Exhibit (3a.)



                       NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY

                   as Filed and Effective June 24, 1988

                              STATE OF OREGON

                           CORPORATION DIVISION

                           158 12th Street N.E.
                              Salem, OR 97310

   Registry Number:

                           Business Corporation

1.   The name of the corporation is Northwest Natural Gas

2.   A copy of the Restated Articles of Incorporation is

3.   The Restated Articles of Incorporation do not contain
     amendments which require shareholder approval.  These
     Restated Articles were duly adopted by the Board of

Execution: Robert L. Ridgley  Robert L. Ridgley President
           Signature          Printed Name      Title

Person to contact
 about this filing:      C. J. Rue             (503) 220-2411
                         Name                  Daytime Phone

                       NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY

(These Restated Articles of Incorporation of Northwest Natural
Gas Company supersede its theretofore existing Restated Articles
of Incorporation and all amendments thereto.)

                                 ARTICLE I

A.   The name of this corporation is NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS
     COMPANY, and its duration shall be perpetual.

                                ARTICLE II

A.   The purposes of the corporation are to engage in any lawful
     activity for which corporations may be organized under the
     Oregon Business Corporation Act.

                                ARTICLE III

A.   The aggregate number of shares of capital stock which the
     corporation shall have authority to issue is 33,500,000
     shares, divided into 1,500,000 shares of Preferred Stock
     without par value, issuable in series as hereinafter
     provided, 2,000,000 shares of Preference Stock without par
     value, issuable in series as hereinafter provided, and
     30,000,000 shares of Common Stock of the par value of $3-1/6
     per share.

B.   Each certificate for shares of Common Stock of a par value
     other than $3-1/6 per share, so long as it remains
     outstanding, shall evidence and represent an equal number of
     shares of Common Stock of $3-1/6 par value.  Each
     certificate for shares of the 4.68% Series, 4.75% Series,
     6.875% Series or 8% Series of the Preferred Stock of the par
     value of $100 per share, so long as it remains outstanding,
     shall evidence and represent, respectively, an equal number
     of shares of the $4.68 Series, $4.75 Series, $6.875 Series
     or $8 Series of the Preferred Stock, without par value.

C.   A statement of the preferences, limitations and relative
     rights of each class of capital stock of the corporation,
     namely, the Preferred Stock, the Preference Stock and the
     Common Stock, of the variations in the relative rights and
     preferences as between series of the Preferred Stock and as
     between series of the Preference Stock, insofar as the same
     are fixed by these Restated Articles of Incorporation, and
     of the authority vested in the board of directors of the
     corporation to establish series of Preferred Stock and
     series of Preference Stock and to fix and determine the
     variations in the relative rights and preferences as between
     series insofar as the same are not fixed by these Restated
     Articles of Incorporation, is as follows:

                              Preferred Stock

     1.   The shares of the Preferred Stock may be divided into
          and issued in series.  Each series shall be so
          designated as to distinguish the shares thereof from
          the shares of all other series of the Preferred Stock
          and all other classes of capital stock of the
          corporation.  To the extent that these Restated
          Articles of Incorporation shall not have established
          series of the Preferred Stock and fixed and determined
          the variations in the relative rights and preferences
          as between series, the board of directors shall have
          authority, and is hereby expressly vested with
          authority, to divide the Preferred Stock into series
          and, within the limitations set forth in these Restated
          Articles of Incorporation and such limitations as may
          be provided by law, to fix and determine the relative
          rights and preferences of any series of the Preferred
          Stock so established.  Such action by the board of
          directors shall be expressed in a resolution or
          resolutions adopted by it prior to the issuance of
          shares of each series, which resolution or resolutions
          shall also set forth the distinguishing designation of
          the particular series of the Preferred Stock 

                                   - 1 -

          established thereby.  Without limiting the generality
          of the foregoing, authority is hereby expressly vested
          in the board of directors so to fix and determine with
          respect to any series of the Preferred Stock:

          (a)  The rate of dividend;

          (b)  The price at which and the terms and conditions on
               which shares may be redeemed;

          (c)  The amount payable upon shares in the event of
               voluntary and involuntary liquidation;

          (d)  Sinking fund provisions, if any, for the
               redemption or purchase of shares; and

          (e)  The terms and conditions, if any, on which shares
               may be converted if the shares of any series are
               issued with the privilege of conversion.

          All shares of the Preferred Stock of the same series
          shall be identical except that shares of the same
          series issued at different times may vary as to the
          dates from which dividends thereon shall be cumulative;
          and all shares of the Preferred Stock, irrespective of
          series, shall constitute one and the same class of
          stock, shall be of equal rank, and shall be identical
          except as to the designation thereof, the date or dates
          from which dividends on shares thereof shall be
          cumulative, and the relative rights and preferences set
          forth above in clauses (a) through (e) of this
          subdivision, as to which there may be variations
          between different series.  Except as otherwise may be
          provided by law, by subdivision III.C.7., or by the
          resolutions establishing any series of Preferred Stock
          in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this
          subdivision, whenever the written consent, affirmative
          vote, or other action on the part of the holders of the
          Preferred Stock may be required for any purpose, such
          consent, vote or other action shall be taken by the
          holders of the Preferred Stock as a single class
          irrespective of series and not by different series.

     2.   The holders of shares of the Preferred Stock of each
          series shall be entitled to receive dividends, when and
          as declared by the board of directors, out of any funds
          legally available for the payment of dividends, at the
          annual rate fixed and determined with respect to each
          series either by these Restated Articles of
          Incorporation or in accordance with subdivision
          III.C.1., and no more, payable quarterly on the 15th
          day of February, May, August and November in each year
          or on such other date or dates as the board of
          directors shall determine in the resolutions
          establishing such series.  Such dividends shall be
          cumulative in the case of shares of each series either
          from the date of issuance of shares of such series or
          from the first day of the current dividend period
          within which shares of such series shall be issued, as
          the board of directors shall determine, so that if
          dividends on all outstanding shares of each particular
          series of the Preferred Stock, at the annual dividend
          rates fixed and determined by the board of directors
          for the respective series, shall not have been paid or
          declared and set apart for payment for all past
          dividend periods and for the then current dividend
          periods, the deficiency shall be fully paid or
          dividends equal thereto declared and set apart for
          payment at said rates before any dividends on the
          Preference Stock or the Common Stock shall be paid or
          declared and set apart for payment.  In the event more
          than one series of the Preferred Stock shall be
          outstanding, the corporation, in making any dividend
          payment on the Preferred Stock, shall make payments
          ratably upon all outstanding shares of the Preferred
          Stock in proportion to the amount of dividends
          accumulated thereon to the date of such dividend
          payment.  No interest, or sum of money in lieu of
          interest, shall be payable in respect of any dividend
          payment or payments which may be in arrears.

     3.   In the event of any dissolution, liquidation or winding
          up of the corporation, before any distribution or
          payment shall be made to the holders of the Preference
          Stock or the Common Stock, the holders of the Preferred
          Stock of each series then outstanding shall be entitled
          to be paid out of the net assets of the corporation
          available for distribution to its shareholders the
          respective amounts per share fixed and determined with
          respect to each series either by these Restated
          Articles of Incorporation or in accordance with
          subdivision III.C.1., and no more.  If upon
          dissolution, liquidation or winding up of the 

                                   - 2 -

          corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary, the net
          assets of the corporation available for distribution to
          its shareholders shall be insufficient to pay the
          holders of all outstanding shares of Preferred Stock of
          all series the full amounts to which they shall be
          respectively entitled as aforesaid, the entire net
          assets of the corporation available for distribution
          shall be distributed ratably to the holders of all
          outstanding shares of Preferred Stock of all series in
          proportion to the amounts to which they shall be
          respectively so entitled.  For the purposes of this
          subdivision, any dissolution, liquidation or winding up
          which may arise out of or result from the condemnation
          or purchase of all or a major portion of the properties
          of the corporation by (i) the United States Government
          or any authority, agency or instrumentality thereof,
          (ii) a State of the United States or any political
          subdivision, authority, agency or instrumentality
          thereof, or (iii) a district, cooperative or other
          association or entity not organized for profit, shall
          be deemed to be an involuntary dissolution, liquidation
          or winding up; and a consolidation, merger or
          amalgamation of the corporation with or into any other
          corporation or corporations shall not be deemed to be a
          dissolution, liquidation or winding up of the
          corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary.

     4.   (a)  Subject to the limitations set forth in
               subdivision III.C.9. or fixed and determined in
               accordance with subdivision III.C.1., the
               Preferred Stock of all series, or of any series
               thereof, or any part of any series thereof, at any
               time outstanding, may be redeemed by the
               corporation, at its election expressed by
               resolution of the board of directors, at any time
               or from time to time, at the then applicable
               redemption price fixed and determined with respect
               to each series either by these Restated Articles
               of Incorporation or in accordance with subdivision
               III.C.1.  If less than all of the shares of any
               series are to be redeemed, the redemption shall be
               made either pro rata or by lot in such manner as
               the board of directors shall determine.

          (b)  In the event the corporation shall so elect to
               redeem shares of the Preferred Stock, notice of
               the intention of the corporation to do so and of
               the date and place fixed for redemption shall be
               mailed not less than thirty days before the date
               fixed for redemption to each holder of shares of
               the Preferred Stock to be redeemed at his address
               at it shall appear on the books of the
               corporation, and on and after the date fixed for
               redemption and specified in such notice (unless
               the corporation shall default in making payment of
               the redemption price), such holders shall cease to
               be shareholders of the corporation with respect to
               such shares and shall have no interest in or claim
               against the corporation with respect to such
               shares, excepting only the right to receive the
               redemption price therefor from the corporation on
               the date fixed for redemption, without interest,
               upon endorsement, if required, and surrender of
               their certificates for such shares.

          (c)  Contemporaneously with the mailing of notice of
               redemption of any shares of the Preferred Stock as
               aforesaid or at any time thereafter on or before
               the date fixed for redemption, the corporation
               may, if it so elects, deposit the aggregate
               redemption price of the shares to be redeemed with
               any bank or trust company doing business in The
               City of New York, New York, or Portland, Oregon,
               having a capital and surplus of at least
               $25,000,000, named in such notice, payable on the
               date fixed for redemption in the proper amounts to
               the respective holders of the shares to be
               redeemed, upon endorsement, if required, and
               surrender of their certificates for such shares,
               and on and after the making of such deposit such
               holders shall cease to be shareholders of the
               corporation with respect to such shares and shall
               have no interest in or claim against the
               corporation with respect to such shares, excepting
               only the right to exercise such redemption,
               conversion or exchange rights, if any, on or
               before the date fixed for redemption as may have
               been provided with respect to such shares or the
               right to receive the redemption price of their
               shares from such bank or trust company on the date
               fixed for redemption, without interest, upon
               endorsement, if required, and surrender of their
               certificates for such shares.

          (d)  If the corporation shall have elected to deposit
               the redemption moneys with a bank or trust company
               as permitted by subdivision (c) above, any moneys
               so deposited which shall remain unclaimed at the 

                                   - 3 -

               end of six years after the redemption date shall
               be repaid to the corporation, and upon such
               repayment holders of Preferred Stock who shall not
               have made claim against such moneys prior to such
               repayment shall be deemed to be unsecured
               creditors of the corporation for an amount,
               without interest, equal to the amount they would
               theretofore have been entitled to receive from
               such bank or trust company.  Any redemption moneys
               so deposited which shall not be required for such
               redemption because of the exercise, after the date
               of such deposit, of any right of redemption,
               conversion or exchange or otherwise, shall be
               returned to the corporation forthwith.  The
               corporation shall be entitled to receive any
               interest allowed by any bank or trust company on
               any moneys deposited with such bank or trust
               company as herein provided, and the holders of any
               shares called for redemption shall have no claim
               against any such interest.

          (e)  Nothing herein contained shall limit any legal
               right of the corporation to purchase or otherwise
               acquire any shares of the Preferred Stock.

     5.   The holders of shares of the Preferred Stock shall have
          no right to vote in the election of directors or for
          any other purpose, except as may be otherwise provided
          by law or by subdivisions III.C.6, 7 and 8.  Holders of
          Preferred Stock shall be entitled to notice of each
          meeting of shareholders at which they shall have any
          right to vote, but shall not be entitled to notice of
          any other meeting of shareholders.

     6.   (a)  If at any time dividends payable on any share or
               shares of Preferred Stock shall be in arrears in
               an amount equal to four full quarterly dividends
               or more per share, a default in preferred
               dividends for the purpose of this subdivision
               shall be deemed to have occurred, and having so
               occurred, such default shall be deemed to exist
               thereafter until, but only until, all unpaid
               accumulated dividends on all shares of Preferred
               Stock shall have been paid to the last preceding
               dividend period.  If and whenever a default in
               preferred dividends shall occur, a special meeting
               of shareholders of the corporation shall be held
               for the purpose of electing directors upon the
               written request of the holders of at least 10% of
               the total number of shares of Preferred Stock then
               outstanding.  Such meeting shall be called by the
               secretary of the corporation upon such written
               request and shall be held at the earliest
               practicable date upon like notice as that required
               for the annual meeting of shareholders of the
               corporation and at the place for the holding of
               such annual meeting.  If notice of such special
               meeting shall not be mailed by the secretary
               within thirty days after personal service of such
               written request upon the secretary of the
               corporation or within thirty days of mailing the
               same in the United States of America by registered
               mail addressed to the secretary at the principal
               office of the corporation, then the holders of at
               least 10% of the total number of shares of
               Preferred Stock then outstanding may designate in
               writing one of their number to call such meeting
               and the person so designated may call such meeting
               upon like notice as that required for the annual
               meeting of shareholders and to be held at the
               place for the holding of such annual meeting.  Any
               holder of Preferred Stock so designated shall have
               access to the stock books of the corporation for
               the purpose of causing a meeting of shareholders
               to be called pursuant to the foregoing provisions
               of this subdivision.

          (b)  At any such special meeting, or at the next annual
               meeting of shareholders of the corporation for the
               election of directors and at each other meeting,
               annual or special, for the election of directors
               held thereafter (unless at the time of any such
               meeting such default in preferred dividends shall
               no longer exist), the holders of the outstanding
               shares of Preferred Stock, voting separately as a
               class irrespective of series, shall have the right
               to elect the smallest number of directors which
               shall constitute at least one-fourth of the total
               number of directors of the corporation, or two
               directors, whichever shall be the greater, and the
               holders of the outstanding shares of Common Stock,
               voting as a class, shall have the right to elect
               all other members of the board of directors, 

                                   - 4 -

               anything herein or in the bylaws of the
               corporation to the contrary notwithstanding.  The
               terms of office, as directors, of all persons who
               may be directors of the corporation at any time
               when such special right to elect directors shall
               become vested in the holders of the Preferred
               Stock shall terminate upon the election of any new
               directors to succeed them as aforesaid.

          (c)  At any meeting, annual or special, of the
               corporation, at which the holders of Preferred
               Stock shall have the special right to elect
               directors as aforesaid, the presence in person or
               by proxy of the holders of a majority of the total
               number of shares of Preferred Stock then
               outstanding shall be required to constitute a
               quorum of such class for the election of
               directors, and the presence in person or by proxy
               of the holders of a majority of the total number
               of shares of Common Stock then outstanding shall
               be required to constitute a quorum of such class
               for the election of directors; provided, however,
               that the absence of a quorum of the holders of
               shares of any such class shall not prevent the
               election at any such meeting or adjournment
               thereof of directors by the other class, if the
               necessary quorum of the holders of such other
               class shall be present at such meeting or any
               adjournment thereof; and provided further, that in
               the absence of a quorum of holders of shares of
               any class, a majority of the holders of the shares
               of such class who are present in person or by
               proxy shall have power to adjourn the election of
               the directors to be elected by such class from
               time to time, without notice other than
               announcement at the meeting, until the requisite
               quorum of holders of such class shall be present
               in person or by proxy, but no such adjournment
               shall be made to a date beyond the date for the
               mailing of the notice of the next annual meeting
               of shareholders of the corporation or special
               meeting in lieu thereof.

          (d)  So long as a default in preferred dividends shall
               exist, any vacancy in the office of a director
               elected by the holders of the Preferred Stock may
               be filled at any meeting of shareholders, annual
               or special, for the election of directors held
               thereafter, and a special meeting of shareholders,
               or of the holders of shares of the Preferred
               Stock, may be called for the purpose of filling
               any such vacancy.  So long as a default in
               preferred dividends shall exist, any vacancy in
               the office of a director elected by the holders of
               the Common Stock may be filled by a majority vote
               of the remaining directors elected by the holders
               of Common Stock.

          (e)  If and when the default in preferred dividends
               which permitted the election of directors by the
               holders of the Preferred Stock shall cease to
               exist, the holders of the Preferred Stock shall 
               be divested of any special right with respect to
               the election of directors, and the voting power of
               the holders of the Preferred Stock and of the
               holders of the Common Stock shall revert to the
               status existing before the first dividend payment
               date on which dividends on the Preferred Stock
               were not paid in full, subject to revesting in the
               event of each and every subsequent like default in
               preferred dividends.  Upon the termination of any
               such special right, the terms of office of all
               persons who may have been elected directors by
               vote of the holders of the Preferred Stock
               pursuant to such special right shall forthwith
               terminate, and the resulting vacancies shall be
               filled by the majority vote of the remaining

     7.   So long as any shares of the Preferred Stock shall be
          outstanding, the corporation shall not, without the
          written consent or affirmative vote of the holders of
          at least two-thirds of the total number of shares of
          the Preferred Stock then outstanding, (i) create or
          authorize any new class of stock ranking prior to the
          Preferred Stock as to dividends or upon dissolution,
          liquidation or winding up, or (ii) amend, alter or
          repeal any of the express terms of the Preferred Stock
          then outstanding in a manner substantially prejudicial
          to the holders thereof.  Notwithstanding the foregoing
          provisions of this subdivision, if any proposed
          amendment, alteration or repeal of any of the express
          terms of any outstanding shares of the Preferred Stock
          would be substantially prejudicial to the holders of
          shares of one or more, but not all, of the series of
          the Preferred Stock, only the written consent or
          affirmative vote of the holders of at least two-thirds
          of the total number of outstanding shares 

                                   - 5 -

          of all series so affected shall be required.  Any
          affirmative vote of the holders of the Preferred Stock,
          or of any one or more series thereof, which may be
          required in accordance with the foregoing provisions of
          this subdivision, upon a proposal to create or
          authorize any class of stock ranking prior to the
          Preferred Stock or to amend, alter or repeal the
          express terms of outstanding shares of the Preferred
          Stock or of any one or more series thereof in a manner
          substantially prejudicial to the holders thereof may be
          taken at a special meeting of the holders of the
          Preferred Stock or of the holders of one or more series
          thereof called for the purpose, notice of the time,
          place and purposes of which shall have been given to
          the holders of the shares of the Preferred Stock
          entitled to vote upon any such proposal, or at any
          meeting, annual or special, of the shareholders of the
          corporation, notice of the time, place and purposes of
          which shall have been given to holders of shares of the
          Preferred Stock entitled to vote on such a proposal.

     8.   So long as any shares of the Preferred Stock shall be
          outstanding, the corporation shall not, without the
          written consent or affirmative vote of the holders of
          at least a majority of the total number of shares of
          Preferred Stock then outstanding:

          (a)  issue any shares of the Preferred Stock, or of any
               other class of stock ranking prior to or on a
               parity with the Preferred Stock as to dividends or
               upon dissolution, liquidation or winding up,
               unless (i) the net income of the corporation
               available for the payment of dividends for a
               period of twelve consecutive calendar months
               within the fifteen calendar months immediately
               preceding the issuance of such shares (including,
               in any case in which such shares are to be issued
               in connection with the acquisition of new
               property, the net income of the property so to be
               acquired, computed on the same basis as the net
               income of the corporation) is at least equal to
               two times the annual dividend requirements on all
               shares of the Preferred Stock, and on all shares
               of all other classes of stock ranking prior to or
               on a parity with the Preferred Stock as to
               dividends or upon dissolution, liquidation or
               winding up, which will be outstanding immediately
               after the issuance of such shares, including the
               shares proposed to be issued, and (ii) the gross
               income of the corporation available for the
               payment of interest for a period of twelve
               consecutive calendar months within the fifteen
               calendar months immediately preceding the issuance
               of such shares (including, in any case in which
               such shares are to be issued in connection with
               the acquisition of new property, the gross income
               of the property so to be acquired, computed on the
               same basis as the gross income of the corporation)
               is at least equal to one and one-half times the
               aggregate of the annual interest requirements on
               all securities evidencing indebtedness of the
               corporation, and the annual dividend requirements
               on all shares of the Preferred Stock and on all
               shares of all other classes of stock ranking prior
               to or on a parity with the Preferred Stock as to
               dividends or upon dissolution, liquidation or
               winding up, which will be outstanding immediately
               after the issuance of such shares, including the
               shares proposed to be issued; or

          (b)  issue any shares of the Preferred Stock, or of any
               other class of stock ranking prior to or on a
               parity with the Preferred Stock as to dividends or
               upon dissolution, liquidation or winding up,
               unless the aggregate of the capital of the
               corporation applicable to the Common Stock and the
               surplus of the corporation (paid-in, earned or
               other, if any) shall be not less than the
               aggregate amount payable on the involuntary
               dissolution, liquidation or winding up of the
               corporation on all shares of the Preferred Stock,
               and on all shares of all other classes of stock
               ranking prior to or on a parity with the Preferred
               Stock as to dividends or upon dissolution,
               liquidation or winding up, which will be
               outstanding immediately after the issuance of such
               shares, including the shares proposed to be
               issued; provided, however, that if, for the
               purposes of meeting the requirements of this
               subdivision, it shall become necessary to take
               into consideration any surplus of the corporation
               the corporation shall not thereafter pay any
               dividends on shares of the Preference Stock or the
               Common Stock which would result in reducing the
               aggregate of the capital of the corporation
               applicable to the Common Stock and the surplus of
               the corporation to an amount less than the 

                                   - 6 -

               aggregate amount payable, on involuntary
               dissolution, liquidation or winding up of the
               corporation, on all shares of the Preferred Stock
               and of any stock ranking prior to or on a parity
               with the Preferred Stock, as to dividends or upon
               dissolution, liquidation or winding up, at the
               time outstanding.

          In any case where it would be appropriate, under
          generally accepted accounting principles, to combine or
          consolidate the financial statements of any predecessor
          or subsidiary of the corporation with those of the
          corporation, the foregoing computations may be made on
          the basis of such combined or consolidated financial
          statements.  Any affirmative vote of the holders of the
          Preferred Stock, which may be required in accordance
          with the foregoing provisions of this subdivision, may
          be taken at a special meeting of the holders of the
          Preferred Stock called for the purpose, notice of the
          time, place and purposes of which shall have been given
          to the holders of the outstanding shares of the
          Preferred Stock, or at any meeting, regular or special,
          of the shareholders of the corporation, notice of the
          time, place and purposes of which shall have been given
          to the holders of the outstanding shares of the
          Preferred Stock.

     9.   The series of Preferred Stock heretofore established
          and outstanding on the date of the adoption of these
          Restated Articles of  Incorporation, together with a
          statement of the rights and preferences of each series,
          are as follows:

                               $4.68 Series

          (a)  The Preferred Stock $4.68 Series, of which 18,600
               shares were outstanding at the time of the
               adoption of these Restated Articles of
               Incorporation, shall have the following rights and

               (i)  the rate of dividend of shares of said Series
               shall be $4.68 per annum; the dividend payment
               dates shall be the 15th days of February, May,
               August and November in each year except that the
               date of payment of the first dividend shall be
               November 15, 1963; and dividends shall be
               cumulative from the date of issue;

               (ii)  the price at which shares of said Series may
               be redeemed shall be $105 per share if the date of
               redemption is on or prior to July 31, 1968; $103
               per share if the date of redemption is after July
               31, 1968 and on or prior to July 31, 1971; $101
               per share if the date of redemption is after July
               31, 1971 and on or prior to July 31, 1974; and
               $100 per share if the date of redemption is after
               July 31, 1974; in each case plus unpaid
               accumulated dividends, if any, to the date of
               redemption; provided, however, that no shares of
               said Series may be redeemed on or prior to July
               31, 1968, in whole or in part by the use, directly
               or indirectly, of the proceeds from the issuance
               of any class or series of Preferred Stock of the
               corporation bearing an effective dividend rate
               (calculated in accordance with acceptable
               financial practice) that is less than $4.68 per

               (iii)  the amount payable upon shares of said
               Series in the event of involuntary liquidation
               shall be $100 per share and in the event of
               voluntary liquidation shall be an amount equal to
               the then applicable redemption price of shares of
               said Series plus unpaid accumulated dividends, if
               any, to the date of payment;

               (iv)  shares of said Series shall not be, by their
               terms, convertible;

               (v)  shares of said Series shall be entitled to
               the benefits of a purchase fund as follows:

                    (1)  The corporation (unless such action, in
                    the opinion of counsel for the corporation,
                    would be contrary to any applicable law or to
                    any rule or regulation of any governmental
                    authority having jurisdiction in the
                    premises) will each year, beginning in 1966,
                    so long as any shares of said Series are
                    outstanding, make an offer, in the manner
                    hereinafter specified, to the holders of
                    shares of said Series, to purchase on June 15 
                                   - 7 -

                    in each such year, 1,800 shares of said
                    Series at $100 per share and accumulated
                    dividends up to such June 15 (hereinafter
                    called "$4.68 Series Purchase Offer");
                    provided, however, that (i) if in any year
                    the net income of the corporation for the
                    preceding calendar year (which net income
                    shall be determined in accordance with the
                    requirements of the regulatory authority of
                    the State of Oregon having jurisdiction of
                    the corporation and after deducting from such
                    net income one year's dividend requirement on
                    any Preferred Stock of the corporation
                    outstanding at the end of such preceding
                    calendar year whether or not declared or
                    paid) shall be less than half the sum of
                    $180,000 plus the maximum obligation,
                    expressed in dollars, due during the year in
                    which such $4.68 Series Purchase Offer is to
                    be made, for sinking funds, purchase funds,
                    or other analogous devices, if any, for the
                    retirement of any other Preferred Stock of
                    the corporation, then the corporation's
                    obligation, expressed in dollars, to offer to
                    purchase shares of said Series in such year
                    shall be limited to such amount as it shall
                    in its sole discretion determine; and (ii) if
                    in any year the amount of such net income of
                    the corporation for the preceding calendar
                    year (after deducting from such net income
                    one year's dividend requirement on any
                    Preferred Stock of the corporation
                    outstanding at the end of such preceding
                    calendar year whether or not declared or
                    paid) shall be not less than half, and not
                    equal to, the sum of $180,000 plus the
                    maximum obligation, expressed in dollars, due
                    during the year in which such $4.68 Series
                    Purchase Offer is to be made, for sinking
                    funds, purchase funds, or other analogous
                    devices, if any, for the retirement of any
                    other Preferred Stock of the corporation,
                    then the corporation's obligation, expressed
                    in dollars, to offer to purchase shares of
                    said Series in such year shall be the
                    proportion of said amount so determined which
                    $180,000 bears to the maximum aggregate of
                    all sinking funds, purchase funds, or other
                    analogous devices, if any, for the retirement
                    of any Preferred Stock of the corporation. 
                    The total number of shares to be purchased
                    and the number of shares to be purchased from
                    any holder shall be adjusted to the nearest
                    full share so that fractional shares need not
                    be purchased.  The obligation of the
                    corporation to make annually the $4.68 Series
                    Purchase Offer and to purchase shares of said
                    Series tendered for sale in accordance with
                    the terms thereof, hereinafter is referred to
                    as the "$4.68 Series Purchase Fund
                    Obligation" and is subject to the terms and
                    conditions hereinafter set forth.

                    (2)  Beginning on or prior to April 30, 1966,
                    and on or prior to April 30 in each year
                    thereafter, the corporation shall deliver to
                    the Transfer Agent for said Series a
                    certificate signed by the president or a vice
                    president or the treasurer or an assistant
                    treasurer of the corporation stating (i)(a)
                    whether or not the corporation's obligation,
                    expressed in dollars, to offer to purchase
                    shares of said Series is limited by reason of
                    subdivision (1)(ii) above, and if so, the
                    amount of such obligation as so limited, and
                    (b) the number of shares of said Series for
                    which a $4.68 Series Purchase Offer is to be
                    made by the corporation in such year, or
                    (ii) that the net income of  the corporation
                    for the preceding calendar year was such that
                    the corporation has no $4.68 Series Purchase
                    Fund Obligation in the current year, or (iii)
                    that the making of a $4.68 Series Purchase
                    Offer by the corporation, in the opinion of
                    counsel for the corporation accompanying such
                    certificate, would be contrary to an
                    applicable law or to a rule or regulation of
                    a governmental authority having jurisdiction
                    in the premises; provided, however, that if,
                    on April 1 of any year, there are not funds
                    legally available, in the opinions of the
                    signer of such certificate and of counsel for
                    the corporation accompanying such
                    certificate, for the payment of the current
                    $4.68 Series Purchase Fund Obligation, the
                    corporation may presume for the purposes
                    hereof that the making of a $4.68 Series
                    Purchase Offer would be contrary to an
                    applicable law.

                    (3) If the certificate filed in any such year
                    shall state that a $4.68 Series Purchase
                    Offer is to be made in such year, the
                    Transfer Agent for said Series with whom such
                    certificate is filed shall, on or prior to 

                                   - 8 -

                    May 15 of such year, cause to be mailed to
                    the holders of record of the shares of said
                    Series at the close of business on the May 1
                    preceding such mailing (or, if the board of
                    directors of the corporation has declared a
                    dividend on the shares of said Series,
                    payable on May 15, to the holders receiving
                    such dividend payment at the time of mailing
                    such dividend payment checks), a notice, in
                    the name of the corporation, that the
                    corporation will on June 15 of such year
                    accept tenders of shares required to satisfy
                    the $4.68 Series Purchase Fund Obligation
                    then due at $100 per share and accumulated
                    dividends to such June 15; provided, however,
                    that such tender must be received by the
                    Transfer Agent not later than the close of
                    business on the fifth full business day
                    preceding such June 15 and that such tender
                    must be irrevocable until the close of
                    business on June 16 of such year.  Tenders
                    may be accepted regardless of whether the
                    holder so tendering held shares of said
                    Series at the time notice was given.  The
                    corporation may require, and in such event
                    said notice shall specify, that each offer to
                    sell shares of said Series shall be
                    accompanied by the certificate or
                    certificates for the shares so offered, the
                    signature of the holder thereof to be
                    guaranteed by a bank or trust company (not a
                    savings bank) or by a firm having membership
                    in the New York Stock Exchange, together with
                    evidence satisfactory to the Transfer Agent
                    of the right of the holder of such shares to
                    so sell the same to the corporation.  The
                    decision of counsel for the corporation as to
                    the right of the holder of such shares to
                    sell the same to the corporation shall
                    control and be conclusive.  Any offer to sell
                    shall be subject to acceptance in whole or in

                    (4)  In any year in which a $4.68 Series
                    Purchase Offer is made, the Transfer Agent
                    for said Series shall on June 15 of such
                    year, on behalf of the corporation, accept
                    tenders to sell shares of said Series
                    received by it up to the full number of
                    shares covered by the $4.68 Series Purchase
                    Offer subject to the limitations on
                    expenditures set forth in the certificate
                    delivered to the Transfer Agent.  If more
                    shares are properly tendered pursuant to any
                    annual $4.68 Series Purchase Offer than are
                    to be purchased, the Transfer Agent shall
                    accept the tender of such number of shares of
                    each tendering shareholder as will bear the
                    same ratio to the total number of shares to
                    be purchased, as the number of shares of said
                    Series held of record by such tendering
                    shareholder bears to the aggregate number of
                    shares of said Series held of record by all
                    tendering shareholders.  If one or more
                    holders tender less than their proportionate
                    share so that any of the number of shares to
                    be purchased remain unallocated after
                    apportionment among tendering shareholders on
                    the foregoing basis the shares then remaining
                    unallocated shall be again apportioned on the
                    same basis among any excess tenders and such
                    process shall be repeated until tenders have
                    been accepted for the full number of shares
                    to be purchased.

                    (5)  On or prior to June 15 in each year in
                    which a $4.68 Series Purchase Offer shall
                    have been made, the corporation shall deposit
                    with the Transfer Agent for said Series cash
                    sufficient to purchase those shares of said
                    Series, if any, accepted for purchase
                    pursuant to the $4.68 Series Purchase Offer
                    made in such year.  The Transfer Agent shall,
                    on or before the next succeeding June 20,
                    return to the corporation any funds deposited
                    with it and not used or required to purchase
                    shares of said Series, pursuant to the $4.68
                    Series Purchase Offer for such year.  The
                    $4.68 Series Purchase Fund Obligation in any
                    year shall be deemed to be fully satisfied if
                    the corporation shall have complied with
                    these provisions notwithstanding that the
                    total number of shares purchased by it shall
                    be less than the total number of shares 
                    covered by the $4.68 Series Purchase Offer
                    for that year because insufficient offers to
                    sell were received by it.  The $4.68 Series
                    Purchase Fund Obligation shall not be

                    (6) Shares of said Series, purchased pursuant
                    to any $4.68 Series Purchase Offer, shall be 
                                   - 9 -

                    cancelled, shall not be reissued as shares of
                    said Series, and shall be restored to the
                    status of authorized but unissued shares of
                    the Preferred Stock of the corporation.

                    (7)  Unless otherwise provided by law,
                    nothing herein contained shall prevent or in
                    any manner restrict the board of directors or
                    the corporation from authorizing and issuing
                    any other series of Preferred Stock entitled
                    to a purchase fund, sinking fund or other
                    analogous device for the benefit of the
                    holders of such other series of Preferred
                    Stock of the corporation, whether or not the
                    provisions therefor shall correspond with the
                    provisions for said Series; provided that the
                    dates on which such other fund or device
                    shall operate in any particular year shall
                    correspond with the dates applicable to said
                    Series and in the event there is a deficiency
                    in funds legally available to meet the total
                    obligation due on any date for said Series
                    and any other series of Preferred Stock of
                    the corporation, the funds actually
                    available, if any, or the total number of
                    shares of said Series which the corporation
                    may offer to purchase, shall be prorated
                    between said Series and such other series of
                    Preferred Stock so that the percentage
                    allocated to any particular preferred stock
                    shall correspond with its portion of the
                    total amount due.

                    (8)  After June 15, 1966, so long as any
                    shares of said Series shall be outstanding,
                    no dividends on the Preference Stock or the
                    Common Stock of the corporation shall,
                    without the written consent or affirmative
                    vote of the holders of at least a majority of
                    the total number of shares of Preferred Stock
                    then outstanding, be declared and set apart
                    for payment unless the $4.68 Series Purchase
                    Fund Obligation applicable to the June 15
                    immediately preceding the declaration of such
                    dividend shall have been fully met, in that
                    the corporation has offered to purchase 1,800
                    shares of said Series and has purchased or
                    has available funds to purchase, pursuant to
                    such $4.68 Series Purchase Offer, such 1,800
                    shares at $100 per share plus accumulated
                    dividends to such June 15.

                    (9)  Whenever any of the dates mentioned with
                    respect to the $4.68 Series Purchase Offer or
                    $4.68 Series Purchase Fund Obligation shall
                    not be a full business day in the City of
                    Portland, Oregon, then any action to be taken
                    on said date may be taken on the next
                    succeeding full business day.  

                               $4.75 Series

          (b)  The Preferred Stock $4.75 Series, of which 20,485
               shares were outstanding at the time of the
               adoption of these Restated Articles of
               Incorporation, shall have the following rights and

               (i)  the rate of dividend of shares of said Series
               shall be $4.75 per annum of the par value thereof;
               the dividend payment dates shall be the 15th days
               of February, May, August and November in each year
               except that the date of payment of the first
               dividend shall be May 15, 1964; and dividends
               shall be cumulative from the date of issue;

               (ii)  the price at which shares of said Series may
               be redeemed shall be $105 per share if the date of
               redemption is on or prior to January 31, 1969;
               $103 per share if the date of redemption is after
               January 31, 1969 and on or prior to January 31,
               1972; $101 per share if the date of redemption is
               after January 31, 1972 and on or prior to January
               31, 1975; and $100 per share if the date of
               redemption is after January 31, 1975; in each case
               plus unpaid accumulated dividends, if any, to the
               date of redemption; provided, however, that no
               shares of said Series may be redeemed on or prior
               to January 31, 1969; in whole or in part by the
               use, directly or indirectly, of the proceeds from
               the issuance of any class or series of Preferred
               Stock of the corporation bearing an effective
               dividend rate (calculated in accordance with
               acceptable financial practice) that is less than
               $4.75 per annum;

                                  - 10 -

               (iii)  the amount payable upon shares of said
               Series in the event of involuntary liquidation
               shall be $100 per share and in the event of
               voluntary liquidation shall be an amount equal to
               the then applicable redemption price of shares of
               said Series plus unpaid accumulated dividends, if
               any, to the date of payment;

               (iv)  shares of said Series shall not be, by their
               terms, convertible;

               (v)  shares of said Series shall be entitled to
               the benefits of a purchase fund as follows:

                    (1)  The corporation (unless such action, in
                    the opinion of counsel for the corporation,
                    would be contrary to any applicable law or to
                    any rule or regulation of any governmental
                    authority having jurisdiction in the
                    premises) will each year, beginning in 1967,
                    so long as any shares of said Series are
                    outstanding, make an offer, in the manner
                    hereinafter specified, to the holders of
                    shares of said Series, to purchase on June 15
                    in each such year, 1,800 shares (less that
                    number of shares, if any, surrendered in
                    accordance with the provisions of the
                    following subdivision) of said Series at
                    prices up to but not exceeding $100 per share
                    and accumulated dividends up to such June 15
                    (hereinafter called "$4.75 Series Purchase
                    Offer"); provided, however, that (i) if in
                    any year the net income of the corporation
                    for the preceding calendar year (which net
                    income shall be determined in accordance with
                    the requirements of the regulatory authority
                    of the State of Oregon having jurisdiction of
                    the corporation and after deducting from such
                    net income one year's dividend requirement on
                    any Preferred Stock of the corporation
                    outstanding at the end of such preceding
                    calendar year whether or not declared or
                    paid) shall be less than half the sum of
                    $180,000 plus the maximum obligation,
                    expressed in dollars, due during the year in
                    which such $4.75 Series Purchase Offer is to
                    be made, for sinking funds, purchase funds,
                    or other analogous devices, if any, for the
                    retirement of any other Preferred Stock of
                    the corporation, then the corporation's
                    obligation, expressed in dollars, to offer to
                    purchase shares of said Series in such year
                    shall be limited to such amount as it shall
                    in its sole discretion determine; and (ii) if
                    in any year the amount of such net income of
                    the corporation for the preceding calendar
                    year (after deducting from such net income
                    one year's dividend requirement on any
                    Preferred Stock of the corporation
                    outstanding at the end of such preceding
                    calendar year whether or not declared or
                    paid) shall be not less than half, and not
                    equal to, the sum of $180,000 plus the
                    maximum obligation, expressed in dollars, due
                    during the year in which such $4.75 Series
                    Purchase Offer is to be made, for sinking
                    funds, purchase funds, or other analogous
                    devices, if any, for the retirement of any
                    other Preferred Stock of the corporation,
                    then the corporation's obligation, expressed
                    in dollars, to offer to purchase shares of
                    said Series in such year shall be the
                    proportion of said amount so determined which
                    $180,000 bears to the maximum aggregate of
                    all sinking funds, purchase funds, or other
                    analogous devices, if any, for the retirement
                    of any Preferred Stock of the corporation. 
                    The total number of shares to be purchased
                    and the number of shares to be purchased from
                    any holder shall be adjusted to the nearest
                    full share so that fractional shares need not
                    be purchased.  The obligation of the
                    corporation to make annually the $4.75 Series
                    Purchase Offer and to purchase shares of said
                    Series tendered for sale in accordance with
                    the terms thereof, is hereinafter referred to
                    as the "$4.75 Series Purchase Fund
                    Obligation" and is subject to the terms and
                    conditions hereinafter set forth.

                    (2)  In addition to or in lieu of making a
                    $4.75 Series Purchase Offer, the $4.75 Series
                    Purchase Fund Obligation may also be
                    satisfied in whole or in part by the
                    surrender by the corporation for cancellation
                    to the Transfer Agent for said Series, on or
                    before June 15 of the year as to which the
                    $4.75 Series Purchase Fund Obligation being
                    met with such surrender is applicable, of
                    shares of said Series theretofore acquired by
                    the corporation; shares so surrendered in
                    excess of 1,800 shares shall be 

                                  - 11 -

                    credited to the $4.75 Series Purchase Fund
                    Obligation of the next succeeding year or
                    years.  Such surrender, however, shall not
                    reduce the corporation's obligation expressed
                    in dollars to offer to purchase said Series
                    pursuant to subdivision (1)(ii) above, but
                    the number of shares of said Series which the
                    corporation shall offer to purchase shall be
                    reduced to the difference between 1,800
                    shares and the number of shares so

                    (3)  Beginning on or prior to April 30, 1967,
                    and on or prior to April 30 in each year
                    thereafter, the corporation shall deliver to
                    the Transfer Agent for said Series a
                    certificate signed by the president or a vice
                    president or the treasurer or an assistant
                    treasurer of the corporation stating (i)(a)
                    whether or not the corporation's obligation,
                    expressed in dollars, to offer to purchase
                    shares of said Series is limited by reason of
                    subdivision (1)(ii) above, and if so, the
                    amount of such obligation as so limited, (b)
                    the number of shares of said Series, if any,
                    to be surrendered by the corporation for
                    cancellation on or prior to June 15 in such
                    year, and (c) the number of shares of said
                    Series for which a $4.75 Series Purchase
                    Offer is to be made by the corporation in
                    such year, or (ii) that the net income of the
                    corporation for the preceding calendar year
                    was such that the corporation has no $4.75
                    Series Purchase Fund Obligation in the
                    current year, or (iii) that the making of a
                    $4.75 Series Purchase Offer by the
                    corporation, in the opinion of counsel for
                    the corporation accompanying such
                    certificate, would be contrary to an
                    applicable law or to a rule or regulation of
                    a government authority having jurisdiction in
                    the premises; provided, however, that if, on
                    April 1 of any year, there are not funds
                    legally available, in the opinions of the
                    signer of such certificate and of counsel for
                    the corporation accompanying such
                    certificate, for the payment of the current
                    $4.75 Series Purchase Fund Obligation, the
                    corporation may presume for the purposes
                    hereof that the making of a $4.75 Series
                    Purchase Offer would be contrary to an
                    applicable law.  

                    (4)  If the certificate filed in any such
                    year shall state that a $4.75 Series Purchase
                    Offer is to be made in such year, the
                    Transfer Agent for said Series with whom such
                    certificate is filed shall, on or prior to
                    May 15 of such year, cause to be mailed to
                    the holders of record of the shares of said
                    Series at the close of business on the May 1
                    preceding such mailing (or, if the board of
                    directors of the corporation has declared a
                    dividend on the shares of said Series,
                    payable on May 15, to the holders receiving
                    such dividend payment at the time of mailing
                    such dividend payment checks), a notice, in
                    the name of the corporation, that the
                    corporation will on June 15 of such year
                    accept tenders of shares required to satisfy
                    the $4.75 Series Purchase Fund Obligation
                    then due at prices not exceeding $100 per
                    share and accumulated dividends to such
                    June 15; provided, however, that such tender
                    must be received by the Transfer Agent not
                    later than the close of business on the fifth
                    full business day preceding such June 15 and
                    that such tender must be irrevocable until
                    the close of business on June 16 of such
                    year.  Tenders may be accepted regardless of
                    whether the holder so tendering held shares
                    of said Series at the time notice was given. 
                    The corporation may require, and in such
                    event said notice shall specify, that each
                    offer to sell shares of said Series shall be
                    accompanied by the certificate or
                    certificates for the shares so offered, the
                    signature of the holder thereof to be
                    guaranteed by a bank or trust company ( not a
                    savings bank) or by a firm having membership
                    in the New York Stock Exchange, together with
                    evidence satisfactory to the Transfer Agent
                    of the right of the holder of such shares to
                    so sell the same to the corporation.  The
                    decision of counsel for the corporation as to
                    the right of the holder of such shares to
                    sell the same to the corporation shall
                    control and be conclusive.  Any offer to sell
                    shall be subject to acceptance in whole or in

                    (5)  In any year in which a $4.75 Series
                    Purchase Offer is made, the Transfer Agent
                    for said Series shall on June 15 of such
                    year, on behalf of the corporation, accept
                    tenders to sell shares of said Series
                    received by it up to the full number of
                    shares covered by the $4.75 Series Purchase 

                                  - 12 -

                    Offer subject to the limitations on
                    expenditures set forth in the certificate
                    delivered to the Transfer Agent upon such
                    basis as will result in the lowest aggregate
                    cost to the corporation.  The Transfer Agent
                    shall to the extent necessary select among
                    tenders made at the same price by lot in such
                    manner as it may determine.

                    (6)  On or prior to June 15 in each year in
                    which a $4.75 Series Purchase Offer shall
                    have been made, the corporation shall
                    surrender to the Transfer Agent for said
                    Series, for cancellation, certificates for
                    the number of shares of said Series, if any,
                    specified in the certificate for such year to
                    be surrendered by the corporation to the
                    Transfer Agent and deposit with the Transfer
                    Agent cash sufficient to purchase shares of
                    said Series, if any, accepted for purchase
                    pursuant to the $4.75 Series Purchase Offer
                    made in such year.  The Transfer Agent shall,
                    on or before the next succeeding June 20,
                    return to the corporation any funds deposited
                    with it and not used or required to purchase
                    shares of said Series, pursuant to the $4.75
                    Series Purchase Offer for such year.  The
                    $4.75 Series Purchase Fund Obligation in any
                    year shall be deemed to be fully satisfied if
                    the corporation shall have complied with
                    these provisions notwithstanding that the
                    total number of shares purchased by it shall
                    be less than the total number of shares
                    covered by the $4.75 Series Purchase Offer
                    for that year because insufficient offers to
                    sell were received by it.  The $4.75 Series
                    Purchase Fund Obligation shall not be

                    (7)  Shares of said Series, purchased
                    pursuant to any $4.75 Series Purchase Offer,
                    or surrendered in whole or partial
                    satisfaction of the $4.75 Series Purchase
                    Fund Obligation in any year, shall be
                    cancelled, shall not be reissued as shares of
                    said Series, and shall be restored to the
                    status of authorized but unissued shares of
                    the Preferred Stock of the corporation.

                    (8)  Unless otherwise provided by law,
                    nothing herein contained shall prevent or in
                    any manner restrict the board of directors or
                    the corporation from authorizing and issuing
                    any other series of Preferred Stock entitled
                    to a purchase fund, sinking fund or other
                    analogous device for the benefit of the
                    holders of such other series of Preferred
                    Stock of the corporation, whether or not the
                    provisions therefor shall correspond with the
                    provisions for said Series; provided that the
                    dates on which such other fund or device
                    shall operate in any particular year shall
                    correspond with the dates applicable to said
                    Series and in the event there is a deficiency
                    in funds legally available to meet the total
                    obligation due on any date for said Series
                    and any other series of Preferred Stock of
                    the corporation, the funds actually
                    available, if any, or the total number of
                    shares of said Series which the corporation
                    may offer to purchase, shall be prorated
                    between said Series and such other series of
                    Preferred Stock so that the percentage
                    allocated to any particular Preferred Stock
                    shall correspond with its portion of the
                    total amount due.

                    (9)  After June 15, 1967, so long as any
                    shares of said Series shall be outstanding,
                    no dividends on the Preference Stock or the
                    Common Stock of the corporation shall,
                    without the written consent or affirmative
                    vote of the holders of at least a majority of
                    the total number of shares of Preferred Stock
                    then outstanding, be declared and set apart
                    for payment unless the $4.75 Series Purchase
                    Fund Obligation applicable to the June 15
                    immediately preceding the declaration of such
                    dividend shall have been fully met by one of
                    the following: (a) the surrender by the
                    corporation to the Transfer Agent for
                    cancellation of 1,800 shares of said Series
                    therefore acquired by it, or (b) the
                    corporation has offered to purchase 1,800
                    shares of said Series and has purchased or
                    has available funds to purchase, pursuant to
                    such $4.75 Series Purchase Offer, such 1,800
                    shares at prices not exceeding $100 per share
                    plus accumulated dividends to such June 15,
                    or (c) the corporation offered to purchase
                    that number of shares of said Series and has 

                                  - 13 -

                    purchased or has funds available for the
                    purchase thereof pursuant to such $4.75
                    Series Purchase Offer at $100 per share plus
                    accumulated dividends to such June 15 which
                    when added to the number of shares of said
                    Series, if any, theretofore acquired by and
                    surrendered for cancellation to the Transfer
                    Agent by the corporation shall aggregate
                    1,800 shares of said Series.

                    (10)  Whenever any of the dates mentioned
                    with respect to the $4.75 Series Purchase
                    Offer or $4.75 Series Purchase Fund
                    Obligation shall not be a full business day
                    in the City of Portland, Oregon, then any
                    action to be taken on said date may be taken
                    on the next succeeding full business day.

                               $6.875 Series

          (c)  The Preferred Stock $6.875 Series, of which 28,000
               shares were outstanding at the time of the
               adoption of these Restated Articles of
               Incorporation, shall have the following rights and

               (i)  the rate of dividend of shares of said Series
               shall be $6.875 per annum of the par value
               thereof; the dividend payment dates shall be the
               15th days of February, May, August and November in
               each year; and dividends shall be cumulative from
               the date of original issue;

               (ii)  the price at which shares of said Series may
               be redeemed shall be $110 per share if the date of
               redemption is on or prior to December 31, 1977;
               $106 per share if the date of redemption is after
               December 31, 1977 and on or prior to December 31,
               1980; $103 per share if the date of redemption is
               after December 31, 1980 and on or prior to
               December 31, 1983; and $100 per share if the date
               of redemption is after December 31, 1983; in each
               case plus unpaid accumulated dividends, if any, to
               the date of redemption, provided, however, that no
               shares of said Series may be redeemed (otherwise
               than by operation of the sinking fund provided for
               in subdivision (v) below) prior to December 31,
               1974, directly or indirectly from the proceeds of
               or in anticipation of any refunding operation
               involving the incurring of indebtedness, or the
               issuance of stock, the holder of which will have a
               preference to the holders of the Common Stock with
               respect to the payment of dividends, having an
               effective interest rate, dividend rate or cost
               (calculated in accordance with acceptable
               financial practice) of less than the annual
               dividend rate borne by the shares of said Series;

               (iii)  the amount payable upon shares of said
               Series in the event of involuntary liquidation
               shall be $100 per share and in the event in
               voluntary liquidation shall be an amount equal to
               the then applicable redemption price of shares of
               said Series plus unpaid accumulated dividends, if
               any, to the date of payment;

               (iv)  shares of said Series shall not be, by their
               terms, convertible;

               (v)  shares of said Series shall be entitled to
               the benefits of a sinking fund as follows:

                    (1)  The corporation (unless such action, in
                    the opinion of counsel for the corporation,
                    would be contrary to any applicable law or to
                    any rule or regulation of any governmental
                    authority having jurisdiction in the
                    premises) shall, as a sinking fund for the
                    retirement of shares of said Series, redeem,
                    in the manner herein provided, 2,100 shares
                    of said Series on June 15, 1969 and 2,100
                    shares of said Series on the 15th day of June
                    of each year thereafter so long as any shares
                    of said Series shall remain outstanding, in
                    each case at the par value thereof per share
                    plus accrued dividends to the date fixed for
                    redemption; provided, however, that (i) if in
                    any year the net income of the corporation
                    for the preceding calendar year (which net
                    income shall be determined in accordance with
                    the requirements of the regulatory authority
                    of the State of Oregon having jurisdiction of
                    the corporation and after deducting from such
                    net income one year's dividend requirement on
                    any Preferred Stock of the corporation
                    outstanding at the end of such preceding 

                                  - 14 -

                    calendar year whether or not declared or
                    paid) shall be less than half the sum of
                    $210,000 plus the maximum obligation,
                    expressed in dollars, due during the year in
                    which said Series sinking fund redemption is
                    to be made, for sinking funds, purchase
                    funds, or other analogous devices, if any,
                    for the retirement of any other Preferred
                    Stock of the corporation, then the
                    corporation's obligation, expressed in
                    dollars, to redeem shares of said Series for
                    sinking fund purposes in such year shall be
                    limited to such amount, if any, as it shall
                    in its sole discretion determine; and (ii) if
                    in any year the amount of such net income of
                    the corporation for the preceding calendar
                    year (determined as aforesaid and after
                    deducting from such net income one year's
                    dividend requirement on any Preferred Stock
                    of the corporation outstanding at the end of
                    such preceding calendar year whether or not
                    declared or paid) shall be not less than
                    half, and not equal to, the sum of $210,000
                    plus the maximum obligation, expressed in
                    dollars, due during the year in which said
                    Series sinking fund redemption is to be made,
                    for sinking funds, purchase funds or other
                    analogous devices, if any, for the retirement
                    of any other Preferred Stock of the
                    corporation, then the corporation's
                    obligation, expressed in dollars, to redeem
                    shares of said Series for sinking fund
                    purposes in such year shall be the proportion
                    of said amount so determined which $210,000
                    bears to the maximum aggregate of all sinking
                    funds, purchase funds, or other analogous
                    devices, if any, for the retirement of any
                    Preferred Stock of the corporation in such
                    year.  The total number of shares to be
                    redeemed and the number of shares to be
                    redeemed from any holder shall be adjusted to
                    the nearest full share so that fractional
                    shares need not be redeemed.  The corporation
                    may, on any redemption date as above provided
                    and at its option, credit against its sinking
                    fund obligation such number of shares of said
                    Series theretofore redeemed by the
                    corporation otherwise than for the account of
                    its sinking fund obligation or such number of
                    shares of said Series theretofore purchased
                    by the corporation at a price per share not
                    in excess of $100 plus accrued dividends and
                    in either case not theretofore applied as a
                    credit on its sinking fund obligation.  The
                    sinking fund for said Series shall not be
                    cumulative.  Notice of redemption for each
                    sinking fund shall be given, and deposit of
                    the aggregate redemption price may be made,
                    subject to the general terms and provisions
                    for redemption of the Preferred Stock set
                    forth in subdivision III.C.4.

                    (2)  Shares of said Series redeemed pursuant
                    to the provisions of the sinking fund or
                    credited thereto shall be cancelled, shall
                    not be reissued as shares of said Series, and
                    shall be restored to the status of authorized
                    but unissued shares of the Preferred Stock of
                    the corporation.

                    (3)  Unless otherwise provided by law,
                    nothing herein contained shall prevent or in
                    any manner restrict the board of directors of
                    the corporation from authorizing and issuing
                    any other series of Preferred Stock entitled
                    to a purchase fund, sinking fund or other
                    analogous device for the benefit of the
                    holders of such other series of Preferred
                    Stock of the corporation, whether or not the
                    provisions therefor shall correspond with the
                    provisions for said Series; provided that the
                    dates on which such other fund or device
                    shall operate in any particular year shall
                    correspond with the dates applicable to said
                    Series and in the event there is a deficiency
                    in the funds available in any particular year
                    for the fulfillment of the maximum
                    requirements of the purchase funds, sinking
                    funds or other analogous devices of all
                    outstanding series of Preferred Stock of the
                    corporation in accordance with the terms
                    thereof, such funds as are available in
                    accordance with such terms for such purpose
                    shall be prorated among all such series so
                    that the percentage allocated to any
                    particular Preferred Stock shall correspond
                    with its portion of the total amount due.

                    (4)  After June 15, 1969, so long as any
                    shares of said Series shall be outstanding,
                    no dividends on the Preference Stock or the
                    Common Stock of the corporation shall,
                    without the written consent or affirmative
                    vote of the holders of at least a majority of
                    the total number of shares of Preferred Stock
                    then outstanding, be declared and set apart 

                                  - 15 -

                    for payment unless the corporation, on the
                    June 15th immediately preceding the
                    declaration of such dividend, shall have
                    redeemed 2,100 shares of said Series at $100
                    per share plus accumulated dividends to such
                    June 15th or in accordance with the terms
                    hereof shall have taken credits against the
                    shares of said Series sinking fund which,
                    with shares redeemed pursuant to such fund
                    obligation, aggregate 2,100 shares of said

                    (5)  Whenever any of the dates mentioned with
                    respect to said Series shall not be a full
                    business day in the City of Portland, Oregon,
                    then any action to be taken on said date may
                    be taken on the next succeeding full business

                               $8.00 Series

          (d)  The Preferred Stock $8.00 Series, of which 36,296
               shares were outstanding at the time of the
               adoption of these Restated Articles of
               Incorporation, shall have the following rights and

               (i)  the rate of dividend of shares of said Series
               shall be $8.00 per annum; the dividend payment
               dates shall be the 15th days of February, May,
               August and November in each year; provided,
               however, that the initial dividend payment date
               shall be August 15, 1971; and dividends shall be
               cumulative from the date of original issue;

               (ii) the price at which shares of said Series may
               be redeemed shall be $110 per share if the date of
               redemption is on or prior to April 30, 1981; $106
               per share if the date of redemption is after April
               30, 1981 and on or prior to April 30, 1984; $103
               per share if the date of redemption is after April
               30, 1984 and on or prior to April 30, 1987; and
               $100 per share if the date of redemption is after
               April 30, 1987; in each case plus unpaid
               accumulated dividends, if any, to the date of
               redemption; provided, however, that no shares of
               said Series may be redeemed (otherwise than by
               operation of the sinking fund provided for in
               subdivision (v) below) prior to April 30, 1981,
               directly or indirectly from the proceeds of or in
               anticipation of any refunding operation involving
               the incurring of indebtedness, or the issuance of
               stock, the holder of which will have a preference
               to the holders of the Common Stock with respect to
               the payment of dividends, having an effective
               interest rate, dividend rate or cost (calculated
               in accordance with acceptable financial practice)
               of less than the annual dividend rate borne by the
               shares of said Series;

               (iii)  the amount payable upon shares of said
               Series in the event of involuntary liquidation
               shall be $100 per share and in the event of
               voluntary liquidation shall be an amount equal to
               the then applicable redemption price of shares of
               said Series plus unpaid accumulated dividends, if
               any, to the date of payment;

               (iv) shares of said Series shall not be, by their
               terms, convertible;

               (v)  shares of said Series shall be entitled to
               the benefits of a sinking fund as follows:

                    (1)  The corporation (unless such action, in
                    the opinion of counsel for the corporation,
                    would be contrary to any applicable law or to
                    any rule or regulation of any governmental
                    authority having jurisdiction in the
                    premises) shall, as a sinking fund for the
                    retirement of shares of said Series, redeem,
                    in the manner herein provided, 2,100 shares
                    of said Series on June 15, 1974 and 2,100
                    shares of said Series on the 15th day of June
                    of each year thereafter so long as any shares
                    of said Series shall remain outstanding, in
                    each case at the par value thereof per share
                    plus accrued dividends to the date fixed for
                    redemption; provided, however, that (i) if in
                    any year the net income of the corporation
                    for the preceding calendar year (which net
                    income shall be determined in accordance with
                    the requirements of the regulatory authority
                    of the State of Oregon having jurisdiction of
                    the corporation and after deducting from such
                    net income one year's dividend requirement 

                                  - 16 -

                    on any Preferred Stock of the corporation
                    outstanding at the end of such preceding
                    calendar year whether or not declared or
                    paid) shall be less than half the sum of
                    $210,000 plus the maximum obligation,
                    expressed in dollars, due during the year in
                    which said Series sinking fund redemption is
                    to be made, for sinking funds, purchase
                    funds, or other analogous devices, if any,
                    for the retirement of any other Preferred
                    Stock of the corporation, then the
                    corporation's obligation, expressed in
                    dollars, to redeem shares of said Series for
                    sinking fund purposes in such year shall be
                    limited to such amount, if any, as it shall
                    in its sole discretion determine; and (ii) if
                    in any year the amount of such net income of
                    the corporation for the preceding calendar
                    year (determined as aforesaid and after
                    deducting from such net income one year's
                    dividend requirement on any Preferred Stock
                    of the corporation outstanding at the end of
                    such preceding calendar year whether or not
                    declared or paid) shall be not less than
                    half, and not equal to, the sum of $210,000
                    plus the maximum obligation, expressed in
                    dollars, due during the year in which said
                    Series sinking fund redemption is to be made,
                    for sinking funds, purchase funds, or other
                    analogous devices, if any, for the retirement
                    of any other Preferred Stock of the
                    corporation, then the corporation's
                    obligation, expressed in dollars, to redeem
                    shares of said Series for sinking fund
                    purposes in such year shall be the proportion
                    of said amount so determined which $210,000
                    bears to the maximum aggregate of all sinking
                    funds, purchase funds, or other analogous
                    devices, if any, for the retirement of any
                    Preferred Stock of the corporation in such
                    year.  The total number of shares to be
                    redeemed and the number of shares to be
                    redeemed from any holder shall be adjusted to
                    the nearest full share so that fractional
                    shares need not be redeemed.  The corporation
                    may, on any redemption date as above provided
                    and at its option, credit against its sinking
                    fund obligation such number of shares of said
                    Series theretofore redeemed by the
                    corporation otherwise than for the account of
                    its sinking fund obligation or such number of
                    shares of said Series theretofore purchased
                    by the corporation at a price per share not
                    in excess of $100 plus accrued dividends and
                    in either case not theretofore applied as a
                    credit on its sinking fund obligation.  The
                    sinking fund for said Series shall not be
                    cumulative.  Notice of redemption for each
                    sinking fund shall be given, and deposit of
                    the aggregate redemption price may be made,
                    subject to the general terms and provisions
                    for redemption of the Preferred Stock set
                    forth in subdivision III.C.4.

                    (2)  Shares of said Series redeemed pursuant
                    to the provisions of the sinking fund or
                    credited thereto shall be cancelled, shall
                    not be reissued as shares of said Series, and
                    shall be restored to the status of authorized
                    but unissued shares of the Preferred Stock of
                    the corporation.

                    (3)  Unless otherwise provided by law,
                    nothing herein contained shall prevent or in
                    any manner restrict the board of directors of
                    the corporation from authorizing and issuing
                    any other series of Preferred Stock entitled
                    to a purchase fund, sinking fund or other
                    analogous device for the benefit of the
                    holders of such other series of Preferred
                    Stock of the corporation, whether or not the
                    provisions therefor shall correspond with the
                    provisions for said Series; provided that the
                    dates on which such other fund or device
                    shall operate in any particular year shall
                    correspond with the dates applicable to said
                    Series and in the event there is a deficiency
                    in the funds available in any particular year
                    for the fulfillment of the maximum
                    requirements of the purchase funds, sinking
                    funds or other analogous devices of all
                    outstanding series of Preferred Stock of the
                    corporation in accordance with the terms
                    thereof, such funds as are available in
                    accordance with such terms for such purpose
                    shall be prorated among all such series so
                    that the percentage allocated to any
                    particular Preferred Stock shall correspond
                    with its portion of the total amount due.

                    (4)  After June 15, 1974, so long as any
                    shares of said Series shall be outstanding,
                    no dividends on the Preference Stock or the
                    Common Stock of the corporation shall, 

                                  - 17 -

                    without the written consent or affirmative
                    vote of the holders of at least a majority of
                    the total number of shares of Preferred Stock
                    then outstanding, be declared and set apart
                    for payment unless the corporation, on the
                    June 15th immediately preceding the
                    declaration of such dividend, shall have
                    redeemed 2,100 shares of said Series at $100
                    per share plus accumulated dividends to such
                    June 15th or in accordance with the terms
                    hereof shall have taken credits against the
                    shares of said Series sinking fund which,
                    with shares redeemed pursuant to such fund
                    obligation, aggregate 2,100 shares of said

                    (5)  Whenever any of the dates mentioned with
                    respect to said Series shall not be a full
                    business day in the City of Portland, Oregon,
                    then any action to be taken on said date may
                    be taken on the next succeeding full business

                               $2.42 Series

          (e)  The Preferred Stock $2.42 Series, of which 300,000
               shares were outstanding at the time of adoption of
               these Restated Articles of Incorporation, shall
               have the following rights and preferences:

               (i)  the rate of dividend of shares of said Series
               shall be $2.42 per annum; the dividend payment
               dates shall be the 15th days of February, May,
               August and November in each year; provided,
               however, that the initial dividend payment date
               shall be May 15, 1978; and dividends shall be
               cumulative from the date of original issue;

               (ii) the price at which shares of said Series may
               be redeemed shall be $29.10 per share if the date
               of redemption is prior to January 1, 1988; $28.30
               per share if the date of redemption is after
               December 31, 1987 and prior to January 1, 1993;
               and $27.50 per share if the date of redemption is
               after December 31, 1992; in each case plus unpaid
               accumulated dividends, if any, to the date of
               redemption; provided, however, that no shares of
               said Series may be redeemed prior to January 1,

               (iii)  the amount payable upon shares of said
               Series in the event of involuntary liquidation
               shall be $25 per share and in the event of
               voluntary liquidation shall be an amount equal to
               the then applicable redemption price of shares of
               said Series plus unpaid accumulated dividends, if
               any, to the date of payment;

               (iv) shares of said Series shall not be, by their
               terms, convertible; 

               (v)  shares of said Series shall be entitled to
               the benefits of a sinking fund as follows:

                    (1)  The corporation (unless such action, in
                    the opinion of counsel for the corporation,
                    would be contrary to any applicable law or to
                    any rule or regulation of any governmental
                    authority having jurisdiction in the
                    premises) as a sinking fund for the
                    retirement of shares of said Series, (a)
                    shall redeem, in the manner herein provided,
                    20,000 shares of said Series on June 15, 1984
                    and 20,000 shares of said Series on the 15th
                    day of June of each year thereafter so long
                    as any shares of said Series shall remain
                    outstanding, and (b) at its option, may
                    redeem, in the manner herein provided, not to
                    exceed 20,000 additional shares of said
                    Series on June 15, 1984 and not to exceed
                    20,000 additional shares of said Series on
                    the 15th day of June of each year thereafter
                    so long as any shares of said Series shall
                    remain outstanding, in each case at $27.50
                    per share plus accrued dividends to the date
                    fixed for redemption; provided, however, that
                    (i) if in any year the net income of the
                    corporation for the preceding calendar year
                    (which net income shall be determined in
                    accordance with the requirements of the
                    regulatory authority of the State of Oregon
                    having jurisdiction of the corporation and
                    after deducting from such net income one
                    year's dividend requirement on any Preferred
                    Stock of the corporation outstanding at the
                    end of such preceding calendar year whether
                    or not declared or paid) shall be less than
                    half the sum 
                                  - 18 -

                    of $550,000 plus the maximum obligation,
                    expressed in dollars, due during the year in
                    which said Series sinking fund redemption is
                    to be made, for sinking funds, purchase
                    funds, or other analogous devices, if any,
                    for the retirement of any other Preferred
                    Stock of the corporation, then the
                    corporation's obligation, expressed in
                    dollars, to redeem shares of said Series for
                    sinking fund purposes in such year shall be
                    limited to such amount, if any, as it shall
                    in its sole discretion determine; and (ii) if
                    in any year the amount of such net income of
                    the corporation for the preceding calendar
                    year (determined as aforesaid and after
                    deducting from such net income one year's
                    dividend requirement on any Preferred Stock
                    of the corporation outstanding at the end of
                    such preceding calendar year whether or not
                    declared or paid) shall be not less than
                    half, and not equal to, the sum of $550,000
                    plus the maximum obligation, expressed in
                    dollars, due during the year in which said
                    Series sinking fund redemption is to be made,
                    for sinking funds, purchase funds, or other
                    analogous devices, if any, for the retirement
                    of any other Preferred Stock of the
                    corporation, then the corporation's
                    obligation, expressed in dollars, to redeem
                    shares of said Series for sinking fund
                    purposes in such year shall be the proportion
                    of said amount so determined which $550,000
                    bears to the maximum aggregate of all sinking
                    funds, purchase funds, or other analogous
                    devices, if any, for the retirement of any
                    preferred stock of the corporation in such
                    year.  The total number of shares to be
                    redeemed and the number of shares to be
                    redeemed from any holder shall be adjusted to
                    the nearest full share so that fractional
                    shares need not be redeemed.  The corporation
                    may, on any redemption date as above provided
                    and at its option, credit against its sinking
                    fund obligation such number of shares of said
                    Series theretofore redeemed by the
                    corporation, otherwise than for the account
                    of its sinking fund obligation or optional
                    right, or such number of shares of said
                    Series theretofore purchased by the
                    corporation at a price per share not in
                    excess of $27.50 plus accrued dividends, and
                    in either case not theretofore applied as a
                    credit on its sinking fund obligation.  The
                    sinking fund for said Series shall not be
                    cumulative.  Notice of redemption for each
                    sinking fund shall be given, and deposit of
                    the aggregate redemption price may be made,
                    subject to the general terms and provisions
                    for redemption of the Preferred Stock set
                    forth in subdivision III.C.4.

                    (2)  Shares of said Series redeemed pursuant
                    to the provisions of the sinking fund or
                    credited thereto shall be cancelled, shall
                    not be reissued as shares of said Series, and
                    shall be restored to the status of authorized
                    but unissued shares of the Preferred Stock of
                    the corporation.

                    (3)  Unless otherwise provided by law,
                    nothing herein contained shall prevent or in
                    any manner restrict the Board of Directors of
                    the corporation from authorizing and issuing
                    any other series of Preferred Stock entitled
                    to a purchase fund, sinking fund or other
                    analogous device for the benefit of the
                    holders of such other series of Preferred
                    Stock of the corporation, whether or not the
                    provisions therefor shall correspond with the
                    provisions for said Series; provided that the
                    dates on which such other fund or device
                    shall operate in any particular year shall
                    correspond with the dates applicable to said
                    Series and in the event there is a deficiency
                    in the funds available in any particular year
                    for the fulfillment of the maximum
                    requirements of the purchase funds, sinking
                    funds or other analogous devices of all
                    outstanding series of Preferred Stock of the
                    corporation in accordance with the terms
                    thereof, such funds as are available in
                    accordance with such terms for such purpose
                    shall be prorated among all such series so
                    that the percentage allocated to any
                    particular series of Preferred Stock shall
                    correspond with its portion of the total
                    amount due.

                    (4)  After June 15, 1984, so long as any
                    shares of said Series shall be outstanding,
                    no dividends on the Preference Stock or the
                    Common Stock of the corporation shall,
                    without the written consent or affirmative
                    vote of the holders of at least a majority of
                    the total number of shares of Preferred Stock
                    then outstanding, be declared and set apart 

                                  - 19 -

                    for payment unless the corporation, on the
                    June 15th immediately preceding the
                    declaration of such dividend, shall have
                    redeemed 20,000 shares of said Series at
                    $27.50 per share plus accumulated dividends
                    to such June 15th or in accordance with the
                    terms hereof shall have taken credits against
                    the shares of said Series sinking fund which,
                    with shares redeemed pursuant to such fund
                    obligation, aggregate 20,000 shares of said

               (vi) Whenever any of the dates mentioned with
               respect to said Series shall not be a full
               business day in the City of Portland, Oregon, then
               any action to be taken on said date may be taken
               on the next succeeding full business day.

                               $8.75 Series

          (f)  The Preferred Stock $8.75 Series, of which 150,000
               shares were outstanding at the time of the
               adoption of these Restated Articles of
               Incorporation, shall have the following rights and

               (i) (1)  the rate of dividend of shares of said
               Series shall be $8.75 per annum plus that amount,
               if any, which will maintain each holder's after
               Federal income tax dividend yield on each dividend
               with respect to which any legislative enactment,
               administrative action, judicial decision or other
               change in law shall reduce or eliminate the
               dividends received deduction of 70% provided by
               Section 243(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code of
               1986, as amended, as in effect on April 1, 1988
               (the "Dividends Received Deduction"), at the level
               at which such yield would have been if such
               dividend had been paid to such holder on April 1,
               1988 (each holder's after Federal income tax
               dividend yield on April 1, 1988 being calculated
               on the bases of (i) a cost per share of $100, (ii)
               the Dividends Received Deduction, and (iii) an
               assumed Federal income tax rate of 34%; and,
               thereafter, such holder's after Federal income tax
               dividend yield being calculated on the bases of
               (i) and (iii) and any reduced dividends received
               deduction at the time then in effect); provided,
               however, that any such increased dividend shall be
               payable only (A) on shares of said Series in
               respect of which the holder shall have delivered
               to the corporation no later than 360 days after
               the effective date of any such reduction or
               elimination of the Dividends Received Deduction a
               written notice (I) stating that such holder is
               entitled to an increased dividend as a result of
               such reduction or elimination, (II) specifying the
               amount per share of such increase, and (III)
               specifying the total number of shares of said
               Series held by such holder, and (B) in respect of
               dividends payable after the date of receipt of
               such notice by the corporation; (2) the dividend
               payment dates shall be the 15th days of February,
               May, August and November in each year, commencing
               on August 15, 1988; and (3) dividends shall be
               cumulative from the date of original issue;

               (ii) (1) other than as provided in subdivision (2)
               below, shares of said Series shall not be
               redeemable at the election of the corporation
               prior to May 1, 1993.  On and after May 1, 1993,
               the shares of said Series may be redeemed, at the
               election of the corporation, at the following
               redemption prices:

      If Redeemed                         If Redeemed             
   During 12 Months    Redemption      During 12 Months      Redemption
     Period Ending        Price          Period Ending          Price
       April 30         Per Share          April 30           Per Share
    --------------     ----------       --------------       -----------
          1994           $108.75              2001             $104.69
          1995           $108.17              2002             $104.11
          1996           $107.59              2003             $103.53
          1997           $107.01              2004             $102.95
          1998           $106.43              2005             $102.37
          1999           $105.85              2006             $101.79
          2000           $105.27              2007             $101.21
                                              2008             $100.63

                                     - 20 -

               and thereafter $100 per share, plus an amount in
               each case equal to accrued unpaid dividends, if
               any, to the date of redemption; and (2) all but
               not less than all of the shares of said Series
               held by any holder which shall have given notice
               that such holder will be entitled to an increased
               dividend in accordance with subdivision (i)(1)
               above may be redeemed, at the election of the
               corporation, at the redemption price of $100 per
               share, plus an amount equal to accrued unpaid
               dividends to the date of redemption, within the
               period of 360 days commencing on the date of
               receipt by the corporation of such notice.

               (iii)  the amount payable upon shares of said
               Series in the event of involuntary liquidation
               shall be $100 per share and in the event of
               voluntary liquidation occurring prior to May 1,
               1994, shall be $108.75, and occurring on or after
               May 1, 1994, shall be an amount equal to the then
               applicable redemption price of shares of said
               Series, plus in each case accrued unpaid
               dividends, if any, to the date of payment;

               (iv)  shares of said Series shall not be, by their
               terms, convertible;

               (v)  shares of said Series shall be entitled to
               the benefits of a sinking fund as follows:

                    (1)  The corporation (unless such action, in
                    the opinion of counsel for the corporation,
                    would be contrary to any applicable law or to
                    any rule or regulation of any governmental
                    authority having jurisdiction in the
                    premises) as a sinking fund for the
                    retirement of shares of said Series, shall
                    redeem, in the manner herein provided, 7,500
                    shares of said Series on June 15, 1994 and
                    7,500 shares of said Series on the 15th day
                    of June of each year thereafter so long as
                    any shares of said Series shall remain
                    outstanding, at $100.00 per share plus
                    accrued unpaid dividends to the date fixed
                    for redemption.  The total number of shares
                    to be redeemed and the number of shares to be
                    redeemed from any holder shall be adjusted to
                    the nearest full share so that fractional
                    shares need not be redeemed.  The corporation
                    may, on any redemption date as above provided
                    and at its option, credit against its sinking
                    fund obligation such number of shares of said
                    Series theretofore redeemed by the
                    corporation, otherwise than for the account
                    of its sinking fund obligation, or such
                    number of shares of said Series theretofore
                    purchased by the corporation at a price per
                    share not in excess of $100.00 plus accrued
                    dividends, and in either case not theretofore
                    applied as a credit on its sinking fund
                    obligation.  The sinking fund for said Series
                    shall not be cumulative.  Notice of
                    redemption for each sinking fund shall be
                    given, and deposit of the aggregate
                    redemption price may be made, subject to the
                    general terms and provisions for redemption
                    of the Preferred Stock set forth in
                    subdivision III.C.4 of these Restated
                    Articles of Incorporation.

                    (2)  Shares of said Series redeemed pursuant
                    to the provisions of the sinking fund or
                    credited thereto shall be cancelled, shall
                    not be reissued as shares of said Series, and
                    shall be restored to the status of authorized
                    but unissued shares of the Preferred Stock of
                    the corporation.

                    (3)  Unless otherwise provided by law,
                    nothing herein contained shall prevent or in
                    any manner restrict the Board of Directors of
                    the corporation from authorizing and issuing
                    any other series of preferred stock entitled
                    to a purchase fund, sinking fund or other
                    analogous device for the benefit of the
                    holders of such other series of preferred
                    stock of the corporation, whether or not the
                    provisions therefor shall correspond with the
                    provisions for said Series; provided that the
                    dates on which such other fund or device
                    shall operate in any particular year shall
                    correspond with the date applicable to said
                    Series and in the event there is a deficiency
                    in the funds available in any particular year
                    for the fulfillment of the maximum
                    requirements of the purchase funds, sinking
                    funds or other analogous devices of all 

                                  - 21 -

                    outstanding series of preferred stock of the
                    corporation in accordance with the terms
                    thereof, such funds as are available in
                    accordance with such terms for such purpose
                    shall be prorated among all such series so
                    that the percentage allocated to any
                    particular series of preferred stock shall
                    correspond with its portion of the total
                    amount due.

                    (4)  After June 15, 1994, so long as any
                    shares of said Series shall be outstanding,
                    no dividends on the Common Stock or the
                    Preference Stock of the corporation shall,
                    without the written consent or affirmative
                    vote of the holders of at least a majority of
                    the total number of shares of said Series of
                    Preferred Stock then outstanding, be declared
                    and set apart for payment unless the
                    corporation, on the June 15th immediately
                    preceding the declaration of such dividend,
                    shall have redeemed 7,500 shares of said
                    Series at $100.00 per share plus accrued
                    unpaid dividends to such June 15th or in
                    accordance with the terms hereof shall have
                    taken credits against the shares of said
                    Series sinking fund which, with shares
                    redeemed pursuant to such fund obligation,
                    aggregate 7,500 shares of said Series.

               (vi)  whenever any of the dates mentioned with
               respect to said Series shall not be a full
               business day in the City of Portland, Oregon, then
               any action to be taken on said date may be taken
               on the next succeeding full business day.

                             Preference Stock

     10.  The shares of the Preference Stock may be divided into
          and issued in series.  Each series shall be so
          designated as to distinguish the shares thereof from
          the shares of all other series of the Preference Stock
          and all other classes of capital stock of the
          corporation.  To the extent that these Restated
          Articles of Incorporation shall not have established
          series of the Preference Stock and fixed and determined
          the variations in the relative rights and preferences
          as between series, the board of directors shall have
          authority, and is hereby expressly vested with
          authority, to divide the Preference Stock into series
          and, within the limitations set forth in these Restated
          Articles of Incorporation and such limitations as may
          be provided by law, to fix and determine the relative
          rights and preferences of any series of the Preference
          Stock so established.  Such action by the board of
          directors shall be expressed in a resolution or
          resolutions adopted by it prior to the issuance of
          shares of each series, which resolution or resolutions
          shall also set forth the distinguishing designation of
          the particular series of the Preference Stock
          established thereby.  Without limiting the generality
          of the foregoing, authority is hereby expressly vested
          in the board of directors so to fix and determine with
          respect to any series of the Preference Stock:

          (a)  The rate of dividend;

          (b)  The price at which and the terms and conditions on
               which shares may be redeemed;

          (c)  The amount payable upon shares in the event of
               voluntary and involuntary liquidation;

          (d)  Sinking fund provisions, if any, for the
               redemption or purchase of shares;

          (e)  The terms and conditions, if any, on which shares
               may be converted if the shares of any series are
               issued with the privilege of conversion; and 

          (f)  Any other relative right or preference as
               permitted by law.

          All shares of the Preference Stock of the same series
          shall be identical except that shares of the same
          series issued at different times may vary as to the
          dates from which dividends thereon shall be cumulative;
          and all shares of the Preference Stock, irrespective of
          series, shall constitute one and the same class of
          stock, shall be of equal rank, and shall be identical
          except as to the designation thereof, the date or dates
          from which dividends on shares thereof shall be
          cumulative, and the relative rights and preferences set
          forth above in clauses (a) through (f) of this
          subdivision, as to which there may be variations
          between different series.  Except as otherwise 
          may be provided by law or by the resolutions 

                                  - 22 -

          establishing any series of Preference Stock in
          accordance with the foregoing provisions of this
          subdivision, whenever the written consent, affirmative
          vote, or other action on the part of the holders of the
          Preference Stock may be required for any purpose, such
          consent, vote or other action shall be taken by the
          holders of the Preference Stock as a single class
          irrespective of series and not by different series.

     11.  The payment of dividends on the shares of the
          Preference Stock shall be subordinate to the dividend
          and other distributive rights of the holders of the
          Preferred Stock.  No dividend shall be paid on the
          Preference Stock, unless (i) dividends on all
          outstanding shares of each particular series of the
          Preferred Stock, at the annual dividend rates fixed and
          determined either by these Restated Articles of
          Incorporation or in accordance with subdivision
          III.C.1., shall have been paid or declared and set
          apart for payment for all past dividend periods and for
          the then current dividend periods, and (ii) all amounts
          due and payable to the holders of the Preferred Stock,
          by virtue of purchase funds, sinking funds, or other
          analogous devices for the retirement of the Preferred
          Stock, or by virtue of dissolution, liquidation or
          winding up of the corporation, shall have been paid or
          funds for the payment thereof shall have been set apart
          for payment.  Subject to the foregoing, the holders of
          shares of the Preference Stock of each series shall be
          entitled to receive dividends, when and as declared by
          the board of directors, out of any funds legally
          available for the payment of dividends, at the annual
          rate fixed and determined with respect to each series
          either by these Restated Articles of Incorporation or
          in accordance with subdivision III.C.10., and no more,
          payable quarterly on the 15th day of February, May,
          August and November in each year or on such other date
          or dates as the board of directors shall determine in
          the resolutions establishing such series.  Such
          dividends shall be cumulative in the case of shares of
          each series either from the date of issuance of shares
          of such series or from the first day of the current
          dividend period within which shares of such series
          shall be issued, as the board of directors shall
          determine, so that if dividends on all outstanding
          shares of each particular series of the Preference
          Stock, at the annual dividend rates fixed and
          determined either by these Restated Articles of
          Incorporation or in accordance with subdivision
          III.C.10., shall not have been paid or declared and set
          apart for payment for all past dividend periods and for
          the then current dividend periods, the deficiency shall
          be fully paid or dividends equal thereto declared and
          set apart for payment at said rates before any
          dividends on the Common Stock shall be paid or declared
          and set apart for payment.  In the event more than one
          series of the Preference Stock shall be outstanding,
          the corporation, in making any dividend payment on the
          Preference Stock, shall make payments ratably upon all
          outstanding shares of the Preference Stock in
          proportion to the amount of dividends accumulated
          thereon to the date of such dividend payment.  No
          interest, or sum of money in lieu of interest, shall be
          payable in respect of any dividend payment or payments
          which may be in arrears.

     12.  Distribution or payment upon dissolution, liquidation
          or winding up of the corporation to the holders of the
          Preference Stock shall be subordinate to the dividend
          and other distributive rights of the holders of the
          Preferred Stock.  No such distribution or payment shall
          be made on the Preference Stock, unless all amounts due
          by virtue of the dissolution, liquidation or winding up
          of the corporation to the holders of all outstanding
          shares of the Preferred Stock of all series shall have
          been paid or funds for the payment thereof set apart
          for payment.  Subject to the foregoing, in the event of
          any dissolution, liquidation or winding up of the
          corporation, before any distribution or payment shall
          be made to the holders of the Common Stock, the holders
          of the Preference Stock of each series then outstanding
          shall be entitled to be paid out of the net assets of
          the corporation available for distribution to its
          shareholders the respective amounts per share fixed and
          determined with respect to each series either by these
          Restated Articles of Incorporation or in accordance
          with subdivision III.C.10., and no more.  If upon
          dissolution, liquidation or winding up of the
          corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary, the net
          assets of the corporation available for distribution to 
                                  - 23 -

          its shareholders (after all amounts due by virtue of
          the dissolution, liquidation or winding up of the
          corporation to the holders of all outstanding shares of
          the Preferred Stock of all series shall have been paid
          or funds for the payment thereof set apart for payment)
          shall be insufficient to pay the holders of all
          outstanding shares of Preference Stock of all series
          the full amounts to which they shall be respectively
          entitled as aforesaid, the net assets of the
          corporation so available for distribution shall be
          distributed ratably to the holders of all outstanding
          shares of Preference Stock of all series in proportion
          to the amounts to which they shall be respectively so
          entitled.  For the purposes of this subdivision, any
          dissolution, liquidation or winding up which may arise
          out of or result from the condemnation or purchase of
          all or a major portion of the properties of the
          corporation by (i) the United States Government or any
          authority, agency or instrumentality thereof (ii) a
          State of the United States or any political
          subdivision, authority, agency or instrumentality
          thereof, or (iii) a district, cooperative or other
          association or entity not organized for profit, shall
          be deemed to be an involuntary dissolution, liquidation
          or winding up; and a consolidation, merger or
          amalgamation of the corporation with or into any other
          corporation or corporations shall not be deemed to be a
          dissolution, liquidation or winding up of the
          corporation, whether voluntary or involuntary.

     13.  (a)  Subject to the limitations set forth in
               subdivision III.C.15., or fixed and determined in
               accordance with subdivision III.C.10., the
               Preference Stock of all series, or of any series
               thereof, or any part of any series thereof, at any
               time outstanding, may be redeemed by the
               corporation, at its election expressed by
               resolution of the board of directors, at any time
               or from time to time, at the then applicable
               redemption price fixed and determined with respect
               to each series either by these Restated Articles
               of Incorporation or in accordance with subdivision
               III.C.10.  If less than all of the shares of any
               series are to be redeemed, the redemption shall be
               made either pro rata or by lot in such manner as
               the board of directors shall determine.

          (b)  In the event the corporation shall so elect to
               redeem shares of the Preference Stock, notice of
               the intention of the corporation to do so and of
               the date and place fixed for redemption shall be
               mailed not less than thirty days before the date
               fixed for redemption to each holder of shares of
               the Preference Stock to be redeemed at his address
               as it shall appear on the books of the
               corporation, and on and after the date fixed for
               redemption and specified in such notice (unless
               the corporation shall default in making payment of
               the redemption price), such holders shall cease to
               be shareholders of the corporation with respect to
               such shares and shall have no interest in or claim
               against the corporation with respect to such
               shares, excepting only the right to receive the
               redemption price therefor from the corporation on
               the date fixed for redemption, without interest,
               upon endorsement, if required, and surrender of
               their certificates for such shares.

          (c)  Contemporaneously with the mailing of notice of
               redemption of any shares of the Preference Stock
               as aforesaid or at any time thereafter on or
               before the date fixed for redemption, the
               corporation may, if it so elects, deposit the
               aggregate redemption price of the shares to be
               redeemed with any bank or trust company doing
               business in The City of New York, New York, or
               Portland, Oregon, having a capital and surplus of
               at least $25,000,000, named in such notice,
               payable on the date fixed for redemption in the
               proper amounts to the respective holders of the
               shares to be redeemed, upon endorsement, if
               required, and surrender of their certificates for
               such shares, and on and after the making of such
               deposit such holders shall cease to be
               shareholders of the corporation with respect to
               such shares and shall have no interest in or claim
               against the corporation with respect to such
               shares, excepting only the right to exercise such
               redemption, conversion or exchange rights, if any,
               on or before the date fixed for redemption as may
               have been provided with respect to such shares or
               the right to receive the redemption price of their
               shares from such bank or trust company on the date
               fixed for redemption, without interest, upon
               endorsement, if required, and surrender of their
               certificates for such shares.

                                  - 24 -

          (d)  If the corporation shall have elected to deposit
               the redemption moneys with a bank or trust company
               as permitted by subdivision (c) above, any moneys
               so deposited which shall remain unclaimed at the
               end of six years after the redemption date shall
               be repaid to the corporation, and upon such
               repayment holders of Preference Stock who shall
               not have made claim against such moneys prior to
               such repayment shall be deemed to be unsecured
               creditors of the corporation for an amount,
               without interest, equal to the amount they would
               theretofore have been entitled to receive from
               such bank or trust company.  Any redemption moneys
               so deposited which shall not be required for such
               redemption because of the exercise, after the date
               of such deposit, of any right of redemption,
               conversion or exchange or otherwise, shall be
               returned to the corporation forthwith.  The
               corporation shall be entitled to receive any
               interest allowed by any bank or trust company on
               any moneys deposited with such bank or trust
               company as herein provided, and the holders of any
               shares called for redemption shall have no claim
               against any such interest.

          (e)  Nothing herein contained shall limit any legal
               right of the corporation to purchase or otherwise
               acquire any shares of the Preference Stock.

     14.  The holders of shares of the Preference Stock shall
          have no right to vote in the election of directors or
          for any other purpose, except as may be otherwise
          provided by law or by resolutions establishing any
          series of Preference Stock in accordance with
          subdivision III.C.10.  Holders of Preference Stock
          shall be entitled to notice of each meeting of
          shareholders at which they shall have any right to
          vote, but shall not be entitled to notice of any other
          meeting of shareholders.

     15.  The series of Preference Stock heretofore established
          and outstanding on the date of the adoption of these
          Restated Articles of Incorporation, together with a
          statement of the rights and preferences of each series,
          are as follows:

                               $2.375 Series

     (a)  The Convertible Preference Stock $2.375 Series, of
          which 126,397 shares were outstanding at the time of
          the adoption of these Restated Articles of
          Incorporation, shall have the following rights and

               (i)  the rate of dividend of shares of said Series
          shall be $2.375 per annum; the dividend payment dates
          shall be the 15th days of February, May, August and
          November in each year; provided, however, that the
          initial dividend payment date shall be November 15,
          1980; and dividends shall be cumulative from the date
          of original issue;

               (ii)  the prices at which shares of said Series
          may be redeemed shall be as follows:

   12 Month                         12 Month
 period ending    Redemption      period ending   Redemption
   June  30,         price          June 30,         price
 -------------    ----------       -----------    -----------
      1981          $27.38            1986          $26.19
      1982           27.14            1987           25.95
      1983           26.90            1988           25.71
      1984           26.66            1989           25.48
      1985           26.43            1990           25.24

          and thereafter $25, in each case, plus unpaid
          accumulated dividends, if any, to the date of

               (iii)  the amount payable upon shares of said
          Series in the event of involuntary liquidation shall be
          $25 per share and in the event of voluntary liquidation
          shall be an amount equal to the then applicable
          redemption price of shares of said Series, in each
          case, plus unpaid accumulated dividends, if any, to the
          date of payment;

                                  - 25 -

               (iv)  shares of said Series shall be convertible
          as follows:

               (1)  Subject to the provisions for adjustment
          hereinafter set forth, each share of said Series shall
          be convertible, at the option of the holder thereof,
          upon surrender to any Transfer Agent for said Series,
          or to the corporation if no such Transfer Agent shall
          exist, of the certificate for the share to be
          converted, into shares of the common stock at the rate
          of 1.6502 shares of the common stock for each share of
          said Series.  The right to convert shares of said
          Series called for redemption shall terminate at the
          close of business on the 15th day preceding the date
          fixed for redemption, unless the corporation shall
          default in the payment of the redemption price.  Upon
          conversion of any shares of said Series, no allowance
          or adjustment shall be made for dividends on either
          class of shares, but conversion shall not relieve the
          corporation from its obligation to pay any dividends
          which shall have been declared and shall be payable to
          holders of shares of said Series of record as of a date
          prior to the date of such conversion even though the
          payment date for such dividend is subsequent to the
          date of conversion.

               (2)  The number of shares of the common stock into
          which each share of said Series shall be convertible
          shall be subject to adjustment from time to time as

                    (A)  Upon the (i) payment of a dividend on
          the common stock in shares of the common stock, (ii)
          subdivision of the outstanding common stock, (iii)
          combination of the outstanding common stock into a
          smaller number of shares, or (iv) issuance by
          reclassification of the common stock (whether pursuant
          to a merger or consolidation or otherwise) of any
          shares of the corporation, each holder of shares of
          said Series shall be entitled to receive, for each
          share converted after the record date for any of these
          events, the number of shares of the corporation which
          he would have held after the happening of such event
          had such share been converted on the record date
          therefor.  The conversion rate shall be adjusted
          whenever any of these events shall occur, effective as
          of the date following the record date therefor.

                    (B)  Upon the issuance of rights or warrants
          to the holders of the common stock, as such, entitling
          them to subscribe for or purchase shares of the common
          stock at a price per share less than the Market Price
          (as defined in subdivision (D) below) on the record
          date for the determination of shareholders entitled to
          receive such rights or warrants, the number of shares
          of the common stock into which each share of said
          Series shall be convertible shall be adjusted,
          effective as of the date following such record date, by
          multiplying the number of shares of the common stock
          into which such share would have been convertible on
          such record date by a fraction, of which the numerator
          shall be the number of shares of the common stock
          outstanding on such record date plus the number of
          additional shares of the common stock offered for
          subscription or purchase, and of which the denominator
          shall be the number of shares of the common stock
          outstanding on such record date plus the number of
          shares of the common stock which the aggregate offering
          price of the shares of the common stock so offered
          would have purchased at such Market Price.  For the
          purpose of this subdivision (B), (i) the issuance of
          rights or warrants to subscribe for or purchase shares
          or securities convertible into shares of the common
          stock shall be deemed to be the issuance of rights or
          warrants to subscribe for or purchase shares of the
          common stock; (ii) the sum of the aggregate offering
          price of such shares or securities plus the minimum
          aggregate amount, if any, payable upon conversion of
          such shares or securities into shares of the common
          stock divided by the total number of shares of the
          common stock into which such shares or securities could
          be converted at their earliest conversion date shall be
          deemed to be the price per share at which the shares of
          the common stock may be subscribed for or purchased; 

                                  - 26 -

          (iii) the minimum number of shares of the common stock
          into which such shares or securities could be converted
          at their earliest conversion date shall be deemed to be
          the number of additional shares of the common stock
          offered for subscription or purchase; (iv) the number
          of shares of the common stock which the aggregate
          offering price of such shares or securities plus the
          minimum aggregate amount, if any, payable upon
          conversion of such shares or securities into shares of
          the common stock would have purchased at the Market
          Price on the record date for the determination of
          shareholders entitled to receive such rights or
          warrants shall be deemed to be the number of shares of
          the common stock which the aggregate offering price of
          the shares so offered would have purchased at such
          Market Price; and (v) the right of the holders of the
          common stock to invest in additional shares of the
          common stock pursuant to the Company's Dividend
          Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan, as it may be
          amended from time to time, shall not be deemed to be a
          right or warrant.

                    (C)  Upon the distribution to the holders of
          the common stock, as such (whether pursuant to a merger
          or consolidation or otherwise), of evidences of its
          indebtedness, investments in subsidiaries, or other
          assets (excluding distributions after December 31,
          1979, not exceeding in net value as reflected on the
          books of the corporation the aggregate net income
          available for common stock of the corporation after
          such date plus $12,000,000, all determined in
          accordance with generally accepted accounting
          principles) or rights to subscribe to the same
          (excluding those referred to in subdivision (B) above),
          the number of shares of the common stock into which
          each share of said Series shall be convertible shall be
          adjusted, effective as of the date following the record
          date for the determination of shareholders entitled to
          receive such distribution or rights, by multiplying the
          number of shares of the common stock into which such
          share would have been convertible on such record date
          by a fraction, of which the numerator shall be the
          Market Price of the common stock (as defined in
          subdivision (D) below) on such record date, and of
          which the denominator shall be such Market Price less
          such net value of the portion of the evidences of
          indebtedness, investments in subsidiaries, or other
          assets or rights so distributed allocable to such share
          of the common stock.

                    (D)  For the purposes of any computation
          under subdivisions (B) and (C) above, the Market Price
          of the common stock on any date shall be deemed to be
          the average of the daily closing prices for the 30
          consecutive full business days commencing 45 full
          business days before the day in question.  The closing
          price for each day shall be the average of the closing
          bid and asked prices, regular way, (i) as officially
          quoted by the National Association of Securities
          Dealers, Inc., or (ii) as quoted on the principal
          United States stock exchange or market for the common
          stock as determined by the board of directors of the
          corporation, or (iii) if in the reasonable judgment of
          the board of directors of the corporation, there exists
          no principal United States stock exchange or market for
          the common stock, as reasonably determined by the board
          of directors of the corporation.

                    (E)  No adjustment in the conversion rate
          shall be required unless such adjustment, plus any
          adjustments not previously made by reason of this
          subdivision (E), would require an increase or decrease
          of at least 1% in the number of shares of common stock
          into which each share of said Series then shall be
          convertible; provided, however, that any adjustments
          which by reason of this subdivision (E) are not
          required to be made shall be carried forward and taken
          into account in any subsequent adjustment.  All
          calculations under this subdivision (E) shall be made
          to the nearest ten thousandth of a share.

                    (F)  Whenever any adjustment is required in
          the rate at which each share of said Series shall be
          convertible, the corporation shall (i) file with each 

                                  - 27 -

          Transfer Agent for the shares of said Series a
          statement setting forth the adjusted rate of
          conversion, describing the adjustment and the method of
          calculation used, and stating the effective date of the
          adjustment, and (ii) cause a copy of such statement to
          be mailed to the holders of record of the shares of
          said Series.

                    (3)  No fractional shares or scrip
               representing fractional shares shall be issued
               upon the conversion of shares of said Series.  If
               any such conversion would otherwise require the
               issuance of a fractional share, an amount equal to
               such fraction multiplied by the Market Price of
               the common stock (determined as provided in
               subdivision (D) above) on the day of conversion
               shall be paid to the holder in cash by the

                    (4)  Shares of said Series shall be deemed to
               have been converted and the holder converting the
               same to have become the holder of record of shares
               of the common stock for all purposes whatever as
               of the date on which the certificate or
               certificates for such shares shall have been
               surrendered as aforesaid.  The corporation shall
               not be required to make any conversion, and no
               surrender of the certificate or certificates for
               shares of said Series shall be effective for such
               purpose, while the transfer books for the shares
               of either said Series or the common stock shall be
               closed for any purpose, but the surrender of a
               certificate or certificates for shares of said
               Series for conversion during any period in which
               either transfer book shall be closed shall become
               effective for all purposes of conversion
               immediately upon the reopening of such books.

                    (5)  The corporation shall reserve for the
               conversion of said Series that number of shares of
               its authorized but unissued common stock into
               which all shares of said Series from time to time
               outstanding may be converted.

               (v)  All shares of said Series redeemed by the
          corporation or surrendered to it for conversion into
          shares of the common stock shall be cancelled and
          thereupon restored to the status of authorized but
          unissued Preference Stock of the corporation,
          undesignated as to series.

               (vi) Whenever any of the dates mentioned with
          respect to said Series shall not be a full business day
          in the City of Portland, Oregon, any action to be taken
          on such date may be taken on the next succeeding full
          business day.

                               Common Stock

16.  Subject to the limitations set forth in subdivisions
     III.C.2. and 11. (and subject to the rights of any class of
     stock hereafter authorized), dividends may be paid upon the
     Common Stock when and as declared by the board of directors
     of the corporation out of any funds legally available for
     the payment of dividends.

17.  Subject to the limitations set forth in subdivisions
     III.C.3. and 12. (and subject to the rights of any other
     class of stock hereafter authorized), upon any dissolution,
     liquidation or winding up of the corporation, whether
     voluntary or involuntary, the net assets of the corporation
     shall be distributed ratably to the holders of the Common

18.  Subject to the limitations set forth in subdivisions
     III.C.6, 7, 8, 9 and 15. (and subject to the rights of any
     class of stock hereafter created), and except as may be
     otherwise provided by law or by the resolutions establishing
     any series of Preference Stock in accordance with
     subdivision III.C.10., the holders of the Common Stock shall
     have the exclusive right to vote for the election of
     directors and for all other purposes.  In the election of
     directors of the corporation, every holder of record of any
     share or shares of the Common Stock of the corporation shall
     have the right to cast as many votes for one candidate as
     shall equal the number of such shares multiplied by the
     number of directors to be elected, or to distribute such
     number of votes among any two or more candidates for such

                                  - 28 -

19.  Upon the issuance for money or other consideration of any
     shares of capital stock of the corporation, or of any
     security convertible into capital stock of the corporation,
     no holder of shares of the capital stock, irrespective of
     the class or kind thereof, shall have any preemptive or
     other right to subscribe for, purchase or receive any
     proportionate or other amount of such shares of capital
     stock, or such security convertible into capital stock,
     proposed to be issued; and the board of directors may cause
     the corporation to dispose of all or any of such shares of
     capital stock, or of any such security convertible into
     capital stock, as and when said board may determine, free of
     any such right, either by offering the same to the
     corporation's then shareholders or by otherwise selling or
     disposing of such shares of other securities, as the board
     of directors may deem advisable.

                                ARTICLE IV

A.   The business and affairs of the corporation shall be managed
     by a board of directors.  Except as provided in subdivision
     B. below, the number of members of the board, their
     classifications and terms of office, and the manner of their
     election and removal shall be as follows:

     1.   The number of directors shall be that number, not less
          than nine or more than thirteen, determined from time
          to time by resolution adopted by affirmative vote of a
          majority of the entire board of directors.  The
          directors shall be divided into three classes,
          designated Class I, Class II, and Class III.  Each
          class shall consist, as nearly as possible, of one-
          third of the total number of directors.  At the 1984
          annual meeting of shareholders, Class I directors shall
          be elected for a one-year term, Class II directors for
          a two-year term, and Class III directors for a three-
          year term.  At each succeeding annual meeting of
          shareholders, successors to directors whose terms
          expire at that annual meeting shall be of the same
          class as the directors they succeed, and shall be
          elected for three-year terms.  If the number of
          directors should be changed by resolution of the board
          of directors, any increase or decrease shall be
          apportioned among the classes so as to maintain the
          number of directors in each class as nearly equal as
          possible, but in no case shall a decrease in the number
          of directors shorten the term of any incumbent

     2.   A director shall hold office until the annual meeting
          for the year in which his or her term shall expire and
          until his or her successor shall have been elected and
          qualified, subject, however, to prior death,
          resignation, retirement or removal from office.  Any
          newly created directorship resulting from an increase
          in the number of directors and any other vacancy on the
          board of directors, however caused, may be filled by
          the affirmative vote of a majority of the directors
          then in office, although less than a quorum, or by a
          sole remaining director.  The term of a director
          elected to fill a newly created directorship or any
          other vacancy shall expire at the same time as the
          terms of the other directors of the class in which that
          vacancy occurred.  

     3.   One or more of the directors may be removed with or
          without cause by the affirmative vote of the holders of
          not less than two-thirds of the shares entitled to vote
          thereon at a meeting of the shareholders called
          expressly for that purpose; provided, however, that for
          as long as the corporation shall have cumulative
          voting, if fewer than all the directors should be
          candidates for removal, no one of them shall be removed
          if the votes cast against his or her removal would be
          sufficient to elect him or her if then cumulatively
          voted at an election of the class of directors of which
          he or she shall be a part.

     4.   No person, except those persons nominated by the board,
          shall be eligible for election as a director at any
          annual or special meeting of shareholders unless a
          written request that his or her name be placed in
          nomination shall be received from a shareholder of
          record entitled to vote at such election by the
          secretary of the corporation not later than the latter
          of (a) the thirtieth day prior to the date fixed for
          the meeting, or (b) the tenth day after the mailing of
          notice of that meeting, together with the written
          consent of the nominee to serve as a director.

                                  - 29 -

B.   Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision A. above,
     whenever the holders of any one or more classes of the
     capital stock of the corporation shall have the right,
     voting separately as a class or classes, to elect directors
     at an annual or special meeting of shareholders, the
     election, term of office, filling of vacancies and other
     features of such directorships shall be governed by the
     provisions of these Restated Articles of Incorporation
     applicable thereto.  Directors so elected shall not be
     divided into classes unless expressly provided by such
     provisions, and during their prescribed terms of office, the
     board of directors shall consist of such directors in
     addition to the directors determined as provided in
     subdivision A. above.

C.   This Article IV may not be repealed or amended in any
     respect unless such action shall be approved by the
     affirmative vote of the holders of not less than two-thirds
     of the shares entitled to vote at an election of directors
     determined as provided in subdivision A. above, at a meeting
     of the shareholders called expressly for that purpose.

                                 ARTICLE V

A.   For purposes of this Article V:

     1.   The term "Affiliate", as used to indicate a
          relationship with a specified "Person" (as hereinafter
          defined), shall mean a Person that directly or
          indirectly through one or more intermediaries,
          controls, or is controlled by, or is under common
          control with, the Person specified.

     2.   The term "Associate", as used to indicate a
          relationship with a specified Person, shall mean (a)
          any Person (other than the corporation) of which such
          specified Person is a director, officer, partner,
          trustee, guardian, fiduciary or official or is,
          directly or indirectly, the beneficial owner of 10% or
          more of any class of equity securities or any
          beneficial interest, (b) any Person who is a director,
          officer, partner, trustee, guardian, fiduciary or
          official or is, directly or indirectly, the beneficial
          owner of 10% or more of any class of equity securities
          or any beneficial interest of or in such specified
          Person (other than the corporation), and (c) any
          relative or spouse of such specified Person, or any
          relative of such spouse who has the same home as such
          specified Person.

     3.   The term "Beneficial Owner" shall have the meaning set
          forth in Rule 13d-3 of the General Rules and
          Regulations under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
          as in effect on April 9, 1984; provided, however, that,
          notwithstanding the provisions of such Rule, a Person
          shall be deemed to be the Beneficial Owner of any share
          of the capital stock of the corporation that such
          Person shall have the right to acquire at any time
          pursuant to any agreement, contract, arrangement or
          understanding, or upon exercise of conversion rights,
          warrants or options, or otherwise, and any such share
          of capital stock shall be deemed to be outstanding for
          purposes of subdivision V.A.9.

     4.   The term "Business Transaction" shall include, without
          limitation, (a) any merger, consolidation or plan of
          exchange of the corporation, or any Person controlled
          by or under common control with the corporation, with
          or into any "Related Person" (as hereinafter defined),
          (b) any merger, consolidation or plan of exchange of a
          Related Person with or into the corporation or any
          Person controlled by or under common control with the
          corporation, (c) any sale, lease, exchange, transfer or
          other disposition (in one transaction or a series of
          transactions) including without limitation a mortgage
          or any other security device, of all or any
          "Substantial Part" (as hereinafter defined) of the
          property and assets of the corporation, or any Person
          controlled by or under common control with the
          corporation, to or with a Related Person, (d) any
          purchase, lease, exchange, transfer or other
          acquisition (in one transaction or a series of
          transactions), including without limitation a mortgage
          or any other security device, of all or any 

                                  - 30 -

          Substantial Part of the property and assets of a
          Related Person, by or with the corporation or any
          Person controlled by or under common control with the
          corporation, (e) any recapitalization of the
          corporation that would have the effect of increasing
          the voting power of a Related Person, (f) the issuance,
          sale, exchange or other disposition of any securities
          of the corporation, or of any Person controlled by or
          under common control with the corporation, by the
          corporation or by any Person controlled by or under
          common control with the corporation, (g) any
          liquidation, spinoff, splitoff, splitup or dissolution
          of the corporation, and (h) any agreement, contract or
          other arrangement providing for any of the transactions
          described in this subdivision.

     5.   The term "Continuing Director" shall mean a director
          who was a director of the corporation on April 9, 1984
          and a director who shall become a director subsequent
          thereto whose election, or whose nomination for
          election by the shareholders, shall have been approved
          by a vote of a majority of the then Continuing

     6.   The term "Highest Purchase Price" shall mean, with
          respect to the shares of any class or series of the
          capital stock of the corporation, the highest amount of
          consideration paid by a Related Person for a share of
          the same class and series at any time regardless of
          whether the share was acquired before or after such
          Related Person became a Related Person; provided,
          however, that the Highest Purchase Price shall be
          appropriately adjusted to reflect the occurrence of any
          reclassification, recapitalization, stock split,
          reverse stock split or other readjustment in the number
          of outstanding shares of that class or series, or the
          declaration of a stock dividend thereon.  The Highest
          Purchase Price shall include any brokerage commissions,
          transfer taxes and soliciting dealers' fees paid by
          such Related Person with respect to any shares of the
          capital stock acquired by such Related Person.

     7.   The term "Other Consideration" shall include, without
          limitation, capital stock to be retained by the
          shareholders of the corporation in a Business
          Transaction in which the corporation shall be the

     8.   The term "Person" shall mean any natural person,
          corporation, partnership, trust, firm, association,
          government , governmental agency or any other entity
          whether acting in an individual, fiduciary or other

     9.   The term "Related Person" shall mean (a) any Person
          which, together with its Affiliates and Associates,
          shall be the Beneficial Owner in the aggregate of 10
          percent or more of the capital stock of the
          corporation, and (b) any Affiliate or Associate (other
          than the corporation or a wholly owned subsidiary of
          the corporation) of any such Person.  Two or more
          Persons acting in concert for the purpose of acquiring,
          holding or disposing of the capital stock of the
          corporation shall be deemed to be a "Related Person". 
          A Related Person shall be deemed to have acquired a
          share of capital stock at the time when such Related
          Person became the Beneficial Owner thereof.  With
          respect to the shares of the capital stock of the
          corporation owned by any Related Person, if the price
          paid for such shares cannot be determined by a majority
          of the Continuing Directors, the price so paid shall be
          deemed to be the market price of the shares in question
          at the time when such Related Person became the
          Beneficial Owner thereof.

     10.  The term "Substantial Part" shall mean 10% or more of
          the fair market value of the total assets of a Person,
          as reflected on the most recent balance sheet of such
          Person available to the Continuing Directors on the
          date of mailing of the notice of the meeting of
          shareholders called for the purpose of voting with
          respect to a Business Transaction involving the assets
          constituting any such Substantial Part.

B.   The corporation shall not enter into any Business
     Transaction with a Related Person or in which a Related
     Person shall have an interest (except proportionately as a
     shareholder of the corporation) without first obtaining both
     (1) the affirmative vote of the holders of not less than
     two-thirds of the outstanding shares of the capital stock of
     the corporation not held by such Related Person, and (2) the 
                                  - 31 -

     determination of a majority of the Continuing Directors that
     the cash or fair market value of the property, securities or
     Other Consideration to be received per share by the holders,
     other than such Related Person, of the shares of each class
     or series of the capital stock of the corporation in such
     Business Transaction shall not be less than the Highest
     Purchase Price paid by such Related Person in acquiring any
     of its holdings of shares of the same class or series,
     unless the Continuing Directors by a majority vote shall
     either (a) have expressly approved the acquisition of the
     shares of the capital stock of the corporation that caused
     such Related Person to become a Related Person, or (b) have
     expressly approved such Business Transaction.

C.   For the purposes of this Article V, a majority of the
     Continuing Directors shall have the power to make a good
     faith determination, on the basis of information known to
     them, of: (1) the number of shares of capital stock of the
     corporation of which any Person shall be the Beneficial
     Owner, (2) whether a Person is an Affiliate or Associate of
     another Person, (3) whether a Person has an agreement,
     contract, arrangement or understanding with another Person
     as to the matters referred to in subdivision V.A.3. or
     clause (h) of subdivision V.A.4., (4) the Highest Purchase
     Price paid by a Related Person for shares of any class or
     series of the capital stock, (5) whether the assets subject
     to any Business Transaction constitute a Substantial Part,
     (6) whether any Business Transaction is one in which a
     Related Person has an interest (except proportionately as a
     shareholder of the corporation), and (7) such other matters
     with respect to which a determination may be required under
     this Article V.

D.   In determining whether to give their approval as provided in
     subdivision V.B., the Continuing Directors shall give due
     consideration to all relevant factors involved, including,
     without limitation, (1) the value of the corporation in a
     freely negotiated transaction and its future value as an
     independent entity, (2) the recognition of gain or loss to
     the corporation for tax purposes or the postponement of such
     recognition in a tax-free transaction, (3) the anticipated
     developments of the business of the corporation not yet
     reflected in the price of its shares, and (4) the impact on
     employees, customers, suppliers and the public generally
     within the geographical area it serves.

E.   This Article V may not be repealed or amended in any respect
     unless such action shall be approved by the affirmative vote
     of the holders of not less than two-thirds of the capital
     stock of the corporation not held by a Related Person at a
     meeting of the shareholders called expressly for that

                                ARTICLE VI

No director of the corporation shall be personally liable to the
corporation or its shareholders for monetary damages for conduct
as a director; provided that this Article VI shall not eliminate
the liability of a director for any act or omission for which
such elimination of liability is not permitted under the Oregon
Business Corporation Act.  No amendment to the Oregon Business
Corporation Act that further limits the acts or omissions for
which elimination of liability is permitted shall affect the
liability of a director for any act or omission which occurs
prior to the effective date of such amendment.

                                ARTICLE VII

The corporation shall indemnify to the fullest extent then
permitted by law any person who is made, or threatened to be
made, a party to any threatened, pending or completed action,
suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative,
investigative or otherwise (including an action, suit or
proceeding by or in the right of the corporation) by reason of
the fact that the person is or was a director or officer of the
corporation or is or was serving at the request of the
corporation as a director or officer of another corporation,
partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise against all
judgments, amounts paid in settlement, fines and such expenses 

                                  - 32 -

(including attorneys' fees), actually and reasonably incurred in
connection therewith.  This Article shall not be deemed exclusive
of any other provisions for indemnification of directors and
officers that may be included in any statute, bylaw, agreement,
vote of shareholders or directors or otherwise, both as to action
in any official capacity and as to action in another capacity
while holding an office.

                               ARTICLE VIII

A.   The amount of the corporation's stated capital at the time
     of the adoption of these Restated Articles of Incorporation
     is $69,376,264.89.
                                  - 33 -

                           ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT

                       NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY

     1.   The name of the corporation is NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS

     2.   The following resolution was duly adopted by the Board
of Directors of the corporation on December 8, 1992 as an
Amendment to the Restated Articles of Incorporation and does not
require shareholder action:

     RESOLVED, that, pursuant to authority expressly vested in
     the Board of Directors by the Restated Articles of
     Incorporation of the corporation, there hereby is
     established a series of the Preference Stock of the
     corporation, consisting of 250,000 shares, designated as
     "Preference Stock $6.95 Series", the shares of which shall
     be identical with the shares of all other series of the
     Preference Stock, except for the preferences, limitations
     and relative rights fixed and determined hereafter:

         (i)    The rate of dividend of shares of
         said Series shall be $6.95 per annum; the
         dividend payment dates shall be the 15th days
         of February, May, August and November in each
         year, commencing on February 15, 1993; and
         dividends shall be cumulative from the date
         of original issue;

         (ii)   The shares of said Series shall not
         be redeemable prior to December 31, 2002; and
         on such date, all of the outstanding shares
         of said Series shall be subject to mandatory
         redemption (unless such action, in the
         opinion of counsel for the corporation, would
         be contrary to any applicable law or to any
         rule or regulation of any governmental
         authority having jurisdiction in the
         premises) at the mandatory redemption price
         of $100 per share, plus unpaid accumulated
         dividends; provided, however, that the
         payment of such mandatory redemption price
         shall be subordinate to the dividend and
         other distributive rights of the Preferred
         Stock, so that such redemption price shall
         not be paid and the shares of said Series
         shall not be redeemed unless (i) dividends on
         all outstanding shares of each particular
         series of the Preferred Stock, at the annual
         dividend rates fixed and determined either by
         these Restated Articles of Incorporation or
         in accordance with subdivision III.C.1
         thereof, shall have been paid or declared and
         set apart for payment for all past dividend
         periods and for the then current dividend
         periods, and (ii) all amounts due and payable
         to the holders of Preferred Stock, by virtue
         of purchase funds, sinking funds, or other
         analogous devices for the retirement of the
         Preferred Stock, or by virtue of dissolution,
         liquidation or winding up of the corporation,
         shall have been paid or funds for the payment
         thereof shall have been set apart for

         (iii)  The amount payable upon shares of
         said Series in the event of either
         involuntary or voluntary liquidation shall be
         $100 per share, plus unpaid accumulated
         dividends, if any, to the date of payment;

         (iv)   All shares of said Series redeemed by
         the corporation shall be cancelled and
         thereupon restored to the status of
         authorized but unissued Preference Stock of
         the corporation, undesignated as to series;

         (v)    Whenever any of the dates mentioned
         with respect to said Series shall not be a
         full business day in the City of Portland,
         Oregon, then any action to be taken on said
         date may be taken on the next succeeding full
         business day.

Dated:  December 8, 1992

                        NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY

(Corporate Seal)             By   Bruce R. DeBolt               
                             Its Senior Vice President

                             ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT
                         NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY

         1.  The name of the corporation is NORTHWEST NATURAL

         2.  The following resolution was duly adopted by the
Board of Directors of the corporation on November 18, 1993 as an
Amendment to the Restated Articles of Incorporation and does not
require shareholder action:

         RESOLVED, that pursuant to authority expressly
    vested in the Board of Directors by the Restated
    Articles of Incorporation, as amended, of the
    corporation there hereby is established a series of the
    Preferred Stock of the corporation, consisting of
    150,000 shares, designated as "Preferred Stock $7.125
    Series", the shares of which shall be identical with
    the shares of all other series of the Preferred Stock
    except for the preferences, limitations and relative
    rights fixed and determined hereafter:

                (i)(1)  the rate of dividend of shares of
         said Series shall be $7.125 per annum plus that
         amount, if any, which will maintain each holder's
         after Federal income tax dividend yield on each
         dividend with respect to which any legislative
         enactment, administrative action, judicial
         decision or other change in law shall reduce or
         eliminate the dividends received deduction of 70%
         provided by Section 243(a)(1) of the Internal
         Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, as in effect on
         April 1, 1988 (the "Dividends Received
         Deduction"), at the level at which such yield
         would have been if such dividend had been paid to
         such holder on April 1, 1988 (each holder's after
         Federal income tax dividend yield on April 1, 1988
         being calculated on the bases of (i) a cost per
         share of $100, (ii) the Dividends Received
         Deduction, and (iii) an assumed Federal income tax
         rate of 34%; and, thereafter, such holder's after
         Federal income tax dividend yield being calculated
         on the bases of (i) and (iii) and any reduced
         dividends received deduction at the time then in
         effect); provided, however, that any such
         increased dividend shall be payable only (A) on
         shares of said Series in respect of which the
         holder shall have delivered to the corporation no
         later than 360 days after the effective date of
         any such reduction or elimination of the Dividends
         Received Deduction a written notice (I)
         stating that such holder is entitled to an
         increased dividend as a result of such
         reduction or elimination, (II) specifying the
         amount per share of such increase, and (III)
         specifying the total number of shares of said
         Series held by such holder, and (B) in
         respect of dividends payable after the date
         of receipt of such notice by the corporation;
         (2) the dividend payment dates shall be the
         15th days of February, May, August and
         November in each year, commencing on February
         15, 1994; and (3) dividends shall be
         cumulative from December 1, 1993;

                (ii)(1)  Other than as provided in
         subdivision (2) below, shares of said Series shall
         not be redeemable at the election of the
         corporation prior to May 1, 1998.  On and after
         May 1, 1998, the shares of said Series may be
         redeemed, at the election of the corporation, at
         the following redemption prices:

If Redeemed                         If Redeemed
During 12-Months    Redemption      During 12-Months   Redemption
Period Ending         Price         Period Ending        Price
April 30            Per Share       April 30           Per Share 
------------------  ----------      ---------------    ---------
1999 . . . . . . .  $104.750        2004. . . . . . . .$102.375
2000 . . . . . . .  $104.275        2005. . . . . . . .$101.900
2001 . . . . . . .  $103.800        2006. . . . . . . .$101.425
2002 . . . . . . .  $103.325        2007. . . . . . . .$100.950
2003 . . . . . . .  $102.850        2008. . . . . . . .$100.475

          and thereafter $100 per share, plus an amount in
          each case equal to accrued unpaid dividends, if
          any, to the date of redemption; and (2) all but
          not less than all of the shares of said Series
          held by any holder which shall have given notice
          that such holder will be entitled to an increased
          dividend in accordance with subdivision (i)(l)
          above may be redeemed, at the election of the
          corporation, at the redemption price of $100 per
          share, plus an amount equal to accrued unpaid
          dividends, if any, to the date of redemption,
          within the period of 360 days commencing on
          the date of receipt by the corporation of
          such notice;

             (iii)  the amount payable upon shares of said Series
          in the event of involuntary liquidation shall be $100
          per share and in the event of voluntary liquidation (1)
          occurring prior to May 1, 1994, shall be $107.125 per
          share, (2) occurring during the 12-months periods
          ending April 30, 1995, 1996, 1997 and 1998, shall be,
          respectively, $106.650, $106.175, $105.700 and $105.225
          per share and (3) occurring on or after May 1, 1998,
          shall be an amount equal to the then applicable
          redemption price of shares of said Series, plus in each
          case, an amount equal to accrued unpaid dividends, if
          any, to the date of payment;

              (iv)  shares of said Series shall not be, by
          their terms, convertible;

               (v)  shares of said Series shall be entitled
          to the benefits of a sinking fund as follows:

                    (1)  The corporation (unless such
          action, in the opinion of counsel for the
          corporation, would be contrary to any applicable
          law or to any rule or regulation of any
          governmental authority having jurisdiction in the
          premises) as a sinking fund for the retirement of
          shares of said Series, shall redeem, in the manner
          herein provided, 7,500 shares of said Series on
          June 15, 1994 and 7,500 shares of said Series on
          the 15th day of June of each year thereafter so
          long as any shares of said Series shall remain
          outstanding, at $100.00 per share plus accrued
          unpaid dividends to the date fixed for redemption.
          The total number of shares to be redeemed and the
          number of shares to be redeemed from any holder
          shall be adjusted to the nearest full share so
          that fractional shares need not be redeemed. The
          corporation may, on any redemption date as above
          provided and at its option, credit against its
          sinking fund obligation such number of shares of
          said Series theretofore redeemed by the
          corporation, otherwise than for the account of its
          sinking fund obligation, or such number of shares
          of said Series theretofore purchased by the
          corporation at a price per share not in
          excess of $100.00 plus accrued unpaid
          dividends, and in either case not theretofore
          applied as a credit on its sinking fund
          obligation. The sinking fund for said Series
          shall not be cumulative. Notice of redemption
          for each sinking fund shall be given, and
          deposit of the aggregate redemption price may
          be made, subject to the general terms and
          provisions for redemption of the Preferred
          Stock set forth in subdivision III.C.4 of the
          Restated Articles of Incorporation;

                    (2)  Shares of said Series redeemed
          pursuant to the provisions of the sinking fund or
          credited thereto shall be cancelled, shall not be
          reissued as shares of said Series, and shall be
          restored to the status of authorized but unissued
          shares of the Preferred Stock of the corporation;

                    (3)  Unless otherwise provided by law,
          nothing herein contained shall prevent or in any
          manner restrict the Board of Directors of the
          corporation from authorizing and issuing any other
          series of Preferred Stock entitled to a purchase
          fund, sinking fund or other analogous device for
          the benefit of the holders of such other series of
          Preferred Stock of the corporation, whether or not
          the provisions therefor shall correspond with the
          provisions for said Series; provided that the
          dates on which such other fund or device shall
          operate in any particular year shall correspond
          with the date applicable to said Series and in the
          event there is a deficiency in the funds available
          in any particular year for the fulfillment of the
          maximum requirements of the purchase funds,
          sinking funds or other analogous devices of all
          outstanding series of Preferred Stock of the
          corporation in accordance with the terms thereof,
          such funds as are available in accordance with
          such terms for such purpose shall be prorated
          among all such series so that the percentage
          allocated to any particular series of Preferred
          Stock shall correspond with its portion of the
          total amount due; and

                    (4)  After June 15, 1994, so long as any
          shares of said Series shall be outstanding, no
          dividends on the Common Stock or the Preference
          Stock of the corporation shall, without the
          written consent or affirmative vote of the holders
          of at least a majority of the total number of
          shares of said Series then outstanding, be
          declared and set apart for payment, unless the
          corporation, on the June 15th immediately
          preceding the declaration of such dividend, shall
          have redeemed 7,500 shares of said Series at
          $100.00 per share plus accrued unpaid dividends to
          such June 15th or in accordance with the terms
          hereof shall have taken credits against the shares
          of said Series sinking fund which, with shares
          redeemed pursuant to such fund obligation,
          aggregate 7,500 shares of said Series; and

              (vi)  Whenever any of the dates mentioned with
          respect to said Series shall not be a full
          business day in the City of Portland, Oregon, then
          any action to be taken on said date may be taken
          on the next succeeding full business day.

Dated: December 1, 1993

                                   NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY

                                   By   Dwayne L. Foley                    
                                        Its Senior Vice President
(Corporate Seal)

                           ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT
                       NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY

1.   The name of the corporation is Northwest Natural Gas

2.   Subdivision A of Article III of the Restated Articles of
     Incorporation is amended to read as follows:

          "The aggregate number of shares of capital stock which
          the corporation shall have authority to issue is
          63,500,000 shares, divided into 1,500,000 shares of
          Preferred Stock without par value, issuable in series
          as hereinafter provided, 2,000,000 shares of Preference
          Stock without par value, issuable in series as
          hereinafter provided, and 60,000,000 shares of Common
          Stock of the par value of $3-1/6 per share."

3.   The amendment was adopted by the shareholders of the
     corporation on May 26, 1994.

4.   13,244,529 shares of Common Stock were outstanding and
     entitled to vote on the amendment.

5.   9,981,213 shares of Common Stock were voted for the
     amendment and 1,060,991 shares of Common Stock were voted
     against the amendment.

                    DATED:  May 27, 1994

                              NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY

                              BY   /s/ Bruce R. DeBolt
                                   Bruce R. DeBolt
                                   Senior Vice President