Exhibit 10-25

                             EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

          Agreement made as of the 1st day of January, 1993, between
    Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation (the "Company"), and Robert J.
    Patrylo (the "Executive").

          WHEREAS, the Company desires to employ the Executive, and the
    Executive desires to accept/continue employment with the Company,
    on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth.

          NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and
    agreements hereinafter set forth, the Company and the Executive
    hereby agree as follows:

          1.   The Company shall employ the Executive, and the
    Executive shall serve the Company, for the period beginning January
    1, 1993 and expiring on December 31, 1995.  The term of this
    Agreement will be extended by one year at the completion of each
    full year of employment, unless either party notifies the other to
    the contrary not later than sixty (60) days prior to the completion
    of the full year of employment.

          2.   The Executive shall serve the Company as its Senior Vice
    President - Gas Customer Service.  During the term of this
    Agreement, the Executive shall, except during vacation or sick
    leave, devote the whole of the Executive's time, attention and
    skill during usual business hours (and outside those hours when
    reasonably necessary to the Executive's duties hereunder);
    faithfully and diligently perform such duties and exercise such
    powers as may be from time to time assigned to or vested in the
    Executive by the Company's Board of Directors (the "Board") or by
    any officer of the Company superior to the Executive; obey the
    directions of the Board and of any officer of the Company superior 

    to the Executive; and use the Executive's best efforts to promote
    the interests of the Company.  The Executive may be required in
    pursuance of the Executive's duties hereunder to perform services
    for any company controlling, controlled by or under common control
    with the Company (such companies hereinafter collectively called
    "Affiliates") and to accept such offices in any Affiliates as the
    Board may require.  The Executive shall obey all policies of the
    Company and applicable policies of its Affiliates.

          3.   a.   During the term of this Agreement, the Company
    shall pay the Executive a salary at an annual rate of $173,200,
    which shall be payable periodically in accordance with the
    Company's then prevailing payroll practices, or such greater amount
    as the Company may from time to time determine.

               b.   The Executive shall be entitled to participate in
    the Company's Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan ("SERP")
    according to its terms, as modified by Schedule A hereto.

               c.   The Executive shall be entitled to participate in
    the Company's Officers Incentive Compensation Plan, Stock Option
    Plan and Performance Share Unit Plan, and any successors thereto,
    in accordance with the terms thereof.  

               d.   The Executive shall be entitled to such expense
    accounts, vacation time, sick leave, perquisites of office, fringe
    benefits, insurance coverage, and other terms and conditions of
    employment as the Company generally provides to its employees
    having rank and seniority at the Company comparable to the

          4.   Unless terminated in accordance with the following
    provisions of this paragraph 4, the Company shall continue to
    employ the Executive and the Executive shall continue to work for
    the Company, during the term of this Agreement.

               a.   This Agreement shall terminate automatically upon
    the death of the Executive.

               b.   Upon the Executive's "Disability" (as defined
    below) the payment of benefits under the Company's short-term and
    long-term disability plans shall satisfy the Company's obligations
    under Section 3a hereof.  The Executive shall be deemed to be under
    a Disability if (i) a physician selected by the Company advises the
    Company that the Executive's physical or mental condition will
    render the Executive unable to perform the Executive's duties for a
    period exceeding 12 consecutive months, or (ii) due to a physical
    or mental condition, the Executive has not substantially performed
    the Executive's duties hereunder for a period of 12 consecutive

               c.   The Company may terminate the Executive's
    employment at any time for "Cause"; Cause shall mean  (i) a
    material default or other material breach by the Executive of his
    obligations under this Agreement, (ii) material failure by the
    Executive diligently and competently to perform the Executive's
    duties under this Agreement, or (iii) misconduct, dishonesty,
    insubordination or other act by the Executive detrimental to the
    good will of the Company or damaging to the Company's relationships
    with its customers, suppliers or employees.

               d.   If any of the following events, any of which shall
    constitute "Good Reason", occurs within twenty-four full calendar
    months after a Change in Control (as that term is defined in
    Schedule B hereto), the Executive may voluntarily terminate the
    Executive's employment for Good Reason within 90 days after the
    occurrence of such event and be entitled to the severance benefits
    set forth in subsection e. below.

          (i)  The Company assigns any duties to the Executive which
    are materially inconsistent with the Executive's position, duties,
    offices, responsibilities or reporting requirements immediately
    prior to a Change in Control; or

          (ii)  the Company reduces the Executive's base salary,
    including deferrals, as in effect immediately prior to a Change in
    Control; or

          (iii)  the Company discontinues any bonus or other
    compensation plan or any other benefit, stock ownership plan, stock
    purchase plan, stock option plan, life insurance plan, health plan,
    disability plan or similar plan (as the same existed immediately
    prior to the Change in Control) in which the Executive participated
    or was eligible to participate in immediately prior to the Change
    in Control and in lieu thereof does not make available plans
    providing at least comparable benefits; or

          (iv)  the Company takes action which adversely affects the
    Executive's participation in, or eligibility for, or materially
    reduces the Executive's benefits under, any of the plans described
    in (iii) above, or deprives the Executive of any material fringe
    benefit enjoyed by the Executive immediately prior to the Change in
    Control, or fails to provide the Executive with the number of paid
    vacation days to which the Executive was entitled in accordance
    with normal vacation policy immediately prior to the Change in
    Control; or 

          (v)  the Company requires the Executive to be based at any
    office or location other than one within a 50-mile radius of the
    office or location at which the Executive was based immediately
    prior to the Change in Control; or

          (vi)  the Company purports to terminate the Executive's
    employment otherwise than as expressly permitted by this Agreement;

          (vii)  the Company fails to comply with and satisfy paragraph
    5 hereof, provided that such successor has received prior written
    notice from the Company or from the Executive of the requirements
    of paragraph 5 hereof.

               The Executive shall have the sole right to determine, in
    good faith, whether any of the above events has occurred.

               e.   The Company may terminate the Executive's
    employment at any time without Cause.  In the event that the
    Executive's employment is terminated by the Company without Cause
    or by the Executive for Good Reason following a Change in Control 

    as set forth above, the Company shall pay the Executive a severance
    benefit, payable in twenty-four equal monthly installments, equal
    to two years' base salary, plus the greater of (i) two times the
    most recent annual bonus or (ii) two times the average annual bonus
    for the three prior years.  In addition, the Executive will be
    entitled to continue participation in the Company's benefit plans
    for a two-year period, provided, however, that such benefit
    continuation will terminate upon the Executive's coverage under
    comparable plans.  The payments and benefits continuation provided
    to the Executive by the Company pursuant to this subsection will be
    in full and complete satisfaction (except as provided in
    subsections f and i below and Schedule A hereto) of any and all
    obligations owing to the Executive pursuant to this Agreement.

               f.   Upon termination pursuant to a, b, c, d, or e
    above, the Company shall pay the Executive or the Executive's
    estate any salary earned and unpaid to the date of termination, and
    any outstanding funds advanced by the Company to or on behalf of
    the Executive shall become immediately due and payable.

               g.   It is the intention of the parties to this
    Agreement that no severance benefits hereunder will be paid to the
    extent that such benefits (either alone or when aggregated with
    other benefits contingent on a Change in Control) and paid to or
    for benefit of the Executive) constitute "excess parachute
    payments" within the meaning of Section 280G of the Internal
    Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code").  Accordingly, under
    the circumstances set forth below, severance benefits payable under
    this Agreement shall be subject to the following ceiling
    notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary:  The
    "aggregate present value" of severance benefits payable under this
    Agreement which, together with all other payments to the Executive
    or for the Executive's benefit, would be "parachute payments" if
    their "aggregate present value" equalled or exceeded 300% of the
    Executive's "base amount" shall in no event exceed 295% of the
    Executive's "base amount" (within those terms' meaning under
    Section 280G of the Code).

               h.   The determination of any reduction in the payments
    under this Agreement, or in payments made other than pursuant to 

    this Agreement, pursuant to the foregoing proviso, including
    apportionment among specific payments and benefits, shall be made
    by the Executive in good faith, and such determination shall be
    conclusive and binding on the Company.  The Company shall make the
    calculations referred to above within thirty days following the
    termination of the Executive's employment and shall provide such
    calculations and the basis therefor to the Executive within such
    period.  In the event the foregoing limit is exceeded, the
    Executive shall give notice to the Company within 20 days of the
    Executive's receipt of such calculations and related information of
    the Executive's determination of the reduction of benefits.

               i.   Subject to and contingent upon the occurrence of a
    Change in Control the Company agrees to pay promptly as incurred,
    to the full extent permitted by law, all legal fees and expenses
    which the Executive may reasonably thereafter incur as a result of
    any contest, litigation or arbitration (regardless of the outcome
    thereof) by the Company, by the Executive or by any third party of
    the validity of, or liability under, this Agreement or the SERP
    (including any contest by the Executive about the amount of any
    payment pursuant to this Agreement or pursuant to the SERP), plus
    in each case interest on any delayed payment at the rate of 150% of
    the Prime Rate posted by the Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., provided,
    however, that the Company shall not be liable for the Executive's
    legal fees and expenses if the Executive's position in such
    contest, litigation or arbitration is found by the neutral
    decision-maker to be frivolous.

          5.   The Company shall require any successor (whether direct
    or indirect, by purchase, merger, consolidation or otherwise) to
    all or substantially all of the business and/or assets of the
    Company to assume expressly and agree to perform this Agreement in
    the same manner and to the same extent that the Company would be
    required to perform.  As used in this Agreement, "Company" shall
    mean the company as hereinbefore defined and any successor to its
    business and/or assets as aforesaid which assumes and agrees to
    perform this Agreement by operation of law, or otherwise.

          6.   The Executive shall not divulge or communicate to any
    person (except in performing the Executive's duties under this 

    Agreement) or use for the Executive's own purposes trade secrets,
    confidential commercial information, or any other information,
    knowledge or data of the Company or of any of its Affiliates which
    is not generally known to the public and shall use the Executive's
    best efforts to prevent the publication or disclosure by any other
    person of any such secret, information, knowledge or data.  All
    documents and objects made, compiled, received, held or used by the
    Executive while employed by the Company in connection with the
    business of the Company shall be and remain the Company's property
    and shall be delivered by the Executive to the Company upon the
    termination of the Executive's employment or at any earlier time
    requested by the Company.  It is understood that the Executive
    shall retain ownership of the Executive's personal property,
    including the Executive's private working papers not containing
    proprietary information of or about the Company.

          7.   The Executive agrees that during the Executive's
    employment at the Company and for a period of one year after the
    termination of the Executive's employment, the Executive will not
    directly or indirectly, whether or not for compensation and whether
    or not as an employee, be engaged in or have any financial interest
    in any business competing with or which may compete with the
    business of the Company (or with any business of any Affiliate for
    which the Executive performed services hereunder) within any state,
    region or locality in which the Company or such Affiliate is then
    doing business or marketing its products, as the business of the
    Company or such Affiliates may then be constituted.  For purposes
    of this Agreement, the Executive shall be deemed to be engaged in
    or to have a financial interest in such a business if the Executive
    is an employee, officer, director, or partner, of any person,
    partnership, corporation, trust or other entity which is engaged in
    such a business, or if the Executive directly or indirectly
    performs services for such entity or if the Executive or any member
    of the Executive's immediate family beneficially owns an equity
    interest, or interest convertible into equity, in any such entity;
    provided, however, that the foregoing shall not prohibit the
    Executive or a member of the Executive's immediate family from
    owning, for the purpose of passive investment, less than 5% of any
    class of securities of a publicly held corporation.  The Executive
    recognizes that a breach or threatened breach by the Executive of 

    the Executive's obligations under this paragraph 7 would cause
    irreparable injury to the Company, and the Company shall be
    entitled to preliminary and permanent injunctions enjoining the
    Executive from violating this paragraph 7 in addition to any other
    remedies which may be available.  

          8.   The Executive agrees that the Executive shall not, for a
    period of one year after the termination of this Agreement, employ
    any person who was employed by the Company or any of its Affiliates
    or induce such person to accept employment other than with the
    Company and its Affiliates.

          9.   The Executive hereby agrees that any and all
    improvements, inventions, discoveries, formulae, processes,
    methods, know-how, confidential data, trade secrets and other
    proprietary information (collectively, "Work Products") within the
    scope of any business of the Company or any Affiliate which the
    Executive may conceive or make or have conceived or made during the
    Executive's employment with the Company shall be and are the sole
    and exclusive property of the Company, and that the Executive
    shall, whenever requested to do so by the Company, at its expense,
    execute and sign any and all applications, assignments or other
    instruments and do all other things which the Company may deem
    necessary or appropriate (i) in order to apply for, obtain,
    maintain, enforce, or defend letters patent of the United States or
    any foreign country for any Work Product, or (ii) in order to
    assign, transfer, convey or otherwise make available to the Company
    the sole and exclusive right, title and interest in and to any Work

          10.   Any dispute or controversy between the parties relating
    to this Agreement (except any dispute relating to paragraph 6, 7 or
    8 hereof) or relating to or arising out of the Executive's
    employment with the Company, shall be settled by binding
    arbitration in the City of Syracuse, State of New York, pursuant to
    the governing rules of the American Arbitration Association and
    shall be subject to the provisions of Article 75 of the New York
    Civil Practice Law and Rules.  Judgment upon the award may be
    entered in any court of competent jurisdiction.  Notwithstanding
    anything herein to the contrary, if any dispute arises between the 

    parties under paragraph 6, 7 or 8 hereof, or if the Company makes
    any claim under paragraph 6, 7, or 8, the Company shall not be
    required to arbitrate such dispute or claim but shall have the
    right to institute judicial proceedings in any court of competent
    jurisdiction with respect to such dispute or claim.  If such
    judicial proceedings are instituted, the parties agree that such
    proceedings shall not be stayed or delayed pending the outcome of
    any arbitration proceedings hereunder.

          11.  Any notice or other communication required or permitted
    under this Agreement shall be effective only if it is in writing
    and delivered personally or sent by registered or certified mail,
    postage prepaid, addressed as follows:

               If to the Company:

               Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation
               300 Erie Boulevard West
               Syracuse, New York  13202
               ATTN: Corporate Secretary

               If to the Executive:

               7111 Thorntree Hill Drive
               Fayetteville, N.Y.  13066

    or to such other address as either party may designate by notice to
    the other, and shall be deemed to have been given upon receipt.

          12.   This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between
    the parties hereto with respect to the Executive's employment by
    the Company, and supersedes and is in full substitution for any and
    all prior understandings or agreements with respect to the
    Executive's employment.

          13.   This Agreement may be amended only by an instrument in
    writing signed by the parties hereto, and any provision hereof may
    be waived only by an instrument in writing signed by the party or
    parties against whom or which enforcement of such waiver is sought. 
    The failure of either party hereto at any time to require the 

    performance by the other party hereto of any provision hereof shall
    in no way affect the full right to require such performance at any
    time thereafter, nor shall the waiver by either party hereto of a
    breach of any provision hereof be taken or held to be a waiver of
    any succeeding breach of such provision or a waiver of the
    provision itself or a waiver of any other provision of this

          14.   This Agreement is binding on and is for the benefit of
    the parties hereto and their respective successors, heirs,
    executors, administrators and other legal representatives.  Neither
    this Agreement nor any right or obligation hereunder may be
    assigned by the Company (except to an Affiliate) or by the

          15.   If any provision of this Agreement, or portion thereof,
    is so broad, in scope or duration, so as to be unenforceable, such
    provision or portion thereof shall be interpreted to be only so
    broad as is enforceable.

          16.   This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in
    accordance with the laws of the State of New York.

          17.   This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts,
    each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which shall
    constitute one and the same instrument.

          18.   The Executive represents and warrants that the
    Executive is not party to any agreement which would prohibit the
    Executive from entering into this Agreement or performing fully the
    Executive's obligations hereunder.

          19.   The obligations of the Executive set forth in
    paragraphs 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 represent independent covenants by
    which the Executive is and will remain bound notwithstanding any
    breach by the Company, and shall survive the termination of this

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company and the Executive have
    executed this Agreement as of the date first written above.


    __________________________     NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION

                                           DAVID J. ARRINGTON
                                           Senior Vice President -
                                           Human Resources

                                SCHEDULE A

         Modifications in Respect of Robert J. Patrylo ("Executive")
                                  to the
              Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan ("SERP")
                                  of the
                Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation ("Company")

    I.    Subsection 1.8 of Section I of the SERP is hereby modified to
    provide that the term "Earnings" shall mean the sum of the (i)
    Executive's base annual salary averaged over the final 36 months of
    the Executive's employment with the Company and (ii) average of the
    annual bonus earned by the Executive under the Corporation's Annual
    Officers Incentive Compensation Plan in respect of the final 36
    months of the Executive's employment with the Company.

    II.   Subsection 2.1 of Section II of the SERP is hereby modified
    to provide that full SERP benefits are vested following ten (10)
    years of continuous service with the Company.

    III.  Subsection 4.3 of Section IV of the SERP is hereby modified
    to provide that in the event of (x) the Executive's involuntary
    termination of employment by the Company, at any time, other than 

    for Cause, (y) the Executive's Disability (as defined in Section 4b
    of this Agreement) or (z) the Executive's termination of employment
    for Good Reason within the 24 full calendar month period following
    a Change in Control (as defined in Schedule B of this Agreement),
    the Executive shall be 100% vested in his full SERP benefit (i.e.,
    60% of Earnings (as modified above)) regardless of the Executive's
    years of continuous service with the Company.  If the Executive is
    less than age 55 at the date of such termination of employment, the
    Executive shall be entitled to receive benefits commencing no
    earlier than age 55, calculated pursuant to Section III of the

    IV.   Except as provided above, the provisions of the SERP shall
    apply and control participation therein and the payment of benefits

    __________________________       NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION
     Robert J. Patrylo

                                           DAVID J. ARRINGTON
                                           Senior Vice President -
                                           Human Resources

                                SCHEDULE B

          For purposes of this Agreement, the term "Change in Control"
    shall mean:

          (1)  The acquisition by any individual, entity or group
    (within the meaning of Section 13(d)(3) or 14(d)(2) of the
    Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"))
    (a "Person") of beneficial ownership (within the meaning of Rule 

    13d-3 promulgated under the Exchange Act) of 20% or more of either
    (i) the then outstanding shares of common stock of the Company (the
    "Outstanding Company Common Stock") or (ii) the combined voting
    power of the then outstanding voting securities of the Company
    entitled to vote generally in the election of directors (the
    "Outstanding Company Voting Securities"); provided, however, that
    the following acquisitions shall not constitute a Change of
    Control:  (i) any acquisition directly from the Company (excluding
    an acquisition by virtue of the exercise of a conversion
    privilege), (ii) any acquisition by the Company, (iii) any
    acquisition by any employee benefit plan (or related trust)
    sponsored or maintained by the Company or any corporation
    controlled by the Company or (iv) any acquisition by any
    corporation pursuant to a reorganization, merger or consolidation,
    if, following such reorganization, merger or consolidation, the
    conditions described in clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) of subparagraph
    (3) of this subsection (A) are satisfied; or

          (2)  Individuals who, as of the date hereof, constitute the
    Company's Board of Directors (the "Incumbent Board") cease for any
    reason to constitute at least a majority of the Board; provided,
    however, that any individual becoming a director subsequent to the
    date hereof whose election, or nomination for election by the
    Company's shareholders, was approved by a vote of at least a
    majority of the directors then comprising the Incumbent Board shall
    be considered as though such individual were a member of the
    Incumbent Board, but excluding, for this purpose, any such
    individual whose initial assumption of office occurs as a result of
    either an actual or threatened election contest (as such terms are
    used in Rule 14a-11 of Regulation 14A promulgated under the
    Exchange Act) or other actual or threatened solicitation of proxies
    or consents by or on behalf of a Person other than the Board; or

          (3)  Approval by the shareholders of the Company of a
    reorganization, merger or consolidation, in each case, unless,
    following such reorganization, merger or consolidation, (i) more
    than 75% of, respectively, the then outstanding shares of common
    stock of the corporation resulting from such reorganization, merger
    or consolidation and the combined voting power of the then
    outstanding voting securities of such corporation entitled to vote 

    generally in the election of directors is then beneficially owned,
    directly or indirectly, by all or substantially all of the
    individuals and entities who were the beneficial owners,
    respectively, of the Outstanding Company Common Stock and
    Outstanding Company Voting Securities immediately prior to such
    reorganization, merger or consolidation in substantially the same
    proportions as their ownership, immediately prior to such
    reorganization, merger or consolidation, of the Outstanding Company
    Common Stock and Outstanding Company Voting Securities, as the case
    may be, (ii) no Person (excluding the Company, any employee benefit
    plan (or related trust) of the Company or such corporation
    resulting from such reorganization, merger or consolidation and any
    Person beneficially owning, immediately prior to such
    reorganization, merger or consolidation, directly or indirectly,
    20% or more of the Outstanding Company Common stock or Outstanding
    Voting Securities, as the case may be) beneficially owns, directly
    or indirectly, 20% or more of, respectively, the then outstanding
    shares of common stock of the corporation resulting from such
    reorganization, merger or consolidation or the combined voting
    power of the then outstanding voting securities of such corporation
    entitled to vote generally in the election of directors and (iii)
    at least a majority of the members of the board of directors of the
    corporation resulting from such reorganization, merger or
    consolidation were members of the Incumbent Board at the time of
    the execution of the initial agreement providing for such
    reorganization, merger or consolidation; or

          (4)  Approval by the shareholders of the Company of (i) a
    complete liquidation or dissolution of the Company or (ii) the sale
    or other disposition of all or substantially all of the assets of
    the Company, other than to a corporation, with respect to which
    following such sale or other disposition, (A) more than 75% of,
    respectively, the then outstanding shares of common stock of such
    corporation and the combined voting power of the then outstanding
    voting securities of such corporation entitled to vote generally in
    the election of directors is then beneficially owned, directly or
    indirectly, by all or substantially all of the individuals and
    entities who were the beneficial owners, respectively, of the
    Outstanding Company Common Stock and Outstanding Company Voting
    Securities immediately prior to such sale or other disposition in 

    substantially the same proportion as their ownership, immediately
    prior to such sale or other disposition, of the Outstanding Company
    Common Stock and Outstanding Company Voting Securities, as the case
    may be, (B) no Person (excluding the Company and any employee
    benefit plan (or related trust) of the Company or such corporation
    and any Person beneficially owning, immediately prior to such sale
    or other disposition, directly or indirectly, 20% or more of the
    Outstanding Company Common Stock or Outstanding Company Voting
    Securities, as the case may be) beneficially owns, directly or
    indirectly, 20% or more of, respectively, the then outstanding
    shares of common stock of such corporation and the combined voting
    power of the then outstanding voting securities of such corporation
    entitled to vote generally in the election of directors and (C) at
    least a majority of the members of the board of directors of such
    corporation were members of the Incumbent Board at the time of the
    execution of the initial agreement or action of the Board providing
    for such sale or other disposition of assets of the Company.

                                             January 24, 1994

    Robert J. Patrylo
    Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation
    300 Erie Boulevard West
    Syracuse, New York  13202

          Re:  Employment Agreement

    Dear Mr. Patrylo:

          This letter sets forth certain obligations of Niagara Mohawk
    Power Corporation (the "Company") under the Employment Agreement
    between the Company and you, dated as of January 1, 1993 (the 

    "Agreement") in the event of your death while you are employed by
    the Company.  

          Subparagraph 4.a. of the Agreement provides that the
    Agreement shall terminate automatically upon the death of the
    executive.  Accordingly, under subparagraph 4.a. of the Agreement
    any right or benefit you accrue or to which you are entitled under
    the terms of the Agreement prior to your death, other than payment
    of salary in respect of the period following your death, will not
    be extinguished by reason of your death.  Neither will your death
    extinguish the Company's obligation to you in respect of any such
    right or benefit.  It is understood that pursuant to Subparagraph
    4.f. of the Agreement, the Company will pay your estate any salary
    earned and unpaid as of your death.  

          Kindly sign the attached copy of this letter on the line
    reading "Acknowledgment of Receipt" and return it to me.

          If you have any questions or comments please feel free to
    contact me.


                                   DAVID J. ARRINGTON
                                   Senior Vice President -
                                   Human Resources

    Acknowledgment of Receipt: ____________________________

                         Date: ____________________________