Pro Forma Balance Sheet
                            as of June 30, 1998


                                        the Business                Historical
                             Historical   Balance      Net Impact    Financial   
                             Financial     Sheet       of Gain on   Statements
                             Statements     (a)           Sale      as Adjusted
Current Assets:

 Cash                          $    42    $    -       $     -      $    42
 Receivables                       597       (25)            -          572
 Inventories                       535       (16)            -          519
 Insurance  for asbestos 
   claims-current portion          125         -             -          125
 Deferred income taxes             137         -             -          137
 Income taxes receivable            27         -             -           27
 Other current assets               64        (1)            -           63
                               -------    -------      -------      -------
       Total Current Assets      1,527       (42)            -        1,485

Property, plant and equip-
  ment, at cost                  3,647      (265)            -        3,382
    Less: Accumulated 
      Depreciation              (1,888)      147             -       (1,741)
                               -------    -------       ------      -------
        Net property, plant 
          and equipment          1,759      (118)            -        1,641
                               -------    -------       ------      -------

 Insurance for asbestos 
   litigation claims               310         -             -          310
 Asbestos costs to be 
   reimbursed                       89         -             -           89
 Deferred income taxes             356         -           (15)(d)      341
 Goodwill                          788         -             -          788
 Investments in affiliates          50         -             -           50
 Other noncurrent assets           181         -             -          181
                               -------    ------        ------      -------
          Total Other            1,774         -           (15)       1,759
                               -------    ------        ------      -------

          Total Assets          $5,060    $(160)        $  (15)     $ 4,885
                               =======    =====         ======      =======

Current Liabilities:
 Accounts payable and accrued 
   liabilities                  $  793    $  (8)        $   22(d)   $   807
 Reserve for asbestos claims 
   - current portion               325        -              -          325
 Short-Term Debt                   119        -              -          119
 Current Portion LT Debt           128        -              -          128
                                ------    -----         ------      -------
    Total Current Liabilities    1,365       (8)            22        1,379
                                ------    -----         ------      -------
Long-Term Debt                   1,761        -           (525)(b)    1,236
                                ------    -----         ------      -------
 Reserve for asbestos claims     1,121        -              -        1,121
 Asbestos liabilities 
   - Fibreboard                     96        -              -           96
 Other employee benefits 
   liability                       340      (10)             -          330
 Pension plan liability             61       (5)             -           56
 Other                             174        -            162(d)       336
                                ------    -----         ------      -------
      Total Other                1,792      (15)           162        1,939
                                ------    -----         ------      ------- 

Company obligated securities 
  of entities holding solely
  parent debentures                503        -              -          503
                                ------    -----         ------      -------
Minority Interest                   21        -              -           21
                                ------    -----         ------      -------

Stockholders' Equity
 Common Stock                      669        -              -          669
 Deficit                          (987)       -            189(c)      (798)
 Accumulated other 
   comprehensive income            (48)       -              -          (48)
 Other                             (16)       -              -          (16)
                                ------    -----         ------      -------   
     Total Equity                 (382)       -            189         (193)
                                ------    -----         ------      -------

Total Liabilities & 
   Stockholders' Equity         $5,060    $ (23)        $ (152)     $ 4,885
                                ======    =====         ======      =======


                                              Owens Corning
                                    Pro Forma Statement of Income
                               For the six months ended June 30, 1998


                                   Historical   the Business's                  Pro forma
                                   Financial     Operations       Pro forma    Financial
                                   Statements        (a)          Adjustments    Results

Net Sales                            $ 2,423       $  (140)         $   22(b)     $ 2,305

Cost of Sales (Note 2)                 1,923           (91)             19(b)       1,851
                                     -------       -------          ------        -------

   Gross Margin                          500           (49)              3            454
                                     -------       -------          ------        -------

Operating Expenses (Note 2)
   Marketing and administrative 
     expenses                            281            (4)              -            277
   Science and technology expenses        29            (1)              -             28
   Restructure costs                      87            (2)              -             85
   Other                                 (70)            2               -            (68)
                                     -------       -------          ------        ------- 
          Total operating expenses       327            (5)              -            322
                                     -------       -------          ------        -------         

Income from operations                   173           (44)              3            132

   Cost of borrowed funds                 73             -             (15)(c)         58
                                     -------       -------          -------       -------         

Income before provision for taxes        100           (44)              18            74

   Provision for income taxes             27           (17)               7(d)         17
                                     -------       -------          -------       -------    
Income before minority interest and
   equity income of affiliates            73           (27)              11            57

   Minority interest                     (10)            -                -           (10)

   Equity in net income of affiliates      4             -                -(e)          4
                                     -------       -------          -------       -------

 Net Income                          $    67       $   (27)         $    11       $    51      

 Net Income per Common Share 

 Basic net income per share          $  1.25                                      $  0.95             
                                     -------                                      -------  
 Diluted net income per share        $  1.20                                      $  0.94             

 Weighted average number of common
   shares outstanding and common 
   equivalent shares during the 
   period (in millions)

   Basic                                53.5                                         53.5            
   Diluted                              58.7                                         58.7   

                                   Owens Corning
                            Pro Forma Statement of Income
                         For the year ended December 31, 1997

                             Historical   the Business's                           Pro forma
                             Financial      Operations      Pro forma       Financial
                             Statements        (a)         Adjustments      Results

Net Sales                    $    4,373    $    (277)       $    41(b)      $  4,137

Cost of Sales (Note 2)            3,446         (182)            36(b)         3,300

  Gross Margin                      927          (95)             5              837

Operating Expenses (Note 2)
  Marketing and administrative 
    expenses                        580           (7)             -              573
  Science and technology 
    expenses                         69           (1)             -               68
  Restructure costs                  68            -              -               68
  Other                              28            3              -               31
                              ---------      -------         ------         --------
     Total operating expenses       745           (5)             -              740
                              ---------      -------         ------         --------

Income from operations              182          (90)             5               97

  Cost of borrowed funds            111            -            (30)(c)           81
                              ---------      -------         ------         --------  

Income before provision for taxes    71          (90)            35               16

  Provision for income taxes          9          (34)            13(d)           (12)
                              ---------      -------         ------         -------- 

Income before minority 
  interest and equity 
  income of affiliates               62          (56)            21               28

  Minority interest                 (11)           -              -              (11)

  Equity in net income of 
    affiliates                       11            -              -(e)            11
                               --------       ------         ------         -------- 

 Income before cumulative
   effect of accounting
   change                      $     62       $  (56)        $   21         $     28
                               ========       ======         ======         ========

 Net Income per Common

 Basic net income per share    $   1.18                                     $   0.53
                               --------                                     --------
 Diluted net income per share  $   1.17                                     $   0.52
                               --------                                     --------

 Weighted average number of
   common shares outstanding
   and common equivalent
   shares during the period 
   (in millions)        

 Basic                             52.9                                         52.9 
 Diluted                           53.5                                         53.5  

                        OWENS CORNING

(1)  Basis of Presentation

  On July 1, 1998, Owens Corning (the "Company")
  contributed substantially all of the assets of its Glass
  Yarns and Specialty Materials Business (the "Business")
  to Advanced Glassfiber Yarns LLC, a Delaware Limited
  Liability Company ("AGY").  Prior to that time, the
  Business had been part of the Company's Composites
  Systems Business.  The Business has operations in Aiken,
  South Carolina, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania and South Hill,
  Virginia, and, additionally, purchases glass yarns
  products from facilities in Battice, Belgium and Guelph,
  Ontario that continue to be owned by subsidiaries of the
  On September 30, 1998, the Company sold a 51% interest in
  AGY to AGY Holdings, Inc., a Delaware corporation
  ("Holdings"), for aggregate consideration of $331.5
  million (the "Disposition").  Holdings is a wholly-owned
  subsidiary of Glass Holdings Corp., a Delaware
  corporation, which itself is a wholly-owned subsidiary of
  Groupe Porcher Industries, a French corporation that
  (along with its affiliates) is a significant existing
  customer of the Business.  A wholly-owned subsidiary of
  the Company, Jefferson Holdings, Inc., a Delaware
  corporation ("Jefferson"), continues to hold a 49%
  interest in AGY.  Upon the closing of the Disposition,
  AGY made a special distribution to Holdings and
  Jefferson, of which Jefferson received $191.1 million
  (less certain transaction expenses) (the "Distribution").
  In connection with the Disposition, the Company entered
  into agreements to provide various raw materials, capital
  equipment and services to AGY (the "Supply Agreements")
  at contractually agreed upon prices.
  The pro forma consolidated statements of income for the
  year ended December 31, 1997, and for the six months
  ended June 30, 1998, give effect to the Disposition and
  the Distribution as if they occurred as of the beginning
  of the periods presented.  The pro forma consolidated
  statements of income include certain adjustments directly
  attributable to the Disposition and Distribution but do
  not reflect any non-recurring charges or credits.  The
  pro forma consolidated balance sheet at June 30, 1998 has
  been prepared assuming the Disposition and Distribution
  occurred on June 30, 1998.

  The pro forma adjustments are based upon available
  information and certain assumptions that the management
  of the Company believes are reasonable.  The pro forma
  consolidated financial statements do not purport to
  represent what the Company's financial position or
  results of operations actually would have been had such
  transactions in fact occurred on the dates indicated.
  These pro forma consolidated financial statements and the
  notes thereto should be read in conjunction with the
  Company's 1997 consolidated financial statements and the
  notes thereto.

 (2)  Restructuring, Other Actions and Dispositions

 During 1997, the Company recorded a charge for restructuring
 and other actions to close manufacturing facilities, enhance
 manufacturing productivity and reduce overhead.  The charge
 was comprised of a $68 million pretax charge associated with
 the restructuring of the Company's business segments and a
 $75 million pretax charge associated with asset impairments,
 including investments in certain affiliates.  The impact of
 these charges was to reduce income from operations for the
 year ended December 31, 1997 by $143 million and to reduce
 income before cumulative effect of accounting changes by
 $104 million.   (Please refer to the Company's previously
 filed Annual report on Form 10-K for further discussion of 
 these items.)

 During the first quarter of 1998, the Company recorded a
 charge for restructuring and other actions to enhance
 manufacturing productivity and reduce overhead.  This charge
 represented the Company's second phase of its strategic
 restructuring program announced at the beginning of 1998.
 The charge was comprised of an $87 million pretax charge
 associated with the restructuring of the Company's business
 segments, and an $8 million pretax charge associated with
 other actions.

 In addition, in the first quarter of 1998, the Company sold
 its 50% ownership interest in Alpha/Owens-Corning, LLC.
 With cash proceeds of approximately $103 million, the
 Company recorded a pretax gain of approximately $84 million.
 The pretax gain is recorded in other income on the
 accompanying Pro Forma Statement of Income for the six
 months ended June 30, 1998.

 The impact of the above items was to decrease income from
 operations and net income by $11 million for the six months
 ended June 30, 1998.  (Please refer to the Company's 
 previously filed Quarterly report on Form 10-Q for
 further discussion of these items.)
(3)  Pro Forma Adjustments - Statements of Income

  The following describes the adjustments made to reflect
  the transaction described above as if it had occurred at
  the beginning of the periods presented, as indicated in
  Note 1.

  (a)  Represents the elimination of the historical results of
       operations of the Business, and the related provision for
       income taxes at the Company's statutory rate.

  (b)  The following table reflects the recurring effects of
       the supply agreements on net sales and cost of sales:

                                 Net Sales                      Cost of Sales
                        ---------------------------     --------------------------             
                                         Six Months                     Six Months
                           Year Ended      Ended         Year Ended       Ended
                           December 31,   June 30,      December 31,     June 30,
(In millions of dollars)      1997         1998            1997           1998 
                        ------------  -------------      ------------    ----------  
  Raw material supply        
    agreements                $ 11         $   6            $   9           $   5
  Capital equipment                                   
    and service 
    agreements                   4             2                2               1
  Finished good                
    supply agreements           26            14               28              14  
  Employee benefits              -             -               (3)             (1)
                             -----         -----            -----           -----
                              $ 41          $ 22             $ 36           $  19
                             =====         =====            =====           =====

       Raw Material Supply Agreements
       The Company had historically provided the Business
       with certain raw materials, either purchased or
       manufactured by the Company, at cost.  Pursuant to
       the terms of certain raw material supply agreements,
       the Company will supply these raw materials at a
       contractually agreed upon price.
       Capital Equipment and Service Agreements
       The Company had historically provided certain
       capital equipment and fabrication services to the
       Business at cost.  Pursuant to the terms of certain
       capital equipment and services agreements, such
       equipment and related services will be provided to
       AGY at contractually agreed upon prices.
       Finished Good Supply Agreements
       The Company will continue to manufacture certain
       glass yarns products and other specialty materials
       and will sell these products to AGY under finished
       good supply agreements at contractually agreed upon
       prices.  The historical net sales and cost of sales
       associated with these products were eliminated as
       described in 3 (a) above and have been included in 
       the pro forma adjustments at the agreed upon prices.

       Employee Benefits

       Reflects the reduction of the net pension expense
       and net postretirement benefits expense over the
       amounts recorded historically, as a result of the
       transfer of employees to AGY.

  (c)  Reflects the reduction in interest expense due to the
       Company's use of the net proceeds to reduce certain
       outstanding debt.

  (d)  Reflects the tax effects of the pro forma adjustments at
       the Company's statutory tax rate.

  (e)  In connection with the Disposition and Distribution, AGY 
       made cash distributions to the Company and Glass Holdings 
       Corp. in excess of the total equity of AGY.  As a result, 
       the Company will not record its equity in the net 
       income or loss of AGY until such time as AGY eliminates 
       its equity deficit.  Accordingly, the pro forma Statements 
       of Income for the year ended December 31, 1997 and for the 
       six months ended June 30, 1998 do not include an adjustment 
       to record the Company's equity in the net income of AGY.

(4)  Pro Forma Adjustments - Balance Sheet

  The following adjustments reflect, among other items, the
  effects of certain non-recurring items resulting from the
  Disposition described in Note 1.

  (a)  Reflects the removal of the assets contributed to and
       the liabilities assumed by AGY from the Company's historical
       balance sheet.

  (b)  Reflects the net reduction in debt from receipt of the
       Disposition and Distribution proceeds.

  (c)  Reflects the net of tax impact of the Disposition and

  (d)  Reflects the tax effects of the Disposition and
       Distribution, the accrual of certain transaction expenses
       and a contractual obligation of the Company to provide
       financial support to AGY in the event that AGY is unable to
       pay interest on its indebtedness for a period of three