WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549
                                   FORM 10-Q
                  QUARTERLY REPORT UNDER SECTION 13 OR 15(d)
                    OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                         OPTICAL RADIATION CORPORATION
            (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

         California                                       95-2621568
(State or other jurisdiction of                       (I.R.S. Employer
 incorporation or organization)                       Identification No.)

1300 Optical Drive, Azusa, California                       91702
(Address of Principal Executive Offices)                 (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code:(818) 969 3344

Indicate  by  check  mark whether the registrant (1)  has  filed  all  reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act  of
1934  during the preceding twelve months (or for such shorter period that  the
registrant  was  required to file such reports), and (2) has been  subject  to
such filing requirements for the past 90 days.

                              Yes  X      No
                                 -----      -----

Number of Common Shares Outstanding as of March 4, 1994:

                         PART 1. FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Item 1.  Financial Statements

                         OPTICAL RADIATION CORPORATION
                 (Thousands of Dollars, Except per Share Data)

                                           Three Month          Six Month
                                           Period Ended        Period Ended
                                           January 30,         January 30,
                                       ________  ________  ________  _______
                                         1994      1993      1994     1993
                                       --------  --------  --------  -------

Sales                                  $36,304    $35,375  $76,743   $75,183

Less:  Cost of Sales                    23,893     21,577   49,521    45,889
       Research & development
          expenses                       2,041      2,254    4,198     4,311
       Selling, administration &
          general expenses              10,328     10,098   21,292    21,183
                                       --------  --------  --------  -------
Operating income                            42      1,446    1,732     3,800
Interest income                            281        334      582       696
Interest expense                         (508)      (524)  (1,011)   (1,050)
Other, net                                (52)       (27)       92     (238)
                                       --------  --------  --------  -------
Income (loss) before taxes               (237)      1,229    1,395     3,208
Provision (benefit) for taxes             (69)        361      405       994
                                       --------  --------  --------  -------
Net income (loss) before
   cumulative effect of
   accounting change                     (168)        868      990     2,214
Cumulative effect of
   accounting change                         -          -    1,420         -
                                       --------  --------  --------  -------
Net income (loss)                      $ (168)   $    868  $ 2,410   $ 2,214
                                       ========  ========  ========  =======
Income (loss) per share
   before cumulative
   effect of accounting change         $(0.03)   $   0.14  $  0.17    $ 0.36

Income per share from
   cumulative effect
   of accounting change                      -          -  $  0.23         -
                                       --------  --------  --------  -------

Net income (loss) per share            $(0.03)   $   0.14  $  0.40   $  0.36
                                       ========  ========  ========  =======

                         OPTICAL RADIATION CORPORATION
                            (Thousands of Dollars)

                                                January 30,         July 31,
                                                    1994             1993
                                                 -----------     -----------
   Cash and equivalents                          $    31,027      $   37,191
   Accounts receivable, net                           23,179          23,589
   Inventories                                        25,708          24,242
   Prepaid deferred taxes                              4,314           4,728
   Other current assets                                5,874           2,685
                                                 -----------     -----------
      Total current assets                            90,102          92,435
   Property, plant & equipment, net                   34,012          34,595
   Commonwealth bonds                                    630             631
   Leases and notes receivable                         1,603           2,280
   Patents and licenses, net                           9,335           7,350
   Other assets                                        1,439           1,534
   Goodwill                                            9,510           9,663
                                                 -----------     -----------
      Total assets                               $   146,631      $  148,488
                                                 ===========     ===========
   Current portion long-term debt                $       455      $      455
   Accounts payable                                    4,562           4,201
   Accrued payroll and related costs                   5,436           6,407
   Accrued royalty and commission                      1,471           1,796
   Other accruals                                     11,249           5,274
   Taxes payable                                         487           6,881
                                                 -----------     -----------
      Total current liabilities                       23,660          25,014
   Deferred income taxes                               6,184           5,638
   Long-term debt, less current portion               18,973          19,170
   Other liabilities                                   1,245           1,738
                                                 -----------     -----------
      Total liabilities                               50,062          51,560
   Common stock                                        2,939           3,041
   Paid-in capital                                    11,790          14,457
   Retained earnings                                  81,840          79,430
                                                 -----------     -----------
      Total equity                                    96,569          96,928
                                                 -----------     -----------
   Total liabilities and equity                  $   146,631      $  148,488
                                                 ===========     ===========

                         OPTICAL RADIATION CORPORATION
                            (Thousands of Dollars)

                                                    Six-Month Period Ended
                                                          January 30,
                                                      1994            1993
                                                   ---------      ---------
Cash flow from operating activities:
   Net income                                      $   2,410      $   2,214
   Adjustments to reconcile income
    to net cash flow:
      Depreciation and amortization                    2,799          2,704
      Cumulative effect of change
         in accounting principle                     (1,420)              -
Changes in assets and liabilities:
   Accounts receivable                                   410          1,325
   Inventories                                       (1,466)            280
   Prepaid expenses and other
    current assets                                   (3,189)          (907)
   Accounts payable                                      361          (791)
   Accrued liabilities                                 (934)        (1,620)
   Income tax payable                                  (781)          (592)
                                                   ---------      ---------
Net cash flow from operations                          1,810          2,613

Cash flow from investing activities:
   Additions to property and equipment               (1,717)        (1,827)
   Net retirement of patents,
      licenses and other                                 771            147
   Liquidation of Commonwealth Bonds                       1             20
                                                   ---------      ---------
Net cash flow from investing activities                (945)        (1,660)

Cash flow from financing activities:
   Reduction in short-term debt                            -           (60)
   Reduction in capital lease
      obligations and other                            (443)          (428)
   Reduction in long-term debt                         (197)          (679)
   Proceeds from exercise of stock options                35            159
   Purchase of common stock                          (2,804)          (924)
                                                   ---------      ---------
Net cash flow from financing activities              (3,409)        (1,923)
                                                   ---------      ---------
Reduction in cash and equivalents                    (6,164)          (979)
Cash & equivalents at beginning of period             37,191         24,436
                                                   ---------      ---------

Cash $ equivalents at the end of period            $  31,027      $  23,457
                                                   =========      =========

                         OPTICAL RADIATION CORPORATION
                         NOTES TO UNAUDITED CONDENSED

Note 1 - Unaudited Financial Statements

The  consolidated financial statements included herein are based  in  part  on
estimates  and include such adjustments (consisting solely of normal recurring
adjustments)  which management believes are necessary for a fair  presentation
of the Company's financial position at January 30, 1994 and July 31, 1993, and
the  results of its operations for the three-month and six-month periods ended
January  30, 1994 and 1993.  The consolidated financial statements and related
notes  are  condensed  and  have been prepared in  accordance  with  generally
accepted  accounting  principles applicable to interim periods;  consequently,
they do not include all generally accepted accounting disclosures required for
complete annual financial statements.  These consolidated statements should be
read  in conjunction with the financial statements and notes thereto contained
in the Company's 1993 Annual Report.

Note 2 - Income Taxes

The  Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board  issued  Statement  of  Financial
Accounting  Standards  (SFAS) No. 109, "Accounting  for  Income  Taxes"  which
supersedes  Accounting Principle Board Opinion No. 11  that  the  Company  had
previously followed.

The Company has adopted SFAS No. 109 effective August 1, 1993 and recorded a
$1,420,000 increase in consolidated net income from the cumulative effect of a
change in accounting for income taxes.  In addition, the Company increased the
value of patents and other intangibles of Corneal Contouring, Inc., a
subsidiary acquired in March of 1992, by $2,380,000 and increased net deferred
tax liabilities by $960,000.  As a result of these items, the Company's equity
was increased by $1,420,000 as of August 1, 1993.

Note 3 - Reclassification

Certain  prior year items have been reclassified to conform with  the  current
year presentation.

Item 2:     Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Financial  Condition  and
            Results of Operations

Results of Operations

Three Months Ended January 30, 1994

Sales were strong for most of the Company's operating units during the quarter
but  a  sharp decline in intraocular lens sales and the prior year divestiture
of  a  division  caused modest comparative sales growth for the  period.   The
Consumer  Optical  Group posted a 13% increase in sales  with  strong  revenue
gains   for  finished  eyewear  and  contact  lenses  through  Omega  Optical.
Industrial product line shipments showed a 73% gain over the prior year period
with excellent results for ceramic lamps and fiber optic illuminators that are
primarily  used  in endoscopic medical systems.  Photo exposure  system  sales
were  also up significantly for the quarter.  The Company commenced  sales  of
the MasterVue trademark Corneal Topography system during the quarter and while
initial  sales  were  modest  for the period,  customer  acceptance  was  very
encouraging.   Offsetting these appreciable sales gains was a precipitous  46%
drop  in intraocular lens revenue.  This decline was attributable to a variety
of  factors including the impoundment, in November, 1993 by the Food and  Drug
Administration  (FDA) of all one-piece IOL models in finished goods  inventory
(see Item 5.  Other Events to this filing).  This action, in turn, caused some
customer  defection  and product shortages that reduced sales.   Additionally,
market dynamics remained unfavorable with lower average selling prices  and  a
shift  to foldable lens designs.  Lastly, on a comparative basis, sales showed
a  $1.2  million decline because the Cinema Products Division  was  sold  last

Gross  profit  margins fell to 34% for the current period  from  39%  for  the
comparable prior year period or, in absolute terms, a decline of $1.4 million.
Most of the Company's operating units had stable gross profit margins for  the
quarter  but  with  two  notable exceptions.  The Lamp Division  was  able  to
leverage  much higher sales by spreading overhead and widening their  margins.
The  intraocular lens product line was just the opposite as dramatically lower
sales  shrunk  overhead  absorption and caused a 60% drop  in  absolute  gross
profit   dollars.   Another  negative  factor  impacting  gross   profit   was
incremental expenses associated with the FDA impoundment action.

Selling,  general  and  administrative expenses  remained  unchanged  for  the
quarter   at  28%  of  sales.   Marketing  expenses  dropped  slightly   while
administrative  expenses  rose slightly.  Research  and  development  expenses
dropped  approximately $.2 million to $2.0 million.  The  elimination  of  the
Cinema  Products Division and reduced expenses on the MasterVue product  line,
as  it reaches commercialization, were primarily responsible for this drop  in
R&D charges.

Interest  expense was down slightly reflecting a small reduction  in  mortgage
debt  outstanding while interest income was down because of much  lower  short
term interest rates.

The current period generated a pretax loss of $237,000 versus the prior year's
profit  of  $1,229,000.   This  swing in pretax  results  was  caused  by  the
deterioration in the operating performance of the IOL product line.   For  the
second  quarter, the IOL product line lost $1,233,000 as compared to a  pretax
profit  of  $944,000  for the prior year's comparable  quarter.   The  current
period's  IOL  product line loss included approximately $230,000  of  expenses
relating to the FDA impoundment action.

The  tax rate for the quarter was 29%, unchanged from the first quarter.   The
tax  rate for the Company is heavily influenced by the distribution of  income
between Puerto Rico and U.S. based sources.  A net loss of $.2 million,  equal
to  $.03 per share, was generated for the quarter as compared to net income of
$.9 million, or $.14 per share, for the prior year period.
Six Months Ended January 30, 1994

The  Consumer  Optical Group posted a 13% sales gain for the six month  period
with strong revenue gains for finished eyewear and contact lenses through  the
Company's  Omega  Optical subsidiary.  The Company's two  industrial  products
divisions  recorded  a 50% sales increase for the same period  with  increased
demand  for  xenon lamps and photo exposure systems.  Nearly offsetting  these
sales gains was a significant decrease in sales for intraocular lenses because
of  several  factors.  The FDA impoundment action in November, 1993  adversely
affected  shipments  to customers and caused some account defection.   Average
selling  prices  for IOL's have continued to decline which  has  caused  gross
profit  margin compression and the market is slowly shifting towards  foldable
IOLs.    The   Company's  competitive  foldable  IOL,  MemoryLens   registered
trademark,  is still in clinical study.  Last year, during the third  quarter,
the Cinema Products division was sold which, on a comparable basis, eliminated
$3.0  million  of sales for the six month period.  With these sales  excluded,
total sales for the period were up 6%.

Gross  profit  margin slipped to 36% for the first half from  39%  last  year.
Most of this margin erosion occurred because of lower unit shipments and lower
average  selling  prices  for  intraocular  lenses.   The  Lamp  division  had
noticeably better margins on higher sales and lower unit manufacturing costs.

Selling,  general and administrative expenses were stable for  the  six  month
period  at  27%  to  sales.   Marketing  expenses  were  down  slightly  while
administrative  charges  were  up marginally.  Research  and  development  was
essentially  unchanged  for  the comparative periods  at  $4.2  million.   The
Company's primary research and development efforts continue to be concentrated
on  the  MemoryLens, the MasterVue Corneal Topography system and a  mechanical
method for refractive surgery.

Interest  expense  was stable but interest income dropped because  of  sharply
lower  short  term  interest rates.  Other income and  expense  was  favorable
reflecting  the  expense, last year, of an extended  reporting  option  on  an
insurance policy.

For  the  six-month period, pretax profit was $1.4 million  compared  to  $3.2
million the prior year.  This difference in pretax results is attributable  to
a  profit  decline  for the IOL product line.  Last year,  this  product  line
produced a pretax profit of $1.7 million as compared to a pretax loss of  $1.8
million for the current six-month period.

The tax rate for the first half was 29% which is down from 31% the prior year.
The  Company's  tax rate is heavily influenced by the distribution  of  income
between  Puerto Rico and U.S. based sources.  Net income before the cumulative
effect  for  the adoption of SFAS No. 109, "Accounting for Income Taxes",  was
$1.0 million as compared to $2.2 million the prior year.  The adoption of SFAS
No.   109   added   $1.4   million  to  net  income  for   the   first   half.

Financial Condition
Cash flow was negative by $3.7 million and $6.2 million for the second quarter
and   first  half,  respectively.   For  the  current  quarter,  the   Company
repurchased 196,000 shares of its common stock during the quarter at a cost of
$2.7  million.  Inventories increased by $1.9 million because  of:   1)  above
normal  ophthalmic lens purchases at Omega because of special vendor  pricing,
2)  a  large  buildup of work-in-process inventory relating to photo  exposure
systems  that  will ship the second half of the year, and 3)  an  increase  of
inventory to support initial sales of the new MasterVue system.  Other current
assets  increased by $.7 million relating to payments made to  settle  product
liability claims that should be covered by an umbrella insurance carrier  (see
Item  1.   Litigation  to this filing).  Lastly, cash was  used  to  make  two
quarterly  tax  estimation payments to the Federal and  various  state  taxing
authorities.   Despite  this heavy use of cash for the  quarter,  the  current
ratio remained unchanged at 3.8.

Capital expenditures were $.8 million for the quarter and are projected at  $4
to $5 million for the entire fiscal year.

The  Company has $2.3 million in inventory that represents intraocular  lenses
impounded  by  the FDA in their action of November, 1993 (see Item  5.   Other
Events to this filing).  These intraocular lenses have a five year shelf  life
and  represent some of the most popular intraocular lens models  sold  by  the
Company.   The  Company  is hopeful that this dispute with  the  FDA  will  be
resolved  in  a  relatively short period of time.   However,  the  Company  is
building replacement inventory to service customer demands.  Depending on when
the  FDA releases this impounded inventory, a future loss contingency  may  be
required depending upon circumstances at that time.

The  Company has a non-committed credit line of $5 million from its lead  bank
for  which  it  pays  no fees but has no current plans to convert  this  to  a
committed  facility as it expects cash flow from operations will be sufficient
to  fund  ongoing  business  activity.   The  Company  is  not  aware  of  any
circumstance  which would adversely impact its liquidity or capital  resources
in the near future.


Item 1.     Litigation

Through  the second quarter, the Company had paid, but deferred for  financial
reporting  purposes,  approximately $3.2 million in  product  liability  claim
settlements  and  expenses relating to coverage that  should  be  provided  by
Agricultural   Excess   and   Surplus  Insurance   Company   ("Agricultural").
Agricultural was the first layer products liability umbrella insurance carrier
in  the  year these claims were originally asserted.  Agricultural has refused
to  pay  or reimburse the Company for expenses and claim settlements  and  has
sought  judicial  confirmation on the appropriateness  of  this  action.   The
Company  believes that action by Agricultural is without merit and  has  filed
for  Summary Judgment in addition to counter claiming against Agricultural for
bad  faith.   If  the Company's position is not sustained by the  courts,  the
amounts   deferred   would  have  to  be  expensed   in   a   future   period.

On  November 24, 1993, a purported shareholder class action, titled Steiner v.
Optical  Radiation Corporation, et al., was filed against the Company and  two
of  its  officers  in  the United States District Court, Central  District  of
California.   The complaint alleged that the Company failed to  disclose  that
FDA  inspections  had  uncovered deficiencies in the  Company's  manufacturing
processes  and  that such non-disclosure was in violation  of  the  Securities
Exchange  Act  of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 promulgated thereunder.   The  complaint
sought  unspecified  damages for persons who purchased  the  Company's  Common
Stock  during  a  stated period.  On February 3, 1994, the  court  approved  a
stipulation for dismissal of this action, which admitted no liability  of  the
Company or its officers and did not require any payment by them.

A  wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, Precision Optics, Inc., (Precision)
received  a  letter from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA),  dated
February  7, 1994, designating Precision as a responsible party (RP)  for  the
Saint  Augusta  Sanitary  Landfill/Engen Dump.  Precision  has  the  right  to
challenge  this  designation and intends to do so.  Precision  had  previously
been designated as a responsible party for this site but that designation  was
rescinded  based upon information furnished to MPCA.  The previous designation
had  to do with grinding oil for optical fabrication.  The current designation
has to do with glass shavings from optical fabrication.  Based upon discussion
with  officials at MPCA and other long-term RP's, the Company  recorded  a  de
minimis  loss  contingency reserve in the current quarter to provide  for  any
exposure relating to this matter.

Item 5.     Other Events

On  November 23, 1993, Optical Radiation Corporation (Company) was served with
a  Complaint for Forfeiture filed in the United States District Court, Central
District  of California, titled United States of America v. 5,082 boxes,  more
or  less,  of  intraocular lenses.  This civil action was  brought  by  United
States Food and Drug Administration ("FDA"), alleging that the Company did not
conform  to  four  specific  requirements of  "Good  Manufacturing  Practices"
("GMP") guidelines.  These alleged GMP compliance issues were noted by the FDA
during routine inspections in April and August, 1993 at the Company's facility
in Cidra, Puerto Rico.  Following service of the complaint, the FDA impounded,
at  the  Company's Azusa facility, all one-piece intraocular lenses (IOLs)  in
finished  goods  and  in work-in-process inventories.   These  impounded  IOLs
represented  approximately one-third of finished IOL  inventories  and  had  a
carrying value of approximately $2.3 million.  The action did not affect  one-
piece  IOLs held in customer consignment inventories nor did it seek to enjoin
the Company from manufacturing one-piece IOLs.  Additionally, no recall of any
product  has  been  requested by the FDA.  This action is  not  based  on  the
clinical performance of the one-piece IOLs; but rather, is predicated  on  the
FDA's   interpretation  of  GMP  guidelines.   The  one-piece  IOLs  represent
approximately 50% of all IOL sales or $10 million on an annualized basis.

The Company has filed a claim for the return of the impounded inventory and is
attempting  to  resolve this matter with the FDA.  The  Company  continues  to
manufacture and sell one-piece IOL's since the impoundment action by the  FDA.
However, the Company does not know what future actions, if any, the FDA  might

take with regards to this matter.  Additionally, the Company does not know  if
it  will  be  successful in resolving this issue, or what  timeframe  will  be
involved  to bring this matter to conclusion.  It is possible that  subsequent
events  could  cause  the Company to record a loss contingency  reserve  in  a
future reporting period.  This loss contingency reserve could encompass all or
a  portion  of the impounded inventory and additional items based upon  future

On  February  17,  1994, the Company announced that it had engaged  Donaldson,
Lufkin  & Jenrette Securities Corporation (DLJ), a New York investment banking
firm,  to  advise  the Board of Directors on alternative  directions  for  the
Company that would enhance shareholder value.
Item 6.           Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

            (a)   Exhibits


                         (b)    One report on Form 8-K dated December 2,  1993
                  was  filed  during the quarter.  This filing  describes  the
                  impoundment   by   the   United   States   Food   and   Drug
                  Administration  of the Company's one-piece intraocular  lens
                  finished  goods inventory.  It also describes a  shareholder
                  class action lawsuit filed against the Company.


Pursuant  to  the  requirements of the Securities Exchange Act  of  1934,  the
registrant  has  duly caused this report to be signed on  its  behalf  by  the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                 OPTICAL RADIATION CORPORATION

Date        3-11-94              s/         Richard D. Wood
      ------------------         --------------------------------------
                                            Richard D. Wood
                                       Chairman of the Board and
                                          Chief Executive Officer

Date        3-11-94              s/         Gary N. Patten
      ------------------         --------------------------------------
                                            Gary N. Patten
                                      Vice President - Finance and
                                          Chief Financial Officer