OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                                   FORM 10 - Q

[X] Quarterly report pursuant to section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange
    Act of 1934 for the quarterly period ended March 31, 2004 or
[ ] Transition report pursuant to section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange
    Act of 1934

Commission File Number  001-10607

             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

            Delaware                                     No. 36-2678171
- -------------------------------                ---------------------------------
(State or other jurisdiction of                (IRS Employer Identification No.)
 incorporation or organization)

307 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois                60601
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          (Address of principal executive office)         (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code: 312-346-8100

Indicate  by  check  mark  whether  the  registrant (1) has  filed  all  reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the
registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes _X_ No ___

Indicate  by  check  mark  whether the  registrant is an  accelerated  filer (as
defined in Exchange Act Rule 12b-2). Yes _X_ No___

                                                     Shares Outstanding
                Class                                  March 31, 2004
- -----------------------------------        ------------------------------------
     Common Stock / $1 par value                        181,970,003

                  There are 28 pages contained in this report.


                      Report on Form 10-Q / March 31, 2004

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                      PAGE NO.


           CONSOLIDATED SUMMARY BALANCE SHEETS                            3

           CONSOLIDATED SUMMARY STATEMENTS OF INCOME                      4


           CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS                          6


                RESULTS OF OPERATIONS                                  13 - 24


           CONTROLS AND PROCEDURES                                       25

PART II  OTHER INFORMATION                                               26

SIGNATURE                                                                27

EXHIBIT INDEX                                                            28


                                 ($ in Millions)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                                      March 31,       December 31,
                                                                                                        2004              2003
                                                                                                  ----------------  ----------------
<s>                                                                                               <c>               <c>

Investments:   Available for sale:
                 Fixed maturity securities (at fair value) (cost: $5,633.7 and $5,463.9)                 $5,959.7          $5,741.1
                 Equity securities (at fair value) (cost: $425.2 and $439.2)                                474.5             513.5
                 Short-term investments (at fair value which approximates cost)                             439.8             403.9
                 Miscellaneous investments                                                                   55.6              53.2
                                                                                                  ----------------  ----------------
                 Total                                                                                    6,929.7           6,711.8
                                                                                                  ----------------  ----------------
               Held to maturity:
                 Miscellaneous investments                                                                   13.5               8.5
                                                                                                  ----------------  ----------------
                 Total                                                                                       13.5               8.5
                                                                                                  ----------------  ----------------
               Total investments                                                                          6,943.3           6,720.4
                                                                                                  ----------------  ----------------

Other Assets:  Cash                                                                                          58.9              47.2
               Accrued investment income                                                                     80.2              81.5
               Accounts and notes receivable                                                                558.3             564.4
               Federal income tax recoverable: Current                                                        ---              15.9
               Reinsurance balances and funds held                                                           76.2              69.9
               Reinsurance recoverable: Paid losses                                                          47.8              55.9
                                        Policy and claim reserves                                         1,704.0           1,667.8
               Deferred policy acquisition costs                                                            224.6             221.9
               Sundry assets                                                                                265.9             267.0
                                                                                                  ----------------  ----------------
                                                                                                          3,016.3           2,991.8
                                                                                                  ----------------  ----------------
                  Total Assets                                                                           $9,959.6          $9,712.3
                                                                                                  ================  ================

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

               Liabilities, Preferred Stock and Common Shareholders' Equity

Liabilities:   Future policy benefits                                                                      $100.2            $100.9
               Losses, claims and settlement expenses                                                     4,142.6           4,022.7
               Unearned premiums                                                                            800.7             814.8
               Other policyholders' benefits and funds                                                       71.9              71.3
                                                                                                  ----------------  ----------------
                  Total policy liabilities and accruals                                                   5,115.6           5,009.8
               Commissions, expenses, fees and taxes                                                        177.4             206.1
               Reinsurance balances and funds                                                               151.5             147.8
               Federal income tax payable: Current                                                           28.7               ---
                                           Deferred                                                         571.9             556.8
               Debt                                                                                         137.4             137.7
               Sundry liabilities                                                                           108.8             100.2
               Commitments and contingent liabilities                                                         ---               ---
                                                                                                  ----------------  ----------------
                  Total liabilities                                                                       6,291.5           6,158.6
                                                                                                  ----------------  ----------------

Stock:         Convertible preferred stock (*)                                                                ---               ---
                                                                                                  ----------------  ----------------

Common         Common stock (*)                                                                             184.8             184.4
Shareholders'  Additional paid-in capital                                                                   258.5             245.5
Equity:        Retained earnings                                                                          2,982.6           2,896.8
               Accumulated other comprehensive income                                                       252.1             236.8
               Treasury stock (at cost) (*)                                                                 (10.0)            (10.0)
                                                                                                  ----------------  ----------------
                  Total Common Shareholders' Equity                                                       3,668.1           3,553.6
                                                                                                  ----------------  ----------------
                  Total Liabilities, Preferred Stock and Common Shareholders' Equity                     $9,959.6          $9,712.3
                                                                                                  ================  ================

(*)  At March 31, 2004 and  December  31, 2003 there were  75,000,000  shares of
     $0.01  par  value  preferred  stock  authorized,  of which no  shares  were
     outstanding.  As of the same dates, there were 500,000,000 shares of common
     stock, $1.00 par value, authorized,  of which 184,835,545 at March 31, 2004
     and 184,471,698 at December 31, 2003 were issued and outstanding.  At March
     31, 2004 and  December  31, 2003 there were  100,000,000  shares of Class B
     Common Stock, $1.00 par value, authorized,  of which no shares were issued.
     Common shares  classified as treasury stock were 2,865,542 as of both March
     31, 2004 and December 31, 2003.

See accompanying notes.


                    ($ in Millions, Except Common Share Data)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                                          Quarters Ended
                                                                                                             March 31,
                                                                                                      2004               2003
                                                                                                -----------------  -----------------
<s>                                                                                             <c>                <c>
Revenues:      Net premiums earned                                                                        $660.7             $583.9
               Title, escrow and other fees                                                                 65.8               79.6
                                                                                                -----------------  -----------------
                  Total premiums and fees                                                                  726.6              663.6
               Net investment income                                                                        70.5               69.4
               Other income                                                                                  9.6               12.7
                                                                                                -----------------  -----------------
                  Total operating revenues                                                                 806.8              745.8
               Realized investment gains (losses)                                                           15.6               (6.7)
                                                                                                -----------------  -----------------
                  Total revenues                                                                           822.4              739.0
                                                                                                -----------------  -----------------

Expenses:      Benefits, claims and settlement expenses                                                    302.1              249.5
               Underwriting, acquisition and
                  insurance expenses                                                                       360.0              333.8
               Interest and other expenses                                                                   2.0                1.8
                                                                                                -----------------  -----------------
                  Total expenses                                                                           664.2              585.2
                                                                                                -----------------  -----------------
               Income before income taxes and items below                                                  158.2              153.8
                                                                                                -----------------  -----------------

Income Taxes:  Currently payable                                                                            45.6               42.9
               Deferred                                                                                      6.1                6.4
                                                                                                -----------------  -----------------
                  Total income taxes                                                                        51.7               49.4
                                                                                                -----------------  -----------------
                                                                                                           106.4              104.4
               Other items - net                                                                             ---                ---
                                                                                                -----------------  -----------------
Net Income:                                                                                               $106.4             $104.3
                                                                                                =================  =================

Net Income
Per Share:     Basic                                                                                       $0.58              $0.57
                                                                                                =================  =================
               Diluted                                                                                     $0.57              $0.57
                                                                                                =================  =================

               Average shares outstanding:
                          Basic                                                                      181,962,757        180,932,204
                                                                                                =================  =================
                          Diluted                                                                    184,504,465        181,985,790
                                                                                                =================  =================

Dividends Per
Common Share:  Cash dividends                                                                             $0.113             $0.107
                                                                                                =================  =================

See accompanying notes.

                                 ($ in Millions)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                                           Quarters Ended
                                                                                                              March 31,
                                                                                                       2004               2003
                                                                                                -----------------  -----------------
<s>                                                                                             <c>                <c>
Net income as reported                                                                                    $106.4             $104.3
                                                                                                -----------------  -----------------

Other comprehensive income (loss):
    Foreign currency translation adjustment                                                                 (1.3)               4.4
                                                                                                -----------------  -----------------
    Unrealized gains (losses) on securities:
        Unrealized gains arising during period                                                              41.2               81.6
        Less: elimination of pretax realized gains (losses)
            included in income as reported                                                                  15.6               (6.7)
                                                                                                -----------------  -----------------
        Pretax unrealized gains on securities
            carried at market value                                                                         25.6               88.4
        Deferred income taxes                                                                                8.9               30.8
                                                                                                -----------------  -----------------
        Net unrealized gains on securities                                                                  16.7               57.5
                                                                                                -----------------  -----------------
    Net adjustments                                                                                         15.3               61.9
                                                                                                -----------------  -----------------

Comprehensive income                                                                                      $121.7             $166.3
                                                                                                =================  =================

See accompanying notes.

                                 ($ in Millions)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                                           Quarters Ended
                                                                                                              March 31,
                                                                                                      2004               2003
                                                                                                -----------------  -----------------
<s>                                                                                             <c>                <c>
Cash flows from operating activities:
   Net income                                                                                             $106.4             $104.3
   Adjustments to reconcile net income to
      net cash provided by operating activities:
      Deferred policy acquisition costs                                                                     (2.7)              (5.8)
      Premiums and other receivables                                                                        11.1              (10.0)
      Unpaid claims and related items                                                                       67.8               37.3
      Future policy benefits and policyholders' funds                                                        1.1               31.9
      Income taxes                                                                                          50.7               40.3
      Reinsurance balances and funds                                                                         5.5                1.2
      Accounts payable, accrued expenses and other                                                          (5.4)              (2.9)
                                                                                                -----------------  -----------------
   Total                                                                                                   234.6              196.4
                                                                                                -----------------  -----------------

Cash flows from investing activities:
   Sales of fixed maturity securities:
      Available for sale:
         Maturities and early calls                                                                        187.1              183.2
         Other                                                                                              23.5               27.3
   Sales of equity securities                                                                               13.9               10.4
   Sales of other investments                                                                                0.5                0.8
   Sales of fixed assets for company use                                                                     0.1                0.6
   Purchases of fixed maturity securities:
      Available for sale                                                                                  (388.9)            (227.8)
   Purchases of equity securities                                                                            ---               (5.2)
   Purchases of other investments                                                                           (0.7)              (1.3)
   Purchases of fixed assets for company use                                                                (3.2)              (5.3)
   Purchases of investment in affiliate                                                                     (1.4)               ---
   Other-net                                                                                                 1.3               (1.8)
                                                                                                -----------------  -----------------
   Total                                                                                                  (167.6)             (19.0)
                                                                                                -----------------  -----------------

Cash flows from financing activities:
   Issuance of preferred and common stocks                                                                   6.3                0.4
   Redemption of debentures and notes                                                                       (0.3)              (0.9)
   Dividends on common shares                                                                              (20.6)             (19.2)
   Dividends on preferred shares                                                                             ---                ---
   Other-net                                                                                                (4.7)              (5.8)
                                                                                                -----------------  -----------------
   Total                                                                                                   (19.3)             (25.6)
                                                                                                -----------------  -----------------

Increase (decrease) in cash and short-term investments                                                      47.6              151.7
   Cash and short-term investments, beginning of period                                                    451.2              291.1
                                                                                                -----------------  -----------------
   Cash and short-term investments, end of period                                                         $498.8             $442.8
                                                                                                =================  =================

Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information:
   Cash paid during the period for: Interest                                                                $0.1               $0.1
                                                                                                =================  =================
                                    Income taxes                                                            $0.3               $8.6
                                                                                                =================  =================

See accompanying notes.

                       ($ in Millions, Except Share Data)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.   Accounting Policies and Basis of Presentation:

     The  accompanying  consolidated  summary  financial  statements  have  been
     prepared  in  conformity  with  generally  accepted  accounting  principles
     ("GAAP")  as  described  in  the  Corporation's  latest  annual  report  to
     shareholders or otherwise  disclosed herein.  The financial  accounting and
     reporting process relies on estimates and on the exercise of judgment,  but
     in the opinion of management  all  adjustments,  consisting  only of normal
     recurring  accruals,  necessary  for a fair  statement  of the results were
     recorded for the interim periods.

     The Company  adopted  Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards No. 142
     ("FAS 142") "Goodwill and Other  Intangible  Assets".  Under FAS 142, which
     took  effect for fiscal  years  beginning  after  December  15,  2001,  all
     goodwill  resulting from business  combinations will no longer be amortized
     against  operations  but must be  tested  at least  annually  for  possible
     impairment of its continued  value.  Such a test was performed in the first
     quarters  of 2004 and 2003 and did not  result in  impairment  charges.  At
     March  31,  2004  and  December  31,  2003,   the  Company's   consolidated
     unamortized goodwill asset balance was $88.8 and $87.5, respectively.

     Effective  January 1, 2003,  the Company  elected to  reclassify  its fixed
     maturity  securities  categorized  as held to maturity to the available for
     sale  classification.  The  securities  involved are primarily  utility and
     tax-exempt  bonds  that  accounted  for  approximately  34  percent  of Old
     Republic's investment  portfolio.  The decision was prompted by restrictive
     accounting  rules  affecting held to maturity  investment  securities.  The
     necessarily   mechanical   application  of  these  rules  can  inhibit  the
     Corporation's  ability to optimally manage its investments from a practical
     business  point of view.  This change has no income  statement  impact,  no
     effect on Old Republic's ability to hold individual  securities to maturity
     as it may deem  appropriate,  and does not affect the  Company's  necessary
     long-term orientation in the management of its business. Going forward, Old
     Republic's  shareholders'  equity  account could reflect  somewhat  greater
     period-to-period  volatility  as the entire bond, note and stock investment
     portfolio will now be marked to market on a quarterly basis.  Nevertheless,
     the Company  believes that its ability to hold securities until they mature
     or until such other time when they can be sold  opportunistically  are much
     more significant  factors than the balance sheet or income statement effect
     of changes in market values at any point in time.

     During the  second  quarter  of 2003,  the  Company  adopted  Statement  of
     Financial   Accounting  Standards  No.  148  ("FAS  148")  "Accounting  for
     Stock-Based  Compensation - Transition and Disclosure - an amendment of FAS
     No. 123" as described more fully in footnote 2(b) herein.


2.   Common Share Data:

     (a) Earnings Per Share - Common share data has been retroactively  adjusted
     to reflect all stock  dividends and splits.  The following table provides a
     reconciliation of the income and number of shares used in basic and diluted
     earnings per share calculations.

                                                                                                Quarters Ended March 31,
                                                                                                 2004              2003
                                                                                            -------------     -------------
<s>                                                                                         <c>               <c>
             Net Income ..............................................................      $       106.4     $       104.3
             Less preferred stock dividends...........................................                --                --
                                                                                            -------------     -------------

             Numerator for basic earnings per share -
                income available to common stockholders...............................              106.4             104.3

             Effect of dilutive securities:
             Convertible preferred stock dividends....................................                --                --
                                                                                            -------------     -------------

          Numerator for diluted earnings per share -
             income available to common stockholders
             after assumed conversions................................................      $       106.4     $       104.3
                                                                                            =============     =============

             Denominator for basic earnings per share -
                weighted-average shares...............................................        181,962,757       180,932,204

          Effect of dilutive securities:
             Stock options............................................................          2,541,708         1,045,321
             Convertible preferred stock..............................................                --              8,265
                                                                                            -------------     -------------
             Dilutive potential common shares.........................................          2,541,708         1,053,586
                                                                                            -------------     -------------

          Denominator for diluted earnings per share -
             adjusted weighted-average shares and
             assumed conversions......................................................        184,504,465       181,985,790
                                                                                            =============     =============

          Basic earnings per share....................................................      $        0.58     $        0.57
                                                                                            =============     =============
          Diluted earnings per share..................................................      $        0.57     $        0.57
                                                                                            =============     =============


     (b) Stock Options - The Financial Accounting Standards Board has issued FAS
     148 for periods  starting after December 15, 2002. As of April 1, 2003, the
     Company  adopted the  requirements  of FAS 148  utilizing  the  prospective
     method. Under this method,  stock-based  compensation expense is recognized
     for awards granted after the beginning of the fiscal year of adoption.  For
     all other stock option awards outstanding, the Company continues to use the
     intrinsic value method permitted under existing accounting  pronouncements.
     The following  table shows a comparison of net income and related per share
     information as reported,  and on a pro-forma  basis on the assumption  that
     the estimated value of stock options was treated as  compensation  cost. In
     estimating the compensation cost of options,  the fair value of options has
     been  calculated  using the  Black-Scholes  option pricing  model.  Expense
     recognition of stock options granted in 2003 and 2004 reduced  earnings per
     share by two cents per share in this year's first quarter.

                                                                                                Quarters Ended March 31,
                                                                                                 2004             2003
                                                                                            --------------    --------------
<s>                                                                                         <c>               <c>
          Comparative data:
             Net income:
                As reported...........................................................      $        106.4    $        104.3
                Add: Stock based compensation expense included in
                   reported income, net of related tax effects........................                 4.1               --
                Deduct: Total stock-based employee compensation
                   expenses determined under the fair value based
                   method for all awards, net of related tax effects..................                 9.5               3.5
                                                                                            --------------    --------------
                Pro-forma basis.......................................................      $        101.0    $        100.7
                                                                                            ==============    ==============
             Basic earnings per share:
                As reported...........................................................      $         0.58    $         0.57
                Pro-forma basis.......................................................                0.56              0.56
             Diluted earnings per share:
                As reported...........................................................                0.57              0.57
                Pro-forma basis.......................................................      $         0.55    $         0.55
                                                                                            ==============    ==============

     Options  were  granted  during  the  first  quarter  of 2004  and  2003 for
     1,990,500  and  1,852,500  shares of common  stock,  respectively.  Options
     outstanding  as of March 31, 2004 and 2003 were  9,895,529  and  8,983,550,
     respectively.  The maximum number of options  available for future issuance
     as of March 31, 2004 is 1,022,671.

3.   Unrealized Appreciation of Investments:

     Cumulative net unrealized gains on fixed maturity securities  available for
     sale and  equity  securities  credited  to a  separate  account  in  common
     shareholders'  equity  amounted  to $250.9 at March  31,  2004.  Unrealized
     appreciation of  investments,  before  applicable  deferred income taxes of
     $135.1,  at March 31, 2004 included gross  unrealized gains and (losses) of
     $428.6 and ($42.5), respectively.

     For the quarters ended March 31, 2004 and 2003, net unrealized appreciation
     of investments,  net of deferred income taxes (credits),  amounted to $16.7
     and $57.5, respectively.


4.   Pension Plans:

     The  Corporation has three defined benefit pension plans covering a portion
     of its work  force.  The  three  plans are the Old  Republic  International
     Salaried  Employees  Restated  Retirement Plan (the Old Republic Plan), the
     Bituminous  Casualty  Corporation  Retirement  Income Plan (the  Bituminous
     plan) and the Old  Republic  National  Title Group  Pension Plan (the Title
     Plan).  The plans are  defined  benefit  plans  pursuant  to which  pension
     payments are based primarily on years of service and employee  compensation
     near retirement. It is the Corporation's policy to fund the plans' costs as
     they accrue. Plan assets are comprised  principally of bonds, common stocks
     and short-term investments.

     The measurement dates used to determine  pension  measurements are December
     31 for the Old Republic plan and the Bituminous Plan and September 30 for
     the Title Plan.

     The  components  of  estimated  net  periodic  pension  cost for the  plans
     consisted of the following:

                                                                                                Quarters Ended March 31,
                                                                                                 2004             2003
                                                                                            --------------    --------------
<s>                                                                                         <c>               <c>
                Service cost..........................................................      $          1.9    $          1.4
                Interest cost.........................................................                 2.8               2.7
                Expected return on plan assets........................................                (3.5)             (3.5)
                Recognized loss.......................................................                 0.6               0.7
                                                                                            --------------    --------------
                Net cost..............................................................      $          1.9    $          1.4
                                                                                            ==============    ==============

     The companies  expect to contribute $0.4 to their pension plans in calendar
     year 2004.  The companies  contributed  $10.1 in 2003.  Such  contributions
     reflect  amounts  required  by funding  regulations  or laws.  There are no
     discretionary  contributions anticipated nor are any non-cash contributions
     expected during 2004.  There were no  discretionary  contributions  nor any
     non-cash contributions made in 2003.


5.   Information About Segments of Business:

     The Corporation's  business segments are organized as the General Insurance
     (property and liability insurance),  Mortgage Guaranty, Title Insurance and
     Life Insurance Groups. Each of the Corporation's  segments  underwrites and
     services only those insurance coverages which may be written by it pursuant
     to state insurance  regulations and corporate charter  provisions.  Segment
     results  exclude  realized  investment  gains or losses and  impairments as
     these are  aggregated in  consolidated  totals.  The  contributions  of Old
     Republic's  insurance industry segments to consolidated totals are shown in
     the following table.

                                                                                                 Quarters Ended March 31,
                                                                                                  2004             2003
                                                                                              -------------    -------------
<s>                                                                                           <c>              <c>
      General Insurance Group:
         Net premiums earned...........................................................       $       376.5    $       313.9
         Net investment income and other income (a)....................................                48.8             47.9
                                                                                              -------------    -------------
               Total revenues before realized gains (losses)...........................       $       425.4    $       361.8
                                                                                              =============    =============
         Income before taxes and realized investment gains (losses)....................       $        74.3    $        59.4
                                                                                              =============    =============
         Income tax expense............................................................       $        23.1    $        17.5
                                                                                              =============    =============

      Mortgage Guaranty Group:
         Net premiums earned...........................................................       $        98.7    $       100.0
         Net investment income and other income (a)....................................                21.4             24.8
                                                                                              -------------    -------------
               Total revenues before realized gains (losses)...........................       $       120.2    $       124.8
                                                                                              =============    =============
         Income before taxes and realized investment gains (losses)....................       $        57.4    $        75.9
                                                                                              =============    =============
         Income tax expense............................................................       $        19.3    $        25.7
                                                                                              =============    =============

      Title Insurance Group:
         Net premiums earned...........................................................       $       168.3    $       153.9
         Title, escrow and other fees  ................................................                65.8             79.6
                                                                                              -------------    -------------
               Sub-total...............................................................               234.1            233.6
         Net investment income and other income (a)....................................                 6.5              5.9
                                                                                              -------------    -------------
               Total revenues before realized gains (losses)...........................       $       240.7    $       239.6
                                                                                              =============    =============
         Income before taxes and realized investment gains (losses)....................       $        13.2    $        25.7
                                                                                              =============    =============
         Income tax expense............................................................       $         4.4    $         8.8
                                                                                              =============    =============

      Life Insurance Group:
         Net premiums earned...........................................................       $        17.1    $        16.0
         Net investment income and other income (a)....................................                 1.7              1.7
                                                                                              -------------    -------------
               Total revenues before realized gains (losses)...........................       $        18.8    $        17.7
                                                                                              =============    =============
         Income before taxes and realized investment gains (losses)....................       $         0.9    $         1.3
                                                                                              =============    =============
         Income tax expense............................................................       $         0.3    $         0.4
                                                                                              =============    =============

      Consolidated Revenues:
         Total revenues of Company segments............................................       $       805.2    $       744.0
         Consolidated net realized investment gains (losses)...........................                15.6             (6.7)
         Other revenues................................................................                 2.5              2.7
         Elimination of intersegment revenues (b)......................................                (0.9)            (0.9)
                                                                                              -------------    -------------
               Consolidated revenues...................................................       $       822.4    $       739.0
                                                                                              =============    =============

      Consolidated Income before taxes:
         Total income before taxes and realized investment
               gains (losses) of Company segments......................................       $       146.0    $       162.4
         Consolidated net realized investment gains (losses)...........................                15.6             (6.7)
         Other sources - net...........................................................                (3.4)            (1.9)
                                                                                              -------------    -------------
               Consolidated income before income taxes ................................       $       158.2    $       153.8
                                                                                              =============    =============

     In the above tables,  net premiums  earned on a GAAP basis differ  slightly
     from  statutory  amounts  due to certain  differences  in  calculations  of
     unearned premium reserves under each accounting method.
     (a) Including  unallocated  investment income derived from invested capital
         and surplus funds.
     (b) Represents results of holding company parent, three minor subsidiaries,
         consolidation eliminating adjustments,  and general corporate expenses,
         as applicable.


                                                                                                       March 31,      December 31,
     Consolidated Assets:                                                                                2004            2003
                                                                                                     ------------    -------------
<s>                                                                                                  <c>             <c>
        General................................................................................      $    6,774.7    $     6,603.5
        Mortgage...............................................................................           2,148.1          2,080.1
        Title .................................................................................             713.7            720.5
        Life  .................................................................................             248.3            244.6
          Consolidated ........................................................................      $    9,959.6    $     9,712.3
                                                                                                     ============    =============

6.   Commitments and Contingent Liabilities:

     (a) Legal  proceedings  against the Company  arise in the normal  course of
     business and usually pertain to claim matters related to insurance policies
     and contracts issued by its insurance subsidiaries. Other legal proceedings
     are discussed below.

     The City and County of San  Francisco  and certain  escrow  customers of an
     underwritten  title  agency  subsidiary   headquartered  in  the  State  of
     California  filed  lawsuits  alleging  that the  subsidiary:  1)  failed to
     escheat  unclaimed  escrow funds;  2) charged for services not  necessarily
     provided;  and 3) collected illegal interest payments or fees from banks on
     the  basis of funds  held for  escrow  customers.  The  subsidiary  in turn
     conducted  an  internal  review of its records  and  concluded  that it had
     certain  liabilities  for part of the issues  denoted  at (1) and (2).  The
     subsidiary  defended  against  the alleged  practice  denoted at (3) on the
     grounds that such  practices  are common  within the  industry,  are not in
     conflict with any laws or regulations,  and other meritorious defenses. The
     consolidated lawsuits were tried and a judgment rendered, affirming in part
     and  denying  in part the  subsidiary's  defenses.  In the  aggregate,  the
     judgment, excluding post-judgment interest, amounts to approximately $33.0.
     The subsidiary has appealed the most significant  portions of the judgment,
     and  management  believes the  judgment  will be  substantially  reduced on
     appeal.  Through March 31, 2004, the subsidiary has  continually  evaluated
     its exposures since the litigation began and has paid or otherwise provided
     cumulatively $53.0, including its best estimate of its remaining liability,
     costs associated with all these issues,  and  accumulating  interest on the
     aforementioned judgment.

     Purported  class  actions have  recently been filed in state courts in Ohio
     and Florida against the Company's principal title insurance subsidiary, Old
     Republic National Title Insurance Company ("ORNTIC"). Substantially similar
     lawsuits  have been filed against  other title  insurance  companies in New
     York and Florida.  Plaintiffs allege that, pursuant to rate schedules filed
     by ORNTIC with insurance regulators,  ORNTIC was required to, but failed to
     give consumers a reissue credit on the premiums charged for title insurance
     covering mortgage refinancing  transactions.  Both actions seek damages and
     declaratory  and injunctive  relief.  ORNTIC  intends to defend  vigorously
     against  these  actions,  but at this  early  stage in the  litigation  the
     Company  cannot  estimate the costs it may incur as the actions  proceed to
     their conclusions.

     An action  was  filed  recently  in the  Federal  District  court for South
     Carolina against the Company's  wholly-owned  mortgage  guaranty  insurance
     subsidiary,  Republic Mortgage Insurance Company ("RMIC"). Similar lawsuits
     have been  filed  against  the  other  six  private  mortgage  insurers  in
     different   Federal  District   Courts.   The  action  against  RMIC  seeks
     certification  of a  nationwide  class  of  consumers  who  were  allegedly
     required to pay for  private  mortgage  insurance  at a cost  greater  than
     RMIC's  "best  available  rate".  The action  alleges  that the decision to
     insure  their  loans at a higher  rate was based on the  consumers'  credit
     scores and  constituted  an "adverse  action"  within the  meaning,  and in
     violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, that requires notice, allegedly
     not given,  to the  consumers.  The action  seeks  statutory  and  punitive
     damages,  as well as other costs. RMIC intends to defend vigorously against
     the action,  but at this early stage in the  litigation  the Company cannot
     estimate  the  costs  it  may  incur  as  the  litigation  proceeds  to its

     (b) In April,  2004 the  Internal  Revenue  Service  ("IRS")  provided  the
     Company a so-called  "30 Day Letter"  resulting  from a recently  completed
     examination of tax returns for years 1998 to 2000. In substance, the letter
     alleges that certain claim reserve  deductions  taken through year end 2000
     were  overstated  and thus served to reduce taxable income for those years.
     The Company has made a preliminary review of the IRS calculations,  and has
     concluded  that actual loss  settlements  and reserve  re-estimates  in the
     three years following  December 31, 2000 can disprove the most  substantial
     portions of the alleged reserve  overstatements.  Accordingly,  the Company
     intends to defend vigorously the validity of claim reserve deductions taken
     in its tax  returns.  In the  event  the  Company's  position  is not fully
     sustained,  payments of any  additional  taxes owed would be categorized as
     timing differences, and as such would likely have little effect on its GAAP
     financial statements.


                     Quarters Ended March 31, 2004 and 2003
                       ($ in Millions, Except Share Data)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                         OVERVIEW AND EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

     This  management  analysis of financial  position and results of operations
pertains to the consolidated accounts of Old Republic International Corporation.
The Company  conducts its business  through three major  segments,  namely,  its
General  (property  and  liability),  Mortgage  Guaranty,  and  Title  insurance
segments, as well as a smaller Life insurance segment. The consolidated accounts
are presented on the basis of generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP").
This  analysis  should be read in  conjunction  with the most recent  annual and
quarterly consolidated financial statements and the footnotes appended to them.

     The insurance business is distinguished from most others in that the prices
(premiums)  charged  for various  coverages  are set  without  certainty  of the
ultimate  benefit and claim costs that will  emerge or be  incurred,  often many
years after issuance of a policy.  This basic fact casts Old Republic's business
as a  long-term  undertaking  which  is  managed  with a  primary  focus  on the
achievement of favorable  underwriting  results. In addition to operating income
stemming from Old Republic's basic underwriting/service  functions,  significant
revenues are obtained from  investable  funds generated by those  functions,  as
well as retained shareholders' capital. In managing investable funds the Company
aims to assure  stability of income from interest and  dividends,  protection of
capital,  and  sufficient  liquidity to meet  insurance  underwriting  and other
obligations  as they become  payable in the future.  Securities  trading and the
realization of capital gains are not  objectives.  The investment  philosophy is
therefore best categorized as emphasizing value, credit quality,  and relatively
long-term holding periods. The Company's ability to hold both fixed maturity and
equity  securities  for long  periods of time is enabled  by the  scheduling  of
maturities in accord with an appropriate matching of assets and liabilities.

     Given the above  factors,  the  Company's  affairs are managed for the long
haul,  without  regard to the  arbitrary  strictures of quarterly or even annual
reporting  periods that publicly held companies must observe.  In Old Republic's
view,  short  reporting time frames do not comport with the long-term  nature of
much of its  business,  driven  as it is by a strong  focus  on the  fundamental
underwriting and related service functions of the Company.  Management  believes
that Old  Republic's  operating  results  and  financial  condition  can best be
evaluated by observing  underwriting  performance trends over succeeding five to
ten year  intervals.  Such  time  periods  are  likely to  encompass  one or two
economic  cycles,  and  provide  appropriate  time frames for such cycles to run
their  course,  and for  reserved  claim  costs to be  quantified  with  greater
finality and effect.

                                      * * *

     Old Republic's consolidated pretax operating earnings dropped moderately in
the first quarter of 2004. The shortfall  stemmed  largely from the  anticipated
weakening of the Company's Mortgage and Title insurance segments. Old Republic's
General Insurance  business,  however,  continued to produce strong underwriting
results that largely offset the lower contributions from the two other segments.
Consolidated  pretax  earnings in this year's first  quarter were also  affected
adversely by required stock option compensation charges of $6.4, (or 2 cents per
share  after tax),  of which $5.6  represented  the  expense of a  non-recurring
vesting acceleration of stock option costs; first quarter 2003 operating results
were not burdened by similar charges.

     The major components of pretax income and resulting  consolidated  GAAP net
income discussed in this report were as follows:

                                                                                                Quarters Ended March 31,
                                                                                       2004               2003           % Change
                                                                                   -------------     -------------     ------------
<s>                                                                                <c>               <c>               <c>
Pretax operating income (loss):
General ......................................................................     $        74.3     $        59.4           25.1%
Mortgage Guaranty ............................................................              57.4              75.9          -24.3
Title ........................................................................              13.2              25.7          -48.5
Corporate and other...........................................................              (2.5)             (0.6)
                                                                                   -------------     -------------     ------------
   Sub-total..................................................................             142.5             160.5          -11.2
Realized investment gains (losses)............................................              15.6              (6.7)
                                                                                   -------------     -------------     ------------
Consolidated pretax income ...................................................             158.2             153.8            2.8
   Income taxes...............................................................              51.7              49.4            4.7
                                                                                   -------------     -------------     ------------
Net income....................................................................     $       106.4     $       104.3            1.9%
                                                                                   =============     =============     ============
Components of Diluted Earnings Per Share:
   Net operating income.......................................................     $        0.52     $        0.60          -13.3%
   Net realized gains (losses)................................................              0.05             (0.03)
                                                                                   -------------     -------------     ------------
   Net income.................................................................     $        0.57     $        0.57             --%
                                                                                   =============     =============     ============


     Old Republic's  General  Insurance  Group,  which  underwrites  principally
commercial property and liability insurance  coverages,  reported a 25.1 percent
increase in pretax operating income to $74.3 for this year's first quarter. This
compares to $59.4 earned during the same period of 2003. Net premiums  earned in
this year's first  quarter were $376.5,  up 20.0 percent from $313.9 a year ago.
The composite  underwriting ratio for the first three months of 2004 reflected a
slight decline to 93.0 percent when compared to 94.8 percent posted in the first
quarter of 2003,  and 93.3 percent for all of 2003.  The  positive  underwriting
results are  attributable  to the steadily  improved  pricing and risk selection
standards  that have been  applied  since  2001,  reduced  claim  frequency  and
severity,  and  well-controlled  expenses for substantially all of the Company's
general insurance coverages.

     Old Republic's Mortgage Guaranty Group posted a 24.3 percent drop in pretax
operating  earnings to $57.4 in this year's first quarter.  Net premium revenues
in the most recent  quarter were $98.7,  or just 1.3 percent  below the year-ago
level of  $100.0.  Persistency  for the  traditional  primary  book of  business
improved for the second consecutive quarter, rising to 50.2 percent.

     The composite underwriting ratio in the first three months of 2004 was 58.6
percent  compared to 40.5 percent  posted in the same quarter of 2003,  and 56.1
percent  in last  year's  final  quarter.  Traditional  primary  business  claim
severity,  measured in terms of average claim  reserves and  payments,  remained
relatively stable in this year's first quarter, as did claim frequency. The loss
ratio of 29.5  percent,  while  significantly  higher than the 15.2 percent loss
ratio posted in the first three months of 2003,  was  moderately  lower than the
32.0 percent posted in last year's final quarter.  More than half of the quarter
over quarter  increase in the expense ratio reflected the  aforementioned  stock
option costs incurred by this segment.

     Old Republic's  Title  Insurance  Group  reflected mixed results in the key
components  of its  pretax  bottom  line which  dropped by 48.5  percent in this
year's  first  quarter.  Premiums  were  up  9.3  percent  quarter-over-quarter,
benefiting  from the  reporting lag  associated  with November and December 2003
production from independent agency sources.  On the other hand, escrow and other
fee revenues from current  direct  operations  dropped 17.4  percent.  In total,
premium and fee  revenues  were  basically  flat at $234.1 in this year's  first
quarter.  Claim costs,  which are associated  principally with premium revenues,
were  stable  for both  quarterly  periods,  while  other  costs,  inclusive  of
commissions paid on agency-derived premium production,  rose by 6.2 percent year
over year. In combination,  these factors  produced a higher  composite ratio of
97.0  percent in this year's  first  quarter,  compared to 91.5 percent and 93.7
percent  in the  first  and  final  quarters  of 2003,  respectively.  While net
investment  income grew by 7.3 percent in the first  three  months of 2004,  the
gain was not  sufficient to offset the downward  bias of the  Company's  results
from its basic underwriting/service functions.

     Old  Republic's  small Life and the  Corporate  service  operations  of the
parent holding company  produced  combined pretax losses of $2.5 and $0.6 in the
first quarters of 2004 and 2003, respectively.  Lower life and health income was
largely caused by greater life insurance claim costs, while corporate operations
were affected  negatively by the  aforementioned  recognition of allocated stock
option costs as well as higher employee benefit expenses.

     Realized  investment  gains  (losses)  amounted  to $15.6 and ($6.7) in the
first  quarters of 2004 and 2003,  respectively.  The  realization of investment
gains or losses can be highly discretionary and arbitrary due to such factors as
the timing of individual  securities sales,  losses from write-downs of impaired
securities,  tax-planning  considerations,  and changes in investment management
judgments  relative  to the  direction  of  securities  markets  or  the  future
prospects of individual investees or industry sectors. Write-downs of securities
deemed  other  than  temporarily  impaired  are in turn  caused by a variety  of
factors,  including  adverse  securities'  market  trends and  industry-wide  or
issuer-specific  developments  that can lead to the  recognition  of a permanent
loss of market value or non-recoverability of asset cost.

     Cash and  invested  assets at March 31, 2004,  totaled  $7.08  billion,  or
$38.92 per share, compared to $6.84 billion or $37.71 per share, at December 31,
2003, and $6.40 billion,  or $35.42 per share, at March 31, 2003. The investment
portfolio   reflects  a  current  allocation  of  approximately  86  percent  in
fixed-maturity securities and 7 percent in equities. As in the past, it contains
little or no exposure to real estate  investments,  mortgage-backed  securities,
derivatives,  junk bonds,  private  placements or mortgage  loans.  Consolidated
operating cash flow continued to be positive in the latest  quarter,  growing by
19.5 percent to $234.6.

     Common  shareholders'  equity was $3.66 billion at March 31, 2004, compared
to $3.55 billion at December 31, 2003, and $3.30 billion at March 31, 2003. Book
value per share was $20.16 at the end of March 2004,  versus  $19.57 at year-end
2003 and $18.26 at March 31,  2003.  The latest  quarter's  change in book value
reflects   principally   the   retention  of  earnings  in  excess  of  dividend
requirements,  and an increase in the value of investment  securities carried at
market values.


                         CHANGES IN ACCOUNTING POLICIES

     During  the  first  quarter  of 2002,  the  Company  adopted  Statement  of
Financial   Accounting  Standards  No.  142  ("FAS  142")  "Goodwill  and  Other
Intangible  Assets".  Under FAS 142, goodwill and certain intangible assets will
no longer be amortized  against  operations but must be tested at least annually
for possible impairment of their carrying values. At March 31, 2004 and December
31, 2003,  the Company's  consolidated  unamortized  goodwill  asset balance was
$88.8 and  $87.5.  During  the first  quarter of 2004,  the  Company  tested the
carrying value of its goodwill and intangible  assets and determined  that there
was no indication of impairment of such assets.

     Effective  January 1, 2003,  the Company  elected to  reclassify  its fixed
maturity  securities  categorized  as held to maturity to the available for sale
classification.  The  securities  involved are primarily  utility and tax-exempt
bonds that accounted for  approximately 34 percent of Old Republic's  investment
portfolio.  The decision was prompted by restrictive  accounting rules affecting
held to maturity investment  securities.  The necessarily mechanical application
of these rules can inhibit the  Corporation's  ability to  optimally  manage its
investments  from a practical  business point of view. This change has no income
statement  impact,  no  effect  on Old  Republic's  ability  to hold  individual
securities  to  maturity  as it may deem  appropriate,  and does not  affect the
Company's  necessary  long-term  orientation  in the management of its business.
Going  forward,  Old  Republic's  shareholders'  equity  account  could  reflect
somewhat greater period-to-period  volatility as the entire bond, note and stock
investment  portfolio  will  now be  marked  to  market  on a  quarterly  basis.
Nevertheless,  the Company  believes that its ability to hold  securities  until
they mature or until such other time when they can be sold opportunistically are
much more  significant  and meaningful  factors than the balance sheet or income
statement effect of changes in market values at any point in time.

     The Financial  Accounting Standards Board has issued Statement of Financial
Accounting   Standards  No.  148  ("FAS  148")   "Accounting   for   Stock-Based
Compensation  -  Transition  and  Disclosure  - an amendment of FAS No. 123" for
periods  starting  after  December  15, 2002.  As of April 1, 2003,  the Company
adopted the requirements of FAS 148 utilizing the prospective method. Under this
method,  stock-based compensation expense is recognized for awards granted after
the beginning of the fiscal year of adoption.  For all other stock option awards
outstanding,  the Company  continues to use the intrinsic value method permitted
under existing accounting pronouncements. In estimating the compensation cost of
options,  the fair value of options has been calculated using the  Black-Scholes
option pricing model. Required stock option compensation charges of $6.4 reduced
earnings per share by 2 cents per share in the first  quarter of 2004,  of which
$5.6  represented  the expense of a non-recurring  vesting  acceleration of such
costs.  First  quarter 2003  operating  results were not burdened by any charges
related to the expensing of stock option awards.

                               FINANCIAL POSITION

     The Company's  financial position at March 31, 2004 reflected  increases in
assets,  liabilities  and common  shareholders'  equity of 2.5%,  2.2% and 3.2%,
respectively,  when compared to the  immediately  preceding  year-end.  Cash and
invested assets  represented 71.1% and 70.5% of consolidated  assets as of March
31, 2004 and December 31, 2003,  respectively.  Consolidated operating cash flow
was positive at $234.6 in this year's first  quarter,  compared to $196.4 in the
same period of 2003.  As of March 31, 2004,  the invested  asset base  increased
3.4% to $7,082.6  principally  as a result of higher  operating cash flow and an
increase in the fair value of investments.

     During  the  first  three  months  of  2004,  the   Corporation   committed
substantially all investable funds to short to intermediate-term  fixed maturity
securities.  At both March 31, 2004 and December 31, 2003,  approximately 99% of
the Company's investments consisted of marketable securities,  including tax and
loss bonds held by its mortgage  guaranty  subsidiaries for tax purposes,  which
are  redeemable by the U.S.  Treasury.  Old Republic  continues to adhere to its
long-term  policy  of  investing  primarily  in  investment  grade,   marketable
securities. Investable funds have not been directed to so-called "junk bonds" or
types  of  securities  categorized  as  derivatives.  At  March  31,  2004,  Old
Republic's  commitment to equity  securities  decreased  7.6% in relation to the
related  invested  balance at year-end 2003;  this resulted mostly from sales of
equity securities and reduced net unrealized gains on the remaining holdings. At
March 31, 2004, the Company had no fixed  maturity  investments in default as to
principal and/or interest.

     Relatively high short-term  maturity  investment  positions continued to be
maintained  as of March 31,  2004.  Such  investment  positions  reflect a large
variety of seasonal and  intermediate-term  factors  including current operating
needs,  expected operating cash flows, and investment  strategy  considerations.
Accordingly, the future level of short-term investments will vary and respond to
the interplay of these  factors and may, as a result,  increase or decrease from
current levels.

     The Company does not own or utilize  derivative  financial  instruments for
the  purpose  of  hedging,  enhancing  the  overall  return  of  its  investment
portfolio,  or  reducing  the cost of its debt  obligations.  With regard to its
equity portfolio, the Company does not own any options nor does it engage in any
type of option writing.  Traditional  investment management tools and techniques
are employed to address the yield and valuation exposures of the invested assets
base.  The long-term  fixed  maturity  investment  portfolio is managed so as to
limit  various  risks  inherent in the bond  market.  Credit  risk is  addressed


through   asset    diversification  and   the   purchase  of   investment  grade
securities.  Reinvestment  rate risk is reduced by concentrating on non-callable
issues,  and by taking  asset-liability  matching  considerations  into account.
Purchases of mortgage and asset backed securities, which have variable principal
prepayment options, are generally avoided.  Market value risk is limited through
the  purchase  of bonds  of  intermediate  maturity.  The  combination  of these
investment  management  practices is expected to produce a more stable long-term
fixed maturity investment portfolio that is not subject to extreme interest rate
sensitivity  and  principal  deterioration.  The market  value of the  Company's
long-term  fixed  maturity  investment  portfolio  is  sensitive,   however,  to
fluctuations  in the level of interest  rates,  but not  materially  affected by
changes in  anticipated  cash  flows  caused by any  prepayments.  The impact of
interest rate  movements on the long-term  fixed maturity  investment  portfolio
generally  affects net  unrealized  gains or losses.  As a general rule,  rising
interest  rates  enhance  currently  available  yields but  typically  lead to a
reduction in the fair value of existing fixed maturity investments. By contrast,
a decline in such rates reduces currently available yields but usually serves to
increase the fair value of the existing fixed maturity investment portfolio. All
such changes in fair value are reflected, net of deferred income taxes, directly
in the  shareholders'  equity  account,  and  as a  component  of  the  separate
statement of comprehensive  income. Given the Company's inability to forecast or
control the movement of interest rates, Old Republic sets the maturity  spectrum
of its fixed  maturity  securities  portfolio  within  parameters  of  estimated
liability   payouts,   and  focuses  the  overall   portfolio  on  high  quality
investments.  By so doing, Old Republic believes it is reasonably assured of its
ability to hold  securities  to  maturity as it may deem  necessary  in changing
environments, and of ultimately recovering their aggregate cost.

     Possible  future  declines in fair values for Old Republic's bond and stock
portfolios would affect  negatively the common  shareholders'  equity account at
any point in time,  but  would not  necessarily  result  in the  recognition  of
realized  investment  losses.  The Company  reviews the status and market  value
changes of each of its  investments  on at least a  quarterly  basis  during the
year, and estimates of other than temporary impairments in the portfolio's value
are evaluated and established at each quarterly balance sheet date. In reviewing
investments for other than temporary  impairment,  the Company, in addition to a
security's  market price history,  considers the totality of such factors as the
issuer's operating results,  financial  condition and liquidity,  its ability to
access  capital  markets,  credit rating  trends,  most current  audit  opinion,
industry and securities markets  conditions,  and analyst  expectations to reach
its   conclusions.   Sudden  market  value  declines   caused  by  such  adverse
developments as newly emerged or imminent bankruptcy filings,  issuer default on
significant  obligations,  or reports of financial accounting  developments that
bring into  question the validity of previously  reported  earnings or financial
condition,  are  recognized  as  realized  losses as soon as  credible  publicly
available  information  emerges to confirm such developments.  Accordingly,  the
recognition of losses from other than temporary value  impairments is subject to
a great deal of  judgment  as well as turns of events over which the Company can
exercise little or no control. In the event the Company's estimate of other than
temporary  impairments is insufficient at any point in time, future periods' net
income would be adversely affected by the recognition of additional  realized or
impairment  losses, but its financial position would not necessarily be affected
adversely  inasmuch  as such  losses,  or a  portion  of them,  could  have been
recognized previously as unrealized losses.

     The  following  tables show certain  information  relating to the Company's
fixed maturity and equity portfolios as of the dates shown:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                    Credit Quality Ratings of Fixed Maturity Securities (*)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                             March 31,           December 31,
                                                                                               2004                  2003
                                                                                         -----------------    ------------------
<s>                                                                                      <c>                  <c>
Aaa.............................................................................                  30.4%                 29.7%
Aa..............................................................................                  19.1                  19.1
A...............................................................................                  31.1                  32.0
Baa.............................................................................                  18.6                  18.5
                                                                                         -----------------    ------------------
         Total investment grade.................................................                  99.2                  99.3
All other (**)..................................................................                    .8                    .7
                                                                                         -----------------    ------------------
         Total..................................................................                 100.0%                100.0%
                                                                                         =================    ==================

(*)  Credit quality ratings used are those assigned primarily by Moody's;  other
     ratings  are  assigned  by Standard & Poor's and  converted  to  equivalent
     Moody's ratings classifications.
(**) "All other" includes non-investment or non-rated small issues of tax-exempt

     The Company had no gross unrealized  losses on  non-investment  grade fixed
maturity securities as of March 31, 2004.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          Gross Unrealized Losses Stratified by Industry Concentration for Investment Grade Fixed Maturity Securities
                                                     as of March 31, 2004
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                              Amortized          Unrealized
                                                                                                 Cost              Losses
                                                                                             ------------       ------------
<s>                                                                                          <c>                <c>
Fixed Maturity Securities by Industry Concentration:
Municipals......................................................................             $      77.7        $        .7
Utilities.......................................................................                    30.9                 .4
Industrials.....................................................................                     9.0                 .1
Finance.........................................................................                    25.0                 .1
Other ..........................................................................                   113.1                 .8
                                                                                             ------------       ------------
         Total..................................................................             $     255.8 (a)    $       2.4
                                                                                             ============       ============

(a) Represents 4.5 percent of the total fixed maturity securities portfolio.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                      Gross Unrealized Losses Stratified by Industry Concentration for Equity Securities
                                                     as of March 31, 2004
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                                Cost               Losses
                                                                                             ------------       ------------
<s>                                                                                          <c>                <c>
Equity Securities by Industry Concentration:
Healthcare......................................................................             $      55.9        $      14.3
Retail..........................................................................                    31.2                7.1
Natural Gas.....................................................................                    19.2                5.3
Utilities.......................................................................                    22.3                3.8
Other ..........................................................................                    42.6                4.9
                                                                                             ------------       ------------
         Total..................................................................             $     171.3 (b)    $      35.6 (c)
                                                                                             ============       ============

(b)  Represents 40.3 percent of the total equity securities portfolio.
(c)  Represents 8.4 percent of the cost of the total equity securities
     portfolio, while gross unrealized gains represent 20.0 percent of the

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                             Gross Unrealized Losses Stratified For All Fixed Maturity Securities
                                                     as of March 31, 2004
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                  Amortized Cost
                                                           of Fixed Maturity Securities              Gross Unrealized Losses
                                                         ---------------------------------       -------------------------------
                                                                                 Non-                                   Non-
                                                                              Investment                             Investment
                                                              All             Grade Only             All             Grade Only
                                                         -------------       -------------       ------------       ------------
<s>                                                      <c>                 <c>                 <c>                <c>
Maturity Ranges:
Due in one year or less.............................     $         2.5       $        -          $       -          $       -
Due after one year through five years...............              46.4                -                    .3               -
Due after five years through ten years..............             176.7                -                   1.7               -
Due after ten years.................................              30.1                -                    .2               -
                                                         -------------       -------------       ------------       ------------
         Total......................................     $       255.8 (d)   $        -          $        2.4       $       -
                                                         =============       =============       ============       ============

(d) Represents 4.5 percent of the total fixed maturity securities portfolio.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        Gross Unrealized Losses Stratified by Duration and Amount of Unrealized Losses
                                                     as of March 31, 2004
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                       Amount of Gross Unrealized Losses
                                                                                                                Total Gross
                                                       Less than          20% to 50%          More than         Unrealized
                                                      20% of Cost           of Cost          50% of Cost           Loss
                                                     -------------       -------------      -------------      -------------
<s>                                                  <c>                 <c>                <c>                <c>
Number of Months in Loss Position:
Fixed Maturity Securities:
         One to six months....................       $         1.5       $        -         $        -         $         1.5
         Seven to twelve months...............                  .7                -                  -                    .7
         More than twelve months..............                  .1                -                  -                    .1
                                                     -------------       -------------      -------------      -------------
                  Total.......................       $         2.4       $        -         $        -         $         2.4
                                                     =============       =============      =============      =============
Equity Securities:
         One to six months....................       $         4.3       $         4.8      $        -         $         9.1
         Seven to twelve months...............                  .6                -                  -                    .6
         More than twelve months..............                 3.4                22.3               -                  25.8
                                                     -------------       -------------      -------------      -------------
                  Total.......................       $         8.4       $        27.2      $        -         $        35.6
                                                     =============       =============      =============      =============

Number of Issues in Loss Position:
Fixed Maturity Securities:
         One to six months....................                  51                 -                  -                   51
         Seven to twelve months...............                  16                 -                  -                   16
         More than twelve months..............                   2                 -                  -                    2
                                                     -------------       -------------      -------------      -------------
                  Total.......................                  69                 -                  -                   69 (e)
                                                     =============       =============      =============      =============
Equity Securities:
         One to six months....................                   7                   2                -                    9
         Seven to twelve months...............                   3                 -                  -                    3
         More than twelve months..............                   6                   7                -                   13
                                                     -------------       -------------      -------------      -------------
                  Total.......................                  16                   9                -                   25 (e)
                                                     =============       =============      =============      =============

The aging of issues with  unrealized  losses  employs  month-end  closing market
price  comparisons with an issue's original cost. The percentage  reduction from
original  cost  reflects the decline as of a specific  point in time,  March 31,
2004 in the above table,  and  accordingly,  is not  indicative  of a security's
value having been consistently  below its cost at the percentages and throughout
the periods shown.

(e)  At March 31, 2004,  the number of issues in a loss  position  represent 4.5
     percent as to fixed maturities, and 30.9 percent as to equity securities of
     the total number of such issues held by the Company.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                         Age Distribution of Fixed Maturity Securities
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                            March 31,            December 31,
                                                                                              2004                   2003
                                                                                        ------------------    ------------------
<s>                                                                                     <c>                   <c>
Maturity Ranges:
Due in one year or less............................................................                7.6%                 11.0%
Due after one year through five years..............................................               49.0                  50.0
Due after five years through ten years.............................................               40.2                  37.7
Due after ten years through fifteen years..........................................                3.2                   1.3
Due after fifteen years............................................................                  -                     -
                                                                                        ------------------    ------------------
         Total.....................................................................              100.0%                100.0%
                                                                                        ==================    ==================

Average Maturity...................................................................              4.6 Yrs.              4.5 Yrs.
                                                                                        ==================    ==================
Duration (f).......................................................................              4.0                   4.0
                                                                                        ==================    ==================

(f)  Duration is used as a measure of bond price  sensitivity  to interest  rate
     changes.  A duration of 4.0 as of March 31, 2004  implies  that a 100 basis
     point parallel  increase in interest rates from current levels would result
     in a possible  decline in the market value of the long-term  fixed maturity
     investment portfolio of approximately 4.0 percent.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                           Composition of Unrealized Gains (Losses)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                             March 31,             December 31,
                                                                                               2004                   2003
                                                                                        -------------------    -----------------
<s>                                                                                     <c>                    <c>
On Fixed Maturity Securities:
Amortized cost.....................................................................     $           5,633.7    $         5,463.9
Estimated fair value...............................................................                 5,959.7              5,741.1
                                                                                        -------------------    -----------------
Gross unrealized gains.............................................................                   328.4                285.0
Gross unrealized losses............................................................                    (2.4)                (7.8)
                                                                                        -------------------    -----------------
         Net unrealized gains .....................................................     $             325.9    $           277.1
                                                                                        ===================    =================

On Equity Securities:
Cost...............................................................................     $             425.2    $           439.2
Estimated fair value...............................................................                   474.5                513.5
                                                                                        -------------------    -----------------
Gross unrealized gains.............................................................                    85.0                 98.2
Gross unrealized losses............................................................                   (35.6)               (23.9)
                                                                                        -------------------    -----------------
         Net unrealized gains .....................................................     $              49.3    $            74.2
                                                                                        ===================    =================

     Among other major assets,  substantially  all of the Company's  receivables
are not past due.  Reinsurance  recoverable balances on paid or estimated unpaid
losses are deemed  recoverable from solvent  reinsurers or reduced by allowances
for  estimated  amounts  unrecoverable  which  allowances  are  reflected in the
Company's  net  reserve  liabilities.  Deferred  policy  acquisition  costs  are
estimated by taking into account the variable costs of producing  specific types
of insurance  policies,  and  evaluating  their  recoverability  on the basis of
recent trends in claims costs.  The Company's  deferred policy  acquisition cost
balances have not  fluctuated  substantially  from  period-to-period  and do not
represent  significant  percentages of assets,  shareholders' equity, or premium

     The  parent   holding   company  meets  its  liquidity  and  capital  needs
principally   through  dividends  paid  by  its   subsidiaries.   The  insurance
subsidiaries'  ability to pay cash  dividends to the parent company is generally
restricted by law or subject to approval of the insurance regulatory authorities
of the states in which they are domiciled.  The Company can receive up to $321.2
in  dividends  from its  subsidiaries  in 2004  without  the prior  approval  of
regulatory authorities. The liquidity achievable through such permitted dividend
payments is more than adequate to cover the parent holding  company's  currently
expected cash outflows  represented  mostly by interest on outstanding  debt and
quarterly cash dividend payments to shareholders.  In addition, Old Republic can
access  the  commercial  paper  market  for up to $150.0  to meet  unanticipated
liquidity needs.

     Old  Republic's  capitalization  of $3,805.6 at March 31, 2004 consisted of
debt of $137.4 and common shareholders' equity of $3,668.1.  The increase in the
common  shareholders'  equity  account during the first quarter of 2004 reflects
primarily  the retention of earnings in excess of dividend  requirements  and an
increase in the value of  investments  carried at market  values.  At its March,
2004 meeting,  the Company's Board of Directors  authorized the reacquisition of
up to $250.0 of common shares as market  conditions  warrant during the two year
period from that date; no stock had as yet been acquired  through March 31, 2004
pursuant to this authorization.

                              RESULTS OF OPERATIONS


     Pursuant  to  GAAP  applicable  to the  insurance  industry,  revenues  are
associated  with the  related  benefits,  claims,  and  expenses by means of the
provision  for policy  benefits,  the deferral and  subsequent  amortization  of
applicable  acquisition costs, and the recognition of incurred benefits,  claims
and  operating  expenses.  Substantially  all  general  insurance  premiums  are
reflected  in income on a pro-rata  basis.  Earned  but  unbilled  premiums  are
generally  taken  into  income  on  the  billing  date,  while  adjustments  for
retrospective  premiums,  commissions and similar charges or credits are accrued
on the basis of periodic  evaluations  of current  underwriting  experience  and
contractual obligations.

     Nearly all of the Company's  mortgage  guaranty  premiums stem from monthly
installment policies.  Accordingly,  such premiums are fully earned in the month
they are  reported  and  received.  With  respect to minor  numbers of annual or
single premium  policies,  earned premiums are largely  recognized on a pro-rata
basis over the terms of the policies.

     Title  premium  and  fee  revenues   stemming  from  the  Company's  direct
operations  represent  approximately  36% of such  consolidated  title  business
revenues. Such premiums are generally recognized as income at the escrow closing
date which  approximates the policy effective date. Fee income related to escrow
and other  closing  services is recognized  when the related  services have been
performed and completed. The remaining 64% of consolidated title premium and fee
revenues is produced by  independent  title agents and other service  providers.
Rather than making estimates that could be subject to significant  variance from
actual premium and fee production,  the Company  recognizes  revenues from those
sources  upon  receipt.  Such  receipts  can  reflect a three to four  month lag


relative to the effective  date of the underlying  title policy,  and are offset
concurrently by production expenses and claim reserve provisions.

     Ordinary  life  insurance  premiums are  recognized  as revenues  when due,
whereas premiums for other coverages such as credit life, credit disability, and
health  insurance  are  recognized  as income on a  pro-rata,  sum of the years'
digits,  or  combination  of such methods as are deemed most  applicable  in the

     The composition of Old Republic's  earned premiums and fees for the periods
reported upon was as follows:

                                                                                          Quarters Ended March 31,
                                                                                 2004             2003            % Change
                                                                             -------------    --------------    -------------
<s>                                                                          <c>              <c>               <c>
   General Insurance premiums........................................        $       376.5    $        313.9           20.0%
   Mortgage Guaranty premiums........................................                 98.7             100.0           -1.3
   Title Insurance premiums and fees.................................                234.1             233.6            0.2
   Life Insurance premiums...........................................                 17.1              16.0            6.7
                                                                             -------------    --------------    -------------
        Consolidated premiums and fees...............................        $       726.6    $        663.6            9.5%
                                                                             =============    ==============    =============

     Earned  premiums in the General  Insurance  Group  increased as a result of
positive pricing and risk selection  changes the Company has effected during the
past four years,  as well as  additional  business  produced  in an  environment
marked by a more restrictive  marketing stance on the part of many  competitors.
Mortgage  Guaranty premiums were down just 1.3 percent below the year-ago level,
reflecting lower persistency and higher captive cessions. Title premiums were up
9.3 percent  quarter over quarter,  benefiting from the reporting lag associated
with late 2003 production  from  independent  agency  sources,  while escrow and
other fee revenues from direct operations dropped 17.4 percent.  Overall,  title
premium and fee revenues  were  basically  flat.  Life and  disability  premiums
volume has continued to reflect the flattish trends of the past several years as
growth  for the  Company's  limited  product  offerings  has been  inhibited  by
significant price competition among life and health insurers.

     Consolidated  net  investment  income of $70.5 in the first three months of
2004 was up slightly  when  compared to $69.4  posted in the same period of 2003
due to a  continuing  low yield  environment,  which  diluted the benefit of the
Company's  growing asset base. The average annual yield on investments  was 4.4%
and 4.8% for the  quarters  ended March 31, 2004 and 2003,  respectively.  Yield
trends  reflect at once the relatively  short  maturity of Old Republic's  fixed
maturity securities  portfolio and a continuation of a progressively lower yield
environment during recent quarterly periods.

     The  Company's  investment  policies  have not been designed to maximize or
emphasize the  realization of investment  gains.  Rather,  these policies aim to
assure a stable source of income from interest and dividends,  protect  capital,
and  provide  sufficient  liquidity  to meet  insurance  underwriting  and other
obligations as they become payable in the future. Dispositions of fixed maturity
securities arise mostly from scheduled maturities and early calls; for the first
quarters  of  2004  and  2003,  88.8%  and  87.0%,  respectively,  of  all  such
dispositions resulted from these occurrences.  Dispositions of equity securities
at a realized  gain or loss  reflect  such  factors as  ongoing  assessments  of
issuers' business prospects,  rotation among industry sectors,  and tax planning
considerations.  Additionally,  the  amount of net  realized  gains  and  losses
registered  in any one  accounting  period are  affected  by the  aforementioned
assessments of  securities'  values for other than  temporary  impairment.  As a
result of the interaction of all these factors and considerations,  net realized
investment gains or losses can vary significantly from period-to-period, and, in
the Company's view, are not indicative of any particular  trend or result in its
basic  insurance   underwriting  business.  The  following  table  reflects  the
composition of net realized gains or losses for the periods shown:

                                                                                                     Quarters Ended March 31,
                                                                                                      2004              2003
                                                                                                  ------------      ------------
<s>                                                                                               <c>               <c>
Realized Gains (Losses) on Disposition of:
     Fixed maturity securities..........................................................          $         .7      $        1.3
     Equity securities and miscellaneous investments....................................                  14.8               1.4
                                                                                                  ------------      ------------
                  Total.................................................................                  15.6               2.8
                                                                                                  ------------      ------------
Impairment losses on:
     Fixed maturity securities..........................................................                   -                 -
     Equity securities and miscellaneous investments....................................                   -                (9.5)
                                                                                                  ------------      ------------
                  Total.................................................................                   -                (9.5)
                                                                                                  ------------      ------------
Net realized gains (losses).............................................................          $       15.6      $       (6.7)
                                                                                                  ============      ============


     The insurance business is distinguished from most others in that the prices
(premiums)  charged for insurance  coverages are set without clear  knowledge of
the claim costs that will  ultimately  emerge and be incurred,  often many years
after issuance of a policy. In order to achieve a necessary matching of revenues
and expenses, the Company records in each accounting period the benefits, claims
and related  settlement  costs that have been incurred  during the period.  Such
costs are affected by the adequacy of reserve estimates  established for current
and prior years' claim  occurrences.  The establishment of claim reserves by the
Company's  insurance  subsidiaries  is a reasonably  complex and dynamic process
influenced by a large variety of factors.  These factors include past experience
applicable  to the  anticipated  costs of various  types of claims,  continually
evolving and changing legal theories


emanating  from the judicial  system,  recurring  accounting,  statistical,  and
actuarial  studies,  the professional  experience and expertise of the Company's
claim  departments'  personnel or attorneys  and  independent  claim  adjusters,
ongoing changes in claim frequency or severity  patterns such as those caused by
natural disasters, illnesses,  accidents,  work-related injuries, and changes in
general   and   industry-specific   economic   conditions.   Consequently,   the
reserve-setting  process relies on management's  judgments and the opinions of a
large number of persons,  on the  application and  interpretation  of historical
precedent and trends,  and on  expectations  as to future  developments.  At any
point in time, the Company is exposed to possibly higher than anticipated  claim
costs due to all of these  factors,  and to the evolution,  interpretation,  and
expansion of tort law, as well as the effects of unexpected jury verdicts.

     All reserves are thus based on a large number of assumptions  and resulting
estimates which are periodically reviewed and evaluated in the light of emerging
claim experience and changing circumstances.  The resulting changes in estimates
are  recorded in  operations  of the  periods  during  which they are made.  The
Company  believes that its overall  reserving  practices have been  consistently
applied over many years. For at least the past ten years, previously established
reserves have produced reasonable  estimates of the ultimate net costs of claims
incurred. However, no representation is made that ultimate net claim and related
costs  will not  develop in future  years to be greater or lower than  currently
established reserve estimates.

     In addition to the factors cited in the two preceding  paragraphs,  certain
events could impact  adversely  the  Company's  reserve  adequacy and its future
operating  results  and  financial  condition.  With  respect to Old  Republic's
General insurance business,  such events or exposures would include catastrophic
workers'  compensation claims caused by a terrorist attack or a natural disaster
such as an earthquake, legislated retroactive incurrence of previously denied or
settled claims, the levying of major guaranty fund assessments by various states
based on the costs of insurance company failures  apportioned  against remaining
and financially  secure insurers,  the future failure of one or more significant
assuming  reinsurers  that  would  void  or  reduce  the  Company's  reinsurance
recoverable for losses paid or in reserve, and greater than expected involuntary
market  assessments,  such as those caused by forced  participation  in assigned
risk and similar state plans, all of which cannot be reasonably  estimated prior
to their emergence.

     Mortgage  guaranty claim reserves could develop  deficiently as a result of
an unexpected rise in unemployment which might hinder borrowers' ability to cure
mortgage payment defaults.  Significant  declines in home prices could also have
similarly  adverse effects since salvage  recoveries from the sale of properties
obtained  through  foreclosures  could be reduced.  Title  segment  loss reserve
levels  could  be  impacted  adversely  by such  developments  as  reduced  loan
refinancing  activity  whose effect could be to lengthen the period during which
title  policies  remain  exposed  to loss  emergence,  or  reductions  in either
property  values  or  the  volume  of  transactions  which,  by  virtue  of  the
speculative  nature of some real estate  developments,  could lead to  increased
occurrences of fraud,  defalcations  or mechanics'  liens.  As to Old Republic's
life and health segment,  reserve adequacy may be affected  adversely by greater
than  anticipated  medical care cost  inflation as well as greater than expected
frequency and severity of claims.

     In management's opinion,  geographic  concentrations of assureds' employees
in the path of an earthquake or acts of terrorism represent the most significant
catastrophic  risks to Old Republic's  General  insurance  segment.  These risks
would largely impact the workers'  compensation line since primary insurers such
as the Company must, by regulation,  issue unlimited liability  policies.  While
Old Republic obtains a degree of protection  through its reinsurance  program as
to earthquake  exposures,  and until 2005,  through the Terrorism Risk Insurance
Act  of  2002,  there  is no  assurance  that  recoveries  thereunder  would  be
sufficient  to offset the costs of a major  calamity nor  eliminate its possible
major  impact on operating  results and  financial  condition.  Old Republic has
availed  itself of modeling  techniques  to evaluate the  possible  magnitude of
earthquake  or terrorist  induced  claim costs for its most exposed  coverage of
workers'  compensation.   Such  models,  however,  have  not  been  sufficiently
validated  by past  occurrences,  and  rely on a large  variety  and  number  of
assumptions.  As a result,  they may not be predictive  of possible  claims from
future events.  With respect to the Company's  Mortgage Guaranty  business,  the
most significant risk lies in the possibility of prolonged economic dislocations
that would result in high  unemployment  levels and  depressed  property  values
conspiring  to magnify loan default rates and  resulting  claim costs.  In Title
insurance,  the Company's  biggest  exposure likely relates to defalcations  and
fraud which can result in significant  aggregations of claims or  non-collection
of  insurance   premiums.   In  Life   insurance,   as  in  General   insurance,
concentrations  of  insured  lives  coupled  with  a  catastrophic  event  would
represent the Company's largest exposure. In all of these regards,  current GAAP
accounting does not permit the Company's  reserving  practices to anticipate and
provide for these exposures before they occur.

     Most of Old Republic's consolidated claim and related expense reserves stem
from its General insurance business.  At March 31, 2004, such reserves accounted
for 88.6%  and 82.0% of  consolidated  gross  and net of  reinsurance  reserves,
respectively.  The  following  table  shows  a  breakdown  of  gross  and net of
reinsurance claim reserve estimates for major types of insurance coverages as of
that date:


                                                                                                         Gross            Net
                                                                                                       ----------     -----------
<s>                                                                                                    <c>            <c>
Claim and Loss Adjustment Expense Reserves:
Commercial automobile (mostly trucking)...........................................................     $    782.8     $     627.3
Workers' compensation.............................................................................        1,523.3           761.4
General liability.................................................................................          762.8           288.3
Other coverages...................................................................................          517.2           342.9
Unallocated loss adjustment expense reserves......................................................           84.9            84.8
                                                                                                       ----------     -----------
         Total general insurance segment reserves.................................................        3,671.3         2,105.0
Mortgage guaranty.................................................................................          186.2           184.5
Title.............................................................................................          240.2           240.2
Life..............................................................................................           21.5            14.5
Unallocated loss adjustment expense reserves - other segments.....................................           23.3            23.3
                                                                                                       ----------     -----------
         Total claim and loss adjustment expense reserves.........................................     $  4,142.6     $   2,567.6
                                                                                                       ==========     ===========
Asbestosis and environmental claim reserves included in the above
       general insurance reserves: Amount.........................................................     $    112.9     $      80.8
                                                                                                       ==========     ===========
                                   % of total general insurance segment reserves..................           3.1%            3.8%
                                                                                                       ==========     ===========

     Old Republic's General insurance business is composed of a large variety of
lines or classes of commercial insurance; it has negligible exposure to personal
lines such as homeowners or private passenger  automobile insurance that exhibit
wide diversification of risks,  significant frequency of claim occurrences,  and
high degrees of statistical credibility. Most of the General Insurance segment's
claim reserves stem from liability insurance coverages for commercial customers.
Liability claims typically require more extended periods of investigation and at
times protracted  litigation  before they are finally settled,  and thus tend to
exhibit loss  development and payment patterns that stretch over relatively long
periods of time.

     The Company  establishes  point estimates for most reserves on an insurance
coverage  line-by-line  basis  for  individual  subsidiaries,   sub-classes,  or
individual  blocks of business  that have  similar  attributes.  Actuarially  or
otherwise  derived  ranges of reserve  levels are not  utilized in setting  such
reserves. The reserves listed in the table above represent such point estimates.
Accordingly,  the  overall  reserve  level at any point in time  represents  the
compilation of a very large number of reported  ("case")  reserve  estimates and
the results of a variety of formula  calculations  intended to cover  claims and
related costs not as yet reported or emerged  ("IBNR").  Case reserves are based
on continually evolving assessments of the facts available to the Company during
the claim settlement process.  Long-term,  disability-type workers' compensation
reserves are  discounted to present  value based on interest  rates ranging from
3.5% to 4.0%.  Formula  calculations are utilized and are intended to cover IBNR
claim  costs as well as  additional  costs that can arise  from such  factors as
monetary  and  social  inflation,  changes in claims  administration  processes,
changes in  reinsurance  ceded  levels,  and expected  trends in claim costs and
related ratios. Typically, such formulas take into account so-called link ratios
that  represent  prior years'  patterns of incurred or paid loss trends  between
succeeding  years, or past experience  relative to progressions of the number of
claims  reported  over  time and  ultimate  average  costs per  claim.  Reserves
pertaining  to large  individual  commercial  insurance  accounts  that  exhibit
sufficient  statistical  credibility,  and that may be subject to  retrospective
premium  rating  plans  or  the  utilization  of  varying  levels  or  types  of
self-insured  retentions  are  established  on an account by account basis using
case  reserves and  applicable  formula-driven  methods.  For certain  so-called
long-tail  categories of insurance such as excess  liability or excess  workers'
compensation,   officers  and  directors'  liability,  and  commercial  umbrella
liability  relative to which claim development  patterns are particularly  long,
more volatile,  and immature in their early stages of  development,  the Company
judgmentally  establishes the most current  accident years' loss reserves on the
basis of expected  loss  ratios.  As actual  claims data  emerges in  succeeding
years,  the  original  accident  year loss ratio  assumptions  are  validated or
otherwise  adjusted  sequentially  through the  application  of  statistical  or
actuarial projection  techniques such as the  Bornhuetter/Ferguson  method which
utilizes data from the more mature experience of prior years.

     Except for a small  portion that emanates  from ongoing  primary  insurance
operations,  a substantial majority of the asbestosis and environmental  ("A&E")
claim  reserves  posted by Old Republic stem mainly from its  participations  in
assumed  reinsurance  treaties  and  insurance  pools.  Substantially  all  such
participations  were discontinued  fifteen or more years ago and have since been
in run-off  status.  With respect to the primary  portion of gross A&E reserves,
Old Republic administers the related claims through its claims personnel as well
as outside attorneys, and posted reserves reflect its best estimates of ultimate
claim costs. Claims  administration for the assumed portion of the Company's A&E
exposures is handled by the claims  departments  of unrelated  primary or ceding
reinsurance companies.  While the Company performs periodic reviews of a portion
of claim files so managed,  the overall A&E reserves it  establishes  respond to
the paid claim and case  reserve  activity  reported  to the  Company as well as
available  industry  statistical data such as so-called  survival  ratios.  Such
ratios  represent the number of years' average paid losses for the three or five
most recent  calendar  years that are  encompassed  by an insurer's  A&E reserve
level  at any  point in  time.  According  to this  simplistic  appraisal  of an
insurer's  A&E loss reserve  level,  Old  Republic's  average five year survival
ratios  stood at 6.9 years  (gross)  and 10.5 years (net of  reinsurance)  as of
March 31, 2004. Incurred net losses for asbestosis and environmental claims have
averaged  1.2% of General  Insurance  Group  incurred  losses over the past five
years ended December 31, 2003.

     Mortgage  guaranty loss reserves are based on  calculations  that take into
account the number of reported insured mortgage loan defaults as of each balance
sheet date,  as well as  experience-based  estimates of loan  defaults that have
occurred but have not as


yet been  reported.  Further,  the resulting  loss reserve  estimates  take into
account  a large  number  of  variables  including  trends  in  claim  severity,
potential salvage recoveries,  expected cure rates for reported loan defaults at
various stages of default,  and judgments  relative to future employment levels,
housing market activity, and mortgage loan demand and extensions.

     Title insurance and related escrow service loss and loss adjustment expense
reserves are  established  to cover the estimated  settlement  costs of known as
well as claims incurred but not reported,  concurrently  with the recognition of
premium and escrow service  revenues.  Reserves for known claims are based on an
assessment of the facts available to the Company during the settlement  process.
Reserves for claims  incurred but not reported are  established  on the basis of
past  experience and  evaluations of such variables as changes and trends in the
types of policies  issued,  changes in real estate  markets  and  interest  rate
environments,  and changed levels of loan refinancings,  all of which can have a
bearing on the emergence, number, and ultimate cost of claims.

     Life and health  insurance claim reserves also take into account  estimates
of the costs of settling known as well as incurred but not reported claims. Such
estimates  are  based  on an  assessment  of  the  facts  available  during  the
settlement  process and past  experience  as to the  emergence  and  severity of
unreported claims.

     In addition to the above reserve elements, the Company establishes reserves
for loss settlement  costs that are not directly  related to individual  claims.
Such reserves are based on prior years' experience and are intended to cover the
unallocated costs of claim departments' administration of known and IBNR claims.

     Substantially  all of the Company's  reserves for IBNR claims relate to its
general  insurance  business.  As of  March  31,  2004,  the  Company's  general
insurance segment carried reserves of $658.2 to cover claims incurred but not as
yet reported as well as possible  adverse  development of known cases.  As noted
above, the aggregate of these provisions,  known  collectively as IBNR reserves,
results from the  application  of many formulas and  reserve-setting  approaches
that are sensitive to the wide variety of already enumerated factors. Should the
reserves for IBNR claims be  understated  by 10% for a deficiency  of $65.8,  or
3.1% of the Company's net general insurance reserves as of the most current year
end, the impact on the  Company's  income  statement  would be to reduce  pretax
income by that amount. While the Company has not incurred such deficiency levels
on reserves posted as of the 10 most recent year ends, there can be no assurance
that this experience will continue in the future.

     The percentage of net benefits,  claims,  and related  settlement  expenses
measured  against  premiums and related fee revenues of the Company's  operating
segments were as follows:

                                                                                                 Quarters Ended March 31,
                                                                                                  2004             2003
                                                                                              -------------    -------------
<s>                                                                                           <c>              <c>
   General Insurance Group..........................................................                 67.0%            69.2%
   Mortgage Guaranty Group..........................................................                 29.5%            15.2%
   Title Insurance Group............................................................                  6.0%             5.5%
   Life Insurance Group.............................................................                 57.2%            49.2%
        Consolidated................................................................                 41.6%            37.6%
                                                                                              =============    =============

     The general insurance portion of the claims ratio improved in 2004 compared
to  2003.  The  downtrend  in  this  major  cost  factor  reflects  largely  the
aforementioned  pricing and risk selection  improvements  that have been applied
since 2001,  together with reduced loss severity and frequency.  The higher 2004
mortgage guaranty claims ratio results from an increase in claim provisions. The
title insurance loss ratio has been in the low single digits in each of the past
three years due to a continuation  of favorable  trends in claims  frequency and
severity for business underwritten since 1992 in particular.  The uptrend in the
2004 and 2003 title  insurance loss ratios stem from a rise in the net provision
for ultimate claim costs from the  historically  low level achieved in 2001. Old
Republic's  life and health benefit and claims ratio can vary widely from period
to period due to the  relatively  small size of this  segment's book of business
and the  material  impact that even a slight  change in frequency or severity of
death and health  claims can have.  The  consolidated  benefit  and claim  ratio
reflects the changing effect of  period-to-period  contributions of each segment
to consolidated results and this ratio's variances within each segment.

     The ratio of consolidated underwriting, acquisition, and insurance expenses
to net  premiums  and fees  earned was 47.7% and 48.1% in the first  quarters of
2004 and 2003,  respectively.  Variations in these consolidated ratios reflect a
continually  changing mix of  coverages  sold and  attendant  costs of producing
business in the Company's four business segments. The following table sets forth
the expense ratios registered by each business segment for the periods shown:

                                                                                                 Quarters Ended March 31,
                                                                                                  2004             2003
                                                                                              -------------    -------------
<s>                                                                                           <c>              <c>
   General Insurance Group..........................................................                 26.0%            25.6%
   Mortgage Guaranty Group..........................................................                 29.1%            25.3%
   Title Insurance Group............................................................                 91.0%            86.0%
   Life Insurance Group.............................................................                 46.3%            53.0%
        Consolidated................................................................                 47.7%            48.1%
                                                                                              =============    =============


     Expense  ratios for the Company as a whole have remained  basically  stable
for the periods  reported  upon.  The slight  uptrend in the  General  Insurance
Group's  expense ratio reflects the  additional  costs incurred in the face of a
greater revenue base. The mortgage guaranty segment's expense ratio increased in
2004 with more than half of the quarter over  quarter  increase  reflecting  the
aforementioned  stock option costs incurred by this segment. The slight increase
in title sales volume in the first  quarter of 2004 was not  sufficient to cover
the  increase in  expenses  for the  quarter.  Consolidated  interest  and other
corporate  charges  increased  in the first  quarter  2004 due  primarily to the
recognition of allocated stock option costs as well as higher  employee  benefit

     The  effective  consolidated  income  tax rates were 32.7% and 32.1% in the
first quarters of 2004 and 2003,  respectively.  The rates for each year reflect
primarily  the varying  proportions  of pretax  operating  income  derived  from
partially  tax-sheltered  investment income (principally tax-exempt interest) on
the one hand, and the combination of fully taxable investment  income,  realized
investment gains or losses,  and  underwriting and service income,  on the other

                                OTHER INFORMATION

     Reference  is  here  made  to  "Information  About  Segments  of  Business"
appearing elsewhere herein.

     Historical data  pertaining to the operating  performance,  liquidity,  and
other  financial  indicators  applicable to an insurance  enterprise such as Old
Republic are not necessarily  indicative of results to be achieved in succeeding
years.  In addition to the factors  cited  below,  the  long-term  nature of the
insurance  business,  seasonal  and annual  patterns in premium  production  and
incidence of claims,  changes in yields obtained on invested assets,  changes in
government  policies  and free  markets  affecting  inflation  rates and general
economic  conditions,  and changes in legal precedents or the application of law
affecting   the   settlement   of   disputed   claims  can  have  a  bearing  on
period-to-period comparisons and future operating results.

     Some of the statements  made in this report,  as well as oral statements or
commentaries  made by the Company's  management in  conference  calls  following
earnings  releases,  can  constitute  "forward-looking  statements"  within  the
meaning  of the  Private  Securities  Litigation  Reform  Act of 1995.  Any such
forward-looking statements,  commentaries,  or inferences, of necessity, involve
assumptions,  uncertainties,  and risks  that may affect  the  Company's  future
performance.  With  regard to Old  Republic's  General  insurance  segment,  its
results can be affected in particular by the level of market competition,  which
is  typically  a function of  available  capital  and  expected  returns on such
capital  among  competitors,  the levels of interest and  inflation  rates,  and
periodic  changes in claim  frequency  and severity  patterns  caused by natural
disasters, weather conditions,  accidents, illnesses, work-related injuries, and
unanticipated external events. Mortgage Guaranty and Title insurance results can
be impacted by similar  factors and, most  particularly,  by changes in national
and regional  housing demand and values,  the  availability and cost of mortgage
loans,  employment  trends,  and default rates on mortgage loans;  additionally,
mortgage  guaranty  results  may  also  be  impacted  by  various   risk-sharing
arrangements with business  producers as well as the risk management and pricing
policies of government  sponsored  enterprises.  Life and  disability  insurance
earnings  can be affected by the levels of  employment  and  consumer  spending,
variation in mortality and health trends, and changes in policy lapsation rates.
At the  parent  company  level,  operating  earnings  or  losses  are  generally
reflective of the amount of debt  outstanding  and its cost,  interest income on
temporary holdings of short-term investments,  and period-to-period variation in
the costs of administering the Company's widespread operations.

     Any  forward-looking  statements  or  commentaries  speak  only as of their
dates.  Old Republic  undertakes no obligation to publicly  update or revise all
such  comments,  whether  as a  result  of new  information,  future  events  or
otherwise, and accordingly they may not be unduly relied upon.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Item 3 - Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosure About Market Risk

The information called for by Item 3 is found in the fourth and fifth unnumbered
paragraphs, as well as in the table entitled "Age Distribution of Fixed Maturity
Securities" under the heading "Financial  Position" in the "Management  Analysis
of Financial Position and Results of Operations" section of this report.

Item 4 - Controls and Procedures

Based  on their  review and evaluation, conducted as  of the  end of the  period
covered  by this  report,  the  Company's  Chief  Executive  Officer  and  Chief
Financial Officer are of the opinion that the Company's  disclosure controls and
procedures  are effective,  and that there have been no  significant  changes in
internal  controls  or other  factors  that  could  significantly  affect  these
disclosure  controls and procedures during the quarter.  Disclosure controls and
procedures  means such  controls and  procedures  as are designed to ensure that
information  required to be disclosed  by the Company in its reports  filed with
the Securities and Exchange  Commission is accumulated  and  communicated to the
aforementioned   executives  to  allow  timely  decisions   regarding   required


                                   FORM 10 - Q
                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Item 6 - Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K
- -----------------------------------------

(a) Exhibits

    31.1   Certification by Aldo C. Zucaro, Chief Executive Officer, pursuant to
           Rule  13a-14(a) and  15d-14(a), as adopted pursuant to Section 302 of
           the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

    31.2   Certification by John S. Adams, Chief Financial Officer, pursuant  to
           Rule 13a-14(a) and 15d-14(a), as adopted  pursuant to Section 302  of
           the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

    32.1   Certification by Aldo C. Zucaro, Chief Executive Officer, pursuant to
           Section 1350, Chapter 63 of Title 18, United States  Code, as adopted
           pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

    32.2   Certification by John S. Adams, Chief Financial  Officer, pursuant to
           Section 1350, Chapter 63 of Title 18, United States Code, as  adopted
           pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

(b) Reports on Form 8-K

    1. On April 27, 2004, the Company furnished a Current Report on Form 8-K  to
       incorporate  its  earnings  release dated  April 27, 2004 announcing  the
       results  of  its  operations and its financial  condition for the quarter
       ended March 31, 2004.

Items other than those listed are omitted because they are not required.



     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
     the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf
     by the undersigned  thereunto  duly  authorized.

                                        Old Republic International Corporation

       Date:    May 7, 2004

                                                 /s/ John S. Adams
                                                     John S. Adams
                                                Senior Vice President &
                                                Chief Financial Officer


                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

     No.       Description
- ------------  --------------

    31.1      Certification by Aldo C. Zucaro, Chief Executive Officer, pursuant
              to Rule 13a-14(a) and 15d-14(a), as adopted  pursuant  to  Section
              302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

    31.2      Certification by John S. Adams, Chief Financial  Officer, pursuant
              to Rule 13a-14(a) and 15d-14(a),  as adopted  pursuant  to Section
              302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

    32.1      Certification by Aldo C. Zucaro, Chief Executive Officer, pursuant
              to Section 1350, Chapter 63 of Title 18,  United  States  Code, as
              adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

    32.2      Certification by John S. Adams, Chief Financial  Officer, pursuant
              to Section  1350, Chapter 63 of Title 18, United  States  Code, as
              adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
