Effective January 4, 1999

                               OLSTEN CORPORATION

                                Table of Contents

                                    Article I
                             Background and Purpose

1.1    Background........................................................1
1.2    Purpose...........................................................1

                                   Article II

2.1    Accrued Benefit...................................................1
2.2    Active Service....................................................2
2.3    Actuarial Equivalent..............................................2
2.4    Beneficiary.......................................................3
2.5    Benefit Objective.................................................3
2.6    Benefits Committee................................................3
2.7    Board of Directors................................................3
2.8    Break in Service..................................................3
2.9    Change in Control.................................................4
2.10   Code..............................................................4
2.11   Company...........................................................4
2.12   Disability (or "Disabled")........................................4
2.13   Early Retirement Age..............................................4
2.14   Early Retirement Date.............................................4
2.15   Effective Date....................................................4
2.16   Employee..........................................................4
2.17   Entry Date .......................................................4
2.18   ERISA.............................................................4
2.19   Final Average Earnings............................................4
2.20   Highly Compensated Employee.......................................5
2.21   Hours of Service..................................................5
2.22   Integrated Benefits...............................................6
2.23   Late Retirement Date..............................................7
2.24   Normal Retirement Age.............................................7
2.25   Normal Retirement Date............................................7
2.26   Participant.......................................................7
2.27   Participating Employer............................................7
2.28   Plan..............................................................7
2.29   Plan Administrator................................................7
2.30   Plan Year.........................................................7
2.31   Primary Social Security Benefit...................................7
2.32   Prior Plan........................................................7
2.33   Service...........................................................7
2.34   Subsidiary........................................................7
2.35   Termination of Service............................................8
2.36   Total Compensation................................................8


2.37   Trust.............................................................8
2.38   Trustee...........................................................8
2.39   Year(s)of Participation...........................................8
2.40   Year(s)of Service.................................................9

                                   Article III
                          Eligibility and Participation

3.1    Eligibility.......................................................9
3.2    Participation.....................................................9
3.3    Suspension of Participation.......................................9

                                   Article IV

4.1    Funding..........................................................10
4.2    Insolvency.......................................................11
4.3    Amounts Not Made Available.......................................12
4.4    Contingent Nature of Accrued Benefits............................12

                                    Article V
                             Entitlement to Benefits

5.1    Normal Retirement................................................12
5.2    Late Retirement..................................................12
5.3    Early Retirement.................................................12
5.4    Termination of Service...........................................12
5.5    Death............................................................13
5.6    Disability.......................................................13
5.7    Vesting and Forfeitures..........................................13
5.8    Distribution Elections...........................................13
5.9    Special Rule for Change in Control...............................14
5.10   Special Rules for Additional Benefits............................14

                                   Article VI

6.1    Forms of Payment.................................................15
6.2    Pre-Retirement Death Distributions...............................15

                                   Article VII
                             Participating Employers

7.1    Adoption by Other Employers......................................16
7.2    Allocation of Plan and Trust Expenses............................16
7.3    Designation of Company as Agent..................................16
7.4    Employee Transfers...............................................16
7.5    Contributions and Forfeitures of Participating Employer..........17
7.6    Amendments by Participating Employers............................17
7.7    Discontinuance of Participation .................................17


                                  Article VIII
                            Amendment and Termination

8.1    Right to Amend or Terminate......................................17
8.2    Merger or Consolidation..........................................18

                                   Article IX

9.1    Plan Administrator...............................................18
9.2    Binding Effect...................................................18
9.3    Delegation of Authority..........................................18
9.4    Plan Records.....................................................19
9.5    Limited Liability................................................19

                                    Article X
                                Claims Procedure

10.1   Claims Submission................................................19
10.2   Claim Review.....................................................20
10.3   Right of Appeal..................................................20
10.4   Review of Appeal.................................................20
10.5   Designation......................................................20

                                   Article XI

11.1   Headings.........................................................20
11.2   Uniformity.......................................................21
11.3   Obligations of the Company and Participating Employers...........21
11.4   Governing Law....................................................21
11.5   Gender and Number................................................21
11.6   Taxes............................................................21
11.7   Plan Benefits Nontransferable....................................21
11.8   Incompetence.....................................................21
11.9   Identity.........................................................21
11.10  Other Benefits...................................................22
11.11  Construction.....................................................22
11.12  No Guarantee of Employment.......................................22


                               OLSTEN CORPORATION

                                    ARTICLE I

                             Background And Purpose

1.1 Background.  The Olsten Corporation  Supplemental  Executive Retirement Plan
(the  "Plan")  was  established  effective  January  4,  1999.  The  Plan  is an
amendment,  restatement and continuation of the Olsten Corporation  Supplemental
Retirement Plan for Key Executives Designated by the Company (the "Prior Plan").

1.2 Purpose.  The Plan was  established  for the purpose of  providing  unfunded
deferred  compensation  for a select group of management and highly  compensated
employees as defined in Title I of the Employee  Retirement  Income Security Act
of 1974, as amended.  All  contributions  to the Plan are made by the Company or
Participating Employers.  Participants are not required or permitted to make any
contributions  to the Plan.  The Plan is not  intended  to  qualify  under  Code
section 401(a).

                                   ARTICLE II


2.1 Accrued  Benefit means the benefit  payable to a Participant  under the Plan
determined in accordance with this Section and the provisions of the Plan.

                  (a) A  Participant's  Accrued  Benefit  at his  or her  Normal
                  Retirement  Date  shall  be  equal  to (i)  the  Participant's
                  Benefit Objective  multiplied by a fraction,  the numerator of
                  which is the Participant's  actual Years of Participation upon
                  Termination  of Service  and the  denominator  of which is the
                  Participant's   projected  Years  of  Participation   had  the
                  Participant   remained   employed   by   the   Company   or  a
                  Participating Employer until his or her Normal Retirement Date
                  minus (ii) the Participant's  Integrated Benefits  (calculated
                  as provided in paragraph (b) below).

                  (b) For purposes of  paragraph  (a) above,  the  Participant's
                  Benefit Objective minus the Participant's  Integrated Benefits
                  shall be calculated as follows:

                      (i)    The Participant's  Benefit Objective shall first be
                             expressed as an Actuarially Equivalent lump sum.

                      (ii)   Such  lump  sum  shall   then  be  reduced  by  the
                             Actuarially  Equivalent  lump sum of any Integrated

                      (iii)  The resulting  amount shall then be converted  into
                             an Actuarially Equivalent single life annuity.

                 (c) A  Participant's  Accrued  Benefit  at  his  or  her  Early
                 Retirement  Date  shall be equal to the  Participant's  Accrued
                 Benefit  at his or her  Normal  Retirement  date,  adjusted  as

                      (i)    For  Participants  who terminate  employment  after
                             having  attained  their Early  Retirement  Age, the
                             Years of  Participation  in the  denominator of the
                             fraction  described  in  Section  2.1(a)  shall  be
                             limited to thirty (30) years; and

                      (ii)   The  Participant's  Accrued  Benefit  at his or her
                             Normal Retirement Date shall be actuarially reduced
                             by six  percent  (6%)  for each  year by which  the
                             Participant's  Early  Retirement  Date precedes the
                             Participant's Normal Retirement Date.

                 (d)  A   Participant's   Accrued   Benefit   payable   at   the
                 Participant's  Late  Retirement Date shall be calculated in the
                 same manner as the Participant's Accrued Benefit payable at the
                 Participant's  Normal  Retirement  Age,  except  that  all of a
                 Participant's Years of Participation  through the Participant's
                 Late  Retirement  Date shall be included in both the  numerator
                 and the denominator of the fraction  described in paragraph (a)

                 (e) In the case of any  payments  made  before a  Participant's
                 Early Retirement Date, the Participant's  Accrued Benefit shall
                 be the Actuarial Equivalent of the Accrued Benefit available at
                 Early Retirement Date.

2.2 Active  Service means the period during which an Employee is employed by the
Company or a  Participating  Employer  and the Employee is actively at work with
the Company or Participating  Employer.  Active Service does not include periods
(i) for which the Employee  receives  severance  benefits  from the Company or a
Participating  Employer; or (ii) during which the Employee performs services for
the Company or Participating Employer as a consultant or independent contractor.

2.3 Actuarial  Equivalent  means  an  amount  determined  using   the  following
mortality tables and interest factors:

                  (a) For determining the actuarial equivalent of a lump sum:

                      (i)    the  mortality  table  shall  be  the  UP84  Unisex
                             Pension Mortality Table; and

                      (ii)   the  interest  rate  shall be  based  upon the rate
                             promulgated   by  the  Pension   Benefit   Guaranty
                             Corporation  (PBGC)  for  purposes  of  determining
                             settlements   upon  plan   termination  as  of  the
                             beginning   of  the  Plan  Year  during  which  the
                             determination  is being made,  but in the event the
                             PBGC no longer promulgates such interest rates, the
                             Plan  Administrator  shall  select  an  alternative
                             method of determining the applicable interest rate.


                  (b) For  determining  the  actuarial  equivalent  of any other
                      optional form of benefit:

                      (i)    the mortality table shall be the 1983 Group Annuity
                             Mortality  (GAM) Table (blended 50% of the male and
                             50% of the female rate); and

                      (ii)   the interest rate shall be seven percent (7.00%).

2.4 Beneficiary  means  such  beneficiary as the  Participant may designate from
time to time on a form made available by the Company for such purpose (which may
be available in paper,  facsimile,  electronic  or voice  response  format),  to
receive  any benefit  payable in the event of the  Participant's  death.  Unless
otherwise  designated,  the  Beneficiary  with respect to a married  Participant
shall be the  Participant's  surviving spouse. If a Participant has no surviving
spouse  and  has  not  made  a  valid  Beneficiary  designation  hereunder,  the
Participant's death benefit shall be paid to the Participant's estate.

2.5 Benefit  Objective  means  an  amount  equal to the  value of a single  life
annuity that will pay the  Participant  an annual  amount equal to sixty percent
(60%) of the Participant's  Final Average  Earnings,  subject to the adjustments
described in (a) and (b) below.

                 (a) A  Participant  who has fewer than  twenty  (20)  projected
                 Years of Service at the  Participant's  Normal  Retirement Date
                 will have his or her Benefit  Objective  reduced as provided in
                 this paragraph.  The Benefit  Objective will be multiplied by a
                 fraction  (not to exceed  one),  the  numerator of which is the
                 Participant's  projected  Years of Service at his or her Normal
                 Retirement Date and the denominator of which is twenty (20).

                 (b) Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, a Participant with
                 fewer than ten (10) projected Years of  Participation  from the
                 Participant's  Entry Date to his or her Normal  Retirement Date
                 will have his or her Benefit  Objective  reduced as provided in
                 this paragraph.  The  Participant's  Benefit  Objective will be
                 multiplied  by a fraction (not to exceed one),  which  produces
                 the lowest Benefit Objective, determined as follows:

                      (i)    the  Participant's  Years of  Service at his or her
                             Normal Retirement Date divided by twenty (20); or

                      (ii)   the Participant's  Years of Participation at his or
                             her Normal Retirement Date divided by ten (10).

2.6 Benefits Committee  means the committee established by the Company to manage
its various employee benefit plans.

2.7 Board of Directors means the board of directors of the Company.

2.8 Break in Service  means a Plan Year in which a Participant does not complete
at least 501 Hours of Service.


2.9 Change in  Control means the acquisition by a "person" (as such term is used
in sections 13(d) and 14(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934) of more than
twenty-five  percent (25%) of the then outstanding  voting stock of the Company,
other  than  through a  transaction  arranged  by, or with the  consent  of, the
Company or the Board,  or the purchase of at least ten percent (10%) of the then
outstanding  shares of voting stock of the Company pursuant to a tender offer or
exchange offer which is opposed by a majority of the members then serving on the

2.10 Code  means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

2.11 Company  means Olsten Corporation and its successors.

2.12 Disability (or Disabled) means a medically  determinable physical or mental
impairment  that renders a  Participant  totally  disabled.  If the  Participant
qualifies to receive benefits under the Company's long term disability  program,
the  Participant  shall be presumed  Disabled for purposes of this Plan.  If the
Participant  does not qualify to receive  benefits under the Company's long term
disability program,  the Plan Administrator may nevertheless  determine that the
Participant is Disabled for purposes of this Plan. Continued payment of benefits
under the Plan in the event of a Participant's  Disability  shall be conditioned
upon the Participant's continued Disability,  which may be reviewed from time to
time by the insurance carrier for the Company's long term disability  program or
by the Plan Administrator.

2.13 Early Retirement Age means age fifty-five (55).

2.14 Early  Retirement  Date means the first day of any calendar month after (i)
the  Participant's  Early  Retirement  Age but before the  Participant's  Normal
Retirement Age,  regardless of whether the  Participant is actively  employed by
the Company or a Participating  Employer on such date and (ii) the Participant's
completion of five (5) Years of Service.

2.15 Effective Date  of the Plan means January 4, 1999.

2.16 Employee  means  the  regular,  full-time  employees  of the  Company  or a
Participating Employer who is designated as such on the books and records of the
Company or Participating Employer, as determined by the Plan Administrator.

2.17 Entry Date means the first day of the  calendar  month on or after the date
on which a key executive who is a Highly  Compensated  Employee is designated by
the Company as being eligible to participate in the Plan.

2.18 ERISA means the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended
from time to time.

2.19 Final Average  Earnings means the annualized  average of the  Participant's
highest Total Compensation for the five (5) out of six (6) consecutive  calendar
years in the ten (10)  consecutive  calendar  years  including  and  preceding a
Participant's  Termination  of  Service  with  the  Company  or a  Participating
Employer;  provided, however, a Participant's Final Average Earnings may include
the projected amount that would have been paid to the Participant as base salary
for the calendar year in which the Participant  terminated Service, added to any
bonus  and  incentive  compensation  actually  paid  to the  Participant  in the
calendar year in which the Participant terminated Service.


2.20 Highly  Compensated  Employee  means any Employee  who is a  management  or
highly compensated employee (within the meaning of Title I of ERISA) and who:

                 (a)  is  a  five   percent   (5%)  owner  of  the   Company  or
                 Participating  Employer at any time during the Plan Year or the
                 preceding Plan Year;

                 (b) for the preceding Plan Year received Total  Compensation in
                 excess of the amount specified in Code section 414(q)(1)(B)(i);

                 (c)  for  the  current  Plan  Year,   the  Plan   Administrator
                 determines that the Employee's  Total  Compensation is expected
                 to exceed the amount specified in Code Section 414(q)(1)(B)(i).

2.21 Hours of Service

                 (a) Hours of Service includes each hour:

                      (i)    for which an  individual  is paid,  or  entitled to
                             pay, by the Company or a Participating Employer for
                             the performance of duties, and

                      (ii)   for which an  individual  is paid,  or  entitled to
                             pay, by the Company or Participating  Employer with
                             respect to a period of time during  which no duties
                             are performed due to vacation, holiday, or illness,
                             incapacity,  disability,  maternity leave,  layoff,
                             jury  duty,  military  duty,  or leave  of  absence
                             (determined in accordance  with Department of Labor
                             Regulations section 2530.200b-2(b) and (c)), and

                      (iii)  for which back pay,  irrespective  of mitigation of
                             damages,  is either  awarded  to an  individual  or
                             agreed to by the Company or Participating Employer.

                 (b) An Hour of Service  shall not be  credited  under more than
                 one paragraph above. Only 501 Hours of Service will be credited
                 to an  individual  for any  single  continuous  period  of time
                 during which the  individual was paid but rendered no services,
                 even where such period spans more than one computation period.

                 (c) An Employee will be credited with  forty-five (45) Hours of
                 Service  for each week for  which he or she  would be  credited
                 with  one  Hour  of  Service  under  the  Department  of  Labor

                 (d) Hours of Service shall include  employment with the Company
                 and with an affiliate of the Company within the meaning of Code
                 section 1563(a).


                 (e) For purposes of determining whether a Break-in-Service  for
                 participation  or vesting purposes has occurred in a Plan Year,
                 an Employee who is absent from work for  maternity or paternity
                 reasons shall  receive  credit for Hours of Service which would
                 otherwise  have been credited to such  individual  but for such
                 absence,  or,  in any  case  in  which  such  hours  cannot  be
                 determined, eight (8) Hours of Service per day of such absence.
                 For  purposes  of this  paragraph,  an  absence  from  work for
                 maternity or paternity reasons means an absence:

                      (i)    by reason of the pregnancy of the individual;

                      (ii)   by reason of a birth of a child of the individual;

                      (iii)  by  reason  of the  placement  of a child  with the
                             individual in connection  with the adoption of such
                             child by such individual; or

                      (iv)   for  purposes of caring for such child for a period
                             beginning   immediately  following  such  birth  or
                             placement for adoption.

                 (f) The Hours of Service credited under this paragraph shall be
                 credited  in the Plan Year in which the  absence  begins if the
                 crediting is necessary  to prevent a  Break-in-Service  in that
                 period, or in all other cases, in the following Plan Year.

2.22 Integrated  Benefits.  Based on facts available to the Plan  Administrator,
the Plan  Administrator  shall  determine a Participant's  Integrated  Benefits,
which  determination  shall be binding and  conclusive on all  Participants  and
Beneficiaries.  A  Participant's  Integrated  Benefit shall equal the sum of the

                 (a) The  Participant's  account balances (as of the date of the
                 Participant's    Termination    of   Service)   from   employer
                 contributions  and the earnings  thereon  (other than  matching
                 contributions  and  the  earnings  thereon)  maintained  in the
                 Olsten   Corporation   Retirement   Savings  Plan,  the  Olsten
                 Corporation    Nonqualified   Retirement   and   Savings   Plan
                 (established  effective  January 1, 1999)  (which  includes the
                 Olsten  Corporation  Nonqualified  Savings  Plan  for  Selected
                 Management  Employees and the Olsten  Corporation  Nonqualified
                 Retirement Plan for Selected Management Employees) or any other
                 plan  of   deferred   compensation   that   includes   employer
                 contributions on behalf of the  Participant.  In no event shall
                 accumulations  in such other  plans  attributable  to  employee
                 contributions  (whether  pre-tax or after-tax) and the earnings
                 thereon or employer  matching  contributions  and the  earnings
                 thereon be considered as Integrated Benefits in this Plan.

                 (b) The Participant's Primary Social Security Benefit.


2.23 Late  Retirement  Date means the first day of any calendar  month after the
Participant's Normal Retirement Date.

2.24 Normal  Retirement  Age means  the date that the  Participant  attains  age
sixty-two (62).

2.25 Normal  Retirement  Date  means the first day of the  calendar  month on or
immediately  after the date that the  Participant  (i) attains his or her Normal
Retirement Age and (ii) has completed five (5) Years of Service.

2.26 Participant means any Highly Compensated Employee who is a key executive of
the Company or a  Participating  Employer  and is  designated  by the Company as
eligible to participate in the Plan.

2.27 Participating  Employer  means  any  entity  in the  following  group  that
includes the Company: (i) a controlled group of corporations, within the meaning
of Code  section  414(b);  (ii) a group of trades  or  businesses  under  common
control,  within the meaning of Code section 414(c); (iii) an affiliated service
group,  within the meaning of Code section  414(m);  or (iv) a trade or business
required to be aggregated pursuant to Code section 414(o),  provided such entity
has adopted this Plan pursuant to Article VIII,  with the permission of the Plan

2.28 Plan means the Olsten Corporation  Supplemental  Executive Retirement Plan,
which is intended  to be an unfunded  deferred  compensation  arrangement  for a
select group of  management or Highly  Compensated  Employees of the Company and
Participating Employers.

2.29 Plan  Administrator   means  the   Benefits  Committee  or  its  designated

2.30 Plan Year means the period of time beginning on January 1 and ending on the
following December 31.

2.31 Primary Social Security Benefit.  Unless the Plan Administrator  determines
otherwise,  "Primary Social Security  Benefit" means the  Participant's  primary
insurance amount under the United States or Canadian Social Security Act payable
at the disability  retirement date or at age sixty-five (65),  whichever applies
to the Participant, and/or any other comparable primary insurance amount payable
under another governmental retirement program.

2.32 Prior Plan means the Olsten  Corporation  Supplemental  Retirement Plan for
Key Executives Designated by the Company.

2.33 Service means the period of full-time  employment of a Participant with (i)
the Company or a Participating Employer or (ii) a Subsidiary of the Company (but
not counting any period during which such Subsidiary was not a Subsidiary of the
Company,  unless specifically agreed to by the Company).  For this purpose,  all
periods of employment with the Company and any Subsidiary (both before and after
the adoption of the Plan and before and after the Employee  became a Participant
in the Plan) shall be included as Service.

2.34 Subsidiary  means  any  corporation,  at least fifty  percent  (50%) of the
outstanding  voting stock of which is beneficially  owned directly or indirectly
by the Company.


2.35 Termination of Service means the last day of the calendar month on or after
the termination of a  Participant's  Service whether by voluntary or involuntary
separation, retirement, disability or death.

2.36 Total Compensation means:

                 (a) All  remuneration  for services  paid to an Employee by the
                 Company or a Participating Employer, as defined in Code section
                 3401(a) (for purposes of income tax withholding at the source),
                 but   determined   without  regard  to  any  rules  that  limit
                 remuneration included in wages based on the nature and location
                 of employment or the services performed.

                 (b) Total  Compensation  as  defined  in  subsection  (a) shall
                 exclude  the  following  items  (even  if  includable  in gross

                      (i)    reimbursement or other expense allowances;

                      (ii)   fringe benefits (cash and noncash);

                      (iii)  moving expenses and gross up for taxes;

                      (iv)   welfare  benefits  (including  short  term and long
                             term disability income from any insurance  policies
                             offered  through  the  Company  or a  Participating

                      (v)    payments on account of severance of the Participant
                             from employment with the Company or a Participating

                      (vi)   payments on account of early retirement;

                      (vii)  income  arising from the grant or exercise of stock
                             options or restricted stock awards;

                      (viii) Accrued Benefits under this Plan; and

                      (ix)   distributions    from   the   Olsten    Corporation
                             Nonqualified   Retirement  and  Savings  Plan  (but
                             pre-tax   employee   contributions  to  the  Olsten
                             Corporation  Nonqualified  Retirement  and  Savings
                             Plan shall be included in the  definition  of Total
                             Compensation for purposes of this Plan).

2.37 Trust  means  one  or more  trust  instruments  designated  to hold  assets
associated with the Plan.

2.38 Trustee means the Trustee of the Trust and any successor Trustees.

2.39 Year(s) of  Participation  means the number of completed  months of Service
during  which the  Participant  has  earned an Accrued  Benefit  under the Plan.
Participants  whose  participation has been suspended in accordance with Section


3.3 shall not earn any  Years of  Participation  for  benefit  accrual  purposes
during the period of such suspension.

2.40 Year(s) of Service means the number of the  Participant's  completed months
of Service,  whether or not consecutive,  divided by twelve (12),  counting each
twelve (12) months as a Year of Service and each additional full month as 1/12th
of a Year of Service.

                                   ARTICLE III

                          Eligibility and Participation

3.1 Eligibility.

                 (a) Except as provided in this Section 3.1(a), all participants
                 in the Prior Plan shall  become  Participants  hereunder  as of
                 January 4, 1999. To the extent an Employee  participated in the
                 Prior Plan and did not perform any Service for the Company or a
                 Participating  Employer  on or  after  January  4,  1999,  such
                 Employee's  benefits shall be determined  exclusively under the
                 terms of the Prior Plan. For Employees who first participate in
                 the Plan on or after January 4, 1999,  the Prior Plan shall not
                 have any effect on the benefits payable under this Plan.

                 (b) Highly Compensated Employees who are age twenty-one (21) or
                 older,  employed by the Company or a Participating  Employer on
                 December 31, 1998 and  designated by the Company as eligible to
                 participate  in  the  Plan,  shall  become  Participants  as of
                 January 4, 1999.

                 (c) Highly Compensated Employees who are age twenty-one (21) or
                 older and who are  employed by the  Company or a  Participating
                 Employer  on or after  January  4, 1999 and  designated  by the
                 Company as eligible to  participate  in the Plan,  shall become
                 Participants as of their Entry Date.

                 (d) The Company shall have sole  discretion  to determine  when
                 and if an Employee becomes eligible to participate in the Plan.

3.2 Participation.  The Chief  Executive  Officer of  the  Company or his or her
designee will notify eligible Highly Compensated  Employees in writing when they
have been selected for participation in the Plan.

3.3 Suspension of Participation.

                 (a) A Participant's  participation in the Plan may be suspended
                 by the Company due to a  diminution  of  responsibilities.  The
                 Chief Executive Officer or his or her designee shall notify the
                 Participant  in writing if his or her  participation  hereunder
                 shall  be  suspended,  including  the  effective  date  of such


                 suspension. Participants whose participation hereunder has been
                 suspended  shall  continue to earn Years of Service for vesting
                 purposes  with  respect to the  Accrued  Benefit  earned by the
                 Participant  prior to the  effective  date of such  suspension.
                 However,  Participants whose  participation  hereunder has been
                 suspended shall cease accumulating  additional Accrued Benefits
                 as of the effective date of the suspension.

                 (b) A Participant whose  participation in the Plan is suspended
                 under Section 3.3(a) shall be eligible to resume  participation
                 in the Plan at such time as the Company may determine. Upon the
                 resumption of participation in the Plan, the Participant  shall
                 earn  additional  Years of  Participation  for benefit  accrual
                 purposes, but only with respect to those Years of Participation
                 occurring  before the  suspension  and after the  resumption of
                 participation.  Unless the Company provides otherwise, Years of
                 Participation shall not be credited for the period during which
                 the   suspension  of  the   Participant's   participation   was

                                   ARTICLE IV


4.1 Funding.

                 (a) The Company or  Participating  Employer  may deposit into a
                 Trust any  amounts  it deems  appropriate  to fund the  Accrued
                 Benefits  described  in the Plan.  To the  extent  the Trust is
                 unable  or not  required  to pay  such  Accrued  Benefits,  the
                 Accrued  Benefits shall be paid by the Company or Participating
                 Employer as and when they become due as provided herein.

                 (b) Nothing  contained herein shall be deemed to create a trust
                 of  any  kind  or  create  any  fiduciary  relationship.  Funds
                 deposited  into the Trust shall continue for all purposes to be
                 a part of the  general  funds of the  Company or  Participating
                 Employer  and no person  other than the  Company or  respective
                 Participating  Employer  shall, by virtue of the Plan, have any
                 interest in such funds.  To the extent that any person acquires
                 a right to receive payments from the Company or a Participating
                 Employer  under the Plan,  such right shall be no greater  than
                 the right of any unsecured  general  creditor of the Company or
                 the Participating Employer.


                 (c)  Should  any  insurance  contract  or other  investment  be
                 acquired in connection with the liabilities  assumed under this
                 Plan,   it  is  expressly   understood   and  agreed  that  the
                 Participants  and  Beneficiaries  shall not have any right with
                 respect  to, or claim  against,  such assets nor shall any such
                 purchase  be  construed  to  create  a trust  of any  kind or a
                 fiduciary  relationship  between  the  Company,   Participating
                 Employers  and the  Participants,  Beneficiaries  or any  other
                 person.  The  Company,  Participating  Employer or the Trust(s)
                 shall be  designated  owner and  beneficiary  of any  insurance
                 contract  acquired in connection with its obligation under this

                 (d) Each Participant and Beneficiary  shall be required to look
                 to the provisions of this Plan and to the Company or respective
                 Participating  Employer for enforcement of any and all benefits
                 under this Plan. To the extent any such person acquires a right
                 to receive  payment  under this  Plan,  such right  shall be no
                 greater than the right of any unsecured general creditor of the
                 Company or Participating Employer, respectively.

4.2 Insolvency.

                 (a) The Participant's interest in his or her benefits under the
                 Plan shall be  payable  under the Trust and shall be subject to
                 the solvency of the Company or Participating Employer.

                 (b) Should the Company or Participating  Employer be considered
                 insolvent  such that the Company or  Participating  Employer is
                 unable  to pay  current  obligations  as  they  come  due or is
                 subject to a proceeding  under the federal  Bankruptcy  Code or
                 should the Company or  Participating  Employer  become aware of
                 its pending  insolvency  or  bankruptcy,  the affected  entity,
                 acting  through  its  board of  directors  or  chief  executive
                 officer shall give immediate written notice of such to the Plan
                 Administrator and the Trustee.

                 (c) Upon receipt of such notice, the Plan Administrator and the
                 Trustee  shall cease to make any  payments to  Participants  or
                 Beneficiaries of the affected entity and shall hold any and all
                 assets with respect to those Participants and Beneficiaries for
                 the benefit of the general unsecured  creditors of such entity.
                 For this purpose,  it is expressly  provided that the assets of
                 the Company and each Participating  Employer which are intended
                 for use in  this  Plan  shall  at all  times  be  available  to
                 creditors of such entity.  The Plan shall be administered on an
                 employer-by-employer  basis,  such  that  the  assets  of  each
                 Participating   Employer   (including  the  Company)  that  are
                 available to the creditors of that Participating Employer shall
                 equal the  liabilities  accrued on behalf of the  employees  of
                 that Participating Employer.  Furthermore,  the assets of other
                 Participating  Employers  (including  the Company) shall not be
                 available  to satisfy  the claims of any  creditor of any other
                 entity whose employees participate in this Plan.


4.3 Amounts Not Made  Available.  No amounts held in the Trust or recorded as an
Accrued  Benefit  hereunder  shall  be  made  available  to the  Participant  or
Beneficiaries, except as provided for distributions described in Article VII.

4.4  Contingent  Nature of Accrued  Benefits.  Until the  Accrued  Benefits  are
distributed under the Plan to the Participants or Beneficiaries, the interest of
each  Participant and Beneficiary in this Plan is contingent only and is subject
to forfeiture as provided  hereunder.  Title to and beneficial  ownership of any
assets,  whether  cash or  investments,  which the  Company  or a  Participating
Employer  may set aside to meet its  contingent  deferred  obligation  hereunder
shall at all times remain the property of the Company or Participating  Employer
and no  Participant  or Beneficiary  shall under any  circumstances  acquire any
property  interest  in any  specific  assets  of the  Company  or  Participating

                                    ARTICLE V

                             Entitlement to Benefits

5.1 Normal  Retirement.  If a Participant has a Termination of Service on his or
her Normal  Retirement  Date while in Active Service,  the Participant  shall be
entitled to receive his or her Accrued  Benefit as of the  Participant's  Normal
Retirement Date, subject to the Participant's distribution election described in
Section 5.8.

5.2 Late Retirement.  If a Participant has a Termination of Service after his or
her Normal  Retirement  Date while in Active Service,  the Participant  shall be
entitled  to receive  his or her Accrued  Benefit as of the  Participant's  Late
Retirement Date, subject to the Participant's distribution election described in
Section 5.8.

5.3 Early Retirement. If a Participant has a Termination of Service after his or
her Early Retirement Date while in Active Service (other than by reason of death
or Disability),  the Participant  shall be entitled to receive a distribution of
the vested  portion (as determined  under Section  5.7(b)) of his or her Accrued
Benefit as of such  date,  subject to the  Participant's  distribution  election
described in Section 5.8.

5.4 Termination of Service.  If a Participant has a Termination of Service while
in Active Service after  completing  five (5) Years of Service but before his or
her  death,  Disability  or Early  Retirement  Date,  the  Participant  shall be
entitled to receive a distribution  of the vested  portion (as determined  under
Section 5.7(b)) of his or her Accrued Benefit.  Distributions due to Termination
of  Service  shall be made in  accordance  with the  Participant's  distribution
election  described in Section 5.9, but  distribution may not commence until the
Participant has attained his or her Early Retirement Date.


5.5 Death.  Notwithstanding Section 5.8, if a Participant dies before his or her
Normal Retirement Date or Late Retirement Date while in Active Service, then, in
accordance with Section 6.2, a pre-retirement  survivor annuity shall be paid to
such Participant's Beneficiary as soon as practicable following the later of (i)
the  Participant's  death or (ii) the  Participant's  Early Retirement Date. The
amount  of  the  Participant's  death  benefit  shall  be  determined  as if the
Participant had a Termination of Service on his or her date of death.

5.6 Disability.  Notwithstanding  Section 5.8, if a Participant becomes Disabled
before  his  or  her  Normal  Retirement  Date  while  in  Active  Service,  the
Participant  shall be entitled to receive his or her Accrued Benefit in the form
of a straight life annuity as soon as practicable after the Participant has been
determined to be Disabled. The amount of the Participant's Accrued Benefit shall
be reduced by the amount of payments  that the  Participant  could have received
from any long term disability  insurance  program  sponsored by the Company or a
Participating Employer, based on the highest long term disability benefit option
made available to the Participant by the Company or Participating Employer.

5.7 Vesting and Forfeitures.

                 (a) A  Participant  shall  become  fully  vested  in his or her
                 Accrued  Benefit  upon  the  occurrence  of his  or her  Normal
                 Retirement Age, death or Disability.

                 (b) Except as  provided  in (a),  a  Participant  shall  become
                 vested in his or her Accrued Benefit as follows:

                           Years of Service
                           Following Entry
                           Into the Plan                      Percentage Vested
                           ----------------                   -----------------
                           Fewer than 5                                  0%
                           5                                            50%
                           6                                            60%
                           7                                            70%
                           8                                            80%
                           9                                            90%
                           10                                          100%

                 (c) Any non-vested  Accrued Benefit shall be forfeited upon the
                 Participant's  Termination  of Service.  The  forfeited  amount
                 shall be used to reduce future contributions otherwise required
                 from the Company or a Participating Employer.

5.8 Distribution Elections.

                 (a) Subject to the approval of the Plan Administrator,  payment
                 of the  Participant's  vested Accrued  Benefit shall be made at
                 the  time  and in the  form  selected  by  the  Participant  in
                 accordance  with  the  last  valid  designation  filed  by  the
                 Participant with the Plan Administrator; provided however, that
                 the only  forms of benefit  available  under the Plan are those
                 forms which are described in Sections 6.1 and 6.2.


                 (b) The  designation of the time and form of payment shall only
                 be  valid  if (i)  the  designation  is  filed  with  the  Plan
                 Administrator at least six (6) months before the  distributions
                 begin and no later  than the last day of the Plan  Year  before
                 the first  Plan Year for which  such  designation  is to apply;
                 (ii)  the  designation  is filed  with  the Plan  Administrator
                 during  the first  thirty  (30) days  that the  Participant  is
                 eligible  to  participate  in the  Plan  and  the  distribution
                 commencement  date begins not earlier than the first day of the
                 calendar year following the date the  designation is filed with
                 the Plan Administrator; or (iii) thirty (30) days from the date
                 this Plan is effective for eligible employees.

                 (c) If the designation is not valid under Section  5.8(b),  the
                 Participant's previous designation shall be reinstated.

                 (d) Except as provided in this section 5.8(d), in the event the
                 Participant does not have a valid designation of a distribution
                 commencement date and form of benefit under this section,  then
                 the  Participant  shall be deemed to have  elected to receive a
                 five   (5)   year   installment   payment   beginning   on  the
                 Participant's  Normal  Retirement  Date, as provided in Section
                 6.1, or in the case of the Participant's  death while in Active
                 Service,  a survivor  annuity,  as  provided  in  Section  6.2.
                 Installment payments shall be made in a manner that distributes
                 at  least  fifty  thousand   dollars   ($50,000)   annually  to
                 Participants (but no more than the Accrued Benefit),  provided,
                 however,  that the final  installment  may be less  than  fifty
                 thousand dollars  ($50,000) if necessary in order to distribute
                 the  remainder  of  the  Participant's   Accrued  Benefit.  For
                 example, if the Participant's Accrued Benefit is $230,000,  the
                 Participant would receive installments of $50,000 over four (4)
                 years and the Participant's final installment would be $30,000.

                 (e) For purposes of this Section 5.8 only, the phrase "the date
                 this Plan is effective for eligible  employees"  shall mean the
                 date  on  which  the  Plan   Administrator   first  provides  a
                 distribution election form under this Plan to a Participant.

5.9 Special Rule for Change in Control.  Notwithstanding  anything herein to the
contrary,  in the  event of a Change  in  Control,  Participants  shall be fully
vested in the value of their Accrued Benefit.

5.10 Special Rules for Additional Benefits. Notwithstanding anything in the Plan
to the  contrary,  the Company,  in its sole  discretion,  may instruct the Plan
Administrator to increase a Participant's Accrued Benefit hereunder.


                                   ARTICLE VI


6.1 Forms of Payment.

                 (a) Except as  provided  in  Section  6.2,  the normal  form of
                 payment under the Plan is a single life annuity. Under a single
                 life  annuity,  benefits  will be paid on the first day of each
                 month to the Participant for the remainder of the Participant's
                 lifetime,  with the last payment being made on the first day of
                 the month in which the Participant dies.  Survivor benefits are
                 not payable under a single life annuity, regardless of when the
                 Participant  dies.  The  Plan  Administrator  shall  have  sole
                 discretion to select the payor of the single life annuity.

                 (b) A Participant may elect, in accordance with Section 5.8, to
                 receive  distribution  of his or her Accrued  Benefit in a form
                 that is an  Actuarial  Equivalent  to a single life annuity and
                 payable as:

                      (i)    a single, lump sum payment;

                      (ii)   installments over five (5) or ten (10) years; or

                      (iii)  a joint and survivor annuity.

                 (c) Installments  shall be payable  monthly,  bi-weekly or more
                 frequently,  at the discretion of the Plan Administrator.  If a
                 Participant   dies   while   receiving   installment   payments
                 hereunder,  the Plan Administrator may elect to continue paying
                 such  installments  to  the  Participant's  Beneficiary  or  to
                 convert  the  remaining  installment  payments  to a  lump  sum
                 payment   to   the   Participant's   Beneficiary.    The   Plan
                 Administrator shall have sole discretion to select the payor of
                 installment  benefits  and  whether  to convert  the  remaining
                 installment payments to a lump sum.

                 (d) Periodic payments under a joint and survivor annuity may be
                 made from proceeds of a commercial  annuity  contract which the
                 Company or Participating Employer may establish with an annuity
                 provider whereby the Company or  Participating  Employer may be
                 the annuitant under the contract.  The Plan Administrator shall
                 have  sole  discretion  to  select  the  payor of the joint and
                 survivor  annuity and the  frequency of the payments to be made
                 to the Participant and his or her Beneficiary.

6.2 Pre-Retirement Death Distributions.

                (a)  Unless the Plan  Administrator  provides  otherwise,  if a
                 Participant  dies  before  beginning  to receive  distributions
                 under the Plan, the  Participant's  Beneficiary shall receive a
                 pre-retirement  survivor  annuity,  equal to the  Participant's
                 Accrued  Benefit  as of his or her date of  death,  payable  in


                 monthly  installments  over the  Beneficiary's  life expectancy
                 beginning on the later of (i) the  Participant's  death or (ii)
                 the  Participant's  Early  Retirement  Date.  Unless  the  Plan
                 Administrator provides otherwise, if the Participant dies after
                 beginning  to  receive  distributions  under  the  Plan and has
                 elected  other than a Straight Life  Annuity,  the  Beneficiary
                 shall  continue  receiving the payments  which would  otherwise
                 have been made to the  Participant,  in  accordance  with their
                 distribution election under Section 5.8.

                 (b) If the Plan has not purchased a commercial  annuity to fund
                 the Beneficiary's  pre-retirement death benefits, then upon the
                 death  of the  Beneficiary,  if any  amounts  remain  from  the
                 Participant's  Accrued Benefit,  such amount shall be paid in a
                 lump sum to the  Beneficiary's  estate  as soon as  practicable
                 following  the  date of the  Beneficiary's  death.  If the Plan
                 purchases  a  commercial  annuity  to  fund  the  Beneficiary's
                 pre-retirement  death  benefits,  payments shall cease upon the
                 Beneficiary's  death.  The Plan  Administrator  shall have sole
                 discretion to select the payor of the  pre-retirement  survivor

                                   ARTICLE VII

                             Participating Employers

7.1 Adoption  by  Other  Employers.  Notwithstanding  anything   herein  to  the
contrary,   a  Participating   Employer  may,  with  the  consent  of  the  Plan
Administrator  and the Trustee,  adopt the Plan and all of the provisions hereof
under such procedures as the Plan  Administrator may determine.  The Plan is not
intended  to be a joint  venture  between  the  Company  and  any  Participating
Employer.  The Plan  Administrator  shall have the authority to make any and all
necessary rules or regulations to effectuate the purposes of this Section.

7.2 Allocation of  Plan and Trust  Expenses.  Any expenses of the Plan and Trust
which are to be paid by the  Company  or borne by the Trust  shall be  allocated
among the Company and the  Participating  Employers in the  proportion  that the
total Accrued Benefits attributable to a Participating  Employer's  Participants
bears to the total assets of the Trust.

7.3 Designation of Company as Agent. Each Participating Employer shall be deemed
irrevocably  to have  designated  the  Company as its agent with  respect to all
matters affecting the Plan and Trust.

7.4 Employee  Transfers.  The transfer of employment  of a Participant  from the
Company  to a  Participating  Employer  or from one  Participating  Employer  to
another (or vice versa) shall not affect the Participant's rights under the Plan
and the number of the  Participant's  Years of Service shall not be deemed to be
interrupted  for any purpose of the Plan.  Transfer of  employment  between such
entities  shall not be treated as a  Termination  of Service with the Company or


prior  Participating  Employer and distributions shall not be made from the Plan
based on such a transfer of employment.  The entity to which the  Participant is
transferred  shall  thereupon  become  obligated  hereunder with respect to such
Participant  in  the  same  manner  as  was  the  organization  from  which  the
Participant was transferred.

7.5 Contributions and Forfeitures of Participating  Employer.  All contributions
made by a Participating Employer may be determined separately and may be paid to
the bookkeeping accounts of such Participating  Employer,  subject to all of the
terms and conditions of the Plan.

7.6 Amendments by Participating  Employers.  Participating Employers do not have
the right to amend the Plan in any regard.

7.7 Discontinuance of Participation.

                 (a) A Participating  Employer shall be permitted to discontinue
                 or terminate its  participation  in the Plan at any time,  upon
                 giving reasonable advance notice to the Company. At the time of
                 any such discontinuance or termination,  satisfactory  evidence
                 thereof shall be delivered to the Trustee and  distribution  of
                 Accrued Benefits held in the Trust for the benefit of employees
                 of the  withdrawing  employer  shall be  distributed as soon as
                 administratively   feasible,   unless  the  Plan  Administrator
                 provides otherwise.

                 (b) If the Plan  Administrator  elects  not to  distribute  the
                 Accrued Benefits of affected  Participants under (a) above, the
                 Plan  Administrator  may  suspend  the  affected  Participant's
                 participation in the Plan, in accordance with Section 3.3.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

                            Amendment And Termination

8.1 Right to Amend or Terminate.  Except as  hereinafter  provided,  the Company
shall  have the right to amend or  terminate  the Plan and Trust at any time and
from time to time to any extent that it may deem advisable.  Upon termination of
the Plan, the rights of all affected  Participants  shall be limited to benefits
accrued as of the date of  termination.  Any amendment to the Plan shall not (i)
increase the  responsibilities  of the Plan Administrator or the Trustee without
their written consent;  or (ii) directly or indirectly  reduce any Participant's
Accrued Benefit.  Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, this Plan may
be amended at any time if necessary or desirable to conform the Plan to the Code
or any federal  statute with respect to employees'  trusts or any regulations or
rulings  issued  pursuant  thereto  and no such  amendment  shall be  considered
prejudicial to the rights of any Participant.  Notice of all material amendments
shall be given to each Participant and Beneficiary.


8.2 Merger or  Consolidation.  The Plan may not be merged or consolidated  with,
and its assets or liabilities  may not be transferred to any other plan,  unless
each person  entitled to benefits  under the Plan would,  if the resulting  plan
were  then  terminated,   receive  a  benefit   immediately  after  the  merger,
consolidation  or transfer  which is equal to or greater  than the benefit he or
she  would  have  been  entitled  to  receive  immediately  before  the  merger,
consolidation or transfer if the Plan had then terminated.

                                   ARTICLE IX


9.1 Plan Administrator. The Plan Administrator shall have the sole authority, in
its absolute discretion:

                 (a) to adopt,  amend and rescind such rules and regulations as,
                 in its opinion,  may be advisable in the  administration of the

                 (b) to prescribe the form or forms used in connection  with the
                 Plan,  (which forms shall be  consistent  with the terms of the
                 Plan but need not be  identical  and which may be in any format
                 acceptable  to  the  Plan  Administrator,  including,  but  not
                 limited  to,  paper,  facsimile,  electronic  record  or  voice
                 response record);

                 (c) to construe  and  interpret  the Plan and any forms used in
                 the operation of the Plan and the rules and  regulations of the

                 (d) to employ actuaries, accountants, counsel and other persons
                 the Plan  Administrator  deems necessary in connection with the
                 administration of the Plan; and

                 (e) to take all other  necessary and proper  actions to fulfill
                 its duties under the Plan.

9.2 Binding Effect.  All decisions,  determinations  and  interpretations of the
Plan  Administrator   shall  be  final  and  binding  on  all  Participants  and

9.3 Delegation of Authority.  The Plan  Administrator may delegate its authority
to  administer  the  Plan to any  individual(s)  as the Plan  Administrator  may
determine and such individual(s)  shall serve solely at the pleasure of the Plan
Administrator. Any individual(s) who are authorized by the Plan Administrator to
administer  the Plan  shall  have the full  power to act on  behalf  of the Plan
Administrator  but shall at all times be subordinate  to the Plan  Administrator
and  the  Plan   Administrator   shall  retain   ultimate   authority   for  the
administration of the Plan.


9.4 Plan Records. The books and records to be maintained for the purposes of the
Plan  shall  be  maintained  by the  Company's  officers  and  employees  at the
Company's expense and subject to the supervision of the Plan Administrator.  All
expenses of administering  the Plan shall be paid by the Company,  including any
annual fees imposed by financial  institutions,  brokerage firms or otherwise to
maintain the Trust.

9.5 Limited Liability. No member of the Company's Board of Directors,  the board
of  directors  of a  Participating  Employer or the  Benefits  Committee  and no
officer or employee of the Company or any Participating Employer shall be liable
to  any  person  for  any  action  taken  or  omitted  in  connection  with  the
establishment or administration of this Plan,  including the receipt of benefits
thereunder,  unless  attributable to his or her own fraud or willful misconduct,
nor shall the Company or any Participating  Employer be liable to any person for
any such action unless  attributable to fraud or willful  misconduct on the part
of a director, officer or employee of the Company or Participating Employer.

                                    ARTICLE X

                                CLAIMS PROCEDURE

10.1 Claims Submission.

                 (a) All claims for benefits  under the Plan by a Participant or
                 Beneficiary,  regardless  of the nature of the claim,  shall be
                 initially submitted in writing to the Plan Administrator.  Such
                 claims  shall be submitted  within a reasonable  period of time
                 after  the date  such  benefit  was,  or was  purported  to be,
                 available  to  the  Participant  or   Beneficiary,   with  such
                 determination  of   reasonableness  to  be  made  by  the  Plan
                 Administrator   in  its  sole   discretion.   All  claims  must
                 adequately  state the basis for the claim including a statement
                 of all pertinent facts and applicable law, except to the extent
                 expressly waived by the  Administrator.  The  Administrator may
                 prescribe  additional  procedural  requirements for claims, not
                 inconsistent herewith.

                 (b) In the event that a  Participant  or  Beneficiary  does not
                 receive any Plan benefit that is claimed,  such  Participant or
                 Beneficiary  shall be entitled to  consideration  and review as
                 provided in this Article.  Such  consideration and review shall
                 be conducted in a manner  designed to comply with ERISA section

                 (c) Failure to follow the  requirements  of this Article  shall
                 result in the denial of the claim submitted. The Participant or
                 Beneficiary  submitting such deficient claim shall be deemed to
                 have not exhausted his or her administrative remedies under the


10.2 Claim  Review.  Upon receipt of any written  claim for  benefits,  the Plan
Administrator  shall be notified and shall give due  consideration  to the claim
presented.  If the claim is denied to any extent by the Plan Administrator,  the
Plan  Administrator  shall  furnish the claimant with a written  notice  setting
forth (in a manner calculated to be understood by the claimant):

                 (a) the specific reason or reasons for denial of the claim;

                 (b) a specific  reference to the Plan  provisions  on which the
                 denial is based;

                 (c) a description  of any  additional  material or  information
                 necessary  for  the  claimant  to  perfect  the  claim  and  an
                 explanation  of why such material or  information is necessary;

                 (d) an explanation of the provisions of this Article.

10.3 Right of Appeal.  A claimant who has a claim denied under  section 10.2 may
appeal for  reconsideration of that claim. A request for  reconsideration  under
this section must be filed by written notice with the Plan Administrator  within
sixty (60) days  after  receipt by the  claimant  of the notice of denial  under
section 10.2.

10.4 Review of Appeal.  Upon receipt of an appeal,  the Company  shall  promptly
assign a committee or appropriate  officer independent of the Plan Administrator
to  review  the Plan  Administrator's  denial  of the  claim.  Such  independent
committee or officer shall take action to give due  consideration to the appeal.
Such  consideration  may  include  a hearing  of the  parties  involved,  if the
committee or officer  feels such a hearing is  necessary.  In preparing for this
appeal the claimant shall be given the right to review  pertinent  documents and
the right to submit  in  writing a  statement  of  issues  and  comments.  After
consideration of the merits of the appeal,  the committee or officer shall issue
a written decision which shall be binding on all parties.  The decision shall be
written  in a manner  calculated  to be  understood  by the  claimant  and shall
specifically state its reasons and pertinent Plan provisions on which it relies.
The  decision  on the appeal  shall be issued  within  sixty (60) days after the
appeal is filed,  except that if a hearing is held,  the  decision may be issued
within one hundred twenty (120) days after the appeal is filed.

10.5 Designation.  The  Plan  Administrator  may  designate  one  or more of its
members or any other person of its choosing to make any determination  otherwise
required to be made by the Plan Administrator under this Article.

                                   ARTICLE XI


11.1 Headings.  The headings in this Plan are for  convenience of reference only
and are not to be considered as constructions of the provisions.


11.2 Uniformity.  In  the  exercise  of any  discretionary  power  of  authority
hereunder,  all Participants under similar  circumstances  shall be treated in a
uniform and non-discriminatory manner.

11.3 Obligations of the Company and Participating Employers. The Company and the
Participating  Employers expect to continue the Plan in force indefinitely,  but
continuance  of the  Plan  is  completely  voluntary  and is  not  assumed  as a
contractual obligation of the Company or the Participating Employers.

11.4 Governing  Law.  This  Plan is  made  under,  and shall be  subject  to and
governed by, the laws of the State of New York.

11.5 Gender and Number.  Words used in the masculine shall be read and construed
in the feminine where applicable.  Wherever  required,  the singular of the word
used in this Plan  shall  include  the  plural and the Plural may be read in the

11.6 Taxes.  The Company and  Participating  Employers  have the right to deduct
from all benefits  paid under the Plan any taxes  required by law to be withheld
with respect to such benefits.  The Company and  Participating  Employers do not
represent or guarantee  that any  particular  federal or state income,  payroll,
personal  property or other tax consequence  will result from  participation  in
this Plan.  Participants should consult their personal tax advisors to determine
the tax consequences of his or her participation in the Plan.

11.7 Plan Benefits Nontransferable.  The right of any Participant or Beneficiary
in any benefit or payment  hereunder shall not be subject to attachment or other
legal  process for the debts of such  Participant  or  Beneficiary  and any such
benefit or  payment  shall not be subject  to  anticipation,  alienation,  sale,
transfer,  assignment, pledge or encumbrance. Any attempt to subject any benefit
or payment in whole or in part to the debts, contracts,  liabilities engagements
or torts of the Participant or Beneficiary or any other person,  entitled to any
such  benefit or payment  pursuant to the terms of the Plan shall  result in the
termination   of  such  benefit  or  payment  in  the  discretion  of  the  Plan

11.8 Incompetence.  If the Plan Administrator determines that any person to whom
a benefit is payable  under the Plan is  incompetent  by reason of a physical or
mental  Disability,  the Plan  Administrator  shall  have the power to cause the
payments becoming due to such person to be made to another person for his or her
benefit  without the  responsibility  of the Plan  Administrator,  the  Company,
Participating  Employer or Trustee to see to the  application  of such payments.
Any payment made pursuant to such power shall, as to such payment,  operate as a
complete  discharge  of  the  Plan  Administrator,  the  Company,  Participating
Employer and any Trustee.

11.9 Identity.  If, at any  time,  any doubt  exists as to the  identity  of any
person entitled to any payment  hereunder or the amount of time of such payment,
the Plan Administrator shall be entitled to hold such sum until such identity or
amount  of time is  determined  or  until  an  order  of a  court  of  competent
jurisdiction is obtained.  The Plan Administrator  shall also be entitled to pay
such sum into  court  in  accordance  with  the  appropriate  rules of law.  Any
expenses incurred by the Company, Participating Employer, the Plan Administrator
and any  Trustee  incident to such  proceeding  or  litigation  shall be charged
against the account of the affected Participant.


11.10 Other Benefits.  The benefits of each Participant or Beneficiary hereunder
shall be in  addition  to any  benefits  paid or payable to or on account of the
Participant  or  Beneficiary  under any other  pension,  disability,  annuity or
retirement plan of policy whatsoever.

11.11 Construction. All questions of interpretation, construction or application
arising  under  this  Plan  shall be  decided  by the Plan  Administrator  whose
decision shall be final and conclusive upon all persons.

11.12 No Guarantee of Employment. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as
a  contract  of  employment  or deemed to give any  Participant  the right to be
retained  in the  employ  of the  Company  or a  Participating  Employer,  or to
interfere  with the rights of any such employer to discharge  any  individual at
any time, with or without cause, except as may be otherwise agreed to in writing
or provided by applicable law.

   IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  this Plan has been executed  effective  January 4, 1999.

                                             OLSTEN CORPORATION

                                                Member, Benefits Committee
