(a Wisconsin corporation)

			  (as amended February 2, 2000)

				   ARTICLE I.

			  Meetings of the Shareholders

     Section  1.       Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the shareholders of
the Company shall be held at the office of the Company in Eau Claire, Wisconsin,
at  10 o'clock in the forenoon on the first Wednesday after the first Tuesday in
May  in  each  year, if not a legal holiday, and if a legal holiday, then on the
next  succeeding  day not a legal holiday, for the purpose of electing Directors
and  for  the  transaction  of  such other business as may be brought before the
meeting.  If  for  any  reason  the annual meeting shall not be held at the time
herein  provided for, the same may be held at any time thereafter upon notice as
hereinafter  provided,  or the business thereof may be transacted at any special
meeting  called  for  that  purpose.

     Section  2.      Special Meetings.  Special meetings of the shareholders of
the  Company  may  be called by the Chairman of the Board, the President or Vice
President or by order of the Board of Directors whenever they deem it necessary.
The  corporation  shall call a special meeting of shareholders if the holders of
at  least  10  percent  of  all  of  the  votes entitled to be cast on any issue
proposed to be considered at the proposed special meeting sign, date and deliver
to the corporation one or more written demands for the meeting describing one or
more  purposes  for which it is to be held. The corporation shall give notice of
such a special meeting within thirty (30) days after the date that the demand is
delivered  to the corporation. Such special meetings shall be held at the office
of  the  Company  in  the  City of Eau Claire, Wisconsin, or at any other lawful
place  within  the  State  of  Wisconsin,  as may be stated in the notice of the

     Section  3.         Notice of Meetings. Notice of the time and place of the
annual  and  of  each  special  meeting  of  shareholders  shall be given by the
Secretary,  at  least  ten days before such meeting, to each of the shareholders
entitled  to  vote  at  such  meeting,  by  posting the same m a postage-prepaid
letter,  addressed  to  each  such


shareholder  at  the  address  left with the Secretary of the Company, or at his
last  known  address,  or  by  delivering the same personally. The notice of the
special  meeting  shall also set forth the objects of the meeting. Any or all of
the  shareholders  may  waive  notice  of any annual or special meeting, and the
presence of any shareholder in person or by proxy at any meeting shall be deemed
a  waiver of notice thereof by him. Meetings of the holders of stock may be held
at  any  time  and  place  and  for  any  purpose without notice when all of the
shareholders  entitled to vote at such meeting are present in person or by proxy
or  shall  waive  notice  and  consent  to  the  holding  of  such  meeting.

     Section  4.        Voting at Shareholders' Meetings. At all meetings of the
shareholders,  each  shareholder  entitled  to  vote  at  each  meeting shall be
entitled  to one vote for each share of stock standing registered in his name at
the  time  of  the  closing  of  the transfer books for such meeting, or if such
transfer books shall not have been closed, then for each share of stock standing
registered  in  his  name  at  the time of such meeting, which vote may be given
personally  or  by  proxy  authorized  in  writing.

     Section  5.     Quorum and Voting Requirements. Shares may take action on a
matter  at  a meeting only if a quorum of the shares exists. Except as otherwise
provided  in the Articles of Incorporation or the Wisconsin Business Corporation
Law,  a  majority  of  the shares shall constitute a quorum. If a quorum exists,
except  in  the  case  of the election of directors, action on a matter shall be
approved  if  the  votes cast favoring the action exceed the votes cast opposing
the  action.  Each director shall be elected by a plurality of the votes cast by
the  shares  at  a  meeting  at  which  a quorum is present. In any case, in the
absence  of  a quorum, the shareholders attending or represented at the time and
place  at  which  a meeting shall have been called may adjourn such meeting from
time  to  time  and  place  to place until a quorum shall be present, and at any
adjourned  meeting  at  which  a  quorum  shall  be  present any business may be
transacted  which  might have been transacted by a quorum of the shareholders at
the  meeting  as  originally  convened.

     Section  6.      Presiding Officer and Secretary. The Chairman of the Board
shall  preside  at  all  meetings  of  the  shareholders,  and in his absence or
disability  or at his request the President shall preside, and in the absence or
disability  of  both said officers a Vice President shall preside. The Secretary
or  Assistant Secretary of the Company shall act as Secretary at all meetings of
the shareholders, but in their absence the shareholders or presiding officer may
appoint  any  person  to  act  as


Secretary  of  the  meeting.

				   ARTICLE II.

			       Board of Directors

     Section  1.          Number,  Qualification  and  Vacancies.

Par.  1.          The  business and property of the Company shall be managed and
controlled by a Board composed of three (3) Directors, which may be increased to
such  greater number, not exceeding seven (7), as may be determined by the Board
of  Directors  or  by the shareholders in accordance with the provisions of this
Article.  The number of directors shall be determined by the Board of Directors,
and  if  the  Board  fails  to  make  such  determination then the number may be
determined  by  the  shareholders.

Par.  2.       A Director shall hold office until the next annual meeting of the
shareholders  and  until  his  successor  is  elected  and  qualified.

Par. 3.     During the intervals between annual meetings the number of Directors
may be increased, and may be decreased by the number of vacancies then existing,
by  the Board of Directors, within the limitations of Section 1, Par. 1, of this
Article,  and  in  case of any such increase the Board may fill the vacancies so

Par.  4.      Vacancies in the Board of Directors may be filled by the remaining
members  of  the  Board  though  less  than  a  quorum.

     Section  2.     Place of Meeting. Any meeting of the Board of Directors may
be  held  at the principal office of the Company in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, or at
any  office  of  the Company which is hereby established in the City of Chicago,
Illinois,  or  at any other place within or without the State of Wisconsin which
may  be  from  time  to time established by the By-Laws of the corporation or by
resolution  of  the  Board,  or  which  may  be  agreed to in writing by all the
Directors  of  the  corporation.

     Section  3.       Regular and Special Meetings. A regular annual meeting of
the Board of Directors shall be held at the office of the Company in the City of


Claire, Wisconsin, immediately following the holding of the annual shareholders'
meeting  in  each year, for the election of officers and the transaction of such
other  business  as  may  come before the meeting. Other regular meetings of the
Board  may  be held at such times and places, either within or without the State
of  Wisconsin  as  the  Board  of  Directors may by resolution from time to time
determine.  Special  meetings  of the Board shall be held whenever called by the
Chairman of the Board, President, Vice President, Secretary or any two Directors
in  writing. No notice of the annual meeting or of regular meetings of the Board
need  be  given. Notice of each special meeting shall be delivered personally to
each  Director,  or mailed to him or sent by telegraph to his residence or usual
place  of  business  at least two days before the meeting. Meetings of the Board
may  be  held  at  any  time  and  place  either  within or without the State of
Wisconsin,  and  for  any purpose, without notice, when all of the Directors are
present at or shall waive notice and consent to the holding of such meeting. All
or  any  of  the Directors may waive notice of any meeting and the presence of a
Director  at any meeting of the Board shall be deemed a waiver of notice thereof
by  him.

     Section  4.      Quorum. A majority of the Directors in office at a meeting
regularly  called  shall  constitute  a  quorum.  In the absence of a quorum the
Directors  present at the time and place at which a meeting shall have been duly
called  may  adjourn  the  meeting  from time to time and place to place until a
quorum  shall  be  present.

     Section  5.          Compensation. The Board of Directors may by resolution
establish  a  fixed  fee  and  authorize  payment  of  expenses  for services as
Director,  with  an  additional  fee and expenses for attendance at each special
meeting.  Nothing  herein  contained shall be construed to preclude any Director
from  serving  the  corporation  in  any  other capacity as an officer, agent or
otherwise,  and  receiving  compensation  therefor.

     Section 6.     Members of the executive, special or standing committees may
be  allowed  like compensation as for special meetings of the Board of Directors
for  attending  committee  meetings.

     Section  7.          Indemnification.


Par.  1.       Certain Definitions. All capitalized terms used in this Section 7
and  not otherwise hereinafter defined in this Par. 1 shall have the meaning set
forth  in  Section  180.0850  of  the  Statute.  The following capitalized terms
(including  any plural forms thereof) used in this Section 7 shall be defined as

     (a)         "Affiliate" shall include, without limitation, any corporation,
partnership,  joint  venture,  employee benefit plan, trust, or other enterprise
that  directly  or  indirectly  through one or more intermediaries, controls, is
controlled  by,  or  is  under  common  control  with,  the  Company.

     (b)          "Authority"  shall mean the entity selected by the Director or
Officer  to  determine  his  or her right to indemnification pursuant to Par. 4.

     (c)         "Board" shall mean the entire then elected and serving Board of
Directors  of  the Company, including all members thereof who are Parties to the
subject  Proceeding  or  any  related  Proceeding.

     (d)         "Breach of Duty" shall mean the Director or Officer breached or
failed  to  perform his or her duties to the Company and his or her breach of or
failure  to  perform  those  duties is determined, in accordance with Par. 4, to
constitute  misconduct  under  Section  180.0851(2)  (a)  1,  2,  3, or 4 of the

     (e)          "Company,"  as  used  herein and as defined in the Statute and
incorporated  by  reference  into  the  definitions of certain other capitalized
terms  used herein, shall mean Northern States Power Company, including, without
limitation, any successor corporation or entity to Northern States Power Company
by  way of merger, share exchange, or acquisition of all or substantially all of
the  capital  stock  or  assets  of  Northern  States  Power  Company.

     (f)          "Director  or Officer" shall have the meaning set forth in the
Statute;  provided,  that,  for  purposes  of  this  Section  7,  it  shall  be
conclusively  presumed  that  any  Director  or  Officer  serving as a director,
officer,  partner,  trustee,  member  of  any  governing  or  decision-making


committee, employee, or agent of an Affiliate shall be so serving at the request
of  the  Company.

     (g)     "Disinterested Quorum" shall mean a quorum of the Board who are not
Parties  to  the  subject  Proceeding  or  any  related  Proceeding.

     (h)      "Party" shall have the meaning set forth in the Statute; provided,
that,  for  purposes  of this Section 7, the term 'Party" shall also include any
Director or Officer who is or was a witness in a Proceeding at a time when he or
she  has  not  otherwise  been  formally  named  a  Party  thereto.

     (i)          "Proceeding"  shall have the meaning set forth in the Statute;
provided, that, for purposes of this Section 7, the term "Proceeding" shall also
include  all  Proceedings (i) brought under (in whole or in part) the Securities
Act  of 1933, as amended, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, their
respective  state  counterparts, and/or any rule or regulation promulgated under
any  of  the foregoing; (ii) brought before an Authority or otherwise to enforce
rights hereunder; (iii) any appeal from a Proceeding; and (iv) any Proceeding in
which  the Director or Officer is a plaintiff or petitioner because he or she is
a  Director  or  Officer;  provided,  however,  that  any  such Proceeding under
subsection  (iv)  is  authorized  by  a majority vote of a Disinterested Quorum.

     (j)     "Statute" shall mean Sections 180.0850 through 180.0859, inclusive,
of  the  Wisconsin Business Corporation Law, in effect, including any amendments
thereto,  but,  in  the  case  of  any  such  amendment, only to the extent such
amendment  permits  or  requires  the Company to provide broader indemnification
rights  than  the  Statute permitted or required the Company to provide prior to
such  amendment.

Par.  2.          Mandatory  Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted or
required  by  the  Statute,  the  Company  shall indemnify a Director or Officer
against  all Liabilities incurred by or on behalf of such Director or Officer in
connection with a Proceeding in which the Director or Officer is a Party because
he  or  she  is  a  Director  or  Officer.

Par.  3.          Procedural  Requirements.


     (a)      A Director or Officer who seeks indemnification under Par. 2 shall
make  a  written  request  therefor to the Company. Subject to Par. 3(b), within
sixty  (60) days of the Company's receipt of such request, the Company shall pay
or  reimburse  the  Director  or  Officer  for  the entire amount of Liabilities
incurred  by  the  Director or Officer in connection with the subject Proceeding
(net  of  any  Expenses  previously  advanced  pursuant  to  Par.  5).

     (b)          No  indemnification  shall  be  required  to  be  paid  by the
Company  pursuant  to  Par.  2  if,  within  such  sixty  (60) day period, (i) a
Disinterested  Quorum,  by a majority vote thereof, determines that the Director
or  Officer  requesting  indemnification  engaged  in  misconduct constituting a
Breach  of  duty  or  (ii)  a  Disinterested  Quorum  cannot  be  obtained.

     (c)     In either case of nonpayment pursuant to Par. 3(b), the Board shall
immediately  authorize  by  resolution that an Authority, as provided in Par. 4,
determine  whether  the  Director's or Officer's conduct constituted a Breach of
Duty  and,  therefore,  whether  indemnification  should  be  denied  hereunder.

     (d)       (i) If the Board does not authorize an Authority to determine the
Director's  or  Officer's  right  to indemnification hereunder within such sixty
(60)  day  period  and/or  (ii)  if  indemnification  of the requested amount of
Liabilities  is  paid by the Company, then it shall be conclusively presumed for
all  purposes  that a Disinterested Quorum has affirmatively determined that the
Director  or  Officer did not engage in misconduct constituting a Breach of Duty
and,  in  the  case  of  subsection  (i)  above  (but  not  subsection  (ii)),
indemnification  by  the Company of the requested amount of Liabilities shall be
paid  to  the  Director  or  Officer  immediately.

Par.  4.          Determination  of  Indemnification.
		  -----------------  ---------------

     (a)       If the Board authorizes an Authority to determine a Director's or
Officer's  right  to  indemnification  pursuant  to Par. 3, then the Director or
Officer  requesting  indemnification  shall  have  the  absolute  discretionary
authority  to  select  one  of  the  following  as  such  Authority.


     (i)      An independent legal counsel; provided, that such counsel shall be
mutually  selected  by  such  Director  or  Officer  and by a majority vote of a
Disinterested Quorum or, if a Disinterested Quorum cannot be obtained, then by a
majority  vote  of  the  Board;

     (ii)          A  panel of three (3) arbitrators selected from the panels of
arbitrators  of  the  American Arbitration Association in Eau Claire, Wisconsin;
provided, that (A) one arbitrator shall be selected by such Director or Officer,
the second arbitrator shall be selected by a majority vote of the Board, and the
third  arbitrator  shall  be  selected  by  the  two  (2)  previously  selected
arbitrators,  and (B) in all other respects, such panel shall be governed by the
American  Arbitration  Association's then existing Commercial Arbitration Rules;

(iii)          A  court  pursuant  to  and  in  accordance
     with  Section  180.0854  of  the  Statute.

     (b)         In any such determination by the selected Authority there shall
exist  a rebuttable presumption that the Director's or Officer's conduct did not
constitute  a  Breach  of  Duty  and  that indemnification against the requested
amount of Liabilities is required. The burden of rebutting such a presumption by
clear  and  convincing  evidence  shall  be  on  the Company or such other party
asserting  that  such  indemnification  should  not  be  allowed.

     (c)       The Authority shall make its determination within sixty (60) days
of  being  selected  and  shall  submit  a  written  opinion  of  its conclusion
simultaneously  to  both  the  Company  and  the  Director  or  Officer.

     (d)          If  the  Authority determines that indemnification is required
hereunder, the Company shall pay the entire requested amount of Liabilities (net
of  any  Expenses  previously  advanced  pursuant to Par. 5), including interest
thereon  at  a  reasonable rate, as determined by the Authority, within ten (10)
days  of receipt of the Authority's opinion; provided, that, if it is determined
by the Authority that a Director or Officer is entitled to indemnification as to
some claims, issues, or matters, but not as to other claims, issues, or matters,
involved  in  the  subject  Proceeding, the Company shall be required to pay (as


set  forth above) only the amount of such requested Liabilities as the Authority
shall  deem appropriate in light of all of the circumstances of such Proceeding.

     (e)     The determination by the Authority that indemnification is required
hereunder  shall  be  binding  upon  the  company  regardless  of  any  prior
determination  that  the  Director  or  Officer  engaged  in  a  Breach of Duty.

     (f)      All Expenses incurred in the determination process under this Par.
4  by  either  the  Company  or  the  Director  or  Officer,  including, without
limitation,  all  Expenses  of  the  selected  Authority,  shall  be paid by the

Par.  5.          Mandatory  Allowance  of  Expenses.

     (a)      The Company shall pay or reimburse, within ten (10) days after the
receipt  of the Director's or Officer's written request therefor, the reasonable
Expenses  of the Director or Officer as such Expenses are incurred; provided the
following  conditions  are  satisfied:

     (i)          The  Director  or Officer furnishes to the Company an executed
written  certificate  affirming  his or her good faith belief that he or she has
not  engaged  in  misconduct  which  constitutes  a  Breach  of  Duty;  and

     (ii)          The Director or Officer furnishes to the Company an unsecured
executed  written  agreement to repay any advances made under this Par. 5, if it
is  ultimately  determined  by an Authority that he or she is not entitled to be
indemnified  by  the  Company  for  such  Expenses  pursuant  to  Par.  4.

     (b)          If  the Director or Officer must repay any previously advanced
Expenses pursuant to this Par. 5, such Director or Officer shall not be required
to  pay  interest  on  such  amounts.

Par.  6.      Indemnification and Allowance of Expenses of Employees and Agents.

- ------


     (a)     The Company shall indemnify an employee of the Company who is not a
Director  or  Officer,  to  the extent that he or she has been successful on the
merits  or  otherwise  in  defense  of a Proceeding, for all reasonable Expenses
incurred  in the Proceeding if the employee was a Party because he or she was an
employee  of  the  Company.

     (b)      The Company shall indemnify any person who was or is a Party or is
threatened.  to  be  made  a  Party  to  any  threatened,  pending, or completed
Proceeding, other than an action by or in the right of the Company, by reason of
the  fact that he or she is or was an employee or agent of the Company, or is or
was  serving  at the request of the Company as a director, officer, employee, or
agent  of  another  corporation,  partnership,  joint  venture,  trust, or other
enterprise, against Liabilities and Expenses actually and reasonably incurred by
him  or  her  in connection with the Proceeding if he or she acted in good faith
and  in  a  manner  he or she reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the
best interests of the company, and, with respect to any criminal Proceeding, had
no  reasonable cause to believe his or her conduct was unlawful. The termination
of  any Proceeding by judgment, order, settlement, conviction, or upon a plea of
nolo  contendere  or  its equivalent, shall not, of itself, create a presumption
that  the  person  did  not  act  in  good faith and in a manner which he or she
reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best interest of the Company,
and,  with  respect  to any criminal Proceeding, had reasonable cause to believe
that  his  or  her  conduct  was  unlawful.

     (c)      The Company shall indemnify any person who was or is a Party or is
threatened  to  be  made  a  Party  to  any  threatened,  pending,  or completed
Proceeding, by or in the right of the Company to procure a judgment in its favor
by  reason  of  the  fact  that  he or she is or was an employee or agent of the
Company,  or  is  or  was  serving  at the request of the Company as a director,
officer,  employee, or agent of another corporation, partnership, joint venture,
trust, or other enterprise, against Expenses actually and reasonably incurred by
him  or her in connection with the defense or settlement of the Proceeding if he
or  she  acted in good faith and in a manner he or she reasonably believed to be
in  or  not  opposed  to  the  best  interest  of  the  Company,  except that no
indemnification  shall  be  made in respect to any claim, issue, or matter as to
which  such  person  shall  have  been  adjudged  to be liable for negligence or
misconduct  in  the  performance  of  his  or  her  duty  to  the


Company,  unless  and only to the extent that the court in which such Proceeding
was  brought shall determine upon application, that, despite the adjudication of
liability  but  in  view  of  all  the circumstances of the case, such person is
fairly  and  reasonably entitled to indemnity for such Expenses which such court
shall  deem  proper.

     (d)      Any action taken or omitted to be taken by an employee or agent of
the  Company  in  good  faith  and  in compliance with or pursuant to any order,
determination,  approval,  or  permission  made or given by a commission, Board,
official,  or  other  agency  of  the  United  States  or  of any state or other
governmental  authority  with  respect to the property or affairs of the Company
over  which  such  commission,  board,  official,  or agency has jurisdiction or
authority  or  purports  to have jurisdiction or authority shall be deemed prima
facie  to  be in compliance with the applicable standard of conduct set forth in
Par.  6(b)  or  6(c),  whether  or not it may thereafter be determined that such
order,  determination,  approval,  or  permission  was  unauthorized, erroneous,
unlawful,  or  otherwise  improper.

     (e)        In addition to the indemnification required by Par. 6(a) through
6(d),  the  Board  may,  in  its  sole  and  absolute  discretion  as  it  deems
appropriate,  pursuant to a majority vote thereof, indemnify against Liabilities
incurred  by,  and/or  provide  for  the allowance of reasonable Expenses of, an
employee  or  authorized  agent of the Company acting within the scope of his or
her  duties  as  such  and  who  is  not  otherwise  a  Director  or  Officer.

Par.  7.       Insurance.     The Company may purchase and maintain insurance on
behalf  of  a Director or Officer or any individual who is or was an employee or
authorized  agent  of  the  Company  against  any  Liability asserted against or
incurred  by  such individual in his or her capacity as such or arising from his
or  her  status  as  such,  regardless  of  whether  the  Company is required or
permitted  to  indemnify  against  any  such  Liability  under  this  Section 7.

Par.  8.         Notice to the Company.     A Director or Officer shall promptly
notify  the  Company  in  writing  when  he  or  she  has  actual knowledge of a
Proceeding which may result in a claim of indemnification against Liabilities or
allowance  of Expenses hereunder, but the failure to do so shall not relieve the
Company  of  any  liability  to  the  Director  or  Officer hereunder unless the


company shall have been irreparably prejudiced by such failure (as determined by
an  Authority  selected  pursuant  to  Par.  4(a)).

Par.  9.      Severability.            If any provision of this Section shall be
deemed  invalid  or  inoperative,  or  if  a  court  of  competent  jurisdiction
determines  that  any  of  the  provisions  of  this Section 7 contravene public
policy, this Section 7 shall be construed so that the remaining provisions shall
not  be  affected,  but  shall  remain  in  full  force and effect, and any such
provisions  which  are  invalid or inoperative or which contravene public policy
shall  be deemed, without further action or deed by or on behalf of the Company,
to  be  modified,  amended,  and/or limited, but only to the extent necessary to
render  the  same  valid  and  enforceable.

Par.  10.          Nonexclusivity  of Section 7.     The rights of a Director or
Officer  (or  any other person) granted under this Section 7 shall not be deemed
exclusive  of  any  other  rights  to  indemnification  against  Liabilities  or
allowance  of  Expenses which the Director or Officer (or such other person) may
be  entitled  to  under  any  written  agreement,  Board  resolution,  vote  of
shareholders  of  the Company or otherwise, including, without limitation, under
the  Statute.  Nothing  contained  in his Section 7 shall be deemed to limit the
Company's  obligations  to  indemnify against Liabilities or allow Expenses to a
Director  of  Officer  under  the  Statute.

Par.  11.       Contractual Nature of Section 7; Repeal or Limitation of Rights.
This  Section  7  shall  be deemed to be a contract between the Company and each
Director and Officer and any repeal or other limitation of this Section 7 or any
repeal  or limitation of the Statute or any other applicable law shall not limit
any  rights of indemnification against Liabilities or allowance of Expenses then
existing  or  arising  out  of events, acts or omissions occurring prior to such
repeal  or  limitation,  including,  without  limitation,  the  right  to
indemnification  against  Liabilities  or  allowance of Expenses for Proceedings
commenced  after such repeal or limitation to enforce this Section 7 with regard
to  acts,  omissions  or  events  arising  prior  to  such repeal or limitation.

Par.  12.      Continuation of Indemnification.     The indemnification provided
by this Section 7 shall continue as to a person who has ceased to be a Director,


Officer,  employee,  or  agent  and  shall  inure  to  the benefit of the heirs,
executors,  and  administrators  of  such  a  person.

     Section 8.     Telephonic Meetings.     Only as herein provided, members of
the  Board  of Directors (and any committees thereof) may participate in regular
or  special  meetings  by,  or through the use of, any means of communication by
which all participants may simultaneously hear each other, such as by conference
telephone.  If a meeting is conducted by such means, then at the commencement of
such  meeting  the  Chairman  of  the Board (or chairman of the committee) shall
inform  the  participating  Directors  that  a  meeting is taking place at which
official  business may be transacted. Any participant in a meeting by such means
shall  be  deemed  present  in  person  at  such  meeting.



     Section  1.          Creation  and  Powers.       The Board of Directors by
resolution adopted by the affirmative vote of a majority of all of the directors
then  in  office may create one or more committees, appoint members of the Board
of Directors to serve on the committees and designate other members of the Board
of  Directors  to  serve  as  alternates.  Each committee shall have two or more
members who shall, unless otherwise provided by the Board of Directors, serve at
the  pleasure  of  the  Board  of  Directors.  A  committee may be authorized to
exercise  the  authority  of the Board of Directors, except that a committee may
not do any of the following: (a) authorize distributions; (b) approve or propose
to  shareholders  action that the Wisconsin Business Corporation Law requires to
be  approved  by  shareholders; (c) fill vacancies on the Board of Directors or,
unless  the  Board  of  Directors  provides  by  resolution  that vacancies on a
committee  shall  be  filled  by the affirmative vote of the remaining committee
members,  on  any  Board  committee;  (d) approve a plan of merger not requiring
shareholder  approval;  (g) authorize or approve reacquisition of shares, except
according  to  a formula or method prescribed by the Board of Directors; and (h)
authorize  or  approve  the  issuance or sale or contract for sale of shares, or
determine  the designation and relative rights, preferences and limitations of a
class  or  series  of shares, except that the Board of Directors may authorize a
committee  to  do  so within limits prescribed by the Board of Directors. Unless
otherwise  provided  by  the  Board


of  Directors  in  creating  the  committee,  a  committee  may  employ counsel,
accountants and other consultants to assist it in the exercise of its authority.

     Section  2.      Meetings and Quorum.     A committee meeting shall be held
at such time and place as the committee shall fix or whenever called by order of
the  Chairman  of  the  Board,  the President, or a majority of the committee. A
majority  of  the  members of a committee shall constitute a quorum. A committee
shall  cause  to  be  kept  a  full  and  accurate record of all of its acts and

				   ARTICLE IV.


     Section 1.     Designation, Term and Vacancies.     The general officers of
the  corporation  shall be a Chairman of the Board, a President, and one or more
Vice Presidents any of whom may have such additional designation as the Board of
Directors  may  provide,  a  Secretary  and one or more Assistant Secretaries, a
Treasurer  and  one  or  more  Assistant  Treasurers,  a  Controller  and  such
subordinate  officers  as  may  from  time  to  time  be elected by the Board of
Directors.  The  filling  of  the  office  of  Chairman  of  the  Board shall be
discretionary  with  the  Board  of  Directors.  If  such  office be vacant, the
functions  thereof shall be performed by the office of the President. Any two or
more  of  the  offices  may  be  held  by the same person, except the offices of
President  and  Secretary,  and  the  offices  of  President and Vice President.
Vacancies occurring among the officers of the corporation shall be filled by the
Board  of  Directors.  All officers elected by the Board shall hold office until
the  next annual meeting of the Directors and until their successors are elected
and qualified, provided, however, that any officer may be removed at any time by
the  affirmative  vote  of  a  majority  of the whole Board. All other officers,
agents  and  employees  shall  hold  office  during  the  pleasure of the Board.

     Section  2.          Chief  Executive Officer. The Board of Directors shall
designate  the  Chief  Executive  Officer  of  the  Company.

     Section  3.      Duties of Chairman of the Board. The Chairman of the Board
shall  preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors; he shall be ex officio
a  member


of  all  standing  committees, and shall have such other powers and perform such
other  duties  as  may  be  prescribed  by  the  Board.

     Section 4.     President.  The President shall have general supervision and
direction of the affairs of the company and shall have all the powers and duties
appurtenant  to  the  office  of President of a corporation. He shall preside at
meetings  of the Board of Directors in the absence or disability of the Chairman
of  the  Board.  He  shall be ex officio a member of all standing committees. He
shall  have  power  to  appoint  and  discharge,  subject to the approval of the
Directors,  employees  or agents of the Company and fix their compensation; make
and  sign  agreements  in the name and behalf of the Company; he shall report to
the Board all matters within his knowledge which the interest of the Company may
require  to  be brought to their notice; he shall make such other reports to the
shareholders and the Board as may be required of him; and shall perform all such
other  duties  as  are  properly  required  of  him  by  the  Board.

     Section  5.       Vice President.  Each Vice President shall be vested with
all  the powers and shall perform all the duties of the President in the absence
or  disability  of  the  latter,  unless  or until the Directors shall otherwise
determine.  He  shall  have  such  other powers and perform such other duties as
shall  be  prescribed  by  the  Directors.

     Section  6.     Secretary.  The Secretary shall give, or cause to be given,
notice  of  all  meetings  of  shareholders  and Directors and all other notices
required  by  law  or  the  By-Laws of the Company and in case of his absence or
refusal  or  neglect  so  to  do,  any  such  notices may be given by any person
thereunto  directed  by the President or by the Directors and shareholders, upon
whose  requisition  the  meeting  is  called  as  provided  in  the  By-Laws.

     He shall record all proceedings of the meetings of the shareholders and the
Directors  and any committees of the corporation in the book or books to be kept
for  that purpose, and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him
by  the  Directors  or  by  the  President.

     Section  7.         Assistant Secretary.  Each Assistant Secretary shall be
vested  with all the powers and shall perform all the duties of the Secretary in
the  absence or disability of the latter and he shall perform such duties as may
be  prescribed  by  the  Board  of  Directors.


     Section  8          Treasurer.  The Treasurer shall have the custody of all
funds,  securities,  evidences  of indebtedness, and other valuable documents of
the  Company, and shall deposit all money and other valuable effects in the name
and  to the credit of the Company, and in such depositories as may be designated
by  the  Board  of  Directors.

     He  shall  give, or cause to be given, receipts and acquittances for moneys
paid in on account of the Company. He shall disburse the funds of the Company as
may  be  ordered  by the Board or the President, taking proper vouchers for such

     He  shall  enter, or cause to be entered, in the books of the Company to be
kept  for  that  purpose,  full and accurate accounts of all moneys received and
paid  out  on  account of the Company, and whenever required by the President or
Directors,  he  shall  render  a  statement  of  his  cash  accounts.

     He  shall  keep  or  cause to be kept, such other books as will show a true
record  of  the  expenses, losses, assets, gains and liabilities of the Company.

     He  shall  perform all such other duties as the Board of Directors may from
time  to  time  prescribe  or  require.

     Section  9.         Assistant Treasurer.  Each Assistant Treasurer shall be
vested  with all the powers and shall perform all the duties of the Treasurer in
the  absence or disability of the latter, and shall perform such other duties as
may  be  prescribed  by  the  Board  of  Directors.

     Section  10         Controller.  The Controller shall establish and enforce
accounting  policies  and  procedures,  and  establish  and  implement  internal
accounting  control practices and systems to preserve the integrity and accuracy
of the Company's books of accounts. The Controller shall also be responsible for
preparing  the  corporate  operating  and  capital  budgets and providing timely
reports  of  budget  deviations  and financial performance. The Controller shall
perform  such  other  duties  as  the  Board  of Directors may from time to time
prescribe  or  require.


     Section  11.      Execution of Cheques, etc.  Cheques, drafts, acceptances,
bills  of  exchange  and promissory notes of the Company shall be signed in such
manner  as  may  from  time  to  time  be  directed  by resolution of the Board.

     Section  12.     Bonds of Officers and Employees.  Any executive officer of
the  Company  may  be required by resolution of the Board to give a bond for the
faithful  discharge  of  his  duties  in  such amount and wish such sureties and
containing  such  conditions  as  the  Board of Directors may approve. Any other
employee  of  the  Company  may  be  required  by  resolution of the Board or by
direction of the President to give a bond in such sum and with such sureties and
containing  such  conditions  as the Board of Directors may approve. Any bond so
required  of  any officer or employee of the Company may be the undertaking of a
surety  company  and  the  premium  therefor  may  be  paid  by  the  Company.

				   ARTICLE V.

				Shares of Stock.

     Section  1.      Certificates of Stock.  All certificates for shares of the
capital  stock  of  the  Company shall be in such form not inconsistent with the
Articles  of  Incorporation  of the Company as shall be approved by the Board of
Directors,  and  shall  be  signed by the President or Vice President and by the
Secretary  or  Assistant Secretary, and shall not be valid unless so signed. All
certificates  shall be consecutively numbered, and the name of the person owning
the  shares  represented thereby, with the number of such shares and the date of
issuance,  shall be entered on the Company's books. All certificates surrendered
shall  be  canceled,  and no new certificate issued until the former certificate
for  the  same number of shares shall have been surrendered and canceled, except
in  cases  provided  for  in  Section  4  of  this  Article.

     Section  2.         Transfer of Shares.  Shares of stock of the corporation
shall  be  transferable in person or by attorney by the endorsement and delivery
of  the  stock certificate and the registry of such transfer on the books of the
corporation. The transfer books of the corporation may be closed for such period
as  the Board of Directors shall direct previous to and on the day of the annual
or  any special meeting of the shareholders, and may also be closed by the Board
for  such  time  as  may  be


deemed  advisable  for dividend purposes, and during such time no stock shall be

     Section  3.     Addresses of Shareholders.  Every shareholder shall furnish
the Secretary with an address to which notices of meetings and all other notices
may  be  served  upon  or  mailed  to him, and in default thereof notices may be
addressed  to  him  at  his  last  known  address.

     Section 4.     Lost and Destroyed Certificates.  The Board of Directors may
direct  that  a  new  certificate  or certificates may be issued in place of any
certificate  or  certificates theretofore issued by the Company, alleged to have
been  lost  or  destroyed,  and  the  Board  of  Directors, when authorizing the
issuance of such new certificate or certificates, may in their discretion and as
a  condition  precedent  thereto,  require  the  owner of such lost or destroyed
certificate  or  certificates,  or  his  legal  representatives,  to give to the
Company  a  bond  in  such sum as they may direct as indemnity against any claim
that  may  be  made  against  the  Company.

     Section  5.       Regulations.  The Board of Directors shall have power and
authority  to  make  all  such  rules and regulations as they may deem expedient
concerning  the  issue,  transfer and registration of certificates for shares of
the  capital  stock  of  the  Company.

				   ARTICLE VI.


     The  Board  of  Directors  may  declare  dividends  from the surplus or net
profits  of  the  corporation  as  they may m their discretion from time to time
determine.  Such  dividends  may be declared by the Board at any meeting, either
regular  or  special,  at which a quorum is present. Any dividends declared upon
the  stock shall be payable upon such dates as may be from time to time fixed by
the  Board.




     The  Common  corporate seal is, and until otherwise ordered and directed by
the  Board  of  Directors  shall be, an impression upon paper of wax bearing the
duplicate  dies  for  impressing  such  seal  may  be  kept  and  used.


			      Amendment of By-Laws.

     These  By-Laws  may be altered, amended or repealed by the affirmative vote
of  a  majority of the stock issued and outstanding and entitled to vote thereat
at  any  regular or special meeting of the shareholders of the Company if notice
of  the proposed alteration or amendment or repeal be contained in the notice of
such meeting, or by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Board of Directors
of  the  Company  at  any  regular  or  special  meeting  of  the  Board.