WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549
                                   FORM 10-Q
                  QUARTERLY REPORT UNDER SECTION 13 OR 15(d)
                    OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
FOR QUARTER ENDED APRIL 30, 1994                 COMMISSION FILE NO. 0-7530

                         OPTICAL RADIATION CORPORATION
            (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

         California                                    95-2621568
         ----------                                    ----------
(State or other jurisdiction of                       (I.R.S. Employer
 incorporation or organization)                       Identification No.)

1300 Optical Drive, Azusa, California                     91702
- -------------------------------------                     -----
(Address of Principal Executive Offices)                 (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code:(818) 969 3344

Indicate  by  check  mark whether the registrant (1)  has  filed  all  reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act  of
1934  during the preceding twelve months (or for such shorter period that  the
registrant  was  required to file such reports), and (2) has been  subject  to
such filing requirements for the past 90 days.

                              Yes    X    No
                                   -----      -----

Number of Common Shares Outstanding as of June 1, 1994:

                         PART 1. FINANCIAL INFORMATION
Item 1.  Financial Statements
                         OPTICAL RADIATION CORPORATION
                 (Thousands of Dollars, Except per Share Data)

                                          Three Month         Nine Month
                                          Period Ended       Period Ended
                                           April 30,          April 30,
                                       ----------------     ----------------
                                         1994      1993      1994     1993
                                       ----------------     ----------------
Sales                                  $42,087    $42,314 $118,830  $117,497

Less:  Cost of Sales                    26,788     25,841   76,309    71,730
       Research and development
          expenses                       2,404      2,618    6,602     6,929
       Selling, administration and
          general expenses              10,894     11,420   32,186    32,603
                                       -------     ------   ------    ------
Operating income                         2,001      2,435    3,733     6,235
Interest income                            413        564      995     1,260
Interest expense                         (501)      (575)  (1,512)   (1,625)
Other,  net                              (107)        368     (15)	 130
                                       -------     ------   ------    ------
Income before taxes                      1,806      2,792    3,201     6,000
Provision for taxes                        571        685      976     1,679
                                       -------     ------   ------    ------
Net income before cumulative
       effect of accounting change       1,235      2,107    2,225     4,321
Cumulative effect of
       accounting change                     -          -    1,420         -
                                       -------     ------   ------    ------
Net  income                             $1,235     $2,107   $3,645    $4,321

Income per share before cumulative
       effect of accounting change       $0.21      $0.34    $0.37     $0.70

Income per share from cumulative effect
       of accounting change                  -          -    $0.23         -
                                       -------     ------   ------    ------
Net income per share                     $0.21      $0.34    $0.60     $0.70
                                       -------     ------   ------    ------
                                       -------     ------   ------    ------
Weighted average number of
       shares outstanding            6,003,000  6,171,000 6,032,000 6,188,000

                         OPTICAL RADIATION CORPORATION
                            (Thousands of Dollars)
                                                 April 30,          July 31,
                                                    1994             1993
                                                 -----------     -----------
   Cash and equivalents                          $    29,073      $   37,191
   Accounts receivable, net                           26,009          23,589
   Inventories                                        27,649          24,242
   Prepaid deferred taxes                              4,314           4,728
   Other current assets                                6,250           2,685
                                                 -----------      -----------
      Total current assets                            93,295          92,435
   Property, plant & equipment, net                   33,551          34,595
   Commonwealth bonds                                    629             631
   Leases and notes receivable                         1,355           2,280
   Patents and licenses, net                           9,125           7,350
   Other assets                                        1,521           1,534
   Goodwill                                            9,434           9,663
                                                   ---------       ---------
   Total assets                                  $   148,910      $  148,488
                                                   ---------       ---------
                                                   ---------       ---------
   Current portion long-term debt                $       547      $      455
   Accounts payable                                    5,024           4,201
   Accrued payroll and related costs                   6,995           6,407
   Accrued royalty and commission                      1,544           1,796
   Other accruals                                     10,544           5,274
   Taxes payable                                         218           6,881
                                                   ---------       ---------
      Total current liabilities                       24,872          25,014
   Deferred income taxes                               6,184           5,638
   Long-term debt, less current portion               18,780          19,170
   Other liabilities                                   1,048           1,738
                                                   ---------       ---------
      Total liabilities                               50,884          51,560
   Common stock                                        2,947           3,041
   Paid-in capital                                    12,004          14,457
   Retained earnings                                  83,075          79,430
                                                   ---------       ---------
      Total equity                                    98,026          96,928
                                                   ---------       ---------
   Total liabilities and equity                  $   148,910      $  148,488
                                                   ---------       ---------
                                                   ---------       ---------

                         OPTICAL RADIATION CORPORATION
                            (Thousands of Dollars)

                                                 Nine-Month Period Ended
                                                        April 30,
                                                     1994        1993
                                                   ---------   ---------
Cash flow from operating activities:
   Net income                                      $   3,645   $   4,321
   Adjustments to reconcile income to net cash flow:
      Depreciation and amortization                    4,275       4,048
      Cumulative effect of change in accounting
         principle                                   (1,420)           -
Changes in assets and liabilities:
   Accounts receivable                               (2,420)     (2,565)
   Inventories                                       (3,407)       4,618
   Prepaid expenses & other current assets           (3,565)       (292)
   Accounts payable                                      823       (444)
   Accrued liabilities                                   (7)         694
   Income tax payable                                (1,050)           3
                                                   ---------    --------
Net cash flow from operations                        (3,126)      10,383

Cash flow from investing activities:
   Additions to property and equipment               (2,479)     (2,654)
   Acquisitions of patents, licenses & other            (58)     (1,035)
   Retirements of patents, licenses & other            1,004         786
   Liquidation of Commonwealth Bonds                       2       3,847
                                                   ---------    --------
Net cash flow from investing activities              (1,531)         944

Cash flow from financing activities:
   Increase (Decrease) in short-term debt                 92        (60)
   Reduction in capital lease obligations
    and other                                          (616)       (658)
   Reduction in long-term debt                         (390)       (774)
   Proceeds from exercise of stock options               257         312
   Purchase of common stock                          (2,804)     (2,409)
                                                   ---------    --------
Net cash flow from financing activities              (3,461)     (3,589)
                                                   ---------    --------
Reduction in cash and equivalents                    (8,118)       7,738
Cash & equivalents at beginning of period             37,191      24,436
                                                   ---------    --------
Cash & equivalents at the end of period            $  29,073   $  32,174
                                                   ---------    --------
                                                   ---------    --------

                         OPTICAL RADIATION CORPORATION
                         NOTES TO UNAUDITED CONDENSED

Note 1 - Unaudited Financial Statements

The  consolidated financial statements included herein are based  in  part  on
estimates  and include such adjustments (consisting solely of normal recurring
adjustments)  which management believes are necessary for a fair  presentation
of  the Company's financial position at April 30, 1994 and July 31, 1993,  and
the results of its operations for the three-month and nine-month periods ended
April  30,  1994 and 1993.  The consolidated financial statements and  related
notes  are  condensed  and  have been prepared in  accordance  with  generally
accepted  accounting  principles applicable to interim periods;  consequently,
they do not include all generally accepted accounting disclosures required for
complete annual financial statements.  These consolidated statements should be
read  in conjunction with the financial statements and notes thereto contained
in the Company's 1993 Annual Report.

Note 2 - Income Taxes

The  Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board  issued  Statement  of  Financial
Accounting  Standards ("SFAS") No. 109, "Accounting for  Income  Taxes"  which
supersedes  Accounting Principle Board Opinion No. 11  that  the  Company  had
previously followed.

The  Company has adopted SFAS No. 109 effective August 1, 1993 and recorded  a
$1,420,000 increase in consolidated net income from the cumulative effect of a
change in accounting for income taxes.  In addition, the Company increased the
value  of  patents  and  other  intangibles of  Corneal  Contouring,  Inc.,  a
subsidiary acquired in March of 1992, by $2,380,000 and increased net deferred
tax liabilities by $960,000.  As a result of these items, the Company's equity
was increased by $1,420,000 as of August 1, 1993.

The  Internal  Revenue  Service is currently examining the  Company's  federal
income  tax  returns for 1990 and 1991.  The Company believes that  additional
income tax expense, if any, resulting from these examinations should not  have
a material adverse effect on the consolidated financial statements.

Note 3 - Reclassification

Certain  prior year items have been reclassified to conform with  the  current
year presentation.

Item 2:     Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Financial  Condition  and
            Results of Operations

Results of Operations
- ---------------------
Three Months Ended April 30, 1994
- ---------------------------------
Sales  increased moderately for most of the Company's operating  units  during
the  third  quarter but a sharp decline in intraocular lens ("IOL") sales  and
the  prior  year  divestiture of a division caused consolidated  sales  to  be
essentially  unchanged from the same period last year.  The  Consumer  Optical
Group  posted  a  10% increase in sales with good revenue gains  for  finished
eyewear  through the Omega Group and increased shipments of ophthalmic  lenses
by  the  Orcolite division.  The latter was driven in large part by an initial
stocking  order by a foreign customer that will be mitigated in the subsequent
quarter to a lower sustaining delivery rate.  The Company's Lamp division  had
a  strong  quarter with sales up 44% but this was nearly offset by a reduction
in  sales  in the Electronic Products division because of the timing of  photo
exposure system deliveries.  The fourth quarter will have significantly higher
sales  for photo exposure units.  For all non-surgical operating units,  sales
increased  10% to $37.2 million and represented 88% of total Company  revenue.
In the Surgical Products area, sales of  IOLs dropped over 40% compared to the
prior  year  period but did show a modest increase over the  second  quarter's
sales  rate.   This decline is attributable to several factors  including  the
impoundment  during  the  second quarter by the Food and  Drug  Administration
("FDA")  of all one-piece IOL models in finished goods inventory.  The Company
was  not  prohibited from manufacturing replacement inventory, which was  done
during  the  third  quarter, and this accounted for some of the  modest  sales
growth  for  the  current  period as compared to the  second  quarter.   Other
factors  impacting  the  lower IOL sales were a continuing  drop  in  domestic
average  selling  prices  and a gradual market shift  to  foldable  IOLs.  The
Company's  foldable  IOL, MemoryLensr, is not yet approved  for  sale  in  the
United  States  and is not expected to be for at least a year.  The  Company's
new  corneal  topography system, introduced during the preceding quarter,  had
modest sales gains for the current period.

Operating  profits  for most of the Company's units were up  sharply  for  the
quarter  but  significant losses were generated by the surgical  sector.   The
Consumer  Optical  Group posted a 45% increase in operating  profits  for  the
current  period and margins improved to 9.9% from 7.5% the prior  year.   This
impressive increase was driven by higher sales and improved production  yields
at the Orcolite division.  The two industrial divisions had a near doubling of
operating  profits despite weak photo exposure shipments.  This resulted  from
much  higher  lamp sales, improved margins on newer products and good  expense
control.   Mitigating these impressive gains were significant losses from  the
surgical units.  The IOL division recorded a $.6 million loss because of lower
unit  sales  and  reduced  average  selling prices,  however,  this  loss  was
approximately  one-half  of  the  prior  quarter's  loss.   Included  in  this
quarter's  expenses was a $350 thousand charge for severance expense resulting
from  the  elimination  of 25% of the division's position  in  California  and
Puerto  Rico and approximately $150 thousand of expenses relating to  the  FDA
impoundment action.  In addition, inventory reserve additions of approximately

$225  thousand  were  recorded  for  the  quarter  that,  when  combined  with
previously provided inventory reserves, represent the Company's estimation  of
the cost of re-inspecting the impounded inventory and selling these IOLs at  a
discount  to  on hand inventory.  If the impounded inventory is  not  released
through settlement or successful litigation with the FDA, the remaining  value
of  this  inventory  of approximately $1.4 million would have  to  be  further
reserved, or possibly written off, in a subsequent period.  The Company's  two
refractive  projects,  the corneal topography system  and  CCI,  had  combined
losses  for  the  quarter of almost $1.2 million up from both prior  year  and
prior quarter levels.

Interest  expense  was down for the quarter reflecting a  small  reduction  in
mortgage  debt  outstanding while interest income was down  because  of  lower
interest  rates and the receipt last year of interest on a tax refund.   Other
expense items for the quarter primarily relate to expenses associated with the
retaining of an investment banking firm and related legal charges.  Last  year
a  gain  of  approximately  $200 thousand was  recorded  in  the  quarter  for
settlement on an insurance claim.

A  pretax profit of $1.8 million was recorded for the current period which  is
down   from   last  year's  results  of  $2.8  million.   This  reduction   in
profitability resulted from the deterioration in IOL operating performance and
continued heavy investments in the Company's two refractive projects.  The tax
rate  for  the current quarter was 31.6% which is up sharply from last  year's
rate of 24.5%.  This increase results from less profitability at the Company's
Puerto  Rico subsidiary and more domestic source income which is  taxed  at  a
higher rate than Puerto Rican source income.

Nine Months Ended April 30, 1994
- --------------------------------
The  Consumer Optical Group posted a 12% sales gain for the nine month  period
with strong revenue increases for finished eyewear through Omega Optical along
with higher shipments of ophthalmic lenses through the Orcolite division.  The
Lamp  division  recorded  a  54%  sales increase  for  the  period  while  the
Electronic Products division had only marginally higher revenue because of the
timing  of photo exposure deliveries.  Partially offsetting these sales  gains
was  a  significant decrease in IOL sales which was caused by several factors.
The  FDA impoundment action in November, 1993 adversely affected shipments  to
customers  and  caused some account defection.  In addition,  average  selling
prices  have continued to decline and the market continues to gradually  shift
towards  foldable IOLs.  The Company's competitive foldable IOL  is  still  in
clinical  trails  and  is not available for domestic  distribution.   The  new
corneal  topography  system  developed by the  Company,  MasterVue,  commenced
deliveries  during the second quarter and this added approximately $1  million
to  period  sales.   Last year during the third quarter, the  Cinema  Products
division  was  sold which, on a comparable basis, eliminated $3.9  million  of
sales  for  the  nine month period.  With these sales excluded, total  Company
sales for the period were up 5%.

Operating  profits advanced sharply for most of the Company's operating  units
for  the  nine month period.  The Consumer Optical Group posted a 45% increase
in operating profit which was driven by higher sales, good expense control and
production  yield  improvements at the Orcolite division.  The  Company's  two
industrial divisions recorded excellent results with operating profits  nearly

double  the  comparable  prior year period because of higher  sales  and  some
product  margin  improvements.   These  operating  profit  increases  for  the
Consumer  Optical Group and the industrial units aggregated almost $3  million
for  the period but were mitigated by a $6 million swing in profitability  for
the  IOL division and two refractive surgical projects.  The IOL division  has
been  heavily  impacted by adverse industry trends that include lower  prices,
intense  competition and shift towards foldable IOLs.  In  addition,  the  FDA
impoundment  action earlier in the fiscal year caused some loss  of  customers
and  significant expenses relating to this matter.  Also in the third quarter,
a  charge for severance expenses was taken to realign the IOL division's  cost
structure  to  reflect  the  lower  unit sales  volume  and  adverse  industry
dynamics.   The  Company's two refractive development projects  have  incurred
costs of approximately $3 million for the period which is $1 million more than
the prior year period.

Interest  expense was down slightly because of a small reduction  in  mortgage
debt outstanding while interest income is lower because of sharply lower short
term interest rates.

For  the  nine month period, pretax profit was $3.2 million compared  to  $6.0
million  the  prior year.  This decrease is attributable to the Company's  IOL
business  and,  to a lesser extent, its refractive development projects.   The
tax  rate for the first nine months of fiscal 1994 was 30.5% which is up  from
28.0%  last year.  This increase is attributable to greater U.S. source income
as  opposed  to Puerto Rican source income.  Net income before the  cumulative
effect  for  the adoption of SFAS No. 109, "Accounting for Income Taxes",  was
$2.2 million as compared to $4.3 million the prior year.  The adoption of SFAS
No. 109 added $1.4 million to net income for the nine month period.

Financial Condition
- -------------------
Cash  flow was negative by $2.0 million and $8.1 million for the third quarter
and  nine  months,  respectively.  For the current  quarter,  sales  increased
approximately $6.0 million over the preceding quarter and this caused accounts
receivable  to  increase by $2.8 million despite a reduction  in  days'  sales
outstanding.  Inventories increased by $1.9 million for the period because  of
a  large  buildup  of  work-in-process inventory relating  to  photo  exposure
systems that will ship in the fourth quarter; an increase in ophthalmic lenses
to  meet higher customer demand and an increase in IOL inventory.  The  latter
was  to  replace  inventory that was impounded by the FDA in  November,  1993.
Also during the third quarter, the Company made a $1.5 million payment to  the
former CCI shareholders per terms of the purchase contract.  Despite the heavy
use of cash for the period, the current ratio remained unchanged at 3.8.

Capital  expenditures were $.8 million for the quarter and will be  over  $1.0
million  for  the  fourth  quarter.  Capital expenditures  for  the  year  are
expected to be approximately $4.0 million.

The  Company  expects  to receive an insurance settlement  during  the  fourth
quarter of approximately $3.5 million which represents amounts advanced by the
Company  to  settle certain product liability claims.  See Item 1. Litigation,
to   this   filing   for   a  more  complete  discussion   of   this   matter.

The  Company has a non-committed credit line of $5 million from its lead  bank
for  which  it  pays  no fees but has no current plans to convert  this  to  a
committed  facility as it expects cash flow from operations will be sufficient
to  fund  ongoing  business  activity.   The  Company  is  not  aware  of  any
circumstance  which would adversely impact its liquidity or capital  resources
in the near future.


Item 1.     Litigation

On May 12, 1994, the Company reached a settlement with Agricultural Excess and
Surplus Insurance Company ("AESIC") under which AESIC agreed to:  1) reimburse
the  Company for all product liability claim settlements and expenses incurred
through  the settlement date (approximately $3.5 million); 2) affirm  umbrella
coverage of $5.0 million; 3) reimburse the Company for all outside legal  fees
incurred  in  litigating  this matter with AESIC,  and;  4)  pay  the  Company
interest on funds advanced in claim settlements and expenses.  The Company had
deferred,  for  financial reporting purposes, claim settlements  and  expenses
relating  to this matter and therefore, this settlement will only  impact  the
Company's  cash  flow when received in the fourth quarter.  The  reimbursement
for  litigation  expenses and interest had previously  been  recognized  as  a
period  expense as incurred.  This settlement agreement resulted  in  a  small
gain  for  the  third quarter as these expenses were reversed.   However,  the
Company  recorded  a  de minimis loss contingency reserve for  future  defense
costs relating to claims under the AESIC policy which approximated the gain on
In  October, 1993 the Company and 12 other manufacturers of IOL's were  served
with  a patent infringement lawsuit brought by Steve P. Shearing.  All of  the
defendants  filed  a motion for dismissal and, during the third  quarter,  the
Court  granted this request.  The plaintiff has filed new pleadings which  the
defendants are challenging.  Outside counsel has informed the Company that  an
evaluation  of  the patent claims of Shearing are not possible  at  this  time
because  of the uncertainty of which claims, if any, the Court will  allow  to
remain  in  the lawsuit.  Accordingly, the Company has concluded that  a  loss
contingency reserve regarding this matter is not warranted at this time.

In April, 1992 a shareholder ("Clancy") filed a derivative action against each
of  the  board  members  of  the Company and one officer.   During  the  third
quarter,  a tentative settlement of this matter was reached pending board  and
court  approval.   Under the proposed settlement, the Board agreed  to  retain
outside  consultants  if  the  Company  proposed  to  develop  and  market   a
viscoelastic product in the future.  All costs of this litigation in excess of
the  applicable  deductible, will be borne by the Company's insurance  carrier
and, if settled as proposed, the Company could recover certain costs that were
previously expensed.

Item 5.     Other Events

In  November,  1993  the  United States Food and Drug  Administration  ("FDA")
impounded  approximately 92,000 one-piece intraocular lenses  manufactured  by
the  Company  for  alleged violations of Good Manufacturing Practices  ("GMP")
guidelines.   The  Company has filed a claim for the return of  the  impounded

inventory  and a trial on this action is scheduled for later this  year.   The
Company  believes this matter may be resolved before trial and  has  conducted
numerous  discussion with the FDA in this regard.  During the  third  quarter,
the  Company  recorded  inventory  reserve  additions  of  approximately  $225
thousand  that  would allow, when combined with previously provided  inventory
reserves, for the impounded IOLs to be sold at a discount to existing on  hand
inventory.  If the impounded inventory is not released by settlement with  the
FDA  or upon successful litigation, the remaining value that would have to  be
recorded in a future period to expense would be approximately $1.4 million.

In  April,  1994  the  Company  received  correspondence  from  the  FDA  that
challenged  its designation of 21 IOL models in its annual report, as  similar
to  existing  Premarket  Approved  ("PMA") IOLs  and  thus,  exempt  from  the
requirement  for the submission of PMA supplements.  The Company believes  the
FDA  is  in  error  regarding this matter but has agreed  to  submit  the  PMA
supplements  for these IOL models.  If the FDA ultimately concludes  that  the
information contained in the PMA supplements is not sufficient for all or some
of  the  models in question, it could force the Company to recall  the  models
deemed  to  be not PMA approved or stop all distribution of these lenses.   In
aggregate, these IOL lenses account for approximately $2 million in annualized

In February, 1994 the Company announced that it has retained Donaldson, Lufkin
&  Jenrette Securities Corporation ("DLJ") to advise the Board of Directors on
alternative  directions for the Company that would enhance shareholder  value.
On  May  23,  1994,  the  Company stated that it had received  indications  of
interest  from  various parties for the purchase of all or a  portion  of  the
Company  and  had  established June 30, 1994 as the  deadline  for  submitting
written offers.  The Company stated, however, that no firm determination  with
respect to any such sale had been made and that a potential sale of all  or  a
portion   of   the  Company  was  one  of  a  number  of  alternatives   under

Item 6.           Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K
            (a)   Exhibits



Pursuant  to  the  requirements of the Securities Exchange Act  of  1934,  the
registrant  has  duly caused this report to be signed on  its  behalf  by  the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                 OPTICAL RADIATION CORPORATION

Date       6-10-94         s/     Richard D. Wood
      ----------------- --------------------------------
                           Richard D. Wood
                           Chairman of the Board and
                           Chief Executive Officer

Date       6-10-94         s/     Gary N. Patten
      ----------------- --------------------------------
                           Gary N. Patten
                           Vice President - Finance and
                           Chief Financial Officer