(Rule 14a-101)
                       SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
             Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
             Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )

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Filed by a Party other than the Registrant

Check the appropriate box:
  Preliminary Proxy Statement - Confidential, For Use of the Commission
      Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))

X  Definitive Proxy Statement
   Definitive Additional Materials
   Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                             Osmonics, Inc.

Payment of filing fee (Check the appropriate box):

X  No fee required
   Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11
      (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

      (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transactions applies:

      (3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
          pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which
          the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

      (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

      (5) Total fee paid:

          Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

                  U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
                    EDGARLink Electronic Filing System

      Check box if any part of fee is offset as provided by Exchange
      Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting
      fee was paid previously. Indentify the previous filing by registration
      statement number, or the form or schedule and the date of its filing:

      (1) Amount previously paid:

      (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement no.:

      (3) Filing Party:

      (4) Date Filed:

                      Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders
                                    May 13, 1998

            To The Shareholders of Osmonics, Inc.

                NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of
            Shareholders of Osmonics, Inc. ("Osmonics") will be held at
            the Minneapolis Club, 729 Second Avenue South, Minneapolis,
            Minnesota 55402 on May 13, 1998 at 11:00 a.m., and at any
            adjournments thereof, to consider and act upon the following

             1.   To elect three directors to serve a term of three years.

             2.   To approve the amendment of the Company's 1993 Employee
                Stock Option and Compensation Plan to increase by
                500,000 the number of shares reserved under the plan.

             3.   To transact such other business as may properly come
                before the meeting or any adjournments thereof.

                The Board of Directors has fixed the close of business
            on March 20, 1998 as the record date for the determination
            of shareholders entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the
            meeting or any adjournments thereof.  The accompanying Proxy
            Statement forms a part of this Notice. 

                You are cordially invited to attend the meeting.  Even
            if you plan to attend the meeting, we urge you to sign, date
            and return the proxy, which is solicited by the Board of
            Directors, at once in the enclosed envelope.

                                               By Order of the Board of

                                               Ruth Carol Spatz,

            April 6, 1998

                                 Proxy Statement for
                           Annual Meeting of Shareholders
                                    May 13, 1998

                                   General Matters

                This Proxy Statement is furnished to shareholders in
            conjunction with the solicitation by the Board of Directors
            of Osmonics, Inc. of proxies for use at the Annual Meeting
            of Shareholders to be held on May 13, 1998.

                The record date for the determination of shareholders
            entitled to notice of and to vote at the meeting is the
            close of business on March 20, 1998.  On that date there
            were 13,954,978 Common shares outstanding.  Each share is
            entitled to one vote. 

                If a proxy in the accompanying form is duly executed and
            returned, the shares represented thereby will be voted. 
            Where a specification is made on the proxy, the shares will
            be voted in accordance with such specification.  When no
            specification is made on the proxy, the proxy will be voted
            for the election as directors of the nominees named herein.
             A proxy may be revoked by the shareholder at any time prior
            to its being voted by giving written notice of revocation to
            the Secretary of the Company, in open meeting, or by casting
            a written ballot at the meeting.  Attendance at the meeting
            by a shareholder will not by itself be considered revocation
            of the shareholder's proxy. 

                The cost of soliciting proxies will be borne by the
            Company.  In addition to solicitation by mail, officers and
            regular employees may solicit proxies by telephone,
            telegraph or in person.  On request, the Company will
            reimburse banks, brokerage firms and other custodians,
            nominees and fiduciaries for reasonable expenses incurred by
            them in sending soliciting material to the owners of the

                This Proxy Statement and the accompanying materials are
            first being sent to shareholders on or about April 6, 1998.

                                ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

                The present Board of Directors of Osmonics is composed
            of seven members.  Directors are elected for a term of three
            years with positions staggered so that approximately
            one-third of the directors are elected at each annual
            meeting of shareholders.  It is intended that the proxies
            received will be voted, unless authority is withheld, FOR
            the election of the nominees listed below, namely William
            Eykamp, Michael L. Snow, and Ruth Carol Spatz to serve until
            the 2001 Meeting of Shareholders. The affirmative vote of
            the holders of the greater of (a) a majority of the
            outstanding shares of Common Stock of the Company present
            and entitled to vote on the election of directors or (b) a
            majority of the voting power of the minimum number of shares
            entitled to vote that would constitute a quorum for
            transaction of business at the meeting, is required for

            election to the Board of each of the three nominees named
            below.  A shareholder who abstains with respect to the
            election of directors is considered to be present and
            entitled to vote on the election of directors at the
            meeting, and is in effect casting a negative vote, but a
            shareholder (including a broker) who does not give authority
            to a Proxy to vote, or withholds authority to vote, on the
            election of directors shall not be considered present and
            entitled to vote on the election of directors.  The nominees
            are currently serving as directors and have consented, if
            elected, to serve for a new term.

                The following table sets forth information with respect
            to each nominee for election as director and each other
            person whose term of office as a director will continue
            after the meeting.

            Nominees for election for a term of three years:

                William Eykamp, age 61, was appointed to the Board of
            Directors in October 1997.  He is currently a management
            consultant and an adjunct professor of Chemical Engineering
            at Tufts University.  He served as president and director of
            Koch Membrane Systems Inc., formerly Abcor Inc., from 1981
            to 1988.  Mr. Eykamp holds a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering
            from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Bachelor of
            Science degree from Purdue University.

                Michael L. Snow, age 47, of Counsel in the law firm of
            Maslon Edelman Borman & Brand, a Limited Liability
            Partnership, has been a director of Osmonics since 1989. 
            Maslon Edelman Borman & Brand, a Limited Liability
            Partnership, has rendered legal services to Osmonics during
            the last fiscal year.  Mr. Snow received a Bachelor of Arts
            degree and Juris Doctor from the University of Michigan. 

                Ruth Carol Spatz, age 53, Secretary and Director of
            Osmonics, was a founder of Osmonics in 1969 and has held her
            current position since its inception.  She is a graduate of
            the University of Vermont with a degree in Chemistry. 

            Directors whose terms expire in 1999:

                Ralph E. Crump, age 74, was an initial investor in
            Osmonics in 1969.  He founded Frigitronics, Inc., a
            manufacturer of ophthalmic and medical instruments, in 1963
            and was its President and Chairman of the Board until
            December 1986.  He is a graduate of the United States
            Merchant Marine Academy and has a degree in Engineering from
            UCLA.  Mr. Crump is also a director of SI Technologies,
            Inc., Mity-Lite, Inc., Imtec, Inc., and Stratasys, Inc., all
            of which are traded on NASDAQ.

                Charles W. Palmer, age 61, is currently a private
            investor.  He had been the Chairman and Chief Executive

            Officer of Autotrol Corporation from 1989 through October
            1993, when Autotrol was merged into the Company.  He was the
            Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of The Palmer Group
            Ltd., a Midwestern real estate development firm from 1980
            through 1996.  Mr. Palmer is a graduate of Yale University
            with an A.B. in American studies and earned an M.B.A. at
            Northwestern University. 

            Directors whose terms expire in 2000:

                Verity C. Smith, age 75, Director, Vaponics Ltd. (UK),
            President, Veritec Consultants, was a founder of Vaponics,
            Inc. and held the position of Chief Executive Officer from
            its inception in 1967 until it was acquired by Osmonics in
            July 1987.  He was elected a director of Osmonics in August
            1987.  He has a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from
            Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is a fellow of the
            American Institute of Chemical Engineers.

                D. Dean Spatz, age 54, President and Chairman of the
            Board of Directors of Osmonics, has held his current
            position since founding Osmonics in 1969.  He has a B.A.
            from Dartmouth College and a Master of Engineering degree
            from the Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College. 
            Mr. Spatz is also a director of SI Technologies, Inc. and
            Sigma Aldrich Corp., both of which are traded on NASDAQ. 
            Mr. Spatz and Ruth Carol Spatz are husband and wife.

            Board of Directors and Committees

                The Board of Directors of Osmonics held four meetings
            during 1997.  Osmonics has an Audit Committee, a
            Compensation Committee, and a Stock Option Committee, but
            does not have a Nominating Committee. 

                Osmonics' Audit Committee, which consists of Messrs.
            Ralph E. Crump and Michael L. Snow, met once during 1997. 
            The Audit Committee recommends to the full Board the
            engagement of the independent accountants, reviews the audit
            plan and results of the audit engagement, reviews the
            independence of the auditors, and reviews the adequacy of
            Osmonics' system of internal accounting controls.

                Osmonics' Compensation Committee, which consists of
            Messrs. Ralph E. Crump and Michael L. Snow, met once during
            1997.  The Compensation Committee reviews and recommends to
            the full Board executive compensation.

                Osmonics' Stock Option Committee, which consists of
            Messrs. Ralph E. Crump, D. Dean Spatz and Mrs. Ruth Carol
            Spatz, met four times during 1997.  The committee proposes
            and recommends to the full Board stock option grants to
            executives and other key personnel under the existing Stock
            Option Plan. 


                Subject to the approval of the shareholders, on December
            1, 1997 the Board of Directors amended the Osmonics 1993
            Stock Option and Compensation Plan (the "Employee Stock
            Option Plan") to increase the number of shares of Common
            Stock reserved for issuance pursuant to the Employee Stock
            Option Plan by 500,000 shares. On March 17, 1998, the Board
            of Directors amended the Employee Stock Option Plan to
            reflect recent revisions made in federal securities law. 
            The brief summary of the Employee Stock Option Plan which
            follows is qualified in its entirety by reference to the
            complete text, a copy of which is attached to this Proxy
            Statement as Annex A.


                The purpose of the Employee Stock Option Plan is to
            increase shareholder value and to advance the interests of
            Osmonics by furnishing a variety of economic incentives
            ("Incentives") designed to attract, retain and motivate
            employees of Osmonics.

                The Employee Stock Option Plan provides that a committee
            composed of at least two members of the Board of Directors
            of Osmonics (the "Stock Option Committee") who have not
            received Incentives under the Employee Stock Option Plan may
            grant Incentives to employees in the following forms:  (a)
            stock options; (b) stock appreciation rights; (c) stock
            awards; (d) restricted stock; (e) performance shares; and
            (f) cash awards.  Incentives may be granted only to
            employees of Osmonics (including officers and directors of
            Osmonics, but excluding directors of Osmonics who are not
            also employees of or consultants to Osmonics) selected from
            time to time by the Stock Option Committee.

                The number of shares of Common Stock which may be issued
            under the Employee Stock Option Plan if this amendment is
            approved may not exceed 800,000 shares, subject to
            adjustment in the event of a merger, recapitalization or
            other corporate restructuring.  This represents
            approximately 5.7% of the outstanding shares of Common Stock
            on March 20, 1998.  On March 20, 1998, the last sale price
            of the Common Stock as reported on the New York Stock
            Exchange was $16.25 per share.

            Stock Options

                Under the Employee Stock Option Plan, the Stock Option
            Committee may grant non-qualified and incentive stock
            options to eligible employees to purchase shares of Common
            Stock from Osmonics.  The Employee Stock Option Plan confers
            on the Stock Option Committee discretion, with respect to

            any such stock option, to determine the number and purchase
            price of the shares subject to the option, the term of each
            option and the time or times during its term when the option
            becomes exercisable.  The purchase price for incentive stock
            options may not be less than the fair market value of the
            shares subject to the option on the date of grant.  The
            number of shares subject to an option will be reduced
            proportionately to the extent that the optionee exercises a
            related Stock Appreciation Right ("SAR").  The term of a
            non-qualified option may not exceed 10 years and one day
            from the date of grant and the term of an incentive stock
            option may not exceed 10 years from the date of grant.  Any
            option shall become immediately exercisable in the event of
            specified changes in corporate ownership or control.  The
            Stock Option Committee may accelerate the exercisability of
            any option or may determine to cancel stock options in order
            to make a participant eligible for the grant of an option at
            a lower price.  The Stock Option Committee may approve the
            purchase by Osmonics of an unexercised stock option for the
            difference between the exercise price and the fair market
            value of the shares covered by such option.

                The option price may be paid in cash, check, bank draft
            or by delivery of shares of Common Stock valued at their
            fair market value at the time of purchase or by withholding
            shares from the shares issuable upon exercise of such
            options valued at their fair market value or as otherwise
            authorized by the Stock Option Committee.

                In the event that an optionee ceases to be an employee
            of Osmonics for any reason, including death, any stock
            option or unexercised portion thereof which was otherwise
            exercisable on the date of termination of employment shall
            expire at the time or times established by the Stock Option

            Stock Appreciation Rights

                A stock appreciation right or SAR is a right to receive,
            without payment to Osmonics, a number of shares, cash or any
            combination thereof, the amount of which is determined
            pursuant to the formula described below.  A SAR may be
            granted with respect to any stock option granted under the
            Employee Stock Option Plan, or alone, without reference to
            any stock option.  A SAR granted with respect to any stock
            option may be granted concurrently with the grant of such
            option or at such later time as determined by the Stock
            Option Committee and as to all or any portion of the shares
            subject to the option.

            Restricted Stock

                Restricted stock consists of the sale or transfer by
            Osmonics to an eligible employee of one or more shares of
            Common Stock which are subject to restrictions on their sale

            or other transfer by the employee.  The price at which
            restricted stock will be sold will be determined by the
            Stock Option Committee, and it may vary from time to time
            and among employees and may be less than the fair market
            value of the shares at the date of sale.  All shares of
            restricted stock will be subject to such restrictions as the
            Stock Option Committee may determine.  Subject to these
            restrictions and the other requirements of the Employee
            Stock Option Plan, a participant receiving restricted stock
            shall have all of the rights of a shareholder as to those

            Stock Awards

                Stock awards consist of the transfer by Osmonics to an
            eligible employee of shares of Common Stock, without
            payment, as additional compensation for services to
            Osmonics.  The number of shares transferred pursuant to any
            stock award will be determined by the Stock Option

            Performance Shares

                Performance shares consist of the grant by Osmonics to
            an eligible employee of a contingent right to receive cash
            or payment of shares of Common Stock.  The performance
            shares shall be paid in shares of Common Stock to the extent
            performance objectives set forth in the grant are achieved.
             The number of shares granted and the performance criteria
            will be determined by the Stock Option Committee.

            Cash Awards

                A cash award consists of a monetary payment made by
            Osmonics to an eligible employee as additional compensation
            for his services to Osmonics.  Payment may depend on the
            achievement of specified performance objectives.  The amount
            of any monetary payment constituting a cash award shall be
            determined by the Stock Option Committee.

            Non-transferability of Most Incentives

                No stock option, SAR, performance share or restricted
            stock granted under the Employee Stock Option Plan will be
            transferable by its holder, except in the event of the
            holder's death, by will or the laws of descent and
            distribution.  During an employee's lifetime, an Incentive
            may be exercised only by him or her or by his or her
            guardian or legal representative.

            Amendment of the Employee Stock Option Plan

                The Board of Directors may amend or discontinue the
            Employee Stock Option Plan at any time.  However, no such
            amendment or discontinuance may, subject to adjustment in

            the event of a merger, recapitalization, or other corporate
            restructuring, (a) change or impair, without the consent of
            the recipient thereof, an Incentive previously granted, (b)
            materially increase the maximum number of shares of Common
            Stock which may be issued to all employees under the
            Employee Stock Option Plan, (c) materially change or expand
            the types of Incentives that may be granted under the
            Employee Stock Option Plan, (d) materially modify the
            requirements as to eligibility for participation in the
            Employee Stock Option Plan, or (e) materially increase the
            benefits accruing to participants.  Certain Employee Stock
            Option Plan amendments require shareholder approval,
            including amendments which would materially increase
            benefits accruing to participants, increase the number of
            securities issuable under the Employee Stock Option Plan, or
            change the requirements for eligibility under the Employee
            Stock Option Plan.

            Federal Income Tax Consequences

                The following discussion sets forth certain United
            States income tax considerations in connection with the
            ownership of Common Stock.  These tax considerations are
            stated in general terms and are based on the Code.  This
            discussion does not address state or local tax
            considerations with respect to the ownership of Common
            Stock.  Moreover, the tax considerations relevant to
            ownership of the Common Stock may vary depending on a
            holder's particular status.

                Under existing Federal income tax provisions, an
            employee who receives a stock option or performance shares
            or a SAR under the Employee Stock Option Plan or who
            purchases or receives shares of restricted stock under the
            Employee Stock Option Plan which are subject to restrictions
            which create a "substantial risk of forfeiture" (within the
            meaning of section 83 of the Code) will not normally realize
            any income, nor will Osmonics normally receive any deduction
            for federal income tax purposes in the year such Incentive
            is granted.  An employee who receives a stock award under
            the Employee Stock Option Plan consisting of shares of
            Common Stock will realize ordinary income in the year of the
            award in an amount equal to the fair market value of the
            shares of Common Stock covered by the award on the date it
            is made, and Osmonics will be entitled to a deduction equal
            to the amount the employee is required to treat as ordinary
            income.  An employee who receives a cash award will realize
            ordinary income in the year the award is paid equal to the
            amount thereof, and the amount of the cash will be
            deductible by Osmonics.

                When a non-qualified stock option granted pursuant to
            the Employee Stock Option Plan is exercised, the employee
            will realize ordinary income measured by the difference
            between the aggregate purchase price of the shares of Common

            Stock as to which the option is exercised and the aggregate
            fair market value of shares of the Common Stock on the
            exercise date, and Osmonics will be entitled to a deduction
            in the year the option is exercised equal to the amount the
            employee is required to treat as ordinary income.

                Options which qualify as incentive stock options are
            entitled to special tax treatment.  Under existing federal
            income tax law, if shares purchased pursuant to the exercise
            of such an option are not disposed of by the optionee within
            two years from the date of granting of the option or within
            one year after the transfer of the shares to the optionee,
            whichever is longer, then (i) no income will be recognized
            to the optionee upon the exercise of the option; (ii) any
            gain or loss will be recognized to the optionee only upon
            ultimate disposition of the shares and, assuming the shares
            constitute capital assets in the optionee's hands, will be
            treated as long-term capital gain or loss; (iii) the
            optionee's basis in the shares purchased will be equal to
            the amount of cash paid for such shares; and (iv) Osmonics
            will not be entitled to a federal income tax deduction in
            connection with the exercise of the option.  Osmonics
            understands that the difference between the option price and
            the fair market value of the shares acquired upon exercise
            of an incentive stock option will be treated as an "item of
            tax preference" for purposes of the alternative minimum tax.
             In addition, incentive stock options exercised more than
            three months after retirement are treated as non-qualified

                Osmonics further understands that if the optionee
            disposes of the shares acquired by exercise of an incentive
            stock option before the expiration of the holding period
            described above, the optionee must treat as ordinary income
            in the year of that disposition an amount equal to the
            difference between the optionee's basis in the shares and
            the lesser of the fair market value of the shares on the
            date of exercise or the selling price.  In addition,
            Osmonics will be entitled to a deduction equal to the amount
            the employee is required to treat as ordinary income.

                If the exercise price of an option is paid by surrender
            of previously owned shares, the basis of the shares received
            in replacement of the previously owned shares is carried
            over.  If the option is a nonstatutory option, the gain
            recognized on exercise is added to the basis.  If the option
            is an incentive stock option, the optionee will recognize
            gain if the shares surrendered were acquired through the
            exercise of an incentive stock option and have not been held
            for the applicable holding period.  This gain will be added
            to the basis of the shares received in replacement of the
            previously owned shares.

            Proxies and Voting

                The affirmative vote of the holders of the greater of
            (a) a majority of the outstanding shares of Common Stock of
            Osmonics present and entitled to vote on the proposed
            Employee Stock Option Plan amendment or (b) a majority of
            the voting power of the minimum number of shares entitled to
            vote that would constitute a quorum for transaction of
            business at the meeting, is required to approve the proposal
            to increase the number of shares of Common stock reserved
            for issuance under the Employee Stock Option Plan.  A
            shareholder who abstains with respect to the proposed
            Employee Stock Option Plan amendment is considered to be
            present and entitled to vote at the meeting, and is in
            effect casting a negative vote, but a shareholder (including
            a broker) who does not give authority to a Proxy to vote on
            the proposed Employee Stock Option Plan amendment shall not
            be considered present and entitled to vote on the proposed
            amendment.  All shares represented by proxies will be voted
            for approval of the proposed Employee Stock Option Plan
            amendment unless a contrary choice is specified. 



                The following table provides information as to the
            beneficial ownership of the Company's Common Stock, as of
            March 20, 1998, by (i) each person known by the Company to
            be the beneficial owner of more than 5% of such Common
            Stock, (ii) each nominee and continuing director of the
            Company, (iii) the Company's Chief Executive Officer and
            four other most highly compensated executive officers for
            fiscal year 1997 and (iv) the directors and executive
            officers as a group (13 persons).  Beneficial ownership has
            been determined for this purpose in accordance with Rule
            13d-3 of the Securities and Exchange Commission under which
            a person is deemed to be the beneficial owner of securities
            if he or she has or shares voting power or dispositive power
            with respect to such securities or has the right to acquire
            beneficial ownership of such securities within 60 days by
            exercise of an option or otherwise.  The persons named in
            the table have sole voting and dispositive powers with
            respect to all shares of Common Stock unless otherwise noted
            in the notes following the table. 

               Name of Beneficial      Amount and Nature
                Owner Including          of Beneficial
                Address of Owners        Ownership of        Percent of
                for More than 5%         Common Stock       Common Stock

            State Farm Mutual     
             Automobile Insurance 
             One State Farm Place        1,388,812(1)            9.7

               Name of Beneficial      Amount and Nature
                Owner Including          of Beneficial
                Address of Owners        Ownership of        Percent of
                for More than 5%         Common Stock       Common Stock
             Bloomington, IL 61701

            Fleet Financial Group
             One Federal Street
             Boston, MA 02110              971,310(2)            7.0

            Donald T. Bray, Trustee
             of the Donald T. Bray
             Dated April 8, 1992
             4281 Weise Road               796,077(3)            5.5
             Carson City, NV 89702

            Heartland Advisors Inc.
             790 North Milwaukee 
              Street                       734,600(4)            5.3
             Milwaukee, WI 53202

            Ralph E. Crump(6)              689,900(5)            4.8
            James J. Carbonari              22,124(7)            *
            Kenneth E. Jondahl              33,676(7)            *
            William Eykamp                   1,001               *
            Charles W. Palmer(9)           921,632(8)            6.4
            Andrew T. Rensink                8,720(7)            *
            L. Lee Runzheimer               45,938(7)            *

            Verity C. Smith                 13,196(10)           *
            Michael L. Snow                 63,900(11)           *
            D. Dean Spatz(6)             1,076,104(12)           7.5
            Ruth Carol Spatz(6)          1,053,323(12)           7.3

            All directors and
            executive officers as a      3,489,034(13)          24.3
            group (13 persons)
             * Less than 1%

            (1)  Beneficial ownership is as of March 20, 1998.  Based
                 upon the most recent schedule 13G on file with the
                 Securities and Exchange Commission, State Farm Mutual
                 Automobile Insurance Company's affiliated corporations
                 have sole voting and investment power with respect to
                 421,875 shares, 438,750 shares and 528,187 shares,

            (2)  Beneficial ownership is based on a Schedule 13G filed
                 February 13, 1998.  Includes 869,000 shares held by
                 Columbia Special Fund Inc., a subsidiary of Fleet
                 Financial Group.

            (3)  Based upon the most recent Schedule 13D on file with
                 the Securities and Exchange Commission, Donald T. Bray,
                 Trustee of the Donald T. Bray Trust dated April 8, 1992
                 has sole voting and investment power with respect to
                 658,970 shares, which includes 314,214 shares
                 exercisable within 60 days of the above date.  He has
                 shared voting and investment power with respect to

            (4)  Beneficial ownership is based upon a Schedule 13G filed
                 February 2, 1998.

            (5)  Includes 340,450 shares held by his spouse.  Mr. Crump
                 disclaims beneficial ownership of these shares. 
                 Includes 9,000 shares exercisable within 60 days of the
                 above date. 

            (6)  The address of such person is 5951 Clearwater Drive,
                 Minnetonka, MN 55343.

            (7)  Includes 1,250 shares exercisable within 60 days of the
                 above date.

            (8)  Includes 9,000 shares exercisable within 60 days of the
                 above date and 7,882 shares held by his spouse.

            (9)  Mr. Palmer's address is 5951 Clearwater Drive.,
                 Minnetonka, Minnesota 55343.

            (10) Includes options to purchase 9,000 shares exercisable
                 within 60 days of the above date.

            (11) Includes options to purchase 54,000 shares within 60
                 days of the above date. 

            (12) Mr. and Mrs. Spatz possess sole voting and investment
                 power with respect to 580,464 and 557,683,
                 respectively, of such shares and they possess shared
                 voting and investment power with respect to 492,640 of
                 such shares.  Includes options to purchase 9,000 shares
                 exercisable within 60 days of the above date for each

            (13) Includes options to purchase 110,250 shares of Osmonics
                 Common stock exercisable within 60 days of the above
                 date.  Includes 340,450 shares owned by Marjorie L.
                 Crump, spouse of Ralph E. Crump, a director and 7,882
                 owned by Alice Palmer, spouse of Charles W. Palmer, a

                               EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

                The following table sets forth the cash and non-cash
            compensation for each of the last three fiscal years awarded
            to or earned by the Chief Executive Officer of the Company

            and each of the four other most highly compensated executive
            officers of the Company whose salary and bonus exceeded
            $100,000 during the 1997 fiscal year. 

            Name and                Annual Compensation      All Other

            Principal Position   Year    Salary(    Bonus  Compensation
                                            1)                  (2)

            D. Dean Spatz        1997    $292,767  $94,000  $  7,893
            Chairman             1996    270,140   280,000    10,269
            Chief Executive      1995    281,767   260,000    10,061

            L. Lee Runzheimer    1997    $129,134  $ 8,000  $  7,493
            Chief Financial      1996    129,057    26,000    11,674
            Officer              1995    135,868    40,000    11,594

            James J. Carbonari   1997    $119,054  $10,000  $  7,893
            Vice President       1996    118,825    46,000    11,674
            Sales &              1995    104,693    54,000    11,184

            Andrew T. Rensink    1997    $108,283  $ 8,000  $  6,403
            Vice President       1996    104,031    30,000    10,385
            Technology           1995     94,831    35,000     9,672

            Kenneth E. Jondahl   1997    $ 98,476  $15,000    $5,065
            Vice President       1996    101,171    15,000     7,703
            International        1995     84,798     9,500     6,170

            (1) Includes cash compensation deferred at the election of
                the executive under the terms of Osmonics' 401(k) Plan.

            (2) Includes $150 per year of matching funds from Osmonics
                in the 401(k) Savings Plan and contributions by
                Osmonics to the Profit Sharing Retirement Plan of
                $7,743 for Mr. Spatz, $7,743 for Mr. Carbonari, $7,343
                for Mr. Runzheimer, $6,403 for Mr. Rensink and $4,915
                for Mr. Jondahl for 1997.

               Stock Option Exercises in 1997 and Value at End of 1997

                The following table summarizes information with respect
            to options held by the Chief Executive Officer and the
            executive officers named in the Summary Compensation Table,
            and the value of the options held by such persons at the end
            of fiscal year 1997. 

                     Aggregated Option Exercises in Last Fiscal
                       Year and Fiscal Year-End Option Values

                                                Number of          Value of
                                               securities        unexercised
                                               underlying        in-the-money
                                               unexercised        options at
                           Shares              options at      fiscal year-end
                          Acquired  Value    fiscal year-end       (2) (3)
                         On exer-   Real-   Exer-   Unexer-   Exer-   Unexer-
            Name         cise (#)  ized(1) cisable  cisable  cisable  cisable

            D. Dean          -         -     6,000    3,000      -      1,312

            James J.         -         -       0      5,000      -        -

            L. Lee           -         -       0      5,000      -        -

            Andrew T.        -         -       0      5,000      -        -

            Kenneth E.       -         -       0      5,000      -        -

            (1) Value realized is the aggregate market value, on the
                date of exercise, of the shares acquired less the
                aggregate exercise price paid for such shares.

            (2) Value of unexercised options is the difference between
                the aggregate market value of the underlying shares
                (based on the closing price on December 31, 1997, which
                was $15.8125 per share) and the aggregate exercise price
                for such shares.

            (3) All options granted to the named Officers were at a
                price greater than the closing price on December 31,
                1997, with the exception of a non-exercisable option
                granted to D. Dean Spatz, through the 1995 Director
                Stock Option Plan.

            Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

                Osmonics' Compensation Committee consists of Messrs.
            Ralph E. Crump and Michael L. Snow.  Mr. Snow is of Counsel
            in the law firm of Maslon Edelman Borman & Brand, a Limited
            Liability Partnership, which rendered legal services to
            Osmonics during the last fiscal year.

            Director Compensation

                Since 1995, the Company has maintained a Director Stock
            Option Plan (the "Director Plan").  A total of 250,000
            shares of Common Stock are reserved for issuance under the
            Director Plan.  Each director of the Company is eligible to
            participate in the Director Plan, including directors who

            are employees of the Company.  Under the Director Plan, each
            director automatically is granted an option to purchase
            3,000 shares at the time of each annual meeting of the
            Company's shareholders.  All options granted under the
            Director Plan have an exercise price equal to the fair
            market value of the Company's Common Stock on the date of
            grant and become exercisable one year after the date of
            grant.  The Company will receive no consideration upon the
            grant of options under the 1995 Director Plan.  The exercise
            price of an option must be paid in full upon exercise. 
            Payment may be made in cash, check or, in whole or in part,
            in Common Stock of the Company owned by the person
            exercising the option, valued at fair market value.  All
            directors of Osmonics are reimbursed for expenses of
            attending meetings of the Board of Directors. 

            Report of the Compensation Committee of the Board of
            Directors on Executive Compensation

                Osmonics' Compensation Committee consists of Messrs.
            Ralph E. Crump and Michael L. Snow.  Mr. Snow is of Counsel
            in the law firm of Maslon Edelman Borman & Brand, a Limited
            Liability Partnership, which rendered legal services to the
            Osmonics during the last fiscal year. 

                Decisions on compensation of Osmonics' executives
            generally have been made by the Compensation Committee (the
            "Compensation Committee") of the Board, except that
            decisions regarding the granting of stock options have been
            and will be made by the Stock Option Committee.  Each member
            of the Compensation Committee is a non-employee director. 
            Members of the Stock Option Committee are not eligible to
            receive stock options under the Osmonics stock option plans.
             All decisions by the Compensation Committee relating to the
            compensation of Osmonics' executive officers are reviewed by
            the full Board.  Pursuant to recently adopted rules designed
            to enhance disclosure of Osmonics' policies toward executive
            compensation, set forth below is a report prepared by the
            Board of Directors addressing Osmonics', and its
            subsidiaries', compensation policies for the year ended
            December 31, 1997 as they affected Osmonics' executive

                The Compensation Committee's executive compensation
            policies are designed to provide competitive levels of
            compensation that integrate pay with Osmonics' annual
            objectives and long-term goals, reward above average
            corporate performance, recognize individual initiative and
            achievements, and assist Osmonics in attracting and
            retaining qualified executives.  Targeted levels of
            executive compensation are set at levels that the
            Compensation Committee believes to be consistent with others
            in Osmonics' industry and other manufacturing companies in
            the Twin Cities metropolitan area.

                There are three elements in Osmonics' executive
            compensation program, all determined by individual and
            corporate performance.

                -  Base salary compensation

                -  Annual incentive compensation

                -  Stock options

                Total compensation opportunities are competitive with
            those offered by employers of comparable size, growth and
            profitability in our industry.

                Base salary compensation is determined by the potential
            impact the individual has on Osmonics, the skills and
            experiences required by the job, and the performance and
            potential of the incumbent in the job. 

                Annual incentive compensation for executives of Osmonics
            and its subsidiaries is based primarily on corporate
            operating earnings and sales growth but also includes an
            overall assessment by the Board of Directors of executive
            management's performance, as well as market conditions. 

                Awards of stock options under the Stock Option Plan are
            designed to promote the identity of long-term interests
            between Osmonics' executives and its shareholders and assist
            in the retention of executives.  The Stock Option Plan also
            permits the Committee to grant stock options to key
            personnel.  The Compensation Committee makes recommendations
            to the Stock Option Committee regarding the granting of
            stock options to executives and key personnel.  These
            recommendations may result in the granting of such options.
             Options become exercisable based upon criteria established
            by Osmonics.

                The Compensation Committee surveys employee stock option
            programs of companies with similar capitalization to
            Osmonics prior to recommending to grant options to the
            executives.  While the value realizable from exercisable
            options is dependent upon the extent of which Osmonics'
            performance is reflected in the market price of Osmonics'
            Common Stock at any particular point in time, the decision
            as to whether such value will be realized in any particular
            year is primarily determined by each individual executive
            and not by the Compensation Committee.  Accordingly, when
            the Committee recommends that an option be granted to an
            executive, that recommendation does not take into account
            any gains realized that year by that executive as a result
            of his or her individual decision to exercise an option
            granted in a previous year.

                The 1997 cash compensation paid to Mr. Spatz was
            $386,767 which represents a 42% decrease from his 1996 cash

            compensation.  Although his base compensation increased 8%
            from 1996 to reflect the growth of the Company and the extra
            effort involved in recent acquisitions, the Committee
            advised a decrease of 66% in his bonus in response to the
            sales performance and the lower earnings per share in 1997.

                                                          Ralph E. Crump
                                                         Michael L. Snow

            Stock Performance Graph

                The Securities and Exchange Commission requires that
            Osmonics include in this Proxy Statement a line-graph
            presentation comparing cumulative, five-year return to
            Osmonics' shareholders (based on appreciation of the market
            price of Osmonics' Common Stock) on an indexed basis with
            (i) a broad equity market index and (ii) an appropriate
            published industry or line-of-business index, or peer group
            index constructed by Osmonics.  The following presentation
            compares Osmonics' Common Stock price in the five-year
            period from December 31, 1992 to December 31, 1997, to the
            S&P 500 Stock Index and to a peer group index created by
            Osmonics over the same period.  The peer group index
            consists of the common stock of Calgon Carbon Corporation,
            Cuno, Inc., Hach Co., Ionics, Inc., Millipore Corp., Pall
            Corp., Sybron Chemical, U.S. Filter Corp., and Waterlink,
            Inc.  Goulds Pump and Gelman Sciences, previously included
            in the peer group, were acquired by ITT Industries and Pall
            Corp., respectively, in 1997 and are no longer included. 
            Cuno Inc. was divested from Commercial Intertech Corp. and
            replaces Commercial Intertech Corp. in the peer group.  Hach
            Co. and Waterlink, Inc. were not previously included in the
            peer group.  All peer group corporations are involved in
            various aspects of the water treatment or liquid separations
            businesses and associated product lines.  The presentation
            assumes that the value of an investment in each of Osmonics'
            Common Stock, the S&P 500 Index, and the peer group index
            was $100 on December 31, 1992, and that any dividend paid
            (none have been paid by Osmonics) were re-invested in the
            same security. 

             End of        1992   1993    1994   1995    1996   1997

             Osmonics,   $100.00 $109.15 $108.84$149.08$160.97 $115.69

             S&P 500     $100.00 $110.08 $111.53$153.45$188.68 $251.63

             Peer Group  $100.00 $ 92.06 $ 96.84$144.14$156.52 $140.34

            Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

                Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
            requires Osmonics' officers and directors, and persons who
            own more than ten percent of a registered class of Osmonics'
            equity securities, to file reports of ownership and changes
            in ownership with the Securities and Exchange Commission and
            the New York Stock Exchange.  Officers, directors and
            greater-than-ten-percent shareholders are required by SEC
            regulation to furnish Osmonics with copies of all Section
            16(a) forms they file.  Based solely on review of the copies
            of such forms furnished to Osmonics, or written
            representations that no Forms 5 were required, Osmonics
            believes that during the year ended December 31, 1997, all
            Section 16(a) filing requirements applicable to its
            officers, directors and greater-than-ten-percent beneficial
            owners were complied with. 

                                INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

                Deloitte & Touche LLP has served as independent auditors
            for the Company since August 27, 1987.  A representative of
            Deloitte & Touche LLP is expected to attend this year's
            Annual Meeting of Shareholders and have an opportunity to
            make a statement and/or respond to appropriate questions
            from shareholders.  Shareholder approval is not required for
            the appointment of independent auditors, since the Board of
            Directors has the responsibility for selecting auditors. 


                Pursuant to Rule 14a-8 under the Exchange Act,
            shareholders may present proper proposals for inclusion in
            Osmonics' proxy statement and for consideration at the next
            annual meeting of its shareholders by submitting their

            proposals to Osmonics in a timely manner.  Any proposal by a
            shareholder to be presented at the next Annual Meeting of
            Osmonics must be received at Osmonics' principal executive
            offices, 5951 Clearwater Drive, Minnetonka, Minnesota 55343-
            8995, no later than November 30, 1998, and otherwise have
            complied with the requirements of Rule 14a-8.

                The Board of Directors does not intend to present to the
            meeting any other matters not referred to above and does not
            presently know of any matters that may be presented to the
            meeting by others.  However, if other matters come before
            the meeting, it is the intention of the persons named in the
            enclosed form of proxy to vote the proxy in accordance with
            their best judgment.

            By Order of the Board of
            Directors of Osmonics, Inc.

            D. Dean Spatz
            Chairman of the Board and
            Chief Executive Officer

                                                                ANNEX A

                                   OSMONICS, INC.
                                1993 STOCK OPTION AND
                                  COMPENSATION PLAN
                                    (as amended)

                 1.   Purpose.  The purpose of the 1993 Stock Option and
            Compensation Plan (the "Plan") of Osmonics, Inc.
            ("Osmonics") is to increase shareholder value and to advance
            the interests of Osmonics by furnishing a variety of
            economic incentives ("Incentives") designed to attract,
            retain and motivate employees.  Incentives may consist of
            opportunities to purchase or receive shares of Common Stock,
            $0.01 par value, of Osmonics ("Common Stock"), monetary
            payments or both on terms determined under this Plan.

                 2.   Administration.  The Plan shall be administered by
            the stock option committee (the "Committee") of the board of
            directors of Osmonics.  The Committee shall consist of not
            less than two directors of Osmonics and shall be appointed
            from time to time by the board of directors of Osmonics. 
            The board of directors of Osmonics may from time to time
            appoint members of the Committee in substitution for, or in
            addition to, members previously appointed, and may fill
            vacancies, however caused, in the Committee.  The Committee
            shall select one of its members as its chairman and shall
            hold its meetings at such times and places as it shall deem
            advisable. A majority of the Committee's members shall
            constitute a quorum.  All action of the Committee shall be

            taken by the majority of its members.  Any action may be
            taken by a written instrument signed by majority of the
            members and actions so taken shall be fully effective as if
            it had been made by a majority vote at a meeting duly called
            and held.  The Committee may appoint a secretary, shall keep
            minutes of its meetings and shall make such rules and
            regulations for the conduct of its business as it shall deem
            advisable.  The Committee shall have complete authority to
            award Incentives under the Plan, to interpret the Plan, and
            to make any other determination which it believes necessary
            and advisable for the proper administration of the Plan. 
            The Committee's decisions and matters relating to the Plan
            shall be final and conclusive on Osmonics and its

                 3.   Eligible Employees.  Employees of Osmonics or its
            subsidiaries or affiliates (including officers and
            directors, but excluding directors who are not also
            employees of or consultants to Osmonics or its subsidiaries
            or affiliates), shall become eligible to receive Incentives
            under the Plan when designated by the Committee.  Employees
            may be designated individually or by groups or categories
            (for example, by pay grade) as the Committee deems
            appropriate.  Participation by officers of Osmonics or its
            subsidiaries or affiliates and any performance objectives
            relating to such officers must be approved by the Committee.
            Participation by others and any performance objectives
            relating to others may be approved by groups or categories
            (for example, by pay grade) and authority to designate
            participants who are not officers and to set or modify such
            targets may be delegated.

                 4.   Types of Incentives.  Incentives under the Plan
            may be granted in any one or a combination of the following
            forms:  (a) incentive stock options and non-statutory stock
            options (section 6); (b) stock appreciation rights ("SARs")
            (section 7); (c) stock awards (section 8); (d) restricted
            stock (section 8); and (e) performance shares (section 9).

                 5.   Shares Subject to the Plan.

                      5.1. Number of Shares.  Subject to adjustment as
                 provided in Section 10.6, the number of shares of
                 Common Stock which may be issued under the Plan shall
                 not exceed 800,000 shares of Common Stock.

                      5.2. Cancellation.  To the extent that cash in
                 lieu of shares of Common Stock is delivered upon the
                 exercise of an SAR pursuant to Section 7.4, Osmonics
                 shall be deemed, for purposes of applying the
                 limitation on the number of shares, to have issued the
                 greater of the number of shares of Common Stock which
                 it was entitled to issue upon such exercise or on the
                 exercise of any related option.  In the event that a
                 stock option or SAR granted hereunder expires or is

                 terminated or cancelled unexercised as to any shares of
                 Common Stock, such shares may again be issued under the
                 Plan either pursuant to stock options, SARs or
                 otherwise.  In the event that shares of Common Stock
                 are issued as restricted stock or pursuant to a stock
                 award and thereafter are forfeited or reacquired by
                 Osmonics pursuant to rights reserved upon issuance
                 thereof, such forfeited and reacquired shares may again
                 be issued under the Plan, either as restricted stock,
                 pursuant to stock awards or otherwise.

                      5.3. Type of Common Stock.  Common Stock issued
                 under the Plan in connection with stock options, SARS,
                 performance shares, restricted stock or stock awards,
                 may be authorized and unissued shares.

                 6.   Stock Options.  A stock option is a right to
            purchase shares of Common Stock from Osmonics.  Each stock
            option granted by the Committee under this Plan shall be
            subject to the following terms and conditions:

                      6.1. Price.  The option price per share shall be
                 determined by the Committee, subject to adjustment
                 under Section 10.6.

                      6.2. Number.  The number of shares of Common Stock
                 subject to the option shall be determined by the
                 Committee, subject to adjustment as provided in Section
                 10.6. The number of shares of Common Stock subject to a
                 stock option shall be reduced in the same proportion
                 that the holder thereof exercises an SAR if any SAR is
                 granted in conjunction with or related to the stock

                      6.3. Duration and Time for Exercise.  Subject to
                 earlier termination as provided in Section 10.4, the
                 term of each stock option shall be determined by the
                 Committee but shall not exceed ten years and one day
                 from the date of grant. Each stock option shall become
                 exercisable at such time or times during its term as
                 shall be determined by the Committee at the time of
                 grant.  The Committee may accelerate the exercisability
                 of any stock option.  Subject to the foregoing and with
                 the approval of the Committee, all or any part of the
                 shares of Common Stock with respect to which the right
                 to purchase has accrued may be purchased by Osmonics at
                 the time of such accrual or at any time or times
                 thereafter during the term of the option.

                      6.4. Manner of Exercise.  A stock option may be
                 exercised, in whole or in part, by giving written
                 notice to Osmonics, specifying the number of shares of
                 Common Stock to be purchased and accompanied by the
                 full purchase price for such shares.  The option price
                 shall be payable in United States dollars upon exercise

                 of the option and may be paid by cash; uncertified or
                 certified check; bank draft; by delivery of shares of
                 Common Stock in payment of all or any part of the
                 option price, which shares shall be valued for this
                 purpose at the Fair Market Value on the date such
                 option is exercised; by instructing Osmonics to
                 withhold from the shares of Common Stock issuable upon
                 exercise of the stock option shares of Common Stock in
                 payment of all or any part of the option price, which
                 shares shall be valued for this purpose at the Fair
                 Market Value or in such other manner as may be
                 authorized from time to time by the Committee. Prior to
                 the issuance of shares of Common Stock upon the
                 exercise of a stock option, a participant shall have no
                 rights as a shareholder.

                      6.5. Incentive Stock Options.  Notwithstanding
                 anything in the Plan to the contrary, the following
                 additional provisions shall apply to the grant of stock
                 options which are intended to qualify as Incentive
                 Stock Options (as such term is defined in Section 422A
                 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended):

                           (a)  The aggregate Fair Market Value
                      (determined as of the time the option is granted)
                      of the shares of Common Stock with respect to
                      which Incentive Stock Options are exercisable for
                      the first time by any participant during any
                      calendar year (under all of Osmonics' plans) shall
                      not exceed $100,000.

                           (b)  Any Incentive Stock Option certificate
                      authorized under the Plan shall contain such other
                      provisions as the Committee shall deem advisable,
                      but shall in all events be consistent with and
                      contain all provisions required in order to
                      qualify the options as Incentive Stock Options.

                           (c)  All Incentive Stock Options must be
                      granted within ten years from the earlier of the
                      date on which this Plan was adopted by board of
                      directors or the date this Plan was approved by
                      the shareholders.

                           (d)  Unless sooner exercised, all Incentive
                      Stock Options shall expire no  later than 10 years
                      after the date of grant.

                           (e)  The option price for Incentive Stock
                      Options shall be not less than the Fair Market
                      Value of the Common Stock subject to the option on
                      the date of grant.

                           (f)  No Incentive Stock Options shall be
                      granted to any participant who, at the time such

                      option is granted, would own (within the meaning
                      of Section 422A of the Code) stock possessing more
                      than 10% of the total combined voting power of all
                      classes of stock of the employer corporation or of
                      its parent or subsidiary corporation.

                 7.   Stock Appreciation Rights.  An SAR is a right to
            receive, without payment to Osmonics, a number of shares of
            Common Stock, cash or any combination thereof, the amount of
            which is determined pursuant to the formula set forth in
            Section 7.4.  An SAR may be granted (a) with respect to any
            stock option granted under this Plan, either concurrently
            with the grant of such stock option or at such later time as
            determined by the Committee (as to all or any portion of the
            shares of Common Stock subject to the stock option), or (b)
            alone, without reference to any related stock option. Each
            SAR granted by the Committee under this Plan shall be
            subject to the following terms and conditions:

                      7.1. Number.  Each SAR granted to any participant
                 shall relate to such number of shares of Common Stock
                 as shall be determined by the Committee, subject to
                 adjustment as provided in Section 10.6.  In the case of
                 an SAR granted with respect to a stock option. the
                 number of shares of Common Stock to which the SAR
                 pertains shall be reduced in the same proportion that
                 the holder of the option exercises the related stock

                      7.2. Duration.  Subject to earlier termination as
                 provided in Section 10.4, the term of each SAR shall be
                 determined by the Committee but shall not exceed ten
                 years and one day from the date of grant.  Unless
                 otherwise provided by the Committee, each SAR shall
                 become exercisable at such time or times, to such
                 extent and upon such conditions as the stock option, if
                 any, to which it relates is exercisable.  The Committee
                 may in its discretion accelerate the exercisability of
                 any SAR.

                      7.3. Exercise.  An SAR may be exercised, in whole
                 or in part, by giving written notice to Osmonics,
                 specifying the number of SARs which the holder wishes
                 to exercise.  Upon receipt of such written notice,
                 Osmonics shall, within 90 days thereafter, deliver to
                 the exercising holder certificates for the shares of
                 Common Stock or cash or both, as determined by the
                 Committee, to which the holder is entitled pursuant to
                 Section 7.4.

                      7.4. Payment.  Subject to the right of the
                 Committee to deliver cash in lieu of shares of Common
                 Stock (which, as it pertains to officers and directors
                 of Osmonics, shall comply with all requirements of the
                 1934 Act), the number of shares of Common Stock which

                 shall be issuable upon the exercise of an SAR shall be
                 determined by dividing:

                           (a)  the number of shares of Common Stock as
                      to which the SAR is exercised multiplied by the
                      amount of the appreciation in such shares (for
                      this purpose, the "appreciation" shall be the
                      amount by which the Fair Market Value of the
                      shares of Common Stock subject to the SAR on the
                      exercise date exceeds (1) in the case of an SAR
                      related to a stock option, the purchase price of
                      the shares of Common Stock under the stock option
                      or (2) in the case of an SAR granted alone,
                      without reference to a related stock option, an
                      amount which shall be determined by the Committee
                      at the time of grant, subject to adjustment under
                      Section 10.6); by

                           (b)  the Fair Market Value of a share of
                      Common Stock on the exercise date.

                           In lieu of issuing shares of Common Stock
                      upon the exercise of an SAR, the Committee may
                      elect to pay the holder of the SAR cash equal to
                      the Fair Market Value on the exercise date of any
                      or all of the shares which would otherwise be
                      issuable.  No fractional shares of Common Stock
                      shall be issued upon the exercise of an SAR;
                      instead, the holder of the SAR shall be entitled
                      to receive a cash adjustment equal to the same
                      fraction of the Fair Market Value of a share of
                      Common Stock on the exercise date or to purchase
                      the portion necessary to make a whole share at its
                      Fair Market Value on the date of exercise.

                 8.   Stock Awards and Restricted Stock.  A stock award
            consists of the transfer by Osmonics to a participant of
            shares of Common Stock, without other payment therefor, as
            additional compensation for services to Osmonics.  A share
            of restricted stock consists of shares of Common Stock which
            are sold or transferred by Osmonics to a participant at a
            price determined by the Committee (which price shall be at
            least equal to the minimum price required by applicable law
            for the issuance of a share of Common Stock) and subject to
            restrictions on their sale or other transfer by the
            participant.  The transfer of Common Stock pursuant to stock
            awards and the transfer and sale of restricted stock shall
            be subject to the following terms and conditions:

                      8.1. Number of Shares.  The number of shares to be
                 transferred or sold by Osmonics to a participant
                 pursuant to a stock award or as restricted stock shall
                 be determined by the Committee.

                      8.2. Sale Price.  The Committee shall determine
                 the price, if any, at which shares of restricted stock
                 shall be sold to a participant, which may vary from
                 time to time and among participants and which may be
                 below the Fair Market Value of such shares of Common
                 Stock at the date of sale.

                      8.3. Restrictions.  All shares of restricted stock
                 transferred or sold hereunder shall be subject to such
                 restrictions as the Committee may determine, including,
                 without limitation any or all of the following:

                           (a)  a prohibition against the sale,
                      transfer, pledge or other encumbrance of the
                      shares of restricted stock, such prohibition to
                      lapse at such time or times as the Committee shall
                      determine (whether in annual or more frequent
                      installments, at the time of the death, disability
                      or retirement of the holder of such shares, or

                           (b)  a requirement that the holder of shares
                      of restricted stock forfeit, or (in the case of
                      shares sold to a participant) resell back to
                      Osmonics at his or her cost, all or a part of such
                      shares in the event of termination of his or her
                      employment during any period in which such shares
                      are subject to restrictions;

                           (c)  such other conditions or restrictions as
                      the Committee may deem advisable.

                      8.4. Escrow.  In order to enforce the restrictions
                 imposed by the Committee pursuant to Section 8.3, the
                 participant receiving restricted stock shall enter into
                 an agreement with Osmonics setting forth the conditions
                 of the grant.  Shares of restricted stock shall be
                 registered in the name of the participant and
                 deposited, together with a stock power endorsed in
                 blank, with Osmonics.  Each such certificate shall bear
                 a legend in substantially the following form:

                      The transferability of this certificate
                      and the shares of Common Stock
                      represented by it are subject to the
                      terms and conditions (including
                      conditions of forfeiture) contained in
                      the 1993 Stock Option and Compensation
                      Plan of Osmonics, Inc., and an agreement
                      entered into between the registered
                      owner and Osmonics, Inc.  A copy of the
                      Plan and the agreement is on file in the
                      office of the secretary of Osmonics,

                      8.5. End of Restrictions.  Subject to Section
                 10.5, at the end of any time period during which the
                 shares of restricted stock are subject to forfeiture
                 and restrictions on transfer, such shares will be
                 delivered free of all restrictions to the participant
                 or to the participant's legal representative,
                 beneficiary or heir.

                      8.6. Shareholder.  Subject to the terms and
                 conditions of the Plan, each participant receiving
                 restricted stock shall have all the rights of a
                 shareholder with respect to shares of stock during any
                 period in which such shares are subject to forfeiture
                 and restrictions on transfer, including without
                 limitation, the right to vote such shares.  Dividends
                 paid in cash or property other than Common Stock with
                 respect to shares of restricted stock shall be paid to
                 the participant currently.

                 9.   Performance Shares.  A performance share consists
            of an award which shall be paid in shares of Common Stock,
            as described below.  The grant of performance share shall be
            subject to such terms and conditions as the Committee deems
            appropriate, including the following:

                      9.1. Performance Objectives.  Each performance
                 share will be subject to performance objectives for
                 Osmonics or one of its operating units to be achieved
                 by the end of a specified period.  The number of
                 performance shares granted shall be determined by the
                 Committee and may be subject to such terms and
                 conditions, as the Committee shall determine.  If the
                 performance objectives are achieved, each participant
                 will be paid in shares of Common Stock or cash.  If
                 such objectives are not met, each grant of performance
                 shares may provide for lesser payments in accordance
                 with formulas established in the award.

                      9.2. Not Shareholder.  The grant of performance
                 shares to a participant shall not create any rights in
                 such participant as a shareholder of Osmonics, until
                 the payment of shares of Common Stock with respect to
                 an award.

                      9.3. No Adjustments.  No adjustment shall be made
                 in performance shares granted on account of cash
                 dividends which may be paid or other rights which may
                 be issued to the holders of Common Stock prior to the
                 end of any period for which performance objectives were

                      9.4. Expiration of Performance Share.  If any
                 participant's employment with Osmonics is terminated
                 for any reason other than normal retirement, death or
                 disability prior to the achievement of the

                 participant's stated performance objectives, all the
                 participants rights on the performance shares shall
                 expire and terminate unless otherwise determined by the
                 Committee.  In the event of termination of employment
                 by reason of death, disability, or normal retirement,
                 the Committee, in its own discretion may determine what
                 portions, if any, of the performance shares should be
                 paid to the participant.

                 10.  General.

                      10.1.     Effective Date.  The Plan shall take
                 effect on the date of adoption of the Plan by the Board
                 of Directors, subject to the condition that the Plan is
                 approved by the affirmative vote of the holders of a
                 majority of the voting stock of Osmonics at the first
                 annual meeting of shareholders held after the date
                 hereof.  If such shareholder approval is not obtained,
                 all options granted under the Plan shall be void. 
                 Options may be granted under the Plan at any time after
                 adoption of the Plan by the Board of Directors.

                      10.2.     Duration.  The Plan shall remain in
                 effect until all Incentives granted under the Plan have
                 either been satisfied by the issuance of shares of
                 Common Stock or the payment of cash or have been
                 terminated under the terms of the Plan and all
                 restrictions imposed on shares of Common Stock in
                 connection with their issuance under the Plan have
                 lapsed.  No Incentives may be granted under the Plan
                 after the tenth anniversary of the date on which this
                 Plan was adopted by board of directors, or the date of
                 approval by the shareholders, whichever is earlier.

                      10.3.     Non-transferability of Incentives.  No
                 stock option, SAR, restricted stock or performance
                 award may be transferred, pledged or assigned by the
                 holder thereof except, in the event of the holder's
                 death, by will or the laws of descent and distribution
                 or pursuant to a qualified domestic relations order as
                 defined by the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
                 amended, or Title I of the Employee Retirement Income
                 Security Act, or the rules thereunder, and Osmonics
                 shall not be required to recognize any attempted
                 assignment of such rights by any participant.  During a
                 participant's lifetime, an Incentive may be exercised
                 only by him or her, or by his or her guardian or legal

                      10.4.     Effect of Termination of Employment or
                 Death.  In the event that a participant ceases to be an
                 employee of Osmonics for any reason, including death,
                 any Incentives may be exercised or shall expire at such
                 times as may be determined by the Committee.

                      10.5.     Additional Condition.  Notwithstanding
                 anything in this Plan to the contrary:

                           (a)  Osmonics may, if it shall determine it
                      necessary or desirable for any reason, at the time
                      of award of any Incentive or the issuance of any
                      shares of Common Stock pursuant to any Incentive,
                      require the recipient of the Incentive, as a
                      condition to the receipt thereof or to the receipt
                      of shares of Common Stock issued pursuant thereto,
                      to deliver to Osmonics a written representation of
                      present intention to acquire the Incentive or the
                      shares of Common Stock issued pursuant thereto for
                      his or her own account for investment and not for
                      distribution; and (b) if at any time Osmonics
                      further determines, in its sole discretion, that
                      the listing, registration or qualification (or any
                      updating of any such document) of any Incentive or
                      the shares of Common Stock issuable pursuant
                      thereto is necessary on any securities exchange or
                      under any federal or state securities or blue sky
                      law, or that the consent or approval of any
                      governmental regulatory body is necessary or
                      desirable as a condition of, or in connection with
                      the award of any Incentive, the issuance of shares
                      of Common Stock pursuant thereto, or the removal
                      of any restrictions imposed on such shares, such
                      Incentive shall not be awarded or such shares of
                      Common Stock shall not be issued or such
                      restrictions shall not be removed, as the case may
                      be, in whole or in part, unless such listing,
                      registration, qualification, consent or approval
                      shall have been effected or obtained free of any
                      conditions not acceptable to Osmonics.

                      10.6.     Adjustment.  In the event of any merger,
                 consolidation or reorganization of Osmonics with any
                 other corporation or corporations, there shall be
                 substituted for each of the shares of Common Stock then
                 subject to the Plan, including shares subject to
                 restrictions, options, or achievement of performance
                 share objectives, the number and kind of shares of
                 stock or other securities to which the holders of the
                 shares of Common Stock will be entitled pursuant to the
                 transaction.  In the event of any recapitalization,
                 stock dividend, stock split, combination of shares or
                 other change in the Common Stock, the number of shares
                 of Common Stock then subject to the Plan, including
                 shares subject to restrictions, options or achievements
                 of performance shares, shall be adjusted in proportion
                 to the change in outstanding shares of Common Stock. 
                 In the event of any such adjustments, the purchase
                 price of any option, the performance objectives of any
                 Incentive, and the shares of Common Stock issuable
                 pursuant to any Incentive shall be adjusted as and to

                 the extent appropriate, in the discretion of the
                 Committee, to provide participants with the same
                 relative rights before and after such adjustment.

                      10.7.     Incentive Plans and Agreements.  Except
                 in the case of stock awards, the terms of each
                 Incentive shall be stated in a plan or agreement
                 approved by the Committee. The Committee may also
                 determine to enter into agreements with holders of
                 options to reclassify or convert certain outstanding
                 options, within the terms of the Plan, as Incentive
                 Stock Options or as non-statutory stock options and in
                 order to eliminate SARs with respect to all or part of
                 such options and any other previously issued options.

                      10.8.     Withholding.

                           (a)  Osmonics shall have the right to
                      withhold from any payments made under the Plan or
                      to collect as a condition of payment, any taxes
                      required by law to be withheld.  At any time when
                      a participant is required to pay to Osmonics an
                      amount required to be. withheld under applicable
                      income tax laws in connection with a distribution
                      of Common Stock or upon exercise of an option or
                      SAR, the participant may satisfy this obligation
                      in whole or in part by electing (the "Election")
                      to have Osmonics withhold from the distribution
                      shares of Common Stock having a value up to the
                      amount required to be withheld. The value of the
                      shares to be withheld shall be based on the Fair
                      Market Value of the Common Stock on the date that
                      the amount of tax to be withheld shall be
                      determined ("Tax Date").

                           (b)  Each Election must be made prior to the
                      Tax Date.  The Committee may disapprove of any
                      Election, may suspend or terminate the right to
                      make Elections, or may provide with respect to any
                      Incentive that the right to make Elections shall
                      not apply to such Incentive.  An Election is

                           (c)  If a participant is an officer or
                      director of Osmonics within the meaning of Section
                      16 of the 1934 Act, then an Election must comply
                      with all of the requirements of the 1934 Act.

                      10.9.     No Continued Employment or Right to
                 Corporate Assets.  No participant under the Plan shall
                 have any right, because of his or her participation, to
                 continue in the employ of Osmonics for any period of
                 time or to any right to continue his or her present or
                 any other rate of compensation.  Nothing contained in
                 the Plan shall be construed as giving an employee, the

                 employee's beneficiaries or any other person any equity
                 or interests of any kind in the assets of Osmonics or
                 creating a trust of any kind or a fiduciary
                 relationship of any kind between Osmonics and any such

                      10.10.    Deferral Permitted.  Payment of cash or
                 distribution of any shares of Common Stock to which a
                 participant is entitled under any Incentive shall be
                 made as provided in the Incentive.  Payment may be
                 deferred at the option of the participant if provided
                 in the Incentive.

                      10.11.    Amendment of the Plan.  The Board may
                 amend or discontinue the Plan at any time.  However, no
                 such amendment or discontinuance shall, subject to
                 adjustment under Section 10.6, (a) change or impair,
                 without the consent of the recipient, an Incentive
                 previously granted, (b) materially increase the maximum
                 number of shares of Common Stock which may be issued to
                 all participants under the Plan, (c) materially
                 increase the benefits that may be granted under the
                 Plan, (d) materially modify the requirements as to
                 eligibility for participation in the Plan, or (e)
                 materially increase the benefits accruing to
                 participants under the Plan.

                      10.12.    Immediate Acceleration of Incentives. 
                 Notwithstanding any provision in this Plan or in any
                 Incentive to the contrary, (a) the restrictions on all
                 shares of restricted stock award shall lapse
                 immediately, (b) all outstanding options and SARs will
                 become exercisable immediately, and (c) all performance
                 shares shall be deemed to be met and payment made
                 immediately, if subsequent to the date that the Plan is
                 approved by the Board of Directors of Osmonics, any of
                 the following events occur unless otherwise determined
                 by the board of directors and a majority of the
                 Continuing Directors (as defined below):

                           (a)  any person or group of persons becomes
                      the beneficial owner of 30% or more of any equity
                      security of Osmonics entitled to vote for the
                      election of directors;

                           (b)  a majority of the members of the board
                      of directors of Osmonics is replaced within the
                      period of less than two years by directors not
                      nominated and approved by the board of directors;

                           (c)  the shareholders of Osmonics approve an
                      agreement to merge or consolidate with or into
                      another corporation or an agreement to sell or
                      otherwise dispose of all, or substantially all of
                      Osmonics' assets (including a plan of

                      For purposes of this Section 10.12, beneficial
                 ownership by a person or group of persons shall be
                 determined in accordance with Regulation 13D (or any
                 similar successor regulation) promulgated by the
                 Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to the 1934
                 Act.  Beneficial ownership of more than 30% of an
                 equity security may be established by any reasonable
                 method, but shall be presumed conclusively as to any
                 person who files a Schedule 13D report with the
                 Securities and Exchange Commission reporting such
                 ownership.  If the restrictions and forfeitability
                 periods are eliminated by reason of provision (1), the
                 limitations of this Plan shall not become applicable
                 again should the person cease to own 30% or more of any
                 equity security of Osmonics.

                      For purposes of this Section 10.12, "Continuing
                 Directors" are directors (a) who were in office prior
                 to the time any of provisions (1), (2) or (3) occurred
                 or any person publicly announced an intention to
                 acquire 20% or more of any equity security of Osmonics,
                 (b) directors in office for a period of more than two
                 years, and (c) directors nominated and approved by the
                 Continuing Directors.

                      10.13.    Definition of Fair Market Value. 
                 Whenever "Fair Market Value" of Common Stock shall be
                 determined for purposes of this Plan, it shall be
                 determined by reference to the last sale price of a
                 share of Common Stock on the principal United States
                 Securities Exchange registered under the 1934 Act on
                 which the Common Stock is listed (the "Exchange"), or,
                 on the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.
                  Automatic Quotation System (including the National
                 Market System) ("NASDAQ") on the applicable date.  If
                 the Exchange or NASDAQ is closed for trading on such
                 date, or if the Common Stock does not trade on such
                 date, then the last sale price used shall be the one on
                 the date the Common Stock last traded on the Exchange
                 or NASDAQ.