


                       OHIO POWER COMPANY

     OHIO POWER COMPANY, a corporation for profit, heretofore
organized and now existing under the laws of the State of Ohio,
makes and files these Amended Articles of Incorporation and states:

          FIRST:    The name of the Corporation shall be Ohio Power

          SECOND:   The place in Ohio where the principal office of
     the Corporation is to be located is 301 Cleveland Avenue,
     S.W., Canton, Ohio.

          THIRD:    The purposes for which the Corporation is
     formed are:

               To produce, buy, acquire, lease, use, furnish,
     supply, sell, transmit, and distribute light, heat and power
     generated by means of gas, electricity, steam, hot water or
     other sources of energy, or any or all of them, for public and
     private use, and in connection therewith to acquire, purchase,
     own, construct, use, sell, lease, operate or manage any works,
     plants, constructions or parts thereof for the production,
     use, transmission, distribution, regulation, control or
     application of gas, electricity, steam, hot water or other
     sources of energy and to do any and all things necessary or
     convenient in the exercise of such powers;

               To acquire, buy, hold, own, sell, lease, exchange,
     dispose of, finance, deal in, construct, build, equip,
     improve, use, operate, maintain and work upon:

               (a)  Any and all kinds of plants and systems for the
          manufacture, production, storage, utilization, purchase,
          sale, supply, transmission, distribution, or disposition
          of electricity, gas, water or steam, or power produced
          thereby, or of ice and refrigeration of any and every

               (b)  Any and all kinds of telephone, telegraph,
          radio, wireless and other systems, facilities and devices
          for the receipt and trans-mission of sounds and signals,
          any and all kinds of interurban, city and street railways
          and railroads and bus lines for the transportation of
          passengers and/or freight, transmission lines, systems,
          appliances, equipment and devices and tracks, stations,
          buildings and other structures and facilities;

               (c)  Any and all kinds of works, power plants,
          manufacture, structures, substations, systems, tracks,
          machinery, generators, motors, lamps, poles, pipes,
          wires, cables, conduits, apparatus, devices, equipment,
          supplies, articles and merchandise of every kind
          pertaining to or in anywise connected with the
          construction, operation or maintenance of telephone,
          telegraph, radio, wireless and other systems, facilities
          and devices for the receipt and transmission of sounds
          and signals, or of interurban, city and street railways
          and railroads and bus lines, or in anywise connected with
          or pertaining to the manufacture, production, purchase,
          use, sale, supply, transmission, distribution,
          regulation, control or application of electricity, gas,
          water, steam, ice, refrigeration and power or any other

               To acquire, buy, hold, own, sell, lease, exchange,
     dispose of, transmit, distribute, deal in, use, manufacture,
     produce, furnish and supply street and interurban railway and
     bus service, electricity, gas, light, heat, ice,
     refrigeration, water and steam in any form and for any
     purposes whatsoever, and any power or force or energy in any
     form and for any purposes whatsoever;

               To maintain and operate stores and commissaries for
     the buying and selling of and to buy, sell and generally deal
     in general merchandise, hardware, special merchandise,
     machinery, supplies and any and all kinds of manufactured and
     agricultural products;

               To do a general mercantile business;

               To acquire, organize, assemble, develop, build up
     and operate constructing and operating and other organizations
     and systems, and to hire, sell, lease, exchange, turn over,
     deliver and dispose of such organizations and systems in whole
     or in part and as going organizations and systems and
     otherwise, and to enter into and perform contracts, agreements
     and undertakings of any kind in connection with any or all of
     the foregoing powers;

               To do a general contracting business;

               To purchase, acquire, develop, mine, explore, drill,
     hold, own and dispose of lands, interests in and rights with
     respect to lands and waters and fixed and movable property;

               To borrow money and contract debts when necessary
     for the transaction of the business of the Corporation or for
     the exercise of its corporate rights, privileges or franchises
     or for any other lawful purpose of its incorporation; to issue
     bonds, promissory notes, bills of exchange, debentures and
     other obligations and evidences of indebtedness payable at a
     specified time or times or payable upon the happening of a
     specified event or events, whether secured by mortgage, pledge
     or otherwise, or unsecured, for money borrowed or in payment
     for property purchased or acquired or any other lawful

               To guarantee, purchase, hold, sell, assign,
     transfer, mortgage, pledge or otherwise dispose of the shares
     of the capital stock of, or any bonds, securities or evidences
     of indebtedness created by, any other corporation or
     corporations of the State of Ohio or any other state or
     government and, while the owner of such stock, to exercise all
     the rights, powers and privileges of ownership, including the
     right to vote thereon;

               To aid in any manner any corporation or association,
     domestic or foreign or any firm or individual, any shares of
     stock in which or any bonds, debentures, notes, securities,
     evidences of indebtedness, contracts, or obligations of which
     are held by or for the Corporation or in which or in the
     welfare of which the Corporation shall have any interest, and
     to do any acts designed to protect, preserve, improve or
     enhance the value of any property at any time held or
     controlled by the Corporation, or in which it may be at any
     time interested; and to organize or promote or facilitate the
     organization of subsidiary companies;

               To conduct business at one or more offices and hold,
     purchase, mortgage and convey real and personal property in
     the State of Ohio and in any of the several states,
     territories, possessions and dependencies of the United
     States, the District of Columbia and foreign countries;

               In any manner to acquire, enjoy, utilize and to
     dispose of patents, copyrights and trademarks and any licenses
     or other rights or interests therein and thereunder;

               To purchase, acquire, hold, own and dispose of
     franchises, concessions, consents, privileges and licenses
     necessary for and in its opinion useful or desirable for or in
     connection with the foregoing powers;

               To do any or all things herein set forth to the same
     extent and as fully as natural persons might or could do, in
     any part of the world, and as principal agent, contractor, or
     otherwise, and either alone or in conjunction with any other
     individuals, firms, associations, corporations, syndicates or
     bodies politic;

               To do any and all things necessary and proper for
     the accomplishment of the objects herein enumerated or
     necessary or incidental to the protection and benefit of the
     Corporation, and in general to carry on any lawful business
     necessary or incidental to the attainment of the purposes of
     the Corporation, whether such business is similar in nature to
     the objects and powers set forth in these Articles or any
     amendment thereof;

               To conduct its business in the State of Ohio, other
     states, the District of Columbia, the territories, colonies
     and possessions of the United States and in foreign countries.

               The Corporation may not construct a steam or
     electric railroad in more than one County or State.

               The objects and purposes specified in the foregoing
     clauses of this Article Third shall, except where other-wise
     expressed, be in no way limited or restricted by reference to
     or inference from the terms of any other clause of this or any
     other Article of these Articles.  The objects and purposes
     specified in each of the clauses of these Articles shall be
     regarded as independent objects and purposes and shall be
     construed as powers as well as objects and purposes.

          FOURTH:   The maximum number of shares of stock which the
     Corporation is authorized to have outstanding is forty-seven
     million seven hundred sixty-two thousand four hundred three
     (47,762,403) shares, divided into four classes as follows: (a)
     one million seven hundred twelve thousand four hundred three
     (1,712,403) shares are Cumulative Preferred Stock of the par
     value of One Hundred Dollars ($100) each (hereinafter
     sometimes referred to as "Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100
     voting)"); (b) two million fifty thousand (2,050,000) shares
     are Cumulative Preferred Stock, $100 Non-Voting of the par
     value of One Hundred Dollars ($100) each (hereinafter
     sometimes referred to as "Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100
     non-voting)"); (c) four million (4,000,000) shares are
     Cumulative Preferred Stock, $25 Non-Voting of the par value of
     Twenty-five Dollars ($25) each (hereinafter sometimes referred
     to as "Cumulative Preferred Stock ($25 non-voting)"); and (d)
     forty million (40,000,000) shares are Common Stock without par
     value.  The description of the different classes of stock and
     the express terms of each of such classes of stock and of the
     existing series of Cumulative Preferred Stock are set forth in
     the following paragraphs of this Article Fourth.  All of the
     express terms set forth below in the preamble and paragraphs
     (1) through (10) under the heading "Cumulative Preferred
     Stock" shall be equally applicable to the Cumulative Preferred
     Stock ($100 voting), to the Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100
     non-voting) and to the Cumulative Preferred Stock ($25 non-
     voting), and such terms shall be deemed to state the express
     terms of all shares of each of said classes, except to the
     extent that any of such terms are expressly stated to be
     applicable only to shares of one class or shares of one or
     more series of a class, and whenever herein the words
     "Cumulative Preferred Stock" without any prefix or
     parenthetical qualification shall be used, they shall be
     deemed to refer to each of said classes.


          Subject to and in accordance with the provisions of the
     following paragraphs (1) through (34) hereof, the Board of
     Directors is hereby authorized to cause shares of each class
     of Cumulative Preferred Stock to be issued in series with such
     variations in respect thereof (except in the case of the
     shares of the series of Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100
     voting) the express terms of which are set forth in paragraphs
     (11) through (34) hereof) as may be determined by an amendment
     to these Articles adopted by the Board of Directors prior to
     the issue thereof:

               (1)  The shares of the Cumulative Preferred Stock of
          each series of a class may vary as to:

                    (a)  The distinctive series designations and
               number of shares of such series;

                    (b)  The rate of dividends (within such limits
               as shall be permitted by law) payable on the shares
               of the particular series;

                    (c)  The dates from which such dividends shall
               be cumulative as hereinafter in paragraph (2)

                    (d)  The prices (not less than the amount
               limited by law) and terms upon which the shares of
               the particular series may be redeemed;

                    (e)  The amount or amounts which shall be paid
               to the holders of the shares of the particular
               series in case of voluntary or involuntary
               dissolution or any distribution of assets;

                    (f)  The sinking fund requirements (if any)
               for the purchase or redemption of the shares of the
               particular series;

                    (g)  The rights (if any) to convert the shares
               of the particular series into and/or purchase stock
               of any other series or class or other securities.

          Except for the variations permitted in this paragraph,
          the shares of all series of each class of the Cumulative
          Preferred Stock shall in all other respects be identical.

               (2)  The holders of each series of the Cumulative
          Preferred Stock at the time outstanding shall be entitled
          to receive, but only when and as declared by the Board of
          Directors, out of funds legally available for the payment
          of dividends, cumulative preferential dividends, at the
          annual dividend rate for the particular series fixed
          therefor as herein provided, payable quarter-yearly on
          the first days of March, June, September and December in
          each year, to stockholders of record on the respective
          dates, not exceeding thirty (30) days and not less than
          ten (10) days preceding such dividend payment dates,
          fixed for the purpose by the Board of Directors.  No
          dividends shall be declared on any series of the
          Cumulative Preferred Stock in respect of any quarter-
          yearly dividend period unless there shall likewise be
          declared on all shares of all series of the Cumulative
          Preferred Stock at the time outstanding, like
          proportionate dividends, ratably, in proportion to the
          respective annual dividend rates fixed therefor, in
          respect of the same quarter-yearly dividend period, to
          the extent that such shares are entitled to receive
          dividends for such quarter-yearly dividend period.  The
          dividends on shares of all series of the Cumulative
          Preferred Stock shall be cumulative.  In the case of all
          shares of each particular series, the dividends on shares
          of such series shall be cumulative:

                    (a)  If issued prior to the record date for
               the first dividends on the shares of such series,
               then from the date for the particular series fixed
               therefor as herein provided;

                    (b)  If issued during the period commencing
               immediately after a record date for a dividend and
               terminating at the close of the payment date for
               such dividend, then from such dividend payment
               date; and

                    (c)  Otherwise from the quarter-yearly
               dividend payment date next preceding the date of
               issue of such shares;

          so that unless dividends on all outstanding shares of
          each series of the Cumulative Preferred Stock, at the
          annual dividend rate and from the dates for accumulation
          thereof fixed as herein provided shall have been paid for
          all past quarter-yearly dividend periods, but without
          interest on cumulative dividends, no dividends shall be
          paid or declared and no other distribution shall be made
          on the Common Stock, and no Common Stock shall be
          purchased or otherwise acquired for value by the
          Corporation; provided that during any period when the
          Corporation shall be in default as to any obligation of
          the Corporation with respect to any sinking fund for the
          benefit of the shares of any series of the Cumulative
          Preferred Stock, no dividend shall be paid or declared
          and no other distribution shall be made on the Common
          Stock or any other shares of capital stock of the
          Corporation ranking junior to the Cumulative Preferred
          Stock, and no Common Stock or shares of such capital
          stock shall be purchased or otherwise acquired for value
          by the Corporation, unless all shares of the Cumulative
          Preferred Stock then outstanding shall concurrently be
          redeemed, purchased or otherwise acquired or unless the
          declaration or payment of such dividend, or such
          distribution, purchase or acquisition shall have been
          ordered, permitted or approved by the Securities and
          Exchange Commission, or by any successor agency thereto,
          under the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 or
          any legislation enacted in substitution therefor.  The
          holders of the Cumulative Preferred Stock of any series
          shall not be entitled to receive any dividends thereon
          other than the dividends referred to in this paragraph

               (3)  The Corporation, by action of its Board of
          Directors, may redeem the whole or any part of any series
          of the Cumulative Preferred Stock, at any time or from
          time to time, by paying in cash the redemption price of
          the shares of the particular series, fixed therefor as
          herein provided, together with a sum in the case of each
          share of each series so to be redeemed, computed at the
          annual dividend rate for the series of which the
          particular share is a part, from the date from which
          dividends on such share became cumulative to the date
          fixed for such redemption, less the aggregate of the
          dividends theretofore or on such redemption date paid
          thereon.  Notice of every such redemption shall be given
          by publication at least once in one daily newspaper
          printed in the English language and of general
          circulation in Canton, Ohio, and in one daily newspaper
          printed in the English language and of general
          circulation in the Borough of Manhattan, The City of New
          York, the first publication in such newspapers to be at
          least thirty (30) days and not more than sixty (60) days
          prior to the date fixed for such redemption.  At least
          thirty (30) days and not more than sixty (60) days
          previous notice of every such redemption shall also be
          mailed to the holders of record of the shares of the
          Cumulative Preferred Stock so to be redeemed, at their
          respective addresses as the same shall appear on the
          books of the Corporation; but not failure to mail such
          notice nor any defect therein or in the mailing thereof
          shall affect the validity of the proceedings for the
          redemption of any shares of the Cumulative Preferred
          Stock so to be redeemed.  In case of the redemption of a
          part only of any series of the Cumulative Preferred Stock
          at the time outstanding, the Corporation shall select by
          lot the shares so to be redeemed.  The Board of Directors
          shall have full power and authority, subject to the
          limitations and provisions herein contained, to prescribe
          the manner in which, and the terms and conditions upon
          which, the shares of the Cumulative Preferred Stock shall
          be redeemed from time to time.  If such notice of
          redemption shall have been duly given by publication, and
          if on or before the redemption date specified in such
          notice all funds necessary for such redemption shall have
          been set aside by the Corporation, separate and apart
          from its other funds, in trust for the account of the
          holders of the shares to be  redeemed, so as to be and
          continue to be available therefor, then, notwithstanding
          that any certificate for such shares so called for
          redemption shall not have been surrendered for
          cancellation, from and after the date fixed for
          redemption, the shares represented thereby shall no
          longer be deemed outstanding, the right to receive
          dividends thereon shall cease to accrue and all rights
          with respect to such shares so called for redemption
          shall forthwith on such redemption date cease and
          terminate, except only the right of the holders thereof
          to receive, out of the funds so set aside in trust, the
          amount payable upon redemption thereof, without interest;
          provided, however, that the Corporation may, after giving
          notice by publication of any such redemption as
          hereinbefore provided or after giving to the bank or
          trust company hereinafter referred to irrevocable
          authorization to give such notice by publication, and at
          any time prior to the redemption date specified in such
          notice, deposit in trust, for the account of the holders
          of the shares to be redeemed, so as to be and continue to
          be available therefor, funds necessary for such
          redemption with a bank or trust company in good standing,
          organized under the laws of the United States of American
          or of the State of New York, doing business in the
          Borough of Manhattan, The City of New York, and having
          capital, surplus and undivided profits aggregating at
          least $5,000,000 or organized under the laws of the State
          of Ohio, doing business in the City of Cleveland, Ohio,
          and having capital, surplus and undivided profits
          aggregating at least $5,000,000, designated in such
          notice of redemption, and, upon such deposit in trust,
          all shares with respect to which such deposit shall have
          been made shall no longer be deemed to be outstanding,
          and all rights with respect to such shares shall
          forthwith cease and terminate, except only the right of
          the holders thereof to receive at any time from and after
          the date of such deposit, the amount payable upon the
          redemption thereof, without interest.  Nothing herein
          contained shall limit any right of the Corporation to
          purchase or otherwise acquire any shares of the
          Cumulative Preferred Stock; provided, however, that the
          Corporation shall not redeem (whether through operation
          of any sinking fund or otherwise), purchase or otherwise
          acquire any shares of any series of the Cumulative
          Preferred Stock during any period when the Corporation
          shall be in default in the payment of dividends on any
          shares of any series of the Cumulative Preferred Stock,
          unless all shares of Cumulative Preferred Stock then
          outstanding shall concurrently be so redeemed, purchased
          or otherwise acquired or unless such redemption, purchase
          or acquisition shall have been ordered, permitted or
          approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission, or by
          any successor commission thereto, under the Public
          Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 or any legislation
          enacted in substitution therefor.

          The Corporation may from time to time, by action of its
     Board of Directors and without action by the holders of the
     Common Stock or any class of the Cumulative Preferred Stock,
     purchase or otherwise acquire shares of any class of the
     Cumulative Preferred Stock in such manner, upon such terms and
     in such amounts as the Board of Directors shall determine;
     subject, however, to such limitations or restrictions, if any,
     as are contained in the express terms of any class of the
     Cumulative Preferred Stock outstanding at the time of the
     purchase or acquisition in question.

               (4)  Before any amount shall be paid to, or any
          assets distributed among, the holders of the Common Stock
          upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
          Corporation, and after paying or providing for the
          payment of all creditors of the Corporation, the holders
          of each series of the Cumulative Preferred Stock at the
          time outstanding shall be entitled to be paid in cash the
          amount for the particular series fixed therefor as herein
          provided, together with a sum in the case of each share
          of each series, computed at the annual dividend rate for
          the series of which the particular share is a part, from
          the date from which dividends on such share became
          cumulative to the date fixed for the payment of such
          distributive amount ,less the aggregate of the dividends
          theretofore or on such date paid thereon; but no payments
          on account of such distributive amounts shall be made to
          the holders of any series of the Cumulative Preferred
          Stock unless there shall likewise be paid at the same
          time to the holders of each other series of the
          Cumulative Preferred Stock at the time outstanding like
          proportionate distributive amounts, ratably, in
          proportion to the full distributive amounts to which they
          are respectively entitled as herein provided.  The
          holders of the Cumulative Preferred Stock of any series
          shall not be entitled to receive any amounts with respect
          thereto upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up
          of the Corporation other than the amounts referred to in
          this paragraph.  Neither the consolidation or merger of
          the Corporation with any other corporation or
          corporations, nor the sale or transfer by the Corporation
          of all or any part of its assets, shall be deemed to be
          a liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the

               (5)  Whenever the full dividends on all series of
          the Cumulative Preferred Stock at the time out-standing
          for all past quarter-yearly dividend periods shall have
          been paid or declared and set apart for payment, then,
          subject to the provisions of paragraph (2) and
          subparagraph (7)(B)(c) hereof, such dividends (payable in
          cash, stock or otherwise) as may be determined by the
          Board of Directors may be declared and paid on the Common
          Stock, but only out of funds legally available for the
          payment of dividends; provided, however, that so long as
          any shares of the Cumulative Preferred Stock of any
          series are outstanding, the Corporation shall not declare
          or pay any dividends on the Common Stock of the
          Corporation except as follows:

                    (a)  If and so long as the Common Stock Equity
               at the end of the calendar month immediately
               preceding the date on which a dividend on Common
               Stock is declared is, or as a result of such
               dividend would become, less than 20% of total
               capitalization, the Corporation shall not declare
               such dividend in an amount which, together with all
               other dividends on Common Stock paid within the
               year ending with and including the date on which
               such dividend is payable, exceeds 50% of the net
               income of the Corporation available for dividends
               on the Common Stock (less any Depreciation
               Deficiency) for the twelve full calendar months
               immediately preceding the month in which such
               dividend is declared, except in an amount not
               exceeding the aggregate of dividends on Common
               Stock which could have been, but have not been,
               declared under this clause (a); and 

                    (b)  If and so long as the Common Stock Equity
               at the end of the calendar month immediately
               preceding the date on which a dividend on Common
               Stock is declared is, or as a result of such
               dividend would become, less than 25% but not less
               than 20% of total capitalization, the Corporation
               shall not declare such dividend in an amount which,
               together with all other dividends on Common Stock
               paid within the year ending with and including the
               date on which such dividend is payable, exceeds 75%
               of the net income of the Corporation available for
               dividends on the Common Stock (less any
               Depreciation Deficiency) for the twelve full
               calendar months immediately preceding the month in
               which such dividend is declared, except in an
               amount not exceeding the aggregate of dividends on
               Common Stock which could have been, but have not
               been, declared under clause (a) above and this
               clause (b); and

                    (c)  At any time when the Common Stock Equity
               is 25% or more of total capitalization, the
               Corporation may not declare dividends on shares of
               the Common Stock which would reduce the Common
               Stock Equity below 25% of total capitalization,
               except to the extent provided in clause (a) and
               clause (b) above.

               For the purposes of this paragraph (5) only:

                         (i)   The term "Common Stock Equity"
                    shall mean the sum of the par value of, or
                    stated value or capital represented by, the
                    shares of Common Stock of the Corporation
                    outstanding, and the surplus, earned, capital,
                    and paid-in, of the Corporation (including any
                    premiums on Common Stock but excluding any
                    premiums on the Cumulative Preferred Stock)
                    whether or not available for the payment of
                    dividends on the Common Stock; provided,
                    however, that there shall be deducted from
                    such sum (I) the amount of any Depreciation
                    Deficiency for the period from December 31,
                    1952 to the end of the calendar month
                    immediately preceding the date on which a
                    dividend on Common Stock is declared and (II)
                    the amount, if any, by which the aggregate of
                    all amounts payable upon the involuntary
                    dissolution, liquidation or winding up of the
                    Corporation to the holders of the Cumulative
                    Preferred Stock and of any other class of
                    stock ranking prior to or on a parity with the
                    Cumulative Preferred Stock as to dividends or
                    distributions exceeds the aggregate of the
                    capital of the Corporation applicable to such
                    Cumulative Preferred Stock and class of stock
                    ranking prior to or on a parity with the
                    Cumulative Preferred Stock as to dividends or

                         (ii)  The term "total capitalization"
                    shall mean the sum of the par value of, or
                    stated value or capital represented by, the
                    capital stock of all classes of the
                    Corporation outstanding, the surplus, earned,
                    capital and paid-in, of the Corporation
                    (including any premiums on any such capital
                    stock), whether or not available for the
                    payment of dividends on the Common Stock, and
                    the principal amount of all debt of the
                    Corporation outstanding, maturing more than
                    twelve months after the date of the
                    determination of the total capitalization,
                    less any amount required to be deducted in the
                    determination of Common Stock Equity as in
                    clause (i) above provided;

                         (iii) The term "dividends on Common
                    Stock" shall embrace dividends on Common Stock
                    of the Corporation (other than dividends
                    payable only in shares of such Common Stock),
                    distributions on, and purchases or other
                    acquisitions for value of any Common Stock of
                    the Corporation; and

                         (iv)  The term "Depreciation Deficiency"
                    shall mean, as to any specified period, the
                    amount by which the aggregate of (I) all
                    amounts credited to the depreciation reserve
                    account of the Corporation through charges to
                    operating revenue deductions or otherwise as
                    provided in the Uniform System of Accounts
                    prescribed for Public Utilities and Licensees
                    by the Federal Power Commission and of (II)
                    all charges for maintenance, shall have been
                    less than 15% of all operating revenues of the
                    Corporation (excluding therefrom non-operating
                    income and revenues derived directly from pro-
                    perties leased to the Corporation), less all
                    charges to income made by the Corporation for
                    purchased power and for the net amount of
                    electric energy received by the Corporation
                    through interchange.

               (6)  In the event of any liquidation, dissolution or
          winding up of the Corporation, all assets and funds of
          the Corporation remaining after paying or providing for
          the payment of all creditors of the Corporation and after
          paying or providing for the payment to the holders of
          shares of all series of the Cumulative Preferred Stock of
          the full distributive amounts to which they are
          respectively entitled as herein provided, shall be
          divided among and paid to the holders of the Common Stock
          according to their respective rights and interests.

               (7)(A)  So long as any shares of the Cumulative
          Preferred Stock are outstanding, the Corporation shall
          not, without the consent (given by vote at a meeting
          called for that purpose) of the holders of at least two-
          thirds of the total number of votes which holders of the
          outstanding shares of Cumulative Preferred Stock are
          entitled to cast, voting together for such purpose as a
          single class:

                    (a)  Increase the total authorized amount of
               the Cumulative Preferred Stock; or

                    (b)  Create or authorize any shares of any
               class of stock ranking prior to the Cumulative
               Preferred Stock as to dividends or assets or issue
               any shares of any such prior ranking stock more
               than twelve months after the date as of which the
               Corporation was empowered to create or authorize
               such prior ranking stock; or

                    (c)  Amend, alter, change or repeal any of the
               express terms of the Cumulative Preferred Stock or
               of any series of the Cumulative Preferred Stock
               then outstanding in a manner substantially
               prejudicial to the holders thereof; provided,
               however, that if any such amendment, alteration,
               change or repeal would be substantially prejudicial
               to the holders of one or more, but not all, of the
               series of the Cumulative Preferred Stock at the
               time outstanding, only the consent of the holders
               of two-thirds of the total number of votes which
               holders of the shares of each series prejudicially
               affected are entitled to cast shall be required,
               voting for such purpose as a single class.

                  (B)  So long as any shares of the Cumulative
          Preferred Stock are outstanding, the Corporation shall
          not, without the consent (given by vote at a meeting
          called for that purpose) of the holders of a majority of
          the total number of votes which holders of the
          outstanding shares of Cumulative Preferred Stock are
          entitled to cast, voting together for such purpose as a
          single class:

                    (a)  Merge or consolidate with or into any
               other corporation or corporations, or sell or
               otherwise dispose of all or substantially all of
               its properties, unless such merger or
               consolidation, or the issuance and assumption of
               all securities to be issued or assumed in
               connection with any such merger or consolidation,
               or such sale or disposition, shall have been
               ordered, approved or permitted by the Securities
               and Exchange Commission, or by any successor agency
               thereto, under the provisions of the Public Utility
               Holding Company Act of 1935 or any legislation
               enacted in substitution therefor; provided that the
               provisions of this clause (a) shall not apply to a
               purchase or other acquisition by the Corporation of
               franchises or assets of another corporation in any
               manner which does not involved a merger or
               consolidation; or

                    (b)  Issue, sell or otherwise dispose of any
               shares of the Cumulative Preferred Stock or of any
               other class of stock ranking prior to or on a
               parity with the Cumulative Preferred Stock as to
               dividends or distributions, unless (i) the net
               income of the Corporation, determined in accordance
               with generally accepted accounting practices to be
               available for the payment of dividends for a period
               of twelve (12) consecutive calendar months within
               the fifteen (15) calendar months immediately
               preceding the issuance, sale or disposition of such
               stock (but less any Depreciation Deficiency for
               such period), shall have been at least equal to
               twice the annual dividend requirements on all
               outstanding shares of the Cumulative Preferred
               Stock and of al other classes of stock ranking
               prior to or on a parity with the Cumulative
               Preferred Stock as to dividends or distributions,
               including the shares proposed to be issued; (ii)
               the gross income of the Corporation for said
               period, determined in accordance with generally
               accepted accounting practices (but in any event
               after deducting the amount for said period charged
               by the Corporation on its books to depreciation
               expense and in addition thereto any Depreciation
               Deficiency for said period) to be available for the
               payment of interest, shall have been at least one
               and one-half times the sum of (I) the annual
               interest charges on all interest bearing
               indebtedness of the Corporation and (II) the annual
               dividend requirements on all outstanding shares of
               the Cumulative Preferred Stock and of all other
               classes of stock ranking prior to or on a parity
               with the Cumulative Preferred Stock as to dividends
               or distributions, including the shares proposed to
               be issued; and (iii) the aggregate of the capital
               of the Corporation applicable to the Common Stock
               and of the surplus of the Corporation immediately
               after such issuance, sale or other disposition,
               less any Depreciation Deficiency for the period
               from December 31, 1952 to such date, shall be not
               less than the amount payable upon the involuntary
               dissolution, liquidation or winding up of the
               Corporation to the holders of the Cumulative
               Preferred Stock and of such other class of stock,
               excluding from the foregoing computation all stock
               which is to be retired in connection with such
               additional issue; provided, that the Corporation
               shall not thereafter pay any dividends on the
               Common Stock unless immediately thereafter the
               aggregate of the capital of the Corporation
               applicable to the Common Stock and of the surplus
               of the Corporation, less any Depreciation
               Deficiency for the period from December 31, 1952 to
               such date, shall be not less than the amount
               payable upon the involuntary dissolution,
               liquidation or winding up of the Corporation to the
               holders of the Cumulative Preferred Stock and of
               such other class of stock.

                    For the purposes of this subparagraph (b)
               only, the term "Depreciation Deficiency" shall
               mean, as to any specified period, the amount by
               which the aggregate of (i) all amounts credited to
               the depreciation reserve account of the Corporation
               through charges to operating revenue deductions or
               otherwise as provided in the Uniform System of
               Accounts prescribed for Public Utilities and
               Licensees by the Federal Power Commission and of
               (ii) all charges for maintenance, shall have been
               less than 15% of all operating revenues of the
               Corporation (excluding therefrom non-operating
               income and revenues derived directly from
               properties leased to the Corporation), less all
               charges to income made by the Corporation for
               purchased power and for the net amount of electric
               energy received by the Corporation through

               (8)  No holder of shares of any series of the
          Cumulative Preferred Stock shall be entitled as such as
          a matter of right to subscribe for or purchase any part
          of any new or additional issue of stock, or securities
          convertible into stock of any class whatsoever, whether
          now or hereafter authorized, and whether issued for cash,
          property, services, by way of dividends, or otherwise.

               (9)(A)  Except as otherwise provided in this
          paragraph (9) or in paragraph (7) hereof, or as otherwise
          required by the laws of the State of Ohio;

                    (i)   Every holder of Cumulative Preferred
               Stock ($100 voting) shall be entitled to cast one
               vote for each share of Cumulative Preferred Stock
               ($100 voting) held by him for the election of
               Directors and upon all other matters;

                    (ii)  The holders of Cumulative Preferred
               Stock ($100 non-voting) and Cumulative Preferred
               Stock ($25 non-voting) shall not be entitled to
               vote; and

                    (iii) Every holder of Common Stock shall be
               entitled to cast one vote for each share of Common
               Stock held by him for the election of Directors and
               upon all other matters.

          Whenever, pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph
          (9) or paragraph (7) hereof, the holders of Cumulative
          Preferred Stock ($100 voting), Cumulative Preferred Stock
          ($100 non-voting) and Cumulative Preferred Stock ($25
          non-voting) shall be entitled to vote together as a
          single class for the election of Directors or on any
          other matter, every holder of shares of Cumulative
          Preferred Stock ($100 voting) or Cumulative Preferred
          Stock ($100 non-voting) shall be entitled to cast one
          vote for each such share held by him and every holder of
          Cumulative Preferred Stock ($25 non-voting) shall be
          entitled to cast one-quarter of one vote for each such
          share held by him.  In addition to any provisions herein,
          whenever the consent or the affirmative vote of the
          holders of any class of the Cumulative Preferred Stock,
          voting as a single class, shall be required for the
          adoption of any amendment to these Articles pursuant to
          any provision of law, the consent or affirmative vote of
          the holders of at least a majority of the total number of
          shares of such class then outstanding shall be required
          for such purpose.  Except when some mandatory provision
          of law shall be controlling and except as otherwise
          provided in subparagraphs (7)(A)(c), 12(c), (14)(c) and
          (16)(c) hereof, whenever shares of two or more series of
          any class of Cumulative Preferred Stock are outstanding,
          no particular series of such class shall be entitled to
          vote as a separate series on any matter.

                  (B)  If and when dividends payable on the
          Cumulative Preferred Stock shall be in default in an
          amount equivalent to four full quarter-yearly dividends
          on all shares of all series of the Cumulative Preferred
          Stock at the time outstanding, and until all dividends in
          default on the Cumulative Preferred Stock shall have been
          paid, the holders of all shares of the Cumulative
          Preferred Stock, voting separately as one class, shall be
          entitled to elect the smallest number of Directors
          necessary to constitute a majority of the full Board of
          Directors, and the holders of the Common Stock, voting
          separately as a class, shall be entitled to elect the
          remaining Directors of the Corporation.  The terms of
          office of all persons who may be Directors of the
          Corporation at the time shall terminate upon the election
          of a majority of the Board of Directors by the holders of
          the Cumulative Preferred Stock, except that if the
          holders of the Common Stock shall not have elected the
          remaining Directors of the Corporation, then, and only in
          that event, the Directors of the Corporation in office
          just prior to the election of a majority of the Board of
          Directors by the holders of the Cumulative Preferred
          Stock shall elect the remaining Directors of the

                  (C)  If and when all dividends then in default on
          the Cumulative Preferred Stock at the time outstanding
          shall be paid (and such dividends shall be declared and
          paid out of any funds legally available therefor as soon
          as reasonably practicable), the Cumulative Preferred
          Stock shall thereupon be divested of any special right
          with respect to the election of Directors provided in
          subparagraph (B) hereof, and the voting power of the
          Cumulative Preferred Stock and the Common Stock shall
          revert to the status existing before the occurrence of
          such default; but always subject to the same provisions
          for vesting such special rights in the Cumulative
          Preferred Stock in case of further like default or
          defaults in dividends thereon.  Upon the termination of
          any such special right the terms of office of all persons
          who may have been elected Directors of the Corporation by
          vote of the holders of the Cumulative Preferred Stock, as
          a class, pursuant to such special right shall forthwith

                  (D)  In case of any vacancy in the Board of
          Directors occurring among the Directors elected by the
          holders of the Cumulative Preferred Stock, as a class,
          pursuant to subparagraph (B) hereof, the holders of the
          Cumulative Preferred Stock then outstanding and entitled
          to vote may elect a successor to hold office for the
          unexpired term of the Director whose place shall be
          vacant.  In case of a vacancy in the Board of Directors
          occurring among the Directors elected by the holders of
          the Common Stock, as a class, or by the Directors in
          office just prior to the election of a majority of the
          Board of Directors by the holders of the Cumulative
          Preferred Stock, pursuant to subparagraph (B) hereof, the
          holders of the Common Stock then outstanding and entitled
          to vote may elect a successor to hold office for the
          unexpired term of the Director whose place shall be
          vacant.  In all other cases, any vacancy occurring among
          the Directors shall be filled by the vote of a majority
          of the remaining Directors.

                  (E)  Whenever the holders of the Cumulative
          Preferred Stock, as a class, become entitled, to elect
          Directors of the Corporation pursuant to either
          subparagraphs (B) or (D) hereof, it shall be the duty of
          the president, a vice-president or the secretary of the
          Corporation forthwith to call, and to cause notice to be
          given to the stockholders entitled to vote at, a meeting
          to be held at such time as the Corporation's officers may
          fix, not less than thirty nor more than sixty days after
          the accrual of such right, for the purpose of electing
          Directors.  The notice so given shall be mailed to each
          holder of record of the Cumulative Preferred Stock at his
          address as it appears upon the records of the Corporation
          and shall set forth, among other things, (i) that by
          reason of the fact that dividends payable on the
          Cumulative Preferred Stock are in default in an amount
          equivalent to four full quarter-yearly dividends or more
          per share, the holders of the Cumulative Preferred Stock,
          voting separately as a class, have the right to elect the
          smallest number of Directors necessary to constitute a
          majority of the full Board of Directors of the
          Corporation, (ii) that any holder of the Cumulative
          Preferred Stock has the right, at any reasonable time, to
          inspect, and make copies of, the list or lists of holders
          of the Cumulative Preferred Stock maintained at the
          principal office of the Corporation or at the office of
          any Transfer Agent of the Cumulative Preferred Stock, and
          (iii) either the entirety of this paragraph or the
          substance thereof with respect to the number of shares of
          the Cumulative Preferred Stock required to be represented
          at any meeting, or adjournment thereof, called for the
          election of Directors of the Corporation.  At the first
          meeting of stockholders held for the purpose of electing
          Directors during such time as the holders of the
          Cumulative Preferred Stock shall have the special right,
          voting separately as a class, to elect Directors, the
          presence in person or by proxy of the holders of a
          majority of the outstanding Common Stock shall be
          required to constitute a quorum of such class for the
          election of Directors, and the presence in person or by
          proxy of the holders of a majority of the total number of
          votes which holders of the outstanding shares of
          Cumulative Preferred Stock are entitled to cast shall be
          required to constitute a quorum of such class for the
          election of Directors; provided, however, that in the
          absence of a quorum of the holders of the Cumulative
          Preferred Stock, no election of Directors shall be held,
          but a majority of the holders of the Cumulative Preferred
          Stock who are present in person or by proxy shall have
          power to adjourn the election of the Directors to a date
          not less than fifteen nor more than fifty days from the
          giving of the notice of such adjourned meeting
          hereinafter provided for; and provided, further, that at
          such adjourned meeting, the presence in person or by
          proxy of the holders of 35% of the total number of votes
          which holders of the outstanding shares of Cumulative
          Preferred Stock are entitled to cast shall be required to
          constitute a quorum of such class for the election of
          Directors.  In the event such first meeting of
          stockholders shall be so adjourned, it shall be the duty
          of the president, a vice-president or the secretary of
          the Corporation, within ten days from the date on which
          such first meeting shall have been adjourned, to cause
          notice of such adjourned meeting to be given to the
          stockholders entitled to vote thereat, such adjourned
          meeting to be held not less than fifteen days nor more
          than fifty days from the giving of such second notice. 
          Such second notice shall be given in the form and manner
          hereinabove provided for with respect to the notice
          required to be given of such first meeting of
          stockholders, and shall further set forth that a quorum
          was not present at such first meeting and that the
          holders of 35% of the total number of votes which holders
          of the outstanding shares of Cumulative Preferred Stock
          are entitled to cast shall be required to constitute a
          quorum of such class for the election of Directors at
          such adjourned meeting.  If the requisite quorum of
          holders of the Cumulative Preferred Stock shall not be
          present at said adjourned meeting, then the Directors of
          the Corporation then in office shall remain in office
          until the next Annual Meeting of the Corporation, or
          special meeting in lieu thereof, and until their
          successors shall have been elected and shall qualify. 
          Neither such first meeting nor such adjourned meeting
          shall be held on a date within sixty days of the date of
          the next Annual Meeting of the Corporation or special
          meeting in lieu thereof.  At each Annual Meeting of the
          Corporation, or special meeting in lieu thereof, held
          during such time as the holders of the Cumulative
          Preferred Stock, voting separately as a class, shall have
          the right to elect a majority of the Board of Directors,
          the foregoing provisions of this subparagraph shall
          govern such Annual Meeting, or special meeting in lieu
          thereof, as if said Annual Meeting or special meeting
          were the first meeting of stockholders held for the
          purpose of electing Directors after the right of the
          holders of the Cumulative Preferred Stock, voting
          separately as a class, to elect a majority of the Board
          of Directors, should have accrued with the exception
          that, until the holders of the Cumulative Preferred Stock
          shall have elected a majority of the Board of Directors,
          if at any adjourned Annual Meeting, or special meeting in
          lieu thereof, holders of 35% of the total number of votes
          which holders of the outstanding shares of Cumulative
          Preferred Stock are entitled to cast are not present in
          person or by proxy, all the Directors to be elected shall
          be elected by a vote of the holders of a majority of the
          Common Stock of the Corporation present or represented at
          the meeting.

                  (F)  So long as any shares of the Cumulative
          Preferred Stock of any series are outstanding, the Board
          of Directors of the Corporation shall consist of not less
          than three (3) persons and not more than the number of
          persons set forth in the Corporation's Code of

               (10) The Corporation may, at any time and from time
          to time, issue and dispose of any of the authorized and
          unissued shares of the Cumulative Preferred Stock and
          Common Stock for such consideration as may be fixed by
          the Board of Directors, subject to any provisions of law
          then applicable, and subject to the provisions of any
          resolutions of the stockholders of the Corporation
          relating to the issue and disposition of such shares.

               (11) The Corporation hereby classifies $20,240,300
          par value of the Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100 voting)
          as a series of such Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100
          voting), which shall be designated as "4-1/2% Cumulative
          Preferred Stock," consisting of 202,403 shares of the par
          value of $100 per share.

               (12) The preferences or restrictions or qualifica-
          tions and the descriptions and terms of the shares of the
          4-1/2% Cumulative Preferred Stock, in the respects in
          which the shares of such series may vary from shares of
          other series of the Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100
          voting), shall be as follows:

                    (a)  The annual dividend rate for such series
               shall be 4-1/2% per annum and the date from which
               dividends on all shares of such series issued prior
               to the record date for the dividend payable June 1,
               1941, shall be cumulative, shall be March 1, 1941;

                    (b)  The redemption price for such series
               shall be $112.50 per share until March 1, 1946; on
               and after March 1, 1946 and until March 1, 1951,
               $111 per share; and on and after March 1, 1951,
               $110 per share;

                    (c)  The preferential amounts to which the
               holders of shares of such series shall be entitled
               upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of
               the Corporation shall be:

                         $110 per share, upon any voluntary
                    liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
                    Corporation, except that if such voluntary
                    liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
                    Corporation shall have been approved by the
                    vote in favor thereof of the holders of a
                    majority of the total number of shares of the
                    4-1/2% Cumulative Preferred Stock then
                    outstanding, given at a meeting called for
                    that purpose, the amount so payable on such
                    voluntary liquidation, dissolution, or winding
                    up shall be $100 per share; or

                         $100 per share, in the event of any
                    involuntary liquidation, dissolution or
                    winding up of the Corporation;

                    (d)  There shall not be any sinking fund
               provided for the purchase or redemption of shares
               of the 4-1/2% Cumulative Preferred Stock; and

                    (e)  The shares of the 4-1/2% Cumulative
               Preferred Stock shall not have any rights to
               convert the same into and/or purchase stock of any
               other series or class or other securities, or any
               special rights other than those specified herein.

               (13) The Corporation hereby classifies $10,000,000
          par value of the Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100 voting)
          as a series of such Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100
          voting), which shall be designated as "4.40% Cumulative
          Preferred Stock," consisting of 100,000 shares of the par
          value of $100 per share.

               (14) The preferences or restrictions or qualifica-
          tions and the descriptions and terms of the shares of the
          4.40% Cumulative Preferred Stock, in the respects in
          which the shares of such series may vary from shares of
          other series of the Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100
          voting), shall be as follows:

                    (a)  The annual dividend rate for such series
               shall be 4.40% per annum and the date from which
               dividends on all shares of such series issued prior
               to the record date for the dividend payable March
               1, 1953, shall be cumulative, shall be the date of
               issuance of the shares of such series;

                    (b)  The redemption price for such series
               shall be $107.50 per share on or prior to January
               1, 1960; $106.00 per share after January 1, 1960
               but on or prior to January 1, 1965; $105.00 per
               share after January 1, 1965 but on or prior to
               January 1, 1970; and $104.00 per share thereafter.

                    (c)  The preferential amounts to which the
               holders of shares of such series shall be entitled
               upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of
               the Corporation shall be:

                         The redemption price in effect at the
                    date of any voluntary liquidation, dissolution
                    or winding up of the Corporation, except that
                    if such voluntary liquidation, dissolution or
                    winding up of the Corporation shall have been
                    approved by the vote in favor thereof of the
                    holders of a majority of the total number of
                    shares of the 4.40% Cumulative Preferred Stock
                    then outstanding, given at a meeting called
                    for that purpose, the amount so payable on
                    such voluntary liquidation, dissolution, or
                    winding up shall be $100 per share; or

                         $100 per share, in the event of any
                    involuntary liquidation, dissolution or
                    winding up of the Corporation;

                    (d)  There shall not be any sinking fund
               provided for the purchase or redemption of shares
               of the 4.40% Cumulative Preferred Stock; and

                    (e)  The shares of the 4.40% Cumulative
               Preferred Stock shall not have any rights to
               convert the same into and/or purchase stock of any
               other series or class or any other securities, or
               any special rights other than those specified

               (15) The Corporation hereby classifies $5,000,000
          par value of the Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100 voting)
          as a series of such Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100
          voting), which shall be designated as "4.08% Cumulative
          Preferred Stock," consisting of 50,000 shares of the par
          value of $100 per share.

               (16) The preferences or restrictions or qualifica-
          tions and the descriptions and terms of the shares of the
          4.08% Cumulative Preferred Stock, in the respects in
          which the shares of such series may vary from shares of
          other series of the Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100
          voting), shall be as follows:

                    (a)  The annual dividend rate for such series
               shall be 4.08% per annum and the date from which
               dividends on all shares of such series issued prior
               to the record date for the dividend payable June 1,
               1954, shall be cumulative, shall be the date of
               issuance of the shares of such series;

                    (b)  The redemption price of such series shall
               be $106 per share on or prior to April 1, 1959;
               $105 per share after April 1, 1959 but on or prior
               to April 1, 1964; $104 per share after April 1,
               1964 but on or prior to April 1, 1969; and $103 per
               share thereafter;

                    (c)  The preferential amounts to which the
               holders of shares of such series shall be entitled
               upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of
               the Corporation shall be:

                         The redemption price in effect at the
                    date of any voluntary liquidation, dissolution
                    or winding up of the Corporation, except that
                    if such voluntary liquidation, dissolution or
                    winding up of the Corporation shall have been
                    approved by the vote in favor thereof of the
                    holders of a majority of the total number of
                    shares of the 4.08% Cumulative Preferred Stock
                    then outstanding, given at a meeting called
                    for that purpose, the amount so payable on
                    such voluntary liquidation, dissolution, or
                    winding up shall be $100 per share; or

                         $100 per share, in the event of any
                    involuntary liquidation, dissolution or
                    winding up of the Corporation;

                    (d)  There shall not be any sinking fund
               provided for the purchase or redemption of shares
               of the 4.08% Cumulative Preferred Stock; and

                    (e)  The shares of the 4.08% Cumulative
               Preferred Stock shall not have any rights to
               convert the same into and/or purchase stock of any
               other series or class or any other securities, or
               any special rights other than those specified

               (17) The Corporation hereby classifies $6,000,000
          par value of the Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100 voting)
          as a series of such Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100
          voting), which shall be designated as "4.20% Cumulative
          Preferred Stock," consisting of 60,000 shares of the par
          value of $100 per share.

               (18) The preferences or restrictions or qualifica-
          tions and the descriptions and terms of the shares of the
          4.20% Cumulative Preferred Stock, in the respects in
          which the shares of such series may vary from shares of
          other series of the Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100
          voting), shall be as follows:

                    (a)  The annual dividend rate for such series
               shall be 4.20% per annum and the date from which
               dividends on all shares of such series issued prior
               to the record date for the dividend payable
               December 1, 1955, shall be cumulative, shall be the
               date of issuance of the shares of such series;

                    (b)  The redemption price for such series
               shall be $105.20 per share on or prior to September
               1, 1960; $104.20 per share after September 1, 1960
               but on or prior to September 1, 1965; and $103.20
               per share after September 1, 1965;

                    (c)  The preferential amounts to which the
               holders of shares of such series shall be entitled
               upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of
               the Corporation shall be the redemption price in
               effect at the date of any voluntary liquidation,
               dissolution or winding up of the Corporation; or
               $100 per share, in the event of any involuntary
               liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the

                    (d)  There shall not be any sinking fund
               provided for the purchase or redemption of shares
               of the 4.20% Cumulative Preferred Stock; and

                    (e)  The shares of the 4.20% Cumulative
               Preferred Stock shall not have any rights to
               convert the same into and/or purchase stock of any
               other series or class or any other securities, or
               any special rights other than those specified

               (19) The Corporation hereby classifies $15,000,000
          par value of the Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100 voting)
          as a series of such Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100
          voting), which shall be designated as "8.04% Cumulative
          Preferred Stock," consisting of 150,000 shares of the par
          value of $100 per share.

               (20) The preferences or restrictions or qualifica-
          tions and the descriptions and terms of the shares of the
          8.04% Cumulative Preferred Stock, in the respects in
          which the shares of such series may vary from shares of
          other series of the Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100
          voting), shall be as follows:

                    (a)  The annual dividend rate for such series
               shall be 8.04% per annum and the date from which
               dividends on all shares of such series issued prior
               to the record date for the dividend payable June 1,
               1971, shall be cumulative, shall be the date of
               issuance of the shares of such series;

                    (b)  The redemption price for such series
               shall be $109.81 per share prior to March 1, 1976;
               $107.80 per share on and after March 1, 1976 but
               prior to March 1, 1981; $105.79 per share on and
               after March 1, 1981 but prior to March 1, 1986;
               $103.78 per share on and after March 1, 1986 but
               prior to March 1, 1991; and $102.58 per share on
               March 1, 1991 and thereafter; provided, however,
               that no share of such series shall be redeemed
               prior to March 1, 1976 if such redemption is for
               the purpose or in anticipation of refunding such
               share, directly or indirectly, through the
               incurring of debt, or through the issuance of
               capital stock ranking equally with or prior to the
               shares of such series as to dividends or assets, if
               such debt has an effective interest cost to the
               Corporation (computed in accordance with generally
               accepted financial practice), or such capital stock
               has an effective dividend cost to the Corporation
               (so computed), of less than 8.02% per annum;

                    (c)  The preferential amounts to which the
               holders of shares of such series shall be entitled
               upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of
               the Corporation shall be the redemption price in
               effect at the date of any voluntary liquidation,
               dissolution or winding up of the Corporation; or
               $100 per share, in the event of any involuntary
               liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the

                    (d)  There shall not be any sinking fund
               provided for the purchase or redemption of shares
               of such series; and

                    (e)  The shares of such series shall not have
               any rights to convert the same into and/or purchase
               stock of any other series or class or any other
               securities, or any special rights other than those
               specified herein.

               (21) The Corporation hereby classifies $10,000,000
          par value of the Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100 voting)
          as a series of such Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100
          voting), which shall be designated as "7.72% Cumulative
          Preferred Stock," consisting of 100,000 shares of the par
          value of $100 per share.

               (22) The preferences or restrictions or qualifica-
          tions and the descriptions and terms of the shares of the
          7.72% Cumulative Preferred Stock, in the respects in
          which the shares of such series may vary from shares of
          other series of the Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100
          voting), shall be as follows:

                    (a)  The annual dividend rate for such series
               shall be 7.72% per annum and the date from which
               dividends on all shares of such series issued prior
               to the record date for the dividend payable June 1,
               1971, shall be cumulative, shall be the date of
               issuance of the shares of such series;

                    (b)  The redemption price for such series
               shall be $109.30 per share prior to April 1, 1976;
               $107.37 per share on and after April 1, 1976 but
               prior to April 1, 1981; $105.44 per share on and
               after April 1, 1981 but prior to April 1, 1986;
               $103.51 per share on and after April 1, 1986 but
               prior to April 1, 1991; and $102.35 per share on
               April 1, 1991 and thereafter; provided, however,
               that no share of such series shall be redeemed
               prior to April 1, 1976 if such redemption is for
               the purpose or in anticipation of refunding such
               share, directly or indirectly, through the
               incurring of debt, or through the issuance of
               capital stock ranking equally with or prior to the
               shares of such series as to dividends or assets, if
               such debt has an effective interest cost to the
               Corporation (computed in accordance with generally
               accepted financial practice), or such capital stock
               has an effective dividend cost to the Corporation
               (so computed), of less than 7.69% per annum;

                    (c)  The preferential amounts to which the
               holders of shares of such series shall be entitled
               upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of
               the Corporation shall be the redemption price in
               effect at the date of any voluntary liquidation,
               dissolution or winding up of the Corporation; or
               $100 per share, in the event of any involuntary
               liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the

                    (d)  There shall not be any sinking fund
               provided for the purchase or redemption of shares
               of such series; and

                    (e)  The shares of such series shall not have
               any rights to convert the same into and/or purchase
               stock of any other series or class or any other
               securities, or any special rights other than those
               specified herein.

               (23) The Corporation hereby classifies $35,000,000
          par value of the Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100 voting)
          as a series of such Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100
          voting), which shall be designated as "7.60% Cumulative
          Preferred Stock," consisting of 350,000 shares of the par
          value of $100 per share.

               (24) The preferences or restrictions or qualifica-
          tions and the descriptions and terms of the shares of the
          7.60% Cumulative Preferred Stock, in the respects in
          which the shares of such series may vary from shares of
          other series of the Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100
          voting), shall be as follows:

                    (a)  The annual dividend rate for such series
               shall be 7.60% per annum and the date from which
               dividends on all shares of such series issued prior
               to the record date for the dividend payable
               December 1, 1971, shall be cumulative, shall be the
               date of issuance of the shares of such series;

                    (b)  The redemption price for such series
               shall be $109.10 per share prior to October 1,
               1976; ($107.20 per share on or after October 1,
               1976 but prior to October 1, 1981; $105.30 per
               share on and after October 1, 1981 but prior to
               October 1, 1986; $103.40 per share on and after
               October 1, 1986 but prior to October 1, 1991; and
               $102.26 per share on October 1 1991 and thereafter;
               provided, however, that no share of such series
               shall be redeemed prior to October 1, 1976 if such
               redemption is for the purpose or in anticipation of
               refunding such share, directly or indirectly,
               through the incurring of debt, or through the
               issuance of capital stock ranking equally with or
               prior to the shares of such series as to dividends
               or assets, if such debt has an effective interest
               cost to the Corporation (computed in accordance
               with generally accepted financial practice), or
               such capital stock has an effective dividend cost
               to the Corporation (so computed), of less than
               7.57% per annum;

                    (c)  The preferential amounts to which the
               holders of shares of such series shall be entitled
               upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of
               the Corporation shall be the redemption price in
               effect at the date of any voluntary liquidation,
               dissolution or winding up of the Corporation; or
               $100 per share, in the event of any involuntary
               liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the

                    (d)  There shall not be any sinking fund
               provided for the purchase or redemption of shares
               of such series; and

                    (e)  The shares of such series shall not have
               any rights to convert the same into and/or purchase
               stock of any other series or class or any other
               securities, or any special rights other than those
               specified herein.

               (25) The Corporation hereby classifies $35,000,000
          par value of the Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100 voting)
          as a series of such Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100
          voting), which shall be designated as "7-6/10% Cumulative
          Preferred Stock," consisting of 350,000 shares of the par
          value of $100 per share.

               (26) The preferences or restrictions or qualifica-
          tions and the descriptions and terms of the shares of the
          7-6/10% Cumulative Preferred Stock, in the respects in
          which the shares of such series may vary from shares of
          other series of the Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100
          voting), shall be as follows:

                    (a)  The annual dividend rate for such series
               shall be 7-6/10% per annum and the date from which
               dividends on all shares of such series issued prior
               to the record date for the dividend payable June 1,
               1972, shall be cumulative, shall be the date of
               issuance of the shares of such series;

                    (b)  The redemption price for such series
               shall be $108.95 per share prior to April 1, 1977;
               $107.05 per share on and after April 1, 1977 but
               prior to April 1, 1982; $105.15 per share on and
               after April 1, 1982 but prior to April 1, 1987;
               $103.25 per share on and after April 1, 1987 but
               prior to April 1, 1992; and $102.11 per share on
               April 1, 1992 and thereafter; provided, however,
               that no share of such series shall be redeemed
               prior to April 1, 1977 if such redemption is for
               the purpose or in anticipation of refunding such
               share, directly or indirectly, through the
               incurring of debt, or through the issuance of
               capital stock ranking equally with or prior to the
               shares of such series as to dividends or assets, if
               such debt has an effective interest cost to the
               Corporation (computed in accordance with generally
               accepted financial practice), or such capital stock
               has an effective dividend cost to the Corporation
               (so computed), of less than 7.58% per annum;

                    (c)  The preferential amounts to which the
               holders of shares of such series shall be entitled
               upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of
               the Corporation shall be the redemption price in
               effect at the date of any voluntary liquidation,
               dissolution or winding up of the Corporation; or
               $100 per share, in the event of any involuntary
               liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the

                    (d)  There shall not be any sinking fund
               provided for the purchase or redemption of shares
               of such series; and

                    (e)  The shares of such series shall not have
               any rights to convert the same into and/or purchase
               stock of any other series or class or any other
               securities, or any special rights other than those
               specified herein.

               (27) The Corporation hereby classifies $45,000,000
          par value of the Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100 voting)
          as a series of such Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100
          voting), which shall be designated as "7.76% Cumulative
          Preferred Stock," consisting of 450,000 shares of the par
          value of $100 per share.

               (28) The preferences or restrictions or qualifica-
          tions and the descriptions and terms of the shares of the
          7.76% Cumulative Preferred Stock, in the respects in
          which the shares of such series may vary from shares of
          other series of the Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100
          voting), shall be as follows:

                    (a)  The annual dividend rate for such series
               shall be 7.76% per annum and the date from which
               dividends on all shares of such series issued prior
               to the record date for the dividend payable
               December 1, 1972, shall be cumulative, shall be the
               date of issuance of the shares of such series;

                    (b)  The redemption price for such series
               shall be $109.20 per share prior to October 1,
               1977; $107.26 per share on and after October 1,
               1977 but prior to October 1, 1982; $105.32 per
               share on and after October 1, 1982 but prior to
               October 1, 1987; $103.38 per share on and after
               October 1, 1987 but prior to October 1, 1992; and
               $102.22 per share on October 1, 1992 and
               thereafter; provided, however, that no share of
               such series shall be redeemed prior to October 1,
               1977 if such redemption is for the purpose or in
               anticipation of refunding such share, directly or
               indirectly, through the incurring of debt, or
               through the issuance of capital stock ranking
               equally with or prior to the shares of such series
               as to dividends or assets, if such debt has an
               effective interest cost to the Corporation
               (computed in accordance with generally accepted
               financial practice), or such capital stock has an
               effective dividend cost to the Corporation (so
               computed), of less than 7.74% per annum;

                    (c)  The preferential amounts to which the
               holders of shares of such series shall be entitled
               upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of
               the Corporation shall be the redemption price in
               effect at the date of any voluntary liquidation,
               dissolution or winding up of the Corporation; or
               $100 per share, in the event of any involuntary
               liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the

                    (d)  There shall not be any sinking fund
               provided for the purchase or redemption of shares
               of such series; and

                    (e)  The shares of such series shall not have
               any rights to convert the same into and/or purchase
               stock of any other series or class or any other
               securities, or any special rights other than those
               specified herein.

               (29) The Corporation hereby classifies $30,000,000
          par value of the Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100 voting)
          as a series of such Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100
          voting), which shall be designated as "8.48% Cumulative
          Preferred Stock," consisting of 300,000 shares of the par
          value of $100 per share.

          (30) The preferences or restrictions or qualifications
     and the descriptions and terms of the shares of 8.48%
     Cumulative Preferred Stock, in the respects in which the
     shares of such series may vary from shares of other series of
     the Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100 voting), shall be as

                    (a)  The annual dividend rate for such series
               shall be 8.48% per annum and the date from which
               dividends on all shares of such series issued prior
               to the record date for the dividend payable
               September 1, 1973 shall be cumulative, shall be the
               date of issuance of the shares of such series;

                    (b)  The redemption price for such series
               shall be $110.03 per share prior to August 1, 1978;
               $107.91 per share on and after August 1, 1978 but
               prior to August 1, 1983; $105.79 per share on and
               after August 1, 1983 but prior to August 1, 1988;
               $103.67 per share on and after August 1, 1988 but
               prior to August 1, 1993; and $102.40 per share on
               August 1, 1993 and thereafter; provided, however,
               that no share of such series shall be redeemed
               prior to August 1, 1978 if such redemption is for
               the purpose or in anticipation of refunding such
               share, directly or indirectly, through the
               incurring of debt, or through the issuance of
               capital stock ranking equally with or prior to the
               shares of such series as to dividends or assets, if
               such debt has an effective interest cost to the
               Corporation (computed in accordance with generally
               accepted financial practice), or such capital stock
               has an effective divided cost to the Corporation
               (so computed), of less than 8.45% per annum;

                    (c)  The preferential amounts to which the
               holders of shares of such series shall be entitled
               upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of
               the Corporation shall be the redemption price in
               effect at the date of any voluntary liquidation,
               dissolution or winding up of the Corporation; or
               $100 per share, in the event of any involuntary
               liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the

                    (d)  There shall not be any sinking fund
               provided for the purchase or redemption of shares
               of such series; and

                    (e)  The shares of such series shall not have
               any rights to convert the same into and/or purchase
               stock of any other series or class or any other
               securities, or any special rights other than those
               specified herein.

               (31) The Corporation hereby classifies $25,000,000
          par value of the Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100 voting)
          as a series of such Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100
          voting), which shall be designated as "14% Cumulative
          Preferred Stock," consisting of 250,000 shares of the par
          value of $100 per share.

               (32) The preferences or restrictions or qualifica-
          tions and the descriptions and terms of the shares of the
          14% Cumulative Preferred Stock, in the respects in which
          the shares of such series may vary from shares of other
          series of the Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100 voting),
          shall be as follows:

                    (a)  The annual dividend rate for such series
               shall be 14% per annum and in the case of each
               share of such series issued prior to the record
               date for the first dividend payable on the shares
               of such series, the date from which dividends on
               such share of such series shall be cumulative shall
               be the date of issuance of such share, and in the
               case of each other share of such series, as
               otherwise provided in this Article.

                    (b)  The redemption prices at which shares of
               such series may be redeemed at the option of the
               Corporation shall be an amount per share equal to
               (i) 101% of the sum of $100 and the annual dividend
               prior to March 1, 1985, (ii) $100 plus 50% of the
               annual dividend on or after March 1, 1985 but prior
               to March 1, 1990, (iii) $100 plus 25% of the annual
               dividend on or after March 1, 1990 but prior to
               March 1, 1995, and (iv) $100 plus 10% of the annual
               dividend on or after March 1, 1995; provided,
               however, that no share of such series shall be
               redeemed prior to March 1, 1980 if such redemption
               is for the purpose or in anticipation of refunding
               such share, directly or indirectly, through the
               incurring of debt, or through the issuance of
               capital stock ranking equally with or prior to the
               shares of said series as to dividends or assets, if
               such debt has an effective interest cost to the
               Corporation (computed in accordance with generally
               accepted financial practices), or such capital
               stock has an effective dividend cost to the
               Corporation (so computed), of less than 14.6% per

                    (c)  The preferential amounts to which the
               holders of shares of such series shall be entitled
               upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of
               the Corporation shall be the redemption price
               provided in subparagraph (b) of this paragraph (32)
               in effect at the date of any voluntary liquidation,
               dissolution or winding up of the Corporation; or
               $100 per share, in the event of any involuntary
               liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the

                    (d)(1)  A sinking fund shall be established
               for the retirement of the shares of such series. 
               So long as there shall remain outstanding any
               shares of such series, the Corporation shall, to
               the extent permitted by law on March 1 in each year
               commencing with the year 1980, redeem as and for a
               sinking fund requirement, out of funds legally
               available therefor, 12,500 shares, at a redemption
               price of $100 per share.  The sinking fund
               requirement shall be cumulative so that if on any
               such March 1 the sinking fund requirement shall not
               have been met, then such sinking fund requirement,
               to the extent not met, shall become an additional
               sinking fund requirement for the next succeeding
               March 1 on which such redemption may be effected.

                    (2)  The Corporation shall have the non-
               cumulative option, on any sinking fund date as
               provided in subparagraph (d)(1) hereof, to redeem
               at a redemption price of $100 per share, an
               additional 12,500 shares.  No redemption made
               pursuant to this subparagraph (d)(2) shall be
               deemed to fulfill any sinking fund requirement
               established pursuant to subparagraph (d)(1).

                    (3)  The Corporation shall be entitled, at its
               election, to credit against any sinking fund
               requirement due on March 1 of any year pursuant to
               subparagraph (d)(1) of this paragraph (32), shares
               of such series theretofore purchased or otherwise
               acquired by the Corporation.

                    (e)  The shares of such series shall not have
               any rights to convert the same into and/or purchase
               stock of any other series or class or any other
               securities, or any special rights other than those
               specified herein.

               (33) The Corporation hereby classifies $40,000,000
          par value of the Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100 voting)
          as a series of such Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100
          voting), which shall be designated as "14% Cumulative
          Preferred Stock, Series A," consisting of 400,000 shares
          of the par value of $100 per share.

               (34) The preferences or restrictions or qualifica-
          tions and the descriptions and terms of the shares of the
          14% Cumulative Preferred Stock, Series A, in the respects
          in which the shares of such series may vary from shares
          of other series of the Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100
          voting), shall be as follows:

                    (a)  The annual dividend rate for such series
               shall be 14% per annum and in the case of each
               shares of such series issued prior to the record
               date for the first dividend payable on the shares
               of such series, the date from which dividends on
               such share of such series shall be cumulative shall
               be the date of issuance of such share, and in the
               case of each other share of such series, as
               otherwise provided in this Article.

                    (b)  The redemption prices at which shares of
               such series may be redeemed at the option of the
               Corporation shall be an amount per share equal to
               (i) $100.00 plus the annual dividend prior to June
               1, 1985, (ii) $100.00 plus 50% of the annual
               dividend on or after June 1, 1985 but prior to June
               1, 1990, (iii) $100.00 plus 25% of the annual
               divided on or after June 1, 1990 but prior to June
               1, 1995, and (iv) $100.00 plus 10% of the annual
               dividend on or after June 1, 1995; provided,
               however, that no share of such series shall be
               redeemed prior to June 1, 1980 if such redemption
               is for the purpose or in anticipation of refunding
               such share, directly or indirectly, through the
               incurring of debt, or through the issuance of
               capital stock ranking equally with or prior to the
               shares of said series as to dividends or assets, if
               such debt has an effective interest cost to the
               Corporation (computed in accordance with generally
               accepted financial practice), or such capital stock
               has an effective dividend cost to the Corporation
               (so computed), of less than 14.63% per annum.

                    (c)  The preferential amounts to which the
               holders of shares of such series shall be entitled
               upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of
               the Corporation shall be the redemption price
               provided in subparagraph (b) of this paragraph (34)
               in effect at the date of any voluntary liquidation,
               dissolution or winding up of the Corporation; or
               $100 pe share, in the event of any involuntary
               liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the

                    (d)(1)  A sinking fund shall be established
               for the retirement of the shares of such series. 
               So long as there shall remain outstanding any
               shares of such series, the Corporation shall, to
               the extent permitted by law on June 1 in each year
               commencing with the year 1980, redeem as and for a
               sinking fund requirement, out of funds legally
               available therefor, a number of shares equal to 5%
               of the total number of shares classified in para-
               graph (33) hereof, at a redemption price of $100
               per share.  The sinking fund requirement shall be
               cumulative so that if on any such June 1 the
               sinking fund requirement shall not have been met,
               then such sinking fund requirement, to the extent
               not met, shall become an additional sinking fund
               requirement for the next succeeding June 1 on which
               such redemption may be effected.

                       (2)  The Corporation shall have the non-
               cumulative option, on any sinking fund date as
               provided in subparagraph (d)(1) hereof, to redeem
               at a redemption price of $100 per share an
               additional number of shares equal to 5% of the
               total number of shares classified in paragraph (33)
               hereof.  No redemption made pursuant to this
               subparagraph (d)(2) shall be deemed to fulfill any
               sinking fund requirement established pursuant to
               subparagraph (d)(1).

                       (3)  The Corporation shall be entitled, at
               its election, to credit against any sinking fund
               requirement due on June 1 of any year pursuant to
               subparagraph (d)(1) of this para-graph (34), shares
               of such series theretofore purchased or otherwise
               acquired by the Corporation.

                    (e)  The shares of such series shall not have
               any rights to convert the same into and/or purchase
               stock of any other series or class or any other
               securities, or any special rights other than those
               specified herein.

          (35) The Corporation hereby classifies $40,000,000 par
     value of the Cumulative Preferred Stock ($25 non-voting) as a
     series of such Cumulative Preferred Stock ($25 non-voting),
     which shall be designated as "$2.27 Cumulative Preferred
     Stock", consisting of 1,600,000 shares of the par value of $25
     per share.

          (36) The preferences or restrictions or qualifications
     and the descriptions and terms of the shares of the $2.27
     Cumulative Preferred Stock, in the respects in which the
     shares of such series may vary from shares of other series of
     the Cumulative Preferred Stock ($25 non-voting), shall be as

                    (a)  The annual dividend rate for such series
               shall be $2.27 per annum and in the case of each
               share of such series issued prior to the record
               date for the first dividend payable on the shares
               of such series, the date from which dividends on
               such share of such series shall be cumulative shall
               be the date of issuance of such share, and in the
               case of each other share of such series, as
               otherwise provided in this Article.

                    (b)  The redemption prices at which shares of
               such series may be redeemed at the option of the
               Corporation shall be an amount per share equal to
               (i) $25 plus the annual dividend prior to March 1,
               1983, (ii) $25 plus 75% of the annual dividend on
               or after March 1, 1983 but prior to March 1, 1988,
               (iii) $25 plus 50% of the annual dividend on or
               after March 1, 1988 but prior to March 1, 1993,
               (iv) $25 plus 25% of the annual dividend on or
               after March 1, 1993 but prior to March 1, 1998, and
               (v) $25 plus 10% of the annual dividend on or after
               March 1, 1998; provided, however, that no share of
               such series shall be redeemed prior to March 1,
               1983 if such redemption is for the purpose or in
               anticipation of refunding such share, directly or
               indirectly, through the incurring of debt, or
               through the issuance of capital stock ranking
               equally with or prior to the shares of said series
               as to dividends or assets, if such debt has an
               effective interest cost to the Corporation
               (computed in accordance with generally accepted
               financial practice), or such capital stock has an
               effective dividend cost to the Corporation (so
               computed), of less than $9.46% per annum.

                    (c)  The preferential amounts to which the
               holders of shares of such series shall be entitled
               upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of
               the Corporation shall be the redemption price
               provided in subparagraph (b) of this paragraph (36)
               in effect at the date of any voluntary liquidation,
               dissolution or winding up of the Corporation; or
               $25 per share, in the event of any involuntary
               liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the

                    (d)  There shall not be any sinking fund
               provided for the purchase or redemption of shares
               of such series.

                    (e)  The shares of such series shall not have
               any rights to convert the same into and/or purchase
               stock of any other series or class or any other
               securities, or any special rights other than those
               specified herein.

               (37) The corporation hereby classifies $30,000,000
          par value of the Cumulative Preferred Stock ($25 non-
          voting) as a series of such Cumulative Preferred Stock
          ($25 non-voting), which shall be designated as "$3.75
          Cumulative Preferred Stock", consisting of 1,200,000
          shares of the par value of $25 per share.

               (38) The preferences or restrictions or qualifica-
          tions and the descriptions and terms of the shares of the
          $3.75 Cumulative Preferred Stock, in the respects in
          which the shares of such series may vary from shares of
          other series of the Cumulative Preferred Stock ($25 non-
          voting), shall be as follows:

                    (a)  The annual dividend rate for such series
               by $3.75 per annum and in the case of each share of
               such series issued prior to the record date for the
               first dividend payable on the shares of such
               series, the date from which dividends on such share
               of such series shall be cumulative shall be the
               date of issuance of such share, and in the case of
               each other share of such series, as otherwise
               provided in this Article.

                    (b)  The redemption prices at which shares of
               such series may be redeemed at the option of the
               Corporation shall be an amount per share equal to
               (i) $25 plus the annual dividend prior to March 1,
               1987, (ii) $25 plus 75% of the annual dividend on
               or after March 1, 1987 but prior to March 1, 1992,
               (iii) $25 plus 50% of the annual dividend on or
               after March 1, 1992 but prior to March 1, 1997,
               (iv) $25 plus 25% of the annual dividend on or
               after March 1, 1997 but prior to March 1, 2002, and
               (v) $25 plus 10% of the annual dividend on or after
               March 1, 2002; provided, however, that no share of
               such series shall be redeemed prior to March 1,
               1987 if such redemption is for the purpose or in
               anticipation of refunding such share, directly or
               indirectly, through the incurring of debt, or
               through the issuance of capital stock ranking
               equally with or prior to the shares of said series
               as to dividends or assets, if such debt has an
               effective interest cost to the Corporation
               (computed in accordance with generally accepted
               financial practice), or such capital stock has an
               effective dividend cost to the Corporation (so
               computed), of less than 15.34% per annum.

                    (c)  The preferential amounts to which the
               holders of shares of such series shall be entitled
               upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of
               the Corporation shall be the redemption price pro-
               vided in subparagraph (b) of this paragraph (38) in
               effect at the date of any voluntary liquidation,
               dissolution or winding up of the Corporation; or
               $25 per share, in the event of any involuntary
               liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the

                    (d)(1)  A sinking fund shall be established
               for the retirement of the shares of such series. 
               So long as there shall remain outstanding any
               shares of such series, the Corporation shall, to
               the extent permitted by law on March 1 in each year
               commencing with the year 1987, redeem as and for a
               sinking fund requirement, out of funds legally
               available therefor, a number of shares equal to 5%
               of the total number of shares designated as $3.75
               Cumulative Preferred Stock in paragraph (37) hereof
               at a redemption price of $25 per share.  The
               sinking fund requirement shall be cumulative so
               that if on any such March 1 the sinking fund
               requirement shall not have been met, then such
               sinking fund requirement, to the extent not met,
               shall become an additional sinking fund requirement
               for the next succeeding March 1 on which such
               redemption may be effected.

                       (2)  The Corporation shall have the non-
               cumulative option, on any sinking fund date as
               provided in subparagraph (d)(1) hereof, to redeem
               at a redemption price of $25 per share, an
               additional number of shares equal to 5% of the
               total number of shares designated as $3.75
               Cumulative Preferred Stock in paragraph (37)
               hereof.  No redemption made pursuant to this sub-
               paragraph (d)(2) shall be deemed to fulfill any
               sinking fund requirement established pursuant to
               subparagraph (d)(1).

                       (3)  The Corporation shall be entitled, at
               its election, to credit against the sinking fund
               requirement due on March 1 of any year pursuant to
               subparagraph (d)(1) shares of such series
               theretofore purchased or otherwise acquired by the

                    (e)  The shares of such series shall not have
               any rights to convert the same into and/or purchase
               stock of any other series or class or any other
               securities, or any special rights other than those
               specified herein.

               (39) The Corporation hereby classifies $30,000,000
          par value of the Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100 non-
          voting) as a series of such Cumulative Preferred Stock
          ($100 non-voting), which shall be designated as "6.35%
          Cumulative Preferred Stock", consisting of 300,000 shares
          of the par value of $100 per share.

               (40) The preferences, rights, restrictions or
          qualifications and the description and terms of the 6.35%
          Cumulative Preferred Stock, in the respects in which the
          shares of such series vary from shares of other series of
          the Cumulative Preferred Stock, ($100 non-voting), shall
          be as follows:

                    (a)  The annual dividend rate for such series
               shall be 6.35% per annum, which dividend shall be
               calculated, per share, at such percentage
               multiplied by $100.  Dividends on all shares of
               said series issued prior to the record date for the
               initial dividend payable on all shares of such
               series shall be cumulative from the date of initial
               issuance of the shares of such series.

                    (b)  Such series shall not be subject to
               redemption prior to April 1, 2003; the regular
               redemption price for shares of such series shall be
               $100 per share on or after April 1, 2003, plus an
               amount equal to accrued and unpaid dividends to the
               date of redemption.

                    (c)  The preferential amounts to which the
               holders of shares of such series shall be entitled
               upon any voluntary or involuntary liquidation,
               dissolution or winding up of the Corporation shall
               be $100 per share, plus an amount equal to accrued
               and unpaid dividends to the date of redemption.

                    (d)(1)  A sinking fund shall be established
               for the retirement of the shares of such series. 
               So long as there shall remain outstanding any
               shares of such series, the Corporation shall, to
               the extent permitted by law, on June 1, 2003, and
               on each June 1 thereafter to and including June 1,
               2007, redeem as and for a sinking fund requirement,
               out of funds legally available therefor, a number
               of shares equal to 5% of the total number of shares
               initially classified in Paragraph 39 hereof, at a
               sinking fund redemption price of $100 per share
               plus accrued and unpaid dividends to the date of
               redemption.  The sinking fund requirement shall be
               cumulative so that if on any such June 1 the
               sinking fund requirement shall not have been met,
               then such sinking fund requirement, to the extent
               not met, shall become an additional sinking fund
               requirement for the next succeeding June 1 on which
               such redemption may be effected.

                       (2)  The remaining shares of such series
               outstanding on June 1, 2008 will be redeemed, to
               the extent permitted by law, by mandatory
               redemption, out of funds legally available
               therefor, on such date at a mandatory redemption
               price of $100 per share plus accrued and unpaid
               dividends to the date of redemption.

                       (3)  The Corporation shall be entitled, at
               its election, to credit against the sinking fund
               requirement due on June 1 of any year pursuant to
               clause (d)(1) of this Paragraph 40, shares of such
               series theretofore purchased or otherwise acquired
               by the Corporation and not previously credited
               against any such sinking fund requirement.

                    (e)  The shares of such series shall not have
               any rights to convert the same into and/or purchase
               stock of any other series or class or any other
               securities, or any special rights other than those
               specified herein.

               (41) The Corporation hereby classifies $40,000,000
          par value of the Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100 non-
          voting) as a series of such Cumulative Preferred Stock
          ($100 non-voting), which shall be designated as "6.02%
          Cumulative Preferred Stock", consisting of 400,000 shares
          of the par value of $100 per share.

               (42) The preferences, rights, restrictions or
          qualifications and the description and terms of the 6.02%
          Cumulative Preferred Stock, in the respects in which the
          shares of such series vary from shares of other series of
          the Cumulative Preferred Stock, ($100 non-voting), shall
          be as follows:

                    (a)  The annual dividend rate for such series
               shall be 6.02% per annum, which dividend shall be
               calculated, per share, at such percentage
               multiplied by $100.  Dividends on all shares of
               said series issued prior to the record date for the
               initial dividend payable on all shares of such
               series shall be cumulative from the date of initial
               issuance of the shares of such series.

                    (b)  Such series shall not be subject to
               redemption prior to October 1, 2003; the regular
               redemption price for shares of such series shall be
               $100 per share on or after October 1, 2003, plus an
               amount equal to accrued and unpaid dividends to the
               date of redemption.

                    (c)  The preferential amounts to which the
               holders of shares of such series shall be entitled
               upon any voluntary or involuntary liquidation,
               dissolution or winding up of the Corporation shall
               be $100 per share, plus an amount equal to accrued
               and unpaid dividends.

                    (d)(1)  A sinking fund shall be established
               for the retirement of the shares of such series. 
               So long as there shall remain outstanding any
               shares of such series, the Corporation shall, to
               the extent permitted by law, on December 1, 2003,
               and on each December 1 thereafter to and including
               December 1, 2007, redeem as and for a sinking fund
               requirement, out of funds legally available
               therefor, a number of shares equal to 5% of the
               total number of shares initially classified in
               Paragraph 41 hereof, at a sinking fund redemption
               price of $100 per share plus accrued and unpaid
               dividends to the date of redemption.  The remaining
               shares of such series outstanding on December 1,
               2008 will be redeemed as a final sinking fund
               requirement, to the extent permitted by law, out of
               funds legally available therefor, on such date at a
               sinking fund redemption price of $100 per share
               plus accrued and unpaid dividends to the date of
               redemption.  The sinking fund requirement shall be
               cumulative so that if on any such December 1 the
               sinking fund requirement shall not have been met,
               then such sinking fund requirement, to the extent
               not met, shall become an additional sinking fund
               requirement for the next succeeding December 1 on
               which such redemption may be effected.

                       (2)  The Corporation shall be entitled, at
               its election, to credit against the sinking fund
               requirement due on December 1 of any year pursuant
               to clause (d)(1) of this Paragraph 42, shares of
               such series theretofore purchased or otherwise
               acquired by the Corporation and not previously
               credited against any such sinking fund requirement.

                    (e)  The shares of such series shall not have
               any rights to convert the same into and/or purchase
               stock of any other series or class or any other
               securities, or any special rights other than those
               specified herein.

               (43) The Corporation hereby classifies $45,000,000
          par value of the Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100 voting)
          as a series of such Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100
          voting), which shall be designated as "5.90% Cumulative
          Preferred Stock", consisting of 450,000 shares of the par
          value of $100 per share.

               (44) The preferences, rights, restrictions or
          qualifications and the description and terms of the 5.90%
          Cumulative Preferred Stock, in the respects in which the
          shares of such series vary from shares of other series of
          the Cumulative Preferred Stock ($100 voting), shall be as

                    (a)  The annual dividend rate for such series
               shall be 5.90% per annum, which dividend shall be
               calculated, per share, at such percentage
               multiplied by $100.  Dividends on all shares of
               said series issued prior to the record date for the
               initial dividend payable on all shares of such
               series shall be cumulative from the date of initial
               issuance of the shares of such series.

                    (b)  Such series shall not be subject to
               redemption prior to November 1, 2003; the
               redemption price for shares of such series shall be
               $100 per share on or after November 1, 2003, plus
               an amount equal to accrued and unpaid dividends to
               the date of redemption.

                    (c)  The preferential amounts to which the
               holders of shares of such series shall be entitled
               upon any voluntary or involuntary liquidation,
               dissolution or winding up of the Corporation shall
               be $100 per share, plus an amount equal to accrued
               and unpaid dividends.

                    (d)(1)  A sinking fund shall be established
               for the retirement of the shares of such series. 
               So long as there shall remain outstanding any
               shares of such series, the Corporation shall, to
               the extent permitted by law, on January 1, 2004,
               and on each January 1 thereafter to and including
               January 1, 2008, redeem as and for a sinking fund
               requirement, out of funds legally available
               therefor, a number of shares equal to 5% of the
               total number of shares initially classified in
               Paragraph 43 hereof, at a sinking fund redemption
               price of $100 per share plus accrued and unpaid
               dividends to the date of redemption.  The remaining
               shares of such series outstanding on January 1,
               2009 will be redeemed as a final sinking fund
               requirement, to the extent permitted by law, out of
               funds legally available therefor, on such date at a
               sinking fund redemption price of $100 per share
               plus accrued and unpaid dividends to the date of
               redemption.  The sinking fund requirement shall be
               cumulative so that if on any such January 1 the
               sinking fund requirement shall not have been met,
               then such sinking fund requirement, to the extent
               not met, shall become an additional sinking fund
               requirement for the next succeeding January 1 on
               which such redemption may be effected.

                       (2)  The Corporation shall be entitled, at
               its election, to credit against the sinking fund
               requirement due on January 1 of any year pursuant
               to clause (d)(1) of this Paragraph 44, shares of
               such series theretofore purchased or otherwise
               acquired by the Corporation and not previously
               credited against any such sinking fund requirement.

                    (e)  The shares of such series shall not have
               any rights to convert the same into and/or purchase
               stock of any other series or class or any other
               securities, or any special rights other than those
               specified herein.

                          COMMON STOCK

     Each share of the Common Stock shall be equal in all respects
to every other share of the Common Stock.

     No holder of shares of Common Stock shall be entitled as such
as a matter of right to subscribe for or purchase any part of any
new or additional issue of stock, or securities convertible into
stock, of any class whatsoever, whether now or hereafter
authorized, and whether issued for cash, property, services, by way
of dividends or otherwise.

          FIFTH:  These Amended Articles of Incorporation supersede
     and take the place of the heretofore existing Agreement of
     Merger, dated January 21, 1955, between the Corporation and
     Central Ohio Light & Power Company and any and all amendments