February 10, 1999

Mr. Edward A. Blechschmidt
1550 Mt. Pleasant Road
Villanova, PA 19085

Dear Ed:

This  Letter  Agreement  will serve to  outline  the key points to which you and
Olsten Corporation ("Olsten" or the "Company") have agreed. It is further agreed
to by the  parties  hereto  that  these key  points  will,  as soon as  possible
hereafter,  be incorporated into a standard Employment Agreement between you and
the Company,  which  agreement  will be of the nature  customarily  entered into
between a Chief Executive Officer and a public company.
The key terms are as follows:

1.   Title and Salary - Effective 2/10/99, you will be named the Chief Executive
     Officer  of the  Company,  and be  appointed  a  member  of  its  Board  of
     Directors.  Your base salary will be increased to $750,000 per annum, which
     base salary will be reviewed annually, but cannot be reduced.

2.   Bonus - Your targeted  bonus will be at 80% of your base salary  ("Targeted
     Bonus").  For fiscal years 1999 and 2000, a bonus equal to 50% of base will
     be a guaranteed minimum.

3.   Stock Options and Performance  Based-Stock Awards - You are hereby granted,
     under the terms of the  Company's  1994 Stock  Incentive  Plan (the "SOP"),
     150,000  options  to acquire  Olsten's  $.10 par value  common  stock ( the
     "Common Stock"),  vesting over 5 years.* The performance-based  stock award
     previously granted to you in Section 5 of the Letter Agreement of September
     11,  1998  between  you and the  Company is  replaced  in its  entirety  as
         a.)  Should the Common Stock,  any  time prior to Dec. 31, 2000,  Trade
              (defined as a publicly quoted trade on the NYSE or any other stock
              market,  or a private  transaction  which is a part of a Change of
              Control  (as  hereinafter  defined))  at or  greater  than $15 per
              share, you will be awarded 60,467  restricted shares of the Common
              Stock ( ($15 - $5.93) x  (100,000/15)  ), which  shares shall vest
              1/3  immediately  on the  date of  grant,  the next 1/3 on the 1st
              anniversary  of the original  grant,  and the remaining 1/3 on the
              2nd anniversary thereof.

     * These options are in addition to the 200,000 options  previously  granted
       to you on October 19, 1998 at an exercise price of $5.9375 per share.

         b.)  In addition,  should Olsten's Common Stock, any time prior to Dec.
              31,  2001,  Trade at or greater  than $25 per  share,  you will be
              awarded  76,280  restricted  shares of the  Common  Stock ( ($25 -
              $5.93) x (100,000/25) ), which shares shall vest on the same basis
              as per Paragraph 3., subsection a., above.

     On a Change of Control (as hereinafter  defined),  any restricted shares of
     the Common Stock  previously  awarded  under this  performance-based  stock
     award shall immediately vest.

4.   Term of Employment  Agreement- The term of this Employment  Agreement shall
     be 3 years with  automatic  renewals in 2 year  increments,  unless 3 month
     prior to renewal  notice not to renew is given.  Should notice not to renew
     be given,  24 months of Total  Compensation  (defined as your then  current
     annual salary plus the average of your Targeted Bonus for that year and the
     prior  year's  actual  bonus) shall be paid to you lump sum as severance on
     the last date of the Employment Agreement's term. In addition, you and your
     dependents then currently  covered by the plans will continue to be covered
     for a period of 18  months,  at no  additional  cost to you other than your
     then current contributions,  under the Company's medical, dental and vision
     care benefit plans (the  "Medical Plan  Benefits").  Further  thereto,  all
     stock options then held by you which would  otherwise  become vested within
     18  months  of  your  termination  shall  become   immediately  vested  and
     exercisable  and shall  remain  exercisable  for a period of 90 days  after
     termination of your employment.

5.   Early Termination:
     o  Termination  For  Cause  (to  be  defined  to  your  and  the  Company's
        satisfaction)  - compensation  ceases at once; any unused vacation shall
        be paid;
     o  Voluntary Termination (other than on a Change of Control) - compensation
        ceases as of date of departure. Any unused vacation and any bonus earned
        shall be paid, provided,  however, as to the bonus only, you have worked
        through the end of the fiscal year;
     o  Involuntary  Termination  (other  than on a  Change  of  Control)  - all
        unvested stock options  previously  granted to you which would otherwise
        become  vested  within  18  months  of  your  termination  shall  become
        immediately  vested and  exercisable  and,  with regard to stock options
        granted to you in 1998 and 1999, 50% of each such years' grants will, if
        not already vested,  become immediately vested and exercisable,  and all
        vested  options shall remain  exercisable  for a period of 90 days after
        termination of your employment; plus, on date of termination, a lump sum
        severance payment equal to 2 years Total  Compensation  shall be paid to
        you; plus the Medical Plan Benefits will be provided as per Paragraph 4,

6.   Change of Control:
     o  Upon a Change of Control and a subsequent  material  diminution  of your
        current  responsibilities as Chief Executive Officer of a public company
        should you voluntarily  leave the Company or should you be involuntarily
        terminated,  you shall receive a lump sum severance payment equal to the
        product of 2 x (your then current annual salary + Targeted Bonus).

     o  The term  Change of  Control  as used  herein  shall  have,  except  for
        changing  25% to 40% as regards  total  voting  power of all  classes of
        capital stock,  the same meaning as that term is defined in the SOP. The
        parties hereto have agreed in the drafting of your Employment  Agreement
        to resolve how best to provide  for tax  effective  distribution  of any
        excise tax imposed on you by Section 4999 of the  Internal  Revenue Code
        upon a Change of Control.

7.   Other:
     o  SERP -  Effective  with the date of this Letter  Agreement,  you will be
        credited with 10 years service for purposes of calculating  your benefit
        under the Company's  Supplemental  Executive  Retirement  Plan ("SERP"),
        and, provided you remain in the employ of the Company,  you will vest in
        such benefit as per the following schedule:
                  2/10/99  -  50%
                  2/10/00  -  60%
                  2/10/01  -  70%
                  2/10/02  -  80% 
                  2/10/03  -  90%
                  2/10/04  - 100%
        For  calculation of "Earnings" as defined in the SERP, in the absence of
        historical data, Targeted Total Compensation (defined as the sum of your
        initial base salary and Targeted Bonus  hereunder)  will be substituted.
        Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary in this Letter Agreement,  the
        parties  hereto agree that any discussion of the SERP herein may require
        modification  so as to  preserve  the  intent of this  Letter  Agreement
        within the framework of the SERP, as currently exists.
     o  Country  Club  Membership  and  Dues- all  costs  associated  with a new
        country club membership will be fully paid by Olsten;
     o  Relocation Expenses - you will be entitled to 3rd party (commission/fee)
        buy-out  assistance of your current  residence  based upon a fair market



/s/ William P. Costantini     
By: William P. Costantini
    Executive Vice President

Agreed to by:

/s/ Edward A. Blechschmidt                                     2-10-99
__________________________________                             ___________
Edward A. Blechschmidt                                         Date