Exhibit 99.1

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Old Republic International Corporation
307 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60601-5382 312/346-8100
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For Further Information:

A.C. Zucaro                             George Zagoudis
Chairman & CEO                          General Information
(312) 346-8100                          (312) 640-6663

Leslie Loyet                            Tim Grace
Analysts/Investors                      Media Inquiries
(312) 640-6672                          (312) 640-6667
lloyet@financialrelationsboard.com      tgrace@financialrelationsboard.com
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                 NYSE: ORI

                          OLD REPUBLIC REPORTS EARNINGS
                        FOR FOURTH QUARTER AND YEAR 2004
                                      * * *
             Special Fourth Quarter Charges Hinder Earnings Progress

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                              Financial Highlights
                              (unaudited; amounts in millions except share data and
                        percentages; all per-share amounts are stated on a diluted basis)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                              Quarters Ended December 31,           Years Ended December 31,
                                         ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------
                                              2004       2003       Change          2004       2003       Change
                                         ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------
<s>                                      <c>           <c>       <c>
Total Revenues                               $921.8     $865.6       6.5%        $3,491.6     $3,285.8      6.3%
Net Operating Income                         $ 83.9     $108.2     -22.4%        $  404.1     $  447.2     -9.6%
Net Income                                   $100.4     $113.9     -11.8%        $  435.0     $  459.8     -5.4%
Diluted Earnings Per Share:
  Net Operating Income                       $ 0.45     $ 0.59     -23.7%        $   2.19     $   2.44    -10.2%
  Net Income                                 $ 0.54     $ 0.62     -12.9%        $   2.36     $   2.51     -6.0%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CHICAGO - January 27, 2005 - Old Republic International Corporation (NYSE: ORI),
today  reported that fourth  quarter and full year 2004 net  operating  earnings
were enhanced by continued  strength in Old Republic's  General  Insurance line,
but weaker Title and Mortgage  Guaranty  performance  and certain special fourth
quarter  charges  detracted from those results.  Excluding the special  charges,
fourth quarter net operating income would have been $109.2 million (59 cents per
share) on a par with  results  posted in the final  quarter  of 2003.  Nearly 75
percent of the special post-tax charges of  approximately  $25.5 million,  or 14
cents per share, represents an increase in previously posted litigation reserves
necessitated by a ruling on January 20, 2005, by the California Court of Appeals
affirming a prior trial court verdict  against Old Republic Title  Company.  The
remainder  covers  a  write  down  of  previously  deferred   acquisition  costs
applicable to a life insurance product discontinued during the fourth quarter of


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Consolidated Results

The major  components of Old Republic's  consolidated  operating  income and the
resulting consolidated net income were as follows for the periods reported upon:

                                                                      ($ in Millions)
                                                   Quarters Ended                        Years Ended
                                                    December 31,                         December 31,
                                            ------------------------------      ------------------------------
                                                                      %                                   %
                                             2004        2003        Chg.        2004        2003        Chg.
                                            ------      ------      ------      ------      ------      ------
<s>                                         <c>         <c>         <c>         <c>         <c>         <c>
Pretax operating income (loss):
   General Insurance                        $ 88.0      $ 72.3       21.8%      $333.0      $258.9       28.6%
   Mortgage Guaranty                          53.8        61.4      -12.4        224.5       276.4      -18.8
   Title Insurance                           ( 2.8)       24.5     -111.8         62.5       129.6      -51.7
   Corporate and other                       (11.0)        1.6                   (17.2)       (4.5)

Realized investment gains (losses):
   From sales                                 30.4         8.7                    53.2        35.7
   From impairments                          ( 5.2)         -                     (5.2)      (16.4)
                                            ------      ------                  ------      ------
       Net realized gains                     25.2         8.7                    47.9        19.3
                                            ------      ------                  ------      ------
Consolidated pretax income                   153.2       168.6       -9.2        650.9       679.7       -4.2
   Income taxes                               52.7        54.7       -3.6        215.9       219.9       -1.8
                                            ------      ------                  ------      ------
Net income                                  $100.4      $113.9      -11.8%      $435.0      $459.8       -5.4%
                                            ======      ======      ======      ======      ======      ======

Components of earnings per share:
   Net operating income                     $ 0.45      $ 0.59      -23.7%      $ 2.19      $ 2.44      -10.2%
   Net realized gains                         0.09        0.03                    0.17        0.07
                                            ------      ------                  ------      ------
   Net Income                               $ 0.54      $ 0.62      -12.9%      $ 2.36      $ 2.51       -6.0%
                                            ======      ======      ======      ======      ======      ======

Both net  operating  income  and net  income  per  share  figures  are  given to
highlight the impact of certain  accounting  rules or  securities  market-driven
considerations  that affect the recording of investment  gains or losses and can
lead to lessened period-to-period  comparability.  The realization of investment
gains or losses can be highly discretionary and arbitrary due to such factors as
the timing of individual  securities sales,  losses from write-downs of impaired
securities,  tax-planning  considerations,  and changes in investment management
judgments  relative  to the  direction  of  securities  markets  or  the  future
prospects  of  individual   investees  or  industry   sectors.   In  particular,
write-downs of securities deemed other than temporarily impaired are affected by
some of these factors as well as industry or  issuer-specific  developments that
can  call  for  the   recognition  of  a  permanent  loss  of  market  value  or
non-recoverability of asset cost.

The increase in consolidated  revenues to $921.8 million in the final quarter of
2004 was aided by the continued growth of General Insurance premiums and greater
than  average  realized  investment  gains.  During  the  quarter,  the  Company
liquidated approximately 50 percent of its actively managed equity portfolio, in
the process  registering  above average net realized gains for the quarter,  and
redirected a significant portion of the sales proceeds toward a number of equity
index funds.  Throughout  2004,  net  investment  income has reflected a gradual
increase  principally  due to Old  Republic's  rising  invested  asset base.  In
combination, these factors were also responsible for the 6.3 percent increase in
full year consolidated revenues to a new high of $3.49 billion in 2004.


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Consolidated  pretax  operating  income trends for the first nine months of 2004
remained  reasonably  consistent  during  the final  quarter  of the  year.  The
aforementioned  special  charges,  however,  accentuated the decline in earnings
contributions  from  the  title  segment  as well as from  corporate  and  other
sources.  For the final quarter of 2004,  pretax charges borne by Old Republic's
title business amounted to $22.2 million, while the write down of life insurance
deferred acquisition costs charged to the corporate and other line totaled $10.5
million. These special charges,  together with the expensing of $5.6 million for
the  non-recurring  vesting  acceleration  of stock  option  costs in the  first
quarter  of the  year,  were  significant  contributing  factors  to a  moderate
earnings decline for 2004 as a whole.

General Insurance Group

Old Republic's  property and liability  insurance business posted a 21.8 percent
increase in pretax  operating  income to $88.0  million in the final  quarter of
2004;  this  compares to $72.3  million  earned in the same period of 2003.  Net
premium  revenues in the latest  quarterly period rose by 16.7 percent to $428.8
million,  compared to $367.5  million one year ago. The  composite  underwriting
ratio for the fourth quarter of 2004 was 91.1 percent versus 92.6 percent in the
same quarter of the preceding year.

For all of 2004,  pretax operating income rose by 28.6 percent to $333.0 million
when compared to $258.9 million  posted in 2003. Net premiums  earned were $1.62
billion  versus $1.37 billion a year ago, for an increase of 17.6  percent.  The
year's composite underwriting ratio was 90.7 percent compared to 93.3 percent in

Earned  premiums  in the General  Insurance  Group have  continued  to rise as a
result of positive  pricing and risk selection  changes effected during the past
few years,  as well as  additional  business  produced  in a  reasonably  stable
underwriting  environment.  Underwriting results in 2004's final quarter and for
the full year  benefited  from  slightly  lower  claim and expense  ratios.  The
composite  underwriting  ratio represents the most widely accepted  indicator of
underwriting  performance in the industry, and Old Republic has now registered a
composite  ratio below 100 percent for eleven  consecutive  quarters.  The ratio
reached a high of 118.8  percent in the third  quarter  of 1999 and has  dropped
fairly consistently to the most recent lower levels.

Mortgage Guaranty Group

Mortgage  Guaranty pretax operating income dropped 12.4 percent to $53.8 million
in the final quarter of 2004 when  compared to the $61.4  million  posted in the
same  quarter of 2003.  For all of 2004,  pretax  operating  income  reflected a
decline of 18.8 percent to $224.5  million from the $276.4  million  reported in
the same  period of 2003.  The group's  performance  for the quarter and for the
full year was  generally  reflective  of level or  moderate  premium  growth and
rising claim costs.

Net premiums  earned were basically flat for the final quarter of 2004, and rose
slightly  for the year as a whole.  The  favorable  effect of  gradually  rising
business  persistency on premium renewals during 2004 was largely negated by the
combination of lower origination volumes and greater reinsurance cessions.


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The  composite  underwriting  ratio rose to 64.2 percent in the final quarter of
2004 compared to 56.1 percent  posted in the same period of 2003.  For the year,
the  composite  ratio was 61.1 percent in 2004 versus 47.5 percent in 2003.  The
greater composite ratios experienced in 2004 periods are largely reflective of a
higher  claim  ratio  component.  The  latter  rose to 38.9  percent in the last
quarter  of 2004  from 32.0  percent  in the same  period  of 2003,  and to 35.5
percent  for all of 2004 from 22.7  percent  in 2003.  The higher  claim  ratios
posted  throughout 2004 reflect a rise in paid claims as well as greater reserve
provisions  driven by  moderately  higher  expectations  of claim  frequency and
severity.  The expense ratios for the periods reported upon were relatively flat
in comparison to 2003. In the fourth quarter of 2003, a class action  litigation
was resolved at a cost that was  approximately  $5.0 million less than  reserves
recorded in the  preceding  year.  Absent this credit,  2003 expense  ratios for
Mortgage  Guaranty  would have been 29.0 percent and 26.0 percent for the fourth
quarter and full year, respectively.

Title Insurance Group

Comparative  operating  results for the Company's Title Insurance Group declined
in both the final quarter and full year 2004.  Premium and fee revenues  totaled
$265.3  million in the fourth  quarter of 2004,  down 9.9  percent  from  $294.5
million a year ago. 2004 fourth quarter pretax  operating  results  dropped to a
loss of $2.8  million,  down from a profit  of $24.5  million  in 2003's  fourth
quarter.  For the year ended  December 31, 2004,  premium and fee revenues  were
$1.02  billion,  down 7.1 percent from $1.10 billion in 2003.  Pretax  operating
income for all of 2004 totaled $62.5 million, a 51.7 percent decline from $129.6
million in 2003.  A composite  ratio of 96.3  percent was posted for 2004 versus
90.4 percent in 2003.

Operating  expenses and income for Old  Republic's  Title  Insurance  Group were
affected by the aforementioned special charges as follows:

                                                         ($ in Thousands)
                                             Before                        After
                                         Special Charges               Special Charges
                                    ------------------------      ------------------------
                                     Fourth                        Fourth
2004:                                Quarter         Year          Quarter         Year
- --------------------                ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
<s>                                 <c>            <c>            <c>            <c>
Expenses                             $237,159       $907,314       $259,359       $929,514
Pretax income (loss)                 $ 19,305       $ 84,767       $ (2,895)      $ 62,567
Expense ratio                           89.3%          88.4%          97.6%          90.5%
Composite ratio                         95.2%          94.2%         103.5%          96.3%
                                    =========      =========      =========      =========

2003 in Comparison:
Pretax income:
  2003 Amount                        $ 24,554       $129,655
  2004 % Change                        -21.4%         -34.6%
Expense ratio                           87.3%          84.6%
Composite ratio                         93.7%          90.4%
                                    =========      =========

In addition to the above summarized  effect of special  charges,  the decline in
2004  quarterly  and full year  results is also  attributable  to a  substantial
reduction  in  mortgage  refinancing  revenues,  which had reached a peak in the
third quarter of 2003,  without a  corresponding  decline in certain  relatively
fixed operating expenses.


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Corporate and Other Operations

Combined  results for Old Republic's  small life and health  insurance  business
(2004  and  2003  operating   revenues  of  $71.4  million  and  $58.4  million,
respectively)  and general corporate  activities  reflected pretax net operating
deficits of $11.0 million and $17.2 million in the fourth quarter and year 2004,
respectively. For the same periods of 2003, income of $1.6 million was posted in
the fourth  quarter,  and a loss of $4.5  million was  registered  for the year.
These results are reflective of holding company expenses and debt service costs,
investment income on temporary investment  holdings,  and, except for the effect
of the above noted pretax charge of $10.5 million, moderately higher earnings in
2004 from Old Republic's total book of life and accident and health business.

Cash, Invested Assets and Shareholders' Equity

Cash and invested assets at December 31, 2004, totaled $7.51 billion,  or $41.19
per share,  versus  $6.84  billion,  or $37.71 per share,  at December 31, 2003.
Consolidated operating cash flow grew by 16.6 percent to $881.5 million in 2004,
with  substantially  all of this growth  stemming  from Old  Republic's  General
Insurance and Mortgage Guaranty segments.

Old Republic's high quality  investment  portfolio reflects a current allocation
of  approximately  88  percent  in  fixed-income  investments  and 6 percent  in
equities. As has been the case for many years, it contains little or no exposure
to real estate investments, mortgage-backed securities, derivatives, junk bonds,
private placements or mortgage loans.

Common shareholders' equity grew by 8.8 percent to $3.86 billion at December 31,
2004,  compared to the equivalent balance of $3.55 billion posted as of December
31, 2003.  Book value per share was $21.17 at the end of 2004,  versus $19.57 at
year-end 2003.

Conference Call Information

Old Republic has scheduled a conference call at 2:00 p.m.  Central Time today to
discuss its fourth quarter 2004 performance and review ongoing trends. To access
this call, log on to  www.oldrepublic.com 15 minutes before the call to download
the necessary  software.  Replays will be available  through this website for 30

About Old Republic

Chicago-based  Old Republic  International  Corporation is an insurance  holding
company  whose  subsidiaries  market,  underwrite  and provide  risk  management
services  for a wide  variety of  coverages,  principally  in the  property  and
liability,  mortgage guaranty and title insurance fields. One of the nation's 50
largest  publicly  owned  insurance  organizations,  Old  Republic has assets of
approximately  $10.5 billion and  capitalization  of $4.0  billion.  Its current
stock market valuation is approximately $4.3 billion.


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Safe Harbor Statement

Historical data pertaining to the operating  performance,  liquidity,  and other
financial indicators  applicable to an insurance enterprise such as Old Republic
are not necessarily indicative of results to be achieved in succeeding years. In
addition to the factors  cited  below,  the  long-term  nature of the  insurance
business,  seasonal and annual  patterns in premium  production and incidence of
claims,  changes in yields  obtained on invested  assets,  changes in government
policies  and free  markets  affecting  inflation  rates  and  general  economic
conditions,  and changes in legal precedents or the application of law affecting
the  settlement  of  disputed  claims  can have a  bearing  on  period-to-period
comparisons and future operating results.

Some of the statements made in this News Release and Company published  reports,
as well as oral statements or commentaries  made by the Company's  management in
conference calls following  earnings releases,  can constitute  "forward-looking
statements" within the meaning of the Private  Securities  Litigation Reform Act
of 1995. Any such forward-looking  statements,  commentaries,  or inferences, of
necessity,  involve  assumptions,  uncertainties,  and risks that may affect the
Company's future  performance.  With regard to Old Republic's  General Insurance
segment,  its  results  can be  affected  in  particular  by the level of market
competition,  which is  typically a function of  available  capital and expected
returns on such capital among competitors,  the levels of interest and inflation
rates, and periodic  changes in claim frequency and severity  patterns caused by
natural  disasters,  weather  conditions,   accidents,  illnesses,  work-related
injuries,  and  unanticipated  external  events.  Mortgage  Guaranty  and  Title
insurance results can be impacted by similar factors and, most particularly,  by
changes in national and regional housing demand and values, the availability and
cost of mortgage loans,  employment trends, and default rates on mortgage loans;
additionally,  mortgage  guaranty  results,  may  also be  impacted  by  various
risk-sharing arrangements with business producers as well as the risk management
and  pricing  policies  of  government  sponsored  enterprises.  Life and health
insurance  earnings  can be affected by the levels of  employment  and  consumer
spending,  variations  in  mortality  and health  trends,  and changes in policy
lapsation rates. At the parent company level,  operating  earnings or losses are
generally  reflective of the amount of debt  outstanding and its cost,  interest
income on temporary  holdings of short-term  investments,  and  period-to-period
variations in the costs of administering the Company's widespread operations.

Any forward-looking statements or commentaries speak only as of their dates. Old
Republic  undertakes  no  obligation  to  publicly  update  or  revise  all such
comments,  whether as a result of new  information,  future events or otherwise,
and accordingly they may not be unduly relied upon.

   For the latest news releases and other corporate documents on Old Republic
                    International visit: www.oldrepublic.com

                           Financial Tables Follow....


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                                                   Old Republic International Corporation
                                                            FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                       Quarters Ended                                Years Ended
                                                        December 31,                                 December 31,
                                               -----------------------------      %         -----------------------------      %
                                                    2004             2003       Change           2004            2003       Change
                                               ----------------------------------------     ---------------------------------------
<s>                                            <c>             <c>             <c>          <c>             <c>             <c>
      Total                                     $100,445,539    $113,913,206     -11.8%      $435,010,098    $459,801,340     -5.4%
                                               =============   =============                =============   =============
      Per Share:  Basic                                $0.55           $0.63     -12.7%             $2.38           $2.53     -5.9%
                                               =============   =============                =============   =============
                  Diluted                              $0.54           $0.62     -12.9%             $2.36           $2.51     -6.0%
                                               =============   =============                =============   =============

Average number of common and
      equivalent shares outstanding
                  Basic                          182,556,498     181,568,086                  182,541,822     181,549,485
                                               =============   =============                =============   =============
                  Diluted                        184,754,452     184,065,607                  184,607,632     183,302,935
                                               =============   =============                =============   =============
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Basic Earnings:
      Net income, before items below                   $0.46           $0.60     -23.3%             $2.21           $2.46    -10.2%
      Realized investment gains                         0.09            0.03                         0.17            0.07
                                               -------------   -------------                -------------   -------------
          Net income                                   $0.55           $0.63     -12.7%             $2.38           $2.53     -5.9%
                                               =============   =============                =============   =============
Diluted Earnings:
      Net income, before items below                   $0.45           $0.59     -23.7%             $2.19           $2.44    -10.2%
      Realized investment gains                         0.09            0.03                         0.17            0.07
                                               -------------   -------------                -------------   -------------
          Net income                                   $0.54           $0.62     -12.9%             $2.36           $2.51     -6.0%
                                               =============   =============                =============   =============
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOK  VALUE  PER  SHARE (End of periods)(a):
      As Reported                                                                                  $21.17          $19.57      8.2%
                                                                                            =============   =============
      Cost Basis                                                                                   $20.24          $18.28     10.7%
                                                                                            =============   =============
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FINANCIAL SUMMARY ($ in Millions) :
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Revenues:
      General                                         $480.7          $415.6      15.7%          $1,822.5        $1,572.7     15.9%
      Mortgage Guaranty                                123.2           123.4      -0.2%             489.9           498.6     -1.8%
      Title                                            272.0           300.6      -9.5%           1,051.8         1,128.0     -6.8%
      Corporate & Other                                 20.5            17.1                         79.3            67.0
                                               -------------   -------------                -------------   -------------
          Consolidated Operating Revenues              896.6           856.9       4.6%           3,443.7         3,266.5      5.4%
Realized Investment Gains                               25.2             8.7                         47.9            19.3
                                               -------------   -------------                -------------   -------------
      Total Revenues                                  $921.8          $865.6       6.5%          $3,491.6        $3,285.8      6.3%
                                               =============   =============                =============   =============

Pretax Operating Income (Loss):
      General                                          $88.0           $72.3      21.8%            $333.0          $258.9     28.6%
      Mortgage Guaranty                                 53.8            61.4     -12.4%             224.5           276.4    -18.8%
      Title                                             (2.8)           24.5    -111.8%              62.5           129.6    -51.7%
      Corporate & Other                                (11.0)            1.6                        (17.2)           (4.5)
                                               -------------   -------------                -------------   -------------
          Total                                        128.0           159.9     -20.0%             602.9           660.4     -8.7%
Realized Investment Gains                               25.2             8.7                         47.9            19.3
                                               -------------   -------------                -------------   -------------
          Revenues, Net of Expenses                    153.2           168.6      -9.2%             650.9           679.7     -4.2%
Income Taxes                                            52.7            54.7      -3.6%             215.9           219.9     -1.8%
                                               -------------   -------------                -------------   -------------
      Net Income                                      $100.4          $113.9     -11.8%            $435.0          $459.8     -5.4%
                                               =============   =============                =============   =============

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(a)  "As Reported" in financial statements with all securities carried at market
     value. "Cost Basis" calculation includes all investment securities at their
     currently amortized original cost.


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                                                   Old Republic International Corporation
                                                        SEGMENTED OPERATING SUMMARY
                                                              ($ in Millions)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                  Net                                                                                      Pretax
               Premiums        Net                                                Sales                  Operating      Composite
                & Fees      Investment    Other       Operating    Benefits     & Other        Total       Income     Underwriting
   Segment      Earned        Income      Income       Revenues    & Claims     Expenses     Expenses      (Loss)        Ratios
- ------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ------------
<s>           <c>          <c>          <c>          <c>          <c>          <c>          <c>          <c>          <c>
Quarter Ended December 31, 2004
- -------------------------------
General           $428.8        $48.2         $3.7       $480.7       $281.7       $110.9       $392.7        $88.0         91.1%
Mortgage           101.6         17.4          4.0        123.2         39.5         29.8         69.3         53.8         64.2%
Title              265.3          6.5          0.1        272.0         15.6        259.3        274.9         (2.8)       103.5%
Other               16.4          3.9          0.1         20.5          8.2         23.2         31.5        (11.0)          ---
              ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------
Consolidated      $812.3        $76.2         $8.0       $896.6       $345.2       $423.4       $768.6       $128.0         92.8%
              ======================================================================================================  =============

Quarter Ended December 31, 2003
- -------------------------------
General           $367.5        $43.9         $4.1       $415.6       $242.2       $101.0       $343.3        $72.3         92.6%
Mortgage           101.9         16.6          4.8        123.4         32.6         29.4         62.0         61.4         56.1%
Title              294.5          5.9          0.1        300.6         18.7        257.3        276.0         24.5         93.7%
Other               13.0          4.0          0.1         17.1          5.8          9.6         15.5          1.6           ---
              ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------
Consolidated      $777.0        $70.6         $9.2       $856.9       $299.4       $397.5       $696.9       $159.9         88.0%
              ======================================================================================================  =============

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Year Ended December 31, 2004
- ----------------------------
General         $1,623.0       $183.4        $16.0     $1,822.5     $1,069.5       $419.9     $1,489.5       $333.0         90.7%
Mortgage           403.2         67.7         18.9        489.9        143.2        122.1        265.3        224.5         61.1%
Title            1,025.2         25.5          0.9      1,051.8         59.7        929.5        989.2         62.5         96.3%
Other               64.6         14.0          0.7         79.3         35.4         61.1         96.6        (17.2)          ---
              ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------
Consolidated    $3,116.1       $290.8        $36.7     $3,443.7     $1,307.9     $1,532.7     $2,840.7       $602.9         89.3%
              ======================================================================================================  =============

Year Ended December 31, 2003
- ----------------------------
General         $1,379.5       $175.0        $18.2     $1,572.7       $932.9       $380.9     $1,313.8       $258.9         93.3%
Mortgage           400.9         65.7         32.0        498.6         90.9        131.3        222.2        276.4         47.5%
Title            1,103.8         23.5          0.5      1,128.0         63.8        934.5        998.3        129.6         90.4%
Other               51.6         14.9          0.4         67.0         25.1         46.3         71.5         (4.5)          ---
              ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------
Consolidated    $2,936.0       $279.2        $51.2     $3,266.5     $1,112.8     $1,493.2     $2,606.0       $660.4         86.4%
              ======================================================================================================  =============

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Old Republic International Corporation
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                                                   Old Republic International Corporation
                                                       SEGMENTED OPERATING STATISTICS
                                                              ($ in Millions)
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                                                               Quarters Ended                               Years Ended
                                                                December 31,                                December 31,
                                                      ---------------------------------           ---------------------------------
                                                           2004              2003                      2004              2003
                                                      ---------------------------------           ---------------------------------
<s>                                                   <c>               <c>                       <c>               <c>
General Insurance:
      Benefits and claims ratio                                65.8%             66.1%                     66.1%             67.8%
      Expense ratio                                            25.3%             26.5%                     24.6%             25.5%
                                                      ---------------   ---------------           ---------------   ---------------
         Composite ratio                                       91.1%             92.6%                     90.7%             93.3%
                                                      ===============   ===============           ===============   ===============

      Paid loss ratio                                          55.3%             54.7%                     52.1%             54.4%
                                                      ===============   ===============           ===============   ===============

Mortgage Guaranty:
      New insurance written: Traditional Primary            $5,668.7          $7,749.8                 $24,749.4         $37,255.8
                             Bulk                            1,351.6           2,737.3                   4,487.8           6,806.6
                             Other                             523.5             895.3                   7,324.7           5,802.8
                                                      ---------------   ---------------           ---------------   ---------------
                             Total                          $7,544.0         $11,382.4                 $36,562.0         $49,865.2
                                                      ===============   ===============           ===============   ===============

      Net risk in force: Traditional Primary                                                           $15,452.2         $15,329.5
                         Bulk                                                                              834.8             802.2
                         Other                                                                             580.9             493.4
                                                                                                  ---------------   ---------------
                         Total                                                                         $16,868.0         $16,625.1
                                                                                                  ===============   ===============

      Earned premiums: Direct                                 $122.7            $118.7                    $483.6            $467.3
                                                      ===============   ===============           ===============   ===============
                       Net                                    $101.6            $101.9                    $403.2            $400.9
                                                      ===============   ===============           ===============   ===============

      Persistency/Traditional Primary                                                                      64.5%             46.0%
                                                                                                  ===============   ===============

      Delinquency ratio: Traditional Primary                                                               4.11%             3.95%
                                                                                                  ===============   ===============
                         Bulk                                                                              4.59%             4.76%
                                                                                                  ===============   ===============

      Claims ratio                                             38.9%             32.0%                     35.5%             22.7%
      Expense ratio                                            25.3%             24.1%                     25.6%             24.8%
                                                      ---------------   ---------------           ---------------   ---------------
         Composite ratio                                       64.2%             56.1%                     61.1%             47.5%
                                                      ===============   ===============           ===============   ===============

      Paid loss ratio                                          32.8%             31.4%                     30.7%             23.9%
                                                      ===============   ===============           ===============   ===============

Title Insurance:
      Direct orders opened                                    90,301            88,031                   405,487           518,915
                                                      ===============   ===============           ===============   ===============
      Direct orders closed                                    79,891            84,897                   341,355           450,236
                                                      ===============   ===============           ===============   ===============

      Claims ratio                                              5.9%              6.4%                      5.8%              5.8%
      Expense ratio                                            97.6%             87.3%                     90.5%             84.6%
                                                      ---------------   ---------------           ---------------   ---------------
         Composite ratio                                      103.5%             93.7%                     96.3%             90.4%
                                                      ===============   ===============           ===============   ===============

      Paid loss ratio                                           5.6%              2.6%                      4.1%              2.7%
                                                      ===============   ===============           ===============   ===============
