Washington, D.C.  20549

          FORM 10-Q

          (Mark One)
                    SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

          For the quarterly period ended March 31, 1994

          [   ]     TRANSITION REPORT  PURSUANT TO  SECTION 13 OR  15(d) OF

          Commission file number 1-2987.


          (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

          State of New York                          15-0265555
          ------------------                         ----------
          (State or other jurisdiction of            (I.R.S. Employer  
          incorporation or organization)             Identification No.)

          300  Erie Boulevard West                     Syracuse, New York  
          (Address of  principal executive offices)                    (Zip

          (315) 474-1511
          Registrant's telephone number, including area code

          Indicate by check mark  whether the registrant (1) has  filed all
          reports  required  to be  filed  by Section  13 or  15(d)  of the
          Securities Exchange  Act of 1934  during the preceding  12 months
          (or for such shorter  period that the registrant was  required to
          file  such  reports), and  (2) has  been  subject to  such filing
          requirements for the past 90 days.

          YES [X]   NO [ ]

          Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's
          classes of common stock, as of the latest practicable date.
          Common stock, $1 par value, outstanding
          at April 30, 1994 - 142,778,785


          FORM 10-Q - For The Quarter Ended March 31, 1994


                Part I.  Financial Information                   Page

          Item 1.  Financial Statements.

                a) Consolidated Statements of Income - 
                   Three Months Ended March 31, 1994 and 1993       3

                b) Consolidated Balance Sheets - March 31, 
                   1994 and December 31, 1993                       4

                c) Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows -
                   Three Months Ended March 31, 1994 and 1993       6

                d) Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements       7

                e) Review by Independent Accountants               14

                f) Independent Accountants' Report on the
                   Limited Review of the Interim Financial
                   Information                                     15

          Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of 
                   Financial Condition and Results of 
                   Operations.                                     16

                Part II.  Other Information

          Item 1.  Legal Proceedings.                              27

          Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote 
                   of Security Holders.                            28

          Item 5.  Other Events.                                   28

          Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K.               32

          Signature                                                33



                                        THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31,
                                        1994           1993
                                        ---------      ----------
                                        (In thousands of dollars)
      Electric                          $ 933,717      $  876,625
      Gas                                 301,841         259,414

                                        1,235,558       1,136,039

        Fuel for electric generation       62,125          64,348
        Electricity purchased             275,360         206,192
        Gas purchased                     175,084         155,003
        Other operation expense           172,684         194,827
      Maintenance                          47,493          50,330
      Depreciation and amortization        75,406          67,662
      Federal and foreign income taxes     88,304          81,455
      Other taxes                         135,754         128,553

                                        1,032,210         948,370

    OPERATING INCOME                      203,348         187,669

      Allowance for other funds used 
       during construction                    765           2,071
      Federal and foreign income taxes      2,340           3,649
      Other items (net)                     2,966           4,472

                                            6,071          10,192

    INCOME BEFORE INTEREST CHARGES        209,419         197,861

      Interest on long-term debt           68,584          70,102
      Other interest                        3,985           3,109
      Allowance for borrowed funds used 
       during construction                 (1,614)         (2,306)

                                           70,955          70,905

    NET INCOME                            138,464         126,956
    Dividends on preferred stock            7,016           8,299

    BALANCE AVAILABLE FOR COMMON STOCK  $ 131,448      $  118,657

    Average number of shares of common 
      stock outstanding 
      (in thousands)                      142,498         137,208

    Balance available per average 
      share of common stock             $  .92         $   .86
    Dividends paid per share of common 
      stock                                .25             .20




                                                        MARCH 31,
                                                        1994            DECEMBER 31,
                                                        (UNAUDITED)     1993
                                                        ------------    ------------
                                                        (In thousands of dollars)
     Electric plant                                     $ 8,082,027      $7,991,346
     Nuclear fuel                                           457,502         458,186
     Gas plant                                              860,947         845,299
     Common plant                                           268,028         244,294
     Construction work in progress                          480,601         569,404

          Total utility plant                            10,149,105      10,108,529
    Less-Accumulated depreciation and 
     amortization                                         3,295,194       3,231,237

          Net utility plant                               6,853,911       6,877,292

    OTHER PROPERTY AND INVESTMENTS                          243,079         221,008

     Cash, including temporary cash investments
       of $86,923 and $100,182, respectively                168,897         124,351
     Accounts receivable (less-allowance for
       doubtful accounts of $3,600)                         351,519         258,137
     Unbilled revenues                                      192,500         197,200
     Electric margin recoverable                             32,047          21,368
     Materials and supplies, at average cost:
       Coal and oil for production of electricity            27,120          29,469
       Gas storage                                            3,018          31,689
       Other                                                166,479         163,044
     Prepaid taxes                                           87,146          23,879
     Prepaid pension expense                                 39,933          37,238
     Other prepayments                                       27,487          29,498

                                                          1,096,146         915,873


     Unamortized debt expense                               153,473         154,210
     Deferred recoverable energy costs                       39,483          67,632
     Deferred finance charges                               239,880         239,880
     Income taxes recoverable (Note 1)                      527,995         527,995
     Recoverable environmental restoration costs            240,000         240,000
     Other                                                  188,103         175,187

                                                          1,388,934       1,404,904

                                                        $ 9,582,070      $9,419,077




                                                            MARCH 31,1994  DECEMBER 31,
                                                            (UNAUDITED)    1993
                                                            -------------  ------------
                                                            (In thousands of dollars)
          Common stock - $1 par value; authorized 
          150,000,000 shares; issued 142,706,358 and 
          142,427,057 shares, respectively                  $  142,706     $  142,427
          Capital stock premium and expense                  1,762,908      1,762,706
          Retained earnings                                    647,171        551,332
                                                            ----------     ----------
                                                             2,552,785      2,456,465
                                                            ----------     ----------
       SHARES, $100 PAR VALUE:
          Non-redeemable (optionally redeemable), 
           issued 2,100,000 shares                            210,000         210,000
          Redeemable (mandatorily redeemable), issued  
           294,000 shares                                      27,600          27,600
       SHARES, $25 PAR VALUE:
          Non-redeemable (optionally redeemable), 
           issued 3,200,000 shares                             80,000          80,000
          Redeemable (mandatorily redeemable), issued 
           4,840,005 shares                                    95,600          95,600

                                                              413,200         413,200

       Long-term debt                                       3,261,159       3,258,612

          Total capitalization                              6,227,144       6,128,277


     Short-term debt                                         177,001          368,016
     Long-term debt due within one year                      414,084          216,185
     Sinking fund requirements on redeemable 
       preferred stock                                        27,200           27,200
      Accounts payable                                       231,208          299,209
      Payable on outstanding bank checks                      24,662           35,284
      Customers' deposits                                     14,182           14,072
      Accrued taxes                                          134,666           56,382  
     Accrued interest                                         80,045           70,529
      Accrued vacation pay                                    41,040           40,178
      Other                                                  100,070           82,145

                                                           1,244,158        1,209,200

      Accumulated deferred income taxes (Note 1)           1,344,701        1,313,483
      Deferred finance charges                               239,880          239,880
      Unbilled revenues                                       90,268           94,968
      Deferred pension settlement gain                        59,277           62,282
      Customers refund for replacement power cost 
       disallowance                                           17,311           23,081
      Other                                                  119,331          107,906

                                                           1,870,768        1,841,600

      Liability for environmental restoration                240,000          240,000

                                                          $9,582,070       $9,419,077




                                                            THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31,
                                                            1994           1993
                                                            -------------  ------------
                                                            (In thousands of dollars)
      Net income                                            $ 138,464      $ 126,956
      Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash 
      provided by operating activities:
     Depreciation and amortization                             75,406         67,662
     Amortization of nuclear fuel                               9,601          7,800
     Provision for deferred Federal income taxes               31,218         13,538
     Electric margin recoverable                              (10,679)       (20,688)
     Allowance for other funds used during construction          (765)        (2,071)
     Deferred recoverable energy costs                         28,149         25,853
     Amortization of nuclear replacement power cost 
      disallowance                                             (5,770)        (5,930)
     Increase in net accounts receivable                      (93,382)       (75,720)
     Decrease in materials and supplies                        28,959         51,097 
     Decrease in accounts payable and accrued expenses        (62,131)       (84,625)
     Increase in accrued interest and taxes                    87,800         70,986
     Changes in other assets and liabilities                  (46,052)       (20,498)

          NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES           180,818        154,360

      Construction additions                                  (64,815)       (71,010)
      Less: Allowance for other funds used during 
       construction                                               765          2,071
      Acquisition of utility plant                            (64,050)       (68,939)
      (Increase) decrease in materials and supplies 
      related to construction                                  (1,374)          (648)
      Decrease in accounts payable and accrued 
      expenses related to construction                        (15,533)       (21,156)
     Increase in other investments                            (21,841)        (3,145) 
      Other                                                    (3,045)           752 

          NET CASH USED IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES              (105,843)       (93,136)

      Proceeds from the sale of common stock                    5,203          2,855 
      Issuance of long-term debt                              210,000            -
      Net change in short-term debt and revolving 
        credit agreements                                    (191,015)       (29,187)
      Dividends paid                                          (42,625)       (35,733)
      Reductions in long-term debt                             (8,414)        (4,683)
      Other                                                    (3,578)          (347)

          NET CASH USED IN FINANCING ACTIVITIES               (30,429)       (67,095)

    NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH                            44,546         (5,871)

    Cash at beginning of period                               124,351         43,894

    CASH AT END OF PERIOD                                   $ 168,897      $  38,023

      Interest paid                                         $  64,987      $  65,732
      Income taxes paid                                        11,308          9,373





          1.    The Company, in the opinion of management, has included
                adjustments (which include normal recurring adjustments)
                necessary for a fair statement of the results of operations
                for the interim periods presented.  The consolidated
                financial statements for 1994 are subject to adjustment at
                the end of the year when they will be audited by
                independent accountants.  The consolidated financial
                statements and notes thereto should be read in conjunction
                with the financial statements and notes for the years ended
                December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991 included in the Company's
                1993 Annual Report to Shareholders on Form 10-K.

                The Company's electric sales tend to be substantially
                higher in summer and winter months as related to weather
                patterns in its service territory; gas sales tend to peak
                in the winter.  Notwithstanding other factors, the
                Company's quarterly net income will generally fluctuate
                accordingly.  Therefore, the earnings for the three-month
                period ended March 31, 1994, should not be taken as an
                indication of earnings for all or any part of the balance
                of the year.  

                Certain amounts have been reclassified on the accompanying
                Consolidated Financial Statements to conform with the 1994

          2.    Contingencies.

                Environmental issues:  The public utility industry
                typically utilizes and/or generates in its operations a
                broad range of potentially hazardous wastes and by-
                products.  These wastes or by-products may not have
                previously been considered hazardous, and may not be
                considered hazardous currently, but may be identified as
                such by Federal, state or local authorities in the future. 
                The Company believes it is handling identified wastes and
                by-products in a manner consistent with Federal, state and
                local requirements and has implemented an environmental
                audit program to identify any potential areas of concern
                and assure compliance with such requirements.  The Company
                is also currently conducting a program to investigate and
                restore, as necessary to meet current environmental
                standards, certain properties associated with its former
                gas manufacturing process and other properties which the
                Company has learned may be contaminated with industrial


                waste, as well as investigating identified industrial waste
                sites as to which it may be determined that the Company
                contributed.  The Company has been advised that various
                Federal, state or local agencies believe that certain
                properties require investigation and has prioritized the
                sites based on available information in order to enhance
                the management of investigation and remediation, if
                determined to be necessary. 

                The Company is currently aware of 89 sites with which it
                has been or may be associated, including 49 which are
                Company-owned.  The Company-owned sites include 23 former
                coal gasification (MGP) sites, 15 industrial waste sites
                and 11 operating property sites where corrective actions
                may be deemed necessary to prevent, contain and/or
                remediate contamination of soil and/or water in the
                vicinity.  Of these Company-owned sites, Saratoga Springs
                is on the Federal National Priorities List for Uncontrolled
                Hazardous Waste Sites (NPL) published by the Environmental
                Protection Agency (EPA).  The 40 non-owned sites with which
                the Company has been or may be associated are generally
                industrial disposal waste sites where some of the disposed
                waste materials are alleged to have originated from the
                Company's operations.  Pending the results of
                investigations, the Company may be required to contribute
                some proportionate share of remedial costs.  Not included
                in the 89 sites are seven sites for which the Company has
                reached final settlement agreements with other potentially
                responsible parties (PRP) and three sites where remediation
                activities have been completed.  The Company is also aware
                of approximately 20 formerly-owned MGP sites with which the
                Company has been or may be associated and which may require
                future investigation and possible remediation.  Also,
                approximately 11 fire training sites used by the Company
                have been identified but not investigated.  Presently, the
                Company has not determined its potential involvement with
                such sites and has made no provision for potential
                liabilities associated therewith.

                Investigations at each of the Company-owned sites are
                designed to (1) determine if environmental contamination
                problems exist, (2) determine the extent, rate of movement
                and concentration of pollutants, (3) if necessary,
                determine the appropriate remedial actions required for
                site restoration and (4) where appropriate, identify other
                parties who should bear some or all of the cost of
                remediation.  Legal action against such other parties, if
                necessary, will be initiated.  After site investigations
                have been completed, the Company expects to determine site-
                specific remedial actions necessary and to estimate the
                attendant costs for restoration.  However, since
                technologies are still developing and the Company has not


                yet undertaken any full-scale remedial actions following
                regulatory requirements at any identified sites, nor have
                any detailed remedial designs been prepared or submitted to
                appropriate regulatory agencies, the ultimate cost of
                remedial actions may change substantially as investigation
                and remediation progresses.  

                The Company estimates that 43 of the 49 owned sites will
                require some degree of remediation and post-remedial
                monitoring.  This conclusion is based upon a number of
                factors, including the nature of the identified or
                potential contaminants, the location and size of the site,
                the proximity of the site to sensitive resources, the
                status of regulatory investigation and knowledge of
                activities at similarly situated sites.  Although the
                Company has not extensively investigated many of those
                sites, it believes it has sufficient information to
                estimate a range of cost of investigation and remediation. 
                As a consequence of site characterizations and assessments
                completed to date, the Company has accrued a liability of
                $210 million for these owned sites, representing the low
                end of the range of the estimated cost for investigation
                and remediation.  The high end of the range is presently
                estimated at approximately $520 million.

                The majority of these cost estimates relate to the MGP
                sites.  Of the 23 MGP sites, the Harbor Point (Utica, NY)
                and Saratoga Springs sites are being investigated and
                remediated pursuant to separate regulatory Consent Orders. 
                The remaining 21 MGP sites are the subject of an Order on
                Consent executed with the New York State Department of
                Environmental Conservation (DEC) providing for an
                investigation and remediation program over approximately
                ten years.  Preliminary site assessments have been
                conducted or are in process at five of these 21 sites, with
                remedial investigations either currently in process or
                scheduled for 1994.  Remedial investigations have been
                conducted for two industrial waste sites and for three
                operating properties where corrective actions were
                considered necessary.  

                The Company recently completed preliminary assessments at
                the fire training sites which it owns and determined five
                sites will require further investigation.  These sites and
                the costs to investigate them are included in the sites
                discussed above and the amounts accrued at March 31, 1994.

                The Company does not currently believe that a clean-up will
                be required at the six remaining Company-owned sites,
                although some degree of investigation of these sites is
                included in its investigation and remediation program.


                With respect to the 40 sites with which the Company has
                been or may be associated as a PRP, nine are listed on the
                NPL.  Total costs to investigate and remediate these sites
                are estimated to be approximately $590 million; however,
                the Company estimates its share of this total at
                approximately $30 million and this amount has been accrued
                at March 31, 1994.  

                The seven sites for which final settlement agreements have
                been executed resulted in payment by the Company of amounts
                not considered to be material.  Two of these sites (Ludlow
                Landfill and Wide Beach) are listed on the NPL; the
                Company's aggregate liability for both was established in
                an amount less than $300,000.  For the 9 sites included on
                the NPL, the Company's potential contribution factor varies
                for each site.  The estimated aggregate liability for these
                sites is not material and is included in the determination
                of the amounts accrued.

                Estimates of the Company's potential liability for sites
                not owned by the Company, but for which the Company has
                been identified as a PRP, have been derived by estimating
                the total cost of site clean-up and then applying the
                related Company contribution factor to that estimate. 
                Estimates of the total clean-up costs are determined by
                using all available information from investigations
                conducted to date, negotiations with other PRPs and, where
                no other basis is available at the time of estimate, the
                EPA figure for average cost to remediate a site listed on
                the NPL as disclosed in the Federal Register of June 23,
                1993 (58 FR No. 119).  The contribution factor is then
                calculated using either a per capita share based upon the
                total number of PRPs named or otherwise identified, which
                assumes all PRPs will contribute equally, or the percentage
                agreed upon with other PRPs through steering committee
                negotiations or by other means.  Actual Company
                expenditures for these sites are dependent upon the total
                cost of investigation and remediation and the ultimate
                determination of the Company's share of responsibility for
                such costs as well as the financial viability of other
                identified responsible parties since clean-up obligations
                are joint and several.  The Company has denied any
                responsibility in certain of these PRP sites and is
                contesting liability accordingly.

                The EPA advised the Company by letter that it is one of 833
                PRPs under Superfund for the investigation and cleanup of
                the Maxey Flats Nuclear Disposal Site in Morehead,
                Kentucky.  The Company has contributed to a study of this
                site and estimates that the cost to the Company for its
                share of investigation and remediation based on its
                contribution factor of 1.3% would approximate $1 million,


                which the Company believes will be recoverable in the
                ratesetting process.

                On July 21, 1988, the Company received notice of a motion
                by Reynolds Metals Company to add the Company as a third
                party defendant in an ongoing Superfund lawsuit in Federal
                District Court, Northern District of New York.  This suit
                involves PCB oil contamination at the York Oil Site in
                Moira, New York.  Waste oil was transported to the site
                during the 1960's and 1970's by contractors of Peirce Oil
                Company (owners/operators of the site) who picked up waste
                oil at locations throughout Central New York, allegedly
                including one or more Company facilities.  On May 26, 1992,
                the Company was formally served in a Federal Court action
                initiated by the government against 8 additional
                defendants.  Pursuant to the requirements of a case
                management order issued by the Court on March 13, 1992, the
                Company has also been served in related third and fourth-
                party actions for contribution initiated by other
                defendants.  These actions have been consolidated into a
                single action filed in February 1994 by the federal
                government against several entities, including the Company,
                which did not accept the government's final terms of
                settlement.  The Company intends to vigorously oppose and
                defend against the government's characterization of its
                liability in this matter.

                The Company believes that costs incurred in the
                investigation and restoration process for both Company-
                owned sites and sites with which it is associated will be
                recoverable in the ratesetting process.  Rate agreements in
                effect since 1991 provide for recovery of anticipated
                investigation and remediation expenditures.  The Company's
                1994 rate settlement includes $21.7 million for site
                investigation and remediation.  The Staff of the New York
                State Public Service Commission (PSC Staff) reserves the
                right to review the appropriateness of the costs incurred. 
                While the PSC Staff has not challenged any remediation
                costs to date, the PSC Staff asserted in the recently-
                decided gas rate proceeding that the Company must, in
                future rate proceedings, justify why it is appropriate that
                remediation costs associated with non-utility property
                owned by the Company be recovered from ratepayers.  Based
                upon management's assessment that remediation costs will be
                recovered from ratepayers, a regulatory asset has been
                recorded representing the future recovery of remediation
                obligations accrued to date.

                The Company also agreed in rate agreements to a cost
                sharing arrangement with respect to one industrial waste
                site.  The Company does not believe that this cost sharing
                agreement, as it relates to this particular industrial


                waste site, will have a material effect on the Company's
                financial position or results of operations.

                The Company is also in the process of providing notices of
                insurance claims to carriers with respect to the
                investigation and remediation costs for manufactured gas
                plant and industrial waste sites.  The Company is unable to
                predict whether such insurance claims will be successful.

                Tax assessments:  The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has
                conducted an examination of the Company's Federal income
                tax returns for the years 1987 and 1988 and has submitted a
                Revenue Agents' Report to the Company.  The IRS has
                proposed various adjustments to the Company's federal
                income tax liability for these years which could increase
                the Federal income tax liability by approximately $80
                million before assessment of penalties and interest. 
                Included in these proposed adjustments are several
                significant issues involving Nine Mile Point Nuclear
                Station Unit 2 (Unit 2).  The Company is vigorously
                defending its position on each of the issues, and submitted
                a protest to the IRS in 1993.  Pursuant to the Unit 2
                settlement entered into with the New York State Public
                Service Commission (PSC) in 1990, to the extent the IRS is
                able to sustain disallowances, the Company will be required
                to absorb a portion of any disallowance.  The Company
                believes any such disallowance will not have a material
                impact on its financial position or results of operations.

                Litigation:  On March 22, 1993, a complaint was filed in
                the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Albany County
                against the Company and certain of its officers and
                employees.  The plaintiff, Inter-Power of New York, Inc.
                ("Inter-Power"), alleges, among other matters, fraud,
                negligent misrepresentation and breach of contract in
                connection with the Company's alleged termination of a
                power purchase agreement in January 1993.  The power
                purchase agreement was entered into in early 1988 in
                connection with a 200 MW cogeneration project to be
                developed by Inter-Power in Halfmoon, New York.  The
                plaintiff is seeking enforcement of the original contract
                or compensatory and punitive damages on fourteen causes of
                action in an aggregate amount that would not exceed $1
                billion, excluding pre-judgment interest.

                The Company believes it has done no wrong and intends to
                vigorously defend against this action.  On May 7, 1993, the
                Company filed an answer denying liability and raising
                certain affirmative defenses.  Thereafter, the Company and
                Inter-Power filed cross-motions for summary judgment.  The
                court dismissed two of Inter-Power's fourteen causes of
                action but otherwise denied the Company's motion.  The


                court also dismissed two of the Company's affirmative
                defenses and otherwise denied Inter-Power's cross-motion. 
                Inter-Power has appealed the dismissal of its two causes of
                action, and the Company has appealed the denial of its
                motion to dismiss the remaining twelve causes of action. 
                On March 23, 1994, the Company filed a new summary judgment
                motion, which remains pending with the court.  The ultimate
                outcome of the litigation cannot presently be determined.

                On November 12, 1993, Fourth Branch Associates
                Mechanicville ("Fourth Branch") filed suit against the
                Company and several of its officers and employees in the
                New York Supreme Court, Albany County, seeking compensatory
                damages of $50 million, punitive damages of $100 million
                and injunctive and other related relief.  The suit grows
                out of the Company's termination of a contract for Fourth
                Branch to operate and maintain a hydroelectric plant the
                Company owns in the Town of Halfmoon, New York.  Fourth
                Branch's complaint also alleges claims based on the
                inability of Fourth Branch and the Company to agree on
                terms for the purchase of power from a new facility that
                Fourth Branch hoped to construct at the Mechanicville site. 
                On January 3, 1994, the defendants filed a joint motion to
                dismiss Fourth Branch's complaint.  This motion has yet to
                be decided.  On March 16, 1994, the Court denied Fourth
                Branch's motion for preliminary judgment.  The Company also
                notified Fourth Branch by letter dated March 1, 1994, that
                the Licensing Agreement between Fourth Branch and the
                Company is terminated.  On March 15, 1994, Fourth Branch
                petitioned the FERC for Extraordinary Relief.  The Company
                has opposed this petition before the FERC.  On March 18,
                1994, Fourth Branch filed a petition for bankruptcy and, on
                April 4, 1994, the bankruptcy court granted relief from the
                automatic bankruptcy stay to allow the pending litigation
                to go forward.  On April 27, 1994, the Company served an
                answer and counterclaim in the Albany Supreme Court
                litigation seeking $1 million in damages and removal of
                Fourth Branch from the Mechanicville site.  The Company
                believes that it has substantial defenses to Fourth
                Branch's claims, but is unable to predict the outcome of
                this litigation.

                Accordingly, no provision for liability, if any, that may
                result from either of these suits has been made in the
                Company's financial statements.




          The Company's independent accountants, Price Waterhouse, have
          made limited reviews (based on procedures adopted by the American
          Institute of Certified Public Accountants) of the unaudited
          Consolidated Balance Sheet of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation
          and Subsidiary Companies as of March 31, 1994 and the unaudited
          Consolidated Statements of Income and Cash Flows for the three-
          month periods ended March 31, 1994 and 1993.   The accountants'
          report regarding their limited reviews of the Form 10-Q of
          Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation and its subsidiaries appears on
          the next page.  That report does not express an opinion on the
          interim unaudited consolidated financial information.  Price
          Waterhouse has not carried out any significant or additional
          audit tests beyond those which would have been necessary if their
          report had not been included.  Accordingly, such report is not a
          "report" or "part of the Registration Statement" within the
          meaning of Sections 7 and 11 of the Securities Act of 1933 and
          the liability provisions of Section 11 of such Act do not apply.


          ONE MONY PLAZA
          SYRACUSE   NY   13202
          TELEPHONE  315-474-6571

          May 12, 1994

          To the Stockholders and Board of Directors of
          Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation
          300 Erie Boulevard West
          Syracuse   NY   13202

          We have reviewed the condensed consolidated balance sheet of
          Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation and its subsidiaries as of   
          March 31, 1994, and the related condensed consolidated statements
          of income and cash flows for the three-month periods ended    
          March 31, 1994 and 1993.  These financial statements are the
          responsibility of the Company's management.

          We conducted our review in accordance with standards established
          by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.  A
          review of interim financial information consists principally of
          applying analytical procedures to financial data and making
          inquiries of persons responsible for financial and accounting
          matters.  It is substantially less in scope than an audit
          conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing
          standards, the objective of which is the expression of an opinion
          regarding the financial statements taken as a whole. 
          Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion.

          Based on our review, we are not aware of any material
          modifications that should be made to the condensed consolidated
          financial statements referred to above for them to be in
          conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

          We have previously audited, in accordance with generally accepted
          auditing standards, the consolidated balance sheet at December
          31, 1993, and the related consolidated statements of income,
          retained earnings and cash flows for the year then ended (not
          presented herein); and in our report dated January 27, 1994, we
          expressed an unqualified opinion (containing an explanatory
          paragraph relating to the Company's involvement as a defendant in
          lawsuits relating to actions with respect to certain purchased
          power contracts) on those consolidated financial statements.  In
          our opinion, the information set forth in the accompanying
          condensed consolidated balance sheet as of December 31, 1993 is
          fairly stated, in all material respects, in relation to the
          consolidated balance sheet from which it has been derived.

          /s/ Price Waterhouse


          Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial 
                   Condition and Results of Operations

          Financial Position, Liquidity and Capital Resources

                                 1994 Rate Agreement

          On February 2, 1994, the PSC approved an increase in gas rates of
          $10.4 million or 1.7%.  To comply with this rate order, the
          Company filed tariffs with an effective date of February 12,
          1994.  The Company was allowed to collect the revised rates
          retroactive to January 1, 1994, through the implementation of a
          surcharge factor.  The rate order also permitted the Company to
          implement for the first time a weather normalization clause with
          an effective date of February 12, 1994.  The gas weather
          normalization clause was not ordered to be implemented on a
          retroactive basis and therefore had very little impact on
          financial condition and results of operations for the first
          quarter of 1994.

          The PSC also approved the Company's electric supplement agreement
          with the Staff of the New York State Public Service Commission
          (PSC Staff) and other parties to extend certain cost recovery
          mechanisms in the 1993 Rate Agreement without increasing electric
          base rates for calendar year 1994.  An order has not yet been
          issued for PSC approval of the electric or gas cases.  The goal
          of the supplement is to keep total electric bill impacts for 1994
          at or below the rate of inflation.  Modifications were made to
          the Niagara Mohawk Electric Revenue Adjustment Mechanism (NERAM)
          and Measured Equity Return Incentive Term (MERIT) provisions,
          which determine how these amounts are to be distributed to
          various customer classes and also provide for the Company to
          absorb 20% of margin variances (within certain limits)
          originating from SC-10 rate discounts (as described below) and
          certain other discount programs for industrial customers as well
          as 20% of the gross margin variance from NERAM targets for
          industrial customers.  The Company estimated its total exposure
          at March 31, 1994, on such variances for 1994 to be approximately
          $13 million, depending on the amount of discounts given.  The
          supplement also allows the Company to begin recovery over three
          years of approximately $15 million of unregulated generator
          buyout costs, subject to final PSC determination with respect to
          the reasonableness of such costs.  

          The Company is experiencing a loss of industrial load through
          bypass across its system.  Several substantial industrial
          customers, constituting approximately 85 MW of demand, have
          chosen to purchase generation from other sources, either from
          newly constructed facilities or under circumstances where they
          directly use the power they had been generating and selling to
          the Company under power purchase contracts mandated by the Public


          Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA), New York laws
          and PSC programs.  As a first step in addressing the threat of a
          loss of industrial load, the PSC approved a new rate (referred to
          as SC-10) under which the Company is allowed to negotiate
          individual contracts with some of its largest industrial and
          commercial customers to provide them with electricity at lower
          prices.  Under the new rate, customers must demonstrate that
          leaving the Company's system is an economically viable
          alternative.  At April 30, 1994, the Company estimated that as
          many as 75 of its 235 largest customers may be inclined to bypass
          the utility's system by making electricity on their own unless
          they receive price discounts.  Granting discounts would cost an
          estimated $20 million per year, while losing those 75 customers
          would reduce net revenues by an estimated $80 million per year. 
          As of April 30, 1994, the Company has offered annual SC-10
          discounts to customers totaling $9.7 million, of which $5.3
          million have been accepted.  The Company estimates that by the
          end of 1994 there may be as many as 50 customers subscribing to
          the rate, with a lost margin projection in 1994 of $15 million
          ($3 million shareholder exposure).

          Under the terms of its 1994 Rate Agreement, the Company filed a
          "competitiveness" study with the PSC on April 7, 1994, entitled
          "The Impacts of Emerging Competition in the Electric Utility
          Industry."  The assessment of competition contained in the report
          describes the initial results of the Company's CIRCA 2000
          (Comprehensive Industry Restructuring and Competitive Assessment
          for the 2000s) studies.  Started in 1993, the studies were
          undertaken to assess the pace and direction of the growth of
          competition in the electric utility industry, as well as the
          strengths and weaknesses of the Company in relation to this

          Although there is considerable debate about what changes should
          occur in the electric industry and even more uncertainty about
          what will actually happen, the study explores the Company's best
          estimate of how impacts would vary depending on the extent of
          changes in the industry and the pace at which those changes are
          allowed to unfold.

          The report presents a brief review of federal energy policy and
          the current debate over industry restructuring as background
          information.  A discussion of the competitive forces that Niagara
          Mohawk faces is followed by an assessment of the competitiveness
          of the Company's electricity supply costs and an explanation of
          the potential financial effects of increased competition.

          The Company sells electricity generated from diverse supply
          sources, to reduce sensitivity to changes in the economics of any
          single fuel source.  However, the average cost of these diverse
          sources may be greater than that of a single fuel source.  While
          the Company's average generation costs are competitive with costs


          of new suppliers of electricity, the current excess supply of
          capacity in the Northeast and Canada has significantly depressed
          wholesale prices, which may be indicative of retail prices in the
          near term if competition quickly expanded.  Under these
          circumstances, by-pass is a growing threat, although no
          regulatory structure for bypass currently exists in New York
          State.  There is increasing public debate within several
          municipalities in the Company's service territory on the issue of
          by-pass.  The threat of municipalization is not new, either to
          the Company or to other utilities across the country.

          Summary financial indicators associated with a base case forecast
          and an alternative case which estimates one potential scenario of
          additional competition under the existing regulatory framework,
          are shown in the report.  The report concludes with a description
          of transition costs and methods for dealing with them, and
          provides a roadmap for moving the monopoly-dominated electric
          utility industry to fuller competition.

          From a broader industry perspective, the assessment concludes
          that selective discounting to avoid uneconomic by-pass is likely
          to be effective in the current regulatory and competitive regime. 
          Full retail competition, if not managed appropriately and
          consistently, could create significantly higher prices for core
          customers, jeopardize the financial viability of the electric
          utility industry and devastate the social programs delivered by
          the industry.  While aggressive cost management must be part of
          any response to competition, it alone cannot address the
          financial consequences that may arise from a sudden and dramatic
          policy change.  Regulators, legislators, and utilities must
          collaborate to create a fair and equitable transition to
          increased competition that addresses the obligation to serve,
          incumbent burdens, transition costs, and exit fees.  See Item 5.
          Other Events, 3. California Open Competition Plan.

                           1995 Five-Year Rate Plan Filing

          On February 4, 1994, the Company made a combined electric and gas
          rate filing for rates to be effective January 1, 1995 seeking a
          $133.7 million (4.3%) increase in electric revenues and a $24.8
          million (4.1%) increase in gas revenues.  The electric filing
          includes a proposal to institute a methodology to establish rates
          beginning in 1996 and running through 1999.  The proposal would
          provide for rate indexing to a quarterly forecast of the consumer
          price index as adjusted for a productivity factor.  The
          methodology sets a price cap, but the Company may elect not to
          raise its rates up to the cap.  Such a decision would be based on
          the Company's assessment of the market.  NERAM and certain
          expense deferrals would be eliminated, while the fuel adjustment
          clause would be modified to cap the Company's exposure to fuel
          and purchased power cost variances from forecast at $20 million
          annually.  However, certain items which are not within the


          Company's control would be outside of the indexing; such items
          would include legislative, accounting, regulatory and tax law
          changes as well as environmental and nuclear decommissioning
          costs.  These items and the existing balances of certain other
          deferral items, such as MERIT and demand-side management (DSM),
          would be recovered or returned using a temporary rate surcharge. 
          The proposal would also establish a minimum return on equity
          which, if not achieved, would permit the Company to refile for
          new base rates subject to indexing or to seek some other form of
          rate relief.  Conversely, in the event earnings exceed an
          established maximum allowed return on equity, such excess
          earnings would be used to accelerate recovery of regulatory or
          other assets.  The proposal would provide the Company with
          greater flexibility to adjust prices within customer classes to
          meet competitive pressures from alternative electric suppliers
          while increasing the risk that the Company will earn less than
          its allowed rate of return.  Gas rate adjustments beyond 1995
          would follow traditional regulatory methodology.

          The Company tentatively settled a motion filed by the PSC Staff
          to reject the filing as deficient in support by agreeing to
          extend the date by which the PSC must rule on the Company's rate
          request by twelve weeks.  The Company will absorb one-half of the
          costs (the lost margin) arising because of the extension.  The
          remainder of the costs will be recovered through a noncash credit
          to income, and is dependent upon the amount of rate relief
          ultimately granted by the PSC for 1995.  Temporary gas rates will
          be instituted for the full twelve weeks.  This settlement of the
          PSC Staff's motion must ultimately be approved by the PSC.  The
          Administrative Law Judge in the case rejected a Consumer
          Protection Board (CPB) motion to dismiss the portion of the case
          related to years two through five as being beyond the authority
          of the PSC.

                                Common Stock Dividend

          On April 14, 1994, the Board of Directors authorized an increase
          in the quarterly common stock dividend from $.25 per share to
          $.28 per share, which will be paid on May 31, 1994 to
          shareholders of record on May 6, 1994.  The Board of Directors
          had previously authorized a quarterly common stock dividend of
          $.25 per share on January 27, 1994 which was paid February 28,

                                Unregulated Generators

          In recent years, a leading factor in the increases in customer
          bills and the deterioration of the Company's competitive position
          has been the requirement to purchase power from unregulated
          generators at prices in excess of the Company's internal cost of
          production and in volumes greater than the Company's needs.  


          While the Company favors the availability of unregulated
          generators in satisfying its generating needs, the Company also
          believes it is paying a premium to unregulated generators for
          energy it does not currently need.  The Company estimates that it
          paid a premium of $206 million in 1993 and expects to overpay by
          $352 million in 1994 and $421 million in 1995.  The Company has
          initiated a series of actions to address this situation, but
          expects that in large part the higher costs will continue.

          In order to control the growth of excess supply, the Company has
          taken numerous actions to realign its supply with demand.  These
          actions include plant mothballing and retirements as well as the
          implementation of an aggressive wholesale marketing effort.  Such
          actions have been successful in bringing installed capacity
          reserve margins down to more acceptable levels.

          On August 18, 1992, the Company filed a petition with the PSC
          which calls for the implementation of "curtailment procedures." 
          Under existing FERC and PSC policy, this petition would allow the
          Company to limit its purchases from unregulated generators when
          demand is low.  

          While the Administrative Law Judge has submitted recommendations
          to the PSC, the Company cannot predict the outcome of this case. 
          Also, the Company has commenced settlement discussions with
          certain unregulated generators regarding curtailments.  On April
          5, 1994, the Company requested the PSC to expedite the
          consideration of its petition.

          On October 23, 1992, the Company also petitioned the PSC to order
          unregulated generators to post letters of credit or other firm
          security to protect ratepayers' interests in advance payments
          made in prior years to these generators.  The PSC dismissed the
          original petition without prejudice, which the Company believes
          would permit the Company to reinitiate its request at a later
          date.  The Company is conducting discussions with unregulated
          generators representing over 1,600 MW of capacity, addressing the
          issues contained in its petitions.

          On February 4, 1994, the Company notified the owners of nine
          projects with contracts that provide for front-end loaded
          payments of the Company's demand for adequate assurance that the
          owners will perform all of their future repayment obligations,
          including the obligation to deliver electricity in the future at
          prices below the Company's avoided cost and the repayment of any
          advance payment which remains outstanding at the end of the
          contract.  See Part II. Item 1.  Legal Proceedings, for responses
          to the Company's notifications.

                       Financing Plans and Financial Positions

          External financing of approximately $750 million is expected for


          1994, of which approximately $545 million will be used for
          scheduled and optional refundings.  This external financing is
          projected to consist of $425 million in long-term debt,
          (including $210 million in long-term debt described below) $200
          million from sales of common stock and $200 million of preferred
          stock, offset by a $75 million decrease in short-term debt.

          During March 1994, $210 million of 6-7/8% series First Mortgage
          Bonds due March 1, 2001 were issued.  Proceeds from the issuance
          were used in connection with the retirement of $200 million of
          outstanding higher-rate First Mortgage Bonds.  The Company is
          also investigating other options for continuing to reduce its
          interest requirements.  Through the refinancings completed to
          date, the Company has been able to reduce its embedded cost of
          debt on First Mortgage Bonds from 9.25% at December 31, 1991 to
          8.01% at April 30, 1994.  

          The Company believes that traditionally available sources of
          financing should be sufficient to satisfy the Company's external
          financing needs during the period 1994 through 1998.  At May 1,
          1994, the Company could issue $2,163 million aggregate principal
          amount of First Mortgage Bonds under the earnings test set forth
          in the Company's Mortgage Trust Indenture assuming a 8% interest
          rate.  This includes approximately $1,121 million on the basis of
          retired bonds and $1,042 million supported by additional property
          currently certified and available.  A total $200 million of
          Preference Stock is currently available for sale.  The Company
          also has authorized unissued Preferred Stock totaling $390
          million.  The Company continues to explore and utilize, as
          appropriate, other methods of raising funds.  The Company's
          Charter restricts the amount of unsecured indebtedness which may
          be incurred by the Company to 10% of consolidated capitalization
          plus $50 million.  The Company has not reached this restrictive

          Cash flows to meet the Company's requirements for the first three
          months of 1994 and 1993 are reported in the Consolidated
          Statements of Cash Flows on Page 6.

          Ordinarily, construction-related short-term borrowings are
          refunded with long-term securities on a periodic  basis.  This
          approach generally results in the Company showing a working
          capital deficit.  Working capital deficits may also be
          temporarily created as a result of the seasonal nature of the
          Company's operations as well as timing differences between the
          collection of customer receivables and the payment of fuel and
          purchased power costs.  However, the Company has sufficient
          borrowing capacity to fund such deficits as necessary.

                      Material Changes in Results of Operations

          Three Months Ended March 31, 1994 versus Three Months Ended   


          March 31, 1993

          The following discussion presents the material changes in results
          of operations for the first quarter of 1994 in comparison to the
          same period in 1993.  The Company's quarterly results of
          operations reflect the seasonal nature of its business, with peak
          electric loads in summer and winter periods.  Gas sales peak
          principally in the winter. The earnings for the three month
          period should not be taken as an indication of earnings for all
          or any part of the balance of the year.

          Earnings for the first quarter were $131.4 million or $.92 per
          share, as compared with $118.7 million or $.86 per share in 1993.

          As shown in the table below, electric revenues increased $57.1
          million or 6.5% from 1993.  This increase resulted primarily from
          the second stage rate increase granted in September 1993 and also
          reflected higher fuel adjustment clause revenues to cover
          increasing payments to unregulated generators.  Consistent with
          the terms of the NERAM, the Company deferred the electric gross
          margin shortfall from the rate case forecast of $10.7 million and
          $20.7 million in the first quarters of 1994 and 1993,
          respectively, for future recovery.  The decrease in DSM revenues
          relates to a change in recovery of certain costs in base rates
          versus inclusion in a separate DSM surcharge.  

          Increase in base rates                         $ 24.1  million 
          Sales to ultimate consumers                      23.4 
          Sales to other electric systems                  21.6      
          Fuel adjustment clause revenues                  17.7            
          Miscellaneous operating revenues                 (4.5)
          NERAM revenues                                   (9.9)    
          DSM revenues                                    (15.3)          
                                                         $ 57.1  million

          Electric kilowatt-hour sales to ultimate consumers were
          approximately 9.4 billion in the first quarter of 1994, a 3.1%
          increase from 1993 primarily as a result of colder weather. 
          After adjusting for the effects of weather, sales to ultimate
          consumers increased only slightly (.3%).  Sales for resale
          increased 913 million kilowatt-hours (99.1%) resulting in a net
          increase in total electric kilowatt-hour sales of 1,196 million
          (11.9%).  Sales for resale increased due to the availability of
          Company generation for sale as a result of an increase in
          required purchases from unregulated generators and the record
          cold in the region, which is not likely to be repeated.  As
          established in rates, the Company retains 40% of the gross margin
          variance from the forecast of sales for resale, with the


          remainder passed back to ratepayers.  Industrial-Special sales
          are New York State Power Authority allocations of low-cost power
          to specified customers.  


                                 Revenues (Thousands)                    Sales (GwHrs)       
                                                                             %                               %
                                                      1994       1993     Change      1994       1993      Change

                 Residential                     $  372,769  $  338,944     10.0      3,268      3,153       3.6
                 Commercial                         339,620     318,116      6.8      3,301      3,187       3.6
                 Industrial                         138,420     136,525      1.4      1,782      1,741       2.4 
                 Industrial - Special                12,317      10,290     19.7        999        984       1.5 
                 Municipal                           12,853      13,059     (1.6)        60         62      (3.2)
                 Total to Ultimate Consumers        875,979     816,934      7.2      9,410      9,127       3.1
                 Other Electric Systems              50,981      29,359     73.6      1,834        921      99.1
                 Miscellaneous                        6,757      30,332    (77.7)      -          -           -  
                   Total                         $  933,717  $  876,625      6.5     11,244     10,048      11.9
                                                ==========  ==========     ====      ======     ======      ====

                 Electric fuel and purchased power costs increased $67.0 million
          or 24.8%.  This increase is the result of a $82.9 million
          increase in purchased power costs (principally payments to
          unregulated generators), offset by a $1.8 million net decrease in
          costs deferred and recovered through the operation of the fuel
          adjustment clause and by a decrease in fuel costs of $14.1
          million.  The decrease in fuel costs reflects a combination of
          greater unregulated generator purchase requirements and greater
          nuclear availability, which reduced the need to operate the
          fossil plants during the first three months of 1994.  See detail
          in table below.



                                               Three Months Ended March 31,

                                                                                                              1994 Fuel &
                                                                                       % Change from        Purchased Power 
                                                  1994                1993               prior year            GwHr. Cost  

                       (IN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS)

                                             GwHrs.    Cost       GwHrs.     Cost      GwHrs.      Cost       Cents/KwHr
                                             ------   ------      ------    ------     ------      ----       ----------

                  Coal                        1,800   $ 30.4       2,139    $ 32.6     (15.8)       (6.7)        1.69
                  Oil                           743     23.4       1,087      34.6     (31.6)      (32.4)        3.15

                  Natural Gas                     3       .5         193       3.5     (98.4)      (85.7)       16.67
                  Nuclear                     2,123     11.7       1,584       9.4      34.0        24.5          .55

                  Hydro                         869       -          969       -       (10.3)        -             -
                                             ------   ------       -----    ------     ------      -----        -----

                                              5,538     66.0       5,972      80.1      (7.3)      (17.6)        1.19
                                             ------   ------       -----    ------     ------      -----        -----
                  ELECTRICITY PURCHASED:     

                  Unregulated Generators      3,717    235.4       2,658     166.9      39.8        41.0         6.33
                  Other                       2,891     43.1       2,231      28.7      29.6        50.2         1.49
                                             ------   ------       -----    ------     -----       -----        -----

                                              6,608    278.5       4,889     195.6      35.2        42.4         4.21
                                             ------   ------       -----    ------     -----       -----        -----
                                             12,146    344.5      10,861     275.7      11.8        25.0         2.84
                                             ------   ------      ------    ------     -----       -----        -----

                  Fuel adjustment clause       -        (7.0)        -        (5.2)      -         (34.6)
                  Losses/Company use            902      -           813       -        11.0          -           - 
                                             ------   ------       -----    ------     -----       ------       -----

                                             11,244   $337.5      10,048    $270.5      11.9        24.8         3.00
                                             ======   ======      ======    ======     =====       ======        cents

          Gas revenues increased $42.4 million or 16.4% in 1994 from the


          comparable period in 1993 as set forth in the table below:

          Sales to ultimate consumers                   $36.8  million
          Purchased gas adjustment clause revenues       10.7          
          Increase in base rates                          3.3  
          Miscellaneous operating revenues                2.9    
          Transportation of customer-owned gas           (1.4) 
          Spot market sales                              (9.9) 
                                                        $42.4   million

          Due in part to cooler weather in the first three months of 1994,
          gas sales to ultimate consumers were 44.8 million dekatherms, a
          13.7% increase from the first quarter of 1993.  After adjusting
          for the effects of weather, sales to ultimate consumers increased
          6.8%, attributable to a continuing focus on commercial marketing
          programs.  Transportation of customer-owned gas increased 3.1
          million dekatherms (16.3%).  This increase was caused by dual
          fuel customers who switched to alternative fuels based on market
          price and availability.  These increases were offset by a
          decrease in spot market sales (sales for resale) which are
          generally from the higher priced gas available to the Company and
          therefore yield margins that are substantially lower than
          traditional sales to ultimate consumers.  In 1994, the Company
          retains only 15% of the profit margin on spot market sales,
          compared to 100% in 1993.  The other 85% is passed back to
          ratepayers.  Also due to the colder weather, less spot market gas
          was available to purchase and resell economically.  


                                                  Revenues (Thousands)         Sales (Thousands of Dekatherms)

                                                                               %                                %
                                                     1994        1993       Change      1994     1993        Change

                 Residential                        $199,351   $164,781      21.0      30,277    26,840        12.8
                 Commercial                           82,369     66,912      23.1      13,287    11,601        14.5       
                 Industrial                            6,744      5,090      32.5       1,273       990        28.6
                 Total to Ultimate Consumers         288,464    236,783      21.8      44,837    39,431        13.7    
                 Other Gas Systems                       607        485      25.2         129       112        15.2     
                 Transportation of Customer-
                   Owned Gas                          10,431     11,860     (12.0)     22,299    19,180        16.3      
                 Spot Market Sales                     3,989     13,755     (71.0)      1,349     6,295       (78.6)     
                 Miscellaneous                        (1,650)    (3,469)    (52.4)       -          -            -   
                   Total to System Core Customers   $301,841   $259,414      16.4      68,614    65,018         5.5 



                 As a result of a 5.4 million increase in dekatherms purchased 
          and withdrawn from storage for ultimate consumer sales and a 4.9
          million decrease in dekatherms purchased for spot market sales, 
          coupled with a $25.9 million increase in the cost of dekatherms
          purchased, and a $3.7 million increase in purchased gas costs and
          certain other items recognized and recovered through the
          purchased gas adjustment clause, the total cost of gas included
          in expense increased 13.0% in 1994.  The Company's net cost per
          dekatherm sold, as charged to expense and excluding spot market
          purchases, increased from $3.49 in 1993 to $3.72 in 1994.



                                                                                 Three Months Ended March 31,
                                                                                         (In Millions)

                                                                                                    Increase             %
                                                                   1994             1993           (Decrease)          Change

                  Other operation expense                       $172,684          $194,827         $ (22,143)          (11.4)
                  Maintenance                                     47,493            50,330            (2,837)           (5.6)

                  Depreciation and amortization                   75,406            67,662             7,744            11.4
                  Federal and foreign income taxes, net           85,964            77,806             8,158            10.5

                  Other taxes                                    135,754           128,553             7,201             5.6

                  Other items (net)                                2,966             4,472            (1,506)          (33.7)
                  Interest charges                                72,569            73,211              (642)           (0.9)


          Other operation expense decreased primarily due to decreases in
          nuclear costs from the Unit 1 refueling outage in the first
          quarter of 1993 and the decrease in amortization of other
          regulatory deferrals, which expired in 1993.

          Maintenance expense decreased principally due to lower nuclear
          costs because of the Unit 1 refueling outage in the first quarter
          of 1993.

          Depreciation and amortization increased due to the closing of
          major orders to plant in service during 1993.

          Federal income taxes (net) increased as a result of an increase
          in pre-tax income.  The Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1993 (Act)
          was signed into law on August 10, 1993.  One of the provisions of
          the Act raised the federal corporate statutory tax rate from 34%
          to 35%, retroactive to January 1, 1993.  A provision of the 1993
          Settlement Agreement provided for the deferral of the effects of
          tax law changes which is included as a reduction to Other
          operation expense.

          Other taxes increased primarily because of higher real estate and
          payroll taxes.


          Interest charges decreased from 1993, primarily due to the
          refunding of debt to obtain lower interest rates.



                                       PART II

          Item 1.  Legal Proceedings

               In November 1993, the New York Court of Appeals unanimously
               affirmed a Supreme Court, Appellate division (Third
               Department) decision invalidating, in part, New York State
               Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Declaratory
               Ruling.  In this Declaratory Ruling, the DEC claimed that
               it could perform a full environmental review and condition
               the operation of hydroelectric projects under the
               provisions of Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality
               Certifications (401 Certifications).  The Third Department
               held that the Federal Power Act precluded the DEC from
               performing a broad environmental review of federally
               licensed hydro projects under the 401 Certification

               The decision limits the DEC's ability to regulate federally
               licensed hydroelectric projects under the guise of 401
               Certifications.  In so limiting the DEC's regulatory role,
               the DEC is unable to impose specific operating requirements
               which impairs the project's ability to generate low cost
               electricity and requires significant capital additions to
               the projects.  The Court found that the DEC's attempt to
               enlarge its scope of review under the Clean Water Act to
               include certain aspects of N.Y. Environmental Conservation
               Law (Article 15) was "unfounded."

               In April 1994, New York State asked the U.S. Supreme Court
               to hear a case against the Company which imposes tougher
               environmental regulations on hydropower plants than called
               for under federal law.  An adverse ruling would mean that
               New York State could specify the minimum flows in a river
               affected by a hydropower plant.  The State also could
               impose regulations regarding how hydropower plants affect
               fish in those rivers.  Proposed New York State regulations
               would affect 35 of the Company's hydropower generating
               plants soon to be up for relicensing.  These regulations
               would also limit the generating capacity of the hydro
               plants.  The ultimate outcome of the litigation cannot
               presently be determined.

               On February 4, 1994, the Company notified the owners of
               nine projects with contracts that provide for front-end
               loaded payments of the Company's demand for adequate
               assurance that the owners will perform all of their future
               repayment obligations, including the obligation to deliver


               electricity in the future at prices below the Company's
               avoided cost and the repayment of any advance payment which
               remains outstanding at the end of the contract.  The
               projects at issue total 426 MW.  The Company's demand is
               based on its assessment of the amount of advance payment to
               be accumulated under the terms of the contracts, future
               avoided costs and future operating costs of the projects. 
               As of March 31, 1994, the Company has received the
               following responses to these notifications:  

               On March 4, 1994, Encogen Four Partners, L.P. filed a
               complaint in the United States District Court for the
               Southern District of New York alleging breach of contract
               and prima facie tort by the Company.  Encogen seeks
               compensatory damages of approximately $1 million and
               unspecified punitive damages.  In addition, Encogen seeks a
               declaratory judgment that the Company is not entitled to
               assurances of future performance from Encogen;

               On March 4, 1994, Sterling Power Partners, L.P., Seneca
               Power Partners, L.P., Power City Partners, L.P. and AG-
               Energy, L.P. filed a complaint in the Supreme Court of the
               State of New York, County of New York seeking a declaratory
               judgment that:  (a) the Company does not have any legal
               right to demand assurances of plaintiffs' future
               performance; (b) even if such a right existed, the Company
               lacks reasonable insecurity as to plaintiffs' future
               performance; (c) the specific forms of assurances sought by
               the Company are unreasonable; and (d) if the Company is
               entitled to any form of assurances, plaintiffs have provided
               adequate assurances; and

               On March 7, 1994, NorCon Power Partners, L.P. filed a
               complaint in the United States District Court for the
               Southern District of New York seeking to enjoin the Company
               from terminating a power purchase agreement between the
               parties and seeking a declaratory judgment that the Company
               has no right to demand additional security or other
               assurances of NorCon's future performance under the power
               purchase agreement.  NorCon sought a temporary restraining
               order against the Company to prevent the Company from taking
               any action on its February 4 letter.  On March 14, 1994, the
               Court entered the interim relief sought by NorCon.

               The Company cannot predict the outcome of these actions or
               the response otherwise to its February 4, 1994
               notifications, but will continue to press for adequate
               assurance that the owners of these projects will honor their
               repayment obligations.

          Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.


               At the Company's annual meeting of shareholders on May 3,
               1994, (1) the election of Directors to Class III:  L.
               Burkhardt, III, D. Costle, D. Riefler, S. Schwartz and J.
               Wick was approved by a vote of 126,367,321 for and 1,643,255
               withheld authority;

               (2) an Amendment to the Corporation's Certificate of
               Incorporation to increase the number of authorized shares of
               Common Stock from 150,000,000 to 185,000,000 shares was
               approved by a vote of 120,371,790 for, 8,382,666 against and
               1,713,834 abstained; and,

               (3) a shareholder proposal relating to a Company report on
               carbon dioxide and emissions and related regulations was not
               approved by a vote of 81,345,461 against and 19,575,238 for.

          Item 5.  Other Events

          1.   Roseton Steam Electric Generating Station

               Reference is made to Part I, Item 2 (Properties) of the
               Company's Annual Report, on Form 10-K, for the fiscal year
               ended December 31, 1993 (10-K Report), for a discussion of
               the agreement among Central Hudson Gas and Electric
               Corporation (CHG&E), Consolidated Edison Company of New
               York, Inc. (Con Edison), and the Company, the cotenants of
               the Roseton Plant (the Co-tenants") regarding the 1987
               agreement between CHG&E and the Company with reference to
               the purchase, over a ten-year period commencing in December,
               1994, of the Company's interest in the Roseton Plant (the
               Roseton Amendment Agreement), and the related joint petition
               pending before the PSC regarding regulatory approval of the
               Roseton Amendment Agreement.

               By Agreement made as of March 30, 1994, the Company and
               CHG&E terminated and cancelled the Roseton Amendment
               Agreement.  A motion to close the proceeding pending before
               the PSC to approve the Roseton Amendment Agreement was filed
               by the Company and CHG&E on April 12, 1994.

               On March 30, 1994, the Company and CHG&E also entered into a
               Letter of Understanding which, among other things, provides

                  (a)  changes in plant operations that could signifi-
                       cantly reduce the cost of operation;

                  (b)  the sale of electricity both in the near term and
                       the long term; and

                  (c)  various options for each company to purchase or
                       maintain ownership of the Roseton Plant.


          2.      Nuclear Fuel Storage Initiative

                  In April 1994, the Company joined a spent nuclear fuel
                  storage initiative with the Mescalero Apache Tribal
                  Council, 32 other utilities and two nuclear industry
                  contractors on Mescalero tribal lands.  Each of the
                  utility companies has been guaranteed an opportunity to
                  become an equity partner with the Mescalero Apache Tribe
                  in their efforts to site a private spent nuclear fuel
                  storage facility on the tribal lands.

                  The first phase is to determine by June 1, 1994,
                  detailed costs and schedules for the project.  Once the
                  estimates are complete, partners can decide whether or
                  not to continue to phase two, in which a business entity
                  with the Mescalero's as majority partner would be

                  The next step would be Tribal and the NRC licensing
                  process.  It is estimated that approximately three to
                  four years will be required to obtain a license to store
                  used fuel and cost in the range of $8 to $10 million. 
                  During the NRC licensing process, an environmental
                  impact statement will be developed in conjunction with
                  extensive public hearings.

                  The Mescalero Tribe has been involved in studying spent
                  fuel storage technologies and safety for approximately
                  three years through the voluntary Monitored Retrievable
                  Storage (MRS) program authorized by Congress.

          3.      California Open Competition Plan

                  On April 20, 1994, the California Public Utilities
                  Commission (the "CPUC") announced a new electric utility
                  regulation plan which is intended to create open
                  competition among power suppliers in the California
                  electric markets by 2002.  The plan, which is to be
                  implemented by final rules to be adopted in August 1994,
                  provides that utility customers who currently receive
                  more than 50 kilovolts at the transmission level may
                  choose their power supplier after January 1, 1996 and
                  that the same choice will be provided to all other
                  classes of customers on a phased-in basis from 1997
                  through 2002.  Although the announced goals of the
                  CPUC's plan are to lower energy costs, reduce regulatory
                  oversight and encourage competition, the CPUC has also
                  stated that the plan will not saddle remaining customers
                  with the burden of stranded investment costs from their
                  traditional utilities but will permit those utilities to
                  recover all of their prudently incurred costs.  The
                  exact mechanisms through which these goals can be


                  accomplished have not been set forth and the CPUC has
                  indicated that the portion of its plan calling for
                  unbundling of retail rates and assigning of different
                  costs to various services involves a "gray area"
                  relating to whether the CPUC or the Federal Energy
                  Regulatory Commission has jurisdiction over such

                  Because California is recognized as a leader in utility
                  regulatory matters, and given that this plan to
                  implement further deregulation and competition is
                  consistent with predictions from a wide variety of
                  opinion leaders in the industry, these initiatives could
                  accelerate the pace of change from single source
                  provision of electric service to full competition in the
                  Company's service territory.  This in turn would also
                  accelerate the necessity to determine how and to what
                  extent cost recovery will be accomplished among the
                  Company's various classes of customers.  However, the
                  Company is not able to predict at this time what means
                  would be adopted by regulators, the time period in which
                  these issues will be addressed or resolved, or the
                  effects thereof on the Company's financial condition or
                  results of operations.

          4.      PSC Petition

                  On July 28, 1993, the Company petitioned the PSC for
                  permission to offer competitively priced natural gas to
                  customers who presently purchase gas from non-utility
                  sources.  The new rate is designed to regain a share of
                  the industrial and commercial sales volume the Company
                  lost in the 1980's when large customers were allowed to
                  buy gas from non-utility sources.  The Company will
                  delay any implementation of this rate until the issues
                  are further addressed in a comprehensive generic
                  investigation, currently being conducted by the PSC,
                  into issues involving the restructuring of gas utility
                  services to respond to emerging competition.

          5.      Sithe/Alcan 

                  In April 1994, the PSC ruled that, in the event that
                  Sithe Independence Power Partners Inc. (Sithe)
                  ultimately obtains authority to sell electric power at
                  retail, those retail sales will be subject to a lower
                  level of regulation than the PSC presently imposes on
                  the Company.  Sithe, which will sell electricity to Con
                  Ed and the Company on a wholesale basis from its 1,040
                  megawatt natural gas cogeneration plant, will provide
                  steam to Alcan Rolled Products (Alcan).  Sithe also
                  proposes to sell a portion of its electricity output on


                  a retail basis to Alcan, currently a customer of the

                  The PSC has previously ruled that, under the Public
                  Service Law, Sithe must obtain a PSC certificate before
                  it may use its electricity generating facilities to
                  serve any retail customers.  Although Sithe continues to
                  contend that these retail sales are not subject to
                  regulation by the PSC, Sithe has filed an application
                  for authority to provide such services subject to PSC

                  The next step is another pre-hearing conference at which
                  a procedural schedule for discovery and the submission
                  of testimony and legal briefs will be developed.


          Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K.

          (a)   Exhibits:

                Exhibit 3 - Articles of Incorporation as amended to
                increase the number of authorized shares of Common Stock
                from 150,000,000 to 185,000,000 shares.

                Exhibit 11  - Computation of the Average Number of Shares
                of Common Stock Outstanding for the Three Months Ended
                March 31,  1994 and 1993.

                Exhibit 12  - Statement Showing Computations of Ratio of
                Earnings to Fixed Charges, Ratio of Earnings to Fixed
                Charges without AFC and Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges
                and Preferred Stock Dividends for the Twelve Months Ended
                March 31, 1994.

                Exhibit 15  - Accountants' Acknowledgement Letter.

          (b)   Report on Form 8-K:

                Form 8-K Reporting Date - February 18, 1994.  
                Items Reported - Item 5. Other Events.
                Registrant filed certain information concerning financial
                information substantially constituting a portion of its
                1993 Annual Report to Stockholders including financial
                statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1993.

                Form 8-K Reporting Date - February 24, 1994.
                Items Reported - Item 5. Other Events
                Registrant filed information concerning Standard & Poors
                lowering of the credit rating of the Company's securities.  




          Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of
          1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
          its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                           NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION

          Date:  May 12, 1994            By  /s/ Steven W. Tasker         
                                             Steven W. Tasker
                                             Vice President-Controller and
                                             Principal Accounting Officer,
                                             in his respective capacities 
                                             as such




    Pursuant to Sections 26-a and 36 of the Stock Corporation Law 
    January 5, 1950 
    Filed        Jan 5, 1950 
    Tax          $110,124.00 
    Filing Fee  $25 

    Secretary of State 
    By  A. D. BORDEN   

    Pursuant to Section 26-a and 36 of the Stock Corporation Law 
    NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION (hereinafter sometimes referred to
    as "the  Corporation") by  its President thereunto  duly authorized
    I.     The  name  of  the  Corporation  is  "Niagara  Mohawk  Power
    The name  under which  the Corporation was  originally incorporated
    was "Niagara Hudson Public Service Corporation". 
    II.    The Certificate  of  Consolidation  forming the  Corporation
    (under the name of "Niagara Hudson Public Service Corporation") was

    filed in 3 
    the Department of State of the State of New York on July 31, 1937. 
    A Certificate of Change of Name of Niagara Hudson Public Service   
    Corporation to Central New York Power Corporation was filed in the 
    Department of State of the State of New York on September 15, 1937.

    A  "Certificate  of  Consolidation  of  New  York Power  and  Light
    Corporation and  Buffalo Niagara  Electric Corporation  and Central
    New York  Power Corporation into Central New York Power Corporation
    which is to survive  the consolidation and be named  Niagara Mohawk
    Power  Corporation" was  filed in  the Department  of State  of the
    State of  New  York  on  January  5, 1950.    Said  Certificate  of
    Consolidation  is hereinafter  sometimes referred  to as  the "1950
    Certificate of Consolidation". 
        III.   The certificate  of incorporation of  the Corporation is
    hereby  amended  to  effect  the following  changes  authorized  in
    subdivision two of Section 35 of the Stock Corporation Law: 
    (1)    The  change  and reclassification  of  9,580,989  previously
    authorized and issued shares of Common Stock without par value into
    1,928,627 authorized and issued shares of Class A Stock without par
    value  (convertible  into shares  of  Common  Stock) and  7,473,172
    authorized and issued shares of Common Stock without par value, and

    (2)   The  change of  1,419,011 previously authorized  and unissued
    shares of Common Stock  without par value into a  different number,
    namely 3,621,490, of authorized and unissued shares of Common Stock
    without par value, and 
    (3)  The increase of the number of authorized shares, and 

    (4)  The change of the preferences, privileges and voting powers of
    the  Preferred  Stock  and  the  restrictions  and   qualifications
    thereof, and 

    (5)  The change of the Corporation's statements respecting capital,
    including the amendment of  the provisions as to the  consideration
    for 4
    which shares without par value may be issued, and  

    (6)   The adoption of a provision with respect to the dollar amount
    of minimum capital of the Corporation, and 

    (7)   The insertion of provisions  with respect to the  issuance of
    scrip certificates  for fractional interests in shares  of stock of
    the Corporation.   
    IV.  Parts  A, B  and C of  Article IV of  the 1950 Certificate  of
    Consolidation, setting forth the number of authorized shares,  the 
    statements  respecting capital  and the  number  of shares  of each
    class, are hereby amended to read as follows: 

    "IV. A.   The total number of shares which the Corporation may have
    is  14,223,289, of which 1,200,000 are to  have a par value of $100
    each, and 13,023,289 are to be without par value. 
    "B.  The capital of  the Corporation shall be at least equal to the
    sum of  the aggregate  par value of  all issued  shares having  par
    value, plus the  aggregate amount of consideration received  by the
    Corporation for the issuance of shares without par value, plus such
    amounts  as, from  time  to time,  by resolution  of  the Board  of
    Directors, may be transferred thereto. 
    "Subject to the laws creating and defining the duties of the Public
    Service  Commission,   authorized  but  unissued   shares  of   the
    Corporation without par  value may be issued from time  to time for
    such consideration as may be fixed by the Board of Directors of the

    "The  capital   of  the   Corporation  shall   be  not   less  than
        "C.   The shares  of the  Corporation are  to be  classified as

    1,200,000 shares are to be Preferred Stock  with a par value of    
    $100 each; 1,928,627  shares are  to be Class  A Stock without  par
    value,   and 11,094,662  shares are to be  Common Stock without par

        V.  The provisions  of the certificate of incorporation  of the
    Corporation which state  the designations, preferences,  privileges
    and  voting powers of the Preferred Stock, and the restrictions and
    qualifications  thereof  (which   provisions  are   set  forth   in
    paragraphs (1) to (5) inclusive of Part D of Article IV of the 1950
    Certificate  of  Consolidation),  shall  remain  unchanged by  this
    Certificate  of Amendment and shall  continue to be  as therein set
    forth,  except  only that  subdivisions (A),  (B)  and (F)  of said
    paragraph (5) are hereby amended to read respectively as follows: 
        "(A)  The holders of the  Preferred Stock of each series  shall
    be entitled  to receive, but only  when, as and if  declared by the
    Board  of  Directors, dividends at the  rate fixed for such  series
    and  no more.  Such  dividends shall be payable  on the last day of
    March,  June,  September and  December in  each  year and  shall be
    cumulative from  such date as  may be  fixed for the  series.   All
    dividends   payable on the Preferred Stock  shall be fully paid, or
    declared and   set apart for  payment, before any dividends  on the
    Class  A Stock  or   Common Stock  shall be  paid or set  apart for
    payment so that  if, for   all dividend periods terminating  on the
    same  or an earlier date,   dividends on  all outstanding shares of
    the Preferred Stock at the   rates fixed for the respective  series
    shall not have  been paid or set apart for  payment, the deficiency
    shall be fully paid or set   apart for payment before any dividends
    shall be paid  or set  apart for payment  on the Class  A Stock  or
    Common Stock.  Dividends in full shall not be paid or set apart for
    payment on the Preferred Stock  of any one series for  any dividend
    period unless dividends in full have been  or are contemporaneously
    paid or set apart for payment on the Preferred Stock  of all series
    for  all dividend  periods terminating  on the  same or  an earlier
    date.  When the stated dividends are not paid in full on all series

    of  the Preferred  Stock,  the shares  of  all series  shall  share
    ratably in  the payment  of dividends, including  accumulations, if
    any, in accordance  with the  sums which would  be payable on  said
    shares if all dividends were paid in full.  A 6
    'dividend  period'  is  the  period  between  any  two  consecutive
    dividend payment dates, excluding the first of such dates, as fixed
    for the series  to which a share or shares  shall belong.  Accruals
    of dividends shall not bear interest.   

    "(B)   Upon  any  dissolution, liquidation  or  winding up  of  the
    Corporation, whether  voluntary or involuntary, the  holders of the
    Preferred  Stock of each and every series then outstanding shall be
    entitled  to  receive out  of the  net  assets of  the Corporation,
    whether capital or surplus, the sums per share fixed for the shares
    of  the  respective  series  and  payable  upon  such  dissolution,
    liquidation  or winding  up, plus,  in the case  of each  share, an
    amount equal  to the dividends accrued and  unpaid thereon, whether
    or not earned or declared, before any distribution of the assets of
    the Corporation shall be made  to the holders of the Class  A Stock
    or Common Stock, as such. 
    "If the  assets distributable  on such dissolution,  liquidation or
    winding  up  shall be  insufficient to  permit  the payment  to the
    holders of  the Preferred Stock of  the full amounts to  which they
    respectively are entitled as aforesaid,  then said assets shall  be
    distributed ratably  among the holders of the  respective series of
    the  Preferred Stock  in  proportion to  the  sums which  would  be
    payable  on such dissolution, liquidation or winding up if all such
    sums were paid  in full in preference and priority  over the shares
    of any of the Class A Stock or Common Stock. 
    "After payment to the  holders of the  Preferred Stock of the  full
    amounts to which  they respectively are entitled  as aforesaid, the
    holders of the  Preferred Stock,  as such, shall  have no right  or
    claim to any of the remaining assets of the Corporation. 
    "The sale, conveyance, exchange or transfer of all or substantially

    all   of  the  property  of  the  Corporation,  or  the  merger  or
    consolidation into  or with  any other  corporation,  shall not  be
    deemed a dissolution, liquidation or winding up for the purposes of
    this subdivision (B)". 
        "(F)   So  long as  any shares  of the  Preferred Stock  of any
    series  are outstanding,  the  Corporation shall  not, without  the
    consent (given in  writing or by vote at a  meeting called for that
    purpose in the manner prescribed by the By-Laws of the Corporation)
    of the holders of record of at least two-thirds of the total number
    of  shares of the Preferred Stock of all series then outstanding: 
        "(1)   Create or authorize any  kind of stock  ranking prior to
    the  Preferred Stock  with respect to the  payment of dividends  or
    upon     the  dissolution,   liquidation  or  winding   up  of  the
    Corporation,  whether  voluntary  or  involuntary,  or  create   or
    authorize any obligation or security convertible into shares of any
    such kind of stock; 
        "(2)  Amend,  alter, change or repeal any of  the express terms
    of    the Preferred  Stock  so  as to  affect  the  holders thereof
    adversely;     "(3)   Permit any subsidiary  to issue any shares of
    preferred stock unless such shares are issued to the Corporation; 
        "(4)   Sell  any shares  of preferred  stock of  any subsidiary
    unless  at  the same time the Corporation shall  sell all shares of
    every class of stock of such subsidiary owned by it; 
        "(5)   Make  any  payment or  distribution  out of  capital  or
    capital  surplus (other  than  dividends payable  in stock  ranking
    junior to the  Preferred Stock) to any holder of  any stock ranking
    junior to the Preferred Stock; 
        "(6)   Issue any  shares of any  series of the  Preferred Stock
    (other than the 790,000  shares of Preferred Stock to  be initially
    issued) or shares  ranking on  a parity with  them, or reissue  any
    redeemed or exchanged shares  of the Preferred Stock of  any series
    or shares ranking  on a parity with them, unless  (a) the shares so
    to be issued or reissued are issued or reissued in  connection with

    the redemption of, or in exchange for, at least an  equal number of
    shares of the Preferred  Stock of another series then  outstanding,
    or  (b)  the  consolidated  income   of  the  Corporation  and  its
    subsidiaries  (determined as  hereinafter provided) for  any twelve
    consecutive  calendar  months within  the  fifteen  calendar months
    immediately  preceding  the  month  within which  the  issuance  or
    reissuance  of such additional shares is authorized by the Board of
    Directors  of the Corporation, shall have been in the aggregate not
    less   than  one  and  one-half  times  the  sum  of  the  interest
    requirements  (adjusted  by  provision  for  amortization  of  debt
    discount and expense or of premium on debt, as the case may be) for
    one year  on all  of the  indebtedness of the  Corporation and  its
    subsidiaries  outstanding at  the  date of  such proposed  issue or
    reissue  (excluding  any indebtedness  proposed  to  be retired  in
    connection with  such  issue  or reissue)  and  the  full  dividend
    requirements  for one  year  on all  outstanding shares  (including
    those  then proposed  to be  issued or  reissued but  excluding any
    shares  proposed to  be retired  in connection  with such  issue or
    reissue)  of the  Preferred  Stock  and  all  other  stock  of  the
    Corporation,  if  any, ranking  prior to  or on  a parity  with the
    Preferred  Stock with respect to  the payment of  dividends or upon
    the  dissolution, liquidation  or  winding up  of the  Corporation,
    whether voluntary or involuntary; 
        "(7)   Issue any shares  of any  series of the  Preferred Stock
    (other than the 790,000  shares of Preferred Stock to  be initially
    issued) or shares  ranking on a  parity with them,  or reissue  any
    redeemed or exchanged shares  of the Preferred Stock of  any series
    or shares ranking on a  parity with them, unless (a) the  shares so
    to be  issued or reissued are issued or reissued in connection with
    the redemption of, or in exchange  for, at least an equal number of
    shares of the  Preferred Stock of another series  then outstanding,
    or (b) the stock equity junior to the Preferred Stock as of the end
    of the  second calendar month  immediately preceding such  issue or
    reissue  shall  have been  not less  than  an amount  equal  to the
    voluntary liquidation value of the Preferred Stock determined as of
    such  date; provided  that  if, for  the  purpose of  meeting  such
    condition as  to the voluntary  liquidation value of  the Preferred

    Stock, it becomes necessary to take into consideration any  surplus
    of the  Corporation, the Corporation  shall not thereafter  pay any
    Common Stock dividend which would reduce the stock equity junior to
    the Preferred  Stock as  of the  end of  the second  calendar month
    immediately preceding the date on which such Common  Stock dividend
    is  to be  paid to an  amount less  than the  voluntary liquidation
    value of the Preferred Stock     9 
    determined as of such date; 
        "(8)    Pay any  Common Stock  dividend,  if (a)  the aggregate
    amount of  Common Stock dividends  paid in the  period of  one year
    ending  with  and including  the date  on  which such  Common Stock
    dividend  is  to  be  paid, would  exceed  75%  of  the net  income
    applicable  to the Corporation's Common Stock for the period of the
    12  calendar months ending  with and including  the second calendar
    month immediately  preceding the  date on  which such Common  Stock
    dividend is  to be  paid,and  (b) the  stock equity  junior to  the
    Preferred  Stock, determined as of  the end of  the second calendar
    month  immediately preceding  the date on  which such  Common Stock
    dividend is  to be paid (and  after the deduction of  the aggregate
    amount of Common Stock dividends paid or to be paid from the end of
    such immediately  preceding second calendar month  to and including
    the date on which such Common  Stock dividend is to be paid), would
    be less  than 25% of the total capitalization of the Corporation as
    of  the end  of such  immediately preceding  second  calendar month
    (after  the  deduction of  the  aggregate  amount of  Common  Stock
    dividends paid  or  to be  paid from  the end  of such  immediately
    preceding  second calendar month to and including the date on which
    such Common Stock dividend is to be paid); or  
        "(9)    Pay any  Common Stock  dividend,  if (a)  the aggregate
    amount of Common  Stock dividends paid  in the  period of one  year
    ending with   and including  the date  on which  such Common  Stock
    dividend  is  to be  paid,  would  exceed  50% of  the  net  income
    applicable  to the Corporation's Common Stock for the period of the
    12  calendar months ending  with and including  the second calendar
    month  immediately preceding  the date on  which such  Common Stock
    dividend is  to be  paid, and  (b) the stock  equity junior  to the
    Preferred  Stock, determined as of  the end of  the second calendar

    month  immediately preceding  the date on  which such  Common Stock
    dividend is  to be paid (and  after the deduction  of the aggregate
    amount of Common Stock dividends paid or to be paid from the end of
    such immediately  preceding second calendar month  to and including
    the date on which such Common  Stock dividend is to be paid), would
    be less than 20% of the total capitalization of the  Corporation as
    of the end of such immediately preceding second 10
    calendar  month (after  the deduction  of the  aggregate amount  of
    Common Stock  dividends paid or  to be  paid from the  end of  such
    immediately preceding  second calendar  month to and  including the
    date on which such Common Stock dividend is to be paid). 
        "'Consolidated income' for any period, for the purposes of this
    subdivision (F),  shall be computed  by adding to  the consolidated
    net income of the Corporation and its subsidiaries for said period,
    determined  in  accordance   with  generally  accepted   accounting
    practices, as  adjusted by action of the  Board of Directors of the
    Corporation  as  hereinafter  provided,  the  amount  deducted  for
    interest  (adjusted  as above  provided)  in  determining such  net
    income.    In  determining such  consolidated  net  income  for any
    period,  there shall  be deducted,  in addition  to other  items of
    expense, the amount charged to income for said period  on the books
    of the Corporation and its subsidiaries for taxes  and depreciation
    expense.   In  the determination  of  consolidated income  for  the
    purposes of this  subdivision (F),  the Board of  Directors of  the
    Corporation  may,  in the  exercise  of  the due  discretion,  make
    adjustments  by way of  increase or  decrease in  such consolidated
    income  to  give  effect  to  changes  therein  resulting  from any
    acquisition  of properties  or  from  any redemption,  acquisition,
    purchase,  sale or exchange of securities by the Corporation or its
    subsidiaries  either  prior to  the issuance  or reissuance  of any
    shares  of  Preferred Stock  then to  be issued  or reissued  or in
    connection therewith.  
        "The term  'subsidiary', for  the purposes of  this subdivision
    (F),   shall mean any corporation more than 50% of the voting stock
    (i.e.,  stock at the time entitling the holders thereof  to elect a
    majority of the board of directors of such corporation) of which at
    the time   is owned, directly or  indirectly, by the Corporation or

    by  one  or   more  subsidiaries  of  the Corporation,  or  by  the
    Corporation and by one or more subsidiaries of the Corporation. 
     "'Stock  equity  junior to  the  Preferred Stock'  shall,  for the
    purposes of this subdivision (F),  be the aggregate of (a) the  par
    or  stated value  of  the then  outstanding  capital stock  of  the
    Corporation  junior  to the  Preferred  Stock with  respect  to the
    payment of 
    dividends and upon  the dissolution, liquidation  or winding up  of
    the Corporation,  whether voluntary or involuntary,  (b) the earned
    surplus  (including reservations  thereof and  of net  income), the
    capital  surplus and the paid-in surplus of the Corporation and its
    subsidiaries, whether  or not  available for payment  of dividends,
    and (c) any premium on capital stock of the Corporation as shown on
    the Corporation's books of account. 
        "'Voluntary  liquidation value  of the Preferred  Stock' shall,
    for the purposes of this subdivision  (F), be the aggregate of  the
    sums  per share (including an amount equal to the dividends accrued
    and    unpaid thereon) which  would be  payable upon the  voluntary
    dissolution, liquidation or  winding up of  the Corporation to  the
    holders  of the shares  of each and  every series of  the Preferred
    Stock  then outstanding and of any preferred stock ranking prior to
    or on a parity with the Preferred Stock with respect to the payment
    of  dividends or upon the dissolution, liquidation or winding up of
    the Corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary. 
        "The term  'Common Stock dividend'  shall, for the  purposes of
    this   subdivision  (F),  mean any  dividend  on the  Corporation's
    Common Stock (other than dividends payable in such Common Stock) or
    any distribution on, or purchase or acquisition by  the Corporation
    for value of, any of the Corporation's Common Stock. 
        "'Net income applicable to  the Corporation's Common Stock' for
    any period shall, for  the purposes of this subdivision (F), be the
    amount remaining  after deducting from the  consolidated net income
    of the Corporation and its subsidiaries for said period, determined
    in accordance with generally  accepted accounting practices, (a) an

    amount equal to  all dividends  accrued during said  period on  any
    class of capital stock  of the Corporation having preference  as to
    the  payment of dividends over the Common Stock of the Corporation,
    and (b) the amount, if any, by which 15% of  the consolidated gross
    operating revenues  of the Corporation and  its subsidiaries (after
    the deduction of the aggregate expenditures made by the Corporation
    and  its subsidiaries for the  purchase of electricity  and gas and
    the lease of electric or gas facilities from others) during said 
    period  exceeds  the  aggregate  of  (1)  the  amounts  expended by
    theCorporation  and  its   subsidiaries  during  said   period  for
    maintenance  and repairs,  and (2) the amounts appropriated  by the
    Corporation and its  subsidiaries out of  income or earned  surplus
    and  credited to  depreciation,  retirement or  other like  reserve
    during said period. 
        "'Total  capitalization  of  the Corporation'  shall,  for  the
    purposes of this subdivision  (F), be the aggregate of  (a) the par
    or  stated value  of  the then  outstanding  capital stock  of  the
    Corporation  of  all classes,  (b)  the  earned surplus  (including
    reservations thereof  and of net  income), the capital  surplus and
    the  paid-in  surplus  of  the Corporation  and  its  subsidiaries,
    whether  or not available for payment of dividends, (c) any premium
    on capital stock of  the Corporation as shown on  the Corporation's
    books of account, and  (d) the principal amount of  all outstanding
    debt  of the Corporation and its subsidiaries maturing by its terms
    more  than 12 months  from the  date of  the determination  of such
    total capitalization of the Corporation." 
        VI.  Paragraphs (6) and (7) of Part D of Article IV of the 1950
    Certificate   of  Consolidation,   relating  to   the  preferences,
    privileges  and  voting  powers  of  the  Common  Stock,   and  the
    restrictions  and  qualifications  thereof,  and  to  a  quorum  at
    meetings  of stockholders,  are hereby  stricken out,  and  in lieu
    thereof  the   following  provisions   are  hereby  added   to  the
    certificate of incorporation of  the Corporation as paragraphs (6),
    (7),  (8),  (9)  and (10)  of  Part D  of  Article IV  of  the 1950
    Certificate  of Consolidation,  as amended  by this  Certificate of
    Amendment,  which paragraphs (6), (7),  (8) and (9)  and (10) shall

    read respectively as follows: 
        "Class A Stock 
        "(6)  The following provisions shall apply to all shares of the

        Class A Stock:   
        "(A)  Subject  to the prior rights of  the Preferred Stock, the
    holders of the Class A Stock shall be entitled to receive, but only
    when, as and if  declared by the Board  of Directors, dividends  at
    the rate of $1.20 per share per annum and  no more.  Such dividends
    shall  be payable on  the last  day of  March, June,  September and
    December in each year and shall be cumulative from January 1, 1950.
    All dividends  payable on the Class A Stock shall be fully paid, or
    declared and set  apart for  payment, before any  dividends on  the
    Common Stock shall be paid or set apart for payment so that if, for
    all  dividend periods terminating on  the same or  an earlier date,
    dividends on  all outstanding shares  of the Class  A Stock  at the
    rate of $1.20 per share per annum  shall not have been paid or  set
    apart for  payment, the deficiency shall  be paid or  set apart for
    payment before any dividends shall be paid or set apart for payment
    on any Common Stock of the Corporation.  A 'dividend period' is the
    period  between  any  two   consecutive  dividend  payment   dates,
    excluding the first of such dates.  Accruals of dividends shall not
    bear interest. 
        "(B)   The holder of each share  of the Class A  shall have the
    right, at his option, to convert such  share after January 5, 1950,
    and on  or before January 5,  1953 into one and  one-tenth (1 1/10)
    shares of the Common Stock, and thereafter on or before January  5,
    1956 into one (1) share of  the Common Stock, upon surrender of the
    certificate  for such share of the Class  A Stock, duly endorsed in
    blank  for transfer  if required,  at the  principal office  of the
    Corporation or at  any other  office or agency  of the  Corporation
    designated  by  the  Corporation  for  such  purpose.    Upon  such

    surrender, such holder shall cease to be a holder of  said share of
    Class A  Stock, and from and after such surrender, said share shall
    forthwith  revert to the status of an  unissued share and shall not
    be  reissued, and such holder shall as  such have no interest in or
    claim against the Corporation with respect to said share, but shall
    be entitled only  to receive a  certificate for the  shares of  the
    Common  Stock into  which  said share  of  Class A  Stock  shall be
    convertible as aforesaid.   
        "On  any  such  conversion  no  adjustment shall  be  made  for
    dividends      on the shares of  Class A Stock converted or  on the
    shares of Common Stock issued upon such conversion. 
        "If  at any  time or from  time to  time the  Corporation shall
    issue (other than upon  conversion of shares of the  Class A Stock)
    any  shares of the Common Stock for a consideration  per share less
    than the capital  represented by  each issued share  of the  Common
    Stock immediately after the filing  of the Certificate of Amendment
    of  Certificate  of  Incorporation   of  Buffalo  Niagara  Electric
    Corporation filed in  the Department  of State on  January 5,  1950
    (which Certificate  of Amendment is hereinafter  sometimes referred
    to  as the '1950 Certificate  of Amendment'), thereafter any holder
    of the Class A Stock, upon surrender thereof for conversion, shall,
    in  lieu of the number of shares  of the Common Stock which but for
    such  issue  and all  prior  such issues  he  would be  entitled to
    receive  for  each  share of  the  Class  A  Stock upon  conversion
    (hereinafter called the 'shares originally subject to conversion'),
    be  entitled to  receive for  each share  of the  Class A  Stock an
    adjusted  number of shares determined by  multiplying the number of
    shares originally subject to conversion by the quotient obtained by
    dividing the capital represented by each issued share of the Common
    Stock  immediately after  the  filing of  the  1950 Certificate  of
    Amendment  by the capital represented  by each issued  share of the
    Common Stock outstanding after  such issue; provided, however, that
    no  such  adjustment shall  decrease the  number  of shares  of the
    Common Stock into which one share of the Class A Stock may  at such

    time be converted.   For the purposes of  such computation, (1) the
    capital  represented by each issued share of the Common Stock shall
    be the quotient obtained by  dividing the total capital represented
    by  the Class A Stock and the  Common Stock then outstanding by the
    total number  of shares of the  Class A Stock and  the Common Stock
    then  outstanding,  excluding however  from  such  total number  of
    shares then outstanding the  number of shares of the  Common  Stock
    theretofore issued upon  the conversion of shares  of the Class   A
    Stock in excess  of the number of  shares of the  Class A Stock  so
    converted, (2) the total  capital represented by the Class  A Stock
    and the Common Stock then outstanding shall be determined in 
    accordance  with the Corporation's  statement respecting capital as
    in effect immediately after  the filing of the 1950  Certificate of
    Amendment,  without adjustment  for  any subsequent  reductions  or
    increases of capital,  and (3)  there shall be  deducted from  such
    total  capital the consideration  paid by  the Corporation  for any
    shares of the Class A Stock and the Common Stock  reacquired by the
    Corporation (otherwise  than upon conversion of shares of the Class
    A Stock). 
        "For  the  purposes  of  this subdivision  (B),  the  following
    provisions shall be applicable in determining the consideration for
    which shares  of the Common Stock  shall have been issued:  (1)  In
    case of the  issuance of additional shares of the  Common Stock for
    cash, the consideration received  by the Corporation therefor shall
    be deemed to be the amount of cash received by  the Corporation for
    such shares,  before deducting  therefrom any commissions  or other
    expenses paid or  incurred by the Corporation  for any underwriting
    of, or otherwise in  connection with, the issuance of  such shares;
    (2)  In  case of the  issuance (otherwise  than upon conversion  or
    exchange of obligations or  shares of stock of the  Corporation) of
    additional shares  of the  Common Stock  for a consideration  other
    than cash  or a consideration a  part of which shall  be other than
    cash, the amount of  the consideration other than cash  received by
    the Corporation for such shares shall be deemed to be  the value of
    such consideration as determined  by the Board of Directors  of the
    Corporation, and (3)In case of the issuance of additional shares of

    the Common Stock upon the conversion or exchange of any obligations
    or of  any shares of  stock of the  Corporation, the amount  of the
    consideration  received by  the Corporation  for such  Common Stock
    shall be deemed to be the consideration received by the Corporation
    for such  obligations or shares  so converted or  exchanged, before
    deducting from  such consideration  so received by  the Corporation
    any expenses or commissions incurred or paid by the Corporation for
    any  underwriting of, or otherwise in connection with, the issuance
    of such obligations or shares, plus any consideration or adjustment

    payment  received  by  the  Corporation  in  connection  with  such
    conversion or exchange. 
        "If at any time or from time to time the Corporation shall, by 
    reclassification of  shares or  otherwise, change  as  a whole  the
    outstanding shares of its  Common Stock into a different  number of
    shares,  thereafter  any holder  of Class  A Stock,  upon surrender
    thereof for conversion,  shall, in lieu of the  number of shares of
    Common  Stock which, but for such change, he would theretofore have
    been entitled  to receive upon conversion  (hereinafter called 'the
    shares theretofore subject to  conversion'), be entitled to receive
    the number of shares  into which the shares theretofore  subject to
    conversion shall have been changed. 
        "Anything   in  this   subdivision  (B)   notwithstanding,  any
    adjustment   of the number of  shares of the Common  Stock issuable
    upon conversion of each share of the  Class A Stock, resulting from
    any computation  herein  provided, shall  be  made to  the  nearest
    hundredth of a share, and to no smaller fraction. 
        "The Corporation  shall not  be required to  issue certificates
    representing  fractions of  a share of  the Common  Stock resulting
    from the conversion  of shares of the Class A  Stock into shares of
    the  Common Stock, but a  scrip certificate or  certificates of the

    Corporation shall be issued in respect of such fractional interests
    in  the Common  Stock, in  the manner,  and  subject to  the terms,
    provisions and conditions, as hereinafter  in paragraph (9) of this
    Part D provided. 
        "Prior to January 5, 1956, so long as any shares of the Class A
    Stock are outstanding,  the Corporation shall  not issue, upon  the
    exercise  of the preemptive rights  provided to the  holders of the
    Common Stock  by subdivision (B) of  paragraph (7) of this  Part D,
    any  additional share of the Common Stock  at a price more than 10%
    below the market price of shares of the Common Stock at the time of
    offering of such share.  
        "The  conversion right provided by  this subdivision (B) may be
    exercised  as to  any  share of  the  Class A  Stock  prior to  the
    effective  redemption  date  of  such share,  irrespective  of  the
    mailing  of a  notice of  redemption as  to such share  pursuant to
    subdivision (C) of this paragraph (6). 
        "(C)    At  the  option  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the
    Corporation,   the Corporation may redeem the Class A Stock, either
    as a  whole or   in part,  at any time  or from  time to time  at a
    redemption price of  $26.875 per share, plus an amount equal to the
    dividends  accrued    and unpaid  thereon  to  the  date fixed  for
    redemption, whether  or not earned or  declared; provided, however,
    that not less than 30 nor more than 60 days prior to the date fixed
    for  redemption a  notice of  the time and  place thereof  shall be
    mailed to  the holders  of record  of the  Class A  Stock so  to be
    redeemed on a  date fixed by the Board of  Directors; and provided,
    further, that in  every case of redemption of less  than all of the
    outstanding shares of the Class A Stock, such   redemption shall be
    made pro rata, or the shares to be redeemed shall be chosen by  lot
    in such manner  as may be prescribed by resolution  of the Board of
    Directors.  At any  time after notice of redemption has been mailed
    as  aforesaid to  the  holders  of stock  so  to  be redeemed,  the
    Corporation may  deposit the aggregate redemption price with a bank
    or trust company  having its principal  office in the State  of New

    York  and according  to its  last   published statement  a capital,
    surplus  and undivided  profits  aggregating at  least $10,000,000,
    named  in such notice, payable on the  date fixed for redemption as
    aforesaid  and in the amounts aforesaid to the respective orders of
    the  holders of the  shares so to be  redeemed, upon endorsement to
    the  Corporation  or  otherwise,  as  may  be  required,  and  upon
    surrender of the certificates for such shares.  Upon the date fixed
    for redemption (unless the Corporation fails to make payment of the
    redemption price as set  forth in such notice), such  holders shall
    cease to be stockholders with respect to  said shares, and from and
    after  the date  fixed for  redemption (the Corporation  not having
    failed to make payment of the redemption price as set forth in such
    notice), said shares shall not be deemed to be outstanding and such
    holders  shall have no interest in or claim against the Corporation
    with respect to said shares, but  shall be entitled only to receive
    said moneys on the 18
    date  fixed for  redemption as  aforesaid from  said bank  or trust
    company,  or  from the  Corporation, as  the  case may  be, without
    interest thereon, upon endorsement to the Corporation or otherwise,
    as may be required, and upon surrender of the certificates for such
    shares, as aforesaid.   If at the time of the  mailing of notice of
    redemption  as aforesaid to the holders  of stock so to be redeemed
    the Corporation  shall not have deposited  the aggregate redemption
    price as aforesaid, such notice may state that it is subject to the
    deposit  of the  aggregate redemption  price with  a bank  or trust
    company having  its principal office in  the State of New  York and
    according  to its last  published statement a  capital, surplus and
    undivided profits  aggregating at least $10,000,000,  named in such
    notice,  on or before the date fixed for redemption, and any notice
    of  redemption containing  such  statement shall  be  of no  effect
    unless such aggregate redemption price is so deposited on or before
    such date fixed for redemption. 
        "In case the holder of any such Class A Stock  which shall have
    been called for redemption  shall not, within six years  after said
    deposit,  claim  the  amount  deposited  as  above stated  for  the
    redemption thereof, such  bank or trust  company shall upon  demand
    pay over to the Corporation such unclaimed amount  and such bank or
    trust company  shall thereupon be relieved  from all responsibility

    to such holder, and such holder shall look only to the  Corporation
    for the  payment thereof.   Any  interest accrued on  any funds  so
    deposited shall belong to the Corporation. 

        "(D)  Nothing herein  contained shall limit any legal  right of
    the  Corporation to purchase or otherwise acquire any shares of the
    Class A Stock. 
        "(E)    So long  as  any  shares  of  the  Class  A  Stock  are
    outstanding,  the Corporation shall not, without the consent (given
    in writing or  by vote at a meeting called for  that purpose in the
    manner prescribed by the By-Laws of the Corporation) of the holders
    of  record of at least two-thirds of  the total number of shares of
    the Class A Stock then outstanding:   
        (1)  Classify or  reclassify outstanding shares of the  Class A
    Stock so as to affect the holders thereof adversely; 
        (2)  Voluntarily dissolve, liquidate or wind up; 

        (3)  Sell,  convey, exchange or  transfer all or  substantially
    all of the property of the Corporation. 
        "The merger or  consolidation of the  Corporation into or  with
    any    other  corporation  shall   not  be  deemed  a  dissolution,
    liquidation  or   winding  up or  a  sale, conveyance,  exchange or
    transfer for the purposes of this subdivision (E). 
        "(F)  Except  as provided in subdivision (B) above, the Class A
    Stock of the Corporation shall not  entitle any holder thereof as a
    matter of right to  subscribe for, purchase or receive any  part of
    the  unissued  stock  of  the  Corporation  or  any  stock  of  the
    Corporation  to  be  issued  by  reason  of  any  increase  of  the
    authorized capital stock  of the  Corporation or any  stock of  the
    Corporation purchased  by  the Corporation  or  by its  nominee  or
    nominees, or to subscribe for, purchase or receive any rights to or
    options  to purchase any such  stock or any  bonds, certificates of
    indebtedness,  debentures or  other securities convertible  into or

    carrying options or warrants to purchase stock or other  securities
    of the Corporation, or to  have any other preemptive rights  as now
    or hereafter defined by the laws of the State of New York. 
        "If  the Corporation shall offer for sale, on or before January
    5,   1956, shares  or  other securities  which are  subject to  the
    preemptive  rights provided to the  holders of the  Common Stock by
    subdivision (B)  of paragraph (7) of  this Part D, it  shall mail a
    notice of  such offering to the  holders of the Class  A Stock then
    outstanding, not less than  ten (10) days prior to the  record time
    for  the determination  of holders  of record  of the  Common Stock
    entitled  to preemptive rights with respect to such offering.  Such
    notice shall describe the shares or other securities proposed to be
    offered and shall set forth the earliest date at which there may be
    determined  the holders of record  of the Common  Stock entitled to
    such preemptive

        "(G)   Upon any dissolution,  liquidation or winding  up of the
    Corporation, whether  voluntary or involuntary, the  holders of the
    Class A Stock then outstanding shall be entitled to receive out  of
    the net assets of  the Corporation, whether capital or  surplus, an
    amount  equal to the dividends  accrued and unpaid thereon, whether
    or not earned or declared, before any distribution of the assets of
    the Corporation shall be made  to the holders of the Common  Stock.
    "The sale, conveyance, exchange or transfer of all or substantially
    all   of  the  property  of  the  Corporation,  or  the  merger  or
    consolidation  into or  with any  other corporation,  shall not  be
    deemed a dissolution, liquidation or winding up for the purposes of
    this subdivision (G). 
        "Common Stock 
        "(7)  The following provisions shall apply to all shares of the
    Common Stock: 

        "(A)   Out  of  the assets  of  the Corporation  available  for
    dividends  remaining  after  full  dividends on  all  stock  having
    priority as to dividends over the Common Stock shall have been paid
    or  declared  and  set apart  for  payment  and  after making  such
    provision, if any, as the Board of Directors  may deem necessary or
    advisable for  working capital and reserves or otherwise, then, and
    not  otherwise,  dividends may  be paid upon  the Common Stock, but
    only when and as  determined by the Board of Directors. 
        "(B)  The  holders of  the Common Stock  shall have  preemptive
    rights  as  the  same  are  defined  in  Section  39 of  the  Stock
    Corporation Law, except that shares or other securities offered for
    sale  shall not be subject to such  preemptive rights (1) if not so
    subject under  said Section 39 or (2) if  they are the subject of a
    public offering or  of an  offering to or  through underwriters  or
    investment  bankers who shall have agreed promptly to make a public
    offering of such shares.   
        "Provisions Applicable to the Class A Stock and Common Stock 
        "(8)  The following provisions shall apply to all shares of the
    Class A Stock and of the Common Stock: 
        "(A)   Upon any dissolution,  liquidation or winding  up of the
    Corporation, whether voluntary  or involuntary,  after there  shall
    have been paid to  or set apart for the holders of all stock having
    priority  over the  Common Stock the  full preferential  amounts to
    which  they are  respectively  entitled,  including any  cumulative
    dividends  on  the Class  A Stock  provided  by subdivision  (A) of
    paragraph (6)  of this Part D  which are accrued and  unpaid at the
    date of such dissolution, liquidation or winding up, the holders of
    the Class  A Stock and  the holders  of the Common  Stock shall  be
    entitled  to receive pro  rata all of  the remaining assets  of the
    Corporation available  for distribution  to its stockholders.   The
    sale, conveyance, exchange or transfer of all  or substantially all
    of  the property of the Corporation, or the merger or consolidation
    into  or  with  any  other  corporation,  shall  not  be  deemed  a
    dissolution, liquidation  or winding  up for  the purposes  of this

    subdivision (A). 
        "The  Board of Directors, by vote of  a majority of the members
    thereof, may distribute in kind to the holders of the Class A Stock
    and the holders of the Common Stock pro  rata such remaining assets
    of the Corporation, or  may sell, transfer or otherwise  dispose of
    the  remaining assets of the  Corporation, or any  part thereof, to
    any  other  corporation  or  to any  person,  and  receive  payment
    therefor wholly  or partly in cash or in stock or in obligations of
    such  corporation or  person, and may  sell, transfer  or otherwise
    dispose of all or  any of such consideration received  therefor and
    distribute the proceeds thereof to the holders of the Class A Stock
    and the holders of the Common Stock pro rata. 
        "(B)   The respective  shares of the  Class A Stock  and of the
    Common Stock shall entitle the holders thereof to one vote for each
    share  of  such  Class  A  Stock  or  Common  Stock  held by  them,
    respectively,  except as in this subdivision (B) otherwise
    expressly provided. 
        "At  all  meetings  of stockholders  held  for  the purpose  of
    electing  directors, each holder of shares of the Class A Stock and
    each   holder of shares of the Common Stock shall be entitled to as
    many   votes as shall equal  the number of votes  which (except for
    this   provision as to cumulative  voting) he would be  entitled to
    cast  for the election  of directors with respect  to his shares of
    stock multiplied by  the number of  directors to be elected  by the
    holders of shares of the Class A Stock and of the Common Stock, and
    he  may  cast all  of  such  votes for  a  single  director or  may
    distribute them among  the number to  be voted for,  or any two  or
    more of them, as he may see fit. 
        "(C)   Except as otherwise  expressly provided in the preceding
    paragraphs (6)  and (7) of  this Part D,  the Common Stock  and the
    Class A  Stock shall, for all  purposes, be deemed to  be shares of
    one and a single class of stock. 

        "(9)   Whenever a conversion  of shares  of Class A  Stock into
    Common   Stock, or  any other exchange  or conversion  of shares of
    stock of  the Corporation of any class or series for or into shares
    of  another class or series, or any  exchange of shares of stock of
    the    Corporation  for  shares of  stock  of  another  corporation
    pursuant  to  any plan  of exchange or  reorganization approved and
    accepted  by  the   Board of  Directors  of the  Corporation, shall
    result in the creation of interests in fractions of shares of stock
    of the Corporation  of  any class or  series, the Corporation shall
    not be  required to issue certificates  representing such fractions
    of shares of stock,  but a  scrip certificate or certificates shall
    be issued in respect of such  fractional interests in shares.  Such
    scrip  certificates will  entitle  the holders  thereof, upon  such
    terms  and under  such conditions  as may  be set  by the  Board of
    Directors  of   the  Corporation,  upon  the   surrender  of  scrip
    certificates aggregating one or more full shares 
    of  stock  of the  respective class  or series,  to receive,  on or
    before  a  date to  be  fixed  by the  Board  of  Directors of  the
    Corporation, a  certificate or certificates  representing such full
    shares.    The scrip  certificates will  provide  that, as  soon as
    practicable  after such date so fixed by  the Board of Directors of
    the  Corporation, any  shares of  stock represented  by outstanding
    scrip certificates  shall  be sold  and the  proceeds held  without
    accountability for interest for the account of the holders of scrip
    certificates until a date fixed by the Board of Directors and to be
    not  more than  two  years  later,  after  which  latter  date  all
    unsurrendered scrip  certificates of  the Corporation  shall become
        "Scrip   certificates  shall  be  non-voting  and  non-dividend
    bearing and  shall not entitle the holders thereof to any rights as
    stockholders of the Corporation. 
        "For  the purposes of  the conversion of shares  of the Class A
    Stock  into shares of the  Common Stock as  provided in subdivision

    (B)  of paragraph (6)  of this Part  D, scrip certificate  shall be
    issued  representing interests  in  fractions of  shares of  Common
    Stock  resulting  from such  conversion,  which  shall entitle  the
    holders thereof, upon the  surrender of such scrip  certificates in
    amounts  aggregating one or more  full shares of Common Stock on or
    before  January 5, 1956,  to receive a  certificate or certificates
    representing  such full shares of  Common Stock.   After said date,
    any shares of  Common Stock represented by  such scrip certificates
    then outstanding shall be  sold, and the proceeds thereof  held for
    the account of the holders of such outstanding scrip  certificates,
    without interest, until a date fixed by the Board  of Directors and
    not  more than two years  later, when all  such unsurrendered scrip
    certificates shall become void. 
        "(10)  At all meetings of the stockholders of the Corporation a
    quorum  must be present for the transaction of business, and except


    as  otherwise  provided  under  the  heading  'General   Provisions
    Applicable to All Series of Preferred Stock' in respect of meetings
    of the stockholders held for the election of directors by the vote 
    of  a class  or classes  of stock,  a quorum  shall consist  of the
    holders  of record of  not less than a  majority of the outstanding
    shares  of  the Corporation  entitled  to vote,  present  either in
    person or by proxy." 
        VII.   The number  of shares  of each  class issued  is 790,000
    shares   of Preferred Stock  and 9,580,989 shares  of Common Stock;
    and  the  number of  shares of  each  class outstanding  is 790,000
    shares of Preferred Stock and 9,580,989 shares of Common Stock. 
        The terms upon which the change of shares is hereby made are as
        9,580,989 authorized and issued  shares of Common Stock without

    par  value  are  hereby  changed and  reclassified  into  1,928,627
    authorized and issued shares of Class A Stock without par value and
    7,473,172 authorized and issued shares  of Common Stock without par
        1,419,011  authorized  and  unissued  shares  of  Common  Stock
    without  par value are hereby changed into 3,621,490 authorized and
    unissued  shares of Common Stock without par value. 
        All  of the issued and  outstanding shares of  the Common Stock
    being at the time of filing of this Certificate  of Amendment owned
    and held  by a  single corporate holder,  upon the  filing of  this
    Certificate of Amendment in the Department of State of the State of
    New York, each authorized and issued share of Common Stock shall be
    changed  and reclassified  into 1,928,627/9,580,989  authorized and
    issued share  of Class  A Stock and  7,473,172/9,580,989 authorized
    and issued share of Common Stock;  and the holder of the issued and
    outstanding Common Stock may  at any time after the  filing of this
    Certificate  of Amendment  present at the  principal office  of the
    Corporation, or at such  other office or agency of  the Corporation
    as  may  be designated  by the  Corporation  for such  purpose, for
    surrender 25
     and cancellation, the certificate or certificates representing the
    9,580,989 shares of Common Stock heretofore issued and outstanding,
    and  shall thereupon receive in  exchange therefor a certificate or
    certificates  for  1,928,627   shares  of  Class  A   Stock  and  a
    certificate or certificates for 7,473,172 shares of Common Stock. 
        VIII.    It  is not  proposed  to  reduce  the capital  of  the
    Corporation by this Certificate of Amendment. 
        IN  WITNESS WHEREOF,  the undersigned  has made  and subscribed
    this  Certificate of Amendment this 5th day of January, 1950. 
        President of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation 

        STATE OF NEW YORK   ) 
                                          ) ss.: 
        On this 5th  day of  January, 1950, before  me personally  came
    Earle  J.  Machold, to me known  to be the person described  in and
    who executed  the foregoing Certificate  of Amendment on  behalf of
    Niagara  Mohawk   Power   Corporation,  and   he   thereupon   duly
    acknowledged to me 26
    that he executed the same. 
        Notary Public of the State of New York 
        No. 31-1158700 
        Qual in New York County Clk. and Reg. 
        Term Expires March 30, 1951 
        (NOTARIAL SEAL) 

        Officers of the Corporation 
        pursuant to Section 37 of the Stock Corporation Law 
        STATE OF NEW YORK    ) 
                                           ) ss.: 
        Earle J. Machold and James H. Morrell, being duly sworn, depose
    and say, and each for  himself deposes and says, that he,  Earle J.
    Machold,  is  the  President, and  he,  James  H.  Morrell, is  the
    Treasurer, of  Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation,  and that  by the
    foregoing Certificate  of Amendment  (a)  9,580,989 authorized  and
    issued shares of  Common Stock  without par value  are changed  and
    reclassified into 1,928,627 authorized and issued shares of Class A

        Stock  without par  value and  7,473,172 authorized  and issued
    shares of  Common  Stock  without  par  value,  and  (b)  1,419,011
    authorized and unissued  shares of Common  Stock without par  value
    are changed into 3,621,490 authorized and unissued shares of Common
    Stock without par value. 

        Sworn to before me this 5th 
        day of January, 1950 
        Notary Public, State of New York 
        No. 31-1158700 
        Qual in New York County Clk. and Reg. 
        Term Expires March 30, 1951 
        (NOTARIAL SEAL) 
        Affidavit of 
        President of the Corporation 
        pursuant to Section 26-a of the Stock Corporation Law   

        STATE OF NEW YORK    ) 
                                           ) ss.: 
        Earle J. Machold, being duly sworn, deposes and says: 
        1.     That  he  is  the  President  of  Niagara  Mohawk  Power
        2.   That provision for the making of the foregoing Certificate
    of      Amendment and the filing thereof in the Department of State
    of the  State of New  York is made  in the  Second Amended Plan  of
    Niagara   Hudson Power Corporation pursuant to Section 11(e) of the
    Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 to cease to be a holding
    company  and  to  dissolve,  dated  August  23,  1949  (hereinafter
    referred to as "the Plan"); 

        3.  That the Plan has  been approved by order of the Securities
    and Exchange Commission dated August  25, 1949, pursuant to Section
    11(e) of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935; 
        4.   That the Plan has been  approved and enforced, as provided
    in   the Public Utility Holding Company  Act of 1935, by the decree
    of  a court  of competent  jurisdiction, namely  the United  States
    District  Court for  the Northern  District of  New York,  made and
    dated November 4, 1949, in a proceeding entitled 
        "In the Matter of 
        Niagara Hudson Power Corporation 
        Buffalo Niagara Electric Corporation 
        Central New York Power Corporation 
        New York Power and Light Corporation 
        "A Proceeding to enforce  Plans pursuant to Sections 11(e)  and
    18(f)  of the  Public Utility  Holding Company  Act of  1935 "Civil
    Action No. 3476";   
        5.  That  the foregoing  decree of the  United States  District
    Court  for  the Northern  District of  New  York has  ceased  to be
    subject to   appeal  or review,  except that  an appeal  is pending
    which does not  involve  any questions which, if the decree  should
    be reversed,  would result  in invalidating or  materially changing
    any  provision  of  the Plan  designed  to  be  effectuated by  the
    foregoing Certificate of Amendment; 
        6.  That the  form and provisions of the  foregoing Certificate
    of  Amendment have been approved by the said United States District
    Court  for  the  Northern District  of  New  York,  which made  the
    foregoing decree; 
        7.  That the  filing of the foregoing Certificate  of Amendment
    has  been authorized by the  said United States  District Court for
    the Northern District of New York; 

        8.   That notice of the  changes provided for  in the foregoing
    Certificate  of  Amendment  was  given,  not  less  than  ten  days
    preceding  the  making of  such  Certificate of  Amendment,  to the
    holders of record of all the outstanding shares or other securities
    of  Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation entitled to vote or materially
    affected by the Plan whose names and addresses are known to Niagara
    Mohawk  Power   Corporation,  including  those  who   but  for  the
    provisions of Section 26-a  of the Stock Corporation Law,  would be
    entitled  to vote, under the laws  of the State of  New York or the
    certificate of incorporation  of Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation,
    with relation to such changes, which notice was mailed to each such
    stockholder  or securityholder directed to him at his address as it
    appeared on the stock  book of Niagara Mohawk Power  Corporation or
    to  the address  designated  in a  written  request filed  by  such
    stockholder or securityholder with Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation
    or  with the  undersigned that  notices intended  for him  shall be
    mailed to another address.   
        Sworn to before me this 5th 
        day of January, 1950 
        Notary Public, State of New York 
        No. 31-1158700 
        Qual in New York County Clk. and Reg. 
        Term Expires March 30, 1951 
        (NOTARIAL SEAL) 

        Albany, N.Y., January 5, 1950 
        CASE  12733--Petition of Buffalo  Niagara Electric Corporation,
    Central New York  Power Corporation  and New York  Power and  Light
    Corporation  for   (1)  approval  of  consolidation   of  the  said
    corporations,  and  (2)  authority   to  the  issuance  of  certain
    securities by  the Consolidated  Corporation.  Petition  of Niagara
    Hudson Power  Corporation for authority to acquire and hold certain
    of the capital stock to be issued by the Consolidated Corporation. 
        * * * * * * 
        The Public  Service Commission hereby consents  to and approves
    this Certificate  of Amendment  of Certificate of  Incorporation of
    Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation.  Pursuant to Sections 26-a and 36
    of  the  Stock  Corporation  Law,  as  provided   in  the  attached
    certificate   executed  January  5, 1950,--in  accordance with  the
    order of this  Commission dated January 20, 1949 as  amended by the
    order dated December 28, 1949.  
        By the Commission 
        STATE OF NEW YORK     ) 
                                            )  ss.:         327 
        I  Certify That  I have  compared the  preceding copy  with the

    original Certificate  of Amendment of Certificate  of Consolidation
    of  "Niagara  Hudson Public  Service  Corporation,"  filed in  this
    department on the 5th day of January, 1950, and that such copy is a
    correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of such original. 
        WITNESS  my hand  and the  official seal  of the  Department of
    State at  the  City  of Albany,  this  fifth day  of  January,  one
    thousand nine hundred and fifty. 
        RUTH M. MINER 
        Deputy Secretary of State   
        which is to survive the consolidation and be named 
        Pursuant to Sections 26-a  and 86 of the Stock  Corporation Law
    and    to  Subdivision  4  of  Section  11  of  the  Transportation

    Corporations Law. 
        Filed       Jan 5, 1950 
        Tax         $129,450.80 
        Filing Fee  $25.00 
        Secretary of State 
        By  M. R. Keenan   
        which is to survive the consolidation and be named 

        Pursuant to Sections 26-a  and 86 of the Stock  Corporation Law
    and  to  Subdivision  4   of  Section  11  of   the  Transportation
    Corporations  Law. 
         NIAGARA HUDSON  POWER CORPORATION (being the  holder of record
    of  all   the  outstanding  shares  of   Buffalo  Niagara  Electric
    Corporation, Central New York Power Corporation and New York  Power
    and Light Corporation entitled to vote on the consolidation of said
    corporations),   for   the  purpose   of  consolidating   the  said
    corporations,  Buffalo  Niagara Electric  Corporation,  Central New
    York Power  Corporation and New  York Power and  Light Corporation,
    into a single corporation, DOES HEREBY CERTIFY: 

     I.  A statement of the name of each corporation to be included in 
     the  consolidation, and the date  of filing of  its Certificate of
    Incorporation in the Department of State  of the State of New  York
    is as follows: 
        A.  Buffalo Niagara  Electric Corporation, whose Certificate of
    Consolidation was filed in the Department of State of the State  of
    New York on April 1, 1937; 
        B.   Central New  York Power Corporation,  whose Certificate of
    Consolidation was filed in the Department of State of the  State of
    New York on July 31, 1937; 
        C.   New York Power and Light Corporation, whose Certificate of
    Consolidation was filed in the Department of  State of the State of
    New York on October 26, 1927. 
        II.  The total  number of shares which each of the corporations
    to   be included in the  consolidation is authorized to  issue, the
    number thereof which have a par value, together  with the par value
    of each, and the number thereof which are without par value, are as

        A.    The total  number of  shares  which said  Buffalo Niagara
        Corporation is authorized to issue is five million  two hundred
    thousand  (5,200,000); the number thereof which have a par value is
    seven hundred thousand (700,000), such shares having a par value of
    one  hundred dollars  ($100)  each; the  number  thereof which  are
    without   par  value   is  four   million  five   hundred  thousand
        B.   The total  number of shares  which said  Central New  York
    Power Corporation is authorized to issue is two million six hundred
    forty-two thousand five hundred eighty-four (2,642,584); the number
    thereof which have a par value is four hundred ninety-two thousand 

    five hundred eighty-four (492,584), such shares having a par  value
    of $100 each; the number thereof which are without par value is two
    million one hundred fifty thousand (2,150,000); 
        C.   The total number of  shares which said New  York Power and
    Light Corporation  is  authorized to  issue  is one  million  seven
    hundred  sixty-eight thousand  four hundred (1,768,400); the number
    thereof    which  have  a  par  value  is  three  hundred  thousand
    (300,000),  such shares having a  par value of  one hundred dollars
    ($100) each; the  number thereof which are without par value is one
    million four hundred sixty-eight thousand four hundred (1,468,400).

        III.   The  name  of the  consolidated  corporation is  Niagara
    Mohawk  Power Corporation. 
        IV.  A.  The  total number of shares that may be  issued by the
    consolidated   corporation   (hereinafter   sometimes  called   the
    "Corporation") is twelve million two hundred thousand (12,200,000),
    of which one million two hundred thousand (1,200,000) are to have a
    par value of  one hundred  dollars ($100) each  and eleven  million
    (11,000,000) are to be without par value. 
             B.  The capital of the Corporation shall be at least equal
    to the sum of the aggregate par value of all issued shares having a
    par value, plus $10.00 in respect to every issued share without par
    value, plus  such amounts as, from  time to time, by  resolution of
    the Board of Directors, may be transferred thereto.  Subject to the
    laws  creating  and  defining  the duties  of  the  Public  Service
    Commission, shares of the Corporation without par value, not issued
    under  Article VIII  of this Certificate  of Consolidation,  may be
    issued from time to time for  such consideration as may be fixed by
    the Board of Directors of the Corporation. 
        C.   The  shares of  the  Corporation are  to be  classified as
            1,200,000 shares are to be Preferred Stock with a par value
    of one hundred  dollars ($100)  each; 11,000,000 shares  are to  be
    Common Stock without par value.   
        D.  All of the designations, preferences, privileges and voting
    powers  of  the  shares of  each  class  and  the restrictions  and
    qualifications thereof are to be as follows: 
        (1) The shares of the  Preferred Stock may be issued from  time
    to  time in series.  Seven hundred ninety thousand (790,000) shares

    of the Preferred Stock shall be initially issued as follows: 
            200,000 shares in the 3.40% Series, 
            350,000 shares in the 3.60% Series, 
            240,000 shares in the 3.90% Series, 
    each  of  which series  is  hereinafter described.    The remaining
    shares  of Preferred  Stock may  be issued  in the 3.40%,  3.60% or
    3.90% series  or such one or more other series as may be determined
    from time to  time by the  Board of Directors,  each of said  other
    series to  be distinctively designated.  Subject to the limitations
    hereinafter stated and to the further limitation that shares having
    voting  power shall not have more than  one vote each, the Board of
    Directors  is  authorized  to fix  from  time  to  time before  the
    issuance of shares of each series of the Preferred Stock other than
    those  issued   in  the   3.40%,  3.60%   and  3.90%  Series,   the
    designations,  preferences, privileges  and  voting  powers of  the
    shares  of   such  additional   series  and  the   restrictions  or
    qualifications thereof except those hereinafter set forth under the
    heading "General  Provisions Applicable to All  Series of Preferred
    Stock".  All shares of  any one series of Preferred Stock  shall be
    alike in  every particular.   The shares of  all series  shall rank
    equally, and shall be  identical in all respects except  in respect
    of the matters set forth in the following subdivisions lettered (A)
    to (H), inclusive: 
        (A)  Designation; 
         (B)   The  dividend rate  and  the date  or  dates from  which
    dividends shall be cumulative;   

        (C)  Voting rights; 
        (D)   The sum payable per share upon the voluntary dissolution,
    liquidation  or winding up of  the Corporation and  the sum payable
    per share upon the  involuntary dissolution, liquidation or winding
    up of the Corporation, which sums, in each and every case, shall be
    a  stated amount  (not less than  $100 per  share) with  respect to

    dissolution, liquidation or winding  up during any specified period
    or  periods,  plus an  amount equal  to  the dividends  accrued and
    unpaid thereon, whether or not earned or declared; 
        (E)  Whether or not the shares shall be redeemable, and if made
    redeemable, the redemption price or prices per share, which prices,
    in each  and every case, shall  be a stated amount  with respect to
    redemption during any  specified period or periods,  plus an amount
    equal to the dividends accrued and unpaid thereon to the date fixed
    for redemption, whether or not earned or declared; 
        (F)  Whether  or not the shares shall  be made convertible into
    or exchangeable for  other securities  of the  Corporation, and  if
    made convertible  or exchangeable, the conversion  price or prices,
    or  the  rate  or  rates  of exchange,  and  the  other  terms  and
    conditions on which such conversion or exchange may be made; 
        (G)   Whether or  not there shall  be a sinking  fund, or other
    fund  analogous thereto, with respect to the shares of each series,
    and the terms and provisions of such fund, if any; and 
        (H)  Any other relative, participating, option or other rights,
    preferences,  privileges,  restrictions  or qualifications  of  the
    shares  of  each  series   not  inconsistent  with  the  provisions
    applicable to  all shares  of the  Preferred Stock irrespective  of
        Particular  Provisions Applicable  to  Preferred  Stock,  3.40%
        (2)  The designation, preferences, privileges and voting powers
    of  the  shares  of the  Preferred  Stock,  3.40%  Series, and  the
    restrictions or qualifications thereof (insofar as they differ from
    or  supplement the provisions which are applicable to all shares of
    the Preferred Stock irrespective of series), are as follows: 
        (A)  The series  shall be designated as Preferred  Stock, 3.40%

        (B)  The dividend  rate thereof shall be three  and four-tenths
    per  cent (3.40%) per  annum.  The dividends  on the shares of  the
    Preferred  Stock,  3.40%  Series  resulting  from  the  conversions
    provided for in Article VIII of the Certificate of Consolidation of
    New  York Power and Light Corporation  and Buffalo Niagara Electric
    Corporation and Central New York Power Corporation into Central New
    York  Power Corporation, which is  to survive the consolidation and
    be  named Niagara  Mohawk Power  Corporation (which  Certificate of
    Consolidation is  hereinafter referred to as  the "1950 Certificate
    of Consolidation"), shall be  cumulative from the first day  of the
    calendar month in which  such 1950 Certificate of Consolidation  is
    filed  in  the Department  of  State.    All other  shares  of  the
    Preferred  Stock,  3.40%  Series,  if  any, shall  be  issued  with
    accruals  of   dividends  uniform  with  the   unpaid  accruals  of
    dividends, if any, on the Preferred Stock, 3.40% Series outstanding
    at the time of the issue thereof; 
        (C)  Except as hereinafter provided under  the heading "General
    Provisions  Applicable  to  All  Series of  Preferred  Stock",  the
    Preferred  Stock,   3.40%  Series  shall  have   no  voting  rights
    whatsoever and is specifically excluded from the right to vote in a
    proceeding  for  mortgaging  the  property and  franchises  of  the
    Corporation pursuant  to Section 16  of the Stock  Corporation Law,
    for  authorizing any guaranty pursuant  to Section 19  of said Law,
    for sale of the franchises and property of the Corporation pursuant
    to Section 20 of said Law, for consolidation pursuant to Section 86
    of said Law, for  voluntary dissolution pursuant to Section  105 of
    said Law or for change of name pursuant to the  General Corporation
    Law or pursuant to Section 35 of the Stock Corporation Law;  
        (D)  The sum per share payable upon the voluntary dissolution, 
    liquidation or winding up  of the Corporation shall be  $104.50 per
    share  on or before February  28, 1951, and  thereafter $103.50 per
    share, in each  case plus an amount equal  to the dividends accrued
    and unpaid on such share, whether or not earned or declared; 
        (E)The sum per share  payable upon the involuntary dissolution,
    liquidation  or winding  up of  the Corporation  shall be  $100 per
    share plus  an amount equal to the  dividends accrued and unpaid on

    such share, whether or not earned or declared; 
        (F)   The shares of the Preferred  Stock, 3.40% Series shall be
    redeemable  at  the  option  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the
    Corporation,  either as  a  whole or  in  part, at  any  time at  a
    redemption price of  $104.50 per  share on or  before February  28,
    1951, and thereafter $103.50 per share, in each case plus an amount
    equal to the dividends accrued and unpaid thereon to the date fixed
    for redemption, whether or not earned or declared; 
        (G)  The shares of the Preferred Stock, 3.40%  Series shall not
    be convertible  into or  exchangeable for  other securities  of the
    Corporation; and 
        (H)   There shall be no sinking fund with respect to the shares
    of  the Cumulative Preferred Stock, 3.40% Series. 
        Particular  Provisions  Applicable  to  Preferred  Stock, 3.60%

        (3)  The designation, preferences, privileges and voting powers
    of  the  shares  of the  Preferred  Stock,  3.60%  Series, and  the
    restrictions or qualifications thereof (insofar as they differ from
    or  supplement the provisions which are applicable to all shares of
    the Preferred Stock irrespective of series), are as follows: 
        (A)  The series shall be designated as Preferred Stock, 3.60% 
        (B)   The dividend rate  thereof shall be  three and six-tenths
    per  cent (3.60%)  per annum.  The  dividends on the shares  of the
    Preferred  Stock,  3.60%  Series  resulting  from  the  conversions
    provided in Article  VIII of the 1950  Certificate of Consolidation
    shall be cumulative  from the  first day of  the calendar month  in
    which  such 1950  Certificate  of  Consolidation  is filed  in  the
    Department  of State.   All  other shares  of the  Preferred Stock,
    3.60%  Series, if any, shall  be issued with  accruals of dividends

    uniform  with  the unpaid  accruals of  dividends,  if any,  on the
    Preferred  Stock, 3.60% Series outstanding at the time of the issue
        (C)  Except as hereinafter provided under the  heading "General
    Provisions  Applicable  to  All  Series of  Preferred  Stock",  the
    Preferred  Stock,   3.60%  Series  shall  have   no  voting  rights
    whatsoever and is specifically excluded from the right to vote in a
    proceeding  for  mortgaging  the  property and  franchises  of  the
    Corporation pursuant to  Section 16 of  the Stock Corporation  Law,
    for  authorizing any guaranty pursuant  to Section 19  of said Law,
    for sale of the franchises and property of the Corporation pursuant
    to Section 20 of said Law, for consolidation pursuant to Section 86
    of said Law, for  voluntary dissolution pursuant to Section  105 of
    said Law or for change of  name pursuant to the General Corporation
    Law or pursuant to Section 35 of the Stock Corporation Law; 
        (D)   The sum per share payable upon the voluntary dissolution,
    liquidation or winding up  of the Corporation shall be  $105.85 per
    share  on or before December  31, 1950, and  thereafter $104.85 per
    share, in each case  plus an amount equal to the  dividends accrued
    and unpaid on such share, whether or not earned or declared; 
        (E)     The  sum   per  share  payable   upon  the  involuntary
    dissolution, liquidation or  winding up of the Corporation shall be
    $100 per share   plus an amount equal to  the dividends accrued and
    unpaid on  such share, whether or not earned or declared; 

        (F)  The shares  of the Preferred Stock, 3.60%  Series shall be
    redeemable at the option of the Board of Directors of the    
     Corporation, either  as  whole  or  in part,  at  any  time  at  a
    redemption price of  $105.85 per  share on or  before December  31,
    1950, and thereafter $104.85 per share, in each case plus an amount
    equal to the dividends accrued and unpaid thereon to the date fixed
    for redemption, whether or not earned or declared; 

        (G)  The shares of the Preferred Stock, 3.60% Series  shall not

    be   convertible into or  exchangeable for other  securities of the
    Corporation; and 
        (H)  There shall be no sinking fund with respect  to the shares
    of   the Preferred Stock, 3.60% Series. 
        Particular  Provisions Applicable  to  Preferred  Stock,  3.90%
        (4)  The designation, preferences, privileges and voting powers
    of  the  shares  of the  Preferred  Stock,  3.90%  Series, and  the
    restrictions or qualifications thereof (insofar as they differ from
    or  supplement the provisions which are applicable to all shares of
    the Preferred Stock irrespective of series), are as follows: 
        (A)  The series  shall be designated as Preferred  Stock, 3.90%
        (B)  The dividend  rate thereof shall be three  and nine-tenths
    per  cent (3.90%)  per annum.  The  dividends on the shares  of the
    Preferred  Stock,  3.90%  Series  resulting  from  the  conversions
    provided  for  in   Article  VIII  of   the  1950  Certificate   of
    Consolidation  shall  be  cumulative  from  the  first  day of  the
    calendar month in  which such 1950 Certificate of  Consolidation is
    filed in  the  Department  of  State.   All  other  shares  of  the
    Preferred  Stock,  3.90%  Series,  if any,  shall  be  issued  with
    accruals  of   dividends  uniform  with  the   unpaid  accruals  of
    dividends, if any, on the Preferred Stock, 3.90% Series outstanding
    at the time of the issue thereof; 
        (C)  Except as hereinafter provided under the heading "General 
    Provisions Applicable to All Series of Preferred Stock", the  
     Preferred  Stock,  3.90%  Series   shall  have  no  voting  rights
    whatsoever and is specifically excluded from the right to vote in a
    proceeding  for  mortgaging  the  property and  franchises  of  the
    Corporation pursuant to  Section 16 of  the Stock Corporation  Law,
    for  authorizing any guaranty pursuant  to Section 19  of said Law,
    for sale of the franchises and property of the Corporation pursuant

    to Section 20 of said Law, for consolidation pursuant to Section 86
    of said Law, for  voluntary dissolution pursuant to Section  105 of
    said Law or for  change of name pursuant to the General Corporation
    Law or pursuant to Section 35 of the Stock Corporation Law; 
        (D)  The sum per share payable upon any voluntary dissolution, 
    liquidation  or winding  up of  the Corporation  shall be  $105 per
    share plus an amount equal to  the dividends accrued and unpaid  on
    such share, whether or not earned or declared; 
        (E)The  sum  per share  payable  upon involuntary  dissolution,
    liquidation  or winding  up of  the Corporation  shall be  $100 per
    share plus an amount equal  to the dividends accrued and  unpaid on
    such share, whether or not earned or declared; 
        (F)  The shares of  the Preferred Stock, 3.90% Series shall  be
    redeemable  at  the  option  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the
    Corporation, either  as  a whole  or  in part,  at  any time  at  a
    redemption price of $107 per share on or before April 30, 1950, and
    thereafter $106 per share, in each case plus an amount equal to the
    dividends  accrued  and  unpaid  thereon  to  the  date  fixed  for
    redemption, whether or not earned or declared; 
        (G)   The shares of the Preferred Stock, 3.90% Series shall not
    be convertible  into or  exchangeable for  other securities of  the
    Corporation; and 
        (H)  There shall be no sinking fund with respect  to the shares
    of  the Preferred Stock, 3.90% Series. 
        General Provisions Applicable to All Series of Preferred Stock 

        (5)  The following provisions shall apply to all shares of  the
    Preferred Stock irrespective of series: 
        (A)  The holders of the Preferred Stock of each series shall be
    entitled to receive, but only when, as and if declared by the Board
    of Directors, dividends  at the rate  fixed for such series  and no

    more.   Such dividends shall be  payable on the last  day of March,
    June, September and December  in each year and shall  be cumulative
    from  such date  as may  be fixed  for the  series.   All dividends
    payable on the Preferred Stock shall be fully paid, or declared and
    set apart for  payment, before  any dividends on  the Common  Stock
    shall be paid or set apart for payment so that if, for all dividend
    periods  terminating on the same  or an earlier  date, dividends on
    all  outstanding shares of the  Preferred Stock at  the rates fixed
    for the respective series shall not have been paid or set apart for
    payment,  the deficiency  shall  be fully  paid  or set  apart  for
    payment before any dividends shall be paid or set apart for payment
    on the Common  Stock.  Dividends in  full shall not be  paid or set
    apart for payment on the Preferred Stock of any one  series for any
    dividend  period  unless  dividends  in  full  have  been   or  are
    contemporaneously  paid or set  apart for payment  on the Preferred
    Stock of all  series for  all dividend periods  terminating on  the
    same or an earlier date.  When the stated dividends are not paid in
    full on all series of the Preferred Stock, the shares of all series
    shall  share  ratably  in   the  payment  of  dividends,  including
    accumulations, if any, in  accordance with the sums which  would be
    payable  on said  shares if  all dividends  were paid  in full.   A
    "dividend  period"  is  the  period  between  any  two  consecutive
    dividend payment dates, excluding the first of such dates, as fixed
    for the series to which  a share or shares shall belong.   Accruals
    of dividends shall not bear interest. 
        (B)  Upon  any dissolution,  liquidation or winding  up of  the
    Corporation, whether  voluntary or involuntary, the  holders of the
    Preferred  Stock of each and every series then outstanding shall be
    entitled  to  receive out  of the  net  assets of  the Corporation,
    whether capital or surplus, the sums per share fixed for the shares
    of the respective series and payable upon such dissolution, 

    liquidation or  winding up,  plus, in  the case of  each share,  an
    amount equal to the dividends  accrued and unpaid thereon,  whether
    or not earned or declared, before any distribution of the assets of
    the Corporation shall be made  to the holders of the Common  Stock,
    as such. 

        If the assets distributable on such dissolution, liquidation or
    winding  up  shall be  insufficient to  permit  the payment  to the
    holders of  the Preferred Stock of  the full amounts to  which they
    respectively  are entitled as aforesaid, then  said assets shall be
    distributed ratably among  the holders of the respective  series of
    the  Preferred Stock  in  proportion to  the  sums which  would  be
    payable  on such dissolution, liquidation or winding up if all such
    sums were paid  in full in preference and priority  over the shares
    of the Common Stock. 

        After payment to the holders of the Preferred Stock of the full
    amounts to which they  respectively are entitled as  aforesaid, the
    holders of the  Preferred Stock,  as such, shall  have no right  or
    claim to any of the remaining assets of the Corporation. 
        The  sale,   conveyance,  exchange   or  transfer  of   all  or
    substantially all of the property of the Corporation, or the merger
    or consolidation into or  with any other corporation, shall  not be
    deemed a dissolution, liquidation or winding up for the purposes of
    this subdivision (B). 
        (C)    At  the  option  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of   the
    Corporation,   the Corporation  may redeem any  series of Preferred
    Stock  which has   been made  redeemable, either  as a  whole or in
    part, at the redemption price determined for such series; provided,
    however,  that not less than 30 nor  more than 60 days prior to the
    date fixed for  redemption a notice  of the time and  place thereof
    shall be mailed to the holders  of record of the Preferred Stock so
    to  be redeemed  on a  date fixed  by the  Board of  Directors; and
    provided,  further, that in every  case of redemption  of less than
    all of the outstanding shares of any one series of Preferred Stock,
    such  redemption shall  be  made pro  rata, or  the shares  of such
    series to  
    be  redeemed  shall be  chosen  by lot  in  such manner  as  may be
    prescribed  by resolution of  the Board of Directors.   At any time
    after  notice of  redemption has  been mailed  as aforesaid  to the

    holders of stock so to be redeemed, the Corporation may deposit the
    aggregate  redemption price with a bank or trust company having its
    principal office in the State of New York and according to its last
    published  statement  a  capital,  surplus  and  undivided  profits
    aggregating at least $10,000,000, named in such notice,  payable on
    the  date  fixed for  redemption as  aforesaid  and in  the amounts
    aforesaid  to the respective orders of the holders of the shares so
    to be redeemed,  upon endorsement to the  Corporation or otherwise,
    as may be required, and upon surrender of the certificates for such
    shares.   Upon deposit of said  money as aforesaid, or,  if no such
    deposit is made,  upon the  date fixed for  redemption (unless  the
    Corporation  fails to make payment  of the redemption  price as set
    forth  in such notice), such holders shall cease to be stockholders
    with respect to said shares, and  from and after the making of said
    deposit, or,  if no such deposit  is made, from and  after the date
    fixed for  redemption (the  Corporation not  having failed to  make
    payment of the redemption price as set forth in such  notice), said
    shares shall not be deemed to be outstanding and such holders shall
    have no interest in  or claim against the Corporation  with respect
    to said shares,  but shall be entitled only to  receive said moneys
    on the date  fixed for redemption  as aforesaid  from said bank  or
    trust company, or from the Corporation, as the case may be, without
    interest thereon, upon endorsement to the Corporation or otherwise,
    as may be required, and upon surrender of the certificates for such
    shares, as aforesaid.   If at the time of the  mailing of notice of
    redemption as aforesaid  to the holders of stock so  to be redeemed
    the Corporation  shall not have deposited  the aggregate redemption
    price as aforesaid, such notice may state that it is subject to the
    deposit  of the  aggregate redemption  price with  a bank  or trust
    company having its  principal office in the  State of New  York and
    according to its  last published statement  a capital, surplus  and
    undivided profits  aggregating at least $10,000,000,  named in such
    notice, on or before the date fixed for redemption,  and any notice
    of  redemption  containing such  statement  shall be  of  no effect
    unless such aggregate redemption price is so deposited on or before
    such date fixed for redemption.
    In  case the holder  of any such  Preferred Stock  which shall have
    been called for redemption  shall not, within six years  after said

    deposit,  claim  the  amount  deposited  as  above  stated  for the
    redemption thereof,  such bank or  trust company shall  upon demand
    pay over to the  Corporation such unclaimed amount and such bank or
    trust company  shall thereupon be relieved  from all responsibility
    to such holder, and such holder shall look  only to the Corporation
    for  the payment  thereof.  Any  interest accrued  on any  funds so
    deposited shall belong to the Corporation. 
        (D)   Nothing herein contained  shall limit any  legal right of
    the  Corporation to purchase or otherwise acquire any shares of the
    Preferred Stock. 
        (E)  So long as any shares of the Preferred Stock of any series
    are  outstanding, the  Corporation shall  not, without  the consent
    (given  in writing or by vote at  a meeting called for that purpose
    in the manner prescribed by the By-Laws of the Corporation)  of the
    holders  of record of  at least a  majority of the  total number of
    shares of the Preferred Stock of all series then outstanding: 
        (1)    Issue   or  permit  any  wholly   owned  subsidiary  (as
    hereinafter  defined) to  issue any unsecured notes,  debentures or
    other securities  representing unsecured indebtedness  or assume or
    permit any  wholly owned  subsidiary to assume  any such  unsecured
    securities, for  purposes other  than the refunding  of outstanding
    securities, secured or unsecured,  theretofore issued or assumed by
    the Corporation or such wholly  owned subsidiary or the  redemption
    or other retirement of outstanding shares of the Preferred Stock or
    of  outstanding shares  of  preferred stock  of  such wholly  owned
    subsidiary,  if, immediately  after such  issue or  assumption, the
    total principal amount of all unsecured  notes, debentures or other
    securities representing unsecured indebtedness issued or assumed by
    the  Corporation   or  its  wholly  owned   subsidiaries  and  then
    outstanding  (including unsecured securities representing debt then
    to  be issued  or assumed but  excluding any such  securities to be
    retired in connection with
    such issue or assumption) would exceed 10% of the aggregate  of (a)

    the  total  principal  amount  of  all  bonds  or  other securities
    representing  secured   indebtedness  issued  or   assumed  by  the
    Corporation  or  its  wholly  owned subsidiaries  and  then  to  be
    outstanding,  (b)  the  capital  of  the Corporation  and  (c)  the
    consolidated  surplus  of  the  Corporation and  its  wholly  owned
    subsidiaries  determined  in  accordance  with  generally  accepted
    accounting practices; 
        (2)    Permit  any  majority-owned  subsidiary  (as hereinafter
    defined) to  issue or  assume  any unsecured  notes, debentures  or
    other securities representing  unsecured indebtedness, for purposes
    other  than the  refunding  of outstanding  securities, secured  or
    unsecured,  theretofore issued  or assumed  by  such majority-owned
    subsidiary or   the redemption  or other retirement  of outstanding
    shares of  preferred stock  of such majority-owned  subsidiary, if,
    immediately  after such  issue or  assumption, the  total principal
    amount  of  all unsecured  notes,  debentures  or other  securities
    representing unsecured  indebtedness  issued  or  assumed  by  such
    majority-owned subsidiary and then outstanding (including unsecured
    securities  representing debt  then  to be  issued  or assumed  but
    excluding any such securities to be retired in connection with such
    issue  or assumption) would exceed 10%  of the aggregate of (a) the
    total   principal  amount   of  all   bonds  or   other  securities
    representing  secured  indebtedness  issued   or  assumed  by  such
    majority-owned  subsidiary  and then  to  be  outstanding, (b)  the
    capital of  such majority-owned subsidiary  and (c) the  surplus of
    such  majority- owned  subsidiary  determined  in  accordance  with
    generally accepted accounting practices; or 
        (3)    Consolidate  with  or  into  any  other  corporation  or
    corporations,  unless such  consolidation, or  the issuance  of the
    stock to  be issued in  connection with  such consolidation,  shall
    have  been ordered, approved or permitted by the Federal Securities
    and Exchange Commission  under the provisions of the Public Utility
    Holding  Company Act of 1935  or by any  successor commission under
    said  Act; provided that the provisions of this paragraph (3) shall
    not apply to the

    purchase or  other acquisition by the Corporation of the franchises
    or  assets  of  another  corporation, or  otherwise  apply  to  any
    transaction which does not  involve a consolidation under  the laws
    of the State of New York. 
        The  term   "wholly   owned  subsidiary"   or   "wholly   owned
    subsidiaries",  as used  in this  subdivision (E),  shall mean  any
    corporation or corporations 95% or more  of all classes of stock of
    which  at the  time  is  owned,  directly  or  indirectly,  by  the
    corporation in question or by one or more wholly owned subsidiaries
    of  such corporation  or by  such  corporation and  by one  or more
    wholly owned subsidiaries of such corporation.   
        The   term   "majority-owned  subsidiary"   or  "majority-owned
    subsidiaries",  as used  in this  subdivision (E),  shall  mean any
    corporation or corporations more than 50% of the voting stock, but 
    less  than 95%  of all classes  of stock,  of which at  the time is
    owned, directly or indirectly, by the corporation in question or by
    one or more subsidiaries of such corporation or by such corporation
    and by one or more subsidiaries of such corporation. 
        The  term  "subsidiary"  or  "subsidiaries", as  used  in  this
    subdivision (E), shall mean wholly owned subsidiaries and majority-
    owned subsidiaries, as above defined. 
        The term "voting stock", as used in this subdivision (E), shall
    mean stock at  the time entitling  the holders thereof  to elect  a
    majority of the board of directors of the corporation in question. 
        (F)  So long as any shares of the Preferred Stock of any series
    are  outstanding, the  Corporation shall  not, without  the consent
    (given in writing or by  vote at a meeting called for  that purpose
    in the manner prescribed by the By-Laws of the Corporation) of  the
    holders  of record  of at least  two-thirds of the  total number of
    shares of the Preferred Stock of all series then outstanding: 
        (1)  Create or authorize any kind of stock ranking prior to the
    Preferred Stock with respect to the payment of dividends or upon   

    the  dissolution, liquidation  or  winding up  of the  Corporation,
    whether  voluntary  or  involuntary,  or create  or  authorize  any
    obligation  or security convertible into shares of any such kind of
        (2)  Amend, alter, change or repeal any of the express terms of
    the Preferred Stock so as to affect the holders thereof adversely; 

       (3)   Permit  any subsidiary  to issue  any shares  of preferred
    stock  unless such shares are issued to the Corporation; 
        (4)    Sell any  shares of  preferred  stock of  any subsidiary
    unless at the same  time the Corporation shall  sell all shares  of
    every class of stock of such subsidiary owned by it; 
        (5)  Make any payment or distribution out of capital or capital
    surplus  (other than dividends  payable in stock  ranking junior to
    the Preferred Stock) to any holder  of any stock ranking junior  to
    the Preferred Stock; or 
        (6)   Issue any shares  of any  series of  the Preferred  Stock
    (other than the 790,000  shares of Preferred Stock to  be initially
    issued)  or shares  ranking on a  parity with them,  or reissue any
    redeemed or exchanged shares  of the Preferred Stock of  any series
    or shares ranking  on a parity with them, unless  (a) the shares so
    to be issued or reissued are issued or  reissued in connection with
    the redemption of, or in exchange for, at least an  equal number of
    shares of the Preferred  Stock of another series then  outstanding,
    or  (b)  the  consolidated  income   of  the  Corporation  and  its
    subsidiaries (determined  as hereinafter  provided) for  any twelve
    consecutive  calendar  months within  the  fifteen calendar  months
    immediately  preceding  the  month  within which  the  issuance  or
    reissuance  of such additional shares is authorized by the Board of
    Directors  of the Corporation, shall have been in the aggregate not
    less   than  one  and  one-half  times  the  sum  of  the  interest
    requirements  (adjusted  by  provision  for  amortization  of  debt
    discount and expense or of premium on debt, as the case may be) for
    one  year on  all of the  indebtedness of  the Corporation  and its

    subsidiaries outstanding at the date of   50 
    such proposed issue or reissue (excluding any indebtedness proposed
    to be retired  in connection  with such issue  or reissue) and  the
    full dividend requirements for  one year on all  outstanding shares
    (including  those  then  proposed  to  be  issued  or reissued  but
    excluding any shares proposed to be retired in connection with such
    issue or   reissue) of the  Preferred Stock and all  other stock of
    the Corporation, if  any, ranking prior to or on  a parity with the
    Preferred  Stock with respect to  the payment of  dividends or upon
    the  dissolution, liquidation  or  winding up  of the  Corporation,
    whether voluntary or involuntary. 
        "Consolidated income" for any  period for the purposes  of this
    paragraph (6) shall be  computed by adding to the  consolidated net
    income of  the Corporation  and its subsidiaries  for said  period,
    determined  in  accordance   with  generally  accepted   accounting
    practices, as  adjusted by action of the  Board of Directors of the
    Corporation  as  hereinafter  provided,  the  amount  deducted  for
    interest  (adjusted  as above  provided)  in  determining such  net
    income.    In  determining such  consolidated  net  income  for any
    period,  there shall  be deducted,  in addition  to other  items of
    expense, the amount charged to income for said period  on the books
    of the Corporation and its subsidiaries for taxes  and depreciation
    expense.   In  the determination  of  consolidated income  for  the
    purposes  of  this paragraph  (6), the  Board  of Directors  of the
    Corporation  may,   in  the   exercise  of  due   discretion,  make
    adjustments  by way of  increase or  decrease in  such consolidated
    income  to  give  effect  to  changes  therein  resulting  from any
    acquisition  of properties  or  from  any redemption,  acquisition,
    purchase,  sale or exchange of securities by the Corporation or its
    subsidiaries  either  prior to  the issuance  or reissuance  of any
    shares  of  Preferred Stock  then to  be issued  or reissued  or in
    connection therewith. 
        The term "subsidiary",  as used in this  subdivision (F), shall
    mean any corporation more than 50% of the voting stock (i.e., stock
    at the  time entitling the holders  thereof to elect a  majority of
    the board of directors of such corporation) of which at the time is

    owned, directly or indirectly, by the Corporation or by one or more
    subsidiaries of the Corporation,  or by the Corporation and  by one
    or more subsidiaries of the Corporation. 
        (G)  So long as any shares of the Preferred Stock of any series
    are outstanding,  the Corporation shall not  classify or reclassify
    outstanding shares  of any series of  the Preferred Stock so  as to
    affect the  holders of  any  series adversely  without the  consent
    (given in writing  or by vote at a meeting  called for that purpose
    in the manner prescribed by the By-Laws of the Corporation) of  the
    holders  of record  of at least  two-thirds of the  total number of
    shares of each such series then outstanding so affected adversely. 
        (H)  Whenever dividends payable on the Preferred Stock shall be
    in default in an aggregate amount equivalent to four full quarterly
    dividends on all shares of  such Preferred Stock then  outstanding,
    thereafter and until all  dividends on all shares of  the Preferred
    Stock at the  time in default shall have been  paid or declared and
    set  apart  for payment,  the holders  of  shares of  the Preferred
    Stock, voting separately as a class and regardless of series, shall
    be entitled to elect a majority  of the Board of Directors, as then
    constituted; and the holders of any other class or classes of stock
    of the Corporation entitled  to vote for the election  of directors
    shall  be  entitled, voting  separately as  a  class, to  elect the
    remainder of the  Board of  Directors of the  Corporation, as  then
    constituted.    The right  of the  holders  of the  Preferred Stock
    voting separately  as a  class to  elect  members of  the Board  of
    Directors of the Corporation as aforesaid shall continue until such
    time  as all  dividends on  all shares  of the  Preferred Stock  in
    default shall have been paid in full, or declared and set apart for
    payment  (and such  dividends shall  be paid,  or declared  and set
    apart for payment,  out of assets available therefor  as soon as is
    reasonably  practicable), at which time the right of the holders of
    shares of the Preferred Stock voting separately as a class to elect
    members  of the  Board of Directors  as aforesaid  shall terminate,
    subject  to revesting  in the  event of  each and  every subsequent
    default of the character above mentioned.  

        The  aforesaid rights of the  Preferred Stock and  of any other
    class or classes of stock of the Corporation to vote separately for
    the election of members of the Board of  Directors may be exercised
    at    any annual  meeting of  stockholders  of the  Corporation or,
    within the limitations hereinafter provided, at any special meeting
    of stockholders of the Corporation held for the purpose of electing
        At any  time when the  right of  the holders  of the  Preferred
    Stock to  elect a majority of  the Board of Directors  is vested as
    aforesaid, a special meeting of stockholders of the Corporation may
    be  called   and held for  the purpose of electing directors in the
    following manner (unless under the provisions of the By-Laws of the
    Corporation,  as then in effect,  an annual meeting of stockholders
    of the Corporation  is to be held within 60  days after the vesting
    in the holders of the Preferred Stock of the right to elect members
    of  the Board  of Directors  or unless,  since the vesting  of such
    right, a meeting of stockholders of the Corporation has theretofore
    been held at which holders of the  Preferred Stock were entitled to
    elect members of the Board of Directors): 
        Upon the written request of  the holders of record of  not less
    than 10% of the total number of shares of the  Preferred Stock then
    outstanding, regardless  of series,  addressed to the  Secretary of
    the  Corporation, the Secretary  or an  Assistant Secretary  of the
    Corporation  shall  call  a  special meeting  of  the  stockholders
    entitled  to vote for the election of directors, for the purpose of
    electing a  majority of the Board  of Directors by the  vote of the
    Preferred Stock, and the remainder of the Board of Directors by the
    vote  of such  other  class or  classes  of stock  as  may then  be
    entitled to vote  for the election of directors,  voting separately
    as hereinbefore provided.   Such  meeting shall be  held within  50
    days  after personal service of  the said written  request upon the
    Secretary of the Corporation,  or within 50 days after  mailing the
    same  within  the  United  States  of  America  by  registered mail
    addressed to  the Secretary  of the  Corporation  at its  principal
    office.  If such meeting shall not be called within 20 days of such

    personal service or mailing, then the holders of record of not less
    than 10% of the
    total number of  shares of  the preferred  Stock then  outstanding,
    regardless  of series, may designate in writing one of their number
    to call such special meeting at the expense of the Corporation, and
    such  meeting may be called  by such person  so designated upon the
    notice required  for annual meetings  of stockholders and  shall be
    held  at  the  place   for  the  holding  of  annual   meetings  of
    stockholders of the Corporation.  Any holder of the Preferred Stock
    so  designated  shall  have  access  to  the  stock  books  of  the
    Corporation for the purpose of causing said meeting to be called as
        At  any annual  or  special meeting  held  for the  purpose  of
    electing  directors when  the holders of the Preferred  Stock shall
    be  entitled  to  elect  members  of  the  Board  of  Directors  as
    aforesaid, the presence in person  or by proxy of the holders  of a
    majority of the  total number of outstanding shares of the class or
    classes  of stock of the Corporation other than the Preferred Stock
    entitled  to elect  directors  as aforesaid  shall  be required  to
    constitute a  quorum of such  class or classes for  the election of
    directors by such  class or classes, and the  presence in person or
    by  proxy  of the  holders of  a majority  of  the total  number of
    outstanding  shares of  the Preferred  Stock shall  be  required to
    constitute a quorum of such class  for the election of directors by
    such  class; provided, however, that a majority of those holders of
    the  stock of  either such class  (or classes)  who are  present in
    person or by proxy shall have power to adjourn such meeting for the
    election  of  directors by  such class  from  time to  time without
    notice other than announcement at the meeting. 
        At  any meeting  of stockholders  for  the purpose  of electing
    directors  during  such  times as  the  holders  of  shares of  the
    Preferred Stock  shall be entitled to elect members of the Board of
    Directors as  aforesaid,  each holder  of shares  of the  Preferred
    Stock shall be entitled to as many votes as shall  equal the number
    of  votes which (except for this provision as to cumulative voting)
    he would be  entitled to cast  for the election  of directors  with

    respect  to his  shares  of  stock  multiplied  by  the  number  of
    directors to  be elected by the holders of the Preferred Stock, and
    he may cast all such votes

    he  may  cast all  of  such  votes for  a  single  director or  may
    distribute them  among the number  to be voted  for, or any  two or
    more of them, as he may see fit. 
        Upon the  election of a  majority of the Board  of Directors by
    the   holders of the  Preferred Stock,  the term of  office of  all
    directors   then in office shall terminate; and no delay or failure
    by the holders of  other classes of stock in electing the remainder
    of  the   Board of  Directors shall  invalidate the  election of  a
    majority thereof by the holders of the Preferred Stock. 
        Upon  any  termination  of the  right  of  the  holders of  the
    Preferred  Stock  to elect  members of  the  Board of  Directors as
    aforesaid, the term of office of the directors then in office shall
    terminate  upon    the election  of  a  majority  of  the Board  of
    Directors, as then constituted, at a meeting of the  holders of the
    class or classes of stock of the Corporation then entitled to  vote
    for directors,  which  meeting may  be held at any  time after such
    termination  of such  right, and  shall be  called upon  request of
    holders of record  of such class or classes of  stock then entitled
    to  vote for  directors,  in like  manner  and subject  to  similar
    conditions as  hereinbefore in  this subdivision (H)  provided with
    respect  to the call of  a special meeting  of stockholders for the
    election of directors by the holders of the Preferred Stock. 
        In case of  any vacancy in the  office of a director  occurring
    among the directors elected  by the holders of the  Preferred Stock
    as    aforesaid, or  of  a  successor  to any  such  director,  the
    remaining directors so elected,  by vote of a majority  thereof, or
    the remaining  director so elected if there be but one, may elect a
    successor or successors  to  hold office for the  unexpired term of
    the  director or directors whose  place or places  shall be vacant,
    and  such  successor or  successors shall  be  deemed to  have been

    elected  by  the  holders  of  the  Preferred  Stock  as aforesaid.
    Likewise, in  case of  any  vacancy in  the  office of  a  director
    occurring (at a time  when the holders of the Preferred Stock shall
    be  entitled  to  elect  members  of  the  Board  of  Directors  as
    aforesaid)  among the directors elected by the holders of the class
    or classes of stock of the Corporation other than the 55
    Preferred  Stock, or  of  a successor  to  any such  director,  the
    remaining directors so elected,  by vote of a majority  thereof, or
    of the remaining director so elected if there be but one, may elect
    a  successor or successors to hold office for the unexpired term of
    the  director or directors whose  place or places  shall be vacant,
    and  such  successor or  successors shall  be  deemed to  have been
    elected by such  holders of the  class or classes  of stock of  the
    Corporation other than the Preferred Stock. 
        (I)   Except as herein  otherwise expressly provided and except
    when  some mandatory  provision of  law shall  be controlling  and,
    except as regards the special rights of any series of the Preferred
    Stock  as    provided  in  the  resolutions  creating  such series,
    whenever shares  of two or more  series of the Preferred  Stock are
    outstanding,  no  particular series of the Preferred Stock shall be
    entitled  to vote   as  a separate  series on  any matter,  and all
    shares of  the Preferred   Stock of all  series shall be  deemed to
    constitute but one class for   any purpose for which a vote  of the
    stockholders  of the Corporation by classes may now or hereafter be
        (J)  The Preferred  Stock of the Corporation shall  not entitle
    any  holder thereof as a matter of right to subscribe for, purchase
    or receive any part of the unissued stock of the Corporation or any
    stock of the Corporation to be issued by reason of  any increase of
    the authorized capital stock of the Corporation or any stock of the
    Corporation purchased  by  the Corporation  or  by its  nominee  or
    nominees, or to subscribe for, purchase or receive any rights to or
    options  to purchase any such  stock or any  bonds, certificates of
    indebtedness, debentures  or other  securities convertible  into or
    carrying options or warrants to purchase stock or other  securities
    of the Corporation, or to  have any other preemptive rights as  now
    or hereafter defined by the laws of the State of New York. 

        (6)  The following provisions shall apply to all shares of the 
    Common Stock:   
        (A)    Out  of the  assets  of  the  Corporation available  for
    dividends  remaining  after  full  dividends on  all  stock  having
    priority as to dividends over the Common Stock shall have been paid
    or  declared  and  set apart  for  payment  and  after making  such
    provision, if any, as the Board of Directors may deem necessary  or
    advisable for working capital and reserves  or otherwise, then, and
    not otherwise, dividends  may be  paid upon the  Common Stock,  but
    only when and as determined by the Board of Directors. 
        (B)  Upon  any liquidation,  dissolution or winding  up of  the
    Corporation,  whether voluntary  or involuntary, after  there shall
    have  been paid  to or set  apart for  holders of  all stock having
    priority  over the  Common Stock  the full preferential  amounts to
    which they  are respectively  entitled, the  holders of  the Common
    Stock shall  be entitled to  receive pro rata all  of the remaining
    assets  of  the  Corporation  available  for  distribution  to  its
    stockholders.  The sale, conveyance, exchange or transfer of all or
    substantially all of the property of the Corporation, or the merger
    or consolidation into or  with any other corporation, shall  not be
    deemed a liquidation, dissolution or winding up for the purposes of
    this subdivision (B). 
        The Board of  Directors, by vote of  a majority of  the members
    thereof, may distribute in kind to  the holders of the Common Stock
    such  remaining assets of the Corporation, or may sell, transfer or
    otherwise  dispose of the  remaining assets of  the Corporation, or
    any part thereof, to  any other corporation  or to any person,  and
    receive payment therefor wholly or partly in cash or in stock or in
    obligations of such corporation or  person, and may sell,  transfer
    or otherwise dispose of  all or any of such  consideration received
    therefor  and distribute the proceeds thereof to the holders of the
    Common Stock. 

        (C)   The respective shares  of the Common  Stock shall entitle
    the   holders thereof to  one vote  for each share  of such  Common
    Stock  held  by  them,  respectively, except  as  herein  otherwise
    expressly provided.  At  all meetings of stockholders held  for the
    purpose  of electing Directors, each holder of shares of the Common
    Stock shall be entitled to as many votes as shall  equal the number
    of votes which 
    which  (except for this provision as to cumulative voting) he would
    be  entitled to cast for the  election of Directors with respect to
    his  shares of stock  multiplied by the  number of Directors  to be
    elected  by the holders of shares of  Common Stock, and he may cast
    all of  such votes  for a  single Director  or may distribute  them
    among the number to be voted for, or any two or more of them, as he
    may see fit. 
        (D)   The  holders of  the Common  Stock shall  have preemptive
    rights    as the  same  are  defined in  Section  39  of the  Stock
    Corporation Law, except that shares or other securities offered for
    sale shall not be subject  to such preemptive rights (1) if  not so
    subject under  said Section 39 or (2) if  they are the subject of a
    public offering or  of an  offering to or  through underwriters  or
    investment  bankers who shall have agreed promptly to make a public
    offering of such shares. 
        (7)  At all meetings  of the stockholders of the Corporation  a
    quorum  must be present for the transaction of business, and except
    as  otherwise provided in this Article IV a quorum shall consist of
    the  holders  of  record  of  not  less  than  a  majority  of  the
    outstanding  shares of  the Corporation  entitled to  vote, present
    either in person or by proxy. 

        V.  The office of the Corporation is to be located in the  City
    of  Syracuse, County of Onondaga, State of New York. 
        VI.  The duration of the Corporation shall be perpetual. 
        VII.   The number of Directors of  the Corporation shall be not

    less than 3 nor more than 21. 
        VIII.   The terms and conditions of the consolidation, the mode
    of carrying the  same into effect and the manner  of converting the
    shares of each of  the constituent corporations into shares  of the
    Corporation are as follows:   
        A.    All of  the issued  and  outstanding shares  of Preferred
    Stock,  3.60% Series  ($100 par value) of Buffalo  Niagara Electric
    Corporation (being 350,000 shares)  are hereby converted, share for
    share,  into the same number  (350,000) of shares  of the Preferred
    Stock, 3.60% Series of the Corporation.  The holders of said shares
    of the Preferred  Stock, 3.60% Series  of Buffalo Niagara  Electric
    Corporation shall also be entitled to receive out of the surplus of
    the Corporation, upon surrender of the certificate or certificates 
    representing such stock, an  amount of cash equal to  the dividends
    accrued and  unpaid upon such  stock to the  date of the  filing of
    this Certificate in the Department of State. 
        B.  All of the issued and outstanding shares of the  Cumulative
    Preferred Stock, 3.40% Series ($100 par value) of Central New York 
    Power  Corporation  (being 200,000  shares)  are hereby  converted,
    share for  share, into the same  number (200,000) of shares  of the
    Preferred Stock, 3.40% Series  of the Corporation.  The  holders of
    said shares of Cumulative Preferred Stock, 3.40% Series of  Central
    New York Power Corporation shall also be entitled to receive out of
    the surplus of  the Corporation, upon surrender  of the certificate
    or certificates representing such stock, an amount of cash equal to
    the dividends accrued and unpaid upon such stock to the date of the
    filing of this Certificate in the Department of State. 
        C.   All  of the  issued and  outstanding shares  of Cumulative
    Preferred  Stock, 3.90% Series ($100  par value) of  New York Power
    and Light Corporation (being  240,000 shares) are hereby converted,
    share  for share, into  the same number (240,000)  of shares of the
    Preferred Stock, 3.90% Series  of the Corporation.  The  holders of

    said  shares of the Cumulative Preferred Stock, 3.90% Series of New
    York  Power and Light Corporation shall also be entitled to receive
    out  of the  surplus  of the  Corporation,  upon surrender  of  the
    certificate or  certificates representing such stock,  an amount of
    cash equal to the dividends accrued and unpaid on such stock to the
    date of the filing of this Certificate in the Department of State. 
        D.   All  of the  issued and  outstanding shares of  the Common
    Stock  of  Central  New  York Power  Corporation  (being  1,586,358
    shares) are 
    hereby  converted   into  shares  of   the  Common  Stock   of  the
    Corporation,  on the  basis of each  share of such  Common stock of
    Central New  York Power Corporation being  converted into 5,180,989
    shares of the Common Stock of the Corporation. 

        E.   All  of the  issued and  outstanding shares of  the Common
    Stock of  New York  Power and  Light  Corporation (being  1,400,000
    shares)  are  hereby converted,  share  for  share, into  1,400,000
    shares of the Common Stock of the Corporation. 
        F.   All of  the issued  and outstanding shares  of the  Common
    Stock  of  Buffalo Niagara  Electric  Corporation (being  3,000,000
    shares)  are  hereby converted,  share  for  share, into  3,000,000
    shares of the Common Stock of the Corporation. 
        G.  All of the authorized but unissued shares of every class or
    series of  the constituent  corporations are hereby  converted into
    1,419,011  shares  of the  authorized  but unissued  shares  of the
    Common  Stock  of  the  Corporation  and  410,000  shares   of  the
    authorized  but  unissued shares  of  the  Preferred  Stock of  the
    Corporation, subject  to the  issuance of  such Preferred Stock  in
    series as herein provided. 
        H.  Upon surrender for cancellation by the respective  holders,
    at such  office  or offices  or  such  agency or  agencies  of  the
    Corporation as  may from time to time be designated by the Board of

    Directors for that purpose, of the certificates representing shares
    of the Preferred Stock and Common Stock of Buffalo Niagara Electric
    Corporation and of the Cumulative  Preferred Stock and Common Stock
    of  Central  New  York  Power  Corporation and  of  the  Cumulative
    Preferred  Stock and  Common  Stock of  New  York Power  and  Light
    Corporation,  duly endorsed in blank for transfer if required, such
    holders shall respectively  be entitled to receive a certificate or
    certificates  representing the  share  or shares  of  stock of  the
    Corporation to which each such holder is entitled as aforesaid.   
        The  Board of Directors of the Corporation shall have the power
    to prescribe  reasonable  regulations, with  respect  to  dividends
    payable from  time to time on such shares of the Corporation as may
    be    represented  (subsequent  to  the  date  of  filing  of  this
    Certificate  of  Consolidation  in  the  Department  of  State)  by
    outstanding  unexchanged  stock  certificates  of  the  constituent
    companies and for  the temporary withholding  of such dividends  by
    the  Corporation or  its  fiscal and  exchange  agent (or  dividend
    payment  agent)  until  such  outstanding  certificates   shall  be
    presented for exchange for  certificates of the Corporation  to the
    end that such dividends shall be  paid at the time of such exchange
    to the person or persons properly entitled thereto. 
        I.    The conversion  of  shares  of Buffalo  Niagara  Electric
    Corporation, Central New York Power Corporation and  New York Power
    and  Light Corporation  into shares of  the Corporation  shall take
    place upon and become  effective by the filing of  this Certificate
    in the Department of  State, without further action by  the holders
    of such shares  or by any  other person or  persons, and upon  such
    filing the holders of record of the  shares of said Buffalo Niagara
    Electric Corporation,  Central New  York Power Corporation  and New
    York Power and  Light Corporation  shall become and  be holders  of
    record,  in the  amounts  herein provided  for,  of shares  of  the
        IX.     The  Corporation  is  to  be  Central  New  York  Power
    Corporation,   one of the  constituent corporations, and  not a new

    corporation, and its name is hereby changed to Niagara Mohawk Power
    Corporation.   The certificate  of incorporation of  said surviving
    constituent  corporation  shall be  deemed  amended  to the  extent
    necessary   to  bring   such  certificate  of   incorporation  into
    conformity   with   the   provisions   of   this   Certificate   of
    Consolidation, but,  except as  amended by the  provisions of  this
    Certificate  of  Consolidation, such  certificate  of incorporation
    shall continue in  full force and effect, and, as amended, shall be
    binding upon all of the stockholders of the Corporation.  
        X.    The Secretary  of  State  of the  State  of  New York  is
    designated as the agent of the Corporation upon whom process in any
    action or  proceeding against it  may be served; and the address to
    which  the  Secretary of State shall mail  a copy of process in any
    action or proceeding  against the Corporation  which may be  served
    upon him is  No. 300 Erie Boulevard West, Syracuse, New York. 
        XI.   The directors of the Corporation need not be stockholders
    of the Corporation. 
        XII.   Subject  to  the applicable  provisions  of  the  Public
    Service Law, no contract  or other transaction entered into  by the
    Corporation shall be affected by the fact that  any director of the
    Corporation is in any way interested in or connected with any party
    to such  contract or  transaction or  himself  is a  party to  such
    contract or transaction, provided that such contract or transaction
    shall be  approved by a  majority of  the directors present  at the
    meeting authorizing  or confirming  such  contract or  transaction,
    which  majority shall  consist of  directors  not so  interested or
    connected.  The fact that any director of the Corporation has  such
    an interest or connection with any contract or other transaction so
    approved, shall not render him liable to account to the Corporation
    for  any profit  realized by him  or for  any loss  suffered by the
    Corporation  from or through any such contract or transaction.  The
    lack of such  approval shall not  in and of  itself invalidate  any

    such contract or transaction  or deprive the Corporation or  any of
    its  directors  of  any  right  to  proceed  therewith  insofar  as
    permitted by law. 
        XIII.     The  Corporation  reserves  the   right,  subject  to
    compliance with any applicable  requirement of this Certificate, to
    amend,  alter, change  or repeal  any provision  contained  in this
    Certificate in  the manner now  or hereafter permitted  by statute,
    and all rights granted to  stockholders herein are granted  subject
    to this reservation. 
        IN  WITNESS WHEREOF,  the undersigned  has made  and subscribed
    this  Certificate in octuplicate this 4th day of January, 1950.   
        By  EARLE J. MACHOLD 
                                          ) ss.: 
        On this 4th  day of  January, 1950, before  me personally  came
    EARLE   J. MACHOLD, to me  personally known, who, being  by me duly
    sworn,  did depose and say that  he resides at 106 Wendell Terrace,
    Syracuse,  New York;  that he  is the  President of  Niagara Hudson
    Power   Corporation,  the  corporation   described  in   and  which
    subscribed  the foregoing  Certificate  of  Consolidation; that  he
    knows the  seal of the said  Corporation; that the seal  affixed to
    such instrument is such corporate  seal; that it was so affixed  by
    order of the  Board of Directors  of such Corporation, and  that he

    signed his name thereto by like order. 
        Notary Public, State of New York 
        No. 31-1158700 
        Qual in New York County Clk. and Reg 
        Term Expires March 30, 1951 
        (NOTARIAL SEAL)   
        Affidavit of Secretary 
        STATE OF NEW YORK ) 
        COUNTY OF ERIE    )  ss.: 
        WALTER S. SCHMIDT, being duly sworn, deposes and says:  that he
    is the Secretary  of Buffalo Niagara  Electric Corporation, one  of
    the constituent corporations named  in the foregoing Certificate of
    Consolidation; that  the foregoing consolidation of Buffalo Niagara
    Electric  Corporation, New  York  Power and  Light Corporation  and
    Central New York Power  Corporation was subject to the  approval of
    the Securities  and Exchange  Commission and  has been  approved by
    said Commission under the provisions of  the Public Utility Holding
    Company Act of 1935, and that Niagara Hudson Power Corporation, the
    corporation  which  has  executed  the   foregoing  Certificate  of
    Consolidation,  is the holder of  record of all  of the outstanding
    shares of Buffalo Niagara Electric  Corporation entitled to vote on
    any consolidation pursuant to Section  86 of the Stock  Corporation
    Law which is  subject to the order, approval or  permission of, and
    has been  ordered, approved  or permitted  by,  the Securities  and
    Exchange  Commission under  the  provisions of  the Public  Utility

    Holding Company Act of 1935. 
        Sworn to before me this 
        4th day of January, 1950. 
        In and for the Erie County, New York 
        Certificate filed in Niagara County, New York 
        My Commission expires Mar. 30, 1951 
        Reg. No. 665 
        (NOTARIAL SEAL)   
        Affidavit of Secretary 
        STATE OF NEW YORK  ) 
        COUNTY OF ONONDAGA )  ss.: 
        FREDERICK P. SMITH, being duly sworn, deposes and says: that he
    is the Secretary of Central New York Power  Corporation, one of the
    constituent corporations  named  in the  foregoing  Certificate  of
    Consolidation; that the foregoing  consolidation of Buffalo Niagara
    Electric  Corporation, New  York  Power and  Light Corporation  and
    Central New York Power Corporation has been approved by the Federal
    Securities  and Exchange  Commission  under the  provisions of  the
    Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, and that Niagara Hudson
    Power Corporation, the corporation which has executed the foregoing
    Certificate of Consolidation, is the holder of record of all of the
    outstanding shares  of Central New York  Power Corporation entitled
    to vote  on any consolidation pursuant  to Section 86 of  the Stock
    Corporation Law  which has been  ordered, approved or  permitted by
    the Federal Securities and Exchange Commission under the provisions

    of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935. 
        Sworn to before me this 
        4th day of January, 1950. 
        Catherine E. Agan, Notary Public in the 
        State of New York, Qualified in Onondaga 
        County, No. 34-002-4300 
        My Commission expires March 30, 1951 
        (NOTARIAL SEAL)   
        Affidavit of Secretary 
        STATE OF NEW YORK ) 
                                         )  ss.: 
        COUNTY OF ALBANY  ) 
        ALBERT N. WOODHEAD, being duly sworn, deposes and says: that he
    is the Secretary  of New York  Power and Light Corporation,  one of
    the constituent corporations named  in the foregoing Certificate of
    Consolidation; that the foregoing consolidation of Buffalo  Niagara
    Electric  Corporation, New  York  Power and  Light Corporation  and
    Central New York Power Corporation has been approved by the Federal
    Securities  and Exchange  Commission  under the  provisions of  the
    Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, and that Niagara Hudson
    Power Corporation, the corporation which has executed the foregoing
    Certificate of Consolidation, is the holder of record of all of the
    outstanding shares of New York Power and Light Corporation entitled
    to  vote on any  consolidation pursuant to Section  86 of the Stock
    Corporation Law  which has been  ordered, approved or  permitted by

    the Federal Securities and Exchange Commission under the provisions
    of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935. 
        Sworn to before me this 
        4th day of January, 1950. 
        Notary Public, State of New York 
        Qualified in Albany County 
        My Commission expires March 30, 1950 
        Certificate filed in Col., Cort., Dut.,   
        Essex, Fulton, Greene, Ham., Herk., 
        Mad., Mont., Oneida, Onon., Otsego, 
        Putnam, Renss., Sar., Schen., Scho., 
        Ulster, Warren & Wash. County 
        (NOTARIAL SEAL) 
        Affidavit of President 
        pursuant to Section 26-a of the Stock Corporation Law 
        STATE OF NEW YORK   ) 
                                          )  ss.: 
        EARLE J. MACHOLD, being duly sworn, deposes and says: 
        1.     That  he  is  the  President  of  Niagara  Hudson  Power
    Corporation,    the   corporation  which  executed   the  foregoing

    Certificate of Consolidation; 
        2.   That provision for the making of the foregoing Certificate
    of  Consolidation and the filing thereof in the Department of State
    of  the State  of New York  is made  in the Plan  of Niagara Hudson
    Power Corporation pursuant  to Section 11(e) of the  Public Utility
    Holding   Company  Act  of  1935   for  the  consolidation  of  its
    subsidiaries,  Buffalo Niagara  Electric  Corporation, Central  New
    York  Power Corporation and  New York Power  and Light Corporation,
    into  a  single   electric  and  gas company,  dated  May  18, 1948
    (hereinafter referred  to as "the Plan"); 
        3.  That the Plan has been approved by order  of the Securities
    and Exchange Commission dated August 25, 1949, pursuant to Section 
    11(e) of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935;  
        4.   That the Plan has been  approved and enforced, as provided
    in  the Public Utility  Holding Company Act of 1935, by  the decree
    of a  court of  competent  jurisdiction, namely  the United  States
    District   Court for the  Northern District  of New York,  made and
    dated November 4, 1949, in a proceeding entitled 
        "In the Matter of 
        Niagara Hudson Power Corporation 
        Buffalo Niagara Electric Corporation 
        Central New York Power Corporation 
        New York Power and Light Corporation 
        "A Proceeding to enforce Plans pursuant to 
        Sections 11(e) and 18(f) of the Public Utility 
        Holding Company Act of 1935 
        "Civil Action No. 3476"; 
        5.  That  the foregoing  decree of the  United States  District

    Court   for  the Northern  District of  New York  has ceased  to be
    subject to appeal or review; 
        6. That the form and provisions of the foregoing Certificate of
    Consolidation have been approved by the said United States District
    Court  for  the  Northern District  of  New  York,  which made  the
    foregoing decree; 
        7.     That  the   filing  of  the   foregoing  Certificate  of
    Consolidation   has  been  authorized  by  the said  United  States
    District Court for the Northern District of New York; 
        8.   That notice of the  changes provided for  in the foregoing
    Certificate of  Consolidation was  given in the  proceedings before
    the Securities and Exchange Commission upon the Plan, pursuant to  
    Section  11(e) of the Public  Utility Holding Company  Act of 1935,
    and  in  the proceedings  upon the  Plan  before the  United States
    District Court for the  Northern District of New York,  pursuant to
    Sections  11(e) and 18(f) of the Public Utility Holding Company Act
    of 1935, in  each instance  not less  than ten  days preceding  the
    making of the foregoing Certificate of Consolidation to the holders
    of record of all the outstanding shares or other securities of each
    of  the constituent  corporations  entitled to  vote or  materially
    affected by the Plan whose names and addresses are known  to any of
    the  constituent  corporations, including  those  who  but for  the
    provisions of Section 26-a  of the Stock Corporation Law,  would be
    entitled to vote, under the  laws of the State  of New York or  the
    respective certificates of incorporation of each of the constituent
    corporations, with relation to such changes, which notice was given
    to said security holders of each of the constituent corporations in
    the  manner directed by the Securities  and Exchange Commission and
    also  in the  manner directed  by the  said United  States District
    Court for the Northern District of New York. 
        Sworn to before me this  
        4th day of January, 1950. 

        Notary Public State of New York 
        No. 31-1158700 
        Qual in New York County Clk. and Reg. 
        Term Expires March 30, 1951 
        Albany, N.Y., January 4, 1950   
    CASE  12733--Petition  of  Buffalo  Niagara  Electric  Corporation,
    Central New York  Power Corporation  and New York  Power and  Light
    Corporation  for   (1)  approval  of  consolidation   of  the  said
    corporations,  and  (2)  authority   to  the  issuance  of  certain
    securities by  the Consolidated  Corporation.  Petition  of Niagara
    Hudson Power Corporation for authority to  acquire and hold certain
    of the capital stock to be issued by the Consolidated Corporation. 
        * * * * * * 
        The Public Service Commission hereby approves the consolidation
    of  New  York  Power  and  Light  Corporation  and  Buffalo Niagara
    Corporation and Central New York Power Corporation into Central New
    York Power Corporation which is to survive the consolidation and be
    named  Niagara  Mohawk Power  Corporation,  which consolidation  is
    evidenced  by this  certificate of  consolidation made  Pursuant to
    Sections   26-a  and  86  of  the  Stock  Corporation  Law  and  to
    Subdivision 4 of Section 11 of the Transportation Corporations Law,
    and executed on January  4, 1950 by the President of Niagara Hudson
    Power  Corporation,  the  Secretary  of  Buffalo  Niagara  Electric
    Corporation, the  Secretary of Central New  York Power Corporation,
    the  Secretary  of  New   York  Power  and  Light  Corporation,--in

    accordance with  the order of said Public  Service Commission dated
    September 29,  1948, as amended by orders of September 20, 1949 and
    December 13, 1949. 
        By the Commission 
        (SEAL)      Secretary 
        STATE OF NEW YORK    ) 
                                           ) ss.: 
        I  Certify That  I have  compared the  preceding copy  with the
    original  Certificate of Consolidation of NEW YORK POWER AND LIGHT 

    pursuant  to Sections 26-a and 86  of the Stock Corporation Law and
    to  Subdivision 4 of Section 11  of the Transportation Corporations
    Law under the  Corporate Name of NIAGARA MOHAWK  POWER CORPORATION,
    filed in this department on the 5th day of January,  1950, and that
    such copy  is a correct  transcript therefrom  and of the  whole of
    such original. 
        WITNESS  my hand  and the  official seal  of the  Department of
    State  at  the City  of  Albany,  this fifth  day  of January,  one
    thousand nine hundred and fifty. 
        (SEAL)      RUTH M. MINER 
                    Deputy Secretary of State   

        Pursuant to Section 85 of the Stock Corporation Law 
        Dated:  October 16, 1950 
        Filed       Oct 19 1950 
        Tax         $  None 
        Filing Fee  $25 
        Secretary of State 
        By  A. D. BORDEN   


        Pursuant to Section 85 of the Stock Corporation Law 
        The undersigned, NIAGARA MOHAWK  POWER CORPORATION, pursuant to
    Section  85  of  the Stock  Corporation  Law,  hereby  certifies as
    1.    NIAGARA  MOHAWK  POWER  CORPORATION   (hereinafter  sometimes
    referred to  as  the "Corporation")  is  a stock  corporation  duly
    organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York. 

    2.  The  Corporation owns all of the issued and outstanding capital
    stock  of The  Niagara  Falls  Power  Company,  which  is  a  stock
    corporation organized under the  laws of the State of New  York and
    is  authorized to engage and is  engaged in business similar to the
    business  in which the Corporation  is authorized to  engage and is
        3.  At a meeting of  the Board of Directors of the Corporation,
    duly  called and held  on the 2nd  day of May,  1950, the following
    resolutions were duly adopted: 
        WHEREAS, The Niagara Falls Power Company is a stock corporation
    organized under the laws of the State of New York and is authorized
    to engage and  is engaged in  business similar  to the business  in
    which  this Corporation is authorized to engage and is engaged; and

        WHEREAS,  this   Corporation  owns   all  of  the   issued  and
    outstanding capital stock of  The Niagara Falls Power Company;  and
    WHEREAS,  it  is deemed  expedient that this  Corporation merge The

    Niagara Falls Power Company  into itself and thereby become  and be
    possessed of  all of the  assets, property, rights,  privileges and
    franchises of said The Niagara Falls Power Company. 
        NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Corporation merge The
    Niagara  Falls Power  Company and  assume  all of  its obligations,
    subject  to obtaining approval of  the Public Service Commission of
    the State of New York as provided under subdivision 5 of Section 85
    of the Stock Corporation Law; and be it further 
        RESOLVED,  that  the  President or  a  Vice  President  and the
    Secretary or the Treasurer  of this Corporation be and  they hereby
    are authorized, empowered and  directed to execute in the  name and
    under the seal of  this Corporation a Certificate of Merger of said
    The  Niagara Falls Power Company with this Corporation, as provided
    in the foregoing resolution, and to file the same in the Department
    of State of the State of New York; and be it further 
        RESOLVED,  that the  said officers  of this Corporation  be and
    they hereby are authorized,  empowered and directed to do  all such
    other  acts and things and to execute and file such other documents
    as  may be necessary, desirable or appropriate to effect the merger
    of said The Niagara  Falls Power Company with this  Corporation, as
    provided by the foregoing resolutions. 
        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation has caused
    this Certificate to  be executed in  its name, signed  by Earle  J.
    Machold, its  President, and  Charles A. Tattersall,  its Secretary
    and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this 16th day of 
        October, 1950. 
        By  EARLE J. MACHOLD 

        By  C. A. TATTERSALL 
        Albany, N.Y., October 19, 1950 
        CASE 14825--Petition of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation for 
        approval of the merger of The Niagara Falls Power Company. 
        The Public  Service Commission hereby consents  to and approves
    this Certificate of Merger of The Niagara Falls Power Company with 
    Niagara  Mohawk Power  Corporation, pursuant  to Section 85  of the
    Stock  Corporation Law,  executed October  16, 1950,  in accordance
    with the order of this Commission dated October 17, 1950. 
        By the Commission, 
        (SEAL)MURRAY G. TANNER    /s 
        STATE OF NEW YORK    ) 
                                           ) ss.:                 14603

        I  Certify That  I have  compared the  preceding copy  with the
    original Certificate of  Merger of THE NIAGARA  FALLS POWER COMPANY
    with NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION  filed in this department  on
    the  19th day  of October, 1950,  and that  such copy  is a correct
    transcript therefrom and of the whole of such original. 

        WITNESS  my hand  and the  official seal  of the  Department of
    State  at the  City of  Albany, this  second day  of  November, one
    thousand nine hundred and fifty. 
        Deputy Secretary of State 
        Pursuant to Section 85 of the Stock Corporation Law 
        Dated:  May 1, 1951 
        Filed May 2, 1951 

        Tax $ None 
        Filing Fee $25 
        Secretary of State 
        By B. HORAN   
        Pursuant to Section 85 of the Stock Corporation Law 
        The undersigned, Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, pursuant to 
    Section  85 of  the  Stock  Corporation  Law, hereby  certifies  as
        1.   Niagara  Mohawk Power  Corporation (hereinafter  sometimes
    referred  to as  the  "Corporation") is  a  stock corporation  duly
    organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York. 
        2.   The  Corporation owns  all of  the issued  and outstanding
    capital stock of Frontier Corporation, which is a stock corporation
    organized under the laws of the State of New York and authorized to
    engage in business incidental to the business which the Corporation
    is authorized to engage in. 

        3.  At a meeting of  the Board of Directors of the Corporation,
    duly  called  and  held on  the  12th  day of  December,  1950, the
    following resolutions were duly adopted: 
        WHEREAS, Frontier  Corporation is a stock corporation organized
    under the laws of the State of New York and is authorized to engage
    and is engaged in business similar or incidental to the business in
    which  this Corporation is authorized to engage and is engaged; and

        WHEREAS,  this   Corporation  owns   all  of  the   issued  and
    outstanding capital stock of  Frontier Corporation; and WHEREAS, it
    is   deemed  expedient   that  this   Corporation  merge   Frontier
    Corporation  into itself and thereby become and be possessed of all
    of the assets, property, rights,  privileges and franchises of said
    Frontier Corporation, 

        RESOLVED, that this Corporation  merge Frontier Corporation and
    assume  all of its obligations subject to obtaining approval of the
    Public  Service Commission  of the  State of  New York  as provided
    under subdivision 5 of Section 85 of the Stock Corporation Law; and
    be it further 
        RESOLVED,  that the  President  or  a  Vice President  and  the
    Secretary or the Treasurer  of this Corporation be and  they hereby
    are  authorized,  empowered and directed to execute in the name and
    under the seal of this Corporation  a Certificate of Merger of said
    Frontier  Corporation  with this  Corporation  as  provided in  the
    foregoing  resolution and  to file  the same  in the  Department of
    State of the State of New York; and be it further 

        RESOLVED,  that the said  officers of  this Corporation  be and
    they hereby are authorized,  empowered and directed to do  all such
    other  acts and things and to execute and file such other documents
    as  may be necessary, desirable or appropriate to effect the merger

    of said  Frontier Corporation with this Corporation  as provided by
    the foregoing resolutions. 
    IN  WITNESS WHEREOF,  Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation  has caused
    this  Certificate to be  executed in its  name, signed  by Earle J.
    Machold, its  President, and Charles A.  Tattersall, its Secretary,
    and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this 1st  day of May,
        By EARL J. MACHOLD (Signed) 
        By CHARLES A. TATTERSALL (Signed) 
        STATE OF NEW YORK   ) 
                                             )    ss.: 
        On  this 1st day of May, 1951,  before me personally came EARLE
    J.  MACHOLD  and CHARLES A. TATTERSALL, to me  known, who, being by
    me duly  sworn, did depose and say and each for himself deposes and
    says that he,  the said Earle  J. Machold, resides  in the City  of
    Syracuse, State of New York, and is the President of Niagara Mohawk
    Power Corporation, the corporation  described in and which executed
    the foregoing instrument; that he, the  said Charles A. Tattersall,
    resides in  the City  of Syracuse,  State of New  York, and  is the
    Secretary  of said corporation; that he, the said Earle J. Machold,
    and he, the said Charles A. Tattersall, both know the  seal of said
    corporation;  that the  seal  affixed to  said  instrument is  such
    corporate  seal; that it  was so affixed  by order of  the Board of
    Directors  of said  corporation, and that  they signed  their names
    thereto by like order. 

        PHYLLIS FANNING (Signed) 
        Notary Public 
        Notary Public in the State of New York 
        Qualified in Onon. Co. No. 34-1156700 
        Certificate Filed in New York County 
        No. 31-1158700 
        My Commission Expires March 30, 1953   
        Albany, N. Y., May 2, 1951 
       CASE  15212--Petition of  Niagara  Mohawk Power  Corporation for
    approval  of the merger of Frontier Corporation into Niagara Mohawk
    Power Corporation. 
        The Public  Service Commission hereby consents  to and approves
    this Certificate of  Merger by Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation of
    Frontier  Corporation,   pursuant  to  Section  85   of  the  Stock
    Corporation  Law, which merger is evidenced  by this Certificate of
    Merger executed by Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation May 1, 1951, in
    accordance with  the order  of this  Commission dated February  27,
    1951, as amended by order dated March 20, 1951. 
        By the Commission, 
        ROGER M. HUBER (Signed) 

        Acting Secretary 
        STATE OF NEW YORK     ) 
                                            ) ss.: 
        I  CERTIFY That  I have  compared the  preceding copy  with the
    original Certificate of Merger of Frontier Corporation with Niagara
    Mohawk Power Corporation filed in this department on the 2nd day of
    May, 1951, and that such copy is a correct transcript therefrom and
    of the whole of such original.   

        WITNESS  my hand  and the  official seal  of the  Department of
    State  at the City of Albany,  this second day of May, one thousand
    nine hundred and fifty-one. 
        SIDNEY B. GORDON (Signed) 
        Deputy Secretary of State  

        Pursuant to Section 85 of the Stock Corporation Law 
        Dated:  August 21, 1952 
        FILED AUG. 22, 1952 
        TAX $ None 
       FILING FEE $25 
        Secretary of State 
        BY B. HORAN   

        Pursuant to Section 85 of the Stock Corporation Law 
        The  undersigned, Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, pursuant to
    Section  85  of the  Stock  Corporation  Law, hereby  certifies  as
        1.   Niagara  Mohawk Power  Corporation (hereinafter  sometimes
    referred  to as  the "Corporation"),  is a  stock  corporation duly
    organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York. 

        2.   The  Corporation owns  all of  the issued  and outstanding
    capital  stock  of  The Oswego  Canal  Company,  which  is a  stock
    corporation organized  under the provisions  of Chapter 241  of the
    Laws of 1823  as amended by Chapter 180 of the  Laws of 1952 of the
    State of New York  and authorized to engage in  business incidental
    to the business which the Corporation is authorized to engage in. 
        3.  At a meeting  of the Board of Directors of  the Corporation
    duly called and  held on the  6th day of  May, 1952, the  following
    resolutions were duly adopted: 
        WHEREAS,  The  Oswego  Canal  Company is  a  stock  corporation
    organized  under  Chapter 241  of the  Laws of  1823 as  amended by
    Chapter 180 of  the Laws of 1952  of the State  of New York and  is
    authorized  to    engage and  is  engaged  in  business similar  or
    incidental to the business in  which this Corporation is authorized
    to engage and is engaged; and 
        WHEREAS,  this   Corporation  owns   all  of  the   issued  and

    capital  stock  of The  Oswego Canal  Company;  and WHEREAS,  it is
    deemed  expedient  that this  Corporation  merge  The Oswego  Canal
    Company into itself and  thereby become and be possessed of all the
    assets,  property, rights,  privileges and  franchises of  said The
    Oswego Canal Company, 
        RESOLVED, that this Corporation  merge The Oswego Canal Company
    and  assume all of its obligations subject to obtaining approval of
    the Public Service Commission of the State of New  York as provided
    under Subdivision 5 of Section 85 of the Stock Corporation Law; and
    be it further 
        RESOLVED,  that  the President  or  a  Vice  President and  the
    Secretary or the Treasurer  of this Corporation be and  they hereby
    are  authorized, empowered and directed to execute in the  name and
    under  the seal of this Corporation a Certificate of Merger of said
    The Oswego Canal Company  with this Corporation as provided  in the
    foregoing  resolution and  to file  the same  in the  Department of
    State of the State of New York; and be it further 

        RESOLVED, that  the said  officers of  this Corporation be  and
    they hereby are authorized,  empowered and directed to do  all such
    other acts and things and to execute and  file such other documents
    as  may be necessary, desirable or appropriate to effect the merger
    of  said The Oswego Canal Company with this Corporation provided by
    the foregoing resolutions. 
        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation has caused
    this Certificate  to be executed  in its name,  signed by  Earle J.
    Machold, its  President, and Charles A.  Tattersall, its Secretary,
    and its  corporate seal  to be  hereunto affixed this  21st day  of
    August, 1952. 

        By  EARLE J. MACHOLD 
        STATE OF NEW YORK     ) 
                                            ) ss.: 
        On this 21st  day of  August, 1952, before  me personally  came
    EARLE   J. MACHOLD  and CHARLES  A. TATTERSALL,  to me  known, who,
    being by  me duly sworn,  did depose and  say and each  for himself
    deposes and says that he, the said Earle J. Machold, resides in the
    City  of Syracuse,  State of  New  York, and  is  the President  of
    Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation,  the corporation described in and
    which executed the foregoing instrument;  that he, the said Charles
    A. Tattersall, resides in the City of Syracuse, State  of New York,
    and is the 
    Secretary  of said corporation; that he, the said Earle J. Machold,
    and he, the said Charles A.  Tattersall, both know the seal of said
    corporation; that  the  seal affixed  to  said instrument  is  such
    corporate seal; that  it was so  affixed by order  of the Board  of
    Directors  of said  corporation, and  that they signed  their names
    thereto by like order. 
        Notary Public 
        Notary Public in the State of New York 
        Qualified in Onon. Co. No. 34-1156700 
        Certificate Filed in New York County 
        No. 31-1158700 

        My Commission Expires March 30,1953 
        Albany, N. Y., August 22, 1952 
        CASE 15807 
        Petition of  Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation for  approval of
    the  merger of The Oswego Canal Company. 
        The Public  Service Commission hereby consents  to and approves
    this merger by Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation of The Oswego Canal
    Company, Pursuant to Section 85 of the Stock Corporation Law, which
    merger is evidenced  by this Certificate of  Merger executed August
    21, 1952, in  accordance with  the order of  this Commission  dated
    June 16, 1952, as amended by order dated July 8, l952. 
        By the Commission, 
        STATE OF NEW YORK     ) 
                                            ) ss.:                     
        I  Certify That  I have  compared the  preceding copy  with the
    original  Certificate of  Merger of The  Oswego Canal  Company with
    Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation,  filed in this department on  the
    22nd  day  of  August,  1952,  and  that  such  copy  is a  correct

    transcript therefrom and of the whole of such original.   
       WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Department of State
    at  the  City  of Albany,  this  twenty-fifth  day  of August,  one
    thousand nine hundred and fifty-two. 
                SIDNEY B. GORDON 
        (SEAL)  Deputy Secretary of State   

        Pursuant to Section 36 of the Stock Corporation Law 
        FILED AUG. 22, 1952 
        TAX $75,000 

        FILING FEE $25 
        Secretary of State 
        BY B. HORAN   
        Pursuant to Section 36 of the Stock Corporation Law 
        NIAGARA   MOHAWK   POWER  CORPORATION   (hereinafter  sometimes
    referred  to as "the Corporation") by  its President thereunto duly
    authorized  DOES HEREBY CERTIFY:  
        I.   The  name of the  Corporation is  "Niagara Mohawk  Power  
        The   name  under   which   the  Corporation   was   originally
    incorporated  was "Niagara Hudson Public Service Corporation". 

        II.   The Certificate of Consolidation  forming the Corporation
    under the  name of "Niagara Hudson Public Service Corporation") was
    filed in the Department  of State of the State of New  York on July
    31, 1937. 
        A  Certificate  of Change  of  Name  of  Niagara Hudson  Public
    Service   Corporation  to Central  New York  Power  Corporation was
    filed  in the   Department  of State of  the State  of New  York on
    September 15, 1937. 
        A  "Certificate of  Consolidation of  New York Power  and Light
    Corporation and Buffalo  Niagara Electric  Corporation and  Central
    New York Power Corporation into Central  New York Power Corporation
    which is to survive  the consolidation and be named  Niagara Mohawk
    Power  Corporation" was  filed in  the Department  of State  of the
    State  of  New  York  on January  5,  1950.    Said  Certificate of
    Consolidation  is hereinafter  sometimes referred  to as  the "1950
    Certificate of Consolidation". 
        Pursuant to Section 26-a and 36 of the Stock Corporation Law, a
    Certificate  of Amendment was filed  in the Department  of State of
    the State of New York on January 5, 1950 to  effect certain changes
    authorized   in  subdivision  two  of  Section   35  of  the  Stock
    Corporation  Law.   Said  Certificate of  Amendment is  hereinafter
    referred to as the "1950 Certificate of Amendment". 
        III.   The Certificate of  Incorporation of the  Corporation is
    hereby  amended  to  effect  the following  changes  authorized  in
    subdivision two of Section 35 of the Stock Corporation Law: 
        (1)   To  authorize new  shares  by increasing  the  authorized
    shares without par value from 13,023,289 to 14,523,289 shares;  
        (2)   To  amend the provision  authorized by Section  12 of the
    Stock  Corporation Law  with respect  to the  dollar amount  of the
    minimum capital of the Corporation. 
        IV.  Parts A, B and C of Article IV of the above mentioned 1950

    Certificate of Consolidation, as amended by the 1950 Certificate of
    Amendment,  setting  forth the  number  of  authorized shares,  the
    statements  respecting capital  and the  number of  shares of  each
    class are hereby amended to read as follows: 
        "IV.A.   The total number  of shares which  the Corporation may
    have  is 15,723,289, of which 1,200,000 are  to have a par value of
    $100 each, and 14,523,289 are to be without par value. 
        "B.  The capital of the Corporation shall be at  least equal to
    the sum of the aggregate par  value of all issued shares having par
    value plus  the aggregate amount  of consideration received  by the
    Corporation for the issuance of shares without par value, plus such
    amounts  as,  from time  to time,  by  resolution of  the  Board of
    Directors, may be transferred thereto. 
        "Subject  to the laws creating  and defining the  duties of the
    Public Service  Commission, authorized  but unissued shares  of the
    Corporation without par value may be  issued from time to time  for
    such consideration as may be fixed by the Board of Directors of the
        "The  capital  of  the  Corporation  shall  be  not  less  than
        "C.   The shares  of the  Corporation are  to be  classified as
        1,200,000  shares are to be Preferred Stock with a par value of
    $100 each;  1,928,627 shares  are to be  Class A Stock  without par
    value, and 12,594,662  shares are  to be Common  Stock without  par
        IN  WITNESS WHEREOF,  the undersigned  has made  and subscribed
    this  Certificate of Amendment this 19th day of August, 1952. 

        President of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation 
        (CORPORATE SEAL)   
        Affidavit of 
        Officers of the Corporation 
        Pursuant to Section 37 of the Stock Corporation Law 
        STATE OF NEW YORK  ) 
        COUNTY OF ONONDAGA )  ss.: 
        Earle J. Machold and Charles  A. Tattersall, being duly  sworn,
    depose and say,  and each for  himself deposes and  says, that  he,
    Earle  J. Machold,  is the  President of  the Corporation,  and he,
    Charles A. Tattersall,  is the Secretary of  said corporation; that
    they  have  been  authorized  to  execute and  file  the  foregoing
    Certificate by the votes cast in  person or by proxy of the holders
    of record of a majority of the outstanding shares  entitled to vote
    at the stockholders'  meeting at  which such votes  were cast  with
    relation  to   the  proceedings  provided  for   in  the  foregoing
    Certificate; that neither the  Certificate of Incorporation nor any
    other  Certificate   filed  pursuant  to  law   requires  a  larger
    proportion of votes; that  such votes were cast at  a stockholders'
    meeting  held upon  notice  pursuant to  Section  45 of  the  Stock

    Corporation Law and  that such meeting was duly  called and held on
    the 6th day of May, 1952. 

        Subscribed and sworn to before 
        me this 19th day of Aug., 1952. 
        Notary Public 
        Notary Public in the State of New York 
        Qualified in Onon. Co. No. 34-1156700 
        Certificate Filed in New York County 
        No. 31-1158700 
        My Commission Expires March 30, 1953 
        Affidavit of 
        Officers of the Corporation 
        Pursuant to Section 37 of the Stock Corporation Law 

        STATE OF NEW YORK  ) 
        COUNTY OF ONONDAGA ) ss.: 
        Earle J. Machold and James H. Morrell, being duly sworn, depose
    and  say, and each for himself deposes  and says, that he, Earle J.
    Machold,  is  the  President, and  he,  James  H.  Morrell, is  the
    Treasurer of  Niagara  Mohawk Power  Corporation, and  that by  the
    foregoing Certificate of Amendment  the number of additional shares
    not  resulting from  a change  of shares  which the  Corporation is
    thereby authorized  to issue  is 1,500,000  shares of  Common Stock
    without par value and that no additional shares with par value have
    thereby  been authorized; that no shares  have thereby been changed
    as provided in subparagraph (5) of paragraph (C) of subdivision two
    of Section 35 of the Stock Corporation Law; and that  the par value
    of any shares with par value has not been increased.   
        Subscribed and sworn to before 
        me this 19th day of Aug., 1952. 
        Notary Public 
        Notary Public in the State of New York 
        Qualified in Onon. Co. No. 34-1156700 

        Certificate Filed in New York County 
        No. 31-1158700 
        My Commission Expires March 30, 1953 
        STATE OF NEW YORK    ) 
        COUNTY OF ONONDAGA ) ss.: 
        On this 19th  day of  August, 1952, before  me personally  came
    Earle J. Machold, to me known to be the person described in and who
    executed  the  foregoing  Certificate  of Amendment  on  behalf  of
    Niagara  Mohawk   Power   Corporation,  and   he   thereupon   duly
    acknowledged to me that he executed the same. 
        Notary Public in the State of New York 
        Qualified in Onon. Co. No. 34-1156700   
        Certificate Filed in New York County  (SEAL) 
        No. 31-1158700 
        My Commission Expires March 3, 1953 
        STATE OF NEW YORK ) 
        COUNTY OF ALBANY  ) ss.: 
        On this 20th  day of  August, 1952, before  me personally  came
    Charles A.  Tattersall, to me known  to be the person  described in
    and who executed the  foregoing Certificate of Amendment on  behalf
    of     Niagara  Mohawk Power  Corporation,  and he  thereupon  duly

    acknowledged to me that he executed the same.  

        Notary Public State of New York 
        Qualified in Albany County 
        My Commission expires March 30, 
        1954. Certificate filed in Col., Cort., 
        Dut., Essex, Fulton, Greene, Ham., 
        Herk., Mad., Mont., Oneida, Onon., 
        Otsego, Putnam, Renss., Sar., 
        Schen., Scho., Ulster, Warren and 
        Wash. County 
        Albany, N. Y., August 20, 1952 
        CASE 15890 
        Petition of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation for approval of an
    increase  in its  authorized  capital stock  and  a change  in  the
    minimum capital of the corporation.   
        The Public  Service Commission hereby consents  to and approves
    this Certificate  of Amendment  of Certificate of  Incorporation of
    Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, Pursuant to Section Thirty-Six of
    the  Stock Corporation Law, executed August 19, 1952, in accordance
    with the order of this Commission dated August 11, 1952. 
        By the Commission 

        STATE OF NEW YORK    ) 
        DEPARTMENT OF STATE ) ss.:                                     

        I  Certify That  I have  compared the  preceding copy  with the
    original Certificate of  Amendment of Certificate of  Incorporation
        "Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation", 
    filed in this department on the  22nd day of August, 1952, and that
    such copy  is a correct  transcript therefrom and  of the whole  of
    such original. 
        WITNESS  my hand  and the  official seal  of the  Department of
    State  at the City of Albany, this twenty-second day of August, one
    thousand nine hundred and fifty-two. 
        Deputy Secretary of State 

        Pursuant to Section 85 of the Stock Corporation Law 
        Dated July 2, 1953 
        FILED JULY 8, 1953 
        TAX $ None 
        FILING FEE $25 
        Secretary of State 
        By A. D. BORDEN   

        Pursuant to Section 85 of the Stock Corporation Law 
        The undersigned, NIAGARA MOHAWK  POWER CORPORATION, pursuant to
    Section  85  of  the Stock  Corporation  Law,  hereby certifies  as
        1.   NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER  CORPORATION (hereinafter sometimes  
    referred  to as  "the Corporation"),  is a  stock corporation  duly
    organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York. 
        2.   The  Corporation owns  all of  the issued  and outstanding
    capital stock of Corinth Electric Light and Power Company, which is
    a stock  corporation organized under the  laws of the  State of New
    York and is authorized to engage and is engaged in business similar
    or   incidental  to  the  business  in  which  the  Corporation  is
    authorized  to engage and is engaged. 
        3.  At a meeting  of the Board of Directors of  the Corporation
    duly  called  and held  on  the  18th day  of  November, 1952,  the
    following resolutions were duly adopted: 
        WHEREAS, Corinth Electric  Light and Power  Company is a  stock
    corporation organized under  the laws of the State  of New York and
    is  authorized  to engage  and is  engaged  in business  similar or
    incidental to the  business in which this Corporation is authorized
    to engage and is engaged; and   
        WHEREAS,  this  Corporation  has   entered  into  a  valid  and
    subsisting  agreement  for the acquisition  by this Corporation  of
    all of the   outstanding stock of Corinth Electric Light  and Power
    Company; and 
        WHEREAS,  it is  deemed expedient  that this  Corporation merge
    Corinth  Electric Light and  Power Company into  itself and thereby
    become and be  possessed of  all of the  assets, property,  rights,
    privileges and  franchises of said Corinth Electric Light and Power

        NOW, THEREFORE,  BE IT RESOLVED,  that the provisions  of these
    resolutions  shall be  and  become effective  immediately upon  the
    acquisition  by  this  Corporation,   as  owner,  of  all   of  the
    outstanding stock of Corinth Electric Light and Power Company; and 
        be it further 
        RESOLVED, that  this Corporation  merge Corinth  Electric Light
    and  Power Company  and assume  all of  its obligations  subject to
    obtaining approval of the Public Service Commission of the State of
    New York, as  provided in subdivision 5 of Section  85 of the Stock
    Corporation Law; and be it further 
        RESOLVED, that  the  President  or  a Vice  President  and  the
    Secretary or the Treasurer  of this Corporation be and  they hereby
    are  authorized, empowered and directed to execute  in the name and
    under the seal of this Corporation a Certificate of Merger  of said
    Corinth Electric Light and Power  Company with this Corporation  as
    provided in the  foregoing resolution and to  file the same  in the
    Department of State of the State of New York; and be it further 
        RESOLVED, that the  said officers  of this  Corporation be  and
    they hereby are authorized,  empowered and directed to do  all such
    other acts  and things and to execute and file such other documents
    as  may be necessary, desirable or appropriate to effect the merger
    of  said  Corinth  Electric  Light  and  Power  Company  with  this
    Corporation provided by the foregoing resolutions. 

    this Certificate  to be executed in  its name, signed by  Earle J. 
    Machold, its  President, and Charles A.  Tattersall, its Secretary,
    and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this 2nd day of July,

        By EARLE J. MACHOLD 
        STATE OF NEW YORK  ) 
        COUNTY OF ONONDAGA ) ss.: 
        On this 2nd day of July,  1953, before me personally came EARLE
    J.   MACHOLD and CHARLES A. TATTERSALL,  to me known, who, being by
    me duly sworn, did depose and  say and each for himself deposes and
    says  that he, the  said Earle J.  Machold, resides in  the City of
    Syracuse, State of New York, and is the President of Niagara Mohawk
    Power Corporation, the corporation  described in and which executed
    the foregoing instrument; that he,  the said Charles A. Tattersall,
    resides in  the Town of  Easton, State of  Connecticut, and  is the
    Secretary  of said corporation; that he, the said Earle J. Machold,
    and he,  the said Charles A. Tattersall, both know the seal of said
    corporation;  that  the seal  affixed  to said  instrument  is such
    corporate seal;  that it was  so affixed by  order of the  Board of
    Directors  of said corporation,  and that  they signed  their names
    thereto by like order. 
           Notary Public   

        Notary Public in the State of New York 

        Qualified in Onon. Co. No. 34-1158700 
        (SEAL)          Certificate Filed in New York County 
        My Commission Expires March 30, 1955 
        Albany, N.Y., July 7, 1953 
        CASE 15974 
        Petition of  Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation  for authority to
    acquire and hold all of the capital stock of Corinth Electric Light
    and Power Company and to merge the said company. 
        The Public  Service Commission hereby consents  to and approves
    this merger by Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation of Corinth Electric
    Light  and Power  Company,  pursuant to  Section  85 of  the  Stock
    Corporation Law, which merger is  evidenced by this Certificate  of
    Merger, executed by Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation July 2,  1953,
    in accordance  with the  order of  said  Public Service  Commission
    dated July 7, 1953. 
        By the Commission 
        STATE OF NEW YORK   ) 
        DEPARTMENT OF STATE ) ss.: 
        I  CERTIFY That  I have  compared the  preceding copy  with the
    original Certificate of Merger of  
        Corinth Electric Light and Power Company   

        Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation 
        filed in this department on the 8th day of July, 1953, and that
    such copy  is a correct  transcript therefrom  and of the  whole of
    such original. 
        WITNESS  my hand  and the  official seal  of the  Department of
    State at the City of Albany,  this eighth day of July, one thousand
    nine  hundred and fifty-three. 
        Deputy Secretary of State 

        Pursuant to Section 11 of the Stock Corporation Law 
        Dated:  May 4, 1954 

        Filed      May 5, 1954 
        Tax        $  None 
        Filing Fee $25   
        Secretary of State 
        By  B. HORAN   

        Pursuant to Section 11 of the Stock Corporation Law 
        NIAGARA   MOHAWK   POWER  CORPORATION   (hereinafter  sometimes
    referred to  as "the Corporation")  by its President  and Assistant
    Secretary thereunto duly authorized DOES HEREBY CERTIFY: 
        I.   The  name  of the  Corporation  is "Niagara  Mohawk  Power
        The   name   under  which   the   Corporation   was  originally
    incorporated was "Niagara Hudson Public Service Corporation". 
        II.   The Certificate of Consolidation  forming the Corporation
    (under the name of "Niagara Hudson Public Service Corporation") was
    filed in the Department  of State of the State of  New York on July
    31, 1937. 

        A  Certificate  of  Change of  Name  of  Niagara  Hudson Public
    Service Corporation to Central New York Power Corporation was filed
    in the  Department  of State of the State of  New York on September
    15, 1937. 
        A "Certificate  of Consolidation  of New  York Power and  Light
    Corporation and  Buffalo Niagara  Electric Corporation  and Central
    New York Power Corporation into Central New  York Power Corporation
    which is to survive  the consolidation and be named  Niagara Mohawk
    Power  Corporation" was  filed in  the Department  of State  of the
    State  of  New York  on  January  5,  1950.   Said  Certificate  of
    Consolidation  is hereinafter  sometimes referred  to as  the "1950
    Certificate of Consolidation". 
        Pursuant  to Sections 26-a and 36 of the Stock Corporation Law,
    a  Certificate of Amendment was filed in the Department of State of
    the State  of New York on January 5, 1950 to effect certain changes
    authorized  in subdivision 2 of Section 35 of the Stock Corporation
    Law.    Said  Certificate  of Amendment  is  hereinafter  sometimes
    referred to as the "1950 Certificate of Amendment".  

        A further  Certificate of Amendment  pursuant to Section  36 of
    the Stock Corporation Law was  filed in the Department of  State of
    the State of New  York on August 22, 1952 to  effect an increase of
    authorized  shares without  par value  and to  amend the  statement
    respecting capital of the Corporation. 
        III.  The Certificate of incorporation of the Corporation, as 

    amended and supplemented by any certificate filed pursuant  to law,
    is hereby  amended  by the  addition  of the  following  provisions
    stating   the  designations,  preferences,  privileges  and  voting
    powers,  and the  restrictions  or qualifications  of  a series  of
    Preferred  Stock, to consist  of 210,000  shares of  the authorized
    1,200,000 shares of Preferred Stock of the Corporation, as fixed by
    the  Board of Directors of  the Corporation before  the issuance of
    such series, such provisions so added to be designated as paragraph

    (4A)  (of  Part  D  of  Article  IV  of  the  1950  Certificate  of
    Consolidation  as amended by Article  V of the  1950 Certificate of
    Amendment) and to read as follows: 
        Particular  Provisions  Applicable  to Preferred  Stock,  4.10%
        (4A)    The  designation, preferences,  privileges  and  voting
    powers  of the 210,000 shares of the Preferred Stock, 4.10% Series,
    and  the restrictions  or qualifications  thereof (insofar  as they
    differ from  or supplement the  provisions which are  applicable to
    all shares of the  Preferred Stock irrespective of series),  are as
        (A)  The series  shall be designated as Preferred  Stock, 4.10%
       (B)    The dividend  rate thereof  shall  be four  and one-tenth
    percent  (4.10%) per  annum.   The dividends  on the shares  of the
    Preferred  Stock,  4.10% Series  shall be cumulative  from May  13,
        (C)   Except as provided under  the heading "General Provisions
    Applicable to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in Part D  of Article
    IV of the 1950 Certificate of Consolidation as amended by Article V
    of the  1950 Certificate of  Amendment, the Preferred  Stock, 4.10%
    Series shall have no voting  rights whatsoever and is  specifically
    excluded from the right to vote in a proceeding for  mortgaging the
    property and franchises of  the Corporation pursuant to Section  16
    of the Stock Corporation Law, for authorizing any guaranty pursuant
    to Section 19 of said Law, for sale of the  franchises and property
    of the 104
    Corporation pursuant to  Section 20 of said Law,  for consolidation
    pursuant  to  Section 86  of  said Law,  for  voluntary dissolution
    pursuant to Section 105 of said  Law or for change of name pursuant
    to the General  Corporation Law  or pursuant to  Section 36 of  the
    Stock Corporation Law; 
        (D)   The sum per share payable upon the voluntary dissolution,

    liquidation or winding up  of the Corporation shall be  $104.50 per
    share through  April 30, 1959; $103.25 per share thereafter through
    April 30, 1964; and $102 per share thereafter, in each case plus an
    amount equal to  the dividends  accrued and unpaid  on such  share,
    whether or not earned or declared; 
        (E)    The   sum  per  share   payable  upon  the   involuntary
    dissolution, liquidation or winding up  of the Corporation shall be
    $100 per  share plus an amount  equal to the dividends  accrued and
    unpaid on such share, whether or not earned or declared; 
        (F)  The  shares of the Preferred Stock,  4.10% Series shall be
    redeemable  at  the  option  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the
    Corporation,  either as  a  whole or  in  part, at  any  time at  a
    redemption price  of  $104.50 per  share  through April  30,  1959;
    $103.25 per share thereafter  through April 30, 1964; and  $102 per
    share  thereafter, in  each  case  plus  an  amount  equal  to  the
    dividends  accrued  and  unpaid  thereon  to  the  date  fixed  for
    redemption, whether or not earned or declared; 
        (G)  The shares of the Preferred  Stock, 4.10% Series shall not
    be convertible into  or exchangeable  for other  securities of  the
    Corporation; and 
        (H)  There shall be no sinking fund with respect  to the shares
    of the Preferred Stock, 4.10% Series. 
        IN WITNESS  WHEREOF, the  undersigned have made  and subscribed
    this Certificate in triplicate this 4th day of May, 1954. 
        JOHN G. BENACK 
        Assistant Secretary 
        STATE OF NEW YORK  ) 
        COUNTY OF ONONDAGA ) ss.: 

        On this 4th day of  May, 1954, before me personally  came EARLE
    J. MACHOLD and  JOHN G. BENACK, to  me known and known to  me to be
    the   persons  described   in  and   who  executed   the  foregoing
    certificate, and  they thereupon severally duly  acknowledged to me
    that they executed the same. 
        Notary Public in the State of New York 
        Qualified in Onon. Co. No. 34-1158700 
        Certificate Filed in New York County 
        My Commission Expires March 30,1955 
        STATE OF NEW YORK  ) 
        COUNTY OF ONONDAGA ) ss.:   
        EARLE J. MACHOLD and  JOHN G. BENACK, being duly  sworn, depose
    and say, and each for  himself deposes and says, that he,  Earle J.
    Machold, is the President of Niagara  Mohawk Power Corporation, and
    he,  John G. Benack, is  an Assistant Secretary  thereof; that they
    were  duly authorized by the  Board of Directors  of Niagara Mohawk
    Power Corporation  to execute  and file the  foregoing Certificate,
    and  that  the  designations,  preferences, privileges  and  voting
    powers  of the series of Preferred Stock described therein, and the
    restrictions or qualifications thereof, were duly authorized by the
    Board of Directors of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation. 
        JOHN G. BENACK 
        JOHN G. BENACK 
        Subscribed and sworn to before me 
        this 4th day of May, 1954. 

        Notary Public in the State of New York 
        Qualified in Onon. Co. No. 34-1158700 
        Certificate Filed in New York County 
        My Commission Expires March 30, 1955 
        STATE OF NEW YORK     ) 
        DEPARTMENT OF STATE ) ss.: 
        I  Certify That  I have  compared the  preceding copy  with the
    original certificate of NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER  CORPORATION, pursuant
    to  Section  11  of  the  Stock  Corporation  Law,  filed  in  this
    department on the  5th day of  May, 1954, and  that such copy  is a
    correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of such original.   
        WITNESS  my hand  and the  official seal  of the  Department of
    State at  the City of Albany,  this fifth day of  May, one thousand
    nine hundred and fifty-four. 

        Deputy Secretary of State   


        Pursuant to Section 85 of the Stock Corporation Law 
        Dated: November 1, 1956 
        FILED   NOV 1, 1956 
        TAX     $ None 
        FILING FEE $25 
        Secretary of State 
        By B. HORAN   

        Pursuant to Section 85 of the Stock Corporation Law 
        The undersigned, NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION, pursuant  to
    Section  85 of  the  Stock  Corporation  Law, hereby  certifies  as
        1.   NIAGARA  MOHAWK POWER  CORPORATION  (hereinafter sometimes
    referred  to as  "the  Corporation"), is  a stock  corporation duly
    organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York. 
        2.   The  Corporation owns  all of  the issued  and outstanding
    capital stock of Woodville Electric Light and  Power Company, Inc.,
    which is a  stock corporation organized under the laws of the State
    of New York and is authorized  to engage and is engaged in business
    similar or incidental to  the business in which the  Corporation is
    authorized to engage and is engaged. 
        3.  At a meeting  of the Board of Directors of  the Corporation
    duly  called and held on the 19th  day of June, 1956, the following
    resolutions were duly adopted: 
        WHEREAS, Woodville  Electric Light and Power Company  Inc. is a
    stock corporation organized under the laws of the State of New York
    and is authorized to engage and  is engaged in business similar  or
    incidental to the business in which  this Corporation is authorized
    to engage and is engaged; and   
       WHEREAS,  this   Corporation  has  entered  into   a  valid  and
    subsisting agreement for the acquisition by this Corporation of all
    of the  outstanding stock  of  Woodville Electric  Light and  Power
    Company Inc.  subject to the  authorization of such  acquisition by
    the Public Service  Commission of the  State of New York  under and

    pursuant to Section 70 of the Public Service Law; and 
        WHEREAS,  it is  deemed expedient  that this  Corporation merge
    Woodville Electric Light  and Power  Company Inc.  into itself  and
    thereby become and  be possessed  of all of  the assets,  property,
    rights, privileges and franchises  of said Woodville Electric Light
    and Power Company Inc.; 
        NOW,  THEREFORE, BE IT  RESOLVED, that the  provisions of these
    resolutions  shall be  and  become effective  immediately upon  the
    authorized acquisition by this Corporation, as owner, of all of the
    outstanding  stock of  Woodville Electric  Light and  Power Company
    Inc.; and be it further 
        RESOLVED, that this Corporation  merge Woodville Electric Light
    and Power Company Inc. and assume all of its obligations subject to
    obtaining approval of the Public Service Commission of the State of
    New York, as provided in  subdivision 5 of Section 85 of  the Stock
    Corporation Law; and be it further 
        RESOLVED,  that  the President  or  a  Vice President  and  the
    Secretary or the Treasurer  of this Corporation be and  they hereby
    are authorized, empowered and  directed to execute in the  name and
    under the  seal of this Corporation a Certificate of Merger of said
    Woodville  Electric   Light  and  Power  Company   Inc.  with  this
    Corporation as provided in the foregoing resolution and to file the
    same in the Department of State of the State of New York; and be it
        RESOLVED, that  the said  officers of  this Corporation  be and
    they hereby are authorized,  empowered and directed to do  all such
    other  acts and things and to execute and file such other documents
    as may 110
    be necessary, desirable or appropriate to effect the merger of said
    Woodville  Electric   Light  and  Power  Company   Inc.  with  this
    Corporation provided by the foregoing resolutions. 
        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation has caused
    this Certificate to  be executed in  its name, signed  by Earle  J.

    Machold, its President,  and Storrs M.  Bishop, its Secretary,  and
    its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this 1st day of November,
        By  EARLE J. MACHOLD 
        By  STORRS M. BISHOP 
        STATE OF NEW YORK  ) 
        COUNTY OF ONONDAGA ) ss.: 
        On  this 1st day of  November, 1956, before  me personally came
    EARLE J. MACHOLD and STORRS  M. BISHOP, to me known, who,  being by
    me duly sworn, did depose and say and each for  himself deposes and
    says that  he, the said  Earle J. Machold,  resides in the  City of
    Syracuse, State of New York, and is the President of Niagara Mohawk
    Power Corporation, the corporation  described in and which executed
    the  foregoing instrument;  that  he, the  said  Storrs M.  Bishop,
    resides in  the City of  Syracuse, State  of New York,  and is  the
    Secretary  of said corporation; that he, the said Earle J. Machold,
    and  he, the  said Storrs  M. Bishop,  both know  the seal  of said
    corporation; that  the  seal affixed  to  said instrument  is  such
    corporate seal; that  it was so  affixed by order  of the Board  of
    Directors  of said  corporation, and  that they signed  their names
    thereto by like order. 
        HERMAN B. NOLL 
        Notary Public   
        Notary Public in the State of New York 
        Qualified in Onon. Co. No. 34-2901715 

        Certificate Filed in _______________  Co. 
        My Commission Expires March 30,1957 
        Albany, N.Y., November 1, 1956. 
        CASE 17894 
        Petition of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation  for authority to 
    acquire  all of the capital  stock of Woodville  Electric Light and
    Power Company, Inc., and to merge the said company. 
        The Public  Service Commission hereby consents  to and approves
    this  merger  by  Niagara  Mohawk Power  Corporation  of  Woodville
    Electric Light and Power  Company, Inc., Pursuant to Section  85 of
    the  Stock   Corporation  Law, which  merger  is evidenced  by this
    certificate  of merger executed November 1,  1956 by Niagara Mohawk
    Power Corporation, -- in  accordance with the order of  said Public
    Service Commission dated October 22, 1956. 
        By the Commission, 
        STATE OF NEW YORK   )                                          
        DEPARTMENT OF STATE ) ss.: 

        I  Certify That  I have  compared the  preceding copy  with the
    original  Certificate of  Merger  of Woodville  Electric Light  and
    Power Company Inc. 
        Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation 
        filed in this department on the 1st  day of November, 1956, and
    that  such copy is a correct  transcript therefrom and of the whole
    of such original. 
        WITNESS  my hand  and the  official seal  of the  Department of
    State  at the  City  of Albany,  this first  day  of November,  one
    thousand nine hundred fifty-six. 
        Secretary of State 
        (SEAL)      By  SAMUEL LONDON 
                    Deputy Secretary of State   

        Pursuant to Section 36 of the Stock Corporation Law 
        FILED       Jan 9-1957 
        TAX         $130,000.00 
        FILING FEE  $25.00 
        Secretary of State 
        By  M. R. KEENAN   
        Pursuant to Section 36 of the Stock Corporation Law 

        NIAGARA   MOHAWK   POWER  CORPORATION   (hereinafter  sometimes
    referred to as "the  Corporation") by its President  thereunto duly
    authorized  DOES HEREBY CERTIFY: 
        I.   The  name  of the  Corporation  is "Niagara  Mohawk  Power
        The   name  under   which   the   Corporation  was   originally
    incorporated  was "Niagara Hudson Public Service Corporation." 
        II.   The Certificate of Consolidation  forming the Corporation
    (under the name of "Niagara Hudson Public Service Corporation") was
    filed in the Department of State  of the State of New York  on July
    31, 1937. 
        A  Certificate  of  Change  of Name  of  Niagara  Hudson Public
    Service Corporation to Central New York Power Corporation was filed
    in the  Department of  State of the State of New  York on September
    15, 1937. 
        A "Certificate  of Consolidation of  New York  Power and  Light
    Corporation and  Buffalo Niagara  Electric Corporation  and Central
    New York Power  Corporation into Central New York Power Corporation
    which is to survive  the consolidation and be named  Niagara Mohawk
    Power  Corporation" was  filed in  the Department  of State  of the
    State  of New  York  on  January  5, 1950.    Said  Certificate  of
    Consolidation  is hereinafter  sometimes referred  to as  the "1950
    Certificate of Consolidation." 
        Pursuant  to Sections 26-a and 36 of the Stock Corporation Law,
    a  Certificate of Amendment was filed in the Department of State of
    the State of New York on January 5, 1950 to  effect certain changes
    authorized  in  subdivision   two  of  Section  35   of  the  Stock
    Corporation 115
    Law.    Said  Certificate  of Amendment  is  hereinafter  sometimes
    referred to as the "1950 Certificate of Amendment". 

        Pursuant  to Section 36 of the Stock Corporation Law, a further
    Certificate  of Amendment was filed  in the Department  of State of
    the State of New  York on August 22, 1952 to effect  an increase of
    authorized  shares  without par  value and  to amend  the statement
    respecting  capital  of  the  Corporation.    Said  Certificate  of
    Amendment  is  hereinafter  sometimes  referred  to  as  the  "1952
    Certificate of Amendment." 
        III.   The Certificate  of Incorporation of  the Corporation is
    hereby  amended  to  effect  the following  changes  authorized  in
    subdivision two of Section 35 of the Stock Corporation Law: 
        (1)    to eliminate  from  the enumeration  and  description of
    shares  which  the  corporation  is  authorized  to  issue all  the
    authorized shares  of  Class  A  Stock  without  par  value,  being
    1,928,627 shares thereof of  which 1,897,223 shares have heretofore
    been  converted into shares of  Common Stock without  par value and
    the  remaining 31,404 shares  have heretofore been  redeemed by the
        (2)   to  authorize  new shares  by  increasing the  authorized
    shares with par value from 1,200,000 shares to 1,800,000 shares and
    by  increasing  the  authorized   shares  without  par  value  from
    12,594,662 to 14,594,662 shares; and   
        (3)   to change the  statements respecting capital  by amending
    the provision authorized by Section 12 of the Stock Corporation Law
    with  respect  to  the dollar  amount  of  minimum  capital of  the
        IV.  The  Certificate of Incorporation  of the Corporation,  as
    amended, is hereby  amended so that Parts A, B and C of Article IV,
    setting  forth  the number  of  authorized  shares, the  statements
    respecting capital and the  number of shares  of each class, as  so
    amended, read as follows: 
        "IV.A.  The total  number of shares  which the  Corporation may
    have 16,394,662, of which 1,800,000 are to have a par value of $100

    each, and 14,594,662 are to be without par value. 
        "B.  The capital of the Corporation shall  be at least equal to
    the  sum of the aggregate par value of all issued shares having par
    value plus  the aggregate amount  of consideration received  by the
    Corporation for the issuance of shares without par value, plus such
    amounts  as, from  time  to time,  by  resolution of  the  Board of
    Directors, may be transferred thereto. 
        "Subject  to the laws creating  and defining the  duties of the
    Public Service  Commission, authorized  but unissued shares  of the
    Corporation without par  value may be issued from  time to time for
    such consideration as may be fixed by the Board of Directors of the
        "The  capital  of  the  Corporation  shall  be  not  less  than
        "C.  The  shares of  the Corporation  are  to be  classified as
            1,800,000 shares are to be Preferred Stock with a par value
    of $100 each, and 14,594,662 shares are to be Common Stock  without
    par value."   
        V.  To further accomplish the  elimination of shares of Class A
    Stock,  subdivisions (A) and  (B) of Paragraph  (5), and Paragraphs
    (6), (7),  (8),  (9) and  (10), of  Part  D of  Article  IV of  the
    Certificate  of Incorporation  of the  Corporation, as  amended, is
    hereby amended to amend  subdivisions (A) and (B) of  Paragraph (5)
    by eliminating the provisions therein relating to shares of Class A
    Stock, to eliminate Paragraph (6) containing provisions applying to
    shares of  Class  A Stock,  to  renumber Paragraph  (7)  containing
    provisions  applying to shares of Common Stock as Paragraph (6), to
    eliminate  the provisions  contained in  Paragraph (8)  relating to
    shares of Class A Stock and to add Subdivisions (A) and (B) thereof
    as  so amended  as Subdivisions  (C) and  (D) to  Paragraph (6)  as
    renumbered, to amend Paragraph (9) 117
    relating  to scrip  certificates   to eliminate  provisions therein

    relating  to Class  A Stock  and   renumber  such Paragraph  (9) as
    Paragraph  (7) and to renumber Paragraph (10) relating to quorum of
    stockholders as Paragraph (8) so that said subdivisions (A) and (B)
    of  Paragraph (5)  and said  Paragraphs (6)  to (10)  of Part  D of
    Article IV, as so amended and renumbered, read as follows: 
        "(A) The holders of the Preferred Stock of each series shall be
    entitled to receive, but only when, as and if declared by the Board
    of Directors,  dividends at the rate  fixed for such series  and no
    more.   Such dividends shall be  payable on the last  day of March,
    June, September and December  in each year and shall  be cumulative
    from  such date  as may  be fixed  for the  series.   All dividends
    payable on the Preferred Stock shall be fully paid, or declared and
    set apart for  payment, before  any dividends on  the Common  Stock
    shall be paid or set apart for payment so that if, for all dividend
    periods  terminating on the same  or an earlier  date, dividends on
    all  outstanding shares of the  Preferred Stock at  the rates fixed
    for the respective series shall not have been paid or set apart for
    payment,  the deficiency  shall  be fully  paid  or set  apart  for
    payment before any dividends shall be paid or set apart for payment
    on the Common Stock.   Dividends in full shall  not be paid or  set
    apart for payment on the Preferred Stock of any one  series for any
    dividend  period  unless  dividends  in  full  have  been   or  are
    contemporaneously  paid or set  apart for payment  on the Preferred
    Stock of all  series for  all dividend periods  terminating on  the
    same or an earlier date.  When the stated dividends are not paid in
    full on all series of the Preferred Stock, the shares of all series
    shall  share  ratably  in   the  payment  of  dividends,  including
    accumulations, if any, in  accordance with the sums which  would be
    payable  on said  shares if  all dividends  were paid  in full.   A
    'dividend  period'  is  the  period  between  any  two  consecutive
    dividend payment dates, excluding the first of such dates, as fixed
    for the series to which  a share or shares shall belong.   Accruals
    of dividends shall not bear interest. 
        "(B)  Upon any dissolution,  liquidation or  winding up  of the
    Corporation, whether  voluntary or involuntary, the  holders of the
    Preferred  Stock of each and every series then outstanding shall be

    entitled  to  receive out  of the  net  assets of  the Corporation,
    whether capital or surplus, the sums per share fixed for the shares
    of  the  respective  series  and  payable  upon  such  dissolution,
    liquidation or  winding up,  plus, in  the case  of each  share, an
    amount  equal to the dividends accrued  and unpaid thereon, whether
    or not earned or declared, before any distribution of the assets of
    the Corporation shall be  made to the holders of  the Common Stock,
    as such. 
        "If the  assets distributable on such  dissolution, liquidation
    or  winding  up shall be insufficient to permit  the payment to the
    holders of the Preferred  Stock of the  full amounts to which  they
    respectively are entitled as  aforesaid, then said assets  shall be
    distributed  ratably among the holders of  the respective series of
    the  Preferred Stock  in  proportion to  the  sums which  would  be
    payable  on such dissolution, liquidation or winding up if all such
    sums were  paid in full in preference  and priority over the shares
    of any of the Common Stock. 
        "After payment to  the holders  of the Preferred  Stock of  the
    full amounts to which they  respectively are entitled as aforesaid,
    the holders of the Preferred Stock, as such, shall have no right or
    claim to any of the remaining assets of the Corporation.   
        "The  sale,   conveyance,  exchange  or  transfer   of  all  or
    substantially all of the property of the Corporation, or the merger
    or consolidation into or  with any other corporation, shall  not be
    deemed a dissolution, liquidation or winding up for the purposes of
    this subdivision (B)." 
        "COMMON STOCK 
        "(6) The following provisions shall apply to all shares of the 
        Common Stock: 
        "(A)  Out of  the  assets  of  the  Corporation  available  for
    dividends     remaining after  full dividends  on all  stock having

    priority as to  119
    dividends  over the Common Stock  shall have been  paid or declared
    and set apart for  payment and after making such provision, if any,
    as  the  Board of  Directors may  deem  necessary or  advisable for
    working capital and reserves or otherwise, then, and not otherwise,
    dividends may  be paid upon the  Common Stock, but only  when an as
    determined by the Board of Directors. 
        "(B) The  holders  of the  Common Stock  shall have  preemptive
    rights       as the same  are defined  in Section 39  of the  Stock
    Corporation Law, except that shares or other securities offered for
    sale shall not be subject  to such preemptive rights (1) if  not so
    subject under  said Section  39 or (2) if they are the subject of a
    public offering or  of an  offering to or  through underwriters  or
    investment  bankers who shall have agreed promptly to make a public
    offering of such shares. 
        "(C)  Upon any dissolution,  liquidation or  winding up  of the
    Corporation, whether voluntary  or involuntary,  after there  shall
    have been paid to or set apart for  the holders of all stock having
    priority over  the Common  Stock the  full preferential  amounts to
    which they are  respectively entitled,  the holders  of the  Common
    Stock shall be entitled  to receive pro  rata all of the  remaining
    assets  of  the  Corporation  available  for  distribution  to  its
    stockholders.  The sale, conveyance, exchange or transfer of all or
    substantially all of the property of the Corporation, or the merger
    or consolidation into or  with any other corporation, shall  not be
    deemed a dissolution, liquidation or winding up for the purposes of
    this subdivision (C). 
        "The Board of  Directors, by vote of a majority  of the members
    thereof, may distribute in kind to the  holders of the Common Stock
    pro rata such  remaining assets  of the Corporation,  or may  sell,
    transfer or  otherwise  dispose  of the  remaining  assets  of  the
    Corporation,  or any part thereof,  to any other  corporation or to
    any person, and receive  payment therefor wholly or partly  in cash
    or in  stock or in obligations  of such corporation or  person, and
    may sell,  transfer  or otherwise  dispose of  all or  any of  such
    consideration received therefor and distribute the proceeds thereof

    to the holders of the Common Stock pro rata. 
        "(D) The  respective shares of  the Common Stock  shall entitle
    the   holders  thereof to one  vote for  each share  of such Common
    Stock held by them, respectively, except as in this subdivision (D)
    otherwise expressly provided. 
        "At  all  meetings of  stockholders  held  for the  purpose  of
    electing   directors,  each holder  of shares  of the  Common Stock
    shall be entitled  to as many  votes as shall  equal the number  of
    votes  which (except for this provision as to cumulative voting) he
    would  be entitled  to  cast for  the  election of  directors  with
    respect  to his  shares  of  stock  multiplied  by  the  number  of
    directors to  be elected  by the  holders of  shares of the  Common
    Stock, and he may cast all  of such votes for a single  director or
    may distribute them among the number to be voted for, or any two or
    more of them, as he may see fit. 
        "(7)  Whenever any exchange or conversion of shares of stock of
    the  Corporation of  any  class or  series  for or  into shares  of
    another  class or series, or any exchange of shares of stock of the
    Corporation  for shares of stock of another corporation pursuant to
    any plan of exchange or reorganization approved and accepted by the
    Board of Directors of the Corporation, shall result in the creation
    of interests in fractions of shares of stock  of the Corporation of
    any class or series, the Corporation shall not be required to issue
    certificates representing  such fractions of shares of stock, but a
    scrip certificate  or certificates  shall be  issued in  respect of
    such fractional interests in shares.   Such scrip certificates will
    entitle  the  holders  thereof,  upon  such  terms  and under  such
    conditions  as  may  be  set  by  the  Board  of Directors  of  the
    corporation, upon the surrender  of scrip certificates  aggregating
    one or more full shares of stock of the respective class or series,
    to  receive, on  or  before a  date to  be  fixed by  the  Board of
    Directors  of  the  Corporation,  a  certificate  or   certificates
    representing such full shares.  The scrip certificates will provide
    that, as  soon as practicable after such date so fixed by the Board

    of Directors of the Corporation, any shares of stock represented by
    outstanding scrip certificates shall 121
    be sold and  the proceeds held without  accountability for interest
    for the account  of the holders of scrip certificates  until a date
    fixed  by the Board of Directors and to  be not more than two years
    later, after which latter date all unsurrendered scrip certificates
    of the Corporation shall become void. 
        "Scrip  certificates  shall  be  non-voting   and  non-dividend
    bearing and shall not entitle the holders  thereof to any rights as
    stockholders of the Corporation. 
        "(8)  At all meetings of  the stockholders of the Corporation a
    quorum  must be present for the transaction of business, and except
    as  otherwise  provided  under   the  heading  'General  Provisions
    Applicable to All Series of Preferred Stock' in respect of meetings
    of the stockholders  held for the election of directors by the vote
    of  a class  or classes  of stock,  a quorum  shall consist  of the
    holders of record  of not less than  a majority of the  outstanding
    shares  of  the Corporation  entitled  to vote,  present  either in
    person or by proxy."   
         VI.   It  is  not  proposed  to  reduce  the  capital  of  the
    Corporation by this Certificate of Amendment. 
        IN WITNESS  WHEREOF, the  undersigned have made  and subscribed
    this Certificate of Amendment this 8th day of January, 1957. 
        EARLE J. MACHOLD/s/ 
        President of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation 
        STORRS M. BISHOP/s/ 

        Secretary of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation 
        STATE OF NEW YORK    ) 
        COUNTY OF NEW YORK ) ss.: 
        On this 8th  day of  January, 1957, before  me personally  came
    Earle J. Machold, to me known to be the person described in and who
    executed  the  foregoing  Certificate  of Amendment  on  behalf  of
    Niagara   Mohawk   Power  Corporation,   and   he  thereupon   duly
    acknowledged to me that he executed the same. 
        (NOTARIAL SEAL)  
        Notary Public, State of New York 
        Qualified in Queens County 
        Certificate filed in New York County 
        Term Expires March 30, 1957   
        STATE OF NEW YORK  ) 
        COUNTY OF NEW YORK ) ss.: 
        On this 8th  day of  January, 1957, before  me personally  came
    Storrs M. Bishop, to me known to be the person described in and who
    executed  the  foregoing  Certificate  of Amendment  on  behalf  of
    Niagara   Mohawk  Power   Corporation,   and   he  thereupon   duly
    acknowledged to me that he executed the same. 
        (NOTARIAL SEAL) 
        Notary Public, State of New York 

        Qualified in Queens County 
        Certificate filed in New York County 
        Term Expires March 30, 1957 
        Affidavit of 
        Officers of the Corporation 
        Pursuant to Section 37 of the Stock Corporation Law 
        STATE OF NEW YORK    ) 
        COUNTY OF NEW YORK ) ss.: 
        Earle J. Machold and Storrs M. Bishop, being duly sworn, depose
    and  say, and each for himself deposes  and says, that he, Earle J.
    Machold, is the  President of  the Corporation, and  he, Storrs  M.
    Bishop, is the Secretary  of said corporation; that they  have been
    authorized  to execute  and file the  foregoing Certificate  by the
    votes cast in  person or  by proxy of  the holders of  record of  a
    majority  of  the  outstanding  shares  entitled  to  vote  at  the
    stockholders' meeting at which  such votes were cast  with relation
    to the proceedings provided for in the foregoing  Certificate; that
    neither the Certificate of  Incorporation nor any other Certificate
    filed pursuant to law  requires a larger proportion of  votes; that
    such  votes were cast at  a stockholders' meeting  held upon notice
    pursuant to Section 45 of  the Stock Corporation Law and that  such
    meeting was duly called and held on the 4th day of December, 1956. 
        EARLE J. MACHOLD/s/ 
        STORRS M. BISHOP/s/ 

        Subscribed and sworn to before me 
        this 8th day of January, 1957. 
        Notary Public, State of New York 
        Qualified in Queens County 
        Certificate filed in New York County 
        Term Expires March 30, 1957 
        (NOTARIAL SEAL) 
        Affidavit of 
        Officers of the Corporation 
        Pursuant to Section 37 of the Stock Corporation Law 
        STATE OF NEW YORK  ) 
        COUNTY OF NEW YORK ) ss.:   
         Earle J.  Machold  and James  H.  Morrell, being  duly  sworn,
    depose and say,  and each for  himself deposes and  says, that  he,
    Earle  J. Machold, is the  President, and he,  James H. Morrell, is
    the  Treasurer of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, and that by the
    foregoing Certificate of Amendment  the number of additional shares
    not  resulting from  a change  of shares  which the  Corporation is
    thereby authorized to issue is 600,000 shares of Preferred Stock of
    the par  value of  $100 per share  and 2,000,000  shares of  Common
    Stock without par value;  that no shares have thereby  been changed
    as provided in subparagraph (5) of paragraph (C) of subdivision two
    of Section 35 of the Stock Corporation Law; and that  the par value
    of any shares with par value has not been increased. 

        EARLE J. MACHOLD/s/ 
        JAMES H. MORRELL/s/ 
        Subscribed and sworn to before me 
        this 8th day of January, 1957. 
        Notary Public 
        Notary Public, State of New York 
        Qualified in Queens County 
        Certificate filed in New York County 
        Term Expires March 30, 1957   
        Albany, N. Y., January 9, 1957. 
        CASE 18134--Petition  of Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation  for
    approval of increase of  its capital stock, for authority  to issue
    $48,150,200 of convertible debentures, and  for authority to issue 

    common stock. 
        * * * * * * 
        The Public  Service Commission hereby consents  to and approves
    this Certificate  of Amendment  of Certificate of  Incorporation of
    Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation,  Pursuant to  Section 36  of the
    Stock  Corporation Law,  executed  January 8,  1957,--in accordance
    with the  order of said Public  Service Commission dated January 7,
        By the Commission 
        ALTON G. MARSHALL/s/ 
        Pursuant to Section 11 of the Stock Corporation Law 
        Dated: May 21, 1957 

        FILED      May 22, 1957 
        TAX        $ None 
        FILING FEE $25.00 
        Secretary of State 
        By M. R. KEENAN   
        Pursuant to Section 11 of the Stock Corporation Law 
        NIAGARA   MOHAWK   POWER  CORPORATION   (hereinafter  sometimes
    referred to as  "the Corporation") by  its President and  Secretary
    thereunto duly authorized DOES HEREBY CERTIFY: 
        I.   The  name  of the  Corporation  is "Niagara  Mohawk  Power

        The   name  under   which   the   Corporation  was   originally
        was "Niagara Hudson Public Service Corporation". 
        II.   The Certificate of Consolidation  forming the Corporation
    (under the name of "Niagara Hudson Public Service Corporation") was
    filed in the  Department of State of the State of  New York on July
    31, 1937. 
        A  Certificate  of  Change of  Name  of  Niagara  Hudson Public
    Service   Corporation  to Central  New York  Power Corporation  was
    filed in  the   Department of State  of the  State of  New York  on
    September 15, 1937. 
        A "Certificate  of Consolidation  of New  York Power and  Light
    Corporation and  Buffalo Niagara  Electric Corporation  and Central
    New York Power Corporation into Central New  York Power Corporation
    which is to survive  the consolidation and be named  Niagara Mohawk
    Power  Corporation" was  filed in  the Department  of State  of the
    State  of  New  York on  January  5,  1950.    Said Certificate  of
    Consolidation  is hereinafter  sometimes referred  to as  the "1950
    Certificate of Consolidation". 
        Pursuant to Section 26-a and 36 of the Stock Corporation Law, a
    Certificate  of Amendment was filed  in the Department  of State of
    the State  of New York on January 5, 1950 to effect certain changes
    authorized  in subdivision 2 of Section 35 of the Stock Corporation
    Law.    Said  Certificate  of Amendment  is  hereinafter  sometimes
    referred to as the "1950 Certificate of Amendment". 
        Pursuant  to Section 36 of the Stock Corporation Law, a further
    Certificate  of Amendment was filed  in the Department  of State of
    the State of  New York on August 22, 1952 to  effect an increase of
    authorized  shares without  par value  and to  amend the  statement
    respecting capital of the Corporation. 
        Pursuant  to Section 11 of the Stock Corporation Law, a further
    Certificate was filed  in the Department  of State of the  State of

    New York on May 5, 1954 to set forth as paragraph (4A) of Part D of
    Article  IV of the 1950 Certificate of Consolidation, as amended by
    Article V of  the 1950 Certificate of  Amendment, the designations,
    preferences, privileges and voting  powers, and the restrictions or
    qualifications  applicable to  210,000 shares  of  Preferred Stock,
    4.10%  Series.   Said Certificate,  pursuant to  Section 11  of the
    Stock Corporation Law, is hereinafter  sometimes referred to as the
    "1954 Certificate". 
        Pursuant  to Section 36 of the Stock Corporation Law, a further
    Certificate  of Amendment was filed  in the Department  of State of
    the  State of  New York on  January 9,  1957 to  eliminate from the
    enumeration  and description  of  shares which  the Corporation  is
    authorized  to issue  all the  authorized shares  of Class  A Stock
    without par  value,  to  authorize new  shares  by  increasing  the
    authorized shares with par value  and the authorized shares without
    par  value and to change  the statements respecting  capital.  Said
    Certificate, pursuant  to Section 36 of the  Stock Corporation Law,
    is  hereinafter   sometimes  referred  to  as   the  "January  1957
         In  accordance  with  the  provisions of  Subdivision  (E)  of
    Paragraph  (5) of Part D of Article  IV, under the heading "General
    Provisions Applicable  to All  Series of  Preferred Stock",  of the
    1950 Certificate of Consolidation the holders of record of at least
    a majority of the total number of shares of Preferred  Stock of all
    series  then  outstanding adopted  the  following  resolution at  a
    meeting called for that purpose and held on December 5, 1956 in the
    manner prescribed by the By-Laws of the Corporation: 
        "RESOLVED, that consent be and it hereby is given  to the issue
    by  the Corporation of unsecured  indebtedness in a total principal
    amount not exceeding  at any one time  outstanding $50,000,000 over
    and above the principal  amount of unsecured indebtedness otherwise
    permitted  by the provisions of Subdivision (E) of Paragraph (5) of
    Part  D of Article  IV of the  Certificate of  Consolidation of the
    Corporation filed January 5, 1950." 

        III.  The certificate  of incorporation of the Corporation,  as
    amended and supplemented by any  certificate filed pursuant to law,
    is 130
    hereby amended by the addition of the following  provisions stating
    the designations,  preferences, privileges  and voting powers,  and
    the restrictions or  qualifications of a series of Preferred Stock,
    to  consist of 200,000 shares of the authorized 1,800,000 shares of
    Preferred  Stock of  the  Corporation, as  fixed  by the  Board  of
    Directors of the  Corporation before the  issuance of such  series,
    such provisions so  added to  be designated as  paragraph (4B)  (of
    Part D of Article  IV of the  1950 Certificate of Consolidation  as
    amended by  Article V of the  1950 Certificate of  Amendment and by
    the  1954 Certificate and the January 1957 Certificate) and to read
    as follows: 
        Particular  Provisions  Applicable  to Preferred  Stock,  5.25%
        (4B)   The  designation,  preferences,  privileges  and  voting
    powers  of the 200,000 shares of the Preferred Stock, 5.25% Series,
    and  the restrictions  or qualifications  thereof (insofar  as they
    differ from  or supplement the  provisions which are  applicable to
    all shares of the  Preferred Stock irrespective of series),  are as
        (A)  The series  shall be designated as Preferred  Stock, 5.25%
        (B)   The dividend rate  thereof shall be  five and twenty-five
    one-  hundredths per cent (5.25%) per annum.  The  dividends on the
    shares   of the Preferred  Stock, 5.25% Series  shall be cumulative
    from May  28, 1957; 
        (C)  Except as  provided under the heading "General  Provisions
    Applicable to  All Series of Preferred Stock"  in Part D of Article

    IV of the 1950 Certificate of Consolidation as amended by Article V
    of the  1950 Certificate of  Amendment, the Preferred  Stock, 5.25%
    Series shall have  no voting rights whatsoever  and is specifically
    excluded from the right to vote  in a proceeding for mortgaging the
    property 131
    and franchises of  the Corporation  pursuant to Section  16 of  the
    Stock  Corporation Law,  for authorizing  any guaranty  pursuant to
    Section 19 of said Law, for  sale of the franchises and property of
    the   Corporation  pursuant  to   Section  20  of   said  Law,  for
    consolidation  pursuant to  Section 86 of  said Law,  for voluntary
    dissolution pursuant  to Section 105  of said Law or  for change of
    name pursuant to the General Corporation Law or pursuant to Section
    36 of the Stock Corporation Law; 
        (D)   The sum per share payable upon the voluntary dissolution,
    liquidation or winding up  of the Corporation shall be  $107.50 per
    share through April 30, 1962;  $105.00 per share thereafter through
    April 30,  1967;  $103.50 per  share thereafter  through April  30,
    1972; and $102.00 per share thereafter, in each case plus an amount
    equal to the dividends accrued and unpaid on such share, whether or
    not earned or declared; 
        (E)     The  sum  per   share  payable  upon   the  involuntary
    dissolution,  liquidation or winding up of the Corporation shall be
    $100 per share plus  an amount equal to  the dividends accrued  and
    unpaid on such share, whether or not earned or declared; 
        (F)   The shares of the Preferred  Stock, 5.25% Series shall be
    redeemable  at  the  option  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the
    Corporation, either  as  a whole  or  in part,  at  any time  at  a
    redemption  price  of $107.50  per  share through  April  30, 1962;
    $105.00 per  share thereafter through  April 30, 1967;  $103.50 per
    share  thereafter through  April 30,  1972;  and $102.00  per share
    thereafter,  in each  case plus  an amount  equal to  the dividends
    accrued  and  unpaid thereon  to  the  date fixed  for  redemption,
    whether or not earned or declared; 
        (G)  The shares of the Preferred Stock,  5.25% Series shall not
    be convertible  into or  exchangeable for  other securities  of the

        (H)   There shall be no sinking fund with respect to the shares
    of the Preferred Stock, 5.25% Series; and 
     (I)   The  shares of the  Preferred Stock,  5.25% Series  shall be
    subject  to the  consent  set forth  in  the last  subparagraph  of
    Paragraph II of  this Certificate to the  same extent and  with the
    same  effect  as  all  series  of  Preferred Stock  outstanding  on
    December 5, 1956 are so subject. 
        IN WITNESS  WHEREOF, the  undersigned have made  and subscribed
    this  Certificate in triplicate this 21st day of May, 1957. 
        /s/ EARLE J. MACHOLD 
        /s/ JOHN G. BENACK 
        STATE OF NEW YORK   )  
        COUNTY OF NEW YORK  ) ss.: 
        On this 21st day of May,  1957, before me personally came EARLE
    J.  MACHOLD  and JOHN G. BENACK, to me known  and known to me to be
    the    persons   described  in  and  who  executed   the  foregoing
    certificate, and  they thereupon severally duly  acknowledged to me
    that they executed the same. 
        /s/ FRED L. JOHNSON 
        FRED L. JOHNSON 

        Notary Public, State of New York 
        No. 24-1978900 
        Qualified in Kings County 
        NOTARIAL               Cert. filed with New York County Clerk 
        (SEAL)                 Commission Expires March 30, 1959 
        STATE OF NEW YORK  ) 
        COUNTY OF NEW YORK ) ss.: 
        EARLE J. MACHOLD and  JOHN G. BENACK, being duly  sworn, depose
    and   say, and each for himself deposes and says, that he, Earle J.
    Machold, is the President of Niagara  Mohawk Power Corporation, and
    he,  JOHN G. BENACK, is the Secretary  thereof; that they were duly
    authorized  by  the Board  of  Directors  of  Niagara Mohawk  Power
    Corporation to execute and file the foregoing Certificate, and that
    the designations, preferences, privileges  and voting powers of the
    series of  Preferred Stock described therein,  and the restrictions
    or  qualifications thereof,  were duly authorized  by the  Board of
    Directors of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation. 
        /s/ EARLE J. MACHOLD 
        /s/ JOHN G. BENACK   
      Subscribed and sworn to before me 
        this 21st day of May, 1957. 
        /s/ FRED L. JOHNSON 
        FRED L. JOHNSON 
        Notary Public, State of New York 
        No. 24-1978900 
        Qualified in Kings County 

        Cert. filed with New York County Clerk 
        Commission Expires March 30, 1959 

        STATE OF NEW YORK   ) 
        DEPARTMENT STATE   ) ss.: 
        I  certify That  I have  compared the  preceding copy  with the
    original Certificate of"NIAGARA MOHAWK  POWER CORPORATION",pursuant
    to   Section  11  of  the  Stock Corporation  Law,  filed  in  this
    department on the 22nd day  of May, 1957, and  that such copy is  a
    correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of such original. 
        WITNESS  my hand  and the  official seal  of the  Department of
    State at  the City  of Albany, this  twenty-second day of  May, one
    thousand nine hundred fifty-seven. 
        Secretary of State 
        (STATE SEAL) 
        By  SAMUEL LONDON 
        Deputy Secretary of State   
        Pursuant to Section 11 of the Stock Corporation Law 

        Dated:  February 17, 1958 
        FILED  Feb. 18, 1958 
        TAX    $  None 
        FILING FEE  $25.00 
        /s/ CARMINE G. DE SAPIO 
        Secretary of State 
        By  B. HORAN   
        Pursuant to Section 11 of the Stock Corporation Law 
        NIAGARA   MOHAWK   POWER  CORPORATION   (hereinafter  sometimes
    referred to  as  "the Corporation") by its President  and Secretary

    thereunto duly authorized DOES HEREBY CERTIFY: 
        I.   The  name  of the  Corporation  is "Niagara  Mohawk  Power
    Corporation". The  name under which the  Corporation was originally
    incorporated was "Niagara Hudson Public Service Corporation". 
        II.   The Certificate of Consolidation  forming the Corporation
    (under the name of "Niagara Hudson Public Service Corporation") was
    filed in the Department of State of  the State of New York on  July
    31, 1937. 
        A  Certificate  of  Change of  Name  of  Niagara Hudson  Public
    Service Corporation to Central New York Power Corporation was filed
    in the  Department of State  of the State of New York  on September
    15, 1937.
        A  "Certificate of Consolidation  of New  York Power  and Light
    Corporation and Buffalo  Niagara Electric  Corporation and  Central
    New York  Power Corporation into Central New York Power Corporation
    which is to survive  the consolidation and be named  Niagara Mohawk
    Power  Corporation" was  filed in  the Department  of State  of the
    State  of  New York  on  January  5,  1950.   Said  Certificate  of
    Consolidation  is   hereinafter  sometimes   referred  to   as  the
    "1950Certificate of Consolidation". 
        Pursuant  to Sections 26-a and 36 of the Stock Corporation Law,
    a Certificate of Amendment was filed in the Department of  State of
    theState of New York  on January 5, 1950 to  effect certain changes
    authorized  in subdivision 2 of Section 35 of the Stock Corporation
    Law.    Said  Certificate  of Amendment  is  hereinafter  sometimes
    referred to as the "1950 Certificate of Amendment". 
        Pursuant  to Section 36 of the Stock Corporation Law, a further
    Certificate  of Amendment was filed  in the Department  of State of
    the State of New York on August  22, 1952 to effect an increase  of
    authorized shares  without par  value  and to  amend the  statement
    respecting capital of the Corporation. 

        Pursuant  to Section 11 of the Stock Corporation Law, a further
    Certificate was  filed in the Department  of State of  the State of
    New York on May 5, 1954 to set forth as paragraph (4A) of Part D of
    Article  IV of the 1950 Certificate of Consolidation, as amended by
    Article  V of the 1950 Certificate  of Amendment, the designations,
    preferences, privileges and voting  powers, and the restrictions or
    qualifications  applicable to  210,000 shares  of Preferred  Stock,
    4.10%  Series.   Said Certificate,  pursuant to  Section 11  of the
    Stock Corporation Law, is hereinafter sometimes referred to as  the
    "1954 Certificate". 
        Pursuant  to Section 36 of the Stock Corporation Law, a further
    Certificate  of Amendment was filed  in the Department  of State of
    the State  of New York  on January  9, 1957 to  eliminate from  the
    enumeration  and description  of  shares which  the Corporation  is
    authorized  to issue  all the  authorized shares  of Class  A Stock
    without  par  value,  to  authorize new  shares  by  increasing the
    authorized shares with par value and the authorized shares  without
    par  value and to change  the statements respecting  capital.  Said
    Certificate, pursuant to  Section 36 of the  Stock Corporation Law,
    is  hereinafter   sometimes  referred  to  as   the  "January  1957
         Pursuant to Section 11 of the Stock Corporation Law, a further
    Certificate was  filed in the Department  of State of the  State of
    New York  on May 22, 1957 to set forth  as paragraph (4B) of Part D
    of  Article IV of the 1950 Certificate of Consolidation, as amended
    by Article V  of the 1950 Certificate of Amendment  and by the 1954
    Certificate  and the  January  1957 Certificate,  the designations,
    preferences, privileges and voting  powers, and the restrictions or
    qualifications applicable  to 200,000  shares  of Preferred  Stock,
    5.25%  Series.   Said Certificate,  pursuant to  Section 11  of the
    Stock Corporation Law,  is hereinafter sometimes referred to as the
    "May 1957 Certificate". 
        In  accordance  with  the  provisions  of  Subdivision  (E)  of
    Paragraph (5) of Part D  of Article IV, under the heading  "General
    Provisions   Applicable to All  Series of Preferred  Stock", of the

    1950 Certificate of Consolidation the holders of record of at least
    a majority of the total number  of shares of Preferred Stock of all
    series  then  outstanding adopted  the  following  resolution at  a
    meeting called for that purpose and held on December 5, 1956 in the
    manner prescribed by the By-Laws of the Corporation:     
    "RESOLVED,  that consent be and it hereby  is given to the issue by
    the  Corporation of  unsecured  indebtedness in  a total  principal
    amount not exceeding at any  one time outstanding $50,000,000  over
    and above the principal  amount of unsecured indebtedness otherwise
    permitted  by the provisions of Subdivision (E) of Paragraph (5) of
    Part  D of Article  IV of the  Certificate of Consolidation  of the
    Corporation filed January 5, 1950." 
        III.  The  certificate of incorporation of the  Corporation, as
    amended and supplemented  by any certificate filed pursuant to law,
    is  hereby amended  by  the addition  of  the following  provisions
    stating  the  designations,  preferences,  privileges   and  voting
    powers,  and  the restrictions  or  qualifications of  a  series of
    Preferred  Stock, to  consist of  250,000 shares of  the authorized
    1,800,000 shares of Preferred Stock of the Corporation, as fixed by
    the  Board of Directors of  the Corporation before  the issuance of
    such series, such provisions so added to be designated as paragraph
    (4C)  (of  Part  D  of  Article  IV  of  the  1950  Certificate  of
    Consolidation  as amended by Article  V of the  1950 Certificate of
    Amendment and by the 1954 Certificate, the January 1957 Certificate
    and the May 1957 Certificate) and to read as follows: 
        Particular  Provisions  Applicable  to Preferred  Stock,  4.85%
        (4C)    The designations,  preferences,  privileges and  voting
    powers  of the 250,000 shares of the Preferred Stock, 4.85% Series,
    and  the restrictions  or qualifications  thereof (insofar  as they
    differ from  or supplement the  provisions which are  applicable to
    all shares of the  Preferred Stock irrespective of series),  are as
        (A)  The series  shall be designated as Preferred  Stock, 4.85%

        (B)   The dividend rate  thereof shall be  four and eighty-five
    one- hundredths per  cent (4.85%) per annum.  The  dividends on the
    shares of  the Preferred Stock,  4.85% Series  shall be  cumulative
    from February 25, 1958; 
        (C)  Except  as provided under the  heading "General Provisions
    Applicable to All  Series of Preferred Stock" in Part  D of Article
    IV of the 1950 Certificate of Consolidation as amended by Article V
    of the  1950 Certificate of  Amendment, the Preferred  Stock, 4.85%
    Series shall have  no voting rights whatsoever  and is specifically
    excluded from  the right to vote in a proceeding for mortgaging the
    property  and franchises of the Corporation  pursuant to Section 16
    of the Stock Corporation Law, for authorizing any guaranty pursuant
    to Section 19 of said Law, for sale of the  franchises and property
    of  the Corporation  pursuant  to  Section  20  of  said  Law,  for
    consolidation  pursuant to Section  86 of  said Law,  for voluntary
    dissolution pursuant to  Section 105 of said  Law or for  change of
    name pursuant to the General Corporation Law or pursuant to Section
    36 of the Stock Corporation Law;   
        (D)   The sum per share payable upon the voluntary dissolution,
    liquidation  or winding  up of  the Corporation  shall be  $106 per
    share  through January 31, 1963;  $104 per share thereafter through
    January 31,  1968; $103  per share  thereafter through  January 31,
    1973;  and $102 per  share thereafter, in each  case plus an amount
    equal to the dividends accrued and unpaid on such share, whether or
    not earned or declared; 
        (E)    The   sum  per  share   payable  upon  the   involuntary
    dissolution, liquidation or winding up of the Corporation  shall be
    $100 per  share plus an  amount equal to the  dividends accrued and
    unpaid on such share, whether or not earned or declared; 
        (F)   The shares of the Preferred  Stock, 4.85% Series shall be
    redeemable  at  the  option  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the
    Corporation,  either as  a  whole or  in  part, at  any  time at  a
    redemption price of $106  per share through January 31,  1963; $104

    per  share  thereafter through  January  31, 1968;  $103  per share
    thereafter through January 31, 1973; and $102 per share thereafter,
    in each  case plus  an amount  equal to  the dividends accrued  and
    unpaid thereon to  the date  fixed for redemption,  whether or  not
    earned or  declared; provided, however,  the Board of  Directors of
    the Corporation shall not on or prior to February 1,  1963 exercise
    its option to redeem any 140
    shares of  the Preferred  Stock, 4.85%  Series as a  part of  or in
    anticipation  of  any  refunding  operation  by  the   application,
    directly  or indirectly, of borrowed funds or the proceeds of issue
    of any shares  of Preferred Stock or any stock  ranking prior to or
    on a parity with the Preferred Stock if such borrowed funds have an
    interest rate or cost to the  Corporation (calculated in accordance
    with  accepted financial practice), or such  shares have a dividend
    rate  or cost  to  the Corporation  so  calculated, less  than  the
    dividend rate per annum of the Preferred Stock, 4.85% Series; 
        (G)   The shares of the Preferred Stock, 4.85% Series shall not
    be   convertible into or  exchangeable for other  securities of the
        (H)  There shall be no  sinking fund with respect to the shares
    of  the Preferred Stock, 4.85% Series; and 
        (I)  The  shares of the Preferred Stock, 4.85%  Series shall be
    subject  to the  consent  set forth  in  the last  subparagraph  of
    Paragraph II of  this Certificate to  the same extent and  with the
    same  effect as  all  series  of  Preferred  Stock  outstanding  on
    December 5, 1956 are so subject. 
        IN WITNESS  WHEREOF, the  undersigned have made  and subscribed
    this  Certificate in triplicate this 17th day of February, 1958. 
        /s/ EARLE J. MACHOLD 
        /s/ JOHN G. BENACK 

        STATE OF NEW YORK   ) 
        COUNTY OF NEW YORK  ) ss.: 

        On this 17th day  of February, 1958, before me  personally came
    EARLE J. MACHOLD and JOHN G. BENACK, to me known and known to me to
    be  the  persons  described  in  and  who  executed  the  foregoing
    certificate, and  they thereupon severally duly  acknowledged to me
    that they executed the same. 
        /s/ AMY B. MAC FARLANE 
        (NOTARIAL SEAL)    
        Notary Public, State of New York 
        No. 31-7649500 
        Qualified in New York County 
        Commission expires March 30, 1958   
        STATE OF NEW YORK   ) 
        COUNTY OF NEW YORK  ) ss.: 
        EARLE J. MACHOLD and  JOHN G. BENACK, being duly  sworn, depose
    and  say, and each for himself deposes and says, that  he, Earle J.
    Machold. is the President of Niagara Mohawk Power  Corporation, and
    he,  JOHN G. BENACK, is the  Secretary thereof; that they were duly
    authorized by  the  Board  of Directors  of  Niagara  Mohawk  Power
    Corporation to execute and file the foregoing Certificate, and that
    the designations, preferences, privileges  and voting powers of the
    series of  Preferred Stock described therein,  and the restrictions
    or  qualifications thereof,  were duly  authorized by the  Board of
    Directors of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation. 

        /s/ EARLE J. MACHOLD 
        /s/ JOHN G. BENACK 
        Subscribed and sworn to before me 
        this 17th day of February, 1958. 
        /s/ AMY B. MAC FARLANE 
        Notary Public, State of New York 
        No. 31-7649500 
        Qualified in New York County 
        Commission expires March 30, 1958 
        (NOTARIAL SEAL) 
        STATE OF NEW YORK   ) 
        DEPARTMENT OF STATE ) ss.:   
        I  CERTIFY That  I have  compared the  preceding copy  with the
    original  Certificate   of  "NIAGARA  MOHAWK   POWER  CORPORATION",
    Pursuant to Section  11 of the Stock Corporation Law, filed in this
    department on the 18th day of February, 1958, and that such copy is
    a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of such original. 
        WITNESS  my hand  and the  official seal  of the  Department of
    State at the City of  Albany, this eighteenth day of  February, one
    thousand nine hundred fifty-eight. 
        /s/ CARMINE G. DE SAPIO 
        Secretary of State. 

        By /s/ SAMUEL LONDON 
        Deputy Secretary of State.   
        Pursuant to Section 85 of the Stock Corporation Law 
        Dated: April 30, 1958 
        FILED APRIL 30, 1958 
        TAX $ None 
        FILING FEE $25 

        Secretary of State 
        By M. R. KEENAN   
        Pursuant to Section 85 of the Stock Corporation Law 
        The undersigned, NIAGARA MOHAWK  POWER CORPORATION, pursuant to
    Section 85  of  the  Stock Corporation  Law,  hereby  certifies  as
        1.   NIAGARA  MOHAWK POWER  CORPORATION (hereinafter  sometimes
    referred to  as "the  Corporation"), is  a  stock corporation  duly
    organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York. 
        2.   The  Corporation owns  all of  the issued  and outstanding
    capital stock of The  Cazenovia Electric Company, which is  a stock
    corporation organized under  the laws of the State  of New York and
    is  authorized  to engage  and is  engaged  in business  similar or
    incidental to the business in  which the Corporation is  authorized
    to engage and is engaged. 
        3.  At a meeting  of the Board of Directors of  the Corporation

    duly  called  and held  on  the  16th  day of  January,  1958,  the
    following resolutions were duly adopted: 
        WHEREAS, The Cazenovia Electric  Company is a stock corporation
    organized under the laws of the State of New York and is authorized
    to engage  and is engaged in business  similar or incidental to the
    business in which this  Corporation is authorized to engage  and is
    engaged; and 
        WHEREAS,  this  Corporation  has   entered  into  a  valid  and
    subsisting agreement for the acquisition by this Corporation of all
    of the outstanding stock of The  Cazenovia Electric Company subject
    to  the authorization  of  such acquisition  by the  Public Service
    Commission   of the State of New York under and pursuant to Section
    70 of the Public Service Law; and 
        WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient that this Corporation merge The
    Cazenovia Electric Company  into itself and  thereby become and  be
    possessed of  all of the  assets, property, rights,  privileges and
    franchises of said The Cazenovia Electric Company; 
        RESOLVED, that the provisions of these resolutions shall be and
    become  effective  immediately upon  the authorized  acquisition by
    this Corporation, as owner, of all of the  outstanding stock of The
    Cazenovia Electric Company; and be it further 

       RESOLVED,  that this  Corporation  merge The  Cazenovia Electric
    Company  and  assume all  of its  obligations subject  to obtaining
    approval of the Public Service Commission of the State of New York,
    as provided in subdivision 5 of Section 85 of the Stock Corporation
    Law; and be it further 
        RESOLVED,  that  the  President  or a  Vice  President  and the
    Secretary or the Treasurer  of this Corporation be and  they hereby
    are authorized, empowered and  directed to execute in the  name and
    under the seal of this Corporation a Certificate of Merger  of said

    The Cazenovia Electric Company with this Corporation as provided in
    the foregoing  resolution and to file the same in the Department of
    State of the State of New York; and be it further 
        RESOLVED, that  the said officers  of this  Corporation be  and
    they hereby are authorized,  empowered and directed to do  all such
    other   146
    acts and things and to execute and file such other documents as may
    be necessary, desirable or appropriate to effect the merger of said
    The Cazenovia  Electric Company  with this Corporation  provided by
    the foregoing resolutions. 
        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation has caused
    this Certificate to  be executed  in its name,  signed by Earle  J.
    Machold,  its President, and John G. Benack, its Secretary, and its
    corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this 30th day of April, 1958.

        By EARLE J. MACHOLD 
        By JOHN G. BENACK 
        STATE OF NEW YORK    ) 
        COUNTY OF ONONDAGA) ss.: 
        On  this 30th  day of  April, 1958,  before me  personally came
    EARLE J. MACHOLD and JOHN G. BENACK, to me known, who,  being by me
    duly sworn, did  depose and say  and each  for himself deposes  and
    says  that he, the  said Earle J.  Machold, resides in  the City of
    Syracuse, State of New York, and is the President of Niagara Mohawk
    Power Corporation, the corporation  described in and which executed
    the foregoing instrument; that he, the said John G. Benack, resides
    in the City of Syracuse, State of New York, and is the Secretary of
    said corporation; that he, the  said Earle J. Machold, and he,  the
    said John  G. Benack, both know the  seal of said corporation; that

    the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it
    was  so affixed  by  order  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  said
    corporation,  and that  they  signed their  names  thereto by  like
        Notary Public   
        Notary Public in the State of New York 
        Qualified in Onon. Co. No. 34-1089575 
        My Commission Expires March 30, 1959 
        Albany, N. Y., April 30, 1958. 
        CASE 18714 
        Petition of  Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation  for authority to
    acquire  the capital stock  of The  Cazenovia Electric  Company, to
    issueup to 9,936  shares of petitioner's  common stock in  exchange
    therefor,  and  to  merge   The  Cazenovia  Electric  Company  with
        The Public  Service Commission hereby consents  to and approves
    this merger  by Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation of  The Cazenovia
    Electric Company, pursuant to Section  85 of the Stock  Corporation
    Law,  which merger  is  evidenced  by  this certificate  of  merger
    executed April 30, 1958 by Earle J. Machold,  President and John G.
    Benack,   Secretary  of   Niagara  Mohawk   Power  Corporation,--in

    accordance with  the order of said Public  Service Commission dated
    March 25, 1958. 
        By the Commission, 
        STATE OF NEW YORK     ) 
        DEPARTMENT OF STATE ) ss.:   
         I Certify That  I have  compared the preceding  copy with  the
    original Certificate of Merger  

        The Cazenovia Electric Company 
        Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, 
        filed in this department  on the 30th day  of April, 1958,  and
    that such copy  is a correct transcript therefrom and  of the whole
    of such original. 
        WITNESS  my hand  and the  official seal  of the  Department of
    State at  the City  of Albany,  this thirtieth  day  of April,  one
    thousand nine hundred fifty-eight. 
        Secretary of State 
        Deputy Secretary of State   

        of the 
        Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 
        Dated:  May 4, 1965 
        FILED MAY 5 1965 
        TAX $23,242.70 
        FILING FEE $30-- 
        JOHN P. LOMENZO 
        Secretary of State 
        By D. BELL   
        of the 

        Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 
        Pursuant  to  the provisions  of  Section 805  of  the BUSINESS
    CORPORATION LAW,  the undersigned, being  a Vice President  and the
    Secretary of NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION, hereby certify: 
        The   name  of   the  Corporation   is  Niagara   Mohawk  Power
        It was originally incorporated under the name of Niagara Hudson
    Public Service Corporation. 
        The Certificate  of Consolidation forming  the Corporation  was
    filed by the Department of State on July 31, 1937. 
        The  Certificate  of  Incorporation  as  heretofore amended  is
    hereby  further amended  to  effect changes  authorized by  Section
    801(b) of the Business Corporation Law,  to wit: (1) to change  the
    14,594,662 previously authorized shares of Common Stock without par
    value into 29,189,324 shares of Common Stock of the par value of $8
    each, and (2) to increase the aggregate number of  shares of Common
    Stock of the par value of $8 each which the  Corporation shall have
    the  authority to issue by  an additional 5,810,676  shares of such
    Common  Stock, so that the authorized shares of capital stock shall
    consist of 1,800,000 shares of Preferred  Stock with a par value of
    $100 each and 35,000,000 shares of Common Stock with a par value of
    $8 each. 

        The   Certificate  of  Incorporation  of  the  Corporation,  as
    amended, is  hereby amended  so that  Parts A and  C of  Article IV
    setting forth the  number of  authorized shares and  the number  of
    shares of each class, as so amended, read as follows: 
        "IV. A.   The total number of shares which  the Corporation may
    have is 36,800,000,  of which 1,800,000 are to have  a par value of
    $100 each and 35,000,000 are to have a par value of $8 each." 
        "C.   The shares  of the  Corporation are  to be classified  as
        1,800,000 shares are to be Preferred Stock with a par  value of
    $100 each;  and 35,000,000 shares are to be Common Stock with a par
    value of $8 each." 
        The  14,594,662 previously  authorized  shares of  Common Stock
    without  par  value, of  which  13,680,340  shares  are issued  and
    outstanding,  are hereby  changed  to 29,189,324  shares of  Common
    Stock of the par value of  $8 each, of which 27,360,680 shares will
    be issued  shares,  and the  manner in  which such  change will  be
    effected is as follows:  each share of previously authorized Common
    Stock without par value is hereby changed into two shares of Common
    Stock of the par value of $8 each. 
        The stated capital of  the Corporation will not be  affected by
    this  Amendment   to  the  Certificate  of   Incorporation  of  the


        This  Amendment  to the  Certificate  of  Incorporation of  the
    Corporation was duly authorized by  the votes cast in person  or by
    proxy of the  holders of  record of a  majority of the  outstanding
    shares of the  Corporation entitled  to vote  at the  stockholders'
    meeting  at which  such  votes  were  cast  with  relation  to  the
    proceedings  provided  for  in   this  Amendment  and  neither  the
    Certificate  of  Incorporation  nor  any  other  certificate  filed
    pursuant to law  requires a larger proportion of votes.  Such votes
    were cast  in person or  by proxy  at a stockholders'  meeting duly
    held 152
    at  the offices of the Corporation  at No. 300 Erie Boulevard West,
    in the City of Syracuse, New York,  on the fourth day of May, 1965,
    at  11  o'clock  A.M., pursuant  to  Section  605  of the  Business
    Corporation Law. 
        IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have made and subscribed this Certificate
    this 4th day of May, 1965. 
        Lauman Martin, Vice President 
        JOHN G. BENACK 
        John G. Benack, Secretary 
        STATE OF NEW YORK  ) 
        COUNTY OF ONONDAGA ) ss.: 
        Lauman Martin, being duly  sworn, deposes and says, that  he is
    the   Vice  President  of  Niagara Mohawk  Power  Corporation,  the
    corporation named  in and  described in the  foregoing certificate.
    That he has  read and executed the foregoing certificate and  knows
    the contents thereof, and that the statements contained therein are
        LAUMAN MARTIN   

        Sworn to before me this 
        4th day of May, 1965 
        Notary Public in the State of New York 
        Qualified in Onon. Co. No. 34-1158700 
       My Commission Expires March 30, 1967 
        Albany, N.Y., May 5, 1965 
        CASE 23554--Petition  of Niagara  Mohawk Power  Corporation for
    approval of a certificate amending its certificate of incorporation
    to increase the number of  its shares and to change  shares without
    par value into shares with par value. 
        *  *  * 
        The Public  Service Commission hereby consents  to and approves
    of  NIAGARA  MOHAWK  POWER CORPORATION  Under  Section  805 of  the
    Business   Corporation Law, executed May 4, 1965 in accordance with
    the order of the Public Service Commission dated March 19, 1965. 
        By the Commission 

        Pursuant to Section 905 of the Business Corporation Law 
        Dated:  January 17, 1966 
        FILED JAN. 17, 1966 
        TAX $ None 
        FILING FEE $30.00 
        JOHN P. LOMENZO 
        Secretary of State 
        By N.B.   

        Under Section 905 of the 
        Business Corporation Law 
        Pursuant  to  the provisions  of  Section 905  of  the Business
    Corporation Law,  the undersigned, being  a Vice President  and the
    Secretary of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, hereby certify: 
        1.  The name of the subsidiary corporation to be merged is Paul
    Smith's  Electric Light  and Power  and Railroad  Company.   It was
    originally incorporated under the name of The Paul Smith's Electric
    Light and Power Company. 
        The name  of the surviving corporation is  Niagara Mohawk Power
    Corporation.  It  was originally  incorporated  under  the name  of
    Niagara Hudson Public Service Corporation. 
        2.   The designation and  number of outstanding  shares of each
    class of the subsidiary  corporation to be merged is  12,500 shares
    of  $100 par value Common Capital Stock,  all of which are owned by
    the surviving corporation. 
        3.   The  effective date  of the  merger shall  be the  date of
    filing of this certificate of merger by the Department of State.   

        4.   There is no provision  for the abandonment of  the plan of
        5.  The certificate  of incorporation of Paul  Smith's Electric
    ight  and Power and  Railroad Company (under  the name  of The Paul
    Smith's  Electric  Light  and  Power  Company)  was  filed  by  the
    Secretary of  State on July  10, 1905.   An amended certificate  of
    incorporation  of  said corporation  under  the  name of  The  Paul
    Smith's  Electric Light and Power and Railroad Company was filed by
    the Secretary of State on May 2, 1906.  A  certificate of extension
    of 156
    corporate  existence of  said corporation  under the  name of  Paul
    Smith's  Electric Light and Power and Railroad Company was filed by
    the Department of State on December 15, 1936. 
        The date when the  certificate of consolidation forming Niagara
    Hudson Public  Service Corporation was  filed by the  Department of
    State was July 31, 1937. 
        6.   The surviving corporation  owns all  of the shares  of the
    subsidiary corporation to be merged. 
        7.   The plan of  merger to be  effected by the filing  of this
    certificate has been adopted by the vote of a majority of directors
    of Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation  present at a  meeting of  the
    Board of said Corporation at which a quorum was present. 
        IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have made and subscribed this Certificate
    this 17th day of January, 1966. 
        LAUMAN MARTIN, Vice President, 
        JOHN G. BENACK, Secretary, 

        STATE OF NEW YORK ) 
        COUNTY OF ONONDAGA) ss.: 
        LAUMAN MARTIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is a
    Vice President of NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION, the corporation
    named in and  described in the foregoing certificate.   That he has
    read and executed the foregoing certificate and knows the  contents
    thereof, and that the statements contained therein are true. 
        Lauman Martin          
        Sworn to before me this 
        17th day of January, 1966. 
        Herman B. Noll         
        HERMAN B. NOLL 
        Notary Public in the State of New York 
        Qualified in Onon. Co. No. 34-2901715 
        Certificate Filed in _______________Co. 
        My Commission Expires March 30, 1967 
        Albany, N. Y., January 17, 1966 
        Case  23754 -- Petition of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation for
    authority to acquire all the capital stock of Paul Smith's Electric
    Light  &  Power  & Railroad  Company,  to  issue  41,750 shares  of
    petitioner's $8 par value common stock in exchange therefor, and to
    merge Paul Smith's Electric  Light & Power & Railroad  Company with

        *     *     *     *   
         The Public Service Commission  hereby consents to and approves
    this Merger  by Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation  of Paul  Smith's
    Electric  Light & Power & Railroad Company, Pursuant to Section 905
    of  the Business Corporation Law, which Merger is evidenced by this
    Certificate of Merger executed January 17, 1966, in accordance with
    the order of  this Commission  dated October 19,  1966 and  amended
    December 21, 1965. 

        By the Commission 
        Samuel R. Madison 
        STATE OF NEW YORK  )                                       933 
        DEPARTMENT OF STATE) ss.: 
        I  CERTIFY That  I have  compared the  preceding copy  with the
    original  Certificate of Merger of PAUL  SMITH'S ELECTRIC LIGHT AND
    filed in this department on the 17th day of January, 1966, and that
    such copy  is a correct  transcript therefrom  and of the  whole of
    such original. 
        WITNESS  my hand  and the  official seal  of the  Department of
    State at the City of Albany,  this seventeenth day of January,  one
    thousand nine hundred sixty-six. 
        John P. Lomenzo 
        Secretary of State   

        Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 
        Dated: August 22, 1967 
        FILED AUG 24 1967 
        TAX $ NONE 
        FILING FEE $30 
        JOHN P. LOMENZO 
        Secretary of State 
        By  M. H.   

        Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 
        Pursuant to  the  provisions of  Section  805 of  the  Business
    Corporation  Law, the  undersigned being a  Vice President  and the
        I.    The  name of  the  Corporation  is  Niagara Mohawk  Power
    Corporation.   It  was originally  incorporated  under the  name of
    Niagara Hudson Public Service Corporation. 
        II.   The Certificate of Consolidation  forming the Corporation
    was  filed in the Department of State on July 31, 1937. 
        A  Certificate  of Change  of  Name  of Niagara  Hudson  Public
    Service Corporation to Central New York Power Corporation was filed
    in the Department of State on September 15, 1937. 
        A "Certificate  of Consolidation  of New  York Power and  Light
    Corporation and Buffalo  Niagara Electric  Corporation and  Central
    New York Power Corporation into Central New  York Power Corporation
    which is to survive  the consolidation and be named  Niagara Mohawk
    Power  Corporation" was filed in the Department of State on January
    5,  1950.    Said   Certificate  of  Consolidation  is  hereinafter
    sometimes referred to as the "1950 Certificate of Consolidation". 
        Pursuant  to Sections 26-a and 36 of the Stock Corporation Law,
    a Certificate of Amendment was filed in the Department of State  on
    January 5, 1950 to effect certain changes authorized in subdivision
    2 of  Section 35 of the Stock Corporation Law.  Said Certificate of
    Amendment  is  hereinafter  sometimes  referred  to  as  the  "1950
    Certificate of Amendment". 

        Pursuant  to Section 36 of the Stock Corporation Law, a further
    Certificate  of Amendment was filed  in the Department  of State on
    August  22, 1952 to effect an increase of authorized shares without
    par  value and  to amend  the statement  respecting capital  of the
        Pursuant  to Section 11 of the Stock Corporation Law, a further
    Certificate was filed in the Department  of State on May 5, 1954 to
    set forth as  paragraph (4A) of Part  D of Article  IV of the  1950
    Certificate of Consolidation, as  amended by Article V of  the 1950
    Certificate of Amendment, the designations, preferences, privileges
    and  voting   powers,  and   the  restrictions  or   qualifications
    applicable  to 210,000  shares  of Preferred  Stock, 4.10%  Series.
    Said Certificate, pursuant  to Section 11 of the  Stock Corporation
    Law,   is  hereinafter   sometimes   referred  to   as  the   "1954
        Pursuant  to Section 36 of the Stock Corporation Law, a further
    Certificate  of Amendment was filed  in the Department  of State on
    January 9, 1957  to eliminate from the  enumeration and description
    of  shares which  the Corporation  is authorized  to issue  all the
    authorized  shares of Class A Stock without par value, to authorize
    new shares by increasing  the authorized shares with par  value and
    the  authorized  shares   without  par  value  and  to  change  the
    statements  respecting  capital.    Said Certificate,  pursuant  to
    Section 36 of the Stock  Corporation Law, is hereinafter  sometimes
    referred to as the "January 1957 Certificate". 
        Pursuant  to Section 11 of the Stock Corporation Law, a further
    Certificate was filed in the Department of State on May 22, 1957 to
    set  forth as paragraph (4B)  of Part D  of Article IV  of the 1950
    Certificate of Consolidation, as  amended by Article V of  the 1950
    Certificate of  Amendment  and  by the  1954  Certificate  and  the
    January 1957 Certificate, the designations, preferences, privileges
    and  voting   powers,  and   the  restrictions   or  qualifications
    applicable  to 200,000  shares  of Preferred  Stock, 5.25%  Series.
    Said Certificate, pursuant to  Section 11 of the Stock  Corporation
    Law,  is  hereinafter  sometimes  referred  to  as  the  "May  1957

        Pursuant  to Section 11 of the Stock Corporation Law, a further
    certificate  was filed in the  Department of State  on February 18,
    1958  to set forth as paragraph 4(C) of Part D to Article IV of the
    1950 Certificate of Consolidation,  as amended by Article V  of the
    1950  Certificate of  Amendment and  by the  1954  Certificate, the
    January  1957  Certificate  and   the  May  1957  Certificate,  the
    designations, preferences,  privileges and voting  powers, and  the
    restrictions  and qualifications  applicable to  250,000 shares  of
    Preferred  Stock,  4.85% Series.    Said  Certificate, pursuant  to
    Section 11 of  the Stock Corporation Law,  is hereinafter sometimes
    referred to as the "1958 162
        In  accordance  with  the  provisions  of  Subdivision  (E)  of
    Paragraph  (5) of Part D  of Article IV, under the heading "General
    Provisions  Applicable to All  Series of  Preferred Stock",  of the
    1950 Certificate of Consolidation the holders of record of at least
    a majority of the total number  of shares of Preferred Stock of all
    series  then  outstanding adopted  the  following  resolution at  a
    meeting called for that purpose and held on December 5, 1956 in the
    manner prescribed by the By-Laws of the Corporation: 
        "RESOLVED, that consent be  and it hereby is given to the issue
    by   the Corporation of unsecured indebtedness in a total principal
    amount not exceeding at any  one time outstanding $50,000,000  over
    and above the principal  amount of unsecured indebtedness otherwise
    permitted  by the provisions of Subdivision (E) of Paragraph (5) of
    Part D  of Article  IV of the  Certificate of Consolidation  of the
    Corporation filed January 5, 1950." 
        III.  The certificate  of incorporation, as heretofore amended,
    is    hereby  further amended  by  the  addition  of the  following
    provisions  stating  the   number,  designation,  relative  rights,
    preferences, and limitations of a fourth series of Preferred Stock,
    to consist of  250,000 shares of the authorized 1,800,000 shares of
    Preferred  Stock of  the  Corporation, as  fixed  by the  Board  of
    Directors of  the Corporation before  the issuance of  such series,

    such provisions so  added to  be designated as  paragraph (4D)  (of
    Part D  of Article IV of  the 1950 Certificate  of Consolidation as
    amended by Article V  of the 1950 Certificate  of Amendment and  by
    the 1954 Certificate, the   January 1957 Certificate, the  May 1957
    Certificate and the 1958 Certificate) and to read as follows: 
        Particular  Provisions Applicable  to  Preferred  Stock,  6.10%
        (4D)   The number,  designations, relative  rights, preferences
    and limitations of the fourth series of the Preferred  Stock of the
    Corporation as fixed by the Board of Directors are as follows:  
        (A)  The number of shares to constitute the fourth series shall
    be  250,000  shares and  the designation  of  such series  shall be
    "Preferred Stock, 6.10% Series"; 
        (B)    The  dividend   rate  thereof  shall  be  six   and  ten
    one-hundredths per cent (6.10%)  per annum.  The dividends  on each
    share  of the  Preferred Stock,  6.10% Series, shall  be cumulative
    from the date of the original issue thereof; 
        (C)   Except as provided under  the heading "General Provisions
    Applicable to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in Part D  of Article
    IV of the 1950 Certificate of Consolidation as amended by Article V
    of the  1950 Certificate of  Amendment, the Preferred  Stock, 6.10%
    Series, shall have no voting rights whatsoever; 
        (D)   The sum per share payable upon the voluntary dissolution,
    liquidation  or winding  up of  the Corporation  shall be  $107 per
    share through August  31, 1974; $105  per share thereafter  through
    August 31, 1977; $103 per share thereafter through August 31, 1982;
    and $101 per share thereafter, in each case plus an amount equal to
    the  dividends accrued  and unpaid  on such  share, whether  or not
    earned or declared; 
        (E)    The   sum  per  share   payable  upon  the   involuntary
    dissolution, liquidation  or winding up of the Corporation shall be
    $100 per share  plus an amount  equal to the dividends  accrued and

    unpaid on such share, whether or not earned or declared; 
        (F)  The shares  of the Preferred Stock, 6.10% Series, shall be
    redeemable  at  the  option  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the
    Corporation,  either as  a  whole or  in  part, at  any  time at  a
    redemption  price of $107 per  share through August  31, 1974; $105
    per share  thereafter  through  August 31,  1977;  $103  per  share
    thereafter through August 31, 1982;  and $101 per share thereafter,
    in each  case plus  an amount  equal to  the dividends  accrued and
    unpaid thereon to  the date  fixed for redemption,  whether or  not
    earned or  declared; provided, however,  the Board of  Directors of
    the Corporation shall not  prior to September 1, 1974  exercise its
    option to redeem any  shares of the Preferred Stock,  6.10% Series,
    as a part of or in 164
    anticipation  of  any  refunding   operation  by  the  application,
    directly  or indirectly, of borrowed funds or the proceeds of issue
    of any shares  of Preferred Stock or any stock  ranking prior to or
    on a parity with the Preferred Stock if such borrowed funds have an
    interest rate or cost to the Corporation (calculated in  accordance
    with accepted financial practice),  or such shares have a  dividend
    rate  or cost  to  the Corporation  so  calculated, less  than  the
    dividend rate per annum of the Preferred Stock, 6.10% Series; 
        (G)  The shares of the Preferred Stock, 6.10% Series, shall not
    be convertible  into or  exchangeable for  other securities of  the
        (H)  There shall be no sinking fund with respect  to the shares
    of the Preferred Stock, 6.10% Series; and 
        (I)  The shares of the  Preferred Stock, 6.10% Series, shall be
    subject  to the  consent  set forth  in  the last  subparagraph  of
    Paragraph II  of this Certificate  to the same extent  and with the
    same  effect  as all  series  of  Preferred  Stock  outstanding  on
    December 5, 1956 are so subject. 
        IV.    The  amendments  of  the  certificate  of  incorporation
    effected by this Certificate were authorized by action of the Board
    of Directors of  the Corporation,  pursuant to Section  502 of  the

    Business Corporation Law. 
        IN  WITNESS   WHEREOF,  we   have  made  and   subscribed  this
    Certificate this 22nd day of August, 1967. 
        Lauman Martin, Vice President 
        JOHN G. BENACK 
        John G. Benack, Secretary 
        STATE OF NEW YORK   ) 
        COUNTY OF NEW YORK) ss.: 
        LAUMAN MARTIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he  is a
    Vice President of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, the corporation
    named  in and described in  the foregoing Certificate,  that he has
    read and  executed the foregoing Certificate and knows the contents
    thereof and that the statements contained therein are true. 
        Sworn to before me this 
        22nd day of August, 1967. 
        Notary Public State of New York 
        No. 31-4074138 
        Qualified in New York County 
        Commission Expires March 30, 1969   

        Albany, N.Y. 
        August 24, 1967 
        CASE  24455--Petition of  Niagara Mohawk Power  Corporation for
    authority  to issue $40 million of  General Mortgage Bonds,       %
    Series, due August  1, 1997, and  250,000 shares of $100  par value
    preferred stock, and to amend its Certificate of Incorporation. 
        *     *     * 
        The Public  Service Commission hereby consents  to and approves
    NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION Under Section  805 of the Business
      Corporation Law, executed August 22, 1967, in accordance with the
    order of the Public Service Commission dated August 2, 1967. 

        By the Commission 
        Dated: August 25, 1967 

        FILED AUG 25 1967 
        TAX $ NONE 
        FILING FEE $30 
        JOHN P. LOMENZO 
        Secretary of State 
        By  M.H.   
        Under Section 905 of the 
        Business Corporation Law 
        Pursuant  to  the provisions  of  Section 905  of  the Business
    Corporation Law,  the undersigned, being  a Vice President  and the
    Secretary of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, hereby certify: 
        1.   The name  of the  subsidiary corporation  to be  merged is
    Adams Electric Light Company. 

        The name of the  surviving corporation is Niagara Mohawk  Power
    Corporation.   It  was originally  incorporated under  the name  of
    Niagara Hudson Public Service Corporation. 
        2.   The designation and  number of outstanding  shares of each
    class of the subsidiary corporation to be merged is 2,316 shares of
    no par  value Common Capital Stock,  all of which are  owned by the
    surviving corporation. 
        3.   The  effective date  of the  merger shall  be the  date of
    filing of this certificate of merger by the Department of State. 
        4.  There is no provision for the abandonment of the plan of 
         5.   The date when  the certificate of  incorporation of Adams
    Electric Light Company  was filed by the Secretary of State was May
    28, 1912.  The  date when the certificate of  consolidation forming
    Niagara  Hudson  Public  Service   Corporation  was  filed  by  the
    Department of State was July 31, 1937. 
        6.   The  surviving corporation owns  all of the  shares of the
    subsidiary corporation to be merged. 
        7.   The plan of merger  to be effected  by the filing  of this
    certificate has been adopted by the vote of a majority of directors
    of Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation  present at a  meeting of  the
    Board of said Corporation at which a quorum was present. 
        IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have made and subscribed this Certificate
    this 25th day of August, 1967. 
        LAUMAN MARTIN, Vice President, 

        JOHN G. BENACK 
        JOHN G. BENACK, Secretary, 
        STATE OF NEW YORK  ) 
        COUNTY OF ONONDAGA ) ss.: 
        LAUMAN MARTIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is a
    Vice President of NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION, the corporation
    named in and  described in the foregoing certificate.   That he has
    read and executed the foregoing certificate  and knows the contents
    thereof, and that the statements contained therein are true. 
        LAUMAN MARTIN   
        Sworn to before me this 
        25th day of August, 1967. 
        Notary Public in the State of New York 
        Qualified in Onon. Co. No. 34-1089575 
        My Commission Expires March 30, 1969 
        Albany, N.Y., August 25, 1967 
        CASE 24401 -- Petition of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation  for
    authority to acquire  all of  the capital stock  of Adams  Electric
    Light  Company, to issue 39,372 shares of petitioner's $8 par value

    common stock  in exchange  therefor,  and to  merge Adams  Electric
    Light Company with petitioner. 
        *     *     * 
        The Public  Service Commission hereby consents  to and approves
    this Certificate  of Merger  of Adams  Electric Light Company  into
    Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation Under Section 905 of the  Business
    Corporation  Law, which merger  is evidenced by  the Certificate of
    Merger  executed August 25, 1967,  in accordance with  the order of
    this Commission dated August 2, 1967. 
        By the Commission 
        of the 
        Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 
        Dated: May 8, 1968 

        FILED AUG 19 1968 
        TAX $50,000 
        FILING FEE $30 
        Secretary of State 
        By N. B.   
        of the 
        Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 
        Pursuant  to the  provisions  of Section  805  of the  BUSINESS
    CORPORATION  LAW, the undersigned,  being a Vice  President and the
    Secretary of NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION, hereby certify:     

        The   name  of   the  Corporation   is  Niagara   Mohawk  Power

        It was originally incorporated under the name of Niagara Hudson
    Public Service Corporation. 
        The Certificate  of Consolidation  forming the Corporation  was
    filed by the Department of State on July 31, 1937. 
        The Certificate  of  Incorporation  as  heretofore  amended  is
    hereby   further amended  to effect  changes authorized  by Section
    801(b) of  the Business corporation Law,  to wit:   to increase the
    aggregate number 172
    of shares of Preferred Stock of  the par value of $100 each   which
    the  Corporation shall have the authority to issue by an additional
    1,000,000 shares  of such Preferred  Stock, so that  the authorized
    shares  of  capital  stock  shall consist  of  2,800,000  shares of
    Preferred Stock with a par value of $100 each and 35,000,000 shares
    of Common Stock with a par value of $8 each. 
        The  Certificate  of  Incorporation   of  the  Corporation,  as
    amended,  is hereby  amended so that  Parts A  and C  of Article IV
    setting forth the  number of  authorized shares and  the number  of
    shares of each class, as so amended, read as follows: 
        "IV.A.   The total number  of shares which  the Corporation may
    have is 37,800,000, of which  2,800,000 are to have a par  value of
    $100 each and 35,000,000 are to have a par value of $8 each." 
        "C.   The shares of  the Corporation  are to  be classified  as
        2,800,000 shares are to  be Preferred Stock with a par value of
    $100 each; and 35,000,000 shares are to be Common Stock  with a par
    value of $8 each." 

        The stated capital of  the Corporation will not be  affected by
    this  Amendment   to  the  Certificate  of   Incorporation  of  the
        This  Amendment  to the  Certificate  of  Incorporation of  the
    Corporation was duly authorized  by the votes cast in person  or by
    proxy of  the holders of  record of a  majority of  the outstanding
    shares of  the Corporation  entitled to  vote at  the stockholders'
    meeting at which such votes were cast with relation to the 
    proceedings  provided  for  in   this  Amendment  and  neither  the
    Certificate  of  Incorporation  nor  any  other  certificate  filed
    pursuant to law requires a larger proportion of votes.   Such votes
    were cast  in person or  by proxy at  a stockholders' meeting  duly
    held at the  offices of the Corporation  at No. 300  Erie Boulevard
    West, in the City of Syracuse, New York, on the seventh day of May,
    1968, at 11 o'clock  A.M., pursuant to Section 605 of  the Business
    Corporation Law. 
        IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have made and subscribed this Certificate
    this 8th day of May, 1968. 
        LAUMAN MARTIN /s/ 
        Lauman Martin, Vice President 
        JOHN G. BENACK /s/ 
        John G. Benack, Secretary 
        STATE OF NEW YORK ) 
        COUNTY OF ONONDAGA) ss.: 
        Lauman Martin, being duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is a

    Vice President of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, the corporation
    named in and described in  the foregoing certificate.  That  he has
    read and executed the foregoing  certificate and knows the contents
    thereof, and that the statements contained therein are true.  

        LAUMAN MARTIN /s/ 
        Sworn to before me this 
        8th day of May, 1968 
        PHYLLIS FANNING /s/ 
        Notary Public in the State of New York 
        qualified in Onon. Co. No. 34-1158700 
        My Commission Expires March 30, 1969 
        [NOTARIAL SEAL]   
        Under Section 905 of the 
        Business Corporation Law 
        Pursuant  to the  provisions  of Section  905  of the  Business

    Corporation  Law,  the  undersigned,   Senior  Vice  President  and
    Secretary,  respectively,  of  Niagara  Mohawk  Power  Corporation,
    hereby certify: 
        1.   The name  of the  subsidiary corporation  to be  merged is
    Canton  Electric Light  and  Power  Company.     The  name  of  the
    surviving corporation is  Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation.  It was
    originally  incorporated under  the name  of Niagara  Hudson Public
    Service Corporation. 
        2.   The designation and  number of outstanding  shares of each
    class of the subsidiary corporation to be merged is 2,280 shares of
    $100  par  value  Common  Stock, all  of  which  are  owned by  the
    surviving  175
        3.   The  effective date  of the  merger shall  be the  date of
    filing this certificate of merger by the Department of State.   
         4.  There is no  provision for the abandonment of the  plan of
        5.  The  certificate of incorporation of Canton  Electric Light
    and  Power Company was filed by the Secretary of  State on February
    23, 1887. 
        The date when the  certificate of consolidation forming Niagara
    Hudson Public  Service Corporation was  filed by the  Department of
    State was July 31, 1937. 
        6.  The  surviving corporation owns  all of  the shares of  the
    subsidiary corporation to be merged. 
        7.  The  plan of merger to  be effected by  the filing of  this
    certificate has been adopted by the vote of a majority of directors
    of Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation  present at a  meeting of  the
    Board of said Corporation at which a quorum was present. 

        IN  WITNESS   WHEREOF,  we   have  made  and   subscribed  this
    Certificate this 27th day of February, 1969. 
        Lauman Martin, Senior Vice President, 
        Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation 
        John G. Benack, Secretary, 
        Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation 
        STATE OF NEW YORK     ) 
        COUNTY OF ONONDAGA ) ss.: 
        LAUMAN MARTIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: that he is a
    Senior  Vice President  of  NIAGARA MOHAWK  POWER CORPORATION,  the
    Corporation named in and described in the foregoing certificate.   
        That he  has read and  executed the  foregoing certificate  and
    knows   the  contents thereof,  and  that the  statements contained
    therein are true. 
        Lauman Martin 
        Sworn to before me this 27th 
        day of February, 1969. 
        Herman B. Noll 

        Albany, N.Y., February 27, 1969 
        CASE 24984 -  Petition of Niagara Mohawk Power  Corporation for
    authority  to  acquire all  the  common  capital  stock  of  Canton
    Electric  Light  and Power  Company,  to  issue stock  in  exchange
    therefor, and to merge Canton Electric Light and Power Company. 



        The Public Service Commission hereby consents to and approves 
    the  Business Corporation  Law, which Merger  is evidenced  by this
    Certificate  of Merger  executed February  27, 1969,  in accordance
    with the order of this Commission dated January 21, 1969. 
        By the Commission   
        State of New York   ) 
        Department of State ) ss.: 
        I  Certify That  I have  compared the  preceding copy  with the
    original Certificate of  Merger of Canton Electric  Light and Power

        Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, 
        filed in this department on the 27th day of February, 1969, and
    that such copy is a correct  transcript therefrom and of the  whole
    of such original. 
        WITNESS  my hand  and the  official seal  of the  Department of
    State at the City  of Albany, this twenty-seventh day  of February,
    one thousand nine hundred sixty-nine. 
        JOHN P. LOMENZO 
        Secretary of State   

        Under Section 905 of the 
        Business Corporation Law 

        Pursuant  to  the provisions  of  Section 905  of  the Business
    Corporation  Law,  the  undersigned,  Senior  Vice  President   and
    Secretary,  respectively,  of  Niagara  Mohawk  Power  Corporation,
    hereby certify: 
        1.   The  name of the  subsidiary corporation  to be  merged is
    Ellicottville Electric Light Company. 
        The name of the surviving  corporation is Niagara Mohawk  Power
    Corporation.   It was  originally  incorporated under  the name  of
    Niagara Hudson Public Service Corporation. 
        2.   The designation and  number of outstanding  shares of each
    class of the subsidiary  corporation to be merged  is 50 shares  of
    $100 179
    par  value Common Stock,  all of which  are owned  by the surviving
        3.   The  effective date  of the  merger shall  be the  date of
    filing of this certificate of merger by the Department of State.   
        4.  There is no provision for  the abandonment of the plan of  
        5.  The certificate of incorporation of Ellicottville Electric 
    Light Company was filed by the Secretary of State on May 18, 1906. 
        The date when the certificate of consolidation forming Niagara 
    Hudson Public  Service Corporation was  filed by the  Department of
    State was July 31, 1937. 
        6.   The surviving corporation owns  all of the shares  of the 
    subsidiary corporation to be merged. 
        7.   The plan of  merger to be  effected by the filing  of this
    certificate has been adopted by the vote of a majority of directors
    of Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation  present at a  meeting of  the
    Board of said corporation at which a quorum was present. 

        IN  WITNESS   WHEREOF,  we   have  made  and   subscribed  this
    Certificate  this 23rd day of May, 1969. 
        Lauman Martin, Senior Vice President, 
        Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation 
        John G. Benack, Secretary, 
        Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation 
        STATE OF NEW YORK  ) 
        COUNTY OF ONONDAGA ) ss.: 
        LAUMAN MARTIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: that he is a
    Senior  Vice President  of  NIAGARA MOHAWK  POWER CORPORATION,  the
    Corporation  named in and described in the foregoing certificate.  

        That he  has read  and executed  the foregoing  certificate and
    knows   the  contents thereof,  and that  the statements  contained
    therein are true. 
        Lauman Martin 
        Sworn to before me this 
        23rd day of May, 1969. 

        Edward P. Gueth, Jr. 
        Albany, N. Y., May 23, 1969 
        CASE 25021 -  Petition of Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation for
    authority  to  acquire  all  the  capital  stock  of  Ellicottville
    Electric Light Company, to issue common stock in  exchange therefor
    and to merge the latter company. 
        The Public  Service Commission hereby consents  to and approves
    into  NIAGARA MOHAWK  POWER CORPORATION  Under Section  905 of  the
    Business  Corporation  Law,  which  Merger  is  evidenced  by  this
    Certificate of Merger executed May 23, 1969, in accordance with the
    order of this Commission dated February 18, 1969.  
        By the Commission 
        State of New York    )  
        Department of State  ) ss.: 
        I  Certify That  I have  compared the  preceding copy  with the
    original  Certificate  of Merger  of  Ellicottville Electric  Light

        Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, 
        filed in this department on the 23rd day of May, 1969, and that
    such copy  is a  correct transcript therefrom  and of the  whole of
    such original. 
        WITNESS  my hand  and the  official seal  of the  Department of
    State at  the City  of Albany, this  twenty-third day  of May,  one
    thousand nine hundred sixty-nine. 
        JOHN P. LOMENZO 
        (SEAL) Secretary of State   

        of the 
        Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 

        Dated:  August 1, 1969 
        FILED SEP 22 1969 
        Tax $50,000-- 
        Filing Fee $30-- 
        JOHN P. LOMENZO 
        Secretary of State 
        By M. H.   
        of the 
        Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 
        Pursuant  to  the provisions  of  Section 805  of  the Business
    Corporation Law,  the undersigned, being  a Vice President  and the
    Secretary of NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION, hereby certify: 

        The   name  of   the  Corporation   is  Niagara   Mohawk  Power
        It was originally incorporated under the name of Niagara Hudson
    Public Service Corporation. 
        The  Certificate of  Consolidation forming the  Corporation was
    filed by the Department of State on July 31, 1937. 
        The  Certificate  of  Incorporation as  heretofore  amended  is
    hereby  further amended  to  effect changes  authorized by  Section
    801(b)  of  the Business Corporation Law,  to wit:  to increase the
    aggregate number of shares of Preferred Stock which the Corporation
    shall have the authority to issue by an additional 1,000,000 shares
    of a  new class of Preference Stock with  a par value of $100 each,
    so that the  authorized shares  of capital stock  shall consist  of
    2,800,000 shares  of Preferred Stock with a par value of $100 each,
    1,000,000 shares of Preference Stock with a par value of $100 each,
    and 35,000,000 shares of Common Stock  with a par value of $8 each,
    and to set forth the  relative rights, preferences and  limitations
    of the new class of Preference Stock. 
        The   Certificate  of  Incorporation  of  the  Corporation,  as
    amended, is  hereby amended so  that Parts  A and C  of Article  IV
    setting forth  the  number of authorized  shares and the number  of
    shares of each class, as so amended, read as follows: 
        "IV. A.   The total number of shares which  the Corporation may
    have is 38,800,000  of which, 3,800,000 are to have  a par value of
    $100 each and 35,000,000 are to have a par value of $8 each." 

        "C.   The shares  of the  Corporation are to  be classified  as
        $2,800,000 shares are to be Preferred Stock with a par value of
    $100 each;  1,000,000 shares are to be  Preference Stock with a par
    value  of $100 each; and  35,000,000 shares are  to be Common Stock
    with a par value of $8 each." 
        The  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of   the  Corporation,  as
    amended, is  hereby amended  by inserting the  following Paragraphs
    (6) and (7)   setting  forth the relative  rights, preferences  and
    limitations of    the new  class  of Preference  Stock  immediately
    following Paragraph  185
    (5) of Part D of Article IV of the Certificate of Incorporation, as
    amended, and to renumber Paragraphs  (6), (7) and (8) of Part  D of
    said Article IV as  Paragraphs (8), (9) and (10),  respectively, so
    that Paragraphs (6)  through (10) of Part D of  said Article IV, as
    so amended and renumbered, read follows:   
        "(6)  The  shares of the  Preference Stock may  be issued  from
    time to  time in series.   The Board of Directors  is authorized to
    fix from  time  to time before issuance the  designations, relative
    rights, preferences and limitations of the shares of each series of
    the Preference  Stock, respectively, except for  such provisions as
    are   applicable to all shares of the Preference Stock irrespective
    of series, and  except that  until the Preferred  Stock shall  have
    been  redeemed  in accordance  with  its  terms, the  designations,
    relative  rights, preferences and limitations granted to or imposed
    upon  any   series of  the Preference  Stock shall  have no  effect
    whatever  on the  Preferred Stock,  which shall retain  its present
    rights  and shall  be and remain  superior in  all respects  to the

    Preference Stock. 
        "Subject to  the limitations hereinafter stated,  the shares of
    the  Preference Stock may be issued  in any such one or more series
    as  may be fixed from time to time  by the Board of Directors, each
    of such  series to be distinctively designated.   All shares of any
    one  series of Preference Stock shall be alike in every particular,
    and the shares of all series shall rank equally and be identical in
    all respects,  except in respect  to the  matters set forth  in the
    following paragraphs numbered (A) to (H) inclusive: 
        (A)  The designation of series; 
        (B)  The dividend rate; 

        (C)   The date from which dividends shall be cumulative and the
    dates on which dividends, if declared, shall be payable; 
        (D)   The sum payable per share upon the voluntary dissolution,
    liquidation  or winding up of  the Corporation and  the sum payable
    per share upon the  involuntary dissolution, liquidation or winding
    up of the Corporation, which sums, in each and every case, shall be
    a stated amount (not  less than $100) with respect  to dissolution,
    liquidation or winding  up during any specified  period or periods,
    plus an amount equal to the dividends accrued and unpaid thereon,  
    whether or  not earned  or  declared, and  payable out  of the  net
    assets of the Corporation, whether capital or surplus; 
        (E)    Whether or  not  the  shares  of  each series  shall  be
    redeemable, and if made redeemable, the redemption price  or prices
    per share,  which prices, in each and every case, shall be a stated
    amount with respect  to redemption during  any specified period  or
    periods, plus an amount  equal to the dividends accrued  and unpaid
    thereon to the date  fixed for redemption, whether or not earned or
        (F)   Whether or  not the shares  of each series  shall be made

    convertible  into  or  exchangeable  for other  securities  of  the
    Corporation, and  if made convertible or exchangeable, the price or
    prices or  the rate  or rates  of conversion  or exchange, and  the
    adjustments,  if any, at which  such conversion or  exchange may be
        (G)  Whether  or not there  shall be a  sinking fund, or  other
    fund  analogous  thereto, with respect to the shares of each series
    and the terms and provisions of such fund, if any; and 

        (H)    Any other  relative,  participating,  optional or  other
    rights, preferences  or limitations of  the shares of  each series,
    not  inconsistent with  the provisions applicable to all  shares of
    the Preference Stock irrespective of series. 
        "(7)  The following provisions shall apply to all shares of the
    Preference Stock irrespective of series: 
        "(A)  The holders of the Preference Stock of each series  shall
    be  entitled to receive, but only when and as declared by the Board
    of Directors, dividends at  the rate fixed for  such series and  no
        Such dividends shall be  payable on such dividend dates  as may
    be  fixed for said series and shall be cumulative from such date as
    may  be fixed.  All dividends accrued on the Preference Stock shall
    be  fully paid, or  declared and set apart for payment,  before any
    dividends  on the  Common  Stock shall  be paid  or  set apart  for
    payment so that  if, for all  prior dividend  periods and the  then
    current  dividend period,  dividends on  all outstanding  shares of
    Preference Stock at the rates fixed for the respective series shall
    not have  been paid,  or declared  and set apart  for payment,  the
    deficiency  shall  be fully  paid, or  declared  and set  apart for
    payment,  before any  dividends  shall be  paid  or set  apart  for
    payment on  the  Common Stock.    If the  stated dividends  on  the
    Preference Stock  are not paid in full, the shares of all series of

    the  Preference  Stock  shall  share  ratably  in  the  payment  of
    dividends including  accumulations, if any, in  accordance with the
    sums which would be  payable on such shares  if all dividends  were
    declared and  paid in full.   Accruals of dividends shall  not bear
        "(B)   Upon any dissolution,  liquidation or winding  up of the
    Corporation, whether  voluntary or involuntary, the  holders of the
    Preference Stock of each and every series then outstanding shall be
    entitled  to  receive out  of the  net  assets of  the Corporation,
    whether capital or surplus, the sums per share fixed for the shares
    of  the  respective  series  and  payable  upon  such  dissolution,
    liquidation or  winding up,  plus, in  the case of  each share,  an
    amount  equal to the dividends accrued  and unpaid thereon, whether
    or not earned or declared, before any distribution of the assets of
    the Corporation shall be made to the holders of the Common Stock. 
        "If the assets  distributable on such dissolution,  liquidation
    or  winding  up shall be insufficient to permit  the payment to the
    holders of the Preference  Stock of the full amounts to  which they
    respectively are entitled as  aforesaid, then said assets  shall be
    distributed  ratably among the holders of  the respective series of
    Preference  Stock  in proportion  to  the  amounts  which would  be
    payable  on such dissolution, liquidation or winding up if all such
    amounts  were  paid in  full in  preference  and priority  over the
    shares of the Common Stock.   
       "After payment to  the holders  of the Preference  Stock of  the
    full  amounts to which they respectively are entitled as aforesaid,
    the holders of the  Preference Stock, as such, shall have  no right
    or claim to any of the remaining assets of the Corporation. 
        "The  sale,   conveyance,  exchange  or  transfer   of  all  or
    substantially all of the property of the Corporation, or the merger
    or consolidation into or  with any other corporation, shall  not be
    deemed a  dissolution, liquidation or  winding up for  the purposes

        "(C)    At  the  option  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the
    Corporation, the  Corporation may  redeem any series  of Preference
    Stock which  has   been made  redeemable, either as  a whole  or in
    part, at the redemption price determined for such series; provided,
    however,  that  not  less than  thirty  nor  more  than sixty  days
    previous to the date fixed for  redemption a notice of the time and
    place  thereof  shall  be  given  the  holders  of  record  of  the
    Preference Stock so to be redeemed, by mail or publication, in such
    manner  as  may  be  prescribed  by  resolution  of  the  Board  of
    Directors; and, provided, further, that in every case of redemption
    of less than  all of the  outstanding shares of  any one series  of
    Preference  Stock, such redemption shall  be made pro  rata, or the
    shares of such series to be redeemed shall be chosen by lot in such
    manner  as  may  be  prescribed  by  resolution  of  the  Board  of
    Directors.   At any time after notice  of redemption has been given
    as aforesaid  to the holders of  stock so to be  redeemed, or after
    giving 189
    to the  bank or trust  company hereinafter referred  to irrevocable
    authorization to give such notice,  the Corporation may deposit the
    aggregate  redemption price with a bank or trust company having its
    principal office  in The City  of New York,  State of New  York, in
    trust for  the benefit of the holders of the shares to be redeemed,
    payable on the date  fixed for redemption as  aforesaid and in  the
    amounts  aforesaid to the respective  orders of the  holders of the
    shares to  be  redeemed, upon  endorsement  to the  Corporation  or
    otherwise,  as   may  be  required,  and  upon   surrender  of  the
    certificates  for such  shares.   Upon  deposit  of said  money  as
    aforesaid, or,  if no such deposit is made, upon the date fixed for
    redemption (unless  the Corporation  defaults in making  payment of
    the redemption price  as set  forth in such  notice), such  holders
    shall cease to  be stockholders  with respect to  said shares,  and
    from  and after the making of said  deposit, or, if no such deposit
    is  made, from  and  after  the  date  fixed  for  redemption  (the
    Corporation  not   having  defaulted  in  making   payment  of  the
    redemption  price as set forth  in such notice),  said shares shall
    not  be deemed to  be outstanding  and such  holders shall  have no
    interest in or claim  against the Corporation with respect  to said

    shares, but shall be  entitled only to  receive said moneys on  the
    date  fixed for  redemption as  aforesaid from  said bank  or trust
    company,  or  from the  Corporation, as  the  case may  be, without
    interest thereon, upon endorsement to the Corporation or otherwise,
    as may be required, and upon surrender of the certificates for such
    shares, as aforesaid. 
        "In  case the holder of  any such Preference  Stock which shall
    have  been called for redemption  shall not, within six years after
    said  deposit, claim  the amount deposited as above stated  for the
    redemption thereof,  such bank or  trust company shall  upon demand
    pay over to the Corporation such unclaimed amount and such bank  or
    trust company  shall thereupon be relieved  from all responsibility
    to such holder, and  such holder shall look only to the Corporation
    for the payment thereof. 
        "Nothing herein  contained shall limit  any legal right  of the
    Corporation to  purchase  or otherwise  acquire any  shares of  the
    Preference Stock. 
        "(D)   So long as  any shares  of the Preference  Stock of  any
    series  are  outstanding, the  Corporation shall  not, without  the
    consent given either in writing or  by vote at a meeting called for
    that purpose,  of the holders of  at least two-thirds  of the total
    number  of  shares  of the  Preference  Stock  of  all series  then
        (a)    Create  or authorize  any  stock  ranking  prior to  the
    Preference Stock with respect to dividends or upon the dissolution,
    liquidation, or winding up of the Corporation, whether voluntary or
    involuntary,  or create  or  authorize any  obligation or  security
    convertible into shares of any such stock; 
        (b)  Amend,  alter, change or  repeal any of  the terms of  the
    Preference  Stock or  of any  series of  the Preference  Stock then
    outstanding so as to  affect the holders of such  shares adversely;
    provided,  however, that  if any  amendment, alteration,  change or
    repeal would affect adversely the  holders of one or more, but  not
    all, of the series of the Preference Stock at the time outstanding,

    only such consent of the holders of two-thirds of the total  number
    of shares of all series so affected shall be required. 
        "(E)   So  long as any  shares of  the Preference  Stock of any
    series  are  outstanding,  the  Corporation shall  not  without  an
    authorizing  vote,  at a meeting  called for that  purpose, of  the
    holders of a majority of the shares of the Preference  Stock of all
    series then  outstanding: 
        (a)   Increase  the total authorized  amount of  the Preference
    Stock   or create any class  of stock ranking on a  parity with the
    Preference Stock as to dividends or in liquidation; 
        (b)  Issue any  shares of Preference Stock entitled  to payment
    of an  amount per share upon  involuntary dissolution, liquidation,
    or  winding up of the Corporation in  excess of $100 per share plus
    an    amount equal  to the  dividends  accrued and  unpaid thereon,
    whether or not earned or declared; 
        (c)  Merge or  consolidate with or into any  other corporation,
    unless such merger or consolidation, or the issuance and assumption
    of all securities to  be issued or assumed in  connection therewith
    shall have  been ordered,  approved, or permitted  by a  regulatory
    authority  of  the State  of New  York  having jurisdiction  in the
    premises; provided that the provisions of this clause (c) shall not
    apply  to a  purchase or  other acquisition  by the  Corporation of
    franchises  or assets  of another corporation  in any  manner which
    does not involve a merger or consolidation. 

        "(F)   No  holder of  the Preference  Stock of  the Corporation
    shall  have any  preemptive right to purchase or subscribe  for any
    part of  the unissued  stock of the Corporation or of  any stock of
    the  Corporation to  be issued  by  reason of  any increase  of the
    authorized  capital stock  of the  Corporation, or  to purchase  or
    subscribe for  any bonds, certificates of  indebtedness, debentures
    or  other  securities  convertible  into  or  carrying  options  or
    warrants to purchase stock  or other securities of the  Corporation
    or  to purchase  or  subscribe for  any  stock of  the  Corporation

    purchased by the  Corporation or by its nominee  or nominees, or to
    have any other preemptive rights as now or hereafter defined by the
    laws of the State of New York. 
        "(G)   Except as  and to the extent  otherwise provided by this
    Certificate and  the laws of the State  of New York, the Preference
    Stock shall not entitle  any holder thereof to vote  at any meeting
    of stockholders  or election  of the  Corporation, or  otherwise to
    participate  in  any  action  taken  by  the   Corporation  or  the
    stockholders thereof. 
        "Whenever dividends payable on the Preference Stock shall be in
    default in an  aggregate amount  equivalent to  six full  quarterly
    dividends on all shares of such Preference Stock  then outstanding,
    the holders of shares of the Preference Stock, voting separately as
    a  class and regardless  of series, shall be  entitled to elect two
    members of the  Board of  Directors, as then  constituted, and  the
    holders of the Common Stock (and the holders of the Preferred Stock
    if they are  then entitled to elect directors) shall be entitled to
    elect  the remainder of the Board of Directors as then constituted.
    The right of the holders of the Preference Stock, voting separately

    as a class, to elect members of the Board of Directors as aforesaid
    shall  continue until such time as all dividends accumulated on the
    Preference Stock shall have been paid  in full, or declared and set
    apart  for payment (and such  dividends shall be  paid, or declared
    and set apart for payment, out of assets available therefor as soon
    as  is reasonably  practicable), at  which time  such right  of the
    holders of shares of the Preference  Stock to elect members of  the
    Board  of  Directors  as  aforesaid  shall  terminate,  subject  to
    revesting in the event of each and  every subsequent default of the
    character  above named.    Upon termination  of  the right  of  the
    holders of shares  of the Preference Stock to  elect members of the
    Board of Directors, the terms of office of all persons who may have
    been elected directors of the Corporation by vote of the holders of
    the Preference Stock shall forthwith terminate. 
        "Whenever  the right  to elect  directors shall  accrue to  the

    Preference Stock as herein provided, (a) a meeting of  stockholders
    for the election of a new Board of Directors  shall be held and, if
    not  otherwise called, shall be promptly called by the Secretary of
    the Corporation upon  written request of, or may be  called by, the
    holders of record  of at  least 10% of  the outstanding  Preference
    Stock, and  (b) upon  the  election at  such meeting  the terms  of
    office of those existing directors elected by the holders of Common
    Stock shall terminate. 
        "At any meeting held for the purpose of electing directors when
    the  holders of  the Preference  Stock shall  be entitled  to elect
    members of the  Board of  Directors as aforesaid,  the presence  in
    person or by proxy of the holders of a majority of the total number
    of outstanding shares of  Common Stock of the Corporation  shall be
    required to constitute  a quorum of such class for  the election of
    directors by such class, and the presence in person or  by proxy of
    the holders of a majority of the total number of outstanding shares
    of the Preference Stock shall be required to constitute a quorum of
    such class for the  election of directors by such  class; provided,
    however, that  a majority of those  holders of the stock  of either
    such classes who are present in person or by proxy shall have power
    to adjourn such meeting for the election of directors by such class
    from 193
    time to time without notice other than announcement at the meeting.
    At such meeting the Preference Stock shall be entitled to elect two
    directors, and the  holders of  Common Stock shall  be entitled  to
    elect the remaining directors,  provided, however, that any persons
    occupying positions who  were elected by  the holders of  Preferred
    Stock shall  not thereby be effected.   The terms of  office of the
    directors so elected  by the holders of Preference Stock and by the
    holders  of Common  Stock shall  expire at  the time  the terms  of
    office of directors would normally expire, and upon any such normal
    expiration  of such  terms of  office  of directors  would normally
    expire,  and upon  any  such normal  expiration  of such  terms  of
    office,  if the holders of Preference Stock continue to be entitled
    to elect directors,  they shall  be entitled to  elect a  successor
    director;  subject, however,  to termination of  the office  of any
    director  elected by holders of Preference Stock as provided in the
    second preceding paragraph hereof. 

        "In case of any vacancy  in the office of a  director occurring
    among  the directors elected by the holders of the Preference Stock
    as aforesaid, or of a successor to any such director, the remaining
    director  so elected may  elect a successor to  hold office for the
    unexpired term of  the director  whose place shall  be vacant,  and
    such  successor shall be deemed to have been elected by the holders
    of the  Preference Stock  as aforesaid.   Likewise, in case  of any
    vacancy in the office of  a director occurring (at a time  when the
    holders  of the Preference Stock shall be entitled to elect members
    of the Board of Directors as aforesaid) among the directors elected
    by the  holders of the  Common Stock  of the Corporation,  or of  a
    successor to any such director, the  remaining directors so elected
    may elect, by  affirmative vote  of a majority  thereof, or by  the
    affirmative vote of the  remaining director so elected if  there be
    but one, a successor or successors to hold office for the unexpired
    term of the  director or directors  whose place or places  shall be
    vacant,  and such successor or  successors shall be  deemed to have
    been elected by the holders of the Common Stock of the Corporation.

        "Nothing  herein  pertaining to  the rights  of the  holders of
    Preference Stock to elect  directors shall be deemed to  affect the
    rights  of the holders of  Preferred Stock to  elect directors upon
    default in the payment of dividends on that stock. 
        "Except as herein otherwise  expressly provided and except when
    some  mandatory  provision  of law  shall  be  controlling  and, as
    regards the special rights  of any series of the  Preference Stock,
    as  provided   in  the resolutions  creating such  series, whenever
    shares  of  two  or    more  series of  the  Preference  Stock  are
    outstanding,  no particular series of the Preference Stock shall be
    entitled to vote as a separate series on any matter  and all shares
    of the Preference Stock of all series shall be deemed to constitute
    but one  class for any purpose for which a vote of the stockholders
    of the Corporation by classes may now or hereafter be required. 

        "COMMON STOCK 
        "(8)  The following provisions shall apply to all shares of the

        Common Stock: 
        "(A)   Out  of  the assets  of  the Corporation  available  for
    dividends  remaining  after  full  dividends on  all  stock  having
    priority as to dividends over the Common Stock shall have been paid
    or  declared  and  set apart  for  payment  and  after making  such
    provision, if any, as the Board of Directors may deem necessary  or
    advisable for  working capital and reserves or otherwise, then, and
    not otherwise, dividends  may be  paid upon the  Common Stock,  but
    only when and as  determined by the Board of Directors. 
        "(B)  The  holders of  the Common Stock  shall have  preemptive
    rights as  the  same  are  defined  in  Section  39  of  the  Stock
    Corporation Law, except that shares or other securities offered for
    sale shall not  be subject to such preemptive rights  (1) if not so
    subject under  said Section 39 or (2) if  they are the subject of a
    public offering or  of an  offering to or  through underwriters  or
    investment bankers  who shall have agreed promptly to make a public
    offering of such shares. 
        "(C)   Upon any dissolution,  liquidation or winding  up of the
    Corporation, whether  voluntary or  involuntary, after there  shall
    have been paid to or set apart for the  holders of all stock having
    priority  over the  Common Stock  the full preferential  amounts to
    which they  are respectively  entitled, the  holders of  the Common
    Stock shall  be entitled to receive  pro rata all of  the remaining
    assets  of  the  Corporation  available  for  distribution  to  its
    stockholders.  The sale, conveyance, exchange or transfer of all or
    substantially all of the property of the Corporation, or the merger
    or consolidation into or  with any other corporation, shall  not be
    deemed a dissolution, liquidation or winding up for the purposes of
    this subdivision (C). 
        "The Board  of Directors, by vote of  a majority of the members

    thereof, may distribute in kind to the holders of the Common  Stock
    pro rata such  remaining assets  of the Corporation,  or may  sell,
    transfer  or  otherwise dispose  of  the  remaining assets  of  the
    Corporation,  or any part thereof,  to any other  corporation or to
    any person, or any part thereof, to any other corporation or to any
    person, and receive payment therefor wholly or partly in cash or in
    stock  or in  obligations of  such corporation  or person,  and may
    sell,  transfer  or  otherwise  dispose  of  all  or  any  of  such
    consideration received therefor and distribute the proceeds thereof
    to the holders of the Common Stock pro rata. 
        "(D)  The respective  shares of the Common Stock  shall entitle
    the   holders  thereof to one  vote for  each share  of such Common
    Stock held by them, respectively, except as in this subdivision (D)
    otherwise expressly provided. 
        "At  all  meetings of  stockholders  held  for the  purpose  of
    electing   directors,  each holder  of shares  of the  Common Stock
    shall be entitled  to as many  votes as shall  equal the number  of
    votes  which (except for this provision as to cumulative voting) he
    would  be entitled  to  cast for  the  election of  directors  with
    respect  to his  shares  of  stock  multiplied  by  the  number  of
    directors to  be elected  by the holders  of shares  of the  Common
    Stock, and he may cast  all of such votes for a single  director or
    may distribute them among the number to be voted for, or any two or
    more of them, as he may see 196
        "(9)  Whenever any exchange or conversion of shares of stock of
    the  Corporation  of any  class  or series  for or  into  shares of
    another  class or series, or any exchange of shares of stock of the
    Corporation for shares  of stock of another corporation pursuant to
    any plan of exchange or reorganization approved and accepted by the
    Board of Directors of the Corporation, shall result in the creation
    of interests in fractions of shares  of stock of the Corporation of
    any class or series, the Corporation shall not be required to issue
    certificates representing such fractions of  shares of stock, but a

    scrip  certificate or  certificates shall be  issued in  respect of
    such fractional  interests in shares.  Such scrip certificates will
    entitle  the  holders  thereof,  upon such  terms  and  under  such
    conditions  as  may  be  set  by the  Board  of  Directors  of  the
    Corporation, upon the  surrender of scrip certificates  aggregating
    one or more full shares of stock of the respective class or series,
    to  receive,  on or  before a  date  to be  fixed  by the  Board of
    Directors  of  the  Corporation,   a  certificate  or  certificates
    representing such full shares.  The scrip certificates will provide
    that, as soon as practicable after such dates fixed by the Board of
    Directors of  the Corporation, any  shares of stock  represented by
    outstanding scrip certificates shall be  sold and the proceeds held
    without accountability for interest for the  account of the holders
    of scrip certificates until  a date fixed by the Board of Directors
    and to  be not more than  two years later, after  which latter date
    all  unsurrendered  scrip  certificates  of  the  Corporation shall
    become void. 
        "Scrip   certificates  shall  be  non-voting  and  non-dividend
    bearing and shall not entitle the  holders thereof to any rights as
    stockholders of the Corporation. 
        "(10)  At all meetings of the stockholders of the Corporation a

    quorum  must be present for the transaction of business, and except
    as  otherwise  provided  under  the  heading  'General   Provisions
    Applicable to All Series of Preferred Stock' in respect of meetings
    of the stockholders held for the election  of directors by the vote
    of  a class  or classes  of stock,  a quorum  shall consist  of the
    holders of record of  not less than  a majority of the  outstanding
    shares  of the  Corporation  entitled to  vote,  present either  in
    person or by proxy." 

        This Amendment  to the  Certificate  of Incorporation  of the  
    Corporation was duly authorized by  the votes cast in person  or by
    proxy of the  holders of  record of a  majority of the  outstanding
    shares of the  Corporation entitled  to vote  at the  stockholders'
    meeting  at which  such  votes  were  cast  with  relation  to  the
    proceedings  provided  for  in   this  Amendment  and  neither  the
    Certificate  of  Incorporation  nor  any  other  certificate  filed
    pursuant to law  requires a larger proportion of votes.  Such votes
    were cast  in person or  by proxy  at a stockholders'  meeting duly
    held at the  offices of the Corporation  at No. 300 Erie  Boulevard
    West, in the City  of Syracuse, New  York, on the  6th day of  May,
    1969, at 11  o'clock A.M., pursuant to Section  605 of the Business
    Corporation Law. 
        IN  WITNESS   WHEREOF,  we   have  made  and   subscribed  this
    Certificate this 1st day of August, 1969. 
        LAUMAN MARTIN /s/ 
        Lauman Martin, Vice President 
        JOHN G. BENACK /s/ 
        John G. Benack, Secretary 
        STATE OF NEW YORK     ) 
        COUNTY OF ONONDAGA ) ss.: 
        LAUMAN MARTIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is a
    Senior  Vice President  of  Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation,  the
    corporation named  in and  described in the  foregoing certificate.
    That he has read  and executed the foregoing certificate  and knows
    the contents thereof, and that the statements contained therein are

        LAUMAN MARTIN /s/ 
        Sworn to before me this 
        1st day of August, 1969. 
        PHYLLIS FANNING /s/ 
        Notary Public in the State of New York 
        Qualified in Onon. Co. No. 34-1158700 
        My Commission Expires March 30, 1971 
        [NOTARIAL SEAL] 
        Albany, N.Y., September 22, 1969 
        CASE 25191--Petition  of Niagara  Mohawk Power  Corporation for
    approval of  an amendment  of its  Certificate of  Incorporation to
    authorize one million shares of $100 par value preference stock. 
        *   *   *   *   *   
       The Public  Service Commission  hereby consents to  and approves
    of  NIAGARA  MOHAWK  POWER CORPORATION  Under  Section  805  of the
    Business  Corporation  Law, executed August 1,  1969, in accordance

    with the order of the Public Service Commission dated May 6, 1969. 
        By the Commission, 
        STATE OF NEW YORK    ) 
        DEPARTMENT OF STATE) ss.: 
        I hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy with the
    original document filed  by the  Department of State  and that  the
    same is a correct transcript of said original. 
        WITNESS my hand and seal  of the Department of State on  Sep 22
        JOHN P. LOMENZO 
        Secretary of State 
        of the 

        Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 
        Dated:  May 10, 1971 
        FILED MAY 12, 1971 
        TAX $40,000 
        FILING FEE $30 
        JOHN P. LOMENZO 
        Secretary of State 
        By M. R.   
        of the 

        Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 
        Pursuant to  the  provisions of  Section  805 of  the  BUSINESS
    CORPORATION LAW, the undersigned, being a Senior Vice President and
    the Secretary of NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION, hereby certify: 
        The   name  of   the  Corporation   is  Niagara   Mohawk  Power
    Corporation.  It  was originally  incorporated  under  the name  of
    Niagara Hudson Public Service Corporation. 
        The Certificate  of Consolidation forming  the Corporation  was
    filed by the Department of State on July 31, 1937. 
        The  Certificate  of  Incorporation as  heretofore  amended  is
    hereby   further amended  to effect  changes authorized  by Section
    801(b)  of  the Business Corporation Law,  to wit:  to increase the
    aggregate number of  shares of Common Stock of the  par value of $8
    each which  the Corporation shall have the authority to issue by an
    additional  10,000,000 shares  of such  Common Stock,  so  that the
    authorized  shares  of capital  stock  shall  consist of  2,800,000
    shares of Preferred Stock  with a par value of $100 each, 1,000,000
    shares  of Preference  Stock  with a  par value  of  $100 each  and
    45,000,000 shares of Common Stock with a par value of $8 each. 

        The   Certificate  of  Incorporation  of  the  Corporation,  as
    amended, is  hereby amended  so that  Parts A and  C of  Article IV
    setting forth   the number of  authorized shares and the  number of
    shares of each class, as so amended, read as follows: 
        "IV. A.   The total number of shares which  the Corporation may
    have  is 48,800,000, of which 3,800,000 are  to have a par value of
    $100 each and 45,000,000 are to have a par value of $8 each." 
        "C.   The shares  of the  Corporation are to  be classified  as
        2,800,000 shares are to be Preferred Stock with  a par value of
    $100 each;  1,000,000 shares are to be  Preference Stock with a par
    value  of $100 each; and  45,000,000 shares are  to be Common Stock
    with a par value of $8 each." 
        The stated capital of  the Corporation will not be  affected by
    this  Amendment   to  the  Certificate  of   Incorporation  of  the
        This  Amendment  to the  Certificate  of  Incorporation of  the
    Corporation  was duly authorized by the  votes cast in person or by
    proxy  of the holders  of record of  a majority of  the outstanding
    shares of  the Corporation  entitled to  vote at  the stockholders'
    meeting  at which  such  votes  were  cast  with  relation  to  the
    proceedings  provided  for  in   this  Amendment  and  neither  the
    Certificate  of  Incorporation  or   any  other  certificate  filed
    pursuant to law requires a larger proportion of votes.   Such votes

    were  cast in person  or by proxy  at a stockholders'  meeting duly
    held at  the offices of the  Corporation at No.  300 Erie Boulevard
    West,  in the City of Syracuse, New York, on the fourth day of May,
    1971,  at 11 o'clock A.M., pursuant to Section 605  of the Business
    Corporation Law. 
        IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have made and subscribed this Certificate
    this 10th day of May, 1971. 
        LAUMAN MARTIN /s/ 
        Lauman Martin, Senior Vice President 
        JOHN G. BENACK /s/ 
        John G. Benack, Secretary 
        STATE OF NEW YORK    ) 
        COUNTY OF ONONDAGA) ss.: 
        Lauman Martin, being duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is a
    Senior  Vice President  of  Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation,  the
    corporation named in and  described in the foregoing  certificate. 
    That he has read  and executed the foregoing certificate  and knows
    the  contents thereof,   and that the  statements contained therein
    are true. 
        LAUMAN MARTIN /s/   
        Sworn to before me this 
        10th day of May, 1971. 
        JANET LEATHLEY /s/ 
        Notary Public in the State of New York 

        Qualified in Onon. Co. No. 34-7461685 
        My Commission Expires March 30, 1972. 
        STATE OF NEW YORK     ) 
        DEPARTMENT OF STATE ) ss.: 
        I hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy with the
    original document filed  by the  Department of State  and that  the
    same is a correct transcript of said original. 
        WITNESS my  hand and seal of the Department of State on May 12,
        JOHN P. LOMENZO 
        Secretary of State 
        Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 

        Dated:  August 15, 1972 
        TAX $ NONE 
        FILING FEE $30 
        FILED AUG. 18, 1972 
        JOHN P. LOMENZO 
        Secretary State 
        By J. S. 
        34 Onondaga 
        LeBoeuf, Lamb, Leiby & MacRae 
        One Chase Manhattan Plaza 
        New York, New York 10005   
        Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 
        Pursuant  to the  provisions  of Section  805  of the  BUSINESS

    CORPORATION  LAW, the undersigned by a Senior Vice President and an
    Assistant  Secretary of  NIAGARA  MOHAWK POWER  CORPORATION  hereby
        The   name  of   the  Corporation   is  Niagara   Mohawk  Power
    Corporation. It was originally  incorporated under the name Niagara
    Hudson Public  Service Corporation. 
        The Certificate  of Consolidation  forming the Corporation  was
    filed in the Department of State on July 31, 1937. 
        A Certificate  of  Change  of Name  of  Niagara  Hudson  Public
    Service Corporation to Central New York Power Corporation was filed
    in the Department of State on September 15, 1937. 
        A  "Certificate of  Consolidation of  New York Power  and Light
    Corporation  and Buffalo Niagara  Electric Corporation  and Central
    New York Power Corporation into Central  New York Power Corporation
    which is to survive  the consolidation and be named  Niagara Mohawk
    Power  Corporation" was filed in the Department of State on January
    5,  1950.    Said   Certificate  of  Consolidation  is  hereinafter
    sometimes referred to as the "1950 Certificate of Consolidation". 

        Pursuant  to Sections 26-a and 36 of the Stock Corporation Law,
    a Certificate of  Amendment was filed in the Department of State on
    January 5, 1950 to effect certain changes authorized in subdivision
    2 of Section 35 of the  Stock Corporation Law.  Said Certificate of
    Amendment  is  hereinafter  sometimes  referred  to  as  the  "1950
    Certificate of Amendment". 
        In  accordance  with  the  provisions  of  Subdivision  (E)  of
    Paragraph (5) of  Part D of Article IV, under  the heading "General
    Provisions   Applicable to All  Series of Preferred  Stock", of the
    1950 Certificate of Consolidation the holders of record of at least

    a majority of the total number of shares of Preferred  Stock of all
    series  then  outstanding adopted  the  following  resolution at  a
    meeting called for that purpose and held on December 5, 1956 in the
    manner prescribed by the By-Laws of the Corporation: 
        "RESOLVED, that consent be and it hereby is given to  the issue
    by   the Corporation of unsecured indebtedness in a total principal
    amount not exceeding  at any one time  outstanding $50,000,000 over
    and above the principal  amount of unsecured indebtedness otherwise
    permitted  by the provisions of Subdivision (E) of Paragraph (5) of
    Part D  of Article IV  of the Certificate  of Consolidation  of the
    Corporation filed January 5, 1950." 
        The  Certificate of  Incorporation,  as heretofore  amended, is
    hereby further amended by the  addition of the following provisions
    tating the number,  designation, relative rights,  preferences, and
    limitations of a  fifth series  of Preferred Stock,  to consist  of
    400,000  shares of  the  authorized 2,800,000  shares of  Preferred
    Stock of  the Corporation,  as  fixed by the Board  of Directors of
    the Corporation before the issuance of such series, such provisions
    so added to  be designated as paragraph (4E) (of  Part D of Article
    IV of the 1950 Certificate of Consolidation as amended by Article V
    of the 1950 Certificate of Amendment and subsequent amendments) and
    to read as follows: 
        Particular  Provisions  Applicable  to Preferred  Stock,  7.72%

        (4E)   The  number, designations, relative  rights, preferences
    and  limitations of the fifth series  of the Preferred Stock of the
    Corporation as fixed by the Board of Directors are as follows: 
        (A)  The number  of shares to constitute the fifth series shall
    be   400,000 shares  and the  designation of  such series  shall be
    "Preferred Stock, 7.72% Series"; 

        (B)  The dividend  rate thereof shall be seven  and seventy-two
    one- hundredths  per cent (7.72%) per annum.  The dividends on each
    are  of the Preferred Stock, 7.72% Series, shall be cumulative from
    the date of the original issue thereof; 
        (C)  Except  as provided under the heading  "General Provisions
    Applicable to All Series  of Preferred Stock" in Part  D of Article
    IV of the 1950 Certificate of Consolidation as amended by Article V
    of  the 1950 Certificate  of Amendment, the  Preferred Stock, 7.72%
    Series, shall have no voting rights whatsoever; 
        (D)   The sum per share payable upon the voluntary dissolution,
    liquidation or winding up  of the Corporation shall be  $109.30 per
    share through August 31, 1977; $107.37 per share thereafter through
    August  31, 1982; $105.44  per share thereafter  through August 31,
    1987; $103.51  per share  thereafter through  August 31, 1992;  and
    $102.36 per share thereafter,  in each case plus an amount equal to
    the  dividends accrued  and unpaid  on such  share, whether  or not
    earned or declared; 
        (E)     The  sum  per   share  payable  upon   the  involuntary
    dissolution, liquidation or winding up of  the Corporation shall be
    $100 per share plus  an amount equal  to the dividends accrued  and
    unpaid on such share, whether or not earned or declared;   
       (F)  The shares of  the Preferred Stock, 7.72% Series, shall  be
    redeemable  at  the  option  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the
    Corporation, either  as  a whole  or  in part,  at  any time  at  a
    redemption  price  of $109.30  per share  through August  31, 1977;
    $107.37  per share thereafter through August 31, 1982;  $105.44 per
    share  thereafter  through   August  31,  1987;  $103.51 per  share
    thereafter  through   August  31,  1992;  and   $102.36  per  share
    thereafter,  in each  case plus  an amount  equal to  the dividends
    accrued  and  unpaid  thereon  to the  date  fixed  for redemption,
    whether  or not earned or declared; provided, however, the Board of
    Directors of the Corporation  shall not prior to September  1, 1977
    exercise  its option to redeem  any shares of  the Preferred Stock,

    7.72% Series,   as a part  of or in  anticipation of any  refunding
    operation by  the application, directly or  indirectly, of borrowed
    funds or  the proceeds of issue of any shares of Preferred Stock or
    any stock ranking prior to or on a parity with  the Preferred Stock
    if such  borrowed  funds have  an  interest  rate or  cost  to  the
    Corporation  (calculated  in  accordance  with  accepted  financial
    practice), or  such shares  have a  dividend  rate or  cost to  the
    Corporation so calculated, less than the dividend rate per annum of
    the Preferred Stock, 7.72% Series; 
        (G)  The shares of the Preferred Stock, 7.72% Series, shall not
    be convertible  into or  exchangeable for  other securities  of the
        (H)   There shall be no sinking fund with respect to the shares
    of the Preferred Stock, 7.72% Series; and 
        (I)  The shares  of the Preferred Stock, 7.72%  Series shall be
    subject  to the  consent  set forth  in  the last  subparagraph  of
    Paragraph II  of this Certificate to  the same extent and  with the
    same  effect  as  all  series of  Preferred  Stock  outstanding  on
    December 5, 1956 are so subject. 
        The amendments of the  certificate of incorporation effected by
    Certificate  were authorized by action of the Board of Directors of
    the Corporation, pursuant to Section 502 of the Business 
    Corporation Law. 
        IN  WITNESS   WHEREOF,  we   have  made  and   subscribed  this
    Certificate this 15th day of August, 1972. 
        LAUMAN MARTIN /s/ 
        Lauman Martin, Senior Vice President 

        HAROLD J. BOGAN /s/ 
        Harold J. Bogan, Assistant Secretary 
        STATE OF NEW YORK    ) 
        COUNTY OF NEW YORK ) ss.: 
        LAUMAN MARTIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is a 
    Senior  Vice President  of  Niagara Mohawk  Power corporation,  the
    corporation named  in and  described in the  foregoing Certificate,
    that he has read  and executed the foregoing Certificate  and knows
    the contents thereof and that the statements contained  therein are
        LAUMAN MARTIN /s/ 
        Sworn to before me this 
        15th day of August, 1972. 
        RUTH E. ZWIRN /s/ 
        RUTH E. ZWIRN 
        Notary Public, State of New York 
        No. 31-9816780   

        Qualified in New York County 
        Commission Expires March 30, 1974 

        Albany, N.Y., August 21, 1972 
        CASE  26290--Petition of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation for  
    authority to issue $80,000,000 principal amount of General Mortgage
    Bonds,      % Series  due August 1, 2002 and 400,000 shares of $100
    par value Preferred Stock,     % Series. 
        *   *   *   * 
        The Public  Service Commission hereby consents  to and approves
    CORPORATION LAW, executed August 15,  1972, in accordance with  the
    order of the Public Service Commission dated August 1, 1972. 
        By the Commission 
        SAMUEL R. MADISON /s/ 
        STATE OF NEW YORK     ) 
        DEPARTMENT OF STATE ) ss.:   
        I hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy with the
    original document filed  by the  Department of State  and that  the
    same is a correct transcript of said original. 
        WITNESS my  hand and seal of the  Department of State on August

    22,  1972. 
        Secretary of State 
        JOHN P. LOMENZO /s/ 
        of the 
        Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 
        Dated: June 20, 1973 
        FILED  June 26, 1973 
        TAX  $ None 

        FILING FEE  $30 
        John P. Lorenzo 
        Secretary of State 
        By  M.R. 
        LeBoeuf, Lamb, Leiby & MacRae 
        1 Chase Manhattan Plaza 
        N.Y., N.Y.   
        of the 
        Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 
        Pursuant  to the  provisions  of Section  805  of the  BUSINESS
    CORPORATION LAW, the undersigned, being a Senior Vice President and
    an Assistant Secretary of  NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION, hereby
        The   name  of   the  Corporation   is  Niagara   Mohawk  Power
    Corporation.  It  was originally  incorporated  under  the name  of
    Niagara Hudson Public Service Corporation. 
        The Certificate  of Consolidation forming  the Corporation  was
    filed in the Department of State on July 31, 1937. 

        A  Certificate of  Change  of  Name  of Niagara  Hudson  Public
    Service   Corporation to  Central New  York  Power Corporation  was
    filed in the  Department of State on September 15, 1937. 
        A "Certificate  of Consolidation of  New York  Power and  Light
    Corporation and  Buffalo Niagara  Electric Corporation and  Central
    New York Power  Corporation into Central New York Power Corporation
    which is to survive  the consolidation and be named  Niagara Mohawk
    Power  Corporation" was filed in the Department of State on January
    5,  1950.    Said   Certificate  of  Consolidation  is  hereinafter
    sometimes referred  to as the "1950 Certificate of Consolidation". 

        Pursuant  to Sections 26-a and 36 of the Stock Corporation Law,
    a  Certificate of Amendment was filed in the Department of State on
    January 5, 1950 to effect certain changes authorized in subdivision
    2 of Section 35 of the Stock Corporation Law.   Said Certificate of
    Amendment  is  hereinafter  sometimes  referred  to  as  the  "1950
    Certificate of Amendment". 
        In  accordance  with  the  provisions  of  Subdivision  (E)  of
    Paragraph (5) of Part D  of Article IV, under the  heading "General
    Provisions    Applicable to All Series  of Preferred Stock", of the
    1950 Certificate of Consolidation the holders of record of at least
    a majority  of the total number of shares of Preferred Stock of all
    series  then  outstanding adopted  the  following  resolution at  a
    meeting called for that purpose and held on December 5, 1956 in the
    manner prescribed by the By-Laws of the Corporation: 
      "RESOLVED, that consent be and it hereby is given to the issue by
    the  Corporation of  unsecured  indebtedness in  a total  principal
    amount  not exceeding at any  one time outstanding $50,000,000 over
    and above the principal  amount of unsecured indebtedness otherwise
    permitted  by the provisions of Subdivision (E) of Paragraph (5) of
    Part D  of Article IV  of the  Certificate of Consolidation  of the
    Corporation filed January 5, 1950." 

        The  Certificate of  Incorporation, as  heretofore amended,  is
    hereby further amended by the addition  of the following provisions
    stating the number, designation, relative  rights, preferences, and
    limitations of a  sixth series  of Preferred Stock,  to consist  of
    600,000  shares of  the  authorized 2,800,000  shares of  Preferred
    Stock of the Corporation, as fixed by the Board of Directors of the
    Corporation before the issuance of such series,  such provisions so
    added to be designated as paragraph (4F)(of Part D of Article IV of
    the  1950 Certificate of Consolidation  as amended by  Article V of
    the 1950 Certificate of Amendment and subsequent amendments) and to
    read as follows:  
         Particular  Provisions Applicable  to  Preferred Stock,  7.45%
        (4F)   The number,  designations, relative rights,  preferences
    and limitations of the  sixth series of the Preferred Stock  of the
    Corporation  as fixed  by the  Board of  Directors (in  addition to
    those set forth under the heading "General Provisions Applicable to
    All Series  of Preferred  Stock"  in Paragraph  (5)  of Part  D  of
    Article IV of the  1950 Certificate of Consolidation as  amended by
    Article  V of  the  1950 Certificate  of  Amendment and  subsequent
    amendments) are as follows: 
        (A)   The number of shares to constitute the sixth series shall
        600,000  shares and  the  designation of  such series  shall be
    "Preferred Stock, 7.45% Series". 
        (B)  The  dividend rate  of the Preferred  Stock, 7.45%  Series
    shall   be seven and forty-five one-hundredths per cent (7.45%) per
    annum  (computed on  the  basis  of a  360-day  year  of 12  30-day
    months).   The   dividends on  each share  of the  Preferred Stock,
    7.45% Series shall   be cumulative  from the date  of the  original

    issue thereof. 
        (C)  Except  as provided under the  heading "General Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  paragraph (5) of
    Part  D of Article  IV of the 1950  Certificate of Consolidation as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments, the Preferred Stock, 7.45% Series shall have
    no voting rights whatsoever. 
        (D)  The  sum per share for  the Preferred Stock, 7.45%  Series
    payable  to the  holders  thereof upon  the voluntary  dissolution,
    liquidation or winding up  of the Corporation shall be  $107.45 per
    share through June 30, 1974, and thereafter at the following prices
    in each  case plus  an amount  equal to  the dividends accrued  and
    unpaid on such share, whether or not earned or declared:   

       For the                                      For the 
       Twelve                    Voluntary          Twelve                      Voluntary 
       Months                    Liquidation        Months                      Liquidation 
       Ended                     Price Per          Ended                       Price Per 
       June 30                   Share              June 30                     Share       
       _______                   ___________        _______                     ___________ 
       1975....................  $107.21            1993....................    $102.89 
       1976....................  $106.97            1994....................    $102.65 
       1977....................  $106.73            1995....................    $102.41 
       1978....................  $106.49            1996....................    $102.17 
       1979....................  $106.25            1997....................    $101.93 
       1980....................  $106.01            1998....................    $101.69 
       1981....................  $105.77            1999....................    $101.45 
       1982....................  $105.53            2000....................    $101.21 
       1983....................  $105.29            2001....................    $100.97 
       1984....................  $105.05            2002....................    $100.73 
       1985....................  $104.81            2003....................    $100.49 

       1986....................  $104.57            2004....................    $100.25 
       1987....................  $104.33            2005....................    $100.00 
       1988....................  $104.09            2006....................    $100.00 
       1989....................  $103.85            2007....................    $100.00 
       1990....................  $103.61            2008....................    $100.00 
       1991....................  $103.37            2009....................    $100.00. 
       1992....................  $103.13 

        (E)   The sum per  share for the Preferred  Stock, 7.45% Series
    payable to  the holders  thereof upon the  involuntary dissolution,
    liquidation  or winding  up of  the Corporation  shall be  $100 per
    share  plus an amount equal to the  dividends accrued and unpaid on
    such share, whether or not earned or declared. 
        (F)   The shares of the Preferred  Stock, 7.45% Series shall be
    redeemable  at  the  option  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the
    Corporation,  either  as a  whole  or in  part,  at any  time  at a
    redemption  price of $107.45 per  share through June  30, 1974, and
    thereafter at the following redemption prices, in each case plus an
    amount  equal to the dividends,  accrued and unpaid  on such share,
    whether or not earned or declared: 

       For the                                      For the 
       Twelve                                       Twelve 
       Months                    Redemption         Months                      Redemption 
       Ended                     Price Per          Ended                       Price Per 
       June 30                   Share              June 30                     Share 

       1975....................  $107.21            1993....................    $102.89 
       1976....................  $106.97            1994....................    $102.65 
       1977....................  $106.73            1995....................    $102.41 
       1978....................  $106.49            1996....................    $102.17 
       1979....................  $106.25            1997....................    $101.93 
       1980....................  $106.01            1998....................    $101.69 
       1981....................  $105.77            1999....................    $101.45 
       1982....................  $105.53            2000....................    $101.21 
       1983....................  $105.29            2001....................    $100.97 
       1984....................  $105.05            2002....................    $100.73 
       1985....................  $104.81            2003....................    $100.49 
       1986....................  $104.57            2004....................    $100.25 
       1987....................  $104.33            2005....................    $100.00 
       1988....................  $104.09            2006....................    $100.00 
       1989....................  $103.85            2007....................    $100.00  
       1990....................  $103.61            2008....................    $100.00 
       1991....................  $103.37            2009....................    $100.00; 
       1992....................  $103.13 

        provided, however,  the Board  of Directors of  the Corporation
    shall not prior  to July 1, 1983 exercise its  option to redeem any
    shares of  the Preferred Stock,  7.45% Series  as a part  of or  in
    anticipation   of  any  refunding  operation  by  the  application,
    directly  or indirectly, of (a)  borrowed funds or  the proceeds of
    the  issue of any  shares of Preferred  Stock or  any stock ranking
    prior  to or on a parity with  the Preferred Stock, 7.45% Series as
    to dividends or assets if such borrowed funds have an interest rate
    or cost to the Corporation  (calculated in accordance with accepted
    financial practice), or such shares have a dividend rate or cost to
    the 219
    Corporation  so calculated, less than  7.45% per annum,  or (b) the
    proceeds  of  the issue  of  any  shares  of stock  ranking  as  to
    dividends  or assets junior to  the shares of  the Preferred Stock,
    7.45% Series. 
        (G)  The shares of  the Preferred Stock, 7.45% Series shall  be
    exchangeable  on a  share  for share  basis  into other  shares  of

    Preferred Stock, 7.45% Series, but shall not be convertible into or
    exchangeable for other securities of the Corporation. 
        (H)   As a  sinking  fund with  respect to  the  shares of  the
    Preferred Stock, 7.45% Series the Corporation will, subject  to the
    provisions of subdivision (I) below, call for redemption and retire
    on June 30,  1977 and on  each June 30 thereafter  (so long as  any
    shares  of  the  Preferred  Stock, 7.45%  Series  are  outstanding)
    through June  30,  2008 18,000  shares  of Preferred  Stock,  7.45%
    Series (or the number  of the shares of the Preferred  Stock, 7.45%
    Series then outstanding if less than 18,000), and on  June 30, 2009
    the balance of  the shares  of Preferred Stock,  7.45% Series  then
    outstanding, in each  case at a redemption price of $100 per share,
    plus an amount  equal  to the dividends accrued  and unpaid on such
    shares,  whether or  not   earned or  declared.   No redemption  of
    shares of the Preferred Stock, 7.45% Series pursuant to subdivision
    (F)  above  or subdivision  (J) below,  nor  any purchase  or other
    acquisition of any shares  of the Preferred Stock, 7.45%  Series by
    the Corporation, shall  constitute a retirement  of such shares  in
    lieu of or as a credit against any sinking fund retirement required
    by this subdivision (H). 
        (I)    Shares of  the Preferred  Stock,  7.45% Series  shall be
    called   for  redemption  for  the  sinking  fund  as  required  by
    subdivision (H) above  in the manner  prescribed for redemption  of
    shares  of Preferred  Stock under  the heading  "General Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  paragraph (5) of
    Part D of  Article IV of  the 1950 Certificate of  Consolidation as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments.  Such redemption  shall be mandatory and not
    at the option of the Board of Directors but shall be subject to any
    applicable restrictions  of law.  Nevertheless,  the obligations of
    the  Corporation to  redeem shares  of  the Preferred  Stock, 7.45%
    Series annually commencing on June 30, 220
    1977, pursuant to said subdivision (H), shall be cumulative and, so
    long as any shares  of the Preferred Stock,  7.45% Series shall  be
    outstanding, the Corporation shall not declare any dividend on  the
    Common Stock or any other  stock ranking as to dividends or  assets
    junior to the Preferred Stock, 7.45% Series or make any  payment on

    account  of, or set  apart money for  a sinking or  other analogous
    fund  for, the  purchase,  redemption or  other  retirement of  any
    shares of  Common Stock  or other  such junior  stock, or make  any
    distribution in   respect  thereof, either directly  or indirectly,
    and whether in  cash or property or in obligations  or stock of the
    Corporation  (other than stock  ranking as to  dividends and assets
    junior to the Preferred Stock, 7.45% Series), unless at the date of
    declaration in the case of any such dividend, or at the date of any
    such other payment, setting apart or distribution,  no sinking fund
    retirement required by said subdivision (H) shall be in arrears. 
        (J)    The  Corporation may,  at  the option  of  the  Board of
    Directors of the Corporation, on June 30, 1977, and on each June 30
    thereafter to and  including June  30, 2008, redeem  18,000 of  the
    shares of the Preferred  Stock, 7.45% Series, or any  lesser number
    of said shares  constituting a  multiple of 1,800,  in addition  to
    shares  then  to  be redeemed  for  the  sinking  fund pursuant  to
    subdivision (H) above, in each  case at a price of $100  per share,
    plus  an amount  equal  to dividends  accrued  and unpaid  on  such
    shares, whether  or not  earned or  declared,  which privilege  and
    option so to redeem shall  be noncumulative; provided, however, the
    Board of Directors of the Corporation shall not exercise its option
    to  redeem any shares of the Preferred Stock, 7.45% Series pursuant
    to this  subdivision (J) as  a part  of or in  anticipation of  any
    refunding operation by the  application, directly or indirectly, of
    borrowed  funds or  the  proceeds of  the issue  of  any shares  of
    capital  stock  or  other  securities  of  the Corporation  or  the
    proceeds of the sale of any assets of the Corporation other than in
    the ordinary course of business.  The aggregate number of shares of
    the  Preferred Stock,  7.45% Series  which may  be redeemed  in all
    redemptions pursuant  to this  subdivision (J) shall  not, however,
    exceed 120,000 shares. 
             (K)   In every case of redemption  of less than all of the
    outstanding  shares of  Preferred Stock,  7.45% Series  pursuant to
    subdivision  (F), (H) or (J)  above, such redemption  shall be made
    (i)  with  respect  to each  holder  of  5%  or  more of  the  then
    outstanding  shares  of  Preferred  Stock, 7.45%  Series  pro  rata

    according to the numbers  of shares held by such  holders, provided
    that  only whole share shall  be selected for  redemption, and (ii)
    otherwise  in  the manner  prescribed  under  the heading  "General
    Provisions  Applicable  to  All   Series  of  Preferred  Stock"  in
    Paragraph (5)  of Part D of  Article IV of the  1950 Certificate of
    Consolidation  as amended by Article  V of the  1950 Certificate of
    Amendment and subsequent amendments. 
        (L)  Shares of Preferred Stock, 7.45% Series redeemed (pursuant
    to the sinking fund or otherwise), purchased or otherwise  acquired
    by   the Corporation shall be  cancelled and restored to the status
    of authorized but unissued shares of Preferred Stock without serial
    designation and may  be reissued  by the Corporation  from time  to
    time as  Preferred Stock of any  other series as may  be fixed from
    time to time by the Board of Directors. 
        (M)   The shares of the Preferred  Stock, 7.45% Series shall be
    subject  to the  consent  set forth  in  the last  subparagraph  of
    Paragraph II of  this Certificate to the  same extent and  with the
    same  effect as  all  series  of  Preferred  Stock  outstanding  on
    December 5, 1956 are so subject. 
        The amendments of the  certificate of incorporation effected by
    this  Certificate  were  authorized  by  action  of  the  Board  of
    Directors  of  the  Corporation,  pursuant to  Section  502  of the
    Business Corporation Law. 
        IN  WITNESS   WHEREOF,  we   have  made  and   subscribed  this
    Certificate  this 20th day of June, 1973. 
        LAUMAN MARTIN /s/ 
        Senior Vice President 

        HAROLD J. BOGAN /s/ 
        HAROLD J. BOGAN, 
        Assistant Secretary 
        STATE OF NEW YORK    ) 
        COUNTY OF ONONDAGA) ss.: 
        LAUMAN MARTIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is a 
    Senior  Vice President  of  Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation,  the
    corporation named  in and  described in the  foregoing Certificate,
    that he has read  and executed the foregoing Certificate  and knows
    the contents thereof and that  the statements contained therein are
        LAUMAN MARTIN /s/ 
        Sworn to before me this 
        20th day of June, 1973. 
        Notary Public in the State of New York 
        Qualified in Onon. Co. No. 34-8599125 
        My Commission Expires March 30, 1974   
        Albany, N.Y., June 26, 1973 
       CASE  26438--Petition of  Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation  for
    authority to  issue 600,000  shares of  its Preferred  Stock, 7.45%

    Series, $100 Par Value. 
        *   *   *   * 
        The Public  Service Commission hereby consents  to and approves
    CORPORATION LAW,  executed June  20, 1973,  in accordance  with the
    order of the Public Service Commission dated June 12, 1973. 
        By the Commission, 
        SAMUEL R. MADISON /s/ 
        of the 
        Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 
        Dated:  May 7, 1974 

        FILED MAY 9, 1974 
        TAX $230,000 
        FILING FEE $30 
        JOHN J. GHIZZO 
        Acting Secretary of State 
        LeBoeuf, Lamb, Leiby & MacRae 
        4800 One Chase Manhattan Plaza 
        New York, New York 10005   
        of the 
        Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 
        Pursuant  to  the provisions  of  Section 805  of  the Business
    Corporation Law, the undersigned, being a Senior Vice President and
    the Assistant Secretary of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, hereby
        The   name  of   the  Corporation   is  Niagara   Mohawk  Power

        It was originally incorporated under the name of Niagara Hudson
    Public Service Corporation. 
        The Certificate  of Consolidation  forming the Corporation  was
    filed by the Department of State on July 31, 1937. 
        The Certificate  of  Incorporation  as  heretofore  amended  is
    hereby  further amended  to  effect changes  authorized by  Section
    801(b) of  the Business Corporation Law,  to wit:   to increase the
    aggregate  number of shares of Preferred Stock  of the par value of
    $100 each which the  Corporation shall have the authority  to issue
    by  an additional 3,000,000 shares  of such Preferred  Stock and to
    increase the aggregate number of shares of Common Stock of  the par
    value  of $8 each which the Corporation shall have the authority to
    issue by an additional  20,000,000 shares of such Common  Stock, so
    that  the   authorized  shares of  capital  stock shall  consist of
    5,800,000 shares of Preferred Stock with a  par value of $100 each,
    1,000,000 shares of Preference Stock with a par value  of $100 each
    and 65,000,000 shares of Common Stock with a par value of $8 each. 
        The  Certificate   of  Incorporation  of  the  Corporation,  as
    amended,  is hereby  amended so that  Parts A  and C  of Article IV
    setting forth the  number of  authorized shares and  the number  of
    shares of each class, as so amended, read as follows: 
        "IV. A.  The  total number of shares which the  Corporation may
    have is 71,800,000, of which  6,800,000 are to have a par  value of
    $100 each and 65,000,000 are to have a par value of $8 each." 
        "C.   The shares  of the  Corporation are  to be classified  as

        5,800,000 shares are to be Preferred Stock with a par value  of
    $100 each; 1,000,000 shares are  to be Preference Stock with  a par
    value of $100 each;  and 65,000,000 shares are  to be Common  Stock
    with a par value of $8 each." 
        The stated capital of  the Corporation will not be  affected by
    this  Amendment   to  the  Certificate  of   Incorporation  of  the
        This  Amendment  to the  Certificate  of  Incorporation of  the
    Corporation was duly  authorized by the votes cast in  person or by
    proxy  of the holders  of record of  a majority  of the outstanding
    shares of  the Corporation  entitled to  vote at  the stockholders'
    meeting  at which  such  votes  were  cast  with  relation  to  the
    proceedings  provided  for  in   this  Amendment  and  neither  the
    Certificate  of  Incorporation  nor  any  other  certificate  filed
    pursuant to law requires a larger proportion  of votes.  Such votes
    were cast  in person or  by proxy at  a stockholders'  meeting duly
    held at the offices  of the Corporation  at No. 300 Erie  Boulevard
    West, in the City of Syracuse, New York, on the seventh day of May,
    1974,  at 11 o'clock A.M., pursuant to  Section 605 of the Business
    Corporation Law. 
        IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have made and subscribed this Certificate
    this 7th day of May, 1974. 
        Lauman Martin, Senior Vice President 
        Harold J. Bogan, Assistant Secretary 
        STATE OF NEW YORK  ) 
                                             ) ss.: 

        Lauman Martin, being duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is a
    Senior  Vice President  of  Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation,  the
    corporation named  in and  described in the  foregoing certificate.
    That he has read  and executed the foregoing certificate  and knows
    the contents thereof, and that the statements contained therein are
        Lauman Martin  /s/ 
        Sworn to before me this 
        7th day of May, 1974. 
        JANET LEATHLEY /s/ 
         Notary Public of the State of New York 
        Qualified in Onon. Co. No. 34-7461635 
        My Commission Expires March 30, 1976 
        STATE OF NEW YORK   ) 
                              ) ss.:12828 

        I hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy with the
    original document filed  by the  Department of State  and that  the

    same is a correct transcript of said original. 
        Witness my hand and seal  of the Department of State on  May 9,
        John J. Ghizzo 
        Acting Secretary of State 
        of the 
        Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 

        Dated:  March 11, 1975 
        FILED MAR. 12, 1975 
        TAX $ NONE 
        FILING FEE $30 
        MARIO M. CUOMO 
        Secretary of State 
        By M 
        34 Onondaga 
        LeBoeuf, Lamb, Leiby & MacRae 
        140 Broadway 
        New York, New York 10005   
        of the 
        Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 
        Pursuant to  the  provisions of  Section  805 of  the  Business
    Corporation Law, the undersigned, being a Senior Vice President and
    an Assistant Secretary of  Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, hereby

        The   name  of   the  Corporation   is  Niagara   Mohawk  Power
        It was originally incorporated under the name of Niagara Hudson
    Public Service Corporation. 
        A  Certificate  of Change  of  Name  of Niagara  Hudson  Public
    Service    Corporation to  Central New  York Power  Corporation was
    filed in the  Department of State on September 15, 1937. 
        The Certificate  of Consolidation forming  the Corporation  was
    filed in the Department of State on July 31, 1937.   
         A "Certificate  of Consolidation of  New York Power  and Light
    Corporation and  Buffalo Niagara  Electric Corporation  and Central
    New York Power Corporation into Central New York  Power Corporation
    which is to survive  the consolidation and be named  Niagara Mohawk
    Power  Corporation" was filed in the Department of State on January
    5,  1950.    Said   Certificate  of  Consolidation  is  hereinafter
    sometimes referred to as the "1950 Certificate of Consolidation". 
        Pursuant  to Sections 26-a and 36 of the Stock Corporation Law,
    a  Certificate of Amendment was filed in the Department of State on
    January 5, 1950 to effect certain changes authorized in subdivision
    2 of Section 35 of the  Stock Corporation Law.  Said Certificate of
    Amendment  is  hereinafter  sometimes  referred  to  as  the  "1950
    Certificate of Amendment". 
        In  accordance  with  the  provisions  of  Subdivision  (E)  of
    Paragraph 231
    (5) of Part D of Article IV, under  the heading "General Provisions
    Applicable  to  All  Series  of   Preferred  Stock",  of  the  1950

    Certificate  of Consolidation the holders  of record of  at least a
    majority of  the total number of  shares of Preferred  Stock of all
    series  then  outstanding adopted  the  following  resolution at  a
    meeting called for that purpose and held on December 5, 1956 in the
    manner prescribed by the By-Laws of the Corporation: 
        "RESOLVED,  that consent be and it hereby is given to the issue
    by   the Corporation of unsecured indebtedness in a total principal
    amount not exceeding at any  one time outstanding $50,000,000  over
    and above the principal  amount of unsecured indebtedness otherwise
    permitted  by the provisions of Subdivision (E) of Paragraph (5) of
    Part  D of Article  IV of the  Certificate of Consolidation  of the
    Corporation filed January 5, 1950." 
        The  Certificate of  Incorporation, as  heretofore amended,  is
    hereby further amended by the addition of  the following provisions
    stating the number, designation, relative  rights, preferences, and
    limitations of a seventh  Series of Preferred Stock, to  consist of
    400,000  shares of  the  authorized 5,800,000  shares of  Preferred
    Stock of the Corporation, as fixed by the Board of Directors of the
    Corporation before the issuance of such series, such  provisions so
    added to be designated as  paragraph (4G) (of Part D of  Article IV
    of the 1950 Certificate of Consolidation as amended by Article V of
    the 1950 Certificate of Amendment and subsequent amendments) and to
    read as follows: 
        Particular  Provisions Applicable  to  Preferred Stock,  10.60%
        (4G)   The  number, designations, relative  rights, preferences
    and limitations of the seventh series of the Preferred Stock of the
    Corporation  as fixed  by the  Board of  Directors (in  addition to
    those set forth under the heading "General Provisions Applicable to
    All  Series  of Preferred  Stock" in  Paragraph  (5) of  Part  D of
    Article IV 232
    of the 1950 Certificate of Consolidation as amended by Article V of
    the 1950 Certificate of Amendment and subsequent amendments) are as

        (A)   The  number of  shares to  constitute the  seventh series
    shall be 400,000 shares and the designation of such series shall be
    "Preferred Stock, 10.60% Series". 
        (B)   The dividend rate  of the Preferred  Stock, 10.60% Series
    shall be Ten and  Sixty One-hundredths per cent (10.60%)  per annum
    (computed on the basis of a  360-day year of twelve 30-day months).
    The dividends on each  share of the Preferred Stock,  10.60% Series
    shall  be cumulative from the date  of the original issue of shares
    of such Series or from the dividend payment date to which dividends
    have been  paid next preceding the  date of issue  of shares issued
        (C)   Except as provided  under the heading "General Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  paragraph (5) of
    Part  D of Article IV  of the 1950  Certificate of Consolidation as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent  amendments, the  Preferred Stock,  10.60%  Series shall
    have no voting rights whatsoever.   
        (D)   The sum per share for  the Preferred Stock, 10.60% Series
    payable  to the  holders  thereof upon  the voluntary  dissolution,
    liquidation or winding up  of the Corporation shall be  $110.60 per
    share through March 31, 1985, at $107.95 a share thereafter through
    March 31, 1990,  at $105.30  a share thereafter  through March  31,
    1995 and at $102.65 a share thereafter, in each case plus an amount
    equal to the dividends accrued and unpaid on such share, whether or
    not earned or declared. 
        (E)  The  sum per share for the  Preferred Stock, 10.60% Series
    payable to  the holders  thereof upon the  involuntary dissolution,
    liquidation  or winding  up of  the Corporation  shall be  $100 per
    share plus an amount equal  to the dividends accrued and unpaid  on
    such share, whether or not earned or declared. 

        (F)  The shares of the Preferred Stock, 10.60% Series shall  be
    redeemable  at  the  option  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the
    Corporation, either  as  a whole  or  in part,  at  any time  at  a
    redemption  price of  $110.60 a  share through  March 31,  1985, at
    $107.95 a share  thereafter through  March 31, 1990,  at $105.30  a
    share thereafter through  March 31,  1995, and at  $102.65 a  share
    thereafter, in each  case plus  an amount equal  to the  dividends,
    accrued  and unpaid  on  such  share,  whether  or  not  earned  or
    declared;  provided,  however,  the   Board  of  Directors  of  the
    Corporation shall not prior  to March 31, 1985 exercise  its option
    to redeem  any shares of  the Preferred Stock,  10.60% Series  as a
    part  of or  in  anticipation of  any  refunding operation  by  the
    application,  directly  or indirectly,  of  borrowed  funds or  the
    proceeds of the issue of any shares of Preferred Stock or any stock
    ranking prior  to or on a  parity with the Preferred  Stock, 10.60%
    Series  as to dividends  or assets if  such borrowed  funds have an
    interest rate or cost to  the Corporation (calculated in accordance
    with accepted financial practice), or  such shares have a  dividend
    rate or cost to the Corporation so calculated, less than 10.60% per
        (G)  The shares of the Preferred Stock, 10.60%  Series shall be
    exchangeable  on a  share  for share  basis  into other  shares  of
    Preferred Stock, 10.60%  Series, but shall not be  convertible into
    or exchangeable for other securities of the Corporation. 
        (H)    As a  sinking fund  with respect  to  the shares  of the
    Preferred Stock, 10.60% Series the Corporation will, subject to the
    provisions of subdivision (I) below, call for redemption and retire
    on March 31, 1980  and on each March 31 thereafter  (so long as any
    shares of the  Preferred Stock, 10.60%  Series are outstanding),  a
    number of shares of  Preferred Stock, 10.60% Series equal to  5% of
    the  maximum number of shares of Preferred Stock, 10.60% Series, at
    any  time outstanding  (or the  number of  shares of  the Preferred
    Stock,  10.60%  Series then  outstanding if  less  than 5%  of such
    maximum number), in  each case  at a redemption  price of $100  per
    share, plus 234
    an amount equal to the dividends accrued and unpaid on such shares,
    whether or  not earned or declared.  No redemption of shares of the

    Preferred Stock, 10.60% Series pursuant to subdivision (F) above or
    subdivision (J) below, shall constitute a retirement of such shares
    in  lieu of  or as  a credit  against any  sinking  fund retirement
    required by this subdivision (H). 
        (I)   Shares  of the  Preferred Stock,  10.60% Series  shall be
    called  for  redemption   for  the  sinking  fund  as  required  by
    subdivision (H)  above in the  manner prescribed for  redemption of
    shares  of Preferred  Stock under  the heading  "General Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  paragraph (5) of
    Part D  of Article IV  of the 1950 Certificate  of Consolidation as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments.  Such redemption shall  be mandatory and not
    at the option of the Board of Directors but shall be subject to any
    applicable restrictions  of law.  Nevertheless,  the obligations of
    the Corporation  to redeem  shares of  the Preferred Stock,  10.60%
    Series  annually commencing  on March  31, 1980,  pursuant to  said
    subdivision  (H), shall be cumulative and, so long as any shares of
    the  Preferred  Stock,  10.60%  Series shall  be  outstanding,  the
    Corporation shall not declare  any dividend on the Common  Stock or
    any other stock  ranking as to  dividends or  assets junior to  the
    Preferred Stock, 10.60% Series  or make any payment on  account of,
    or set apart  money for a sinking or other  analogous fund for, the
    purchase,  redemption or other  retirement of any  shares of Common
    Stock  or  other such  junior stock,  or  make any  distribution in
    respect thereof, either directly or indirectly, and whether in cash
    or  property or in obligations  or stock of  the Corporation (other
    than  stock  ranking  as to  dividends  and  assets  junior to  the
    Preferred Stock,  10.60% Series), unless at the date of declaration
    in the case  of any such dividend, or at the date of any such other
    payment, setting apart or  distribution, no sinking fund retirement
    required  by  said subdivision  (H) shall  be in  arrears.   If the
    Corporation  shall be prevented  for any reason  from redeeming the
    number of shares  of Preferred  Stock, 10.60% Series,  which it  is
    required to retire on any such  March 31, the deficit shall be made
    good  on the  first succeeding  March 31  on which  the Corporation
    shall not  be prevented  from  redeeming such  shares of  Preferred
    Stock, 10.60% Series.  Shares 235
    of the Preferred Stock, 10.60% Series, purchased by the Corporation

    may be applied to  satisfy the sinking fund  on one or more of  the
    foregoing March 31 dates. 
        (J)   The  Corporation  may,  at the  option  of  the Board  of
    Directors  of the Corporation, on March 31, 1980, and on each March
    31 thereafter,  may apply to  the sinking  fund up to  a number  of
    shares   of the Preferred Stock, 10.60%  Series, equal to 5% of the
    maximum  number of shares of Preferred Stock, 10.60% Series, at any
    time outstanding, in addition to shares then to be redeemed for the
    sinking  fund   pursuant  to  subdivision  (H)   above,  either  by
    redemption at  a price of $100  per share, plus an  amount equal to
    dividends  accrued and unpaid on such shares, whether or not earned
    or  declared,  which privilege  and option  so  to redeem  shall be
    noncumulative  and shall  not reduce  the sinking  fund requirement
    pursuant to subdivision  (H) above  in any subsequent  year, or  by
    purchase;  provided,  however,  the   Board  of  Directors  of  the
    Corporation shall not exercise  its option to redeem any  shares of
    the Preferred Stock, 10.60% Series pursuant to this subdivision (J)
    as  a part of or in anticipation  of any refunding operation by the
    application,  directly  or indirectly,  of  borrowed  funds or  the
    proceeds  of  the issue  of any  shares of  capital stock  or other
    securities of  the Corporation or  the proceeds of the  sale of any
    assets  of the  Corporation other  than in  the ordinary  course of
        (K)   In  every case  of  redemption of  less than  all of  the
    outstanding shares  of Preferred  Stock, 10.60% Series  pursuant to
    subdivision  (F), (H) or (J)  above, such redemption  shall be made
    (i)  with  respect  to each  holder  of  5%  or  more of  the  then
    outstanding  shares  of Preferred  Stock,  10.60%  Series pro  rata
    according to the numbers  of shares held by such  holders, provided
    that only whole shares  shall be selected for redemption,  and (ii)
    otherwise  in  the manner  prescribed  under  the heading  "General
    Provisions  Applicable  to  All   Series  of  Preferred  Stock"  in
    Paragraph (5)  of Part D of  Article IV of the  1950 Certificate of
    Consolidation  as amended by Article  V of the  1950 Certificate of
    Amendment and subsequent amendments. 
        (L)    Shares  of   Preferred  Stock,  10.60%  Series  redeemed

    (pursuant 236
    to the  sinking fund or otherwise), purchased or otherwise acquired
    by   the Corporation shall be cancelled  and restored to the status
    of authorized but unissued shares of Preferred Stock without serial
    designation and may  be reissued  by the Corporation  from time  to
    time as  Preferred Stock of any  other series as may  be fixed from
    time to time by the Board of Directors of the Corporation. 
        (M)  The shares of the  Preferred Stock, 10.60% Series shall be
    subject  to the  consent  set forth  in  the last  subparagraph  of
    Paragraph II  of this Certificate  to the same extent  and with the
    same  effect  as  all  series of  Preferred  Stock  outstanding  on
    December 5, 1956 are so subject. 
        The amendments of the  Certificate of Incorporation effected by
    this  Certificate  were  authorized  by  action  of  the  Board  of
    Directors  of the  Corporation,  pursuant  to  Section 502  of  the
    Business  Corporation Law. 
        In  WITNESS   WHEREOF,  we   have  made  and   subscribed  this
    Certificate this 11th day of March, 1975.   
        LAUMAN MARTIN /s/ 
        [CORPORATE SEAL] Senior Vice President 
        HAROLD J. BOGAN /s/ 
        Assistant Secretary 
        STATE OF NEW YORK    ) 
        COUNTY OF ONONDAGA   ) ss.: 
        Lauman Martin, being duly  sworn, deposes and says that he is a
    Senior  Vice President  of  Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation,  the
    corporation named  in and  described in the  foregoing Certificate,
    that he has read  and executed the foregoing Certificate  and knows

    the 237
    contents  thereof and  that  the statements  contained therein  are
        LAUMAN MARTIN /s/ 
        Sworn to before me this 11th day 
        of March, 1975. 
        RUTH E. ZWIRN /s/ 
        RUTH E. ZWIRN 
        Notary Public, State of New York 
        No. 31-9816780 
        Qualified in New York County 
        Commission Expires March 30, 1976 
        [NOTARIAL SEAL] 
        Albany, N.Y.,                1975 
        CASE 26692--Petition  of Niagara  Mohawk Power  Corporation for
    authority to  issue 600,000 shares  of its Preferred Stock,       %
    Series, $100 Par Value.   
        *   *   * 
        The Public  Service Commission hereby consents  to and approves
    this Certificate  of Amendment  of Certificate of  Incorporation of
    Niagara Mohawk Power  Corporation under Section 805 of the Business
    Corporation Law,  executed March 11,  1975, in accordance  with the
    order  of the Public Service Commission dated September 9, 1974, as
        By the Commission, 

        SAMUEL R. MADISON /s/ 
        of the 
        Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 
        Dated:  August 26, 1975 
        FILED AUG. 27, 1975 
        TAX $ NONE 
        FILING FEE $30 
        MARIO M. CUOMO 
        Secretary of State 
        By  MR 

       LeBoeuf, Lamb, Leiby & MacRae 
        140 Broadway 
        New York, New York   10005   
        of the 
        Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 
        Pursuant to  the  provisions of  Section  805 of  the  Business
    Corporation Law,  the undersigned,  being a  Vice President and  an
    Assistant  Secretary  of Niagara  Mohawk Power  Corporation, hereby
        The   name  of   the  Corporation   is  Niagara   Mohawk  Power
        It was originally incorporated under the name of Niagara Hudson
    Public Service Corporation. 
        A  Certificate  of  Change of  Name  of  Niagara  Hudson Public
    Service   Corporation  to Central  New York  Power Corporation  was

    filed in the Department of State on September 15, 1937. 
        A  Certificate of  Consolidation  forming  the Corporation  was
    filed in the Department of State on July 31, 1937. 
        A "Certificate  of Consolidation  of New York  Power and  Light
    Corporation  and Buffalo Niagara  Electric Corporation  and Central
    New York Power Corporation into  Central New York Power Corporation
    which is to survive  the consolidation and be named  Niagara Mohawk
    Power  Corporation" was filed in the Department of State on January
    5,  1950.    Said   Certificate  of  Consolidation  is  hereinafter
    sometimes referred to as the "1950 Certificate of Consolidation". 
        Pursuant  to Sections 26-a and 36 of the Stock Corporation Law,
    a  Certificate of Amendment was filed in the Department of State on
    January 5, 1950 to effect certain changes authorized in subdivision
    2 of Section 35 of the  Stock Corporation Law.  Said Certificate of
    Amendment  is  hereinafter  sometimes  referred  to  as  the  "1950
    Certificate of Amendment". 
        In  accordance  with  the  provisions  of  Subdivision  (E)  of
    Paragraph  (5) of Part D of Article IV, under  the heading "General
    Provisions Applicable  to All Series  of Preferred  Stock", of  the
    1950 Certificate of Consolidation the holders of record of at least
    a majority of the total number of shares of Preferred  Stock of all
    series  then  outstanding adopted  the  following  resolution at  a
    meeting called for that purpose and held on December 5, 1956 in the
    manner prescribed by the By-Laws of the Corporation: 
        "RESOLVED, that consent  be and it hereby is given to the issue
    by   the Corporation of unsecured indebtedness in a total principal
    amount  not exceeding at any one  time outstanding $50,000,000 over
    and above the principal  amount of unsecured indebtedness otherwise
    permitted  by the provisions of Subdivision (E) of Paragraph (5) of
    Part  D of  Article IV of  the Certificate of  Consolidation of the
    Corporation filed January 5, 1950." 

        The  Certificate of  Incorporation, as  heretofore amended,  is
    hereby further amended by the  addition of the following provisions
    stating  the number, designation, relative rights, preferences, and
    limitations  of a eighth Series  of Preferred Stock,  to consist of
    300,000  shares of  the  authorized 5,800,000  shares of  Preferred
    Stock of the Corporation, as fixed by the Board of Directors of the
    Corporation before the issuance of  such series, such provisions so
    added to be designated as  paragraph (4H) (of Part D of  Article IV
    of the 1950 Certificate of Consolidation as amended by Article V of
    the 1950 Certificate of Amendment and subsequent amendments) and to
    read as follows: 
        Particular  Provisions Applicable to  Preferred Stock,  11 3/4%
        4(H) The number, designations, relative rights, preferences and
    limitations  of the  eighth series  of the  Preferred Stock  of the
    Corporation  as fixed  by the  Board of  Directors (in  addition to
    those set forth under the heading "General Provisions Applicable to
    All  Series  of Preferred  Stock"  in Paragraph  (5) of  Part  D of
    Article IV of the  1950 Certificate of Consolidation as  amended by
    Article  V of  the  1950 Certificate  of  Amendment and  subsequent
    amendments) are as follows: 
        (A)  The number of shares to constitute the eighth series shall
    be  300,000  shares and  the designation  of  such series  shall be
    "Preferred Stock, 11 3/4% Series". 
        (B)  The dividend rate of  the Preferred Stock, 11 3/4%  Series
    shall be eleven  and three-quarters  per cent (11  3/4%) per  annum
    (computed on the basis of a 360-day  year of twelve 30-day months).
    The dividends on each share of the Preferred Stock,  11 3/4% Series
    shall be cumulative  from the date of the  original issue of shares
    of such Series or from the dividend payment date to which dividends
    have been paid next  preceding the date of  issue of shares  issued
        (C)  Except  as provided under the  heading "General Provisions

    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  paragraph (5) of
    Part 242
    D of Article IV of the 1950 Certificate of Consolidation as amended
    by  Article V of the  1950 Certificate of  Amendment and subsequent
    amendments,  the Preferred  Stock,  11 3/4%  Series  shall have  no
    voting rights whatsoever. 
        (D)  The sum per share  for the Preferred Stock, 11 3/4% Series
    payable  to the  holders  thereof upon  the voluntary  dissolution,
    liquidation or winding up  of the Corporation shall be  $111.75 per
    share  prior to October 1, 1985,  at $108.75 a share thereafter and
    prior to October  1, 1990, at $105.75 a  share thereafter and prior
    to October 1, 1995, and at $102.75 a share thereafter, in each case
    plus an amount equal  to the dividends accrued  and unpaid on  such
    share, whether or not earned or declared. 

        (E)   The sum per share for the Preferred Stock, 11 3/4% Series
    payable to  the holders  thereof upon the  involuntary dissolution,
    liquidation  or winding  up of  the Corporation  shall be  $100 per
    share plus an amount  equal to the dividends accrued and  unpaid on
    such share, whether or not earned or declared. 
        (F)  The shares of the Preferred Stock, 11 3/4% Series shall be
    redeemable  at  the  option  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the
    Corporation,  either as  a  whole or  in  part, at  any  time at  a
    redemption  price of $111.75  a share prior to  October 1, 1985, at
    $108.75 a share thereafter and prior to October 1, 1990, at $105.75
    a share thereafter  and prior to October 1, 1995,  and at $102.75 a
    share  thereafter, in  each  case  plus  an  amount  equal  to  the
    dividends,  accrued and unpaid on such share, whether or not earned
    or  declared; provided,  however,  the Board  of  Directors of  the
    Corporation  shall not prior to October 1, 1985 exercise its option
    to redeem  any shares of the  Preferred Stock, 11 3/4%  Series as a
    part  of or  in  anticipation of  any  refunding operation  by  the
    application,  directly  or indirectly,  of  borrowed  funds or  the
    proceeds of the issue of any shares of Preferred Stock or any stock
    ranking prior to  or on a parity with the  Preferred Stock, 11 3/4%
    Series as to  dividends or assets  if such borrowed  funds have  an

    interest rate or cost to the Corporation (calculated in  accordance
    with accepted financial 243
    practice),  or such  shares have  a dividend  rate or  cost  to the
    Corporation so calculated, less than 11 3/4% per annum. 
        (G)  The shares of the Preferred Stock, 11 3/4% Series shall be
    exchangeable  on a  share  for share  basis  into other  shares  of
    Preferred  Stock, 11 3/4% Series, but shall not be convertible into
    or exchangeable for other securities of the Corporation.   
       (H)   As  a sinking  fund  with respect  to  the shares  of  the
    Preferred  Stock, 11  3/4% Series the Corporation will,  subject to
    the provisions  of subdivision (I)  below, call for  redemption and
    retire  on September 30, 1980  and on each  September 30 thereafter
    (so  long as any shares of the  Preferred Stock, 11 3/4% Series are
    outstanding), 15,000 shares of Preferred  Stock, 11 3/4% Series (or
    the  number of shares of  the Preferred Stock,  11 3/4% Series then
    outstanding  if less  than  15,000  shares),  in  each  case  at  a
    redemption price  of $100 per  share, plus  an amount equal  to the
    dividends  accrued and unpaid on such shares, whether or not earned
    or declared.   No redemption  of shares of the  Preferred Stock, 11
    3/4% Series  pursuant to subdivision  (F) above or  subdivision (J)
    below, shall constitute a retirement  of such shares in lieu  of or
    as  a credit against any  sinking fund retirement  required by this
    subdivision (H). 
        (I)  Shares  of the Preferred  Stock, 11 3/4%  Series shall  be
    called  for   redemption  for  the  sinking  fund  as  required  by
    subdivision (H)  above in the  manner prescribed for  redemption of
    shares of   Preferred Stock under  the heading "General  Provisions
    Applicable to  All  Series of Preferred Stock" in paragraph  (5) of
    Part D  of Article IV  of the 1950 Certificate  of Consolidation as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments.  Such redemption  shall be mandatory and not
    at the option of the Board of Directors but shall be subject to any
    applicable restrictions  of law.  Nevertheless,  the obligations of
    the  Corporation to redeem shares  of the Preferred  Stock, 11 3/4%
    Series annually commencing on September  30, 1980, pursuant to said

    subdivision (H), shall be cumulative and, so long as any shares  of
    the  Preferred Stock,  11  3/4% Series  shall  be outstanding,  the
    Corporation shall not declare any dividend on the 244
    Common Stock or  any other stock ranking as to  dividends or assets
    junior to the Preferred Stock,  11 3/4% Series or make any  payment
    on account  of, or set apart money for a sinking or other analogous
    fund  for,  the purchase,  redemption  or other  retirement  of any
    shares  of Common  Stock or  other such  junior stock, or  make any
    distribution in   respect  thereof, either directly  or indirectly,
    and whether in cash  or property  or in obligation or stock of  the
    Corporation (other  than stock ranking  as to dividends  and assets
    junior to the Preferred Stock, 11 3/4% Series), unless at the  date
    of declaration in the case of any such dividend, or at the  date of
    any  such other payment, setting apart  or distribution, no sinking
    fund  retirement  required by  said  subdivision  (H)  shall be  in
    arrears.  If the Corporation shall be prevented for any reason from
    redeeming  the number of shares of Preferred Stock, 11 3/4% Series,
    which  it is  required  to retire  on  any such  September  30, the
    deficit shall be  made good on the first succeeding September 30 on
    which the  Corporation shall not  be prevented from  redeeming such
    shares  of Preferred Stock, 11 3/4% Series, Shares of the Preferred
    Stock,  11 3/4% Series, purchased by the Corporation may be applied
    to  satisfy  the  sinking fund  on  one or  more  of  the foregoing
    September 30 dates. 
        (J)   The  Corporation  may,  at the  option  of  the Board  of
    Directors  of the Corporation,  on September 30, 1980, and on  each
    September 30   thereafter,  may  apply to  the sinking  fund up  to
    15,000 shares of the  Preferred Stock, 11 3/4% Series,  in addition
    to  shares then  to be  redeemed for  the sinking fund  pursuant to
    subdivision (H) above, either by redemption  at a price of $100 per
    share, plus an  amount  equal  to dividends  accrued and unpaid  on
    such shares, whether or not earned or declared, which privilege and
    option so to redeem shall be noncumulative and shall not reduce the
    sinking fund requirement  pursuant to subdivision (H)  above in any
    subsequent  year, or by  purchase; provided, however,  the Board of
    Directors  of  the Corporation  shall  not exercise  its  option to
    redeem any shares of  the Preferred Stock, 11 3/4%  Series pursuant
    to this  subdivision (J) as  a part  of or in  anticipation of  any

    refunding operation by the  application, directly or indirectly, of
    borrowed funds  or the  proceeds  of the  issue  of any  shares  of
    capital  stock  or  other  securities of  the  Corporation  or  the
    proceeds of the sale of any 245
    assets  of the  Corporation other  than in  the ordinary  course of
        (K)   In  every case  of  redemption of  less than  all of  the
    outstanding shares of Preferred Stock,  11 3/4% Series pursuant  to
    subdivision (F), (H) or (J) above, such redemption shall be made 

        (i)  with respect  to each  holder of  5% or  more of  the then
    outstanding  shares  of Preferred  Stock, 11  3/4% Series  pro rata
    according to the numbers  of shares held by such  holders, provided
    that only whole shares  shall be selected for redemption,  and (ii)
    otherwise  in  the manner  prescribed  under  the heading  "General
    Provisions  Applicable  to  All   Series  of  Preferred  Stock"  in
    Paragraph (5)  of Part D of  Article IV of the  1950 Certificate of
    Consolidation  as amended by Article  V of the  1950 Certificate of
    Amendment and subsequent amendments. 
        (L)    Shares  of  Preferred  Stock, 11  3/4%  Series  redeemed
    (pursuant      to the  sinking  fund  or  otherwise), purchased  or
    otherwise  acquired  by  the  Corporation shall  be  cancelled  and
    restored  to  the status  of  authorized  but  unissued  shares  of
    Preferred Stock without  serial designation and may  be reissued by
    the Corporation from time to  time as Preferred Stock of any  other
    series as may be fixed from time to time  by the Board of Directors
    of the Corporation. 
        (M)  The shares of the Preferred Stock, 11 3/4% Series shall be
    subject  to the  consent  set forth  in  the last  subparagraph  of
    Paragraph II  of this Certificate  to the same extent  and with the
    same  effect  as all  series  of  Preferred  Stock  outstanding  on
    December 5, 1956 are so subject. 
        The amendments of the  Certificate of Incorporation effected by

    this  Certificate  were  authorized  by  action  of  the  Board  of
    Directors  of  the  Corporation, pursuant  to  Section  502  of the
    Business Corporation Law. 
        IN  WITNESS   WHEREOF,  we   have  made  and   subscribed  this
    Certificate  this 26th day of August, 1975. 
        JOHN H. TERRY 
        Vice President   
        HAROLD J. BOGAN 
        Assistant Secretary 
        STATE OF NEW YORK    ) 
        COUNTY OF ONONDAGA   ) ss.: 
        John H.  Terry, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is a
    Vice President of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, the corporation
    named  in and described in  the foregoing Certificate,  that he has
    read and executed the foregoing  Certificate and knows the contents
    thereof and that the statements contained therein are true. 
        JOHN H. TERRY 
        Sworn to before me this 26th day 
        of August, 1975. 
        RUTH E. ZWIRN 
        NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York 

        No. 31-9816780 
        Qualified in New York County 
        Commission Expires March 30, 1976 
        Albany, N.Y.,         August 27, 1975 
        CASE 26864--Application of NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION for
    Authority to Issue  up to  3,500,000 Shares of  its Common  Capital
    Stock, $1 par value, up  to 400,000 Shares of its  Preferred Stock,
    $100 par  value, in one or  more new series, and  up to $50,000,000
    principal amount of its General Mortgage  Bonds, in one or more new
    series with maturities of up to thirty years. 
        *   *   * 
        The Public  Service Commission hereby consents  to and approves
    this Certificate  of Amendment  of Certificate of  Incorporation of
    Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation under Section  805 of the Business
    Corporation  Law, executed August 26, 1975,  in accordance with the
    order of the  Public Service  Commission dated August  7, 1975,  as
        By the Commission, 
         [CONFORMED COPY] 

        of the 
        Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 
        FILED MAY 7, 1975 
        TAX $ NONE 
        FILING FEE $30.00 
        MARIO M. CUOMO 
        Secretary of State 
        By MR 
        LeBoeuf, Lamb, Leiby & MacRae 
        140 Broadway 
        New York, New York 10005   
        of the 

        Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 
        Pursuant  to  the provisions  of  Section 805  of  the Business
    Corporation Law, the undersigned, being a Senior Vice President and
    the Assistant Secretary of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, hereby
        The   name  of   the  Corporation   is  Niagara   Mohawk  Power
        It was originally incorporated under the name of Niagara Hudson
    Public Service Corporation. 
        The Certificate  of Consolidation  forming the  Corporation was
    filed by the Department of State on July 31, 1937. 
        The  Certificate  of  Incorporation as  heretofore  amended  is
    hereby   further amended  to effect  changes authorized  by Section
    801(b) of  the Business Corporation Law, to wit: change each of the
    65,000,000  shares of  authorized Common Stock with a par  value of
    $8 each,  of which  46,551,148 shares are  issued and  outstanding,
    into an equal number of shares of Common Stock with a par value  of
    $1 each, retaining the  amount represented by the reduction  of the
    par  value   of  the  issued  and  outstanding  Common  Stock  from
    $372,409,184 to   $46,551,148, aggregating  $325,858,036 in  stated
    capital, and  eliminate the  preemptive rights  of  the holders  of
    Common Stock. 

        The   Certificate  of  Incorporation  of  the  Corporation,  as
    heretofore amended, is hereby further amended so that Parts A and C
    of Article IV setting forth the number of authorized shares and the
    number of shares of each class, as so amended, read as follows: 
        "IV. A.  The  total number of shares which the  Corporation may
    have is  71,800,000 of which 6,800,000  are to have a  par value of
    $100  each and 65,000,000 are  to have a par value of $1 each." 
        "C.   The shares  of the  Corporation are  to be classified  as
        5,800,000 shares are to be Preferred Stock with a par  value of
    $100 each; 1,000,000 shares  are to be Preference Stock  with a par
    value of $100  each; and 65,000,000 shares  are to be  Common Stock
    with a par value of $1 each." 
        The  65,000,000 previously  authorized shares  of Common  Stock
    with  a par value of $8 each  of which 46,551,148 shares are issued
    and outstanding are  hereby changed to 65,000,000  shares of Common
    Stock   of  the par  value of  $1 each,  46,551,148 shares  will be
    issued shares, retaining  the amount  of the reduction  of the  par
    value  of issued and outstanding  shares of Common  Stock in stated
    capital  as   defined  in   Section  102(a)(12)  of   the  Business
    Corporation  Law and  the  manner in  which  such changes  will  be
    effected  are as  follows:   each  share  of previously  authorized
    Common Stock of the par value of $8 each is hereby changed into one
    share of Common Stock of the par value of $1 each.   

        The  stated capital of the  Corporation will not  be reduced by
    this       Amendment to  the Certificate  of  Incorporation of  the
        The  Certificate  of  Incorporation   of  the  Corporation,  as
    heretofore amended,  is hereby further amended  so that subdivision
    (B) of Paragraph (8) of part D  of Article IV of the Certificate of
    Incorporation,  as amended,  relating to  preemptive rights  of the
    holders of the Common Stock, shall read as follows: 
        "(B)   No holder  of the Common Stock  of the Corporation shall
    have any preemptive right to purchase or subscribe for any  part of
    the   unissued  stock of  the Corporation  or of  any stock  of the
    Corporation  to  be  issued  by  reason  of  any  increase  of  the
    authorized capital  stock of  the Corporation,  or  to purchase  or
    subscribe  for any bonds,  certificates of indebtedness, debentures
    or  other  securities,  convertible  into or  carrying  options  or
    warrants  to purchase stock or other  securities of the Corporation
    or to purchase or subscribe for any of the Stock of the Corporation
    purchased  by the Corporation or by its  nominee or nominees, or to
    have any other preemptive rights as now or hereafter defined by the
    laws of the State of New York." 
        This  Amendment  to the  Certificate  of  Incorporation of  the
    Corporation was duly authorized  by the votes cast in person  or by
    proxy of  the holders of  record of a  majority of  the outstanding
    shares  of  the   Corporation  entitled  to  vote  thereon  at  the
    stockholders' meeting at  which such votes were  cast with relation
    to the proceedings provided  for in this Amendment and  neither the
    Certificate  of  Incorporation  nor  any  other  certificate  filed
    pursuant  to law requires  a larger portion  of votes.   Such votes
    were cast in  person or by  proxy at a  stockholders' meeting  duly

    held at the offices  of the Corporation  at No. 300 Erie  Boulevard
    West, in the City of Syracuse,  New York, on the sixth day  of May,
    1975,  at 11 o'clock A.M., pursuant to  Section 605 of the Business
    Corporation Law. 
        In  Witness   Whereof,  we   have  made  and   subscribed  this
    Certificate this 6th day of May, 1975. 

        LAUMAN MARTIN /s/ 
        Lauman Martin 
        Senior Vice President 
        HAROLD J. BOGAN /s/ 
        Harold J. Bogan 
        Assistant Secretary 
        STATE OF NEW YORK    ) 
        COUNTY OF ONONDAGA   ) ss.: 
        Lauman Martin, being duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is a
    Senior  Vice President  of  Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation,  the
    corporation named  in and  described in the  foregoing certificate.
    That he has read  and executed the foregoing certificate  and knows
    the contents thereof, and that the statements contained therein are
        LAUMAN MARTIN /s/ 
        Lauman Martin 
        Sworn to before me this 6th day 
        of May, 1975. 
        JANET LEATHLEY /s/ 
        Janet Leathley 
        Notary Public in the State of New York 
        Qualified in Onon. Co. No. 34-7461685 

        My Commission Expires March 30, 1976   
       Albany, N. Y., 
        May 7, 1975 
    for  authority to  reduce the  par  value and  eliminate preemptive
    rights of its common stock. 
        *  *  * 
        The Public  Service Commission hereby consents  to and approves
    this Certificate  of Amendment  of Certificate of  Incorporation of
    Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation under Section  805 of the Business
    Corporation Law, executed May 6, 1975, in accordance with the order
    of the Public Service Commission dated April 15, 1975. 
        By the Commission, 
        SAMUEL R. MADISON /s/ 
         [CONFORMED COPY] 
        of the 

        Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 
        FILED MAY 7, 1976 
        TAX $ NONE 
        FILING FEE $30.00 
        MARIO M. CUOMO 
        Secretary of State 
        By  O'Neill 
        Dated:  May 4, 1976 
        LeBoeuf, Lamb, Leiby & MacRae 
        140 Broadway 
        New York, New York 10005   
        of the 

        Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 
        Pursuant to  the  provisions of  Section  805 of  the  Business
    Corporation  Law, the  undersigned, being a  Vice President  and an
    Assistant Secretary  of Niagara  Mohawk  Power Corporation,  hereby
        The   name  of   the  Corporation   is  Niagara   Mohawk  Power
        It was originally incorporated under the name of Niagara Hudson
    Public Service Corporation. 
        The Certificate  of Consolidation forming  the Corporation  was
    filed in the Department of State on July 31, 1937. 
        The  Certificate  of  Incorporation  as  heretofore amended  is
    hereby  further amended  to  effect changes  authorized by  Section
    801(b)  of the  Business Corporation  Law, to  wit: (1)  change the
    2,400,000 authorized but unissued shares of  Preferred Stock with a
    par value   of $100 each into  9,600,000 shares of Preferred  Stock
    with a par  value of $25 each,  each share of such 2,400,000 shares
    of  Preferred Stock  being changed  into four  shares  of Preferred
    Stock with a par value of $25 each rather than $100, without in any
    manner  changing the  3,400,000  issued and  outstanding shares  of
    Preferred  Stock of   the  par value  of $100  each, (2)  amend the
    general provisions  applicable to all series of Preferred Stock set
    forth in Paragraph 5 of Part D of Article IV of the  Certificate of

    Incorporation, as  amended, to  fix  the limited  voting rights  of
    shares of  Preferred Stock  with a  par value of  $25 per  share at
    one-quarter of the vote  per share of each share of Preferred Stock
    of the par  value of $100   per share and (3)  change the 1,000,000
    shares  of authorized  Preference Stock  with a  par value  of $100
    each,  none of  which are  issued  and outstanding,  into 4,000,000
    shares of Preference Stock  with a par value of $25 each. 
        The   Certificate  of  Incorporation  of  the  Corporation,  as
    heretofore amended, is hereby further amended so that Parts A and C
    of Article IV setting forth the number of authorized shares and the
    number of shares of each class, as so amended, read as follows: 
        "IV. A.  The total  number of shares which the Corporation  may
    have is 82,000,000,  of which 3,400,000 are to have  a par value of
    $100  each, 13,600,000  are to  have a  par value  of $25  each and
    65,000,000 are to have a par value of $1 each." 
        "C.  The  shares of  the Corporation  are to  be classified  as
        3,400,000 shares  are to be Preferred Stock with a par value of
    $100 each; 9,600,000 shares  are to be Preferred  Stock with a  par
    value of $25 each; 4,000,000 shares are to be Preference Stock with
    a  par value of  $25 each; and  65,000,000 shares are  to be Common
    Stock  with a par value of $1 each." 
        The  2,400,000  previously authorized  but  unissued shares  of
    Preferred Stock with a par value of $100 each are hereby changed to
    9,600,000  shares of  authorized but  unissued shares  of Preferred
    Stock  with a  par value of  $25 each and  the 1,000,000 previously
    authorized but unissued shares of Preference Stock with a par value
    of $100 each are  hereby changed to 4,000,000 shares  of authorized
    but  unissued shares of  Preference Stock with  a par  value of $25
    each, and the manner in  which such changes will be effected  is as

    follows:  each  share of  the  previously  authorized but  unissued
    Preferred Stock  of the  par  value of  $100  per share  is  hereby
    changed into four shares of Preferred Stock of the par value of $25
    each,  and  each  share   of  previously  authorized  but  unissued
    Preference  Stock of the  par value of $100  each is hereby changed
    into four shares of Preference Stock of the par value of $25 each. 
        The   Certificate  of  Incorporation  of  the  Corporation,  as
    heretofore  amended,  is  hereby  further  amended  by  making  the
    following changes in  Subparagraphs (E), (F)  and (H) of  Paragraph
    (5) of Part D of Article IV of the Certificate of Incorporation, as
    amended, to   provide that  when the  limited voting rights  of the
    Preferred Stock of the par value of $25  per share are exercisable,
    the  holders thereof shall have  one-quarter of one  vote per share
    for  each share  of Preferred  Stock of  the par  value of  $25 per
    share, each holder of Preferred Stock of the par value  of $100 per
    share being entitled  to one vote for each share  of such Preferred
    Stock, the changes being indicated by underlining additions: 
        Amend the  portion of Subparagraph (E)  preceding subclause (1)
    thereof to read as follows: 
        "(E)   So  long as  any shares  of the  Preferred Stock  of any
    series  are outstanding,  the  Corporation shall  not, without  the
    consent  (given in writing or by vote  at a meeting called for that
    purpose in the manner prescribed by the By-Laws of the Corporation)
    of the   holders  of record  of at  least a  majority of  the total
    number  of votes  which may  be cast  by the  holders of  shares of
    Preferred  Stock of  all  series then  outstanding, each  holder of
    Preferred Stock of the par value of $25 per share being entitled to
    one-quarter of one vote for each such share of Preferred Stock  and
    each holder of  Preferred Stock of the par value  of $100 per share
    being entitled to one vote for each such share of Preferred Stock:"

        Amend the  portion of Subparagraph (F)  preceding subclause (1)

    thereof to read as follows: 
        "(F)   So  long as  any shares  of the  Preferred Stock  of any
    series  are outstanding,  the  Corporation shall  not, without  the
    consent (given in  writing or by vote at a  meeting called for that
    purpose in the manner prescribed by the By-Laws of the Corporation)
    of the holders of record of at least two-thirds of the total number
    of votes  which may be cast  by the holders of  shares of Preferred
    Stock of all 258
    series  then outstanding, each holder of Preferred Stock of the par
    value of  $25 per share  being entitled to one-quarter  of one vote
    for each such share of Preferred Stock and each holder of Preferred
    Stock of the par value of $100 per share being entitled to one vote
    for each such share of Preferred Stock:" 
        Subparagraph (H) is amended to read as follows: 
        "(H)  Whenever dividends payable  on the Preferred Stock  shall
    be  in default  in  an aggregate  amount  equivalent to  four  full
    quarterly dividends  on all  shares of  such  Preferred Stock  then
    outstanding,  thereafter and  until all dividends on all  shares of
    the Preferred Stock at the time in default shall have  been paid or
    declared and set apart  for payment, the  holders of shares of  the
    Preferred Stock,  voting separately  as a class  and regardless  of
    series,  shall be  entitled to  elect a  majority of  the  Board of
    Directors,  as then constituted; and the holders of any other class
    or  classes of stock  of the Corporation  entitled to  vote for the
    election  of directors  shall be entitled,  voting separately  as a
    class,  to elect  the remainder  of the Board  of Directors  of the
    Corporation, as then  constituted.  The right of the holders of the
    Preferred  Stock voting separately as  a class to  elect members of
    the Board  of  Directors  of  the Corporation  as  aforesaid  shall
    continue until  such time as  all dividends  on all  shares of  the
    Preferred  Stock  in  default shall  have  been  paid  in full,  or
    declared and set  apart for  payment (and such  dividends shall  be
    paid,  or declared  and  set  apart  for  payment,  out  of  assets
    available therefor as soon as is reasonably practicable), at  which
    time  the right of  the holders  of shares  of the  Preferred Stock
    voting  separately as  a  class to  electmembers  of the  Board  of

    Directors as aforesaid shall terminate, subject to revesting in the
    event of each and  every subsequent default of the  character above
        The  aforesaid rights of the  Preferred Stock and  of any other
    class or classes of stock of the Corporation to vote separately for
    the  election of members of the Board of Directors may be exercised
    at any annual meeting of stockholders of the Corporation or, within
    the limitations hereinafter provided, at any special meeting of 
    stockholders of  the Corporation held  for the purpose  of electing
        At any  time when  the right  of the  holders of the  Preferred
    Stock to  elect a majority of  the Board of Directors  is vested as
    aforesaid, a special meeting of stockholders of the Corporation may
    be called and  held for the  purpose of electing  directors in  the
    following manner (unless under the provisions of the By-Laws of the
    Corporation, as  then in effect, an annual  meeting of stockholders
    of the Corporation  is to be held within 60  days after the vesting
    in the holders of the Preferred Stock of the right to elect members
    of the  Board of Directors  or unless,  since the  vesting of  such
    right, a meeting of stockholders of the Corporation has theretofore
    been held  at which holders of the Preferred Stock were entitled to
    elect members of the Board of Directors): 
        Upon the written request of  the holders of record of not  less
    than 10% of the total number  of votes which may be cast  by shares
    of  the Preferred  Stock  then outstanding,  regardless of  series,
    addressed  to the Secretary of the Corporation, the Secretary or an
    Assistant Secretary of the Corporation shall call a special meeting
    of the stockholders entitled to vote for the election of directors,
    for the purpose of electing a majority of the Board of Directors by
    the vote of the Preferred Stock, and the remainder of  the Board of
    Directors by  the vote of such  other class or classes  of stock as
    may then be entitled  to vote for the election of directors, voting
    separately as hereinbefore  provided.  Such  meeting shall be  held
    within 50 days after  personal service of the said  written request
    upon  the Secretary  of the  Corporation, or  within 50  days after

    mailing the same within the United States of American by registered
    mail addressed to the Secretary of the Corporation at its principal
    office.  If such meeting shall not be called within 20 days of such
    personal service or mailing, then the holders of record of not less
    than  10% of the total number of votes  which may be cast by shares
    of  the Preferred Stock then outstanding, regardless of series, may
    designate  in  writing one  of their  number  to call  such special
    meeting at the  expense of the Corporation, and such meeting may be
    called  by such person so  designated upon the  notice required for
    annual meetings of 260
    stockholders and  shall be held  at the  place for  the holding  of
    annual  meetings of stockholders of the Corporation.  Any holder of
    the  Preferred Stock so designated  shall have access  to the stock
    books of the Corporation for the purpose of causing said meeting to
    be called as aforesaid. 
        At  any annual  or  special meeting  held  for the  purpose  of
    electing  directors when  the holders of the Preferred  Stock shall
    be  entitled  to  elect  members  of  the  Board  of  Directors  as
    aforesaid, the presence  in person or by proxy of  the holders of a
    majority of the total number of outstanding  shares of the class or
    classes  of stock of the Corporation other than the Preferred Stock
    entitled  to elect  directors  as aforesaid  shall  be required  to
    constitute a quorum of   such class or classes for the  election of
    directors  by such class or classes, and  the presence in person or
    by  proxy of  the holders  of  a majority  of the  total number  of
    outstanding  votes which  may be  cast by  shares of  the Preferred
    Stock shall be  required to constitute  a quorum of such  class for
    the  election of directors by such class; provided, however, that a
    majority of  those holders  of the stock  of either such  class (or
    classes) who are present in person or by proxy shall  have power to
    adjourn  such meeting for the  election of directors  by such class
    from time to  time without  notice other than  announcement at  the
        At any  meeting  of stockholders  for the  purpose of  electing
    directors  during  such  times as  the  holders  of  shares of  the
    Preferred Stock shall be entitled to elect members  of the Board of
    Directors  as aforesaid,  each holder  of shares  of the  Preferred

    Stock of the par  value of $100 per  share shall be entitled to  as
    many  votes as  shall equal the  number of votes  which (except for
    this provision as  to cumulative  voting) he would  be entitled  to
    cast for  the election of directors  with respect to his  shares of
    stock  multiplied by the  number of directors to  be elected by the
    holders of the Preferred Stock,  and he may cast all of  such votes
    for a single director or may distribute them among the number to be
    voted for, or any two or more of them, as he may see fit,  and each
    holder of shares of the Preferred Stock of the par value of $25 per
    share shall be entitled to as many votes as shall  equal the number
    of votes which (except for 261
    this provision as  to cumulative  voting) he would  be entitled  to
    cast for  the election of Directors  with respect to  his shares of
    stock multiplied by the  number of Directors to  be elected by  the
    holders of  preferred stock and divided by four and he may cast all
    of  such votes for  a single director or  may distribute them among
    the number to  be voted for, or any two or  more of them, as he may
    see fit. 
        Upon the  election of a majority  of the Board of  Directors by
    the   holders of the  Preferred Stock,  the term of  office of  all
    directors then in office  shall terminate; and no delay  or failure
    by the holders of other classes of stock in electing the  remainder
    of  the   Board of  Directors shall  invalidate  the election  of a
    majority thereof by the holders of the Preferred Stock. 
        Upon  any  termination  of the  right  of  the  holders of  the
    Preferred   Stock  to elect members  of the  Board of  Directors as
    aforesaid, the term of office of the directors then in office shall
    terminate  upon  the  election  of  a  majority  of  the  Board  of
    Directors, as then constituted, at a  meeting of the holders of the
    class or classes of stock of the  Corporation then entitled to vote
    for directors,  which meeting may  be held at  any time  after such
    termination  of such  right, and  shall be  called upon  request of
    holders of record of such  class or classes of stock  then entitled
    to  vote for  directors,  in like  manner  and subject  to  similar
    conditions as  hereinbefore in  this subdivision (H)  provided with
    respect  to the call  of a special meeting  of stockholders for the
    election of directors by the holders of the Preferred Stock. 

        In case  of any vacancy in  the office of  a director occurring
    among the directors elected  by the holders of the  Preferred Stock
    as aforesaid, or of a successor to any such director, the remaining
    directors  so  elected,  by vote  of  a  majority  thereof, or  the
    remaining  director so  elected if there  be but  one, may  elect a
    successor  or successors to hold  office for the  unexpired term of
    the  director or directors whose  place or places  shall be vacant,
    and  such  successor or  successors shall  be  deemed to  have been
    elected  by  the  holders  of  the  Preferred  Stock  as aforesaid.
    Likewise,  in case  of  any vacancy  in  the office  of a  director
    occurring (at a time when the holders of 262
    the Preferred Stock shall be entitled to elect members of the Board
    of  Directors as  aforesaid)  among the  directors  elected by  the
    holders of the  class or classes of stock of  the Corporation other
    than the Preferred Stock, or  of a successor to any such  director,
    the remaining directors so  elected by vote of a  majority thereof,
    or of  the remaining director so  elected if there be  but one, may
    elect  a successor or successors  to hold office  for the unexpired
    term of  the director or directors  whose place or places  shall be
    vacant,  and such successor or  successors shall be  deemed to have
    been elected  by such holders of  the class or classes  of stock of
    the Corporation other than the Preferred Stock." 
        The  stated capital of the  Corporation will not  be reduced by
    this    Amendment  to  the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of  the
        This  Amendment  to the  Certificate  of  Incorporation of  the
    Corporation was duly  authorized by the votes cast  in person or by
    proxy  of the  holders of record  of a majority  of the outstanding
    shares  of the Corporation  entitled to  vote at  the stockholders'
    meeting  at which  such  votes  were  cast  with  relation  to  the
    proceedings  provided  for  in   this  Amendment  and  neither  the
    Certificate  of  Incorporation  nor  any  other  certificate  filed

    pursuant  to law requires  a larger portion  of votes.   Such votes
    were  cast in  person or by  proxy at a  stockholders' meeting duly
    held at the offices  of the Corporation at  No. 300 Erie  Boulevard
    West, in the City of Syracuse, New  York, on the fourth day of May,
    1976  at 11 o'clock  A.M., pursuant to Section  605 of the Business
    Corporation Law. 
        IN  WITNESS   WHEREOF,  we   have  made  and   subscribed  this
    Certificate  this 4th day of May, 1976. 
        JOHN H. TERRY  /s/ 
        Vice President 

        HAROLD J. BOGAN  /s/ 
        Assistant Secretary 
        STATE OF NEW YORK    ) 
        COUNTY OF ONONDAGA   ) ss.: 
        JOHN H. TERRY, being duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is a
    Vice President of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, the Corporation
    named in and described in  the foregoing certificate.  That  he has
    read and executed  the foregoing certificate and knows the contents
    thereof, and that the statements contained therein are true. 
        JOHN H. TERRY  /s/ 
        Vice President 
        Sworn to before me this 4th day 
        of May, 1976. 
        JANET LEATHLEY  /s/ 
        Notary Public in the State of New York 
        Qualified in Onon. Co. No. 34-7461685 
        My Commission Expires March 30, 1978   

        Albany, N.Y., 
        May 7, 1976 
        Case NO.  26970--Petition of  NIAGARA MOHAWK  POWER CORPORATION
    for authority to file a Certificate of Amendment to its Certificate
    of  Incorporation changing  each authorized  but unissued  share of
    Preferred and  Preference Stock, $100  par value, into  four shares
    with a par value of $25 per share. 
        *   *   * 
        The Public  Service Commission hereby consents  to and approves
    this Certificate  of Amendment  of Certificate of  Incorporation of
    Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation under  Section 805 of the Business
    Corporation Law, executed May 4, 1976, in accordance with the order
    of the Public Service Commission dated March 2, 1976. 
        By the Commission, 
        SAMUEL R. MADISON  /s/ 
         [CONFORMED COPY] 
        of the 

        Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 
        FILED SEPTEMBER 28, 1976 
        TAX $ NONE 
        FILING FEE $30.00 
        MARIO M. CUOMO 
        Secretary of State 
        By  C.A.M. 
        Dated: September 23, 1976 
        140 Broadway 
        New York, New York 10005   
        of the 

        Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 
        Pursuant  to  the provisions  of  Section 805  of  the BUSINESS
    CORPORATION LAW, the undersigned, being a Senior Vice President and
    an Assistant Secretary of  NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION, hereby
        The   name  of   the  Corporation   is  Niagara   Mohawk  Power
        It was originally incorporated under the name of Niagara Hudson
    Public Service Corporation. 
        The  Certificate of Consolidation  forming the  Corporation was
    filed in the Department of State on July 31, 1937. 
        A  Certificate  of Change  of  Name  of  Niagara Hudson  Public
    Service Corporation to Central New York Power Corporation was filed
    in the Department of State on September 15, 1937. 
        A  "Certificate of  Consolidation of New  York Power  and Light
    Corporation and  Buffalo Niagara  Electric Corporation  and Central
    New York Power Corporation into  Central New York Power Corporation
    which is to survive  the consolidation and be named  Niagara Mohawk
    Power  Corporation" was filed in the Department of State on January
    5,  1950.    Said   Certificate  of  Consolidation  is  hereinafter
    sometimes referred to as the "1950 Certificate of Consolidation". 
        Pursuant  to Sections 26-a and 36 of the Stock Corporation Law,
    a  Certificate of Amendment was filed in the Department of State on

    January 5, 1950 to effect certain changes authorized in subdivision
    2 of Section 35 of the  Stock Corporation Law.  Said Certificate of
    Amendment  is  hereinafter  sometimes  referred  to  as  the  "1950
    Certificate of Amendment". 
        Pursuant to a Certificate of Amendment under Section 805 of the
    Business Corporation Law filed in the Department of State on May 7,
    1976,  the 2,400,000  authorized but  unissued shares  of Preferred
    Stock with  a par value  of $100  each were changed  into 9,600,000
    shares of Preferred Stock with a par value of $25  each, each share
    of such 2,400,000 shares of Preferred Stock being changed into four
    shares of  Preferred Stock with a par value of $25 each rather than
    $100, 267
    without in any manner changing the 3,400,000 issued and outstanding
    shares of  Preferred Stock of the  par value of $100  each, and the
    general provisions applicable  to all series of Preferred Stock set
    forth in Paragraph 5 of Part D  of Article IV of the Certificate of
    Incorporation, as amended, were amended  to fix the limited  voting
    rights of shares  of Preferred Stock  with a par  value of $25  per
    share  at one-quarter  of  the  vote per  share  of  each share  of
    Preferred Stock of the par value of $100 per share. 
        In  accordance  with  the  provisions  of  Subdivision  (E)  of
    Paragraph (5)  of Part D of  Article IV under  the heading "General
    Provisions   Applicable to All  Series of Preferred  Stock", of the
    1950 Certificate of Consolidation the holders of record of at least
    a majority  of the total number of shares of Preferred Stock of all
    series  then  outstanding adopted  the  following  resolution at  a
    meeting called for that purpose and held on December 5, 1956 in the
    manner prescribed by the By-Laws of the Corporation: 
        "RESOLVED, that consent be and it hereby  is given to the issue
    by   the Corporation of unsecured indebtedness in a total principal
    amount  not exceeding at any  one time outstanding $50,000,000 over
    and above the principal  amount of unsecured indebtedness otherwise
    permitted  by the provisions of Subdivision (E) of Paragraph (5) of
    Part D  of Article IV  of the  Certificate of Consolidation  of the
    Corporation filed January 5, 1950." 

        The  Certificate of  Incorporation, as  heretofore amended,  is
    hereby further amended by the addition  of the following provisions
    stating the number, designation, relative  rights, preferences, and
    limitations of a  ninth series  of Preferred Stock,  to consist  of
    1,200,000 shares  of  the  par  value  of  $25  per  share  of  the
    authorized 9,600,000  shares of Preferred Stock  of the Corporation
    of  the par  value  of $25  per  share, as  fixed by  the  Board of
    Directors of the  Corporation before the  issuance of such  series,
    such provisions so added to be designated as paragraph (4I)(of Part
    D of Article IV of the 1950 Certificate of Consolidation as amended
    by Article V of the 2687
    1950  Certificate of  Amendment and  subsequent amendments)  and to
    read as follows: 
        Particular  Provisions  Applicable  to Preferred  Stock,  9.75%
        (4I)   The number,  designations, relative rights,  preference,
    and limitations of the  ninth series of the Preferred Stock  of the
    Corporation  as fixed  by the  Board of  Directors (in  addition to
    those set forth under the heading "General Provisions Applicable to
    All Series  of Preferred  Stock"  in Paragraph  (5)  of Part  D  of
    Article IV of the  1950 Certificate of Consolidation as  amended by
    Article  V of  the  1950 Certificate  of  Amendment and  subsequent
    amendments) are as follows: 
        (A)   The number of shares to constitute the ninth series shall
    be 1,200,000 shares  and the  designation of such  series shall  be
    "Preferred Stock, 9.75% Series". 
        (B)  The  dividend rate  of the Preferred  Stock, 9.75%  Series
    shall  be nine and seventy-five one-hundredths per cent (9.75%) per
    annum  (computed on  the basis of  a 360-day year  of twelve 30-day
    months).  The dividends on each share of the Preferred Stock, 9.75%
    Series  shall be  cumulative from  the date  of the  original issue
        (C)  Except  as provided under the  heading "General Provisions

    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  paragraph (5) of
    Part D  of Article IV of  the 1950 Certificate  of Consolidation as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments, the Preferred Stock, 9.75% Series shall have
    no voting rights whatsoever. 
        (D)   The sum per  share for the  Preferred Stock, 9.75% Series
    payable  to the  holders  thereof upon  the voluntary  dissolution,
    liquidation  or winding up of the Corporation shall be $27.4375 per
    share through  September 30, 1977, and thereafter  at the following
    prices, in each case plus an amount equal to  the dividends accrued
    and unpaid on such share, whether or not earned or declared: 


       For the                                      For the 
       Twelve                    Voluntary          Twelve                 Voluntary 
       Months                    Liquidation        Months                 Liquidation 
       Ended                     Price              Ended                  Price 
       September 30              Per Share          September 30           Per share   
       1978................      $27.31             1988................   $26.035 
       1979................      $27.1825           1989................   $25.9075 
       1980................      $27.055            1990................   $25.78 
       1981................      $26.9275           1991................   $25.65 
       1982................      $26.80             1992................   $25.52 
       1983................      $26.6725           1993................   $25.39 
       1984................      $26.545            1994................   $25.26 
       1985................      $26.4175           1995................   $25.13 
       1986................      $26.29             1996................   $25.00 
       1987................      $26.1625 

        (E)   The sum per share  for the Preferred Stock,  9.75% Series
    payable to  the holders  thereof upon the  involuntary dissolution,
    liquidation or winding up of the Corporation shall be $25 per share

    plus an amount equal  to the dividends  accrued and unpaid on  such
    share, whether or not earned or declared.   
       (F)  The  shares of the  Preferred Stock, 9.75% Series  shall be
    redeemable  at  the  option  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the
    Corporation,  either as  a  whole or  in  part, at  any  time at  a
    redemption price of $27.4375 per share through  September 30, 1977,
    and  thereafter at  the following redemption  prices, in  each case
    plus  an amount equal to the  dividends, accrued and unpaid on such
    share, whether or not earned or declared: 


       For the                                      For the 
       Twelve                                       Twelve 
       Months                    Redemption         Months                 Redemption  
       Ended                     Price              Ended                  Price 
       September 30              Per Share          September 30           Per Share   
       1978................      $27.31             1988................   $26.035 
       1979................      $27.1825           1989................   $25.9075 
       1980................      $27.055            1990................   $25.78 
       1981................      $26.9275           1991................   $25.65 
       1982................      $26.80             1992................   $25.52 
       1983................      $26.6725           1993................   $25.39 
       1984................      $26.545            1994................   $25.26 
       1985................      $26.4175           1995................   $25.13 
       1986................      $26.29             1996................   $25.00; 
       1987................      $26.1625 

        provided, however,  the Board  of Directors of  the Corporation

    shall not prior to  October 1, 1986  exercise its option to  redeem
    any shares of the Preferred Stock, 9.75% Series as  a part of or in
    anticipation  of  any  refunding   operation  by  the  application,
    directly  or indirectly, of (a)  borrowed funds or  the proceeds of
    the  issue of any  shares of Preferred  Stock or  any stock ranking
    prior to or on a  parity with the Preferred Stock, 9.75%  Series as
    to dividends or assets if such borrowed funds have an interest rate
    or cost to the Corporation  (calculated in accordance with accepted
    financial practice), or such shares have a dividend rate or cost to
    the  Corporation so calculated, less  than 9.75% per  annum, or (b)
    the proceeds  of the  issue of  any shares of  stock ranking  as to
    dividends  or assets junior to  the shares of  the Preferred Stock,
    9.75% Series  (exclusive in any event  of proceeds of  the issue of
    shares of  Common  Stock  by  the Corporation  under  its  Employee
    Savings Fund Plan and 271
    Dividend  Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan as in effect on June
    30, 1976). 
        (G)  The shares of the  Preferred Stock, 9.75% Series shall  be
    exchangeable  on a  share  for share  basis  into other  shares  of
    Preferred Stock, 9.75% Series, but shall not be convertible into or
    exchangeable for other securities of the Corporation. 
        (H)    As a  sinking fund  with respect  to  the shares  of the
    Preferred Stock, 9.75%  Series the Corporation will, subject to the
    provisions of subdivision (I) below, call for redemption and retire
    on October 1, 1980 and on each October 1 thereafter (so long as any
    shares  of  the  Preferred  Stock, 9.75%  Series  are  outstanding)
    through  October 1,  1995 66,000  shares of Preferred  Stock, 9.75%
    Series (or the number of the  shares of the Preferred Stock,  9.75%
    Series  then   outstanding if less  than 66,000), and on October 1,
    1996 the balance  of the  shares of Preferred  Stock, 9.75%  Series
    then outstanding,  in each  case  at a redemption price  of $25 per
    share, plus an amount equal to the dividends accrued and unpaid  on
    such shares, whether or not  earned or declared.  No  redemption of
    shares of the Preferred Stock, 9.75% Series pursuant to subdivision
    (F)  above  or subdivision  (J) below,  nor  any purchase  or other
    acquisition of any shares  of the Preferred Stock, 9.75%  Series by
    the Corporation,  shall constitute a  retirement of such  shares in

    lieu of or as a credit against any sinking fund retirement required
    by this subdivision (H). 
        (I)    Shares of  the Preferred  Stock,  9.75% Series  shall be
    called  for  redemption  for  the  sinking  fund  as   required  by
    subdivision  (H) above in  the manner prescribed  for redemption of
    shares  of Preferred  Stock under  the heading  "General Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  paragraph (5) of
    Part D  of Article IV of  the 1950 Certificate of  Consolidation as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments.   Such redemption shall be mandatory and not
    at the option of the Board of Directors but shall be subject to any
    applicable restrictions  of law.  Nevertheless,  the obligations of
    the  Corporation to  redeem  shares of  the Preferred  Stock, 9.75%
    Series annually  commencing on  October 1, 1980,  pursuant to  said
    subdivision (H), shall be cumulative and, so 272
    long as any  shares of the  Preferred Stock, 9.75% Series  shall be
    outstanding, the Corporation shall not declare any  dividend on the
    Common Stock or any other stock  ranking as to dividends or  assets
    junior to, or pari passu with, the Preferred Stock, 9.75% Series or
    make any payment on account of, or set apart money for a sinking or
    other  analogous  fund  for,  the  purchase,  redemption  or  other
    retirement of any shares  of Common Stock  or other such junior  or
    pari  passu stock,  or make  any  distribution in  respect thereof,
    either directly or indirectly,  and whether in cash or  property or
    in obligation or stock of the Corporation (other than stock ranking
    as to dividends  and assets  junior to the  Preferred Stock,  9.75%
    Series), unless at the date of declaration in the case  of any such
    dividend, or at the  date of any such other  payment, setting apart
    or  distribution,  no  sinking  fund retirement  required  by  said
    subdivision (H) shall be in arrears. 
        (J)   The  Corporation  may, at  the  option  of the  Board  of
    Directors   of the  Corporation, on October  1, 1980,  and on  each
    October 1 thereafter to and  including October 1, 1995 (but  on not
    more than  five such  dates), redeem  66,000 of  the shares of  the
    Preferred  Stock, 9.75% Series, or any lesser number of said shares
    constituting a multiple of 6,600, in addition to  shares then to be
    redeemed for the sinking fund pursuant to subdivision (H) above, in

    each  case at a  price of $25  per share,  plus an amount  equal to
    dividends  accrued and unpaid on such shares, whether or not earned
    or  declared,  which privilege  and option  so  to redeem  shall be
    noncumulative;  provided, however,  the Board  of Directors  of the
    Corporation shall not exercise  its option to redeem any  shares of
    the  Preferred Stock, 9.75% Series pursuant to this subdivision (J)
    as  a part of or in anticipation  of any refunding operation by the
    application,  directly  or indirectly,  of  borrowed  funds or  the
    proceeds  of the  issue of  any shares  of capital  stock or  other
    securities of the  Corporation or the proceeds  of the sale of  any
    assets  of the  Corporation other  than in  the ordinary  course of
    business.  The aggregate  number of shares of the  Preferred Stock,
    9.75% Series which may  be redeemed in all redemptions  pursuant to
    this subdivision (J) shall not, however, exceed 300,000 shares. 
        (K)   In  every case  of  redemption of  less than  all of  the
    outstanding  shares of  Preferred Stock,  9.75% Series  pursuant to
    subdivision  (F), (H) or (J)  above, such redemption  shall be made
    (i)  with  respect  to each  holder  of  5%  or  more of  the  then
    outstanding  shares  of  Preferred  Stock, 9.75%  Series  pro  rata
    according to the numbers  of shares held by such  holders, provided
    that only whole shares  shall be selected for redemption,  and (ii)
    otherwise  in  the manner  prescribed  under  the heading  "General
    Provisions  Applicable  to  All   Series  of  Preferred  Stock"  in
    Paragraph (5) of  the Part D of Article IV  of the 1950 Certificate
    of Consolidation as amended by Article V of the 1950 Certificate of
    Amendment and subsequent amendments. 
        (L)  Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivisions (F) and (J)
    above,  the Board of Directors of the Corporation will not exercise
    its option  to  redeem  shares  of Preferred  Stock,  9.75%  Series
    pursuant  to either of such subdivisions  (i) so long as any shares
    of Preferred Stock,  9.75% Series are  held by any  one of the  two
    original  purchasers of  such shares  from the  Corporation, unless
    simultaneously  therewith the  Corporation shall  optionally redeem
    shares of its Preferred Stock, 7.45% Series having an aggregate par
    value bearing the same  or greater proportion to the  aggregate par
    value  of all  outstanding  shares of  its  Preferred Stock,  7.45%

    Series as the aggregate par value of the shares of Preferred Stock,
    9.75% Series so to be redeemed  bears to the aggregate par value of
    all outstanding shares  of Preferred Stock, 9.75%  Series, and (ii)
    unless all arrears in  dividends on the shares of  Preferred Stock,
    9.75% Series and Preferred  Stock, 7.45% Series and all  arrears in
    sinking  fund retirements  required  by subdivision  (H) above  and
    subdivision  (H)  of  paragraph  (4F)  above  entitled  "Particular
    Provisions Applicable to Preferred  Stock, 7.45% Series" shall have
    been paid or made, as the case may be. 
        (M)  Shares of Preferred Stock, 9.75% Series redeemed (pursuant
    to the sinking fund or  otherwise), purchased or otherwise acquired
    by  the Corporation shall  be cancelled and restored to  the status
    of authorized but  unissued shares  of Preferred Stock  of the  par
    value   of  $25 per  share without  serial designation  and may  be
    reissued by 274
    the Corporation  from time to time as  Preferred Stock of any other
    series of the par value of $25 per share as may  be fixed from time
    to time by the Board of Directors. 
        (N)  The shares  of the Preferred Stock, 9.75% Series  shall be
    subject  to the  consent  set forth  in  the last  subparagraph  of
    Paragraph II of this  Certificate to the  same extent and with  the
    same effect  as  all  series  of  Preferred  Stock  outstanding  on
    December 5, 1956 are so subject. 
        The amendments of the  Certificate of Incorporation effected by
    this  Certificate  were  authorized  by  action  of  the  Board  of
    Directors  of  the  Corporation, pursuant  to  Section  502 of  the
    Business Corporation Law. 
        IN  WITNESS   WHEREOF,  we   have  made  and   subscribed  this
    Certificate  this 23rd day of September, 1976. 
        /s/  JOHN H. TERRY 
        (JOHN H. TERRY) 
        Senior Vice President 

        /s/  HAROLD J. BOGAN 
        (HAROLD J. BOGAN) 
        Assistant Secretary 
         STATE OF NEW YORK    ) 
        COUNTY OF ONONDAGA   ) ss.: 
       JOHN H. TERRY,  being duly sworn, deposes and says  that he is a
    Senior  Vice President  of  Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation,  the
    corporation named  in and  described in the  foregoing Certificate,
    that he has read  and executed the foregoing Certificate  and knows
    the contents thereof and that  the statements contained therein are
        Sworn to before me this 
        23rd day of September, 1976. 
        /s/  CAROLYN SCHMIDT 
        Notary Public 
        Notary Public in the State of New York 
        Qualified in Onondaga Co. No. 4524990 
        My Commission Expires March 30, 1978 

        Albany, N.Y., September 28, 1976 
        CASE 27044--Petition  of Niagara  Mohawk Power Corporation  for
    authority to issue 1,200,000  shares of its Preferred Stock, 9.75% 
    Series, $25 Par Value. 
        *    *    *    * 
        The Public  Service Commission hereby consents  to and approves
    BUSINESS    CORPORATION  LAW,   executed  September  23,  1976,  in
    accordance with the  order of the  Public Service Commission  dated
    September 14, 1976. 
        By the Commission, 
        /s/  SAMUEL R. MADISON 
        of the 

        Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 
        Dated:  January 27, 1978 
        Filed Jan. 27, 1978 
        Tax $ None 
        Filing Fee $30.-- 
        Mario M. Cuomo 
        Secretary of State 
        By   NC 
        140 Broadway 
        New York, New York 10005   
        of the 

        Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 
        Pursuant to  the  provisions of  Section  805 of  the  BUSINESS
    CORPORATION LAW, the undersigned, being a Senior Vice President and
    an Assistant Secretary of  NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION, hereby
        The   name  of   the  Corporation   is  Niagara   Mohawk  Power
        It was originally incorporated under the name of Niagara Hudson
    Public Service Corporation. 
        The Certificate  of Consolidation  forming the  Corporation was
    filed in the Department of State on July 31, 1937. 
        A  Certificate  of  Change  of Name  of  Niagara  Hudson Public
    Service   Corporation to  Central  New York  Power Corporation  was
    filed in the  Department of State on September 15, 1937. 
        A "Certificate of  Consolidation of  New York  Power and  Light
    Corporation  and Buffalo  Niagara Electric Corporation  and Central
    New  York Power Corporation into Central New York Power Corporation
    which is to survive  the consolidation and be named  Niagara Mohawk
    Power  Corporation" was filed in the Department of State on January
    5,  1950.    Said   Certificate  of  Consolidation  is  hereinafter
    sometimes referred to as the "1950 Certificate of Consolidation". 
        Pursuant to Section 26-a and 36 of the Stock Corporation Law, a

    Certificate  of Amendment was filed  in the Department  of State on
    January 5, 1950 to effect certain changes authorized in subdivision
    2 of  Section 35 of the Stock Corporation Law.  Said Certificate of
    Amendment  is  hereinafter  sometimes  referred  to  as  the  "1950
    Certificate of Amendment". 
        Pursuant to a Certificate of Amendment under Section 805 of the
    Business Corporation Law filed in the Department of State on May 7,
    1976,  the 2,400,000  authorized but  unissued shares  of Preferred
    Stock with a  par value of  $100 each  were changed into  9,600,000
    shares of Preferred Stock with a  par value of $25 each, each share
    of such 2,400,000 shares of Preferred Stock being changed into four
    shares of Preferred Stock with a par value of $25  each rather than
    $100,  without in  any  manner changing  the  3,400,000 issued  and
    outstanding  shares of  Preferred Stock  of the  par value  of $100
    each, and  the  general  provisions applicable  to  all  series  of
    Preferred Stock set forth in Paragraph 5 of Part D of Article IV of
    the Certificate of 279
    Incorporation, as  amended, were amended to fix  the limited voting
    rights of  shares of Preferred  Stock with a  par value of  $25 per
    share  at  one-quarter of  the  vote  per share  of  each  share of
    Preferred Stock of the par value of $100 per share. 
        In  accordance  with  the  provisions  of  Subdivision  (E)  of
    Paragraph  (5) of Part D of Article  IV, under the heading "General
    Provisions   Applicable to All  Series of Preferred  Stock", of the
    1950 Certificate of Consolidation the holders of record of at least
    a majority of the total number of shares of Preferred  Stock of all
    series  then  outstanding adopted  the  following  resolution at  a
    meeting called for that purpose and held on December 5, 1956 in the
    manner prescribed by the By-Laws of the Corporation: 
        "Resolved, that consent be and it hereby is given  to the issue
    by   the Corporation of unsecured indebtedness in a total principal
    amount not exceeding  at any one time  outstanding $50,000,000 over
    and above the principal  amount of unsecured indebtedness otherwise
    permitted  by the provisions of Subdivision (E) of Paragraph (5) of
    Part  D of Article  IV of the  Certificate of  Consolidation of the
    Corporation filed January 5, 1950." 

        The Certificate  of Incorporation,  as  heretofore amended,  is
    hereby further amended by the addition of the  following provisions
    stating the  number, designation, relative rights, preferences, and
    limitations of a  tenth series  of Preferred Stock,  to consist  of
    1,600,000  shares  of the  par  value  of  $25  per  share  of  the
    authorized 9,600,000  shares of Preferred Stock  of the Corporation
    of  the par  value  of $25  per share,  as  fixed by  the  Board of
    Directors of  the Corporation before  the issuance of  such series,
    such provisions so  added to  be designated as  paragraph (4J)  (of
    Part D  of Article IV of  the 1950 Certificate  of Consolidation as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments) and to read as follows: 

        Particular  Provisions  Applicable to  Preferred Stock,  8 3/8%
        (4J)   The number,  designations, relative  rights, preferences
    and limitations  of the tenth  additional series  of the  Preferred
    Stock  of the  Corporation as fixed  by the Board  of Directors (in
    addition  to those set forth  under the heading "General Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  Paragraph (5) of
    Part  D of Article  IV of the 1950  Certificate of Consolidation as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments) are as follows: 
        (A)   The number of  shares to constitute  the tenth additional
    series shall be 1,600,000 shares and the designation of such series
    shall be "Preferred Stock, 8 3/8% Series". 
        (B)   The dividend rate of  the Preferred Stock,  8 3/8% Series
    shall  be eight  and three  eighths per  cent (  8 3/8%)  per annum
    (computed on the basis of a  360-day year of twelve 30-day months).
    The dividends on each share  of the Preferred Stock, 8 3/8%  Series
    shall  be cumulative from the  date of the  original issue thereof.

    So  long as any shares of the  Preferred Stock, 8 3/8% Series shall
    be   outstanding, the Corporation shall not declare any dividend on
    the   Common Stock  or any other  stock ranking as  to dividends or
    assets   junior to, or pari passu   with (except dividends on other
    series of Preferred Stock to the extent provided in subdivision (A)
    of paragraph (5) of Part D of Article IV of the 1950 Certificate of
    Consolidation  as amended by Article  V of the  1950 Certificate of
    Amendment and  subsequent amendments), the Preferred  Stock, 8 3/8%
    Series or make any payment  on account of, or set apart money for a
    sinking or other  analogous fund for,  the purchase, redemption  or
    other retirement of any shares of Common Stock or other such junior
    or pari passu stock,  or make any distribution in  respect thereof,
    either directly or indirectly,  and whether in cash or  property or
    in obligations  or  stock  of  the Corporation  (other  than  stock
    ranking as to dividends and assets junior to the Preferred Stock, 8
    3/8% Series), unless at the date of such declaration in the case of
    any  such  dividend, or  at  the date  of  any such  other payment,
    setting 281
    apart  or  distribution, all  dividends  payable  on the  Preferred
    Stock, 8  3/8% Series shall have  been fully paid, or  declared and
    set apart for payment. 
        (C)   Except as provided under  the heading "General Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  paragraph (5) of
    Part D of Article  IV of the 1950  Certificate of Consolidation  as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent  amendments, the  Preferred Stock,  8 3/8%  Series shall
    have no voting rights whatsoever. 
        (D)  The sum per  share for the Preferred Stock, 8  3/8% Series
    payable  to the  holders  thereof upon  the voluntary  dissolution,
    liquidation  or winding up of  the Corporation shall  be $27.09 per
    share through  March  31, 1979,  and  thereafter at  the  following
    prices, in each case plus an amount equal to the dividends  accrued
    and unpaid on such share, whether or not earned or declared: 


       For the                                      For the 
       Twelve                    Voluntary          Twelve                   Voluntary 
       Months                    Liquidation        Months                   Liquidation 
       Ended                     Price              Ended                    Price 
       March 31                  Per Share          March 31                 Per Share   
       1980....................  $26.98             1990...................  $25.88 
       1981....................  $26.87             1991...................  $25.77 
       1982....................  $26.76             1992...................  $25.66 
       1983....................  $26.65             1993...................  $25.55 
       1984....................  $26.54             1994...................  $25.44 
       1985....................  $26.43             1995...................  $25.33 
       1986....................  $26.32             1996...................  $25.22 
       1987....................  $26.21             1997...................  $25.11 
       1988....................  $26.10             1998...................  $25.00. 
       1989....................  $25.99 

        (E)   The sum per share for  the Preferred Stock, 8 3/8% Series
    payable to  the holders  thereof upon the  involuntary dissolution,
    liquidation or winding up of the Corporation shall be $25 per share
    plus an  amount equal to  the dividends accrued and  unpaid on such
    share, whether or not earned or declared. 
        (F)  The shares of the Preferred Stock, 8 3/8% Series shall be 
    redeemable  at  the  option  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the
    Corporation, either  as  a whole  or  in part,  at  any time  at  a
    redemption  price of $27.09 per  share through March  31, 1979, and
    thereafter at the following redemption prices, in each case plus an
    amount  equal to the dividends,  accrued and unpaid  on such share,
    whether or not earned or declared: 

       For the                                      For the 
       Twelve                                       Twelve 
       Months                    Redemption         Months                Redemption 
       Ended                     Price              Ended                 Price 

       March 31                  Per Share          March 31              Per Share  
       1980....................  $26.98             1990................  $25.88 
       1981....................  $26.87             1991................  $25.77 
       1982....................  $26.76             1992................  $25.66 
       1983....................  $26.65             1993................  $25.55 
       1984....................  $26.54             1994................  $25.44 
       1985....................  $26.43             1995................  $25.33 
       1986....................  $26.32             1996................  $25.22 
       1987....................  $26.21             1997................  $25.11 
       1988....................  $26.10             1998................  $25.00; 
       1989....................  $25.99 

        provided, however,  the Board  of Directors of  the Corporation
    shall not prior to March 31, 1988 exercise its option to redeem any
    shares of the  Preferred Stock, 8  3/8% Series as  a part of or  in
    anticipation  of   any  refunding  operation  by  the  application,
    directly  or indirectly, of (a)  borrowed funds or  the proceeds of
    the issue  of any shares  of Preferred Stock  or any  stock ranking
    prior to or on a parity with the Preferred Stock,  8 3/8% Series as
    to dividends or assets if such borrowed funds have an interest rate
    or cost to  the Corporation (calculated in accordance with accepted
    financial practice), or such shares have a dividend rate or cost to
    the Corporation so calculated, less  than 8 3/8% per annum, or  (b)
    the  proceeds of  the issue of  any shares  of stock  ranking as to
    dividends  or assets junior to the shares of the Preferred Stock, 8
    3/8% Series  (exclusive in  any event of  proceeds of the  issue of
    shares  of  Common Stock  by  the Corporation  under  its Employees
    Savings Fund Plan and Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan
    and its Employee Stock Ownership Plan as in effect on September 30,
        (G)   The shares of the Preferred Stock, 8 3/8% Series shall be

    exchangeable  on a  share  for share  basis  into other  shares  of
    Preferred Stock, 8 3/8%  Series, but shall not be  convertible into
    or exchangeable for other securities of the Corporation. 
        (H)   As  a sinking  fund  with respect  to the  shares of  the
    Preferred Stock, 8 3/8% Series the Corporation will, subject to the
    provisions of subdivision (I) below, call for redemption and retire
    on April  1, 1983 and on  each April 1 thereafter  to and including
    April 1,  1997 (so long as  any Preferred Stock, 8  3/8% Series are
    outstanding) 100,000  shares of the Preferred Stock,  8 3/8% Series
    (or the number of shares of the Preferred Stock, 8 3/8% Series then
    outstanding if less than 100,000) and on April 1, 1998 the  balance
    of the shares of  Preferred Stock, 8 3/8% Series  then outstanding,
    in each case at a redemption price of $25 per share, plus an amount
    equal to the dividends  accrued and unpaid on such  shares, whether
    or  not  earned  or  declared.   No  redemption  of  shares  of the
    Preferred Stock, 8 3/8% Series pursuant to subdivision (F) above or
    subdivision (J) below, nor any purchase or other acquisition of any
    shares of the Preferred Stock,   8 3/8% Series by the  Corporation,
    shall constitute 284
    a retirement of  such shares in lieu of or as  a credit against any
    sinking fund retirement required by this subdivision (H). 
        (I)   Shares of  the Preferred  Stock, 8 3/8%  Series shall  be
    called  for  redemption   for  the  sinking  fund  as  required  by
    subdivision (H)  above in the  manner prescribed for  redemption of
    shares  of Preferred  Stock under  the heading  "General Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  paragraph (5) of
    Part  D of Article IV  of the 1950  Certificate of Consolidation as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments.  Such redemption shall  be mandatory and not
    at the option of the Board of Directors but shall be subject to any
    applicable restrictions  of law.  Nevertheless,  the obligations of
    the Corporation to  redeem shares  of the Preferred  Stock, 8  3/8%
    Series  annually commencing  on  April 1,  1983,  pursuant to  said
    subdivision (H), shall be  cumulative and, so long as any shares of
    the  Preferred Stock,  8  3/8%  Series  shall be  outstanding,  the
    Corporation shall not declare  any dividend on the Common  Stock or
    any other  stock ranking as to  dividends or assets   junior to, or

    pari  passu with, the  Preferred Stock, 8  3/8% Series or  make any
    payment on  account of, or set  apart money for a  sinking or other
    analogous fund for, the purchase, redemption or other retirement of
    any  shares of  Common Stock  or other  such junior  or pari  passu
    stock, or make any distribution in respect thereof, either directly
    or indirectly, and whether in cash or property or in obligations or
    stock  of the Corporation (other than stock ranking as to dividends
    and assets junior  to the Preferred Stock 8 3/8% Series), unless at
    the date of declaration in the case of any such dividend, or at the
    date of any such  other payment, setting apart or  distribution, no
    sinking fund retirement required  by said subdivision (H) shall  be
    in arrears. 
        (J)    The  Corporation may,  at  the  option of  the  Board of
    Directors of the Corporation, on April 1, 1983, and on each April 1
    thereafter  to and including April  1, 1997, redeem  100,000 of the
    shares of the Preferred Stock, 8 3/8% Series, or any  lesser number
    of  said shares constituting a  multiple of 10,000,  in addition to
    shares  then  to  be redeemed  for  the  sinking  fund pursuant  to
    subdivision (H)  above, in each case  at a price of  $25 per share,
    plus an amount equal to 285
    dividends  accrued and unpaid on such shares, whether or not earned
    or  declared,  which privilege  and option  so  to redeem  shall be
    noncumulative;  provided, however,  the Board  of Directors  of the
    Corporation shall not exercise  its option to redeem any  shares of
    the Preferred Stock, 8 3/8% Series pursuant to this subdivision (J)
    as a part of or  in anticipation of any refunding operation  by the
    application,  directly  or indirectly,  of  borrowed  funds or  the
    proceeds of  the issue  of any  shares  of capital  stock or  other
    securities of the  Corporation or the proceeds  of the sale  of any
    assets  of the  Corporation other  than in  the ordinary  course of
    business.  The aggregate number of shares of the Preferred Stock, 8
    3/8%  Series which may be  redeemed in all  redemptions pursuant to
    this subdivision (J) shall not, however, exceed 400,000 shares. 
        (K)    In every  case of  redemption of  less  than all  of the
    outstanding shares of  Preferred Stock, 8  3/8% Series pursuant  to
    subdivision  (F), (H) or (J)  above, such redemption  shall be made
    (i) pro rata according to the numbers of shares held by each holder

    of the then outstanding  shares of Preferred Stock, 8  3/8% Series,
    provided that only whole  shares shall be selected for  redemption,
    and  (ii) otherwise  in  the manner  prescribed  under the  heading
    "General Provisions Applicable to All Series of Preferred Stock" in
    Paragraph (5)  of Part D of  Article IV of the  1950 Certificate of
    Consolidation  as amended by Article  V of the  1950 Certificate of
    Amendment and subsequent amendments. 

        (L)  Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivisions (F) and (J)
    above,  the Board of Directors of the Corporation will not exercise
    its  option  to redeem  shares of  Preferred  Stock, 8  3/8% Series
    pursuant to either of such  subdivisions (i) so long as  any shares
    of Preferred Stock, 8 3/8% Series are held by any one of the twelve
    original  purchasers of  such shares  from the  Corporation, unless
    simultaneously  therewith the  Corporation shall  optionally redeem
    shares of its Preferred Stock, 7.45% Series having an aggregate par
    value bearing the same  or greater proportion to the  aggregate par
    value of all outstanding shares of Preferred Stock, 7.45% Series as
    the aggregate  par value of the  shares of Preferred Stock,  8 3/8%
    Series so  to be redeemed bears  to the aggregate par  value of all
    outstanding  shares of  Preferred  Stock, 8  3/8% Series,  and (ii)
    unless all arrears in dividends on the shares of Preferred Stock, 8
    3/8% Series and  Preferred Stock, 7.45% Series and Preferred Stock,
    9.75% Series and  all arrears in sinking  fund retirements required
    by subdivision  (H)  above and  subdivision (H)  of paragraph  (4F)
    above  entitled  "Particular  Provisions  Applicable  to  Preferred
    Stock, 7.45%  Series" and subdivision  (H) of paragraph  (4I) above
    entitled  "Particular  Provisions  Applicable  to  Preferred Stock,
    9.75% Series" shall have been paid or made, as the case may be. 

        (M)    Shares  of  Preferred  Stock,  8  3/8%  Series  redeemed
    (pursuant to the sinking fund or otherwise), purchased or otherwise
    acquired  by the Corporation shall be cancelled and restored to the
    status  of authorized but unissued shares of Preferred Stock of the
    par  value  of $25 per share  without serial designation and may be
    reissued by the Corporation from time to time as Preferred Stock of
    any other  series of the par value of $25 per share as may be fixed

    from time to time by the Board of Directors. 
        (N)   The shares of the Preferred Stock, 8 3/8% Series shall be
    subject  to the  consent  set forth  in  the last  subparagraph  of
    Paragraph  II of this  Certificate to the same  extent and with the
    same effect  as  all  series  of  Preferred  Stock  outstanding  on
    December 5, 1956 are so subject. 
        The amendments of the  Certificate of Incorporation effected by
    this  Certificate  were  authorized  by  action  of  the  Board  of
    Directors  of  the  Corporation, pursuant  to  Section  502 of  the
    Business Corporation Law. 
        IN  WITNESS   WHEREOF,  we   have  made  and   subscribed  this
    Certificate  this 27th  day of  January, 1978  and affirm  that the
    statements  contained  herein  are  true  under  the  penalties  of

        JOHN H. TERRY /s/ 
        (JOHN H. TERRY) 
        Senior Vice President 
        HAROLD J. BOGAN /s/ 
        (HAROLD J. BOGAN) 
        Assistant Secretary 
        STATE OF NEW YORK    ) 
        COUNTY OF ONONDAGA   ) ss.: 
        JOHN H. TERRY, being duly sworn,  deposes and says that he is a
    Senior  Vice President  of  Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation,  the

    corporation named  in and  described in the  foregoing Certificate,
    that he has read  and executed the foregoing Certificate  and knows
    the contents thereof and that  the statements contained therein are
    true.  Sworn to before me this 27th day of January, 1978. 
        CAROLYN SCHMIDT /s/ 
        Notary Public 
        Carolyn Schmidt 
        Notary Public in the State of New York 
        Qualified in Onondaga Co. No. 4524990 
        My Commission Expires March 30, 1978 
        Albany, N.Y., January 27, 1978 
        CASE 27252--Petition  of Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation  for
    authority to issue 1,600,000  shares of its Preferred Stock, 8 3/8%
    Series, $25 Par Value. 
        *   *   *   * 
        The Public  Service Commission hereby consents  to and approves
    BUSINESS  CORPORATION LAW, executed January 27, 1978, in accordance
    with the order of  the Public Service Commission dated  January 17,
        By the Commission, 
        SAMUEL R. MADISON /s/ 




    of the 




    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 


    Dated:  May 2, 1978 

    State of New York 
    Department of State 
    Filed May 8--1978 
    Tax $10,000.-- 
    Filing Fee $30.-- 
    Mario M. Cuomo 
    Secretary of State 

    140 Broadway 
    New York, New York 10005   



    of the 




    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 

    Pursuant  to  the   provisions  of  Section  805  of  the  BUSINESS
    CORPORATION LAW, the undersigned, being a Senior Vice President and
    the Assistant Secretary of NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION, hereby

    The name  of the Corporation  is Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation.
    It was  originally incorporated  under the name  of Niagara  Hudson
    Public Service Corporation. 

    The Certificate of Consolidation  forming the Corporation was filed
    by the Department of State on July 31, 1937. 


    The Certificate  of Incorporation  as heretofore amended  is hereby
    further amended to  effect changes authorized by  Section 801(b) of
    the  Business Corporation Law,  to wit:  to increase  the aggregate
    number of  shares of Common Stock of the par value of $1 each which
    the  Corporation shall have the authority to issue by an additional
    20,000,000 shares of such Common Stock, so that the authorized 

    shares  of  capital  stock shall  consist  of  3,400,000  shares of
    Preferred Stock with a par value of $100 each, 9,600,000 shares of 
    Preferred Stock with  a par value of $25 each,  4,000,000 shares of
    Preference Stock with a par value of $25 each and 85,000,000 shares
    of Common Stock with a par value of $1 each. 


    The Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation, as amended, is
    hereby amended  so that Parts A  and C of Article  IV setting forth
    the number of authorized  shares and the  number of shares of  each
    class, as so amended, read as follows: 

    "IV. A. The  total number of shares which the  Corporation may have
    is 102,000,000, of which 3,400,000 are to have a par  value of $100
    each, 13,600,000 are to have a par value of $25 each and 85,000,000
    are to have a par value of $1 each." 

    "C. The shares of the Corporation are to be classified as follows: 
    3,400,000 shares are to be Preferred Stock with a par value of $100
    each; 9,600,000 shares  are to be Preferred Stock  with a par value
    of $25 each; 4,000,000 shares are to be Preference Stock with a par
    value of $25  each; and  85,000,000 shares are  to be Common  Stock
    with a par value of $1 each." 


    The stated capital of the Corporation  will not be affected by this
    Amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation. 


    This  Amendment   to  the  Certificate  of   Incorporation  of  the
    Corporation was duly  authorized by the votes cast in  person or by
    proxy of the holders of  record of the majority of the  outstanding
    shares of  the Corporation  entitled to  vote at  the stockholders'

    meeting at which
    such  votes were cast with relation to the proceedings provided for
    in this Amendment and neither the  Certificate of Incorporation nor
    any  other certificate  filed  pursuant to  law  requires a  larger
    proportion of votes.  Such votes were cast in person or by proxy at
    a stockholders' meeting duly held at the offices of the Corporation
    at No. 300 Erie Boulevard West,  in the City of Syracuse, New York,
    on the second day of May, 1978, at 10:30 o'clock, A.M., pursuant to
    Section 605 of the Business Corporation Law. 

    IN WITNESS  WHEREOF we  have made  and subscribed  this Certificate
    this 2nd day of May, 1978. 

    JOHN H. TERRY /s/ 
    (JOHN H. TERRY) 
    Senior Vice President 

    HAROLD J. BOGAN /s/ 
    Assistant Secretary 


    STATE OF NEW YORK     ) 
    COUNTY OF ONONDAGA    ) ss.: 

    JOHN H.  TERRY, being duly  sworn, deposes and  says, that he  is a
    Senior  Vice President  of  Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation,  the
    corporation named  in and  described in the  foregoing certificate.
    That he has read  and executed the foregoing certificate  and knows
    the contents thereof, and that the statements contained therein are

    JOHN H. TERRY /s/ 
    (JOHN H. TERRY) 

    Sworn to before me this 
    2nd day of May, 1978. 

    (Carolyn Schmidt) 
    Notary Public in the State of New York 
    Qualified in Onondaga Co. No. 4524990 
    My Commission Expires March 30, 1980   



    of the 




    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 


    Dated: July 17, 1978 

    State of New York 
    Department of State 
    Filed July 13, 1978 
    Tax $ None 
    Filing Fee $30 

    By Mario M. Cuomo 
    Secretary of State 

    140 Broadway 
    New York, New York 10005


    of the 




    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 


    Pursuant  to  the   provisions  of  Section  805  of  the  BUSINESS
    CORPORATION LAW, the undersigned, being a Senior Vice President and
    an Assistant Secretary of  NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION, hereby


    The name  of the Corporation  is Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation.
    It was  originally incorporated  under the name  of Niagara  Hudson
    Public Service Corporation. 


    The Certificate of Consolidation  forming the Corporation was filed
    in the Department of State on July 31, 1937. 

    A  Certificate of Change of  Name of Niagara  Hudson Public Service
    Corporation  to Central New York Power Corporation was filed in the
    Department of State on September 15, 1937. 

    A  "Certificate  of  Consolidation  of  New  York Power  and  Light
    Corporation and  Buffalo Niagara Electric  Corporation and  Central
    New York  Power Corporation into Central New York Power Corporation

    which is to survive  the consolidation and be named  Niagara Mohawk
    Power  Corporation" was filed in the Department of State on January
    5,  1950.    Said   Certificate  of  Consolidation  is  hereinafter
    sometimes referred to as the "1950 Certificate of Consolidation". 

    Pursuant to Sections  26-a and 36 of  the Stock Corporation  Law, a
    Certificate  of Amendment was filed  in the Department  of State on
    January 5, 1950 to effect certain changes authorized in subdivision
    2 of Section 35 of the Stock Corporation Law.  Said Certificate of 
    Amendment  is  hereinafter  sometimes  referred  to  as  the  "1950
    Certificate of Amendment". 


    The Certificate of Incorporation,  as heretofore amended, is hereby
    further amended by the addition of the following provisions stating
    the   number,  designation,   relative  rights,   preferences,  and
    limitations  of a first series  of Preference Stock,  to consist of
    1,360,000  shares  of  the  par  value  of $25  per  share  of  the
    authorized 4,000,000 shares of  Preference Stock of the Corporation
    of  the par  value  of $25  per share,  as  fixed by  the  Board of
    Directors  of the Corporation  before the issuance  of such series,
    such provisions so  added to  be designated as  Paragraph (7A)  (of
    Part D  of Article IV of  the 1950 Certificate of  Consolidation as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments) and to read as follows: 

    Particular Provisions Applicable to Preference Stock, 7.75% Series 

    (7A)   The  number, designation,  relative rights,  preferences and
    limitations of  the first series  of the Preference  Stock of  the 
    Corporation  as fixed  by the  Board of  Directors (in  addition to
    those set  forth under  the heading  "Provisions Applicable  to All
    Series  of Preference Stock" in Paragraph (7)  of Part D of Article
    IV of the 1950 Certificate of Consolidation as amended by Article V
    of the 1950 Certificate of Amendment and subsequent amendments) are
    as follows:  

    (A)  The  number of shares to constitute the  first series shall be
    1,360,000  shares  and the  designation  of  such series  shall  be
    "Preference Stock, 7.75% Series". 

    (B)  The dividend rate of the Preference Stock, 7.75%  Series shall
    be seven and seventy-five one hundredths per cent (7.75%) per annum
    (computed on the basis of a  360-day year of twelve 30-day  months)
    of  the par  value thereof.   The  dividends on  each share  of the
    Preference Stock, 7.75%  Series shall be  payable when declared  on
    the last  day of March,  June, September and December  in each year
    and  shall  be  cumulative from  the  date  of  the original  issue
    thereof.   So long  as any  shares of the  Preference Stock,  7.75%
    Series shall be outstanding, the Corporation shall not  declare any
    dividend  on the  Common Stock  or any  other stock  ranking as  to
    dividends or assets junior to, or pari passu with (except dividends
    on  other  series of  Preference Stock  to  the extent  provided in
    subdivision  (A) of Paragraph  (7) of Part  D of Article  IV of the
    1950  Certificate of Consolidation as  amended by Article  V of the
    1950  Certificate of  Amendment  and  subsequent  amendments),  the
    Preference Stock, 7.75% Series  or make any payment on  account of,
    or  set apart money for a sinking  or other analogous fund for, the
    purchase, redemption  or other retirement  of any shares  of Common
    Stock  or  other  such junior  or  pari  passu  stock (except  that
    mandatory sinking fund payments on other series of Preference Stock
    may be  made pro rata  with the  sinking fund payments  required by
    subdivision  (H)  below),  or  make  any  distribution  in  respect
    thereof, either  directly or  indirectly,  and whether  in cash  or
    property  or in obligations or stock of the Corporation (other than
    stock ranking as to  dividends and assets junior to  the Preference
    Stock, 7.75% Series), unless at the date of such declaration in the
    case  of any  such  dividend, or  at  the date  of  any such  other
    payment, setting  apart or  distribution, all dividends  payable on
    the Preference Stock, 7.75%  Series shall have been fully  paid, or
    declared and set apart for payment. 

    (C)  Except as provided under the heading "Provisions Applicable to
    All Series  of  Preference Stock"  in Paragraph  (7) of  Part D  of
    Article IV of the 1950 Certificate of Consolidation as amended  by 

    Article  V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment  and subsequent
    amendments, the Preference Stock, 7.75% Series shall have no voting
    rights whatsoever. 

    (D)   The sum  per share  for the  Preference  Stock, 7.75%  Series
    payable  to the  holders  thereof upon  the voluntary  dissolution,
    liquidation  or winding up of  the Corporation shall  be $26.94 per
    share through September 30,  1979, and thereafter at the  following
    prices, in each case plus an amount equal to the dividends  accrued
    and unpaid on such share, whether or not earned or declared: 

    For the Twelve                    Voluntary 
    Months                            Liquidation 
    Ended                             Price 
    September 30                      Per Share

    1980............................. $26.61 
    1981............................. $26.29 
    1982............................. $25.83 
    1983............................. $25.55 
    1984............................. $25.28 
    1985............................. $25.00 
    (E)   The  sum per  share for  the Preference  Stock, 7.75%  Series
    payable to  the holders  thereof upon the  involuntary dissolution,
    liquidation or winding up of the Corporation shall be $25 per share
    plus an amount  equal to the dividends  accrued and unpaid  on such
    share, whether or not earned or declared. 

    (F)   The shares of  the Preference  Stock, 7.75%  Series shall  be
    redeemable  at  the  option  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the
    Corporation, either  as a  whole  or in  part,  at any  time  after
    September 30, 1981  and prior  to October 1,  1982 at a  redemption
    price  of  $25.83  per  share,  and  thereafter  at  the  following
    redemption  prices,  in  each case  plus  an  amount  equal to  the
    dividends,  accrued and unpaid on such share, whether or not earned

    or declared:

    For the 
    Months                        Redemption 
    Ended                         Price 
    September 30                  Per Share  

    1983......................... $25.55 
    1984......................... $25.28 
    1985......................... $25.00 

    G)   The  shares of  the Preference  Stock, 7.75%  Series shall  be
    exchangeable  on a  share  for share  basis  into other  shares  of
    Preference Stock, 7.75%  Series, but shall not  be convertible into
    or exchangeable for other securities of the Corporation. 

    (H)  As a sinking fund with respect to the shares of the Preference
    Stock, 7.75% Series the Corporation will, subject to the provisions
    of subdivision (I) below, call for redemption and retire on each of
    September 30, 1980  and September  30, 1981 140,000  shares of  the
    Preference Stock, 7.75% Series,  on each of September 30,  1982 and
    September 30, 1983  160,000 shares of  the Preference Stock,  7.75%
    Series,  on September  30, 1984  240,000 shares  of the  Preference
    Stock,7.75% Series and  on September  30, 1985 the  balance of  the
    shares of  the Preference Stock, 7.75% Series  then outstanding, in
    each case  at a redemption price  of $25 per share,  plus an amount
    equal to the dividends  accrued and unpaid on such  shares, whether
    or  not  earned or  declared.    No  redemption  of shares  of  the
    Preference Stock, 7.75% Series pursuant to subdivision (F) above or
    subdivision (J) below, nor any purchase or other acquisition of any
    shares of the  Preference Stock, 7.75%  Series by the  Corporation,
    shall constitute  a retirement of  such shares in  lieu of or  as a
    credit  against  any  sinking  fund  retirement  required  by  this
    subdivision (H). 

    (I)   Shares of the Preference Stock,  7.75% Series shall be called

    for  redemption for the sinking fund as required by subdivision (H)
    above  in  the  manner  prescribed  for  redemption  of  shares  of
    Preference Stock  under the  heading "Provisions Applicable  to All
    Series of Preference 

    Stock"  in  Paragraph (7)  of  Part D  of  Article IV  of  the 1950
    Certificate  of Consolidation as amended  by Article V  of the 1950
    Certificate  of   Amendment  and  subsequent   amendments.     Such
    redemption shall be mandatory and not at the option of the Board of
    Directors but  shall be subject  to any applicable  restrictions of
    law.   Nevertheless, the obligations  of the Corporation  to redeem
    shares of the Preference Stock, 7.75% Series annually commencing on
    September  30, 1980,  pursuant  to said  subdivision (H),  shall be
    cumulative  and, so  long as  any shares  of the  Preference Stock,
    7.75%  Series  shall  be  outstanding, the  Corporation  shall  not
    declare any dividend on the Common Stock or any other stock ranking
    as to  dividends or assets  junior to, or  pari passu with  (except
    dividends  on  other  series  of  Preference  Stock  to  the extent
    provided in subdivision  (A) of Paragraph (7) of Part  D of Article
    IV of the 1950 Certificate of Consolidation as amended by Article V
    of the  1950 Certificate  of Amendment and  subsequent amendments),
    the Preference Stock, 7.75%  Series or make any payment  on account
    of, or set apart money  for a sinking or other analogous  fund for,
    the  purchase,  redemption or  other  retirement of  any  shares of
    Common Stock or other such junior  or pari passu stock (except that
    mandatory sinking  fund  payments on   other  series of  Preference
    Stock may be made pro rata with the  sinking fund payments required
    by subdivision (H)  above), or  make  any  distribution in  respect
    thereof,  either directly  or indirectly,  and whether  in cash  or
    property  or in obligations or stock of the Corporation (other than
    stock ranking as to  dividends and assets junior to  the Preference
    Stock, 7.75% Series), unless at the date of declaration in the case
    of any such  dividend, or at  the date of  any such other  payment,
    setting apart or distribution,  no sinking fund retirement required
    by said subdivision (H) shall be in arrears. 

    (J)  The  Corporation may, at the option of  the Board of Directors
    of the Corporation, on September 30, 1980, and on each September 30

    thereafter to and including  September 30, 1984, redeem up  to that
    number of the  shares of  the Preference Stock,  7.75% Series  then
    required  to  be   redeemed  for  the  sinking   fund  pursuant  to
    subdivision (H)  above, in each case  at a price of  $25 per share,
    plus an amount

    equal  to dividends accrued and  unpaid on such  shares, whether or
    not earned or  declared, which  privilege and option  so to  redeem
    shall be  noncumulative; provided, however, the  Board of Directors
    of  the Corporation  shall not  exercise its  option to  redeem any
    shares  of the  Preference  Stock, 7.75%  Series  pursuant to  this
    subdivision (J)  as a part of  or in anticipation of  any refunding
    operation by  the application, directly or  indirectly, of borrowed
    funds or the  proceeds of the issue of any  shares of capital stock
    or  other securities of the Corporation or the proceeds of the sale
    of any assets  of the Corporation other than in the ordinary course
    of business;  and provided  further that  the  aggregate number  of
    shares  of the Preference Stock, 7.75% Series which may be redeemed
    in  all  redemptions pursuant  to  this subdivision  (J)  shall not
    exceed 408,000 shares. 

    (K)    In  every  case  of  redemption  of  less  than  all of  the
    outstanding shares  of Preference  Stock, 7.75% Series  pursuant to
    subdivision  (F), (H) or (J)  above, such redemption  shall be made
    (i) pro rata according to the numbers of shares held by each holder
    of the then outstanding  shares of Preference Stock, 7.75%  Series,
    provided that only  whole shares shall be  selected for redemption,
    and  (ii)  otherwise in  the  manner prescribed  under  the heading
    "Provisions  Applicable  to  All  Series of  Preference  Stock"  in
    Paragraph (7)  of Part D of  Article IV of the  1950 Certificate of
    Consolidation  as amended by Article  V of the  1950 Certificate of
    Amendment and  subsequent amendments.   No redemption of  less than
    all  of the outstanding  shares of  Preference Stock,  7.75% Series
    shall be  made pursuant to subdivision  (F) or (J) above  unless at
    the time  of  making the  same  (i) all  dividends payable  on  the
    Preference  Stock, 7.75%  Series  shall have  been  fully paid,  or

    declared  and set apart for payment, and (ii) the Corporation shall
    have made  all redemptions theretofore  required to have  been made
    pursuant to the provisions of subdivision (H) above. 

    (L)  Shares of Preference Stock, 7.75% Series redeemed (pursuant to
    the  sinking fund or otherwise), purchased or otherwise acquired by
    the  Corporation shall be cancelled  and restored to  the status of
    authorized but unissued shares of Preference Stock of the par value
    of $25 per share without serial designation  and may be reissued by
    the Corporation from time to time in compliance with the provisions
    of subdivision (M) below as Preference Stock of any other series of
    the par value of $25 per share as may be fixed from time to time by
    the Board of Directors. 

    (M)   So long as any  shares of the Preference  Stock, 7.75% Series
    are  outstanding, the  Corporation shall  not, without  the consent
    (given in writing or by  vote at a meeting called for  that purpose
    in the manner  prescribed by the By-Laws of the Corporation) of the
    holders of record of at least 80% of  the total number of shares of
    the  Preference Stock,  7.75%  Series then  outstanding, issue  any
    shares  of any  other  series of  the  Preference Stock  or  shares
    ranking on a parity with them, or reissue any redeemed or exchanged
    shares  of the  Preference  Stock or  any  other series  or  shares
    ranking  on a  parity with  them, unless  the Available  Net Income
    (determined  as  hereinafter provided)  for any  twelve consecutive
    calendar  months  within  the fifteen  calendar  months immediately
    preceding the month of such issue or reissue shall have been in the
    aggregate not less than  one and three-tenths times the  sum of (i)
    the interest  requirements (adjusted by  provision for amortization
    of debt discount and expense or of premium on debt, as the case may
    be) for one year on all  of the indebtedness of the Corporation and
    its  subsidiaries outstanding at the date of such proposed issue or
    reissue  (excluding  any indebtedness  proposed  to  be retired  in
    connection  with such  issue or  reissue), (ii)  the full  dividend
    requirements  for one  year  on all  outstanding shares  (including
    those  then proposed  to be  issued or  reissued but  excluding any
    shares  proposed to  be retired  in connection  with such  issue or
    reissue)  of the Preferred Stock  and the Preference  Stock and all

    other  stock of  the  Corporation, if  any,  ranking prior  to  the
    Corporation's Common Stock with respect to the payment of dividends
    or  upon  the  dissolution,  liquidation   or  winding  up  of  the
    Corporation, whether  voluntary or involuntary and  (iii) all other
    fixed charges payable by the Corporation for one year in respect of
    all obligations of the Corporation and its subsidiaries existing at
    the date of such proposed issue or reissue.  "Available Net Income"
    for  any period  shall  mean the  consolidated  net income  of  the
    Corporation and its subsidiaries for such period determined in 

    accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting  principles after
    adding back (x) expenses of the type specified in clauses (i), (ii)
    and (iii) of the  preceding sentence and (y) provision for taxes in
    respect of  or measured  by income  or excess  profits, all  in the
    respective amounts theretofore deducted in determining consolidated
    net income for such period as aforesaid. 

    (N)   Acceptance  by  the initial  purchasers  and holders  of  the
    Preference Stock, 7.75% Series  shall be taken as the  only consent
    required under the  provisions of subdivision (D)  of Paragraph (7)
    of Part  D of Article  IV of the  Certificate of  Consolidation, as
    heretofore amended, in order to permit the creation and issuance or
    reissuance of shares of any one or more series of the Corporation's
    Preferred Stock, but such  consent is (i) limited  in any event  to
    the  number  of  shares  of  Preferred  Stock  (whether  issued  or
    reissued)  having  the  aggregate  par  value  and other  terms  as
    authorized  and  constituted  on the  date  of  the  filing of  the
    Certificate  of  Amendment  creating the  Preference  Stock,  7.75%
    Series  with the Secretary  of State of  the State of  New York and
    (ii)  subject to  compliance  by the  Company  with the  terms  and
    provisions  of Paragraphs  (5)(F)(6)  and (5)(F)(7)  of  Part D  of
    Article IV of the  1950 Certificate of Consolidation as  amended by
    Article  V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment  and subsequent
    amendments as in effect on  such date of filing (without  regard to
    any consent of the holders of Preferred Stock). 


    The amendments of the Certificate of Incorporation effected by this
    Certificate  were authorized by action of the Board of Directors of
    the  Corporation,   pursuant  to   Section  502  of   the  Business
    Corporation Law. 

    IN  WITNESS WHEREOF, we  have made and  subscribed this Certificate
    this 17th day of July, 1978. 

    JOHN J. TERRY /s/   

    (JOHN H. TERRY) 
    Senior Vice President 
    HAROLD J. BOGAN /s/ 
    Assistant Secretary 

    COUNTY OF ONONDAGA   ) ss.: 
    JOHN  H. TERRY,  being duly sworn,  deposes and  says that  he is a
    Senior  Vice President  of  Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation,  the
    corporation named  in and  described in the  foregoing Certificate,
    that he has read  and executed the foregoing Certificate  and knows
    the contents  thereof and that the statements contained therein are

    Sworn to before me this 
    17 day of July, 1978. 

    JOHN H. TERRY /s/ 
    (JOHN H. TERRY) 


    Notary Public 
    Notary Public in the State of New York 
    Qualified in Onondaga Co. No. 4524990 
    My Commission Expires March 30, 1980 


    Albany, N.Y., July 17, 1978 

    CASE  27318--Petition  of  Niagara  Mohawk  Power  Corporation  for
    authority to issue 1,360,000  shares of its Preference Stock, 7.75%
    Series, $25 Par Value. 

        *   *   *   *    
    The  Public Service Commission hereby consents to and approves this
    CORPORATION  LAW, executed July  17, 1978,  in accordance  with the
    orderof the Public Service Commission dated May 9, 1978. 

    By the Commission, 






    of the 




    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 

    Dated: March 3, 1980 

    140 Broadway 
    New York, New York 10005  



    of the 




    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 
    Pursuant  to  the  provisions  of   Section  805  of  the  BUSINESS
    CORPORATION LAW, the undersigned, being a  Senior Vice President an
    Assistant Secretary  of NIAGARA  MOHAWK  POWER CORPORATION,  hereby


    The name of  the Corporation is  Niagara Mohawk Power  Corporation.
    It  was originally  incorporated under  the name of  Niagara Hudson
    Public Service Corporation. 


    The Certificate of Consolidation  forming the Corporation was filed
    in the Department of State on July 31, 1937. 

    A  Certificate of Change of  Name of Niagara  Hudson Public Service
    Corporation  to Central New York Power Corporation was filed in the
    Department of State on September 15, 1937. 

    A  "Certificate  of  Consolidation  of  New  York  Power  and Light
    Corporation  and Buffalo  Niagara Electric Corporation  and Central
    New York Power Corporation into  Central New York Power Corporation
    which is to survive  the consolidation and be named  Niagara Mohawk
    Power 20
    Corporation" was filed  in the  Department of State  on January  5,
    1950.   Said Certificate of Consolidation  is hereinafter sometimes
    referred to as the "1950 Certificate of Consolidation".   
    Pursuant to  Section 26-a  and 36 of  the Stock Corporation  Law, a
    Certificate  of Amendment was filed  in the Department  of State on
    January 5, 1950 to effect certain changes authorized in subdivision
    2 of Section 35 of the Stock Corporation Law.   Said Certificate of
    Amendment  is  hereinafter  sometimes  referred  to  as  the  "1950
    Certificate of Amendment". 

    Pursuant to a  Certificate of  Amendment under Section  805 of  the
    Business Corporation Law filed in the Department of State on May 7,
    1976,  the 2,400,000  authorized but  unissued shares  of Preferred
    Stock with  a par value  of $100 each  were changed into  9,600,000
    shares of  Preferred Stock with a par value of $25 each, each share
    of such 2,400,000 shares of Preferred Stock being changed into four
    shares of Preferred Stock with a  par value of $25 each rather than
    $100, without  in  any manner  changing  the 3,400,000  issued  and
    outstanding  shares of  Preferred Stock  of the  par value  of $100
    each,  and  the general  provisions  applicable  to all  series  of
    Preferred Stock set forth in Paragraph 5 of Part D of Article IV of
    the Certificate  of Incorporation, as amended, were  amended to fix
    the limited voting rights of  shares of Preferred Stock with a  par
    value of $25 per share at one-quarter of the vote per share of each

    share of Preferred Stock of the par value of $100 per share. 

    In accordance with  the provisions of Subdivision  (E) of Paragraph
    (5) of Part D of Article  IV, under the heading "General Provisions
    Applicable  to  All  Series  of  Preferred  Stock",  of   the  1950
    Certificate  of Consolidation the holders  of record of  at least a
    majority  of the total number  of shares of  Preferred Stock of all
    series  then  outstanding adopted  the  following  resolution at  a
    meeting called for that purpose and held on December 5, 1956 in the
    manner prescribed by the By-Laws of the Corporation: 

    "Resolved, that consent be and  it hereby is given to the  issue by
    the  Corporation of  unsecured  indebtedness in  a total  principal
    amount not 21
    exceeding  at any one  time outstanding $50,000,000  over and above
    the principal amount of unsecured indebtedness otherwise  permitted
    by the provisions of Subdivision (E) of Paragraph (5) of 

    Part D  of Article  IV of the  Certificate of Consolidation  of the
    Corporation filed January 5, 1950." 


    The Certificate of Incorporation,  as heretofore amended, is hereby
    further amended by the addition of the following provisions stating
    the   number,  designation,   relative  rights,   preferences,  and
    limitations of an eleventh series of Preferred Stock, to consist of
    1,020,000  shares  of  the  par  value  of  $25  per  share of  the
    authorized 9,600,000  shares of Preferred Stock  of the Corporation
    of  the par  value of  $25  per share,  as  fixed by  the Board  of
    Directors of the  Corporation before the  issuance of such  series,
    such provisions so  added to  be designated as  paragraph (4K)  (of
    Part D  of Article IV  of the 1950 Certificate  of Consolidation as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments) and to read as follows: 

    Particular Provisions  Applicable to Preferred  Stock, Second 9.75%

    (4K)   The number,  designations, relative rights,  preferences and
    limitations  of the  eleventh  additional series  of the  Preferred
    Stock of the  Corporation as  fixed by the  Board of Directors  (in
    addition to those set  forth under the heading  "General Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  Paragraph (5) of
    Part D of  Article IV of  the 1950 Certificate of  Consolidation as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments) are as follows: 

    (A)  The  number of  shares to constitute  the eleventh  additional
    series  shall be 1,020,000 shares of the designation of such series
    shall be "Preferred Stock, Second 9.75% Series". 

    (B)  The dividend rate of  the Preferred Stock, Second 9.75% Series
    shall be nine  and seventy-five one-hundredths per cent (9.75%) per
    annum (computed on  the basis of  a 360-day year  of twelve  30-day
    months).    The dividends  on each  share  of the  Preferred Stock,
    Second  9.75% Series  shall  be cumulative  from  the date  of  the
    original issue  thereof.  So  long as  any shares of  the Preferred
    Stock, Second  9.75% Series  shall be outstanding,  the Corporation
    shall not  declare any dividend  on the Common  Stock or  any other
    stock ranking as to  dividends or assets  junior to, or pari  passu
    with  (except dividends on other  series of Preferred  Stock to the
    extent provided in subdivision  (A) of paragraph (5)  of Part D  of
    Article IV of the  1950 Certificate of Consolidation as  amended by
    Article V  of  the 1950  Certificate  of Amendment  and  subsequent
    amendments), the  Preferred Stock, Second 9.75% Series  or make any
    payment on  account of, or set  apart money for a  sinking or other
    analogous fund for, the purchase, redemption or other retirement of
    any  shares of  Common Stock  or other  such junior  or pari  passu
    stock, or make any distribution in respect thereof, either directly
    or indirectly, and whether in cash or property or in obligations or
    stock  of the Corporation (other than stock ranking as to dividends
    and assets  junior to  the Preferred  Stock, Second  9.75% Series),
    unless at  the date of  such declaration  in the case  of any  such
    dividend, or at  the date of any such other  payment, setting apart
    or  distribution, all  dividends  payable on  the Preferred  Stock,
    Second 9.75% Series shall have been fully paid, or declared and set

    apart for payment. 

    (C)   Except  as  provided under  the  heading "General  Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  paragraph (5) of
    Part  D of Article  IV of the 1950  Certificate of Consolidation as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments,  the  Preferred Stock,  Second 9.75%  Series
    shall have no voting rights whatsoever. 

    (D)  The sum per share for the Preferred Stock, Second 9.75% Series
    payable  to the  holders  thereof upon  the voluntary  dissolution,
    liquidation  or winding up of  the Corporation shall  be $27.44 per
    share  through  March 31,  1984,  and thereafter  at  the following
    prices, in each case  plus an amount equal to the dividends accrued
    and unpaid 23
    on such shares, whether or not earned or declared:   

    For the                            Voluntary 
    Twelve Months                      Liquidation 
    Ended March 31                     Price Per Share 

    1988.............................. $25.82 
    1989.............................. $25.41 
    1990.............................. $25.00 

    (E)  The sum per share for the Preferred Stock, Second 9.75% Series
    payable to  the holders  thereof upon the  involuntary dissolution,
    liquidation or winding up of the Corporation shall be $25 per share
    plus an amount equal  to the dividends accrued  and unpaid on  such
    share, whether or not earned or declared. 

    (F)   The shares of the Preferred  Stock, Second 9.75% Series shall

    be redeemable  at  the option  of  the Board  of  Directors of  the
    Corporation, either as a whole or  in part, at any time after March
    31,  1983 and  prior to  April 1,  1984, at  a redemption  price of
    $27.44  per  share,  and  thereafter at  the  following  redemption
    prices, in each case plus an amount equal to the dividends, accrued
    and unpaid on such share, whether or not earned or declared: 

    For the 
    Twelve Months                      Redemption Price 
    Ended March 31                     Per Share
    provided, however, the Board of Directors of the Corporation  shall
    not  exercise  its option  to redeem  any  shares of  the Preferred
    Stock, Second 9.75% Series as  a part of or in anticipation  of any
    refunding operation by the  application, directly or indirectly, of
    borrowed  funds  or the  proceeds  of the  issue of  any  shares of
    capital  stock (exclusive in any event  of proceeds of the issue of
    shares of  Common  Stock  by the  Corporation  under  its  Employee
    Savings Fund Plan and Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan
    and its Employee Stock  Ownership Plan as in effect on December 31,
    1979)  if such borrowed funds have an  interest rate or cost to the
    Corporation  (calculated  in  accordance  with  accepted  financial
    practice), or  such shares  have  a dividend  rate or  cost to  the

    Corporation so calculated, less than 9.75% per annum. 

    (G)   The shares of the Preferred  Stock, Second 9.75% Series shall
    be exchangeable  on a share  for share  basis into other  shares of
    Preferred Stock, Second 9.75% Series, but shall not  be convertible
    into or exchangeable for other securities of the Corporation. 

    (H)  As a sinking fund with respect to the shares of the  Preferred
    Stock,  Second 9.75% Series  the Corporation  will, subject  to the
    provisions of subdivision (I) below, call for redemption and retire
    on April  1, 1986 and on  each April 1 thereafter  to and including
    April 1, 1989 (so long as any Preferred Stock, Second 9.75%  Series
    are  outstanding) 204,000  shares  of the  Preferred Stock,  Second
    9.75%  Series (or the number of the  shares of the Preferred Stock,
    Second 9.75% Series then  outstanding if less than 204,000)  and on
    April 1, 

    1990 the balance  of the  shares of Preferred  Stock, Second  9.75%
    Series then outstanding, in each case  at a redemption price of $25
    per share, plus an amount equal to the dividends accrued and unpaid
    on  such shares, whether or not  earned or declared.  No redemption
    of shares of the  Preferred Stock, Second 9.75% Series  pursuant to
    subdivision (F) above or subdivision (J) below, nor any purchase or
    other  acquisition of  any shares  of the  Preferred  Stock, Second
    9.75% Series by  the Corporation, shall constitute  a retirement of
    such shares  in lieu of  or as  a credit against  any sinking  fund
    retirement required by this subdivision (H). 
    (I)  Shares  of the Preferred Stock,  Second 9.75% Series  shall be
    called  for  redemption  for  the  sinking   fund  as  required  by
    subdivision (H)  above in the  manner prescribed for  redemption of
    shares  of Preferred  Stock under  the heading  "General Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  paragraph (5) of
    Part D  of Article IV of  the 1950 Certificate  of Consolidation as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments.  Such redemption shall be mandatory and  not
    at the option of the Board of Directors but shall be subject to any
    applicable restrictions  of law.  Nevertheless,  the obligations of

    the Corporation to redeem shares of the Preferred Stock, Second 
    9.75% Series annually commencing on April 1, 1986, pursuant to said
    subdivision (H), shall be  cumulative and, so long as any shares of
    the Preferred Stock, Second 9.75% Series  shall be outstanding, the
    Corporation shall not declare  any dividend on the Common  Stock or
    any other stock  ranking as to  dividends or assets  junior to,  or
    pari passu with, the  Preferred Stock, Second 9.75% Series  or make
    any payment  on account  of, or  set apart money  for a  sinking or
    other  analogous  fund  for,  the  purchase,  redemption  or  other
    retirement of any  shares of Common Stock  or other such junior  or
    pari passu  stock, or  make any  distribution  in respect  thereof,
    either directly or indirectly,  and whether in cash or  property or
    in  obligations  or  stock of  the  Corporation  (other than  stock
    ranking as to dividends  and assets junior to the  Preferred Stock,
    Second 9.75% Series), unless at the date of declaration in the case
    of any such  dividend, or at  the date of  any such other  payment,
    setting apart or distribution,  no sinking fund retirement required
    by said subdivision 26
    (H) shall be in arrears. 

    (J)  The Corporation may,  at the option of the Board  of Directors
    of  the  Corporation,  on  April  1,  1986,  and  on each  April  1
    thereafter  to and including April  1, 1989, redeem  204,000 of the
    shares of the Preferred  Stock, Second 9.75% Series, or  any lesser
    number  of  said shares  constituting  a  multiple  of  10,000,  in
    addition  to  shares  then to  be  redeemed  for  the sinking  fund
    pursuant to subdivision (H) above,  in each case at a price  of $25
    per share, plus an amount equal to dividends accrued and  unpaid on
    such shares, whether or not earned or declared, which privilege and
    option so to redeem shall  be noncumulative; provided, however, the
    Board of Directors of the Corporation shall not exercise its option
    to  redeem any shares of  the Preferred Stock,  Second 9.75% Series
    pursuant to this subdivision (J) as a part of or in anticipation of
    any refunding operation by the application, directly or indirectly,
    of (i) borrowed funds or the proceeds of the issue of any shares of
    capital  stock (exclusive in any event of  proceeds of the issue of
    shares  of Common  Stock  by  the  Corporation under  its  Employee
    Savings Fund Plan and Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan
    and its Employee Stock Ownership Plan as in effect on  December 31,

    1979)  if such borrowed funds have an  interest rate or cost to the
    Corporation  (calculated  in  accordance  with  accepted  financial
    practice),  or such  shares have  a dividend  rate or  cost  to the
    Corporation so calculated, less  than 9.75% per annum, or  (ii) the
    proceeds of the sale of any assets of the Corporation other than in
    the ordinary course of business.  The aggregate number of shares of
    the Preferred Stock, Second  9.75% Series which may be  redeemed in
    all  redemptions  pursuant  to  this  subdivision  (J)  shall  not,
    however, exceed 300,000 shares. 

    (K)    In  every  case  of  redemption of  less  than  all  of  the
    outstanding shares of Preferred Stock, Second 9.75% Series pursuant
    to subdivision (F), (H) or (J) above, such redemption shall be made
    (i) pro rata according to the numbers of shares held by each holder
    of the  then outstanding  shares of Preferred  Stock, Second  9.75%
    Series,  provided  that only  whole  shares shall  be  selected for
    redemption, and (ii)  otherwise in the manner  prescribed under the
    heading "General  Provisions Applicable to All  Series of Preferred
    Stock" in Paragraph 27
    (5)  of  Part   D  of  Article  IV  of  the   1950  Certificate  of
    Consolidation  as amended by Article  V of the  1950 Certificate of
    Amendment and subsequent amendments. 
    (L)   Notwithstanding the  provisions of subdivisions  (F) and  (J)
    above,  the Board of Directors of the Corporation will not exercise
    its option to redeem shares of Preferred Stock, Second 9.75% Series
    pursuant to  either  of such  subdivisions  unless all  arrears  in
    dividends on the shares of Preferred Stock, Second 9.75% Series and
    all arrears in sinking fund retirements required by subdivision (H)
    above shall have been paid or made, as the case may be.   

    (M)   Shares  of  Preferred  Stock, Second  9.75%  Series  redeemed
    (pursuant to the sinking fund or otherwise), purchased or otherwise
    acquired  by the Corporation shall be cancelled and restored to the
    status  of authorized but unissued shares of Preferred Stock of the
    par value of $25  per share without serial  designation and may  be
    reissued by the Corporation from time to time as Preferred Stock of
    any other series of the par value  of $25 per share as may be fixed
    from time to time by the Board of Directors. 

    (N)  The  shares of the Preferred Stock,  Second 9.75% Series shall
    be  subject to  the consent set  forth in the  last subparagraph of
    Paragraph II of this  Certificate to the same  extent and with  the
    same  effect  as  all  series  of Preferred  Stock  outstanding  on
    December 5, 1956 are so subject. 


    The amendments of the Certificate of Incorporation effected by this
    Certificate  were authorized by action of the Board of Directors of
    the  Corporation,   pursuant  to   Section  502  of   the  Business
    Corporation Law. 

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  we have made  and subscribed this  Certificate
    this 3rd day of March, 1980. 

    Senior Vice President 
    General Counsel and Secretary 

    Assistant Secretary 
    COUNTY OF ONONDAGA   ) ss.: 
    JOHN H. TERRY, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is Senior
    Vice  President, General  Counsel and  Secretary of  Niagara Mohawk
    Power Corporation,  the corporation named  in and described  in the
    foregoing Certificate, that he has read and  executed the foregoing
    Certificate and knows the contents thereof and that the  statements
    contained therein are true. 

    Senior Vice President 
    General Counsel and Secretary 

    Sworn to before me this 
    3rd day of March, 1980. 

    Notary Public 
    Notary Public in the State of New York 
    Qualified in Onon. Co. No. 34-8063720 
    My Commission Expires March 30, 1980 



    Albany, N.Y., March 3, 1980 

    CASE 27660  -  Petition of  Niagara  Mohawk Power  Corporation  for
    authority to issue shares of  its Preferred Stock, $100  or $25 par
    value of up to $30,000,000. 

        *   *   *   * 

    The  Public Service Commission hereby consents to and approves this
    CORPORATION  LAW, executed March  3, 1980,  in accordance  with the
    order of the Public Service Commission dated February 19, 1980. 
    By the Commission, 




    of the 




    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 

    Dated: April 22, 1981 
    140 Broadway 
    New York, New York 10005   

    of the 




    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 
    Pursuant   to  the  provisions  of  Section  805  of  the  BUSINESS
    CORPORATION LAW, the undersigned, being a Senior Vice President and
    an Assistant Secretary of  NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION, hereby

    The name of  the Corporation is  Niagara Mohawk Power  Corporation.
    It  was originally  incorporated under  the name of  Niagara Hudson
    Public Service Corporation. 

    The Certificate of Consolidation  forming the Corporation was filed
    in the Department of State on July 31, 1937. 

    A  Certificate of Change of  Name of Niagara  Hudson Public Service
    Corporation  to Central New York Power Corporation was filed in the
    Department of State on September 15, 1937. 
    A  "Certificate  of  Consolidation  of  New  York  Power and  Light
    Corporation and  Buffalo Niagara  Electric Corporation  and Central
    New York Power  Corporation into Central New York Power Corporation
    which is to survive  the consolidation and be named  Niagara Mohawk
    Power  Corporation" was filed in the Department of State on January
    5, 1950.  32
    Said Certificate of Consolidation is hereinafter sometimes referred
    to as the "1950 Certificate of Consolidation". 
    Pursuant to Sections 26-a  and 36 of  the Stock Corporation Law,  a
    Certificate  of Amendment was filed  in the Department  of State on
    January 5, 1950 to effect certain changes authorized in subdivision
    2 of Section 35 of the  Stock Corporation Law.  Said Certificate of
    Amendment  is  hereinafter  sometimes  referred  to  as  the  "1950
    Certificate of Amendment". 

    Pursuant to a  Certificate of  Amendment under Section  805 of  the
    Business Corporation Law filed in the Department of State on May 7,
    1976,  the 2,400,000  authorized but  unissued shares  of Preferred
    Stock with  a par value  of $100 each  were changed  into 9,600,000
    shares of Preferred Stock with a par value of $25  each, each share
    of such 2,400,000 shares of Preferred Stock being changed into four
    shares of  Preferred Stock with a par value of $25 each rather than
    $100,  without  in any  manner  changing the  3,400,000  issued and
    outstanding  shares of  Preferred Stock  of the  par value  of $100
    each,  and  the general  provisions  applicable  to all  series  of

    Preferred Stock set forth in Paragraph 5 of Part D of Article IV of
    the Certificate of Incorporation,  as amended, were amended to  fix
    the  limited voting rights of shares of  Preferred Stock with a par
    value of $25 per share at one-quarter of the vote per share of each
    share of Preferred Stock of the par value of $100 per share. 

    In  accordance with the provisions  of Subdivision (E) of Paragraph
    (5) of Part  D of Article IV, under the heading "General Provisions
    Applicable  to  All  Series  of  Preferred  Stock",   of  the  1950
    Certificate  of Consolidation the holders  of record of  at least a
    majority of  the total number  of shares of Preferred  Stock of all
    series  then  outstanding adopted  the  following  resolution at  a
    meeting called for that purpose and held on December 5, 1956 in the
    manner prescribed by the By-Laws of the Corporation: 

    "Resolved,  that consent be and it hereby  is given to the issue by
    the  Corporation of  unsecured  indebtedness in  a total  principal
    amount not exceeding at any  one time outstanding $50,000,000  over
    and above the 33
    principal amount of unsecured  indebtedness otherwise permitted  by
    the provisions of  Subdivision (E) of  Paragraph (5)  of Part D  of
    Article IV of the  Certificate of Consolidation of  the Corporation
    filed January 5, 1950."   
    The Certificate of Incorporation,  as heretofore amended, is hereby
    further amended by the addition of the following provisions stating
    the   number,  designation,   relative  rights,   preferences,  and
    limitations of a fourteenth  series of Preferred Stock,  to consist
    of  250,000 shares  of  the par  value  of $100  per  share of  the
    authorized 3,400,000  shares of Preferred Stock  of the Corporation
    of the  par value  of $100  per  share, as  fixed by  the Board  of
    Directors of  the Corporation before  the issuance of  such series,
    such provisions so added to be designated as paragraph (4N)(of Part
    D of Article IV of the 1950 Certificate of Consolidation as amended
    by  Article V of the  1950 Certificate of  Amendment and subsequent
    amendments) and to read as follows: 

    Particular Provisions Applicable to Preferred Stock, 12.75% Series 

    (4N)   The number,  designations, relative rights,  preferences and
    limitations of  the fourteenth  additional series of  the Preferred
    Stock  of the Corporation  as fixed by  the Board  of Directors (in
    addition to those  set forth under the heading  "General Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  Paragraph (5) of
    Part D of  Article IV of the  1950 Certificate of  Consolidation as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments) are as follows: 

    (A)  The number  of shares to constitute the  fourteenth additional
    series shall be 250,000  shares and the designation of  such series
    shall be "Preferred Stock, 12.75% Series". 

    (B)  The dividend rate of the Preferred  Stock, 12.75% Series shall
    be  twelve and  seventy-five one-hundredths  per cent  (12.75%) per

    (computed on the basis of a 360-day  year of twelve 30-day months).
    The dividends on each  share of the Preferred Stock,  12.75% Series
    shall  be cumulative from the  date of the  original issue thereof.
    So long as any shares  of the Preferred Stock, 12.75%  Series shall
    be  outstanding, the Corporation shall  not declare any dividend on
    the Common  Stock or  any other  stock ranking  as to  dividends or
    assets junior to,  or pari  passu with (except  dividends on  other
    series of Preferred Stock to the extent provided in subdivision (A)
    of paragraph (5) of Part D of Article IV of the 1950 Certificate of
    Consolidation  as amended by Article  V of the  1950 Certificate of
    Amendment and  subsequent amendments), the Preferred  Stock, 12.75%
    Series or make  any payment on account of, or set apart money for a
    sinking  or other analogous  fund for, the  purchase, redemption or
    other retirement of any shares of Common Stock or other such junior
    or pari passu stock,  or make any distribution in  respect thereof,
    either directly or indirectly,  and whether in cash or  property or
    in  obligations or  stock  of  the  Corporation (other  than  stock
    ranking as to dividends  and assets junior to the  Preferred Stock,
    12.75% Series), unless at the date of such declaration in  the case

    of any such  dividend, or at  the date of  any such other  payment,
    setting  apart  or  distribution,  all  dividends  payable  on  the
    Preferred  Stock, 12.75%  Series  shall have  been  fully paid,  or
    declared and set apart for payment. 

    (C)   Except  as provided  under  the heading  "General  Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  paragraph (5) of
    Part D of  Article IV of the  1950 Certificate of  Consolidation as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent  amendments, the  Preferred Stock,  12.75% Series  shall
    have no voting rights whatsoever. 

    (D)   The  sum per  share for  the  Preferred Stock,  12.75% Series
    payable to  the holders thereof  upon the voluntary  or involuntary
    dissolution,  liquidation or winding up of the Corporation shall be
    $100  per share plus  an amount equal to  the dividends accrued and
    unpaid on such share, whether or not earned or declared. 

    (E)   The shares of  the Preferred  Stock, 12.75%  Series shall  be
    exchangeable  on a  share  for share  basis  into other  shares  of
    Preferred Stock, 12.75%  Series, but shall not be  convertible into
    or exchangeable for other securities of the Corporation. 

    (F)   The Corporation  will call for redemption  and retire on June
    30, 1991 all of the shares of the Preferred Stock, 12.75% Series at
    a price  of $100 per share,  plus an amount equal  to the dividends
    accrued  and  unpaid  on such  shares,  whether  or  not earned  or

    (G)  Shares  of Preferred Stock, 12.75% Series  redeemed, purchased
    or otherwise  acquired by  the Corporation  shall be cancelled  and
    restored  to  the  status  of authorized  but  unissued  shares  of
    Preferred  Stock of the par value of  $100 per share without serial
    designation and may  be reissued  by the Corporation  from time  to
    time as  Preferred Stock of  any other series  of the par  value of
    $100 per  share as may be fixed  from time to time  by the Board of


    (H)   The shares  of the  Preferred Stock,  12.75% Series shall  be
    subject  to the  consent  set forth  in  the last  subparagraph  of
    Paragraph  II of this  Certificate to the same  extent and with the
    same effect  as  all  series  of  Preferred  Stock  outstanding  on
    December 5, 1956 are so subject. 


    The amendments of the Certificate of Incorporation effected by this
    Certificate  were authorized by action of the Board of Directors of
    the  Corporation,   pursuant  to   Section  502  of   the  Business
    Corporation Law. 

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  we have made  and subscribed this  Certificate
    this 22nd day of April, 1981. 

    Senior Vice President 
    General Counsel and Secretary 
    [CORPORATE SEAL]     Assistant Secretary 


    COUNTY OF ONONDAGA   ) ss.: 

    JOHN H. TERRY, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is Senior
    Vice  President, General  Counsel and  Secretary of  Niagara Mohawk
    Power  Corporation, the corporation  named in and  described in the
    foregoing Certificate, that he has read and executed the  foregoing
    Certificate and  knows the contents thereof and that the statements
    contained therein are true. 

    Senior Vice President, General 
    Counsel and Secretary 
    Sworn to before me this 
    22nd day of April, 1981. 
    Notary Public 
    Notary Public in the State of New York 
    Qualified in Onondaga Co. No. 4524990 
    My Commission Expires March 30, 1982 
    Albany, N.Y., April 22, 1981 
    CASE  27923--Petition  of  Niagara  Mohawk  Power  Corporation  for
    authority to  issue shares of one  or more new series  of preferred
    stock $100 and/or $25 par  value, having an aggregate par value  of
    up to $40,000,000.   

     *   *   *   * 
    The Public Service  Commission hereby consents to and  approve this
    CORPORATION  LAW, executed April  22, 1981, in  accordance with the
    order of the Public Service Commission dated April 22, 1981. 

    By the Commission, 




    12.25% Series 
    of the 

    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 
    Dated: March 30, 1981 
    140 Broadway 
    New York, New York 10005   


    of the 




    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law 
    Pursuant  to   the  provisions  of  Section  805  of  the  BUSINESS
    CORPORATION LAW, the undersigned, being a Senior Vice President and

    an Assistant Secretary of  NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION, hereby
    The name of the Corporation is Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation.  
    It was  originally incorporated under  the name  of Niagara  Hudson
    Public Service Corporation. 
    The Certificate of Consolidation  forming the Corporation was filed
    in the Department of State on July 31, 1937. 

    A  Certificate of Change of  Name of Niagara  Hudson Public Service
    Corporation  to Central New York Power Corporation was filed in the
    Department of State on September 15, 1937. 
    A  "Certificate  of  Consolidation  of New  York  Power  and  Light
    Corporation  and Buffalo  Niagara Electric Corporation  and Central
    New York Power Corporation into Central New York Power  Corporation
    which is to survive  the consolidation and be named  Niagara Mohawk
    Power  Corporation" was filed in the Department of State on January
    5, 1950.  40
    Said Certificate of Consolidation is hereinafter sometimes referred
    to as the "1950 Certificate of Consolidation."   

    Pursuant  to Sections 26-a  and 36 of the  Stock Corporation Law, a
    Certificate  of Amendment was filed  in the Department  of State on
    January 5, 1950 to effect certain changes authorized in subdivision
    2 of  Section 35 of the Stock Corporation Law.  Said Certificate of
    Amendment  is  hereinafter  sometimes  referred  to  as  the  "1950
    Certificate of Amendment." 

    Pursuant to a  Certificate of  Amendment under Section  805 of  the
    Business Corporation Law filed in the Department of State on May 7,
    1976,  the 2,400,000  authorized but  unissued shares  of Preferred
    Stock with  a par value  of $100  each were changed  into 9,600,000
    shares of Preferred Stock with a  par value of $25 each, each share
    of such 2,400,000 shares of Preferred Stock being changed into four

    shares of Preferred Stock with a par value of $25  each rather than
    $100,  without in  any  manner changing  the  3,400,000 issued  and
    outstanding  shares of  Preferred Stock  of the  par value  of $100
    each,  and  the  general provisions  applicable  to  all series  of
    Preferred Stock set forth in Paragraph 5 of Part D of Article IV of
    the Certificate of  Incorporation, as amended, were amended  to fix
    the limited voting rights  of shares of Preferred Stock  with a par
    value of $25 per share at one-quarter of the vote per share of each
    share of Preferred Stock of the par value of $100 per share. 

    In accordance with the  provisions of Subdivision (E) of  Paragraph
    (5) of Part D of Article IV, under the heading "General  Provisions
    Applicable  to  All  Series  of  Preferred   Stock",  of  the  1950
    Certificate  of Consolidation the holders  of record of  at least a
    majority of  the total number of  shares of Preferred Stock  of all
    series  then  outstanding adopted  the  following  resolution at  a
    meeting called for that purpose and held on December 5, 1956 in the
    manner prescribed by the By-Laws of the Corporation: 

    "Resolved, that consent  be and it hereby is given  to the issue by
    the  Corporation of  unsecured  indebtedness in  a total  principal
    amount not 41
    exceeding at  any one time  outstanding $50,000,000 over  and above
    the principal amount of  unsecured indebtedness otherwise permitted
    by the provisions of Subdivision (E) of Paragraph (5) of  Part D of
    Aticle IV  of the Certificate  of Consolidation of  the Corporation
    filed January 5, 1950." 

    The Certificate of Incorporation,  as heretofore amended, is hereby
    further amended by the addition of the following provisions stating
    the   number,  designation,   relative  rights,   preferences,  and
    limitations  of a twelfth additional  series of Preferred Stock, to
    consist of 700,000 shares of  the par value of $25 per share of the
    authorized 9,600,000  shares of Preferred Stock  of the Corporation
    of  the par  value  of $25  per share,  as  fixed by  the Board  of
    Directors of  the Corporation before  the issuance of  such series,
    such provisions so added to be designated as paragraph 4(L)(of Part

    D of Article IV of the 1950 Certificate of Consolidation as amended
    by  Article V of the  1950 Certificate of  Amendment and subsequent
    amendments) and to read as follows: 

    Particular Provisions Applicable to Preferred Stock, 12.25% Series 
    4(L)   The number,  designations, relative rights,  preferences and
    limitations of the twelfth additional series of the Preferred Stock
    of the Corporation  as fixed by the Board of Directors (in addition
    to those set forth under the heading "General Provisions Applicable
    to All Series  of Preferred Stock"  in Paragraph (5)  of Part D  of
    Article IV of the  1950 Certificate of Consolidation as  amended by
    Article  V of  the  1950 Certificate  of  Amendment and  subsequent
    amendments) are as follows: 

    (A)   The  number of  shares to  constitute the  twelfth additional
    series shall be 700,000  shares and the designation of  such series
    shall be "Preferred Stock, 12.25% Series". 

    (B)  The  dividend rate of the Preferred Stock, 12.25% Series shall
    be  twelve and  twenty-five  one-hundredths per  cent (12.25%)  per

    (computed on  the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months).
    The dividends on each  share of the Preferred Stock,  12.25% Series
    shall  be cumulative from the  date of the  original issue thereof.
    So long as any shares  of the Preferred Stock, 12.25% Series  shall
    be outstanding,  the Corporation shall not declare  any dividend on
    the  Common Stock  or any  other stock ranking  as to  dividends or
    assets junior to,  or pari  passu with (except  dividends on  other
    series of Preferred Stock to the extent provided in subdivision (A)
    of paragraph (5) of Part D of Article IV of the 1950 Certificate of
    Consolidation  as amended by Article  V of the  1950 Certificate of
    Amendment and subsequent amendments),  the Preferred Stock,  12.25%
    Series or make any payment  on account of, or set apart money for a
    sinking  or other analogous  fund for, the  purchase, redemption or
    other retirement of any shares of Common Stock or other such junior
    or pari passu stock,  or make any distribution in  respect thereof,
    either directly or indirectly,  and whether in cash or  property or

    in  obligations or  stock  of  the  Corporation (other  than  stock
    ranking as to dividends  and assets junior to the  Preferred Stock,
    12.25% Series), unless at  the date of such declaration in the case
    of any such  dividend, or at  the date of  any such other  payment,
    setting  apart  or  distribution,  all  dividends  payable  on  the
    Preferred Stock,  12.25%  Series shall  have  been fully  paid,  or
    declared and set apart for payment. 

    (C)   Except  as provided  under  the heading  "General  Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  paragraph (5) of
    part D  of Article IV  of the 1950 Certificate  of Consolidation as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent  amendments, the  Preferred Stock,  12.25%  Series shall
    have no voting rights whatsoever. 

    (D)   The  sum per  share for  the Preferred  Stock, 12.25%  Series
    payable  to the  holders  thereof upon  the voluntary  dissolution,
    liquidation  or winding up of  the Corporation shall  be $28.06 per
    share  through  March 31,  1982,  and thereafter  at  the following
    prices, in each case plus an  amount equal to the dividends accrued
    and unpaid on such share, whether or not earned or declared:   

    For the                            Voluntary 
    Twelve Months                      Liquidation 
    Ended March 31                     Price Per Share 
    1983.............................     $27.90 
    1984.............................     $27.74 
    1985.............................     $27.58 
    1986.............................     $27.42 
    1987.............................     $27.26 
    1988.............................     $27.10 
    1989.............................     $26.93 
    1990.............................     $26.77 
    1991.............................     $26.61 
    1992.............................     $26.45 

    For the                            Voluntary 
    Twelve Months                      Liquidation 
    Ended March 31                     Price Per Share 

    1993.............................     $26.29 
    1994.............................     $26.13 
    1995.............................     $25.97 
    1996.............................     $25.81 
    1997.............................     $25.64 
    1998.............................     $25.48 
    1999.............................     $25.32 
    2000.............................     $25.16 
    2001.............................     $25.00 
    (E)   The  sum per  share for  the Preferred  Stock, 12.25%  Series
    payable to  the holders  thereof upon the  involuntary dissolution,
    liquidation or winding up of the Corporation shall be $25 per share
    plus  an amount equal to  the dividends accrued  and unpaid on such
    share, whether or not earned or declared. 

    (F)  The  shares of  the Preferred  Stock, 12.25%  Series shall  be
    redeemable  at  the  option  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the
    either as a whole or in part, at any time after  March 31, 1991 and
    prior to April  1, 1992 at a redemption price  of $26.45 per share,
    and  thereafter at the  following redemption  prices, in  each case
    plus an amount  equal to the  dividends accrued and unpaid  on such
    share, whether or not earned or declared: 
    For the 
    Twelve Months                      Redemption 
    Ended March 31                     Price Per Share 

    1993..............................     $26.29 
    1994..............................     $26.13 
    1995..............................     $25.97 
    1996..............................     $25.81 
    1997..............................     $25.64 

    1998..............................     $25.48 
    1999..............................     $25.32 
    2000..............................     $25.16 
    2001..............................     $25.00 
    provided,  however, that the Board  of Directors of the Corporation
    will  not exercise  its option  to redeem  shares of  the Preferred
    Stock,  12.25%  Series  pursuant  to this  subdivision  (F)  unless
    simultaneously  therewith the  Corporation shall  optionally redeem
    shares of its Preferred Stock 12.50% Series having an aggregate par
    value bearing the same proportion to the aggregate par value of all
    outstanding shares of  its Preferred  Stock, 12.50%  Series as  the
    aggregate  par value of the shares of Preferred Stock 12.25% Series
    so  to  be  redeemed  bears  to the  aggregate  par  value  of  all
    outstanding shares of Preferred Stock, 12.25% Series. 

    (G)   The  shares of  the Preferred Stock,  12.25% Series  shall be
    exchangeable  on a  share  for share  basis  into other  shares  of
    Preferred Stock, 12.25% Series,  but shall not be convertible  into
    or exchangeable for other securities of the Corporation. 

    (H)  As a sinking fund with  respect to the shares of the Preferred
    Stock,  12.25%   Series  the  Corporation  will,   subject  to  the
    provisions of subdivision (I) below, call for redemption and retire
    on March 31, 1987 and on each March 31 thereafter  to and including
    March 31,  2000 (so  long as  any  shares of  the Preferred  Stock,
    12.25%  Series  are outstanding)  43,060  shares  of the  Preferred
    Stock, 12.25% Series (or the number  of the shares of the Preferred
    Stock, 12.25% Series then  outstanding if less than 43,060)  and on
    March 31, 2001 the balance of the shares of Preferred Stock, 12.25%
    Series then outstanding, in each case at a redemption price of  $25
    per share, plus an amount equal to the dividends accrued and unpaid
    on  such shares, whether or not earned  or declared.  No redemption
    of  shares  of  the  Preferred  Stock,  12.25%  Series  pursuant to
    subdivision (F) above, nor any purchase or other acquisition of any
    shares of  the Preferred Stock,  12.25% Series by  the Corporation,

    shall constitute a  retirement of such  shares in lieu  of or as  a
    credit  against  any  sinking  fund  retirement  required  by  this
    subdivision (H). 

    (I)  Shares of the  Preferred Stock, 12.25% Series shall be  called
    for  redemption for the sinking fund as required by subdivision (H)
    above  in  the  manner  prescribed  for  redemption  of  shares  of
    Preferred Stock under the heading "General Provisions Applicable to
    All  Series of  Preferred  Stock" in  paragraph (5)  of  Part D  of
    Article IV of the  1950 Certificate of Consolidation as  amended by
    Article  V of  the  1950 Certificate  of  Amendment and  subsequent
    amendments.   Such  redmeption shall  be mandatory  and not  at the
    option of  the Board  of  Directors but  shall  be subject  to  any
    applicable restrictions  of law.  Nevertheless,  the obligations of
    the Corporation  to redeem  shares of the  Preferred Stock,  12.25%
    Series  annually commencing  on March  31, 1987,  pursuant  to said
    subdivision (H), shall be cumulative and, so long as any  shares of
    the  Preferred  Stock,  12.25%  Series shall  be  outstanding,  the
    Corporation shall not declare  any dividend on the Common  Stock or
    any other  stock ranking as  to dividends  or assets junior  to, or
    pari passu with,  the Preferred  Stock, 12.25% Series  or make  any
    payment on  account of, or set  apart money for a  sinking or other
    analogous fund for, the purchase, redemption or other retirement of
    any  shares of  Common Stock  or other  such  junior or  pari passu
    stock, or make any distribution in respect thereof, either 46
    directly  or  indirectly, and  whether in  cash  or property  or in
    obligations or stock of the  Corporation (other than stock  ranking
    as  to dividends and assets  junior to the  Preferred Stock, 12.25%
    Series), unless at the date of  declaration in the case of any such
    dividend, or at the date of  any such other payment, setting  apart
    or  distribution,  no  sinking  fund retirement  required  by  said
    subdivision (H) shall be in arrears. 

    (J)    In  every  case  of  redemption  of  less  than  all of  the
    outstanding shares  of Preferred  Stock, 12.25% Series  pursuant to
    subdivision (F) or (H) above, such redemption shall be made (i) pro
    rata according to the numbers of shares held by each  holder of the
    then outstanding shares of Preferred Stock, 12.25% Series, provided
    that only whole shares  shall be selected for redemption,  and (ii)

    otherwise  in  the manner  prescribed  under  the heading  "General
    Provisions  Applicable  to  All   Series  of  Preferred  Stock"  in
    Paragraph (5)  of Part D of  Article IV of the  1950 Certificate of
    Consolidation  as amended by Article  V of the  1950 Certificate of
    Amendment and subsequent amendments. 

    (K)  Shares of Preferred Stock, 12.25% Series redeemed (pursuant to
    the sinking fund or otherwise),  purchased or otherwise acquired by
    the  Corporation shall be cancelled  and restored to  the status of
    authorized  but unissued shares of Preferred Stock of the par value
    of $25 per share without serial designation and may  be reissued by
    the Corporation from  time to time as Preferred  Stock of any other
    series of the par value  of $25 per share as may be fixed from time
    to time by the Board of Directors. 

    (L)   The shares  of the  Preferred Stock,  12.25% Series  shall be
    subject  to the  consent  set forth  in  the last  subparagraph  of
    Paragraph  II of this Certificate  to the same  extent and with the
    same  effect  as  all  series  of  Preferred  Stock  outstanding on
    December 5, 1956 are so subject. 


    The amendments of the Certificate of Incorporation effected by this
    Certificate  were authorized by action of the Board of Directors of
    the  Corporation,   pursuant  to   Section  502  of   the  Business
    Corporation Law. 

    IN WITNESS  WHEREOF, we have  made and subscribed  this Certificate
    this 30th day of March, 1981. 

    Senior Vice President 
    Assistant Secretary 

    COUNTY OF ONONDAGA   ) ss.: 
    JOHN M. HAYNES, being duly  sworn, deposes and says he is  a Senior
    Vice President of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, the corporation
    named  in and described in  the foregoing Certificate,  that he has
    read and executed the foregoing  Certificate and knows the contents
    thereof and that the statements contained therein are true. 

    Sworn to before me this 
    30th day of March, 1981. 
    Notary Public  
    Notary Public, State of New York 
    No. 31-4654823 
    Qualified in New York County 
    Commission Expires March 30, 1983 

    Albany, N.Y., March 31, 1981 

    CASE  27769--Application of  Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation  for
    Authority to  Issue up to $40,000,000 Aggregate Par Value of One or
    More New Series of its Preferred Stock, $100 or $25 Par Value. 
     *   *   *   * 
    The Public Service Commission hereby  consents to and approves this
    CORPORATION LAW,  executed March 30,  1981, in accordance  with the
    order of the Public Serive Commission dated March 26, 1981. 

    By the Commission, 




    of the




    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law


    Dated: May 5, 1981

    140 Broadway
    New York, New York 10005


    of the




    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law


    Pursuant  to  the  provisions  of   Section  805  of  the  BUSINESS
    CORPORATION LAW, the undersigned, being a Senior Vice President and
    the Assistant Secretary of NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION, hereby

    The  name of the  Corporation is Niagara  Mohawk Power Corporation.
    It  was originally  incorporated under the  name of  Niagara Hudson
    Public Service Corporation.


    The Certificate of Consolidation  forming the Corporation was filed
    by the Department of State on July 31, 1937.


    The Certificate  of Incorporation  as heretofore amended  is hereby
    further amended to  effect changes authorized by  Section 801(b) of
    the Business Corporation  Law, to  wit: to  increase the  aggregate
    number of shares of Common Stock of the par value  of $1 each which
    the  Corporation shall have the authority to issue by an additional
    40,000,000  shares of  such Common  Stock, so  that  the authorized
    shares of capital stock shall consist of 3,400,000 shares 51
    of Preferred Stock with a par value of  $100 each, 9,600,000 shares
    of 51
    Preferred Stock with a  par value of $25 each,  4,000,000 shares of
    Preference  Stock  with a  par value  of  $25 each  and 125,000,000
    shares of Common Stock with a par value of $1 each.


    The Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation, as amended, is
    hereby amended  so that Parts A  and C of Article  IV setting forth
    the number  of authorized shares and  the number of shares  of each
    class, as so amended, read as follows:

    "IV.A.  The  total number of shares which  the Corporation may have
    is 142,000,000, of which 3,400,000 are  to have a par value of $100
    each,  13,600,000  are  to  have  a  par  value  of  $25  each  and
    125,000,000 are to have a par value of $1 each."

    "C.  The shares of the Corporation are to be classified as follows:

    3,400,000 shares are to be Preferred Stock with a par value of $100
    each; 9,600,000 shares  are to be Preferred Stock with  a par value
    of $25 each; 4,000,000 shares are to be Preference Stock with a par
    value of  $25 each; and  125,000,000 shares are to  be Common Stock
    with a par value of $1 each."


    The stated capital of the Corporation will not  be affected by this
    Amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation.


    This  Amendment   to  the  Certificate  of   Incorporation  of  the
    Corporation  was duly authorized by the  votes cast in person or by
    proxy of the  holders of record of the  majority of the outstanding
    shares of  the Corporation  entitled to vote  at the  stockholders'
    meeting  at which  such  votes  were  cast  with  relation  to  the
    proceedings  provided  for  in   this  Amendment  and  neither  the
    Certificate  of  Incorporation  nor  any  other  certificate  filed
    pursuant to law requires a larger proportion 52
    of  votes.   Such  votes  were cast  in  person or  by  proxy at  a
    stockholders' meeting duly  held at the offices  of the Corporation
    at No. 300 Erie Boulevard West, in the City of  Syracuse, New York,
    on the fifth day of May,  1981, at 10:30 o'clock, A.M., pursuant to
    Section 605 of the Business Corporation Law.

    IN WITNESS  WHEREOF we  have made  and subscribed  this Certificate
    this 5th day of May, 1981.

    Senior Vice President

    Assistant Secretary



    JOHN  H. TERRY, being  duly sworn, deposes  and says, that  he is a
    Senior  Vice President  of  Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation,  the
    corporation named  in and  described in the  foregoing certificate.
    That he has read  and executed the foregoing certificate  and knows
    the contents thereof, and that the statements contained therein are


    Sworn to before me this
    5th day of May, 1981.


    Notary Public in the State of New York
    Qualified in Onondaga Co. No. 4524990
    My Commission Expires March 30, 1982




    of the




    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law


    Dated: April 22, 1982

    140 Broadway
    New York, New York 10005

    of the




    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law


    Pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  Section  805  of   the  BUSINESS
    CORPORATION LAW, the undersigned, being a Senior Vice President and
    an Assistant Secretary of  NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION, hereby


    The name  of the Corporation  is Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation.
    It was originally  incorporated under  the name  of Niagara  Hudson
    Public Service Corporation.


    The Certificate of Consolidation  forming the Corporation was filed
    in the Department of State on July 31, 1937.

    A  Certificate of Change of  Name of Niagara  Hudson Public Service
    Corporation  to Central New York Power Corporation was filed in the
    Department of State on September 15, 1937.

    A  "Certificate  of Consolidation  of  New  York  Power  and  Light
    Corporation and Buffalo  Niagara Electric  Corporation and  Central
    New York Power Corporation into Central New  York Power Corporation
    which is to survive  the consolidation and be named  Niagara Mohawk
    Power  Corporation" was filed in the Department of State on January
    5, 1950.  55
    Said Certificate of Consolidation is hereinafter sometimes referred
    to as the "1950 Certificate of Consolidation".

    Pursuant to Sections 26-a  and 36 of  the Stock Corporation Law,  a
    Certificate  of Amendment was filed  in the Department  of State on
    January 5, 1950 to effect certain changes authorized in subdivision
    2 of Section 35 of the Stock Corporation Law.   Said Certificate of
    Amendment  is  hereinafter  sometimes  referred  to  as  the  "1950
    Certificate of Amendment".

    Pursuant to a  Certificate of  Amendment under Section  805 of  the
    Business Corporation Law filed in the Department of State on May 7,
    1976,  the 2,400,000  authorized but  unissued shares  of Preferred
    Stock with  a par value of  $100 which were changed  into 9,600,000
    shares of Preferred Stock with a  par value of $25 each, each share
    of such 2,400,000 shares of Preferred Stock being changed into four
    shares of Preferred Stock with a par value of $25  each rather than
    $100,  without in  any  manner changing  the  3,400,000 issued  and
    outstanding  shares of  Preferred Stock  of the  par value  of $100
    each,  and the  general  provisions  applicable  to all  series  of
    Preferred Stock set forth in Paragraph 5 of Part D of Article IV of
    the Certificate of  Incorporation, as amended, were  amended to fix
    the limited voting rights of  shares of Preferred Stock with  a par
    value of $25 per share at one-quarter of the vote per share of each
    share of Preferred Stock of the par value of $100 per share.

    In accordance with  the provisions of Subdivision  (E) of Paragraph
    (5)  of Part D of Article IV, under the heading "General Provisions
    Applicable  to  All  Series  of  Preferred  Stock",  of  the   1950
    Certificate  of Consolidation the holders  of record of  at least a
    majority of the  total number of shares  of Preferred Stock of  all
    series  then  outstanding adopted  the  following  resolution at  a
    meeting called for that purpose and held on December 5, 1956 in the
    manner prescribed by the By-Laws of the Corporation:

    "Resolved, that consent  be and it hereby is given  to the issue by
    the  Corporation of  unsecured  indebtedness in  a total  principal
    amount not  exceeding at any one time  outstanding $50,000,000 over
    and above the 56
    principal amount  of unsecured indebtedness  otherwise permitted by
    the provisions  of Subdivision (E)  of Paragraph  (5) of Part  D of
    Article  IV of the Certificate of  Consolidation of the Corporation
    filed January 5, 1950."


    The Certificate of Incorporation,  as heretofore amended, is hereby
    further amended by the addition of the following provisions stating
    the   number,  designation,   relative  rights,   preferences,  and

    limitations of a fifteenth additional series of Preferred Stock, to
    consist of 800,000 shares of the par value of  $25 per share of the
    authorized 9,600,000  shares of Preferred Stock  of the Corporation
    of  the par  value of  $25  per share,  as  fixed by  the Board  of
    Directors of  the Corporation before  the issuance of  such series,
    such provisions so  added to  be designated as  paragraph 4(O)  (of
    Part  D of Article IV  of the 1950  Certificate of Consolidation as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments) and to read as follows:

    Particular Provisions Applicable to Preferred Stock, 15% Series

    4(O)   The  number, designation,  relative rights,  preferences and
    limitations  of the  fifteenth additional  series of  the Preferred
    Stock of  the Corporation as  fixed by  the Board of  Directors (in
    addition  to those set forth  under the heading "General Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  Paragraph (5) of
    Part  D of Article IV  of the 1950  Certificate of Consolidation as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments) are as follows:

    (A)   The number of  shares to constitute  the fifteenth additional
    series shall be 800,000  shares and the designation of  such series
    shall be "Preferred Stock, 15% Series".

    (B)  The dividend rate of  the Preferred Stock, 15% Series shall be
    fifteen per cent (15%) per  annum (computed on the basis of  a 360-
    day year of twelve 30-day months).  The dividends on  each share of
    the 57
    Preferred  Stock, 15% Series shall  be cumulative from  the date of
    original issue thereof.   So long  as any  shares of the  Preferred
    Stock, 15% Series  shall be outstanding, the Corporation  shall not
    declare any dividend on the Common Stock or any other stock ranking
    as  to dividends  or  assets junior  to  the Preferred  Stock,  15%
    Series, or make any payment on account of, or set apart money for a
    sinking or other  analogous fund for,  the purchase, redemption  or
    other retirement of any shares of Common Stock or other such junior
    stock, or make any distribution in respect thereof, either directly

    or indirectly, and whether in cash or property or in obligations or
    stock  of the Corporation (other than stock ranking as to dividends
    and  assets junior to the  Preferred Stock, 15%  Series), unless at
    the  date of such declaration in the  case of any such dividend, or
    at  the  date  of   any  such  other  payment,  setting   apart  or
    distribution,  all dividends  payable on  the Preferred  Stock, 15%
    Series  shall have been fully  paid, or declared  and set apart for

    (C)    Except as  provided  under the  heading  "General Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  paragraph (5) of
    Part D of Article  IV of the  1950 Certificate of Consolidation  as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments,  the Preferred Stock, 15%  Series shall have
    no voting rights whatsoever.

    (D)  The sum per share  for the Preferred Stock, 15% Series payable
    to the holders thereof  upon the voluntary dissolution, liquidation
    or winding up  of the Corporation shall be $28.75 per share through
    March 31, 1983,  and thereafter  at the following  prices, in  each
    case plus an  amount equal to the  dividends accrued and unpaid  on
    such share, whether or not earned or declared:

    For the Twelve Months                        Voluntary Liquidation
    Ended March 31,                                  Price Per Share   

    1984.........................................  $28.59
    1985.........................................  $28.44
    1986.........................................  $28.28
    1987.........................................  $28.13

    1988.........................................  $27.97
    1989.........................................  $27.81
    1990.........................................  $27.66
    1991.........................................  $27.50
    1992.........................................  $27.34
    1993.........................................  $27.19
    1994.........................................  $27.03
    1995.........................................  $26.88
    1996.........................................  $26.72
    1997.........................................  $26.56
    1998.........................................  $26.41

    For the Twelve Months                        Voluntary Liquidation
       Ended March 31,                              Price Per Share   

    1999.........................................  $26.25
    2000.........................................  $26.09
    2001.........................................  $25.94
    2002.........................................  $25.78
    2003.........................................  $25.63
    2004.........................................  $25.47
    2005.........................................  $25.31
    2006.........................................  $25.16
    2007.........................................  $25.00

    (E)  The sum per share  for the Preferred Stock, 15% Series payable
    to   the  holders   thereof  upon   the   involuntary  dissolution,
    liquidation or winding up of the Corporation shall be $25 per share
    plus  an amount equal to  the dividends accrued  and unpaid on such
    share, whether or not earned or declared.

    (F)   The  shares  of the  Preferred  Stock,  15% Series  shall  be
    redeemable  at  the  option  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the
    Corporation, either  as a  whole  or in  part,  at any  time  after
    issuance and prior to April 1, 1983 at a redemption price of $28.75
    per share, and  thereafter at the  following redemption prices,  in
    each case plus an amount equal to the  dividends accrued and unpaid
    on such share, whether or not earned or declared:

    For the Twelve Months                        Optional Redemption
       Ended March 31,                             Price Per Share     

    1984.........................................     $28.59
    1985.........................................     $28.44
    1986.........................................     $28.28
    1987.........................................     $28.13
    1988.........................................     $27.97
    1989.........................................     $27.81
    1990.........................................     $27.66
    1991.........................................     $27.50
    1992.........................................     $27.34
    1993.........................................     $27.19
    1994.........................................     $27.03
    1995.........................................     $26.88
    1996.........................................     $26.72
    1997.........................................     $26.56
    1998.........................................     $26.41
    1999.........................................     $26.25
    2000.........................................     $26.09
    2001.........................................     $25.94

    For the Twelve Months                        Optional Redemption
       Ended March 31,                              Price Per Share    

    2002.........................................     $25.78
    2003.........................................     $25.63
    2004.........................................     $25.47
    2005.........................................     $25.31
    2006.........................................     $25.16

    2007.........................................     $25.00

    provided, however, that the Board  of Directors of the  Corporation
    shall not prior to April 1, 1987 exercise its option  to redeem any
    shares  of the  Preferred Stock,  15%  Series as  a part  of or  in
    anticipation   of  any  refunding  operation  by  the  application,

    directly  or indirectly, of borrowed  funds or the  proceeds of the
    issue of any shares of  Preferred Stock or any stock  ranking prior
    to  or  on a  parity with  the Preferred  Stock,  15% Series  as to
    dividends or assets if such borrowed funds have an interest rate or
    cost  to the  Corporation (calculated  in accordance  with accepted
    financial practice), or such shares have a dividend rate or cost to
    the Corporation so calculated, less than 15% per annum.

    (G)   The  shares  of  the Preferred  Stock,  15%  Series shall  be
    exchangeable  on a  share  for share  basis  into other  shares  of
    Preferred Stock, 15% Series,  but shall not be convertible  into or
    exchangeable for other securities of the Corporation.

    (H)   As a  first sinking fund  with respect  to the shares  of the
    Preferred  Stock, 15% Series  the Corporation will,  subject to the
    provisions of subdivision (I) below, call for redemption and retire
    on March 31, 1987 and on  each March 31 thereafter to and including
    March 31, 2006 (so long  as any shares of the Preferred  Stock, 15%
    Series are  outstanding) 40,000 shares of the  Preferred Stock, 15%
    Series (or  the number of  the shares  of the Preferred  Stock, 15%
    Series then outstanding if less than 40,000)  and on March 31, 2007
    the  balance  of the  shares of  Preferred  Stock, 15%  Series then
    outstanding, in each  case at a redemption price  of $25 per share,
    plus an  amount equal to the  dividends accrued and  unpaid on such
    shares, whether or  not earned  or declared.   As a second  sinking
    fund with respect to the shares  of the Preferred Stock, 15% Series
    the Corporation will, subject to the provisions  of subdivision (I)
    below, call for redemption and retire on March 31, 1987 and on each
    March 31 thereafter to and including March 31, 2006 (so long as any
    shares of the  Preferred Stock, 15% Series  are outstanding) 40,000
    shares of  the Preferred Stock,  15% Series  (or the number  of the
    shares  of the Preferred Stock, 15% Series then outstanding if less
    than 40,000 61
    after giving effect to any redemption then being made for the first
    sinking fund), in each case at  a redemption price of $25 per share
    plus an amount equal  to the dividends accrued  and unpaid on  such
    shares, whether or not earned or declared; provided, however,  that
    the  Corporation may  solicit  from the  holders  of the  Preferred
    Stock,  15% Series  their  consent that  such  second sinking  fund

    redemption  not be  made on  any  particular March  31, and  if the
    holders  of record  of at  least two-thirds  of  the shares  of the
    Preferred  Stock,  15%  Series  then outstanding  shall  give  such
    consent prior to the time notice of such redemption would otherwise
    be required to be given  to such holders by the Corporation  (which
    consent shall  be given in writing  or by vote at  a meeting called
    for that  purpose in the  manner prescribed by  the By-Laws of  the
    Corporation), then  the Corporation shall not  have any obligations
    to  make such second sinking fund redemption and no such redemption
    shall be made.   The Corporation  may solicit  such a consent  with
    respect  to any one or more  of the second sinking fund redemptions
    but no  such solicitation shall be made more than 180 days prior to
    the March 31 on  which such redemption would otherwise  be required
    to be  made.  No redemption  of shares of the  Preferred Stock, 15%
    Series pursuant to subdivision (F) above, nor any purchase or other
    acquisition of any shares of the Preferred Stock, 15% Series by the
    Corporation, shall constitute  a retirement of such  shares in lieu
    of or as a  credit against any sinking fund  retirement required by
    this subdivision (H).

    (I)   Shares of the Preferred Stock, 15% Series shall be called for
    redemption  for the first and  second sinking funds  as required by
    subdivision (H)  above in the  manner prescribed for  redemption of
    shares  of Preferred  Stock under  the heading  "General Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  paragraph (5) of
    Part D  of Article IV of  the 1950 Certificate of  Consolidation as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments.  Such redemption shall be mandatory and  not
    at the option of the Board of Directors but shall be subject to any
    applicable restrictions  of law.  Nevertheless,  the obligations of
    the Corporation to redeem shares of the Preferred Stock, 15% Series
    annually  commencing on  March 31,  1987 for  each of  such sinking
    funds, pursuant to  said subdivision (H), shall be  cumulative and,
    so long as 62
    any shares of the Preferred Stock, 15% Series shall be outstanding,
    the  Corporation shall not declare any dividend on the Common Stock
    or any other stock ranking as to dividends or assets  junior to, or
    pari  passu with,  the  Preferred Stock,  15%  Series or  make  any
    payment on  account of, or set  apart money for a  sinking or other

    analogous fund for, the purchase, redemption or other retirement of
    any  shares of  Common Stock  or other  such  junior or  pari passu
    stock, or make any distribution in respect thereof, either directly
    or indirectly, and whether in cash or property or in obligations or
    stock  of the Corporation (other than stock ranking as to dividends
    and  assets junior to the  Preferred Stock, 15%  Series), unless at
    the date of declaration in the case of any such dividend, or at the
    date of any such  other payment, setting apart or  distribution, no
    sinking fund retirement required by  said subdivision (H) shall  be
    in arrears.

    (J)    In every  case  of  redemption  of  less  than  all  of  the
    outstanding  shares  of Preferred  Stock,  15%  Series pursuant  to
    subdivision (F) or (H) above, such redemption shall be made (i) pro
    rata according  to the numbers of shares held by each holder of the
    then outstanding  shares of  Preferred Stock, 15%  Series, provided
    that  only whole shares shall  be selected for  redemption and (ii)
    otherwise  in  the manner  prescribed  under  the heading  "General
    Provisions  Applicable  to  All   Series  of  Preferred  Stock"  in
    Paragraph (5)  of Part D of  Article IV of the  1950 Certificate of
    Consolidation  as amended by Article  V of the  1950 Certificate of
    Amendment and subsequent amendments.

    (K)   Shares of Preferred  Stock, 15% Series  redeemed (pursuant to
    the sinking funds or otherwise), purchased or otherwise acquired by
    the  Corporation shall be cancelled  and restored to  the status of
    authorized  but unissued shares of Preferred Stock of the par value
    of $25 per share without serial designation and may be  reissued by
    the Corporation from time  to time as Preferred Stock  of any other
    series of the  par value of $25 per share as may be fixed from time
    to time by the Board of Directors.

    (L)  The shares of the Preferred Stock, 15% Series shall be subject
    to the consent  set forth in the last  subparagraph of Paragraph II
    of this Certificate to the same  extent and with the same effect as
    all 63
    series  of Preferred Stock outstanding  on December 5,  1956 are so
    subject.   Subject to  the required consent  of the  holders of the
    Corporation's other  series of  Preferred Stock, acceptance  by the

    initial purchasers  and holders of the  certificates evidencing the
    Preferred Stock, 15% Series shall constitute the giving of the only
    consent  required of  the holders  of the  shares of  the Preferred
    Stock,  15%  Series  under the  provisions  of  subdivision (E)  of
    Paragraph (5)  of  Part D  of  Article  IV of  the  Certificate  of
    Consolidation,  as  heretofore  amended,  in order  to  permit  the
    issuance or assumption by the Corporation of unsecured indebtedness
    in a  total principal  amount not  in excess  of  twice the  amount
    otherwise  permitted  by  the  provisions  of  clause (1)  of  said
    subdivision  (E) without regard to the effect the consent set forth
    in the last subparagraph of Paragraph II of this Certificate.


    The amendments of the Certificate of Incorporation effected by this
    Certificate  were authorized by action of the Board of Directors of
    the  Corporation,   pursuant  to   Section  502  of   the  Business
    Corporation Law.

    IN WITNESS  WHEREOF, we have  made and subscribed  this Certificate
    this 22nd day of April, 1982.

    Senior Vice President,
    General Counsel and Secretary

    Assistant Secretary



    JOHN H. TERRY, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is Senior
    Vice  President, General  Counsel and  Secretary of  Niagara Mohawk

    Power Corporation, the  corporation named in  and described in  the
    foregoing Certificate,  that he has read and executed the foregoing
    Certificate and knows the contents  thereof and that the statements
    contained therein are true.

    Senior Vice President,
    General Counsel and Secretary

    Sworn to before me this
    22nd day of April, 1982.

    Notary Public

    Notary Public in the State of New York
    Qualified in Onondaga Co. No. 4524990
    My Commission Expires March 30, 1984.


    Albany, N.Y., April 26, 1982

    CASE 28149--Application  of  Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation  for
    Authority  to Issue Shares of  One or More  New Series of Preferred
    Stock, $100 and/or  $25 Par Value, having an Aggregate Par Value of
    up to $30,000,000.

    *   *   *   *

    The Public Service Commission hereby  consents to and approves this


    CORPORATION LAW, executed  April 22, 1982,  in accordance with  the
    order of the Public Service Commission dated April 21, 1982.

    By the Commission,





    of the





    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law


    Dated: January 21, 1983

    State of New York
    Department of State
    Filed January 24, 1983
    Filing Fee--$60

    520 Madison Avenue
    New York, New York 10022


    of the



    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law


    Pursuant   to  the  provisions  of  Section  805  of  the  BUSINESS
    CORPORATION LAW, the undersigned, being a Senior Vice President and
    an Assistant Secretary of  NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION, hereby

    The name  of the Corporation  is Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation.
    It was originally  incorporated under  the name  of Niagara  Hudson
    Public Service Corporation.


    The Certificate of Consolidation  forming the Corporation was filed
    in the Department of State on July 31, 1937.

    A  Certificate of Change of  Name of Niagara  Hudson Public Service
    Corporation  to Central New York Power Corporation was filed in the
    Department of State on September 15, 1937.

    A  "Certificate  of Consolidation  of  New  York  Power  and  Light
    Corporation  and Buffalo Niagara  Electric Corporation  and Central
    New York Power Corporation into Central New  York Power Corporation
    which is to survive  the consolidation and be named  Niagara Mohawk
    Power  Corporation" was filed in the Department of State on January
    5,  1950.    Said   Certificate  of  Consolidation  is  hereinafter

    sometimes referred to as the "1950 Certificate of Consolidation".
    Pursuant to Sections 26-a  and 36 of the  Stock Corporation Law,  a
    Certificate  of Amendment was filed  in the Department  of State on
    January 5, 1950 to effect certain changes authorized in subdivision
    2 of  Section 35 of the Stock Corporation Law.  Said Certificate of
    Amendment  is  hereinafter  sometimes  referred  to  as  the  "1950
    Certificate of Amendment".

    Pursuant to a  Certificate of  Amendment under Section  805 of  the
    Business Corporation Law filed in the Department of State on May 7,
    1976,  the 2,400,000  authorized but  unissued shares  of Preferred
    Stock  with a  par value of  $100 each were  changed into 9,600,000
    shares of Preferred Stock with a  par value of $25 each, each share
    of such 2,400,000 shares of Preferred Stock being changed into four
    shares of Preferred Stock with a par value of $25  each rather than
    $100,  without in  any  manner changing  the  3,400,000 issued  and
    outstanding  shares of  Preferred Stock  of the  par value  of $100
    each,  and the  general  provisions  applicable  to all  series  of
    Preferred Stock set forth in Paragraph 5 of Part D of Article IV of
    the Certificate of  Incorporation, as amended, were  amended to fix
    the  limited voting rights of shares  of Preferred Stock with a par
    value of $25 per share at one-quarter of the vote per share of each
    share of Preferred Stock of the par value of $100 per share.

    In accordance with  the provisions of Subdivision  (E) of Paragraph
    (5) of Part D of Article IV, under  the heading "General Provisions
    Applicable  to  All  Series  of  Preferred  Stock",  of  the   1950
    Certificate  of Consolidation the holders  of record of  at least a
    majority of the  total number of shares  of Preferred Stock  of all
    series  then  outstanding adopted  the  following  resolution at  a
    meeting called for that purpose and held on December 5, 1956 in the
    manner prescribed by the By-Laws of the Corporation:

    "Resolved, that consent  be and it hereby is given  to the issue by
    the  Corporation of  unsecured  indebtedness in  a total  principal
    amount not  exceeding at any one time  outstanding $50,000,000 over
    and above the principal  amount of unsecured indebtedness otherwise
    permitted  by the provisions of Subdivision (E) of Paragraph (5) of

    Part  D of Article  IV of the  Certificate of Consolidation  of the
    Corporation filed 69
    January 5, 1950."


    The Certificate of Incorporation,  as heretofore amended, is hereby
    further amended by the addition of the following provisions stating
    the   number,  designation,   relative  rights,   preferences,  and
    limitations of a sixteenth additional series of Preferred Stock, to
    consist of  1,200,000 shares of the  par value of $25  per share of
    the  authorized   9,600,000  shares  of  Preferred   Stock  of  the
    Corporation  of the  par value of  $25 per  share, as  fixed by the
    Board of Directors of  the Corporation before the issuance  of such
    series, such provisions so added to be designated as paragraph (4P)
    (of Part D of Article  IV of the 1950 Certificate of  Consolidation
    as amended by  Article V of  the 1950 Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments) and to read as follows:

    Particular  Provisions  Applicable  to  Adjustable  Rate  Preferred
    Stock, Series A

    (4P)   The number,  designations, relative rights,  preferences and
    limitations  of the  sixteenth additional  series of  the Preferred
    Stock of the  Corporation as  fixed by the  Board of Directors  (in
    addition to those  set forth under the  heading "General Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  Paragraph (5) of
    Part D of  Article IV of  the 1950 Certificate of  Consolidation as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments) are as follows:

    (A)   The number of  shares to constitute  the sixteenth additional
    series shall be 1,200,000 shares and the designation of such series
    shall be "Adjustable Rate Preferred Stock, Series A".

    (B)   The  dividend rate  of the  Adjustable Rate  Preferred Stock,
    Series A shall be 10.00% per  annum for the initial dividend period
    and  1.60% below the Applicable  Rate (as defined  below) per annum
    thereafter, but in no case  less than 6.50% per annum or  more than

    13.50%  per annum (computed in each case  on the basis of a 360-day
    year of twelve 70
    30-day months).  The dividends on each share of the Adjustable Rate
    Preferred Stock, Series A shall be  cumulative from the date of the
    original  issue thereof.   So long as any  shares of the Adjustable
    Rate  Preferred   Stock,  Series   A  shall  be   outstanding,  the
    Corporation shall not declare  any dividend on the Common  Stock or
    any other  stock ranking  as to dividends  or assets junior  to the
    Adjustable  Rate Preferred Stock, Series  A or make  any payment on
    account of, or  set apart money  for a  sinking or other  analogous
    fund  for, the  purchase,  redemption or  other  retirement of  any
    shares of  Common Stock  or other such  junior stock,  or make  any
    distribution in respect thereof, either directly or indirectly, and
    whether  in cash  or property  or in  obligations or  stock  of the
    Corporation  (other than stock  ranking as to  dividends and assets
    junior  to the Adjustable Rate Preferred Stock, Series A) unless at
    the date of  such declaration in the case of  any such dividend, or
    at  the  date  of   any  such  other  payment,  setting   apart  or
    distribution,  all  dividends   payable  on  the  Adjustable   Rate
    Preferred Stock, Series A  shall have been fully paid,  or declared
    and set apart for payment.

    Except  as provided below in this  paragraph, the "Applicable Rate"
    for  any dividend  period will be  the highest of  (i) the Treasury
    Bill  Rate, (ii) the Ten Year Constant  Maturity Rate and (iii) the
    Twenty Year  Constant Maturity  Rate (each as  hereinafter defined)
    for such dividend period.  In the event that the Company determines
    in good faith that for any reason one or  more of such rates cannot
    be determined for any dividend period, then the Applicable Rate for
    such dividend period shall be the higher of whichever of such rates
    can be  determined.  In  the event  that the Company  determines in
    good  faith  that none  of  such rates  can be  determined  for any
    dividend  period, then the Applicable Rate for such dividend period
    shall be the Applicable  Rate in effect for the  preceding dividend

    Except as  provided below  in  this paragraph,  the "Treasury  Bill
    Rate"  for each dividend period  will be the  arithmetic average of
    the two most recent weekly per annum market discount rates  (or the

    one weekly per annum  market discount rate,  if only one such  rate
    shall be  published during the relevant Calendar Period (as defined
    below)) for three-month U.S. Treasury bills, as published weekly by
    the Federal 71
    Reserve  Board during the Calendar Period  immediately prior to the
    ten  calendar days  immediately preceding  the  last day  of March,
    June, September  or December,  as the  case  may be,  prior to  the
    dividend  period for which the dividend rate on the Adjustable Rate
    Preferred Stock is being determined.  In the event that the Federal
    Reserve  Board  does not  publish such  a  weekly per  annum market
    discount rate  during any such  Calendar Period, then  the Treasury
    Bill Rate for the  related dividend period shall be  the arithmetic
    average of the  two most  recent weekly per  annum market  discount
    rates (or the one  weekly per annum market  discount rate, if  only
    one such  rate  shall be  published  during the  relevant  Calendar
    Period)  for three-month  U.S. Treasury  bills as  published weekly
    during such  Calendar Period by any Federal  Reserve Bank or by any
    U.S. Government department or  agency selected by the Company.   In
    the event that  a per  annum market discount  rate for  three-month
    U.S. Treasury bills shall  not be published by the  Federal Reserve
    Board or by  any Federal  Reserve Bank  or by  any U.S.  Government
    department or agency during such Calendar Period, then the Treasury
    Bill  Rate for such dividend period shall be the arithmetic average
    of the two most recent  weekly per annum market discount  rates (or
    the one weekly  per annum  market discount rate,  if only one  such
    rate shall  be published during  the relevant Calendar  Period) for
    all of the U.S. Treasury  bills then having maturities of not  less
    than 80  nor more than 100 days,  as published during such Calendar
    Period  by the  Federal Reserve  Board or,  if the  Federal Reserve
    Board shall not  publish such rates, by any Federal Reserve Bank or
    by  any  U.S.  Government  department  or agency  selected  by  the
    Company.  In  the event that the  Company determines in good  faith
    that for any reason no such U.S. Treasury bill  rates are published
    as provided above  during such Calendar  Period, then the  Treasury
    Bill  Rate for such dividend period shall be the arithmetic average
    of the per annum  market discount rates based upon the closing bids
    during  such Calendar Period for  each of the  issues of marketable
    non-interest bearing  U.S. Treasury  securities with a  maturity of
    not  less than 80 or more than 100  days from the date of each such

    quotation, as quoted  daily for each business day  in New York City
    (or less  frequently if  daily quotations  shall  not be  generally
    available)  to  the  Company  by at  least  three  recognized  U.S.
    Government  securities  dealers selected  by the  Company.   In the
    event that the Company 72
    determines in good  faith that  for any reason  the Company  cannot
    determine  the  Treasury Bill  Rate  for  any  dividend  period  as
    provided above in this  paragraph, the Treasury Bill Rate  for such
    dividend  period shall be the  arithmetic average of  the per annum
    market  discount rates  based  upon  the  closing bids  during  the
    related  Calendar  Period  for each  of  the  issues  of marketable
    interest-bearing U.S.  Treasury securities  with a maturity  of not
    less than  80 or  more than 100  days from  the date  of each  such
    quotation,  as quoted daily for each business  day in New York City
    (or  less frequently  if daily  quotations  shall not  be generally
    available)  to  the Company  by  at  least  three  recognized  U.S.
    Government securities dealers selected by the Company.

    Except  as provided below in this paragraph, the "Ten Year Constant
    Maturity  Rate" for  each dividend  period shall be  the arithmetic
    average of the  two most recent weekly  per annum Ten Year  Average
    Yields (or the one weekly per annum Ten Year Average Yield, if only
    one  such Yield  shall  be published  during the  relevant Calendar
    Period as  provided  below), as  published  weekly by  the  Federal
    Reserve  Board during the Calendar  Period immediately prior to the
    ten  calendar days  immediately preceding  the last  day of  March,
    June, September  or  December, as  the case  may be,  prior to  the
    dividend  period for which the dividend rate on the Adjustable Rate
    Preferred Stock is being determined.  In the event that the Federal
    Reserve Board  does not  publish such a  weekly per annum  Ten Year
    Average  Yield  during  such Calendar  Period,  then  the Ten  Year
    Constant Maturity  Rate  for  such  dividend period  shall  be  the
    arithmetic average of the two most recent weekly per annum Ten Year
    Average Yields (or the one weekly per annum Ten Year Average Yield,
    if  only one  such Yield  shall be  published during  such Calendar
    Period),  as published weekly  during such  Calendar Period  by any
    Federal Reserve Bank or by any U.S. Government department or agency
    selected by the  Company.  In the  event that a per  annum Ten Year
    Average Yield shall not  be published by the Federal  Reserve Board

    or by any Federal Reserve Bank or by any U.S. Government department
    or agency during such  Calendar Period, then the Ten  Year Constant
    Maturity  Rate for  such dividend  period shall  be the  arithmetic
    average of the  two most recent weekly per annum  average yields to
    maturity (or the one weekly average yield to 73
    maturity, if only  one such  yield shall be  published during  such
    Calendar Period)  for all  of the  actively traded marketable  U.S.
    Treasury  fixed  interest  rate   securities  (other  than  Special
    Securities (as defined below)) then  having maturities of not  less
    than  eight or  more than  twelve years,  as published  during such
    Calendar Period by  the Federal  Reserve Board or,  if the  Federal
    Reserve Board shall not publish such yields, by any Federal Reserve
    Bank or by any U.S. Government department or agency selected by the
    Company.  In the  event that the Company  determines in good  faith
    that  for  any reason  the Company  cannot  determine the  Ten Year
    Constant Maturity Rate for any dividend period as provided above in
    this paragraph, then the  Ten Year Constant Maturity Rate  for such
    dividend  period shall be the  arithmetic average of  the per annum
    average  yields to maturity based upon the closing bids during such
    Calendar  Period   for  each  of  the  issues  of  actively  traded
    marketable U.S. Treasury fixed interest rate securities (other than
    Special  Securities) with a final maturity date not less than eight
    or more than twelve years from  the date of each such quotation, as
    quoted daily  for each  business  day in  New  York City  (or  less
    frequently if daily quotations shall not be generally available) to
    the Company by at least three recognized U.S. Government securities
    dealers selected by the Company.

    Except  as  provided  below in  this  paragraph,  the  "Twenty Year
    Constant  Maturity Rate"  for  each dividend  period  shall be  the
    arithmetic average of the  two most recent weekly per  annum Twenty
    Year  Average Yields  (or  the one  weekly  per annum  Twenty  Year
    Average Yield, if only one such Yield shall be published during the
    relevant  Calendar  Period), as  published  weekly  by the  Federal
    Reserve Board during  the Calendar Period immediately  prior to the
    ten calendar  days  immediately preceding  the last  day of  March,
    June,  September or  December, as  the case  may be,  prior to  the
    dividend  period for which the dividend rate on the Adjustable Rate
    Preferred Stock is being determined.  In the event that the Federal

    Reserve Board does not publish such a weekly per annum Twenty  Year
    Average  Yield during  such Calendar  Period, then the  Twenty Year
    Constant  Maturity  Rate for  such  dividend  period shall  be  the
    arithmetic average of the  two most recent weekly per  annum Twenty
    Year Average Yields (or the one weekly 74
    per annum  Twenty Year Average Yield, if  only one such Yield shall
    be  published during  such  Calendar Period),  as published  weekly
    during such Calendar Period by any  Federal Reserve Bank or by  any
    U.S. Government department or  agency selected by the Company.   In
    the  event that a per annum Twenty  Year Average Yield shall not be
    published  by the Federal Reserve  Board or by  any Federal Reserve
    Bank or by  any U.S.  Government department or  agency during  such
    Calendar Period, then  the Twenty Year  Constant Maturity Rate  for
    such dividend period  shall be  the arithmetic average  of the  two
    most recent weekly per annum average yields to maturity (or the one
    weekly average yield to maturity,  if only one such yield shall  be
    published  during such  Calendar Period)  for all  of the  actively
    traded  marketable  U.S. Treasury  fixed  interest rate  securities
    (other than Special Securities) then having maturities of not  less
    than eighteen  or more than  twenty-two years, as  published during
    such  Calendar Period  by  the Federal  Reserve  Board or,  if  the
    Federal Reserve Board shall not publish such yields, by any Federal
    Reserve  Bank  or  by  any  U.S.  Government  department or  agency
    selected by  the Company.  In the event that the Company determines
    in good faith that  for any reason the Company cannot determine the
    Twenty  Year Constant  Maturity  Rate for  any  dividend period  as
    provided  above in this  paragraph, then  the Twenty  Year Constant
    Maturity Rate  for such  dividend  period shall  be the  arithmetic
    average  of the per annum average yields to maturity based upon the
    closing bids during  such Calendar Period for each of the issues of
    actively  traded  marketable  U.S.  Treasury  fixed  interest  rate
    securities (other  than Special  Securities) with a  final maturity
    date not less than eighteen or more than twenty-two  years from the
    date of each such quotation, as quoted daily for each business  day
    in New  York City (or less frequently if daily quotations shall not
    be generally available) to the Company by at least three recognized
    U.S. Government securities dealers selected by the Company.

    The Treasury Bill Rate, the Ten Year Constant Maturity Rate and the

    Twenty Year Constant  Maturity Rate  shall each be  rounded to  the
    nearest five one-hundredths of a percentage point.

    As  used herein,  the  term "Calendar  Period"  means a  period  of
    fourteen  calendar  days;  the  term   "Special  Securities"  means
    securities which 75
    can,  at the option of the holder,  be surrendered at face value in
    payment of any  Federal estate tax or which provide tax benefits to
    the holder  and are priced  to reflect  such tax benefits  or which
    were  originally issued at a deep or substantial discount; the term
    "Ten  Year Average Yield" means  the average yield  to maturity for
    actively  traded  marketable  U.S.  Treasury  fixed  interest  rate
    securities (adjusted to constant maturities of  ten years); and the
    term  "Twenty  Year  Average  Yield"  means  the  average yield  to
    maturity  for  actively  traded   marketable  U.S.  Treasury  fixed
    interest rate securities (adjusted to constant maturities of twenty

    (C)    Except as  provided  under the  heading  "General Provisions
    applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  paragraph (5) of
    Part D of  Article IV of the  1950 Certificate of Consolidation  as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments, the Adjustable Rate Preferred Stock,  Series
    A shall have no voting rights whatsoever.

    (D)   The sum per  share for  the Adjustable Rate  Preferred Stock,
    Series  A  payable  to  the  holders  thereof  upon  the  voluntary
    dissolution, liquidation or winding up of the Corporation shall  be
    $25.75  per share  through  March 31,  1993  and $25.00  per  share
    thereafter,  in each  case plus  an amount  equal to  the dividends
    accrued  and unpaid  on  such  share,  whether  or  not  earned  or

    (E)   The sum  per share for  the Adjustable Rate  Preferred Stock,
    Series  A  payable to  the  holders  thereof upon  the  involuntary
    dissolution, liquidation or winding up of the  Corporation shall be
    $25 per  share plus an  amount equal  to the dividends  accrued and
    unpaid on such share, whether or not earned or declared.

    (F)  The shares  of the Adjustable  Rate Preferred Stock, Series  A
    shall be redeemable at the option  of the Board of Directors of the
    Corporation, either  as a whole or in part, at any time after March
    31,  1988 and  prior to  April 1,  1993, at  a redemption  price of
    $25.75 per share and thereafter at a redemption price of $25.00 per
    share, in  each case plus an amount  equal to the dividends accrued
    and unpaid on such share, whether or not earned or declared.
    (G)   The shares of the  Adjustable Rate Preferred Stock,  Series A
    shall be exchangeable on a share for  share basis into other shares
    of  Adjustable Rate  Preferred Stock,  Series A,  but shall  not be
    convertible  into  or  exchangeable  for other  securities  of  the

    (H)    In every  case  of  redemption  of  less  than  all  of  the
    outstanding  shares of  Adjustable Rate  Preferred Stock,  Series A
    pursuant to  subdivision (F) above,  such redemption shall  be made
    (i) pro rata according to the numbers of shares held by each holder
    of the then outstanding shares of Adjustable Rate Preferred  Stock,
    Series A, provided  that only  whole shares shall  be selected  for
    redemption, and (ii)  otherwise in the manner  prescribed under the
    heading "General  Provisions Applicable to All  Series of Preferred
    Stock"  in Paragraph  (5)  of Part  D  of Article  IV  of the  1950
    Certificate  of Consolidation as amended  by Article V  of the 1950
    Certificate of Amendment and subsequent amendments.

    (I)   Shares of Adjustable Rate Preferred Stock, Series A redeemed,
    purchased  or  otherwise  acquired  by  the  Corporation  shall  be
    cancelled  and restored  to the  status of authorized  but unissued
    shares of Preferred Stock of the par value of $25 per share without
    serial designation and may be reissued by the Corporation from time
    to time as  Preferred Stock of any other series of the par value of
    $25 per share  as may be fixed  from time to  time by the Board  of

    (J)  The shares  of the Adjustable Rate  Preferred Stock, Series  A
    shall be subject to the consent  set forth in the last subparagraph
    of Paragraph II of this Certificate to the same extent and with the
    same  effect  as  all  series of  Preferred  Stock  outstanding  on

    December 5, 1956 are so subject.


    The amendments of the Certificate of Incorporation effected by this
    Certificate  were authorized by action of the Board of Directors of
    the  Corporation,   pursuant  to   Section  502  of   the  Business
    Corporation Law.

    IN WITNESS  WHEREOF, we have  made and subscribed  this Certificate
    this 21st day of January, 1983.

    Senior Vice President,
    General Counsel and Secretary

    Assistant Secretary



    JOHN H. TERRY, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is Senior
    Vice  President, General  Counsel and  Secretary of  Niagara Mohawk
    Power Corporation, the  corporation named in  and described in  the
    foregoing Certificate, that he has  read and executed the foregoing
    Certificate and knows the contents thereof and  that the statements
    contained therein are true.


    Senior Vice President,
    General Counsel and Secretary

    Sworn to before me this
    21st day of January, 1983.

    Notary Public
    Notary Public In The State of New York
    Qualified in Onondaga Co. No. 4524990
    My Commission Expires March 30, 1984


    Albany, N.Y., January 24, 1983

    CASE  28202--Petition  of  Niagara  Mohawk  Power  Corporation  for
    authority  under  Section 69  of the  Public  Service Law  to issue
    shares of one or  more series of  preferred stock, $100 and/or  $25
    par value, with aggregate par value not to exceed $30,000,000.

    *   *   *   *

    The Public Service Commission hereby consents to and approves  this
    CORPORATION LAW, executed January 21, 1983,  in accordance with the
    order of the Public Service Commission dated January 12, 1983.

    By the Commission,






    of the




    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law


    Dated:  August 1, 1983

    State of New York
    Department of State
    Filed August 3, 1983
    Filing Fee--$60
    520 Madison Avenue
    New York, New York   10022

    of the
    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law


    Pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  Section  805  of   the  BUSINESS
    CORPORATION LAW, the undersigned, being a Senior Vice President and
    an Assistant Secretary of  NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION, hereby


    The name  of the Corporation  is Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation.
    It was originally  incorporated under  the name  of Niagara  Hudson
    Public Service Corporation.


    The Certificate of Consolidation  forming the Corporation was filed
    in the Department of State on July 31, 1937.

    A  Certificate of Change of  Name of Niagara  Hudson Public Service

    Corporation  to Central New York Power Corporation was filed in the
    Department of State on September 15, 1937.

    A  "Certificate  of  Consolidation  of  New York  Power  and  Light
    Corporation and Buffalo  Niagara Electric  Corporation and  Central
    New  York Power Corporation into Central New York Power Corporation
    which is to survive  the consolidation and be named  Niagara Mohawk
    Power  Corporation" was filed in the Department of State on January
    5,  1950.    Said   Certificate  of  Consolidation  is  hereinafter
    sometimes referred 81
    to as the "1950 Certificate of Consolidation".

    Pursuant  to Section  26-a and 36  of the Stock  Corporation Law, a
    Certificate  of Amendment was filed  in the Department  of State on
    January 5, 1950 to effect certain changes authorized in subdivision
    2 of Section 35 of the Stock Corporation Law.   Said Certificate of
    Amendment  is  hereinafter  sometimes  referred  to  as  the  "1950
    Certificate of Amendment".

    Pursuant to a  Certificate of  Amendment under Section  805 of  the
    Business Corporation Law filed in the Department of State on May 7,
    1976,  the 2,400,000  authorized but  unissued shares  of Preferred
    Stock  with a par  value of $100  each were changed  into 9,600,000
    shares of  Preferred Stock with a par value of $25 each, each share
    of such 2,400,000 shares of Preferred Stock being changed into four
    shares of Preferred Stock with a  par value of $25 each rather than
    $100, without  in  any manner  changing  the 3,400,000  issued  and
    outstanding  shares of  Preferred Stock  of the  par value  of $100
    each,  and  the  general provisions  applicable  to  all  series of
    Preferred Stock set forth in Paragraph 5 of Part D of Article IV of
    the Certificate of Incorporation,  as amended, were amended  to fix
    the limited voting rights  of shares of Preferred Stock with  a par
    value of $25 per share at one-quarter of the vote per share of each
    share of Preferred Stock of the par value of $100 per share.

    In accordance with the provisions  of Subdivision (E) of  Paragraph
    (5) of Part D of Article  IV, under the heading "General Provisions
    Applicable  to   All  Series  of  Preferred  Stock",  of  the  1950
    Certificate  of Consolidation the holders  of record of  at least a

    majority of the total  number of shares  of Preferred Stock of  all
    series  then  outstanding adopted  the  following  resolution at  a
    meeting called for that purpose and held on December 5, 1956 in the
    manner prescribed by the By-Laws of the Corporation:

    "Resolved, that consent be and  it hereby is given to the  issue by
    the  Corporation of  unsecured  indebtedness in  a total  principal
    amount not exceeding  at any one time  outstanding $50,000,000 over
    and above the principal  amount of unsecured indebtedness otherwise
    permitted by the 82
    provisions of Subdivision (E) of Paragraph (5) of Part D of Article
    IV of  the Certificate  of Consolidation  of the  Corporation filed
    January 5, 1950."

    In accordance with  the provisions of Subdivision (E)  of Paragraph
    (5) of Part D of Article IV, under  the heading "General Provisions
    Applicable  to  All  Series  of   Preferred  Stock",  of  the  1950
    Certificate  of Consolidation the holders  of record of  at least a
    majority of the  total number of votes represented by the shares of
    Preferred  Stock  of  all   series  then  outstanding  adopted  the
    following  resolution at a meeting called for that purpose and held
    on  May 3,  1983 in  the manner  prescribed by  the By-Laws  of the

    "Resolved,  that consent be and  is hereby given  to the incurrence
    (i)  through December  31, 1988,  of unsecured  indebtedness in  an
    aggregate   principal   amount   not  exceeding   the   greater  of
    $700,000,000 or  the  principal amount  of  unsecured  indebtedness
    presently permitted  by the Company's Certificate  of Consolidation
    (the "Current Limitation")  pursuant to the consent  of the holders
    of  the  Company's Preferred  Stock on  December  5, 1956  and (ii)
    beginning January 1, 1989, the Current Limitation."


    The Certificate  of Incorporation as heretofore  amended, is hereby
    further amended by the addition of the following provisions stating
    the   number,  designation,   relative   rights,  preferences   and
    limitations of a seventeenth  additional series of Preferred Stock,

    to consist of 1,600,000 shares of the par value of $25 per share of
    the  authorized   9,600,000  shares  of  Preferred   Stock  of  the
    Corporation of  the par value  of $25  per share, as  fixed by  the
    Board of Directors of  the Corporation before the issuance  of such
    series, such provisions so added to be designated as paragraph 4(Q)
    (of Part  D of Article IV of  the 1950 Certificate of Consolidation
    as  amended by Article V  of the 1950  Certificate of Amendment and
    subsequent amendments) and to read as follows:

    Particular Provisions Applicable to Preferred Stock, 10.75% Series

    4(Q)   The  number, designation,  relative rights,  preferences and
    limitation of  the seventeenth  additional series of  the Preferred
    Stock  of the Corporation  as fixed by  the Board  of Directors (in
    addition to those  set forth under the  heading "General Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  Paragraph (5) of
    Part D of  Article IV of the  1950 Certificate of  Consolidation as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments) are as follows:

    (A)   The number of shares to constitute the seventeenth additional
    series shall be 1,600,000 shares and the designation of such series
    shall be "Preferred Stock, 10.75% Series".

    (B)  The dividend rate of the Preferred  Stock, 10.75% Series shall
    be ten  and seventy-five  hundredths  per cent  (10.75%) per  annum
    (computed  on the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months).
    The dividends on each  share of the Preferred Stock,  10.75% Series
    shall  be cumulative from the  date of the  original issue thereof.
    So long as any  shares of the Preferred Stock, 10.75%  Series shall
    be outstanding, the  Corporation shall not declare any  dividend on
    the Common  Stock or  any other stock  ranking as  to dividends  or
    assets  junior to the Preferred  Stock, 10.75% Series,  or make any
    payment on  account of, or set  apart money for a  sinking or other
    analogous fund for, the purchase, redemption or other retirement of
    any shares of Common Stock or  other such junior stock, or make any
    distribution in respect thereof, either directly or indirectly, and

    whether  in cash  or property  or  in obligations  or stock  of the
    Corporation (other  than stock ranking  as to dividends  and assets
    junior to the Preferred  Stock, 10.75% Series), unless at  the date
    of such declaration  in the case  of any such  dividend, or at  the
    date  of any such other payment, setting apart or distribution, all
    dividends  payable on the Preferred Stock, 10.75% Series shall have
    been fully paid, or declared and set apart for payment.

    (C)   Except  as provided  under  the heading  "General  Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  Paragraph (5) of
    Part 84
    D of Article IV of the 1950 Certificate of Consolidation as amended
    by  Article V of the  1950 Certificate of  Amendment and subsequent
    amendments, the Preferred Stock, 10.75% Series shall have no voting
    rights whatsoever.

    (D)   The sum  per  share for  the Preferred  Stock, 10.75%  Series
    payable  to the  holders  thereof upon  the voluntary  dissolution,
    liquidation  or winding up of  the Corporation shall  be $27.69 per
    share  through  June  30, 1984,  and  thereafter  at  the following
    prices, in each case plus an amount  equal to the dividends accrued
    and unpaid on such share, whether or not earned or declared:

    For the Twelve Months                        Voluntary Liquidation
    Ended June 30,                                  Price Per Share    
    1985.............................................. $27.39
    1986.............................................. $27.09
    1987.............................................. $26.79
    1988.............................................. $26.49
    1989.............................................. $26.19
    1990.............................................. $25.90
    1991.............................................. $25.60
    1992.............................................. $25.30
    1993.............................................. $25.00

    (E)   The  sum per  share for  the Preferred  Stock, 10.75%  Series
    payable to  the holders  thereof upon the  involuntary dissolution,
    liquidation or winding up of the Corporation shall be $25 per share

    plus an amount equal  to the dividends  accrued and unpaid on  such
    share, whether or not earned or declared.

    (F)   The shares  of the  Preferred Stock,  10.75% Series  shall be
    redeemable  at  the  option  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the
    Corporation, either as a whole  or in part, at any time  after June
    30, 1988 and prior to July 1, 1989  at a redemption price of $26.19
    per share,  and thereafter at  the following redemption  prices, in
    each case plus an amount equal  to the dividends accrued and unpaid
    on such share, whether or not earned or declared:
    For the Twelve Months                        Optional Redemption
    Ended June 30,                                 Price Per Share     
    1990.............................................. $25.90
    1991.............................................. $25.60
    1992.............................................. $25.30
    1993.............................................. $25.00

    (G)   The shares  of the  Preferred Stock,  10.75% Series  shall be
    exchangeable  on a  share  for share  basis  into other  shares  of
    Preferred Stock, 10.75% Series,  but shall not be  convertible into
    or exchangeable for other securities of the Corporation.

    (H)  As a sinking fund with  respect to the shares of the Preferred
    Stock,  10.75%   Series  the  Corporation  will,   subject  to  the
    provisions of subdivision (I) below, call for redemption and retire
    on June  30, 1989 and on  each June 30 thereafter  to and including
    June 30, 1992 (so long as any shares of the Preferred Stock, 10.75%
    Series  are outstanding)  320,000  shares of  the Preferred  Stock,
    10.75% Series (or the number of  the shares of the Preferred Stock,
    10.75%  Series then outstanding if  less than 320,000)  and on June
    30,  1993  the balance  of the  shares  of Preferred  Stock, 10.75%
    Series then outstanding, in each case at a redemption price of  $25
    per share, plus an amount equal to the dividends accrued and unpaid
    on  such shares, whether or not earned  or declared.  No redemption
    of  shares  of  the  Preferred  Stock,  10.75%  Series  pursuant to
    subdivision (F) above or subdivision (J) below, nor any purchase or
    other  acquisition of  any shares  of the  Preferred Stock,  10.75%

    Series by the  Corporation, shall constitute  a retirement of  such
    shares  in lieu  of  or  as  a  credit  against  any  sinking  fund
    retirement required by this subdivision (H).

    (I)  Shares of the  Preferred Stock, 10.75% Series shall be  called
    for  redemption for the sinking fund as required by subdivision (H)
    above  in  the  manner  prescribed  for  redemption  of  shares  of
    Preferred Stock under the heading "General Provisions Applicable to
    All  Series of  Preferred  Stock" in  paragraph (5)  of  Part D  of
    Article IV of the  1950 Certificate of Consolidation as  amended by
    Article  V of  the  1950 Certificate  of  Amendment and  subsequent
    amendments.  Such redemption 86
    shall be mandatory and not at the option of the  Board of Directors
    but  shall  be  subject  to  any  applicable  restrictions of  law.
    Nevertheless, the  obligations of the Corporation  to redeem shares
    of  the Preferred Stock, 10.75%  Series annually commencing on June
    30, 1989 for such  sinking fund, pursuant to said  subdivision (H),
    shall be  cumulative and, so  long as any  shares of the  Preferred
    Stock, 10.75%  Series shall  be outstanding, the  Corporation shall
    not declare  any dividend on  the Common  Stock or any  other stock
    ranking as to  dividends or assets junior  to, or pari passu  with,
    the Preferred Stock, 10.75%  Series or make any payment  on account
    of, or set  apart money for a sinking or  other analogous fund for,
    the purchase,  redemption  or other  retirement  of any  shares  of
    Common Stock or other such junior or pari passu stock,  or make any
    distribution in respect thereof, either directly or indirectly, and
    whether in  cash  or property  or in  obligations or  stock of  the
    Corporation (other than  stock ranking as  to dividends and  assets
    junior to the Preferred  Stock, 10.75% Series), unless at  the date
    of declaration in the case of any  such dividend, or at the date of
    any such other payment,  setting apart or distribution,  no sinking
    fund retirement  required  by  said  subdivision (H)  shall  be  in

    (J)  The  Corporation may, at the option of  the Board of Directors
    of  the  Corporation,  on June  30,  1989,  and  on  each  June  30
    thereafter  to and including June  30, 1992, redeem  320,000 of the
    shares  of the Preferred Stock, 10.75% Series, or any lesser number
    of shares which shall constitute all of the shares of the Preferred

    Stock, 10.75%  Series then outstanding, in addition  to shares then
    to be redeemed  for the  sinking fund pursuant  to subdivision  (H)
    above, in each case at a redemption price of $25 per share, plus an
    amount  equal to the dividends  accrued and unpaid  on such shares,
    whether or not earned or declared, which privilege and option so to
    redeem shall be noncumulative.

    (K)    In  every  case  of  redemption of  less  than  all  of  the
    outstanding shares  of Preferred  Stock, 10.75% Series  pursuant to
    subdivision  (F), (H) or (J)  above, such redemption  shall be made
    (i) pro rata according to the numbers of shares held by each holder
    of the then 

    outstanding shares of Preferred  Stock,10.75% Series, provided that
    only whole  shares  shall  be selected  for  redemption,  and  (ii)
    otherwise  in  the manner  prescribed  under  the heading  "General
    Provisions  Applicable  to  All   Series  of  Preferred  Stock"  in
    Paragraph (5)  of Part D of  Article IV of the  1950 Certificate of
    Consolidation  as amended by Article  V of the  1950 Certificate of
    Amendment and subsequent amendments.

    (L)  Shares of Preferred Stock, 10.75% Series redeemed (pursuant to
    the  sinking fund or otherwise), purchased or otherwise acquired by
    the  Corporation shall be cancelled  and restored to  the status of
    authorized  but unissued shares of Preferred Stock of the par value
    of $25 per share without serial designation and  may be reissued by
    the Corporation  from time to time as  Preferred Stock of any other
    series of the par value of $25 per share as may be fixed  from time
    to time by the Board of Directors.

    (M)  The  shares of  the Preferred  Stock, 10.75%  Series shall  be
    subject   to  (i)  the   consent  set  forth   in  the  penultimate
    subparagraph of Paragraph II of this Certificate to the same extent
    and  with  the  same  effect  as  all  series  of  Preferred  Stock
    outstanding  on December  5,  1956 are  so  subject, and  (ii)  the
    consent set forth in the last  subparagraph of Paragraph II of this
    Certificate  to the same  extent and  with the  same effect  as all
    series  of  Preferred  Stock outstanding  on  May  3,  1983 are  so



    The amendments of the Certificate of Incorporation effected by this
    Certificate  were authorized by action of the Board of Directors of
    the  Corporation,   pursuant  to   Section  502  of   the  Business
    Corporation Law.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  we have made  and subscribed this  Certificate
    this 1st day of August, 1983.

    Senior Vice President

    Assistant Secretary


    JOHN  M. HAYNES, being  duly sworn, deposes  and says that  he is a
    Senior  Vice President  of  Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation,  the
    corporation named  in and  described in the  foregoing Certificate,
    that he has read  and executed the foregoing Certificate  and knows
    the contents thereof and that the statements contained therein  are

    Senior Vice President

    Sworn to before me this
    1st day of August, 1983.


    Notary Public

    Notary Public in the State of New York
    Qualified in Onondaga Co. No. 4524990
    My Commission Expires March 30, 1984


    Albany, N.Y., August 2, 1983

    CASES 28454 and 28455--Petition of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation
    for  Authority  to  Issue  Shares of  One  or  More  New  Series of
    Preferred 89
    Stock,  $100 and/or $25 Par Value, having an Aggregate Par Value of
    up to $50,000,000.

    *   *   *   *

    The Public Service Commission hereby consents to and  approves this
    CORPORATION LAW,  executed August 1,  1983, in accordance  with the
    orders of the Public Service Commission each dated June 29, 1983.

    By the Commission,



    $25 par value



    of the




    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law


    Dated: December 22, 1983

    State of New York
    Department of State
    Filed December 27, 1983
    Filing Fee--$60

    520 Madison Avenue
    New York, New York 10022

    of the
    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law


    Pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  Section   805  of  the  BUSINESS
    CORPORATION LAW, the undersigned, being a Senior Vice President and
    an Assistant Secretary of  NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION, hereby


    The name  of the Corporation  is Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation.
    It was  originally incorporated  under the  name of  Niagara Hudson

    Public Service Corporation.


    The Certificate of Consolidation  forming the Corporation was filed
    in the Department of State on July 31, 1937.

    A  Certificate of Change of  Name of Niagara  Hudson Public Service
    Corporation  to Central New York Power Corporation was filed in the
    Department of State on September 15, 1937.

    A  "Certificate  of  Consolidation  of New  York  Power  and  Light
    Corporation and  Buffalo Niagara  Electric Corporation and  Central
    New York Power Corporation into Central New York  Power Corporation
    which is to survive  the consolidation and be named  Niagara Mohawk
    Power  Corporation" was filed in the Department of State on January
    5,  1950.    Said   Certificate  of  Consolidation  is  hereinafter
    sometimes referred 92
    to as the "1950 Certificate of Consolidation".

    Pursuant to Sections  26-a and 36 of  the Stock Corporation Law,  a
    Certificate  of Amendment was filed  in the Department  of State on
    January 5, 1950 to effect certain changes authorized in subdivision
    2 of  Section 35 of the Stock Corporation Law.  Said Certificate of
    Amendment  is  hereinafter  sometimes  referred  to  as  the  "1950
    Certificate of Amendment".

    Pursuant to a  Certificate of  Amendment under Section  805 of  the
    Business Corporation Law filed in the Department of State on May 7,
    1976,  the 2,400,000  authorized but  unissued shares  of Preferred
    Stock with  a par value  of $100  each were changed  into 9,600,000
    shares of Preferred Stock with a  par value of $25 each, each share
    of such 2,400,000 shares of Preferred Stock being changed into four
    shares of Preferred Stock with a par value of $25  each rather than
    $100,  without in  any  manner changing  the  3,400,000 issued  and
    outstanding  shares of  Preferred Stock  of the  par value  of $100
    each,  and the  general  provisions  applicable  to all  series  of
    Preferred Stock set forth in Paragraph 5 of Part D of Article IV of
    the Certificate of  Incorporation, as amended, were  amended to fix

    the limited voting  rights of shares of Preferred  Stock with a par
    value of $25 per share at one-quarter of the vote per share of each
    share of Preferred Stock of the par value of $100 per share.

    In  accordance with the provisions of  Subdivision (E) of Paragraph
    (5) of Part D of Article IV, under the heading  "General Provisions
    Applicable  to  All   Series  of  Preferred  Stock",  of  the  1950
    Certificate  of Consolidation the holders  of record of  at least a
    majority of  the total number of  shares of Preferred Stock  of all
    series  then  outstanding adopted  the  following  resolution at  a
    meeting called for that purpose and held on December 5, 1956 in the
    manner prescribed by the By-Laws of the Corporation:

    "Resolved, that consent  be and it hereby is given  to the issue by
    the  Corporation of  unsecured  indebtedness in  a total  principal
    amount  not exceeding at any  one time outstanding $50,000,000 over
    and above the principal  amount of unsecured indebtedness otherwise
    permitted by the 93
    provisions of Subdivision (E) of Paragraph (5) of part D of Article
    IV  of the  Certificate of  Consolidation of the  Corporation filed
    January 5, 1950."

    In  accordance with the provisions of  Subdivision (E) of Paragraph
    (5) of  Part D of Article IV, under the heading "General Provisions
    Applicable  to  All   Series  of  Preferred  Stock",  of  the  1950
    Certificate  of Consolidation the holders  of record of  at least a
    majority of the total number of votes represented  by the shares of
    Preferred  Stock  of  all   series  then  outstanding  adopted  the
    following  resolution at a meeting called for that purpose and held
    on  May 3,  1983 in  the manner  prescribed by  the By-Laws  of the

    "Resolved,  that consent be and  is hereby given  to the incurrence
    (i)  through December  31, 1988,  of unsecured  indebtedness  in an
    aggregate  principal   amount   not  exceeding   the   greater   of
    $700,000,000  or the  principal  amount  of unsecured  indebtedness
    presently permitted  by the Company's  Certificate of Consolidation
    (the "Current Limitation") pursuant  to the consent of the  holders
    of  the  Company's Preferred  Stock on  December  5, 1956  and (ii)

    beginning January 1, 1989, the Current Limitation."


    The Certificate of Incorporation,  as heretofore amended, is hereby
    further amended by the addition of the following provisions stating
    the   number,  designation,   relative  rights,   preferences,  and
    limitations of an eighteenth  additional series of Preferred Stock,
    to consist of 1,000,000 shares of the par value of $25 per share of
    the  authorized   9,600,000  shares  of  Preferred   Stock  of  the
    Corporation of  the par  value of  $25 per share,  as fixed  by the
    Board of Directors of  the Corporation before the issuance  of such
    series, such provisions so added to be designated as paragraph 4(R)
    (of  Part D of Article IV of  the 1950 Certificate of Consolidation
    as amended  by Article V of  the 1950 Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments) and to read as follows:

    Particular Provisions  Applicable to Preferred Stock, 10.13% Series
    ($25 par value)

    4(R)   The  number, designation,  relative rights,  preferences and
    limitations of  the eighteenth  additional series of  the Preferred
    Stock of the  Corporation as  fixed by the  Board of Directors  (in
    addition to those  set forth under the  heading "General Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  Paragraph (5) of
    Part D of  Article IV of  the 1950 Certificate of  Consolidation as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments) are as follows:

    (A)  The number  of shares to constitute the  eighteenth additional
    series shall be 1,000,000 shares and the designation of such series
    shall be "Preferred Stock, 10.13% Series ($25 par value)".

    (B)   The dividend rate of the  Preferred Stock, 10.13% Series ($25
    par value) shall be  ten and thirteen hundredths per  cent (10.13%)
    per annum (computed on the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day
    months).    The dividends  on each  share  of the  Preferred Stock,

    10.13% Series ($25 par value) shall be cumulative from the date  of
    the original issue thereof.  So long as any shares of the Preferred
    Sock,  10.13% Series  ($25  par value)  shall  be outstanding,  the
    Corporation shall not declare  any dividend on the Common  Stock or
    any  other stock ranking  as to dividends  or assets  junior to the
    Preferred Stock, 10.13% Series ($25 par value), or make any payment
    on account of, or set apart money for a sinking  or other analogous
    fund  for, the  purchase,  redemption or  other  retirement of  any
    shares of  Common Stock  or other  such junior  stock, or  make any
    distribution in respect thereof, either directly or indirectly, and
    whether  in cash  or  property or  in obligations  or stock  of the
    Corporation (other  than stock ranking  as to dividends  and assets
    junior  to  the Preferred  Stock, 10.13%  Series ($25  par value)),
    unless at  the date  of such  declaration in the  case of  any such
    dividend, or at  the date of any such other  payment, setting apart
    or  distribution, all  dividends  payable on  the Preferred  Stock,
    10.13%  Series ($25  par  value) shall  have  been fully  paid,  or
    declared and set apart for payment.

    (C)   Except  as  provided under  the  heading "General  Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  paragraph (5) of
    Part D of Article  IV of the  1950 Certificate of Consolidation  as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments, the Preferred  Stock, 10.13% Series ($25 par
    value) shall have no voting rights whatsoever.

    (D)  The sum per share for the Preferred Stock,  10.13% Series ($25
    par  value)  payable  to the  holders  thereof  upon  the voluntary
    dissolution, liquidation or winding up  of the Corporation shall be
    $27.533  per share through December 31, 1984, and thereafter at the
    following  prices, in  each  case  plus  an  amount  equal  to  the
    dividends accrued and unpaid  on such share, whether or  not earned
    or declared:

    For the Twelve Months                        Voluntary Liquidation
    Ended December 31,                               Price Per Share   

    1985............................................  $27.252
    1986............................................  $26.970
    1987............................................  $26.689
    1988............................................  $26.407
    1989............................................  $26.126
    1990............................................  $25.845
    1991............................................  $25.563
    1992............................................  $25.282
    1993............................................  $25.000

    (E)  The sum per share  for the Preferred Stock, 10.13% Series ($25
    par  value) payable  to the  holders thereof  upon the  involuntary
    dissolution, liquidation or winding up of  the Corporation shall be
    $25 per share  plus an  amount equal to  the dividends accrued  and
    unpaid on such share, whether or not earned or declared.

    (F)   The  shares of the  Preferred Stock,  10.13% Series  ($25 par
    value)  shall be redeemable at the option of the Board of Directors
    of the Corporation, either as a whole or in part, at any time after
    December 31,  1987 and  prior to  January 1,  1989 at  a redemption
    price  of  $26.407  per  share, and  thereafter  at  the  following
    redemption prices, 96
    in each  case plus  an amount equal  to the  dividends accrued  and
    unpaid on such share, whether or not earned or declared:

    For the Twelve Months                        Optional Redemption
    Ended December 31,                             Price Per Share     

    1989............................................  $26.126
    1990............................................  $25.845
    1991............................................  $25.563
    1992............................................  $25.282
    1993............................................  $25.000

    (G)   The shares  of the  Preferred Stock, 10.13%  Series ($25  par
    value) shall be exchangeable  on a share for share basis into other
    shares of Preferred Stock, 10.13% Series ($25 par value), but shall
    not be convertible into or exchangeable for other securities of the

    (H)  As a  sinking fund with respect to the shares of the Preferred
    Stock, 10.13%  Series ($25 par value) the Corporation will, subject
    to the provisions of subdivision (I) below, call for redemption and
    retire (so long as any shares of the Preferred Stock, 10.13% Series
    ($25 par  value) are outstanding)  100,000 shares of  the Preferred
    Stock, 10.13% Series ($25 par value)(or the number of the shares of
    the Preferred Stock, 10.13% Series ($25 par value) then outstanding
    if  less than  100,000) on  December 31,  1987 and on  December 31,
    1988,  75,000 shares of the Preferred Stock, 10.13% Series ($25 par
    value) (or the number of the shares  of the Preferred Stock, 10.13%
    Series ($25 par  value) then  outstanding if less  than 75,000)  on
    December 31,  1989, 100,000 shares  of the Preferred  Stock, 10.13%
    Series ($25 par value)(or the number of the shares of the Preferred
    Stock,  10.13% Series ($25 par value) then outstanding if less than
    100,000) on December  31, 1990  and on December  31, 1991,  325,000
    shares of the Preferred Stock, 10.13% Series ($25 par value)(or the
    number of the shares of the Preferred Stock, 10.13% Series ($25 par
    value)  then outstanding if less than 325,000) on December 31, 1992
    and the balance  of the  shares of Preferred  Stock, 10.13%  Series
    ($25 par value) then outstanding on December 31, 1993, in each case
    at a 97
    redemption price  of $25 per  share, plus  an amount  equal to  the
    dividends  accrued and unpaid on such shares, whether or not earned
    or  declared.   No  redemption of  shares  of the  Preferred Stock,
    10.13% Series ($25  par value) pursuant  to subdivision (F)  above,
    nor  any purchase  or  other  acquisition  of  any  shares  of  the
    Preferred Stock, 10.13% Series ($25 par value)  by the Corporation,
    shall constitute a  retirement of such  shares in lieu  of or as  a
    credit  against  any  sinking  fund  retirement  required  by  this
    subdivision (H).

    (I)  Shares of  the Preferred Stock, 10.13% Series ($25  par value)
    shall be called for redemption for the sinking fund  as required by
    subdivision (H) above  in the manner  prescribed for redemption  of
    shares  of Preferred  Stock under  the heading  "General Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  paragraph (5) of
    Part D  of Article IV of  the 1950 Certificate of  Consolidation as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments.  Such redemption  shall be mandatory and not

    at the option of the Board of Directors but shall be subject to any
    applicable restrictions  of law.  Nevertheless,  the obligations of
    the Corporation  to redeem  shares of  the Preferred  Stock, 10.13%
    Series ($25 par value) annually commencing on December 31, 1987 for
    such  sinking fund,  pursuant  to said  subdivision  (H), shall  be
    cumulative  and,  so long  as any  shares  of the  Preferred Stock,
    10.13% Series ($25 par value) shall be outstanding, the Corporation
    shall not  declare any  dividend on the  Common Stock or  any other
    stock ranking  as to dividends or  assets junior to, or  pari passu
    with,  the Preferred Stock, 10.13%  Series ($25 par  value) or make
    any payment  on account  of, or  set apart money  for a  sinking or
    other  analogous  fund  for,  the  purchase,  redemption  or  other
    retirement of  any shares of Common  Stock or other  such junior or
    pari  passu stock,  or  make any  distribution in  respect thereof,
    either directly or indirectly,  and whether in cash or  property or
    in obligations  or  stock  of the  Corporation  (other  than  stock
    ranking as to dividends  and assets junior to the  Preferred Stock,
    10.13% Series ($25 par  value)), unless at the date  of declaration
    in  the case of any such dividend, or at the date of any such other
    payment, setting apart or  distribution, no sinking fund retirement
    required by said subdivision (H) shall be in arrears.
    (J)    In  every  case  of  redemption of  less  than  all  of  the
    outstanding  shares  of Preferred  Stock,  10.13%  Series ($25  par
    value) pursuant to  subdivision (F) or  (H) above, such  redemption
    shall be made (i) pro rata  according to the numbers of shares held
    by each holder of  the then outstanding shares of  Preferred Stock,
    10.13% Series  ($25 par  value),  provided that  only whole  shares
    shall  be selected for redemption, and (ii) otherwise in the manner
    prescribed under the heading  "General Provisions Applicable to All
    Series of Preferred Stock" in Paragraph (5) of Part D of Article IV
    of the 1950 Certificate of Consolidation as amended by Article V of
    the 1950 Certificate of Amendment and subsequent amendments.

    (K)    Shares of  Preferred Stock,  10.13%  Series ($25  par value)
    redeemed (pursuant to the sinking fund or  otherwise), purchased or
    otherwise  acquired  by  the  Corporation shall  be  cancelled  and
    restored  to the  status  of  authorized  but  unissued  shares  of
    Preferred Stock of  the par value  of $25 per share  without serial

    designation and may  be reissued  by the Corporation  from time  to
    time as Preferred Stock of any other series of the par value of $25
    per share  as  may be  fixed from  time  to time  by the  Board  of

    (L)   The  shares of the  Preferred Stock,  10.13% Series  ($25 par
    value) shall  be  subject  to (i)  the  consent set  forth  in  the
    penultimate subparagraph of Paragraph II of this Certificate to the
    same extent  and with the  same effect  as all series  of Preferred
    Stock outstanding on December 5, 1956 are  so subject, and (ii) the
    consent set forth in the last subparagraph of Paragraph  II of this
    Certificate to  the same  extent and with  the same  effect as  all
    series  of  Preferred  Stock outstanding  on  May  3,  1983 are  so


    The amendments of the Certificate of Incorporation effected by this
    Certificate  were authorized by action of the Board of Directors of
    the  Corporation,   pursuant  to   Section  502  of   the  Business
    Corporation Law.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  we have made  and subscribed this  Certificate
    this 22nd day of December, 1983.

    Senior Vice President

    Assistant Secretary



    JOHN M.  HAYNES, being  duly  sworn, deposes  and says  that he  is

    Senior  Vice President  of  Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation,  the
    corporation named  in and  described in the  foregoing Certificate,
    that he has read  and executed the foregoing Certificate  and knows
    the contents thereof and that the  statements contained therein are

    Senior Vice President

    Sworn to before me this
    22nd day of December, 1983.

    Notary Public

    Notary Public in the State of New York
    Qualified in Onondaga Co. No. 8241575
    My Commission Expires March 30, 1984


    Albany, N.Y., December 23, 1983

    CASES   28650  and   28651--Petitions  of   Niagara  Mohawk   Power
    Corporation for Authority to Issue Shares of One or More New Series
    of  Preferred Stock, $100 and/or $25 Par Value, having an Aggregate
    Par Value of up to $50,000,000.

    *   *   *   *

    The Public Service Commission hereby consents to and approves  this

    CORPORATION LAW, executed December 22, 1983, in accordance with the
    orders  of the  Public Service  Commission each dated  December 21,

    By the Commission,



    $100 par value



    of the




    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law


    Dated: December 22, 1983

    State of New York
    Department of State
    Filed December 27, 1983
    Filing Fee--$60


    520 Madison Avenue
    New York, New York 10022
    of the
    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law


    Pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  Section  805  of  the   BUSINESS
    CORPORATION LAW, the undersigned, being a Senior Vice President and
    an Assistant Secretary of  NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION, hereby


    The name  of the Corporation  is Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation.
    It  was originally incorporated  under the  name of  Niagara Hudson
    Public Service Corporation.


    The Certificate of Consolidation  forming the Corporation was filed
    in the Department of State on July 31, 1937.

    A  Certificate of Change of  Name of Niagara  Hudson Public Service
    Corporation  to Central New York Power Corporation was filed in the
    Department of State on September 15, 1937.

    A  "Certificate  of  Consolidation  of New  York  Power  and  Light
    Corporation and  Buffalo Niagara  Electric Corporation  and Central
    New York Power Corporation into Central New York  Power Corporation
    which is to survive  the consolidation and be named  Niagara Mohawk
    Power  Corporation" was filed in the Department of State on January
    5,  1950.    Said   Certificate  of  Consolidation  is  hereinafter
    sometimes referred 103
    to as the "1950 Certificate of Amendment".

    Pursuant to Sections  26-a and 36 of  the Stock Corporation  Law, a
    Certificate  of Amendment was filed  in the Department  of State on
    January 5, 1950 to effect certain changes authorized in subdivision
    2 of  Section 35 of the Stock Corporation Law.  Said Certificate of
    Amendment  is  hereinafter  sometimes  referred  to  as  the  "1950
    Certificate of Amendment".

    Pursuant to a  Certificate of  Amendment under Section  805 of  the
    Business Corporation Law filed in the Department of State on May 7,
    1976,  the 2,400,000  authorized but  unissued shares  of Preferred

    Stock  with a par  value of $100  each were changed  into 9,600,000
    shares of Preferred Stock with a  par value of $25 each, each share
    of such 2,400,000 shares of Preferred Stock being changed into four
    shares of Preferred Stock with a par value of $25  each rather than
    $100,  without in  any  manner changing  the  3,400,000 issued  and
    outstanding  shares of  Preferred Stock  of the  par value  of $100
    each, and  the  general  provisions applicable  to  all  series  of
    Preferred Stock set forth in Paragraph 5 of Part D of Article IV of
    the Certificate of Incorporation, as  amended, were amended to  fix
    the limited voting rights  of shares of Preferred Stock with  a par
    value of $25 per share at one-quarter of the vote per share of each
    share of Preferred Stock of the par value of $100 per share.

    In  accordance with the provisions of  Subdivision (E) of Paragraph
    (5) of Part D of Article  IV, under the heading "General Provisions
    Applicable  to  All   Series  of  Preferred  Stock",  of  the  1950
    Certificate  of Consolidation the holders  of record of  at least a
    majority  of the total number  of shares of  Preferred Stock of all
    series  then  outstanding adopted  the  following  resolution at  a
    meeting called for that purpose and held on December 5, 1956 in the
    manner prescribed by the By-Laws of the Corporation:

    "Resolved, that consent  be and it hereby is given  to the issue by
    the  Corporation of  unsecured  indebtedness in  a total  principal
    amount  not exceeding at any  one time outstanding $50,000,000 over
    and above the principal  amount of unsecured indebtedness otherwise
    permitted by the 104
    provisions of Subdivision (E) of Paragraph (5) of Part D of Article
    IV  of the  Certificate of  Consolidation of the  Corporation filed
    January 5, 1950."

    In  accordance with the provisions of  Subdivision (E) of Paragraph
    (5) of Part D of Article IV, under the  heading "General Provisions
    Applicable  to  All   Series  of  Preferred  Stock",  of  the  1950
    Certificate  of Consolidation the holders  of record of  at least a
    majority of the total  number of votes represented by the shares of
    Preferred  Stock  of  all   series  then  outstanding  adopted  the
    following  resolution at a meeting called for that purpose and held
    on  May 3,  1983 in  the manner  prescribed by  the By-Laws  of the


    "Resolved,  that consent be and  is hereby given  to the incurrence
    (i)  through  December 31,  1988, of  unsecured indebtedness  in an
    aggregate   principal   amount  not   exceeding   the   greater  of
    $700,000,000  or  the  principal amount  of  unsecured indebtedness
    presently  permitted by the  Company's Certificate of Consolidation
    (the "Current Limitation")  pursuant to the consent  of the holders
    of  the  Company's Preferred  Stock on  December  5, 1956  and (ii)
    beginning January 1, 1989, the Current Limitation."


    The Certificate of Incorporation,  as heretofore amended, is hereby
    further amended by the addition of the following provisions stating
    the   number,  designation,   relative  rights,   preferences,  and
    limitations of  a nineteenth additional series  of Preferred Stock,
    to consist of 250,000 shares of the par value of $100  per share of
    the  authorized   3,400,000  shares  of  Preferred   Stock  of  the
    Corporation of  the par value  of $100 per  share, as fixed  by the
    Board of Directors of  the Corporation before the issuance  of such
    series,  such  provisions so  added to  be designated  as paragraph
    4(S)(of  Part  D  of   Article  IV  of  the  1950   Certificate  of
    Consolidation  as amended by Article  V of the  1950 Certificate of
    Amendment and subsequent amendments) and to read as follows:

    Particular Provisions Applicable to  Preferred Stock, 10.13% Series
    ($100 par value)

    4(S)   The  number, designation,  relative rights,  preferences and
    limitations of  the nineteenth  additional series of  the Preferred
    Stock  of the Corporation  as fixed by  the Board of  Directors (in
    addition to those  set forth under the  heading "General Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  Paragraph (5) of
    Part D  of Article IV of  the 1950 Certificate of  Consolidation as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments) are as follows:

    (A)  The number  of shares to constitute the  nineteenth additional
    series shall be 250,000  shares and the designation of  such series
    shall be "Preferred Stock, 10.13% Series ($100 par value)".

    (B)  The dividend rate of the Preferred  Stock, 10.13% Series ($100
    par value) shall be  ten and thirteen hundredths per  cent (10.13%)
    per annum (computed on the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day
    months).    The dividends  on each  share  of the  Preferred Stock,
    10.13% Series ($100 par value) shall be cumulative from the date of
    the original issue thereof.  So long as any shares of the Preferred
    Stock,  10.13% Series  ($100 par  value) shall be  outstanding, the
    Corporation shall not declare  any dividend on the Common  Stock or
    any  other stock  ranking as to  dividends or assets  junior to the
    Preferred Stock,  10.13%  Series  ($100  par value),  or  make  any
    payment on  account of, or set  apart money for a  sinking or other
    analogous fund for, the purchase, redemption or other retirement of
    any shares of Common Stock or  other such junior stock, or make any
    distribution in respect thereof, either directly or indirectly, and
    whether in  cash or  property or  in obligations  or  stock of  the
    Corporation  (other  than  stock ranking  and  whether  in  cash or
    property  or in obligations or stock of the Corporation (other than
    stock  ranking as to dividends  and assets junior  to the Preferred
    Stock, 10.13% Series ($100 par value)), unless at the date of  such
    declaration in the case of any such dividend, or at the date of any
    such other  payment, setting  apart or distribution,  all dividends
    payable  on the  Preferred Stock,  10.13% Series  ($100 par  value)
    shall have been fully paid, or 106
    declared and set apart for payment.

    (C)    Except  as  provided under  the  heading  "GeneralProvisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  paragraph (5) of
    Part D of  Article IV of the  1950 Certificate of Consolidation  as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments, the Preferred Stock, 10.13% Series ($100 par
    value) shall have no voting rights whatsoever.

    (D)  The sum per share for the Preferred Stock, 10.13% Series ($100
    par  value)  payable  to the  holders  thereof  upon  the voluntary
    dissolution, liquidation or winding up  of the Corporation shall be

    $110.13  per share through December 31, 1984, and thereafter at the
    following  prices, in  each  case  plus  an  amount  equal  to  the
    dividends accrued and unpaid  on such share, whether or  not earned
    or declared:

    For the Twelve Months                        Voluntary Liquidation
      Ended December 31,                            Price Per Share    

    1985...........................................   $109.004
    1986...........................................   $107.879
    1987...........................................   $106.753
    1988...........................................   $105.628
    1989...........................................   $104.502
    1990...........................................   $103.377
    1991...........................................   $102.251
    1992...........................................   $101.126
    1993...........................................   $100.000

    (E)  The sum per share for the Preferred Stock, 10.13% Series ($100
    par  value) payable  to the  holders thereof  upon the  involuntary
    dissolution, liquidation or winding up of  the Corporation shall be
    $100 per share plus  an amount equal  to the dividends accrued  and
    unpaid on such share, whether or not earned or declared.

    (F)   The shares of  the Preferred  Stock, 10.13% Series  ($100 par
    value) shall be redeemable at the option of  the Board of Directors
    of the Corporation, either as a whole or in part, at any time after
    December  31, 1987  and prior  to January  1, 1989 at  a redemption
    price  of  $105.628  per share,  and  thereafter  at the  following
    redemption  prices,  in  each case  plus  an  amount  equal to  the
    dividends accrued and unpaid  on such share, whether or  not earned
    or declared:

    For the Twelve Months                        Optional Redemption
      Ended December 31,                           Price Per Share     

    1989...........................................   $104.502

    1990...........................................   $103.377
    1991...........................................   $102.251
    1992...........................................   $101.126
    1993...........................................   $100.000

    (G)  The  shares of the  Preferred Stock, 10.13%  Series ($100  par
    value)  shall be exchangeable on a share for share basis into other
    shares  of Preferred  Stock, 10.13%  Series ($100  par value),  but
    shall not be convertible into or exchangeable  for other securities
    of the Corporation.

    (H)  As a sinking fund with  respect to the shares of the Preferred
    Stock, 10.13% Series ($100 par value) the Corporation will, subject
    to the provisions of subdivision (I) below, call for redemption and
    retire (so long as any shares of the Preferred Stock, 10.13% Series
    ($100  par value) are outstanding),  25,000 shares of the Preferred
    Stock, 10.13% Series ($100  par value)(or the number of  the shares
    of  the  Preferred  Stock,  10.13%  Series  ($100 par  value)  then
    outstanding  if less  than  25,000) on  December  31, 1987  and  on
    December  31, 1988, 18,750 shares of the Preferred Stock, ($100 par
    value)(or the number of  the shares of the Preferred  Stock, 10.13%
    Series  ($100 par value) then  outstanding if less  than 18,750) on
    December 31,  1989, 25,000 shares  of the  Preferred Stock,  10.13%
    Series  ($100 par  value)(or  the  number  of  the  shares  of  the
    Preferred Stock, 10.13% Series ($100 par value) then outstanding if
    less than  25,000) on December 31,  1990 and on December  31, 1991,
    81,250 shares  of  the Preferred  Stock,  10.13% Series  ($100  par
    value)(or the number of  the shares of the Preferred  Stock, 10.13%
    Series ($100 par  value) then  outstanding if less  than 81,250  on
    December 31, 1992 and the balance of the shares of 108
    Preferred Stock, 10.13% Series ($100 par value) then outstanding on
    December 31, 1993,  in each case at a redemption  price of $100 per
    share, plus an amount equal to the dividends accrued  and unpaid on
    such shares, whether  or not earned or declared.   No redemption of
    shares  of the  Preferred  Stock, 10.13%  Series  ($100 par  value)
    pursuant  to  subdivision  (F)  above, nor  any  purchase  or other
    acquisition  of any  shares of the  Preferred Stock,  10.13% Series
    ($100 par  value) by the Corporation, shall constitute a retirement
    of such  shares in lieu of or as a  credit against any sinking fund

    retirement required by this subdivision (H).

    (I)  Shares of  the Preferred Stock, 10.13% Series ($100 par value)
    shall be called for redemption for  the sinking fund as required by
    subdivision (H)  above in the  manner prescribed for  redemption of
    shares of  Preferred Stock,  under the heading  "General Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  paragraph (5) of
    Part D of  Article IV of the  1950 Certificate of  Consolidation as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments.  Such redemption shall be mandatory and  not
    at the option of the Board of Directors but shall be subject to any
    applicable restrictions  of law.  Nevertheless,  the obligations of
    the Corporation to  redeem shares  of the  Preferred Stock,  10.13%
    Series ($100  par value) annually  commencing on December  31, 1987
    for such sinking fund,  pursuant to said subdivision (H),  shall be
    cumulative  and,  so long  as any  shares  of the  Preferred Stock,
    10.13%  Series   ($100  par   value)  shall  be   outstanding,  the
    Corporation shall not declare  any dividend on the Common  Stock or
    any other  stock ranking  as to dividends  or assets junior  to, or
    pari  passu with,  the  Preferred Stock,  10.13%  Series ($100  par
    value) or make any payment on account of, or set apart money for  a
    sinking or other  analogous fund for,  the purchase, redemption  or
    other retirement of any shares of Common Stock or other such junior
    or pari passu stock,  or make any distribution in  respect thereof,
    either directly or indirectly,  and whether in cash or  property or
    in  obligations  or stock  of  the  Corporation (other  than  stock
    ranking as to dividends  and assets junior to the  Preferred Stock,
    10.13%  Series ($100 par value)), unless at the date of declaration
    in the case of any such dividend, or at the date of any  such other
    payment, setting apart or 
    distribution,   no  sinking   fund  retirement  required   by  said
    subdivision (H) shall be in arrears.

    (J)    In  every  case  of  redemption of  less  than  all  of  the
    outstanding  shares of  Preferred  Stock, 10.13%  Series ($100  par
    value) pursuant to  subdivision (F) or  (H) above, such  redemption
    shall be made (i) pro rata  according to the numbers of shares held
    by each holder of  the then outstanding shares of  Preferred Stock,

    10.13%  Series ($100  par value), provided  that only  whole shares
    shall  be selected for redemption, and (ii) otherwise in the manner
    prescribed under the heading  "General Provisions Applicable to All
    Series of Preferred Stock" in Paragraph (5) of Part D of Article IV
    of the 1950 Certificate of Consolidation as amended by Article V of
    the 1950 Certificate of Amendment and subsequent amendments.

    (K)   Shares  of Preferred  Stock, 10.13%  Series ($100  par value)
    redeemed (pursuant to the sinking fund or  otherwise), purchased or
    otherwise  acquired  by  the  Corporation shall  be  cancelled  and
    restored  to the  status  of  authorized  but  unissued  shares  of
    Preferred Stock of  the par value of $100  per share without serial
    designation and may  be reissued  by the Corporation  from time  to
    time as  Preferred Stock of  any other series  of the par  value of
    $100 per share as  may be fixed from time  to time by the  Board of

    (L)   The shares of  the Preferred Stock,  10.13% Series ($100  par
    value)  shall  be subject  to  (i)  the consent  set  forth in  the
    penultimate subparagraph of Paragraph II of this Certificate to the
    same extent and  with the same  effect as  all series of  Preferred
    Stock outstanding on December 5, 1956 are so subject,  and (ii) the
    consent set forth in the last subparagraph of Paragraph II of  this
    Certificate to  the same  extent and  with the same  effect as  all
    series  of  Preferred  Stock outstanding  on  May  3,  1983 are  so


    The amendments of the Certificate of Incorporation effected by this
    Certificate  were authorized by action of the Board of Directors of
    the  Corporation,   pursuant  to   Section  502  of   the  Business
    Corporation 110

    IN  WITNESS WHEREOF, we  have made and  subscribed this Certificate
    this 22nd day of December, 1983.


    Senior Vice President



    JOHN  M.  HAYNES, being  duly sworn,  deposes and  says that  he is
    Senior  Vice President  of  Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation,  the
    corporation named  in and  described in the  foregoing Certificate,
    that he has read  and executed the foregoing Certificate  and knows
    the contents thereof and that the statements contained  therein are

    Senior Vice President

    Sworn to before me this
    22nd day of December, 1983.

    Notary Public

    Notary Public in the State of New York
    Qualified in Onondaga Co. No. 8241575
    My Commission Expires March 30, 1984


    Albany, N.Y., December 23, 1983

    CASES   28650  and   28651--Petitions  of   Niagara  Mohawk   Power
    Corporation for Authority to Issue Shares of One or More New Series

    of  Preferred Stock, $100 and/or $25 Par Value, having an Aggregate
    Par Value of up to $50,000,000.

    *   *   *   *

    The Public Service  Commission hereby consents to and approves this
    CORPORATION LAW, executed December 22, 1983, in accordance with the
    orders  of the  Public Service  Commission each dated  December 21,

    By the Commission,





    of the




    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law


    Dated: May 29, 1984

    State of New York
    Department of State
    Filed June 4, 1984
    Filing Fee--$60


    520 Madison Avenue
    New York, New York 10022

    of the
    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law


    Pursuant  to   the  provisions  of  Section  805  of  the  BUSINESS
    CORPORATION LAW, the undersigned, being a Senior Vice President and
    an Assistant Secretary of  NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION, hereby


    The  name of the  Corporation is Niagara  Mohawk Power Corporation.
    It  was originally  incorporated under the  name of  Niagara Hudson
    Public Service Corporation.


    The Certificate of Consolidation  forming the Corporation was filed
    by the Department of State on July 31, 1937.


    The Certificate  of Incorporation  as heretofore amended  is hereby
    further amended to  effect changes authorized by  Section 801(b) of
    the Business Corporation  Law, to  wit: to  increase the  aggregate
    number of  shares of Preferred Stock  of the par value  of $25 each
    which  the  Corporation shall  have the  authority  to issue  by an
    additional  10,000,000  shares  of  such  Preferred  Stock  and  to
    increase the 114
    aggregate number of shares of  Common Stock of the par value  of $1
    each which the Corporation shall have  the authority to issue by an
    additional 25,000,000  shares of  such Common  Stock,  so that  the
    authorized  shares  of capital  stock  shall  consist of  3,400,000

    shares of Preferred Stock with a par value of $100 each, 19,600,000
    shares of Preferred Stock with  a par value of $25  each, 4,000,000
    shares  of  Preference  Stock with  a  par  value of  $25  each and
    150,000,000 shares of Common Stock with a par value of $1 each.


    The Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation, as amended, is
    hereby amended  so that Parts A  and C of Article  IV setting forth
    the number of  authorized shares and the  number of shares of  each
    class, as so amended, read as follows:

    "IV. A.  The total number of shares which the  Corporation may have
    is 177,000,000, of which 3,400,000 are  to have a par value of $100
    each,  23,600,000  are  to  have  a  par  value  of  $25  each  and
    150,000,000 are to have a par value of $1 each."

    "C.  The shares of the Corporation are to be classified as follows:

    3,400,000 shares are to be Preferred Stock with a par value of $100
    each; 19,600,000 shares are to be Preferred  Stock with a par value
    of $25 each; 4,000,000 shares are to be Preference Stock with a par
    value of $25 each;  and 150,000,000 shares  are to be Common  Stock
    with a par value of $1 each."


    The stated capital of the Corporation will not be affected  by this
    Amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation.


    This  Amendment   to  the  Certificate  of   Incorporation  of  the
    Corporation was duly authorized by the consent of the holders of at
    least two-115
    thirds of  the outstanding  shares of the  Corporation's Preference
    Stock and by the votes cast in person or by proxy by the holders of
    record of a majority of the outstanding shares of the Corporation's
    Common  Stock entitled  to  vote at  the  stockholders' meeting  in

    person  or duly held at the offices  of the Corporation at 300 Erie
    Boulevard West, in the City of Syracuse, New York, on the first day
    of  May,  1984,  at 10:30  A.M.,  pursuant  to Section  605  of the
    Business Corporation Law.

    IN WITNESS  WHEREOF we  have made and  subscribed this  Certificate
    this 29th day of May, 1984.

    Senior Vice President

    Assistant Secretary


    JOHN H. TERRY,  being duly sworn,  deposes and says,  that he is  a
    Senior  Vice President,  General Counsel  and Secretary  of Niagara
    Mohawk Power Corporation, the corporation named in and described in
    the  foregoing  certificate.   That he  has  read and  executed the
    foregoing certificate and knows the contents thereof, and  that the
    statements contained therein are true.


    Sworn to before me this
    29th day of May, 1984


    Notary Public in the State of New York
    Qualified in Onondaga Co. No. 4607311

    My Commission Expires March 30, 1985

    Adj. Rate Preferred
    Stock, Series B



    of the




    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law


    Dated: August 28, 1984

    State of New York
    Department of State
    Filed August 29, 1984

    Filing Fee--$60

    520 Madison Avenue
    New York, New York 10022

    of the
    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law


    Pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  Section  805  of  the   BUSINESS
    CORPORATION LAW, the undersigned, being a Senior Vice President and
    an Assistant Secretary of  NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION, hereby


    The name  of the Corporation  is Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation.
    It  was originally incorporated  under the  name of  Niagara Hudson
    Public Service Corporation.


    The Certificate of Consolidation  forming the Corporation was filed
    in the Department of State on July 31, 1937.

    A  Certificate of Change of  Name of Niagara  Hudson Public Service
    Corporation  to Central New York Power Corporation was filed in the
    Department of State on September 15, 1937.

    A  "Certificate  of  Consolidation  of  New  York  Power  and Light
    Corporation and  Buffalo Niagara Electric  Corporation and  Central
    New York Power Corporation into  Central New York Power Corporation
    which is to survive  the consolidation and be named  Niagara Mohawk
    Power  Corporation" was filed in the Department of State on January
    5,  1950.    Said   Certificate  of  Consolidation  is  hereinafter
    sometimes referred to as the "1950 Certificate of Consolidation".

    Pursuant to  Sections 26-a and 36  of the Stock Corporation  Law, a
    Certificate  of Amendment was filed  in the Department  of State on
    January 5, 1950 to effect certain changes authorized in subdivision
    2 of  Section 35 of the Stock Corporation Law.  Said Certificate of
    Amendment  is  hereinafter  sometimes  referred  to  as  the  "1950
    Certificate of Amendment".

    In  accordance with the provisions  of Subdivision (E) of Paragraph
    (5) of Part D of Article IV, under the heading  "General Provisions
    Applicable  to  All  Series  of  Preferred  Stock",   of  the  1950
    Certificate  of Consolidation the holders  of record of  at least a
    majority of  the total number of  shares of Preferred Stock  of all
    series  then  outstanding adopted  the  following  resolution at  a
    meeting called for that purpose and held on December 5, 1956 in the
    manner prescribed by the By-Laws of the Corporation:

    "Resolved,  that consent be and it hereby  is given to the issue by
    the  Corporation of  unsecured  indebtedness in  a total  principal
    amount not exceeding at any  one time outstanding $50,000,000  over
    and above the principal  amount of unsecured indebtedness otherwise
    permitted  by the provisions of Subdivision (E) of Paragraph (5) of
    Part D  of Article  IV of the  Certificate of Consolidation  of the
    Corporation filed January 5, 1950."

    In accordance with  the provisions of Subdivision (E)  of Paragraph
    (5) of Part D of Article IV, under the heading "General  Provisions
    Applicable  to  All  Series  of   Preferred  Stock",  of  the  1950
    Certificate  of Consolidation the holders  of record of  at least a
    majority of the 119
    total  number of votes represented by the shares of Preferred Stock
    of all series then outstanding  adopted the following resolution at

    a meeting called for  that purpose and held  on May 3, 1983 in  the
    manner prescribed by the By-Laws of the Corporation:

    "Resolved,  that consent be and  is hereby given  to the incurrence
    (i)  through December  31,  1988, of  unsecured indebtedness  in an
    aggregate   principal   amount   not  exceeding   the   greater  of
    $700,000,000 or  the  principal amount  of  unsecured  indebtedness
    presently permitted  by the Company's Certificate  of Consolidation
    (the "Current Limitation") pursuant to  the consent of the  holders
    of  the  Company's Preferred  Stock on  December  5, 1956  and (ii)
    beginning January 1, 1989, the Current Limitation."


    The Certificate of Incorporation,  as heretofore amended, is hereby
    further amended by the addition of the following provisions stating
    the   number,  designation,   relative  rights,   preferences,  and
    limitations of a twentieth additional series of Preferred Stock, to
    consist of  2,000,000 shares of the  par value of $25  per share of
    the  authorized  19,600,000  shares   of  Preferred  Stock  of  the
    Corporation of  the par value  of $25  per share, as  fixed by  the
    Board of Directors of  the Corporation before the issuance  of such
    series,  such provisions  so  added to  be designated  as paragraph
    (4T)(of  Part  D  of   Article  IV  of  the  1950   Certificate  of
    Consolidation  as amended by Article  V of the  1950 Certificate of
    Amendment and subsequent amendments) and to read as follows:

    Particular  Provisions  Applicable  to  Adjustable  Rate  Preferred
    Stock, Series B

    (4T)   The number,  designations, relative rights,  preferences and
    limitations  of the  twentieth additional  series of  the Preferred
    Stock of  the Corporation as  fixed by the  Board of  Directors (in
    addition  to those set forth  under the heading "General Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  Paragraph (5) of
    Part D of Article  IV of the 1950  Certificate of Consolidation  as
    amended by Article V 120
    of the 1950 Certificate of Amendment and subsequent amendments) are
    as follows:

    (A)   The number of  shares to constitute  the twentieth additional
    series shall be 2,000,000 shares and the designation of such series
    shall be "Adjustable Rate Preferred Stock, Series B".

    (B)   the  dividend rate  of the  Adjustable Rate  Preferred Stock,
    Series B shall be 13.375% per annum for the initial dividend period
    ending  December 31, 1984 and  .625% above the  applicable Rate (as
    defined below) per annum thereafter, but in no case less than 7.50%
    per annum or more than  16.50% per annum (computed in each  case on
    the  basis  of  a 360-day  year  of  twelve  30-day  months).   The
    dividends  on each  share of  the Adjustable Rate  Preferred Stock,
    Series B shall be  cumulative from the  date of the original  issue
    thereof.   So long as any  shares of the  Adjustable Rate Preferred
    Stock, Series  B shall be  outstanding, the  Corporation shall  not
    declare any dividend on the Common Stock or any other stock ranking
    as to dividends or  assets junior to the Adjustable  Rate Preferred
    Stock, Series  B or make  any payment on  account of, or  set apart
    money  for a  sinking or  other analogous  fund for,  the purchase,
    redemption or other  retirement of  any shares of  Common Stock  or
    other  such  junior  stock, or  make  any  distribution  in respect
    thereof,  either directly  or indirectly,  and whether  in cash  or
    property  or in obligations or stock of the Corporation (other than
    stock ranking as to  dividends and assets junior to  the Adjustable
    Rate  Preferred Stock,  Series  B)  unless  at  the  date  of  such
    declaration in the case of any such dividend, or at the date of any
    such other  payment, setting  apart or distribution,  all dividends
    payable on the Adjustable Rate Preferred Stock, Series B shall have
    been fully paid, or declared and set apart for payment.

    Except as provided  below in this paragraph,  the "Applicable Rate"
    for any  dividend period will  be the  highest of (i)  the Treasury
    Bill Rate, (ii) the  Ten Year Constant Maturity Rate and  (iii) the
    Twenty Year  Constant Maturity  Rate (each as  hereinafter defined)
    for such dividend period.  In the event that the Company determines
    in good faith that for  any reason one or more of such rates cannot
    be determined for any dividend period, then the Applicable Rate for
    such 121
    dividend period shall be the higher of whichever  of such rates can
    be determined.   In the event  that the Company determines  in good

    faith that none of  such rates can  be determined for any  dividend
    period,  then the Applicable Rate for such dividend period shall be
    the Applicable Rate in effect for the preceding dividend period.

    Except  as provided  below  in this  paragraph, the  "Treasury Bill
    Rate"  for each dividend period  will be the  arithmetic average of
    the  two most recent weekly per annum market discount rates (or the
    one weekly per  annum market discount rate,  if only one  such rate
    shall be published during the relevant Calendar  Period (as defined
    below)) for three-month U.S. Treasury bills, as published weekly by
    the Federal  Reserve Board  during the Calendar  Period immediately
    prior to the ten  calendar days immediately preceding the  last day
    of March, June, September or December, as the case may be, prior to
    the dividend period for  which the dividend rate on  the Adjustable
    Rate Preferred  Stock is being determined.   In the event  that the
    Federal  Reserve Board  does not  publish such  a weekly  per annum
    market  discount rate  during any  such Calendar  Period, then  the
    Treasury Bill Rate  for the  related dividend period  shall be  the
    arithmetic average of the  two most recent weekly per  annum market
    discount rates (or the  one weekly per annum market  discount rate,
    if  only one  such  rate shall  be  published during  the  relevant
    Calendar Period)  for three-month U.S. Treasury  bills as published
    weekly during such Calendar  Period by any Federal Reserve  Bank or
    by any  U.S.  Government  department  or  agency  selected  by  the
    Company.   In the event that  a per annum market  discount rate for
    three-month  U.S. Treasury  bills  shall not  be  published by  the
    Federal Reserve Board or by any Federal Reserve Bank or by any U.S.
    Government department  or agency during such  Calendar Period, then
    the  Treasury Bill  Rate  for such  dividend  period shall  be  the
    arithmetic average of the  two most recent weekly per  annum market
    discount rates (or the  one weekly per annum market  discount rate,
    if  only one  such  rate shall  be  published during  the  relevant
    Calendar Period) for  all of  the U.S. Treasury  bills then  having
    maturities of not less than 80 nor more than 100 days, as published
    during such Calendar Period by the Federal Reserve Board or, if the
    Federal  Reserve Board shall not publish such rates, by any Federal
    Reserve  Bank  or  by  any  U.S.  Government  department  or agency
    selected by the 122
    Company.  In  the event that  the Company determines in  good faith

    that for any reason no such U.S. Treasury bill rates are  published
    as provided  above during such  Calendar Period, then  the Treasury
    Bill  Rate for such dividend period shall be the arithmetic average
    of the per annum market discount  rates based upon the closing bids
    during  such Calendar Period for  each of the  issues of marketable
    non-interest bearing  U.S. Treasury  securities with a  maturity of
    not less than 80 or more  than 100 days from the date of  each such
    quotation, as quoted daily for each  business day in New York  City
    (or less  frequently  if daily  quotations shall  not be  generally
    available)  to  the  Company  by  at  least  three  recognized U.S.
    Government securities  dealers selected  by the  Company.   In  the
    event that the Company determines in good faith that for any reason
    the  Company  cannot  determine  the  Treasury Bill  Rate  for  any
    dividend  period as provided above in  this paragraph, the Treasury
    Bill  Rate for such dividend period shall be the arithmetic average
    of the per annum market discount rates based  upon the closing bids
    during  the related  Calendar  Period for  each  of the  issues  of
    marketable   interest-bearing  U.S.  Treasury   securities  with  a
    maturity of not less than 80 or more than 100 days from the date of
    each such quotation,  as quoted daily for each business  day in New
    York  City (or  less frequently  if daily  quotations shall  not be
    generally available) to  the Company by  at least three  recognized
    U.S. Government securities dealers selected by the Company.

    Except  as provided below in this paragraph, the "Ten Year Constant
    Maturity Rate"  for each  dividend period  shall be  the arithmetic
    average  of the two  most recent weekly per  annum Ten Year Average
    Yields (or the one weekly per annum Ten Year Average Yield, if only
    one such  Yield shall  be published  during  the relevant  Calendar
    Period  as provided  below),  as published  weekly  by the  Federal
    Reserve Board during the  Calendar Period immediately prior  to the
    ten  calendar days  immediately  preceding the  last day  of March,
    June,  September or  December,  as the  case may  be, prior  to the
    dividend  period for which the dividend rate on the Adjustable Rate
    Preferred Stock is being determined.  In the event that the Federal
    Reserve Board does  not publish  such a weekly  per annum Ten  Year
    Average  Yield during  such  Calendar  Period,  then the  Ten  Year
    Constant Maturity Rate for such 123
    dividend period shall  be the  arithmetic average of  the two  most

    recent weekly per annum Ten Year Average Yields (or the one  weekly
    per annum Ten  Year Average Yield, if only one  such Yield shall be
    published during such Calendar  Period), as published weekly during
    such Calendar  Period by any  Federal Reserve  Bank or by  any U.S.
    Government  department or agency selected  by the Company.   In the
    event  that a  per  annum  Ten  Year Average  Yield  shall  not  be
    published  by the Federal Reserve  Board or by  any Federal Reserve
    Bank or by  any U.S.  Government department or  agency during  such
    Calendar  Period, then the Ten Year Constant Maturity Rate for such
    dividend period shall  be the  arithmetic average of  the two  most
    recent  weekly per  annum average  yields to  maturity (or  the one
    weekly average yield  to maturity, if only one  such yield shall be
    published  during  such Calendar  Period) for  all of  the actively
    traded marketable  U.S.  Treasury fixed  interest  rate  securities
    (other  than Special  Securities  (as defined  below)) then  having
    maturities  of not less  than eight or  more than  twelve years, as
    published during such Calendar Period  by the Federal Reserve Board
    or,  if the Federal Reserve Board shall not publish such yields, by
    any  Federal Reserve Bank or  by any U.S.  Government department or
    agency selected  by the  Company.   In the  event that  the Company
    determines in good  faith that  for any reason  the Company  cannot
    determine  the  Ten Year  Constant Maturity  Rate for  any dividend
    period  as  provided above  in this  paragraph,  then the  Ten Year
    Constant  Maturity  Rate for  such  dividend  period  shall be  the
    arithmetic  average of  the per  annum average  yields  to maturity
    based upon the closing bids during such Calendar Period for each of
    the  issues  of  actively  traded marketable  U.S.  Treasury  fixed
    interest  rate securities  (other than  Special Securities)  with a
    final maturity date not  less than eight or more  than twelve years
    from  the date  of each  such quotation,  as quoted daily  for each
    business  day in  New  York  City  (or  less  frequently  if  daily
    quotations shall not be  generally available) to the Company  by at
    least three recognized U.S. Government  securities dealers selected
    by the Company.

    Except  as  provided  below  in this  paragraph,  the  "Twenty Year
    Constant  Maturity  Rate" for  each  dividend period  shall  be the
    arithmetic average of the  two most recent weekly per  annum Twenty
    Year Average 124

    Yields (or the  one weekly per annum Twenty  Year Average Yield, if
    only one such Yield shall be published during the relevant Calendar
    Period), as  published weekly by  the Federal Reserve  Board during
    the  Calendar  Period immediately  prior to  the ten  calendar days
    immediately preceding  the last day  of March,  June, September  or
    December,  as the  case may be,  prior to  the dividend  period for
    which the dividend rate  on the Adjustable Rate Preferred  Stock is
    being determined.  In the event that the Federal Reserve Board does
    not  publish  such a  weekly per  annum  Twenty Year  Average Yield
    during such Calendar Period, then the Twenty Year Constant Maturity
    Rate  for such dividend period  shall be the  arithmetic average of
    the two most recent weekly per annum Twenty Year Average Yields (or
    the  one weekly  per annum Twenty  Year Average Yield,  if only one
    such  Yield shall  be  published during  such Calendar  Period), as
    published weekly during Calendar Period by any Federal Reserve Bank
    or by any  U.S. Government,  department or agency  selected by  the
    Company.  In the event that  a per annum Twenty Year Average Yield,
    shall not  be published  by the  Federal  Reserve Board  or by  any
    Federal Reserve Bank or by any U.S. Government department or agency
    during such Calendar Period, then the Twenty Year Constant Maturity
    Rate  for such dividend period  shall be the  arithmetic average of
    the two most recent weekly per annum average yields to maturity (or
    the one weekly average  yield to maturity,  if only one such  yield
    shall  be published  during such  Calendar Period)  for all  of the
    actively  traded  marketable  U.S.  Treasury  fixed  interest  rate
    securities (other than  Special Securities) then having  maturities
    of  not  less  than eighteen  or  more  than  twenty-two years,  as
    published during such Calendar Period by the Federal Reserve  Board
    or,  if the Federal Reserve Board shall not publish such yields, by
    any  Federal Reserve Bank or  by any U.S.  Government department or
    agency selected  by the  Company.   In the  event that  the Company
    determines in good  faith that  for any reason  the Company  cannot
    determine the Twenty  Year Constant Maturity Rate for  any dividend
    period  as provided above in  this paragraph, then  the Twenty Year
    Constant  Maturity  Rate for  such  dividend  period shall  be  the
    arithmetic average  of  the per  annum average  yields to  maturity
    based upon the closing bids during such Calendar Period for each of
    the  issues  of  actively  traded marketable  U.S.  Treasury  fixed
    interest  rate securities  (other than  Special Securities)  with a

    final maturity 125
    date not  less than eighteen or more than twenty-two years from the
    date of each such  quotation, as quoted daily for each business day
    in New York City (or less  frequently if daily quotations shall not
    be generally available) to the Company by at least three recognized
    U.S. Government securities dealers selected by the Company.

    The Treasury Bill Rate, the Ten Year Constant Maturity Rate and the
    Twenty Year Constant  Maturity Rate  shall each be  rounded to  the
    nearest five one-hundredths of a percentage point.

    As  used herein,  the  term "Calendar  Period"  means a  period  of
    fourteen  calendar   days;  the  term  "Special  Securities"  means
    securities which can, at  the option of the holder,  be surrendered
    at face value in payment of any Federal estate tax or which provide
    tax benefits  to  the holder  and are  priced to  reflect such  tax
    benefits or which were  originally issued at a deep  or substantial
    discount; the term "Ten Year Average Yield" means the average yield
    to  maturity for  actively  traded marketable  U.S. Treasury  fixed
    interest rate  securities (adjusted  to constant maturities  of ten
    years);  and the term "Twenty Year Average Yield" means the average
    yield  to maturity  for  actively traded  marketable U.S.  Treasury
    fixed interest rate securities  (adjusted to constant maturities of
    twenty years).

    (C)   Except  as  provided under  the  heading "General  Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  paragraph (5) of
    Part D of  Article IV of  the 1950 Certificate of  Consolidation as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments, the Adjustable Rate Preferred Stock,  Series
    B shall have no voting rights whatsoever.

    (D)   The sum per  share for the  Adjustable Rate  Preferred Stock,
    Series  B  payable  to  the  holders  thereof  upon  the  voluntary
    dissolution, liquidation or winding up  of the Corporation shall be
    $25.75  per share through September  30, 1994 and  $25.00 per share
    thereafter,  in each  case plus  an amount  equal to  the dividends
    accrued  and unpaid  on  such  share,  whether  or  not  earned  or

    (E)  The  sum per  share for the  Adjustable Rate Preferred  Stock,
    Series  B  payable  to the  holders  thereof  upon the  involuntary
    dissolution, liquidation or winding up of the Corporation  shall be
    $25 per share  plus an amount  equal to the  dividends accrued  and
    unpaid on such share, whether or not earned or declared.

    (F)   The shares of the  Adjustable Rate Preferred Stock,  Series B
    shall be redeemable at the option of the Board of  Directors of the
    Corporation,  either as  a  whole or  in  part, at  any time  after
    September 30, 1989 and  prior to October  1, 1994, at a  redemption
    price of $25.75 per share  and thereafter at a redemption  price of
    $25.00 per  share,  in  each  case  plus an  amount  equal  to  the
    dividends accrued and unpaid  on such share, whether or  not earned
    or declared.

    (G)   The shares of  the Adjustable Rate  Preferred Stock, Series B
    shall be exchangeable  on a share for share basis into other shares
    of  Adjustable Rate  Preferred Stock,  Series B,  but shall  not be
    convertible  into  or  exchangeable  for other  securities  of  the

    (H)  As a sinking fund with respect to the shares of the Adjustable
    Rate Preferred Stock,  Series B, the  Corporation will, subject  to
    the provisions  of subdivision (I)  below, call for  redemption and
    retire  (so long  as any  shares of  the Adjustable  Rate Preferred
    Stock, Series B  are outstanding) 50,000  shares of the  Adjustable
    Rate Preferred Stock, Series B (or  the number of the shares of the
    Adjustable Rate Preferred Stock, Series  B then outstanding if less
    than  50,000)  on  September 30,  1993  and  on  each September  30
    thereafter to and including  September 30, 2023 and the  balance of
    the  shares of the Adjustable  Rate Preferred Stock,  Series B then
    outstanding on August 15, 2024, in each case at a redemption  price
    of $25 per share, plus an amount equal to the dividends accrued and
    unpaid on such shares, whether or not earned or declared.

    (I)  Shares of the Adjustable Rate Preferred  Stock, Series B shall
    be  called for  redemption  for the  sinking  fund as  required  by

    subdivision (H) above  in the manner  prescribed for redemption  of
    shares  of Preferred  Stock under  the heading  "General Provisions
    Applicable to 127
    All  Series of  Preferred  Stock" in  paragraph (5)  of  Part D  of
    Article IV of the  1950 Certificate of Consolidation as  amended by
    Article V  of  the 1950  Certificate  of Amendment  and  subsequent
    amendments.   Such  redemption shall  be mandatory  and not  at the
    option  of the  Board of  Directors  but shall  be  subject to  any
    applicable restrictions  of law.  Nevertheless,  the obligations of
    the Corporation  to redeem shares of the  Adjustable Rate Preferred
    Stock,  Series B annually commencing on September 30, 1993 for such
    sinking fund, pursuant to said subdivision (H), shall be cumulative
    and, so  long as any shares of the Adjustable Rate Preferred Stock,
    Series B  shall be outstanding,  the Corporation shall  not declare
    any dividend on the Common  Stock or any other stock ranking  as to
    dividends or assets junior  to, or pari passu with,  the Adjustable
    Rate Preferred  Stock, Series B or make  any payment on account of,
    or set apart money for  a sinking or other analogous fund  for, the
    purchase, redemption or  other retirement of  any shares of  Common
    Stock  or other  such  junior  or pari  passu  stock,  or make  any
    distribution in respect thereof, either directly or indirectly, and
    whether  in cash  or  property or  in obligations  or stock  of the
    Corporation (other  than stock ranking  as to dividends  and assets
    junior to the Adjustable Rate Preferred Stock, Series B), unless at
    the date of declaration in the case of any such dividend, or at the
    date of any such  other payment, setting apart or  distribution, no
    sinking fund retirement required by  said subdivision (H) shall  be
    in arrears.   If the Corporation shall  be prevented for any reason
    from redeeming  the number of  shares of Adjustable  Rate Preferred
    Stock,  Series  B  which  it  is required  to  retire  on  any such
    September  30,  the  deficit  shall  be  made  good  on  the  first
    succeeding  September 30  on  which the  Corporation  shall not  be
    prevented from  redeeming such shares of  Adjustable Rate Preferred
    Stock, Series B.  Shares of Adjustable Rate Preferred Stock, Series
    B  purchased,  redeemed  pursuant   to  subdivision  (F)  above  or
    otherwise  acquired   by  the   Corporation  (except   pursuant  to
    subdivision  (H) above)  and  not  theretofore  so applied  may  be
    applied to satisfy the sinking fund on one or more of the foregoing
    September 30 dates.

    (J)    In  every  case  of  redemption  of  less  than  all of  the
    outstanding  shares of  Adjustable Rate  Preferred Stock,  Series B
    pursuant  to subdivision (F) or (H) above, such redemption shall be
    made (i) with 128
    respect to each holder of 5% or more of the then outstanding shares
    of Adjustable Rate Preferred Stock, Series B, pro rata according to
    the  numbers of  shares held  by such  holders, provided  that only
    whole shares shall  be selected for redemption,  and (ii) otherwise
    in  the manner  prescribed  under the  heading "General  Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  Paragraph (5) of
    Part D  of Article IV  of the 1950 Certificate  of Consolidation as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments.

    (K)   Shares of Adjustable Rate Preferred Stock, Series B redeemed,
    purchased  or  otherwise  acquired  by  the  Corporation  shall  be
    cancelled and  restored to  the status  of authorized  but unissued
    shares of Preferred Stock of the par value of $25 per share without
    serial designation and may be reissued by the Corporation from time
    to time as Preferred Stock of any other  series of the par value of
    $25  per share as  may be fixed from  time to time  by the Board of

    (L)   The shares of the  Adjustable Rate Preferred  Stock, Series B
    shall be subject to  (i) the consent set  forth in the  penultimate
    subparagraph of Paragraph II of this Certificate to the same extent
    and  with  the  same  effect  as  all  series  of  Preferred  Stock
    outstanding  on December  5,  1956 are  so  subject, and  (ii)  the
    consent  set forth in the last subparagraph of Paragraph II of this
    Certificate  to the  same extent  and with  the same effect  as all
    series  of  Preferred  Stock outstanding  on  May  3,  1983 are  so


    The amendments of the Certificate of Incorporation effected by this
    Certificate  were authorized by action of the Board of Directors of
    the  Corporation,   pursuant  to   Section  502  of   the  Business
    corporation Law.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  we have made  and subscribed this  Certificate
    this 28th day of August, 1984.

    Vice President-Treasurer

    Assistant Secretary



    JOHN W. POWERS, being duly sworn,  deposes and says that he is Vice
    President-Treasurer  of  Niagara  Mohawk  Power   Corporation,  the
    corporation named  in and  described in the  foregoing Certificate,
    that he has read  and executed the foregoing Certificate  and knows
    the contents thereof and that  the statements contained therein are

    Vice President-Treasurer

    Sworn to before me this
    28th day of August, 1984.

    Notary Public

    Notary Public in the State of New York
    Qualified in Onondaga Co. No. 8241575
    My Commission Expires March 30, 1986


    Albany, N.Y., August 29, 1984

    CASES   28784  and   28785--Petitions  of   Niagara  Mohawk   Power
    Corporation  for authority under  Section 69 of  the Public Service
    Law to issue shares of one or more series of  preferred stock, $100
    and/or  $25 par  value,  with aggregate  par  value not  to  exceed

    *   *   *   *

    The Public Service  Commission hereby consents to and approves this
    CORPORATION LAW,  executed August 28, 1984, in  accordance with the
    orders of the Public Service Commission each dated May 30, 1984.

    By the Commission,

    Deputy Secretary




    of the




    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law


    Dated:  April 15, 1985

    State of New York
    Department of State
    Filed April 17, 1985
    Filing Fee--$60

    520 Madison Avenue
    New York, New York 10022
    of the
    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law


    Pursuant  to  the  provisions  of   Section  805  of  the  BUSINESS
    CORPORATION LAW, the undersigned, being a Senior Vice President and
    an Assistant Secretary of  NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION, hereby


    The name  of the Corporation  is Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation.
    It was  originally incorporated  under the  name of  Niagara Hudson
    Public Service Corporation.


    The Certificate of Consolidation  forming the Corporation was filed
    in the Department of State on July 31, 1937.

    A  Certificate of Change of  Name of Niagara  Hudson Public Service
    Corporation  to Central New York Power Corporation was filed in the
    Department of State on September 15, 1937.

    A "Certificate  of  Consolidation  of  New  York  Power  and  Light
    Corporation  and Buffalo  Niagara Electric Corporation  and Central
    New York Power Corporation into  Central New York Power Corporation
    which is to survive  the consolidation and be named  Niagara Mohawk
    Power  Corporation" was filed in the Department of State on January
    5,  1950.    Said   Certificate  of  Consolidation  is  hereinafter
    sometimes referred to as the "1950 Certificate of Consolidation".

    Pursuant to Sections  26-a and 36 of  the Stock Corporation Law,  a
    Certificate  of Amendment was filed  in the Department  of State on
    January 5, 1950 to effect certain changes authorized in subdivision
    2 of Section 35 of the  Stock Corporation Law.  Said Certificate of
    Amendment  is  hereinafter  sometimes  referred  to  as  the  "1950
    Certificate of Amendment".

    In accordance with  the provisions of Subdivision  (E) of Paragraph

    (5) of Part D of Article IV, under the heading "General  Provisions
    Applicable  to   All  Series  of  Preferred  Stock",  of  the  1950
    Certificate  of Consolidation the holders  of record of  at least a
    majority of  the total number of  shares of Preferred Stock  of all
    series  then  outstanding adopted  the  following  resolution at  a
    meeting called for that purpose and held on December 5, 1956 in the
    manner prescribed by the By-Laws of the Corporation:

    "Resolved, that consent  be and it hereby is given  to the issue by
    the  Corporation of  unsecured  indebtedness in  a total  principal
    amount not exceeding at  any one time outstanding  $50,000,000 over
    and above the principal  amount of unsecured indebtedness otherwise
    permitted  by the provisions of Subdivision (E) of Paragraph (5) of
    Part  D of Article  IV of the  Certificate of  Consolidation of the
    Corporation filed January 5, 1950."

    In accordance  with the provisions of Subdivision  (E) of Paragraph
    (5) of Part D of Article  IV, under the heading "General Provisions
    Applicable  to  All  Series  of   Preferred  Stock",  of  the  1950
    Certificate  of Consolidation the holders  of record of  at least a
    majority of the total number of votes represented by the shares  of
    Preferred  Stock  of  all   series  then  outstanding  adopted  the
    following  resolution at a meeting called for that purpose and held
    on  May 3,  1983 in  the manner  prescribed by  the By-Laws  of the

    "Resolved,  that consent be and  is hereby given  to the incurrence
    (i)  through December  31, 1988,  of unsecured  indebtedness in  an
    aggregate   principal  amount   not   exceeding   the  greater   of
    $700,000,000  or  the principal  amount  of unsecured  indebtedness
    presently permitted by  the Company's Certificate of  Consolidation
    (the  "Current Limitation") pursuant to  the consent of the holders
    of  the  Company's Preferred  Stock on  December  5, 1956  and (ii)
    beginning January 1, 1989, the Current Limitation."


    The Certificate of Incorporation,  as heretofore amended, is hereby
    further amended by the addition of the following provisions stating
    the  number,   designation,   relative  rights,   preferences   and
    limitations of a twenty-first additional series of Preferred Stock,
    to consist of 2,000,000 shares of the par value of $25 per share of
    the  authorized  19,600,000  shares   of  Preferred  Stock  of  the
    Corporation  of the  par value of  $25 per  share, as  fixed by the
    Board of Directors of  the Corporation before the issuance  of such
    series, such  provisions  so added  to be  designated as  paragraph
    (4U)(of  Part  D  of   Article  IV  of  the  1950   Certificate  of
    Consolidation as amended by Article V of the 134
    1950  Certificate of  Amendment and  subsequent amendments)  and to
    read as follows:

    Particular  Provisions  Applicable  to  Adjustable  Rate  Preferred
    Stock, Series C

    (4U)   The number,  designations, relative rights,  preferences and
    limitations of the twenty-first  additional series of the Preferred
    Stock of  the Corporation as  fixed by  the Board of  Directors (in
    addition to those  set forth under the  heading "General Provisions
    applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  Paragraph (5) of
    Part D of Article  IV of the  1950 Certificate of Consolidation  as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments) are as follows:

    (A)  The number of shares to constitute the twenty-first additional
    series shall be 2,000,000 shares and the designation of such series
    shall be "Adjustable Rate Preferred Stock, Series C".

    (B)   The  dividend rate  of the  Adjustable Rate  Preferred Stock,
    Series C shall be 12.12% per annum  for the initial dividend period
    ending June 30, 1985 and .40% above the Applicable Rate (as defined
    below) per annum thereafter, but in no case less than  7% per annum
    or more than  15.50% per annum (computed in each  case on the basis
    of a  360-day year of twelve 30-day months).  The dividends on each
    share of the  Adjustable Rate  Preferred Stock, Series  C shall  be
    cumulative from the date of the original issue thereof.  So long as
    any shares of the  Adjustable Rate Preferred Stock, Series  C shall

    be outstanding,  the Corporation shall not declare  any dividend on
    the Common  Stock or  any other  stock ranking as  to dividends  or
    assets junior to the  Adjustable Rate Preferred Stock, Series  C or
    make any payment on account of, or set apart money for a sinking or
    other  analogous  fund  for   the  purchase,  redemption  or  other
    retirement  of  any shares  of Common  Stock  or other  such junior
    stock, or make any distribution in respect thereof, either directly
    or indirectly, and whether in cash or property or in obligations or
    stock  of the Corporation (other than stock ranking as to dividends
    and assets junior to the Adjustable Rate Preferred Stock, Series C)
    unless at 135
    the date of such declaration  in the case of any such  dividend, or
    at  the  date  of   any  such  other  payment,  setting   apart  or
    distribution,   all  dividends  payable   on  the  Adjustable  Rate
    Preferred Stock, Series C  shall have been fully paid,  or declared
    and set apart for payment.

    Except as provided below in  this paragraph, the "Applicable  Rate"
    for any  dividend period  will be the  highest of (i)  the Treasury
    Bill Rate, (ii)  the Ten Year Constant Maturity Rate  and (iii) the
    Twenty Year  Constant Maturity  Rate (each as  hereinafter defined)
    for such dividend period.  In the event that the Company determines
    in good faith that for any reason one or more  of such rates cannot
    be determined for any dividend period, then the Applicable Rate for
    such dividend period shall be the higher of whichever of such rates
    can be  determined.  In  the event  that the Company  determines in
    good faith  that  none of  such  rates can  be determined  for  any
    dividend period, then the Applicable Rate for such dividend  period
    shall be the Applicable  Rate in effect for the  preceding dividend

    Except  as provided  below  in this  paragraph, the  "Treasury Bill
    Rate"  for each dividend period  will be the  arithmetic average of
    the two most recent weekly per annum market discount rates (or  the
    one weekly  per annum market discount  rate, if only  one such rate
    shall be published during the relevant Calendar  Period (as defined
    below)) for three-month U.S. Treasury bills, as published weekly by
    the Federal  Reserve Board  during the Calendar  Period immediately
    prior to the ten  calendar days immediately preceding the  last day

    of March, June, September or December, as the case may be, prior to
    the dividend period for  which the dividend rate on  the Adjustable
    Rate Preferred Stock is  being determined.  In  the event that  the
    Federal  Reserve Board  does not  publish such  a weekly  per annum
    market  discount rate  during  any such  Calendar Period,  then the
    Treasury Bill Rate  for the  related dividend period  shall be  the
    arithmetic average of the  two most recent weekly per  annum market
    discount rates (or the  one weekly per annum market  discount rate,
    if  only one  such  rate shall  be  published during  the  relevant
    Calendar Period)  for three-month U.S. Treasury  bills as published
    weekly during such Calendar  Period by any Federal Reserve  Bank or
    by  any  U.S.  government  department or  agency  selected  by  the
    Company.  In the event that a per annum market 136
    discount  rate for  three-month  U.S. Treasury  bills shall  not be
    published  by the Federal Reserve  Board or by  any Federal Reserve
    Bank or by  any U.S.  Government department or  agency during  such
    Calendar  Period, then  the Treasury  Bill Rate  for such  dividend
    period  shall  be the  arithmetic average  of  the two  most recent
    weekly per annum market discount rates (or the one weekly per annum
    market  discount rate,  if only  one such  rate shall  be published
    during the relevant Calendar  Period) for all of the  U.S. Treasury
    bills then having maturities of not less than 80 nor  more than 100
    days,  as published  during  such Calendar  Period  by the  Federal
    Reserve  Board or, if the  Federal Reserve Board  shall not publish
    such  rates, by any Federal Reserve Bank  or by any U.S. Government
    department or  agency selected by the  Company.  In the  event that
    the  Company determines in  good faith that for  any reason no such
    U.S.  Treasury bill  rates are published  as provided  above during
    such Calendar Period, then the Treasury Bill Rate for such dividend
    period  shall be  the arithmetic  average of  the per  annum market
    discount rates based  upon the  closing bids  during such  Calendar
    Period for  each of the  issues of marketable  non-interest bearing
    U.S. Treasury  securities with a  maturity of not  less than  80 or
    more than 100 days from the date of each such  quotation, as quoted
    daily for each business day in New York City (or less frequently if
    daily quotations shall not be  generally available) to the  Company
    by  at least  three recognized  U.S. Government  securities dealers
    selected by the Company.  In the event  that the Company determines
    in good faith that for any reason the Company cannot  determine the

    Treasury Bill Rate  for any  dividend period as  provided above  in
    this  paragraph, the  Treasury Bill  Rate for such  dividend period
    shall  be the arithmetic average  of the per  annum market discount
    rates  based  upon the  closing  bids during  the  related Calendar
    Period  for each of the issues  of marketable interest-bearing U.S.
    Treasury securities with  a maturity of  not less than  80 or  more
    than 100 days from the date of each such quotation, as quoted daily
    for each business day in New York City (or less frequently if daily
    quotations shall not be  generally available) to the Company  by at
    least three recognized U.S.  Government securities dealers selected
    by the Company.

    Except  as provided below in this paragraph, the "Ten Year Constant
    Maturity Rate"  for each  dividend period  shall be the  arithmetic
    average of the  two most recent  weekly per annum Ten  Year Average
    Yields (or the one weekly per annum Ten Year Average Yield, if only
    one such  Yield shall  be  published during  the relevant  Calendar
    Period  as provided  below),  as published  weekly  by the  Federal
    Reserve Board during  the Calendar Period immediately  prior to the
    ten  calendar  days immediately  preceding the  last day  of March,
    June,  September or  December, as  the  case may  be, prior  to the
    dividend  period for which the dividend rate on the Adjustable Rate
    Preferred Stock is being determined.  In the event that the Federal
    Reserve Board  does not publish  such a  weekly per annum  Ten Year
    Average  Yield  during  such  Calendar Period,  then  the  Ten Year
    Constant  Maturity Rate  for  such  dividend  period shall  be  the
    arithmetic average of the two most recent weekly per annum Ten Year
    Average Yields (or the one weekly per annum Ten Year Average Yield,
    if  only one  such Yield  shall be  published during  such Calendar
    Period), as  published weekly during  such Calendar  Period by  any
    Federal Reserve Bank or by any U.S. Government department or agency
    selected by the Company.   In the event that  a per annum Ten  Year
    Average Yield shall not  be published by the Federal  Reserve Board
    or by any Federal Reserve Bank or by any U.S. Government department
    or agency during such  Calendar Period, then the Ten  Year Constant
    Maturity Rate  for such  dividend period  shall  be the  arithmetic
    average of  the two most recent weekly  per annum average yields to

    maturity (or the one weekly average yield to maturity, if only  one
    such  yield shall be published during such Calendar Period) for all
    of the actively traded marketable U.S. Treasury fixed interest rate
    securities (other than special  Securities (as defined below)) then
    having maturities of not less than eight or more than twelve years,
    as published  during such  Calendar Period by  the Federal  Reserve
    Board  or,  if the  Federal Reserve  Board  shall not  publish such
    yields,  by  any Federal  Reserve Bank  or  by any  U.S. Government
    department or  agency selected by the  Company.  In the  event that
    the  Company determines  in  good faith  that  for any  reason  the
    Company cannot  determine the Ten  Year Constant Maturity  Rate for
    any dividend period as  provided above in this paragraph,  then the
    Ten Year Constant Maturity  Rate for such dividend period  shall be
    the arithmetic average of the per annum average 138
    yields to maturity based upon the closing bids during such Calendar
    Period  for each of the  issues of actively  traded marketable U.S.
    Treasury  fixed  interest  rate   securities  (other  than  Special
    Securities)  with a final maturity date not less than eight or more
    than twelve years from the date  of each such quotation, as  quoted
    daily for each business day in New York City (or less frequently if
    daily quotations shall  not be generally available)  to the Company
    by  at least  three recognized  U.S. Government  securities dealers
    selected by the Company.

    Except as  provided  below  in this  paragraph,  the  "Twenty  Year
    Constant  Maturity Rate"  for  each dividend  period  shall be  the
    arithmetic average of the  two most recent weekly per  annum Twenty
    Year  Average Yields  (or  the one  weekly  per annum  Twenty  Year
    Average Yield, if only one such Yield shall be published during the
    relevant  Calendar  Period), as  published  weekly  by the  Federal
    Reserve Board during the  Calendar Period immediately prior  to the
    ten  calendar days  immediately  preceding the  last day  of March,
    June,  September or  December,  as the  case may  be, prior  to the
    dividend  period for which the dividend rate on the Adjustable Rate
    Preferred Stock is being determined.  In the event that the Federal
    Reserve Board does not  publish such a weekly per annum Twenty Year
    Average  Yield during  such Calendar Period,  then the  Twenty Year
    Constant  Maturity  Rate  for such  dividend  period  shall  be the
    arithmetic average of the  two most recent weekly per  annum Twenty

    Year  Average Yields  (or  the one  weekly  per annum  Twenty  Year
    Average Yield, if  only one  such Yield shall  be published  during
    such  Calendar Period),  as published  weekly during  such Calendar
    Period  by any  Federal  Reserve Bank  or  by any  U.S.  Government
    department or agency selected by the  Company.  In the event that a
    per annum  Twenty Year Average Yield shall  not be published by the
    Federal Reserve Board or by any Federal Reserve Bank or by any U.S.
    Government department  or agency during such  Calendar Period, then
    the  Twenty Year Constant  Maturity Rate  for such  dividend period
    shall be the arithmetic  average of the two most recent  weekly per
    annum average yields to  maturity (or the one weekly  average yield
    to maturity, if only one such yield shall be published during  such
    Calendar Period) for  all of  the actively  traded marketable  U.S.
    Treasury fixed interest rate securities (other than Special
    Securities) then  having maturities  of not  less than eighteen  or
    more  than  twenty-two years,  as  published  during such  Calendar
    Period  by the  Federal Reserve  Board or,  if the  Federal Reserve
    Board shall not publish such yields, by any Federal Reserve Bank or
    by  any U.S.  Government  department  or  agency  selected  by  the
    Company.  In  the event that the  Company determines in good  faith
    that  for any reason the  Company cannot determine  the Twenty Year
    Constant Maturity Rate for any dividend period as provided above in
    this paragraph,  then the  Twenty Year Constant  Maturity Rate  for
    such dividend period  shall be  the arithmetic average  of the  per
    annum average yields to maturity based upon the closing bids during
    such  Calendar Period  for each  of the  issues of  actively traded
    marketable U.S. Treasury fixed interest rate securities (other than
    Special Securities) with  a final  maturity date of  not less  than
    eighteen or more than twenty-two years  from the date of each  such
    quotation, as quoted  daily for each business day in  New York City
    (or  less frequently  if  daily quotations  shall not  be generally
    available) to  the  Company  by  at  least  three  recognized  U.S.
    Government securities dealers selected by the Company.

    The Treasury Bill Rate, the Ten Year Constant Maturity Rate and the
    Twenty Year Constant  Maturity Rate  shall each be  rounded to  the
    nearest five one-hundredths of a percentage point.

    As  used herein,  the  term "Calendar  Period"  means a  period  of
    fourteen  calendar  days;  the  term  "Special  Securities"   means
    securities which can, at  the option of the holder,  be surrendered
    at face value in payment of any Federal estate tax or which provide
    tax benefits  to  the holder  and are  priced to  reflect such  tax
    benefits or which were  originally issued at a deep  or substantial
    discount; the term "Ten Year Average Yield" means the average yield
    to  maturity for  actively  traded marketable  U.S. Treasury  fixed
    interest rate  securities (adjusted  to constant maturities  of ten
    years);  and the term "Twenty Year Average Yield" means the average
    yield  to maturity  for  actively traded  marketable U.S.  Treasury
    fixed interest rate securities  (adjusted to constant maturities of
    twenty years).

    (C)   Except  as provided  under  the heading  "General  Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  paragraph (5) of
    Part 140
    D of Article IV of the 1950 Certificate of Consolidation as amended
    by  Article V of the  1950 Certificate of  Amendment and subsequent
    amendments,  the Adjustable  Rate Preferred  Stock, Series  C shall
    have no voting rights whatsoever.

    (D)   The sum  per share for  the Adjustable Rate  Preferred Stock,
    Series  C  payable  to  the  holders  thereof  upon  the  voluntary
    dissolution, liquidation or  winding up of the Corporation shall be
    $25.75  per  share  through June  30,  1995  and  $25.00 per  share
    thereafter,  in each  case plus  an amount  equal to  the dividends
    accrued  and unpaid  on  such  share,  whether  or  not  earned  or

    (E)   The sum per  share for  the Adjustable Rate  Preferred Stock,
    Series C  payable  to  the  holders thereof  upon  the  involuntary
    dissolution,  liquidation or winding up of the Corporation shall be
    $25  per share plus  an amount equal  to the dividends  accrued and
    unpaid on such share, whether or not earned or declared.

    (F)   The shares of the  Adjustable Rate Preferred Stock,  Series C
    shall be redeemable at the option  of the Board of Directors of the
    Corporation, either as a whole  or in part, at any time  after June

    30, 1990 and prior to July 1, 1995, at a redemption price of $25.75
    per share and thereafter at a redemption price of $25.00 per share,
    in each  case plus  an amount  equal to  the dividends accrued  and
    unpaid on such share, whether or not earned or declared.

    (G)  The  shares of the  Adjustable Rate Preferred Stock,  Series C
    shall  be exchangeable on a share for share basis into other shares
    of  Adjustable Rate  Preferred Stock,  Series C,  but shall  not be
    convertible  into  or  exchangeable  for other  securities  of  the

    (H)    In every  case  of  redemption  of  less  than  all  of  the
    outstanding  shares of  Adjustable Rate  Preferred Stock,  Series C
    pursuant to  subdivision (F) above,  such redemption shall  be made
    (i)  with  respect  to  each  holder of  5%  or  more  of  the then
    outstanding shares  of Adjustable  Rate Preferred Stock,  Series C,
    pro rata according to the 

    numbers  of shares held by  such holders, provided  that only whole
    shares  shall be selected for redemption, and (ii) otherwise in the
    manner prescribed under the  heading "General Provisions Applicable
    to All  Series of Preferred  Stock" in Paragraph  (5) of Part  D of
    Article IV of the  1950 Certificate of Consolidation as  amended by
    Article  V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment  and subsequent

    (I)   Shares of Adjustable Rate Preferred Stock, Series C redeemed,
    purchased  or  otherwise  acquired  by  the  Corporation  shall  be
    cancelled and  restored to  the status  of authorized  but unissued
    shares of Preferred Stock of the par value of $25 per share without
    serial designation and may be reissued by the Corporation from time
    to time as Preferred Stock of any other  series of the par value of
    $25 per share as  may be fixed  from time to time  by the Board  of

    (J)   The shares of the  Adjustable Rate Preferred Stock,  Series C
    shall  be subject to  (i) the consent set  forth in the penultimate
    subparagraph of Paragraph II of this Certificate to the same extent

    and  with  the  same  effect  as  all  series  of  Preferred  Stock
    outstanding  on December  5,  1956 are  so  subject, and  (ii)  the
    consent set forth in  the last subparagraph of Paragraph II of this
    Certificate to  the same  extent and  with the  same effect  as all
    series  of  Preferred  Stock outstanding  on  May  3,  1983 are  so


    The amendments of the Certificate of Incorporation effected by this
    Certificate  were authorized by action of the Board of Directors of
    the  Corporation,   pursuant  to   Section  502  of   the  Business
    Corporation Law.

    IN  WITNESS WHEREOF, we  have made and  subscribed this Certificate
    this 15th day of April, 1985.

    Senior Vice President, General
    Counsel and Secretary

    Assistant Secretary


    JOHN H. TERRY, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is Senior
    Vice  President, General  Counsel and  Secretary of  Niagara Mohawk
    Power Corporation,  the corporation named  in and described  in the
    foregoing  Certificate, that he has read and executed the foregoing
    Certificate and knows  the contents thereof and that the statements
    contained therein are true.

    Senior Vice President, General
    Counsel and Secretary

    Sworn to before me this 
    15th day of April, 1985.

    Notary Public

    Notary Public in the State of New York
    Qualified in Onondaga Co. No. 4684763
    My Commission Expires March 31, 1986


    Albany, N.Y., April 16, 1985

    CASES   28835  and   28836--Petitions  of   Niagara  Mohawk   Power
    Corporation for  authority under Section  69 of the  Public Service
    Law to  issue shares of one or more series of preferred stock, $100
    and/or  $25 par  value,  with aggregate  par  value not  to  exceed

    *   *   *   *

    The Public Service Commission hereby  consents to and approves this
    CORPORATION  LAW, executed April  15, 1985, in  accordance with the
    orders  of the Public Service Commission dated January 30, 1985 and
    April 3, 1985.

    By the Commission,





    of the




    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law


    Dated:  April 30, 1985

    State of New York
    Department of State
    Filed May 3, 1985

    Filing Fee--$60

    520 Madison Avenue
    New York, New York   10022

    of the
    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law


    Pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  Section  805  of  the   BUSINESS
    CORPORATION LAW, the undersigned, being a Senior Vice President and
    an Assistant Secretary of  NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION, hereby


    The  name of the  Corporation is Niagara  Mohawk Power Corporation.
    It  was originally  incorporated under the  name of  Niagara Hudson
    Public Service Corporation.


    The Certificate of Consolidation  forming the Corporation was filed
    in the Department of State on July 31, 1937.

    A  Certificate of Change of  Name of Niagara  Hudson Public Service
    Corporation  to Central New York Power Corporation was filed in the
    Department of State on September 15, 1937.

    A  "Certificate  of  Consolidation  of  New  York  Power  and Light
    Corporation and  Buffalo Niagara electric  Corporation and  Central
    New York Power Corporation into  Central New York Power Corporation
    which is to survive  the consolidation and be named  Niagara Mohawk
    Power  Corporation" was filed in the Department of State on Janaury
    5,  1950.    Said   Certificate  of  Consolidation  is  hereinafter
    sometimes referred to as the "1950 Certificate of Consolidation".

    Pursuant to  Sections 26-a and 36  of the Stock Corporation  Law, a
    Certificate  of Amendment was filed  in the Department  of State on
    January 5, 1950 to effect certain changes authorized in subdivision
    2 of  Section 35 of the Stock Corporation Law.  Said Certificate of
    Amendment  is  hereinafter  sometimes  referred  to  as  the  "1950
    Certificate of Amendment".

    In  accordance with the provisions  of Subdivision (E) of Paragraph
    (5) of Part D of Article IV, under the heading  "General Provisions
    Applicable  to  All  Series  of  Preferred  Stock",   of  the  1950
    Certificate  of Consolidation the holders  of record of  at least a
    majority of  the total number of  shares of Preferred Stock  of all
    series  then  outstanding adopted  the  following  resolution at  a
    meeting called for that purpose and held on December 5, 1956 in the
    manner prescribed by the By-Laws of the Corporation:
    "Resolved,  that consent be and it hereby  is given to the issue by
    the  Corporation of  unsecured  indebtedness in  a total  principal
    amount not exceeding at any  one time outstanding $50,000,000  over
    and above the principal  amount of unsecured indebtedness otherwise
    permitted  by the provisions of Subdivision (E) of Paragraph (5) of
    Part D  of Article  IV of the  Certificate of Consolidation  of the
    Corporation filed January 5, 1950."

    In accordance with  the provisions of Subdivision (E)  of Paragraph
    (5) of Part D of Article IV, under the heading "General  Provisions
    Applicable  to  All  Series  of   Preferred  Stock",  of  the  1950
    Certificate  of Consolidation the holders  of record of  at least a
    majority of the total number of  votes represented by the shares of
    Preferred  Stock  of  all   series  then  outstanding  adopted  the
    following  resolution at a meeting called for that purpose and held

    on  May 3,  1983 in  the manner  prescribed by  the By-Laws  of the

    "Resolved,  that consent be and  is hereby given  to the incurrence
    (i)  through December  31,  1988, of  unsecured indebtedness  in an
    aggregate   principal   amount   not  exceeding   the   greater  of
    $700,000,000 or  the  principal amount  of  unsecured  indebtedness
    presently permitted  by the Company's Certificate  of Consolidation
    (the "Current Limitation") pursuant to  the consent of the  holders
    of  the  Company's Preferred  Stock on  December  5, 1956  and (ii)
    beginning January 1, 1989, the Current Limitation."


    The Certificate of Incorporation,  as heretofore amended, is hereby
    further amended by the addition of the following provisions stating
    the   number,  designation,   relative  rights,   preferences,  and
    limitations of  a  twenty-second  additional  series  of  Preferred
    Stock,  to consist of 1,000,000 shares of  the par value of $25 per
    share of the authorized 19,600,000 shares of Preferred Stock of the
    Corporation of  the par value  of $25  per share, as  fixed by  the
    Board of Directors of  the Corporation before the issuance  of such
    series, such provisions so added to be designated as paragraph (4V)
    (of Part D of Article  IV of the 1950 Certificate  of Consolidation
    as amended 147
    by  Article V of the  1950 Certificate of  Amendment and subsequent
    amendments) and to read as follows:

    Particular Provisions Applicable to Preferred Stock, 12.75% Series

    (4V)   The number,  designations, relative rights,  preferences and
    limitations of the twenty-second additional series of the Preferred
    Stock of  the Corporation as  fixed by the  Board of  Directors (in
    addition  to those set forth  under the heading "General Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  Paragraph (5) of
    Part D of Article  IV of the 1950  Certificate of Consolidation  as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments) are as follows:

    (A)    The  number  of  shares  to  constitute  the   twenty-second
    additional series  shall be 1,000,000 shares and the designation of
    such series shall be "Preferred Stock, 12.75% Series".

    (B)  The dividend rate of the Preferred  Stock, 12.75% Series shall
    be  twelve and three quarters per cent (12.75%) per annum (computed
    on  the basis  of a  360-day year  of twelve  30-day months).   The
    dividends on each share of the Preferred Stock, 12.75% Series shall
    be cumulative from the date of the original issue thereof.  So long
    as  any shares  of  the Preferred  Stock,  12.75% Series  shall  be
    outstanding, the  Corporation shall not declare any dividend on the
    Common Stock or  any other stock ranking as  to dividends or assets
    junior to the Preferred  Stock, 12.75% Series, or make  any payment
    on account of, or set apart  money for a sinking or other analogous
    fund for,  the  purchase, redemption  or  other retirement  of  any
    shares  of Common Stock  or other  such junior  stock, or  make any
    distribution in respect thereof, either directly or indirectly, and
    whether in  cash or  property or  in  obligations or  stock of  the
    Corporation (other than  stock ranking as  to dividends and  assets
    junior  to the  Preferred  Stock,  12.75%  Series),  or  issue  any
    additional shares of  Preferred Stock (other than  stock ranking as
    to  dividends  and assets  junior  to the  Preferred  Stock, 12.75%
    Series),  or issue any additional shares  of Preferred Stock (other
    than  in  exchange for  or registration  of  transfer of  shares of
    Preferred Stock then outstanding) or
    voluntarily redeem or repurchase  shares of Preferred Stock, unless
    at  the date of such declaration in  the case of any such dividend,
    or  at  the  date of  any  such  other  payment, setting  apart  or
    distribution, or at the date of such issuance, voluntary redemption
    or repurchase, all dividends payable on the Preferred Stock, 12.75%
    Series shall have  been fully paid, or  declared and set apart  for
    payment.   The Corporation shall pay all dividends which shall have
    been  declared on the Preferred Stock, 12.75% Series not later than
    the earlier of (i) 92  days following the date of  such declaration
    or (ii) 10 days following  the date on which funds for  the payment
    thereof shall have been set apart.

    (C)   Except  as  provided under  the  heading "General  Provisions

    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  Paragraph (5) of
    Part D  of Article IV of  the 1950 Certificate  of Consolidation as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments,  the Preferred  Stock,  12.75% Series  shall
    have no voting rights whatsoever.

    (D)   So long as any  shares of the Preferred  Stock, 12.75% Series
    shall be outstanding, the Corporation shall not issue any shares of
    Preferred  Stock  or  any  other  stock  ranking  pari  passu  with
    Preferred Stock that by its terms shall entitle the holders thereof
    to (i)  more than one-quarter (1/4)  vote per $25 of  par value, in
    the case  of Preferred Stock, or the equivalent in the case of such
    other  stock, (ii)  a sum  per share  payable upon  the involuntary
    dissolution, liquidation or winding up of the Corporation in excess
    of the  par value thereof,  plus an  amount equal to  the dividends
    accrued and unpaid on such share whether or not earned or declared,
    or  (iii) a sum per share payable upon mandatory redemption thereof
    in  excess of the  par value thereof,  plus an amount  equal to the
    dividends accrued and unpaid on such share whether or not earned or
    declared.   So long as  any shares  of the Preferred  Stock, 12.75%
    Series shall be outstanding, the Corporation shall not, without the
    prior written  consent of the  holders of record  of at  least two-
    thirds of the  shares of  the Preferred Stock,  12.75% Series  then
    outstanding, issue  any  shares of  Preferred  Stock or  any  other
    capital stock ranking pari 

    passu  with Preferred  Stock that  by its  terms shall  entitle the
    holders  thereof  to  (a)  vote  as  a  series  on  any  merger  or
    consolidation  of the Corporation,(b) vote for or elect one or more
    members of  the Board of Directors  of the Corporation at  any time
    when the holders of the Preferred Stock, 12.75% Series have no such
    right or (c) vote as  a series on amendments to the  Certificate of
    Incorporation,  in  each  case  unless otherwise  required  by  the
    Certificate of  Incorporation, as  amended to  the date  hereof, or
    applicable law.

    (E)   So long as any  shares of the Preferred  Stock, 12.75% Series
    shall be  outstanding, the Corporation  shall not (i)  authorize or

    create  any series or  issue any shares  of Preferred Stock  or any
    other stock  or (ii)  enter  into, issue  or  become bound  by  any
    contract, indenture, bond,  note or other agreement  or evidence of
    indebtedness, in either case  that limits the payment  of dividends
    or  other distribution  on,  or the  mandatory  redemption of,  any
    shares  of Preferred Stock, 12.75%  Series, other than  by any such
    limitations that are  no more restrictive than the most restrictive
    limitations  contained  in  the  Certificate  of  Incorpoation,  as
    heretofore  and hereby  amended, and  the Mortgage  Trust Indenture
    dated as of October 1, 1937 between  the Corporation and The Marine
    Midland  Trust  Company  of New  York,  as  heretofore  modified by
    indentures supplemental thereto.

    (F)   The  sum per  share for  the Preferred  Stock,  12.75% Series
    payable  to the  holders  thereof upon  the voluntary  dissolution,
    liquidation  or winding up of  the Corporation shall  be $28.20 per
    share  prior  to June  30, 1986,  and  thereafter at  the following
    prices,  in each case plus an amount equal to the dividends accrued
    and unpaid on such share, whether or not earned or declared:

    For the Twelve Months                        Voluntary Liquidation
    Prior to June 30,                               Price Per Share

    1987....................................         $28.04
    1988....................................         $27.88
    1989....................................         $27.72
    1990....................................         $27.56
    1991....................................         $27.40
    1992....................................         $27.24
    1993....................................         $27.08
    1994....................................         $26.92
    1995....................................         $26.76
    1996....................................         $26.60
    1997....................................         $26.44
    1998....................................         $26.28
    1999....................................         $26.12
    2000....................................         $25.96
    2001....................................         $25.80

    2002....................................         $25.64
    2003....................................         $25.48
    2004....................................         $25.32
    2005....................................         $25.16
    2006 and thereafter.....................         $25.00

    (G)   The sum  per share  for  the Preferred  Stock, 12.75%  Series
    payable to  the holders  thereof upon the  involuntary dissolution,
    liquidation or winding up of the Corporation shall be $25 per share
    plus an amount  equal to the dividends  accrued and unpaid on  such
    share, whether or not earned or declared.

    (H)   The shares  of the  Preferred Stock, 12.75%  Series shall  be
    redeemable  at  the  option  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the
    Corporation,  either as  a  whole or  in part,  at  any time  after
    issuance and prior to June 30, 1986 at a redemption price of $28.20
    per share,  and thereafter at  teh following redemption  prices, in
    each  case plus an amount equal to the dividends accrued and unpaid
    on such share, wherether or not earned or declared:

    For the Twelve Months                        Optional Redemption
    Prior to June 30,                               Price Per Share

    1987....................................         $28.04
    1988....................................         $27.88
    1989....................................         $27.72
    1990....................................         $27.56
    1991....................................         $27.40
    1992....................................         $27.24
    1993....................................         $27.08
    1994....................................         $26.92
    1995....................................         $26.76
    1996....................................         $26.60
    1997....................................         $26.44
    1998....................................         $26.28
    1999....................................         $26.12
    2000....................................         $25.96
    2001....................................         $25.80

    2002....................................         $25.64
    2003....................................         $25.48
    2004....................................         $25.32
    2005....................................         $25.16
    2006 and thereafter.....................         $25.00

    provided,  however, that the Board  of Directors of the Corporation
    shall not prior to June 30,  1990 exercise its option to redeem any
    shares  of the Preferred  Stock, 12.75% Series  as a part  of or in
    anticipation  of  any  refunding   operation  by  the  application,
    directly  or indirectly, or borrowed  funds or the  proceeds of the
    issue of any  shares of Preferred Stock or  any stock ranking prior
    to or on  a parity with  the Preferred Stock,  12.75% Series as  to
    dividends or assets if such borrowed funds have an interest rate or
    cost  to the  Corporation (calculated  in accordance  with accepted
    financial practice), or such shares have a dividend rate or cost to
    the Corporation so calculated, less than 12.75% per annum.

    (I)   The  shares of  the Preferred  Stock, 12.75% Series  shall be
    exchangeable  on a  share  for share  basis  into other  shares  of
    Preferred Stock, 12.75%  Series, but shall not  be convertible into
    or exchangeable for other securities of the Corporation.

    (J)   As a sinking fund with respect to the shares of the Preferred
    Stock,  12.75%   Series  the  Corporation  will,   subject  to  the
    provisions of subdivision (M) below, call for redemption and retire
    on June 30, 152
    1991 and on each June 30 thereafter to and including  June 30, 2010
    (so  long as any shares  of the Preferred  Stock, 12.75% Series are
    outstanding) 50,000  shares of  the Preferred Stock,  12.75% Series
    (or the number of the shares  of the Preferred Stock, 12.75% Series
    then outstanding if less than 50,000), in each case at a redemption
    price  of $25  per  share, plus  an amount  equal to  the dividends
    accrued  and  unpaid  on such  shares,  whether  or  not earned  or
    declared.  No redemption  of shares of the Preferred  Stock, 12.75%
    Series  pursuant to subdivision (H) above or subdivision (K) or (L)
    below, or  any purchase or other  acquisition of any shares  of the
    Preferred Stock, 12.75% Series by the Corporation, shall constitute
    a retirement  of such shares in lieu of or  as a credit against any

    sinking fund retirement required by this subdivision (J).

    (K)  The Corporation may,  at the option of the Board  of Directors
    of  the  Corporation,  on  June  30, 1991,  and  on  each  June  30
    thereafter  to and  including June  30, 2010,  redeem up  to 50,000
    shares  of the Preferred Stock, 12.75% Series, or any lesser number
    of shares which shall constitute all of the shares of the Preferred
    Stock, 12.75% Series  then outstanding, in addition  to shares then
    to be redeemed  for the  sinking fund pursuant  to subdivision  (J)
    above, in each case at a redemption price of $25 per share, plus an
    amount  equal to the dividends  accrued and unpaid  on such shares,
    whether or not earned or declared, which privilege and option so to
    redeem shall be noncumulative.

    (L)  In the event  that the Corporation shall not exercise  in full
    its  option, pursuant  to subdivision  (K) above,  to redeem  up to
    50,000 additional shares  of the Preferred Stock,  12.75% Series on
    June 30,  1991 or on any  June 30 thereafter to  and including June
    30,  2010  (each  such date  being  hereinafter  referred  to as  a
    "sinking fund date"), then  each holder of shares of  the Preferred
    Stock, 12.75%  Series then outstanding may  require the Corporation
    to  redeem, and, subject to any applicable restrictions of law, the
    Corporation shall redeem, on such sinking fund date, in addition to
    shares then to  be redeemed  pursuant to subdivision  (K) above,  a
    number  of shares of the Preferred Stock, 12.75% Series not greater
    than  the additional number of whole shares of the Preferred Stock,
    12.75% Series held by such 153
    holder that would have  been redeemed if the Company  had exercised
    in full its option  to redeem such additional 50,000  shares of the
    Preferred  Stock, 12.75% Series, at  a redemption price  of $25 per
    share, plus an amount equal to  the dividends accrued and unpaid on
    such  share,  whether or  not earned  or  declared, which  right to
    require redemption shall  be noncumulative.  To exercise  its right
    to require redemption  by the Corporation of such additional shares
    of Preferred Stock, 12.75% Series pursuant to this subdivision (L),
    a holder shall  deliver notice  in writing to  the Corporation  not
    less  than  20  days prior  to  the  applicable  sinking fund  date
    specifying the  number  of such  shares to  be so  redeemed by  the

    (M)  Shares  of the Preferred Stock, 12.75%  Series shall be called
    for  redemption for the sinking fund as required by subdivision (J)
    above  in  the  manner  prescribed  for  redemption  of  shares  of
    Preferred Stock under the heading "General Provisions Applicable to
    All Series  of  Preferred Stock"  in  paragraph (5)  of Part  D  of
    Article IV of the  1950 Certificate of Consolidation as  amended by
    Article  V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment  and subsequent
    amendments.   Such  redemption shall  be mandatory  and not  at the
    option  of the  Board  of Directors  but shall  be  subject to  any
    applicable restrictions  of law.  Nevertheless,  the obligations of
    the  Corporation to  redeem shares  of the Preferred  Stock, 12.75%
    Series  annually commencing on June 30, 1991 for such sinking fund,
    pursuant to  said subdivision (J), shall be cumulative.  So long as
    any  shares  of  the  Preferred  Stock,  12.75%  Series   shall  be
    outstanding,  the Corporation shall not declare any dividend on the
    Common Stock or any other  stock ranking as to dividends or  assets
    junior to, or pari  passu with, the Preferred Stock,  12.75% Series
    or make any payment on account of, or set apart money for a sinking
    or other  analogous fund  for,  the purchase,  redemption or  other
    retirement of  any shares of Common  Stock or other such  junior or
    pari  passu stock,  or make  any distribution  in respect  thereof,
    either directly or indirectly,  and whether in cash or  property or
    in obligations  or  stock  of  the Corporation  (other  than  stock
    ranking as to dividends  and assets junior to the  Preferred Stock,
    12.75%  Series), or issue any  additional shares of Preferred Stock
    (other than in exchange  for or registration of transfer  of shares
    of  Preferred Stock  then  outstanding), or  voluntarily redeem  or
    repurchase  shares of  Preferred  Stock,  unless  at  the  date  of
    declaration in the case of any such dividend, or at the date of any
    such other payment, setting  apart or distribution, or at  the date
    of such issuance, voluntary redemption or repurchase, no redemption
    required by subdivision (J) or (L) shall be in arrears.

    (N)    In  every  case  of  redemption of  less  than  all  of  the
    outstanding shares  of Preferred  Stock, 12.75% Series  pursuant to
    subdivision  (H), (J) or (K)  above, such redemption  shall be made
    (i) pro rata according to the numbers of shares held by each holder
    of the then  outstanding shares of Preferred  Stock, 12.75% Series,

    provided that  only whole shares shall be  selected for redemption,
    and  (ii) otherwise  in  the manner  prescribed  under the  heading
    "General Provisions applicable to All Series of Preferred Stock" in
    Paragraph (5)  of Part D of  Article IV of the  1950 Certificate of
    Consolidation  as amended by Article  V of the  1950 Certificate of
    Amendment and subsequent amendments.

    (O)  Shares of Preferred Stock, 12.75% Series redeemed (pursuant to
    the sinking fund or otherwise), purchased or  otherwise acquired by
    the  Corporation shall be cancelled  and restored to  the status of
    authorized  but unissued shares of Preferred Stock of the par value
    of $25 per share without serial designation and may be reissued  by
    the Corporation from time to  time as Preferred Stock of  any other
    series of the par value of $25 per share  as may be fixed from time
    to time by the Board of Directors.

    (P)   The  shares of the  Preferred Stock,  12.75% Series  shall be
    subject   to  (i)  the   consent  set  forth   in  the  penultimate
    subparagraph of Paragraph II of this Certificate to the same extent
    and  with  the  same  effect  as  all  series  of  Preferred  Stock
    outstanding  on December  5,  1956 are  so  subject, and  (ii)  the
    consent set forth in the last subparagraph of Paragraph  II of this
    Certificate to  the same  extent and with  the same  effect as  all
    series  of  Preferred  Stock outstanding  on  May  3,  1983 are  so


    The amendments of the Certificate of Incorporation effected by this
    Certificate  were authorized by action of the Board of Directors of
    the  Corporation,   pursuant  to   Section  502  of   the  Business
    Corporation Law.

    IN WITNESS  WHEREOF, we have  made and subscribed  this Certificate
    this 30th day of April, 1985.

    Senior Vice President,

    General Counsel and Secretary

    Assistant Secretary



    JOHN H. TERRY, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is Senior
    Vice  President, General  Counsel and  Secretary of  Niagara Mohawk
    Power Corporation, the  corporation named in  and described in  the
    foregoing Certificate, that he has read and executed  the foregoing
    Certificate  and knows the contents thereof and that the statements
    contained therein are true.

    Senior Vice President,
    General Counsel and Secretary

    Sworn to before me this
    30th day of April, 1985.

    Notary Public

    Notary Public in the State of New York
    Qualified in Onondaga Co. No. 4684763
    My Commission Expires March 30, 1986.


    Albany, N.Y., May 2, 1985

    CASE  28834--Petition  of  Niagara  Mohawk  Power  Corporation  for
    authority  under  Section 69  of the  Public  Service Law  to issue
    shares  of one or more  series of preferred  stock, $100 and/or $25
    par value, with an aggregate par value not to exceed $25,000,000.

    *   *   *   

    The Public Service Commission hereby  consents to and approves this
    CORPORATION  LAW, executed April  30, 1985, in  accordance with the
    order of the Public Service Commission dated January 30, 1985.

    By the Commission,





    of the




    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law


    Dated:  December 19, 1986

    State of New York
    Department of State
    Filed December 24, 1986
    Filing Fee--$60

    520 Madison Avenue
    New York, New York  10022

    of the

    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law


    Pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  Section  805  of   the  BUSINESS
    CORPORATION LAW, the undersigned, being a Senior Vice President and
    an Assistant Secretary of  NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION, hereby


    The name  of the Corporation  is Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation.
    It was originally  incorporated under  the name  of Niagara  Hudson
    Public Service Corporation.


    The Certificate of Consolidation  forming the Corporation was filed
    in the Department of State on July 31, 1937.

    A  Certificate of Change of  Name of Niagara  Hudson Public Service
    Corporation  to Central New York Power Corporation was filed in the
    Department of State on September 15, 1937.

    A  "Certificate  of Consolidation  of  New  York  Power  and  Light
    Corporation and Buffalo  Niagara Electric  Corporation and  Central
    New York Power Corporation into Central New  York Power Corporation
    which is to survive  the consolidation and be named  Niagara Mohawk
    Power  Corporation" was filed in the Department of State on January
    5,  1950.    Said   Certificate  of  Consolidation  is  hereinafter
    sometimes referred 159
    to as the "1950 Certificate of Consolidation".

    Pursuant to Sections 26-a  and 36 of  the Stock Corporation Law,  a
    Certificate  of Amendment was filed  in the Department  of State on
    January 5, 1950 to effect certain changes authorized in subdivision
    2 of Section 35 of the Stock Corporation Law.   Said Certificate of
    Amendment  is  hereinafter  sometimes  referred  to  as  the  "1950
    Certificate of Amendment".

    In accordance  with the provisions of Subdivision  (E) of Paragraph
    (5) of  Part D of Article IV, under the heading "General Provisions
    Applicable  to  All  Series  of   Preferred  Stock",  of  the  1950
    Certificate  of Consolidation the holders  of record of  at least a
    majority  of the total  number of shares of  Preferred Stock of all
    series  then  outstanding adopted  the  following  resolution at  a
    meeting called for that purpose and held on December 5, 1956 in the
    manner prescribed by the By-Laws of the Corporation:

    "Resolved,  that consent be and it hereby  is given to the issue by
    the  Corporation of  unsecured  indebtedness in  a total  principal
    amount not exceeding  at any one time  outstanding $50,000,000 over
    and above the principal  amount of unsecured indebtedness otherwise
    permitted  by the provisions of Subdivision (E) of Paragraph (5) of
    Part D  of Article IV  of the  Certificate of Consolidation  of the
    Corporation filed January 5, 1950."

    In accordance with the provisions  of Subdivision (E) of  Paragraph
    (5) of Part  D of Article IV, under the heading "General Provisions
    Applicable  to   All  Series  of  Preferred  Stock",  of  the  1950
    Certificate  of Consolidation the holders  of record of  at least a
    majority of the total number of votes represented by  the shares of
    Preferred  Stock  of  all   series  then  outstanding  adopted  the
    following  resolution at a meeting called for that purpose and held
    on  May 3,  1983 in  the manner  prescribed by  the By-Laws  of the

    "Resolved,  that consent be and  is hereby given  to the incurrence
    (i) through  December 31,  1988, of  unsecured  indebtedness in  an
    aggregate   principal  amount   not   exceeding  the   greater   of
    $700,000,000 or the 160
    principal amount of  unsecured indebtedness presently  permitted by
    the   Company's   Certificate   of   Consolidation   (the  "Current
    Limitation")  pursuant  to  the  consent  of  the  holders  of  the
    Company's Preferred  Stock on December  5, 1956 and  (ii) beginning
    January 1, 1989, the Current Limitation."


    The Certificate of Incorporation,  as heretofore amended, is hereby
    further amended by the addition of the following provisions stating
    the   number,  designation,   relative  rights,   preferences,  and
    limitations of a twenty-third additional series of Preferred Stock,
    to consist of 3,000,000 shares of the par value of $25 per share of
    the  authorized  19,600,000  shares   of  Preferred  Stock  of  the
    Corporation  of the  par value of  $25 per  share, as  fixed by the
    Board of Directors of  the Corporation before the issuance  of such
    series, such provisions so added to be designated as paragraph (4W)
    (of Part D of  Article IV of the 1950 Certificate  of Consolidation
    as amended  by Article V  of the 1950 Certificate  of Amendment and
    subsequent amendments) and to read as follows:

    Particular Provisions Applicable to Preferred Stock, 8.75% Series

    (4W)   The number,  designations, relative rights,  preferences and
    limitations of the twenty-third  additional series of the Preferred
    Stock of  the Corporation as  fixed by the  Board of Directors  (in
    addition to  those set forth under the  heading "General Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  Paragraph (5) of
    Part D of  Article IV of the  1950 Certificate of Consolidation  as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments) are as follows:

    (A)  The number of shares to constitute the twenty-third additional
    series shall be 3,000,000 shares and the designation of such series
    shall be "Preferred Stock, 8.75% Series".

    (B)  The dividend  rate of the Preferred Stock,  8.75% Series shall
    be  eight and three quarters percent (8.75%) per annum (computed on
    the 161
    basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months).  The dividends on
    each share of the Preferred Stock, 8.75% Series shall be cumulative
    from the date of the original issue thereof.  So long as any shares
    of  the Preferred  Stock, 8.75%  Series shall  be outstanding,  the
    Corporation shall not declare  any dividend on the Common  Stock or
    any other  stock ranking as  to dividends  or assets junior  to the
    Preferred Stock, 8.75% Series,  or make any payment on  account of,
    or set apart money for  a sinking or other analogous fund  for, the

    purchase, redemption or  other retirement of  any shares of  Common
    Stock  or  other such  junior stock,  or  make any  distribution in
    respect thereof, either directly or indirectly, and whether in cash
    or  property or in obligations  or stock of  the Corporation (other
    than  stock  ranking  as to  dividends  and  assets  junior to  the
    Preferred  Stock,  8.75%  Series),  unless  at  the  date  of  such
    declaration in the case of any such dividend, or at the date of any
    such other  payment, setting  apart or distribution,  all dividends
    payable  on the Preferred Stock, 8.75% Series shall have been fully
    paid, or declared and set apart for payment.

    (C)   Except  as  provided under  the  heading "General  Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  paragraph (5) of
    Part D of Article  IV of the 1950  Certificate of Consolidation  as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments, the Preferred Stock, 8.75% Series shall have
    no voting rights whatsoever.

    (D)   The  sum per  share  for the  Preferred  Stock, 8.75%  Series
    payable  to the  holders  thereof upon  the voluntary  dissolution,
    liquidation  or winding up of  the Corporation shall  be $27.19 per
    share prior  to December 31,  1991, $25.75 per  share on  and after
    December 31, 1991  and prior to January 1,  1993 and thereafter the
    following  prices, in  each  case  plus  an  amount  equal  to  the
    dividends accrued and unpaid  on such share, whether or  not earned
    or declared:

    For the Twelve Months Ended                  Voluntary Liquidation
    December 31                                     Price Per Share

    1993.............................                  $25.50
    1994.............................                   25.25
    1995.............................                   25.00

    1996.............................                   25.00
    E)  The sum per share for the Preferred Stock, 8.75% Series payable
    to  the   holders  thereof   upon   the  involuntary   dissolution,
    liquidation or winding up of the Corporation shall be $25 per share
    plus an amount  equal to the  dividends accrued and unpaid  on such
    share, whether or not earned or declared.

    (F)   The  shares of  the Preferred  Stock, 8.75%  Series shall  be
    redeemable at the option  of the Corporation, either as a  whole or
    in part, at any  time on or  after December 31,  1991 and prior  to
    January 1,  1993 at  a redemption price  of $25.75  per share,  and
    thereafter at the following redemption prices, in each case plus an
    amount equal to  the dividends  accrued and unpaid  on such  share,
    whether or not earned or declared:

    For the Twelve Months Ended                  Optional Redemption
    December 31                                    Price Per Share

    1993.............................                 $25.50
    1994.............................                  25.25
    1995.............................                  25.00
    1996.............................                  25.00

    (G)   The  shares of  the Preferred  Stock, 8.75%  Series  shall be
    exchangeable  on a  share  for share  basis  into other  shares  of
    Preferred Stock, 8.75% Series, but shall not be convertible into or
    exchangeable for other securities of the Corporation.

    (H)  As a sinking fund with  respect to the shares of the Preferred
    Stock, 8.75% Series the Corporation will, subject to the provisions
    of the subdivision  (J) below,  call for redemption  and retire  on
    December  31, 1992  and  on each  December  31, thereafter  to  and
    including December 31, 1996 (so long as any shares of the Preferred
    Stock,  8.75%  Series  are   outstanding)  600,000  shares  of  the
    Preferred Stock, 8.75%  Series (or the number of the  shares of the
    Preferred  Stock,  8.75%  Series  then  outstanding  if  less  than
    600,000), in each case at a redemption price of $25 per share, plus

    an amount equal to the dividends accrued and unpaid on such shares,
    whether or not earned or declared.   No redemption of shares of the
    Preferred Stock, 8.75% Series pursuant  to subdivision (F) above or
    subdivision (I) below shall constitute a  retirement of such shares
    in lieu  of  or as  a credit  against any  sinking fund  retirement
    required by this subdivision (H).

    (I)  The  Corporation may, at its option, on  December 31, 1992 and
    on  each December 31 thereafter to and including December 31, 1996,
    redeem up to 600,000  shares of the Preferred Stock,  8.75% Series,
    or any  lesser number of  shares which shall constitute  all of the
    shares of  the Preferred Stock,  8.75% Series then  outstanding, in
    addition  to  shares  then to  be  redeemed  for  the sinking  fund
    pursuant to subdivision  (H) above,  in each case  at a  redemption
    price  of $25  per share,  plus an  amount equal  to the  dividends
    accrued  and  unpaid  on such  shares,  whether  or  not earned  or
    declared, which privilege  and option  so to redeem  shall be  non-

    (J)   Shares of the Preferred  Stock, 8.75% Series shall  be called
    for  redemption for the sinking fund as required by subdivision (H)
    above  in  the  manner  prescribed  for  redemption  of  shares  of
    Preferred Stock under the heading "General Provisions Applicable to
    All Series  of Preferred  Stock"  in paragraph  (5)  of Part  D  of
    Article IV of the  1950 Certificate of Consolidation as  amended by
    Article  V of  the  1950 Certificate  of  Amendment and  subsequent
    amendments.   Such  redemption shall  be mandatory  and not  at the
    option  of the Corporation but  shall be subject  to any applicable
    restrictions  of  law.     Nevertheless,  the  obligations  of  the
    Corporation to redeem  shares of the Preferred  Stock, 8.75% Series
    annually commencing on  December 31,  1992 for  such sinking  fund,
    pursuant to said subdivision (H), shall be  cumulative.  So long as
    any  shares  of   the  Preferred  Stock,  8.75%  Series   shall  be
    outstanding, the Corporation  shall not declare any dividend on the
    Common  Stock or any other stock ranking  as to dividends or assets
    junior to, or pari passu with, the Preferred Stock, 8.75% Series or
    make any payment on account of, or set apart money for a sinking or
    other  analogous  fund  for,  the  purchase,  redemption  or  other

    retirement of any shares  of Common Stock  or other such junior  or
    pari passu  stock, or  make any  distribution  in respect  thereof,
    either directly or indirectly,  and whether in cash or  property or
    in  obligations  or  stock of  the  Corporation  (other than  stock
    ranking as to dividends  and assets junior to the  Preferred Stock,
    8.75% Series), unless at the date of declaration in the case of any
    such  dividend, or at the  date of any  such other payment, setting
    apart  or distribution,  no  sinking fund  requirement required  by
    subdivision (H) shall  be in arrears.  If the  Corporation shall be
    prevented for any  reason from  redeeming the number  of shares  of
    Preferred  Stock, 8.75% Series, which  it is required  to retire on
    any such December 31, the  deficit shall be made good on  the first
    succeeding  December  31  on which  the  Corporation  shall not  be
    prevented  from redeeming  such  shares of  Preferred Stock,  8.75%
    Series.   Shares of the Preferred Stock, 8.75% Series, purchased by
    the Corporation may be applied  to satisfy the sinking fund on  one
    or more of the foregoing December 31, dates.

    (K)    In  every  case  of  redemption  of  less  than  all of  the
    outstanding  shares of  Preferred Stock,  8.75% Series  pursuant to
    subdivision (F), (H) or (I) above, the  shares to be redeemed shall
    be chosen by lot, in any manner deemed appropriate  by the transfer
    agent of  the Preferred Stock,  8.75% Series, and  redemption shall
    otherwise  be in the  manner prescribed under  the heading "General
    Provisions  Applicable  to  All   Series  of  Preferred  Stock"  in
    Paragraph (5)  of Part D of  Article IV of the  1950 Certificate of
    Consolidation  as amended by Article  V of the  1950 Certificate of
    Amendment and subsequent amendments.

    (L)   Shares of Preferred Stock, 8.75% Series redeemed (pursuant to
    the sinking fund or otherwise), purchased  or otherwise acquired by
    the  Corporation shall be cancelled  and restored to  the status of
    authorized  but unissued shares of Preferred Stock of the par value
    of $25 per share without serial designation and may be reissued  by
    the 165
    Corporation  from  time to  time as  Preferred  Stock of  any other
    series of the  par value of $25 per share as may be fixed from time
    to time by the Board of Directors.

    (M)   The  shares of  the  Preferred Stock,  8.75% Series  shall be
    subject  to   (i)  the  consent   set  forth  in   the  penultimate
    subparagraph of Paragraph II of this Certificate to the same extent
    and  with  the  same  effect  as  all  series  of  Preferred  Stock
    outstanding  on December  5,  1956 are  so  subject, and  (ii)  the
    consent set forth in the last subparagraph of Paragraph II  of this
    Certificate  to the  same extent  and with the  same effect  as all
    series  of  Preferred  Stock outstanding  on  May  3,  1983 are  so


    The amendments of the Certificate of Incorporation effected by this
    Certificate  were authorized by action of the Board of Directors of
    the  Corporation,   pursuant  to   Section  502  of   the  Business
    Corporation Law.

    IN  WITNESS WHEREOF, we  have made and  subscribed this Certificate
    this 19th day of December, 1986.

    Senior Vice President, 
    General Counsel and Secretary

    Assistant Secretary



    JOHN H. TERRY, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is Senior
    Vice  President, General  Counsel and  Secretary of  Niagara Mohawk
    Power 166
    Corporation,  the  corporation  named   in  and  described  in  the
    foregoing Certificate,  that he has read and executed the foregoing
    Certificate and knows the contents  thereof and that the statements

    contained therein are true.

    Senior Vice President,
    General Counsel and Secretary

    Sworn to before me this
    19th day of December, 1986.

    Notary Public

    Notary Public in the State of New York
    Qualified in Onondaga Co. No. 4684763
    My Commission Expires March 30, 1988

    Albany, N.Y., December 23, 1986

    CASES   28984   and  28837--Petitions   of  Niagara   Mohawk  Power
    Corporation  for authority under  Section 69 of  the Public Service
    Law to issue shares of one or more series of  preferred stock, $100
    and/or  $25 par  value,  with aggregate  par  value not  to  exceed

    *   *   *   *

    The Public Service  Commission hereby consents to and approves this
    CORPORATION LAW, executed December 19, 1986, in accordance with the
    orders of the Public Service Commission dated December 17, 1986.

    By the Commission,





    of the




    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law


    State of New York
    Department of State
    Filed June 1, 1987

    Filing Fee--$60

    Dated: May 22, 1987

    520 Madison Avenue
    New York, New York 10022

    of the
    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law


    Pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  Section  805  of   the  BUSINESS
    CORPORATION LAW, the undersigned, being a Senior Vice President and
    an Assistant Secretary of  NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION, hereby


    The name  of the Corporation  is Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation.
    It was originally  incorporated under  the name  of Niagara  Hudson
    Public Service Corporation.


    The Certificate of Consolidation  forming the Corporation was filed
    by the Department of State on July 31, 1937.


    The Certificate  of Incorporation  as heretofore amended  is hereby
    further  amended to effect changes  authorized by Section 801(b) of
    the  Business Corporation Law, to  wit: (1) to  permit the dividend
    payment dates on future series  of Preferred Stock to be a  date or
    dates  fixed by  the  Board  of  Directors  with  respect  to  each
    particular series rather  than limited  to the last  day of  March,
    June, September and December  and (2) to expand the  purpose clause
    and powers of the Corporation.


         The  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of  the  Corporation,  as
    amended,  is hereby amended  so that Subparagraph  (A) of Paragraph
    (5) of  Part D  of Article IV  of the Corporation's  Certificate of
    Incorporation,  as amended,  will  be further  amended  to read  as

    "(A)   The holders of the  Preferred Stock of each  series shall be
    entitled to receive, but only when, as and if declared by the Board
    of Directors, dividends at  the rate fixed for  such series and  no
    more.   Such dividends shall  be payable on  a date or  dates which
    shall  be fixed by  the Board of Directors  and shall be cumulative
    from  such date  as may  be fixed  for the  series.   All dividends
    payable on Preferred Stock shall be fully paid, or declared and set
    apart for payment, before  any dividends on the Common  Stock shall
    be  paid or  set apart  for payment  so that  if, for  all dividend
    periods  terminating on the same  or an earlier  date, dividends on
    all  outstanding shares of the  Preferred Stock at  the rates fixed
    for the respective series shall not have been paid or set apart for
    payment,  the deficiency  shall  be fully  paid  or set  apart  for
    payment before any dividends shall be paid or set apart for payment
    on the  Common Stock.  Dividends  in full shall not be  paid or set
    apart for payment 170
    on the Preferred  Stock of any  one series for any  dividend period

    unless dividends in full have been or are contemporaneously paid or
    set apart  for payment on the  Preferred Stock of  all other series
    for all dividend periods  in respect of such series  terminating on
    the same or  an earlier date.   When the  stated dividends are  not
    paid in full on all series of the Preferred Stock in respect of any
    dividend  period, the shares of all series having the same dividend
    period  shall share ratably in  the payment of dividends, including
    accumulations,  if  any, based  on  the  dividends which  would  be
    payable on said  shares if all dividends in respect  of such series
    were  paid in full.  A 'dividend  period' is the period between any
    two consecutive dividend payment dates, excluding the first of such
    dates,  as fixed for  the series to  which a share  or shares shall
    belong.    Accruals of  dividends shall  not  bear interest.   With
    respect  to all  series of  Preferred Stock  outstanding in  May 5,
    1987, dividends shall continue to be paid on the last day of March,
    June, September and December in each year."


    The Certificate  of Consolidation of this  Corporation, as amended,
    is  hereby further amended by inserting the following Article IA to
    read as follows:

    "IA.   The purposes of the  Corporation are to  engage in rendering
    electric or gas service, or both, to the public within the State of
    New  York,  subject  to  the jurisdiction  of  the  Public  Service
    Commission as and to the extent provided by law.

    In  addition to  any  and all  activities  comprehended within  the
    foregoing paragraph, the Corporation shall have the power:

    (i)    to engage  in any  business or  operation incidental  to any
    business above referred to;  to conduct contracting and engineering
    operations;   to   search   for,   create,   prospect,   construct,
    manufacture,  purchase, hold, lease,  develop, operate, treat, use,
    transport,  sell, mortgage,  pledge, import,  export and  otherwise
    acquire and dispose of and deal  in and with properties and rights,
    of whatever character and 171
    wherever situated,  real and personal, tangible  and intangible, as

    may be necessary for or incidental to the purposes aforesaid or  in
    connection with  any similar or related  business, including lands,
    mines,   minerals,   buildings,   plants,  equipment,   warehouses,
    materials,  products,  merchandise, securities,  choses  in action,
    inventions,  secrets,  patents, trademarks  and  goodwill;  to make
    contracts; to borrow  money, contract debts and issue  notes, bonds
    and other obligations,  either secured or unsecured; to acquire, by
    purchase, subscription  or otherwise, and  to hold and  dispose of,
    all or any part of  the stock, bonds and (or) other  obligations of
    any corporation or  association, domestic or  foreign, and to  pay,
    issue or  assign, in consideration or  part consideration therefor,
    cash or the stock,  bonds or other obligations of  this Corporation
    or any other lawful consideration; to purchase or otherwise acquire
    and  to hold and dispose of the  stock, bonds and other obligations
    of  this Corporation or any  other corporation or  business or not-
    for-profit entity, provided that  this Corporation's capital be not
    impaired by any such acquisition of its own stock; to guarantee the
    stock,  bonds or  other  obligations  of,  to  lend  money  to  and
    otherwise to assist any  corporation, association or other business
    or not-for-profit entity, whose stock (or its equivalent), bonds or
    other  obligations or  any part  thereof may  be acquired,  held or
    disposed of by this  Corporation, or in which this  Corporation may
    be otherwise  interested in any way,  and to do all  things for the
    protection   or  improvement   of  such   stock,  bonds   or  other
    obligations;  to purchase or otherwise  acquire, from any person or
    persons, corporation or corporations,  and to hold, manage, conduct
    and dispose of, all or any part of  their respective properties and
    businesses of any character aforesaid, including all or any part of
    the estate, property, rights,  privileges and franchises of any  of
    or all such  corporations or associations, and to assume all or any
    part  of the obligations thereof  or incident thereto,  and to pay,
    issue or  assign, in consideration or  part consideration therefor,
    cash or the stock,  bonds or other obligations of  this Corporation
    or any other  lawful consideration and generally to  do any and all
    things,  not contrary  to law,  necessary or  convenient for  or in
    connection with the purposes aforesaid; and


    (ii) to  carry on  any  other lawful  business and  to  do any  and
    everything  necessary,  suitable,  convenient  or  proper  for  the
    accomplishment  of any of the purposes or  the attainment of any or
    all of the  objects hereinbefore  enumerated or  incidental to  the
    powers  herein named or  for the  enhancement of  the value  of the
    property  of this  Corporation or  which shall  at any  time appear
    conducive thereto or expedient.

    The  purposes above stated are intended as both objects and powers;
    and  no  part of  such  statements  is intended  to  be  limited or
    restricted  in any  way  by  inference  from  any  other  part,  or
    otherwise  except  as expressly  stated;  nor  are such  statements
    intended to limit or restrict in any way general powers   which the
    Corporation may have under  the present or future laws of the State
    of  New York; but, anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding,
    the Corporation shall not have power to do anything at any time not
    then permitted  by law to be done  by a corporation organized under
    the Business Corporation  Law, the Transportation  Corporations Law
    or any similar or successor statute."


    The stated capital of the Corporation will not be affected by  this
    Amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation.


    This  Amendment   to  the  Certificate  of   Incorporation  of  the
    Corporation  was duly authorized by  the Board of  Directors of the
    Corporation, followed by  the votes cast in  person or by  proxy of
    the holders of record of the  majority of the outstanding shares of
    the Corporation  entitled to vote  at the stockholders'  meeting at
    which such  votes  were  cast  with  relation  to  the  proceedings
    provided  for  in this  Amendment  and neither  the  Certificate of
    Incorporation  nor  any other  certificate  filed  pursuant to  law
    requires a larger  proportion of  votes.  Such  votes were cast  in
    person or  by proxy  at a  stockholders' meeting  duly held  at the
    offices of the Corporation at  No. 300 Erie Boulevard West, in  the
    City of  Syracuse, New York, on the 5th day  of May, 1987, at 10:30

    A.M., pursuant to Section 605 of the Business Corporation Law.

    IN WITNESS  WHEREOF we  have made  and subscribed  this Certificate
    this 22nd day of May, 1987.

    s/  JOHN H. TERRY
    John H. Terry
    Senior Vice President, General
    Counsel and Secretary

    Harold J. Bogan
    Assistant Secretary


    JOHN H. TERRY, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is Senior
    Vice  President, General  Counsel and  Secretary of  Niagara Mohawk
    Power Corporation,  the corporation named  in and described  in the
    foregoing certificate.  That he has read and executed the foregoing
    Certificate and knows the contents thereof and that  the statements
    contained therein are true.

    s/  JOHN H. TERRY
    John H. Terry
    Senior Vice President, General
    Counsel and Secretary

    Sworn to before me this
    22nd day of May, 1987.

    Notary Public

    Notary Public in the State of New York

    Qualified in Onondaga Co. No. 4684763
    My Commission Expires March 30, 1988



    of the




    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law


    Dated:  July 16, 1987


    520 Madison Avenue
    New York, New York 10022

    of the
    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law


    Pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  Section  805  of   the  BUSINESS
    CORPORATION LAW, the undersigned, being a Senior Vice President and
    Secretary of NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION, hereby certify:


    The name  of the Corporation  is Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation.
    It was  originally incorporated  under the  name of  Niagara Hudson
    Public Service Corporation.


    The Certificate of Consolidation  forming the Corporation was filed
    in the Department of State on July 31, 1937.

    A  Certificate of Change of  Name of Niagara  Hudson Public Service
    Corporation  to Central New York Power Corporation was filed in the
    Department of State on September 15, 1937.

    A "Certificate  of  Consolidation  of  New  York  Power  and  Light
    Corporation and  Buffalo Niagara  Electric Corporation and  Central
    New York Power Corporation into  Central New York Power Corporation
    which is to survive  the consolidation and be named  Niagara Mohawk
    Power  Corporation" was filed in the Department of State on January
    5,  1950.    Said   Certificate  of  Consolidation  is  hereinafter
    sometimes referred 176

    to as the "1950 Certificate of Consolidation".

    Pursuant to Sections 26-a  and 36 of the  Stock Corporation Law,  a
    Certificate  of Amendment was filed  in the Department  of State on
    January 5, 1950 to effect certain changes authorized in subdivision
    2 of  Section 35 of the Stock Corporation Law.  Said Certificate of
    Amendment  is  hereinafter  sometimes  referred  to  as  the  "1950
    Certificate of Amendment".

    In accordance  with the provisions of Subdivision  (E) of Paragraph
    (5) of Part D of Article IV, under the  heading "General Provisions
    Applicable  to  All  Series  of   Preferred  Stock",  of  the  1950
    Certificate  of Consolidation the holders  of record of  at least a
    majority of the total  number of votes represented by the shares of
    Preferred  Stock  of  all   series  then  outstanding  adopted  the
    following  resolution at a meeting called for that purpose and held
    on  May 3,  1983 in  the manner  prescribed by  the By-Laws  of the

    "Resolved,  that consent be and  is hereby given  to the incurrence
    (i)  through December  31, 1988,  of unsecured  indebtedness in  an
    aggregate   principal  amount   not   exceeding   the  greater   of
    $700,000,000  or the  principal  amount of  unsecured  indebtedness
    presently permitted  by the Company's Certificate  of Consolidation
    (the  "Current Limitation") pursuant to  the consent of the holders
    of  the  Company's Preferred  Stock on  December  5, 1956  and (ii)
    beginning January 1, 1989, the Current Limitation."


    The Certificate of Incorporation,  as heretofore amended, is hereby
    further amended by the addition of the following provisions stating
    the   number,  designation,   relative  rights,   preferences,  and
    limitations  of a  twenty-fourth  additional  series  of  Preferred
    Stock, to  consist of 1,000,000 shares  of the par  value of $25.00
    per share of the authorized 19,600,000 shares of Preferred Stock of
    the  Corporation of the par value of  $25.00 per share, as fixed by
    the  Board of Directors of  the Corporation before  the issuance of
    such series, such provisions so added to be designated as Paragraph

    (4X) 177
    (of Part D of Article  IV of the 1950 Certificate  of Consolidation
    as amended by Article  V of the 1950  Certificate of Amendment  and
    subsequent amendments) and to read as follows:

    Particular Provisions Applicable to Preferred Stock, 8.70% Series

    (4X)   The number,  designations, relative rights,  preference sand
    limitations of the twenty-fourth additional series of the Preferred
    Stock of the  Corporation as fixed  by the  Board of Directors  (in
    addition to those set  forth under the heading "General  Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  Paragraph (5) of
    Part D  of Article IV of  the 1950 Certificate  of Consolidation as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments) are as follows:

    (A)    The  number  of   shares  to  constitute  the  twenty-fourth
    additional series shall be 1,000,000 shares and  the designation of
    such series shall be "Preferred Stock, 8.70% Series".

    (B)  The dividend  rate of the Preferred Stock, 8.70%  Series shall
    be eight and  seventy one-hundredths percent  (8.70%) per annum  of
    the par value  thereof (computed on the basis of  a 360-day year of
    twelve  30-day months).    The  dividends  on  each  share  of  the
    Preferred Stock, 8.70% Series  shall be payable in cash on the last
    day  of March,  June,  September and  December  in each  year  and,
    whether or not  earned or  declared, shall be  cumulative from  the
    date of the original issue thereof.   So long as any shares  of the
    Preferred Stock, 8.70% Series shall be outstanding, the Corporation
    shall not  declare any  dividend on the  Common Stock or  any other
    stock ranking as  to dividends  or assets junior  to the  Preferred
    Stock, 8.70% Series,  or make  any payment  on account  of, or  set
    apart  money for  a  sinking  or  other  analogous  fund  for,  the
    purchase, redemption or  other retirement of  any shares of  Common
    Stock  or  other such  junior stock,  or  make any  distribution in
    respect thereof, either directly or indirectly, and whether in cash
    or  property or in obligations  or stock of  the Corporation (other
    than  stock  ranking  as to  dividends  and  assets  junior to  the
    Preferred  Stock,  8.70%  Series),  unless  at  the  date  of  such

    declaration in the  case of any  such dividend, or  at the date  of
    any  such  other  payment,   setting  apart  or  distribution,  all
    dividends payable on the  Preferred Stock, 8.70% Series  shall have
    been fully paid, or declared and set apart for payment.

    (C)    Except as  provided  under the  heading  "General Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  Paragraph (5) of
    Part D  of Article IV of  the 1950 Certificate of  Consolidation as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent  amendments,  and except  that  the  provisions of  this
    Paragraph (4X) shall  not be  amended without the  vote or  written
    consent of  the holders  of record  of at least  two-thirds of  the
    total  number of shares of  the Preferred Stock,  8.70% Series then
    outstanding, the Preferred Stock, 8.70% Series shall have no voting
    rights whatsoever.

    (D)   The cash sum  per outstanding share  for the Preferred Stock,
    8.70% Series  payable to  the  holders thereof  upon the  voluntary
    dissolution, liquidation  or winding up of the Corporation shall be
    $27.19 per share if paid on or prior to  June 30, 1992, and if paid
    thereafter shall be the cash sum per share set forth below, plus in
    each case  an amount  in cash equal  to the  dividends accrued  and
    unpaid on  such share to the date of payment, whether or not earned
    or declared:

    If Paid During
    the Twelve
    Months                                       Voluntary Liquidation
    Ended June 30                                   Price Per Share

    1993........................................         $25.75
    1994........................................          25.50
    1995........................................          25.25
    1996 or any year thereafter.................          25.00

    (E)  The  sum per outstanding share for the  Preferred Stock, 8.70%
    Series  payable  to  the   holders  thereof  upon  the  involuntary
    dissolution, liquidation or winding up  of the Corporation shall be

    $25.00 per share plus an amount equal to the dividends accrued  and
    unpaid on such share to the  date of payment, whether or not earned
    or 179

    (F)   The outstanding shares  of the Preferred  Stock, 8.70% Series
    shall be redeemable at  the option of the Corporation,  either as a
    whole or in  part, at any time on or after  July 1, 1992.  The cash
    sum per outstanding share of Preferred Stock,  8.70% Series payable
    to the holders thereof  upon redemption shall be the sum  per share
    set forth below, plus in  each case an amount in cash equal  to the
    dividends accrued and unpaid on such share to the date of  payment,
    whether or not earned or declared:

    If Paid During
    the Twelve
    Months                                       Optional Redemption
    Ended June 30                                  Price Per Share

    1993........................................         $25.75
    1994........................................          25.50
    1995........................................          25.25
    1996 or any year thereafter.................          25.00

    (G)   The  shares of  the Preferred  Stock, 8.70%  Series  shall be
    exchangeable  on a  share  for share  basis  into other  shares  of
    Preferred Stock, 8.70% Series, but shall not be convertible into or
    exchangeable for other securities of the Corporation.

    (H)   As a sinking fund  with respect to the  outstanding shares of
    the Preferred Stock, 8.70% Series the  Corporation will, subject to
    the provisions  of Subdivision (J)  below, call for  redemption and
    retire  on June  30, 1993  and on  each June  30 thereafter  to and
    including  June 30, 1996  (so long as  any shares of  the Preferred
    Stock,  8.70%  Series  are   outstanding)  200,000  shares  of  the
    Preferred  Stock, 8.70% Series (or the number  of the shares of the
    Preferred  Stock,  8.70%  Series  then  outstanding  if  less  than
    200,000)  and  on  June  30, 1997  the  balance  of  the  shares of
    Preferred Stock, 8.70% Series  then outstanding, in each case  at a

    cash redemption price  of $25.00 per share, plus  an amount in cash
    equal  to the  dividends accrued and  unpaid on such  shares to the
    date of payment, whether or not earned 180
    or declared.  No redemption of shares of the Preferred Stock, 8.70%
    Series pursuant to Subdivision (F) above or Subdivision  (I) below,
    nor  any purchase  or  other  acquisition  of  any  shares  of  the
    Preferred Stock, 8.70% Series  by the Corporation, shall constitute
    a retirement of  such shares in lieu of or as  a credit against any
    sinking fund retirement required by this Subdivision (H).

    (I)   The Corporation may, at  its option, on June 30,  1993 and on
    each June 30  thereafter to and including June  30, 1996, redeem up
    to  200,000 shares of the Preferred Stock, 8.70% Series in addition
    to shares  then to  be redeemed  for the  sinking fund pursuant  to
    Subdivision (H) above,  in each case at a cash  redemption price of
    $25.00  per share, plus  an amount in  cash equal  to the dividends
    accrued and  unpaid on such shares to  the date of payment, whether
    or  not earned or declared, which privilege and option so to redeem
    shall be noncumulative.

    (J)  Shares  of the Preferred Stock,  8.70% Series shall be  called
    for  redemption for the sinking fund as required by Subdivision (H)
    above  in  the  manner  prescribed  for  redemption  of  shares  of
    Preferred Stock under the heading "General Provisions Applicable to
    All  Series  of Preferred  Stock" in  Paragraph  (5) of  Part  D of
    Article IV of the  1950 Certificate of Consolidation as  amended by
    Article V  of  the 1950  Certificate  of Amendment  and  subsequent
    amendments.   Such  redemption shall  be mandatory  and not  at the
    option  of the Corporation but  shall be subject  to any applicable
    restrictions  of  law.     Nevertheless,  the  obligations  of  the
    Corporation to redeem shares  of the Preferred Stock,  8.70% Series
    annually  commencing  on  June  30,  1993  for  such sinking  fund,
    pursuant to said  Subdivision (H), shall be cumulative,  whether or
    not funds of the  Corporation are legally available to  redeem such
    shares.  So long as any shares of the Preferred Stock, 8.70% Series
    shall  be  outstanding,  the  Corporation  shall  not  declare  any
    dividend  on the  Common Stock  or any  other stock  ranking as  to
    dividends  or assets junior to,  or pari passu  with, the Preferred
    Stock, 8.70% Series or make any payment on account of, or set apart

    money  for a  sinking or  other analogous  fund for,  the purchase,
    redemption or other  retirement of  any shares of  Common Stock  or
    such  junior or  pari  passu stock,  or  make any  distribution  in
    respect thereof, either directly or indirectly, and whether in cash
    or  property or in obligations  or stock of  the Corporation (other
    than  stock  ranking  as to  dividends  and  assets  junior to  the
    Preferred Stock, 8.70% Series), unless  at the date of  declaration
    in the case of any such dividend,  or at the date of any such other
    payment, setting apart or distribution, no sinking fund requirement
    required   by  Subdivision  (H)  shall  be  in  arrears.    If  the
    Corporation shall be  prevented for any  reason from redeeming  the
    number  of shares  of Preferred  Stock, 8.70%  Series, which  it is
    required to retire on any  such June 30, the deficit shall  be made
    good on the first succeeding June 30 on which the Corporation shall
    not be  prevented from  redeeming such  shares of  Preferred Stock,
    8.70% Series.

    (K)    In  every  case  of  redemption of  less  than  all  of  the
    outstanding  shares of  Preferred Stock,  8.70% Series  pursuant to
    Subdivisions (F), (H) or  (I) above, such redemption shall  be made
    (i) pro rata according to the numbers of shares held by each holder
    of  the then outstanding  shares of Preferred  Stock, 8.70% Series,
    provided  that only whole shares  shall be selected for redemption,
    and not by  lot, and (ii) otherwise in the  manner prescribed under
    the  heading  "General  Provisions  Applicable  to  All  Series  of
    Preferred Stock"  in Paragraph (5) of  Part D of Article  IV of the
    1950  Certificate of Consolidation as  amended by Article  V of the
    1950 Certificate of Amendment and subsequent amendments.

    (L)   Shares of Preferred Stock, 8.70% Series redeemed (pursuant to
    the  sinking fund or otherwise), purchased or otherwise acquired by
    the  Corporation shall be cancelled  and restored to  the status of
    authorized  but unissued shares of Preferred Stock of the par value
    of  $25.00 per share without serial designation and may be reissued
    by the  Corporation from  time to  time as  Preferred Stock  of any
    other series of the  par value of $25.00 per share  as may be fixed
    from  time to  time by  the Board  of Directors,  but shall  not be

    reissued  by the  Corporation as shares  of Preferred  Stock, 8.70%

    (M)   The  shares of  the Preferred  Stock, 8.70%  Series shall  be
    subject  to   (i)  the  consent   set  forth  in   the  penultimate
    Subparagraph of 182
    Paragraph  II of this Certificate  to the same  extent and with the
    same  effect  as  all  series of  Preferred  Stock  outstanding  on
    December 5,  1956 are so subject, and (ii) the consent set forth in
    the  last Subparagraph of Paragraph  II of this  Certificate to the
    same extent  and with the  same effect as  all series  of Preferred
    Stock outstanding on May 3, 1983 are so subject.


    The amendments of the Certificate of Incorporation effected by this
    Certificate  were authorized by action of the Board of Directors of
    the  Corporation,   pursuant  to   Section  502  of   the  Business
    Corporation Law.

    IN WITNESS  WHEREOF, we have  made and subscribed  this Certificate
    this 22nd day of July, 1987.

    John M. Haynes
    Senior Vice President

    s/ JOHN H. TERRY
    John H. Terry
    Senior Vice President,
    General Counsel and Secretary


    JOHN H. TERRY, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is Senior
    Vice  President, General  Counsel and  Secretary of  Niagara Mohawk
    Power Corporation,  the corporation named  in and described  in the

    foregoing Certificate, that he has read and executed the  foregoing
    Certificate and  knows the contents thereof and that the statements
    contained therein are true.

    s/ JOHN H. TERRY
    John H. Terry
    Senior Vice President,
    General Counsel and Secretary

    Sworn to before me this
    16th day of July, 1987.

    Notary Public

    Notary Public in the State of New York
    Qualified in Onondaga Co. No. 4622678
    My Commission Expires July 31, 1989



    of the




    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law

    State of New York
    Department of State
    Filed May 27, 1988
    Filing Fee--$60

    Dated: May 25, 1988

    520 Madison Avenue
    New York, New York 10022

    of the
    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law


    Pursuant   to  the  provisions  of  Section  805  of  the  BUSINESS
    CORPORATION LAW,  the undersigned,  being a  Vice President and  an
    Assistant Secretary  of  NIAGARA MOHAWK  POWER CORPORATION,  hereby


    The name of  the Corporation is  Niagara Mohawk Power  Corporation.
    It  was originally  incorporated under  the name of  Niagara Hudson
    Public Service Corporation.


    The Certificate of Consolidation  forming the Corporation was filed
    by the Department of State on July 31, 1937.


    The Certificate of Incorporation,  as heretofore amended, is hereby
    further amended to  effect changes authorized by Section  801(b) of
    the  Business Corporation Law,  to wit:  (1)  to limit the personal
    liability of  Directors in certain circumstances,  (2) to institute
    "fair price" provisions  relating to certain  business combinations
    and restrict future amendments of such provisions, (3) to institute
    provisions concerning  the classification, number, term and removal
    of Directors and restrict future  amendments of such provisions and
    (4) to eliminate cumulative  voting by common shareholders  for the
    election  of the Board of Directors  and restrict future amendments
    of such provision.


    To effect the  amendment pursuant  to clause (1)  of paragraph  III
    above,  the Certificate  of  Incorporation of  the Corporation,  as
    heretofore  amended, is  hereby  further amended  by inserting  the
    following Article XIIA to read as follows:

    "XIIA.   To  the  fullest extent  now  or hereafter  not  expressly
    prohibited by the Business Corporation Law of the State of New York
    as currently in effect or as  the same may hereafter be amended, no
    director of  the  Corporation shall  be  personally liable  to  the
    Corporation  or its shareholders for damages for any breach of duty
    of  such capacity.    No amendment,  modification,  repeal of  this
    Article XIIA, nor the adoption of any provision of this Certificate

    of  Incorporation  inconsistent  with   this  Article  XIIA,  shall
    adversely  affect any  right  or protection  of  any director  that
    exists at the time  of such amendment, modification, repeal  or the
    adoption of any inconsistent provision."


    To  effect the amendments pursuant  to clause (2)  of paragraph III
    above,  the Certificate  of  Incorporation of  the Corporation,  as
    heretofore  amended, is  hereby  further amended  by inserting  the
    following Article IVA to read as follows:

    "IVA.  The vote  of the shareholders of the Corporation required to
    approve  any Business  Combination shall  be as  set forth  in this
    Article IVA.    The  term "Business  Combination"  shall  have  the
    meaning  ascribed to  it in  paragraph A.(2)  of this  Article IVA.
    Each other capitalized term  shall have the meaning ascribed  to it
    in paragraph C of this Article IVA.

    A.(1)   In addition to any affirmative vote required by law or this
    Certificate  of Incorporation  and  except  as otherwise  expressly
    provided in paragraph B of this Article IVA:

    (A)  any merger,  consolidation or  binding share  exchange  of the
    Corporation or  any Subsidiary with (i)  any Interested Shareholder
    or  (ii)  any other  person (whether  or  not itself  an Interested
    Shareholder)  which  is, or  after  such  merger, consolidation  or
    binding share  exchange would  be, an  Affiliate  of an  Interested
    Shareholder; or

    (B) any sale, lease, exchange, mortgage, pledge, transfer  or other
    disposition  (in one transaction or a series of transactions) to or
    with any Interested  Shareholder or any Affiliate of any Interested
    Shareholder of assets  of the Corporation or  any Subsidiary having
    an aggregate Fair Market Value of $5,000,000 or more; or

    (C) the issuance or  transfer by the Corporation or  any Subsidiary
    (in  one transaction or a series of transactions) of any securities

    of the Corporation or any Subsidiary to any Interested  Shareholder
    or any  Affiliate of  any Interested  Shareholder  in exchange  for
    cash,  securities  or other  property  (or  a combination  thereof)
    having  an aggregate Fair Market Value of $5,000,000 or more, other
    than the issuance of securities upon the conversion  of convertible
    securities  of the  Corporation or  any  Subsidiary which  were not
    acquired by  such Interested  Shareholder (or such  Affiliate) from
    the Corporation or a 187
    Subsidiary; or

    (D) the  adoption of any  plan or proposal  for the  liquidation or
    dissolution  of  the Corporation  proposed by  or  on behalf  of an
    Interested  Shareholder   or  any   Affiliate  of  any   Interested
    Shareholder; or

    (E)  any transaction  involving the  Corporation or  any Subsidiary
    (whether or not with  or into or otherwise involving  an Interested
    Shareholder),    and    including,    without    limitation,    any
    reclassification of securities (including any reverse stock split),
    or recapitalization  or reorganization  of the Corporation,  or any
    merger  or  consolidation  of  the  Corporation  with  any  of  its
    Subsidiaries  or  any  self  tender  offer  for  or  repurchase  of
    securities of the Corporation by the Corporation or  any Subsidiary
    or any  other transaction (whether or not with or into or otherwise
    involving an Interested  Shareholder), which in  any such case  has
    the effect, directly or indirectly, of increasing the proportionate
    share of the outstanding  shares of any class of  equity securities
    or securities convertible into equity securities of the Corporation
    or  any Subsidiary  which  is directly  or indirectly  beneficially
    owned  by  any  Interested  Shareholder or  any  Affiliate  of  any
    Interested Shareholder;

    shall require  the affirmative vote  of the holders of  at least 75
    percent of the combined voting power of the then outstanding shares
    of the Voting Stock, in each case voting together as a single class
    (it being understood  that for  purposes of this  Article IVA  each
    share of the Voting Stock shall have the number of votes granted to
    it pursuant to Article  IV of this Certificate of  Incorporation or
    any  designation of the rights, powers and preferences of any class

    or  series of Preferred or  Preference Stock made  pursuant to said
    Article IV (a "Preferred  or Preference Stock Designation")), which
    vote  shall include  the affirmative  vote of  at least  two-thirds
    (2/3) of the  combined voting  power of the  outstanding shares  of
    Voting  Stock  held  by  shareholders  other  than  the  Interested
    Shareholder.      Such   affirmative   vote   shall   be   required
    notwithstanding any provision of law or any other provision of this
    Certificate of Incorporation or 188
    any agreement  with any  national securities exchange  or otherwise
    which might permit a lesser vote or no vote and  in addition to any
    affirmative vote required of the holders of any class  or series of
    Voting Stock pursuant to law,  this Certificate of Incorporation or
    any Preferred or Preference Stock Designation.

    (2)   The term "Business Combination"  as used in this  Article IVA
    shall  mean any transaction that is referred  to in any one or more
    clauses (A) through (E) of paragraph A.(1) of this Article IVA.

    B.  The provisions of paragraph A.(1) of this Article IVA shall not
    be  applicable to  any  particular Business  Combination, and  such
    Business Combination  shall require  only such affirmative  vote as
    may be required by law, any other provision of  this Certificate of
    Incorporation, any  Preferred or Preference  Stock Designation  and
    any agreement  with any  national securities exchange,  if, in  the
    case of a Business  Combination that does not  involve any cash  or
    other  consideration  being received  by  the  shareholders of  the
    Corporation, solely  in their respective capacities as shareholders
    of  the  Corporation,  the  condition specified  in  the  following
    paragraph (1)  is  met,  or, in  the  case of  any  other  Business
    Combination, the  conditions specified in  the following  paragraph
    (1)  or the conditions specified in the following paragraph (2) are

    (1)  such  Business Combination  shall  have  been  approved  by  a
    majority of the Disinterested Directors; or

    (2)  each of the five conditions specified in the following clauses
    (A) through (E) shall have been met:

    (A)  the aggregate amount of the cash  and the Fair Market Value as
    of the Consummation Date of any consideration other than cash to be
    received  per share  by holders  of Common  Stock in  such Business
    Combination shall be at least equal to the highest of the following
    (it  being intended  that  the requirements  of this  clause (2)(A)
    shall be  required to be met  with respect to all  shares of Common
    Stock  outstanding whether  or not  the Interested  Shareholder has
    acquired any shares of the Common Stock):
    (i)  if  applicable, the  highest  per share  price  (including any
    brokerage commissions, transfer taxes and soliciting dealers' fees)
    paid  in order to acquire  any shares of  Common Stock beneficially
    owned   by   the   Interested  Shareholder   which   were  acquired
    beneficially by such Interested Shareholder (x) within the two-year
    period immediately prior  to the  Announcement Date or  (y) in  the
    transaction in which it became an Interested Shareholder, whichever
    is higher; or

    (ii)  the  Fair Market  Value  per  share of  Common  Stock on  the
    Announcement  Date  or  on  the Determination  Date,  whichever  is
    higher; or

    (iii) the  amount which bears  the same percentage  relationship to
    the Fair  Market Value of the Common Stock on the Announcement Date
    as  the highest per share price determined in (2)(A)(i) above bears
    to  the Fair Market  Value of the  Common Stock on  the date of the
    commencement  of  the  acquisition  of  the  Common Stock  by  such
    Interested Shareholder; and

    (B) the aggregate amount of  the cash and the Fair Market  Value as
    of the Consummation Date of any consideration other than cash to be
    received per share by holders of  the shares of any class or series
    of  Voting Stock (other than Common  Stock) shall be at least equal
    to  the  highest  of the  following  (it  being  intended that  the
    requirements of this clause (2)(B) shall be required to be met with
    respect to every class and series of such outstanding Voting Stock,
    whether or  not the Interested Shareholder  has previously acquired
    any shares of a particular class or series of Voting Stock):

    (i)  if  applicable, the  highest  per share  price  (including any
    brokerage commissions, transfer taxes and soliciting dealers' fees)
    paid in  order to acquire  any shares  of such class  or series  of
    Voting Stock beneficially owned by the Interested Shareholder which
    were  acquired  beneficially  by  such Interested  Shareholder  (x)
    within the  two-year period  immediately prior to  the Announcement
    Date or  (y) in the  transaction in which  it became an  Interested
    Shareholder, whichever is higher; or

    (ii) if  applicable, the highest  preferential amount per  share to
    which the holders of shares of such class or series of Voting Stock
    are  entitled  in  the  event  of   any  voluntary  or  involuntary
    liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation; or

    (iii) the  Fair Market Value per  share of such class  or series of
    Voting Stock  on the Announcement  Date or the  Determination Date,
    whichever is higher; or

    (iv) the amount which bears the  same percentage to the Fair Market
    Value of such class  or series of Voting Stock on  the Announcement
    Date as the highest per share price in (2)(B)(i) above bears to the
    Fair  Market  Value  of  such  Voting  Stock  on  the  date  of the
    commencement  of  the acquisition  of  such  Voting  Stock by  such
    Interested Shareholder; and

    (C) the consideration  to be  received by holders  of a  particular
    class  or  series of  outstanding  Voting  Stock (including  Common
    Stock)  shall be in cash or in the same form as was previously paid
    in order to  acquire beneficially shares of such class or series of
    Voting  Stock  that  are   beneficially  owned  by  the  Interested
    Shareholder  and, if  the Interested Shareholder  beneficially owns
    shares of  any class or  series of Voting Stock  that were acquired
    with  varying forms of consideration,  the form of consideration to
    be received by each holder of  such class or series of Voting Stock
    shall  be, at the  option of such  holder, either cash  or the form
    used  by the  Interested  Shareholder to  acquire beneficially  the
    largest  number of shares  of such class or  series of Voting Stock
    beneficially acquired by it prior to the Announcement Date; and

    (D)  after such  Interested  Shareholder has  become an  Interested
    Shareholder  and  prior  to   the  consummation  of  such  Business

    (i)  such   Interested  Shareholder  shall  not   have  become  the
    beneficial  owner of any additional  shares of Voting  Stock of the
    Corporation, except as part  of the transaction in which  it became
    an  Interested  Shareholder  or   upon  conversion  of  convertible
    securities acquired by 191
    it prior to becoming an Interested Shareholder or a result of a pro
    rata stock dividend or stock split; and

    (ii)  such  Interested  Shareholder  shall not  have  received  the
    benefit,  directly  or  indirectly  (except  proportionately  as  a
    shareholder), of any loans,  advances, guarantees, pledges or other
    financial  assistance  or  tax  credits  or  other  tax  advantages
    provided  by   the  Corporation  or  any   Subsidiary,  whether  in
    anticipation of or in connection with such  Business Combination or
    otherwise; and

    (iii)  such  Interested  Shareholder  shall  not  have  caused  any
    material change in the Corporation's business or capital structure,
    including, without  limitation, the  issuance of shares  of capital
    stock of the Corporation to any third party; and

    (iv) there shall have been (x) no failure to declare and pay at the
    regular  date therefor the full amount of dividends (whether or not
    cumulative) on any outstanding Preferred or Preference Stock except
    as  approved by a majority  of the Disinterested  Directors, (y) no
    reduction  in the  annual rate  of dividends  paid on  Common Stock
    (except  as  necessary to  reflect  any subdivision  of  the Common
    Stock),  except as  approved  by a  majority  of the  Disinterested
    Directors and (z) an increase in such annual rate  of dividends (as
    necessary  to prevent  any  such reduction)  in  the event  of  any
    reclassification    (including    any    reverse   stock    split),
    recapitalization, reorganization, self tender  offer or any similar
    transaction  which  has  the  effect  of  reducing  the  number  of
    outstanding  shares of the Common  Stock, unless the  failure so to
    increase  such  annual  rate was  approved  by  a  majority of  the

    Disinterested Directors; and

    (E)  a  proxy  or  information statement  describing  the  proposed
    Business  Combination and  complying with  the requirements  of the
    Securities  Exchange Act  of  1934 and  the  rules and  regulations
    thereunder (or any subsequent  provisions replacing such Act, rules
    and regulations), whether or not the Corporation is then subject to
    such requirements,  shall be  mailed by and  at the expense  of the
    Interested  Shareholder   at  least   thirty  days  prior   to  the
    Consummation  Date  of  such  Business Combination  to  the  public
    shareholders of the Corporation (whether or 192
    not  such proxy or information  statement is required  to be mailed
    pursuant to such Act  or subsequent provisions), and  shall contain
    at the front thereof  in a prominent place (i)  any recommendations
    as  to  the  advisability   (or  inadvisability)  of  the  Business
    Combination which  the Disinterested Directors, if  any, may choose
    to state, and (ii)  the opinion of a reputable  national investment
    banking  firm  as  to  the  fairness  (or  not)  of  such  Business
    Combination  from  the  point  of  view  of  the  remaining  public
    shareholders of the Corporation (such investment banking firm to be
    engaged solely on  behalf of the remaining  public shareholders, to
    be paid a reasonable fee for their services by the Corporation upon
    receipt of  such opinion, to  be unaffiliated with  such Interested
    Shareholder,  and,  if there  are  at  the  time any  Disinterested
    Directors, to  be  selected  by a  majority  of  the  Disinterested

    C.  For the purposes of this Article IVA:

    (1)  A "person" shall  include, without limitation, any individual,
    firm,  corporation, group (as such term is used in Regulation 13D-G
    of the General Rules and Regulations under the  Securities Exchange
    Act of 1934, as in effect on January 1, 1988) or other entity.

    (2)  "Interested Shareholder" shall mean any person (other than the
    Corporation or any Subsidiary  or any employee benefit plan  of the
    Corporation or any Subsidiary) who or which:

    (A) is the beneficial  owner, directly or indirectly, of  more than

    10 percent of  the combined  voting power of  the then  outstanding
    shares of Voting Stock; or

    (B)  is an Affiliate of the Corporation  and at any time within the
    two-year period immediately prior  to the date in question  was the
    beneficial  owner, directly or indirectly, of 10 percent or more of
    the  combined voting power of the then outstanding shares of Voting
    Stock; or

    (C) is an assignee of or has  otherwise succeeded to the beneficial
    ownership  of any  shares  of Voting  Stock that  were at  any time
    within 193
    the  two-year  period immediately  prior  to the  date  in question
    beneficially owned by an Interested Shareholder, if such assignment
    or succession shall have occurred in the course of a transaction or
    series  of transactions not involving  a public offering within the
    meaning of the Securities Act of 1933.

    (3)  A person shall be a "beneficial owner" of any Voting Stock:

    (A)  which such  person  or any  of  its Affiliates  or  Associates
    beneficially owns, directly or indirectly; or

    (B) which  such person or any  of its Affiliates  or Associates has
    (a) the right to  acquire (whether or not such right is exercisable
    immediately)   pursuant   to    any   agreement,   arrangement   or
    understanding or  upon the exercise of  conversion rights, exchange
    rights, warrants or options, or otherwise, or (b) the right to vote
    or  direct  the  vote pursuant  to  any  agreement,  arrangement or
    understanding; or

    (C) which  are beneficially owned,  directly or indirectly,  by any
    other person  with which such  person or any  of its  Affiliates or
    Associates has any agreement,  arrangement or understanding for the
    purpose of acquiring, holding, voting or disposing of any shares of
    Voting Stock.

    (4)   For  the purposes  of  determining  whether a  person  is  an
    Interested Shareholder pursuant to  paragraph C.(2) of this Article

    IVA, the number of shares of Voting Stock deemed to be  outstanding
    shall include  shares deemed  owned by such  Interested Shareholder
    through  application of  paragraph C.(3)  of this  Article IVA  but
    shall not  include any  other shares  of Voting  Stock that  may be
    issuable pursuant to  any agreement, arrangement or  understanding,
    or  upon exercise  of conversion  rights,  warrants or  options, or

    (5)  "Affiliate" and "Associate" shall have the respective meanings
    ascribed  to  such terms  in Rule  12b-2 of  the General  Rules and
    Regulations under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as in effect
    on January 1, 1988.

    (6)   "Subsidiary" shall mean any  company more than 50  percent of
    whose outstanding equity securities having ordinary voting power in
    the  election of directors is owned, directly or indirectly, by the
    Corporation or  by a Subsidiary  or by the  Corporation and one  or
    more Subsidiaries; provided, however, that for the purposes of  the
    definition of  Interested Shareholder set forth  in paragraph C.(2)
    of  this Article  IVA,  the term  "Subsidiary"  shall mean  only  a
    company of  which a majority  of each  class or  series of  capital
    stock  entitled to vote generally  in the election  of directors of
    such company is owned, directly or indirectly, by the Corporation.

    (7)  "Disinterested Director" shall mean any member of the Board of
    Directors  of the Corporation who  is unaffiliated with,  and not a
    nominee  of, the  Interested Shareholder  and was  a member  of the
    Board prior to the  time that the Interested Shareholder  became an
    Interested  Shareholder,  and  any  successor  of  a  Disinterested
    Director  who is  unaffiliated  with, and  not  a nominee  of,  the
    Interested  Shareholder  and  who   is  recommended  to  succeed  a
    Disinterested  Director  by a  majority of  Disinterested Directors
    then on the Board of Directors.

    (8)  "Fair Market Value" shall mean  (1) in the case of stock,  the
    highest closing  sale price during the 30-day  period commencing on
    the 40th  day preceding  the date  in question of  a share  of such
    stock  on the  Composite Tape  for New  York Stock  Exchange-Listed

    Stocks,  or, if  such stock  is not  quoted on  the New  York Stock
    Exchange-Composite Tape, on the principal United States  securities
    exchange registered  under the Securities  Exchange Act of  1934 on
    which such stock is listed, or, if  such stock is not listed on any
    such exchange, the highest closing sale price or bid quotation with
    respect  to  a  share  of  such  stock  during  the  30-day  period
    commencing  on the 40th day  preceding the date  in question on the
    National  Association  of  Securities   Dealers,  Inc.    Automated
    Quotations  System  or any  system  then  in  use,  or if  no  such
    quotations  are available,  the fair  market value  on the  date in
    question of  a share of such  stock as determined by  a majority of
    the Disinterested Directors  in good faith; and (2)  in the case of
    property other  than cash or stock,  the fair market  value of such
    property on the date in question as determined by a 195
    majority of the Disinterested Directors in good faith.

    (9)   In  the  event  of  any Business  Combination  in  which  the
    Corporation survives, the phrase "any consideration other than cash
    to be  received" as  used in  paragraph B.(2)(A)  and  (B) of  this
    Article IVA shall  include the  shares of Common  Stock and/or  the
    shares of any  other class  or series of  outstanding Voting  Stock
    retained by the holders of such shares.

    (10)    "Announcement Date"  shall mean  the  date of  first public
    announcement of the proposed Business Combination.

    (11)    "Determination  Date" shall  mean  the  date  on which  the
    Interested Shareholder became an Interested Shareholder.

    (12)  "Consummation Date"  shall mean the date of  the consummation
    of the Business Combination.

    (13)  The term "Voting Stock" shall mean all  outstanding shares of
    capital stock of all classes and series of the Corporation entitled
    to  vote generally in the election of directors of the Corporation,
    in each case voting together as a single class.

    D.  A majority of the Disinterested Directors  shall have the power
    and duty to  determine, on the  basis of information known  to them

    after  reasonable   inquiry,  all  facts  necessary   to  determine
    compliance with this Article IVA including, without limitation:

    (1) whether a person is an Interested Shareholder;

    (2) the number of shares of Voting Stock beneficially owned  by any

    (3)  whether a  person  is an  Affiliate  or Associate  of  another

    (4) whether the requirements of paragraph B.(2) of this Article IVA
    have been met with respect to any Business Combination;

    (5)  whether the  assets  which are  the  subject of  any  Business
    Combination  have, or  the  consideration to  be  received for  the
    issuance  or  transfer  of  securities by  the  Corporation  or any
    Subsidiary  in  any Business  Combination  has,  an aggregate  Fair
    Market Value of $5,000,000 or more; and

    (6) such other  matters with  respect to which  a determination  is
    required under this Article IVA.  The good faith determination of a
    majority  of the Disinterested  Directors on such  matters shall be
    conclusive and binding for all purposes of this Article IVA.

    E.   Nothing contained  in this Article  IVA shall  be construed to
    relieve  any Interested Shareholder  from any  fiduciary obligation
    imposed by law.

    F.    Notwithstanding anything  contained  in  this Certificate  of
    Incorporation to the contrary, the affirmative vote of  the holders
    of at least 80 percent  of the combined voting power of  the Voting
    Stock,  voting together  as a  single class,  shall be  required to
    alter, amend  or repeal this Article IVA or to adopt any provisions
    inconsistent  therewith; provided,  however,  that if  there is  an
    interested  Shareholder on the record date for the meeting at which
    such   action  is   submitted   to  the   shareholders  for   their
    consideration, such  80 percent  vote must include  the affirmative

    vote of at  least two-thirds (2/3) of the  combined voting power of
    the outstanding shares of  Voting Stock held by shareholders  other
    than the Interested Shareholder.

    G.  Nothing contained in this  Article IVA is intended, or shall be
    construed, to  affect any  of the relative  rights, preferences  or
    limitations,  within  the  meaning  of  such  terms  under  Section
    801(b)(12)  of  the  New  York  Business  Corporation  Law  or  any
    successor  statute, of any shares of any authorized class or series
    thereof of the Corporation, whether issued or unissued."


    To  effect the amendments pursuant  to clause (3)  of paragraph III
    above,  the Certificate  of  Incorporation of  the Corporation,  as
    heretofore  amended, is hereby amended  so that Article  VII of the
    Corporation's Certificate  of  Incorporation, as  amended, will  be
    further amended to read as follows:

    "VII. A.  (1) Except as otherwise  fixed pursuant to  Article IV of
    this Certificate  of Incorporation  relating to  the rights of  the
    holders of any  class or  series of Preferred  or Preference  Stock
    having  a preference over  the Common Stock  as to  dividends or to
    elect  directors  under  specified  circumstances,  the   Board  of
    Directors  shall consist  of not  less than nine  (9) or  more than
    twenty-one  (21) persons, the exact  number (i) to  be fifteen (15)
    persons  upon  adoption  of this  Article  VII,  subject to  change
    exclusively by the Board of Directors as provided in this paragraph
    A.(1), and  (ii) if to be changed from fifteen (15) persons to some
    other number not less  than nine (9)  or more than twenty-one  (21)
    persons subsequent to  adoption of  this Article VII,  to be  fixed
    from time to time exclusively by the Board of Directors pursuant to
    a  resolution  adopted  by  a  majority  of  the  total  number  of
    authorized directors (whether or  not there exist any vacancies  in
    previously authorized directorships at the time any such resolution

    is presented to the Board for adoption).  At the  annual meeting of
    the  shareholders of the Corporation  at which this  Article VII is
    adopted, the  directors shall  be classified,  with respect  to the
    time for which they  severally hold office, into three  classes, as
    nearly  equal in number  as possible, as  shall be  provided in the
    manner specified in the By-Laws, one class to hold office initially
    for a  term expiring at  the annual meeting  of shareholders to  be
    held in  1989, another  class to hold  office initially for  a term
    expiring at the annual meeting of  shareholders to be held in 1990,
    and another class to  hold office initially for a term  expiring at
    the annual  meeting of shareholders  to be held  in 1991,  with the
    members of each  class to  hold office until  their successors  are
    elected and qualified.   At each annual meeting of  shareholders of
    the Corporation following the annual meeting of shareholders of the
    Corporation at which this Article VII 198
    is adopted, the  successors to  the class of  directors whose  term
    expires at that meeting shall be  elected to hold office for a term
    expiring  at the annual meeting  of shareholders held  in the third
    year following the year  of their election.  All  directors elected
    in  connection  with  any  election  of  directors  by  holders  of
    Preferred Stock, by  holders of Preferred and  Preference Stock, or
    by holders of Preference  Stock at any time when  directors elected
    by  holders of Preferred Stock are serving, shall hold office until
    the  next annual meeting of shareholders and until their successors
    have been elected  and qualified  or until any  special meeting  of
    shareholders prior thereto held by virtue of any termination of the
    rights  of holders of  Preferred Stock to elect  directors.  At any
    such special meeting of shareholders, the Board of Directors  shall
    again become classified, on  a basis consistent with that  provided
    in  the second  preceding  sentence, provided,  that any  directors
    entitled  to be  elected by  holders of  Preference Stock  shall be
    elected to the class whose term expires  at the next annual meeting
    and such rights of  holders of Preference Stock to  elect directors
    shall  continue to apply,  so long as  they continue in  effect, to
    directors of  that class.  The  same procedure as set  forth in the
    foregoing proviso shall also apply  in connection with any  meeting
    of shareholders  at which holders of Preference  Stock are entitled
    to elect  directors under  circumstances where  no  members of  the
    existing  Board  of  Directors  have been  elected  by  holders  of

    Preferred Stock.  The election of directors need not be by ballot.

    (2) Except as otherwise fixed pursuant to the provisions of Article
    IV of this Certificate  of Incorporation relating to the  rights of
    the holders of any class or series of Preferred or Preference Stock
    having a preference  over the Common  Stock as to  dividends or  to
    elect directors under specified circumstances, if the office of any
    director becomes vacant for any reason, a majority of the directors
    then in office,  whether or  not such majority  shall constitute  a
    quorum, may choose a  successor who, to the extent required  by New
    York  law, shall  hold  office until  the  next annual  meeting  of
    shareholders at which the  election of directors is in  the regular
    order of business and until his successor has been elected and 

    qualified; provided that if New York law does  not so require, such
    director  shall  hold office  for the  full  unexpired term  of the
    director whose seat he is filling, or any such vacancy in the board
    of directors may  be filled by the stockholders entitled to vote at
    any meeting of stockholders,  notice of which stockholders' meeting
    shall  have referred to the proposed election.  Except as otherwise
    fixed  pursuant to the provisions of Article IV of this Certificate
    of Incorporation relating to the rights of the holders of any class
    or series of Preferred or Preference Stock having a preference over
    the  Common Stock  as  to dividends  or  to elect  directors  under
    specified  circumstances, in the event of an increase in the number
    of directors pursuant  to paragraph  A.(1) of this  Article VII,  a
    majority  of  the directors  then in  office,  whether or  not such
    majority  shall  constitute  a  quorum, may  elect  the  additional
    director or directors  who, to the extent required by New York law,
    shall  hold office until the next annual meeting of shareholders at
    which the election of directors is in the regular order of business
    and  until his successor  has been elected  and qualified; provided
    that  if  New York  law  does  not  so require,  such  director  or
    directors  shall hold  office for  the full  unexpired term  of the
    class  of directors to which such director or directors is elected,
    or  any  such  director   or  directors  may  be  elected   by  the
    stockholders' meeting shall have referred to the proposed election.
    No decrease in the number  of authorized directors constituting the

    entire Board of Directors  shall shorten the term of  any incumbent

    (3)  Subject to the rights of the holders of any class or series of
    Preferred  or Preference  Stock having  preference over  the Common
    Stock as  to  dividends  or  to  elect  directors  under  specified
    circumstances, any director,  or the entire board of Directors, may
    be removed from office at any time, but only for cause.

    B.   Notwithstanding any  other  provision of  this Certificate  of
    Incorporation or  any provision of law which might otherwise permit
    a lesser vote or no  vote, but in addition to any  affirmative vote
    of the  holders of  any particular  class or series  of the  Voting
    Stock required  by law, this  Certificate of  Incorporation or  any
    Preferred or Preference Stock  Designation, the affirmative vote of
    the holders 200
    of at least 80  percent of the combined voting power  of all of the
    then-outstanding shares of the Voting  Stock, voting together as  a
    single class, shall  be required to (i) alter, amend or repeal this
    Article  VII,  or any  provision hereof,  or  (ii) alter,  amend or
    repeal any  provision of the By-Laws which is to the same effect as
    Article VII, or any provision hereof.

    C.  For the purposes of this Article VII:

    (1)  The term "Voting Stock"  shall mean all  outstanding shares of
    capital stock of all classes and series of the Corporation entitled
    to  vote generally in the election of directors of the Corporation,
    in each case voting together as a single class.

    (2) The term "Preferred or Preference Stock Designation" shall mean
    any  designation of the rights, powers and preferences of any class
    or series of the  Preferred or Preference Stock of  the Corporation
    made  pursuant to Article IV of the Certificate of Incorporation of
    the Corporation."


    To  effect the amendments pursuant  to clause (3)  of paragraph III

    above,  the Certificate  of  Incorporation of  the Corporation,  as
    heretofore amended, is hereby  further amended so that the  next to
    last paragraph of  Subdivision (H)  of Paragraph (5)  of Part D  of
    Article IV  of the  Corporation's Certificate of  Incorporation, as
    amended, will be further amended to read as follows:

    "Upon  any termination of the right of the holders of the Preferred
    stock to elect  members of the Board of Directors as aforesaid, the
    term of office of the directors then in office shall terminate upon
    the election of a new Board of Directors, as then constituted, at a
    meeting of  the holders  of the  class or classes  of stock  of the
    Corporation then entitled to vote  for directors, which meeting may
    be held at any time after such termination of such right, and shall
    be  called  upon request  of holders  of  record of  such  class or
    classes  of  stock then  entitled to  vote  for directors,  in like
    manner and subject 201
    to  similar  conditions as  hereinbefore  in  this subdivision  (H)
    provided  with  respect  to  the  call  of  a  special  meeting  of
    stockholders  for the election of  directors by the  holders of the
    Preferred Stock."


    To effect the  amendment pursuant  to clause (4)  of paragraph  III
    above,  the Certificate  of  Incorporation of  the Corporation,  as
    heretofore amended,  is hereby further amended  so that Subdivision
    (D) of Paragraph (8) of  Part D of Article IV of  the Corporation's
    Certificate of  Incorporation, as amended, will  be further amended
    to read as follows:

    "(D)  The respective shares of  the Common Stock  shall entitle the
    holders thereof to  one vote for  each share  of such Common  Stock
    held by them.

    Notwithstanding   any  other  provision   of  this  Certificate  of
    Incorporation or any provision of law which  might otherwise permit
    a  lesser vote or no vote, but  in addition to any affirmative vote
    of  the holders of  any particular  class or  series of  the Voting
    Stock required  by law,  this Certificate  of Incorporation  or any

    Preferred or Preference Stock  Designation, the affirmative vote of
    the holders of at least 80  percent of the combined voting power of
    all of the  then-outstanding shares of the  Corporation entitled to
    vote  in the  election of  directors, voting  together as  a single
    class  shall be  required  to  (i)  alter,  amend  or  repeal  this
    Subdivision (D), or any  provision hereof, or (ii) alter,  amend or
    repeal  any provision of the By-Laws which  is to the same effect a
    Subdivision (D), or any provision hereof."


    This  Amendment   to  the  Certificate  of   Incorporation  of  the
    Corporation  was duly authorized by  the Board of  Directors of the
    Corporation, followed by the  votes cast in person  or by proxy  of
    the holders of record of the  majority of the outstanding shares of
    the Corporation 202
    entitled to vote at  the stockholders' meeting at which  such votes
    were cast with  relation to  the proceedings provided  for in  this
    Amendment  and neither  the  Certificate of  Incorporation nor  any
    other  certificate   filed  pursuant  to  law   requires  a  larger
    proportion of votes.  Such votes were cast in person or by proxy at
    a stockholders' meeting duly held at the offices of the Corporation
    at No. 300  Erie Boulevard West, in the City  of Syracuse, New York
    on the 3rd day of May, 1988, at 10:30 A.M., pursuant to Section 605
    of the Business Corporation Law.

    IN  WITNESS WHEREOF we  have made  and subscribed  this Certificate
    this 25th day of May, 1988.

    /s/ GARY J. LAVINE
    Gary J. Lavine
    Vice President, General
    Counsel and Secretary

    John J. Hennigan
    Assistant Secretary



    GARY J. LAVINE, being duly sworn, deposes and says that  he is Vice
    President, General  Counsel and  Secretary of Niagara  Mohawk Power
    Corporation,  the  corporation  named   in  and  described  in  the
    foregoing certificate, that  he has read and executed the foregoing
    Certificate  and  knows  the  contents thereof  and  that,  on  his
    information and belief, the  statements contained therein are true.

    /s/ GARY J. LAVINE
    Gary J. Lavine
    Vice President, General
    Counsel and Secretary

    Sworn to before me this
    25th day of May, 1988.

    Notary Public

    Notary Public in the State of New York
    Qualified in Onondaga Co. No. 4684763
    My Commission Expires March 30, 1990



    of the




    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law


    State of New York
    Department of State
    Filed September 27, 1990
    Filing Fee--$60

    Dated:  September 13, 1990

    One Battery Park Plaza
    New York, New York 10004-1490

    of the

    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law


    Pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  Section  805  of   the  BUSINESS
    CORPORATION LAW,  the undersigned,  being a Vice  President and  an
    Assistant Secretary  of  NIAGARA MOHAWK  POWER CORPORATION,  hereby


    The name  of the Corporation  is Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation.
    It was originally  incorporated under  the name  of Niagara  Hudson
    Public Service Corporation.


    The Certificate of Consolidation  forming the Corporation was filed
    in the Department of State on July 31, 1937.


    The Certificate  of Incorporation  as heretofore amended  is hereby
    further  amended to effect changes  authorized by Section 801(b) of
    the  Business Corporation Law, to  wit:  to  increase the aggregate
    number of  shares of Preference Stock  of the par value  of $25 per
    share which the Corporation shall have the authority to issue by an
    additional 4,000,000 shares of  such Preference Stock, so that  the
    authorized  shares  of capital  stock  shall  consist of  3,400,000
    shares of Preferred Stock with a par value of $100 each, 19,600,000
    shares of Preferred Stock  with a par value of $25  each, 8,000,000
    shares  of Preference  Stock  with a  par  value  of $25  each  and
    150,000,000 shares of Common Stock with a par value of $1 each.


    The Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation, as amended, is
    hereby further amended so that Parts A and C of Article IV, setting

    forth the number  of authorized shares and the  number of shares of
    each class, will be further amended to read as follows:

    "IV. A. The  total number of shares which the  Corporation may have
    is 181,000,000, of which 3,400,000 are  to have a par value of $100
    each,  27,600,000  are  to  have  a  par  value  of  $25  each  and
    150,000,000 are to have a par value of $1 each."

    "C. The shares of the Corporation are to be classified as follows:

    3,400,000 shares are to be Preferred Stock with a par value of $100
    19,600,000 shares are to be Preferred Stock with a par value of $25
    8,000,000 shares are to be Preference Stock with a par value of $25
    each; and
    150,000,000 shares  are to be Common  Stock with a par  value of $1


    The stated capital of the Corporation will not be affected by  this
    Amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation.


    The Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation, as amended, is
    hereby  further amended so that Subdivision (D) of Paragraph (6) of
    Part D of Article IV will be further amended to read as follows:

    "(D)  The  sum payable  per share upon  the voluntary  dissolution,
    liquidation  or winding up of  the Corporation and  the sum payable
    per share upon the  involuntary dissolution, liquidation or winding
    up of the Corporation, which sums, in each and every case, shall be
    a  stated amount (not less  than $25) with  respect to dissolution,
    liquidation or  winding up during any specified  period or periods,
    plus an amount equal  to the dividends accrued and  unpaid thereon,
    whether or  not earned  or  declared, and  payable out  of the  net

    assets of the Corporation, whether capital or surplus;"


    The Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation, as amended, is
    hereby  further amended so that  Section (b) of  Subdivision (E) of
    Paragraph (7)  of Part D of  Article IV will be  further amended to
    read as follows:

    "(b)   Issue any shares of  Preference Stock entitled to payment of
    an amount  per share upon involuntary  dissolution, liquidation, or
    winding up  of the Corporation in  excess of $25 per  share plus an
    amount  equal to the dividends accrued  and unpaid thereof, whether
    or not earned or declared;"

    This  Amendment   to  the  Certificate  of   Incorporation  of  the
    Corporation  was duly authorized by  the Board of  Directors of the
    Corporation, followed by  the votes cast in  person or by proxy  of
    the holders  of record of  a majority of the  outstanding shares of
    the Corporation  entitled to vote  at the stockholders'  meeting at
    which such  votes  were  cast  with  relation  to  the  proceedings
    provided  for  in this  Amendment  and neither  the  Certificate of
    Incorporation  nor  any other  certificate  filed  pursuant to  law
    requires  a larger proportion  of votes.   Such votes  were cast in
    person  or by  proxy at a  stockholders' meeting  duly held  at the
    Everson  Museum at 401 Harrison Street in the City of Syracuse, New
    York on the 1st day of May, 1990, at 10:30 A.M. pursuant to Section
    605 of the Business Corporation Law.

    IN  WITNESS WHEREOF, we  have made and  subscribed this Certificate
    this 13th day of September, 1990.

    By      /s/ GARY J. LAVINE
    Gary J. Lavine
    Vice President,
    General Counsel and Secretary

    By     /s/ HAROLD J. BOGAN          
    Harold J. Bogan
    Assistant Secretary

    STATE OF NEW YORK        )
    COUNTY OF ONONDAGA    ) ss.:

    GARY J. LAVINE, being duly sworn,  deposes and says that he is Vice
    President, General  Counsel and  Secretary of Niagara  Mohawk Power
    Corporation,  the  corporation  named   in  and  described  in  the
    foregoing Certificate, that he has read and executed  the foregoing
    Certificate  and knows the contents thereof and that the statements
    contained therein are true.

    /s/ GARY J. LAVINE           
    Gary J. Lavine
    Vice President,
    General Counsel and Secretary

    Sworn to before me this
    13th day of September, 1990.

    /s/ MARILYN A. GARROW        
    Notary Public

    Marilyn A. Garrow
    Notary Public in the State of New York
    Qualified in Onondaga Co. No. 4684763
    My Commission Expires March 30, 1992



    of the




    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law


    State of New York
    Department of State
    Filed: October 18, 1991
    Tax: $ None
    By PJC

    Dated: October 17, 1991

    One Battery Park Plaza
    New York, New York 10004-1490

    of the
    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law


    Pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  Section  805  of   the  BUSINESS
    CORPORATION LAW, the undersigned, being a Senior Vice President and
    an Assistant Secretary of  NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION, hereby


    The name  of the Corporation  is Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation.

    It  was originally  incorporated under the  name of  Niagara Hudson
    Public Service Corporation.


    The Certificate of Consolidation  forming the Corporation was filed
    in the Department of State on July 31, 1937.

    A  Certificate of Change of  Name of Niagara  Hudson Public Service
    Corporation  to Central New York Power Corporation was filed in the
    Department of State on September 15, 1937.

    A  "Certificate  of  Consolidation  of  New York  Power  and  Light
    Corporation  and Buffalo Niagara  Electric Corporation  and Central
    New  York Power Corporation into Central New York Power Corporation
    which is to survive  the consolidation and be named  Niagara Mohawk
    Power  Corporation" was filed in the Department of State on January
    5,  1950.    Said   Certificate  of  Consolidation  is  hereinafter
    sometimes referred 211
    to as the "1950 Certificate of Consolidation".

    In accordance with the  provisions of Subdivision (E)  of Paragraph
    (5) of Part D of Article IV, under the heading "General  Provisions
    Applicable   to  All  Series  of  Preferred  Stock",  of  the  1950
    Certificate of Consolidation of the holders of record of at least a
    majority of  the total number of  shares of Preferred Stock  of all
    series  then  outstanding adopted  the  following  resolution at  a
    meeting called for that purpose and held on December 5, 1956 in the
    manner prescribed by the By-Laws of the Corporation:

    "Resolved,  that consent be and it hereby  is given to the issue by
    the  Corporation of  unsecured  indebtedness in  a total  principal
    amount not exceeding  at any one time outstanding  $50,000,000 over
    and above the principal  amount of unsecured indebtedness otherwise
    permitted  by the provisions of Subdivision (E) of Paragraph (5) of
    Part D of  Article IV  of the Certificate  of Consolidation of  the
    Corporation filed January 5, 1950."


    The Certificate of Incorporation,  as heretofore amended, is hereby
    further amended by the addition of the following provisions stating
    the   number,  designation,   relative  rights,   preferences,  and
    limitations of a twenty-fifth additional series of Preferred Stock,
    to  consist of 914,005 shares of the  par value of $25.00 per share
    of  the authorized  19,600,000  shares of  Preferred  Stock of  the
    Corporation of the par value  of $25.00 per share, as fixed  by the
    Board of Directors of  the Corporation before the issuance  of such
    series, such provisions so added to be designated as Paragraph (4Y)
    (of Part D  of Article IV of the  1950 Certificate of Consolidation
    as amended  by Article V of  the 1950 Certificate  of Amendment and
    subsequent amendments) and to read as follows:

    Particular Provisions Applicable to Preferred Stock, 7.85% Series

    (4Y)   The  number, designation,  relative rights,  preferences and
    limitations of  the  twenty-fifth additional  series  of  Preferred
    Stock of  the Corporation as  fixed by the  Board of  Directors (in
    addition  to those set forth under  the heading "General Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  Paragraph (5) of
    Part D of Article  IV of the 1950  Certificate of Consolidation  as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments) are as follows:

    (A)  The number of shares to constitute the twenty-fifth additional
    series shall be 914,005  shares and the designation of  such series
    shall be "Preferred Stock, 7.85% Series".

    (B)   The dividend rate of  the Preferred Stock, 7.85% Series shall
    be seven  and eighty-five one-hundredths percent  (7.85%) per annum
    of the par  value thereof (computed on the basis  of a 360-day year
    of  twelve 30-day  months).   The dividends  on each  share  of the
    Preferred  Stock, 7.85% Series shall be cumulative from the date of
    the original issue thereof and shall  be payable on the last day of
    March, June, September and  December, commencing December 31, 1991.

    So long as any shares of the Preferred Stock, 7.85% Series shall be
    outstanding, the  Corporation shall not declare any dividend on the
    Common  Stock or any other stock ranking  as to dividends or assets
    junior to the Preferred Stock, 7.85% Series, or make any payment on
    account  of, or set  apart money for  a sinking  or other analogous
    fund for,  the  purchase, redemption  or  other retirement  of  any
    shares  of Common  Stock or  other such junior  stock, or  make any
    distribution in respect thereof, either directly or indirectly, and
    whether  in cash  or property  or in  obligations or  stock of  the
    Corporation (other than  stock ranking as  to dividends and  assets
    junior to the Preferred Stock, 7.85% Series), unless at the date of
    such declaration in the case  of any such dividend, or at  the date
    of  any  such other  payment,  setting apart  or  distribution, all
    dividends  payable on the Preferred Stock,  7.85% Series shall have
    been fully paid, or declared and set apart for payment.

    (C)   Except  as provided  under  the heading  "General  Provisions
    Applicable  to All Series of  Preferred Stock" in  Paragraph (5) of
    Part D  of Article IV of  the 1950 Certificate of  Consolidation as
    amended  by  Article V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment and
    subsequent amendments, the Preferred Stock, 7.85% Series shall have
    no voting rights whatsoever.

    (D)    The sum  per share  for  the Preferred  Stock,  7.85% Series
    payable  to the  holders  thereof upon  the voluntary  dissolution,
    liquidation  or winding up of  the Corporation shall  be $25.00 per
    share  plus an amount equal to the dividends accumulated and unpaid
    on such  share to  the date  of payment, whether  or not  earned or

    (E)    The sum  per  share for  the Preferred  Stock,  7.85% Series
    payable to  the holders  thereof upon the  involuntary dissolution,
    liquidation  or winding up of  the Corporation shall  be $25.00 per
    share  plus an amount equal to the dividends accumulated and unpaid
    on such  share to the  date of  payment, whether or  not earned  or

    (F)   The shares  of  the Preferred  Stock, 7.85%  Series shall  be

    redeemable  at  the  option  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the
    Corporation, either as a whole or in part, at  any time on or after
    September 30, 1996 at the following redemption prices, in each case
    plus an amount  equal to  the dividends accumulated  and unpaid  on
    such share  to  the date  of  payment,  whether or  not  earned  or

    For the
    Twelve Months                                Optional Redemption
    Ended September 30                               Price Per Share   

    1997.............................................    $25.56
    1998.............................................     25.28
    1999.............................................     25.00
    2000.............................................     25.00
    2001.............................................     25.00

    (G)   The  shares of  the  Preferred Stock,  7.85% Series  shall be
    exchangeable  on a  share  for share  basis  into other  shares  of
    Preferred Stock, 7.85% Series, but shall not be convertible into or
    exchangeable for other securities of the Corporation.

    (H)  As a sinking fund with respect to  the shares of the Preferred
    Stock, 7.85% Series the Corporation will, subject to the provisions
    of  subdivision  (J)  below,  call for  redemption  and  retire  on
    September  30,  1997 and  on each  September  30 thereafter  to and
    including  September 30,  2001  (so  long  as  any  shares  of  the
    Preferred Stock,  7.85% Series  are outstanding) 182,801  shares of
    the Preferred Stock,  7.85% Series (or the number  of the shares of
    the Preferred  Stock, 7.85%  Series then  outstanding if  less than
    182,801) in each case  at a redemption price  of $25.00 per  share,
    plus an amount  equal to  the dividends accumulated  and unpaid  on
    such shares, whether or not  earned or declared.  No redemption  of
    shares of the Preferred Stock, 7.85% Series pursuant to subdivision

    (F) above or subdivision (I) below shall constitute a retirement of
    such shares  in lieu  of or  as a credit  against any  sinking fund
    retirement required by this subdivision (H).

    (I)  The Corporation may, at  its option, on September 30, 1997 and
    on  each September  30 thereafter  to  and including  September 30,
    2001, redeem up  to 182,801  shares of the  Preferred Stock,  7.85%
    Series or any lesser number of shares which shall constitute all of
    the then outstanding shares of  the Preferred Stock, 7.85%  Series,
    in addition to  shares then  to be  redeemed for  the sinking  fund
    pursuant to subdivision  (H) above,  in each case  at a  redemption
    price of $25.00 per  share, plus an  amount equal to the  dividends
    accrued  and  unpaid  on such  shares,  whether  or  not earned  or
    declared, which privilege  and option  so to redeem  shall be  non-

    (J)  Shares  of the Preferred  Stock, 7.85% Series shall  be called
    for  redemption for the sinking fund as required by subdivision (H)
    above  in  the  manner  prescribed  for  redemption  of  shares  of
    Preferred Stock under the heading "General Provisions Applicable to
    All  Series  of Preferred  Stock"  in Paragraph  (5) of  Part  D of
    Article IV of the  1950 Certificate of Consolidation as  amended by
    Article V of the 1950 215
    Certificate  of   Amendment  and   subsequent  amendments.     Such
    redemption  shall be  mandatory  and  not  at  the  option  of  the
    Corporation but shall be subject  to any applicable restrictions of
    law.  Nevertheless, the   obligations of the Corporation  to redeem
    shares of the Preferred Stock, 7.85% Series annually commencing  on
    September  30,  1997  for  such  sinking  fund,  pursuant  to  said
    subdivision (H), shall be cumulative.  So long as any shares of the
    Preferred Stock, 7.85% Series shall be outstanding, the Corporation
    shall not declare  any dividend on  the Common  Stock or any  other
    stock ranking  as to dividends  or assets junior to,  or pari passu
    with,  the Preferred  Stock, 7.85%  Series or  make any  payment on
    account  of, or  set apart money  for a sinking  or other analogous
    fund for,  the  purchase, redemption  or  other retirement  of  any
    shares of Common Stock or other such junior or pari passu stock, or
    make  any  distribution  in  respect thereof,  either  directly  or
    indirectly,  and whether in cash  or property or  in obligations or

    stock  of the Corporation (other than stock ranking as to dividends
    and  assets junior to the Preferred Stock, 7.85% Series), unless at
    the date of declaration in the case of any such dividend, or at the
    date of any such  other payment, setting apart or  distribution, no
    sinking fund  retirement required by  subdivision (H)  shall be  in
    arrears.  If the Corporation shall be prevented for any reason from
    redeeming the number  of shares of  Preferred Stock, 7.85%  Series,
    which  it is  required to  retire  on any  such  September 30,  the
    deficit shall be made good on  the first succeeding September 30 on
    which the Corporation  shall not be  prevented from redeeming  such
    shares of Preferred Stock,  7.85% Series.  Shares of  the Preferred
    Stock, 7.85% Series, purchased by the Corporation may be applied to
    satisfy the  sinking fund on one or more of the foregoing September
    30 dates.

    (K)    In  every  case  of  redemption  of  less  than  all of  the
    outstanding  shares of  Preferred Stock,  7.85% Series  pursuant to
    subdivision  (F), (H) or (I) above, the shares to be redeemed shall
    be chosen by  lot, in any manner deemed appropriate by the transfer
    agent of  the Preferred Stock,  7.85% Series, and  redemption shall
    otherwise be  in the manner  prescribed under the  heading "General
    Provisions Applicable  to All Series Preferred  Stock" in Paragraph
    (5)  of  Part   D  of  Article  IV  of   the  1950  Certificate  of
    Consolidation as amended by 216
    Article  V  of the  1950  Certificate of  Amendment  and subsequent

    (L)   Shares of Preferred Stock, 7.85% Series redeemed (pursuant to
    the sinking  fund or otherwise), purchased or otherwise acquired by
    the  Corporation shall be cancelled  and restored to  the status of
    authorized  but unissued shares of Preferred Stock of the par value
    $25.00  per share without serial designation and may be reissued by
    the  Corporation from time to time  as Preferred Stock of any other
    series of the par  value of $25.00 per share  as may be fixed  from
    time to time by the Board of Directors.

    (M)   The  Shares of  the Preferred  Stock, 7.85%  Series shall  be
    subject  to the  consent  set forth  in  the last  subparagraph  of
    Paragraph II of  this Certificate to  the same extent and  with the

    same  effect  as  all  series  of  Preferred  Stock  outstanding on
    December 5, 1956 are so subject.


    The amendments of the Certificate of Incorporation effected by this
    Certificate  were authorized by action of the Board of Directors of
    the  Corporation,   pursuant  to   Section  502  of   the  Business
    Corporation Law.

    IN WITNESS  WHEREOF, we have  made and subscribed  this Certificate
    this 17th day of October, 1991.

    By      /s/ JOHN W. POWERS             
    John W. Powers
    Senior Vice President--
    Finance and Corporate Services

    By     /s/ HAROLD J. BOGAN             
    Harold J. Bogan
    Assistant Secretary


    JOHN W.  POWERS, being  duly  sworn, deposes  and says  that he  is
    Senior Vice  President--Finance and  Corporate Services  of Niagara
    Mohawk Power Corporation, the corporation named in and described in
    the  foregoing  Certificate,  that he  has  read  and executed  the
    foregoing  Certificate and knows the contents  thereof and that the
    statements contained therein are true.

    /s/ JOHN W. POWERS          
    John W. Powers
    Senior Vice President--Finance
    and Corporate Services

    Sworn to before me this
    17th day of October, 1991.

    /s/ E. ANN TAROLLI         
    Notary Public

    Notary Public in the State of New York
    Qualified in Onondaga Co. No. 4639163
    My Commission Expires 12/31/92


    Albany, N.Y., October 18, 1991

    CASE  89-M-079--Petition of  Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation  for
    authority  under  Section 69  of the  Public  Service Law  to issue
    shares of  one or  more new  series of  Preference  Stock, $25  par
    value, or Preferred Stock,  $25 par value, having an  aggregate par
    value of up to $25,000,000.

    *   *   *   *

    The Public Service  Commission hereby consents to  and approve this
    CORPORATION LAW,  executed October 17, 1991, in accordance with the
    order of the Public Service Commission adopted July 12, 1991.

    By the Commission,

    By       /s/ John J. Kelliher       



    of the




    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law


    State of New York
    Department of State

    Dated: May 4, 1994

    One Battery Park Plaza
    New York, New York   10004-1490


    of the




    Under Section 805 of the Business Corporation Law


    Pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  Section  805  of  the   BUSINESS
    CORPORATION LAW,  the undersigned, being  a Vice President  and the
    Secretary of NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION, hereby certify:


    The name  of the Corporation  is Niagara Mohawk  Power Corporation.
    It  was originally incorporated  under the  name of  Niagara Hudson
    Public Service Corporation.


    The Certificate of Consolidation  forming the Corporation was filed
    in the Department of State on July 31, 1937.


    The Certificate  of Incorporation  as heretofore amended  is hereby
    further amended  to effect changes authorized by Section 801 (b)(7)
    of the Business Corporation Law, to wit:  to increase the aggregate

    number  of shares of Common Stock of  the par value of $1 per share
    which  the  Corporation shall  have the  authority  to issue  by an
    additional  35,000,000 shares  of such  Common Stock,  so that  the
    authorized  shares  of capital  stock  shall  consist of  3,400,000
    of Preferred Stock with a par value of $100 each, 19,600,000 shares
    of Preferred Stock with  a par value of $25  each, 8,000,000 shares
    of Preference Stock  with a par value  of $25 each  and 185,000,000
    shares of Common Stock with a par value of $1 each.


    The Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation, as amended, is
    hereby further amended so that Parts A and C of Article IV, setting
    forth the number  of authorized shares and the number  of shares of
    each class, will be further amended to read as follows:

    "IV.A.  The total number of  shares which the Corporation may  have
    is 216,000,000, of which 3,400,000 are  to have a par value of $100
    each,  27,600,000  are  to  have  a  par  value  of  $25  each  and
    185,000,000 are to have a par value of $1 each."

    "C.  The shares of the Corporation are to be classified as follows:

    3,400,000 shares are to be Preferred Stock
    with a par value of $100 each;
    19,600,000 shares are to be Preferred Stock
    with a par value of $25 each;
    8,000,000 shares are to be Preference Stock
    with a par value of $25 each; and
    185,000,000 shares are to be Common Stock
    with a par value of $1 each."


    The stated capital of the Corporation will not  be affected by this
    Amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation.


    This  Amendment   to  the  Certificate  of   Incorporation  of  the
    Corporation  was duly authorized by  the Board of  Directors of the
    Corporation,  followed by the  votes cast in person  or by proxy of
    the holders of  record of a  majority of the outstanding  shares of
    the Corporation entitled  to vote at  the stockholders' meeting  at
    which  such  votes  were  cast with  relation  to  the  proceedings
    provided for  in  this Amendment  and  neither the  Certificate  of
    Incorporation  nor  any other  certificate  filed  pursuant to  law
    requires a  larger proportion of  votes.  Such  votes were  cast in
    person or  by proxy  at a stockholders'  meeting duly  held at  the
    Onondaga County Convention  Center, 800 South  State Street in  the
    City of Syracuse, New  York on the 3rd  day of May, 1994, at  10:30
    A.M., pursuant to Section 605 of the Business Corporation Law.

    IN  WITNESS WHEREOF, we  have made and  subscribed this Certificate
    this 4th day of May, 1994.

    By _________________________
    Paul J. Kaleta
    Vice President - Law and
    General Counsel

    By ________________________
    Harold J. Bogan
    [Corporate Seal]

    STATE OF NEW YORK      )
                                         : ss.:

    Paul J.  Kaleta, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is Vice
    President  -  Law  and  General  Counsel  of  Niagara  Mohawk Power
    Corporation,  the  corporation  named   in  and  described  in  the
    foregoing Certificate, that he has  read and executed the foregoing

    Certificate and knows the contents thereof and that the  statements
    contained therein are true.

    Paul J. Kaleta
    Vice President - Law and General

    Sworn to before me this
    4th day of May, 1994

    Notary Public

    Harold  J. Bogan,  being duly  sworn, deposes  and says that  he is
    Secretary  of  Niagara  Mohawk Power  Corporation,  the corporation
    named  in and described in  the foregoing Certificate,  that he has
    read and executed the foregoing Certificate  and knows the contents
    thereof and that the statements contained therein are true.

    Harold J. Bogan

    Sworn to before me this
    4th day of May, 1994.

    Notary Public







    FILED July 31, 1937
    TAX:         $ None
    FILING FEE      $25

    Secretary of State
    By H. J. FISHER

    15 Broad Street,
    New York, N. Y.




    Pursuant to subdivision 4 of Section 11 of the
    Transportation Corporations Law and Section
    86 of the Stock Corporation Law.


    We, Thomas N. McCarter, Jr. and Ernest Johnston, being respectively
    President  and Secretary of ANTWERP LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY; Ray W.
    Porter  and  Ernest  Johnston,  being  respectively  President  and

    Machold  and  Ernest  Johnston, being  respectively  President  and
    Secretary of  NORTHERN NEW YORK  UTILITIES INC.; Edward  Wright and
    Ernest  Johnston, being  respectively  President  and Secretary  of
    LAWRENCE  VALLEY  POWER  CORPORATION;  A. Dean  Dudley  and  Ernest
    Johnston,  being  respectively  President  and  Secretary   of  THE
    SYRACUSE LIGHTING  COMPANY INC.;  and Leland  D. McCormac  and Sara
    Harris,  being respectively Executive  Vice-President and Secretary
    of UTICA GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, hereby certify:

    FIRST:  The names of each of the corporations to be included in the
    consolidation are:

    Antwerp Light and Power Company
    Baldwinsville Light and Heat Company of Baldwinsville, N.Y.
    Fulton Fuel and Light Company
    Fulton Light, Heat and Power Company
    Malone Light and Power Company
    Northern New York Utilities Inc.
    The Norwood Electric Light and Power Company
    Peoples Gas and Electric Company of Oswego
    St. Lawrence County Utilities, Inc.
    St. Lawrence Valley Power Corporation
    The Syracuse Lighting Company Inc.
    Utica Gas and Electric Company

    The  date  of the  filing of  the  Certificate of  Incorporation of
    Antwerp Light and Power Company in  the office of the Secretary  of
    State was January 20, 1910.

    The  date  of the  filing of  the  Certificate of  Incorporation of
    Baldwinsville Light and Heat Company of Baldwinsville, N. Y. in the
    office of the Secretary of State was August 21, 1902.

    The  date  of the  filing of  the  Certificate of  Incorporation of
    Fulton  Fuel and Light  Company in the  office of  the Secretary of
    State was September 15, 1902.

    The  date  of the  filing of  the  Certificate of  Incorporation of
    Fulton Light, Heat and Power Company in the office of the Secretary
    of State was March 14, 1902.

    The  date of the filing  of the Agreement  of Consolidation forming
    Malone  Light and Power Company  in the office  of the Secretary of
    State was May 4, 1899.

    The  date  of the  filing of  the  Certificate of  Incorporation of
    Northern New York Utilities Inc. in the office of  the Secretary of
    State was May 12, 1913.

    The  date of the filing of the  Certificate of Incorporation of The
    Norwood  Electric  Light and  Power Company  in  the office  of the
    Secretary of State was September 5, 1894.

    The  date  of the  filing of  the  Certificate of  Incorporation of
    Peoples Gas  and Electric  Company of Oswego  in the office  of the
    Secretary of State was April 26, 1900.

    The  date of the filing of the Certificate of Consolidation forming
    St.  Lawrence County Utilities, Inc. in the office of the Secretary
    of State was September 24, 1923.

    The  date of the filing of the Certificate of Consolidation forming
    St.  Lawrence  Valley  Power  Corporation  in  the  office  of  the
    Secretary of State was June 26, 1924.

    The  date of the filing of the Certificate of Consolidation forming
    The Syracuse Lighting Company  Inc. in the office of  the Secretary
    of State was February 28, 1924.

    The date of the filing of the Certificate of Incorporation of Utica
    Gas and Electric Company  in the office of  the Secretary of  State
    was May 10, 1902.

    SECOND:   The total number of shares  which Antwerp Light and Power

    Company,  Baldwinsville Light  and Heat  Company of  Baldwinsville,
    N.Y., Fulton Fuel and  Light Company, Fulton Light, Heat  and Power
    Company,  Malone  Light  and   Power  Company,  Northern  New  York
    Utilities  Inc.,  The Norwood  Electric  Light  and Power  Company,
    Peoples Gas  and Electric Company  of Oswego,  St. Lawrence  County
    Utilities,  Inc.,   St.  Lawrence  Valley  Power  Corporation,  The
    Syracuse  Lighting Company Inc. and  Utica Gas and Electric Company
    (constituent  corporations) are  authorized  to  issue, the  number
    thereof which have a par value, if any, together with the par value
    of each, and the number thereof which are without par value, are as

                                                            Total No. of
                                                          Shares Authorized
                                                                               No                Par Value
   Name of Company                                   Par Value               Par Value             If any
   Antwerp Light and Power Company ....                  450                                        $100
   Baldwinsville Light and Heat Company
    of Baldwinsville, N.Y. ....................        1,000                                         100
   Fulton Fuel and Light Company...........            2,500                                          50
   Fulton Light, Heat and Power Company.               8,000                                       1,000
   Malone Light and Power Company........                                      70,000
   Northern New York Utilities Inc. .........        100,000                                         100

   The Norwood Electric Light and Power 
     Company......................................     1,500                                         100
   Peoples Gas and Electric Company of
     Oswego........................................                            75,000
   St. Lawrence County Utilities, Inc. .......        60,000                                         100
   St. Lawrence Valley Power Corporation..           130,000                                         100
   The Syracuse Lighting Company Inc. .....          100,000                                         100
   Utica Gas and Electric Company...........          60,000                                         100


    THIRD:  The name of the consolidated corporation, which is  to be a
    new corporation  and not one  of the  constituent corporations,  is
    corporation is herein sometimes referred to as "the Corporation" or
    "the New Corporation.")

    FOURTH:  The total number of shares  that may be issued by the  New
    Corporation is  Two Million Six Hundred  Fifty Thousand (2,650,000)
    shares.   The number  of shares which  are to have  a par  value is
    Hundred  Thousand (300,000) shares, and the par value of each share
    is to  be One Hundred Dollars  ($100).  The number  of shares which
    are  to be without  par value  is Two  Million Three  Hundred Fifty
    Thousand (2,350,000) shares.

    The  capital of the Corporation shall be  at least equal to the sum
    of the aggregate par value of all issued shares having a par value,
    plus Twenty-five  Dollars ($25)  in respect  of every  issued share
    without  par value,  plus  such amounts  as  from time  to time  by
    resolution of the Board of Directors may be transferred thereto.

    The capital of the  Corporation shall not be less  than Fifty-seven
    Million  Five  Hundred  Forty-two  Thousand  Four  Hundred  Dollars

    Subject  to the laws creating and defining the duties of the Public
    Service  Commission,  the Corporation  may issue  and may  sell its
    authorized shares without  par value  from time to  time, for  such
    consideration as, from time to  time, may be fixed by the  board of

    The shares  of the  Corporation are  to be  classified.  The  Three
    Hundred Thousand (300,000) shares  of the par value of  One Hundred
    Dollars ($100)  per share shall  be classified as  Preferred Stock,
    and the Two Million Three Hundred Fifty Thousand (2,350,000) shares

    without par value shall be classified as Common Stock.

    The shares of the Preferred Stock may be issued, from time to time,
    in series.   The  designations, preferences, privileges  and voting
    powers  of the Preferred  Stock and  of the  Common Stock,  and the
    restrictions or qualifications thereof, are hereinafter stated.

    The designations, preferences, privileges  and voting powers of the
    shares of the first series  of Preferred Stock (to be known  as the
    Preferred Stock, 5% Series)  and the restrictions or qualifications
    thereof  (insofar as  they  differ from  the  provisions which  are
    applicable to all of the shares of the Preferred Stock irrespective
    of series) are likewise hereinafter stated.

    The Board  of Directors  is authorized  to fix,  from time  to time
    before  issuance, the  designations,  preferences,  privileges  and
    voting  powers of  the  shares of  each  subsequent series  of  the
    Preferred Stock  and the  restrictions  or qualifications  thereof,
    respectively, except  for such provisions as are  applicable to all
    the shares of the Preferred Stock, irrespective of series.


    Limitations as to Variations between Series.

    Two  Hundred  Fifty-nine Thousand  (259,000)  shares  of the  Three
    Hundred  Thousand (300,000) shares  of the  Preferred Stock  may be
    initially issued in  the 5% Series.   The remaining  shares of  the
    Preferred Stock may be issued in the 5% Series or in such other one
    or more series as 230
    may  be fixed from time to time by  the Board of Directors, each of
    such  other series to be  distinctively designated.   All shares of
    any  one  series  of  Preferred  Stock  shall  be  alike  in  every
    particular, and  the shares  of the 5%  Series, and  of all  series
    hereafter  created, shall  rank  equally and  be  identical in  all
    respects,  except  in  respect to  the  matters  set  forth in  the
    following paragraphs lettered (A) to (F), inclusive:

    (A)  Designation of series;

    (B)  The dividend rate;

    (C)  The dates on which dividends, if declared, shall be payable;

    (D)   The  sum payable  per share  upon the  voluntary dissolution,
    liquidation  or winding up of  the Corporation and  the sum payable
    per share upon the  involuntary dissolution, liquidation or winding
    up of the Corporation, which sums, in each and every case, shall be
    a stated amount (not less than  $100) plus accrued dividends to the
    date of distribution, such  date of distribution to be the  date on
    which the sum so to  be distributed shall be paid or set  apart for

    (E)  Whether or not the  shares of such series shall be redeemable,
    and if  made  redeemable, the  redemption  price per  share,  which
    price,  in  every  case, shall  be  a  stated  amount plus  accrued
    dividends to the date of redemption; and

    (F)    Whether or  not  the shares  of  such series  shall  be made
    convertible into or exchangeable  for shares of any other  class or
    classes or of any  other series of the same  or any other class  or
    classes of stock  of the  Corporation, and if  made convertible  or
    exchangeable,  the conversion  price  or prices,  or  the rates  of
    exchange,  and  the terms  and conditions,  if  any, on  which such
    conversion or exchange may be made.

    Particular Provisions Applicable to the Preferred Stock,
    5% Series.

    The designations, preferences, privileges and voting powers and the
    restrictions  or  qualifications  thereof  of  the  shares  of  the
    Preferred Stock,  5%  Series  (insofar  as  they  differ  from  the
    provisions  which are applicable to all the shares of the Preferred
    Stock, irrespective of series) are as follows:

    (A)  The series shall be designated as Preferred Stock, 5% Series;

    (B)   The dividend rate  thereon shall  be five per  cent (5%)  per

    share per annum and no more;

    (C)  The dates  on which dividends, if  declared, shall be  payable
    are February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1 in each year;

    (D)   The  sum payable  per share  upon any  voluntary liquidation,
    dissolution or winding up  of the Corporation shall be  One Hundred
    Five  Dollars  ($105)  per share,  and  the  sum  payable upon  any
    involuntary  liquidation,   dissolution  or  winding   up  of   the
    Corporation shall be One Hundred Dollars ($100) per share, plus, in
    each case, accrued dividends to the date of distribution, such date
    of  distribution  to be  the  date  on  which  the  sum  so  to  be
    distributed shall be paid or set apart for payment.

    (E)  The shares of  Preferred Stock, 5% Series shall be  redeemable
    at the option of the Corporation, either  as a whole or in part, at
    any time at One Hundred Five Dollars ($105) per share, plus accrued
    dividends to the date of redemption;

    (F)   The shares of  the Preferred  Stock, 5% Series  shall not  be
    convertible into or exchangeable  for shares of any other  class or
    classes  or of any other series  of the same or  any other class or
    classes of stock of the Corporation.

    General Provisions Applicable to all Series of Preferred Stock.

    The following general provisions  shall apply to all the  shares of
    Preferred Stock of the Corporation, irrespective of series;
    (A)  The  holders of the  Preferred Stock of  each series shall  be
    entitled  to receive  dividends, payable  on such  dates as  may be
    fixed  for said  series,  when and  as  declared  by the  Board  of
    Directors, at the rates or in the amounts fixed for the  respective
    series and no  more.  Dividends on each share  of each series shall
    commence to  accrue and  be cumulative  from the  first day of  the
    current  dividend  period  within  which  such  share  was  issued;
    provided, however,  that dividends shall not commence to accrue and
    be cumulative in respect of any share from a date prior to the date

    of  the  filing of  the  Certificate of  Consolidation  forming the
    Corporation.  A  "dividend period"  is the period  between any  two
    consecutive  dividend payment  dates, including  the first  of such
    dates, as fixed  for the series  to which a  share or shares  shall
    belong.  If for any dividend period or  periods dividends shall not
    have been  paid or  declared  and set  apart for  payment upon  all
    outstanding  shares of Preferred Stock  at the rates determined for
    the  respective  series, the  deficiency  shall  be fully  paid  or
    declared  and set apart for  payment before any  dividends shall be
    declared  or paid  upon or set  apart for  the Common  Stock of the
    Corporation; provided, however, that dividends in full shall not be
    declared and set  apart for payment or paid  on the Preferred Stock
    of any  one series for any dividend period unless dividends in full
    have  been or  are  contemporaneously declared  and  set apart  for
    payment or paid on the  Preferred Stock of all series, for  all the
    dividend periods terminating on the same or an  earlier date.  When
    the stated dividends are not paid in full, the shares of all series
    of  the Preferred  Stock  shall share  ratably  in the  payment  of
    dividends including  accumulations, if any, in  accordance with the
    sums which  would be payable on  said shares if all  dividends were
    declared  and paid in full.   Accumulations of  dividends shall not
    bear interest.

    (B)  When full cumulative dividends as aforesaid upon the shares of
    all series of  the Preferred  Stock then outstanding  for all  past
    dividend periods  and for  the current  dividend period  shall have
    been paid  or  declared and  set apart  for payment,  the Board  of
    Directors  may  declare  dividends  on  the  Common  Stock  of  the
    Corporation, and no holder of shares of any series of the Preferred
    Stock shall be entitled as such holder to share therein.

    (C)    Upon  any dissolution,  liquidation  or  winding  up of  the
    Corporation,  whether voluntary  or  involuntary,  the  holders  of
    shares  of the  Preferred Stock of  each and every  series shall be
    entitled to receive out  of the assets of the  Corporation, whether
    capital or surplus,  the amounts per share fixed for  the shares of
    the   respective  series   and  payable   upon  such   dissolution,
    liquidation  or winding  up, plus, in  the case  of each  share, an

    amount equal to all dividends on such share accrued and in arrears,
    whether or not earned  or declared, before any distribution  of the
    assets to be distributed shall be made to the holders of the Common
    Stock of the Corporation.

    If  the assets  distributable on  such dissolution,  liquidation or
    winding  up  shall be  insufficient to  permit  the payment  to the
    holders  of the Preferred Stock of the full amounts aforesaid, then
    said assets shall be  distributed ratably among the holders  of the
    respective series of  Preferred Stock in  accordance with the  sums
    which would  be payable on such dissolution, liquidation or winding
    up if all sums payable  were discharged in full.  After  payment to
    the holders of the Preferred Stock of the full preferential amounts
    hereinbefore provided  for, the holders  of the Preferred  Stock as
    such shall have no right or claim to any of the remaining assets of
    the Corporation, either  upon any distribution of surplus assets or
    upon dissolution, liquidation or winding  up.  The remaining assets
    to be 
    distributed,  if any, upon a distribution of surplus assets or upon
    dissolution, liquidation or winding  up, shall be distributed among
    the holders of the Common Stock of  the Corporation, subject to the
    provisions hereof in respect thereto.  The sale of all the property
    of  the Corporation  to,  or the  merger  or consolidation  of  the
    Corporation into or with, any other corporation shall not be deemed
    to be a dissolution,  liquidation or winding up for the purposes of
    this paragraph.

    (D)   At the option of  the Board of Directors  of the Corporation,
    the  Corporation may redeem any series of Preferred Stock which has
    been made redeemable, or any part of any series, at any time at the
    redemption  price determined  for such  series; provided,  however,
    that not less than thirty nor  more than sixty days previous to the
    date fixed  for redemption a  notice of the time  and place thereof
    shall be 234
    given to  the holders  of record  of the Preferred  Stock so  to be
    redeemed, by mail, or  by mail and publication,  in such manner  as
    may  be prescribed  by  the  By-Laws  of  the  Corporation,  or  by
    resolution of  the Board of Directors; and, provided, further, that
    in every case  of redemption of  less than all  of the  outstanding

    shares  of any one series of Preferred Stock, such redemption shall
    be made pro rata, or the shares of such series to be redeemed shall
    be chosen  by lot in such manner as may be prescribed by resolution
    of the Board of Directors.  At any time after  notice of redemption
    has been  given  in the  manner prescribed  by the  By-Laws of  the
    Corporation  or  by resolution  of the  Board  of Directors  to the
    holders of stock so to be redeemed, the Corporation may deposit the
    aggregate  redemption price with a bank or trust company having its
    principal office in the Borough of Manhattan, The City of New York,
    named in such notice,  payable on the date fixed for  redemption as
    aforesaid  and in the amounts aforesaid to the respective orders of
    the holders  of the shares so to be redeemed, on endorsement to the
    Corporation or otherwise, as may be required, and upon surrender of
    the certificates for such  shares.  Upon deposit  of said money  as
    aforesaid, or, if  no such  deposit is made,  upon said  redemption
    date  (unless the  Corporation defaults  in making  payment  of the
    redemption price as set  forth in such notice), such  holders shall
    cease  to be stockholders with respect to said shares, and from and
    after the making of said 
    deposit, or, if no such deposit  is made, after the redemption date
    (the  Corporation not  having defaulted  in making  payment of  the
    redemption price as  set forth  in such notice),  the said  holders
    shall have no  interest in  or claim against  the Corporation  with
    respect to  said shares, but shall be entitled only to receive said
    moneys on the date fixed for redemption as aforesaid from said bank
    or trust  company, or  from the  Corporation, as  the case  may be,
    without  interest  thereon,  upon  endorsement,  if  required,  and
    surrender of the certificates as aforesaid.

    In case the  holder of any such  Preferred Stock shall  not, within
    six years after said  deposit, claim the amount deposited  as above
    stated for the redemption thereof, the Depositary shall upon demand
    pay  over  to the  Corporation such  amounts  so deposited  and the
    Depositary shall  thereupon be relieved from  all responsibility to
    the holder thereof.

    Any  shares of Preferred  Stock redeemed may, at  the option of the
    Corporation,  be  held  as  authorized  but  unissued  and  may  be


    Nothing  herein  contained  shall  limit any  legal  right  of  the
    Corporation to purchase any shares of the Preferred Stock.

    (E)  At  all meetings of  the stockholders of  the Corporation  the
    holders of the Preferred  Stock of all series shall  be entitled to
    one  vote for  each share  of  such Preferred  Stock  held by  them

    Whenever four full quarterly dividends on the Preferred Stock shall
    be in  arrears, the  holders of the  Preferred Stock,  voting as  a
    class, shall be entitled to  elect one-third, but in no  event less
    than three, of  the total number of Directors to  be elected at the
    next  annual meeting of  stockholders and at  any subsequent annual
    meeting  of  stockholders  of   the  Corporation  held  during  the
    continuance  of such  default  in payment  of dividends,  provided,
    however, that when all accrued dividends in arrears shall have been
    paid  or declared  and set  apart  for payment,  the  right of  the
    holders of the  Preferred Stock  so to elect  such Directors  shall
    cease, subject  to revival  upon the  occurrence of  any subsequent
    like event of default.


    (A)  Out of any  assets of the Corporation available for  dividends
    remaining after full  dividends on all  stock having priority  over
    the Common Stock shall have been paid or declared and set apart for
    payment and after  making such provision, if  any, as the  Board of
    Directors may deem necessary  or advisable for working  capital and
    reserves, then, and not  otherwise, dividends may be paid  upon the
    Common  Stock but  only  when and  as  determined by  the Board  of

    (B)   In the event of any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of
    the  Corporation   or  any  other  proceedings   resulting  in  any
    distribution  of all  its assets  to its stockholders,  after there
    shall 236

    have  been paid  to or set  apart for  holders of  all stock having
    priority  over the  Common Stock  the full preferential  amounts to
    which they  are respectively  entitled, the  holders of  the Common
    Stock shall  be entitled to receive  pro rata all of  the remaining
    assets  of  the  Corporation  available  for  distribution  to  its
    stockholders.  The Board of Directors, by vote of a majority of the
    members  thereof,  may distribute  in kind  to  the holders  of the
    Common Stock such remaining assets of the Corporation, or may sell,
    transfer or otherwise dispose  of all of the remaining  property or
    assets of  the Corporation  to  any other  corporation and  receive
    payment  therefor wholly  or  partly in  cash  or  in stock  or  in
    obligations  of such corporation,  and may sell  all or any  of the
    consideration received  therefor and distribute the balance thereof
    in kind to the holders of the Common Stock.

    (C)   At all  meetings of the  stockholders of  the Corporation the
    holders of the Common Stock shall  be entitled to one vote for each
    share of such Common Stock held by them respectively.

    FIFTH:  The office of the Corporation is  to be located in The City
    of Syracuse, County of Onondaga, and State of New York.

    SIXTH:  The duration of the Corporation is to be perpetual.

    SEVENTH:    The  number   of  Directors,  none  of  whom   need  be
    of the  Corporation, shall be not less than seven (7) nor more than
    twenty-one (21).

    EIGHTH:  The names and post-office addresses of the persons who are
    to  be  Directors of  the new  Corporation  until the  first annual
    meeting of its stockholders are:

    Frank C. Ash, Oswego Falls Corporation, Fulton, New York.
    Myron G. Bronner, 404 Burrell Building, Little Falls, New York.
    Samuel H. Cook, Fayetteville Road, Syracuse, New York.
    John M. Costello, 300 Erie Boulevard West, Syracuse, New York.
    James C. DeLong, 407 Stolp Avenue, Syracuse, New York.
    A. Dean Dudley, 300 Erie Boulevard, West, Syracuse, New York.

    Alan C. Fobes, Gurney Building, Syracuse, New York.
    G. Harry Garrison, Cortland, New York.
    John L. Haley, 300 Erie Boulevard, West, Syracuse, New York.
    Alexander F. Hobbs, New York Mills, New York.
    Harry S. Lewis, Beaver Falls, New York.
    Thomas N. McCarter, Jr, 58 Public Square, Watertown, New York.
    Leland D. McCormac, 258 Genesee Street, Utica, New York.
    H. Edmund Machold, Ellisburg, New York.
    Crandall Melvin,  First Trust  and Deposit Building,  Syracuse, New
    Stephaan Piek, 300 Erie Boulevard, West, Syracuse, New York.
    Ray W. Porter, 70 East First Street, Oswego, New York.
    Alfred H. Schoellkopf, 15 Broad Street, New York, New York.
    Morris Tracy, 300 Erie Boulevard, West, Syracuse, New York.
    Walter F. Willson, Massena, New York.
    Edward Wright, Potsdam, New York.

    NINTH:  The  terms and conditions of the consolidation, the mode of
    carrying the same  into effect,  and the manner  of converting  the
    shares of each of  the constituent corporations into shares  of the
    consolidated Corporation, are as follows:


    Each of the constituent corporations  is an electric corporation or
    gas  corporation or  a  gas  and  electric corporation  engaged  in
    rendering  electric or gas service,  or both, to  the public within
    the State  of New  York, and  subject to  the  jurisdiction of  the
    Public Service Commission as provided by law.


    Upon  the  filing  of  this Certificate  of  Consolidation  in  the
    Department  of  State of  the State  of  New York,  the outstanding
    shares of the Capital Stock of each of the constituent corporations
    shall be  converted into shares of the consolidated corporation, as

    (A)  Each holder of shares of First Preferred Stock of Northern New
    York Utilities Inc. outstanding when this Certificate of 238
    Consolidation  is filed  in the  Department of  State shall  be and
    become  the holder  of 1  1/10 shares  of the  Preferred Stock,  5%
    Series of the  New Corporation  for each share  of First  Preferred
    Stock of Northern New York Utilities Inc. so held.

    (B)   Each holder of shares  of 8% Preferred Stock  of The Syracuse
    Lighting  Company   Inc.  outstanding  when   this  Certificate  of
    Consolidation  is filed  in the  Department of  State shall  be and
    become the holder of 1 1/5 shares of the Preferred Stock, 5% Series
    of the  New Corporation for each share of 8% Preferred Stock of The
    Syracuse Lighting Company Inc. so held.

    (C)   Each  holder of  shares  of 6  1/2%  Preferred Stock  of  The
    Syracuse Lighting  Company Inc. outstanding  when this  Certificate
    ofConsolidation  is filed in the  Department of State  shall be and
    become the  holder of  1 1/10  shares  of the  Preferred Stock,  5%
    Series of the  New Corporation for each  share of 6  1/2% Preferred
    Stock of The Syracuse Lighting Company Inc. so held.

    (D)   Each holder of shares  of 6% Preferred Stock  of The Syracuse
    Lighting  Company   Inc.  outstanding  when   this  Certificate  of
    Consolidation  is filed  in the  Department of  State shall  be and
    become  the holder  of 1  1/20 shares  of the  Preferred  Stock, 5%
    Series of the New Corporation for  each share of 6% Preferred Stock
    of The Syracuse 
    Lighting Company Inc. so held.

    (E)  Each holder  of shares of 7% Preferred Stock  of Utica Gas and
    Electric Company outstanding when this Certificate of Consolidation
    is filed in the Department of  State shall be and become the holder
    of  1 1/20  shares of  the Preferred  Stock, 5%  Series of  the New
    Corporation for each  share of 7% Preferred Stock  of Utica Gas and
    Electric Company so held.

    (F)  Each holder of  shares of $6 Preferred Stock of Utica  Gas and
    Electric Company outstanding when this Certificate of Consolidation
    is filed  in the Department of State shall be and become the holder

    of  1 1/20  shares of  the Preferred  Stock, 5%  Series of  the New
    Corporation for each share of  $6 Preferred Stock of Utica  Gas and
    Electric Company so held.

    (G)  Each holder of  shares of Preferred Stock of Malone  Light and
    Power Company outstanding when this Certificate of Consolidation is
    filed in the Department of State  shall be and become the holder of
    four (4) shares of the Common Stock of the New Corporation for each
    share of Preferred Stock of Malone Light and Power Company so held.

    (H)   Each holder of shares  of Preferred Stock of  Peoples Gas and
    Electric  Company of  Oswego outstanding  when this  Certificate of
    Consolidation  is filed  in the  Department of  State shall  be and
    become the holder of four (4) shares of the Common Stock of the New
    Corporation  for each share of  Preferred Stock of  Peoples Gas and
    Electric Company of Oswego so held.

    (I)  Each  holder of shares  of Common Stock  of Antwerp Light  and
    Power Company outstanding when this Certificate of Consolidation is
    filed in  the Department of State shall be and become the holder of
    12  167/430 shares of Common Stock  of the New Corporation for each
    share of Common Stock of Antwerp Light and Power Company so held.

    (J)   Each holder of shares of  Common Stock of Baldwinsville Light
    and  Heat Company  of Baldwinsville,  N. Y.  outstanding when  this
    Certificate of Consolidation is filed in the Department of State 
    shall  be and  become the holder  of 902/1000  of one  (1) share of
    Common  Stock of the New Corporation for each share of Common Stock
    of  Baldwinsville Light and Heat Company of Baldwinsville, N. Y. so

    (K)  Each holder of shares of Common Stock of Fulton Fuel and Light
    Company outstanding when this Certificate of Consolidation is filed
    in the  Department of  State shall  be and become  the holder  of 1
    1945/2500  shares of Common Stock  of the New  Corporation for each
    share of Common Stock of Fulton Fuel and Light Company so held.

    (L)   Each holder of shares  of Common Stock of  Fulton Light, Heat

    and   Power   Company   outstanding  when   this   Certificate   of
    Consolidation  is filed  in the  Department of  State shall  be and
    become the holder of 1  260/1800 shares of Common Stock of  the New
    Corporation  for each share of  Common Stock of  Fulton Light, Heat
    and Power Company so held.

    (M)   Each holder  of shares  of Common Stock  of Malone  Light and
    Power Company outstanding when this Certificate of Consolidation is
    filed in the Department of State shall be and become  the holder of
    25537/30741  of one  (1)  share of  the  Common  Stock of  the  New
    Corporation  for each  share of  Common Stock  of Malone  Light and
    Power Company so held.

    (N)   Each holder  of shares of  Common Stock of  Northern New York
    Utilities Inc.  outstanding when this  Certificate of Consolidation
    is filed in the Department of  State shall be and become the holder
    of  191701/200000 of  one  (1) share  of  Common Stock  of  the New
    Corporation for each  share of  Common Stock of  Northern New  York
    Utilities Inc. so held.

    (O)  Each holder of shares of Common Stock of  The Norwood Electric
    Light  and  Power  Company  outstanding when  this  Certificate  of
    Consolidation  is filed  in the  Department of  State shall  be and
    become the  holder of 8 461/671  shares of Common Stock  of the New
    Corporation  for each share of Common Stock of The Norwood Electric
    Light and Power Company so held.

    (P)  Each holder of shares of Common Stock of Peoples Gas and 
    Electric  Company of  Oswego outstanding  when this  Certificate of
    Consolidation  is filed  in the  Department of  State shall  be and
    become the holder of  45650/46941 of one (1) share of  Common Stock
    of the  New Corporation for  each share of Common  Stock of Peoples
    Gas and Electric Company of Oswego so held.

    (Q)  Each holder of  shares of Common Stock of St.  Lawrence County
    Utilities, Inc. outstanding when this Certificate of  Consolidation
    is filed in the Department of  State shall be and become the holder
    of 3 16331/37586 shares of Common Stock of the New  Corporation for

    each share of Common  Stock of St. Lawrence County  Utilities, Inc.
    so held.

    (R)   Each holder of shares of  Common Stock of St. Lawrence Valley
    Power   Corporation   outstanding    when   this   Certificate   of
    Consolidation  is filed  in the  Department of  State shall  be and
    become the holder of  3 31071/110772 shares of Common  Stock of the
    New Corporation for each 241
    share of Common Stock  of St. Lawrence Valley Power  Corporation so

    (S)  Each holder of shares of Common Stock of The Syracuse Lighting
    Company Inc. outstanding when  this Certificate of Consolidation is
    filed in the Department of State  shall be and become the holder of
    239322/1069224 of one (1) share of Common Stock of the New 
    Corporation for each share of Common Stock of The Syracuse Lighting
    Company Inc. so held.

    (T)    Each holder  of  shares of  Common  Stock of  Utica  Gas and
    Electric Company outstanding when this Certificate of Consolidation
    is filed  in the Department of State shall be and become the holder
    of  204395/400000 of  one  (1) share  of  Common Stock  of the  New
    Corporation  for  each  share of  Common  Stock  of  Utica Gas  and
    Electric Company so held.

    (U)    Upon  the  surrender for  cancellation  by  such  respective
    holders,  at such office  or offices or such  agency or agencies of
    the New Corporation as may be designated by the Board  of Directors
    for that  purpose, of the  certificates representing shares  of the
    Capital  Stock  of  the  constituent  corporations  so  held,  duly
    endorsed in blank for 
    transfer  if  required, such  respective  holders  shall receive  a
    certificate  or certificates  representing the  share or  shares of
    Capital Stock of  the New Corporation to which  each such holder is
    entitled as aforesaid, except with respect to fractions of shares.

    (V)   Certificates for  fractional  shares of  Preferred Stock,  5%
    Series  of the New  Corporation will not  be issued,  but if, after
    consolidating all fractions of shares of Preferred Stock, 5% Series

    of the New  Corporation to  which a stockholder  is entitled,  such
    stockholder is  entitled to  a fraction  of one (1)  full share  of
    Preferred  Stock, 5%  Series of  the New  Corporation, such  holder
    shall  receive  scrip evidencing,  upon  such terms  and  with such
    provisions  as may be  determined by the Board  of Directors of the
    New Corporation, rights in respect of such fraction of one (1) full
    share of such stock.

    Fractional shares of Common  Stock of the New Corporation  will not
    be issued, but if,  after consolidating all fractions of  shares of
    such  Common  Stock  to  which  a  stockholder  is  entitled,  such
    stockholder  is entitled to a fraction greater than one-half of one
    full share but less  than one full share of Common Stock of the New
    Corporation,  a full share of  Common Stock of  the New Corporation
    will be issued therefor.

    (W)  After the  filing of this Certificate of  Consolidation in the
    Department of State, there shall be no further issue or transfer of
    certificates  representing  shares  of  stock  of  the  constituent
    corporations;  and  from time  to  time  as such  certificates  are
    presented  at such office or offices  or such agency or agencies as
    the Board of Directors  of the New Corporation shall  designate for
    that purpose, such certificates representing shares of stock of the
    constituent corporations  shall be  cancelled  and certificates  of
    stock  of  the New  Corporation  shall  be issued  as  hereinbefore
    provided  in  respect of  the shares  of  stock of  the constituent
    corporations  so presented; and the  holders of shares  of stock of
    the constituent  corporations shall, upon  and after the  filing of
    this Certificate of  Consolidation as aforesaid, be  holders of the
    shares   of  stock  of  the  New  Corporation  to  which  they  are
    respectively entitled pursuant to 
    the terms  and  conditions  of  this  consolidation,  the  mode  of
    carrying  the same  into effect  and the  manner of  converting the
    shares of each of  the constituent corporations into shares  of the
    consolidated Corporation, hereinbefore provided.


    (1)   The Board of Directors shall  have power from time to time to
    fix and determine and to vary  the amount to be reserved as working
    capital of the Corporation and, before the payment of any dividends
    or making any distribution of profits, it may set aside  out of the
    surplus or  net profits of the  Corporation such sum or  sums as it
    may  from  time to  time in  its  absolute discretion  think proper
    whether  as a  reserve  fund  to  meet  contingencies  or  for  the
    equalizing  of  dividends  or  for  repairing  or  maintaining  any
    property of the Corporation  or for such corporate purposes  as the
    Board shall think 243
    conducive to the interests of the Corporation, subject only to such
    limitations as the By-Laws of the Corporation may from time to time

    (2)   No contract or other transaction between this Corporation and
    any other corporation shall be void or voidable because of the fact
    that  directors of  this Corporation  are directors  of such  other
    corporation, if such contract or  transaction shall be approved  or
    ratified by the  affirmative vote  of a majority  of the  directors
    present at a meeting of the  Board of Directors or the committee of
    this  Corporation having authority in  the premises who  are not so
    interested.   Any director individually,  or any firm  of which any
    director  is a partner, may be  a party to or  may be interested in
    any  contract or transaction of this Corporation provided that such
    contract or  transaction  shall  be approved  or  ratified  by  the
    affirmative vote of at least a majority of the directors present at
    a meeting  of  the Board  of  Directors  or the  Committee  of  the
    Corporation  having  authority  in  the  premises  who  are  not so
    interested.   No  director  shall  be  liable  to  account  to  the
    Corporation for any profit realized by him from or through any such
    transaction or contract of the Corporation, ratified or approved as
    aforesaid,  by  reason  of  his  interest  in  such transaction  or

    Directors  so interested may be counted when present at meetings of
    the Board  of Directors  or of  such committee  for the purpose  of
    determining the existence of a quorum.  Any director whose interest
    in any such contract or transaction arises solely  by reason of the
    fact that he  is a stockholder,  officer or creditor of  such other

    company  (or solely by reason of the  fact that he is a director of
    such  other company  or partner  in such  firm where  such dealing,
    contract or arrangement  is made  by officers or  employees of  the
    Corporation in the ordinary performance of their duties and without
    the  actual participation  of  such director)  shall not  be deemed
    interested in such contract  or other transaction under any  of the
    provisions  of this subdivision (2), nor shall any such contract or
    transaction be void  or voidable,  nor shall any  such director  be
    liable to account because of such interest.

    No contract or  other transaction between this  Corporation and any
    other corporation, at least a majority of the stock of which having
    voting  power is owned or  controlled by the  Corporation, or which
    owns or  controls at least  a majority  of the stock  having voting
    power  of  the  Corporation,  or  which  is  affiliated  with  this
    Corporation  through  and  by  reason of  common  control  of  such
    corporation  and  this   Corporation  by  another   corporation  or
    corporations, shall in  any case be void or voidable because of the
    fact that directors of this Corporation are directors of such other
    corporation, nor  shall any such  director be deemed  interested in
    such contract or other  transaction under any of the  provisions of
    this  subdivision (2),  nor shall  any such  director be  liable to
    account because of such interest.

    No contract or  other transaction between this  Corporation and any
    other corporation or firm  which provides for the purchase  or sale
    of securities or  other property or  for any other  action by  this
    Corporation upon  terms not less favorable to this Corporation than
    those  offered to  others, shall  in any  case be void  or voidable
    because  of  the  fact  that  directors  of  this  Corporation  are
    directors of such other  corporation or partners in such  firm, nor
    shall any director be  deemed interested in such contract  or other
    transactions  under any of the  provisions of this subdivision (2),
    nor shall any 
    such director be liable to account because of such interest.

    Any contract or act that shall  be approved or ratified by the vote
    of  the  holders  of  a  majority  of  the  capital  stock  of  the

    Corporation having voting powers which is represented in person  or
    by proxy  at any annual meeting  of stockholders or  at any special
    meeting called  for the purpose,  among others, of  considering the
    approval  or  ratification of  the  acts of  officers  or directors
    (provided that a lawful quorum of stockholders be there represented
    in person or  by proxy) shall be  as valid and as binding  upon the
    Corporation and upon  all its  stockholders as though  it had  been
    approved or ratified by every stockholder of the Corporation.

    (3)  Subject to  the By-Laws, if any, adopted by  the stockholders,
    the Board of Directors shall also have power without  the assent or
    vote 245
    of the stockholders to make, alter, amend and repeal the By-Laws of
    the Corporation; to fix  the times for the declaration  and (except
    in  the  case  of  the  Preferred  Stock,  5%  Series)  payment  of
    dividends; and to make and determine the use and disposition of any
    surplus   or  net  profits  over  and  above  the  capital  of  the

    (4)   Subject  to  direction  by resolution  of  the  holders of  a
    majority of the stock the Board of  Directors shall have power from
    time to  time to determine whether  and to what extent  and at what
    times  and places  and  under what  conditions and  regulations the
    accounts and books of  the Corporation (other than the  stock book)
    or any of them,  shall be open to  the inspection of  stockholders;
    and no stockholder  shall have any right to inspect  any account or
    book  or document of the Corporation except as conferred by statute
    or   authorized  by  the  directors  or  by  a  resolution  of  the

    (5)   The  Board of Directors  shall have  the power  to appoint an
    Executive Committee  from among  their number, which  Committee, to
    the  extent and  in  the manner  provided  in  the By-Laws  of  the
    Corporation, shall have  and may exercise all of  the powers of the
    Board  of Directors,  so far  as may  be permitted  by law,  in the
    management of the business and affairs of  the Corporation whenever
    the Board  of Directors  is  not in  session.   The  fact that  the
    Executive Committee 
    has  acted shall be conclusive evidence that the Board of Directors

    was not in session at the time of such action.

    (6)   The  Board  of  Directors,  in addition  to  the  powers  and
    authority expressly  conferred upon it hereinbefore  and by statute
    and by the By-Laws, is hereby empowered to exercise all such powers
    as may be  exercised by the Corporation; subject,  nevertheless, to
    the provisions of  the statutes of  the State of  New York, of  the
    Certificate of Consolidation  and to any regulations  that may from
    time  to time  be  made  by  the  stockholders,  provided  that  no
    regulation  so   made  shall   invalidate  any  provision   of  the
    Certificate of  Consolidation or  any prior  act  of the  directors
    which  would have continued valid  if such regulation  had not been

    (7)   The  present  By-Laws of  Northern  New York  Utilities  Inc.
    (constituent corporation)  shall be the By-Laws  of the Corporation
    except  as modified by the provisions hereof and except as such By-
    Laws  from time  to time  may be  amended or  added to  as provided
    herein, therein or by law.

    (8)  The Corporation reserves the right to increase or decrease its
    authorized capital stock,  or any  class or series  thereof, or  to
    reclassify  the same,  and to  amend, alter,  change or  repeal any
    provision contained in the Certificate of Consolidation under which
    the  Corporation is organized or  in any amendment  thereto, in the
    manner now or hereafter prescribed by law, and all rights conferred
    upon  stockholders  in said  Certificate  of  Consolidation or  any
    amendment thereto are granted subject to this reservation.

    (9)  Otherwise  than as  is specifically provided  in this  Article
    NINTH in respect of the manner  of converting the shares of each of
    the  constituent  corporations  into  shares  of  the  consolidated
    Corporation,  no stockholder shall be entitled as a matter of right
    to subscribe  for, purchase or receive  any shares of  the stock or
    any rights  or options  of the  Corporation which  it may issue  or
    sell,  whether out  of  the number  of  shares authorized  by  this
    Certificate  of  Consolidation or  by  amendment  thereof or  other
    proceedings or out  of the shares  of the stock of  the Corporation

    acquired by it after the issuance 
    thereof,  nor shall  any stockholder in  any case be  entitled as a
    matter of right to  purchase or subscribe for or receive any bonds,
    debentures or other obligations which the  Corporation may issue or
    sell that shall be convertible into or exchangeable for stock or to
    which shall be  attached or  appertain any warrant  or warrants  or
    other  instrument or instruments that  shall confer upon the holder
    or owner of  such obligation the right to subscribe for or purchase
    from the Corporation any shares of its capital stock.  But all such
    additional  issues   of  stock,  rights,  options,   or  of  bonds,
    debentures  or other  obligations convertible into  or exchangeable
    for stock or to  which warrants shall  be attached or appertain  or
    which shall  confer upon the holder  the right to  subscribe for or
    purchase any shares of stock, may  be issued and disposed of by the
    Board  of  Directors  to  such  persons,  firms,  associations  and
    corporations  and upon such terms, subject to any provisions of law
    in regard thereto, as in 247
    their absolute discretion they may deem advisable.

    (10)  If  it seems  desirable or expedient  so to do  the Board  of
    Directors may from time to time issue scrip in lieu of fractions of
    shares of stock or any rights in respect to fractions  of shares of
    stock upon such terms and with such provisions as may be determined
    by the  Board of Directors.   Such scrip shall not  confer upon the
    holder thereof any  right to  dividends, except insofar  as may  be
    specifically  provided by  the Board  of Directors  at the  time of
    issuance thereof or thereafter, or any voting or  other rights as a
    stockholder of the Corporation, but the Corporation shall from time
    to time, if the Board of Directors so determines, issue one or more
    whole shares of  stock upon the surrender of scrip for fractions of
    shares aggregating the number  of whole shares issuable  in respect
    of the scrip so surrendered, provided that the scrip so surrendered
    shall be properly endorsed for transfer if in registered form.

    IN WITNESS  WHEREOF, we have  made and subscribed  this Certificate
    this 30th day of July, 1937.

    President of

    Antwerp Light and Power Company

    Secretary of
    Antwerp Light and Power Company

    President of
    Baldwinsville Light and Heat Company
    of Baldwinsville, N. Y.

    Secretary of
    Baldwinsville Light and Heat Company
    of Baldwinsville, N. Y.

    President of
    Fulton Fuel and Light Company

    Secretary of
    Fulton Fuel and Light Company

    President of
    Fulton Light, Heat and Power Company

    Secretary of
    Fulton Light, Heat and Power Company

    President of
    Malone Light and Power Company


    Secretary of
    Malone Light and Power Company

    President of
    Northern New York Utilities Inc.

    Secretary of
    Northern New York Utilities Inc.

    President of
    The Norwood Electric Light and Power

    Secretary of
    The Norwood Electric Light and Power

    President of
    Peoples Gas and Electric Company
    of Oswego

    Secretary of
    Peoples Gas and Electric Company
    of Oswego

    President of
    St. Lawrence County Utilities, Inc.

    Secretary of

    St. Lawrence County Utilities, Inc.

    President of
    St. Lawrence Valley Power Corporation

    Secretary of
    St. Lawrence Valley Power Corporation

    President of
    The Syracuse Lighting Company Inc.

    Secretary of
    The Syracuse Lighting Company Inc.

    Executive Vice-President of
    Utica Gas and Electric Company

    Secretary of
    Utica Gas and Electric Company


    On this 30th day of July, 1937, before me personally came THOMAS N.
    McCARTER,  JR., and ERNEST  JOHNSTON to me  known to be  two of the
    persons described in  and who executed the foregoing Certificate of
    Consolidation; and they thereupon duly acknowledged to me that they
    executed the same.

    Notary Public.

    STATE OF NEW YORK,       )

    On this  30th day of July,  1937, before me personally  came RAY W.
    PORTER and  ERNEST JOHNSTON to  me known to  be two of  the persons
    described  in  and  who   executed  the  foregoing  Certificate  of
    Consolidation; and they thereupon duly acknowledged to me that they
    executed the same.

    Notary Public.

    STATE OF NEW YORK,      )

    On  this 30th day  of July, 1937, before  me personally came EDWARD
    WRIGHT and  ERNEST JOHNSTON to  me known to  be two of  the persons
    described  in  and  who   executed  the  foregoing  Certificate  of
    Consolidation; and they thereupon duly acknowledged to me that they
    executed the same.

    Notary Public.


    On this 30th day of July, 1937, before me personally came H. EDMUND
    MACHOLD and  ERNEST JOHNSTON to me  known to be two  of the persons
    described  in  and  who   executed  the  foregoing  Certificate  of
    Consolidation; and they thereupon duly acknowledged to me that they
    executed the same.

    Notary Public.


    On  this 30th day of July, 1937,  before me personally came A. DEAN
    DUDLEY and ERNEST JOHNSTON to me known to be two of the persons 
    described  in  and  who   executed  the  foregoing  Certificate  of
    Consolidation; and they thereupon duly acknowledged to me that they
    executed the same.

    Notary Public.

    COUNTY OF ONEIDA,     ) ss.:

    On this 30th day of July, 1937, before me personally came LELAND D.
    McCORMAC  and SARA  HARRIS to  me known  to be  two of  the persons
    described  in  and  who   executed  the  foregoing  Certificate  of
    Consolidation; and they thereupon duly acknowledged to me that they
    executed the same.

    Notary Public.



    STATE OF NEW YORK,     )

    THOMAS  N. McCARTER, JR., and ERNEST JOHNSTON, being duly sworn, do
    depose and  say, and each  for himself deposes  and says:  That he,
    THOMAS N. McCARTER, JR., is the President, and he, ERNEST JOHNSTON,
    is the  Secretary, of ANTWERP LIGHT  AND POWER COMPANY,  one of the
    constituent  companies  named  in   the  foregoing  Certificate  of
    Consolidation; that  they have been duly authorized  to execute and
    file the  foregoing Certificate of  Consolidation by votes  cast in
    person or  by proxy of the  holders of record of  two-thirds of the

    outstanding shares  of ANTWERP LIGHT AND POWER  COMPANY entitled to
    vote thereon; and that such votes were cast at a stockholders' 
    meeting held on July 29, 1937, upon notice as prescribed in Section
    45 of the Stock Corporation Law,  to every stockholder of record of
    the Corporation entitled to vote thereon, and to  every stockholder
    who by  reason of said consolidation would  be entitled to have his
    stock appraised if such action were taken.


    Subscribed and sworn to before
    me this 30th day of July, 1937.

    Notary Public.



    RAY W. PORTER and ERNEST JOHNSTON, being duly  sworn, do depose and
    say, and each for himself deposes and says: That he, RAY W. PORTER,
    is the President,  and he,  ERNEST JOHNSTON, is  the Secretary,  of
    of the constituent companies named in  the foregoing Certificate of
    Consolidation;  that they have been duly  authorized to execute and
    file  the foregoing Certificate  of Consolidation by  votes cast in
    person or  by proxy of the  holders of record of  two-thirds of the
    outstanding  shares  of BALDWINSVILLE  LIGHT  AND  HEAT COMPANY  OF
    BALDWINSVILLE,  N. Y. entitled to vote thereon; and that such votes
    were cast  at a stockholders' meeting  held on July 29,  1937, upon
    notice as prescribed in Section 45 of the Stock Corporation Law, to
    every Stockholder  of record  of the  Corporation entitled  to vote

    thereon,  and  to   every  stockholder  who   by  reason  of   said
    consolidation would be entitled to have his stock appraised if such
    action were 


    Subscribed and sworn to before
    me this 30th day of July, 1937.

    Notary Public.



    RAY W. PORTER and ERNEST JOHNSTON, being  duly sworn, do depose and
    say, and each for himself deposes and says: That he, RAY W. PORTER,
    is the President,  and he,  ERNEST JOHNSTON, is  the Secretary,  of
    FULTON FUEL  AND LIGHT  COMPANY, one of  the constituent  companies
    named in the foregoing Certificate of Consolidation; that they have
    been duly authorized to execute  and file the foregoing Certificate
    of Consolidation by votes cast in person or by proxy of the holders
    of  two-thirds of the outstanding  shares of FULTON  FUEL AND LIGHT
    COMPANY  entitled to vote thereon; and that such votes were cast at
    a  stockholders'  meeting held  on July  29,  1937, upon  notice as
    prescribed by Section  45 of  the Stock Corporation  Law, to  every
    stockholder of record of the Corporation entitled to  vote thereon,
    and  to every stockholder who by reason of said consolidation would
    be entitled to have his stock appraised if such action were taken.


    Subscribed and sworn to before

    me this 30th day of July, 1937.

    Notary Public.



    RAY W. PORTER and ERNEST JOHNSTON, being duly sworn, do depose  and
    say, and each for himself deposes and says: That he, Ray W. Porter,
    is the President,  and he,  Ernest Johnston, is  the Secretary,  of
    FULTON  LIGHT,  HEAT AND  POWER  COMPANY,  one  of the  constituent
    companies named in the foregoing Certificate of Consolidation; that
    they  have been duly authorized  to execute and  file the foregoing
    Certificate of Consolidation by votes cast in person or by proxy of
    the  holders of record of  two-thirds of the  outstanding shares of
    FULTON  LIGHT, HEAT AND POWER COMPANY entitled to vote thereon; and
    that  such votes were cast at  a stockholders' meeting held on July
    29, 1937,  upon notice  as prescribed in  Section 45  of the  Stock
    Corporation  Law, to every stockholder of record of the Corporation
    entitled to vote thereon, and to every stockholder who by reason of
    said consolidation would be entitled to have his stock appraised if
    such action were taken.


    Subscribed and sworn to before 
    me this 30th day of July, 1937.

    Notary Public.


    STATE OF NEW YORK,     )

    EDWARD  WRIGHT and ERNEST JOHNSTON, being duly sworn, do depose and
    say, and each for himself deposes and says: That he, Edward Wright,
    is the President,  and he,  Ernest Johnston, is  the Secretary,  of
    MALONE LIGHT  AND POWER COMPANY,  one of the  constituent companies
    named in the foregoing Certificate of Consolidation; that they have
    been duly authorized to execute and file the foregoing  Certificate
    of Consolidation by votes cast in person or by proxy of the holders
    of record of two-thirds  of the outstanding shares of  MALONE LIGHT
    AND POWER COMPANY  entitled to  vote thereon; and  that such  votes
    were cast at a  stockholders' meeting held on  July 29, 1937,  upon
    notice as prescribed in Section 45 of the Stock Corporation Law, to
    every stockholder  of record  of the  Corporation entitled to  vote
    thereon,  and   to  every  stockholder   who  by  reason   of  said
    consolidation would be 256
    entitled to have his stock appraised if such action were taken.


    Subscribed and sworn to before
    me this 30th day of July, 1937.

    Notary Public.


    STATE OF NEW YORK,     )

    H.  EDMUND MACHOLD and ERNEST JOHNSTON, being duly sworn, do depose
    and say,  and each for himself deposes and says: That he, H. EDMUND
    MACHOLD,  is  the  President,  and  he,  ERNEST  JOHNSTON,  is  the
    Secretary,  of  NORTHERN  NEW  YORK  UTILITIES  INC.,  one  of  the
    constituent   companies  named  in  the  foregoing  Certificate  of

    Consolidation; that  they have been duly authorized  to execute and
    file the  foregoing Certificate of  Consolidation by votes  cast in
    person or  by proxy of the  holders of record of  two-thirds of the
    outstanding shares of NORTHERN NEW YORK  UTILITIES INC. entitled to
    vote thereon; and that such votes were 
    cast at  a stockholders' meeting held on  July 30, 1937 upon notice
    as  prescribed in Section 45 of the Stock Corporation Law, to every
    stockholder of record of the  Corporation entitled to vote thereon,
    and  to every stockholder who by reason of said consolidation would
    be entitled to have his stock appraised if such action were taken.


    Subscribed and sworn to before
    me this 30th day of July, 1937.

    Notary Public.



    EDWARD  WRIGHT and ERNEST JOHNSTON, being duly sworn, do depose and
    say, and each for himself deposes and says: That he, EDWARD WRIGHT,
    is the President, and he, ERNEST JOHNSTON, is the Secretary, of THE
    NORWOOD ELECTRIC  LIGHT AND POWER  COMPANY, one of  the constituent
    companies named in the foregoing Certificate of Consolidation; that
    they  have been duly authorized  to execute and  file the foregoing
    Certificate of Consolidation by votes cast in person or by proxy of
    the  holders of record of  two-thirds of the  outstanding shares of
    thereon; and that such  votes were cast at a  stockholders' meeting
    held on July 29, 1937,  upon notice as prescribed in Section  45 of

    the  Stock Corporation Law, to  every stockholder of  record of the
    Corporation entitled  to vote thereon, and to every stockholder who
    by reason of said consolidation would be entitled to have his stock
    appraised if such action were taken.



    Subscribed and sworn to before
    me this 30th day of July, 1937.

    Notary Public.



    RAY W. PORTER and ERNEST JOHNSTON, being duly sworn, do depose  and
    say, and each for himself deposes and says: That he, RAY W. PORTER,
    is the President,  and he,  ERNEST JOHNSTON, is  the Secretary,  of
    companies named in the foregoing Certificate of Consolidation; that
    they  have been duly authorized  to execute and  file the foregoing
    Certificate of Consolidation by votes cast in person or by proxy of
    the  holders of record of  two-thirds of the  outstanding shares of
    thereon; and that such  votes were cast at a  stockholders' meeting
    held on July 29, 1937,  upon notice as prescribed in Section  45 of
    the  Stock Corporation Law, to  every stockholder of  record of the
    Corporation entitled to vote thereon,  and to every stockholder who
    by reason of said consolidation would be entitled to have his stock
    appraised if such action were taken.



    Subscribed and sworn to before
    me this 30th day of July, 1937.

    Notary Public.


    STATE OF NEW YORK,     )

    EDWARD  WRIGHT and ERNEST JOHNSTON, being duly sworn, do depose and
    say, and each for himself deposes and says: That he, EDWARD WRIGHT,
    is the President, and he, ERNEST JOHNSTON, is the Secretary, of ST.
    LAWRENCE COUNTY  UTILITIES, INC., one of  the constituent companies
    named in the foregoing Certificate of Consolidation; that they have
    been duly authorized to execute and  file the foregoing Certificate
    of Consolidation by votes cast in person or by proxy of the holders
    of record of two-thirds  of the outstanding shares of  ST. LAWRENCE
    COUNTY UTILITIES,  INC., entitled  to vote  thereon; and that  such
    votes were cast  at a stockholders' meeting held on  July 29, 1937,
    upon  notice as prescribed in  Section 45 of  the Stock Corporation
    Law,  to every stockholder of record of the Corporation entitled to
    vote  thereon, and  to  every stockholder  who  by reason  of  said
    consolidation would be entitled to have his stock appraised if such
    action were taken.


    Subscribed and sworn to before
    me this 30th day of July, 1937.


    Notary Public.



    EDWARD  WRIGHT and ERNEST JOHNSTON, being duly sworn, do depose and
    say, and each for himself deposes and says: That he, EDWARD WRIGHT,
    is the President, and he, ERNEST JOHNSTON, is the Secretary, of ST.
    LAWRENCE VALLEY POWER CORPORATION, one of the constituent companies
    named in the foregoing Certificate of Consolidation; that they have
    been duly authorized to execute and file the  foregoing Certificate
    of Consolidation by votes cast in person or by proxy of the holders
    of record of two-thirds  of the outstanding shares of  ST. LAWRENCE
    VALLEY POWER  CORPORATION entitled to  vote thereon; and  that such
    votes  were cast  at a  stockholders' meeting  held upon  notice as
    prescribed in Section  45 of  the Stock Corporation  Law, to  every
    stockholder of 260
    record  of the Corporation entitled  to vote thereon,  and to every
    stockholder who by reason  of said consolidation would  be entitled
    to have his stock appraised if such action were taken, such meeting
    having been held on July 29, 1937 and duly adjourned and reconvened
    on July 30, 1937, on which day such votes were cast.


    Subscribed and sworn to before
    me this 30th day of July, 1937.

    Notary Public.



    A. DEAN DUDLEY and ERNEST JOHNSTON, being duly sworn, do depose and
    say, and  each for  himself  deposes and  says:  That he,  A.  DEAN
    DUDLEY,  is the  President,  and he,  ERNEST  J. JOHNSTON,  is  the
    Secretary,  of  THE  SYRACUSE LIGHTING  COMPANY  INC.,  one of  the
    constituent  companies  named  in  the   foregoing  Certificate  of
    Consolidation; that they  have been duly authorized to  execute and
    file the foregoing  Certificate of Consolidation  by votes cast  in
    person or  by proxy of the  holders of record of  two-thirds of the
    outstanding shares  of THE SYRACUSE LIGHTING  COMPANY INC. entitled
    to vote thereon; and that such votes 
    were cast  at a stockholders'  meeting held on July  30, 1937, upon
    notice as prescribed in Section 45 of the Stock Corporation Law, to
    every stockholder of  record of  the Corporation  entitled to  vote
    thereon,  and   to  every  stockholder   who  by  reason   of  said
    consolidation would be entitled to have his stock appraised if such
    action were taken.


    Subscribed and sworn to before
    me this 30th day of July, 1937.

    Notary Public.


    COUNTY OF ONEIDA,     ) ss.:

    LELAND D. McCORMAC and SARA HARRIS, being duly sworn, do depose and
    say, and  each for  himself deposes  and says:  That he, LELAND  D.
    McCORMAC, is the Executive Vice-President, and she, SARA HARRIS, is
    the  Secretary, of  UTICA  GAS AND  ELECTRIC  COMPANY, one  of  the
    constituent   companies  named  in  the  foregoing  Certificate  of

    Consolidation; that  they have been duly authorized  to execute and
    file the  foregoing Certificate of  Consolidation by votes  cast in
    person or  by proxy of the  holders of record of  two-thirds of the
    outstanding shares of  UTICA GAS AND  ELECTRIC COMPANY entitled  to
    vote  thereon; and  that such  votes were  cast at  a stockholders'
    meeting held on July 29, 1937, upon notice as prescribed in Section
    45  of the Stock Corporation Law, to every stockholder of record of
    the Corporation entitled to vote  thereon, and to every stockholder
    who by reason  of said consolidation would be entitled  to have his
    stock appraised if such action were taken.


    Subscribed and sworn to before
    me this 30th day of July, 1937.

    Notary Public.




    Albany, New York, July 31, 1937.

        of the

      ST. LAWRENCE VALLEY POWER CORPORATION,              Case No. 9105
      ELECTRIC COMPANY for approval and
      consent to the consolidation of the
      said companies and to the issuance
      of capital stock by the Consolidated
      Corporation; and the petition of
      approval and consent to the acquisition
      and holding by said corporation of the
      voting capital stock of the Consolidated

    Supplemental petition eliminating NEW YORK
      authority to issue certain mortgage

    Second supplemental petition eliminating

    The  Public  Service Commission  of the  State  of New  York (State
    Division,  Department  of  Public  Service)   hereby  approves  the
    consolidation  of Antwerp  Light and  Power  Company, Baldwinsville
    Light and Heat  Company of  Baldwinsville, N. Y.,  Fulton Fuel  and
    Light Company, Fulton Light, Heat  and Power Company, Malone  Light
    and Power Company,  Northern New York  Utilities Inc., Peoples  Gas
    and  Electric Company  of  Oswego, St.  Lawrence County  Utilities,
    Inc., St.  Lawrence Valley Power Corporation,  The Norwood Electric

    Light  and Power  Company, The Syracuse  Lighting Company  Inc. and
    Utica Gas and Electric  Company into Niagara Hudson Public  Service
    Corporation, which consolidation is evidenced by the Certificate of
    Consolidation executed  by the  President and Secretary  of Antwerp
    Light   and  Power   Company,  the   President  and   Secretary  of
    Baldwinsville  Light  and Heat  Company  of  Baldwinsville, N.  Y.,
    Fulton Fuel and Light Company, Fulton Light, Heat and Power Company
    and Peoples Gas and  Electric Company of Oswego, the  President and
    Secretary of Malone Light and  Power Company, The Norwood  Electric
    Light and  Power Company, St. Lawrence County  Utilities, Inc., and
    St. Lawrence Valley Power Corporation, the Executive Vice-President
    and  Secretary of Utica Gas and Electric Company, the President and
    Secretary of The Syracuse 
    Lighting  Company Inc. and the President  and Secretary of Northern
    New York Utilities  Inc., on July 30, 1937, all  in accordance with
    the  order of the  Public Service  Commission of  the State  of New
    York, dated June 16, 1937, in P. S. C. Case No. 9105.

    By the Commission,



    IT IS HEREBY  CERTIFIED, THAT  I have compared  the preceding  copy
    with the original Certificate of Consolidation of













    with the various certificates and affidavits thereto annexed, filed
    in  this department on  the 31st day  of July, 1937,  and that such
    copy is  a correct transcript  therefrom and of  the whole  of such

    WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the DEPARTMENT OF STATE at
    the  City of Albany,  this second day of  August, one thousand nine
    hundred and thirty-seven.

    Deputy Secretary of State

    STATE OF NEW YORK,     )

    I, ROLLAND  A. STREVER, Clerk  of said  County, and of  Supreme and
    County Courts therein which are courts of Record, do hereby certify
    that I  have compared the foregoing copy  of a Certificate with the

    original  thereof filed and recorded  and now remaining  on file of
    record in this office and that  the same is a correct transcript of
    said original, and  of the  whole thereof, and  of the  endorsement

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  I have hereunto  set my hand  and affixed  the
    seal  of said County and Courts at  the City of Syracuse, this 17th
    day of March, 1942.



  Computation of the Average Number of Shares of Common Stock Outstanding
  For the Three Months Ended March 31, 1994 and 1993
                              (1)            (2)            (3)                Shown
                              Shares of      Number of      Share              Statement
                              Common         Days           Days               (3
                              Stock          Outstanding    (2 x 1)            Days
                              --------       -----------    -------            ---------------------

  JANUARY 1 - MARCH 31, 1994  142,427,057    90             12,818,435,130
  DIVIDEND REINVESTMENT PLAN      179,301    *<F1>               5,691,034
  EMPLOYEE SAVINGS FUND PLAN      100,000    *<F1>                 700,000
                              -----------                   --------------
                              142,706,358                   12,824,826,164     142,498,068
                              ===========                   ==============     ===========

  JANUARY 1 - MARCH 31, 1993  137,159,607    90             12,344,364,630
  DIVIDEND REINVESTMENT PLAN      135,699    *<F1>               4,291,118
  PURCHASE- SYRACUSE SUBURBAN         593    *<F1>                  51,591
                              -----------                   --------------
                              137,295,899                   12,348,707,339     137,207,859
                              ===========                   ==============     ===========

  NOTE:   Earningspershare calculatedonbothaprimaryandfully dilutedbasisarethesamedue
          the effects of rounding.
  <F1>    Numberofdaysoutstandingnotshown assharesrepresentanaccumulationofweekly and
          monthlysalesthroughoutthequarter. Sharedaysforsharessoldarebased onthetotal
          number of days each share was outstanding during the quarter.



          EXHIBIT 12



          Statement Showing Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Fixed
          Charges, Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges without AFC and Ratio
          of Earnings to Fixed Charges and Preferred Stock Dividends for
          the Twelve Months Ended March 31, 1994 (in thousands of dollars)

          A.  Net income                              $ 283,339 

          B.  Taxes Based on Income or Profits          155,233
          C.  Earnings, Before Income Taxes             438,572

          D.  Fixed Charges  (a)                        318,729
          E.  Earnings Before Income Taxes and 
              Fixed Charges                             757,301

          F.  Allowance for Funds Used During
              Construction (AFC)                         14,235
          G.  Earnings Before Income Taxes and 
              Fixed Charges without AFC               $ 743,066
                    PREFERRED DIVIDEND FACTOR:

          H.  Preferred Dividend Requirements         $  30,575 
          I.  Ratio of Pre-tax Income to Net 
              Income (C/A)                                1.548
          J.  Preferred Dividend Factor (HxI)         $  47,330        

          K.  Fixed Charges as Above  (D)               318,729
          L.  Fixed Charges and Preferred Dividends 
              Combined                                $ 366,059
          M.  Ratio of Earnings to Fixed 
              Charges (E/D)                                2.38    
          N.  Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges 
              without AFC (G/D)                            2.33    
          O.  Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges 
              and Preferred Dividends Combined (E/L)       2.07    

          (a)  Includes a portion of rentals deemed representative of the
               interest factor ($27,995).     


          ONE MONY PLAZA
          SYRACUSE   NY   13202

          TELEPHONE  315-474-6571

          EXHIBIT 15

          May 12, 1994

          450 FIFTH STREET NW
          WASHINGTON   DC   20549

          Dear Sirs:

          We are aware that Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation has included
          our report dated May 12, 1994 (issued pursuant to the provisions
          of Statement on Auditing Standards No. 71) in the Registration
          Statements on Form S-8 (Nos. 33-36189, 33,42720, 33-42721 and 33-
          42771) and in the Prospectus constituting part of the
          Registration Statements on Form S-3 (Nos. 33-45898, 33-50703, 33-
          51073, 33-55546 and 33-59594).  We are also aware of our
          responsibilities under the Securities Act of 1933.

          Yours very truly,

          /s/ Price Waterhouse

