WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 11-K

                        PURSUANT TO SECTION 15 (d) OF THE
                       SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

(Mark One)

      OF 1934

      For the Fiscal Year ended December 31, 1999


      EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

     For the transition period from ______________ to __________________

                 Commission file number ______1-4315_________

                            HOURLY GROUP SAVINGS PLAN

                           (Full title of the plan)

                      ORANGE AND ROCKLAND UTILTIES, INC.
         (Name of issuer of the securities held pursuant to the plan)

                               ONE BLUE HILL PLAZA

                       PEARL RIVER, NEW YORK, NY 10965
                   (Address of principal executive office)

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


Signature of Plan Administrator                                         3

Report of Independent Public Accountants                                5

Financial Statements and Notes:

      Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits
      As of December 31, 1999 and 1998                                  6

      Statements  of Changes in Net Assets  Available for Benefits
      For the years ended December 31, 1999 and 1998                    7

      Note to Financial Statements                                      8

Supplementary Schedules:

      I.  Line 27a - Schedules of Assets Held for Investment
          Purposes as of December 31, 1999                              14


      23    Consent of Independent Public Accountants to incorporation
            by reference in the Prospectus of Registration Statement No.
            33-25358 of their report dated May 15, 2000.

Note:       All other schedules are omitted since they are not applicable or Are
            not required based on the disclosure  requirements of the Employees'
            Retirement  Income  Security Act of 1974 and applicable  regulations
            issued by the Department of Labor.


            Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
the directors (or other persons who  administer  the plan) have duly caused this
annual report to be signed by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                              ORANGE AND ROCKLAND UTILITIES, INC.
                              HOURLY GROUP SAVINGS PLAN

                              BY    Hector J. Reyes
                                    Hector J. Reyes
                                    Plan Administrator

Date:  May 15, 2000

Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc.
Hourly Group Savings Plan
Financial Statements
December 31, 1999 and 1998

Report of Independent Accountants

May 15, 2000

To the Board of Directors of
Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc.
and To the Participants and Plan Administrator of

Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc. Hourly Group Savings Plan

In our opinion, the accompanying  statement of net assets available for benefits
and the  related  statement  of  changes in net assets  available  for  benefits
present fairly, in all material respects,  the net assets available for benefits
of Orange & Rockland  Utilities,  Inc. Hourly Group Savings Plan (the "Plan") at
December 31, 1999, and the changes in net assets  available for benefits for the
year then ended, in conformity with accounting  principles generally accepted in
the United States.  These  financial  statements are the  responsibility  of the
Plan's  management;  our  responsibility  is to  express  an  opinion  on  these
financial  statements  based  on our  audit.  We  conducted  our  audit of these
statements  in  accordance  with auditing  standards  generally  accepted in the
United  States,  which  require  that we plan and  perform  the  audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the  amounts  and  disclosures  in  the  financial  statements,   assessing  the
accounting  principles  used and significant  estimates made by management,  and
evaluating the overall  financial  statement  presentation.  We believe that our
audit provides a reasonable basis for the opinion expressed above. The financial
statements  of the Plan as of December 31, 1998 were  audited by other  auditors
whose  report  dated May 24,  1999  expressed  an  unqualified  opinion on those

Our audit was  conducted  for the  purpose  of  forming  an opinion on the basic
financial statements taken as a whole. The supplemental  schedule of assets held
for investment  purposes is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is
not a  required  part of the basic  financial  statements  but is  supplementary
information  required by the  Department  of Labor's  Rules and  Regulations  of
Reporting and Disclosure  under the Employee  Retirement  Income Security Act of
1974. This supplemental schedule is the responsibility of the Plan's management.
The supplemental  schedule has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied
in the audit of the basic financial  statements  and, in our opinion,  is fairly
stated in all material  respects in relation to the basic  financial  statements
taken as a whole.

Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc.
Hourly Group Savings Plan

Notes to Financial Statements

Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc.
Hourly Group Savings Plan

Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits

                                                      December 31,

                                                1999              1998
                                                ----              ----

Investments at fair value

   Registered investment companies          $ 36,340,022      $ 30,326,453

   Common/collective trust                    10,582,014            -

   Interest in Stock Fund Master Trust            -              4,144,625

   Loans to participants                       1,017,571         1,253,731

Investments at contract value

   Interest in MIF Master Trust                4,918,883        14,521,333
                                            ------------      ------------

         Total assets                         52,858,490        50,246,142
                                            ------------      ------------

         Net assets available

           for benefits                     $ 52,858,490      $ 50,246,142
                                            ============      ============

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc.
Hourly Group Savings Plan

Statements of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits

                                                      December 31,

                                                1999              1998
                                                ----              ----

      Employee (Pre-tax and after-tax)      $  3,444,828      $  3,685,876
      Rollovers                                   -                  4,720
      Employer match                             475,497           502,237
                                            ------------      ------------
         Total contributions                   3,920,325         4,192,833
                                            ------------      ------------

   Earnings on investments

      Interest and dividend income             2,720,997         1,643,754
      Interest on loans to participants           72,170            78,989
      Net appreciation in fair value
        of investments                         4,613,166         4,886,626
      Plan's interest in MIF Master Trust

        investment income and gains              788,701           819,118
      Plan's interest in Stock Fund Master Trust

        investment income and gains              201,194           978,175
                                            ------------      ------------
         Total earnings on investments         8,396,228         8,406,662

         Total additions                      12,316,553        12,599,495
                                            ------------      ------------

   Benefit payments to participants            3,398,610         2,362,724
                                            ------------      ------------

         Net increase prior to transfers       8,917,943        10,236,771

Net transfers to other plans                  (6,305,595)          195,634
                                            ------------      ------------

         Net increase in net assets            2,612,348        10,432,405

Net assets available for benefits
         Beginning of year                    50,246,142        39,813,737
                                            ------------      ------------

         End of year                        $ 52,858,490      $ 50,246,142
                                            ============      ============

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc.
Hourly Group Savings Plan

Notes to Financial Statements

1.    Description of the Plan

      The following description of the Orange and Rockland Utilities,  Inc. (the
      "Company")  Hourly Group  Savings Plan (the "Plan")  provides only general
      information.  Participants  should  refer to the plan  document for a more
      complete description of the Plan's provisions.


      The Plan's  purpose  is to provide  eligible  collective  bargaining  unit
      employees of the Company  ("Participants")  a program  whereby the Company
      can contribute on behalf of a Plan  Participant  an elected  percentage of
      the  Participant's  compensation on a before-tax basis pursuant to section
      401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. In addition,  the
      Plan is designed to further  supplement  before-tax  401(K)  contributions
      through Company matching contributions.

      Plan administration

      The Plan is  administered  by the Company's  Retirement  Committee,  whose
      members are  appointed by the  Company's  Board of  Directors.  The Plan's
      investments are held with Fidelity  Management  Trust Company  ("FMTC") in
      accordance with the terms of a master trust agreement between FMTC and the


      Effective  January 1, 1998,  the Plan was amended to provide for a Company
      matching contribution of 50% of Participants  before-tax  contributions to
      the Plan up to 3% of each participant's compensation.  The maximum Company
      matching contribution per participant, therefore, is 1.5% of compensation.
      Participants may elect to make before-tax contributions in accordance with
      the terms of the Plan.


      Separate  accounts are maintained for each  Participant's  interest in the
      Plan. The Participant accounts,  including Company matching contributions,
      are at all times fully vested and nonforfeitable.

      Payment of benefits

      A  Participant's  contributions,   and  the  earnings  credited  on  these
      contributions,  in general, may not be withdrawn except in accordance with
      the terms of the Plan.  Such  withdrawals may be subject to an excise tax.
      Upon  termination of employment for any reason,  a  Participant's  account
      balance,  if less  than or  equal to  $5,000  will be  distributed  to the
      Participant  or  designated   beneficiary  as  soon  as   administratively
      practicable,  unless the Participant  elects to defer such distribution in
      accordance  with the terms of the Plan, but in no event later than the end
      of the 12 month period

Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc.
Hourly Group Savings Plan

Notes to Financial Statements

Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc.
Hourly Group Savings Plan

Notes to Financial Statements

      following the Participant's date of termination.  However, if the value of
      a Participant's  account is greater than $5,000 the Participant's  account
      will not be distributed until the Participant elects in writing to receive
      such distribution,  subject to certain  limitations and in accordance with
      the terms of the Plan. In addition,  such a distribution may be subject to
      an excise tax.

      Transfers to Management Employees' Savings Plan

      Any  amounts  held on behalf of Plan  Participants  who become  management
      employees  are  transferred  to the  Management  Employees'  Savings  Plan
      ("Management  Plan") in accordance with the terms of the Management  Plan.
      Such  amounts  are  classified  as net  transfers  to  other  plans on the
      statement of changes in net assets available for benefits.

      Rollover contributions

      Employees  may elect to  rollover  into the Plan any cash  received in any
      distribution  from a pension,  profit  sharing or stock bonus plan meeting
      the  requirements of Section 401(a) of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,
      or from any qualifying individual retirement account or annuity.  Rollover
      contributions  are  invested and  otherwise  treated in the same manner as
      other contributions  except where otherwise  specifically  provided in the

      Loans receivable from participants

      A Participant may obtain a loan under the Plan in a minimum amount of $500
      and subject to a maximum  amount as provided in the Plan,  but in no event
      in  excess of the  Participant's  account  balance.  No more than one loan
      request may be made by a  Participant  in any twelve month period and only
      one loan per  Participant  may be outstanding at a time. The interest rate
      charged on Plan loans is equal to the Orange and Rockland  Federal  Credit
      Union interest rate for a share secured loan for 48 months. Interest rates
      will  change  quarterly,  and shall be the rate in effect 5 business  days
      prior to the first day of the quarter,  as  determined  by the  Retirement
      Committee.  The interest rate  established  for a loan will not be changed
      during the term of the loan.  Each loan will be  evidenced by a promissory
      note payable to the Trustee for the loan amount,  including interest,  and
      secured  by a lien on the  Participant's  account.  The  terms of the loan
      generally  require  repayment  within  five  years.  Loans  become due and
      payable in full upon  termination of employment or if the loan  repayments
      have not been current for 60 days.

      Amendment or discontinuance of Plan

      While the Company expects to continue the Plan  indefinitely,  it reserves
      the right to amend or terminate the Plan at any time, in whole or in part,
      provided  that  no  amendment  may  retroactively  reduce  the  rights  of

2.    Summary of Significant Accounting Polices

      Accounting basis and valuation of investments

      The  financial  statements  of the Plan have been  prepared on the accrual
      basis of accounting  in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting
      principles as applied to employee benefit plans and in accordance with the
      requirements  of the Employee  Retirement  Income Security Act of 1974, as
      amended ("ERISA").

      Investments  in common  and  collective  trusts  ("funds")  are  stated at
      estimated fair value,  which have been determined  based on the unit value
      of the funds.  Unit values are  determined by the sponsor of such funds by
      dividing the fund's net assets at fair value by its units  outstanding  at
      the valuation dates. Shares of registered  investment companies are valued
      at quoted market prices which represent the net asset value of shares held
      by the Plan at year end.  Loans to  Participants  are valued at cost which
      approximates fair value. The investments in the Managed Income Fund Master
      Trust  investment  account  (the  "MIF  Master  Trust"),  other  than cash
      equivalents, are valued at contract value. Contract value is determined by
      the contributions  made plus interest at the rate specified in the various
      investment  contracts,  less distributions  made. Net appreciation in fair
      value  of  investments   consists  of  the  unrealized   appreciation   or
      depreciation of investments  held during the year and the realized gain or
      loss on investments sold during the year.

      Use of estimates

      The  preparation  of financial  statements  in conformity  with  generally
      accepted  accounting  principles requires management to make estimates and
      assumptions  that  affect the  reported  amounts  of assets,  liabilities,
      changes  therein and  disclosure  of  contingent  assets and  liabilities.
      Actual results could differ from those estimates.

      Related party transactions

      The Plan  invests in shares of mutual  funds  managed by an  affiliate  of
      FMTC.  Transactions  in  such  investments  qualify  as  party-in-interest
      transactions which are exempt from the prohibited transaction rules.

      Administrative expenses

      The costs of general administration of the Plan and trustee fees including
      trustee fees associated  with the Stock Fund are paid by the Company.  The
      expenses  of  the  investment  funds,  including  management  fees  of the
      investment managers of the Registered Investment Companies and the Managed
      Income Fund are deducted from the earnings of those funds.

3.    Investment Options

      Participant contributions and Company matching contributions are invested,
      at the  election of the  Participant,  in one or a  combination  of funds.
      Investment elections may be made by Participants in multiples of 1%.

4.    Investments in Master Trusts

      Managed Income Fund

      The assets of the Plan's  Managed  Income Fund ("MIF") are  commingled for
      investment  purposes  in the MIF  Master  Trust  with  the  assets  of the
      Management  Plan's  Managed  Income  Fund.  The MIF Master  Trust is being
      administered by FMTC and new  contributions are invested in FMTC's Managed
      Income  Portfolio  ("MIP") in  addition  to the  fixed-income  investments
      previously   purchased  for  the  fund.   As  the  previous   fixed-income
      investments  mature,  all proceeds will be invested in the MIP. All of the
      investments  of the MIF Master  Trust are stated at contract  value except
      for the cash equivalents, which are stated at fair value.

      The  investment  experience  of the MIF Master Trust is allocated  monthly
      based on the MIF Master  Trust's  assets as calculated by FMTC. The amount
      is derived from the prior month-end  contract value of each Plan's Managed
      Income Fund, plus  contributions  and transfers in, less benefit  payments
      and transfers out for the current month.

      The percentage interests in the Master Trust for the Plan's Managed Income
      Fund at December 31, 1999 and 1998 were 43.82% and 46.16%, respectively.

      The Master Trust' s assets, at December 31, 1999 and December 31, 1998 are
      presented in the following table:

                                                         1999         1998

         At Fair Market Value -
            Cash Equivalents                         $  137,862   $ 1,488,753

         At Contract Value -
            Fixed-Rate Insurance Company Contracts       -          2,494,941
            Pooled Fund Investment                   11,087,163    27,472,848
                                                     ----------   -----------
                                                     11,087,163    29,967,789

      Net Assets                                     $11,225,025  $31,456,542
                                                     ===========  ===========

      The earnings on the MIF Master Trust's  investments  consist  primarily of
      interest  income on the  various  fixed-income  securities.  For the years
      ended  December  31,  1999 and 1998  such  earnings  were  $1,757,916  and
      $1,746,586, respectively.

      Stock Fund

      The  assets of the  Plan's  Stock  Fund  were  commingled  for  investment
      purposes in the Stock Fund Master Trust with the assets of the  Management
      Plan's Stock Fund and were  invested by FMTC  primarily in common stock of
      the Company  along with a small  portion of money market  instruments  for
      liquidity.  Participant  interests were stated in units to allow for daily
      valuation. In accordance with Plan amendments, effective July 8, 1999 when
      the Company became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Consolidated Edison, Inc.,
      the Company Stock Fund was eliminated. The proceeds received for the stock
      held in the Fund,  as well as any money market  balances,  were  initially
      reinvested  in the  Managed  Income  Fund and  thereafter  as  directed by
      Participants.   At  the  year  ended   December  31,   1998,   there  were
      approximately  214,193  units in the Stock Fund with a Net Asset  Value of
      $19.35 per unit.

      The purchase price of such stock included  brokerage  commissions  and any
      transfer  taxes,  if applicable.  The Stock Fund was stated at fair market

      The  percentage  interest  in the Stock Fund  Master  Trust for the Plan's
      Stock Fund at December 31, 1998 was 46.53%.

      The Stock Fund Master Trust's assets at December 31, 1998 are presented in
      the following table:


         At Fair Market Value-
            Cash Equivalents                               $   96,501
            Common Stock - Orange and
               Rockland Utilities, Inc.                     8,807,013

      Receivables                                               3,206
      Net Assets                                           $8,906,720

      The earnings on  investments  of the Stock Fund Master Trust were credited
      to Participant accounts in accordance with IRS guidelines. The earnings of
      the Stock Fund Master Trust for the period ended July 8, 1999 and the year
      ended December 31, 1998 are presented in the following table:

                                       January 1, 1999        Year
                                             To              Ended

                                         July 8, 1999         1998

      Interest on cash equivalents       $    4,275        $    4,671
      Dividend income                       205,494           381,189
      Gain on sale of assets              3,568,455           385,648
      Unrealized appreciation of assets  (3,319,951)        1,208,194
                                         ----------        ----------
         Earnings on investments         $  458,273        $1,979,702
                                         ==========        ==========

5.    Federal Income Tax Status

      The Internal  Revenue Service has determined and informed the Company by a
      letter  dated  December  11,  1997,  that the Plan and  related  trust are
      designed in accordance  with applicable  sections of the Internal  Revenue
      Code (IRC).  The Plan has been amended since  receiving the  determination
      letter. However, the Plan administrator and the Plan's tax counsel believe
      that the Plan is designed and is currently  being  operated in  compliance
      with the applicable requirements of the IRC.

6.    Merger and Divestiture Amendments

      On April 8, 1999, the Company's Board of Directors  adopted  amendments to
      the Plan,  as a result of (1) the merger of the Company  and  Consolidated
      Edison,  Inc.  ("Con  Edison"),  whereby the Company became a wholly owned
      subsidiary  through the purchase of all of the  Company's  common stock by
      Con Edison and (2) sale of the  Company's  electric  generating  assets to
      subsidiaries of Southern Energy, Inc.  ("Southern"),  including the hiring
      of certain  Company  employees by Southern.  The following is a summary of
      the  significant  changes  to the  Plan  resulting  from  the  merger  and

      Merger -  Effective  July 8,  1999,  when all of the  common  stock of the
      Company was acquired by Con Edison, the Company Stock Fund was eliminated.
      The proceeds  received from such stock held in the Company Stock Fund were
      initially reinvested in the Managed Income Fund and thereafter as directed
      by the  Participants.  There is no requirement  that an investment fund be
      maintained in shares of the acquiring entity.

      Divestiture  - As a  result  of the  transfer  of the  Company's  electric
      generating  assets to  Southern,  the  portion of the Plan  consisting  of
      account balances of those employees who were  Participants in the Plan and
      who had  been  hired  by  Southern,  were  spun  off  from  the  Plan  and
      transferred  to a similar plan  maintained by Southern;  and the assets of
      the Plan attributable to the Plan's transferred account balances were spun
      off from the Company's  Master Trust with FMTC and  transferred to a trust
      under a savings plan maintained by Southern. Furthermore, each Participant
      in the Plan  whose  account  balance  was spun  off and  transferred  to a
      Southern plan ceased to be a Participant in the Plan.

Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc.
Hourly Group Savings Plan

Line 27a - Schedule of Assets Held for Investment PurposesAdditional Information

December 31, 1999                                                   Schedule A

                                    Shares, Units,    Cost of       Current

Description of Investment          Principal Amount    Asset         Value

Registered Investment Companies

Fidelity Growth and Income Portfolio  339,575      $12,065,561    $16,014,351

Fidelity Magellan Fund                 70,077        7,195,709      9,574,597

Fidelity OTC Portfolio                119,493        4,905,712      8,121,939

Fidelity Asset Manager Fund            72,744        1,258,246      1,337,044

Fidelity Worldwide Fund                64,929        1,105,137      1,292,091

  Total Registered Investment Companies             26,530,365     36,340,022
                                                   -----------    -----------

Loan Fund

  Loans Receivable -                                    -           1,017,571
   Highest rate - 8.00%
   Lowest rate - 7.00%

Interest in MIF Trust               4,918,883        4,918,883      4,918,883

Common/Collective Trust

  Fidelity Managed Income Portfolio10,582,014       10,582,014     10,582,014

  Total assets held for

   investment purposes                             $42,031,262    $52,858,490
                                                   ===========    ===========


                            WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 11-K

                        PURSUANT TO SECTION 15 (d) OF THE

                       SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

(Mark One)

      OF 1934

      For the Fiscal Year ended December 31, 1999


      EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

     For the transition period from ______________ to __________________

                 Commission file number ______1-4315_________

                            HOURLY GROUP SAVINGS PLAN

                           (Full title of the plan)

                      ORANGE AND ROCKLAND UTILTIES, INC.
         (Name of issuer of the securities held pursuant to the plan)

                               ONE BLUE HILL PLAZA

                       PEARL RIVER, NEW YORK, NY 10965
                   (Address of principal executive office)


                                  Volume 1 of 1

                                  EXHIBIT INDEX



    23      Consent of Independent Public Accountants to incorporation by
      reference in the Prospectus of Registration Statement No. 33-25358 of
      their report dated May 15, 2000.