Washington,  D. C.   20549

          FORM 8-K



          DATE OF REPORT -  FEBRUARY 15, 1995 

          (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

          State of New York                       15-0265555
          -----------------                       ----------
          (State or other jurisdiction of         (I.R.S. Employer
          incorporation or organization)          Identification No.)

          Commission file Number 1-2987

          300 Erie Boulevard West                 Syracuse, New York  13202
          (Address of principal executive offices)          (zip code)

          (315)  474-1511
          Registrant's telephone number, including area code



     Item 5.  Other Events.

          Registrant hereby files the following items which will constitute
          a portion of its 1994 Annual Report to Stockholders:


          -   Highlights                                                3   
          -   Market for the Registrant's Common Equity and Related
                Stockholder Matters                                     4 
          -   Selected Financial Data for the five years ended 
                December 31, 1994                                       6 
          -   Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
                Condition and Results of Operations                     7 
          -   Report of Management                                     50  
          -   Report of Independent Accountants                        52  
          -   Consolidated Statements of Income and Retained
               Earnings for each year in the three-year period
               ended December 31, 1994                                 53
          -   Consolidated Balance Sheets at December 31, 1994
                 and 1993                                              54  
          -   Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for each
                 year in the three-year period ended
                 December 31, 1994                                     56  
          -   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements               57  
          -   Electric and Gas Statistics                             105    

     Item 7.  Financial Statement, Proforma Financial Information and Exhibits.

                  Exhibit 11 - Computation of Average Number of 
                    Shares of Common Stock Outstanding                108       
                  Exhibit 12 - Statements Showing Computations 

                    of Certain Financial Ratios                       109  

                  Exhibit 23 - Accountant's Consent                    

          Signature                                                   110


           HIGHLIGHTS                                      1994                1993        Change


           Total operating revenues. . . . . . . .   $ 4,152,178,000      $ 3,933,431,000    5.6
           Income available for common               
            stockholders . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $   143,311,000      $   239,974,000  (40.3)

           Earnings per common share . . . . . . .             $1.00                $1.71  (41.5)
           Dividends per common share. . . . . . .             $1.09                $0.95   14.7

           Common shares outstanding (average) . .       143,261,000          140,417,000    2.0

           Utility plant (gross) . . . . . . . . .   $10,485,339,000      $10,108,529,000    3.7
           Construction work in progress . . . . .   $   481,335,000      $   569,404,000  (15.5)

           Gross additions to utility plant. . . .   $   490,124,000      $   519,612,000   (5.7)
           Public kilowatt-hour sales. . . . . . .    34,006,000,000       33,750,000,000    0.8

           Total kilowatt-hour sales . . . . . . .    41,599,000,000       37,724,000,000   10.3

           Electric customers at                                                            
            end of year. . . . . . . . . . . . . .         1,559,000            1,552,000    0.5
           Electric peak load (kilowatts). . . . .         6,458,000            6,191,000    4.3

           Natural gas sales to ultimate customers   
            (dekatherms) . . . . . . . . . . . . .        85,615,000           83,201,000    2.9
           Natural gas transported                   
            (dekatherms) . . . . . . . . . . . . .        85,910,000           67,741,000   26.8

           Gas customers at end of year. . . . . .           512,000              501,000    2.2

                                                             995,801              929,285    7.2
           Maximum day gas deliveries 
            (dekatherms) . . . . . . . . . . . . .



               The  Company's common  stock  and certain  of its  preferred
          series are listed  on the New  York Stock Exchange.   The  common
          stock is also  traded on the Boston, Cincinnati, Midwest, Pacific
          and  Philadelphia  stock exchanges.    Common  stock options  are
          traded  on the  American Stock  Exchange.   The ticker  symbol is

               Preferred  dividends  were  paid   on  March  31,  June  30,
          September 30 and December  31.  Common stock dividends  were paid
          on February 28,  May 31, August 31 and November  30.  The Company
          presently estimates  that none  of the 1994  common or  preferred
          stock dividends will constitute a return of capital and therefore
          all  of such  dividends are  subject to  Federal tax  as ordinary

               The table below shows quoted market prices and dividends per
          share for the Company's common stock:

                            Dividends           Price Range

              1994          Per Share        High          Low

           1st Quarter           $.25       $20 5/8     $17 3/4
           2nd Quarter            .28        19          14 5/8
           3rd Quarter            .28        17 1/2      12
           4th Quarter            .28        14 3/8      12 7/8



           1st Quarter           $.20       $22 3/8      $18 7/8
           2nd Quarter            .25        24 1/4       21 5/8
           3rd Quarter            .25        25 1/4       23 3/4
           4th Quarter            .25        23 7/8       19 1/4


               OTHER STOCKHOLDER MATTERS:  The  holders of Common Stock are
          entitled to one  vote per share and may not  cumulate their votes
          for  the election of Directors.   Whenever dividends on Preferred
          Stock  are  in  default in  an  amount  equivalent  to four  full
          quarterly  dividends and thereafter  until all  dividends thereon
          are paid or  declared and set aside  for payment, the  holders of
          such  stock can  elect  a majority  of  the Board  of  Directors.
          Whenever dividends on any  Preference Stock are in default  in an
          amount equivalent to six  full quarterly dividends and thereafter
          until  all dividends thereon are  paid or declared  and set aside
          for payment, the holders of  such stock can elect two  members to
          the Board of Directors.   No dividends on Preferred Stock are now
          in arrears and no Preference Stock  is now outstanding.  Upon any
          dissolution, liquidation or winding up of the Company's business,
          the holders of  Common Stock are  entitled to receive a  pro rata
          share  of all of the Company's assets remaining and available for
          distribution after the full amounts to which holders of Preferred
          and Preference Stock are entitled have been satisfied.

               The indenture securing the  Company's mortgage debt provides
          that retained earnings shall be reserved and held unavailable for
          the  payment  of dividends  on Common  Stock  to the  extent that
          expenditures  for  maintenance and  repairs  plus provisions  for
          depreciation  do  not exceed  2.25%  of  depreciable property  as
          defined  therein.    Such  provisions have  never  resulted  in a
          restriction of the Company's retained earnings.

               At year  end, about 92,000 stockholders  owned common shares
          of the Company  and about 6,000 held preferred stock.   The chart
          below summarizes common stockholder ownership by size of holding:

           Size of holding
               (Shares)         Total stockholders      Total shares held

               1 to 99                35,919                 1,045,670

              100 to 999              50,539                12,596,578
            1,000 or more              5,247               130,669,218 
                                      91,705               144,311,466 


          Selected Financial Data

          As discussed in Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of
          Operations  and Notes  to  Consolidated Financial  Statements,  certain of  the  following
          selected financial  data may not be indicative of the Company's future financial condition
          or results of operations.  

                                               1994        1993          1992         1991       1990

    Operations: (000's)                    
    Operating revenues . . . . . . . . .   $4,152,178   $3,933,431   $3,701,527   $3,382,518  $3,154,719

    Net income . . . . . . . . . . . . .      176,984      271,831      256,432      243,369      82,878
    Common stock data:                     

    Book value per share at year end . .       $17.06       $17.25       $16.33       $15.54      $14.37
    Market price at year end . . . . . .       14 1/4       20 1/4       19 1/8       17 7/8      13 1/8

    Ratio of market price to book value          83.5%       117.4%      117.1%       115.0%       91.4%
    at year end. . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Dividend yield at year end . . . . .          7.9%         4.9%        4.2%         3.6%        0.0%
    Earnings per average common share. .       $ 1.00      $  1.71       $ 1.61       $ 1.49      $  .30

    Rate of return on common equity  . .          5.8%        10.2%       10.1%        10.0%        2.1%
    Dividends paid per common share. . .       $ 1.09      $   .95       $  .76       $  .32      $  .00

    Dividend payout ratio. . . . . . . .        109.0%        55.6%       47.2%        21.5%        0.0%
    Capitalization:  (000's)               

    Common equity. . . . . . . . . . . .   $2,462,398   $2,456,465   $2,240,441   $2,115,542  $1,955,118
    Non-redeemable preferred stock . . .      290,000      290,000      290,000      290,000     290,000
    Redeemable preferred stock . . . . .      256,000      123,200      170,400      212,600     241,550


    Long-term debt . . . . . . . . . . .    3,297,874     3,258,612   3,491,059    3,325,028   3,313,286
      Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    6,306,272     6,128,277   6,191,900    5,943,170   5,799,954

    First mortgage bonds maturing within   
    one year . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           -        190,000        -         100,000      40,000
      Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $6,306,272    $6,138,277  $6,191,900   $6,043,170  $5,839,954

    Capitalization ratios:  (including first mortgage bonds maturing within one year):
    Common stock equity. . . . . . . . .         39.0%        38.9%       36.2%        35.0%       33.5%

    Preferred stock. . . . . . . . . . .          8.7          6.5         7.4          8.3         9.1
    Long-term debt . . . . . . . . . . .         52.3         54.6        56.4         56.7        57.4

    Financial ratios:                                                
    Ratio of earnings to fixed charges .          1.91         2.31        2.24         2.09        1.41
    Ratio of earnings to fixed charges     
    without AFC. . . . . . . . . . . . .          1.89         2.26        2.17         2.03        1.35

    Ratio of AFC to balance available for         6.3%         6.7%        9.7%         9.3%       52.8%
    common stock . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Ratio of earnings to fixed charges     
    and preferred stock dividends. . . .          1.63         2.00        1.90         1.77        1.17
    Other ratios-% of operating revenues:                            

       Fuel, purchased power and purchased gas.. 39.6%        36.1%       34.1%        32.1%       36.9%

       Other operation expenses. . . . .         18.2         20.9        19.7         20.0        19.9
       Maintenance, depreciation and       
        amortization . . . . . . . . . .         12.3         13.0        13.5         14.4        14.4

       Total taxes . . . . . . . . . . .         14.7         16.2        17.3         16.4        14.4
       Operating income. . . . . . . . .         10.4         13.3        14.2         15.5        14.3
       Balance available for common        
        stock. . . . . . . . . . . . . .          3.5          6.1         5.9          6.0         1.3


    Miscellaneous:  (000's)
    Gross additions to utility plant . .   $   490,124  $   519,612  $  502,244   $  522,474  $  431,579

    Total utility plant. . . . . . . . .    10,485,339   10,108,529   9,642,262    9,180,212   8,702,741
    Accumulated depreciation and           
    amortization . . . . . . . . . . . .     3,449,696    3,231,237   2,975,977    2,741,004   2,484,124

    Total assets . . . . . . . . . . . .     9,649,439    9,471,327   8,590,535    8,241,476   7,765,406



          OVERVIEW OF 1994 RESULTS

               Earnings  declined to $143.3  million or $1.00  per share as
          compared to $240.0 million or $1.71 per share in 1993, reflecting
          management's decision  to charge earnings  for nearly all  of the
          cost  of  the   Voluntary  Employee  Reduction  Program   (VERP),
          described  below,  rather than  seek rate  recovery, based  on the
          impact  on future rates of deferring  and recovering these costs.
          The VERP  had  been initiated  to  bring the  Company's  staffing
          levels  and work practices more into line with peer utilities and
          to  enable the  Company to  become more  competitive in  its cost
          structure.  Without the VERP charge of approximately $197 million
          ($.89  per  share),  earnings  would  have  improved,  reflecting
          continued  cost control  efforts and  improved gas sales.   Also,
          because of  the Company's NERAM (described  below), shortfalls in
          all classes of sales, equivalent to $.46 per share  in 1994, were
          deferred for future recovery  in rates.  The Company's 1995 and
          multi-year rate proceedings do not seek to extend the NERAM in
          view of the pricing flexibility sought, although, the separation of
          the 1995 phase of the case may present some opportunity to extend
          this mechanism.  The  Company's earned return on  equity was 5.8%,
          but without  the VERP  charge would have been  10.7%, somewhat
          below the  PSC authorized return on  equity on electric utility
          operations of 11.4%.  Earnings for 1995  depend substantially on
          the  outcome of the  1995 rate case discussed below  and the  level
          of  rate  discounts necessary  to minimize  loss of  industrial
          customers.   An  Administrative Law Judge's Recommended Decision,
          discussed  below, if adopted by the PSC, could result in 1995
          earnings being considerably  lower than 1994 earnings  exclusive of
          VERP costs.   Beyond 1995,  earnings will  depend on  the outcome
          of the  multi-year rate  case, also discussed below,  and the
          extent  to which competition  may erode the  Company's  revenues
          without   relief  from  the  burden  of regulatory and
          legislatively mandated costs.

               The Company increased the common  stock dividend 12% in 1994
          to an  annual rate of $1.12.   Exclusive of the  VERP charge, the
          common  dividend  payout  ratio  was relatively  low,  57.7%,  as
          compared to  the rest of the  electric and gas industry  in 1994.
          However,  several utilities  reduced common  dividend levels  and
          resulting  payout  ratios in  1994,  stating  publicly that  such
          actions  were  to  better  position these  companies  for  a more
          competitive  future.   In making  future dividend  decisions, the
          Company must likewise evaluate the results of the 1995 and multi-
          year   phases  of  its  pending  rate  case  and  the  degree  of
          competitive pressure on its prices and,  therefore, on its future

               The  outcome   of  these   rate  proceedings  will   have  a
          significant effect  on  the  Company's  liquidity  and  financing
          requirements  and its  ability to  obtain financing  on customary

          terms.   Short-term  debt exceeded $400  million at  December 31,
          1994.  A substantial  portion of this short-term debt  was repaid
          in January 1995 with the proceeds from  the  sale  of  HYDRA-CO
          (discussed  later).    The Company must  renew  a significant
          portion  of its  bank  credit arrangements in 1995, and  while it
          expects to be  able to secure new  arrangements, the  cost may  be
          significantly  higher.   The Company also faces  a possible  downgrade
          in the  ratings of  its senior securities  to below  investment grade.
          While management believes  long-term debt  financing  can still  be
          secured by issuing First Mortgage Bonds, the cost  of  such securities
          will likely  be higher.  The Company is precluded from issuing
          preferred stock in 1995  due to insufficient dividend  coverage, as a
          result of the VERP writeoff.

               The  Company  is  increasingly challenged  to  maintain  its
          financial  condition in  the  face of  expanding competition  and
          probable  erosion  of traditional  regulation.    While utilities
          across the nation must address these concerns to varying degrees,
          the  Company believes that it  is more vulnerable  than others to
          competitive   threats.     The  factors   contributing  to   this
          vulnerability  include  a  large  industrial  customer  base,  an
          oversupply of high cost mandated power purchases from unregulated
          generators, an excess supply of wholesale power at relatively low
          prices and a high tax burden.  Recent changes in state leadership
          may change the energy policies of New York State.  The Company will
          be pursuing actions to redress inequities and reform regulatory
          policies that have contributed to the Company's increasing prices.

               The following sections present an assessment  of competitive
          conditions  and  steps  being  taken  to  improve  the  Company's
          strategic and financial position.


               The potential intensity and accelerating pace of competition
          may be the most significant factor driving fundamental changes in
          the way utilities, including the Company, are being managed.  The
          Company  believes that the price  of electricity may  be the most
          important  element of  future  success in  the  industry and  has
          intensified   its   efforts   to   reduce  various   costs   that
          significantly influence the price of electricity.  The ability to
          control  or reduce costs may be significantly limited in a number
          of ways, particularly  in the areas of state mandated unregulated
          generator  contracts  and  excessive  taxes  such  as  the  gross
          receipts tax and property taxes.  These costs are among the  most
          prominent causes of the Company's recent increases in prices, but
          may be  the most  controversial problems  to  solve as  judicial,
          regulatory  and/or legislative  action will  almost  certainly be
          needed to achieve desired  results.  The dismissal of  the Inter-
          Power  lawsuit  and  certain   developments  in  the  Sithe/Alcan
          proceeding described  below demonstrate some  progress, but  much
          more needs to be  accomplished.  The failure to  secure favorable
          judicial, regulatory  and/or  legislative  actions  in  the  near
          future could have, depending on  the pace of competition,  severe

          financial consequences to the  Company and would require dramatic
          steps to protect stockholder interests.


               The Company  has made  significant progress in  managing the
          costs under its direct control.  As described below, the Company,
          as part of its downsizing efforts, completed the VERP program, in
          which   approximately   1,400   active   employees   elected   to
          participate.   Since December 1992,  the employee level will have
          been reduced by  over 3,100, or 27%.   Capital spending  has also
          been reduced sharply in  recent years, with electric construction
          spending in future years  expected to be limited to the  level of
          depreciation expense,  thereby  resulting  in  little  growth  in
          traditional rate base.  The Company remains focused on materially
          reducing its total costs.

               The  increasing movement  towards a  competitive environment
          has required regulators on  both the state and federal  levels to
          begin to address the many substantial issues confronting electric
          utilities.  During 1994, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
          (FERC)  and the  New York State  Public Service  Commission (PSC)
          each provided or proposed guidelines to address different aspects
          of competition.  The FERC  issued guidelines for pricing electric
          transmission service and proposed  guidelines for the recovery of
          stranded costs, which are unrecoverable  due to a change in the
          regulatory environment.  Meanwhile, the PSC, in Phase I of its
          generic  competitive proceeding,  adopted  guidelines  to  govern
          flexible  rates which  could be  offered by  utilities to  retain
          qualified  customers.  Phase  II of this  proceeding will examine
          issues relating to  the establishment of  a wholesale and  retail
          competitive  markets  (see   "Defining  Competitive   Challenges"


               COMPANY COMPETITIVENESS STUDY.  Under  the terms of its 1994
          Rate   Agreement   with   the    PSC,   the   Company   filed   a
          "competitiveness" study  on April 7, 1994,  entitled "The Impacts
          of Emerging Competition in  the Electric Utility Industry."   The
          assessment of  competition contained in the  report describes the
          initial  results  of  the  Company's  CIRCA  2000  (Comprehensive
          Industry Restructuring  and Competitive Assessment for the 2000s)
          studies.    Although  there  is considerable  debate  about  what
          changes  should  occur in  the  electric industry  and  even more
          uncertainty about  what will actually happen,  the study explores
          the Company's best estimate of  how impacts would vary  depending
          on the  extent of changes in  the industry and the  pace at which
          those changes are allowed to unfold.

                The  Company generates electricity  from diverse sources to
          reduce sensitivity to changes in the economics of any single fuel
          source.   However, the average cost of these diverse fuel sources
          may be greater  than any single fuel source.  While the Company's
          average  generation  costs  are  competitive with  costs  of  new
          suppliers of  electricity, the current excess  supply of capacity

          in the Northeast and Canada has significantly depressed wholesale
          prices, which may be indicative of retail prices in the near term
          if retail customers are allowed direct access to the wholesale 


          generation market.    Under these  circumstances, by-pass  (i.e.,
          sale directly to  existing customers by others)  of the Company's
          generation  system is  a growing  threat, although  no regulatory
          structure  for by-pass  currently exists  in New  York State.   A
          growing number  of municipalities  within  the Company's  service
          territory are investigating the possibility  of achieving by-pass
          through formation of their own utility  operations.  As wholesale
          entities  these   new  utilities   would  have  open   access  to
          transmission  and  thus  would  be able  to  acquire  alternative
          sources  of  supply.   While  the  municipalities exploring  this
          possibility  are mostly  in the  earliest stages  of inquiry  and
          currently  represent  an extremely  small  percentage of  Company
          sales, municipalization has the potential to adversely affect the
          Company's customer base and profitability.

               From   a   broader  industry   perspective,   the  Company's
          assessment   concludes  that   selective  discounting   to  avoid
          uneconomic by-pass  is  likely to  be  effective in  the  current
          regulatory and  competitive regime.  Full  retail competition, if
          not   managed  appropriately   and  consistently,   could  create
          significantly higher  prices for  core customers, jeopardize  the
          financial  viability  of the  Company  and  devastate the  social
          programs  delivered  by  the  Company.    While  aggressive  cost
          management  must be part of any response to competition, it alone
          cannot address the financial consequences that may arise from any
          sudden  and  dramatic  policy  change.    As  mentioned above,  a
          significant portion of the Company's costs are outside its direct
          control.  The Company  believes that regulators, legislators, and
          utilities must  collaborate  to deal  with  overpaid  unregulated
          generation  and  other  issues  to create  a  fair  and equitable
          transition to increased competition that addresses the obligation
          to serve, including addressing  regulatory obligations for social
          programs, (i.e.;  low-income programs),  and  provide for  proper
          recovery of shareholder's investment.  

               Certain adversaries  of the  Company in New  York State  and
          certain governmental officials  have stated that the best way for
          the  Company  to address  competitive  issues  would be  to  take
          substantial, but unspecified in amount, writedowns of its assets,
          particularly  its  nuclear and  fossil  generating  plants.   The
          Company's position  is that any  proper solution to  the problems
          posed  by  increasing  competition   and  deregulation  must   be
          substantially  more  evenhanded,  and  will  necessarily be  more
          complicated, than any such proposal.  The Company will vigorously
          contest inequitable solutions to competitive conditions.

               FERC  NOPR ON STRANDED INVESTMENT.  The FERC issued a Notice
          of  Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR)  on June 29,  1994 proposing rules

          governing  the  ability of  utilities  to  recover wholesale  and
          retail  stranded  investments  (or  costs).    The  NOPR  defines
          wholesale  stranded   costs  as  "any  legitimate,   prudent  and
          verifiable costs incurred by  a public utility or  a transmitting
          utility  to   provide  service  to  a   wholesale  customer  that
          subsequently becomes, in whole 

          or in  part, an unbundled  transmission service customer  of that
          public  utility or  transmitting utility."   The  same definition
          applies  to "retail  stranded investment"  for "retail  franchise

               For existing contracts, the  NOPR proposes that a three-year
          period be set  during which  the contracts can  be negotiated  to
          permit recovery of stranded costs.  FERC would bar recovery where
          contracts already  have exit  fees or  address stranded costs  in
          some  other way.   If the  parties fail  to reach  agreement, the
          utility may unilaterally file a stranded cost provision.

               The FERC believes it to be generally inappropriate to permit
          recovery  of stranded  costs via  transmission rates  and instead
          prefers  renegotiation  of   bulk  (generally  wholesale)   power
          contracts.   Further, FERC has indicated  a strong preference for
          the costs of the transition to competition at the retail level to
          be  addressed  by the  states.   The  NOPR seeks  comments  as to
          whether the FERC  should allow recovery of  retail stranded costs
          in transmission  rates under certain circumstances.   The Company
          has  responded, with other New  York State utilities,  that it is
          generally supportive  of the  FERC's findings, but  believes that
          the  FERC must  play  a more  active  role in  addressing  retail
          stranded cost recovery, particularly  in the context of increased
          municipalization activity discussed above.

          June 1994,  the PSC  instituted Phase  II of  its competitiveness
          opportunities proceeding,  the overall objective of  which is "to
          identify regulatory and ratemaking  practices that will assist in
          the transition  to a more competitive  electric industry designed
          to  increase efficiency  in  the provision  of electricity  while
          maintaining  safety,  environmental  affordability,  and  service
          quality goals."   In an order issued  December 22, 1994,  the PSC
          released  for  comment  a  series  of  principles  to  guide  the
          transition  to   competition.    The  principles   emphasize  the
          importance of  the economic  and environmental well-being  of New
          York  State, which  "cannot be  compromised to  accommodate other
          principles."     Other   proposed   principles   recognize   that
          competition, at  least at the  wholesale level, will  further the
          economic  and environmental  well-being of  New York  State, that
          "bill shock" for any class of customers should be minimized, that
          the integrity,  safety and reliability of  the bulk (transmission
          and distribution) electric system should not be jeopardized, that
          the current industry structure of a vertically integrated utility
          (ownership   of   generation,   transmission   and   distribution
          activities) is incompatible  with effective  wholesale or  retail

          competition  and   that  utilities   should  have   a  reasonable
          opportunity to  recover "prudent and  verifiable expenditures and
          commitments made pursuant to their  legal obligations, as long as
          the  utilities   are  cooperating   in  furthering  all   of  the
          principles."   According  to  the order,  similar cooperation  by
          independent power producers (IPP) should result in "respect for
          the reasonable expectations of  IPP investors."    The PSC  has
          said  it  believes the  transition to competition should  balance
          order,   deliberation  and  speed.  Although the focus  of the
          original order was  on the  wholesale market,  the PSC  concluded
          that the  proceeding should  examine issues related to retail
          competition as  well.  The PSC notes, in its order, that it can
          only implement these principles within the context  of  its  own
          authority  and  that  coordination  across government is necessary
          to  avoid  major   dislocation  among  suppliers of electricity.
          The Company cannot predict the  timing or the results of the

          PROCEEDING  - GAS.   Portions  of the  natural gas  industry have
          undergone significant  structural changes.  A  major milestone in
          this process occurred in November 1993 with the implementation of
          FERC  Order 636.  FERC Order 636 requires interstate pipelines to
          unbundle pipeline  sales  services from  pipeline  transportation
          service.  These changes enable the Company to arrange for its gas
          supply directly  with producers,  gas marketers or  pipelines, at
          its  discretion, as well as to arrange for transportation and gas
          storage services.   The flexibility  provided to  the Company  by
          these changes should enable it to protect its existing market and
          still  expand its core and non-core market offerings.  With these
          expanded   opportunities  come  increased  competition  from  gas
          marketers and other utilities.

               Similar rate initiatives on competitively priced natural gas
          were addressed in a generic investigation completed by the PSC in
          December 1994.   The  PSC order  in the  proceeding significantly
          expands  customer  access  to  competitive gas  suppliers using a
          framework designed to  "assure  that (1) local  distribution
          companies  (LDCs) and  new  entrants can  compete; (2)  customers
          benefit from increased choices and improved performance resulting
          from a more competitive industry; and (3) core customers continue
          to  receive quality services  at affordable rates."   The Company
          intends to respond by  proposing a comprehensive restructuring of
          rates   and  services   designed   to  take   advantage  of   the
          opportunities presented by this new "open" environment.

               STATE ENERGY  PLANNING BOARD INITIATIVES.   In October 1994,
          the  State Energy Planning Board issued an updated New York State
          Energy  Plan, which  called for  significant reductions  in state
          energy taxes, called upon the New York Power Authority (NYPA) and
          the state's investor-owned utilities  to study the feasibility of

          creating  a  joint entity  to  operate and  maintain  the nuclear
          generating stations in the state and endorsed greater competition
          in  utility purchases of electricity.  The report also called for
          the development  of  a  fully  competitive  wholesale  generation
          market  in the  state  within five  years  and observed  that  if
          utility  generation  is  separated  from  transmission,  the  PSC
          "should  consider  carefully  the  valuation  and  allocation  of
          utility assets  in the  regulated and  competitive sectors."   It
          recommended that retail competition  should occur  when  fair
          treatment  of all  customer classes,  competitors, energy
          efficiency  and  renewables  and capital committed in prudent response
          to past government mandates is  reasonably assured.  The Company is
          unable to predict whether or how this plan will influence regulatory

               NYPA RESTRUCTURING STUDY.  Also during 1994, the NYPA issued
          a  report to  its  trustees concerning  a proposed  restructuring
          effort for the  21st century.   This report  stated that a  major
          step toward a competitive electric industry  would be to separate
          transmission  from  generation.    It also  stated  that  another
          significant advance toward cutting the price of electricity would
          be the creation of a single operating company for all  six of New
          York  State's nuclear  power  plants.   In  addition, the  report
          recommends creation of a "New York State Electrical Thruway" that
          would combine  all of  the  State's transmission  lines into  one
          independent entity.

               The effect on the Company's financial position or results of
          operations based on  any or  all of  the above  events cannot  be
          determined at this time.

               In  summary,  the  electric  and  gas  utility  industry  is
          undergoing large  changes  and faces  an  uncertain future.    To
          succeed, utilities must be prepared to respond quickly to change.
          The Company must be  successful in, among other things, helping
          to bring about favorable regulatory reform to deal with such
          change, managing the  economic  operation  of  its nuclear  units
          and  addressing growing  electric competition,  expanded gas supply
          competition, and various cost impacts, especially excess high-cost
          unregulated generator power contracts and taxes.  While the Company
          will seek full recovery of  its investment through the rate setting
          process with  respect  to  the  issues  described  herein, a review
          of political  and regulatory actions  during the past  15 years with
          respect to industry issues and the experiences of virtually every
          other industry that has  gone through deregulation, indicate that
          utility shareholders may ultimately bear a significant portion of
          the burden of solving these problems. 


               In  response to these issues being faced by the Company, the

          Company has  considered, and  is continuing to  consider, various
          strategies designed  to enhance  its competitive position  and to
          increase  its ability to adapt  to and anticipate  changes in its
          utility  business.     These  strategies  may   include  business
          combinations  with  other companies,  acquisitions of  related or
          unrelated businesses, and additions to or disposition of portions
          of its franchised service territories.  Additionally, a number of
          electric utilities have recently announced consideration of plans
          to organize their operations so that generation  and power supply
          activities are conducted by an entity within the corporate  group
          separate from the entity which provides transmission and 
          distribution services to the utility's customers.  The Company is
          also  studying such a division of its operations, in part because
          of  suggestions by  New  York governmental  officials that  power
          supply should  be separated  from  transmission and  distribution
          functions and in part as a  means of dealing with issues  related
          to unregulated generator contracts.

          the Company announced a voluntary early retirement program  and a
          voluntary  separation  program  (together the  VERP)  to  achieve
          substantial reductions  in its  staffing levels  in an effort  to
          bring the Company's staffing levels  and work practices more into
          line with other peer group utilities and  become more competitive
          in  its   cost  structure.    Later,   union  employees  approved
          amendments  to the  current labor  agreement which  offered union
          employees  the VERP, in exchange for a negotiated package of work
          rule changes.

               Approximately 1,400 active employees elected  to participate
          in  the VERP and most  terminated their employment  as of October
          31, 1994.  The number of employees electing the VERP did not meet
          management's  expectations,  and  some   layoffs  have  and  will
          continue to occur in an effort  to reach a level of approximately
          8,750 regular employees during  1995.  At December 31,  1994, the
          Company had approximately  9,200 employees.  The  accrued cost of
          the VERP is estimated at approximately $212 million.  The Company
          decided to reduce  1994 earnings by the cost of  the VERP that is
          allocable  to electric customers,  net of allocation to cotenant
          and other ventures, or approximately  $197 million ($.89 per  share).
          The Company  deferred, for proposed  recovery over a  five year period
          beginning in 1995,  the $11  million of VERP  costs  allocable  to
          gas  customers.   In  reaching  these decisions, the Company
          considered, among other things, the impact on future rates of
          deferring and recovering these costs.

               Most  of the VERP cash  cost will be  provided by pension fund
          assets over time, thereby limiting the immediate cash impact
          to the Company.   The 1995 cash impact will  be approximately $20
          million, primarily in the first quarter.

               In a filing with  the PSC on December 23, 1994,  the Company

          updated its rate request for 1995 to reflect the labor and labor-
          related savings in operating costs as  a result of the VERP.  The
          savings are expected  to amount to nearly  $100 million annually,
          of which  $60 million in  1995 is  the labor and  related savings
          allocable  to electric  and gas  expense (the  remaining savings,
          generally allocable to construction, should enable the Company to
          achieve its construction spending plans for 1995, which have been
          reduced from prior forecasts).

               UNREGULATED  GENERATOR  INITIATIVES   are  discussed  in   a
          separate section below.


               TAX  INITIATIVES.     The  Company  has   launched  a  media
          initiative to inform customers of how much (approximately 16%) of
          their utility bill  directly pays  various forms of  taxes.   The
          Company is also working with utility and state representatives to
          explain  the negative impact that  all taxes, including the gross
          receipts tax, are having on rates  and the state of the  economy.
          At  the same  time, the  Company is  contesting with  many taxing
          authorities  the   high  real   estate  taxes  it   is  assessed,
          particularly   compared  to   the   taxes  assessed   unregulated

               CUSTOMER  DISCOUNTS.  The Company is  experiencing a loss of
          industrial load across  its system for a variety of  reasons.  In
          some  cases, customers  have found  alternative suppliers  or are
          generating  their own power.   In other cases  a weakened economy
          has forced customers to relocate or shut down.

               As a first step in addressing  the threat of further loss of
          industrial load, the PSC  approved a rate (referred to  as SC-10)
          under  which  the Company  was  allowed  to negotiate  individual
          contracts  with some  of  its largest  industrial and  commercial
          customers  to  provide them  with  electricity  at lower  prices.
          Under this  rate, customers  had to  demonstrate that they  could
          generate  power  more economically  than  the  Company's service.
          While  the  SC-10 tariff  has now  been  superseded by  the SC-11
          tariff described  below, seventeen contracts are  still in effect
          and  expire by early 1997.  The total SC-10 discounts amounted to
          $12.4 million in 1994.

               In  June 1994, the PSC announced  the adoption of guidelines
          to  govern flexible electric rates offered by utilities to retain
          qualified industrial customers in the face of growing competition
          from unregulated generators, and requiring the Company (and other
          New York utilities with flexible  tariffs) to file amendments  to
          SC-10.   On August 10, 1994, the  Company filed for a new service
          tariff, SC-11, for "Individually Negotiated Contract Rates."  All
          new  contract rates  will  be administered  under  the new  SC-11
          service  classification  based  on  demonstrated  industrial  and
          commercial  competitive  pricing  situations including,  but  not
          limited   to,  on-site   generation,  fuel   switching,  facility
          relocation and partial plant production shifting.  Contracts will
          be for a term not to exceed seven years without PSC approval.  

               The Company  expects  a  significant  number  of  industrial
          customers to  negotiate contracts.   Many of these  contracts may
          result in increased  load which may be revenue enhancing.   As of
          December  31,  1994,  approximately  20  customers,  representing
          approximately 80 MW of load, had made requests to the Company for
          an  SC-11 contract.  The Company also offers economic development
          rates, which can  result in  discounts for existing,  as well  as
          new,  load.   In  total,  the  Company  granted  $39  million  in
          discounts  against  1994  revenues,  of  which  it  absorbed  20%

          pursuant to the 1994  Settlement.  Under its 1995  and multi-year
          rate proposal, the Company anticipates offering approximately $30
          million of discounts in  excess of the approximately $42 million
          expected to be reflected in rates  in 1995, although no  assurance
          can be given  as to the actual amount of discounts.   The amount of
          discounts given will also depend on the level of rates authorized
          in the 1995 rate proceeding, and the allocation between customer
          classes.  The level of discounts  beyond 1995 and the attendant
          financial consequences will depend on a variety of factors.

               The  increase in  the  Company's rates  over  the past  four
          years, due in  large part to required  purchases from unregulated
          generators,  has made  cogeneration and  self-generation  by many
          industrial  and  large  commercial  customers  more  economically
          feasible.    The  Company   believes  its  SC-11  tariff  pricing
          flexibility  will  help prevent  erosion  of  its customer  base.
          Price pressure,  however, may  limit the  recovery of  such costs
          from the remainder of its customer base.

               SITHE/ALCAN.   In  April 1994,  the PSC  ruled that,  in the
          event  Sithe Independence Power  Partners Inc. (Sithe) ultimately
          obtained authority to sell electric power at retail, those retail
          sales would be subject  to a lower  level of regulation than  the
          PSC presently  imposes  on  the  Company.    Sithe,  which  sells
          electricity to Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc.
          and  the Company  on a  wholesale  basis from  its 1,040
          megawatt natural  gas cogeneration plant, also  provides steam to
          Alcan  Rolled  Products (Alcan).   As  authorized  by the  PSC in
          September  1994, Sithe  also sells  a portion of  its electricity
          output on a retail basis to  Alcan, previously a customer of  the
          Company,  and  is  authorized   to  sell  to  Liberty  Paperboard
          (Liberty), a potential new industrial customer.  The  PSC ordered
          that Sithe  pay the Company  a fee  over a period  of ten  years,
          based  upon  the  prices at  which  Sithe  would  sell to  Alcan,
          structured to produce a net  present value of approximately $19.6
          million.  For 1995, the fee would be approximately $3.05 million.
          The  Company had argued for compensation, which assures discounted
          rates to Alcan, with a net present value of $39 million.  The PSC
          did not authorize a  fee in connection with Sithe's sale to Liberty.

               On  October 12, 1994, the  Company filed an  appeal in State
          Supreme  Court, Albany County,  which states that  the April 1994
          PSC Order is  a violation  of legal procedure  and precedent  and
          should  be reversed.  The  Company cannot predict  the outcome of
          this  proceeding,  but  will   continue  to  press  its  position
          vigorously.  Notwithstanding  the Company's strong  opposition to
          Sithe's ability to sell  to a retail customer,  and the level  of
          compensation involved,  the decision  to require compensation  to
          utilities  for  costs  that   would  otherwise  be  stranded  has
          established  a precedent in by-pass situations  for some level of
          recovery of the Company's investment.

               ASSET MANAGEMENT STUDIES -  FOSSIL.  The Company continually
          examines  its   competitive   situation  and   future   strategic

          direction.  Among other  things, it has, and continues  to, study
          the  economics  of  continued  operation  of  its   fossil-fueled
          generating plants,  given current  forecasts of  excess capacity.
          Growth in unregulated generator supply  sources, compliance 
          requirements of  the Clean Air Act and low wholesale market prices
          are key considerations in evaluating the  Company's internal
          generation needs.   While the Company's coal-burning plants  continue
          to be  cost advantageous, certain  older  units  and  certain
          gas/oil-burning  units  are continually  assessed   to  evaluate
          their  economic  value  and estimated  remaining  useful  lives.
          Due  to  projected  excess capacity, the Company  plans to  retire
          or put  certain units  in long-term cold standby.  A total of 340 MW's
          of  aging coal fired capacity is to be retired by the  end of 1999
          and 850 MW's of oil fired capacity was placed in long-term cold
          standby in 1994.  The Company is  also continuing to evaluate  under
          what circumstances the  standby plant  would  be returned to service,
          but  barring unforeseen circumstances  it is  not likely  that a 
          return would occur  before the  end  of 1999.    This action  will
          permit  the reduction of operating costs and capital expenditures for
          retired and  standby plants.  The remaining investment in these plants
          of approximately  $250  million  at  December  31,  1994  (of  which
          approximately  $180  million  relates  to the  facility  in  cold
          standby)   is  currently   being  recovered   in   rates  through
          depreciation.   See Note  1  of Notes  to Consolidated  Financial
          Statements - "Exposure Draft on Impairment of Assets".

          UNIT NO.  1 (UNIT 1).   Under the terms of  a previous regulatory
          agreement,  the Company agreed  to prepare and  update studies of
          the advantages and disadvantages of continued operation of Unit 1
          prior to the  start of the then next two  refueling outages.  The
          first  report, which  recommended continued  operation of  Unit 1
          over the  then next fuel cycle,  was filed with the  PSC in March
          1990 and a second study in November 1992  indicated that the Unit
          could continue to provide benefits for the term of its license if
          operating costs  could be reduced and  generating output improved
          above its then historical average.

               Operating experience at Unit 1 has improved substantially since
          the 1992 study.  Unit 1's capacity factor has been about 94% since
          its last refueling outage.

               The third study was filed with the  PSC on November 1, 1994.
          This  study  agreed  with  the November  1992  study,  confirming
          continued operation over the  remaining term of its license.   No
          further economic  studies are  currently required for  this Unit,
          although the Company continues  as a matter of course  to examine
          the economic and strategic issues related to operation of all its
          generating units.

               In  connection  with  these asset  management  studies,  the
          Company also  updated its estimated costs to decommission Unit 1.
          The  estimate  includes amounts  for  both  radioactive and  non-
          radioactive dismantlement  costs, as  well as spent  fuel storage
          cost estimates until the  fuel can be transferred to  a permanent
          federal repository.   The  current estimate of  radioactive ($344
          million) and non-radioactive ($51  million) dismantlement in  1994
          dollars  is approximately $395  million.  Fuel storage  and plant
          maintenance estimates  will   increase   the   total   estimated 
          costs   to approximately  $527 million  (in 1994  dollars), and this
          amount escalates to $1.4 billion by the time decommissioning is
          completed.  While these estimates have increased from previous
          estimates, the delayed  dismantlement  approach  is  believed  to
          be  the  most economic.   The new estimates  along with increased
          estimates for the decommissioning of Nine Mile Point Nuclear
          Station Unit No. 2 (Unit  2), will  be  required to  be  reflected
          in  rates  in the future.   See  also Notes 1  and 3  of Notes  to
          the Consolidated Financial Statements.


               1995 FIVE-YEAR  RATE PLAN.   In  February 1994, the  Company
          made an  electric and gas  rate filing, for rates to be effective
          January 4,  1995,  seeking a  $133.7 million  (4.3%) increase  in
          electric revenues  and a  $24.8  million (4.1%)  increase in  gas
          revenues.  The electric filing included a proposal to institute a
          methodology  to establish  rates  beginning in  1996 and  running
          through 1999.  The proposal would provide for rate indexing to an
          applicable  quarterly forecast  of  the consumer  price index  as
          adjusted for a productivity factor.  The methodology sets a price
          cap, but the Company could elect not to raise its rates up to the
          cap.   Such a decision would be based on the Company's assessment
          of the market.  NERAM  (see "Prior Regulatory Agreements"  below)
          and certain  other expense  deferrals would be  eliminated, while
          the fuel adjustment clause would be modified to cap the Company's
          exposure to fuel and purchased power cost variances from forecast
          at  $20 million annually.   However, certain items  which are not
          within  the  Company's  control  would  be  included  in  billing
          adjustment  factors outside  of  the indexing;  such items  would
          include legislative,  accounting, regulatory and tax  law changes
          as  well  as  environmental  and  nuclear  decommissioning costs.
          These items and the existing  balances of certain other  deferral
          items, such  as MERIT (see "Prior  Regulatory Agreements" below),
          NERAM  and demand-side  management (DSM),  would be  recovered or
          returned using  a temporary rate  surcharge.  The  proposal would
          also establish a minimum return on equity which, if not achieved,
          would permit the Company  to refile and reset base  rates subject
          to   indexing  or  to  seek  some  other  form  of  rate  relief.
          Conversely, in the event earnings exceeded an established maximum
          allowed return on equity,  such excess earnings would be  used to
          accelerate recovery of regulatory or other assets.   The proposal

          would  provide the  Company  with greater  flexibility to  adjust
          prices within customer classes to meet competitive pressures from
          alternative  electric  suppliers,  but  would  also substantially
          increase the risk that the Company will not earn its allowed rate
          of return and that earnings  would be much more volatile than  in
          the  past. The Company believes that its proposed rate plan meets
          the criteria for continued application of Statement of Financial 
          Accounting  Standards  No. 71,  "Accounting  for  the Effects  of
          Certain Types of Regulation" (SFAS No. 71).  Gas rate adjustments
          beyond 1995 would follow traditional regulatory methodology.

               In 1994, the Company agreed to  extend the date by which the
          PSC must rule on the  Company's rate request by twelve weeks,  to
          March 29, 1995.   The Company  will absorb one-half of  the costs
          (the lost margin) arising because  of the extension from  January
          4, 1995.  The remainder of the costs will be  recovered through a
          noncash credit to  income, and  is dependent upon  the amount  of
          rate relief ultimately granted by the PSC for 1995.  Based on its
          recent updated  filing described below, the  Company would absorb
          approximately $41 million.

               On  August 31,  1994,  the PSC  Staff,  in response  to  the
          Company's  proposal,  proposed an  overall  decrease  in electric
          revenues  from  1994  levels   of  approximately  $146   million,
          excluding  anticipated sales  growth.   This  contrasts with  the
          Company's  original proposed  total  revenue increase,  excluding
          sales  growth, of $146 million  for 1995.   Because the Company's
          proposed  total revenue  increase reflects  an effective  date of
          March 29, 1995, while  the PSC Staff's proposal is  an annualized
          amount, the difference between the two positions is approximately
          $366  million.  The more  significant adjustments proposed by the
          PSC Staff  include disallowance  of approximately $90  million in
          purchased   power  payments   made  principally   to  unregulated
          generators;   additional  adjustments  to  the  1995  unregulated
          generator  forecast for  prices, capacity  levels and  in-service
          dates  of   certain  projects;   reductions   in  operating   and
          maintenance  expenses  stemming  largely  from  the  PSC  Staff's
          contention  that the  Company's  forecast  was  unsupported;  and
          assumed increases in  revenues from sales to other  utilities and
          transmission  revenues.  The PSC  Staff also proposes to disallow
          certain unregulated generator buyout costs equal to approximately
          $12 million in 1995 and  to set the electric return on  equity at
          10.5%, as  compared to  the Company's  request of 11%.   The  PSC
          Staff  recommends that gas revenues  be reduced by  $5 million in
          1995, while also  recommending a  return on equity  of 10.5%  (as
          opposed  to the Company's request of 11.59%).  The reduction from
          the  Company's   gas  proposal   relates  principally   to  lower
          departmental expenses and higher expected sales in 1995.

               In response to the  Company's electric indexing proposal for
          1996 through 1999, the PSC Staff proposed  the use of a different

          index  based   on  the  annual  change  in   a  national  average
          electricity  price, elimination  of  all of  the Company-proposed
          adjustment factors outside of  indexing, including those for fuel
          and   purchased   power  costs,   environmental   costs,  nuclear
          decommissioning  and  accounting   and  tax   law  changes,   and
          elimination  of the minimum  and maximum return  on equity limit.
          The  PSC  Staff  went  well  beyond  the  Company's  proposal  by
          recommending  a  "regulatory  regime that  accepts  market  based
          prices for  utility  generation."   The  PSC Staff's  plan  would
          limit, in increasing amounts, the amount of embedded   generation
          costs   (including  certain   plant   and unregulated generator
          costs) that  could be charged to customers. The reference price
          each  year would be based initially  upon the Company's  marginal
          cost  of generation  (which is  significantly below  its embedded
          cost)  until a reliable  market price becomes  available.  After a
          10 year phase-down, the Company would only be able  to  charge  a
          market-related  price  for  generation.   The Company  would be
          forced to  absorb the  difference between  its embedded costs and
          what it could  charge customers, regardless of whether  its past
          practices  were prudent  or  even mandated  by government  action.
          Rates with respect to the Company's costs of transmission,
          distribution and customer service would continue to be based  on
          cost of  service for 1995,  but would be  indexed in 1996-1999 by
          the national average electricity index.

               While the  PSC Staff's case contains  no financial modelling
          of the  potential consequences  of its  proposal on  the Company,
          such  consequences, if the plan  is adopted as  proposed could be
          substantial.   While the PSC Staff identified a number of general
          cost  reduction  measures  intended  to  mitigate  the  financial
          consequences  of its proposal, the  Company believes the value of
          the  measures is  greatly overstated.   The  PSC Staff's  plan is
          based on  a price ceiling rather than a cost of service theory of
          ratemaking--a departure from the Company's case and all prior New
          York State ratemaking principles.   It in effect also  proposes a
          substantial but  unquantified disallowance  with  respect to  the
          Company's generating plants  and a  similar but  undifferentiated
          disallowance  with respect  to the  difference  between estimated
          market costs of power and the  amount the Company is required, by
          law and PSC mandate, to pay for unregulated generator power.

               If  those  elements  of the  PSC  Staff's  case  were to  be
          implemented as proposed,  the Company would  also be required  to
          discontinue the  application of SFAS No. 71 and incur substantial
          additional  writeoffs.   Such  writeoffs, which  would include  a
          substantial portion of the  $1.4 billion of regulatory  assets on
          the Company's balance sheet as well as the disallowed plant costs
          and purchased power costs described above, would arise because of
          the departure  from cost-based ratemaking and  because they would
          no longer  meet the accounting criteria  regarding probability of
          recovery.  The Company believes the financial  consequences to be

          of  an  order  of  magnitude  that  would  adversely  affect  the
          Company's  financial  position  and  results  of  operations, its
          ability to access the capital markets on reasonable and customary
          terms, its dividend paying  capacity, its ability to  continue to
          make  payments  to  unregulated  generators and  its  ability  to
          maintain current levels of service to its customers.

               Senior  members of  the PSC  Staff and  other senior  public
          officials  in  Albany  have  stated that  the  PSC  trial staff's
          proposal   was   developed  independent   of   consultation  with
          Commissioners,  that the  trial staff functions  independently of
          those individuals and  that the process in this proceeding is far
          from complete.  In the  meantime, the Company is  continuing to
          aggressively advocate its own position.

               With the  December 1994 filing in which the Company proposed
          to  absorb  certain VERP  costs  and  reflect labor  and  related
          savings, the Company updated its rate request and resultant total
          bill impact for 1995.  The Company is now requesting an  increase
          in 1995  electric revenues  of approximately $89  million (2.8%),
          which reflects  the  delay  in implementing  new  rates,  and  an
          increase  in 1995  gas revenues  of $20.6  million (3.4%).   This
          compares with the electric bill impact of  approximately 4.3% and
          gas revenue increase  of 4.1% requested  in its original  filing.
          The difference between the  Company's most recent filing and  the
          PSC Staff's proposal still exceeds  $300 million on an annualized

               The  current rate  proceeding  has been  separated into  two
          distinct  phases.   A final  PSC  decision on  1995 rates  is not
          expected until the end of April 1995 and new electric rates would
          be implemented about that time  along with any final  adjustments
          to  gas rates.    A  schedule for  the  multi-year  phase of  the
          proceeding has not been established, but is expected to extend at
          least into the summer of 1995.

               On  January 27,  1995, the  Administrative Law  Judges (ALJ)
          issued a Recommended Decision  with respect to the 1995  phase of
          the rate proceeding.   The Recommended  Decision would allow  the
          Company to increase its electric base rates $253.8 million (7.3%)
          for the  1995 rate  year and $10.3  million (1.7%)  for gas  base
          rates.    The  ALJ  disallowed from  recovery  approximately  $18
          million of unregulated generator  costs, but rejected $68 million
          of disallowances associated with contracts the PSC Staff believed
          should have been bought out.  The existing fuel adjustment clause
          mechanism would  be retained, including full  recovery of prudent
          unregulated generator payments, until addressed in the multi-year
          phase  of the  proceeding.   A  number  of other  adjustments  to
          unregulated  generator purchases  relate to timing  of in-service
          dates, generation  levels and pricing, which  the Company expects

          will be fully considered in the fuel adjustment clause.  Finally,
          the  ALJ stated that sufficient evidence had been produced by the
          PSC Staff  to warrant a  prudence investigation of  the Company's
          unregulated generator contract practices absent a multi-year rate

               The  Recommended Decision reduced  the level of departmental
          expenses by over  $50 million  based on the  ALJ's assessment  of
          lack of adequate support for the Company's rate request.  The ALJ
          also recommended a 1% gross margin penalty  to ensure that all of
          the  benefits that  might otherwise inure  to the  shareholders due
          to the ALJ's perceived lack of support are captured for ratepayers.
          In  addition, the Recommended  Decision  does  not reflect  any  of
          the VERP  cost savings, which  could be used to further reduce the
          annualized electric base rate increase  by as much as  $55 million,
          and the  gas base rate increase by $5 million, depending on whether
          the  Company could demonstrate that  several of  the ALJs'
          recommendations  would be duplicated by the VERP cost savings.  An
          11% return on equity was recommended.

               If the  Recommended  Decision  were to  be  adopted  in  its
          entirety by  the PSC, excluding the further reduction in base rate
          relief  granted for VERP  cost savings, the  Company expects that
          1995  electric  revenues  would  decrease  by  at  least  1%   or
          approximately $28  million as  compared to  1994,  although on  a
          twelve   month   basis,   electric   revenues    would   increase
          approximately $57 million or  1.9%.  The impact on  the Company's
          earnings, if the Recommended Decision were to be fully adopted by
          the  PSC, will depend  substantially on the  Company's ability to
          further reduce costs  since little growth  in sales is  forecast.
          Without further cost reductions, which must be judged relative to
          costs under the Company's direct control, earnings  for 1995 will
          be considerably lower than  1994 earnings adjusted for VERP.   If
          the unregulated generator disallowances  were adopted by the PSC,
          the Company would be required to assess whether a loss associated
          with  these  contracts,  measured by  the  net  present value  of
          unrecoverable  costs over  the remaining  term of  the contracts,
          would  be recorded in 1995.  Using projections of long-run avoided
          costs, the recordable loss could exceed $100 million.

               While the  adoption  of the  PSC  Staff's proposals  or  the
          Recommended  Decision by  the PSC would  have a  material adverse
          impact on the Company's  1995 results of operations, the  Company
          is unable to  predict the  outcome of these  proceedings, or  the
          possible attendant financial consequences.  However,  the Company
          strongly believes  that its unregulated  generator administrative
          practices were  prudent and  should not be  disallowed, that  the
          Company's unregulated  generator purchases are in  large part the
          result of government policy and should be recovered at no penalty
          to  the shareholders  and  that any  transition  plan to  a  more

          competitive environment must provide  for an equitable allocation
          of transition  costs across customer  classes.  In  addition, the
          Company believes that  any transition to a  more competitive rate
          structure should be addressed in a generic proceeding rather than
          the  Company's  current multi-year  rate  filing.   The  ultimate
          impact  on the Company's  financial condition will  depend on the
          pace  of change in the marketplace, the actions of regulators and
          government  in response  to that  change and  the actions  of the
          Company  in controlling  costs  and competing  effectively  while
          remaining,  in substantial  part,  a regulated  enterprise.   The
          Company  is unable to predict  the effects of  the interaction of
          these factors.

               PRIOR  REGULATORY AGREEMENTS.   The Company's results during
          the past several  years have been strongly influenced  by several
          agreements with the PSC.  A brief discussion of the  key terms of
          certain of these agreements is provided below.

               The   1991  Financial  Recovery  Agreement  implemented  the
          Niagara Mohawk Electric Revenue Adjustment Mechanism (NERAM)  and
          the Measured Equity Return Incentive Term (MERIT).

               The NERAM  requires the Company to  reconcile actual results
          to  forecast   electric  public   sales  gross  margin   used  in
          establishing rates.   The NERAM produces certainty  in the amount
          of  electric gross  margin the  Company will  receive in  a given
          period  to  fund its  operations.    While reducing  risk  during
          periods  of  economic  uncertainty and  mitigating  the  variable
          effects  of  weather, the  NERAM does  not  allow the  Company to
          benefit  from unforeseen growth in sales.  The Company's 1995 and
          multi-year  rate proceedings do not  seek to extend  the NERAM in
          view of the pricing  flexibility sought, although, the separation
          of the 1995  phase of  the case may  present some opportunity  to
          extend  this  mechanism.   The lack  of  a NERAM  will inevitably
          increase  earnings volatility  due to  variations in  weather and
          economic conditions.  In 1994,  the Company deferred for recovery
          $101.2  million   of  revenue  under  the   NERAM  mechanism  for
          collection in 1995 and 1996.

               The  MERIT   program  is   the  incentive   mechanism  which
          originally  allowed the  Company to  earn up  to $180  million of
          additional  return on equity through  May 31, 1994.   The program
          was later  amended to extend the performance  period through 1995
          and add  $10 million  to the  total available  award.  Overall goal
          targets and criteria for the 1993-1995 MERIT periods are
          results-oriented  and are intended  to measure change  in key
          overall  performance areas.  The total available award for 1994
          is $34 million and $41 million in 1995.  Through the 1993 MERIT
          period, the Company  has  earned  approximately  $85.5 million  of
          the  $115 million of MERIT available and presently assesses that it
          earned approximately $28 million of the $34 million available for

               On  January 27, 1993, the PSC approved a 1993 Rate Agreement
          authorizing  a 3.1%  increase in  the Company's electric  and gas
          rates providing for additional  annual revenues of $108.5 million
          (electric  $98.4  million or  3.4%; gas  $10.1 million  or 1.8%).
          Retroactive application of the  new rates to January 1,  1993 was
          authorized by the PSC.

               The increase reflected an allowed return on equity of 11.4%,
          as compared to the 12.3% authorized for 1992.  The agreement also
          included  extension  of  the  NERAM  through  December  1993  and
          provisions to defer expenses related to mitigation of unregulated
          generator costs, (aggregating $50.7 million at December 31, 1993)
          including contract buyout costs and certain other items.  

               The  Company  and  the  local unions  of  the  International
          Brotherhood  of Electrical  Workers, agreed  on a  two-year nine-
          month  labor  contract effective  June 1,  1993.   The  new labor
          contract includes general wage  increases of 4% on each  June 1st
          through  1995 and  changes  to employee  benefit plans  including
          certain contributions  by   employees.     Agreement  was   also
          reached concerning several work practices which should result in
          improved productivity and enhanced  customer service.  The  PSC
          approved a filing resulting  from the  union settlement and
          authorized $8.1 million in  additional revenues  ($6.8 million
          electric  and $1.3 million gas) for 1993.

               On February 2,  1994, the  PSC approved an  increase in  gas
          rates of $10.4 million  or 1.7%.  The gas rates  became effective
          as of  January 1, 1994 and  include for the first  time a weather
          normalization clause.

               The  PSC also  approved  the  Company's electric  supplement
          agreement  with the PSC Staff and other parties to extend certain
          cost  recovery  mechanisms in  the  1993  Rate Agreement  without
          increasing  electric base rates for calendar year 1994.  The goal
          of the supplement  was to  keep total electric  bill impacts  for
          1994 at or  below the rate of inflation.  Modifications were made
          to the  NERAM  and MERIT  provisions  which determine  how  these
          amounts are  to be  distributed to  various customer classes  and
          also provided for the  Company to absorb 20% of  margin variances
          (within certain limits) originating from SC-10 rate discounts (as
          described  above)  and   certain  other  discount   programs  for
          industrial  customers as well as 20% of the gross margin variance
          from  NERAM  targets  for  industrial customers  not  subject  to
          discounts.    The supplement  also  allows the  Company  to begin
          recovery  over  three  years  of  approximately  $15  million  of
          unregulated  generator   buyout  costs,  subject   to  final  PSC
          determination with respect to the reasonableness of such costs.  



               In  recent  years, a  leading  factor  in the  increases  in
          customer bills and the deterioration of the Company's competitive
          position  has  been  the   requirement  to  purchase  power  from
          unregulated  generators  at prices  in  excess  of the  Company's
          internal  cost  of production  and  in volumes  greater  than the
          Company's needs.  

               The  Company  is being  forced  to make  excess  payments to
          unregulated  generators,  in comparison  with  its  own costs  of
          production, for energy  and capacity it does  not currently need.
          The   Company  estimates   that  it   made  excess   payments  of
          approximately $205 million in 1993 and approximately $330 million
          in 1994 and expects to make excess payments of approximately $400
          million in 1995.  The  Company has initiated a series of  actions
          to  address  this  situation,  but cannot  predict  the  outcome.
          Recent changes in state leadership may change the energy policies
          of New  York State.   The  Company will  be  pursuing actions  to
          redress  inequities and  reform  regulatory  policies  that  have
          contributed to the Company's increasing prices.


               As of December 31, 1994, 148 of these unregulated generators
          with a  combined capacity of  2,592 MW  were on line  and selling
          power  to the Company.   Of these,  2,273 MW  are considered firm
          capacity (including 207 MW of unregulated generator projects on
          standby).  The  following  table  illustrates  the  actual  and
          estimated growth in capacity,  payments and relative magnitude of
          unregulated generator purchases compared to Company requirements:


                                   Actual                                    Estimated
                              1991      1992    1993     1994       1995     1996    1997     1998     1999

           Capacity MW's      1,027    1,549   2,253    2,273      2,403    2,403   2,403    2,413    2,413

           (millions)        $  268   $  543  $  736    $ 960     $1,041   $1,091  $1,152   $1,213   $1,262
           Percent of Total
            Fuel and  
            Purchased Power
            Costs               32%      56%     67%      73%


               By  the   end  of  1994,  the  Company   had  virtually  all
          unregulated generator capacity scheduled  to come into service on

               In  order  to deal  with the  growth  of excess  supply, the
          Company  has taken  numerous actions  to  attempt to  realign its
          supply  with  demand.    These actions  include  mothballing  and
          retirement  of Company  owned generating  facilities (see  "Asset
          Management  Studies   -  Fossil")  and   buyouts  of  unregulated
          generator  projects,   as  well  as  the   implementation  of  an
          aggressive wholesale  marketing effort.   Such actions  have been
          successful in bringing installed capacity reserve margins down to
          levels in line  with normal  planning criteria.   The Company  is
          actively pursuing  other  initiatives to  reduce its  unregulated
          generator costs.

               FERC PROCEEDING.  On January 11, 1995, the FERC issued an
          order in a case involving Connecticut Light & Power (CL&P) that the
          Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act (PURPA) forbids the states 
          from requiring utilities to pay more than avoided cost to qualifying
          facilities (QFs) for electric power.  FERC, however, also ruled that
          it would not invalidate any pre-existing contracts, but only would
          apply its ruling prospectively or to contracts that are subject to
          a pending challenge (instituted at the time of signing) by a
          utility.  On the same day, FERC issued an order that an ongoing
          challenge by the Company to the New York law requiring utilities to
          pay QFs a minimum of six cents for electric power (the "Six Cent
          Law") was moot in light of amendment of that law in 1992 to prohibit
          future power purchase contracts requiring the utility to pay more
          than its avoided cost.  This latter proceeding had been filed in
          1987.  In April 1988, FERC had ruled in the Company's favor, finding
          that the states could not impose rates exceeding avoided cost for
          purchases from QFs, but then stayed that decision in light of a
          rulemaking it was instituting to address the issue.  That rulemaking
          was never completed.

               On February 10, 1995, the Company filed a petition for rehearing
          of both orders.  The Company argues, among other things, that Federal
          law requires that FERC apply the ruling in CL&P in all pending cases,
          including its case involving the Six Cent Law, and that it is entitled
          to the opportunity, either at FERC or in the courts, to demonstrate
          that pre-existing power purchase contracts resulting from the Six Cent
          Law should be invalidated.  The Company argues further that amendment
          of the Six Cent Law did not render the proceeding addressing that law
          moot because the amendment has perpetuated and, in some instances,
          expanded the Company's obligation to purchase power from QFs at rates
          above avoided cost.  The Company intends to press its rights
          vigorously, but cannot predict the outcome of these proceedings.

               CURTAILMENT  PROCEDURES.   On August  18, 1992,  the Company
          filed  a petition with the PSC which calls for the implementation
          of "curtailment procedures."  Under existing FERC and PSC policy,
          this petition would allow the Company to limit its purchases from
          unregulated generators when demand is low.  Also, the Company has
          commenced   settlement   discussions  with   certain  unregulated
          generators  regarding  curtailments.   On  April  5, 1994,  after
          informing  the PSC  of its  progress  in settlement,  the Company
          requested the PSC  to expedite the consideration of its petition.
          The Company cannot predict the outcome of this action.

               DEMAND  FOR ADEQUATE  ASSURANCE.  On  February 4,  1994, the
          Company notified  the owners of nine projects with contracts that
          provide for front-end loaded payments of the Company's demand for
          adequate  assurance  that the  owners will  perform all  of their
          future repayment obligations, including the obligation to deliver
          electricity in the  future at prices below the  Company's avoided
          cost  and  the repayment  of  any advance  payment  balance which
          remains outstanding at the end of the contract.

               The projects at issue total 426 MW.  The Company's demand is
          based  on its assessment  of the amount of  advance payment to be
          accumulated  under the  terms  of the  contracts, future  avoided
          costs, and future operating  costs of the projects.   The Company
          has been  sued  by  the  owners of  three  unregulated  generator
          projects  who challenge  the Company's  right to  demand adequate

               The Company cannot predict the outcome of  these federal and
          state  court actions or the response otherwise to its February 4,
          1994  notifications,  but will  continue  to  press for  adequate
          assurance  that the  owners of  these projects  will honor  their
          repayment obligations.


               Earnings  for 1994 were  $143.3 million  or $1.00  per share

          compared with    $240.0 million  or $1.71 per  share in 1993  and
          $219.9 million or  $1.61 per share in 1992.   The decline in 1994
          earnings was principally  due to  the charge to  earnings of  the
          cost of the VERP of $197 million  ($.89 per share).  NERAM
          equivalent to  $101.2  million ($.46  per share)  was  recorded in
          1994 and deferred for future  recovery in  rates as compared to NERAM
          of $65.7 million ($.31  per share)  recorded in 1993.   The  primary
          factor  contributing  to the  increase  in  earnings in  1993  as
          compared  to 1992  was  the  impact  of  electric  and  gas  rate
          increases effective January 1, 1993 and July 1, 1992.   

               In 1994, the  Company's earned return  on common equity  was
          5.8%, but without the VERP charge would have been 10.7%, compared
          to 10.2%  in 1993 and  10.1% in  1992.  The  Company's return  on
          common equity authorized in the rate setting process for the year
          ended December  31, 1994, provided  an electric return  on equity
          cap of 11.4%  and a  return on  equity cap  for gas  of 10.4%.
          Factors contributing  to the  earnings being  below authorized 
          levels in 1993 included  lower than anticipated results  from the
          Company's subsidiaries,  certain operating expenses which were not
          included in  rates and  exclusion of  approximately $23  million from
          the Company's rate base (upon which the Company  would otherwise earn
          a return) as a consequence of prior year write-offs of disallowed
          Unit 2 costs.

               The  following  discussion  and  analysis  highlights  items
          having a  significant effect on operations  during the three-year
          period ended  December 31, 1994.   It  may not  be indicative  of
          future  operations  or  earnings.  It  also  should  be  read  in
          conjunction  with the Notes  to Consolidated Financial Statements
          and   other  financial  and   statistical  information  appearing
          elsewhere in this report.

               ELECTRIC REVENUES increased $621.7 million or 21.4% over the
          three-year  period.   This increase  results primarily  from rate
          increases,   NERAM  revenues,   higher  recoveries   through  the
          operation of  the  fuel adjustment  clause  mechanism,  increased
          sales to other electric systems and other factors as indicated in
          the table below.  An increase in the base cost of fuel, (which is
          included   in  base   rates),   would  typically   result  in   a
          corresponding decrease in fuel and purchased power cost revenues,
          thus  having a  revenue neutral  impact.  Purchased  power costs,
          largely from unregulated generators, have increased significantly
          during  this  period, offsetting  much  of the  decrease  in Fuel
          Adjustment  Clause  (FAC)  revenues  which  would  have  occurred

                                                           Increase (decrease) from prior year
                                                                 (In millions of dollars)

           Electric revenues                                 1994    1993     1992      Total

           Increase in base rates. . . . . . . . . . . .   $ 36.0   $193.1   $250.6    $479.7 
           Fuel and purchased power cost revenues. . . .    108.3    (42.6)    (6.4)     59.3

           Sales to ultimate consumers . . . . . . . . .    (13.6)    11.0     39.7      37.1 
           Sales to other electric systems . . . . . . .     62.1     11.7    (12.8)     61.0 

           DSM revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    (27.7)   (30.3)   (24.3)    (82.3)

           Miscellaneous operating revenues. . . . . . .     (4.6)    23.9    (11.3)      8.0 
           NERAM revenues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     35.5     24.0      7.8      67.3 

           MERIT revenues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      0.5     (6.0)    (2.9)     (8.4)
                                                           $196.5   $184.8   $240.4    $621.7


               Although sales  to ultimate customers  increased slightly in
          1994, this  level of sales  was substantially below  the forecast
          used  in establishing  rates  for the  year.   As  a result,  the
          Company accrued NERAM revenues of $101.2 million ($.46 per share)
          during  1994 as  compared to  $65.7 million  ($.31 per  share) of
          NERAM revenues in 1993.  NERAM would no longer be available under
          the new rate  plan as  originally proposed by  the Company,  thus
          creating exposure for lost margin if sales forecasts are not met.
          The  sales forecast  underlying the  Company's 1995  rate request
          reflects  an  increase  in kwh  sales  of  .5%  over 1994  actual
          results.   The Company recorded  $12.3 million of  the 1994 MERIT
          available based on  management's  assessment of the achievement of
          objectively measured criteria.

               Changes  in  fuel  and  purchased power  cost  revenues  are
          generally  margin-neutral  (subject  to  an  incentive  mechanism
          discussed  in   Note  1   of  Notes  to   Consolidated  Financial
          Statements),  while  sales   to  other   utilities,  because   of
          regulatory sharing  mechanisms and  relatively low prices  due to
          excess supply, generally result in low margin contribution to the
          Company.  Thus, fluctuations  in these revenue components  do not
          generally have a significant impact on net operating income.  The
          Company  has  proposed certain  changes  in  the fuel  adjustment
          clause in its  1995 and multi-year rate proposal (discussed above
          under "1995 Five-Year Rate Plan").  Electric revenues reflect the
          billing  of a separate factor for DSM programs, which provide for
          the  recovery of  program  related  rebate  costs and  a  Company
          incentive based on 10% of total net resource savings.

               ELECTRIC KILOWATT-HOUR  SALES were 41.6 billion  in 1994, an
          increase of 10.3% from  1993 and an increase of 13.6%  over 1992.
          The  1994 increase  reflects  increased sales  to other  electric
          systems, while  sales to ultimate consumers  were generally flat.
          The  increase  in  wholesale   sales  reflects  the  increase  in
          purchases from unregulated generators and the increase in nuclear
          production,  both of which enabled the Company to make its fossil
          generation  available  for sale.    The  1993 increase  reflected
          increased  sales  to  other  electric  systems,  while  sales  to
          ultimate  customers  increased  slightly  (See Electric  and  Gas
          Statistics  - Electric  Sales).   The  electric margin  effect of
          sales in  1994 was  adjusted by  the NERAM  except for  the large
          industrial customer class, within  which the Company absorbed 20%
          of  the variance  from  the NERAM  sales  forecast.   Industrial-
          Special sales are New York  State Power Authority allocations  of
          low-cost  power to  specified customers,  from which  the Company
          earns a transportation charge.

               Details of  the changes  in electric revenues  and kilowatt-
          hour sales by customer group are highlighted in the table below:


                                          1994              % Increase (decrease) from prior years

                                          % of
                                        Electric         1994               1993                1992

           Class of service             Revenues  Revenues    Sales   Revenues   Sales  Revenues     Sales
           Residential                    34.9%      5.2%     (0.6)%      6.9%   0.8%     11.3%       0.7%
           Commercial                     36.1       2.5      (2.2)       7.0    3.9      11.1       (0.5)

           Industrial                     16.4       4.3       5.0       (6.0)  (5.2)     13.0       (1.3)
           Industrial-Special              1.4      14.5       5.9        9.1     .8      11.8        1.9 

           Municipal service               1.4      (1.3)     (2.3)        .6   (3.1)      5.8       (0.4)
           Total to ultimate consumers    90.2       3.9       0.8        4.3    0.5      11.4        0.0 

           Other electric systems          4.7      59.1      91.1       12.6   31.2     (12.1)      (3.5)
           Miscellaneous                   5.1       8.2        -        40.6     -      (29.0)        -
               Total                     100.0%      5.9%     10.3%       5.9%   3.0%      8.3%      (0.3)%



               As indicated  in the  table below, internal  generation from
          fossil fuel sources continued to decline  in 1994, principally at
          the  Oswego  oil-fired  facility  and Albany  gas-fired  station,
          corresponding to the increase  in required unregulated  generator
          purchases.   There  were no  nuclear refueling  outages  in 1994,
          while both  Units were refueled  in 1993.   Unit 1 operated  at a
          capacity factor  of  approximately 92%  for  1994, while  Unit  2
          operated  at  approximately  90%.   The  next  nuclear  refueling
          outages at each unit are scheduled for 1995 (See Note 3 - Nuclear

                                                                                         % Change from prior year       

                               1994                  1993              1992           1994 to 1993    1993 to 1992 
    Fuel for electric              
     (in millions of dollars)

                          GwHrs.      Cost    GwHrs.   Cost     GwHrs.     Cost    GwHrs.    Cost     GwHrs.    Cost

    Coal                   6,783   $  107.3    7,088  $  113.0   8,340    $128.8    (4.3)%    (5.0)%  (15.0)%   (12.3)%
    Oil                    1,245       40.9    2,177      74.2   3,372     106.6   (42.8)    (44.9)   (35.4)    (30.4)

    Natural gas              700       16.1      548      12.5   1,769      44.6    27.7      28.8    (69.0)    (72.0)
    Nuclear                8,327       49.5    7,303      43.3   5,031      28.9    14.0      14.3     45.2      49.8 

    Hydro                  3,485         -     3,530       -     3,818       -      (1.3)       -      (7.5)      -  

                          20,540      213.8   20,646     243.0  22,330     308.9    (0.5)    (12.0)    (7.5)    (21.3)

     generators           14,794      960.1   11,720     735.7   8,632     543.0    26.2      30.5     35.8      35.5

    Other                 10,382      140.3    9,046     118.1   8,917     115.7    14.8      18.8      1.5       2.1

                          25,176    1,100.4   20,766     853.8  17,549     658.7    21.2      28.9     18.3      29.6
    Total generated and   
    purchased             45,716    1,314.2   41,412   1,096.8  39,879     967.6    10.4      19.8      3.8      13.4


    Fuel adjustment                                                                           
     clause                 -          12.7     -     (2.2)        -         6.0      -     (677.3)      -     (136.7)

    Losses/Company use     4,117      -        3,688      -      3,268       -      11.6        -      12.9       -  
                          41,599   $1,326.9   37,724  $1,094.6  36,611    $973.6    10.3%     21.2%     3.0%     12.4% 


               Gas revenues  increased $148.0  million, or 31.1%,  over the
          three-year period.  As shown by the table below, this increase is
          primarily attributable  to increased sales to  ultimate customers
          and increased  base rates  and gas adjustment  clause recoveries.
          In 1994,  spot market sales  declined because  the abundance  and
          price  of  spot gas  made it  more  difficult to  earn sufficient
          margin  on  these sales.   Spot  market  sales are  generally the
          higher  priced gas available and sold in the wholesale market and
          yield  margins  substantially  lower  than  traditional  sales to
          ultimate customers.   Rates for transported gas  also yield lower
          margins  than gas  sold directly  by the Company  and, therefore,
          increases in the  volume of gas transportation  services have not
          had a proportionate impact on earnings.  Changes in purchased gas
          adjustment clause revenues are generally margin-neutral.


                                                          Increase (decrease) from prior
                                                             (In millions of dollars)
           Gas revenues                                     1994      1993       1992       Total

           Increase in base rates. . . . . . . . . . .     $  7.1     $  7.3     $  4.7     $ 19.1
           Transportation of customer-owned gas. . . .        3.5       (9.7)       6.3        0.1

           Purchased gas adjustment clause revenues. .        7.7       12.2       12.5       32.4
           Spot market sales . . . . . . . . . . . . .      (25.4)      27.2        2.6        4.4

           MERIT revenues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       (1.3)      (0.4)      (0.3)      (2.0)
           Miscellaneous operating revenues. . . . . .        7.6       (4.6)        -         3.0

           Sales to ultimate consumers and other sales       23.0       15.1       52.9       91.0
                                                           $ 22.2     $ 47.1     $ 78.7     $148.0


               GAS  SALES, excluding  transportation of  customer-owned gas
          and  spot market sales, were  85.6 million dekatherms  in 1994, a
          2.9%  increase  from 1993  and an  8.1%  increase from  1992 (See
          Electric and Gas  Statistics - Gas Sales).  The  increase in 1994
          includes a 2.9% increase in residential sales, a 8.6% increase in
          commercial  sales,  both of  which  were  strongly influenced  by
          weather,  and  a 28.2%  decrease in  industrial  sales.   The gas
          weather normalization  clause had  an effective date  of February
          12,  1994, was  not ordered  to be  implemented on  a retroactive
          basis  and, therefore, did not  have a significant  impact on gas
          revenues.    The  Company  has  added  approximately  30,000  new
          customers  since 1991,  primarily  in the  residential class,  an
          increase  of  6.2%,  and  expects  a continued  increase  in  new
          customers in 1995.  During 1993,  there also was a shift from the
          transportation  sales  class  to   the  industrial  sales  class,
          corresponding with  the implementation of  a stand-by  industrial

               In 1994, the Company  transported 85.9 million dekatherms (a
          significant  increase  from  1993) for  customers  purchasing gas
          directly from producers, and expects a continued increase in such
          transportation volumes in 1995, leading to a forecast increase in
          total gas  deliveries in 1995  of approximately  18% above  1994.
          Public  sales are expected to increase approximately 2%.  Factors
          affecting these forecasts include the economy, the relative price
          differences between oil and gas  in combination with the relative
          availability of  each fuel,  the expanded number  of cogeneration
          projects served  by the Company and  increased marketing efforts.
          Changes in gas revenues and dekatherm sales by customer group are
          detailed in the table below: 

                                          1994              % Increase (decrease) from prior years

                                          % of

                                          Gas            1994                  1993                1992
           Class of service             Revenues   Revenues    Sales    Revenues    Sales    Revenues  Sales

           Residential                   63.9%        7.5%       2.9%      4.6%        1.8%   17.0%     12.0%
           Commercial                    25.5         9.9        8.6       9.2         6.5    16.6      10.2

           Industrial                     2.4       (21.0)     (28.2)     84.8       143.6    18.6      (2.2)

           Total to ultimate consumers   91.8         7.1        2.9       7.4         6.4    16.9      11.1
           Other gas systems              0.2         8.7        4.3     (77.5)      (80.3)  (32.0)    (21.7)

           Transportation of              
              customer-owned gas          6.1        10.1       26.8     (18.5)        2.9    17.2      30.0

           Spot market sales              0.7       (85.3)     (88.1)  1,056.1     1,053.8      -         -
           Miscellaneous                  1.2       423.3         -      (79.4)       -        0.4        -

               Total                    100.0%        3.7%       5.4%      8.5%       12.3%   16.5%     19.5%



               The  total cost  of gas  purchased decreased  3.2% in  1994,
          while  increasing 13.6%  in 1993  and 16.1%  in 1992.   The  cost
          fluctuations  generally  correspond   to  sales  volume  changes,
          particularly in  1993, as  spot market sales  activity increased.
          The  Company sold  1.6 and  13.2 million  dekatherms on  the spot
          market  in 1994 and 1993,  respectively.  In  1993, this activity
          accounted  for  two-thirds  of  the 1993  purchased  gas  expense
          increase.    The  purchased  gas cost  increase  associated  with
          purchases  for ultimate  consumers in  1994 resulted from  a 1.5%
          increase in dekatherms purchased, coupled  with a .9% increase in
          rates charged by  suppliers and  an increase of  $6.4 million  in
          purchased  gas  costs  and  certain other  items  recognized  and
          recovered  through  the purchased  gas  adjustment  clause.   Gas
          purchased  for spot market sales  decreased $24.4 million in 1994
          and  increased $25.8  million in  1993.   The purchased  gas cost
          increase associated with purchases for ultimate consumers in 1993
          resulted from  a 8.7% increase in  dekatherms purchased, combined
          with a 2.1%  increase in rates charged by suppliers,  offset by a
          $17.8 million decrease  in purchased gas costs  and certain other
          items  recognized   and  recovered  through  the   purchased  gas
          adjustment  clause.    The   Company's  net  cost  per  dekatherm
          purchased for sales  to ultimate consumers increased to  $3.44 in
          1994 from $3.34 in 1993 and was $3.47 in 1992.

               Through the electric and  purchased gas adjustment  clauses,
          costs  of fuel, purchased power and gas purchased, above or below
          the levels  allowed in  approved rate  schedules,  are billed  or
          credited to  customers.   The Company's electric  fuel adjustment
          clause provides  for partial  pass-through of fuel  and purchased
          power cost fluctuations from  those forecast in rate proceedings,
          with  the Company absorbing a portion of increases or retaining a
          portion of decreases  to a maximum of $15  million per rate year.
          While  the amounts absorbed in  1992 and 1993  were not material,
          the Company retained the maximum benefit of $15 million in 1994.

               OTHER  OPERATION  EXPENSE  decreased  in 1994  by  8.1%,  as
          compared to increases of 9.8% in 1993 and 5.9% in 1992.  The 1994
          decrease  relates  primarily   to  decreases  in  nuclear   costs
          associated with the Unit 1 and  Unit 2 refueling outages in  1993
          ($27  million) and  the  decrease in  amortization of  regulatory
          deferrals ($49 million) which expired in 1993.  The 1993 increase
          is due to an  increase in DSM program expenses,  nuclear expenses
          related to  increased production along with  refueling outages at
          Unit  1 and Unit 2, amortization of regulatory assets deferred in
          prior  years,  increased  recognition  of  other  post-retirement
          benefit costs and inflation.

               MAINTENANCE EXPENSE  decreased 14.2% in 1994  as compared to
          an  increase of 4.5% in 1993, principally due to nuclear expenses
          incurred during the 1993 refueling outages  at Unit 1 and Unit  2
          ($19 million).

               DEPRECIATION AND AMORTIZATION expense for 1994 and 1993 
          increased  11.5%  and  0.9%,   respectively.    The  increase  is
          attributable to the completion  of required improvements to plant
          into service during late 1993 and early 1994.

               NET FEDERAL AND FOREIGN INCOME TAXES for  1994 decreased due
          to lower pre-tax income.  In 1993 the decrease was due to the tax
          benefit derived  from the Company's Canadian  subsidiary upon the
          sale of its oil and gas investments.  The increase in OTHER TAXES
          in the three-year  period is due  principally to higher revenue-
          based taxes ($36 million) combined with higher property taxes
          ($28 million).

               OTHER  ITEMS,  NET,  excluding  Federal  income  taxes   and
          allowance  for funds  used during  construction (AFC),  increased
          $8.0  million in 1994 and  increased $23.4 million  in 1993.  The
          1994  increase  primarily   related  to  increased  earnings   of
          subsidiaries which included  a nonrecurring gain  on
          the sale  of an investment for $9 million.  The 1993 increase was
          the effect  of the recording  in 1992  of a  $45 million  reserve
          against the  carrying value of  Canadian subsidiary  oil and  gas
          reserves.    The  sale  of  the  Company's  subsidiary,  HYDRA-CO
          Enterprises,  Inc.  (HYDRA-CO), will  be  recorded  in the  first
          quarter of 1995 as the sale was completed in January 1995 and did
          not affect  1994  earnings.   HYDRA-CO's earnings  for the  three
          years ended December 31, 1994 were not material.

               Net INTEREST CHARGES decreased $5.5 million in 1994 and $9.3
          million  in 1993, as the  result of the  first mortgage bond
          refinancing program that began  in 1992 and based on existing
          market conditions is now complete.  Dividends on  preferred  stock
          increased  $1.8 million in 1994 due to the issuance of $150 million
          of preferred stock  in August  1994, while decreasing $4.7 million
          and $3.9 million in 1993 and 1992,  respectively, because of
          reductions in the average amounts of stock  outstanding.  The
          weighted  average long-term debt  interest rate  and preferred
          dividend  rate paid, reflecting the  actual cost of  variable rate
          issues,  changed to 7.79% and  6.84%, respectively,  in 1994, from
          7.97%  and 6.70%, respectively, in 1993, and from 8.29% and 7.04%,
          respectively, in 1992.


               The Company is especially  sensitive to inflation because of
          the amount of capital  it typically needs and because  its prices
          are regulated  using a  rate base  methodology that  reflects the
          historical cost of utility plant.

               The Company's consolidated financial statements are based on
          historical events  and transactions when the  purchasing power of
          the dollar  was substantially  different from the  present.   The
          effects of  inflation on  most utilities, including  the Company,
          are most  significant in  the areas  of depreciation  and utility
          plant.    The Company  could not  replace  its utility  plant and
          equipment  for  the  historical  cost  value  at  which  they are
          recorded on the Company's books.  In addition,  the Company would
          not replace  these assets with identical ones due to technological
          advances and competitive and regulatory changes that have occurred.
          In  light of  these considerations, the depreciation charges in
          operating expenses do not reflect the current  cost of providing
          service.   The Company will  seek   additional  revenue  or 
          reallocate   resources,  if possible, to cover the costs of
          maintaining service as assets are replaced or retired.




               The  Company's capital  structure at  December 31,  1994 was
          52.3%  long-term  debt, 8.7%  preferred  stock  and 39.0%  common
          equity, as  compared to 54.6%,  6.5% and 38.9%,  respectively, at
          December 31, 1993.  Book value of the common stock was $17.06 per
          share at  December 31, 1994, as  compared to $17.25  per share at
          December  31, 1993, reflecting the charge to earnings of the VERP
          and  the  payment of  dividends in  1994.   Market  analysts have
          observed  that the Company's low  market to book  ratio, 83.5% at
          December 31, 1994,  stems from  the adverse effects  of New  York
          State's  economy   and   regulatory   attitudes,   as   well   as
          uncertainties about  the pace  of regulatory change,  which could
          result  in  increased  competition  and reduced  prices.    These
          adverse effects  and  uncertainties, coupled  with high  embedded
          costs of  the Company  due principally to  unregulated generators
          and taxes, may make  the Company more vulnerable than  some other
          traditional utilities.

               The  1994  ratio of  earnings  to  fixed charges  was  1.91.
          Without  the VERP charge,  the ratio would  have been  2.54.  The
          ratios of  earnings to fixed charges for  1993 and 1992 were 2.31
          and 2.24, respectively.     

               Firms which publish securities  ratings have begun to impute
          certain items into  the Company's interest  coverage calculations
          and capital  structure,  the most  significant  of which  is  the
          inclusion  of  a  "leverage"  factor  for  unregulated  generator
          contracts.  These  firms believe that the  financial structure of
          the unregulated generators (which  typically have very high debt-
          to-equity  ratios)  and the  character  of  their power  purchase
          agreements  increase  the  financial  risk  of  utilities.    The
          Company's  reported interest  coverage and  debt-to-equity ratios
          have recently been discounted by varying  amounts for purposes of
          establishing credit ratings.  Because of existing commitments for
          unregulated generator purchases, the  imputation has had and will
          continue to have  a materially negative  impact on the  Company's
          financial ratings.

               At present, sales  of preferred stock  are not possible  and
          sales of  common stock, which would cause substantial dilution to
          current shareholders, are financially inadvisable.


               The  Company's total capital requirements consist of amounts
          for the Company's  construction program,  working capital  needs,

          maturing  debt issues  and sinking  fund provisions  on preferred
          stock.  Annual expenditures for the years 1992 to 1994 for 
          construction  and  nuclear  fuel,   including  related  AFC   and
          overheads  capitalized, were $502.2  million, $519.6  million and
          $490.1 million, respectively.  

               The  1995 estimate  for  construction  additions,  including
          overheads capitalized,  nuclear fuel  and  AFC, is  approximately
          $380 million, and is expected to be funded by cash provided  from
          operations.   Mandatory debt and preferred  stock retirements and
          other requirements are expected  to add approximately another $77
          million  (expected to be refinanced from external sources) to the
          Company's capital  requirements, for  a total  of $ 457  million.
          Current  estimates of  total capital  requirements for  the years
          1996 to 1999 are $475, $408, $480 and $566 million, respectively,
          of which  $406, $358,  $410  and $358  million  relates to expected
          construction  additions.  The  estimate of construction additions
          included in capital requirements for the period 1996 to 1999 will
          be  reviewed by  management  during 1995  with  the objective  of
          further reducing these amounts where possible.  

               The  provisions of  the  Clean Air  Act  Amendments of  1990
          (Clean Air Act) are expected  to have an impact on the  Company's
          fossil  generation  plants during  the  period  through 2000  and
          beyond.   The Company has  evaluated options for  compliance with
          Phase I  of the Clean Air Act, which becomes effective on May 31,
          1995 and continues through 1999.  The Company spent approximately
          $32  and  $19 million  in 1994  and  1993, respectively,  and has
          included  $6 million for Phase I in its construction forecast for
          1995 through 1999  to make combustion modifications at its fossil
          fired plants,  including the  installation of low  NOx burners at
          the  Dunkirk and  Huntley  plants.   With  respect to  Phase  II,
          preliminary estimates for compliance anticipate approximately $17
          million  in   capital  costs.    The   Company  anticipates  that
          additional expenditures  of  approximately  $70  million  may  be
          necessary  for Phase III to  be incurred beyond  2000.  The asset
          management studies, described above, include Phase I, II  and III
          estimates for Clean Air Act compliance.


               Cash flows to meet the Company's requirements for operating,
          investing and  financing activities  during the past  three years
          are reported in the Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows.

               During 1994, the Company raised approximately $553.9 million
          from  external sources,  consisting  of $325.7  million of  First
          Mortgage Bonds, $150 million of Preferred Stock, $29.5 million of
          common stock and a net increase of $48.7 million of short and 

          intermediate  term debt.  The  proceeds of the  $325.7 million of
          First  Mortgage   Bonds  were  used  to  provide  for  the  early
          redemption of approximately $315.7 million of higher coupon First
          Mortgage Bonds.  The Company  also retired $190 million of  First
          Mortgage Bonds that matured during 1994.

               During January 1995, the  Company completed the sale of  its
          wholly-owned subsidiary, HYDRA-CO.  Enterprises, Inc.   Net  cash
          proceeds of approximately $200 million were used to reduce short-
          term  debt which  aggregated  over $400  million at  December 31,

               External financing for 1995 is  projected to consist of $400
          to  $600 million of First Mortgage Bonds depending upon the final
          outcome of  the current  rate  proceeding discussed  above.   The
          Company's  ability to  issue  more common  stock  to improve  its
          capital  structure  is limited  by  the  uncertainties that  have
          depressed the stock's price.  The Company would not likely pursue
          a new issue offering unless the common stock price was closer  to
          book value.

               Depending  on  the  outcome  of  the  multi-year  rate  case
          discussed  above,   cash  provided  by  operations  is  generally
          expected  to   provide   sufficient  funds   for  the   Company's
          anticipated  construction program  for  1996 to  1999.   External
          financing plans  are subject  to periodic revision  as underlying
          assumptions are changed to reflect developments, most importantly
          in  its rate proceedings.  The ultimate level of financing during
          this four  year  period will  reflect,  among other  things,  the
          extent  and  timing of  rate  relief,  the Company's  competitive
          positioning and  the extent  to which competition  penetrates the
          Company's  markets,  uncertain  energy  demand  due  to  economic
          conditions and capital expenditures relating to distribution  and
          transmission load  reliability projects, as well  as continued
          expansion of the gas business.  Environmental standards compliance
          costs, the effects of rate  regulation and  various regulatory
          initiatives, the level  of internally  generated funds and
          dividend payments, the  availability  and cost  of capital  and
          the ability  of the Company  to  meet  its  interest and preferred
          stock  dividend coverage   requirements,  to satisfy legal 
          requirements  and restrictions in governing instruments and to
          maintain an adequate credit rating, also  will impact the amount
          and  type of  future external financing.

               The  Company  has  initiated  a  ten to  fifteen  year  site
          investigation and  remediation program that seeks  a) to identify
          and remedy environmental contamination hazards in a proactive and
          cost-effective manner and b) to ensure financial participation by
          other  responsible parties.  The Company is currently aware of 89
          sites with which it  has been or may be associated,  including 47

          which are Company-owned.   With respect  to non-owned sites,  the
          Company may be required to contribute some proportionate share of
          remedial costs.

               The Company has accrued a minimum liability of  $240 million
          at   December  31,   1994   for  its   estimated  liability   for
          investigation   and  remediation  of  certain  Company-owned  and
          Company-associated hazardous waste sites, which represents the low
          end of a range of estimates developed from the Company's ongoing
          site investigation and remediation program.  The potential  high
          end of the range is presently   estimated  at  approximately 
          $1 billion,  including approximately $500 million in the unlikely
          event the Company were required to assume 100% responsibility at
          non-owned sites.

               The   Company  believes   that   costs   incurred   in   the
          investigation and  remediation  process are  recoverable  in  the
          ratesetting process as currently in effect.  (See Note 9 of Notes
          to   Consolidated   Financial  Statements   under  "Environmental
          Contingencies").   Rate  agreements  since 1991  have included  a
          recovery mechanism and  an annual allowance for costs expected to
          be incurred  for waste site  investigation and remediation.   The
          recovery mechanism  provides that expenditures over  or under the
          allowance be deferred for future rate consideration.  The Company
          does  not  expect  these  costs  to  impact  external  financing,
          although  any  such  impact  is  dependent  upon  the  timing  of
          expenditures and associated recovery.

               The Nuclear Regulatory  Commission (NRC) requires owners  of
          nuclear   power   plants   to   place   funds   associated   with
          decommissioning activities  for contaminated portions  of nuclear
          facilities into an external trust.  Further,  the NRC established
          guidelines for determining minimum amounts that must be available
          in the  trust for  these specified decommissioning  activities at
          the time  of decommissioning.   Applying the NRC  guidelines, the
          Company has estimated  that the minimum  requirements for Unit  1
          and its share of Unit 2,  respectively, will be $381 million  and
          $173 million in 1994 dollars.  The Company is seeking an increase
          in its rate  allowance for Unit 1  and Unit 2 decommissioning  in
          its rate case for  1995 to reflect new NRC  minimum requirements.
          Amounts  collected for  the NRC  minimum are  being placed  in an
          external trust.  (See  Note 3 of Notes to  Consolidated Financial
          Statements under "Nuclear Plant Decommissioning").

               The Company believes that traditionally available sources of
          financing should be sufficient  to satisfy the Company's external
          financing  needs  during the  period 1995  through  1999.   As of
          December  31, 1994, the Company  could issue an additional $2,351
          million aggregate principal amount of First Mortgage Bonds.  This
          includes approximately $1,311 million from  retired bonds without

          regard to an interest coverage test and approximately $1,040 
          million supported by additional property currently certified  and
          available,  assuming a  10% interest  rate, under  the applicable
          tests set forth in  the Company's mortgage trust indenture.   The
          Company also has $200 million of Preference Stock  authorized for
          sale.    The  Company  will  continue  to  explore  and  use,  as
          appropriate, other methods of raising funds.  

               Ordinarily, construction related  short-term borrowings  are
          refunded with  long-term securities  on  a regular  basis.   This
          approach  generally  results in  the  Company  showing a  working
          capital deficit.    Working  capital  deficits also  may  be
          temporarily created  because   of  the  seasonal  nature   of  the
          Company's operations as  well as timing differences  between the
          collection of customer  receivables and  the payment  of fuel and
          purchased power  costs.

               The Company's accounts receivable increased 23% over 1993,
          due primarily to the effects of economic conditions in the Company's
          service territory.  A focus on the Company's new centralized 
          collections function will be to improve receivable collections
          in 1995.

               The Company has had sufficient  borrowing  capacity  to  fund
          such a working capital deficit  as necessary.  Bank credit
          arrangements which, at December 31, 1994, totaled  $580  million
          are  used   by  the  Company  to  enhance flexibility as to the
          type and timing of its  long-term security sales.   Of  the $580
          million total  available, $200  million is represented  by a 
          Revolving  Credit Agreement  which expires  in 1997.  The remainder
          of the arrangements are subject to review by the lenders on an
          ongoing basis with interest rates negotiated at the time of use.
          In 1994, the Company also obtained $161 million in bank loans,
          which will expire  in 1995 and which  the Company expects to renew.

               The  Company's charter  restricts  the  amount of  unsecured
          indebtedness  that may  be  incurred by  the  Company to  10%  of
          consolidated capitalization  plus $50  million.  The  Company has
          not reached this restrictive limit.

               The Company's securities ratings at December 31, 1994, were:

                                      Secured   Preferred     Commercial
                                        Debt      Stock         Paper   
          Standard & Poors Corporation  *BBB-        BB+          A-3
          Moody's Investors Service      Baa2      *baa3          P-2
          Duff & Phelps                  BBB        *BBB-   Not applicable
          Fitch Investors  Service       BBB        *BBB-   Not applicable

          * Lowest investment grade rating

               As described  further below, the security  ratings set forth
          above  are subject to revision  and/or withdrawal at  any time by
          the respective rating organizations  and should not be considered
          a recommendation to buy, sell or hold securities of the Company.

               The Company's costs of financing and access to  markets have
          been and could be  further negatively affected by events  outside
          its  control.     The  Company's  securities   ratings  could  be
          negatively   affected  by,  among  other  things,  the  Company's
          obligations  to  purchase   power  from  unregulated  generators.
          Rating  agencies  have  expressed  concern about  the  impact  on
          Company financial indicators and risk that  unregulated generator
          financial leveraging may have.   The Company's securities ratings
          and the  terms of  its access  to capital  markets could  also be
          negatively impacted by  adverse outcomes in  the 1995 and  multi-
          year rate  proceedings or rapid penetration of competition in the
          Company's service territory.

               In September  1994,  Moody's Investors  Service  placed  the
          credit  ratings   of  the  Company  under   review  for  possible
          downgrade.  The review  was prompted by both the PSC's September
          1994 decision on Sithe/Alcan  and the August 1994  proposal from
          the  PSC Staff to reduce  the Company's electric and  gas rates
          over  the next five years.

               Also in September 1994, Standard and Poor's (S&P) placed its
          ratings  on the  Company,  Con Edison  and  Long Island  Lighting
          Company on credit watch with negative implications.   This action
          by  S&P  reflected  continued  concern  about  a  shift  in   the
          regulatory  environment in New York State that would be even more
          hostile to the financial health of the state's utilities.  If any
          rating   agency   lowers   the   Company's   securities   rating,
          particularly   to  below  investment  grade,  such  action  could
          increase the  cost  to issue  new  securities, and/or  limit  the
          Company's flexibility.



          The  consolidated financial  statements of  Niagara  Mohawk Power
          Corporation and  its subsidiaries  were prepared  by and are  the
          responsibility  of management.   Financial  information contained
          elsewhere  in this Annual Report  is consistent with  that in the
          financial statements.

               To meet its responsibilities with respect to financial 
          information,  management  maintains  and  enforces  a  system  of
          internal  accounting  controls,  which  is  designed  to  provide
          reasonable  assurance,  on a  cost  effective  basis,  as to  the
          integrity, objectivity  and reliability of  the financial records
          and  protection of  assets.   This system  includes communication
          through  written  policies  and  procedures,   an  organizational
          structure   that   provides    for   appropriate   division    of
          responsibility  and the  training of  personnel.  This  system is
          also  tested  by a  comprehensive  internal  audit program.    In
          addition,  the Company has a Corporate Policy Register and a Code
          of  Business  Conduct which  supply  employees  with a  framework
          describing  and  defining  the   Company's  overall  approach  to
          business and requires all employees to maintain the highest level
          of  ethical  standards  as   well  as  requiring  all  management
          employees to formally affirm their compliance with the Code.

               The  financial   statements  have  been   audited  by  Price
          Waterhouse   LLP,  the  Company's   independent  accountants,  in
          accordance  with  generally  accepted  auditing  standards.    In
          planning  and performing their audit, Price Waterhouse considered
          the Company's  internal control  structure in order  to determine
          auditing  procedures for the purpose  of expressing an opinion on
          the financial  statements, and  not to  provide assurance  on the
          internal control  structure.  The independent  accountants' audit
          does  not limit  in any way  management's responsibility  for the
          fair  presentation  of the  financial  statements  and all  other
          information, whether audited or unaudited, in this Annual Report.
          The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors, consisting of five
          outside  directors who  are not  employees, meets  regularly with
          management, internal auditors and  Price Waterhouse to review and
          discuss  internal accounting  controls,  audit  examinations  and
          financial reporting matters.   Price Waterhouse and the Company's
          internal auditors have free access to meet  individually with the
          Audit Committee at any time, without management being present.



          To the Stockholders and
          Board of Directors of
          Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation

          In our opinion, the  accompanying consolidated balance sheets and
          the  related  consolidated  statements  of  income  and  retained
          earnings  and  of cash  flows  present  fairly, in  all  material
          respects,  the  financial  position   of  Niagara  Mohawk   Power
          Corporation  and its subsidiaries at December  31, 1994 and 1993,
          and the results of their operations and their cash flows for each
          of  the three years  in the  period ended  December 31,  1994, in
          conformity with generally accepted  accounting principles.  These
          financial  statements  are the  responsibility  of the  Company's
          management; our responsibility is to express an opinion on  these
          financial  statements based  on  our audits.    We conducted  our
          audits of these statements  in accordance with generally accepted
          auditing standards which  require that  we plan  and perform  the
          audit to obtain reasonable  assurance about whether the financial
          statements  are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes
          examining,  on a test basis,  evidence supporting the amounts and
          disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting
          principles used and significant estimates made by management, and
          evaluating the  overall  financial statement  presentation.    We
          believe  that  our  audits provide  a  reasonable  basis  for the
          opinion expressed above.

          As discussed in  Note 9, the Company  is a defendant in  lawsuits
          relating to its  actions with respect to certain  purchased power
          contracts.     Management  is  unable  to   predict  whether  the
          resolution  of these matters will  have a material  effect on its
          financial  position or  results of  operations.   Accordingly, no
          provision for any  liability that may  result upon resolution  of
          this  uncertainty has been made in the accompanying 1994 and 1993
          financial statements.

          As discussed in Note  2, certain representatives of the  New York
          Public  Service Commission have proposed:  i) a plan to establish
          the  Company's  rates  for  its  electric  business  based  on  a
          transition plan to  market-based prices rather than  based on the
          Company's  costs  and  ii)  disallowance of  certain  costs  with
          respect to  unregulated generator contracts.   If these proposals
          or certain  provisions thereof  are implemented as  proposed, the
          Company would be required  to writedown certain assets, recognize
          a  loss  on  uneconomic  unregulated  generator contracts  and/or
          discontinue the application of  Statement of Financial Accounting
          Standards No. 71, "Accounting for the Effects of Certain Types of
          Regulation" (SFAS  No.  71),  with respect  to  portions  of  the
          Company's  business.   Such  writedowns or  losses  could have  a
          material adverse  effect on the Company's  financial position and

          results of  operations.   Because  the outcome  of these  matters
          cannot be predicted, the accompanying financial statements  do not
          include any adjustments  that might result from the resolution of
          these proceedings.

          /s/ Price Waterhouse LLP

          Syracuse, New York
          February 1, 1995  

          Consolidated Statements of Income and Retained Earnings
                                            In thousands of dollars

          For the year ended December 31,       1994        1993       1992
           Operating revenues:

           Electric                         $3,528,987  $3,332,464 $3,147,676

           Gas                                 623,191     600,967    553,851
                                             4,152,178   3,933,431  3,701,527

           Operating expenses:

            Fuel for electric generation       219,849     231,064    323,200

            Electricity purchased            1,107,133     863,513    650,379
            Gas purchased                      315,714     326,273    287,316

            Other operation expenses           754,695     821,247    748,023

            Employee reduction program         196,625        -          -
            Maintenance                        202,682     236,333    226,127

            Depreciation and amortization      308,351     276,623    274,090
           (Note 1) 

            Federal and foreign income         117,834     162,515    183,233
              taxes (Note 7)

            Other taxes                        496,922     491,363    484,833

                                             3,719,805   3,408,931  3,177,201

           Operating income                    432,373     524,500    524,326

           Other income and deductions:
           Allowance for other funds used                                     
           during construction                   2,159       7,119      9,648
             (Note 1)                          

           Federal and foreign income                                  27,729
           taxes (Note 7)                        6,365      15,440

           Other items (net)                    15,045       7,035   (16,338)

                                                23,569      29,594     21,039

           Income before interest charges      455,942     554,094    545,365
           Interest charges:

           Interest on long-term debt          264,891     279,902    290,734

           Other interest                       20,987      11,474      9,982
           Allowance for borrowed funds       
           used during construction                                           
                                               (6,920)     (9,113)   (11,783)

                                               278,958     282,263    288,933

           Net income                          176,984     271,831    256,432

           Dividends on preferred stock         33,673      31,857     36,312

           Balance available for common        143,311     239,974    219,920
           Dividends on common stock           156,060     133,908    103,784

                                              (12,749)     106,066    116,136

           Retained earnings at beginning   $  551,332   $ 445,266 $  329,130
           of year

           Retained earnings at end of         538,583     551,332    445,266

           Average number of shares of
           common stock                        143,261     140,417    136,570
             outstanding (in thousands)  

           Balance available per average    $     1.00  $     1.71  $    1.61
           share of common stock
           Dividends paid per share         $     1.09  $      .95  $     .76

           () Denotes deduction



           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS              
           ---------------------------             In thousands of dollars 
                                                     1994            1993   

           At December 31,

           Utility plant (Note 1):                                                             
           Electric plant                          $ 8,285,263   $ 7,991,346

           Nuclear fuel                                504,320       458,186

           Gas plant                                   922,459       845,299

           Common plant                                291,962       244,294

           Construction work in progress               481,335       569,404

              Total utility plant                   10,485,339    10,108,529
           Less:  Accumulated depreciation and       3,449,696     3,231,237

              Net utility plant                      7,035,643     6,877,292

           Other property and investments              224,039       209,051

           Current assets:
           Cash, including temporary cash          
           investments of $50,052 and $100,182,                      124,351
           respectively                                 94,330
           Accounts receivable (less allowance     
           for doubtful accounts of $3,600)            317,282       258,137
           (Note 9)         
           Unbilled revenues (Note 1)                  196,700       197,200

           Electric margin recoverable                  66,796        21,368
           Materials and supplies, at average      
              Coal and oil for production of            31,652        29,469

              Gas storage                               30,931        31,689
              Other                                    150,186       163,044

              Taxes                                     43,249        23,879
              Pension expense (Note 8)                    -           37,238

           Other                                        45,189        34,382

                                                 976,315       920,757

                                                              Regulatory and other assets (Note 2): 

           Unamortized debt expense                    153,047       154,210
           Deferred recoverable energy costs            62,884        67,632
           Deferred finance charges                    239,880       239,880

           Income taxes recoverable                    465,109       558,771
           Recoverable environmental restoration       240,000       240,000
           costs (Note 9)
           Other                                       252,522       203,734

                                                     1,413,442     1,464,227
                                                   $ 9,649,439    $9,471,327

           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS                         In thousandsof dollars
                                                                 1994            1993
                                           At December 31, 

           Capitalization (Note 5):                            

           Common stockholders' equity:
           Common stock, issued 144,311,466                    
            and 142,427,057 shares,                                      
            respectively                                       $  144,311   $ 142,427
            Capital stock premium and expense                   1,779,504    1,762,706

              Retained earnings                                   538,583      551,332

                                                                2,462,398    2,456,465
           Non-redeemable preferred stock                         290,000      290,000

           Mandatorily redeemable preferred stock                 256,000      123,200

           Long-term debt                                       3,297,874    3,258,612
              Total capitalization                              6,306,272    6,128,277

           Current liabilities:                                
           Short-term debt (Note 6)                               416,750      368,016

                                                             77,971      216,185
           Long-term debt due within one year (Note 5)

           Sinking fund requirements on redeemable preferred       10,950       27,200
             stock (Note 5)                                     
           Accounts payable                                       277,782      299,209

           Payable on outstanding bank checks                      64,133        5,284
           Customers' deposits                                     14,562       14,072

           Accrued taxes                                           43,358       56,382
           Accrued interest                                        63,639       70,529

           Accrued vacation pay                                    36,550       40,178
           Other                                                   77,818       39,565

                                                                1,083,513    1,166,620

           Regulatory and other liabilities:                   
           Accumulated deferred income taxes (Notes 1 and 7).   1,258,463    1,344,259

           Deferred finance charges (Note 2)                      239,880      239,880
           Employee pension and other benefits (Note 8)           235,741       35,507

           Unbilled revenues (Note 1)                              93,668       94,968
           Deferred pension settlement gain                        50,261       62,282

           Other                                                  141,641      159,534
                                                                2,019,654    1,936,430

           Commitments and contingencies (Notes 2 and 9):      
           Liability for environmental restoration                240,000      240,000

                                                               $9,649,439   $9,471,327



               Increase (Decrease) in Cash

                                         In thousands of dollars 
                 For the year ended December 31,              1994       1993        1992

           Cash flows from operating activities:                            
           Net income                                      $176,984   $271,831    $256,432
           Adjustments to reconcile net income to   net           cash provided by operating  
           Amortization of nuclear replacement             (23,081)
            power cost disallowance.                       308,351    (23,720)     (39,547)
           Depreciation and amortization                    37,887    276,623      274,090
           Amortization of nuclear fuel                      7,866     35,971       26,159
           Provision for deferred income taxes             (45,428)    30,067       55,929
           Electric margin recoverable                     196,625     (9,773)       3,670    
           Employee reduction program                                    -            -
           Allowance for other funds used during           (2,159)                           
            construction                                              (7,119)      (9,648)
           Deferred recoverable energy costs                4,748      (5,688)     (14,329)
           (Gain)\loss on investments - net                    -       (5,490)      44,296
           Deferred operating expenses                         -       15,746       20,257 
           Increase in net accounts receivable             (59,145)   (36,972)    (44,969)
           (Increase) decrease in materials and supplies     6,290     43,581     (28,293)
           Increase (decrease) in accounts payable and      
            accrued expenses                                (5,991)    15,716      31,025
           Increase (decrease) in accrued interest and                             
            taxes                                          (19,914)   3,996        10,133                                           
           Changes in other assets and liabilities          14,188    10,624       39,565

             Net cash provided by operating activities     597,221    615,393     624,770

           Cash flows from investing activities:                                   
              Construction additions                       (439,289)  (506,267)    (452,497)
              Nuclear fuel                                  (46,134)   (12,296)     (37,247)
              Less:  Allowance for other funds used
                during construction                           2,159      7,119        9,648

              Acquisition of utility plant                 (483,264)  (511,444)    (480,096)
              (Increase) decrease in materials and
                supplies related to construction              5,143      3,837       (7,359)
              Increase (decrease) in accounts payable
                and accrued expenses related to                                       
                construction                                (1,498)      3,929        7,756
              Increase in other investments                 (23,375)   (26,774)     (11,615)
              Proceeds from sale of subsidiary                  -       95,408         -
              Other                                         (17,979)   (15,260)     (31,588)

                   Net cash used in investing activities   (520,973)  (450,304)    (522,902)
           Cash flows from financing activities:           
              Proceeds from sale of common stock             29,514    116,764       13,340
              Proceeds from long-term debt                  424,705    635,000      835,000
              Issuance of preferred stock                   150,000        -           -  
              Redemption of preferred stock                 (33,450)   (47,200)     (41,950)
              Reductions of long-term debt                 (526,584)  (641,990)    (796,795)
              Net change in short-term debt                   48,734    50,318       90,130
              Dividends paid                               (189,733)  (165,765)    (140,296)
              Other                                          (9,455)   (31,759)     (44,781)

                 Net cash used in financing activities     (106,269)   (84,632)     (85,352)


           Net increase (decrease) in cash                 (30,021)     80,457       16,516
           Cash at beginning of year                       124,351      43,894       27,378
           Cash at end of year                             $94,330    $ 124,351     $43,894

           Supplemental disclosures of cash flow           
              Cash paid during the year for:               
                   Interest                                $ 300,242  $ 300,791     $323,972 
                   Income taxes                              136,876    106,202      76,519

           Supplemental schedule of noncash investing and  
            financing activities:
           Liability for environmental restoration              -        25,000      15,000


          Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

          NOTE 1.  Summary of Significant Accounting Policies               

               The Company is subject to regulation by the PSC and FERC
          with respect to its rates for service under a methodology which
          establishes prices based on the Company's cost.  The Company's
          accounting policies conform to generally accepted accounting
          principles, as applied to regulated public utilities, and are in
          accordance with the accounting requirements and ratemaking
          practices of the regulatory authorities (See "Exposure Draft on
          Impairment of Assets" below and Note 2. "Rate and Regulatory
          Issues and Contingencies").

          PRINCIPLES OF CONSOLIDATION:  The consolidated financial
          statements include the Company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries. 
          Intercompany balances and transactions have been eliminated.  

          UTILITY PLANT:  The cost of additions to utility plant and of
          replacements of retirement units of property is capitalized. 
          Cost includes direct material, labor, overhead and allowance for
          funds used during construction (AFC).  Replacement of minor items
          of utility plant and the cost of current repairs and maintenance
          is charged to expense.  Whenever utility plant is retired, its
          original cost, together with the cost of removal, less salvage,
          is charged to accumulated depreciation.

          capitalizes AFC in amounts equivalent to the cost of funds
          devoted to plant under construction.  AFC rates are determined in
          accordance with FERC and PSC regulations.  The AFC rate in effect
          at December 31, 1994 was 5.75%.  AFC is segregated into its two
          components, borrowed funds and other funds, and is reflected in
          the Interest charges and the Other income and deductions
          sections, respectively, of the Consolidated Statements of Income.

          DECOMMISSIONING COSTS:  For accounting and regulatory purposes,
          depreciation is computed on the straight-line basis using the
          remaining service lives for nuclear and hydro classes of
          depreciable property and the average service lives for all other
          classes.  The percentage relationship between the total provision
          for depreciation and average depreciable property was 3.3% for
          1994, 3.2% for 1993 and 3.3% for 1992.  The Company performs
          depreciation studies to determine service lives of classes of
          property and adjusts the depreciation rates periodically.

               Estimated decommissioning costs (costs to remove a nuclear
          plant from service in the future) for the Company's Unit 1 and
          its share of Unit 2 are being accrued over the service lives of
          the units, recovered in rates through an annual allowance and
          currently charged to operations through depreciation.  The 


          Company expects to commence decommissioning of both units shortly
          after cessation of operations at Unit 2 (currently planned for
          2026), using a method which removes or decontaminates Unit
          components promptly at that time. (See Note 3.  "Nuclear Plant

               The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has added to
          its agenda a project on accounting for obligations for
          decommissioning of nuclear power plants.  The objective of the
          FASB's project is to determine when a liability for nuclear
          decommissioning should be recognized, how any such liability
          should be measured, and whether a corresponding asset is created. 
          If current electric utility industry accounting practices for
          such decommissioning are changed, the Company may be required to
          record the estimated cost for decommissioning as a liability
          rather than as accumulated depreciation, establish a regulatory
          asset for the difference between the amount accrued to date and
          the total estimated decommissioning liability and report income
          from the external decommissioning trusts as investment income
          rather than as a reduction to decommissioning expense.  The
          annual provisions for decommissioning could increase.  The
          Company does not believe that such changes, if required, would
          have an adverse effect on results of operations due to the
          Company's belief that decommissioning costs will continue to be
          recovered in rates (see "Exposure Draft on Impairment of Assets",

               Amortization of the cost of nuclear fuel is determined on
          the basis of the quantity of heat produced for the generation of
          electric energy.  The cost of disposal of nuclear fuel, which
          presently is $.001 per kilowatt-hour of net generation available
          for sale, is based upon a contract with the U.S. Department of
          Energy.  These costs are charged to operating expense and
          recovered from customers through base rates or through the fuel
          adjustment clause.

          REVENUES:  Revenues are based on cycle billings rendered to
          certain customers monthly and others bi-monthly.  Although the
          Company commenced the practice in 1988 of accruing electric
          revenues for energy consumed and not billed at the end of the
          fiscal year, the impact of such accruals has not yet been fully
          recognized in the Company's results of operations because of
          regulatory requirements.  At December 31, 1994 and 1993,
          approximately $71.8 million and $74.1 million, respectively, of
          unbilled electric revenues remained unrecognized in results of
          operations, are included in Deferred Credits and may be used to
          reduce future revenue requirements.  At December 31, 1994 and
          1993, the Company accrued $21.9 and $20.9 million, respectively,
          of unbilled gas revenues which remained unrecognized in results
          of operations and will similarly be used to reduce future gas
          revenue requirements.


               The Company's tariffs include electric and gas adjustment
          clauses under which energy and purchased gas costs, respectively,
          above or below the levels allowed in approved rate schedules, are
          billed or credited to customers.  The Company, as authorized by
          the PSC, charges operations for energy and purchased gas cost
          increases in the period of recovery.  The PSC has periodically
          authorized the Company to make changes in the level of allowed
          energy and purchased gas costs included in approved rate
          schedules.  As a result of such periodic changes, a portion of
          energy costs deferred at the time of change would not be
          recovered or may be overrecovered under the normal operation of
          the electric and gas adjustment clauses.  However, the Company
          has to date been permitted to defer and bill or credit such
          portions to customers, through the electric and gas adjustment
          clauses, over a specified period of time from the effective date
          of each change.  

               The Company's electric fuel adjustment clause (FAC) provides
          for partial pass-through of fuel and purchased power cost
          fluctuations from amounts forecast, with the Company absorbing a
          portion of increases or retaining a portion of decreases up to a
          maximum of $15 million per rate year.  Thereafter, 100% of the
          fluctuation is passed on to ratepayers.  The Company also shares
          with ratepayers fluctuations from amounts forecast for net resale
          margin and transmission benefits, with the Company
          retaining/absorbing 40% and passing 60% through to ratepayers. 
          The amounts retained or absorbed in 1992 through 1994 were not

               In the Company's current rate proceeding the Company has
          proposed to eliminate the FAC and replace it with the fuel
          adjustment mechanism (FAM).  If this is implemented, the portion
          of fuel and purchase power cost fluctuations, from amounts
          forecast, that the Company would retain or absorb could reach a
          maximum of $20 million per rate year.  For the additional years
          of the rate proceeding's five-year plan (1996-1999), the 1995
          monthly fuel cost would form the basis for the forecast.

               Beginning in 1991, the Company's rate agreements provided
          for NERAM, which permits the Company to reconcile actual results
          to forecast electric public sales gross margin as defined and
          utilized in establishing rates.  Depending on the level of actual
          sales, a liability to customers was created if sales exceed the
          forecast and an asset recorded for a sales shortfall, thereby
          generally preserving recorded electric gross margin at the level
          forecast in established rates.  The 1994 rate settlement provided
          for the operation of the NERAM through December 31, 1994. 
          Recovery or refund of accruals pursuant to the NERAM is
          accomplished by a surcharge (either plus or minus) to customers
          over a twelve-month period, to begin when cumulative amounts
          reach certain specified levels.  While the NERAM may be
          terminated in 1995, the recovery period of the outstanding 


          balance as of December 31, 1994 will not be affected.

               In February 1994, the Company implemented a weather
          normalization clause for retail customers who use gas for heating
          to reflect the impact of variations from normal weather on a
          billing month basis for the months of October through May,
          inclusive.  Normal weather is defined as the 30 year average
          daily high and low temperatures for the Company's main gas
          service territory.  The weather normalization clause will only be
          activated if the actual weather deviates 2.2% or more from the
          normal weather.  Weather normalization clause adjustments were
          not significant to 1994 gas revenues.

               Rate agreements since 1991 also include MERIT, under which
          the Company has the opportunity to achieve earnings above its
          allowed return on equity based on attainment of specified goals
          associated with its self-assessment process.  The MERIT program
          provides for specific measurement periods and reporting for PSC
          approval of MERIT earnings.  Approved MERIT awards are billed to
          customers over a period not greater than twelve months.  The
          Company records MERIT earnings when attainment of goals is
          approved by the PSC or when objectively measured criteria are
          achieved.  MERIT expires at the end of 1995.

          FEDERAL INCOME TAXES:  As directed by the PSC, the Company defers
          any amounts payable pursuant to the alternative minimum tax
          rules.  Deferred investment tax credits are amortized to Other
          Income and Deductions over the useful life of the underlying

          STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS:  The Company considers all highly liquid
          investments, purchased with a remaining maturity of three months
          or less, to be cash equivalents.

          RECLASSIFICATIONS:  Certain amounts from prior years have been
          reclassified on the accompanying Consolidated Financial
          Statements to conform with the 1994 presentation.

          EXPOSURE DRAFT ON IMPAIRMENT OF ASSETS:  In November 1993, the
          FASB issued an Exposure Draft on ACCOUNTING FOR THE IMPAIRMENT OF
          LONG-LIVED ASSETS.  The Exposure Draft would require companies,
          including utilities, to assess the need to recognize a loss
          whenever events or circumstances occur which indicate that the
          carrying amount of an asset may not be fully recoverable.  An
          impairment loss would be recognized if the sum of the future
          undiscounted net cash flows expected to be generated by an asset
          is less than its book value.  The amount of the loss would be
          based on a comparison of book value to fair value.  The Exposure
          Draft would also amend Statement of Financial Accounting
          Standards No. 71, "Accounting for the Effects of Certain Types of
          Regulation," (SFAS No. 71) to require writeoff of a regulatory
          asset if it is no longer probable that future revenues will 


          recover the cost of the asset.

               The Exposure Draft, which is expected to become applicable
          in 1996, may have consequences to a number of utilities,
          including the Company, which are facing growing competitive
          threats that may erode future prices, and which have relatively
          high-cost nuclear generating assets and unregulated generator
          contracts.  The Company is also faced with ratemaking proposals
          by the PSC Staff in the current 1995 and multi-year rate cases,
          and by the Administrative Law Judges (ALJ's) Recommended Decision
          in the 1995 case, that would likely result in asset impairment
          issues under the Exposure Draft provisions if the PSC Staff's
          proposals or the Recommended Decision are adopted by the PSC. 
          See Management's Discussion and Analysis - "Regulatory
          Agreements/Proposals" for a more extensive discussion of the
          competitive threats facing the Company and of the PSC Staff's
          proposals and the ALJ's Recommended Decision.

               While the Company is unable to determine the financial
          consequences of applying the provisions of the Exposure Draft, if
          the PSC Staff's proposals and/or the ALJ's Recommended Decision
          are adopted, they would have a material adverse effect on the
          Company's financial position and results of operations.

          NOTE 2.  Rate and Regulatory Issues and Contingencies

               In accordance with SFAS No. 71, the Company's financial
          statements reflect assets and costs based on ratemaking
          conventions, as approved by the PSC and the FERC.  Certain
          expenses and credits, normally reflected in income as incurred,
          are only recognized when included in rates and recovered from or
          refunded to customers.  Historically, all costs of this nature
          which are determined by the regulators to have been prudently
          incurred have been recoverable through rates in the course of
          normal ratemaking procedures and the Company believes that the
          items detailed below will be afforded similar treatment.  

               Continued accounting under SFAS No. 71 requires, among other
          things, that rates be designed to recover specific costs of
          providing regulated services and products and that it be
          reasonable to assume that rates are set at levels that will
          recover a utility's costs and can be charged to and collected
          from customers.  When a utility determines it can no longer apply
          the provisions of SFAS No. 71 to all or a part of its operation,
          it must eliminate from its balance sheet, the effects of actions
          of regulators that had been recorded previously as assets and
          liabilities pursuant to SFAS No. 71 but which would have not been
          so accounted for by enterprises in general. 

               The Company's proposed multi-year rate plan for 1995-1999
          contemplates no change in this approach to such reporting, even
          though the plan recognizes that in a more competitive environment
          an effective response to the general pressure to manage costs and
          preserve or expand markets is vital to maintaining profitability. 
          The Company's proposed plan includes the establishment of rates
          for 1995 on a cost of service basis, followed by an index-based
          approach to rates for 1996 through 1999.  The index is based on
          inflation factors believed to be indicative of cost increases to
          be experienced by the Company.  The proposal for 1996-1999 also
          includes adjustment factors related to events outside the
          Company's control and a mechanism for resetting rates if the
          expected return on equity falls below a minimum threshold. 
          Therefore, the Company believes that it can continue to apply
          SFAS No. 71 under its multi-year rate proposal.

               The PSC Staff has proposed a multi-year ratesetting plan
          which the Company believes would require write-down of certain
          assets, would not permit the continued application of SFAS No. 71
          to its generation operations and may similarly jeopardize
          application of SFAS No. 71 to its transmission and distribution
          operations under certain circumstances. The ALJ's Recommended
          Decision proposes to disallow from recovery approximately $18
          million of unregulated generator costs, recommends a prudence
          investigation of the Company's unregulated generator contract
          practices absent a multi-year rate plan, proposes to reduce the
          level of departmental expenses and gross margin because of "lack
          of support" and states that the VERP savings could be used to 


          further reduce the rate increase recommended.  See Management's
          Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of
          Operations - "Regulatory Agreements/Proposals" for a discussion
          of the PSC Staff's and ALJ's proposals and potential financial
          consequences.  In the event that the Company is required to
          write-down its assets, recognize a loss on uneconomic unregulated
          generator contracts and/or could no longer apply SFAS No. 71 to
          either its generation operations or to its entire electric
          business, a material adverse effect on its financial condition
          and results of operations would result.

               The Company believes the financial consequences to be of an
          order of magnitude that would adversely affect the Company's
          financial position and results of operations, its ability to
          access the capital markets on reasonable and customary terms, its
          dividend paying capacity, its ability to continue to make
          payments to unregulated generators and its ability to maintain
          current levels of service to its customers.

               The Company has recorded the following regulatory assets.  

                                                         (In thousands) 

                        At December 31,           1994            1993
           Income taxes recoverable           $  465,109      $  558,771

           Recoverable environmental          
           restoration costs                     240,000         240,000

           Deferred finance charges              239,880         239,880
           Unamortized debt expense              153,047         154,210

           Deferred postretirement benefit        67,486          30,741
           Deferred recoverable energy costs      62,884          67,632

           Deferred unregulated generator     
           contract termination costs             38,286          50,680 

           Deferred gas pipeline costs            17,000          31,000
           Other                                 129,750          91,313

           Total                              $1,413,442      $1,464,227

          INCOME TAXES RECOVERABLE represents the expected future recovery
          from ratepayers of the tax consequences of temporary differences
          between the recorded book bases and the tax bases of assets and
          liabilities.  These amounts are amortized and recovered as the
          related temporary differences reverse.  In January 1993, the PSC
          issued a Statement of Interim Policy on Accounting and Ratemaking
          Procedures that required adoption of Statement of Financial
          Accounting Standards No. 109 - "Accounting for Income Taxes"
          (SFAS No. 109) on a revenue-neutral basis.

          Company's share of the estimated costs to investigate and perform
          certain remediation activities at both Company-owned sites and
          non-owned sites with which it may be associated.  Current rates
          provide an annual allowance to recover anticipated annual

          DEFERRED FINANCE CHARGES represent the deferral of the
          discontinued portion of AFC related to construction work in
          progress (CWIP) at Unit 2 which was included in rate base.  In
          1985, pursuant to PSC authorization, the Company discontinued
          accruing AFC on CWIP for which a cash return was being allowed.  


          This amount, which was accumulated in deferred debit and credit
          accounts up to the commercial operation date of Unit 2, awaits
          future disposition by the PSC.  A portion of the deferred credit
          could be utilized to reduce future revenue requirements over a
          period shorter than the life of Unit 2, with a like amount of
          deferred debit amortized and recovered in rates over the
          remaining life of Unit 2.

          UNAMORTIZED DEBT EXPENSE represents the costs to issue long-term
          debt securities including premiums on certain debt retirements
          prior to maturity.  These amounts are amortized as interest
          expense ratably over the lives of the related issues in
          accordance with PSC directives.

          DEFERRED POSTRETIREMENT BENEFIT COSTS represent the excess of
          such costs recognized in accordance with Statement of Financial
          Accounting Standards No. 106 - "Employers' Accounting for
          Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pensions" (SFAS No. 106) over
          the amount received in rates.  In accordance with the PSC policy
          statement, postretirement benefit costs other than pensions are
          being phased-in to rates over a five-year period and amounts
          deferred will be amortized and recovered over a period not to
          exceed 20 years.

          DEFERRED RECOVERABLE ENERGY COSTS includes the difference between
          actual fuel costs and the fuel revenues received through the
          Company's fuel adjustment clause.  The balance also includes the
          unamortized portion of the Company's mandated contribution to
          decommission the Department of Energy's (DOE) uranium enrichment
          facilities.  The costs to decommission DOE facilities result from
          the Energy Policy Act of 1992, which requires domestic utilities
          to contribute amounts, escalated for inflation, based upon the
          amount of uranium enriched by DOE for each utility.  The fuel
          costs are amortized as they are collected from customers while
          the costs to decommission the DOE facilities are being amortized
          and recovered, as a fuel cost, over a period ending in 2006.  

          represent the Company's cost to buy out certain unregulated
          generator projects.  Approximately $15 million of these costs are
          currently being recovered over a three-year period beginning in
          1994.  The remaining costs are being addressed in the Company's
          current rate filing.

          DEFERRED GAS PIPELINE COSTS represent the estimated restructuring
          costs the Company anticipates incurring as a result of FERC Order
          No. 636.  These costs are treated as a cost of purchased gas and
          are recoverable through the operation of the gas adjustment
          clause mechanism, or direct surcharge to transportation customers
          over a period of approximately 7 years beginning in 1994, with
          recovery more heavily weighted in the first 3 years.


               All other regulatory assets are generally being amortized
          over various periods or addressed in the Company's current rate
          filing under a provision which proposes recovery using a one-year
          rate surcharge.

               The above regulatory assets are generally not included in
          rate base (and therefore do not earn a return) either because an
          outlay of funds has not yet occurred or as a result of regulatory

          NOTE 3.  Nuclear Operations   

               The Company is the owner and operator of the 613 MW Unit 1
          and the operator and a 41% co-owner of the 1,062 MW Unit 2.  Unit
          1 was placed in commercial operation in 1969 and Unit 2 in 1988. 

          UNIT 1 ECONOMIC STUDY:  Under the terms of a previous regulatory
          agreement, the Company agreed to prepare and update studies of
          the advantages and disadvantages of continued operation of Unit
          1.  The 1990 study recommended continued operation of Unit 1 over
          the next fuel cycle, and the 1992 study indicated that the Unit
          could continue to provide benefits for the term of its license
          (2009) if operating costs could be reduced and generating output
          improved above its then historical average.

               The 1994 study again confirmed that continued operation over
          the remaining term of its license is warranted.  The Company will
          continue as a matter of course to examine the economic and
          strategic issues related to operation of all its generating

               The operating experience at Unit 1 has improved
          substantially since the prior study.  At December 31, 1994, Unit
          1's capacity factor has been about 94% since the 1993 refueling

               The Company's net investment in Unit 1 is approximately $575
          million, exclusive of decommissioning costs.  

          UNIT 1 STATUS:  A scheduled refueling outage began on February 8,
          1995.  Using the net design electric rating as a basis, Unit 1's
          capacity factor for 1994 was approximately 92%.  Using NRC
          guidelines, which reflect net maximum dependable capacity during
          the most restrictive seasonal conditions, Unit 1's capacity
          factor was approximately 99%.

          UNIT 2 STATUS:  The next refueling outage is scheduled to begin
          in April 1995.  Using the net design electric rating as a basis,
          Unit 2's capacity factor for 1994 was approximately 90%.  Using
          NRC guidelines as described above, Unit 2's capacity factor was
          approximately 96%.

          NUCLEAR PLANT DECOMMISSIONING:  The Company estimates the cost of
          decommissioning Unit 1 and its ownership interest in Unit 2 at
          December 31, 1994 as follows:
                                                Unit 1            Unit 2
               Site Study (year)                1994              1989 (a)
               End of Plant Life (year)         2009              2026
               Radioactive Dismantlement 
                 to Begin (year)                2026              2029

               Method of Decommissioning       Delayed         Immediate
                                               Dismantlement  Dismantlement

               Cost of Decommissioning (in 1994 dollars) (in millions)

                  Radioactive Components          $344            $207

                  Non-radioactive Components        51              33

                  Fuel Dry Storage/Continuing Care 132              50

                                                  $527            $290

               (a)  The estimate of Unit 2's decommissioning costs was
          updated by extrapolating data from the updated Unit 1
          decommissioning estimate.  The Unit 2 estimate should be
          considered preliminary, as the Company expects to perform a more
          detailed study in 1995. 

               The Company estimates by the time decommissioning is
          completed, the above costs will ultimately amount to $1.4 billion
          and $1.0 billion for Unit 1 and Unit 2, respectively, using 2.3%
          as an initial inflation factor.  This factor increases gradually,
          reaching a maximum of 3.4% in the year 2004 and for the years

               In addition to the costs mentioned above, the Company
          expects to incur post-shutdown costs for plant rampdown,
          insurance and property taxes.  In 1994 dollars, these costs are
          expected to amount to $110 million and $80 million for Unit 1 and
          the Company's share of Unit 2, respectively.  The amounts will
          escalate to $235 million and $405 million for Unit 1 and the
          Company's share of Unit 2, respectively.

               Based upon a 1989 study the Company had previously estimated
          the cost to decommission Unit 1 to be approximately $416 million
          in 2009 ($263 million in 1994 dollars).  In addition, non-
          radioactive dismantlement costs were estimated to be $25 million
          in 1994 dollars.  The 1989 estimate was based upon a
          dismantlement of Unit 1 at the end of its useful life in 2009. 
          The $527 million estimate assumes a delayed dismantlement to
          coincide with Unit 2 and was prepared in connection with the
          Economic Study discussed above.  The estimate differs from the
          1989 estimate primarily due to an increase in burial costs and
          the inclusion of nuclear fuel storage charges and costs for
          continuing care.  The delayed dismantlement approach should be
          the most economic after applying the Company's current weighted
          average cost of capital.

               The Company, in a 1989 study, estimated its 41% share of the
          cost to decommission Unit 2 to be $316 million in 2026 dollars
          ($112 million in 1994 dollars).  In addition, the Company's share
          of non-radioactive dismantlement cost were estimated to be $18
          million (in 1994 dollars).  The $290 million estimate differs
          from the 1989 study primarily due to an increase in burial costs
          and the inclusion of nuclear fuel storage charges and costs for
          continuing care.

               Decommissioning costs recovered in rates are reflected in
          Accumulated Depreciation and Amortization on the Balance Sheet
          and amount to $134.1 million and $113.9 million at December 31,
          1994 and 1993, respectively for both Units.  The annual allowance
          for Unit 1 and the Company's share of Unit 2 for the years ended
          December 31, 1994, 1993 and 1992 was approximately $18.7, $18.7
          and $23.1 million, respectively.  These amounts were based on the
          1989 study.  The FASB has added to its agenda a project on
          accounting for obligations for decommissioning of nuclear power
          plants (See Note 1.  "Depreciation, Amortization and Nuclear
          Generating Plant Decommissioning Costs").

               NRC regulations require owners of nuclear power plants to
          place funds into an external trust to provide for the cost of 


          decommissioning contaminated portions of nuclear facilities and
          establish minimum amounts that must be available in such a trust
          at the time of decommissioning.  As of December 31, 1994, the
          fair value of funds accumulated in the Company's external trusts
          were $74.0 million for Unit 1 and $18.7 million for its share of
          Unit 2.  The investments are included in Other property and
          investments.  Earnings on the external trust aggregated $13.1
          million through December 31, 1994 and, because they are available
          to fund decommissioning, have also been included in Accumulated
          Depreciation and Amortization (See Note 10.  "Disclosures about
          Fair Value of Financial Instruments").  Amounts recovered for
          non-radioactive dismantlement are accumulated in an internal
          reserve fund which has an accumulated balance of $37.1 million at
          December 31, 1994.  

               The NRC minimum decommissioning cost calculation is based
          upon a 1986 cost estimate escalated by increases in labor,
          energy, and burial cost factors.  A substantial increase in
          burial costs, partly offset by reduced estimates in the volumes
          of waste to be disposed, increased the NRC minimum requirement
          for Unit 1 to $381 million in 1994 dollars and the Company's
          share of Unit 2 to $173 million in 1994 dollars.  The Company's
          1995 rate filing includes an aggregate increase of $8 million in
          decommissioning allowances to reflect funding to the increased
          NRC minimum requirements.  In its next rate filing the Company
          intends to seek decommissioning allowances necessary to fund to
          the Company's 1994 decommissioning estimates discussed above. 
          There is no assurance that the decommissioning allowance
          recovered in rates will ultimately aggregate a sufficient amount
          to decommission the units.  The Company believes that if
          decommissioning costs are higher than currently estimated, the
          costs would ultimately be included in the rate process. 

          NUCLEAR LIABILITY INSURANCE:  The Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as
          amended, requires the purchase of nuclear liability insurance
          from the Nuclear Insurance Pools in amounts as determined by the
          NRC.  At the present time, the Company maintains the required
          $200 million of nuclear liability insurance.

               In 1993, the statutory liability limits for the protection
          of the public under the Price-Anderson Amendments Act of 1988
          (the Act) were further increased.  With respect to a nuclear
          incident at a licensed reactor, the statutory limit, which is in
          excess of the $200 million of nuclear liability insurance, is
          currently $8.3 billion without the 5% surcharge discussed below.
          This limit would be funded by assessments of up to $75.5 million
          against each of the 110 presently licensed nuclear reactors in
          the United States, payable at a rate not to exceed $10 million
          per reactor per year.  Such assessments are subject to periodic
          inflation indexing and to a 5% surcharge if funds prove
          insufficient to pay claims.


               The Company's interest in Units 1 and 2 could expose it to a
          potential loss, for each accident, of $111.8 million through
          assessments of $14.1 million per year in the event of a serious
          nuclear accident at its own or another licensed U.S. commercial
          nuclear reactor.  The amendments also provide, among other
          things, that insurance and indemnity will cover precautionary
          evacuations, whether or not a nuclear incident actually occurs.

          NUCLEAR PROPERTY INSURANCE:  The Nine Mile Point Nuclear Site has
          $500 million primary nuclear property insurance with the Nuclear
          Insurance Pools (ANI/MRP).  In addition, there is $1.4 billion,
          in excess of the $500 million primary nuclear insurance, with
          Nuclear Electric Insurance Limited (NEIL) and $850 million, which
          is also in excess of the $500 million primary and the $1.4
          billion excess nuclear insurance, also with NEIL.  The total
          nuclear property insurance is $2.75 billion.  NEIL is a utility
          industry-owned mutual insurance company chartered in Bermuda. 
          NEIL also provides insurance coverage against the extra expense
          incurred in purchasing replacement power during prolonged
          accidental outages.  The insurance provides coverage for outages
          for 156 weeks, after a 21-week waiting period.

               NEIL insurance is subject to retrospective premium
          adjustment under which the Company could be assessed up to
          approximately $15.8 million per loss.

          LOW LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE:  The Federal Low Level Radioactive
          Waste Policy Act as amended in 1985 requires states to join
          compacts or to individually develop their own low level
          radioactive waste disposal site.  In response to the Federal law,
          New York State decided to develop its own site because of the
          large volume of low level radioactive waste it generates, and
          committed to develop a plan for the management of low level
          radioactive waste in New York State during the interim period
          until a disposal facility is available.

               New York State is still developing disposal methodology and
          acceptance criteria for a disposal facility.  The latest New York
          State low level radioactive waste site development schedule now
          assumes two possible siting scenarios, a volunteer approach and a
          non-volunteer approach, either of which would begin operation in
          2001.  Effective July 1, 1994, access to the Barnwell, South
          Carolina waste disposal facility was denied, by the state of
          South Carolina to out-of-region low level radioactive waste
          generators, including New York State.  The Company has
          implemented a low level radioactive waste management program so
          that Unit 1 and Unit 2 are prepared to properly handle interim
          on-site storage of low level radioactive waste for at least a 10
          year period.

          NUCLEAR FUEL DISPOSAL COST:  In January 1983, the Nuclear Waste
          Policy Act of 1982 (the Nuclear Waste Act) established a cost of 


          $.001 per kilowatt-hour of net generation for current disposal of
          nuclear fuel and provides for a determination of the Company's
          liability to the Department of Energy (DOE) for the disposal of
          nuclear fuel irradiated prior to 1983.  The Nuclear Waste Act
          also provides three payment options for liquidating such
          liability and the Company has elected to delay payment, with
          interest, until 1998, the year in which the Company had initially
          planned to ship irradiated fuel to an approved DOE disposal
          facility (See Note 5 of Notes to the Consolidated Financial
          Statements - "Capitalization").  Progress in developing the DOE
          facility has been slow and it is anticipated that the DOE
          facility will not be ready to accept deliveries until at least
          2010.  The Company does not anticipate that the DOE will accept
          all of its spent fuel immediately upon opening of the facility,
          but rather expects a transfer period of as long as 20 years.  The
          Company has several alternatives under consideration to provide
          additional storage facilities, as necessary.  Each alternative
          will likely require NRC approval, may require other regulatory
          approvals and would likely require the incurrance of additional
          costs.  The Company does not believe that the possible
          unavailability of the DOE disposal facility until 2010 will
          inhibit operation of either Unit.

          NOTE 4.  Jointly-Owned Generating Facilities                     

               The following table reflects the Company's share of jointly-
          owned generating facilities at December 31, 1994.  The Company is
          required to provide its respective share of financing for any
          additions to the facilities.  Power output and related expenses
          are shared based on proportionate ownership.  The Company's share
          of expenses associated with these facilities is included in the
          appropriate operating expenses in the Consolidated Statements of

                                                            In thousands of dollars

                                     Percentage                   Accumulated   Construction
                                     Ownership    Utility Plant  depreciation      work in

           Roseton Steam Station                                            
             Units No. 1 and 2 (a)        25         $   93,090      $ 46,625        $ 2,679

           Oswego Steam Station
             Unit No. 6 (b)               76         $  270,498      $106,343        $ 5,143

           Nine Mile Point Nuclear
             Station Unit No. 2 (c)       41         $1,504,185      $252,747        $12,029

            (a) The remaining ownership interests are Central Hudson Gas and Electric Corporation, the operator of the plant
                (35%), and Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. (40%).  On March 30, 1994, the Company and Central
                Hudson Gas and Electric Corporation (CHG&E) terminated and cancelled the 1987 agreement where CHG&E had agreed
                to acquire the Company's 25% interest in the plant in ten equal installments of 2.5% (30 mw.) starting on
                December 31, 1994 and on each December 31 thereafter.  The cancellation agreement is subject to PSC approval. 
                Output of Roseton Units No. 1 and 2, which have a capability of 1,200,000 kw., is shared in the same
                proportions as the cotenants' respective ownership interests.

            (b) The Company is the operator.  The remaining ownership interest is Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation (24%). 
                Output of Oswego Unit  No. 6, which has a capability of 850,000 kw., is shared in the same  proportions as the
                cotenants' respective ownership interests.

            (c) The Company is the operator.  The remaining ownership interests are Long Island Lighting Company (18%), New
                York State Electric and Gas Corporation (18%), Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation (14%), and Central Hudson
                Gas and Electric Corporation (9%).  Output of Unit 2, which has a capability of 1,062,000 kw., is shared in the
                same proportions as the cotenants' respective ownership interests.

          NOTE 5.  Capitalization  


               The Company is authorized to issue 185,000,000 shares of
          common stock, $1 par value; 3,400,000 shares of preferred stock,
          $100 par value; 19,600,000 
          shares of preferred stock, $25 par value; and 8,000,000 shares of
          preference stock, $25 par value.  The table below summarizes
          changes in the capital stock 
          issued and outstanding and the related capital accounts for 1992,
          1993 and 1994:

                          Common Stock $1 par value            Preferred Stock $100 par value                            

                                   Shares            Amount*        Shares        Redeemable*        Redeemable*
          December 31, 1991     136,099,654         $136,100       2,490,000      $210,000           $39,000 (a)

          Issued                  1,059,953             1,060          -               -                   -

          Redemptions                                               (78,000)         -                (7,800)

          Foreign currency
          translation adjustment
          December 31, 1992:    137,159,607          137,160       2,412,000       210,000            31,200 (a)

          Issued                  5,267,450            5,267            -            -                   -

          Redemptions                                               (18,000)        -                (1,800)

          Foreign currency
          translation adjustment
          December 31, 1993:    142,427,057          142,427       2,394,000       210,000            29,400 (a)

          Issued                  1,884,409            1,884            -            -                   -

          Redemptions                                                (18,000)        -                (1,800)

          Foreign currency
          translation adjustment
          December 31, 1994:    144,311,466         $144,311       2,376,000       210,000           $27,600 (a)
          * In thousands of dollars
          (a) Includes sinking fund requirements due within one year.

                                      Preferred Stock $25 par value
                                                    Non-                          Capital Stock Premium
                                Shares              Redeemable*    Redeemable*    and Expense (Net)*
          December 31, 1991      11,222,005         $ 80,000       $200,550 (a)   $1,650,312        

          Issued               -                   -              -             18,401

          Redemptions            (1,366,000)            -           (34,150)         796        

          Foreign currency
          translation adjustment                                                   (11,494)
          December 31, 1992:      9,856,005           80,000         166,400 (a)   1,658,015        

          Issued                  -                 -                -          111,497        

          Redemptions            (1,816,000)             -            (45,400)        (2,471)       

          Foreign currency
          translation adjustment                                                      (4,335)

          December 31, 1993:      8,040,005           80,000         121,000 (a)     1,762,706        

          Issued                6,000,000              -            150,000          27,630     

          Redemptions          (1,266,000)                           (31,650)         (4,619)      

          Foreign currency
          translation adjustment                                                      (6,213)
          December 31, 1994:     12,774,005         $ 80,000        $239,350 (a)  $1,779,504        
          * In thousands of dollars
          (a) Includes sinking fund requirements due within one year.
          The cumulative amount of foreign currency translation adjustment at December 31, 1994 was $(13,313).


          NON-REDEEMABLE PREFERRED STOCK (Optionally Redeemable)

            The Company has certain issues of preferred stock which provide for optional redemption at December 31, as follows:

                                                               Redemption price per share
                               In thousands of            (Before adding accumulated dividends)

      Series         Shares    1994      1993                                    

      Preferred $100 par value:
      3.40%         200,000  $20,000    $20,000       $103.50

      3.60%         350,000   35,000     35,000        104.85
      3.90%         240,000   24,000     24,000        106.00

      4.10%         210,000   21,000     21,000        102.00

      4.85%         250,000   25,000     25,000        102.00
      5.25%         200,000   20,000     20,000        102.00

      6.10%         250,000   25,000     25,000        101.00
      7.72%         400,000   40,000     40,000        102.36


      Preferred $25 par                           
      Adjustable Rate                             

        Series A  1,200,000    30,000    30,000        25.00

        Series C  2,000,000    50,000    50,000                        25.75
                             $290,000   $290,000

     (1)  Eventual minimum $25.00.



            The Company has certain issues of preferred stock which provide for
            mandatory and optional redemption at December 31, as follows:

                                                                    Redemption price per
                           Shares            In thousands of                share
                                                 dollars               (Before adding
                                                                   accumulated dividends)

      Series           1994       1993      1994        1993         1994      minimum
     Preferred $100 par value:
       7.45% (c)    276,000    294,000     $ 27,600   $ 29,400     $102.41     $100.00

      Preferred $25 par                                         
       7.85% (c)    914,005    914,005       22,850     22,850       (a)         25.00

       8.375% (c)   400,000    500,000       10,000     12,500       25.33       25.00

       8.70% (c)    200,000    600,000        5,000     15,000       25.25       25.00
       8.75%             -     600,000         -        15,000       25.25       25.00

       9.50%        6,000,000       -       150,000       -          (b)         25.00

       9.75% (c)      210,000  276,000        5,250      6,900       25.13       25.00

      Rate          1,850,000  1,950,000     46,250     48,750       25.00       25.00
      Series B (c)

                                            266,950    150,400  

      Less sinking fund                      10,950

                                           $256,000   $123,200  

      (a) Not redeemable until 1996.

      (b) Not redeemable until 1999.

      (c) These series require mandatory sinking funds for annual redemption and provide
      optional sinking funds through which the Company may redeem, at par, a like amount
      of additional shares (limited to 120,000 shares of the 7.45% series).  The option
      to redeem additional amounts is not cumulative.

          The Company's five year mandatory sinking fund redemption requirements for
      preferred stock, in thousands, for 1995 through 1999 are as follows:  $10,950;
      $9,150; $10,120; $10,120; and $7,620, respectively.


          LONG-TERM DEBT

            Long-term debt at December 31, consisted of the following:

                                                  In thousands of dollars

                Series                    Due   1994                 1993

                First mortgage bonds:
                8 7/8%                   1994   $     -       $150,000
                4 5/8%                   1994         -         40,000
                5 7/8%                   1996     45,000        45,000
                6 1/4%                   1997     40,000        40,000
                6 1/2%                   1998     60,000        60,000
                10 1/4%                 1999**        -        100,000
                10 3/8%                 1999**        -        100,000
                9 1/2%                   2000    150,000       150,000
                6 7/8%                   2001    210,000          -   
                9 1/4%                   2001    100,000       100,000
                5 7/8%                   2002    230,000       230,000
                6 7/8%                   2003     85,000        85,000
                7 3/8%                   2003    220,000       220,000
                    8%                   2004    300,000       300,000
                6 5/8%                   2005    110,000       110,000
                9 3/4%                   2005    150,000       150,000
                *6 5/8%                  2013     45,600       45,600
                *11 1/4%                2014**     -           75,690
                *11 3/8%                2014**     -           40,015
                9 1/2%                  2021     150,000      150,000

                8 3/4%                  2022    150,000       150,000
                8 1/2%                  2023    165,000       165,000
                7 7/8%                  2024    210,000       210,000
                *8 7/8%                 2025     75,000        75,000
                *7.2%                   2029    115,705           -

                Total First Mortgage Bonds      2,611,305     2,791,305
                Promissory notes:
                *Adjustable Rate Series due
                  July 1, 2015                   100,000      100,000
                  December 1, 2023                69,800      69,800
                  December 1, 2025                75,000      75,000
                  December 1, 2026                50,000      50,000
                  March 1, 2027                   25,760      25,760
                  July 1, 2027                    93,200      93,200
                Unsecured notes payable:
                Medium Term Notes, Various        45,000      55,500
                rates, due 1993-2004
                Swiss Franc Bonds due December    50,000      50,000
                15, 1995
                Revolving Credit Agreement        99,000         -
                Other                            169,421      176,888
                Unamortized premium (discount)   (12,641)     (12,656)

                TOTAL LONG-TERM DEBT            3,375,845     3,474,797
                Less long-term debt due within     77,971      216,185

                one year
                                                $3,297,874    $3,258,612

                 *Tax-exempt pollution control related 
                **Retired prior to maturity

               Several series of First Mortgage Bonds and Notes were issued
          to secure a like amount of tax-exempt revenue bonds issued by the
          New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
          (NYSERDA).  Approximately $414 million of such bonds bear
          interest at a daily adjustable interest rate (with a Company
          option to convert to other rates, including a fixed interest rate
          which would require the Company to issue First Mortgage Bonds to
          secure the debt) which averaged 2.76% for 1994 and 2.14% for 1993
          and are supported by bank direct pay letters of credit.  Pursuant
          to agreements between NYSERDA and the Company, proceeds from such
          issues were used for the purpose of financing the construction of
          certain pollution control facilities at the Company's generating
          facilities or to refund outstanding tax-exempt bonds and notes.

               The $115.7 million of tax-exempt bonds due 2014 were
          refinanced at 7.2% during 1994 pursuant to a forward refunding
          agreement entered into in 1992.

               Notes payable include a Swiss franc bond issue maturing in
          1995 equivalent to $50 million in U.S. funds.  Simultaneously
          with the sale of these bonds, the Company entered into a currency
          exchange agreement to fully hedge against currency exchange rate

               Other long-term debt in 1994 consists of obligations under
          capital leases of approximately $44.3 million, a liability to the
          U.S. Department of Energy for nuclear fuel disposal of
          approximately $97.4 million (See Note 3. "Nuclear Fuel Disposal
          Costs") and liabilities for unregulated generator contract
          terminations of approximately $27.7 million (See Note 9. "Long-
          term Contracts for the Purchase of Electric Power").

               Certain of the Company's debt securities provide for a
          mandatory sinking fund for annual redemption.  The aggregate
          maturities of long-term debt for the five years subsequent to
          December 31, 1994, excluding capital leases, are approximately
          $73 million, $61 million, $145 million, $164 million and $0     
          million, respectively.


          NOTE 6.  Bank Credit Arrangements     
               At December 31, 1994, (excluding HYDRA-Co Enterprises, Inc.
          which was sold January 9, 1995), the Company had $580 million of
          bank credit arrangements with 16 banks.  These credit
          arrangements consisted of $200 million in commitments under a
          Revolving Credit Agreement, $199 million in one-year commitments
          under Credit Agreements, $111 million in lines of credit and $70
          million under a Bankers Acceptance Facility Agreement.  The
          Revolving Credit Agreement extends into 1997 and the interest
          rate applicable to borrowing is based on certain rate options
          available under the Agreement.  All of the other bank credit
          arrangements are subject to review on an ongoing basis with
          interest rates negotiated at the time of use.  The Company also
          issues commercial paper.  Unused bank credit facilities are held
          available to support the amount of commercial paper outstanding. 
          In addition to these credit arrangements, the Company had
          outstanding at December 31, 1994, $161 million in bank loans
          which expire in 1995 and which the Company expects to renew.

               The Company pays fees for substantially all of its bank
          credit arrangements.  The Bankers Acceptance Facility Agreement,
          which is used to finance the fuel inventory for the Company's
          generating stations, provides for the payment of fees only at the
          time of issuance of each acceptance.  

               The following table summarizes additional information applicable to short-term debt:


                                              In thousands of dollars
               At December 31:                 1994           1993    
               Short-term debt:                          
                 Commercial paper  . . . .   $ 84,750       $210,016 
                 Notes payable . . . . . .    321,000        153,000
                 Bankers acceptances . . .     11,000          5,000
                                             $416,750       $368,016
               Weighted average interest
               rate (a)                . .      6.21%          3.60%
               For Year Ended December 31:

               Daily average outstanding .    $342,801      $165,458

               Monthly weighted average interest
               rate (a)          . . . . .      4.71%           3.72%

               Monthly amount outstanding     $497,700       $368,016

               (a) Excluding fees.


          NOTE 7.  Federal and Foreign Income Taxes

               Components of United States and foreign income before income taxes:

                                                                  In thousands of dollars
                                            1994     1993     1992      
          United States . . . . . . . . . .   $291,501   $438,914    $410,283
          Foreign . . . . . . . . . . . . .     15,475    (24,845)     18,394   
          Consolidating eliminations  . . .    (18,523)     4,837     (16,741) 

          Income before income taxes  . . .   $288,453   $418,906    $411,936  


               Following is a summary of the components of Federal and foreign income 
          tax and a reconciliation between the amount of Federal income tax expense
          reported in the Consolidated Statements of Income and the computed amount 
          at the statutory tax rate:

          Summary Analysis:                                In thousands of dollars      

                                                 1994      1993        1992    
          Components of Federal and foreign income taxes:

          Current tax expense: Federal  . .  $117,314    $118,918    $119,929
                         Foreign  . . . . .      4,423      8,445         915  
                                               121,737    127,363     120,844  
          Deferred tax expense:Federal  . .     (6,931)    35,152      54,858
                 Foreign  . . . . . . . . .      3,028       -          7,531  
                                                (3,903)    35,152      62,389  
          Income taxes included in 
           Operating Expenses . . . . . . .    117,834     162,515      183,233
          Current Federal and foreign income
           tax credits included in
           Other Income and Deductions  . .    (11,507)    (16,061)    (31,787) 
          Deferred Federal and foreign income
           tax expense included in Other
           Income and Deductions  . . . . .      5,142     621        4,058  
              Total                           $111,469   $147,075    $155,504  

          Reconciliation between Federal and foreign income taxes and the tax computed at prevailing U.S. statutory 
          rate on income before income taxes:

            Computed tax                         100,959    $146,617   $140,058  
            Reduction (increase) attributable to flow-through of certain tax adjustments:

            Depreciation  . . . . . . . . .    (33,328)   (35,153)    (37,543)
            Allowance for funds used during
               construction . . . . . . . .      3,291     2,951        11,205
            Cost of removal . . . . . . . .      8,908      7,822       6,845
            Deferred investment tax credit

              amortization  . . . . . . . .      8,018     8,018         8,024
            Other . . . . . . . . . . . . .      2,601     15,904      (3,977) 
                                               (10,510)      (458)    (15,446) 
            Federal and foreign income taxes                                                $111,469   $147,075    $155,504  




               At December 31, the deferred tax liabilities (assets) were comprised of the following:

                                                                               (In thousands)
                                                                        1994            1993   

                                        Alternative minimum tax         $  (93,893)     $  (95,071)
                                        Unbilled revenue                   (98,201)        (82,829)

                                        Other                             (258,621)       (163,256)

                                             Total deferred tax assets    (450,715)       (341,156)
                                        Depreciation related             1,398,695       1,387,244

                                        Investment tax credit related       95,325         108,140
                                        Other                              215,158         190,031

                                             Total deferred tax          1,709,178       1,685,415

                                        Accumulated deferred income     $1,258,463      $1,344,259


          NOTE 8.  Pension and Other Retirement Plans 
               The Company and certain of its subsidiaries have non-
          contributory, defined-benefit pension plans covering
          substantially all their employees.  Benefits are based on the
          employee's years of service and compensation level.  The
          Company's general policy is to fund the pension costs accrued
          with consideration given to the maximum amount that can be
          deducted for Federal income tax purposes.

               During 1994, the Company offered an early retirement program
          and a voluntary separation program (together the VERP) to reduce
          the Company's staffing levels and streamline operations.  The
          VERP, which included both represented and non represented
          employees, was accepted by approximately 1,400 employees.  The
          following table sets forth the components and allocation of the
          costs of the programs.

                             (In thousands of dollars)                 
          Plan                           Electric     Gas         Total
          Pension benefits                $107,800     $ 6,200     $114,000
          Other Postretirement benefits     75,900       4,300       80,200
          Other Postemployment benefits     16,800         900       17,700
                                           200,500      11,400      211,900
          Less: allocation to
           cotenant and other ventures       3,900          -         3,900

          Cost                             $196,600     $11,400   $208,000


               Included in 1994 operating expenses is a one-time charge of
          $196.6 million, representing the cost of the VERP allocable to
          electric customers.  The Company has recorded a regulatory asset
          for the portion of the VERP cost allocable to gas customers of
          approximately $11.4 million, which it has proposed to recover
          over a five-year period beginning in 1995.

               Net pension cost for 1994, 1993 and 1992 included the following components:

                                           In thousands of dollars

                                         1994        1993       1992

           Service cost - benefits    $  30,400   $  30,100  $  27,100
           earned during the period

           Interest cost on              62,700     54,200      48,800
           projected benefit

           Actual return on Plan          7,700   (106,100)  (59,600)          

           Net amortization and       (63,600)      38,700       6,900

           Net pension cost             37,200      16,900      23,200

           VERP costs                  114,000        -            -
           Regulatory asset             (6,200)       -            -

           Total pension cost (1)     $145,000    $ 16,900   $  23,200

            (1)$5.9 million for 1994, $5.6 million for 1993 and $6.2 million for 1992 was related to construction labor and,
          accordingly, was charged to construction projects.  

               The following table sets forth the plan's funded status and amounts recognized in the Company's Consolidated
          Balance Sheets:
                                                             In thousands of

                               At December 31,              1994         1993

           Actuarial present value of accumulated         
           benefit obligations:
           Vested benefits                                $640,689    $ 501,900

             Non-vested benefits                            69,642       64,973

           Accumulated benefit obligations                 710,331      566,873

           Additional amounts related to projected pay     222,667      236,906

           Projected benefits obligation for service       932,998      803,779
           rendered to date
           Plan assets at fair value, consisting          
           primarily of listed stocks, bonds, other        893,313      913,200
           fixed income obligations and insurance

           Plan assets in excess of/(less than)                         
           projected benefit obligations                  (39,685)     109,421

           Unrecognized net obligation at January 1,      
           1987 being recognized over approximately 19      27,122       32,392

           Unrecognized net gain from actual return on    
           plan assets different from that assumed          
                                                          (58,379)    (114,536)
           Unrecognized net gain from past experience     
           different from that assumed and effects of                           
           changes in assumptions amortized over 10        (67,857)   (39,652)

           Prior service cost not yet recognized in net     44,421       49,613
           periodic pension cost                              
           Pension asset/(liability) included in the      ($94,378)   $  37,238
           consolidated balance sheets  

           Principle Actuarial Assumptions (%):
                Discount Rate                          8.00           7.30
                Rate of increase in future compensation
                 levels (plus merit increases)         3.25           3.25
                Long-term rate of return on 
                 plan assets                           8.75           9.00


               In addition to providing pension benefits, the Company and
          its subsidiaries provide certain health care and life insurance
          benefits for active and retired employees and dependents.  Under
          current policies, substantially all of the Company's employees
          may be eligible for continuation of some of these benefits upon
          normal or early retirement.  

               The Company accounts for the cost of these benefits in
          accordance with PSC policy requirements which generally comply
          with SFAS No. 106.  This Statement, which was implemented
          beginning in 1993, requires accrual accounting by employers for
          postretirement benefits other than pensions reflecting currently
          earned benefits.  The 1992 cost of these benefits was
          approximately $16.7 million.  The Company has various trusts to
          fund its future OPEB obligation.  The Company made contributions
          to such trusts, equal to the amount received in rates, of
          approximately $24 million and $12 million in 1994 and 1993,

               Net postretirement benefit cost for 1994 and 1993 included the following components:

                                                         In thousands of dollars

                                                         1994       1993            

           Service cost - benefits                       $  15,000   $12,300 
           attributed to service during the period 
           Interest cost on accumulated benefit             40,200     32,800

           Actual return on plan assets                      (900)      -
           Amortization of the transition obligation         20,200    20,400
           over 20 years

           Net amortization                                   8,900       -

           Net postretirement benefit cost                   83,400    65,500
           VERP costs                                        80,200      -

           Regulatory asset                                  (4,300)     -

           Total postretirement benefit cost               $159,300    $65,500



               The following table sets forth the plan's funded status and amounts recognized in the Company's Consolidated
          Balance Sheet:                                                                                                          

                                                 In thousands of dollars  

                                                            1994        1993
                     At December 31,

           Actuarial present value of accumulated benefit
                Retired and surviving spouses               $371,223     $224,936

                Active eligible                               20,400       73,474
                Active ineligible                            208,900      220,420

           Accumulated benefit obligation                    600,523      518,830

           Plan assets at fair value, consisting primarily
           of listed stocks, bonds and other fixed            36,754       11,967
           Accumulated postretirement benefit obligation     563,769      506,863
           in excess of plan assets 

           Unrecognized net loss from past experience         71,939       82,756
           different from that assumed and effects of
           changes in assumptions                            337,336      388,600

           Unrecognized transition obligation to be
           amortized over 20 years 

           Accrued postretirement benefit liability               
           included in the consolidated balance sheet       $154,494     $ 35,507

           Principal actuarial assumptions (%):

                Discount rate                                8.00   7.30
                Long-term rate of return on plan assets      8.75    -
                Health care cost trend rate:
                  Pre-65                                    12.00  10.05
                  Post-65                                    9.00   7.05


               At December 31, 1994, the assumed health cost trend rates
          gradually decline to 5.75% in 1999.  If the health care cost
          trend rate was increased by one percent, the accumulated
          postretirement benefit obligation as of December 31, 1994 would
          increase by approximately 11.2% and the aggregate of the service
          and interest cost component of net periodic postretirement
          benefit cost for the year would increase by approximately 12.7%.  

               On January 1, 1994, the Company adopted Statement of
          Financial Accounting Standards No. 112, "Employers' Accounting
          for Postemployment Benefits" (SFAS No. 112).  This Statement
          requires employers to recognize the obligation to provide
          postemployment benefits if the obligation is attributable to
          employees' past services, rights to those benefits are vested,
          payment is probable and the amount of the benefits can be
          reasonably estimated.  The Company previously accounted for such
          costs on a cash basis.  At December 31, 1994, the Company's
          postemployment benefit obligation is approximately $26.3 million,
          including the portion of the obligation related to the VERP.  The
          Company has absorbed in 1994 earnings, $16.8 million related to
          the postemployment benefit portion of VERP costs allocated to the
          electric business and has recorded a regulatory asset of
          approximately $9.5 million, the majority of which is expected to
          be recovered equally over three years beginning in 1995.  


          NOTE 9.  Commitments and Contingencies  

          CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM:  The Company is committed to an ongoing
          construction program to assure delivery of its electric and gas
          services.  The Company presently estimates that the construction
          program for the years 1995 through 1999 will require
          approximately $1.7 billion, excluding AFC and nuclear fuel.  For
          the years 1995 through 1999, the estimates are $364 million, $344
          million, $338 million, $358 million and $339 million,
          respectively.  These amounts are reviewed by management as
          circumstances dictate. 

          January 1, 1995, the Company had long-term contracts to purchase
          electric power from the following generating facilities owned by
          the New York Power Authority (NYPA):

                                                                Purchased         Estimated
                   Facility            Expiration date of        capacity           annual
                                            contract              in kw.        capacity cost

           Niagara - hydroelectric             2007             926,000(a)       $23,200,000

           St. Lawrence -                      2007             104,000            1,300,000
           hydroelectric project
           Blenheim-Gilboa - pumped            2002
           storage generating                                   270,000            7,500,000

           Fitzpatrick - nuclear            year-to-year
           plant                               basis             74,000(b)         7,900,000

                                                              1,374,000          $39,900,000

            (a) 926,000 kw for summer of 1995; 951,000 kw for winter of 1995-96.

            (b)  74,000 kw for summer of 1995; 110,000 kw for winter of 1995-96.


               The purchase capacities shown above are based on the
          contracts currently in effect.  The estimated annual capacity
          costs are subject to price escalation and are exclusive of
          applicable energy charges.  The total cost of purchases under
          these contracts was approximately $85.1 million, $72.2 million
          and $64.4 million for the years 1994, 1993 and 1992,

               Under the requirements of the Federal Public Utility
          Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, the Company is required to
          purchase power generated by unregulated generators, as defined
          therein.  At December 31, 1994, the Company had virtually all
          unregulated generator capacity scheduled to come into service on
          line, totaling approximately 2,592 MW of capacity of which 2,273
          MW is considered firm.  The following table shows the payments
          for fixed capacity costs and energy the Company estimates it will
          be obligated to make under these contracts.  The payments are
          subject to the tested capacity and availability of the
          facilities, scheduling and price escalation.

                                      (in thousands)
                     Year       Costs      Energy         Total

                     1995   $  201,000  $  840,000   $  1,041,000

                     1996      232,000     859,000      1,091,000

                     1997      246,000     906,000      1,152,000

                     1998      269,000     944,000      1,213,000
                     1999      271,000     991,000      1,262,000



               The fixed costs relate to contracts with 10 facilities where
          the Company is required to make fixed payments, including
          payments when a facility is not operating but available for
          service.  These 10 facilities account for approximately 708 MW of
          capacity, with contract lengths ranging from 20 to 35 years.  The
          terms of these contracts allow the Company to schedule energy
          deliveries from the facilities and then pay for the energy
          delivered.  The Company estimates the fixed payments under these
          contracts will aggregate to approximately $7.5 billion over their
          terms.  Contracts relating to the remaining facilities in service
          at December 31, 1994, require the Company to pay only when energy
          is delivered.  The Company currently recovers both capacity and
          energy payments to unregulated generators through base rates
          and/or through the FAC.  The Company has proposed to recover such
          costs through the FAM beginning in 1995.

               The Company paid approximately $960 million, $736 million
          and $543 million in 1994, 1993 and 1992 for 14,800,000 mwhrs,
          11,720,000 mwhrs and  8,632,000 mwhrs, respectively, of electric
          power under all unregulated generator contracts.  

               In an effort to reduce the costs associated with unregulated
          generators, at December 31, 1994, the Company had agreed to buy
          out 15 projects consisting of 453 MW of capacity (See Note 2.
          "Rate and Regulatory Issues and Contingencies" and Note 5.
          "Capitalization").  Additionally, the Company has entered into
          agreements with 41 projects, comprising 1,153 MW of capacity,
          which allow the Company to curtail purchases from these
          unregulated generators when demand is low.  The Company expects
          to continue efforts of these types into the future, to control
          its power supply and related costs, but at this time cannot
          predict the outcome of such efforts.

          SALE OF CUSTOMER RECEIVABLES:  The Company has an agreement
          whereby it can sell an undivided interest in a designated pool of
          customer receivables, including accrued unbilled electric
          revenues, up to a maximum of $200 million.  At December 31, 1994
          and 1993, respectively, $200 million of receivables had been sold
          under this agreement.  The undivided interest in the designated
          pool of receivables was sold with limited recourse.  The
          agreement provides for a loss reserve pursuant to which
          additional customer receivables are assigned to the purchaser to
          protect against bad debts.  To the extent actual loss experience
          of the pool receivables exceeds the loss reserve, the purchaser
          absorbs the excess.  For receivables sold, the Company has
          retained collection and administrative responsibilities as agent
          for the purchaser.  As collections reduce previously sold
          undivided interests, new receivables are customarily sold.

          TAX ASSESSMENTS:  The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has
          conducted an examination of the Company's Federal income tax
          returns for the years 1987 and 1988 and has submitted a Revenue 


          Agents' Report to the Company.  The IRS has proposed various
          adjustments to the Company's federal income tax liability for
          these years which could increase Federal income tax liability by
          approximately $80 million, before assessment of penalties and
          interest.  Included in these proposed adjustments are several
          significant issues involving Unit 2.  The Company is vigorously
          defending its position on each of the issues, and submitted a
          protest to the IRS in 1993.  Pursuant to the Unit 2 settlement
          entered into with the PSC in 1990, to the extent the IRS is able
          to sustain adjustments, the Company will be required to absorb a
          portion of any assessment.  The Company believes any such
          disallowance will not have a material impact on its financial
          position or results of operations.

          LITIGATION:  In March 1993, a complaint was filed in the Supreme
          Court of the State of New York, Albany County, against the
          Company and certain of its officers and employees.  The
          plaintiff, Inter-Power of New York, Inc. (Inter-Power), alleges,
          among other matters, fraud, negligent misrepresentation and
          breach of contract in connection with the Company's alleged
          termination of a power purchase agreement in January 1993.  The
          plaintiff sought enforcement of the original contract or
          compensatory and punitive damages in an aggregate amount that
          would not exceed $1 billion, excluding pre-judgment interest.

               In July 1994, the New York Supreme Court dismissed Inter-
          Power's complaint for lack of merit and denied Inter-Power's
          cross-motion to compel disclosure.  In August 1994, Inter-Power
          filed a notice of appeal of this decision which was rejected. 
          The Company cannot predict whether Inter-Power will pursue
          further appeals of this decision.  The Company believes it has
          meritorious defenses and will continue to defend the lawsuit

               In November 1993, Fourth Branch Associates Mechanicville
          (Fourth Branch) filed suit against the Company and several of its
          officers and employees in the New York Supreme Court, Albany
          County, seeking compensatory damages of $50 million, punitive
          damages of $100 million and injunctive and other related relief. 
          The suit grows out of the Company's termination of a contract for
          Fourth Branch to operate and maintain a hydroelectric plant the
          Company owns in the Town of Halfmoon, New York.  Fourth Branch's
          complaint also alleges claims based on the inability of Fourth
          Branch and the Company to agree on terms for the purchase of
          power from a new facility that Fourth Branch hoped to construct
          at the Mechanicville site.  In January 1994, the defendants filed
          a joint motion to dismiss Fourth Branch's complaint.  This motion
          has yet to be decided.  The Company understands that Fourth
          Branch has filed for bankruptcy.

               In October 1994, Fourth Branch petitioned the PSC to direct
          the Company to sell the Mechanicville facility to Fourth Branch 


          for fair value and to relinquish its FERC license, or in the
          alternative, to require the Company to turn over to Fourth Branch
          its rate base investment in the plant.  The Company has opposed
          this petition.

               The Medina Power Company is an independent power project
          with a contract requiring it to be a qualifying facility (QF)
          under federal law or face a contractual penalty.  Having come on-
          line without a steam host, Medina did not meet this QF
          requirement, subjecting it to a 15% rate reduction.  The Company
          advised Medina that it had exercised its contract right and
          reduced the rate accordingly.  Medina is seeking $40 million in
          compensatory damages, a trebling of this amount to $120 million
          under the New York State antitrust laws, and $100 million in
          punitive damages.  The Company believes Medina's case is without
          merit, but cannot predict the outcome of this action.

               The Company is involved in a number of court cases regarding
          the price of energy it is required to purchase in excess of
          contract levels from certain unregulated generators
          ("overgeneration").  The Company has paid the unregulated
          generators based on its long-run avoided cost for all such
          overgeneration rather than the price which the unregulated
          generators contend is applicable under the contracts.  The
          Company cannot predict the outcome of these actions, but will
          continue to aggressively press its position.

               The Company believes it has meritorious defenses and intends
          to defend these lawsuits vigorously, but can neither provide any
          judgment regarding the likely outcome nor provide any estimate or
          range of possible loss.

          ENVIRONMENTAL CONTINGENCIES:  The public utility industry
          typically utilizes and/or generates in its operations a broad
          range of potentially hazardous wastes and by-products.  The
          Company believes it is handling identified wastes and by-products
          in a manner consistent with Federal, state and local requirements
          and has implemented an environmental audit program to identify
          any potential areas of concern and assure compliance with such
          requirements.  The Company is also currently conducting a program
          to investigate and restore, as necessary to meet current
          environmental standards, certain properties associated with its
          former gas manufacturing process and other properties which the
          Company has learned may be contaminated with industrial waste, as
          well as investigating identified industrial waste sites as to
          which it may be determined that the Company contributed.  The
          Company has been advised that various Federal, state or local
          agencies believe certain properties require investigation and has
          prioritized the sites to enhance the management of investigation
          and remediation, if necessary. 


               The Company is currently aware of 89 sites with which it has
          been or may be associated, including 47 which are Company-owned. 
          With respect to non-owned sites, the Company may be required to
          contribute some proportionate share of remedial costs.

               Investigations at each of the Company-owned sites are
          designed to (1) determine if environmental contamination problems
          exist, (2) determine the extent, rate of movement and
          concentration of pollutants, (3) if necessary, determine the
          appropriate remedial actions required for site restoration and
          (4) where appropriate, identify other parties who should bear
          some or all of the cost of remediation.  Legal action against
          such other parties, if necessary, will be initiated.  After site
          investigations are completed, the Company expects to determine
          site-specific remedial actions and to estimate the attendant
          costs for restoration.  However, since technologies are still
          developing and the Company has not yet undertaken any full-scale
          remedial actions at any identified sites, nor have any detailed
          remedial designs been prepared or submitted to appropriate
          regulatory agencies, the ultimate cost of remedial actions may
          change substantially.  

               Estimates of the cost of remediation and post-remedial
          monitoring are based upon a variety of factors, including
          identified or potential contaminants, location, size and use of
          the site, proximity to sensitive resources, status of regulatory
          investigation and knowledge of activities at similarly situated
          sites and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) figure for
          average cost to remediate a site.  Actual Company expenditures
          are dependent upon the total cost of investigation and
          remediation and the ultimate determination of the Company's share
          of responsibility for such costs, as well as the financial
          viability of other identified responsible parties since clean-up
          obligations are joint and several.  The Company has denied any
          responsibility in certain of these Potentially Responsible Party
          (PRP) sites and is contesting liability accordingly.

               As a consequence of site characterizations and assessments
          completed to date and negotiations with PRPs, the Company has
          accrued a liability of $240 million, representing the low end of
          the range of its share of the estimated cost for investigation
          and remediation.  The potential high end of the range is
          presently estimated at approximately $1 billion, including
          approximately $500 million in the unlikely event the Company was
          required to assume 100% responsibility at non-owned sites.

               The Company believes that costs incurred in the
          investigation and restoration process for both Company-owned
          sites and sites with which it is associated will be recoverable
          in the ratesetting process (See Note 2. "Rate and Regulatory
          Issues and Contingencies").  Rate agreements in effect since 1991
          provide for recovery of anticipated investigation and remediation


          expenditures.  The Company has proposed in its multi-year rate
          case net recovery of $13.5 million for 1995 for site
          investigation and remediation.  The PSC Staff reserves the right
          to review the appropriateness of the costs incurred.  While the
          PSC Staff has not challenged any remediation costs to date, the
          PSC Staff asserted in the current gas rate proceeding that the
          Company must, in future rate proceedings, justify why it is
          appropriate that remediation costs associated with non-utility
          property owned by the Company be recovered from ratepayers. 
          Based upon management's assessment that remediation costs will be
          recovered from ratepayers, a regulatory asset has been recorded
          representing the future recovery of remediation obligations
          accrued to date.

               The Company is currently providing notices of insurance
          claims to carriers with respect to the investigation and
          remediation costs for manufactured gas plant, industrial waste
          sites and sites for which the Company has been identified as a
          PRP.  The Company is unable to predict whether such insurance
          claims will be successful.

          NOTE 10.  Disclosures about Fair Value of Financial Instruments  

               The following methods and assumptions were used to estimate
          the fair value of each class of financial instruments:

          CASH AND SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS:  The carrying amount
          approximates fair value because of the short maturity of the
          financial instruments.

          LONG-TERM INVESTMENTS:  The carrying value and market value are
          not material to the financial statements.

          SHORT-TERM DEBT:  The carrying amount approximates fair value
          because of the short-term nature of the borrowings.

          mandatorily redeemable preferred stock has been determined by one
          of the Company's brokers.

          LONG-TERM DEBT:  The fair value of the Company's long-term debt
          has been estimated by one of the Company's brokers.  The carrying
          value of NYSERDA bonds and other long-term debt are considered to
          approximate fair value.

               The financial instruments held or issued by the Company are
          for purposes other than trading.  The estimated fair values of
          the Company's financial instruments are as follows:

                                                                      (In thousands of dollars)

                   At December 31,                                 1994                      1993      

                                                       Carrying                   Carrying
                                                        Amount    Fair Value       Amount    Fair Value
           Cash and short-term investments           $   94,330  $   94,330     $  124,351   $  124,351

           Short-term debt                              416,750     416,750        368,016      386,016

           Mandatorily redeemable preferred             266,950     277,072        150,400      155,326
           Long-Term debt:  First Mortgage Bonds      2,611,305   2,367,755      2,791,305    2,969,228

                            Medium Term Notes            45,000      45,783         55,500       62,458
                            NYSERDA bonds               413,760     413,760        413,760      413,760

                            Swiss franc bond             50,000      83,682         50,000       73,794

                            Other                       224,107     224,107        131,587      131,587

               In addition, off balance sheet financial instruments,
          consisting of a  currency exchange agreement used to fully hedge
          against currency exchange rate fluctuations related to the Swiss
          Franc bond, had a fair value of $31.7 and $20.1 million at
          December 31, 1994 and 1993, respectively.  As a result of this
          agreement, at December 31, 1994, the Company's net obligation due
          at maturity on December 15, 1995, of the Swiss Franc bond is
          estimated to be approximately $50 million.

               On January 1, 1994, the Company adopted Statement of
          Financial Accounting Standards No. 115, "Accounting for Certain
          Investments in Debt and Equity Securities."  This statement
          addresses the accounting and reporting for investments in equity
          securities that have readily determinable fair values and for all
          investments in debt securities.  The Company's investments in
          debt and equity securities are held in trust funds for the
          purpose of funding the nuclear decommissioning of Unit 1 and its
          share of Unit 2 (See Note 3. "Nuclear Plant Decommissioning"). 
          The Company has classified all investments in debt and equity
          securities as available for sale and has recorded all such
          investments at their fair market value at December 31, 1994.  The
          proceeds from the sale of investments were $104.6 million in
          1994.  Using the specific identification method to determine
          cost, the gross realized gains and gross realized losses on those
          sales were $1.1 and $1.6 million, respectively.  Net realized and
          unrealized gains and losses are reflected in Accumulated
          Depreciation and Amortization on the Balance Sheet, which is
          consistent with the method used by the Company to account for the
          decommissioning costs recovered in rates.  The recorded fair
          values and cost basis of the Company's investments in debt and
          equity securities is as follows:

                                             At December 31, 1994

                                       (In thousands of dollars)

      Security                               Gross Unrealized         
      Type               Cost          Gain                 Loss     Fair Value
      Government        $15,165           $ 19         $  (325)     $14,859 

      Tax Exempt                                                      
      Obligations        45,029           659           (1,778)      43,910

      Corporate          27,407             9           (1,253)      26,163
      Other               8,121            28             (348)       7,801

                        $95,722          $715          $(3,704)     $92,733

               The contractual maturities of the Company's investments in
          debt securities is as follows:
                                                    At December 31, 1994

                                               (In thousands of dollars)

                                          Fair Value           Cost
            1 year to 5 years            $11,197             $11,429

            5 years to 10 years           20,111              20,778

            Due after 10 years            57,689              59,591


          NOTE 11.  Information Regarding the Electric and Gas Businesses

               The Company is engaged in the electric and natural gas
          utility businesses.  Certain information regarding these segments
          is set forth in the following table.  General corporate expenses,
          property common to both segments and depreciation of such common
          property have been allocated to the segments in accordance with
          the practice established for regulatory purposes.  Identifiable
          assets include net utility plant, materials and supplies,
          deferred finance charges, deferred recoverable energy costs and
          certain other regulatory and other assets.  Corporate assets
          consist of other property and investments, cash, accounts
          receivable, prepayments, unamortized debt expense and certain
          other regulatory and other assets.

                                                     In thousands of dollars        
                                             1994             1993             1992   
          Operating revenues:
              Electric  . . . . . . . .   $3,528,987       $3,332,464      $3,147,676
              Gas . . . . . . . . . . .      623,191          600,967         553,851
                Total . . . . . . . . .   $4,152,178       $3,933,431      $3,701,527

          Operating income before taxes:
              Electric  . . . . . . . .   $ 466,978*       $ 625,852       $  645,696
              Gas . . . . . . . . . . .       83,229           61,163          61,863
                Total . . . . . . . . .   $  550,207       $  687,015      $  707,559

          Pretax operating income, including AFC:
              Electric  . . . . . . . .   $  475,694       $  641,435      $  666,269
              Gas . . . . . . . . . . .       83,592           61,812          62,721
                Total . . . . . . . . .      559,286          703,247         728,990
          Income taxes, included in operating expenses:
              Electric  . . . . . . . .       97,417          148,695         176,901
              Gas . . . . . . . . . . .       20,417           13,820           6,332
                Total . . . . . . . . .      117,834          162,515         183,233
          Other (income) and deductions      (21,410)        (22,475)        (11,391)
          Interest charges  . . . . . .      285,878          291,376         300,716
          Net income  . . . . . . . . .   $  176,984        $ 271,831       $ 256,432

          Depreciation and amortization:
              Electric  . . . . . . . .   $ 283,694        $ 255,718       $  255,256
              Gas . . . . . . . . . . .      24,657           20,905          18,834
                Total . . .. . . . . .   $  308,351       $  276,623       $  274,090

          Construction expenditures 
              (including nuclear fuel):
              Electric  . . . . . . . .   $  376,159      $  429,265       $  442,741
              Gas . . . . . . . . . . .      113,965          90,347           59,503
                Total . . . . . . . . .   $  490,124      $  519,612       $  502,244

          Identifiable assets:
              Electric  . . . . . . . .   $7,162,118      $7,042,762       $7,000,659
              Gas . . . . . . . . . . .    1,009,566         926,648          783,766
                Total . . . . . . . . .    8,171,684       7,969,410        7,784,425
              Corporate assets  . . . .    1,477,755       1,501,917          806,110
                Total assets  . . . . .   $9,649,439       $9,471,327      $8,590,535

          * Includes $196,625 of VERP expenses.


          NOTE 12.  Quarterly Financial Data (Unaudited) 

              Operating revenues, operating income, net income and earnings
          per common share by quarters from 1994, 1993 and 1992, respectively,
          are shown in the following table.  The Company, in its opinion, has
          included all adjustments necessary for a fair presentation of
          the results of operations for the quarters.  Due to the seasonal
          nature of the utility business, the annual amounts are not generated
          evenly by quarter during the year.  The Company's quarterly results of
          operations reflect the seasonal nature of its business, with peak
          electric loads in summer and winter periods.  Gas sales peak in the winter.

                                     In thousands of dollars        

                                            Operating    Net        
                Quarter         Operating    income     income     Earnings  
                 Ended           revenues    (loss)     (loss)       (loss)

           December 31,  1994  $1,018,110   $(10,536)  $ (77,422)   $  (.61)
                         1993     988,195     95,623      30,955        .16
                         1992     963,629    119,181      41,835        .24  
           September 30, 1994  $  918,810   $108,937   $  48,383    $   .27
                         1993     879,952    108,539      48,595        .29 
                         1992     822,530     89,658      40,401        .23


                June 30, 1994  $  979,700   $130,624   $  67,559    $   .42  
                         1993     929,245    132,669      65,325     
                         1992     881,427    137,515      71,734        .41 

               March 31, 1994  $1,235,558   $203,348   $ 138,464    $   .92 
                         1993   1,136,039    187,669     126,956        .86
                         1992   1,033,941    177,972     102,462        .68 


              In the fourth quarter of 1994 the Company recorded $196.6 million
          ($.89 per common share) for the electric expense allocation of the
          VERP.  In the second quarter of 1992, the third quarter of 1993,
          and the fourth quarter of 1994 the Company recorded $22.8 million
          ($.11 per common share), $10.3 million ($.05 per common share) and
          $12.3 million ($.06 per common share), respectively, for MERIT
          earned in accordance with the 1991 Agreement.  In the first and
          fourth quarters of 1992 the Company recorded $21 million ($.09 per
          common share) and $24 million ($.09 per common share), respectively,
          to write-down its subsidiary investment in oil and gas properties.


                                                        Thousands of kilowatts

                      December 31,               1994       %        1993      1992
                Coal                             1,285    16.0        1,285     1,285
                Oil                                646     8.1        1,496     1,496
                Dual Fuel - Oil/Gas                700     8.7          700       700
                Nuclear                          1,048    13.1        1,048     1,059

                Hydro                              700     8.7          700       706
                Natural Gas                         -       -            74       108
                                                 4,379    54.6        5,303     5,354
                New York Power Authority (NYPA)  
                     - Hydro                     1,300    16.2        1,302     1,302

                     - Nuclear                      74     0.9           65        67
                Unregulated generators           2,273    28.3        2,253     1,549
                                                 3,647    45.4        3,620     2,918
           Total capability *                    8,026   100.0        8,923     8,272
           Electric peak load                    6,458                6,191     6,205

           *  Available capability can be increased during heavy load periods by
           purchases from neighboring interconnected systems.  Hydro station
           capability is based on average December stream-flow conditions.


                                                            1994            1993          1992

           Electric sales (Millions of kw-hrs.):       
           Residential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       10,415          10,475        10,392
           Commercial  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       11,813          12,079        11,628

           Industrial  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        7,445           7,088         7,477
           Industrial-Special. . . . . . . . . . . .        4,118           3,888         3,857
           Municipal service . . . . . . . . . . . .          215             220           227

           Other electric systems. . . . . . . . . .        7,593           3,974         3,030
                                                           41,599          37,724        36,611

           Electric revenues (Thousands of dollars):   
           Residential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $1,233,007      $1,171,787    $1,096,418
           Commercial  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,272,234       1,241,743     1,160,643

           Industrial  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      577,473         553,921       589,258
           Industrial-Special. . . . . . . . . . . .       49,217          42,988        39,409

           Municipal service . . . . . . . . . . . .       50,007          50,642        50,327
           Other electric systems  . . . . . . . . .      167,131         105,044        93,283
           Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      179,918         166,339       118,338

                                                       $3,528,987      $3,332,464    $3,147,676
           Electric customers (Average):               

           Residential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1,405,343       1,398,756     1,389,470
           Commercial. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      144,249         143,078       142,345

           Industrial. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        2,105           2,132         2,197
           Industrial-Special. . . . . . . . . . . .           82              76            72


           Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        2,318           3,438         3,262
                                                        1,554,097       1,547,480     1,537,346

           Residential (Average):                      
           Annual kw-hr. use per customer. . . . . .        7,411           7,489         7,479

           Cost to customer per kw-hr (in cents) . .        11.84           11.19         10.55
           Annual revenue per customer . . . . . . .      $877.37         $837.74       $789.09



                                                           1994          1993         1992 

           Gas Sales (Thousands of dekatherms):     
           Residential . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        56,491        54,908       53,945
           Commercial  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        25,783        23,743       22,289

           Industrial  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         3,097         4,316        1,772
           Other gas systems . . . . . . . . . . .           244           234        1,190

                Total sales  . . . . . . . . . . .        85,615        83,201       79,196
           Spot market . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         1,572        13,223        1,146

           Transportation of customer-owned gas  .        85,910        67,741       65,845
                Total gas delivered  . . . . . . .       173,097       164,165      146,187

                                                               Gas Revenues (Thousands of dollars):

           Residential . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      $398,257      $370,565     $354,429
           Commercial  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       159,157       144,834      132,609

           Industrial  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        14,602        18,482       10,001
           Other gas systems . . . . . . . . . . .         1,159         1,066        4,737
           Spot market . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         4,370        29,782        2,576

           Transportation of customer-owned gas  .        38,346        34,843       42,726
           Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . .         7,300         1,395        6,773

                                                        $623,191      $600,967     $553,851
           Gas Customers (Average):                 

           Residential . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       463,933       455,629      446,571
           Commercial  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        40,256        39,662       38,675
           Industrial  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           256           233          234


           Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .             1             1            1
           Transportation  . . . . . . . . . . . .           661           673          673

                                                         505,107       496,198      486,154
           Residential (Average):                   
           Annual dekatherm use per customer . . .         121.8         120.5        120.8

           Cost to customer per dekatherm  . . . .         $7.05         $6.75        $6.57
           Annual revenue per customer . . . . . .       $858.44       $813.30      $793.67

           Maximum day gas sendout (dekatherms)  .       995,801       929,285      905,872


                                                                                                               Exhibit 11

                                              NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES

                                                                                                             Average Number
                                                                                                               of Shares
                                                      (1)              (2)                                   Outstanding as
                                                   Shares of         Number              (3)             Shown on Consolidated
                                                    Common           of Days          Share Days          Statement of Income
              Year Ended December 31,                Stock         Outstanding          (2 x 1)        (3/Number of days in year)

           January 1 - December 31                142,427,057          365         51,985,875,805
           Shares sold at various times
            during the year -                       

                Employee Savings Fund Plan            857,700           *             152,153,100

                Dividend Reinvestment Plan          1,026,709           *             152,123,611

                                                  144,311,466                      52,290,152,516           143,260,692


           January 1 - May 4                      137,159,607          124         17,007,791,268
           Shares sold May 5                        4,494,000

           May 5 - December 31                    141,653,607          241         34,138,519,287

           Shares sold at various times
             during the year -
                Employee Savings Fund Plan            140,000           22              3,080,000


                Dividend Reinvestment Plan            632,341           *             102,395,031

                Acquisition - Syracuse                                           
                  Suburban Gas Company, Inc.            1,109           *                 350,374
                                                  142,427,057                      51,252,135,960           140,416,811        

           January 1 - December 31                136,099,654          366         49,812,473,364

           Shares sold at various times
             during the year -
                Employee Savings Fund Plan            240,866           *              45,435,347

                Dividend Reinvestment Plan            463,736           *              59,130,626
                Acquisition - Syracuse                         
                  Suburban Gas Company, Inc.          355,351           *              67,443,538

                                                  137,159,607                      49,984,482,875           136,569,625  

            *   Number of days outstanding not shown as shares represent an accumulation of weekly, monthly
                and quarterly sales throughout the year.  Share days for shares sold are based on
                the total number of days each share was outstanding during the year.
           Note:  Earnings per share calculated on both a primary and fully diluted basis are the same due to the effects of



                                                                                                                        Exhibit 12

                                    Statement Showing Computations of Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges,
             Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges without AFC and Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges and Preferred Stock Dividends

                                                                           Year Ended December 31,

                                                           1994         1993        1992        1991        1990 

           A.  Net Income per Statements of Income (a)   $176,984     $271,831    $256,432    $243,369    $ 82,878

           B.  Taxes Based on Income or Profits           111,469      147,075     155,504     133,895      61,119
           C.  Earnings, Before Income Taxes              288,453      418,906     411,936     377,264     143,997

           D.  Fixed Charges (b)                          315,274      319,197     332,413     346,255     347,957
           E.  Earnings Before Income Taxes and Fixed    
               Charges                                    603,727      738,103     744,349     723,519     491,954

           F.  Allowance for Funds Used During                                      
               Construction                                 9,079       16,232      21,431      18,931      21,414

           G.  Earnings Before Income Taxes and Fixed                 
               Charges without AFC                       $594,648     $721,871    $722,918    $704,588    $470,540
               Preferred Dividend Factor:                

           H.  Preferred Dividend Requirements           $ 33,673     $ 31,857    $ 36,512    $ 40,411    $ 42,300
           I.  Ratio of Pre-Tax Income to Net Income     
               (C / A)                                       1.63         1.54        1.61        1.55        1.74

           J.  Preferred Dividend Factor (H x I)         $ 54,887     $ 49,060    $ 58,784    $ 62,637    $ 73,602


           K.  Fixed Charges as above (D)                 315,274      319,197     332,413     346,255     347,957

           L.  Fixed Charges and Preferred Dividends                                
               Combined                                  $370,161     $368,257    $391,197    $408,892    $421,559

           M.  Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges        
               (E / D)                                       1.91         2.31        2.24        2.09        1.41
           N.  Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges        
               without AFC (G / D)                           1.89         2.26        2.17        2.03        1.35

           O.  Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges and                                         
               Preferred Dividends Combined (E / L)          1.63         2.00        1.90        1.77        1.17 

           (a)  Includes the effects of amortization of amounts deferred, under the 1989 Agreement,$15,746 for 1993, $20,257 for
          1992 and $31,176 for 1991.

           (b) Includes a portion of rentals deemed representative of the interest factor $29,396 for 1994, $27,821 for 1993,
          $31,697 for 1992, $34,616 for 1991, and $29,088 for 1990.


          EXHIBIT 23


          We hereby consent to the incorporation by reference in the
          Registration Statements on Form S-8 (Nos. 33-36189, 33-42720, 33-
          42721, 33-42771 and 33-54829) and in the Prospectus constituting
          part of the Registration Statements on Form S-3 (Nos.  33-45898,
          33-50703, 33-51073, 33-54827, 33-55546 and 33-59594) of Niagara
          Mohawk Power Corporation of our report dated February 1, 1995
          appearing on page    of the financial statements included in the
          Company's Form 8-K dated February 15, 1995.

          Syracuse, New York

          February 15, 1995


               Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act

          of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed

          on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

          Date:  February 15, 1995

                                        NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION

                                        By  /s/ Steven W. Tasker         
                                           Steven W. Tasker
                                           Vice President-Controller
                                           and Principal Accounting Officer