As in effect
                                   FORM 10K/A


                             WASHINGTON, D. C. 20549


                 Filed Pursuant to Sections 12, 13, or 15 (d) of
                       THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               (Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

                                 AMENDMENT NO. 5

    The undersigned registrant hereby  amends the following items, financial

    statements, exhibits or other  portions of its ANNUAL  REPORT  FOR  2001
    on Form 10-K  as set forth in  the pages attached hereto: (List all such
    items, financial statements, exhibits or other portions amended)

                                    FORM 11-K

    Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
    registrant has duly caused this amendment to be signed on its behalf by the
    undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                         OLD REPUBLIC INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION

Date: April 26, 2002                     By:  /s/ John S. Adams
      --------------                        -----------------------------------
                                                       John S. Adams
                                                 Senior Vice President and
                                                  Chief Financial Officer

                                 Total Pages: 15


                             Washington, D.C. 20549


                                    FORM 11-K


                                  ANNUAL REPORT

                        Pursuant to Section 15(d) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                   For The Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2001


                               PROFIT SHARING PLAN


                            307 NORTH MICHIGAN AVENUE
                             CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60601


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
Administration Committee has duly caused this Annual Report to be signed on
behalf of the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.



                           By: /s/ John Gerke
                              John Gerke, Member of the Administration Committee

                           By: /s/ Donna Ball
                              Donna Ball, Member of the Administration Committee

 May 1, 2002

The Republic Mortgage Insurance Company
and Affiliated Companies
Profit Sharing Plan
Financial Statements and Supplemental Schedules
December 31, 2001

Tax Identification Number: 56-1031043

The Republic Mortgage Insurance Company and Affiliated Companies
Profit Sharing Plan
Financial Statements and Supplemental Schedules
December 31, 2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Report of Independent Accountants                                           1

Financial Statements:

    Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits
      at December 31, 2001 and 2000                                         2

    Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits
       for the Year Ended December 31, 2001                                 3

    Notes to Financial Statements                                         4 - 7

Supplemental Schedule:

    Schedule of Assets Held for Investment Purposes at End of Year          8

                        Report of Independent Accountants

To the Participants and Administrator of
 The Republic Mortgage Insurance Company and
 Affiliated Companies Profit Sharing Plan

We were engaged to audit the financial  statements and supplemental  schedule of
The Republic Mortgage Insurance Company and Affiliated  Companies Profit Sharing
Plan (the "Plan") at December 31, 2001 and 2000 and for the year ended  December
31, 2001, as listed in the accompanying  index.  These financial  statements and
schedule are the responsibility of the Plan's management.

As  permitted  by 29 CFR  2520.103-8  of the  Department  of  Labor's  Rules and
Regulations for Reporting and Disclosure  under the Employee  Retirement  Income
Security Act of 1974, the plan administrator  instructed us not to perform,  and
we did not perform,  any  auditing  procedures  with respect to the  information
summarized in Note 3, which was certified by Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance
Company, the trustee of the Plan, except for comparing such information with the
related  information  included  in the  financial  statements  and  supplemental
schedules.  We have been  informed  by the plan  administrator  that the trustee
holds the Plan's investment  assets and executes  investment  transactions.  The
plan  administrator has obtained a certification from the trustee as of December
31, 2001 and 2000 and for the year ended December 31, 2001, that the information
provided to the plan administrator by the trustee is complete and accurate.

Because of the  significance  of the  information  that we did not audit, we are
unable  to,  and do  not,  express  an  opinion  on the  accompanying  financial
statements  and  schedule  taken  as a  whole.  The  form  and  content  of  the
information included in the financial  statements and schedule,  other than that
derived from the information  certified by the trustee,  have been audited by us
in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of
America and, in our opinion,  are presented in compliance with the Department of
Labor's Rules and  Regulations  for Reporting and Disclosure  under the Employee
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.

                                                 /s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

April 26, 2002


The Republic Mortgage Insurance Company and Affiliated Companies
Profit Sharing Plan
Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits
December 31, 2001 and 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                          2001          2000
                                                          ----          ----
<s>                                                 <c>            <c>
Investments, at fair value:
  Insurance separate accounts:
    Domestic equity                                 $   6,348,640  $   5,791,800
    Asset allocation                                    1,891,330      2,543,985
    Fixed income                                        1,012,654        701,359
    International equity                                  477,044        644,719
    Flexible equity                                       191,905        137,799
                                                    -------------  -------------
                                                        9,921,573      9,819,662

  ORI common stock pooled account                       4,722,627      3,571,017
  Insurance company guaranteed interest fund,
    at contract value                                  14,194,942     13,429,161
  Participant loans                                       490,166        563,247
                                                    -------------  -------------
      Total investments                                29,329,308     27,383,087

Employer contibutions receivable                        3,330,842      2,735,720
                                                    -------------  -------------
      Total assets                                     32,660,150     30,118,807

Refund of participant contributions                       132,589         59,303
                                                    -------------  -------------
      Net assets available for benefits             $  32,527,561  $  30,059,504
                                                    =============  =============

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


The Republic Mortgage Insurance Company and Affiliated Companies
Profit Sharing Plan
Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits
Year Ended December 31, 2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<s>                                                               <c>
Additions to net assets attributed to:
  Investment income:
    Net depreciation in fair value of investments                 $    (863,911)
    Interest - guaranteed interest account                              908,299
    Interest - participant loans                                         42,392
      Investment income                                                  86,780

    Employer                                                          3,330,842
    Participants                                                        563,317
      Total additions                                                 3,980,939

Deductions from net assets attributed to:
  Benefits paid                                                       1,508,579
  Administrative expenses                                                 4,303
      Total deductions                                                1,512,882
      Net increase                                                    2,468,057

Net assets available for benefits:
  Beginning of year                                                  30,059,504
  End of year                                                     $  32,527,561

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


The Republic Mortgage Insurance Company and Affiliated Companies
Profit Sharing Plan
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.      Description of Plan

        The following description of The Republic Mortgage Insurance Company and
        Affiliated  Companies  Profit  Sharing  Plan (the  "Plan")  is a defined
        contribution plan covering all employees of Republic Mortgage  Insurance
        Company,  RMIC Corporation,  and Republic Mortgage  Insurance Company of
        North Carolina (the  "Company").  Employees are eligible for coverage at
        the start of their  employment and must elect to enroll in the plan. The
        Plan is subject to the  provisions  of the  Employee  Retirement  Income
        Security Act of 1974 (ERISA).

        See the Summary Plan  Description for additional  information  regarding
        the Plan.

        The Company  makes  contributions  to the Plan at the  discretion of the
        Company's  Board of Directors at a sum  determined  by the Board without
        regard to current and  accumulated  profits for the  taxable  year,  for
        years ending with or within such Plan year.  Participants may contribute
        up to 10% of their  compensation  for any Plan year.  Contributions  are
        subject to certain limitations as prescribed by ERISA. Refunds resulting
        from  qualification  testing totaled  $132,589 and $59,303 for the years
        ended December 31, 2001 and 2000, respectively.

        Participant's  account balances  provided by Company  contributions  and
        related allocated  earnings become 40% vested after one year of service.
        Vesting percentages  increase by 10% for each additional year, with full
        vesting after seven years of service.

        Account  balances  provided by participant  contributions  and allocated
        Plan earnings are always fully vested.

        Participant Accounts
        A separate  account  balance is maintained for each  participant  and is
        credited  with  participant  contributions  and  allocations  of Company
        contributions,    Plan   earnings,   and   forfeitures   of   terminated
        participants' nonvested accounts. Allocations of Plan earnings are based
        on  participants'  daily account  balances.  Company  contributions  and
        forfeitures are allocated based on annual  compensation of participants.
        Unallocated forfeitures totalled $378,477 at December 31, 2001.

        Payment of Benefits
        In the event of retirement,  disability,  or death, accumulated benefits
        become  vested  and  are   distributed  to  participants  or  designated
        beneficiaries by lump-sum payment, or through various annuity options.

        In the event of termination of employment,  participants have the option
        of receiving vested accumulated benefits through lump-sum distributions,
        leaving the vested value of their accounts in the Plan until retirement,
        or transferring amounts into an individual retirement account.

        Participants may withdraw their voluntary contributions at anytime.

        Participants   may  elect  to  take  early   withdrawals   of   employer
        contributions  if they have  participated  in the Plan for at least five
        years.   Such  early  withdrawals  will  not  result  in  suspension  of
        allocations of Company contributions.


The Republic Mortgage Insurance Company and Affiliated Companies
Profit Sharing Plan
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        Participant Loans
        Participants  may borrow a minimum of $1,000 from their accounts up to a
        maximum equal to the lesser of $50,000 or 50% of their account  balance.
        Participants  may have no more than two loans  outstanding  at one time.
        Loans plus interest  must be repaid  within five years  through  payroll
        deductions.  These loans bear interest at the  prevailing  prime rate at
        the loan inception  date. The loans are secured by the vested balance in
        the participant's account.

2.      Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

        The Plan prepares its financial  statements under accounting  principles
        generally accepted in the United States of America.

        Investment Valuation and Income Recognition
        The Plan's  guaranteed  interest  account is valued at  contract  value.
        Insurance  separate  accounts are reported by Massachusetts  Mutual Life
        Insurance  Company (the  "Trustee") at the fair value of the  underlying
        investments.  The pooled  account  invests solely in the common stock of
        Old Republic  International ("ORI"), the ultimate parent of the company.
        The common stock is reported at quoted market value.  Participant  loans
        are valued at principal  balance,  which  approximates  fair value.  Net
        appreciation  (depreciation)  in  fair  value  of  investments  includes
        unrealized and realized gains and losses. Interest income is recorded on
        the accrual basis.

        Payment of Benefits
        Benefits are recorded  when paid.  At December 31, 2001 and 2000,  there
        were no significant amounts owed to participants.

        Income Taxes
        The Plan obtained its latest  determination  letter on April 3, 1995, in
        which  the  Internal  Revenue  Service  stated  that the  Plan,  as then
        designed,  was in compliance  with the  applicable  requirements  of the
        Internal  Revenue Code.  The Plan has been amended  since  receiving the
        determination letter.  However, the plan administrator believes that the
        Plan is currently  designed and being  operated in  compliance  with the
        applicable requirements of the Internal Revenue Code.

        Use of Estimates
        The  presentation of financial  statements in conformity with accounting
        principles  generally  accepted in the United States of America requires
        management to make  estimates and  assumptions  that affect the reported
        amounts of assets,  liabilities,  and changes therein, and disclosure of
        contingent  assets and  liabilities.  Actual  results  could differ from
        those estimates.

        Certification of Trustee
        All amounts in Note 3 were obtained from data that has been prepared and
        certified as complete and accurate by the Plan's Trustee.


The Republic Mortgage Insurance Company and Affiliated Companies
Profit Sharing Plan
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.      Investments

        The Plan is invested in a group annuity  contract with the Trustee.  The
        contract  allows  for  a  participant-directed   investment  program  in
        commingled  subaccounts  sponsored  by the Trustee.  Investment  options
        include  fixed  income,  asset  allocation,  domestic  equity,  flexible
        equity, international equity subaccount option and a guaranteed interest
        account.  In  addition to the  investment  options  offered  through the
        Trustee,  participants  may also invest in a pooled account that invests
        solely  in  common  stock  of  the   Company's   parent,   Old  Republic

                                                        2001           2000
                                                        ----           ----
<s>                                               <c>             <c>

        Investments at fair value:
         Insurance separate accounts:
          Domestic equity subaccounts:
           Core equity                            $          -    $  2,143,575*
           Small cap equity                          2,005,208*      1,677,643*
           Indexed equity                            1,628,715*      1,616,761*
           Large cap value                           2,167,184*        269,465
           Small cap growth                            547,533          84,356
                                                  ------------    ------------
                                                     6,348,640       5,791,800
                                                  ------------    ------------

          Asset allocation subaccounts:
           Balanced                                          -       1,486,532
           Destiny moderate                          1,400,325         411,764
           Destiny aggressive                          491,005         645,689
                                                  ------------    ------------
                                                     1,891,330       2,543,985

          Fixed income subaccounts:
           Core bond                                 1,012,654         701,359

          Flexible equity subaccounts:
           Emerging growth                             191,905         137,799

          International equity subaccounts             477,044         644,719

          ORI common stock pooled account            4,722,627*      3,571,017*

          Participant loans                            490,166         563,247
                                                  ------------    ------------
                                                  $ 15,134,366    $ 13,953,926
                                                  ============    ============

        Investment at contract value:
         Guranteed interest                       $ 14,194,942*   $ 13,429,161*
                                                  ============    ============

        *Exceeds 5% of Plan assets at December 31, 2001 and 2000.


The Republic Mortgage Insurance Company and Affiliated Companies
Profit Sharing Plan
Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        The net  depreciation  in fair value of the Plan's  investments  for the
        year ended December 31, 2001, was $863,911.

4.      Guaranteed Interest Account

        In 2001, the Plan entered into an investment contract with Massachusetts
        Mutual Life  Insurance  Company.  Massachusetts  Mutual  Life  Insurance
        Company maintains the contributions in a pooled account.  The account is
        credited with  earnings on the  underlying  investments  and charges for
        Plan  withdrawals and  administrative  expenses charges by Massachusetts
        Mutual Life Insurance Company. The contract is included in the financial
        statements at contract value, (which represents contributions made under
        the  contract,   plus  earnings,  less  withdrawals  and  administrative
        expenses)  because  it  is  considered  fully  benefit-responsive.   For
        example,  participants may ordinarily  direct the withdrawal or transfer
        of all or a portion of their investment at contract value.  There are no
        reserves  against  contract value for credit risk of the contract issuer
        or otherwise.  The contract value of the investment contract at December
        31, 2001 and 2000 was $14,194,942  and  $13,429,161,  respectively.  The
        average  yield and crediting  interest  rates ranged from 6.75% to 7.15%
        for  2001  and  2000.  The  crediting  interest  rate  is  based  on  an
        agreed-upon  formula  with the  issuer,  but  cannot  be less  than five

5.      Related Party Transactions

        Certain Plan investments are insurance  separate  accounts  sponsored by
        Massachusetts  Mutual Life Insurance Company.  Massachusetts Mutual Life
        Insurance Company is the Trustee as defined by the Plan and,  therefore,
        these transactions qualify as party-in-interest  transactions. Fees paid
        by the  Company  on  behalf  of the Plan for the  investment  management
        services  amounted  to $68,556  for the year ended  December  31,  2001.
        Expenses incurred in the administration of the Plan are also paid by the

6.      Plan Termination

        Although it has not  expressed  any intent to do so, the Company has the
        right under the Plan to discontinue its contributions at any time and to
        terminate the Plan subject to the provisions of ERISA.

        In the event of Plan termination,  participants would become 100% vested
        in their employer contributions.

7.      Reconciliation to Form 5500

        There are no reconciling  items from these  financial  statements to the
        Plan's Form 5500 for the year ended December 31, 2001.


                              Supplemental Schedule

The Republic Mortgage Insurance Company and Affiliated Companies
Profit Sharing Plan
Schedule of Assets Held for Investment Purposes at End of Year
December 31, 2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                      of units        Value
                                                      --------        -----
        <s>                                           <c>         <c>

         Insurance separate accounts:
          Domestic equity subaccounts:
           Small cap equity                              2,739    $  2,005,208
           Indexed equity                                5,687       1,628,715
           Large cap value                              16,735       2,167,184
           Small cap growth                              4,430         547,533

          Asset allocation subaccounts:
           Destiny moderate                              8,031       1,400,325
           Destiny aggressive                            2,882         491,005
          Fixed income subaccounts:
           Core bond                                       887       1,012,654

          Flexible equity subaccounts:
           Emerging growth                               2,084         191,905

          International equity subaccounts               1,850         477,044

         Guaranteed interest account                   162,847      14,194,942

         ORI common stock pooled account               224,148       4,722,627

         Participant loans                                             490,166
                                                                  $ 29,329,308
