EXHIBIT INDEX EXHIBIT NO. DESCRIPTION OF DOCUMENT FILING INFORMATION 3 Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws. 3.1 Ogden's Restated Certificate Filed as Exhibit (3)(a) of Incorporation as amended. to Ogden's Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1988 and incorporated herein by reference. 3.2 Ogden's By-Laws, as amended Transmitted herewith as through March 17, 1994. Exhibit No. 3.2. 4 Instruments Defining Rights of Security Holders. 4.1 Fiscal Agency Agreement between Filed as Exhibits (C)(3) and Ogden and Bankers Trust Company, (C)(4) to Ogden's Form 8-K dated as of June 1, 1987 and filed with the Securities and Offering Memorandum dated June Exchange Commission on July 7, 12, 1987, relating to U.S. 1987 and incorporated herein $85 million Ogden 6% Convertible by reference. Subordinated Debentures, Due 2002. 4.2 Fiscal Agency Agreement between Filed as Exhibit (4) to Ogden's Ogden and Bankers Trust Company, Form S-3 Registration Statement dated as of October 15, 1987, filed with the Securities and and Offering Memorandum, dated Exchange Commission on December October 15, 1987, relating to 4, 1987, Registration No. U.S. $75 million Ogden 5-3/4% 33-18875, and incorporated Convertible Subordinated herein by reference. Debentures, Due 2002. 4.3 Indenture dated as of March 1, Filed as Exhibit (4)(C) to 1992 from Ogden Corporation to Ogden's Form 10-K for fiscal The Bank of New York, Trustee, year ended December 31, 1991, relating to Ogden's $100 million and incorporated herein by debt offering. reference. 10 Material Contracts 10.1 Agreement and Plan of Merger, Filed as Exhibit 2 to Ogden's dated as of October 31, 1989, Form S-4 Registration Statement among Ogden, ERCI Acquisition File No. 33-32155, and Corporation and ERC International incorporated herein by Inc. reference. 10.2 Credit Agreement by and among Transmitted herewith as Exhibit Ogden, The Bank of New York, as No. 10.2. Agent and the signatory Lenders thereto dated as of September 20, 1993. EXHIBIT NO. DESCRIPTION OF DOCUMENT FILING INFORMATION 10.3 Stock Purchase Agreement dated Filed as Exhibit (10)(d) to May 31, 1988, between Ogden and Ogden's Form 10-K for the Ogden Projects, Inc. fiscal year ended December 31, 1989 and incorporated herein by reference. 10.4 Tax Sharing Agreement, dated Filed as Exhibit (10)(e) to January 1, 1989 between Ogden, Ogden's Form 10-K for the Ogden Projects, Inc. and fiscal year ended December 31, subsidiaries, Ogden Allied 1989 and incorporated herein Services, Inc. and subsidiaries by reference. and Ogden Financial Services, Inc. and subsidiaries. 10.5 Stock Purchase Option Agreement, Filed as Exhibit (10)(f) to dated June 14, 1989, between Ogden's Form 10-K for the Ogden and Ogden Projects, Inc. fiscal year ended December 31, as amended on November 16, 1989. 1989 and incorporated herein by reference. 10.6 Preferred Stock Purchase Filed as Exhibit (10)(g) to Agreement, dated July 7, 1989, Ogden's Form 10-K for the between Ogden Financial Services, fiscal year ended December 31, Inc. and Image Data Corporation. 1989 and incorporated herein by reference. 10.7 Rights Agreement between Ogden Filed as Exhibit (10)(h) to Corporation and Manufacturers Ogden's Form 10-K for the Hanover Trust Company, dated as fiscal year ended December 31, of September 20, 1990. 1990 and incorporated herein by reference. 10.8 Executive Compensation Plans and Agreements. (a) Ogden Corporation 1986 Filed as Exhibit (10)(k) to Stock Option Plan. Ogden's Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1985 and incorporated herein by reference. (b) Ogden Corporation 1990 Filed as Exhibit (10)(j) to Stock Option Plan. Ogden's Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1990 and incorporated herein by reference. (c) Ogden Services Corporation Filed as Exhibit (10)(k) to Executive Pension Plan. Ogden's Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1990 and incorporated herein by reference. EXHIBIT NO. DESCRIPTION OF DOCUMENT FILING INFORMATION (d) Ogden Services Corporation Filed as Exhibit (10)(l) to Select Savings Plan. Ogden's Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1990 and incorporated herein by reference. (e) Ogden Services Corporation Filed as Exhibit (10)(m) to Select Savings Plan Trust. Ogden's Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1990 and incorporated herein by reference. (f) Ogden Services Corporation Filed as Exhibit (10)(n) to Executive Pension Plan Trust. Ogden's Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1990 and incorporated herein by reference. (g) Changes effected to the Ogden Filed as Exhibit (10)(o) to Profit Sharing Plan effective Ogden's Form 10-K for the January 1, 1990. fiscal year ended December 31, 1990 and incorporated herein by reference. (h) Employment Letter Agreement Filed as Exhibit (10)(p) to between Ogden and an executive Ogden's Form 10-K for the officer dated January 30, 1990. fiscal year ended December 31, 1990 and incorporated herein by reference. (i) Employment Agreement between Filed as Exhibit (10)(r) to R. Richard Ablon and Ogden Ogden's Form 10-K for the dated as of May 24, 1990. fiscal year ended December 31, 1990 and incorporated herein by reference. (i) Letter Amendment to Filed as Exhibit (10)(r)(i) Employment Agreement to Ogden's Form 10-K for the between Ogden Corporation fiscal year ended December 31, and R. Richard Ablon, dated 1990 and incorporated herein as of October 11, 1991. by reference. (j) Employment Agreement between Filed as Exhibit (10)(s) to Ogden and C. G. Caras dated Ogden's Form 10-K for the as of July 2, 1990. fiscal year ended December 31, 1990 and incorporated herein by reference. (i) Letter Amendment to Filed as Exhibit (10)(s)(i) Employment Agreement to Ogden's Form 10-K for the between Ogden Corporation fiscal year ended December 31, and C. G. Caras, dated as 1990 and incorporated herein of October 11, 1990. by reference. EXHIBIT NO. DESCRIPTION OF DOCUMENT FILING INFORMATION (k) Employment Agreement between Filed as Exhibit (10)(t) to Ogden and Philip G. Husby, Ogden's Form 10-K for the dated as of July 2, 1990. fiscal year ended December 31, 1990 and incorporated herein by reference. (l) Termination Letter Agreement Filed as Exhibit (10)(v) to between Maria P. Monet and Ogden Ogden's Form 10-K for the dated as of October 22, 1990. fiscal year ended December 31, 1990 and incorporated herein by reference. (m) Letter Agreement between Ogden Filed as Exhibit 10.2 (p) to Corporation and Ogden's Chairman Ogden's Form 10-K for fiscal of the Board, dated as of year ended December 31, 1991 January 16, 1992. and incorporated herein by reference. (n) Employment Agreement between Filed as Exhibit 10.2 (q) to Ogden Corporation and Ogden's Ogden's Form 10-K for fiscal Chief Accounting Officer dated year ended December 31, 1991 as of December 18, 1991. and incorporated herein by reference. (o) Employment Agreement between Transmitted herewith as Scott G. Mackin and Ogden Exhibit 10.8(o). Projects, Inc. dated as of January 1, 1994. (p) Ogden Corporation Profit Sharing Filed as Exhibit 10.8(p) to Plan. Ogden's Form 10-K for fiscal year ended December 31, 1992 and incorporated herein by reference. (i) Ogden Profit Sharing Plan Transmitted herewith as as amended and restated Exhibit 10.8(p)(i). January 1, 1991 and as in effect through January 1, 1993. (q) Ogden Corporation Core Executive Filed as Exhibit 10.8(q) to Benefit Program. Ogden's Form 10-K for fiscal year ended December 31, 1992 and incorporated herein by reference. (r) Ogden Projects Pension Plan. Filed as Exhibit 10.8(r) to Ogden's Form 10-K for fiscal year ended December 31, 1992 and incorporated herein by reference. EXHIBIT NO. DESCRIPTION OF DOCUMENT FILING INFORMATION (s) Ogden Projects Profit Sharing Filed as Exhibit 10.8(s) to Plan. Ogden's Form 10-K for fiscal year ended December 31, 1992 and incorporated herein by reference. (t) Ogden Projects Supplemental Filed as Exhibit 10.8(t) to Pension and Profit Sharing Plans. Ogden's Form 10-K for fiscal year ended December 31, 1992 and incorporated herein by reference. (u) Ogden Projects Employee's Stock Filed as Exhibit 10.8(u) to Option Plan. Ogden's Form 10-K for fiscal year ended December 31, 1992 and incorporated herein by reference. (v) Ogden Projects Core Executive Filed as Exhibit 10.8(v) to Benefit Program. Ogden's Form 10-K for fiscal year ended December 31, 1992 and incorporated herein by reference. (w) Form of amendments to the Ogden Transmitted herewith as Projects, Inc. Pension Plan and Exhibit 10.8(w). Profit Sharing Plans effective as of January 1, 1994. 10.9 Agreement and Plan of Merger Filed as Exhibit (10)(x) to among Ogden Corporation, ERC Ogden's Form 10-K for the International Inc., ERC fiscal year ended December 31, Acquisition Corporation and 1990 and incorporated herein ERC Environmental and Energy by reference. Services Co., Inc. dated as of January 17, 1991. 10.10 First Amended and Restated Filed as Exhibit 10.3 (b) (i) Ogden Corporation Guaranty to Ogden's Form 10-K for Agreement made as of January 30, fiscal year ended December 31, 1992 by Ogden Corporation for 1991 and incorporated herein the benefit of Mission Funding by reference. Zeta and Pitney Bowes Credit Corporation. EXHIBIT NO. DESCRIPTION OF DOCUMENT FILING INFORMATION 10.11 Ogden Corporation Guaranty Filed as Exhibit 10.3 (b) (iii) Agreement made as of January to Ogden's Form 10-K for 30, 1992 by Ogden Corporation fiscal year ended December 31, for the benefit of Allstate 1991 and incorporated herein Insurance Company and Ogden by reference. Martin Systems of Huntington Resource Recovery Nine Corp. 11 Ogden Corporation and Transmitted herewith as Subsidiaries Detail of Exhibit 11. Computation of Earnings Applicable to Common Stock for the years ended December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991. 13 Those portions of the Annual Transmitted herewith as Report to Stockholders for the Exhibit 13. year ended December 31, 1993, which are incorporated herein by reference. 21 Subsidiaries of Ogden. Transmitted herewith as Exhibit 21. 24 Consent of Deloitt & Touche. Transmitted herewith as Exhibit 24.