Personnel Policy
Incentive Bonus Program

A.    Policy

     1.   The philosophy of the company's compensation program is "Pay for
     Performance".  The purpose of our Incentive Bonus Program is to provide
     compensation in addition to and separate from base salary for members of
     management, in relation to this overall objective.  The bonus program is
     based on profit-center results and the employee's individual     

     2.   Our Company can meet profit objectives only if our managers
     fulfill the responsibilities of planning, goal setting, measurement of
     results, thorough follow-up, and an abundance of hard work.  These
     activities must be accomplished with bottom-line result in perspective. 
     This will ensure that our customers, stockholders, and employees share
     in the success of the Company.

     3.   The Management Bonus Program is divided into two portions as

          a.   The Profit Center Performance Plan provides financial
          rewards to managers in pro-rata amount based on (a) the attainment
          of pre-set profit objectives, which identify the profit level at
          which bonus payment begins and the level necessary for maximum
          bonus payments; and (b) the maximum bonus level for each job

          b.   The Discretionary Award Plan is  based on the attainment of
          pre-set profit objectives as in (a) above, and individual

B.   Procedure
     1.   The principles upon which the bonus plan profit objectives are
     established are as follows:
          a.   Two profit objectives for each Profit Center are selected
          within the Company.  These are:
               1.   The profit level at which bonuses begin.  (Bonus Base
               or Minimum Profit)

               2.   The profit level at which maximum bonuses will be      
              paid.  (Bonus Maximum)

          The profit levels defined are Net Before Income Taxes but after
          provision for bonuses earned.
          b.   Theses profit objectives are set at the beginning of each
          fiscal year, and will be based upon return on investment

          c.   Bonus Profit objectives are set independently of the
          Budget process, with final approval by the Chairman of Oxford
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          d.   The Chairman of Oxford Industries will determine
          participation for managers serving more than one operational area
          of the company.

2.   Management Incentive Bonus payment is based on the following

     a.   Bonus payment under the Profit Center performance plan is in
     relation to the maximum bonus potential level assigned to each
     job grade as well as the pre-set profit goals.

     b.   The reward under the Discretionary Award Plan, is based on
     attainment of pre-set objectives (and other conditions outlined
     in this policy).   Based on individual performance, the discretionary
     award may be up to 100% of the guaranteed award.  If a profit center
     earns no guaranteed award bonus, there will be no discretionary bonus.

     c.   Employees who begin participation during the fiscal year
     will receive a pro-rata bonus for the period during which they
     have participated, calculated to the nearest month.  An employee
     beginning work by the 15th of any month will be eligible for
     bonus proration including that month; employees not beginning
     until the 16th will not be eligible for proration until the next
     month.  Pro-rata participation does not apply to employees
     leaving the company (see paragraph 3f).

     3.   Additional factors related to the Management Incentive Program are
     as follows:

          a.   Bonuses for employees included in the Program who change job
               grades, or transfer between Profit Centers during a fiscal
               year will be prorated to the nearest month, as noted in 2c
          b.   Provided that the profit performance of a Profit Center has
               reached the level necessary for bonuses to be earned on a
               cumulative basis at the end of a fiscal year, participating
               members of Management in that Profit Center will receive
               their bonuses, irrespective of the performance of other
               Profit Centers in the Company, or of the Company as a whole.
          c.   Newly acquired companies or additions to a Profit Center may
               be excluded from consideration in setting Profit objectives
               for bonus proposes until they have been absorbed into our
               organization, at the discretion of the Chairman of Oxford
          d.   Profit Center Bonus projections will be calculated and
               reported to all participants not less than quarterly.
          e.   Employees do not accrue bonus for periods of unpaid leave of
               absence.  However, employees on leave of absence as of the
               end of the fiscal year will be eligible for pro-rata bonus
               payment for periods of paid leave.
          f.   Bonuses will be paid in full in August of each year
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               following the end of the fiscal year to participating
               members of management who were employed before May 15th of
               the same fiscal year and who remain employed on the earlier
               of, the last day of the fiscal year, or the last day of May,
               provided the right to such bonus has not been forfeited as
               provided for in Sections g and h below.  Any exception to
               this will be subject to the approval of the Chairman of
               Oxford Industries.
          g.   Prior to distribution of bonus checks, if an employee
               entitled to receive a bonus is found guilty of committing
               acts which are detrimental to the best interests of the
               Company (such as misconduct) he will automatically forfeit
               all rights to receive his bonus.
          h.   Any employee leaving the Company prior to fiscal year end,
               will forfeit eligibility for bonus participation.  An
               exception would be an employee otherwise eligible for bonus
               who retires or dies during the same bonus year.  (An
               employee is considered retired if he leaves the Company with
               the length of service and age that is required for 100%
               vesting eligibility under the terms of any of Oxford's
               qualified Retirement Plans regardless of whether or not the
               employee is participating in any of those plans.)  A
               prorated bonus payment would be issued in relation to months
               worked before retirement or death.
          i.   The Bonus Program will be reviewed each year, and will be
               subject to change as necessary or desirable to ensure that
               it remains equitable and effective as incentive compensation
               for improved results.

c.  Exceptions

    Exceptions to this policy may be made only with the prior approval of the
Chairman of Oxford Industries, Inc.
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