordinary, non-cash charge to operations
    of an amount that could be material.  Criteria that give rise to the
    discontinuance of SFAS No. 71 include: 1) increasing competition that
    restricts COM/Energy's ability to establish prices to recover specific
    costs, and 2) a significant change in the current manner in which rates
    are set by regulators from cost based regulation to another form of
    regulation.  These criteria are reviewed on a regular basis to ensure the
    continuing application of SFAS No. 71 is appropriate.  Based on the
    current evaluation of the various factors and conditions that are expected
    to impact future cost recovery, COM/Energy believes that its regulatory
    assets, including those related to generation, are probable of future

        As a result of electric industry restructuring, COM/Energy's retail
    electric companies discontinued application of accounting principles
    applied to their investment in electric generation facilities effective
    March 1, 1998.  COM/Energy will not be required to write off any of its
    generation-related assets, including regulatory assets.  These assets will
    be retained on the Consolidated Condensed Balance Sheets because the
    legislation and the DTE's plan for a restructured electric industry
    specifically provide for their recovery through a non-bypassable transi-
    tion charge.

<PAGE 8>

                          COMMONWEALTH ENERGY SYSTEM

        The principal regulatory assets included in deferred charges were as

                                                       March 31,  December 31,
                                                         1999        1998
                                                      (Dollars in thousands)

      Transition costs                                 $ 56,725    $ 47,771
      Maine Yankee unrecovered plant and
         decommissioning costs                           30,005      30,646
      Fuel charge stabilization                          26,537      26,682
      Connecticut Yankee unrecovered plant and
         decommissioning costs                           24,291      25,185
      Postretirement benefits costs                      23,800      23,958
      Deferred income taxes                              15,737      15,737
      Power contract buy-out                             15,635      15,717
      FERC Order 636 transition costs                     6,206       5,968
      Environmental costs                                 5,344       5,079
      Yankee Atomic unrecovered plant and
         decommissioning costs                            3,125       3,676
      Seabrook related costs                              2,671       3,008
      Other                                               7,535       7,201
                                                       $217,611    $210,628

         The regulatory liabilities, reflected in the accompanying Consoli-
    dated Condensed Balance Sheets, were as follows:

                                                       March 31,  December 31,
                                                         1999        1998
                                                      (Dollars in thousands)
      Regulatory liability related
         to sale of generating assets                  $361,040    $354,226
      Deferred income taxes                              12,129      12,196
      Demand-side management deferral                     5,576       3,956
      Other                                                 438         451
                                                       $379,183    $370,829

         The regulatory liability related to the sale of generating assets was
    established pursuant to COM/Energy's divestiture filing that was approved
    by the DTE in which COM/Energy agreed to use the net proceeds from the
    sale of its non-nuclear generating assets to reduce transition costs that
    are billed to its retail electric customers over the next several years as
    a result of electric industry restructuring.

         COM/Energy's regulatory assets, including the costs associated with
    existing power contracts with three Yankee nuclear power plants that have
    shut down permanently, and all of its regulatory liabilities are reflected
    in rates charged to customers.  Regulatory assets are to be recovered over
    11 years pursuant to the legislation discussed below.

         In November 1997, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts enacted a
    comprehensive electric utility industry restructuring bill.  On November
    19, 1997, the Parent's electric subsidiaries filed a restructuring plan
    with the DTE.  The plan, approved by the DTE on February 27, 1998,

<PAGE 9>

                          COMMONWEALTH ENERGY SYSTEM

    provides that the Parent's retail electric subsidiaries, beginning March
    1, 1998, initiate a ten percent rate reduction for all customer classes
    and allow customers to choose their energy supplier.  As part of the plan,
    the DTE authorized the recovery of certain strandable costs and provides
    that certain future costs may be deferred to achieve or maintain the rate
    reductions that the restructuring bill mandates.  The legislation gives
    the DTE the authority to determine the amount of strandable costs that
    will be eligible for recovery.  Costs that will qualify as strandable
    costs and be eligible for recovery include, but are not limited to,
    certain above market costs associated with generating facilities, costs
    associated with long-term commitments to purchase power at above market
    prices from independent power producers and regulatory assets and associ-
    ated liabilities related to the generation portion of the electric

    (c)  Divestiture of Generation Assets

         The cost of transitioning to competition will be mitigated, in part,
    by the sale of COM/Energy's non-nuclear generating assets.  On May 27,
    1998, COM/Energy agreed to sell substantially all of its non-nuclear
    generating assets (984 MW) to affiliates of The Southern Company of
    Atlanta, Georgia.  The sale was conducted through an auction process that
    was outlined in a restructuring plan filed with the DTE in November 1997
    in conjunction with the state's industry restructuring legislation enacted
    in 1997.  The sale was approved by the DTE on October 30, 1998 and by the
    FERC on November 12, 1998.  Proceeds from the sale of these assets, after
    construction-related adjustments at the closing that occurred on December
    30, 1998, amounted to approximately $453.9 million or 6.1 times their book
    value of approximately $74.2 million.  An adjustment of $5.1 million was
    recorded in the first quarter of 1999 that reduced the book value to $69.1
    million.  The proceeds from the sale, net of book value, transaction costs
    and certain other adjustments, amounts to $361 million and will be used to
    reduce transition costs related to electric industry restructuring that
    otherwise would have been collected through a non-bypassable transition
    charge.  COM/Energy has determined that this transaction was not a taxable
    event because it provided no economic benefit to COM/Energy.

         COM/Energy established Energy Investment Services, Inc. as the
    vehicle to invest the net proceeds from the sale of Canal Electric
    Company's (Canal Electric) generation assets and a portion of the proceeds
    from the sale of Cambridge Electric Light Company's (Cambridge Electric)
    generating assets.  These proceeds will be invested in a conservative
    portfolio of securities that is designed to maintain principal and earn a
    reasonable return.  Both the principal amount and income earned will be
    used to reduce the transition costs that would otherwise be billed to
    customers of Cambridge Electric and Commonwealth Electric Company (Common-
    wealth Electric).  The net proceeds have been classified as restricted
    cash on the accompanying Consolidated Condensed Balance Sheet.

<PAGE 10>

                          COMMONWEALTH ENERGY SYSTEM

(3) Commitments and Contingencies

    Capital Expenditures

         (a) Construction Program

         COM/Energy is engaged in a continuous construction program presently
    estimated at $327.9 million for the five-year period 1999 through 2003. 
    Of that amount, $63.4 million is estimated for 1999.  The program is
    subject to periodic review and revision.

         (b) Acquisition

         On June 1, 1998, Advanced Energy Systems, Inc. (AES), a wholly-owned
    subsidiary of the Parent, acquired for $146.3 million all of the issued
    and outstanding shares of capital stock of Harvard University's Medical
    Area Total Energy Plant, Inc. subsidiary (MATEP) and all rights under
    customer contracts owned by Harvard University.  MATEP's principal asset
    is a cogeneration plant that provides heating, chilled water service and
    electricity to several hospitals, medical research centers and teaching
    institutions in the 200-acre Longwood Medical Area of Boston pursuant to
    the contracts that were assigned to AES.  The purchase price was estab-
    lished through a sealed-bid auction process and the transaction was
    initially financed with a short-term bank loan of $150 million that was
    subsequently reduced with the proceeds from an equity contribution from
    the Parent to AES of approximately $40 million (financed with a 2-year
    variable rate term note issued by the Parent).  A permanent financing was
    completed on August 26, 1998 that consisted of $112.5 million in 23-year
    term notes at a rate of 6.924% with quarterly sinking fund payments
    scheduled to begin on September 30, 2003 that escalate from $790,000 to
    $2.7 million at the end of the term.  These notes are secured by long-term
    contracts between MATEP and its customers.  The 2-year term note will be
    repaid in two installments of $20 million each on July 1, 1999 and July 1,
    2000.  The variable interest rate averaged 5.794% during the first quarter
    of 1999.

         Results for MATEP are included in the accompanying Consolidated
    Condensed Financial Statements from the date of acquisition.

         The acquisition was accounted for under the purchase method of
    accounting.  The purchase price was allocated based on the fair value of
    assets acquired and resulted in the recognition of an intangible asset
    amounting to approximately $31 million that is being amortized on a
    straight-line basis over fifteen years.

         Based on unaudited data, the following pro forma summary presents the
    consolidated results of operations for the three months ended March 31,
    1998 as if the acquisition had occurred at the beginning of the year

<PAGE 11>

                          COMMONWEALTH ENERGY SYSTEM

                              Three Months Ended
                                    March 31,
                (Dollars in thousands except per share amounts)

    Revenues                        $290,404

    Net Income
       Applicable to
       Common Shares                $ 24,875

    Basic and Diluted
       Earnings per
       Common Share                    $1.16

         The pro forma results do not purport to be indicative of the results
    of operations that actually would have resulted had the acquisition been
    made at the beginning of the year presented, or of results that may occur
    in the future.

         (c) Pilgrim Power Contract

         Commonwealth Electric has an 11% (73.6 megawatts) contract entitle-
    ment in the output of the Pilgrim nuclear power plant, located in Plym-
    outh, MA, which is expected to be sold by Boston Edison Company (Boston
    Edison) in 1999 to Entergy Nuclear Generating Company (Entergy).  In
    conjunction with this sale, Commonwealth Electric has reached an agreement
    with Boston Edison to buy out of this life-of-the-unit contract, termi-
    nating Commonwealth Electric's rights and obligations under the contract
    regarding the power output of the plant.  Pursuant to the buy out agree-
    ment, Commonwealth Electric will pay between $100 million and $115 million
    to terminate this contract with Boston Edison, subject to adjustment at
    closing.  On April 29, 1999, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission issued an
    order approving the transfer of the operating license for the plant from
    Boston Edison to Entergy.  The buy out is expected to be completed in the
    second quarter of 1999.  It is anticipated that the buy out will be paid
    for with funds currently held by affiliate Energy Investment Services,
    Inc. (see Note 2(c)).  In a transaction related to the sale of the Pilgrim
    plant, Commonwealth Electric will buy power generated by the Pilgrim plant
    from Entergy on a declining basis through 2004.

<PAGE 12>

                          COMMONWEALTH ENERGY SYSTEM

Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
         and Results of Operations

         Merger with BEC Energy

         The electric utility industry has continued to change in response to
    legislative and regulatory mandates that are aimed at lowering prices for
    energy by creating a more competitive marketplace.  These pressures have
    resulted in an increasing trend in the electric industry to seek competi-
    tive advantages and other benefits through business combinations.  On
    December 5, 1998, the Parent and BEC Energy (BEC), headquartered in
    Boston, Massachusetts, entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger (the
    Merger Agreement).  Pursuant to the Merger Agreement, the Parent and BEC
    will be merged into a new holding company to be known as NSTAR.  Holders
    of Parent common shares will receive 1.05 shares of NSTAR common stock for
    each share held while BEC common shareholders will receive one share of
    NSTAR common stock for each share held.  In addition, current Parent and
    BEC common shareholders have the right to receive cash rather than NSTAR
    common stock in the amount of $44.10 for each share held, up to an
    aggregate maximum of $300 million.  At the close of the merger, Parent
    shareholders will own approximately 32% of NSTAR common stock and BEC
    shareholders will own approximately 68%.  The merger is expected to occur
    shortly after the satisfaction of certain conditions, including the
    receipt of certain regulatory approvals including that of the DTE.  The
    regulatory approval process is expected to be completed during the second
    half of 1999.

         The merger will create an energy delivery company serving approxi-
    mately 1.3 million customers located entirely within Massachusetts,
    including more than one million electric customers in 81 communities and
    240,000 gas customers in 51 communities.

         Shareholder votes on the merger will be held as part of each of the
    Parent's and BEC's annual shareholder meetings scheduled for June 24,
    1999.  The Merger Agreement may be terminated under certain circumstances,
    including by any party if the merger is not consummated by December 5,
    1999, subject to an automatic extension of six months if the requisite
    regulatory approvals have not yet been obtained by such date.  The merger
    will be accounted for using the purchase method of accounting.

         Upon effectiveness of the merger, Thomas J. May, BEC's current
    Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), will become the
    Chairman and CEO of NSTAR.  Russell D. Wright, the Parent's current
    President and CEO, will become the President and Chief Operating Officer
    of NSTAR and will serve on NSTAR's board of trustees. Also, upon effec-
    tiveness of the merger, NSTAR's board of trustees will consist of the
    Parent's and BEC's current trustees.

<PAGE 13>

                          COMMONWEALTH ENERGY SYSTEM

         Financial Condition

         Capital resources of the Parent and its subsidiaries are derived
    principally from retained earnings.  Supplemental interim funds are
    borrowed on a short-term basis and, when necessary, replaced with new
    equity and/or debt issues through permanent financing secured on an
    individual company basis.  The Parent purchases 100% of all subsidiary
    common stock issues and provides, to the extent possible, a portion of the
    subsidiaries' short-term financing needs.  These capital resources provide
    the funds required for the subsidiary companies' construction programs,
    current operations, debt service and other capital requirements.

         For the current three-month period, cash flows from operating
    activities amounted to approximately $35.6 million and reflect net income
    of $21.5 million and noncash items including depreciation of $13.8 million
    and amortization of $2.9 million.  The change in working capital since
    December 31, 1998, exclusive of cash, restricted cash, cash equivalents
    and interim financing, amounted to $2.9 million and had a positive impact
    on cash flows from operating activities, reflecting a lower level of
    unbilled revenues ($5.2 million), inventories ($12.5 million) and prepaid
    taxes ($4.7 million) coupled with a higher level of other current liabili-
    ties ($30.2 million) and accrued taxes ($5.7 million). These factors were
    offset, in part, by a decline in accounts payable ($30.5 million) and a
    higher level of accounts receivable ($23 million) and other current assets
    ($2 million).

         Construction expenditures for the current three-month period were
    approximately $7.2 million, including an allowance for funds used during
    construction (AFUDC) and nuclear fuel.  Construction expenditures and the
    preferred and common dividend requirements of the Parent ($9.2 million)
    were funded entirely with internally-generated funds.

         On February 12, 1999, the holders of the Parent's Cumulative Pre-
    ferred Shares (Series A 4.80%, Series B 8.10% and Series C 7.75%) were
    notified that each series would be redeemed in full effective April 1,
    1999.  The redemption price of $102 for Series A and $101 for each of
    Series B and C, plus accrued dividends, was paid by the Parent on April 1,

         Results of Operations

         The following is a discussion of certain significant factors which
    have affected operating revenues, expenses and net income during the
    periods included in the accompanying Consolidated Condensed Statements of
    Income.  This discussion should be read in conjunction with the Notes to
    Condensed Financial Statements appearing elsewhere in this report.

<PAGE 14>

                          COMMONWEALTH ENERGY SYSTEM

         A summary of the period to period changes in the principal items
    included in the Consolidated Condensed Statements of Income for the three
    months ended March 31, 1999 and 1998 and unit sales for these periods are
    shown below:

                                                         Three Months
                                                        Ended March 31,
                                                         1999 and 1998 
                                                      Increase (Decrease)
                                                    (Dollars in thousands)

Operating Revenues -
  Electric                                            $(15,817)   (10.2)%
  Gas                                                     (198)    (0.2)
  Steam and other                                        9,080    160.4
                                                        (6,935)    (2.5)
Operating Expenses -
  Fuel and purchased power                              (7,291)    (8.4)
  Cost of gas sold                                           5        -
  Other operation and maintenance                        6,687     11.4
  Depreciation                                          (2,373)   (14.7)
  Taxes -
    Local property and other                               400      4.6
    Federal and state income                              (758)    (4.7)
                                                        (3,330)    (1.4)

Operating Income                                        (3,605)   (10.3)

Other Income                                               (86)   (12.4)

Income Before Interest Charges                          (3,691)   (10.3)

Interest Charges                                           389      3.8

Net Income                                              (4,080)   (16.0)

Dividends on preferred shares                              (15)    (6.3)

Earnings Applicable to Common Shares                  $ (4,065)   (16.1)

Unit Sales -
  Electric - Megawatthours (MWH)
    Retail                                               51,072     4.3
    Wholesale                                          (684,175)  (60.0)
                                                       (633,103)  (27.3)

  Gas - Billions of British Thermal Units (BBTU)
    Firm                                                  1,840    12.7
    Interruptible and other                                 336    21.5
    Transportation                                          262    11.1
                                                          2,438    13.3

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                          COMMONWEALTH ENERGY SYSTEM

         The following is a summary of electric unit sales and gas throughput
   for the periods indicated:
                                                       Three Months Ended
                                                            March 31,    
                                                       1999          1998
Electric Sales - MWH
  Residential                                          502,530      472,219
  Commercial                                           627,561      596,860
  Industrial                                            91,412      101,280
  Other                                                  6,616        6,688
       Total retail                                  1,228,119    1,177,047
  Wholesale to other systems                           456,152    1,140,327
       Total                                         1,684,271    2,317,374

Gas Sales - BBTU
  Residential                                           10,395        8,768
  Commercial                                             4,446        4,052
  Industrial                                               707          815
  Other                                                    750          823
       Total firm                                       16,298       14,458
  Off-system                                             1,383        1,037
  Interruptible                                            516          526
       Total                                            18,197       16,021
  Transportation                                         2,629        2,367
       Total throughput                                 20,826       18,388

  Electric Revenues, Fuel and Purchased Power Costs

        Operating revenues from regulated operations for the current quarter
  were $18.3 million lower than the corresponding period in 1998 primarily
  due to rate reductions resulting from electric industry restructuring
  legislation, and a net decrease in electricity purchased for resale, fuel
  and transmission charges of $7.3 million (8.4%).  As a result of industry
  restructuring, COM/Energy has unbundled its rates and provided customers
  with a ten percent rate reduction as of March 1, 1998 that was subsequently
  increased to approximately 12% and 16% for Commonwealth Electric and
  Cambridge Electric, respectively, effective January 1, 1999 in conjunction
  with COM/Energy's restructuring plan as approved by the DTE.  Operating
  revenues from two non-regulated subsidiaries increased by $2.5 million for
  the current quarter.

        This legislation also provides customers with the opportunity to
  purchase generation supply in the competitive market.  Unbundled delivery
  rates are composed of a customer charge (to collect metering and billing
  costs), a distribution charge (to collect the costs of delivering electric-
  ity), a transition charge (to collect past costs for investments in
  generating plants and costs related to power contracts), a transmission
  charge (to collect the cost of moving the electricity over high voltage
  lines from a generating plant), an energy conservation charge (to collect
  costs for demand-side management programs) and a renewable energy charge
  (to collect the cost to support the development and promotion of renewable
  energy projects).  Electricity supply services provided by COM/Energy
  include optional standard offer service and default service.  Standard
  offer service is the electricity that is supplied by the local distribution

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                          COMMONWEALTH ENERGY SYSTEM

  company (such as Commonwealth Electric and Cambridge Electric) until a
  competitive supplier is chosen by the customer.  It is designed as a seven-
  year transitional service to give the customer time to learn about competi-
  tive power suppliers.  The price of standard offer service will increase
  over time.  Default service is the electricity that is supplied by the
  local distribution company when a customer is not receiving power from
  either standard offer service or a competitive power supplier.  The market
  price for default service will fluctuate based on the average market price
  for power.  Amounts collected through these various charges will be
  reconciled to actual expenditures on an on-going basis.  Currently, 87.4%
  of retail customers receive standard offer service, 12.5% of retail
  customers receive default service and 0.1% of retail customers receive
  electricity supply services from competitive power suppliers.  For further
  information on electric industry restructuring, refer to COM/Energy's 1998
  Annual Report on Forms 10-K and 10-K/A.

        Total unit sales decreased in the current quarter despite a 4.3%
  increase in retail sales as wholesale sales decreased by 60%.  This
  decrease was mainly attributable to the sale of Canal Units 1 and 2 in
  December 1998.

  Gas Revenues and Cost of Gas Sold

        Operating revenues from regulated operations increased by $1.7
  million during the current quarter due primarily to a 13.3% increase in
  total throughput partially offset by a $4.9 million decrease in the cost of
  gas sold.  Also during the current quarter, operating revenues from an
  unregulated subsidiary decreased by $1.9 million compared to the same
  period of 1998 due to the sale of that subsidiary's assets in February

        The increase in unit sales to firm customers (12.7%) reflects higher
  sales to all customer segments due to cooler weather conditions experienced
  during the first quarter of 1999 compared to the same period last year. 
  Heating degree days for the quarter were 7.6% greater than the first
  quarter of 1998 but 7.2% less than normal.  The fluctuation in interrupti-
  ble and other sales reflects the competitive market that exists today in
  the natural gas industry.

  Other Operating Expenses

        For the current quarter, other operation and maintenance increased by
  $6.7 million (11.4%) and reflects costs associated with the MATEP facility
  that was acquired in June 1998 ($4 million), expenses incurred related to
  the pending merger with BEC Energy ($1.9 million), costs associated with
  the sale of the assets of an unregulated subsidiary ($1.8 million) and
  higher conservation and load management costs ($1.7 million).  These
  increases were partially offset by a decline in insurance and employee
  benefits costs ($1.6 million).

        Depreciation decreased $2.4 million (14.7%) during the current
  quarter and reflects the aforementioned sale of COM/Energy's generating
  assets in December 1998 partially offset by depreciation related to the
  MATEP facility.  Federal and state income taxes decreased $758,000 (4.7%)
  during the current quarter reflecting the level of pre-tax income.

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                          COMMONWEALTH ENERGY SYSTEM

  The increase of $400,000 (4.6%) in local property and other taxes for the
  current quarter was due primarily to real estate taxes associated with
  MATEP and higher tax rates and assessments offset, in part, by the absence
  of real estate taxes related to the generating assets that were sold.

  Interest Charges

        The increase in total interest charges for the current three-month
  period mainly reflects interest expense on amounts deferred in conjunction
  with COM/Energy's restructuring plan as approved by the DTE and the
  issuance of 23-year term notes in August 1998 partially offset by maturing
  long-term debt and scheduled sinking fund payments.

  Industry Restructuring - Gas

        Unbundled Gas Rates

        New unbundled rates for Commonwealth Gas went into effect on November
  1, 1998.  The unbundled rates were developed in accordance with a Settle-
  ment Agreement reached by participants in the Massachusetts Gas Unbundling
  Collaborative (the Collaborative) that was filed with the DTE on June 29,
  1998 and approved on August 15, 1998.  The new unbundled rates reflect the
  separation of the company's gas supply function from its local distribution

        Commencing with the billing month of November 1998, Commonwealth Gas
  has a Seasonal Cost of Gas Adjustment Clause (CGAC) and a Local Distribu-
  tion Adjustment Clause (LDAC) that provide for the recovery, from firm
  customers or Default Service customers, of certain costs previously
  recovered through base rates.  The CGAC provides for rates that must be
  approved semi-annually by the DTE.  The LDAC provides for rates that
  require annual approval.

        As part of its new unbundled rates, Commonwealth Gas modified its
  existing CGAC to allow for the following changes: (a) the addition of
  provisions that allow for the recovery of certain bad-debt expenses; (b)
  new formulas that no longer adjust the Gas Adjustment Factors for the
  seasonal embedded gas costs that were in existing sales rates; (c) updated
  provisions reflecting the ratemaking requirements for non-core revenue
  margins; and (d) the removal of provisions for the recovery of environmen-
  tal remediation costs and FERC Order 636 transition costs, which will
  instead be recovered through the LDAC.

        Commonwealth Gas' new LDAC recovers conservation charges, environ-
  mental remediation costs, balancing penalty revenue credits, and costs
  associated with its participation in the Collaborative.

        For additional information related to gas industry restructuring,
  refer to the 1998 Annual Report on Forms 10-K and 10-K/A.

  Environmental Matters

        Commonwealth Gas is participating in the assessment of a number of
  former manufactured gas plant (MGP) sites and alleged MGP waste disposal

<PAGE 18>

                          COMMONWEALTH ENERGY SYSTEM

  locations to determine if and to what extent such sites have been contami-
  nated and whether Commonwealth Gas may be responsible for remedial actions. 
  The DTE has approved recovery of costs associated with MGP sites.  Common-
  wealth Gas is also involved in certain other known or potentially contami-
  nated sites where the associated costs may not be recoverable in rates. 
  For additional information on other related environmental matters, refer to
  the 1998 Annual Report on Forms 10-K and 10-K/A.

  New Accounting Standard

        In June 1998, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued SFAS
  No. 133, "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities." 
  SFAS No. 133 establishes accounting and reporting standards requiring that
  every derivative instrument (including certain derivative instruments
  embedded in other contracts possibly including fixed-price fuel supply and
  power contracts) be recorded on the balance sheet as either an asset or
  liability measured at its fair value.  SFAS No. 133 requires that changes
  in the derivative's fair value be recognized currently in earnings unless
  specific hedge accounting criteria are met.  Special accounting for
  qualifying hedges allows a derivative's gains and losses to offset related
  results on the hedged item in the income statement, and requires that a
  company must formally document, designate and assess the effectiveness of
  transactions that receive hedge accounting.

        SFAS No. 133 is effective for fiscal years beginning after June 15,
  1999 and may be implemented as of the beginning of any fiscal quarter after
  issuance but cannot be applied retroactively.  SFAS No. 133 must be applied
  to derivative instruments and certain derivative instruments embedded in
  hybrid contracts that were issued, acquired or substantively modified after
  December 31, 1997 and, at the company's election, before January 1, 1998.

        The adoption of SFAS No. 133 is not expected to have a material
  impact on COM/Energy's results of operations or financial condition.

  Year 2000

        The Year 2000 issue is the result of computer programs being written
  using two digits rather than four to define the applicable year.  Any
  computer program that has date sensitive software may recognize a date
  using "00" as the year 1900 rather than the year 2000.  This could result
  in a temporary inability to process transactions or engage in normal
  business activities.  COM/Energy has been involved in Year 2000 compliancy
  since 1996.

        COM/Energy, on a coordinated basis and with the assistance of RCG
  Information Technologies and other consultants, is addressing the Year 2000
  issue.  COM/Energy has followed a five-phase process in its Year 2000
  compliance efforts, as follows: Awareness (through a series of internal
  announcements to employees and through contacts with vendors); Inventory
  (all computers, applications and embedded systems that could potentially be
  affected by the Year 2000 problem); Assessment (all applications or
  components and the impact on overall business operations and a plan to
  correct deficiencies and the cost to do so); Remediation (the modification,

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                          COMMONWEALTH ENERGY SYSTEM

  upgrade or replacement of deficient hardware and software applications and
  infrastructure modifications); and Testing (a detailed, comprehensive
  testing program for the modified critical component, system or software
  that involves the planning, execution and analysis of results).

        COM/Energy's inventory phase required an assessment of all date
  sensitive information and transaction processing computer systems and
  determined that approximately 90% of its software systems needed some
  modifications or replacement.  Plans were developed and are being imple-
  mented to correct and test all affected systems, with priorities assigned
  based on the importance of the activity.  COM/Energy has identified the
  software and hardware installations that are necessary.  All installations
  are expected to be completed and tested by mid-1999.

        COM/Energy has also inventoried its non-information technology
  systems that may be date sensitive (facilities, electric and gas opera-
  tions, energy supply/production and distribution) that use embedded
  technology such as micro-controllers and micro-processors.  COM/Energy has
  completed its assessment of these non-information technology systems and
  determined that 20% of these systems required remediation or replacement. 
  COM/Energy is approximately 94% complete in its efforts to resolve non-
  compliance with Year 2000 requirements related to these systems and antici-
  pates that these systems will be updated or replaced as necessary and
  tested by mid-1999.

        At present, the remediation phase for information technology as it
  applies to hardware and non-technology issues is scheduled for completion
  by June 1, 1999.  The testing phase for Year 2000 compliance is approxi-
  mately 85% complete and is scheduled to be concluded by June 30, 1999.  All
  other phases are complete.

        Modifying and testing COM/Energy's information and transaction
  processing systems from 1996 through 2000 is currently expected to cost
  approximately $9.85 million, including approximately $900,000, $3.1 million
  and $1.9 million incurred through 1997, 1998 and the first quarter of 1999,
  respectively.  Approximately $3.95 million is expected to be spent in the
  remainder of 1999 and in 2000.  Year 2000 costs have been expensed as
  incurred and will continue to be funded from operations.

        In addition to its internal efforts, COM/Energy has initiated formal
  communications with its significant suppliers to determine the extent to
  which COM/Energy may be vulnerable to its suppliers' failure to correct
  their own Year 2000 issues.  As of April 1, 1999, COM/Energy has received
  responses from approximately 82% of those entities contacted, and nearly
  all have indicated that they are or will be Year 2000 compliant.  Failure
  of COM/Energy's significant suppliers to address Year 2000 issues could
  have a material adverse effect on COM/Energy's operations, although it is
  not possible at this time to quantify the amount of business that might be
  lost or the costs that could be incurred by COM/Energy.  Contact with
  significant vendors is continuing and inadequate or marginal responses are
  being pursued by COM/Energy.  COM/Energy is prepared to replace certain
  suppliers or to initiate other contingency plans should these vendors not
  respond to COM/Energy's satisfaction by July 1, 1999.

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                          COMMONWEALTH ENERGY SYSTEM

        In addition, parts of the global infrastructure, including national
  banking systems, electrical power grids, gas pipelines, transportation
  facilities, communications and governmental activities, may not be fully
  functional after 1999.  Infrastructure failures could significantly reduce
  COM/Energy's ability to acquire energy and its ability to serve its custom-
  ers as effectively as they are now being served.  COM/Energy is identifying
  elements of the infrastructure that are critical to its operations and is
  obtaining information as to the expected Year 2000 readiness of these ele-

        COM/Energy has started its contingency planning for critical opera-
  tional areas that might be effected by the Year 2000 issue if compliance by
  COM/Energy is delayed.  COM/Energy's gas and electric operations currently
  have emergency operating plans as well as information technology disaster
  recovery plans as components of its standard operating procedures.  These
  plans will be enhanced to identify potential Year 2000 risks to normal
  operations and the appropriate reaction to these potential failures
  including contingency plans that may be required for any third parties that
  fail to achieve Year 2000 compliance.  All necessary contingency plans are
  expected to be completed by June 30, 1999, although in certain cases,
  especially infrastructure failures, there may be no practical alternative
  course of action available to COM/Energy.

        COM/Energy is working with other energy industry entities, both
  regionally and nationally with respect to Year 2000 readiness and is
  cooperating in the development of local and wide-scale contingency plan-

        While COM/Energy believes its efforts to address the Year 2000 issue
  will allow it to be successful in avoiding any material adverse effect on
  COM/Energy's operations or financial condition, it recognizes that failing
  to resolve Year 2000 issues on a timely basis would, in a "most reasonably
  likely worst case scenario," significantly limit its ability to acquire and
  distribute energy and process its daily business transactions for a period
  of time, especially if such failure is coupled with third party or infra-
  structure failures.  Similarly, COM/Energy could be significantly effected
  by the failure of one or more significant suppliers, customers or compo-
  nents of the infrastructure to conduct their respective operations after
  1999.  Adverse affects on COM/Energy could include, among other things,
  business disruption, increased costs, loss of business and other similar

        The foregoing discussion regarding Year 2000 project timing, effec-
  tiveness, implementation and costs includes forward-looking statements that
  are based on management's current evaluation using available information. 
  Factors that might cause material changes include,but are not limited to,
  the availability of key Year 2000 personnel, the readiness of third
  parties, and COM/Energy's ability to respond to unforeseen Year 2000

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                          COMMONWEALTH ENERGY SYSTEM

  Forward-Looking Statements

        This discussion contains statements which, to the extent it is not a
  recitation of historical fact, constitute "forward-looking statements" and
  is intended to be subject to the safe harbor protection provided by the
  Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.  A number of important
  factors affecting the Parent's business and financial results could cause
  actual results to differ materially from those reflected in the forward-
  looking statements or projected amounts.  Those factors include develop-
  ments in the legislative, regulatory and competitive environment, certain
  environmental matters, demands for capital and new business development
  expenditures and the availability of cash from various sources.

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                          COMMONWEALTH ENERGY SYSTEM
                          PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

Item 1.     Legal Proceedings

            COM/Energy is subject to legal claims and matters arising from its
       course of business including when Cambridge Electric was an intervenor
       in an appeal at the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) filed
       by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) involving a DTE
       decision approving a customer transition charge (CTC) for the recovery
       of stranded investment costs.  By its terms, the CTC was terminated on
       March 1, 1998, coincident with the retail access date established by
       the Massachusetts Legislature in the Electric Industry Restructuring
       Act.  On September 18, 1997, the SJC remanded the CTC matter to the
       DTE for further consideration.  The SJC stated that, although recovery
       of prudent and verifiable stranded costs by utility companies is in
       the public interest and consistent with the Public Utility Regulatory
       Policies Act, the insufficiencies of the DTE's subsidiary findings
       precluded the SJC from undertaking a meaningful review of the DTE's
       calculations that formed the basis of the CTC.  The DTE is in the
       process of determining whether to hear additional evidence in the
       remand or to rely on the record and pleadings already filed.  At this
       time, management is unable to predict the ultimate outcome of this

Item 2.     Changes in Securities and Use of Proceeds


Item 3.     Defaults by the Company on its Senior Securities


Item 4.     Results of Votes of Security Holders


Item 5.     Other Information


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                          COMMONWEALTH ENERGY SYSTEM

Item 6.      Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

       (a)   Exhibits

             Exhibit 27 - Financial Data Schedule

             Filed herewith as Exhibit 1 is the Financial Data Schedule for
             the three months ended March 31, 1999.

             Filed herewith as Exhibit 2 is the restated Financial Data
             Schedule for the year ended December 31, 1998.

       (b)   Reports on Form 8-K

             One report on Form 8-K was filed during the three months ended
             March 31, 1999.  The report, dated January 14, 1999, relates to
             an event that occurred on December 30, 1998 regarding the sale
             of substantially all of COM/Energy's non-nuclear generating
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                          COMMONWEALTH ENERGY SYSTEM


   Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                            COMMONWEALTH ENERGY SYSTEM

                                            Principal Financial and
                                               Accounting Officer

                                            JAMES D. RAPPOLI             
                                            James D. Rappoli,
                                            Financial Vice President
                                              and Treasurer

Date:  May 17, 1999