Exhibit 99.03


     The following unaudited pro forma financial information
reflects the adjustment of  the historical consolidated balance
sheets and statements of income of NSP and WEC after giving
effect to their proposed business combination transaction (the
Transaction) to form Primergy and a new subsidiary structure.
The unaudited pro forma combined condensed balance sheets at Dec.
31, 1996 give effect to the Transaction as if it had occurred on
that date.  The unaudited pro forma combined condensed statements
of income for each of the three years in the period ended
December 31, 1996, give effect to the Transaction as if it had
occurred at January 1, 1994.  These statements are prepared on the 
basis of accounting for the Transaction as a pooling of interests 
and are based on the assumptions set forth in the notes thereto.

     The following pro forma financial information has been
prepared from, and should be read in conjunction with, the
historical consolidated financial statements and related notes
thereto of NSP and WEC.  The following information is not
necessarily indicative of the financial position or operating
results that would have occurred had the Transaction been
consummated on the date, or at the beginning of the periods, for
which the Transaction is being given effect nor is it necessarily
indicative of future Primergy operating results or financial
position.  Completion of the Transaction is subject to numerous
conditions, many of which are beyond NSP's control.

Primergy Pro Forma Combined Condensed Information

     The pro forma financial information combines the historical
financial statements of NSP and WEC after giving effect to the
Transaction to form Primergy on the basis of accounting for the
Transaction as a pooling of interests.

                             PRIMERGY CORPORATION
                   TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1996
                  (In thousands, except per share amounts)
                              NSP           WEC         Pro Forma    Pro Forma
                         (As Reported)  (As Reported)  Adjustments    Combined
Utility Operating Revenues                                         
  Electric                  $2,127,413     $1,393,270         -     $3,520,683
  Gas                          526,793        364,875         -        891,668
  Steam                            -           15,675         -         15,675
    Total Operating 
     Revenues                2,654,206      1,773,820         -      4,428,026
Utility Operating Expenses                                         
  Electric Production-Fuel                                         
   and Purchased Power         541,267        331,867         -        873,134
  Cost of Gas Sold &                                               
   Transported                 335,453        234,254         -        569,707
  Other Operation              554,946        391,520         -        946,466
  Maintenance                  155,830        103,046         -        258,876
  Depreciation and                                                 
   Amortization                306,432        202,796         -        509,228
  Taxes Other Than Income                                          
   Taxes                       232,824         77,866         -        310,690
  Income Taxes                 161,410        126,627         -        288,037
    Total Operating 
     Expenses                2,288,162      1,467,976         -      3,756,138
Utility Operating Income       366,044        305,844         -        671,888
Other Income (Expense)                                             
  Equity Earnings of                                               
   Unconsolidated Investees      31,025            -          -         31,025
  Other Income and Deductions                                      
   - Net                          8,169       20,042          -         28,211
     Total Other Income                                          
      (Expense)                  39,194       20,042          -         59,236
Income before Interest                                            
 Charges and Preferred 
 Dividends                     405,238      325,886           -       731,124
Interest Charges               130,699      106,548           -       237,247
Preferred Dividends of                                             
 Subsidiaries                   12,245        1,203           -        13,448
 Net Income                   $262,294     $218,135           -      $480,429
Average Common Shares                                              
 Outstanding (Note 1)           68,679      110,983         42,993    222,655
Earnings Per Common Share        $3.82        $1.97                     $2.16
NSP Equivalent Shares 
 (Note 1)                       68,679      110,983        (42,728)   136,934
Earnings Per Common Share
using NSP Equivalent Shares                                             $3.51
See accompanying notes to unaudited pro forma combined condensed financial

                             PRIMERGY CORPORATION
                   TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995
                  (In thousands, except per share amounts)
                              NSP           WEC         Pro Forma    Pro Forma
                         (As Reported)  (As Reported)  Adjustments    Combined

Utility Operating Revenues                                         
  Electric                  $2,142,770     $1,437,480         -     $3,580,250
  Gas                          425,814        318,262         -        744,076
  Steam                            -           14,742         -         14,742
    Total Operating 
     Revenues                2,568,584      1,770,484         -      4,339,068
Utility Operating Expenses                                         
  Electric Production-Fuel                                         
   and Purchased Power         570,245        345,387         -        915,632
  Cost of Gas Sold &                                               
   Transported                 256,758        188,764         -        445,522
  Other Operation              560,734        395,242         -        955,976
  Maintenance                  158,203        112,400         -        270,603
  Depreciation and                                                 
   Amortization                290,184        183,876         -        474,060
  Taxes Other Than Income                                          
   Taxes                       239,433         74,765         -        314,198
  Income Taxes                 147,148        141,029         -        288,177
    Total Operating 
     Expenses                2,222,705      1,441,463         -      3,664,168
Utility Operating Income       345,879        329,021         -        674,900
Other Income (Expense)                                             
  Equity Earnings of
   Unconsolidated Investees     59,067            -           -         59,067
  Other Income and Deductions                                      
   - Net                        (6,261)        16,821         -         10,560
    Total Other Income           
     (Expense)                  52,806         16,821         -         69,627
Income before Interest                                            
 Charges and Preferred 
 Dividends                     398,685        345,842         -        744,527
Interest Charges               122,890        110,605         -        233,495
Preferred Dividends of                                             
 Subsidiaries                   12,449          1,203         -         13,652
Net Income                    $263,346       $234,034         -       $497,380
Average Common Shares                                              
 Outstanding (Note 1)           67,416        109,850      42,202      219,468
Earnings Per Common Share        $3.91          $2.13                    $2.27
NSP Equivalent Shares 
 (Note 1)                       67,416        109,850     (42,292)     134,974
Earnings Per Common Share
 using NSP Equivalent Shares                                             $3.69
See accompanying notes to unaudited pro forma combined condensed financial

                             PRIMERGY CORPORATION
                   TWELVE MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1994
                  (In thousands, except per share amounts)
                              NSP           WEC         Pro Forma    Pro Forma
                         (As Reported)  (As Reported)  Adjustments    Combined

Utility Operating Revenues                                         
  Electric                  $2,066,644     $1,403,562         -     $3,470,206
  Gas                          419,903        324,349         -        744,252
  Steam                            -           14,281         -         14,281
    Total Operating 
     Revenues                2,486,547      1,742,192         -      4,228,739
Utility Operating Expenses                                         
  Electric Production-Fuel                                         
   and Purchased Power         570,880        328,485         -        899,365
  Cost of Gas Sold &                                               
   Transported                 263,905        199,511         -        463,416
  Other Operation              535,706        399,011         -        934,717
  Maintenance                  170,145        124,602         -        294,747
  Depreciation and                                                 
   Amortization                273,801        177,614         -        451,415
  Taxes Other Than Income                                          
   Taxes                       234,564         76,035         -        310,599
  Revitalization Charges           -           73,900         -         73,900
  Income Taxes                 129,228         99,761         -        228,989
    Total Operating 
     Expenses                2,178,229      1,478,919         -      3,657,148
Utility Operating Income       308,318        263,273         -        571,591
Other Income (Expense)                                             
  Equity Earnings of
   Unconsolidated Investees     41,709            -           -         41,709
  Other Income and Deductions                                      
   - Net                           663         26,965         -         27,628
    Total Other Income           
     (Expense)                  42,372         26,965         -         69,337
Income before Interest                                            
 Charges and Preferred 
 Dividends                     350,690        290,238         -        640,928
Interest Charges               107,215        108,019         -        215,234
Preferred Dividends of                                             
 Subsidiaries                   12,364          1,351         -         13,715
Net Income                    $231,111       $180,868         -       $411,979
Average Common Shares                                              
 Outstanding (Note 1)           66,845        108,025      41,845      216,715
Earnings Per Common Share        $3.46          $1.67                    $1.90
NSP Equivalent Shares 
 (Note 1)                       66,845        108,025     (41,589)     133,281
Earnings Per Common Share
 using NSP Equivalent Shares                                             $3.09
See accompanying notes to unaudited pro forma combined condensed financial

                             PRIMERGY CORPORATION
                               DECEMBER 31, 1996
                                 (In thousands)
                              NSP           WEC         Pro Forma    Pro Forma
Pro Forma Balance Sheet  (As Reported)  (As Reported)  Adjustments    Combined

  Electric                  $6,766,896     $4,857,528          -   $11,624,424
  Gas                          750,449        505,100          -     1,255,549
  Other                        331,441         61,765          -       393,206
    Total                    7,848,786      5,424,393          -    13,273,179
  Accumulated provision
   for depreciation         (3,611,244)    (2,441,950)         -    (6,053,194)
  Nuclear fuel - net           100,338         75,476          -       175,814
    Net utility plant        4,337,880      3,057,919          -     7,395,799

  Cash and cash equivalents     51,118         10,748          -        61,866
  Accounts receivable-net      371,654        151,473          -       523,127
  Accrued utility revenues     147,366        155,838          -       303,204
  Fossil fuel inventories       45,013        113,516          -       158,529
  Material & supplies
   inventories                 109,425         70,900          -       180,325
  Prepayments and other         72,647         63,383          -       136,030
    Total current assets       797,223        565,858          -     1,363,081

  Regulatory Assets            354,128        286,461          -       640,589
  External decommissioning
   fund                        260,756        322,085          -       582,841
  Investments on non-regulated
   projects and other
   investments                 451,223        104,919          -       556,142
  Non-regulated property-net   192,790        173,525          -       366,315
  Intangible assets and
   other (Note 4)              242,900        300,071    (153,806)     389,165
    Total other assets       1,501,797      1,187,061    (153,806)   2,535,052

    TOTAL ASSETS            $6,636,900     $4,810,838   $(153,806) $11,293,932


    Common stock equity:
      Common stock (Note 1) $  172,659     $    1,117   $(171,536) $     2,240
      Other stockholders'
       equity (Note 1)       1,963,221      1,944,227     171,536    4,078,984
        Total common
         stock equity        2,135,880      1,945,344          -     4,081,224

    Cumulative preferred
     stock and premium         240,469         30,450          -       270,919
    Long-term debt           1,592,568      1,416,067          -     3,008,635
      Total capitalization   3,968,917      3,391,861          -     7,360,778

  Current portion of
   long-term debt              261,218        190,204          -       451,422
  Short-term debt              368,367         69,265          -       437,632
  Accounts payable             236,341        148,429          -       384,770
  Taxes accrued                204,348         37,362          -       241,710
  Other accrued liabilities    166,126         81,758          -       247,884
    Total current
     liabilities             1,236,400        527,018          -     1,763,418

  Deferred income taxes
   (Note 4)                    804,342        511,399    (153,806)   1,161,935
  Deferred investment
   tax credits                 149,606         87,798          -       237,404
  Regulatory liabilities       302,647        175,943          -       478,590
  Other liabilities and
   deferred credits            174,988        116,819          -       291,807
    Total other liabilities  1,431,583        891,959    (153,806)   2,169,736

     AND LIABILITIES        $6,636,900     $4,810,838   $(153,806) $11,293,932

See accompanying notes to unaudited pro forma combined condensed financial



1.   The pro forma combined condensed financial statements
     reflect the conversion of each share of NSP common stock
     outstanding ($2.50 par value) into 1.626 shares of Primergy
     Common Stock ($.01 par value) and the continuation of each
     share of WEC Common Stock outstanding as one share of
     Primergy common stock ($.01 par value), as provided in the
     Merger Agreement.  The pro forma combined condensed
     financial statements are presented as if the companies were
     combined during all periods included therein.

     NSP equivalent shares shown on the pro forma combined
     condensed income statements represent the pro forma
     equivalent of one share of NSP Common Stock calculated by
     multiplying the pro forma information by the conversion
     ratio of 1.626 shares of Primergy Common Stock for each
     share of NSP Common Stock.

2.   The allocation between NSP and WEC and their customers of
     the estimated cost savings, resulting from the Merger
     Transaction, net of the costs incurred to achieve such
     savings, will be subject to regulatory review and approval.
     At the time the Merger Agreement was signed, cost savings
     resulting from the Merger Transaction were estimated to be
     approximately $2 billion over a 10-year period, net of
     transaction costs (including fees for financial advisors,
     attorneys, accountants, consultants, filings and printing)
     and net of costs to achieve the savings of approximately $30
     million and $122 million, respectively.  None of these
     estimated cost savings, the costs to achieve such savings,
     or the transaction costs have been reflected in the pro
     forma combined condensed financial statements.

3.   Intercompany transactions (including purchased and exchanged
     power transactions) between NSP and WEC during the periods
     presented were not material and, accordingly, no pro forma
     adjustments were made to eliminate such transactions.

4.   A pro forma adjustment has been made to conform the
     presentation of noncurrent deferred income taxes in the pro
     forma combined condensed balance sheet into one net amount.
     All other report presentation and accounting policy
     differences are immaterial and have not been adjusted in the
     pro forma combined condensed financial statements.