Washington, DC 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT
                       PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF
                       THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

       Date of Report: (Date of earliest event reported) November 12, 2002

             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

            Delaware                      0-4625                  36-2678171
- ----------------------------           ------------          -------------------
(State or other jurisdiction           (Commission           (I.R.S. Employer
of incorporation)                      File Number)          Identification No.)

               307 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60601
               (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)

                                 (312) 346-8100
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

          (Former name or former address, if changed since last report)

Item 9.  Regulation FD Disclosure

On November 12, 2002, Old Republic  International  Corporation  submitted to the
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission the certification of its Chief Executive
Officer and Chief Financial Officer under Section 906 of the  Sarbanes-Oxley Act
of 2002  with  respect  to the  Company's  periodic  report on Form 10-Q for the
quarterly   period  ended   September   30,  2002.   The  full  texts  of  their
certifications are included as Exhibit 99.1 and Exhibit 99.2 hereto.

(c)      Exhibits.

99.1 Principal  Executive  Officer  Signed   Certification  of  Periodic  Report
     Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

99.2 Principal  Financial  Officer  Signed   Certification  of  Periodic  Report
     Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
Registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                          OLD REPUBLIC INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION

   Date:  November 12, 2002               By /s/   Spencer LeRoy III
                                                   Senior Vice President,
                                                   Secretary and General Counsel

                                INDEX TO EXHIBITS

(c)      Exhibits

99.1 Principal  Executive  Officer  Signed   Certification  of  Periodic  Report
     Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

99.2 Principal  Financial  Officer  Signed   Certification  of  Periodic  Report
     Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

                                                                   Exhibit 99.1


     I,  Aldo  C.  Zucaro,   the  Chief   Executive   Officer  of  Old  Republic
International  Corporation (the "Company"),  certify, pursuant to Section 906 of
the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, that:

(1)  the Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q of the Company for the quarterly  period
     ended   September  30,  2002  (the   "Report")   fully  complies  with  the
     requirements  of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of
     1934 (15 U.S.C. 78m or 78o(d)); and

(2)  the  information  contained in the Report  fairly  presents  the  financial
     condition and results of operations of the Company.

Dated:  November 7, 2002

                                              /s/     Aldo C. Zucaro
                                              Aldo C. Zucaro
                                              Chairman and Chief
                                              Executive Officer

                                                                    Exhibit 99.2


     I, John S. Adams, the Chief Financial Officer of Old Republic International
Corporation   (the  "Company"),   certify,   pursuant  to  Section  906  of  the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, that:

(1)  the Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q of the Company for the quarterly  period
     ended   September  30,  2002  (the   "Report")   fully  complies  with  the
     requirements  of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of
     1934 (15 U.S.C. 78m or 78o(d)); and

(2)  the  information  contained in the Report  fairly  presents  the  financial
     condition and results of operations of the Company.

Dated:  November 7, 2002

                                              /s/     John S. Adams
                                              John S. Adams
                                              Chief Financial Officer