Exhibit 11 OIL-DRI CORPORATION OF AMERICA Computation of Weighted Average Number of Shares Outstanding Average Shares- (Weighted Number Number of Shares)Number Twelve Months of Shares Weighted of Days Ended Period Days Outstanding Shares As Adjusted July 31, 1996 08/01/95 to 8 6,901,322 55,210,578 08/08/95 08/09/95 to 63 6,841,322 431,003,286 10/10/95 10/11/95 to 1 6,814,922 6,814,922 10/11/95 10/12/95 to 145 6,812,922 987,873,690 03/04/96 03/05/96 to 2 6,809,422 13,618,844 03/06/96 03/07/96 to 12 6,802,922 81,635,064 03/18/96 03/19/96 to 43 6,796,122 292,233,246 04/30/96 05/01/96 to 28 6,798,122 190,347,416 05/28/96 05/29/96 to 2 6,793,022 13,586,044 05/30/96 05/31/96 to 3 6,792,022 20,376,066 06/02/96 06/03/96 to 1 6,789,022 6,789,022 06/03/96 06/04/96 to 1 6,787,022 6,787,022 06/04/96 06/05/96 to 6 6,785,022 40,710,132 06/10/96 06/11/96 to 3 6,778,022 20,334,066 06/13/96 06/14/96 to 4 6,772,422 27,089,688 06/17/96 06/18/96 to 2 6,760,422 13,520,844 06/19/96 06/20/96 to 11 6,753,122 74,284,342 06/30/96 07/01/96 to 14 6,744,351 94,420,914 07/14/96 07/15/96 to 1 6,741,451 6,741,451 07/15/96 07/16/96 to 16 6,736,451 107,783,216 07/31/96 366 2,491,159,853 6,806,448 Assuming exercise of options reduced by the number of shares which could have been purchased with the proceeds from exercise of such options. 443 6,806,891 OIL-DRI CORPORATION OF AMERICA Computation of Weighted Average Number of Shares Outstanding Average Shares- (Weighted Number Number of Shares)Number of Shares Weighted of Days Year End Period Days Outstanding Shares As Adjusted July 31, 1995 08/01/94 to 8 6,951,822 55,614,576 08/08/94 08/09/94 to 204 6,949,822 1,417,763,688 02/28/95 03/01/95 1 6,946,922 6,946,922 03/02/95 1 6,945,922 6,945,922 03/03/95 to 3 6,943,922 20,831,766 03/05/95 03/06/95 1 6,942,722 6,942,722 03/07/95 1 6,936,522 6,936,522 03/08/95 to 2 6,934,822 13,869,644 03/09/95 03/10/95 to 4 6,932,822 27,731,288 03/13/95 03/14/95 1 6,932,322 6,932,322 03/15/95 1 6,931,322 6,931,322 03/16/95 to 4 6,929,822 27,719,288 03/19/95 03/20/95 1 6,928,822 6,928,822 03/21/95 1 6,928,322 6,928,322 03/22/95 1 6,927,822 6,927,822 03/23/95 1 6,927,322 6,927,322 03/24/95 to 3 6,911,322 20,733,966 03/26/95 03/27/95 to 127 6,901,322 876,467,894 07/31/95 365 2,530,080,130 6,931,726 Assuming exercise of options reduced by the number of shares which could have been purchased with the proceeds from exercise of such options. 4,249 6,935,975 OIL-DRI CORPORATION OF AMERICA Computation of Weighted Average Number of Shares Outstanding Average Shares- (Weighted Number Number of Shares) of Shares Weighted Number of Period Days Outstanding Shares Days As Year End Adjusted July 31, 1994 08/01/93 to 2 6,991,285 13,982,570 08/02/93 08/03/93 to 9 6,991,285 62,921,565 08/11/93 08/12/93 to 4 6,993,827 27,975,308 08/15/93 08/16/93 to 8 6,993,827 55,950,616 08/23/93 08/24/93 to 10 6,995,174 69,951,740 09/02/93 09/03/94 to 12 6,995,638 83,947,656 09/14/93 09/15/93 to 5 6,996,416 34,982,080 09/19/93 09/20/93 to 2 6,997,041 13,994,082 09/21/93 09/22/93 to 8 6,998,121 55,984,968 09/29/93 09/30/93 to 4 6,993,121 27,972,484 10/03/93 10/04/93 to 14 6,988,121 97,833,694 10/17/93 10/18/93 to 1 6,983,121 6,983,121 10/18/93 10/19/93 to 6 6,978,121 41,868,726 10/24/93 10/25/93 to 4 6,978,972 27,915,888 10/28/93 10/29/93 to 3 6,980,823 20,942,469 10/31/93 11/01/93 to 2 6,980,821 13,961,642 11/02/93 11/03/93 to 1 6,980,871 6,980,871 11/03/93 11/04/93 to 5 6,981,827 34,909,135 11/08/93 11/09/93 to 14 6,983,722 97,772,108 11/22/93 11/23/93 to 4 6,983,872 27,935,488 11/26/93 11/27/93 to 2 6,984,316 13,968,632 11/28/93 11/29/93 to 1 6,988,551 6,988,551 11/29/93 11/30/93 to 3 6,993,160 20,979,480 12/02/93 12/03/93 to 35 6,994,198 244,796,930 01/06/94 01/07/94 to 3 6,995,338 20,986,014 01/09/94 01/10/94 to 14 6,997,473 97,964,622 01/23/94 01/24/94 to 57 6,998,285 398,902,245 03/21/94 03/22/94 to 43 6,999,966 300,998,538 04/30/94 05/04/94 to 27 6,999,966 188,999,082 05/30/94 05/31/94 to 1 6,999,066 6,999,066 05/31/94 06/01/94 to 6 6,997,866 41,987,196 06/06/94 06/07/94 to 1 6,996,666 6,996,666 06/07/94 06/08/94 to 1 6,996,466 6,996,466 06/08/94 06/09/94 to 5 6,983,466 34,917,330 06/13/94 06/14/94 to 1 6,976,866 6,976,866 06/14/94 06/15/90 to 6 6,971,666 41,829,996 06/20/94 06/21/94 to 20 6,971,822 139,436,440 07/10/94 07/11/94 to 3 6,961,822 20,885,466 07/13/94 07/14/94 to 18 6,951,822 125,132,796 07/31/94 365 2,551,508,593 6,990,435 Assuming exercise of options reduced by the number of shares which could have been purchased with the proceeds from exercise of such options. 20,289 7,010,724 OIL-DRI CORPORATION OF AMERICA Computation of Weighted Average Number of Shares Outstanding Average Shares- (Weighted Number Number of Shares) of Shares Weighted Number of Period Days Outstanding Shares Days As Year End Adjusted July 31, 1993 08/01/92 to 9 6,992,793 62,935,137 08/09/92 08/10/92 to 14 6,993,845 97,913,830 08/23/92 08/24/92 to 99 6,993,859 692,392,041 11/30/92 12/01/92 to 3 6,998,547 20,995,641 12/03/93 12/04/92 to 12 6,999,619 83,995,428 12/15/93 12/16/92 to 20 7,001,911 140,038,220 01/04/93 01/05/93 1 7,002,061 7,002,061 01/06/93 to 8 7,002,379 56,019,032 01/13/93 01/14/93 to 22 7,003,291 154,072,402 02/04/93 02/05/93 to 12 7,003,575 84,042,900 02/16/93 02/17/93 1 7,005,696 7,005,696 02/18/93 to 8 7,003,696 56,029,568 02/25/93 02/26/93 to 21 6,995,696 146,909,616 03/18/93 03/19/93 to 14 6,996,996 97,957,944 04/01/93 04/02/93 to 11 6,997,830 76,976,130 04/12/93 04/13/93 to 6 6,987,830 41,926,980 04/18/93 04/19/93 to 31 6,989,219 216,665,789 05/19/93 05/20/93 to 55 6,989,797 384,438,835 07/13/93 07/14/93 to 12 6,990,729 83,888,748 07/25/93 07/26/93 to 6 6,991,285 41,947,710 07/31/93 365 2,553,153,708 6,994,942 Assuming exercise of options reduced by the number of shares which could have been purchased with the proceeds from exercise of such options. 36,174 7,031,116 OIL-DRI CORPORATION OF AMERICA Computation of Weighted Average Number of Shares Outstanding Average Shares- (Weighted Number Number of Shares) of Shares Weighted Number of Period Days Outstanding Shares Days As Year End Adjusted July 31, 1992 08/01/91 to 12 7,012,370 84,148,440 08/12/91 08/13/91 to 8 7,002,370 56,018,960 08/20/91 08/21/91 to 2 6,992,370 13,984,740 08/22/91 08/23/91 to 21 6,992,891 146,850,871 09/12/91 09/13/91 to 91 6,995,091 636,553,281 12/12/91 12/13/91 to 42 6,996,075 293,835,150 01/23/92 01/24/92 to 7 6,989,409 48,925,863 01/30/92 01/13/93 to 5 6,989,379 34,946,895 02/04/92 02/05/92 to 30 6,991,379 209,741,370 03/95/92 03/06/92 to 148 6,992,793 1,034,933,364 366 2,559,938,934 6,994,369 Assuming exercise of options reduced by the number of shares which could have been purchased with the proceeds from exercise of such options. 31,931 7,026,300