OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                                    FORM 10-Q

[X] Quarterly report pursuant to section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities Exchange
     Act of 1934 for the quarterly period ended September 30, 2000 or
[ ] Transition report pursuant to section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange
     Act of 1934

Commission File Number  0-4625

             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

           Delaware                                     No. 36-2678171
- -------------------------------               ----------------------------------
(State or other jurisdiction of               (IRS  Employer Identification No.)
incorporation or organization)

307 North Michigan Avenue,  Chicago,  Illinois                      60601
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Address of principal executive office)                           (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  312-346-8100

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days.  Yes _X_  No ___

Indicate the number of shares  outstanding  of each of the  issuer's  classes of
common stock, as of the close of the period covered by this report.

                                                   Shares Outstanding
                Class                              September 30, 2000
    ---------------------------                  ----------------------
    Common Stock / $1 par value                       117,794,350

                  There are 14 pages contained in this report.



                    Report on Form 10-Q / September 30, 2000

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                        PAGE NO.


          CONSOLIDATED SUMMARY BALANCE SHEETS                               3

          CONSOLIDATED SUMMARY STATEMENTS OF INCOME                         4


          CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS                             6


             RESULTS  OF  OPERATIONS                                     10 - 12

PART II  OTHER  INFORMATION                                              13 & 14


                                                OLD REPUBLIC INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION
                                           CONSOLIDATED SUMMARY BALANCE SHEETS (Unaudited)
                                                           ($ in Millions)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                                   September 30,     December 31,
                                                                                                       2000              1999
                                                                                                 ----------------  ----------------

Investments:    Held to maturity:
                    Fixed maturity securities (at amortized cost)
                          (fair value: $2,062.5 and $2,229.7)                                            $2,062.9          $2,248.8
                    Other long-term investments (at cost)                                                    54.4              41.7
                                                                                                 ----------------  ----------------
                    Total                                                                                 2,117.4           2,290.5
                                                                                                 ----------------  ----------------
                Available for sale:
                    Fixed maturity securities (at fair value) (cost: $2,207.7 and $2,045.5)               2,194.3           2,012.3
                    Equity securities (at fair value) (cost: $224.1 and $141.9)                             268.6             160.1
                    Short-term investments (at fair value which approximates cost)                          292.7             276.5
                                                                                                 ----------------  ----------------
                    Total                                                                                 2,755.7           2,449.0
                                                                                                 ----------------  ----------------
                Total investments                                                                         4,873.2           4,739.6
                                                                                                 ----------------  ----------------

Other Assets:   Cash                                                                                         27.5              17.5
                Accrued investment income                                                                    70.1              71.3
                Accounts and notes receivable                                                               299.8             281.0
                Federal income tax recoverable: Current                                                       ---               1.4
                Reinsurance balances and funds held                                                          65.2              74.8
                Reinsurance recoverable: Paid losses                                                         37.3              24.6
                                         Policy and claim reserves                                        1,340.2           1,350.2
                Deferred policy acquisition costs                                                           149.4             151.1
                Sundry assets                                                                               230.0             226.4
                                                                                                 ----------------  ----------------
                                                                                                          2,219.8           2,198.8
                                                                                                 ----------------  ----------------
                      Total Assets                                                                       $7,093.1          $6,938.4
                                                                                                 ================  ================

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                Liabilities, Preferred Stock and
                      Common Shareholders' Equity

Liabilities:    Future policy benefits                                                                     $114.6            $127.2
                Losses, claims and settlement expenses                                                    3,385.2           3,433.7
                Unearned premiums                                                                           391.8             364.7
                Other policyholders' benefits and funds                                                      46.3              52.0
                                                                                                 ----------------  ----------------
                      Total policy liabilities and accruals                                               3,938.1           3,977.8
                Commissions, expenses, fees and taxes                                                       140.6             147.3
                Reinsurance balances and funds                                                              116.0             120.0
                Federal income tax payable: Current                                                          10.2               ---
                                            Deferred                                                        260.6             203.0
                Debt                                                                                        225.4             208.3
                Sundry liabilities                                                                           72.2              82.6
                                                                                                 ----------------  ----------------
                      Total liabilities                                                                   4,763.3           4,739.2
                                                                                                 ----------------  ----------------

Stock:          Convertible preferred stock                                                                   0.7               0.7
                                                                                                 ----------------  ----------------

Common          Common stock                                                                                120.9             156.6
Shareholders'   Additional paid-in capital                                                                  200.0             627.8
Equity:         Unallocated shares - ESSOP                                                                    ---              (2.5)
                Retained earnings                                                                         2,030.2           1,873.9
                Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)                                                10.3             (17.6)
                Treasury stock (at cost)                                                                    (32.6)           (439.8)
                                                                                                 ----------------  ----------------
                      Total Common Shareholders' Equity                                                   2,329.0           2,198.4
                                                                                                 ----------------  ----------------
                      Total Liabilities, Preferred Stock
                         and Common Shareholders' Equity                                                 $7,093.1          $6,938.4
                                                                                                 ================  ================

See accompanying notes.


                                                OLD REPUBLIC INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION
                                         CONSOLIDATED SUMMARY STATEMENTS OF INCOME (Unaudited)
                                               ($ in Millions, Except Common Share Data)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                       Quarters Ended                       Nine Months Ended
                                                                        September 30,                         September 30,
                                                             ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------
                                                                   2000              1999              2000              1999
                                                             ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------
Revenues:          Net premiums earned                                 $386.1            $389.7          $1,144.6          $1,173.2
                   Title, escrow and other fees                          49.9              52.0             139.1             169.4
                                                             ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------
                      Sub-total                                         436.0             441.8           1,283.7           1,342.6
                   Net investment income                                 68.0              66.0             203.0             196.8
                   Realized investment gains                              7.1               4.4               8.0              26.0
                   Other income                                           6.4               6.2              18.2              21.7
                                                             ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------
                      Net revenues                                      517.8             518.5           1,513.2           1,587.2
                                                             ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------

Expenses:          Benefits, claims and settlement expenses             180.8             220.0             565.9             614.1
                   Underwriting, acquisition and
                      insurance expenses                                216.0             241.2             640.3             713.2
                   Interest and other expenses                            5.2               3.4              15.5              10.4
                                                             ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------
                      Total expenses                                    402.1             464.6           1,221.8           1,337.7
                                                             ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------
                   Income before income taxes and items below           115.6              53.9             291.3             249.5
                                                             ----------------  ----------------  ----------------   ---------------

Income Taxes:      Currently payable                                     24.6               1.6              47.4              18.8
                   Deferred                                              11.5              12.3              40.8              54.8
                                                             ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------
                      Total income taxes                                 36.1              13.9              88.2              73.6
                                                             ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------
                                                                         79.4              39.9             203.0             175.8
                   Other items - net                                      0.6               ---               1.8               1.8
                                                             ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------
Net Income:                                                             $80.0             $39.9            $204.8            $177.6
                                                             ================  ================  ================  ================

Net Income
Per Share:         Basic                                                $0.68             $0.31             $1.72             $1.36
                                                             ================  ================  ================  ================
                   Diluted                                              $0.67             $0.31             $1.71             $1.35
                                                             ================  ================  ================  ================

Dividends Per
Common Share:      Cash dividends                                       $0.14             $0.13             $0.41             $0.36
                                                             ================  ================  ================  ================

                   Average number of common and
                     common equivalent shares outstanding:
                              Basic                               117,788,947       128,183,125       119,224,170       130,536,390
                                                             ================  ================  ================  ================
                              Diluted                             119,262,876       128,955,730       120,004,117       131,483,407
                                                             ================  ================  ================  ================

See accompanying notes.


                                                OLD REPUBLIC INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION
                                      CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (Unaudited)
                                                            ($ in Millions)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                       Quarters Ended                       Nine Months Ended
                                                                        September 30,                         September 30,
                                                             ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------
                                                                   2000              1999              2000              1999
                                                             ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------
Net income as reported                                                  $80.0             $39.9            $204.8            $177.6
                                                             ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------

Other comprehensive income (loss):
    Foreign currency translation adjustment                              (0.6)              0.1              (1.7)              1.2
                                                             ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------
    Unrealized gains (losses) on securities:
        Unrealized gains (losses) arising during period                  53.7             (19.8)             54.3             (75.0)
        Less: elimination of pre-tax realized gains
            included in income as reported                                7.1               4.4               8.0              26.0
                                                             ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------
        Pre-tax unrealized gains (losses) on securities
            carried at market value                                      46.5             (24.3)             46.2            (101.1)
        Deferred income taxes (credits)                                  16.4              (8.5)             16.4             (35.5)
                                                             ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------
        Net unrealized gains (losses) on securities                      30.1             (15.7)             29.8             (65.6)
                                                             ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------
    Net adjustments                                                      29.4             (15.6)             28.0             (64.3)
                                                             ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------

Comprehensive income                                                   $109.5             $24.3            $232.9            $113.4
                                                             ================  ================  ================  ================

See accompanying notes.


                                                OLD REPUBLIC INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION
                                           CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (Unaudited)
                                                            ($ in Millions)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                       Nine Months Ended
                                                                                                         September 30,
                                                                                                     2000               1999
                                                                                               ----------------   ----------------
Cash flows from operating activities:
   Net income                                                                                            $204.8             $177.6
   Adjustment to reconcile net income to
   net cash provided by operating activities:
      Deferred policy acquisition costs                                                                     1.2               (9.4)
      Premiums and other receivables                                                                      (21.4)             (26.1)
      Unpaid claims and related items                                                                     (37.8)             (25.2)
      Future policy benefits and policyholders' funds                                                      12.3                9.1
      Income taxes                                                                                         53.2               43.9
      Reinsurance balances and funds                                                                       (6.8)              (1.4)
      Accounts payable, accrued expenses and other                                                          2.0               19.8
                                                                                               ----------------   ----------------
   Total                                                                                                  207.6              188.4
                                                                                               ----------------   ----------------

Cash flows from investing activities:
   Sales of fixed maturity securities:
      Held to maturity:
         Maturities and early calls                                                                       204.0              142.4
      Available for sale:
         Maturities and early calls                                                                       147.4              111.2
         Other                                                                                             87.0              124.4
   Sales of equity securities                                                                              29.9               33.0
   Sales of other investments                                                                               1.9                1.0
   Sales of fixed asset for company use                                                                     0.8                2.1
   Purchases of fixed maturity securities:
      Held to maturity                                                                                    (19.6)            (108.2)
      Available for sale                                                                                 (399.0)            (366.9)
   Purchases of equity securities                                                                        (110.6)             (42.3)
   Purchases of other investments                                                                         (14.7)             (15.1)
   Purchases of fixed assets for company use                                                               (9.0)             (12.0)
   Proceeds from sale of subsidiary                                                                         ---               25.3
   Cash and short-term investments of subsidiary sold                                                       ---              (31.4)
   Other-net                                                                                              (10.9)              (0.1)
                                                                                               ----------------   ----------------
   Total                                                                                                  (92.7)            (136.6)
                                                                                               ----------------   ----------------

Cash flows from financing activities:
   Increase in term loans                                                                                  52.0               28.0
   Issuance of preferred and common stocks                                                                  7.7                2.8
   Repayments of term loans                                                                               (30.0)             (18.0)
   Redemption of debentures and notes                                                                      (2.6)              (1.9)
   Dividends on common shares                                                                             (48.4)             (46.7)
   Dividends on preferred shares                                                                            ---               (0.1)
   Purchase of treasury stock                                                                             (66.4)            (133.9)
   Other-net                                                                                               (0.9)               2.3
                                                                                               ----------------   ----------------
   Total                                                                                                  (88.7)            (167.4)
                                                                                               ----------------   ----------------

Increase (decrease) in cash and short-term investments                                                     26.1             (115.7)
   Cash and short-term investments, beginning of period                                                   294.1              400.5
                                                                                               ----------------   ----------------
   Cash and short-term investments, end of period                                                        $320.2             $284.8
                                                                                               ================   ================

Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information:
   Cash paid during the period for: Interest                                                               $9.7               $5.2
                                                                                               ================   ================
                                    Income taxes                                                          $35.7              $28.3
                                                                                               ================   ================

See accompanying notes.


                       ($ in Millions, Except Share Data)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.  Accounting Policies and Basis of Presentation:

    The  accompanying   consolidated  summary  financial  statements  have  been
    prepared in conformity  with  generally  accepted  accounting  principles as
    described in the  Corporation's  latest annual report to  shareholders or as
    disclosed herein.  The financial  accounting and reporting process relies on
    estimates and on the exercise of judgement, but in the opinion of management
    all  adjustments,  consisting of normal recurring  accruals,  necessary to a
    fair  presentation  of  the  accompanying  statements  have  been  reflected
    therein.  Realized gains or losses on dispositions of investment  securities
    have been reflected in the operating results for each period presented.

2.  Common Share Data:

    Common  share data has been  retroactively  adjusted  to  reflect  all stock
    dividends and splits.  The following table provides a reconciliation  of the
    income  before  extraordinary  items and number of shares  used in basic and
    diluted earnings per share calculations.

                                                                           Quarters Ended                  Nine Months Ended
                                                                            September 30,                    September 30,
                                                                    -----------------------------    -----------------------------
                                                                        2000            1999              2000           1999
                                                                    -------------   -------------    -------------   -------------
       Income before extraordinary item.........................    $        80.0   $        39.9    $       204.8   $       177.6
       Less Preferred stock dividends...........................               --              --               --              .1
                                                                    -------------   -------------    -------------   -------------

       Numerator for basic earnings per share -
         income available to common stockholders................             80.0            39.9            204.7           177.5

       Effect of dilutive securities:
       Convertible preferred stock dividends....................               --              --               --              .1
                                                                    -------------   -------------    -------------   -------------

     Numerator for diluted earnings per share -
       income available to common stockholders
       after assumed conversions................................    $        80.0   $        39.9    $       204.8   $       177.6
                                                                    =============   =============    =============   =============

       Denominator for basic earnings per share -
         weighted-average shares................................      117,788,947     128,183,125      119,224,170     130,536,390

       Effect of dilutive securities:
       Stock options............................................        1,341,995         618,647          646,484         762,966
       Convertible preferred stock..............................          131,934         153,958          133,463         184,051
                                                                    -------------   -------------    -------------   -------------
       Dilutive potential common shares.........................        1,473,929         772,605          779,947         947,017
                                                                    -------------   -------------    -------------   -------------

     Denominator for diluted earnings per share -
       adjusted weighted-average shares and
       assumed conversions......................................      119,262,876     128,955,730      120,004,117     131,483,407
                                                                    =============   =============    =============   =============

     Basic earnings per share...................................    $         .68   $         .31    $        1.72   $        1.36
                                                                    =============   =============    =============   =============
     Diluted earnings per share.................................    $         .67   $         .31    $        1.71   $        1.35
                                                                    =============   =============    =============   =============

3.   Unrealized Appreciation of Investments:

     Cumulative net unrealized gains on fixed maturity securities  available for
     sale and  equity  securities  credited  to a  separate  account  in  common
     shareholders'  equity  amounted to $20.1 at September 30, 2000.  Unrealized
     appreciation of  investments,  before  applicable  deferred income taxes of
     $11.3, at September 30, 2000 included gross  unrealized  gains and (losses)
     of $72.9 and $(41.4), respectively.

     For the nine  months  ended  September  30, 2000 and 1999,  net  unrealized
     appreciation  (depreciation)  of investments,  net of deferred income taxes
     (credits), amounted to $29.8 and $(65.6), respectively.


4.   Information About Segments of Business

     The Corporation's  business segments are organized as the General Insurance
     (property and liability insurance),  Mortgage Guaranty, Title Insurance and
     Life  Insurance  Groups.  The  contributions  of Old  Republic's  insurance
     industry  segments to  consolidated  revenues and  operating  results,  and
     certain  balance sheet data  pertaining  thereto are shown in the following
     tables on the basis of generally accepted accounting  principles  ("GAAP").
     Each of the  Corporation's  segments  underwrites  and services  only those
     insurance  coverages which may be written by it pursuant to state insurance
     regulations and corporate charter provisions.

                                                       Segment Reporting
                                                                           Quarters Ended                  Nine Months Ended
                                                                            September 30,                    September 30,
                                                                    -----------------------------    -----------------------------
                                                                        2000            1999             2000            1999
                                                                    -------------   -------------    -------------   -------------
       General Insurance Group:
         Net premiums earned....................................    $       211.3   $       213.7    $       632.1   $       635.9
         Net investment income and other income(a)..............             49.2            50.3            148.1           150.6
                                                                    -------------   -------------    -------------   -------------
              Total.............................................    $       260.5   $       264.0    $       780.2   $       786.6
                                                                    =============   =============    =============   =============
         Income before taxes (credits)..........................    $        29.7   $         2.4    $        80.3   $        65.8
                                                                    =============   =============    =============   =============
         Income tax expense (credit)............................    $         7.0   $        (2.5)   $        17.8   $        12.4
                                                                    =============   =============    =============   =============

       Mortgage Guaranty Group:
         Net premiums earned....................................    $        82.9   $        72.9    $       245.1   $       223.9
         Net investment income and other income(a)..............             16.0            13.5             45.4            41.6
                                                                    -------------   -------------    -------------   -------------
              Total.............................................    $        98.9   $        86.4    $       290.5   $       265.5
                                                                    =============   =============    =============   =============
         Income before taxes....................................    $        65.6   $        44.4    $       176.5   $       130.4
                                                                    =============   =============    =============   =============
         Income tax expense.....................................    $        22.2   $        14.7    $        59.4   $        43.3
                                                                    =============   =============    =============   =============

       Title Insurance Group:
         Net premiums earned....................................    $        79.6   $        93.0    $       226.4   $       273.0
         Title, escrow and other fees  .........................             49.9            52.0            139.1           169.4
                                                                    -------------   -------------    -------------   -------------
              Subtotal..........................................            129.6           145.1            365.6           442.5
         Net investment income and other income(a)..............              6.1             5.8             18.4            17.1
                                                                    -------------   -------------    -------------   -------------
              Total.............................................    $       135.7   $       150.9    $       384.1   $       459.7
                                                                    =============   =============    =============   =============
         Income before taxes....................................    $        13.9   $         4.2    $        30.4   $        34.6
                                                                    =============   =============    =============   =============
         Income tax expense.....................................    $         4.7   $         1.3    $        10.1   $        11.6
                                                                    =============   =============    =============   =============

       Life Insurance Group (c):
         Net premiums earned....................................    $        12.1   $        10.1    $        40.8   $        40.2
         Net investment income and other income(a)..............              2.1             2.1              6.4             6.5
                                                                    -------------   -------------    -------------   -------------
              Total.............................................    $        14.2   $        12.8    $        47.3   $        46.7
                                                                    =============   =============    =============   =============
         Income (loss) before taxes (credits)...................    $         1.5   $         (.4)   $         3.7   $        (1.8)
                                                                    =============   =============    =============   =============
         Income tax expense (credit)............................    $          .5   $         (.2)   $          .7   $         (.9)
                                                                    =============   =============    =============   =============


                                             Reconciliations of Segments to Consolidated

                                                                           Quarters Ended                  Nine Months Ended
                                                                            September 30,                    September 30,
                                                                    -----------------------------    -----------------------------
                                                                        2000            1999             2000            1999
                                                                    -------------   -------------    -------------   -------------
         Total revenues for reportable segments.................    $       509.6   $       513.7    $     1,502.2   $     1,558.6
         Net realized investment gains..........................              7.1             4.4              8.0            26.0
         Other revenues.........................................              4.3             2.1             13.7             6.8
         Elimination of intersegment revenues (b)...............             (3.3)           (1.7)           (10.8)           (4.1)
                                                                    -------------   -------------    -------------   -------------
              Total consolidated revenues.......................    $       517.8   $       518.5    $     1,513.2   $     1,587.2
                                                                    =============   =============    =============   =============

       Income before taxes:
         Total income before taxes of reportable segments.......    $       110.9   $        50.8    $       291.0  $        229.0
         Net realized investment gains..........................              7.1             4.4              8.0            26.0
         Other revenues - net...................................             (2.4)           (1.3)            (7.8)           (5.2)
         Elimination of intersegment profits (b)................              ---             ---              ---             (.3)
                                                                    -------------   -------------    -------------  --------------
         Income before income taxes and
              extraordinary items...............................    $       115.6   $        53.9    $       291.3  $        249.5
                                                                    =============   =============    =============  ==============

       In the above tables,  net premiums earned on a GAAP basis differ slightly
       from  statutory  amounts due to certain  differences in  calculations  of
       unearned  premium  reserves under each accounting  method.
       (a) Including unallocated investment income derived from invested capital
       and surplus  funds./(b)  Represents  results  of  holding company parent,
       consolidation eliminating adjustments, and general  corporate   expenses,
       as  applicable./(c)In  the first  quarter of 1999,  the Company  sold its
       New York  subsidiary and with it, its annuity book of business;  this had
       no material effect on Old Republic's  consolidated  results  or financial

5.   Legal Proceedings

     Legal  proceedings  against  the  Company  arise in the  normal  course  of
     business  and  generally  pertain to claim  matters  related  to  insurance
     policies and contracts issued by the Corporation's insurance subsidiaries.

     The City and County of San  Francisco  and certain  escrow  customers of an
     underwritten  title  agency  subsidiary   headquartered  in  the  State  of
     California have filed law suits alleging that the subsidiary:  1) failed to
     escheat  unclaimed  escrow funds;  2) charged for services not  necessarily
     provided;  and 3) collected illegal interest payments or fees from banks on
     the basis of funds held for escrow  customers.  The  subsidiary has in turn
     conducted  an  internal  review of its records  and  concluded  that it had
     certain  liabilities  for  part  of the  issues  denoted  at (1)  and  (2).
     Management  believes that the alleged  practices  denoted in (3) are common
     within the industry, are not in conflict with various laws and regulations,
     and that it has  meritorious  defenses,  which  will  ultimately  lead to a
     successful  resolution of these practices.  Through  September 30, 2000 the
     subsidiary  had  paid or  otherwise  provided  reserves  aggregating  $38.3
     million  to  cover  its best  estimate  of  litigation  and  related  costs
     associated with all these issues.

     In mid  October  the  California  Department  of  Insurance  (CDI)  filed a
     complaint  against  the  above  named  subsidiary.  The  complaint  alleges
     violations of certain sections of the Insurance Code that prohibit any form
     of  considerations  to induce the referral of business to a title  company.
     The CDI is seeking a maximum monetary penalty of $3.8 million.  The Company
     has not had sufficient time to evaluate the complaint, and, accordingly, no
     provision for any  liability  has been included in the Company's  financial
     statements as of September 30, 2000.

     In December  1999,  a class  action  lawsuit  was filed  against one of the
     Company's mortgage guaranty insurance  subsidiaries in the Federal District
     Court for the  Southern  District of  Georgia.  The suit  alleges  that the
     subsidiary  provided pool insurance and other services to mortgage  lenders
     at  preferential,  below  market  prices in return for  mortgage  insurance
     business,  and that such  practices  violated  the Real  Estate  Settlement
     Procedures  Act. The Company  denies any  liability in these  regards,  has
     retained legal  counsel,  and intends to defend itself  vigorously.  Due in
     part to the early  stages of this  lawsuit,  the  ultimate  outcome of this
     litigation  is unknown at the present time.  Accordingly,  no provision for
     any  liability,  including  the cost of defense,  has been  included in the
     Company's financial statements.

                  Nine Months Ended September 30, 2000 and 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


This   analysis   pertains  to  the   consolidated   accounts  of  Old  Republic
International Corporation.  The Company conducts its business through four major
segments,  namely its  General  (property  and  liability  coverages),  Mortgage
Guaranty, Title, and Life insurance groups.

                               FINANCIAL POSITION

Old Republic's  financial position at September 30, 2000 reflected  increases in
assets,  liabilities and common  shareholders'  equity of 2.2%,  0.5%, and 5.9%,
respectively, when  compared to the  immediately  preceding  year-end.  Cash and
invested  assets  represented  70.1%  and  69.6% of  consolidated  assets  as of
September 30, 2000 and December 31, 1999, respectively.  Consolidated  operating
cash flow was  positive  at $207.6  million  in the latest  nine  month  period,
compared to $188.4 million in the same period of 1999.

Relatively  high  short-term  maturity  investment  positions  continued  to  be
maintained as of September 30, 2000 to provide necessary  liquidity for specific
operating needs and to enhance  flexibility in investment  strategy.  Changes in
short-term investments reflect a large variety of seasonal and intermediate-term
factors including operating cash needs and investment strategy. Accordingly, the
future level of short-term investments will vary and respond to the interplay of
these factors and may, as a result,  increase or decrease  from current  levels.
During the first nine months of 2000, the  Corporation  committed  substantially
all investable funds in short to  intermediate-term  fixed maturity  securities.
Old Republic continues to adhere to its long-term policy of investing  primarily
in  investment  grade,  marketable  securities;  investable  funds have not been
directed  to  so-called  "junk  bonds"  or types of  securities  categorized  as
derivaties.  During the first nine months of 2000, Old Republic's  investment in
equity  securities  increased by 67.8% vis-a-vis the related invested balance at
year-end 1999 due to securities acquired and unrealized gains during the period.
At September 30, 2000, the Company had no investments in default as to principal
and/or interest.

The parent holding  company has met its liquidity and capital needs  principally
through dividends paid by its subsidiaries.  The insurance subsidiaries' ability
to pay cash  dividends to the parent  company is generally  restricted by law or
subject to approval of the  insurance  regulatory  authorities  of the states in
which they are domiciled.

Old Republic's  capitalization  of $2.55 billion at September 30, 2000 consisted
of debt of $225.4 million, convertible preferred stock of $.7 million and common
shareholders'  equity of $2.32 billion. The increase in the common shareholders'
equity  account  during  the nine  months  ended  September  30,  2000  reflects
primarily  the  retention  of earnings in excess of  dividend  requirements,  an
increase  in the value of bonds and  stocks  carried  at market  values  and the
reacquisition of $66.4 million of common shares pursuant to previously announced
stock buy-back programs. In March 2000, the Company canceled 36.4 million common
shares  previously  reported  as  treasury  stock;  this had no  effect on total
shareholders' equity or financial condition of the Company.

                              RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

Consolidated net premiums and fees earned for the third quarter of 2000 amounted
to $436.0 million,  1.3% below the amount reported for the same quarter of 1999.
For the third quarter of 2000, the Company's  General  Insurance  Group reported
earned  premium volume of $211.3  million,  down 1.1% from $213.7 million a year
ago. The slight  decrease in premium  reflects the  Company's  attempt to obtain
rate  increases  in a market  place that  remains  quite  competitive.  Mortgage
Guaranty Group  premiums  increased by 13.8% to $82.9 million from $72.9 million
in the year-ago quarter. Title Group premium and fee revenues decreased 10.7% to
$129.6 million in the third quarter of 2000 when compared to the same quarter of
1999. The decrease in Title Group revenues is due to mortgage  lending  activity
subsiding and refinancings declining significantly as interest rates charged for
home mortgages have risen in the past several quarters. The Life Group's premium
volume of $12.1  million  represents  a 20.5%  increase  over the $10.1  million
reported in the year-ago quarter.

Consolidated  net  premiums  and fees  earned in the first  nine  months of 2000
amounted to $1.28  billion,  or 4.4% less than the amount  reported for the same
1999 period. The General Insurance Group's net premiums earned decreased 0.6% to
$632.1  million in the first nine months of 2000.  The Mortgage  Guaranty  Group
continued to experience volume growth and reported net premiums earned of $245.1
million,  an increase of 9.4%. The Title Insurance  Group reported  premiums and
fees in the  first  nine  months  of 2000 of $365.6  million,  down from  $442.5
million in the year-ago period.  Life Insurance Group premiums increased 1.6% to
$40.8 million during the same 2000 period. The above-cited factors for the third
quarter of 2000 had similar  effects on first nine months of 2000  premiums  and
fees revenues.


Consolidated  net investment  income was $203.0 million in the first nine months
of 2000 and  $68.0  million  in the third  quarter  of 2000  compared  to $196.8
million  and $66.0  million,  respectively,  in the same  quarter and nine month
periods of 1999.  This revenue source  reflects a slightly higher invested asset
base and an up trend in  yields  obtained  on  fixed  maturity  securities.  The
average  annualized yield on investments was approximately  5.6% and 5.5% at the
end of September 30, 2000 and 1999, respectively.

The Company's  investment  policies have not been designed to maximize  realized
investment  gains.  Realized  gains of $8.0  million in the first nine months of
2000  were  mostly  due  to the  sale  of  equity  securities.  Dispositions  of
securities were primarily the result of scheduled  maturities of bonds and notes
and sales of equity  securities.  For the first nine  months of 2000,  80.2 % of
total dispositions  represented maturities and early calls of existing holdings;
for the year ago period in 1999,  these  transactions  amounted  to 67.1% of the
total dispositions.

Consolidated  benefit,  claim  and  settlement  costs,  as a  percentage  of net
premiums  and fees  earned,  were  approximately  44% and 46% in the first  nine
months of 2000 and 1999, respectively. For the third quarter of each year, these
ratios  were 41% in 2000  and 50% in  1999.  For  both  the  third  quarter  and
year-to-date  periods of the current year,  the General  Insurance  claims ratio
continued to reflect  relatively  high claim severity for commercial  automobile
(truck)  insurance  in  particular.  Compared  to second  half 1999  experience,
however, the impact of this factor was less pronounced.  Mortgage Guaranty claim
costs were  lower  during the first  nine  months of 2000  compared  to the same
period in 1999 mostly due to a continued  decline in loan default rates and much
higher  cure  ratios  driven  by strong  employment  and good  general  economic
conditions.  Title  claims  costs  were  lower in 2000 as a result of  declining
claims  emergence  trends.  Life Group claim costs  benefited in the latest nine
months mostly from fewer travel accident claims.

The ratio of consolidated  underwriting,  acquisition and insurance  expenses to
net  premiums and fees earned were  approximately  50% and 53% in the first nine
months of 2000 and 1999,  respectively.  These  ratios  were 50% and 55% for the
third  quarters  of 2000 and  1999,  respectively.  Variations  in these  ratios
reflect a  continually  changing mix of coverages  sold and  attendant  costs of
producing business.  The property and liability segment's expense ratio remained
basically  flat for the first nine months of 2000 compared to the same period in
1999.  The mortgage  guaranty  segment's  expense  ratio moved down due to lower
costs associated with an enhancement of information  systems basically completed
in 1999 and a decrease in contract underwriting  services. The insurance expense
ratio for the title segment was higher in the first nine months of 2000 compared
to the same  period in 1999 due in part to a decrease in premium and fees volume
without a proportional  reduction in expenses.  Consolidated  interest and other
charges  increased $5.1 million in the first nine months of 2000 versus the same
period a year ago due primarily to interest costs on an increased debt level.

Pre-Tax and Net Income:
Consolidated  income  before taxes  increased by 114.4% in the third quarter and
16.7% in the first nine  months of 2000 when  compared  to the same  periods one
year ago.  The  Corporation's  General,  Mortgage  Guaranty  and Life  Insurance
segments  reflected  higher  third  quarter and year to date  pre-tax  operating
earnings  while the Title  Insurance  operations  posted an  increase in pre-tax
operating earnings in this year's third quarter and a decrease in the first nine
months.  Realized  gains on sales of securities  were higher for the most recent
quarter and significantly lower for the current year to date period.

The effective  consolidated income tax rate was 31% and 30% in the third quarter
and nine  month  period  of  2000,  respectively,  and 26% and 29% in the  third
quarter and nine month period of 1999,  respectively.  The rates for each period
reflect  primarily the varying  proportions of pre-tax  operating income derived
from tax-sheltered  investment income (principally  tax-exempt  interest) on the
one hand, and fully taxable  investment and  underwriting/service  income on the
other hand.

Year 2000 Issues:
Year 2000 issues relate  primarily to computer  programs which were written with
only a two-digit  designation for many years.  Such programs are often unable to
interpret  dates beyond 1999 and as a result may fail or lead to computer errors
which could create a disruption in operations.

Prior to  December  31,  1999,  the Company and its  subsidiaries  completed  an
implementation  of changes and tests of those computer systems and programs that
had been  identified as being  affected by Year 2000 issues.  They also received
confirmations of Year 2000 compliance from certain principal customers,  vendors
and other third parties with whom they have significant business  relationships.
The  Company  and its  subsidiaries  had also  developed  contingency  plans for
operations  in the event Year 2000  issues were to arise in spite of the changes
and tests effected.

The costs of identifying, implementing and testing the required changes were not
material to the Company's  consolidated operating results. A significant portion
of  these  costs  were  not  incremental  as the  Company  and its  subsidiaries
generally used existing resources.


In the current year, no issues are known to have  developed nor to have affected
adversely the Company or any of its subsidiaries. Although the Company considers
it increasingly  unlikely,  it is possible that Year 2000 issues may have arisen
but  are  not  yet  known.  The  aforementioned  contingency  plans  are  deemed
appropriate to address such subsequent  events; no significant  additional costs
are being anticipated with respect to Year 2000 issues.

                                OTHER INFORMATION

Reference  is here  made to  "Financial  Information  Relating  to  Segments  of
Business" appearing elsewhere herein.

Historical data pertaining to the operating  performance,  liquidity,  and other
financial matters applicable to an insurance enterprise such as Old Republic are
not  necessarily  indicative of results to be achieved in succeeding  years.  In
addition to the factors  cited  below,  the  long-term  nature of the  insurance
business,  seasonal and annual  patterns in premium  production and incidence of
claims,  changes in yields  obtained on invested  assets,  changes in government
policies  and free  markets  affecting  inflation  rates  and  general  economic
conditions,  and changes in legal precedents or the application of law affecting
the  settlement  of  disputed  claims  can have a  bearing  on  period-to-period
comparisons and future operating results.

Any forward-looking  commentary or inferences  contained in this report involve,
of  necessity,  assumptions,  uncertainties,  and  risks  that  may  affect  the
Company's future  performance.  With regard to Old Republic's  General Insurance
segment,  its  results  can be  affected  in  particular  by the level of market
competition  which is  typically a function of  available  capital and  expected
returns on such capital among competitors,  the levels of interest and inflation
rates,  as well as periodic  changes in claim  frequency  and severity  patterns
caused by  natural  disasters,  weather  conditions,  accidents,  illnesses  and
work-related  injuries.  Mortgage  Guaranty and Title  insurance  results can be
affected by such factors as changes in national and regional  housing demand and
values,  the availability  and cost of mortgage loans,  employment  trends,  and
default rates on mortgage loans;  mortgage guaranty results may also be affected
by various risk-sharing arrangements with business producers as well as the risk
management and pricing policies of government  sponsored  enterprises.  Life and
disability  insurance  results can be impacted by the levels of  employment  and
consumer  spending,  as well as  mortality  and health  trends.  At the  holding
company level, operating earnings or losses are generally affected by the amount
of debt  outstanding  and its cost,  as well as  interest  income  on  temporary
short-term investments.

Any  forward-looking  commentaries  speak only as of their  dates.  Old Republic
undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise such comments,  whether as
a result of new  information,  future events or otherwise,  and accordingly they
may not be unduly relied upon.


                                   FORM 10 - Q
                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Item 6 - Reports on Form 8-K
- ----------------------------

(a)   Reports on Form 8-K

      1. The registrant has not filed any reports on Form 8-K during the quarter
         for which this report is filed.

Items other than those listed are omitted because they are not required.



Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                         Old Republic International Corporation

Date: November 10, 2000

                                                    /s/ Paul D. Adams
                                                        P. D. Adams
                                                  Senior Vice President &
                                                  Chief Financial Officer