- 24 - Exhibit 10.2 Amendment Agreement between Mobil Erdgas-Erdol GmbH, Caffamacherreihe 5, Hamburg (hereinafter "MEEG" or "Company") and North European Oil Royalty Trust, Red Bank, New Jersey 07701, USA (hereinafter "NEORT" or "Royalty Creditor") Preamble On 05/15/1934, the respective legal predecessors of MEEG and NEORT concluded a contract on the payment of royalties on the production of certain natural resources by MEEG. This contract has since been changed by amendments dated 12/08/1937, 02/09 and 03/17/1977, 09/08 and 09/14/1992, 03/06 and 03/30/1979 as well as 10/29 and 11/05/2009. Below, the parties agree on the following, thereby amending the respective existing regulation: 1. For the royalties from the contractual area, a change from the gas prices ex field used as a calculation basis to the respective public (staatlich) assessment base (= ex field-price) plus 1% is agreed. 2. The aforementioned changes will be carried out starting with the accounting year 2016. 3. For the year 2015 only, the change from the gas prices ex field used as a calculation basis to the public (staatlich) assessment base for gas from the contractual area will be carried out with a surcharge of 2%. 4. From the accounting year 2015 onwards, the audit concerning the gas prices used as a basis for the determination of the proceeds will be limited to a comparison with the public (staatlich) ex field-prices for gas (i.e. discontinuance of the extensive price reviews). Apart from that, the contracts remain unchanged. Date: August 26, 2016 Date: August 17, 2016 NEORT: /s/ Robert P. Adelman Mobil Erdgas-Erdol GmbH: /s/ Dr. Thomas Hoechel /s/ Ronny A. Hauck