OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                                   FORM 10 - Q

[X] Quarterly report pursuant to section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange
       Act of 1934 for the quarterly period ended September 30, 1998 or
[ ] Transition report pursuant to section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange
       Act of 1934

Commission File Number 0-4625

             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

          Delaware                                     No. 36-2678171
- -------------------------------              ----------------------------------
(State or other jurisdiction of              (IRS  Employer Identification No.)
incorporation or organization)

307 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois                60601
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Address of principal executive office)                   (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code: 312-346-8100

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes _X_ No ___

Indicate the number of shares  outstanding  of each of the  issuer's  classes of
common stock, as of the close of the period covered by this report.

                                                    Shares Outstanding
             Class                                  September 30, 1998
   ---------------------------                    ----------------------
   Common Stock / $1 par value                         136,350,882 *

* Excludes 6,182,878 common shares issued, outstanding and held by an affiliate,
  which are classified as treasury stock for financial accounting purposes only.

                  There are 12 pages contained in this report.



                    Report on Form 10-Q / September 30, 1998

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                      PAGE NO.


          CONSOLIDATED SUMMARY BALANCE SHEETS                            3

          CONSOLIDATED SUMMARY STATEMENTS OF INCOME                      4


          CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS                          6


           AND RESULTS  OF  OPERATIONS                                 8 - 10

PART II  OTHER  INFORMATION                                           11 & 12


                                 ($ in Millions)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                                      September 30,   December 31,
                                                                                                          1998            1997
                                                                                                     --------------  --------------
Investments:  Held to maturity:
                Fixed maturity securities (at amortized cost)
                   (fair value: $2,437.6 and $2,306.1)                                                     $2,329.2        $2,249.7
                Other long-term investments (at cost)                                                          24.2            15.4
                                                                                                     --------------  --------------
                Total                                                                                       2,353.5         2,265.1
                                                                                                     --------------  --------------
              Available for sale:
                Fixed maturity securities (at fair value)
                   (cost: $1,920.1 and $1,954.5)                                                            2,026.6         2,009.9
                Equity securities (at fair value) (cost: $117.5 and $60.9)                                    150.5           117.1
                Short-term investments (at fair value which approximates cost)                                320.6           328.0
                                                                                                     --------------  --------------
                Total                                                                                       2,497.8         2,455.2
                                                                                                     --------------  --------------
              Total investments                                                                             4,851.3         4,720.4
                                                                                                     --------------  --------------

Other Assets: Cash                                                                                             26.3            26.9
              Accrued investment income                                                                        72.3            72.5
              Accounts and notes receivable                                                                   331.6           320.0
              Reinsurance balances and funds held                                                              83.2            88.5
              Federal income tax payable: Current                                                               0.9             ---
              Reinsurance recoverable: Paid losses                                                             24.4            27.2
                                       Policy and claim reserves                                            1,307.8         1,333.5
              Deferred policy acquisition costs                                                               138.5           126.2
              Sundry assets                                                                                   225.5           207.9
                                                                                                     --------------  --------------
                                                                                                            2,210.9         2,203.0
                                                                                                     --------------  --------------
                   Total Assets                                                                            $7,062.3        $6,923.4
                                                                                                     ==============  ==============
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              Liabilities, Preferred Stock and
                   Common Shareholders' Equity

Liabilities:  Future policy benefits                                                                         $184.5          $183.3
              Losses, claims and settlement expenses                                                        3,463.3         3,529.7
              Unearned premiums                                                                               363.5           375.8
              Other policyholders' benefits and funds                                                          55.0            61.1
                                                                                                     --------------  --------------
                   Total policy liabilities and accruals                                                    4,066.4         4,150.0
              Commissions, expenses, fees and taxes                                                           136.3           124.0
              Reinsurance balances and funds                                                                  141.9           148.2
              Federal income tax payable: Current                                                               ---             4.3
                                          Deferred                                                            166.3           108.3
              Debt and debt equivalents                                                                       145.2           142.9
              Sundry liabilities                                                                              103.0            92.2
                                                                                                     --------------  --------------
                   Total liabilities                                                                        4,759.3         4,770.2
                                                                                                     --------------  --------------

Preferred     Convertible preferred stock                                                                       1.2             1.0
Stock:                                                                                               --------------  --------------
                   Total preferred stock                                                                        1.2             1.0
                                                                                                     --------------  --------------

Common        Common stock                                                                                    156.1           103.1
Shareholders' Additional paid-in capital                                                                      621.7           604.3
Equity:       Unallocated shares - ESSOP                                                                       (5.1)           (6.1)
              Retained earnings                                                                             1,636.3         1,486.8
              Accumulated other comprehensive income                                                           79.7            64.4
              Treasury stock (at cost)                                                                       (187.1)         (100.5)
                                                                                                     --------------  --------------
                   Total Common Shareholders' Equity                                                        2,301.6         2,152.1
                                                                                                     --------------  --------------
                   Total Liabilities, Preferred Stock
                     and Common Shareholders' Equity                                                       $7,062.3        $6,923.4
                                                                                                     ==============  ==============

See accompanying notes.


                    ($ in Millions, Except Common Share Data)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                       Quarters Ended                    Nine Months Ended
                                                                        September 30,                       September 30,
                                                             ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------
                                                                   1998              1997              1998              1997
                                                             ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------
Revenues:      Net premiums earned                                     $410.3            $372.4          $1,161.6          $1,080.0
               Title, escrow and other fees                              62.3              44.3             175.7             116.9
               Net investment income                                     68.1              69.0             204.7             202.7
               Realized investment gains                                  6.5               1.4              32.0              17.6
               Other income                                               8.1               5.8              24.5              30.3
                                                             ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------
                 Net revenues                                           555.6             493.2           1,598.7           1,447.7
                                                             ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------

Expenses:      Benefits, claims and settlement expenses                 208.4             201.7             583.2             587.5
               Underwriting, acquisition and
                 insurance expenses                                     236.9             186.4             662.9             533.6
               Interest and other expenses                                3.5               3.9              10.7              10.0
                                                             ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------
                 Total expenses                                         449.0             392.1           1,256.9           1,131.2
                                                             ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------
               Income before income taxes and items below               106.6             101.0             341.8             316.4
                                                             ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------

Income Taxes:  Currently payable                                         18.0              16.4              60.1              55.6
               Deferred                                                  14.7              15.5              46.8              38.6
                                                             ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------
                 Total income taxes                                      32.7              31.9             106.9              94.3
                                                             ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------
                                                                         73.8              69.1             234.8             222.1
               Other items - net                                          0.8               ---               1.7               0.5
                                                             ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------
Net Income:                                                             $74.6             $69.1            $236.6            $222.7
                                                             ================  ================  ================  ================

Net Income
Per Share:     Basic                                                    $0.54             $0.51             $1.71             $1.68
                                                             ================  ================  ================  ================
               Diluted                                                  $0.54             $0.49             $1.69             $1.57
                                                             ================  ================  ================  ================

Dividends Per
Common Share:  Cash dividends                                          $0.100            $0.087            $0.287            $0.247
                                                             ================  ================  ================  ================
               Stock dividends                                            --%               --%               50%               --%
                                                             ================  ================  ================  ================

               Average number of common and common
                 equivalent shares outstanding:

                                     Basic                        136,914,815       134,509,503       137,858,216       131,878,686
                                                             ================  ================  ================  ================
                                     Diluted                      138,870,948       141,999,192       139,925,145       141,940,891
                                                             ================  ================  ================  ================

See accompanying notes.


                                 ($ in Millions)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                       Quarters Ended                    Nine Months Ended
                                                                        September 30,                       September 30,
                                                             ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------
                                                                   1998              1997              1998              1997
                                                             ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------
Net income as reported                                                  $74.6             $69.1            $236.6            $222.7
                                                             ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------

Other comprehensive income, before tax:
  Foreign currency translation adjustment                                (1.2)              ---              (1.9)              2.5
                                                             ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------
  Unrealized gains on securities:
    Unrealized gains arising during period                               42.3              33.6              58.4              48.8
    Less: elimination of pre-tax realized gains
          included in net income                                          6.5               1.4              32.0              17.6
                                                             ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------
    Net unrealized gains on securities                                   35.8              32.2              26.4              31.2
                                                             ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------

Income tax related to items of other
  comprehensive income                                                   12.5              11.1               9.2              10.7
                                                             ----------------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------

Comprehensive income                                                    $96.7             $90.2            $251.9            $245.8
                                                             ================  ================  ================  ================

See accompanying notes.


                                 ($ in Millions)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                                       Nine Months Ended
                                                                                                          September 30,
                                                                                                     1998               1997
                                                                                               ----------------  ------------------
Cash flows from operating activities:
   Net income                                                                                             $236.6             $222.7
   Adjustment to reconcile net income to
   net cash provided by operating activities:
      Deferred policy acquisition costs                                                                    (12.2)              (8.1)
      Premiums and other receivables                                                                        (7.2)             (14.5)
      Unpaid claims and related items                                                                      (43.3)              59.1
      Future policy benefits and policyholders' funds                                                       (8.2)             (18.1)
      Income taxes                                                                                          43.4               40.1
      Reinsurance balances and funds                                                                         1.2              (11.0)
      Accounts payable, accrued expenses and other                                                          32.6                2.7
                                                                                               -----------------  -----------------
   Total                                                                                                   242.9              272.8
                                                                                               -----------------  -----------------

Cash flows from investing activities:
   Sales of fixed maturity securities:
      Held to maturity:
         Maturities and early calls                                                                        136.9              126.5
      Available for sale:
         Maturities and early calls                                                                         88.7              171.3
         Other                                                                                             113.5               55.5
   Sales of equity securities                                                                               13.4               19.7
   Sales of other investments                                                                                3.2               11.9
   Sales of fixed assets for company use                                                                     0.9                2.6
   Purchases of fixed maturity securities:
      Held to maturity                                                                                    (217.7)            (212.4)
      Available for sale                                                                                  (174.2)            (311.1)
   Purchases of equity securities                                                                          (70.1)              (5.7)
   Purchases of other investments                                                                          (12.0)              (4.2)
   Purchases of fixed assets for company use                                                               (21.2)              (8.7)
   Purchases of investment in subsidiaries                                                                  (2.7)              (3.1)
   Other-net                                                                                                (4.0)              (4.2)
                                                                                               -----------------  -----------------
   Total                                                                                                  (145.3)            (161.9)
                                                                                               -----------------  -----------------

Cash flows from financing activities:
   Increase in term loans                                                                                    4.0               10.0
   Issuance of preferred and common stocks                                                                  16.1                6.1
   Issuance of debentures and notes                                                                          0.6              116.8
   Repayments of term loans                                                                                  ---             (127.0)
   Redemption of debentures and notes                                                                       (1.5)              (1.6)
   Dividends on common shares                                                                              (39.3)             (32.9)
   Dividends on preferred shares                                                                            (0.1)              (1.7)
   Purchase of treasury stock                                                                              (86.5)             (35.7)
   Other-net                                                                                                 1.2                1.3
                                                                                               -----------------  -----------------
   Total                                                                                                  (105.6)             (64.7)
                                                                                               -----------------  -----------------

Increase (decrease) in cash and short-term investments                                                      (8.0)              46.2
   Cash and short-term investments, beginning of period                                                    355.0              301.0
                                                                                               -----------------  -----------------
   Cash and short-term investments, end of period                                                         $347.0             $347.2
                                                                                               =================  =================

Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information:
  Cash paid during the period for:
      Interest                                                                                              $5.5               $5.1
                                                                                               =================  =================
      Income taxes                                                                                         $58.2              $53.7
                                                                                               =================  =================

See accompanying notes.


                       ($ in Millions, Except Share Data)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1. Accounting Policies and Basis of Presentation:
- ------------------------------------------------
The accompanying consolidated summary financial statements have been prepared in
conformity  with generally  accepted  accounting  principles as described in the
Corporation's  latest annual report to shareholders or as disclosed herein.  The
financial  accounting  and  reporting  process  relies on  estimates  and on the
exercise  of  judgement,  but in the  opinion  of  management  all  adjustments,
consisting of normal recurring accruals, necessary to a fair presentation of the
accompanying statements have been reflected therein. Realized gains or losses on
dispositions  of  investment  securities  have been  reflected in the  operating
results for each period presented.

2. Common Share Data:
- --------------------
Common  share  data has been  retroactively  adjusted  to  reflect  a 50%  stock
dividend of the Company's  common  shares  approved by the Board of Directors on
March 12, 1998.  The following  table  provides a  reconciliation  of the income
before  extraordinary  items  and  number of  shares  used in basic and  diluted
earnings per share calculations.

                                                          Quarters Ended                  Nine Months Ended
                                                           September 30,                    September 30,
                                                  -----------------------------    -----------------------------
                                                       1998            1997             1998            1997
                                                  -------------   -------------    -------------   -------------
 Income before extraordinary item...............  $        74.6   $        69.1    $       236.6   $        222.7
 Less Preferred stock dividends.................            --               .2               .1              1.7
                                                  -------------   -------------    -------------   --------------
 Numerator for basic earnings per share -
   income available to common stockholders......           74.6            68.8            236.4            220.9

 Effect of dilutive securities:
   Convertible preferred stock dividends........            --               .2               .1              1.7
                                                  -------------   -------------    -------------   --------------

Numerator for diluted earnings per share -
   income available to common stockholders
   after assumed conversions....................  $        74.6   $        69.1    $       236.6   $        222.7
                                                  =============   =============    =============   ==============

 Denominator for basic earnings per share -
   weighted-average shares......................    136,914,815     134,509,503      137,858,216      131,878,686

 Effect of dilutive securities:
   Stock options ..............................       1,711,824       2,068,191        1,826,791        1,653,911
   Convertible preferred stock.................         244,309       5,421,498          240,138        8,408,294
                                                  -------------   -------------    -------------   --------------
   Dilutive potential common shares............       1,956,133       7,489,689        2,066,929       10,062,205
                                                  -------------   -------------    -------------   --------------

Denominator for diluted earnings per share -
   adjusted weighted-average shares and
   assumed conversions ........................     138,870,948     141,999,192      139,925,145      141,940,891
                                                  =============   =============    =============   ==============

Basic earnings per share  .....................   $         .54   $         .51    $        1.71   $         1.68
                                                  =============   =============    =============   ==============
Diluted earnings per share ....................   $         .54   $         .49    $        1.69   $         1.57
                                                  =============   =============    =============   ==============

3. Unrealized Appreciation of Investments:
- ------------------------------------------
Cumulative net unrealized gains on fixed maturity securities  available for sale
and equity  securities  credited to a separate  account in common  shareholders'
equity  amounted to $89.7 at September  30,  1998.  Unrealized  appreciation  of
investments,  before  applicable  income taxes of $48.7,  at September  30, 1998
included   gross   unrealized   gains  and   (losses)  of  $151.8  and  $(13.3),

For  the  nine  months  ended  September  30,  1998  and  1997,  net  unrealized
appreciation of investments, net of deferred income taxes, amounted to $17.2 and
$20.5, respectively.


                  Nine Months Ended September 30, 1998 and 1997
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


This   analysis   pertains  to  the   consolidated   accounts  of  Old  Republic
International Corporation.  The Company conducts its business through four major
segments,  namely its  General  (property  and  liability  coverages),  Mortgage
Guaranty, Title, and Life insurance groups.

                               FINANCIAL POSITION

Old Republic's financial position at September 30, 1998 reflected an increase in
assets of 2.0%,  a decrease in  liabilities  of 0.2%,  and an increase in common
shareholders'  equity  of  6.9%  when  compared  to  the  immediately  preceding
year-end.  Cash and invested assets  represented 70.1% and 69.6% of consolidated
assets as of September 30, 1998 and December 31, 1997, respectively.

Relatively  high  short-term  maturity  investment  positions  continued  to  be
maintained as of September 30, 1998 to provide necessary  liquidity for specific
operating needs and to enhance  flexibility in investment  strategy.  Changes in
short-term investments reflect a large variety of seasonal and intermediate-term
factors  including  seasonal  operating  cash needs,  investment  strategy,  and
expectations as to trends in investment yields. Accordingly, the future level of
short-term  investments  will vary and respond to the dynamics of these  factors
and may, as a result, increase or decrease from current levels. During the first
nine months of 1998,  the  Corporation  committed  substantially  all investable
funds in short to  intermediate-term  fixed  maturity  securities.  Old Republic
continues to adhere to its long-term policy of investing primarily in investment
grade,  marketable  securities;  the Corporation has not directed its investable
funds to so-called  "junk bonds" or derivative  types of securities.  During the
first  nine  months of 1998,  Old  Republic's  commitment  to equity  securities
increased by 28.4% vis-a-vis the related  invested balance at year-end 1997 as a
result of  unrealized  gains and greater  purchases  during that  period.  As of
September 30, 1998, the carrying  value of fixed maturity  securities in default
as to principal or interest was immaterial in relation to consolidated assets or
shareholders' equity.

Consolidated  operations  produced positive cash flows in this year's first nine
months of approximately  $242.9 million,  compared to $272.8 million in the same
period of 1997.  The parent  holding  company has met its  liquidity and capital
needs  principally  through  dividends paid by its  subsidiaries.  The insurance
subsidiaries'  ability to pay cash  dividends to the parent company is generally
restricted by law or subject to approval of the insurance regulatory authorities
of the states in which they are domiciled. Additionally, the terms of guarantees
by the Company of bank loans to the trustee of the Company's  Employees  Savings
and Stock Ownership Plan restrict the amount of debt the Company may incur. This
covenant is being met.

Old Republic's  capitalization  of $2.44 billion at September 30, 1998 consisted
of debt and debt equivalents of $145.2 million,  convertible  preferred stock of
$1.2 million,  and common shareholders' equity of $2.30 billion. The increase in
the common  shareholders'  equity account during the nine months ended September
30, 1998  reflects  primarily  the  retention of earnings in excess of dividends
declared on outstanding preferred and common shares offset to some degree by the
reacquisition  of $86.5 million worth of common shares  pursuant to a previously
announced plan.

Common  share  data has been  adjusted  retroactively  to  reflect  a 50%  stock
dividend  treated as a 3 for 2 split of the Company's  common shares approved by
the  Board  of  Directors  on  March  12,  1998  and  issued  on May 4,  1998 to
shareholders of record on April 10, 1998.

                              RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

Consolidated  net  premiums  and fees  earned in the first  nine  months of 1998
amounted to $1.33 billion and were 11.7% above the amount reported for the first
nine months of 1997.  For the third quarter of 1998,  consolidated  net premiums
and fees earned amounted to $472.7 million,  13.4% above the amount reported for
the third quarter of 1997. For the third quarter of 1998, the Company's  General
Insurance  Group posted  relatively flat earned premium volume of $234.6 million
as a result of a continuing soft pricing environment.  Premiums for the Mortgage
Guaranty  Group  increased by 4.2 % to $72.0  million from $69.1  million in the
year-ago quarter. Title Group premium and fee revenues increased 40.8% to $150.1
million in the third  quarter of 1998 when compared to the same quarter of 1997.
The Mortgage  Guaranty  Group and the Title Group  benefitted  from low mortgage
rates and high employment trends, as well as moderately greater  appreciation of
home  prices.  The Life and Health  Group's  premium  volume  increased to $15.8
million, a 49.0% increase when compared to the same quarter of 1997, as a result
of greater term life and credit insurance sales.


The General Insurance  Group's net premiums earned decreased  slightly to $671.4
million  in the first  nine  months of 1998 also as a result of  limited  growth
opportunities  in a  soft  pricing  environment.  The  Mortgage  Guaranty  Group
reported net premiums earned of $216.1  million,  an increase of 7.9%. The Title
Insurance  Group  posted  premiums  and fees in the first nine  months of $405.5
million, up from $288.1 million in the year-ago period. Life and health premiums
also rose 21.4% to $44.1  million  during the same 1998 period,  but remained at
approximately 3% of consolidated premiums and fees.

Consolidated  net investment  income was $204.7 million in the first nine months
of 1998 and  $68.1  million  in the third  quarter  of 1998  compared  to $202.7
million  and $69.0  million,  respectively  in the same  quarter  and nine month
periods of 1997.  This  revenue  source was  affected by  positive  consolidated
operating  cash  flows  and  by  a   concentration   of  investable   assets  in
interest-bearing, fixed maturity securities. Higher dividend payments by certain
subsidiaries to finance the aforementioned  stock buy back program of the parent
holding  company  reduced  invested  assets and thus limited  investment  income
growth  to  some  degree.  The  average  annualized  yield  on  investments  was
approximately  5.7%  and  6.0%  at the  end of  September  30,  1998  and  1997,
respectively.  This yield pattern reflects at once the relatively short maturity
of Old Republic's fixed maturity securities portfolio, changes in interest rates
at various times and the commitment of a larger  percentage of investable  funds
to  tax-exempt  fixed  maturity  securities  that  typically  bear lower current

The Company's  investment  policies have not been designed to maximize  realized
investment  gains.  Realized  gains of $32.0 million in the first nine months of
1998 were mostly due to the sale of equity securities.  In addition to scheduled
maturities,  dispositions  of securities  have been caused  principally by calls
prior  to  maturity  by  issuers  of bonds  and  notes  and by  sales of  equity
securities.  For the  first  nine  months of 1998,  66.5% of total  dispositions
represented  maturities and early calls of existing holdings;  for the year 1997
these transactions amounted to 76.9% of the total dispositions.

Consolidated  benefit,  claim  and  settlement  costs,  as a  percentage  of net
premiums  and fees  earned,  were  approximately  44% and 49% in the first  nine
months of 1998 and 1997, respectively. For the third quarter of each year, these
ratios  were 44% in 1998 and 48% in 1997.  Consolidated  claims  experience  for
property  and  liability  coverages  were higher for the  quarter and  basically
stable for the nine month period; to some extent, 1998 periods were penalized by
greater  claims  severity in certain lines.  Mortgage  Guaranty claim costs were
lower  during the third  quarter and first nine  months of 1998  compared to the
same  periods  in 1997 due to a  reduction  in  expected  claims.  Title  claims
remained  basically level  percentage wise in 1998, while Life Group claim costs
were  higher  in the  latest  quarterly  and nine  month  periods  due to higher
ordinary life claims frequency and severity.

The ratio of consolidated  underwriting,  acquisition and insurance  expenses to
net  premiums  and fees earned were 50% and 45% in the first nine months of 1998
and 1997, respectively.  These ratios were 51% and 45% for the third quarters of
1998 and 1997, respectively. Variations in these percentages between comparative
periods  typically  reflect  changing  patterns in the mix of  business  and the
varying production costs pertaining  thereto.  The higher ratios in 1998 periods
reflected  the  significance  of title  insurance  volume which  normally  carry
greater production costs, and, in 1998, higher legal defense cost provisions,  a
rise in mortgage  guaranty  sales  expenses  resulting from higher net costs for
providing contract underwriting services in particular,  and a relatively higher
expense  ratio  for  property  and  liability  insurance  due  to  flat  premium
production trends.

The Company and its subsidiaries  have been aware for several years of potential
information  processing  problems  associated with programming codes in computer
systems as they apply to the year 2000 and beyond.  The  potential  problems are
related to computer  programs  that use only two, as opposed to four,  digits to
identify a year;  thus,  such  programs may be unable to interpret  dates beyond
1999, and could cause a system  failure,  or other computer  errors,  that could
lead to possible  disruptions  of  operations.  The Company's  subsidiaries  are
scheduled to complete by March 31, 1999, the  identification  and implementation
of changes  and the  testing of systems  affected  by this Year 2000  issue.  In
addition, a process has commenced to obtain confirmation of Year 2000 compliance
from  principal  vendors  and other  important  third party  relationships.  The
Company's  subsidiaries  will  address the issue of a  contingency  plan in mid-
1999. The costs of identifying,  implementing  and testing the required  changes
has not been material to historical  operating results; a significant portion of
these costs were not incremental as the Company and its subsidiaries have mostly
utilized existing resources.


Pre-Tax and Net Income:
Consolidated  income before taxes increased by 0.5% and 3.6%,  respectively,  in
the third  quarter  and first  nine  months  of 1998 when  compared  to the same
periods one year ago.  Excluding  the effects of the  non-recurring  tax-related
items recorded in the second quarter of 1997,  consolidated  income before taxes
increased  by 8.2% in the first nine  months of 1998 when  compared  to the same
period in 1997. The Corporation's Mortgage Guaranty and Title insurance segments
reflected higher pre-tax operating  earnings in both the latest quarter and year
to date  period of 1998.  General  Insurance  operations  posted a  decrease  in
pre-tax  operating  earnings in this year's third quarter  nearly equally due to
reduced investment income and poorer  underwriting  results;  for the first nine
months  of the  year,  most  of  the  earnings  shortfall  was  due  to  reduced
underwriting  income.  Life Insurance  reported decreased earnings due to higher
claims costs.

The effective  consolidated  income tax rate,  excluding the effects of the 1997
non-recurring  items, was 31% and 32%,  respectively,  in the third quarters and
nine month  periods of 1998 and 1997,  respectively.  The rates for each  period
reflect  primarily the varying  proportions of pre-tax  operating income derived
from tax-sheltered  investment income (principally  tax-exempt  interest) on the
one hand, and fully taxable  investment and  underwriting/service  income on the
other hand.

                                OTHER INFORMATION

Historical  data  pertaining  to the  operating  results,  liquidity,  and other
financial matters applicable to an insurance enterprise such as Old Republic are
not  necessarily  indicative of results to be achieved in succeeding  years.  In
addition to the factors cited in the next paragraph, the long-term nature of the
insurance  business,  seasonal  and annual  patterns in premium  production  and
incidence of claims,  changes in yields obtained on invested assets,  changes in
government  policies  and free  markets  affecting  inflation  rates and general
economic  conditions,  and changes in legal precedents or the application of law
affecting   the   settlement   of   disputed   claims  all  have  a  bearing  on
period-to-period comparisons and future operating results.

Any  forward-looking  statements  contained in this report, of necessity involve
assumptions,  uncertainties,  and risks  that may affect  the  Company's  future
performance.  With  regard to Old  Republic's  General  insurance  segment,  its
results can be affected in particular by the level of market  competition  which
is  typically  a function of  available  capital  and  expected  returns on such
capital  among  competitors,  the levels of interest and  inflation  rates,  and
periodic  changes in claim  frequency  and severity  patterns  caused by natural
disasters, weather conditions,  accidents,  illnesses and work-related injuries.
Mortgage Guaranty and Title insurance results can be affected by such factors as
changes in national and regional housing demand and values, the availability and
cost of mortgage loans,  employment trends, and default rates on mortgage loans;
mortgage  guaranty  results  may  also  be  affected  by  various   risk-sharing
arrangements with business producers.  Life and disability insurance results can
be  impacted  by the levels of  employment  and  consumer  spending,  as well as
mortality and health trends. At the holding company level, results are generally
affected by the amount of debt outstanding and its cost.

Any  forward-looking  statements  speak  only as of their  dates.  Old  Republic
undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise such  statements,  whether
as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, and accordingly they
may not be unduly relied upon.


                                   FORM 10 - Q
                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Item 6 - Reports on Form 8-K
- ----------------------------

 (a) Reports on Form 8-K

     1. The  registrant has not filed any reports on Form 8-K during the quarter
        for which this report is filed.

Items other than those listed are omitted because they are not required.



   Pursuant to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,  the
   registrant  has duly  caused  this  report to be signed on its  behalf by the
   undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                        Old Republic International Corporation

      Date:  November 13, 1998

                                                   /s/ Paul D. Adams
                                                     P. D. Adams
                                               Senior Vice President &
                                               Chief Financial Officer