Exhibit 10.23.7

New England Power Pool                                       2nd Rev Sheet No. 1
FERC Electric Third Revised Rate Schedule No. 5
Restated NEPOOL Agreement
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                        NEW ENGLAND POWER POOL AGREEMENT
                     (Compliance with June 13, 2001 Orders)

dated as of June 29, 2001 (the "Seventy-Sixth Agreement"), amends the New
England Power Pool Agreement (the "NEPOOL Agreement"), as amended.

         WHEREAS, the NEPOOL Agreement as in effect on December 1, 1996 was
amended and restated by the Thirty-Third Agreement Amending New England Power
Pool Agreement dated as of December 1, 1996 (the "Thirty-Third Agreement") in
the form of the Restated New England Power Pool Agreement ("Restated NEPOOL
Agreement") attached to the Thirty-Third Agreement as Exhibit A thereto, and the
Thirty-Third Agreement also provided for the NEPOOL Open Access Transmission
Tariff (the "NEPOOL Tariff") which is Attachment B to the Restated NEPOOL

         WHEREAS, the Restated NEPOOL Agreement and the NEPOOL Tariff have
subsequently been amended numerous times, with such amendments most recently
consolidated, respectively, in FERC Electric Third Revised Rate Schedule No. 5,
submitted in Docket No. ER00-2894-000, and FERC Electric Tariff, Fourth Revised
Volume No. 1, submitted in Docket Nos. EL00-62-000 et al.;

         WHEREAS, on June 13, 2001, the Commission issued two orders
(collectively, the "Orders"), one in Docket Nos. EL00-62-004 [et al., ISO New
England Inc.,] 95 FERC P. 61,384 (2001), wherein it directed NEPOOL to file
certain amendments to the NEPOOL Agreement within 30 days of that order, and the
other in Docket No. ER98-3853-005, [New England Power Pool,] 95 FERC P. 61,383
(2001), wherein the Commission granted rehearings and clarifications that
require NEPOOL to file certain amendments to the NEPOOL Agreement within 30 days
of that order; and

         WHEREAS, in order to effect compliance with the Orders, the NEPOOL
Participants desire to amend the NEPOOL Agreement, as heretofore amended, to
reflect the revisions detailed herein.

         NOW, THEREFORE, upon approval of this Seventy-Sixth Agreement by the
NEPOOL Participants Committee in accordance with the procedures set forth in the
NEPOOL Agreement, the Participants agree as follows:

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Issued by:  David T. Doot, Secretary                   Effective:  June 13, 2001
Issued on:  July 13, 2001                                                PENDING
Filed to comply with order of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
Docket No. EL00-62-004 et al. issued June 13, 2001, 95 FERC P. 61,384 (2001).

                                    SECTION 1
                         AMENDMENTS TO NEPOOL AGREEMENT

1.1      Amendment to Section 7.5(n). Section 7.5(n) of the Restated NEPOOL
         Agreement is amended to read as follows:

         (n)      Subject to Section 20(h), the Participants Committee shall
                  have such further powers and duties as are conferred or
                  imposed upon it by other sections of this Agreement.

1.2      Clarification of Technical Committee Responsibilities. Insert the
         following language at the end of the introductory clause of Sections
         8.4, 9.4 and 10.4 of the Restated NEPOOL Agreement, after the word
         "functions" and before the comma: "as necessary and appropriate in
         light of Section 20(h)".

1.3      Amendment to Section 20(h). Section 20(h) of the Restated NEPOOL
         Agreement is amended by adding the following provisions to the end of
         that subsection:

         Up until the date on which a Commission-approved regional transmission
         organization for the NEPOOL Control Area (other than the ISO) is
         activated, the ISO shall have responsibility for the long-range system
         assessment and transmission expansion plans based on its judgment of
         the system's needs. The ISO shall have sole responsibility to develop
         such new NEPOOL System Rules as may be necessary to allow the ISO to
         carry out its obligations under the ISO Agreement.

                                    SECTION 2
                           AMENDMENTS TO NEPOOL TARIFF

2.1      Amendments to Section 51.1. The first sentence of the first paragraph
         of Section 51.1 of the NEPOOL Tariff is amended by deleting the
         following clause: "and subject to the final outcome of rehearing
         requests and any appeals with respect to the Commission's June 28, 2000
         CMS/MSS Order issued in Docket Nos. EL00-62-000 et al.,".

         The second paragraph of Section 51.1 of the NEPOOL Tariff shall be
         amended to read as follows:

                  The NEPOOL Transmission Plan and transmission enhancement and
                  expansion studies shall be completed by the System Operator.
                  In completing the Plan, the

         System Operator may consult with the Transmission Expansion Advisory
         Committee. The Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee shall be
         established in accordance with the provisions of Section 51.2, and
         shall be responsible for the functions identified in that Section.

2.2      Amendment to Section Heading in Section 51.2. The section heading of
         Section 51.2 of the NEPOOL Tariff shall be amended to read
         "Establishment of Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee:".

2.3      Amendment to Section 51.2(b). The first sentence of Section 51.2(b) of
         the NEPOOL Tariff is amended to read as follows:

                  Upon request of the System Operator, the Transmission
                  Expansion Advisory Committee may provide input and feedback to
                  the System Operator concerning the development of the NEPOOL
                  Transmission Plan and the conduct of enhancement and expansion

2.4      Amendments to Sections 51.2(c), 51.2(d) and 51.2(e). Sections 51.2(c),
         51.2(d) and 51.2(e) of the NEPOOL Tariff shall be deleted.

2.5      Amendment to Section 51.4(c). Section 51.4(c) of the NEPOOL Tariff is
         amended to read as follows:

           (c)    An Upgrade may be added to the NEPOOL Transmission Plan by the
                  System Operator at any time in a given year and in doing so
                  the System Operator may consult with and consider input from
                  the Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee, within the
                  scope of its respective functions as specified in subsection
                  (b) of Section 51.2. Similarly, an Upgrade may be removed from
                  the NEPOOL Transmission Plan by the System Operator if the
                  market responds by proposing alternative generation projects,
                  Merchant Transmission Facilities in accordance with Section
                  51.8, or demand-side projects, or other circumstances arise
                  such that the need for the Upgrade no longer exists, and in
                  doing so the System Operator may consult with and consider
                  input from the Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee,
                  within the scope of its functions as specified in subsection
                  (b) of Section 51.2; provided that the entity responsible for
                  the construction of the Upgrade is reimbursed for any costs
                  prudently incurred or prudently committed to be incurred in
                  connection with the planning, preparation for construction,
                  and/or construction of the Upgrades proposed for removal from
                  the Plan. All Upgrades

                  proposed to be added or removed during this planning process
                  must meet the requirements of subsection (a) of Section 51.3.

2.6      Amendment to Section 51.4(f). The first and second sentences of Section
         51.4(f) of the NEPOOL Tariff shall be amended as follows:

                  At the initiation of an effort to update a Plan or develop a
                  new Plan, the System Operator may solicit input for the
                  updated or new Plan from members of the Transmission Expansion
                  Advisory Committee. The Transmission Expansion Advisory
                  Committee shall meet to perform its respective functions in
                  connection with the preparation of the NEPOOL Transmission
                  Plan, as specified in subsection (b) of Section 51.2.

2.7      Amendment to Section 51.5(b). Section 51.5(b) of the NEPOOL Tariff
         shall be amended as follows:

           (b)    Written notice of the initiation of a transmission enhancement
                  and expansion study shall be provided to all members of the
                  Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee. That notice shall
                  identify the needs supporting the initiation of the study.
                  Meetings of the Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee
                  shall be convened thereafter to identify additional
                  considerations relating to such a transmission enhancement and
                  expansion study that were not identified in support of
                  initiating the study, and to provide input on the study's
                  scope, assumptions and procedures, consistent with the
                  responsibilities of the Transmission Expansion Advisory
                  Committee as set forth in Section 51.2.

2.8      Amendment to Section 51.6(a). Section 51.6(a) of the NEPOOL Tariff is
         amended to read as follows:

           (a)    Except as otherwise provided in subsections (e) or (f) of this
                  Section 51.6 below, the System Operator shall circulate a
                  request for proposals ("RFP") inviting any entity or entities,
                  including without limitation Transmission Owners, to build an
                  Upgrade included in the NEPOOL Transmission Plan. The RFP
                  shall be prepared by the System Operator which may, to the
                  extent desired, consult with the Transmission Owner(s) to
                  obtain necessary data, information and technical
                  specifications that the System Operator requires to prepare
                  the RFP. The RFP shall include appropriate requirements to
                  safeguard the confidential nature of information provided to
                  the System Operator in accordance with applicable commercial
                  practices, the requirements of the NEPOOL Information Policy

                  the requirements of any applicable Commission order. Each such
                  RFP shall require that respondents meet specified technical
                  and financial qualifications and submit proposals (i) that
                  conform with all the requirements of subsection (a) of Section
                  51.3 and reasonable Transmission Owner requirements and
                  specifications identified in the RFP which are not
                  inconsistent with Commission policy, (ii) that are consistent
                  with other applicable accepted engineering practices,
                  governmental, technical, and financial requirements, and (iii)
                  that do not use a Transmission Owner's facilities,
                  rights-of-way or other property, provided that the affected
                  Transmission Owner may voluntarily agree, in its own
                  discretion, to the use of its property in connection with a

2.9      Amendment to Section 51.6(b). The first sentence of Section 51.6(b) of
         the NEPOOL Tariff is amended to read as follows:

                  The System Operator shall develop selection criteria and in
                  doing so may consult with the Transmission Expansion Advisory
                  Committee and post the criteria on the System Operator's
                  website before it issues the RFP.

2.10     Amendment to Section 51.6(d). Section 51.6(d) of the NEPOOL Tariff is
         amended to read as follows:

         (d)      Any entity whose proposal is accepted by the System Operator
                  in accordance with subsection (b) shall be compensated in
                  accordance with the terms of its accepted proposal, without
                  regard to whether the actual project cost for the Upgrade was
                  less than or greater than the costs reflected in the accepted

2.11     Amendment to Section 51.6 (e). Section 51.6(e) of the NEPOOL Tariff is
         amended to read as follows:

         (e)      The System Operator in its discretion may exempt certain
                  Upgrades from the RFP requirements of this Section 51.6
                  pursuant to standards established by the System Operator. In
                  such circumstances, the Transmission Owner or Owners on whose
                  system(s) the proposed Upgrade in the Plan is located, or
                  its/their designee(s), shall be designated as the appropriate
                  entity responsible for completion of that Upgrade, in
                  accordance with the requirements of Section 51.7.

2.12     Amendments to Section 1 of Schedule 11. Section 1(a) of Schedule 11 of
         the NEPOOL Tariff is amended to insert "on or after October 1, 1998
         and" between the words "costs" and "prior" in the first clause of the
         first sentence. The first sentence in Section 1(a) of

         Schedule 11 of the NEPOOL Tariff is further amended to insert the
         following at the end of that sentence: ", as evidenced either by the
         filing of an executed service agreement or by the filing of an
         unexecuted service agreement." Section 1(a) is further amended to
         delete the second sentence and the list of potential Category A

         Section 1(b) of Schedule 11 of the NEPOOL Tariff is amended in its
         entirety to read as follows:

           (b)    A Category B Project is any one whose Generator Owner
                  committed to pay for upgrade costs on or after October 29,
                  1998 and prior to June 22, 1999, as evidenced either by the
                  filing of an executed service agreement or by the filing of an
                  unexecuted service agreement. To the extent not otherwise
                  covered by the preceding sentence, a Category B Project
                  includes any one (other than a Category A Project) on which
                  the Generator Owner had expended at least $5,000,000,
                  including amounts due under irrevocable commitments, as of
                  June 22, 1999. Category B Projects are those projects listed
                  as Category A Projects in Section 1(a) of this Schedule 11, as
                  filed with the Fifty-Eighth Agreement Amending the Restated
                  NEPOOL Agreement, but no longer qualify as Category A
                  Projects, that had expended at least $5,000,000 (including
                  amounts due under irrevocable commitments) as of June 22,
                  1999, as reasonably determined by the System Operator, as well
                  as the following projects:

                           Sithe, Mystic Station Expansion
                           Sithe Edgar Station Expansion, Fore River
                           Sithe, West Medway
                           PG&E, Generating Lake Road Generating
                           PDC, Milford Power
                           PDC, Meriden Power
                           Reliant Energy, Hope Rhode Island
                           IDC FPL, Bellingham
                           Constellation, Merrimack (Nickel Hill) Energy Project
                           SEI, Canal Re-powering
                           ANP, Bellingham
                           ANP, Blackstone
                           Cabot, Island End
                           Calpine, Westbrook Power
                           HQ, Bucksport
                           AES, Londonderry
                           ConEd, Newington

2.13     Amendment to Section 3(b) of Schedule 11. Section 3(b) of Schedule 11
         of the NEPOOL Tariff is amended to change the words "Participants
         Committee" which appear in both the first and second sentences to the
         words "System Operator".

2.14     Amendment to Section (4) of Schedule 11. Section (4) of Schedule 11 of
         the NEPOOL Tariff is amended in its entirety to read as follows:

         The costs of Generator Interconnection Related Upgrades in connection
         with a Category B Project shall be allocated in the same way as
         Generator Interconnection Related Upgrades for Category A projects.

2.15     Amendment to Section (5) of Schedule 11. The first sentence in Section
         (5) of Schedule 11 of the NEPOOL Tariff is amended to read as follows:

         If a Generator Interconnection Related Upgrade is required in order to
         satisfy the Minimum Interconnection Standard in connection with a
         Category C Project, the Generator Owner shall be obligated to pay all
         of the cost of such upgrade, including all Direct Interconnection
         Transmission Costs and any applicable tax gross-up amounts, to the
         extent such costs would not have been incurred but for the
         interconnection; provided that, if the System Operator determines that
         a particular Generator Interconnection Related Upgrade provides
         benefits to the system as a whole as well as to particular parties,
         then the cost of such Upgrade shall be allocated in the same way as
         Reliability Upgrades.

2.16     Amendment of Section (1) of Schedule 12. Section (1) of Schedule 12 of
         the NEPOOL Tariff is amended to read as follows:

         (1)      Allocation and Recovery of Costs for Reliability Upgrades and
                  Economic Upgrades Associated with the NEPOOL Transmission
                  Plan. All costs of Merchant Transmission Facilities shall be
                  recovered in accordance with the recovery mechanism for those
                  facilities that is filed with and accepted by the Commission.
                  All costs associated with Upgrades for the interconnection of
                  Merchant Transmission Facilities shall be treated in the same
                  fashion and subject to the same rights and obligations as
                  Generator Interconnection Related Upgrade Costs for Category C
                  Projects under Schedule 11 of this Tariff, including the
                  provisions of Sections (5), (6) and (7) of that Schedule, but
                  excluding the provisional clause at the end of the first
                  sentence in Section (5) of Schedule 11. To the extent not
                  otherwise covered above or by Part III or Schedule 11 of the

         Tariff or Sections (2) or (3) of this Schedule 12 below, the costs of a
         Reliability Upgrade and Economic Upgrade shall be allocated as follows:

         (a)      If entities have agreed to bear some or all of the cost
                  responsibility for an Upgrade, the Upgrade costs shall be
                  allocated to such entities in accordance with that agreement.

         (b)      To the extent there are Reliability Upgrade or Economic
                  Upgrade costs that are not allocated in accordance with other
                  arrangements as identified in the introductory language of
                  this Section (1) or subparagraph (a) above, such costs shall
                  be treated as Pool-Supported PTF costs recoverable under
                  Attachment F to this Tariff.

2.17     Amendment to Attachment F. The introductory paragraph of Attachment F
         to the NEPOOL Tariff is amended to read as follows:

         The Transmission Revenue Requirements for each Participant will reflect
         the Participant's costs with respect to Pool-Supported PTF. The
         Transmission Revenue Requirements will be an annual calculation based
         on the previous year's calendar data as shown, in the case of
         Transmission Providers which are subject to the Commission's
         jurisdiction, in the Participants' FERC Form 1 report for that year,
         and shall be based on actual data in lieu of allocated data if
         specifically identified in the Form 1 report in accordance with the
         following formula, except to the extent PTF costs relate to a
         Transmission Provider proposal which has been accepted by the System
         Operator in accordance with subsection (b) of section 51.6 of the
         NEPOOL Tariff, in which case that Transmission Provider may include as
         PTF costs in its Transmission Revenue Requirements for such PTF only
         the payments made to it in accordance with the terms of its accepted
         proposal, without regard to whether the actual project cost for the
         Upgrade was less than or greater than the costs reflected in the
         accepted proposal:

                                    SECTION 3

3.1      This Seventy-Sixth Agreement shall become effective on June 13, 2001,
         or such later date as shall be ordered by the Commission.

3.2      Terms used in this Seventy-Sixth Agreement that are not defined herein
         shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the NEPOOL Agreement.