(AMENDMENT NO. 1)

                          WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549-1004

                        SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                  For the fiscal year ended DECEMBER 31, 1997


                        SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

              For the transition period from          to

Commission              Registrant; State of Incorporation;    I.R.S Employer
File Number                Address; and Telephone Number      Identification No.

1-5324       NORTHEAST UTILITIES                                 04-2147929
             (a Massachusetts voluntary association)
             174 BRUSH HILL AVENUE
             Telephone:  (413) 785-5871

0-11419      THE CONNECTICUT LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY             06-0303850
             (a Connecticut corporation)
             107 SELDEN STREET
             BERLIN, CONNECTICUT 06037-1616
             Telephone:  (860) 665-5000

1-6392       PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE             02-0181050
             (a New Hampshire corporation)
             1000 ELM STREET
             MANCHESTER, NEW HAMPSHIRE 03105-0330
             Telephone:  (603) 669-4000

0-7624       WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRIC COMPANY              04-1961130
             (a Massachusetts corporation)
             174 BRUSH HILL AVENUE
             Telephone:  (413) 785-5871

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

                                                     Name of Each Exchange
    Registrant            Title of Each Class         on Which Registered

NORTHEAST UTILITIES       Common Shares, $5.00     New York Stock Exchange, Inc.
                            par value

THE CONNECTICUT LIGHT     9.3% Cumulative          New York Stock Exchange, Inc.
AND POWER COMPANY           Monthly Income
                            Preferred Securities
                            Series A (1)

(1) Issued by CL&P Capital, L.P., a wholly owned subsidiary of The Connecticut
    Light and Power Company ("CL&P"), and guaranteed by CL&P.

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:

    Registrant                          Title of Each Class

THE CONNECTICUT LIGHT      Preferred Stock, par value $50.00 per share,
AND POWER COMPANY          issuable in series, of which the following
                           series are outstanding:

                             $1.90  Series   of 1947   4.96% Series   of 1958
                             $2.00  Series   of 1947   4.50% Series   of 1963
                             $2.04  Series   of 1949   5.28% Series   of 1967
                             $2.20  Series   of 1949   6.56% Series   of 1968
                              3.90% Series   of 1949  $3.24  Series G of 1968
                             $2.06  Series E of 1954   7.23% Series   of 1992
                             $2.09  Series F of 1955   5.30% Series   of 1993
                              4.50% Series   of 1956

PUBLIC SERVICE             Preferred Stock, par value $25.00 per share,
COMPANY OF                 issuable in series, of which the following series
NEW HAMPSHIRE              are outstanding:

                             10.60% Series A of 1991

WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS      Preferred Stock, par value $100.00 per share,
ELECTRIC COMPANY           issuable in series, of which the following series
                           is outstanding:

                               7.72%  Series B of 1971

                           Class A Preferred Stock, par value $25.00 per share,
                           issuable in series, of which the following series
                           are outstanding:

                               7.60%  Series of 1987

Indicate by check mark whether the registrants (1) have filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange  Act of
1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
registrants were required to file such reports), and (2) have been subject to
such filing requirements for the past 90 days.

                             YES  X             NO

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be contained, to the
best of the registrant's knowledge, in definitive proxy or information
statements incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any
amendment to this Form 10-K.  [X]

The aggregate market value of NORTHEAST UTILITIES' Common Share, $5.00 Par
Value, held by nonaffiliates, was $2,181,626,490 based on a closing sales price
of $15.94 per share for the 136,886,368 common shares outstanding on May 29,
1998.  NORTHEAST UTILITIES holds all of the 12,222,930 shares, 1,000 shares and
1,072,471 shares of the outstanding common stock of THE CONNECTICUT LIGHT AND
ELECTRIC COMPANY, respectively.

Documents Incorporated by Reference:

                                                           Part of Form 10-K
                                                          into Which Document
              Description                                   is Incorporated

Portions of Annual Reports to Shareholders
of the following companies for the year
ended December 31, 1997:

      Northeast Utilities                                       Part II
      The Connecticut Light and Power Company                   Part II
      Public Service Company of New Hampshire                   Part II
      Western Massachusetts Electric Company                    Part II

             Explanatory Note:  Securities and Exchange Commission
      Inquiry and Amendment of the Form 10-Ks of NU, CL&P, PSNH and WMECO

In a letter dated March 25, 1998, the SEC inquired into the NU system's
accounting for nuclear compliance costs.  These costs are the unavoidable
incremental costs associated with the current nuclear outages required to be
incurred prior to restart of the units in accordance with correspondence
received from the NRC early in 1996.  The SEC's view is that these unavoidable
costs associated with nuclear outages and procedures to be implemented at
nuclear power plants in response to regulatory requirements required prior to
restart of the units should be expensed as incurred.  During 1996 and 1997, NU,
CL&P, PSNH and WMECO reserved for these unavoidable incremental costs that they
expected to incur to meet NRC standards.  The SEC advised NU, CL&P, PSNH and
WMECO to reflect these costs as they are incurred.  While NU and its independent
auditors, Arthur Andersen LLP, believed the accounting was required by, and was
in accordance with, generally accepted accounting principles, the company has
agreed to adjust its accounting for nuclear compliance costs and amend its 1996
and 1997 Form 10-K filings.  This amendment on Form 10-K/A reflects the change
in accounting.

                               GLOSSARY OF TERMS

     The following is a glossary of frequently used abbreviations or acronyms
that are found throughout this report:

NU.............................. Northeast Utilities
CL&P............................ The Connecticut Light and Power Company
Charter Oak or COE.............. Charter Oak Energy, Inc.
WMECO........................... Western Massachusetts Electric Company
HWP............................. Holyoke Water Power Company
NUSCO or the Service Company.... Northeast Utilities Service Company
NNECO........................... Northeast Nuclear Energy Company
NAEC............................ North Atlantic Energy Corporation
NAESCO or North Atlantic........ North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation
PSNH............................ Public Service Company of New Hampshire
RRR............................. The Rocky River Realty Company
Select Enery.................... Select Energy, Inc., formerly NUSCO
                                 Energy Partners, Inc.

Mode 1.......................... Mode 1 Communications, Inc.
HEC............................. HEC Inc.
Quinnehtuk...................... The Quinnehtuk Company
the System...................... The Northeast Utilities System
CYAPC........................... Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company
MYAPC........................... Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company
VYNPC........................... Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation
YAEC............................ Yankee Atomic Electric Company
the Yankee Companies............ CYAPC, MYAPC, VYNPC, and YAEC


Millstone 1..................... Millstone Unit No. 1, a 660-MW nuclear
                                 generating unit completed in 1970
Millstone 2..................... Millstone Unit No. 2, an 870-MW nuclear 
                                 electric generating unit completed in 1975
Millstone 3..................... Millstone Unit No. 3, a 1,154-MW nuclear
                                 electric generating unit completed in 1986
Seabrook or Seabrook 1.......... Seabrook Unit No. 1, a 1,148-MW nuclear 
                                 electric generating unit completed in 1986.
                                 Seabrook 1 went into service in 1990.


DOE............................. U.S. Department of Energy
DTE............................. Massachusetts Department of Telecommunications
                                 and Energy, formerly the Massachusetts
                                 Department of Public Utilities (DPU)
DPUC............................ Connecticut Department of Public Utility
MDEP............................ Massachusetts Department of Environmental
CDEP............................ Connecticut Department of Environmental
EPA............................. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FERC............................ Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
NHDES........................... New Hampshire Department of Environmental
NHPUC........................... New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission
NRC............................. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
SEC............................. Securities and Exchange Commission


1935 Act........................ Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935
CAAA............................ Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990
DSM............................. Demand-Side Management
Energy Act...................... Energy Policy Act of 1992
EWG............................. Exempt wholesale generator
EAC............................. Energy Adjustment Clause (CL&P)
FAC............................. Fuel Adjustment Clause (WMECO)
FPPAC........................... Fuel and purchased power adjustment clause
FUCO............................ Foreign utility company
kWh............................. Kilowatt-hour
MW.............................. Megawatt
NBFT............................ Niantic Bay Fuel Trust, lessor of nuclear fuel
                                 used by CL&P and WMECO
ISO............................. Independent System Operator, successor to the
                                 New England Power Pool (NEPOOL)
NEPOOL.......................... New England Power Pool
NUGs............................ Nonutility generators
NUG&T........................... Northeast Utilities Generation and
                                 Transmission Agreement

                              NORTHEAST UTILITIES

                         1997 Form 10-K/A Annual Report
                               Table of Contents

                                    PART II


Item 6.     Selected Financial Data......................................    1  

Item 7.     Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
            Condition and Results of Operations..........................    1

Item 8.     Financial Statements and Supplementary Data..................    1

                                    PART IV

Item 14.    Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules, and
            Reports on Form 8-K..........................................    3

Item 6.   Selected Financial Data

      NU. Reference is made to information under the heading "Selected
Consolidated Financial Data" contained on page 65 of NU's Amended 1997 Annual
Report to Shareholders, which information is incorporated herein by reference.

      CL&P.  Reference is made to information under the heading "Selected
Financial Data" contained on page 54 of CL&P's Amended 1997 Annual Report, which
information is incorporated herein by reference.

      PSNH.  Reference is made to information under the heading "Selected
Financial Data" contained on pages 50 and 51 of PSNH's Amended 1997 Annual
Report, which information is incorporated herein by reference.

      WMECO.  Reference is made to information under the heading "Selected
Financial Data" contained on page 51 of WMECO's Amended 1997 Annual Report,
which information is incorporated herein by reference.

Item 7.   Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
          and Results of Operations

     NU.  Reference is made to information under the heading "Management's
Discussion and Analysis" contained on pages 48 through 63 in NU's Amended 1997
Annual Report to Shareholders, which information is incorporated herein by

     CL&P.  Reference is made to information under the heading "Management's
Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations"
contained on pages 42 through 53 in CL&P's Amended 1997 Annual Report, which
information is incorporated herein by reference.

     PSNH.  Reference is made toinformation under the heading "Management's
Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations"
contained on pages 42 through 49 in PSNH's Amended 1997 Annual Report, which
information is incorporated herein by reference.

     WMECO.  Reference is made to information under the heading "Management's
Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations"
contained on pages 40 through 50 in WMECO's Amended 1997 Annual Report, which
information is incorporated herein by reference.

Item 8.   Financial Statements and Supplementary Data

      NU.  Reference is made to information under the headings "Company Report,"
"Report of Independent Public Accountants," "Consolidated Statements of Income,"
"Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows," "Consolidated Statements of Income
Taxes," "Consolidated Balance Sheets," "Consolidated Statements of
Capitalization," "Consolidated Statements of Common Shareholders' Equity,"
"Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements," and "Consolidated Statements of
Quarterly Financial Data" contained on pages 2 through 47 and page 64 in NU's
Amended 1997 Amended Report to Shareholders, which information is incorporated
herein by reference.

      CL&P.  Reference is made to information under the headings "Consolidated
Balance Sheets," "Consolidated Statements of Income," "Consolidated Statements
of Cash Flows," "Consolidated Statements of Common Stockholder's Equity," "Notes
to Consolidated Financial Statements," "Report of Independent Public
Accountants," and "Statements of Quarterly Financial Data" contained on pages 2
through 41 and page 54 in CL&P's Amended 1997 Annual Report, which information
is incorporated herein by reference.

      PSNH.  Reference is made to information under the headings "Balance
Sheets," "Statements of Income," "Statements of Cash Flows," "Statements of
Common Equity," "Notes to Financial Statements," "Report of Independent
Public Accountants," and "Statements of Quarterly Financial Data" contained on
pages 2 through 41 and page 52 in PSNH's Amended 1997 Annual Report, which
information is incorporated herein by reference.

     WMECO.  Reference is made to information under the headings "Consolidated
Balance Sheets," "Consolidated Statements of Income," "Consolidated Statements
of Cash Flows," "Consolidated Statements of Common Stockholder's Equity,"
"Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements," "Report of Independent Public
Accountants," and "Statements of Quarterly Financial Data" contained on pages 2
through 39 and page 51 in WMECO's Amended 1997 Annual Report, which information
is incorporated herein by reference.

 Item 14. Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules and Reports on
          Form 8-K.

(a)  1.   Financial Statements:

          The Report of Independent Public Accountants and financial
          statements of NU, CL&P, PSNH and WMECO are hereby incorporated by
          reference and made a part of this report (see "Item 8. Financial
          Statements and Supplementary Data").

          Report of Independent Public Accountants
          on Schedules                                               S-1

          Consent of Independent Public Accountants                  S-3

       2. Schedules:

          Amended Financial Statement Schedules for NU (Parent),
          NU and Subsidiaries, CL&P and Subsidiaries,
          PSNH and WMECO and Subsidiary are listed in
          the Index to Financial Statements Schedules                S-4
       3. Exhibits Index                                             E-1

                              NORTHEAST UTILITIES


     Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                   NORTHEAST UTILITIES


Date:  June 10, 1998                      By:  /s/ Michael G. Morris

                                                   Michael G. Morris
                                                   Chairman of the Board
                                                   and President and
                                                   Chief Executive Officer

     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this
report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the
Registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

Date                      Title                          Signature

June 10, 1998             Chairman of the Board,         /s/ Michael G. Morris
                          President and                      Michael G. Morris
                          Chief Executive Officer
                          and a Trustee

June 10, 1998             Executive Vice                 /s/ John H. Forsgren
                          President and Chief                John H. Forsgren
                          Financial Officer

June 10, 1998             Vice President and             /s/ John J. Roman
                          Controller                         John J. Roman

                              NORTHEAST UTILITIES
                              SIGNATURES (CONT'D)

Date                      Title                    Signature

June 10, 1998             Trustee                  /s/ Cotton M. Cleveland
                                                       Cotton M. Cleveland

June 10, 1998             Trustee                  /s/ William F. Conway
                                                       William F. Conway

June 10, 1998             Trustee                  /s/ E. Gail de Planque
                                                       E. Gail de Planque

June 10, 1998             Trustee                  /s/ Elizabeth T. Kennan
                                                       Elizabeth T. Kennan

June 10, 1998             Trustee                  /s/ William J. Pape II
                                                       William J. Pape II

June 10, 1998             Trustee                  /s/ Robert E. Patricelli
                                                       Robert E. Patricelli

June 10, 1998             Trustee                  /s/ John F. Swope
                                                       John F. Swope

June 10, 1998             Trustee                  /s/ John F. Turner
                                                       John F. Turner



     Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                   THE CONNECTICUT LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY


Date: June 10, 1998            By:  /s/ Michael G. Morris

                                        Michael G. Morris

     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this
report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the
Registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

Date                       Title                   Signature

June 10, 1998              Chairman and            /s/ Michael G. Morris
                           a Director                  Michael G. Morris

June 10, 1998              President and           /s/ Hugh C. MacKenzie
                           a Director                  Hugh C. MacKenzie

June 10, 1998              Executive Vice          /s/ John H. Forsgren
                           President and               John H. Forsgren
                           Chief Financial
                           Officer and a

June 10, 1998              Vice President          /s/ John J. Roman
                           and Controller              John J. Roman

June 10, 1998              Director                /s/ Bruce D. Kenyon
                                                       Bruce D. Kenyon



     Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                              PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE


Date:  June 10, 1998          By:  /s/ Michael G. Morris
                                       Michael G. Morris
                                       Chairman and
                                       Chief Executive Officer

     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this
report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the
Registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

Date                    Title                     Signature

June 10, 1998           Chairman and Chief        /s/ Michael G. Morris
                        Executive Officer             Michael G. Morris
                        and a Director

June 10, 1998           President and             /s/ William T. Frain, Jr.
                        Chief Operating               William T. Frain, Jr.
                        Officer and
                        a Director

June 10, 1998           Executive Vice            /s/ John H. Forsgren
                        President and                 John H. Forsgren
                        Chief Financial
                        Officer and a

June 10, 1998           Vice President            /s/ John J. Roman
                        and Controller                John J. Roman


                              SIGNATURES (CONT'D)

Date                       Title                   Signature

June 10, 1998              Director                /s/ John C. Collins
                                                       John C. Collins

June 10, 1998              Director                /s/ Bruce D. Kenyon
                                                       Bruce D. Kenyon

June 10, 1998              Director                /s/ Gerald Letendre
                                                       Gerald Letendre

June 10, 1998              Director                /s/ Hugh C. MacKenzie
                                                       Hugh C. MacKenzie

June 10, 1998              Director                /s/ Jane E. Newman
                                                       Jane E. Newman



     Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.



Date:  June 10, 1998               By:  /s/ Michael G. Morris
                                            Michael G. Morris

     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this
report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the
Registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

Date                      Title                    Signature

June 10, 1998             Chairman and             /s/ Michael G. Morris
                          a Director                   Michael G. Morris

June 10, 1998             President and            /s/ Hugh C. MacKenzie
                          a Director                   Hugh C. MacKenzie

June 10, 1998             Executive Vice           /s/ John H. Forsgren
                          President and                John H. Forsgren
                          Chief Financial
                          Officer and a

June 10, 1998             Vice President           /s/ John J. Roman
                          and Controller               John J. Roman

June 10, 1998             Director                 /s/ Bruce D. Kenyon
                                                       Bruce D. Kenyon


We have audited in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, the
restated financial statements of Northeast Utilities, The Connecticut Light and
Power Company and Western Massachusetts Electric Company incorporated by
reference in this Form 10-K/A, and have issued our report thereon dated February
20, 1998 (except with respect to the matter discussed in Note 1, as to which
the date is June 10, 1998).  Our audit was made for the purpose of forming an
opinion on the basic financial statements taken as a whole.  The schedules, as
restated - see Note 1, listed in the accompanying Index to Financial Statements
Schedules are the responsibility of the companies' management and are presented
for purposes of complying with the Securities and Exchange Commission's rules
and are not part of the basic financial statements.  These schedules have been
subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial
statements and, in our opinion, fairly state in all material respects the
financial data required to be set forth therein in relation to the basic
financial statements taken as a whole.

                                   /s/ ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP

Hartford, Connecticut
February 20, 1998 (except with respect to the matter discussed in
  Note 1, as to which the date is June 10, 1998)


We have audited in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, the
restated financial statements of Public Service Company of New Hampshire,
incorporated by reference in this Form 10-K/A and have issued our report thereon
dated February 20, 1998 (except with respect to the matter discussed in Note 1
as to which the date is June 10, 1998).  Our report includes an explanatory
paragraph regarding the existence of conditions which raise substantial doubt
about the company's ability to continue as a going concern.  Our audit was made
for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic financial statements taken as
a whole.  The schedules, as restated - see Note 1, listed in the accompanying
Index to Financial Statements Schedules are the responsibility of the company's
management and are presented for purposes of complying with the Securities and
Exchange Commission's rules and are not part of the basic financial statements.
These schedules have been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the
audit of the basic financial statements and, in our opinion, fairly state in all
material respects the financial data required to be set forth therein in
relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole.

                                   /s/ ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP

Hartford, Connecticut
February 20, 1998 (except with respect  to the matter discussed in
  Note 1, as to which the date is June 10, 1998)


As independent public accountants, we hereby consent to the incorporation of
our reports included (or incorporated by reference) in this Form 10-K/A, into
the Company's previously filed Registration Statements No. 33-55279 of The
Connecticut Light and Power Company, No. 33-56537 of CL&P Capital, LP and No.
33-34622, No. 33-44814, No. 33-63023, No. 33-40156, No. 333-52413, and No.
333-52415 of Northeast Utilities.

                                 /s/ ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP

Hartford, Connecticut
June 10, 1998



I.    Amended Financial Information of Registrant:
        Northeast Utilities (Parent) Balance
        Sheets 1997 and 1996                                   S-5

        Northeast Utilities (Parent) Statements
        of Income 1997, 1996, and 1995                         S-6

        Northeast Utilities (Parent) Statements
        of Cash Flows 1997, 1996, and 1995                     S-7

II.   Amended Valuation and Qualifying Accounts
      and Reserves 1997, 1996, and 1995:

        Northeast Utilities and Subsidiaries                S-8 - S-10
        The Connecticut Light and Power Company
          and Subsidiaries                                 S-11 - S-13
        Public Service Company of New Hampshire            S-14 - S-16
        Western Massachusetts Electric Company
          and Subsidiary                                   S-17 - S-19

      All other schedules of the companies' for which provision is made in
the applicable regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission are not
required under the related instructions or are not applicable, and therefore
have been omitted.

                                     SCHEDULE I
                            NORTHEAST UTILITIES (PARENT)


                                  BALANCE SHEETS  

                           AT DECEMBER  31, 1997 AND 1996

                               (Thousands of Dollars)

                                                              1997           1996
                                                           (Restated)     (Restated)
                                                           ----------     ----------
- ------
Other Property and Investments:
  Investments in subsidiary companies, at
   equity...............................................  $2,314,746     $2,543,352
  Investments in transmission companies, at equity......      19,635         21,186
  Other, at cost........................................         402            413
                                                          -----------    -----------
                                                           2,334,783      2,564,951
                                                          -----------    -----------
Current Assets:                                         
  Cash..................................................          10             10
  Notes receivable from affiliated companies............      34,200          5,475
  Notes and accounts receivable.........................         711            813
  Receivables from affiliated companies.................         961          7,106
  Prepayments...........................................         265            224
                                                          -----------    -----------
                                                              36,147         13,628
                                                          -----------    -----------
Deferred Charges:                                       
  Accumulated deferred income taxes.....................       5,692          5,293
  Unamortized debt expense..............................         232            524
  Other.................................................          47             46
                                                          -----------    -----------
                                                               5,971          5,863
                                                          -----------    -----------
       Total Assets.....................................  $2,376,901     $2,584,442
                                                          ===========    ===========

- ------------------------------
  Common Shareholders' Equity:
    Common shares, $5 par value--Authorized
    225,000,000 shares; 136,842,170 shares issued and
    130,182,736 shares outstanding in 1997 and
    136,051,938 shares issued and                       
    128,444,373 outstanding in 1996.....................  $  684,211     $  680,260
  Capital surplus, paid in..............................     932,493        940,446
  Deferred contribution plan--employee stock ownership  
    plan (ESOP).........................................    (154,141)      (176,091)
  Retained earnings.....................................     707,522        869,618
                                                          -----------    -----------
    Total common shareholders' equity...................   2,170,085      2,314,233
  Long-term debt........................................     177,000        194,000
                                                          -----------    -----------
    Total capitalization................................   2,347,085      2,508,233
                                                          -----------    -----------
Current Liabilities:                                    
  Notes payable to banks................................        -            38,750
  Long-term debt and preferred stock--current portion...      17,000         16,000
  Accounts payable......................................       1,857         15,504
  Accounts payable to affiliated companies..............         216            600
  Accrued taxes.........................................       7,860          2,158
  Accrued interest......................................       2,343          2,602
  Dividend reinvestment plan............................          90           -
  Other.................................................        -                 2
                                                          -----------    -----------
                                                              29,366         75,616
                                                          -----------    -----------
Other Deferred Credits..................................         450            593
                                                          -----------    -----------
    Total Capitalization and Liabilities                  $2,376,901     $2,584,442
                                                          ===========    ===========

                                      SCHEDULE I
                             NORTHEAST UTILITIES (PARENT)


                                STATEMENTS OF INCOME 

                    YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997, 1996, AND 1995

                   (Thousands of Dollars Except Share Information)

                                          1997           1996
                                       (Restated)     (Restated)        1995
                                     -------------  -------------  -------------
Operating Revenues.................. $       -      $       -      $       -
                                     -------------  -------------  -------------
Operating Expenses:                 
  Other.............................        8,657          8,920         14,267
  Federal income taxes..............      (10,697)       (10,390)        (8,585)
                                     -------------  -------------  -------------
   Total operating expenses.........       (2,040)        (1,470)         5,682
                                     -------------  -------------  -------------
Operating Income (Loss).............        2,040          1,470         (5,682)
                                     -------------  -------------  -------------
Other Income:                       
  Equity in earnings of             
   subsidiaries.....................     (118,195)        55,370        310,025
  Equity in earnings of             
   transmission companies...........        2,968          3,306          3,561
  Other, net........................        2,184            368            329
                                     -------------  -------------  -------------
    Other income, net...............     (113,043)        59,044        313,915
                                     -------------  -------------  -------------
    (Loss) Income before            
      interest charges..............     (111,003)        60,514        308,233
                                     -------------  -------------  -------------
Interest Charges....................       18,959         21,585         25,799
                                     -------------  -------------  -------------
Net (Loss)/Income................... $   (129,962)  $     38,929   $    282,434
                                     =============  =============  =============

(Loss)/Earnings Per Common Share.... $      (1.01)  $       0.30   $       2.24
                                     =============  =============  =============
Common Shares Outstanding           
 (average)..........................  129,567,708    127,960,382    126,083,645
                                     =============  =============  =============

                                                SCHEDULE I
                                       NORTHEAST UTILITIES (PARENT)
                                   FINANCIAL INFORMATION OF REGISTRANT
                                         STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS
                                YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997, 1996, 1995
                                         (Thousands of Dollars)

                                                        1997          1996
                                                   (Restated)   (Restated)         1995
                                                           ------------ -------------- --------------
Operating Activities:
  Net (loss) income......................................  $  (129,962) $      38,929  $     282,434
  Adjustments to reconcile to net cash                   
   from operating activities:                            
    Equity in earnings of subsidiary companies...........      118,195        (55,370)      (310,025)
    Cash dividends received from subsidiary companies....      132,994        247,101        272,350
    Deferred income taxes................................        1,558          3,868            772
    Other sources of cash................................       11,738         17,961          6,916
    Other uses of cash...................................       (2,101)        (3,065)          (528)
    Changes in working capital:                          
      Receivables........................................        6,247         (7,312)         1,991
      Accounts payable...................................      (14,031)        (3,183)        15,381
      Other working capital (excludes cash)..............        5,490        (13,724)         7,396
                                                           ------------ -------------- --------------
Net cash flows from operating activities.................      130,128        225,205        276,687
                                                           ------------ -------------- --------------
Financing Activities:                                    
  Issuance of common shares..............................        6,502         10,622         47,218
  Net decrease in short-term debt........................      (38,750)       (18,750)       (46,500)
  Reacquisitions and retirements of long-term debt.......      (16,000)       (14,000)       (12,000)
  Cash dividends on common shares........................      (32,134)      (176,276)      (221,701)
                                                           ------------ -------------- --------------
Net cash flows used for financing activities.............      (80,382)      (198,404)      (232,983)
                                                           ------------ -------------- --------------
Investment Activities:                                   
  NU System Money Pool...................................      (28,725)         4,200         (7,700)
  Investment in subsidiaries.............................      (22,583)       (33,217)       (38,963)
  Other investment activities, net.......................        1,562          2,208          2,935
                                                           ------------ -------------- --------------
Net cash flows used for investments......................      (49,746)       (26,809)       (43,728)
                                                           ------------ -------------- --------------
Net decrease in cash for the period......................            0             (8)           (24)
Cash - beginning of period...............................           10             18             42
                                                           ------------ -------------- --------------
Cash - end of period.....................................  $        10  $          10  $          18
                                                           ============ ============== ==============
Supplemental Cash Flow Information                       
Cash paid during the year for:                           
  Interest, net of amounts capitalized...................  $    18,960  $      21,770  $      26,430
                                                           ============ ============== ==============
  Income taxes (refund)..................................  $   (16,000) $      (7,700) $      (8,418)
                                                           ============ ============== ==============

                           NORTHEAST UTILITIES AND SUBSIDIARIES                         SCHEDULE II
                       VALUATION AND QUALIFYING ACCOUNTS AND RESERVES                   (Restated)
                                YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997
                                   (Thousands of Dollars)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Column A                                  Column B        Column C         Column D       Column E

                                                        (1)         (2)

                                        Balance at  Charged to  to other                  Balance
                                        beginning   costs and   accounts-  Deductions-    at end
Description                             of period   expenses    describe   describe       of period
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Reserves for uncollectible accounts   $   17,062 $   14,854 $     -    $   29,864 (a) $    2,052
                                          =========  =========  =========  =========      =========

  Operating reserves                    $   36,260 $    9,542 $     -    $   11,365 (b) $   34,437
                                          =========  =========  =========  =========      =========

(a)  Amounts written off, net of recoveries.                     
(b)  Principally payments for environmental remediation, various injuries and damages, employee 
     medical expenses, and expenses in connection therewith. 

                           NORTHEAST UTILITIES AND SUBSIDIARIES                       SCHEDULE II
                       VALUATION AND QUALIFYING ACCOUNTS AND RESERVES                 (Restated)
                                YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1996
                                   (Thousands of Dollars)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Column A                               Column B       Column C          Column D       Column E

                                                    (1)         (2)

                                      Balance at Charged to  to other                   Balance
                                      beginning  costs and   accounts-  Deductions-     at end
Description                           of period  expenses    describe   describe        of period
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Reserves for uncollectible accounts $  14,379 $  21,761 $     -      $   19,078 (a) $   17,062
                                       ========= =========  =========   ==========     ==========
  Asset valuation reserves            $  10,266 $         $     -      $   10,266     $        0
                                       ========= =========  =========   ==========     ==========

  Operating reserves                  $  38,409 $   8,397 $     -      $   10,546 (b) $   36,260
                                       ========= =========  =========   ==========     ==========

(a)  Amounts written off, net of recoveries.
(b)  Principally payments for environmental remediation, various injuries and damages, employee 
     medical expenses, and expenses in connection therewith. 

                           NORTHEAST UTILITIES AND SUBSIDIARIES                          SCHEDULE II
                                YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995
                                   (Thousands of Dollars)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Column A                                Column B         Column C            Column D      Column E

                                                       (1)         (2)

                                        Balance at  Charged to  to other                   Balance
                                        beginning   costs and   accounts-   Deductions-    at end
Description                             of period   expenses    describe    describe       of period
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Reserves for uncollectible accounts $   16,826 $    18,010 $     -       $   20,458 (a)$   14,378
                                        =========   =========  =========     =========     =========
  Asset valuation reserves            $    8,684 $     1,582 $     -       $     -       $   10,266
                                        =========   =========  =========     =========     =========

  Operating reserves                  $   34,721 $    11,475 $     -       $    7,787 (b)$   38,409
                                        =========   =========  =========     =========     =========

(a)  Amounts written off, net of recoveries.
(b)  Principally payments for environmental remediation, various injuries and damages, employee 
     medical expenses, and expenses in connection therewith. 


                       VALUATION AND QUALIFYING ACCOUNTS AND RESERVES                   (Restated)
                                YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997
                                   (Thousands of Dollars)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Column A                                  Column B        Column C         Column D       Column E

                                                        (1)         (2)

                                          Balance at Charged to  to other                 Balance
                                          beginning  costs and   accounts-  Deductions-   at end
Description                               of period  expenses    describe   describe      of period
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Reserves for uncollectible accounts   $   13,241 $   10,509 $     -    $   23,450 (a) $      300
                                          =========  =========  =========  =========      =========

  Operating reserves                    $   18,879 $    4,458 $     -    $    8,375 (b) $   14,962
                                          =========  =========  =========  =========      =========

(a)  Amounts written off, net of recoveries.
(b)  Principally payments for environmental remediation, various injuries and damages, employee 
     medical expenses, and expenses in connection therewith. 

                       VALUATION AND QUALIFYING ACCOUNTS AND RESERVES                 (Restated)
                                YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1996
                                   (Thousands of Dollars)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Column A                               Column B       Column C          Column D       Column E

                                                    (1)         (2)

                                      Balance at Charged to  to other                   Balance
                                      beginning  costs and   accounts-   Deductions-    at end
Description                           of period  expenses    describe    describe       of period
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Reserves for uncollectible accounts $  10,567 $  15,704 $     -      $   13,030 (a) $   13,241
                                       ========= =========  =========   ==========     ==========
  Asset valuation reserves            $  10,266 $    -    $     -      $   10,266     $        0
                                       ========= =========  =========   ==========     ==========

  Operating reserves                  $  19,874 $   5,709 $     -      $    6,704 (b) $   18,879
                                       ========= =========  =========   ==========     ==========

(a)  Amounts written off, net of recoveries.
(b)  Principally payments for environmental remediation, various injuries and damages, employee 
     medical expenses, and expenses in connection therewith. 

                                YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995
                                   (Thousands of Dollars)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Column A                                Column B         Column C            Column D      Column E

                                                       (1)         (2)

                                        Balance at  Charged to  to  other                  Balance
                                        beginning   costs and   accounts-    Deductions-   at end
Description                             of period   expenses    describe     describe      of period
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Reserves for uncollectible accounts $   12,778 $    12,722 $     -       $   14,933 (a)$   10,567
                                        =========   =========  =========     =========     =========
  Asset valuation reserves            $    8,684 $     1,582 $     -       $     -       $   10,266
                                        =========   =========  =========     =========     =========

  Operating reserves                  $   19,529 $     5,633 $     -       $    5,288 (b)$   19,874
                                        =========   =========  =========     =========     =========

(a)  Amounts written off, net of recoveries.
(b)  Principally payments for environmental remediation, various injuries and damages, employee 
     medical expenses, and expenses in connection therewith. 

                           PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE                      SCHEDULE II
                       VALUATION AND QUALIFYING ACCOUNTS AND RESERVES                   (Restated)
                                YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997
                                   (Thousands of Dollars)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Column A                                  Column B        Column C         Column D       Column E

                                                        (1)         (2)

                                                                Charged to
                                          Balance at Charged to   other                   Balance
                                          beginning  costs and  accounts-  Deductions-    at end
Description                               of period  expenses   describe   describe       of period
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Reserves for uncollectible accounts   $    1,700 $    3,259 $     -    $    3,257 (a) $    1,702
                                          =========  =========  =========  =========      =========


  Operating reserves                    $    7,265 $    1,647 $     -    $    1,124 (b) $    7,788
                                          =========  =========  =========  =========      =========

(a)  Amounts written off, net of recoveries.
(b)  Principally payments for environmental remediation, various injuries and damages, employee 
     medical expenses, and expenses in connection therewith. 

                           PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE                    SCHEDULE II
                   VALUATION AND QUALIFYING ACCOUNTS AND RESERVES                     (Restated)
                                      YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1996
                                              (Thousands of Dollars)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Column A                               Column B       Column C          Column D       Column E

                                                    (1)         (2)

                                      Balance at Charged to  to other                   Balance
                                      beginning  costs and   accounts-   Deductions-    at end
Description                           of period  expenses    describe    describe       of period
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Reserves for uncollectible accounts $   1,582 $   2,906 $     -      $    2,788 (a) $    1,700
                                       ========= =========  =========   ==========     ==========

  Operating reserves                  $   8,142     1,040 $     -      $    1,917 (b) $    7,265
                                       ========= =========  =========   ==========     ==========

(a)  Amounts written off, net of recoveries.
(b)  Principally payments for environmental remediation, various injuries and damages, employee 
     medical expenses, and expenses in connection therewith. 

                           PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE                       SCHEDULE II
                                YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995
                                   (Thousands of Dollars)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Column A                                Column B         Column C            Column D      Column E

                                                       (1)         (2)

                                        Balance at  Charged to  to other                    Balance
                                        beginning   costs and   accounts-    Deductions-    at end
Description                             of period   expenses    describe     describe       of period
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Reserves for uncollectible accounts $    2,015 $     2,454 $     -       $    2,887 (a)$    1,582
                                        =========   =========  =========     =========     =========

  Operating reserves                  $    5,113 $     3,668 $     -       $      639 (b)$    8,142
                                        =========   =========  =========     =========     =========

(a)  Amounts written off, net of recoveries.
(b)  Principally payments for environmental remediation, various injuries and damages, employee 
     medical expenses, and expenses in connection therewith. 


                       VALUATION AND QUALIFYING ACCOUNTS AND RESERVES                   (Restated)
                                YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997
                                   (Thousands of Dollars)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Column A                                  Column B        Column C         Column D       Column E

                                                        (1)         (2)

                                          Balance at Charged to  to other                 Balance
                                          beginning  costs and   accounts-  Deductions-   at end
Description                               of period  expenses    describe   describe      of period
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Reserves for uncollectible accounts   $    2,121 $    1,086 $     -    $    3,157 (a) $       50
                                          =========  =========  =========  =========      =========


  Operating reserves                    $    5,575 $    1,093 $     -    $    1,165 (b) $    5,503
                                          =========  =========  =========  =========      =========

(a)  Amounts written off, net of recoveries.          
(b)  Principally payments for environmental remediation, various injuries and damages, employee 
     medical expenses, and expenses in connection therewith. 

                             WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRIC COMPANY                   SCHEDULE II
                       VALUATION AND QUALIFYING ACCOUNTS AND RESERVES                 (Restated)
                                YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1996
                                   (Thousands of Dollars)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Column A                               Column B       Column C          Column D       Column E

                                                    (1)         (2)

                                      Balance at Charged to  to other                   Balance
                                      beginning  costs and   accounts-  Deductions-     at end
Description                           of period  expenses    describe   describe        of period
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Reserves for uncollectible accounts $   2,230 $   3,097 $     -      $    3,206 (a) $    2,121
                                       ========= =========  =========   ==========     ==========


  Operating reserves                  $   5,144 $   1,222 $     -      $      791 (b) $    5,575
                                       ========= =========  =========   ==========     ==========
(a)  Amounts written off, net of recoveries.
(b)  Principally payments for environmental remediation, various injuries and damages, employee 
     medical expenses, and expenses in connection therewith.

                          WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRIC COMPANY                         SCHEDULE II
                                YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995
                                   (Thousands of Dollars)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Column A                                Column B         Column C            Column D      Column E

                                                       (1)         (2)

                                        Balance at  Charged to  to other                    Balance
                                        beginning   costs and   accounts-    Deductions-    at end
Description                             of period   expenses    describe     describe       of period
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Reserves for uncollectible accounts $    2,032 $     2,836 $     -       $    2,638 (a)$    2,230
                                        =========   =========  =========     =========     =========


  Operating reserves                  $    4,674 $     1,340 $     -       $      870 (b)$    5,144
                                        =========   =========  =========     =========     =========
(a)  Amounts written off, net of recoveries.
(b)  Principally payments for environmental remediation, various injuries and damages, employee 
     medical expenses, and expenses in connection therewith. 

                               EXHIBIT INDEX

     Each document described below is incorporated by reference to the files of
the Securities and Exchange Commission, unless the reference to the document is
marked as follows:

     &  - Filed with the 1997 Annual Report on Form 10-K/A for NU and herein
     incorporated by reference from the 1997 NU Form 10-K/A, File No. 1-5324
     into the 1997 Annual Report on Form 10-K/A for CL&P, PSNH and WMECO.

     *  - Filed with the 1997 Annual Report on Form 10-K for NU and herein
     incorporated by reference from the 1997 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324 into
     the 1997 Annual Report on Form 10-K for CL&P, PSNH, WMECO and NAEC.

     #  - Filed with the 1997 Annual Report on Form 10-K for NU and herein
     incorporated by reference from the 1997 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324 into
     the 1997 Annual Report on Form 10-K for CL&P.

     @  - Filed with the 1997 Annual Report on Form 10-K for NU and herein
     incorporated by reference from the 1997 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324 into
     the 1997 Annual Report on Form 10-K for PSNH.

     ** - Filed with the 1997 Annual Report on Form 10-K for NU and herein
     incorporated by reference from the 1997 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324 into
     the 1997 Annual Report on Form 10-K for WMECO.

     ## - Filed with the 1997 Annual Report on Form 10-K for NU and herein
     incorporated by reference from the 1997 Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324 into the
     1997 Annual Report on Form 10-K for NAEC.

Number               Description

 3        Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws

          3.1   Northeast Utilities

                3.1.1   Declaration of Trust of NU, as amended through May 24,
                        1988. (Exhibit 3.1.1, 1988 NU Form 10-K, File No.

          3.2   The Connecticut Light and Power Company

                3.2.1   Certificate of Incorporation of CL&P, restated to March
                        22, 1994.  (Exhibit 3.2.1, 1993 NU Form 10-K, File No.

                3.2.2   Certificate of Amendment to Certificate of Incorporation
                        of CL&P, dated December 26, 1996. (Exhibit 3.2.2, 1996
                        NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

                3.2.3   By-laws of CL&P, as amended to January 1, 1997. (Exhibit
                        3.2.3, 1996 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

          3.3   Public Service Company of New Hampshire

                3.3.1   Articles of Incorporation, as amended to May 16, 1991.
                        (Exhibit 3.3.1, 1993 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

                3.3.2   By-laws of PSNH, as amended to November 1, 1993.
                        (Exhibit 3.3.2, 1993 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

          3.4   Western Massachusetts Electric Company

                3.4.1   Articles of Organization of WMECO, restated to February
                        23, 1995.  (Exhibit 3.4.1, 1994 NU Form 10-K, File No.

**              3.4.2   By-laws of WMECO, as amended to February 11, 1998.
          3.5   North Atlantic Energy Corporation

                3.5.1   Articles of Incorporation of NAEC dated September 20,
                        1991.  (Exhibit 3.5.1, 1993 NU Form 10-K, File No.

                3.5.2   Articles of Amendment dated October 16, 1991 and June 2,
                        1992 to Articles of Incorporation of NAEC. (Exhibit
                        3.5.2, 1993 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

                3.5.3   By-laws of NAEC, as amended to November 8, 1993.
                        (Exhibit 3.5.3, 1993 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

 4        Instruments defining the rights of security holders, including

          4.1   Northeast Utilities

                4.1.1   Indenture dated as of December 1, 1991 between Northeast
                        Utilities and IBJ Schroder Bank & Trust Company, with
                        respect to the issuance of Debt Securities.  (Exhibit
                        4.1.1, 1991 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

                4.1.2   First Supplemental Indenture dated as of December 1,
                        1991 between Northeast Utilities and IBJ Schroder Bank
                        & Trust Company, with respect to the issuance of Series
                        A Notes. (Exhibit 4.1.2, 1991 NU Form 10-K, File No.

                4.1.3   Second Supplemental Indenture dated as of March 1, 1992
                        between Northeast Utilities and IBJ Schroder Bank &
                        Trust Company with respect to the issuance of 8.38%
                        Amortizing Notes.  (Exhibit 4.1.3, 1992 NU Form 10-K,
                        File No. 1-5324)
                4.1.4   Credit Agreements among CL&P, NU, WMECO, NUSCO (as
                        Agent) and 3 Commercial Banks dated December 3, 1992
                        (Three-Year Facility). (Exhibit C.2.38, 1992 NU Form
                        U5S, File No. 30-246)

                4.1.5   Credit Agreements among CL&P, WMECO, NU, Holyoke Water
                        Power Company, RRR, NNECO and NUSCO (as Agent) and 1
                        commercial bank dated December 3, 1992 (Three-Year
                        Facility).  (Exhibit C.2.39, 1992 NU Form U5S, File No.

                4.1.6   Credit Agreement among NU, CL&P and WMECO and several
                        commercial banks, dated as of November 21, 1996.
                        (Exhibit No. B.1, File No. 70-8875)

                4.1.7   First Amendment and Waiver dated as of May 30, 1997 to
                        Credit Agreement dated as of November 21, 1996 among NU,
                        CL&P, WMECO, and the Co-Agents and Banks named therein.
                        (Exhibit B.4(a) (Execution Copy), File No. 70-8875)

                4.1.8   Credit Agreement dated as of February 10, 1998 among NU,
                        the Lenders named therein, and Toronto Dominion (Texas),
                        Inc., as Administrative Agent, TD Securities (USA) Inc.,
                        as Arranger. (Exhibit B.9 (Execution Copy), File No.

          4.2   The Connecticut Light and Power Company

                4.2.1   Indenture of Mortgage and Deed of Trust between CL&P and
                        Bankers Trust Company, Trustee, dated as of May 1, 1921.
                        (Composite including all twenty-four amendments to May
                        1, 1967.)  (Exhibit 4.1.1, 1989 NU Form 10-K, File No.

                        Supplemental Indentures to the Composite May 1, 1921
                        Indenture of Mortgage and Deed of Trust between CL&P and
                        Bankers Trust Company, dated as of:

                4.2.2   December 1, 1969. (Exhibit 4.20, File No. 2-60806)

                4.2.3   June 30, 1982. (Exhibit 4.33, File No. 2-79235)

                4.2.4   December 1, 1989. (Exhibit 4.1.26, 1989 NU Form 10-K,
                        File No. 1-5324)

                4.2.5   July 1, 1992. (Exhibit 4.31, File No. 33-59430)

                4.2.6   July 1, 1993. (Exhibit A.10(b),  File No. 70-8249)

                4.2.7   July 1, 1993. (Exhibit A.10(b),  File No. 70-8249)

                4.2.8   December 1, 1993. (Exhibit 4.2.14, 1993 NU Form 10-K,
                        File No. 1-5324)

                4.2.9   February 1, 1994. (Exhibit 4.2.15, 1993 NU Form 10-K,
                        File No. 1-5324)

                4.2.10  February 1, 1994. (Exhibit 4.2.16, 1993 NU Form 10-K,
                        File No. 1-5324)

                4.2.11  June 1, 1994. (Exhibit 4.2.15, 1994 NU Form 10-K, File
                        No. 1-5324)

                4.2.12  October 1, 1994. (Exhibit 4.2.16, 1994 NU Form 10-K,
                        File No. 1-5324)

                4.2.13  June 1, 1996. (Exhibit 4.2.16, 1996 NU Form 10-K, File
                        No. 1-5324)

                4.2.14  January 1, 1997. (Exhibit 4.2.17, 1996 NU Form 10-K,
                        File No. 1-5324

                4.2.15  May 1, 1997.   (Exhibit 4.19, File No. 333-30911)

                4.2.16  June 1, 1997. (Exhibit 4.20, File No. 333-30911)

#               4.2.17  June 1, 1997.

                4.2.18  Financing Agreement between Industrial Development
                        Authority of the State of New Hampshire and CL&P
                        (Pollution Control Bonds, 1986 Series) dated as of
                        December 1, 1986.  (Exhibit C.1.47, 1986 NU Form U5S,
                        File No. 30-246)

               Letter of Credit and Reimbursement Agreement
                                 (Pollution Control Bonds, 1986 Series) dated
                                 as of August 1, 1994.  (Exhibit 1 (Execution
                                 Copy), File No. 70-7320)

                4.2.19  Financing Agreement between Industrial Development
                        Authority of the State of New Hampshire and CL&P
                        (Pollution Control Bonds, 1988 Series) dated as of
                        October 1, 1988.  (Exhibit C.1.55, 1988 NU Form U5S,
                        File No. 30-246)

               Letter of Credit (Pollution Control Bonds,
                                 1988  Series) dated October 27, 1988.  (Exhibit
                       , 1995 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

               Reimbursement and Security Agreement
                                 (Pollution  Control Bonds, 1988 Series) dated
                                 as of October 1, 1988.  (Exhibit, 1995
                                 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

                4.2.20  Financing Agreement between Industrial Development
                        Authority of the State of New Hampshire and CL&P
                        (Pollution Control Bonds) dated as of December 1, 1989.
                        (Exhibit C.1.39, 1989 NU Form U5S, File No. 30-246)

                4.2.21  Loan and Trust Agreement among Business Finance
                        Authority of the State of New Hampshire, CL&P and the
                        Trustee (Pollution Control Bonds, 1992 Series A) dated
                        as of December 1, 1992.(Exhibit C.2.33, 1992 NU Form
                        U5S, File No. 30-246)

               Letter of Credit and Reimbursement Agreement
                                 (Pollution Control Bonds, 1992 Series A) dated
                                 as of December 1, 1992. (Exhibit, 1995
                                 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

                4.2.22  Loan Agreement between Connecticut Development Authority
                        and CL&P (Pollution Control Bonds - Series A, Tax Exempt
                        Refunding) dated as of September 1, 1993.  (Exhibit
                        4.2.21, 1993 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

               Letter of Credit and Reimbursement Agreement
                                 (Pollution Control Bonds - Series A, Tax Exempt
                                 Refunding) dated as of September 1, 1993.
                                 (Exhibit 4.2.23, 1993 NU Form 10-K, File No.

                4.2.23  Loan Agreement between Connecticut Development Authority
                        and CL&P (Pollution Control Bonds - Series B, Tax Exempt
                        Refunding) dated as of September 1, 1993.  (Exhibit
                        4.2.22, 1993 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

               Letter of Credit and Reimbursement Agreement
                                 (Pollution Control Bonds - Series B, Tax Exempt
                                 Refunding) dated as of September 1, 1993.
                                 (Exhibit 4.2.24, 1993 NU Form 10-K, File No.

                4.2.24  Amended and Restated Loan Agreement between Connecticut
                        Development Authority and CL&P (Pollution Control 
                        Revenue Bond - 1996A Series) dated as of May 1, 1996
                        and Amended and Restated as of January 1, 1997.  
                        (Exhibit 4.2.24, 1996 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

               Amended and Restated Indenture of Trust
                                 between Connecticut Development Authority and
                                 the Trustee (CL&P Pollution Control Revenue
                                 Bond-1996A Series), dated as of May 1, 1996 and
                                 Amended and Restated as of January 1, 1997.
                                 (Exhibit, 1996 NU Form 10-K, File No.

               Standby Bond Purchase Agreement among CL&P,
                                 Societe Generale, New York Branch and the
                                 Trustee, dated January 23, 1997. (Exhibit
                       , 1996 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

#              Amendment No. 1, dated January 21, 1998, to
                                 the Standby Bond Purchase Agreement, dated
                                 January 23, 1997.

               AMBAC Municipal Bond Insurance Policy issued
                                 by the Connecticut Development Authority (CL&P
                                 Pollution Control Revenue Bond-1996A Series),
                                 effective January 23, 1997.  (Exhibit,
                                 1996 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

                4.2.25  Amended and Restated Limited Partnership Agreement (CL&P
                        Capital, L.P.) among CL&P, NUSCO, and the persons who
                        became limited partners of CL&P Capital, L.P. in
                        accordance with the provisions thereof dated as of
                        January 23, 1995 (MIPS).  (Exhibit A.1 (Execution Copy),
                        File No. 70-8451)

                4.2.26  Indenture between CL&P and Bankers Trust Company,
                        Trustee (Series A Subordinated Debentures), dated as of
                        January 1, 1995 (MIPS).  (Exhibit B.1 (Execution Copy),
                        File No. 70-8451)

                4.2.27  Payment and Guaranty Agreement of CL&P dated as of
                        January 23, 1995 (MIPS).  (Exhibit B.3 (Execution Copy),
                        File No. 70-8451)

          4.3   Public Service Company of New Hampshire

                4.3.1   First Mortgage Indenture dated as of August 15, 1978
                        between PSNH and First Fidelity Bank, National
                        Association, New Jersey, Trustee, (Composite including
                        all amendments to May 16, 1991).  (Exhibit 4.4.1, 1992
                        NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

                Tenth Supplemental Indenture dated as of May 1,
                                 1991 between PSNH and First Fidelity Bank,
                                 National Association. (Exhibit 4.1, PSNH 
                                 Current Report on Form 8-K dated February 10,
                                 1992, File No. 1-6392).

                4.3.2   Revolving Credit Agreement, dated as of May 1, 1991
                        (includes a collateral mortgage). (Exhibit 4.12, PSNH
                        Current Report on Form 8-K, File No. 1-6392)

                Amended and Restated Revolving Credit
                                 Agreement, dated as of April 1, 1996
                                 (includes amendment to collateral
                                 mortgage). (Exhibit 4.3.2, 1996 NU Form 10-K,
                                 File No. 1-5324)

                4.3.3   Series A (Tax Exempt New Issue) PCRB Loan and Trust
                        Agreement dated as of May 1, 1991.  (Exhibit 4.2, PSNH
                        Current Report on Form 8-K dated February 10, 1992, File
                        No. 1-6392)

                4.3.4   Series B (Tax Exempt Refunding) PCRB Loan and Trust
                        Agreement dated as of May 1, 1991.  (Exhibit 4.3, PSNH
                        Current Report on Form 8-K dated February 10, 1992, File
                        No. 1-6392)

                4.3.5   Series C (Tax Exempt Refunding) PCRB Loan and Trust
                        Agreement dated as of May 1, 1991.  (Exhibit 4.4, PSNH
                        Current Report on Form 8-K dated February 10, 1992, File
                        No. 1-6392)

                4.3.6   Series D (Taxable New Issue) PCRB Loan and Trust
                        Agreement dated as of May 1, 1991.  (Exhibit 4.5, PSNH
                        Current Report on Form 8-K dated February 10, 1992, File
                        No. 1-6392)

                First Supplement to Series D (Tax Exempt
                                 Refunding Issue) PCRB Loan and Trust Agreement
                                 dated as of December 1, 1992. (Exhibit
                       , 1992 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

                Second Series D (May 1, 1991 Taxable New Issue
                                 and December 1, 1992 Tax Exempt Refunding
                                 Issue) PCRB Letter of Credit and Reimbursement
                                 Agreement dated as of May 1, 1995 (Exhibit B.4,
                                 Execution Copy, File No. 70-8036)

                4.3.7   Series E (Taxable New Issue) PCRB Loan and Trust
                        Agreement dated as of May 1, 1991.  (Exhibit 4.6, PSNH
                        Current Report on Form 8-K dated February 10, 1992, File
                        No. 1-6392)

                First Supplement to Series E (Tax Exempt
                                 Refunding Issue) PCRB Loan and Trust Agreement
                                 dated as of December 1, 1993. (Exhibit,
                                 1993 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

                Second Series E (May 1, 1991 Taxable New Issue
                                 and December 1, 1993 Tax Exempt Refunding
                                 Issue) PCRB Letter of Credit and Reimbursement
                                 Agreement dated as of May 1, 1995. (Exhibit
                                 B.5, (Execution Copy), File No. 70-8036)

          4.4   Western Massachusetts Electric Company

                4.4.1   First Mortgage Indenture and Deed of Trust between WMECO
                        and Old Colony Trust Company, Trustee, dated as of
                        August 1, 1954.  (Exhibit 4.4.1, 1993 NU Form 10-K, File
                        No. 1-5324)

                        Supplemental Indentures thereto dated as of:

                4.4.2   October 1, 1954.(Exhibit 4.2, File No. 33-51185)

**              4.4.3   March 1, 1967.

                4.4.4   July 1, 1973.  (Exhibit 2.10. File No. 2-68808)

                4.4.5   December 1, 1992. (Exhibit 4.15, File No. 33-55772)

                4.4.6   January 1, 1993. (Exhibit 4.5.13, 1992 NU Form 10-K,
                        File No. 1-5324)

                4.4.7   March 1, 1994. (Exhibit 4.4.11, 1993 NU Form 10-K, File
                        No. 1-5324)

                4.4.8   March 1, 1994. (Exhibit 4.4.12, 1993 NU Form 10-K, File
                        No. 1-5324)

                4.4.9   May 1, 1997. (Exhibit 4.11, File No. 33-51185)

**              4.4.10  July 1, 1997.

                4.4.11  Loan Agreement between Connecticut Development
                        Authority and WMECO, (Pollution Control Bonds -
                        Series A, Tax Exempt Refunding) dated as of
                        September 1, 1993.  (Exhibit 4.4.13, 1993 NU Form
                        10-K, File No. 1-5324)

               Letter of Credit and Reimbursement Agreement
                                 (Pollution Control Bonds - Series A, Tax Exempt
                                 Refunding) dated as of September 1, 1993.
                                 (Exhibit 4.4.14, 1993 NU Form 10-K, File No.

          4.5   North Atlantic Energy Corporation

                4.5.1   First Mortgage Indenture and Deed of Trust between NAEC
                        and United States Trust Company of New York, Trustee,
                        dated as of June 1, 1992.  (Exhibit 4.6.1, 1992 NU Form
                        10-K, File No. 1-5324)

                4.5.2   Term Credit Agreement dated as of November 9, 1995.
                        (Exhibit 4.5.2, 1995 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

10        Material Contracts

          10.1  Stockholder Agreement dated as of July 1, 1964 among the
                stockholders of Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company (CYAPC).
                (Exhibit 10.1, 1994 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

          10.2  Form of Power Contract dated as of July 1, 1964 between CYAPC
                and each of CL&P, HELCO, PSNH and WMECO.  (Exhibit 10.2, 1994
                NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

                10.2.1  Form of Additional Power Contract dated as of April 30,
                        1984, between CYAPC and each of CL&P, PSNH and WMECO.
                        (Exhibit 10.2.1, 1994 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

                10.2.2  Form of 1987 Supplementary Power Contract dated as of
                        April 1, 1987, between CYAPC and each of CL&P, PSNH and
                        WMECO.  (Exhibit 10.2.6, 1987 NU Form 10-K, File No.

          10.3  Capital Funds Agreement dated as of September 1, 1964 between
                CYAPC and CL&P, HELCO, PSNH and WMECO.  (Exhibit 10.3, 1994 NU
                Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

          10.4  Stockholder Agreement dated December 10, 1958 between Yankee
                Atomic Electric Company (YAEC) and CL&P, HELCO, PSNH and WMECO.
                (Exhibit 10.4, 1993 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

          10.5  Form of Amendment No. 3, dated as of April 1, 1985, to Power
                Contract between YAEC and each of CL&P, PSNH and WMECO,
                including a composite restatement of original Power Contract
                dated June 30, 1959 and Amendment No. 1 dated April 1, 1975 and
                Amendment No. 2 dated October 1, 1980.  (Exhibit 10.5, 1988 NU
                Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324.)

                10.5.1  Form of Amendment No. 4 to Power Contract, dated May 6,
                        1988, between YAEC and each of CL&P, PSNH and WMECO.
                        (Exhibit 10.5.1, 1989 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

                10.5.2  Form of Amendment No. 5 to Power Contract, dated June
                        26, 1989, between YAEC and each of CL&P, PSNH and WMECO.
                        (Exhibit 10.5.2, 1989 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

                10.5.3  Form of Amendment No. 6 to Power Contract, dated July
                        1,1989, between YAEC and each of CL&P, PSNH and WMECO.
                        (Exhibit 10.5.3, 1989 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

                10.5.4  Form of Amendment No. 7 to Power Contract, dated
                        February 1, 1992, between YAEC and each of CL&P, PSNH
                        and WMECO. (Exhibit 10.5.4, 1993 NU Form 10-K, File No.

          10.6  Stockholder Agreement dated as of May 20, 1968 among
                stockholders of MYAPC.
          10.7  Form of Power Contract dated as of May 20, 1968 between MYAPC
                and each of CL&P, HELCO, PSNH and WMECO.

                10.7.1  Form of Amendment No. 1 to Power Contract dated as of
                        March 1, 1983 between MYAPC and each of CL&P, PSNH and
                        WMECO. (Exhibit 10.7.1, 1993 NU Form 10-K, File No.

                10.7.2  Form of Amendment No. 2 to Power Contract dated as of
                        January 1, 1984 between MYAPC and each of CL&P, PSNH and
                        WMECO.  (Exhibit 10.7.2, 1993 NU Form 10-K, File No.

                10.7.3  Form of Amendment No. 3 to Power Contract dated as of
                        October 1, 1984 between MYAPC and each of CL&P, PSNH and
                        WMECO.  (Exhibit No. 10.7.3, 1994 NU Form 10-K, File No.

                10.7.4  Form of Additional Power Contract dated as of February
                        1, 1984 between MYAPC and each of CL&P, PSNH and WMECO.
                        (Exhibit 10.7.4, 1993 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

          10.8  Capital Funds Agreement dated as of May 20, 1968 between MYAPC
                and CL&P, PSNH, HELCO and WMECO.

                10.8.1  Amendment No. 1 to Capital Funds Agreement, dated as of
                        August 1, 1985, between MYAPC, CL&P, PSNH and WMECO.
                        (Exhibit No. 10.8.1, 1994 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

          10.9  Sponsor Agreement dated as of August 1, 1968 among the
                sponsors of Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation

          10.10 Form of Power Contract dated as of February 1, 1968 between
                VYNPC and each of CL&P, HELCO, PSNH and WMECO.

                10.10.1  Form of Amendment to Power Contract dated as of June 1,
                         1972 between VYNPC and each of CL&P, HELCO, PSNH and
                         WMECO. (Exhibit 5.22, File No. 2-47038)

                10.10.2  Form of Second Amendment to Power Contract dated as of
                         April 15, 1983 between VYNPC and each of CL&P, PSNH
                         and WMECO. (Exhibit 10.10.2, 1993 NU Form 10-K, File
                         No. 1-5324)

                10.10.3  Form of Third Amendment to Power Contract dated as of
                         April 24, 1985 between VYNPC and each of CL&P, PSNH
                         and WMECO. (Exhibit No. 10.10.3, 1994 NU Form 10-K,
                         File No. 1-5324)

                10.10.4  Form of Fourth Amendment to Power Contract dated as of
                         June 1, 1985 between VYNPC and each of CL&P, PSNH and
                         WMECO. (Exhibit No. 10.10.4, 1996 NU Form 10-K, File
                         No. 1-5324)

                10.10.5  Form of Fifth Amendment to Power Contract dated as of
                         May 6, 1988 between VYNPC and each of CL&P, PSNH and
                         WMECO. (Exhibit 10.10.5, 1990 NU Form 10-K, File No.

                10.10.6  Form of Sixth Amendment to Power Contract dated as of
                         May 6, 1988 between VYNPC and each of CL&P, PSNH and
                         WMECO. (Exhibit 10.10.6, 1990 NU Form 10-K, File No.

                10.10.7  Form of Seventh Amendment to Power Contract dated as
                         of June 15, 1989 between VYNPC and each of CL&P, PSNH
                         and WMECO. (Exhibit 10.10.7, 1990 NU Form 10-K, File
                         No. 1-5324)

                10.10.8  Form of Eighth Amendment to Power Contract dated as of
                         December 1, 1989 between VYNPC and each of CL&P, PSNH
                         and WMECO.  (Exhibit 10.10.8, 1990 NU Form 10-K, File
                         No. 1-5324)

                10.10.9  Form of Additional Power Contract dated as of February
                         1, 1984 between VYNPC and each of CL&P, PSNH and WMECO.
                         (Exhibit 10.10.9, 1993 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

      #@**10.11 Capital Funds Agreement dated as of February 1, 1968 between
                VYNPC and CL&P, HELCO, PSNH and WMECO.

            #@**10.11.1  Form of First Amendment to Capital Funds Agreement
                         dated as of March 12, 1968 between VYNPC and CL&P,
                         HELCO, PSNH and WMECO.

                10.11.2  Form of Second Amendment to Capital Funds Agreement
                         dated as of September 1, 1993 between VYNPC and CL&P,
                         HELCO, PSNH and WMECO.  (Exhibit 10.11.2, 1993 NU Form
                         10-K, File No. 1-5324)

          10.12 Amended and Restated Millstone Plant Agreement dated as of
                December 1, 1984 by and among CL&P, WMECO and Northeast Nuclear
                Energy Company (NNECO).  (Exhibit 10.12, 1994 NU Form 10-K,
                File No. 1-5324)

          10.13 Sharing Agreement dated as of September 1, 1973 with respect to
                1979 Connecticut nuclear generating unit (Millstone 3). (Exhibit
                6.43, File No. 2-50142)

                10.13.1  Amendment dated August 1, 1974 to Sharing Agreement -
                         1979 Connecticut Nuclear Unit.  (Exhibit 5.45, File No.

                10.13.2  Amendment dated December 15, 1975 to Sharing Agreement
                         - 1979 Connecticut Nuclear Unit.  (Exhibit 7.47, File
                         No. 2-60806)

                10.13.3  Amendment dated April 1, 1986 to Sharing Agreement -
                         1979 Connecticut Nuclear Unit.  (Exhibit 10.17.3, 1990
                         NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

          10.14 Agreement dated July 19, 1990, among NAESCO and Seabrook Joint
                owners with respect to operation of Seabrook. (Exhibit 10.53,
                1990 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

          10.15 Sharing Agreement between CL&P, WMECO, HP&E, HWP and PSNH dated
                as of June 1, 1992.  (Exhibit 10.17, 1992 NU Form 10-K, File
                No. 1-5324)

          10.16 Rate Agreement by and between NUSCO, on behalf of NU, and the
                Governor of the State of New Hampshire and the New Hampshire
                Attorney General dated as of November 22, 1989. (Exhibit 10.44,
                1989 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

                10.16.1  First Amendment to Rate Agreement dated as of December
                         5, 1989.  (Exhibit 10.16.1, 1995 NU Form 10-K, File No.

                10.16.2  Second Amendment to Rate Agreement dated as of December
                         12, 1989. (Exhibit 10.16.2, 1995 NU Form 10-K, File No.

                10.16.3  Third Amendment to Rate Agreement dated as of December
                         3, 1993. (Exhibit 10.16.3, 1995 NU Form 10-K, File No.

                10.16.4  Fourth Amendment to Rate Agreement dated as of
                         September 21, 1994. (Exhibit 10.16.4, 1995 NU Form
                         10-K, File No. 1-5324)

                10.16.5  Fifth Amendment to Rate Agreement dated as of September
                         9, 1994. (Exhibit 10.16.5, 1995 NU Form 10-K, File No.

          10.17 Form of Seabrook Power Contract between PSNH and NAEC, as
                amended and restated.  (Exhibit 10.45, NU 1992 Form 10-K, File
                No. 1-5324)

          10.18 Agreement (composite) for joint ownership, construction and
                operation of New Hampshire nuclear unit, as amended through the
                November 1, 1990 twenty-third amendment.  (Exhibit No. 10.17,
                1994 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

                10.18.1  Memorandum of Understanding dated November 7, 1988
                         between PSNH and Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale
                         Electric Company (Exhibit 10.17, PSNH 1989 Form 10-K,
                         File No. 1-6392)

                10.18.2  Agreement of Settlement among Joint Owners dated as of
                         January 13, 1989.  (Exhibit 10.13.21, 1988 NU Form
                         10-K, File No. 1-5324)

                 Supplement to Settlement Agreement, dated
                                    as of February 7, 1989, between PSNH and
                                    Central Maine Power Company.  (Exhibit
                                    10.18.1, PSNH 1989 Form 10-K, File No.

          10.19 Amended and Restated Agreement for Seabrook Project Disbursing
                Agent dated as of November 1, 1990.  (Exhibit 10.4.7, File No.

                10.19.1  Form of First Amendment to Exhibit 10.19. (Exhibit
                         10.4.8, File No. 33-35312)

                10.19.2  Form (Composite) of Second Amendment to Exhibit 10.19.
                         (Exhibit 10.18.2, 1993 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

          10.20 Agreement dated November 1, 1974 for Joint Ownership,
                Construction and Operation of William F. Wyman Unit No. 4 among
                PSNH, Central Maine Power Company and other utilities. (Exhibit
                5.16 , File No. 2-52900)

                10.20.1  Amendment to Exhibit 10.20 dated June 30, 1975.
                         (Exhibit 5.48, File No. 2-55458)

                10.20.2  Amendment to Exhibit 10.20 dated as of August 16, 1976.
                         (Exhibit 5.19, File No. 2-58251)

                10.20.3  Amendment to Exhibit 10.20 dated as of December 31,
                         1978. (Exhibit 5.10.3, File No. 2-64294)

          10.21 Form of Service Contract dated as of July 1, 1966 between each
                of NU, CL&P and WMECO and the Service Company.  (Exhibit 10.20,
                1993 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

                10.21.1  Service Contract dated as of June 5, 1992 between PSNH
                         and the Service Company.  (Exhibit 10.12.4, 1992 NU
                         Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

                10.21.2  Service Contract dated as of June 5, 1992 between NAEC
                         and the Service Company.  (Exhibit 10.12.5, 1992 NU
                         Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

                10.21.3  Form of Service Agreement dated as of June 29, 1992
                         between PSNH and North Atlantic Energy Service
                         Corporation, and the First Amendment thereto.
                         (Exhibits B.7 and B.7.1, File No. 70-7787)

                10.21.4  Form of Annual Renewal of Service Contract.  (Exhibit
                         10.20.3, 1993 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

          10.22 Memorandum of Understanding between CL&P, HELCO, HP&E, HWP and
                WMECO dated as of June 1, 1970 with respect to pooling of
                generation and transmission.  (Exhibit 13.32, File No. 2-38177)

                10.22.1  Amendment to Memorandum of Understanding between CL&P,
                         HELCO, HP&E, HWP and WMECO dated as of February 2,
                         1982 with respect to pooling of generation and
                         transmission.  (Exhibit 10.21.1, 1993 NU Form 10-K,
                         File No. 1-5324)

                10.22.2  Amendment to Memorandum of Understanding between CL&P,
                         HELCO, HP&E, HWP and WMECO dated as of January 1, 1984
                         with generation and transmission.  (Exhibit 10.21.2,
                         1994 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

          10.23 New England Power Pool Agreement effective as of November 1,
                1971, as amended to December 1, 1996.  (Exhibit 10.15, 1988 NU
                Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324.)

                10.23.1  Twenty-sixth Amendment to Exhibit 10.23 dated as of
                         March 15, 1989.  (Exhibit 10.15.1, 1990 NU Form 10-K,
                         File No. 1-5324)

                10.23.2  Twenty-seventh Amendment to Exhibit 10.23 dated as of
                         October 1, 1990.  (Exhibit 10.15.2, 1991 NU Form 10-K,
                         File No. 1-5324)

                10.23.3  Twenty-eighth Amendment to Exhibit 10.23 dated as of
                         September 15, 1992.  (Exhibit 10.18.3, 1992 NU Form
                         10-K, File No. 1-5324)

                10.23.4  Twenty-ninth Amendment to Exhibit 10.23 dated as of
                         May 1, 1993.  (Exhibit 10.22.4, 1993 NU Form 10-K,
                         File No. 1-5324)

                10.23.5  Thirty-second Amendment (Amendments 30 and 31 were
                         withdrawn) to Exhibit 10.23 dated as of September 1,
                         1995. (Exhibit 10.23.5, 1995 NU Form 10-K, File No.

                10.23.6  Thirty-third Amendment to Exhibit 10.23 dated as of
                         December 31, 1996 and Form of Interim Independent
                         System Operator (ISO) Agreement.  (Exhibit 10.23.6,
                         1996 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

          10.24 Agreements among New England Utilities with respect to the
                Hydro-Quebec interconnection projects.  (See Exhibits 10(u)
                and 10(v); 10(w), 10(x), and 10(y), 1990 and 1988, respectively,
                Form 10-K of New England Electric System, File No. 1-3446.)

          10.25 Trust Agreement dated February 11, 1992, between State Street
                Bank and Trust Company of Connecticut, as Trustor, and Bankers
                Trust Company, as Trustee, and CL&P and WMECO, with respect to
                NBFT.  (Exhibit 10.23, 1991 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

                10.25.1  Nuclear Fuel Lease Agreement dated as of February 11,
                         1992, between Bankers Trust Company, Trustee, as
                         Lessor, and CL&P and WMECO, as Lessees.  (Exhibit
                         10.23.1, 1991 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

          10.26 Simulator Financing Lease Agreement, dated as of February 1,
                1985, by and between ComPlan and NNECO.  (Exhibit 10.25, 1994
                NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

          10.27 Simulator Financing Lease Agreement, dated as of May 2, 1985,
                by and between The Prudential Insurance Company of America and
                NNECO. (Exhibit No. 10.26, 1994 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

          10.28 Lease dated as of April 14, 1992 between The Rocky River Realty
                Company (RRR) and Northeast Utilities Service Company (NUSCO)
                with respect to the Berlin, Connecticut headquarters (office
                lease). (Exhibit 10.29, 1992 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

                10.28.1  Lease dated as of April 14, 1992 between RRR and NUSCO
                         with respect to the Berlin, Connecticut headquarters
                         (project lease).  (Exhibit 10.29.1, 1992 NU Form 10-K,
                         File No. 1-5324)

          10.29 Millstone Technical Building Note Agreement dated as of
                December 21, 1993 between, by and between The Prudential
                Insurance Company of America and NNECO.  (Exhibit 10.28,
                1993 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

          10.30 Lease and Agreement, dated as of December 15, 1988, by and
                between WMECO and Bank of New England, N.A., with BNE Realty
                Leasing Corporation of North Carolina.  (Exhibit 10.63, 1988
                NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324.)

          10.31 Note Agreement dated April 14, 1992, by and between The Rocky
                River Realty Company (RRR) and Purchasers named therein
                (Connecticut General Life Insurance Company, Life Insurance
                Company of North America, INA Life Insurance Company of New
                York, Life Insurance Company of Georgia), with respect to RRR's
                sale of $15 million of guaranteed senior secured notes due 2007
                and $28 million of guaranteed senior secured notes due 2017.
                (Exhibit 10.52, 1992 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

*               10.31.1  Amendment to Note Agreement, dated September 26, 1997.

                10.31.2  Note Guaranty dated April 14, 1992 by Northeast
                         Utilities pursuant to Note Agreement dated April 14,
                         1992 between RRR and Note Purchasers, for the benefit
                         of The Connecticut National Bank as Trustee, the
                         Purchasers and the owners of the notes.  (Exhibit
                         10.52.1, 1992 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

*                Extension of Note Guaranty, dated September
                                    26, 1997.

                10.31.3  Assignment of Leases, Rents and Profits, Security
                         Agreement and Negative Pledge, dated as of April 14,
                         1992 among RRR, NUSCO and The Connecticut National
                         Bank as Trustee, securing notes sold by RRR pursuant
                         to April 14, 1992 Note Agreement. (Exhibit 10.52.2,
                         1992 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

*                Modification of and Confirmation of
                                    Assignment of Leases, Rents and Profits,
                                    Security Agreement and Negative Pledge,
                                    dated as of September 26, 1997.

*               10.31.4  Purchase and Sale Agreement, dated July 28, 1997 by
                         and between RRR and the Sellers and Purchasers named

*               10.31.5  Purchase and Sale Agreement, dated September 26, 1997
                         by and between RRR and the Purchaser named therein.

          10.32 Master Trust Agreement dated as of September 2, 1986 between
                CL&P and WMECO and Colonial Bank as Trustee, with respect to
                reserve funds for Millstone 1 decommissioning costs.  (Exhibit
                No. 10.32, 1996 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

                10.32.1  Notice of Appointment of Mellon Bank, N.A. as Successor
                         Trustee, dated November 20, 1990, and Acceptance of
                         Appointment.  (Exhibit 10.41.1, 1992 NU Form 10-K,
                         File No. 1-5324)

          10.33 Master Trust Agreement dated as of September 2, 1986 between
                CL&P and WMECO and Colonial Bank as Trustee, with respect to
                reserve funds for Millstone 2 decommissioning costs. (Exhibit
                No. 10.33, 1996 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

                10.33.1  Notice of Appointment of Mellon Bank, N.A. as Successor
                         Trustee, dated November 20, 1990, and Acceptance of
                         Appointment.  (Exhibit 10.42.1, 1992 NU Form 10-K, File
                         No. 1-5324)

          10.34 Master Trust Agreement dated as of April 23, 1986 between CL&P
                and WMECO and Colonial Bank as Trustee, with respect to reserve
                funds for Millstone 3 decommissioning costs. (Exhibit No. 10.34,
                1996 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

                10.34.1  Notice of Appointment of Mellon Bank, N.A. as Successor
                         Trustee, dated November 20, 1990, and Acceptance of
                         Appointment.  (Exhibit 10.43.1, 1992 NU Form 10-K, File
                         No. 1-5324)

          10.35 NU Executive Incentive Plan, effective as of January 1, 1991.
                (Exhibit 10.44, NU 1991 Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

          10.36 Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan for Officers of NU System
                Companies, Amended and Restated effective as of January 1, 1992.
                (Exhibit 10.45.1, NU Form 10-Q for the Quarter Ended June 30,
                1992, File No. 1-5324)

                10.36.1  Amendment 1 to Exhibit 10.36, effective as of August 1,
                         1993.  (Exhibit 10.35.1, 1993 NU Form 10-K, File No.

                10.36.2  Amendment 2 to Exhibit 10.36, effective as of
                         January 1, 1994.  (Exhibit 10.35.2, 1993 NU Form 10-K,
                         File No. 1-5324)

                10.36.3  Amendment 3 to Exhibit 10.36, effective as of January
                         1, 1996.  (Exhibit 10.36.3, 1995 NU Form 10-K, File No.

          10.37 Special Severance Program for Officers of NU System Companies,
                as adopted on June 9, 1997. (Exhibit No. 10.33, File No.

          10.38 Loan Agreement dated as of December 2, 1991, by and between NU
                and Mellon Bank, N.A., as Trustee, with respect to NU's loan of
                $175 million to an ESOP Trust.  (Exhibit 10.46, NU 1991 Form
                10-K, File No. 1-5324)

                10.38.1  First Amendment to Exhibit 10.37 dated February 7,
                         1992. (Exhibit 10.36.1, 1993 NU Form 10-K, File No.

                10.38.2  Loan Agreement dated as of March 19, 1992 by and
                         between NU and Mellon Bank, N.A., as Trustee, with
                         respect to NU's loan of $75 million to the ESOP Trust.
                         (Exhibit 10.49.1, 1992 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

                10.38.3  Second Amendment to Exhibit 10.37 dated April 9, 1992.
                         (Exhibit 10.36.3, 1993 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

*         10.39 Employment Agreement with Michael G. Morris.

          10.40 Transition and Retirement Agreement with Bernard M. Fox.
                (Exhibit 10.39, 1996 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

          10.41 Employment Agreement with Bruce M. Kenyon.  (Exhibit 10.40,
                1996 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

          10.42 Employment Agreement with John H. Forsgren.  (Exhibit 10.41,
                1996 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

          10.43 Employment Agreement with Hugh C. MacKenzie.  (Exhibit 10.42,
                1996 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

*         10.44 Employment Agreement with Robert P. Wax.

          10.45 Northeast Utilities Deferred Compensation Plan for Trustees,
                Amended and Restated December 13, 1994.  (Exhibit 10.39, 1995 NU
                Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

          10.46 Deferred Compensation Plan for Officers of Northeast Utilities
                System Companies adopted September 23, 1986.  (Exhibit 10.40,
                1995 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

          10.47 Northeast Utilities Deferred Compensation Plan for Executives,
                adopted January 13, 1998.  (Exhibit A.5, File No. 70-09185)

          10.48 Reciprocal Support Agreement Among NNECO, NAESCO, CYAPC, YAEC
                and NUSCO dated January 1, 1996.  (Exhibit 10.41, 1995 NU Form
                10K, File No. 1-5324)

#         10.49 Receivables Purchase and Sale Agreement (CL&P and CL&P
                Receivables Corporation), dated as of September 30, 1997.

#               10.49.1  Purchase and Contribution Agreement (CL&P and CL&P
                         Receivables Corporation), dated as of September 30,

**        10.50 Receivables Purchase Agreement (WMECO and WMECO Receivables
                Corporation), dated as of May 22, 1997.

**              10.50.1  Purchase and Sale Agreement (WMECO and WMECO
                         Receivables Corporation), dated as of May 22, 1997.

          10.51 Master Lease Agreement between General Electric Capital
                Corporation and CL&P, dated as of June 21, 1996.  (Exhibit
                10.50, 1996 NU Form 10-K, File No. 1-5324)

#               10.51.1  Amendment No. 1 to Master Lease Agreement, dated as of
                         August 29, 1997.

13        Annual Report to Security Holders  (Each of the Annual Reports is
          filed only with the Form 10-K/A of that respective registrant.)

&         13.1 Amended Annual Report to Shareholders of NU.

&         13.2 Amended Annual Report of CL&P.

&         13.3 Amended Annual Report of WMECO.

&         13.4 Amended Annual Report of PSNH.

*21       Subsidiaries of the Registrant.

27      Amended Financial Data Schedules (Each Financial Data Schedule is
          filed only with the Form 10-K/A of that respective registrant.)

&         27.1 Amended Financial Data Schedule of NU.

&         27.2 Amended Financial Data Schedule of CL&P.

&         27.3 Amended Financial Data Schedule of WMECO.

&         27.4 Amended Financial Data Schedule of PSNH.