Washington, D. C. 20549

                        SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                 For the quarterly period ended March 31, 1996


                        SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                         Commission File Number 1-1414

                                 PACIFIC BELL

                        I.R.S. Employer No. 94-0745535

                           A California Corporation

          140 New Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California 94105

                     Telephone - Area Code (415) 542-9000

Indicate  by check  mark  whether the  registrant  (1) has  filed  all reports
required to be  filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934  during the  preceding 12  months (or  for such  shorter period  that the
registrant was required to file such reports) and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.  Yes  X    No    .
                                               ---      ---

        At April 30, 1996, 224,504,982 common shares were outstanding.



                         PACIFIC BELL AND SUBSIDIARIES

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS


- ------------------------------

Item 1.  Financial Statements

            Review Report of Independent Accountants ..............        1

            Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income ...........        2

            Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets .................        3

            Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows .......        4

            Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements ..        5

Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Results of 
            Operations ............................................        8

- ---------------------------

Item 6.  Exhibits and Report on Form 8-K .........................        17

SIGNATURE ........................................................        18
- ---------


Item 1.  Financial Statements


To the Board of Directors and Shareowner of Pacific Bell:

We  have reviewed  the accompanying  condensed consolidated  balance sheet  of
Pacific Bell and  Subsidiaries (the "Company") as  of March 31,  1996, and the
related  condensed consolidated  statements of income and  cash flows for  the
three-month  periods ended March 31, 1996 and 1995. These financial statements
are the responsibility of the Company's management.

We  conducted our  review  in accordance  with  standards established  by  the
American  Institute  of Certified  Public Accountants.    A review  of interim
financial information consists principally  of applying analytical  procedures
to financial data, and  making inquiries of persons responsible  for financial
and  accounting matters.   It  is substantially  less in  scope than  an audit
conducted  in  accordance  with  generally accepted  auditing  standards,  the
objective  of which  is the expression  of an opinion  regarding the financial
statements taken as a whole.  Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion.

Based  on our  review, we  are not  aware of  any material  modifications that
should be made to the accompanying condensed consolidated financial statements
for them to be in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.  

The  Company discontinued  application  of Statement  of Financial  Accounting
Standards No. 71 effective third quarter 1995.

We have  previously audited,  in accordance  with generally accepted  auditing
standards,  the consolidated balance sheet of Pacific Bell and Subsidiaries as
of  December  31, 1995,  and the  related  consolidated statements  of income,
shareowner's equity,  and cash flows  for the  year then ended  (not presented
herein);  and  in  our  report  dated  February  22,  1996,  we  expressed  an
unqualified  opinion  on  those  consolidated  financial  statements.  In  our
opinion, the information set forth in  the accompanying condensed consolidated
balance  sheet as  of December  31, 1995,  is fairly  stated, in  all material
respects, in relation to the consolidated balance sheet from which it has been

/s/ Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P.

San Francisco, California

May 13, 1996



                         PACIFIC BELL AND SUBSIDIARIES

                                                        For the 3 Months Ended
                                                                March 31,     
(Dollars in millions)                                          1996    1995
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OPERATING REVENUES:                                                        
Local service..........................................      $  960   $ 931
Network access:                                                            
   Interstate..........................................         443     431
   Intrastate..........................................         178     166
Toll service...........................................         312     314
Other service revenues.................................         390     370
                                                             ------  ------
TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES...............................       2,283   2,212
                                                             ------  ------
OPERATING EXPENSES:                                                        
Cost of products and services..........................         442     499
Customer operations and selling expenses...............         462     436
General, administrative, and other expenses............         311     302
Property and other taxes...............................          44      45
Depreciation and amortization..........................         452     460
                                                             ------  ------
TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES...............................       1,711   1,742
                                                             ------  ------
OPERATING INCOME.......................................         572     470
Interest expense.......................................          88     108
Miscellaneous income (expense)-net.....................           3      20
                                                             ------  ------
INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES.............................         487     382
Income taxes...........................................         197     136
                                                             ------  ------
NET INCOME.............................................      $  290   $ 246
The  accompanying Notes  are an  integral part  of the  Condensed Consolidated
Financial Statements.



                         PACIFIC BELL AND SUBSIDIARIES

                                                   March 31,   December 31,
(Dollars in millions)                                1996          1995    
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
ASSETS:                                          (Unaudited)
Cash and cash equivalents.........................  $    53        $    68 
Accounts receivable - (net of allowance for                                
  uncollectibles of $140 and $131 in 1996                              
  and 1995, respectively).........................    1,416          1,475 
Prepaid expenses and other current assets.........      813            802 
                                                    -------        ------- 
Total current assets..............................    2,282          2,345 
                                                    -------        ------- 
Property, plant, and equipment - at cost..........   26,994         26,688 
  Less:  accumulated depreciation.................  (15,880)       (15,608)
                                                    -------        ------- 
Property, plant, and equipment - net..............   11,114         11,080 
                                                    -------        ------- 
Other noncurrent assets...........................      475            474 
                                                    -------        ------- 
TOTAL ASSETS......................................  $13,871        $13,899 
                                                    =======        ======= 

Accounts payable and accrued liabilities..........  $ 1,943         $2,109 
Debt maturing within one year.....................      537            781 
Other current liabilities.........................      488            552 
                                                    -------        ------- 
Total current liabilities.........................    2,968          3,442 
                                                    -------        ------- 
Long-term obligations.............................    4,955          4,608 
                                                    -------        ------- 
Deferred income taxes.............................      330            321 
                                                    -------        ------- 
Other noncurrent liabilities and deferred credits.    2,378          2,417 
                                                    -------        ------- 
Commitments and contingencies (Note B)                                        
Common stock ($1.00 stated value, 300,000,000
  shares authorized, 224,504,982 shares issued
  and outstanding)................................      225            225 
  Additional paid-in capital......................    5,458          5,387 
  Accumulated deficit.............................   (2,443)        (2,501)
                                                     ------        ------- 

Total shareowner's equity.........................    3,240          3,111 
                                                    -------        ------- 
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREOWNER'S EQUITY.........  $13,871        $13,899 

The  accompanying Notes  are an  integral part  of the  Condensed Consolidated
Financial Statements.



                         PACIFIC BELL AND SUBSIDIARIES

                                                        For the 3 Months Ended
                                                                March 31,     
(Dollars in millions)                                       1996      1995 
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income...........................................       $290      $246 
Adjustments to net income:
  Depreciation and amortization......................        452       460 
  Change in deferred income taxes....................          2         7 
  Unamortized investment tax credits.................        (11)      (12)
  Changes in operating assets and liabilities:                             
     Accounts receivable.............................         70       186 
     Prepaid expenses and other current assets.......        (16)       (7)
     Other noncurrent assets.........................          2        13 
     Accounts payable and accrued liabilities........       (180)     (238)
     Other current liabilities.......................        (64)      (12)
     Noncurrent liabilities and deferred credits.....        (28)      (30)
  Other adjustments, net.............................          3        (5)
                                                          ------    ------ 
Cash from operating activities.......................        520       608 
                                                          ------    ------ 
CASH FROM (USED FOR) INVESTING ACTIVITIES:                                 
Additions to property, plant, and equipment..........       (469)     (331)
Other investing activities, net......................         (7)        - 
                                                          ------    ------ 
Cash used for investing activities...................       (476)     (331)
                                                          ------    ------ 
CASH FROM (USED FOR) FINANCING ACTIVITIES:                                 
Equity infusion from parent..........................         70         - 
Dividends paid.......................................       (231)     (242)
Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt.............        248         - 
Decrease in short-term borrowings, net...............       (244)      (54)
Other financing activities, net......................         98        (1)
                                                          ------    ------ 
Cash used for financing activities...................        (59)     (297)
                                                          ------    ------ 
Decrease in cash and cash equivalents................        (15)      (20)
Cash and cash equivalents at January 1...............         68        62 
                                                          ------    ------ 
Cash and cash equivalents at March 31................       $ 53      $ 42 
                                                          ======    ====== 
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash payments for:                                                         
  Interest...........................................       $120      $127 
  Income taxes.......................................       $  -      $  - 
The  accompanying Notes  are an  integral part  of the  Condensed Consolidated
Financial Statements.



                         PACIFIC BELL AND SUBSIDIARIES


     The Condensed  Consolidated Financial Statements include  the accounts of
     Pacific Bell, and its wholly owned subsidiaries,  Pacific Bell Directory,
     Pacific  Bell   Information  Services,  Pacific  Bell   Mobile  Services,
     Pacific Bell  Internet  Services, Pacific  Bell  Network Integration  and
     others,  hereinafter  referred to  as  the  "Company."   All  significant
     intercompany  balances  and  transactions  have  been  eliminated.    The
     Condensed  Consolidated  Financial  Statements reflect  reclassifications
     made to conform with the current year presentation. 

     The  Condensed Consolidated  Financial Statements  have been  prepared in
     accordance  with the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange
     Commission ("SEC") applicable to  interim financial information.  Certain
     information  and footnote  disclosures included  in  financial statements
     prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles have
     been  condensed or omitted in  these interim statements  pursuant to such
     SEC  rules and  regulations.   Management  recommends that  these interim
     financial statements be read in conjunction with the audited consolidated
     financial statements  and notes  thereto included  in the Company's  1995
     annual report on  Form 10-K.  Effective third quarter  1995, the  Company
     discontinued accounting under Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
     No. 71, "Accounting for the Effects of Certain Types of Regulation."

     In management's opinion, the Condensed Consolidated Financial  Statements
     include all adjustments (consisting of only normal recurring adjustments)
     necessary  to  present  fairly  the  financial  position  and results  of
     operations for  each interim  period shown.   The Condensed  Consolidated
     Financial  Statements have  been reviewed  by Coopers  &  Lybrand L.L.P.,
     independent accountants. Their report is on page 1.


     Merger Agreement

     On  April 1, 1996, SBC  Communications Inc. ("SBC")  and Pacific Telesis,
     the Company's  parent, jointly  announced a definitive  agreement whereby
     Pacific Telesis will become a wholly owned subsidiary of SBC. Under terms
     of the merger agreement, each share of Pacific Telesis common stock  will
     be exchanged for 0.733 shares of SBC common stock, subject to adjustment.
     The transaction, which  has been  approved by the  Board of Directors  of
     each company, is intended to  be accounted for as a pooling  of interests
     and to be a tax-free reorganization. Completion of  the merger is subject
     to certain conditions, including regulatory approvals and approval by the
     shareowners of each company.



                         PACIFIC BELL AND SUBSIDIARIES


     Purchase Commitments 

     In  December  1994, the  Company  contracted for  the purchase  of  up to
     $2 billion  of  Advanced Communications  Network  facilities, which  will
     incorporate  emerging  technologies.   The    Company  is   committed  to
     purchase  these facilities  in  1998 if  they  meet certain  quality  and
     performance  criteria.  Management expects the purchase amount to be less
     than $800 million in 1998.

     As  of  March 31,  1996  the Company  had  purchase commitments  of about
     $260 million  remaining  in  connection  with  its  previously  announced
     program for deploying  an all  digital switching platform  with ISDN  and
     SS-7 capabilities.

     Revenues Subject to Refund

     In 1992,  the California  Public Utilities Commission  ("CPUC") issued  a
     decision  adopting, with  modification, SFAS 106,  "Employers' Accounting
     for  Postretirement  Benefits   Other  than  Pensions,"  for   regulatory
     accounting purposes.  Annual price cap decisions by  the CPUC granted the
     Company approximately $100  million in  each of the  years 1993-1996  for
     partial recovery  of higher costs under  SFAS 106.  However,  the CPUC in
     October  1994  reopened the  proceeding  to  determine the  criteria  for
     exogenous  cost  treatment and  whether  the Company  should  continue to
     recover  these  costs.   The  CPUC's  order  held  that related  revenues
     collected after October 12, 1994, are subject to refund plus interest. It
     is possible that  the CPUC could decide this issue in  the near term, and
     that the  decision could have a  material adverse effect  on the Company.
     Related  revenues subject to refund  totaled about $147  million at March
     31,  1996.    Management   believes  postretirement  benefits  costs  are
     appropriately recoverable in the Company's price cap filings.



                         PACIFIC BELL AND SUBSIDIARIES


     Property Tax Investigation

     In 1992, a  settlement agreement was reached  between the State Board  of
     Equalization, all  California counties,  the State Attorney  General, and
     28 utilities,  including  the  Company,  on a  specific  methodology  for
     valuing utility property for property  tax purposes.  The CPUC  opened an
     investigation  to determine if any resulting  property tax savings should
     be returned  to customers.   Intervenors  have asserted  that as  much as
     $20 million  of annual  property  tax savings  should  be treated  as  an
     exogenous  cost reduction  in  the Company's  annual  price cap  filings.
     These intervenors  have  also asserted  that  past property  tax  savings
     totaling as  much as  $60 million  plus interest  should  be returned  to
     customers.  Management  believes  that,   under  the  CPUC's   regulatory
     framework, any property tax savings should be treated only as a component
     of  the calculation of shareable earnings.   In an Interim Opinion issued
     in June 1995, the CPUC decided to  defer a final decision on this  matter
     pending resolution of the criteria for exogenous cost treatment under its
     regulatory  framework.  The criteria  are being considered  in a separate
     proceeding initiated for rehearing  of the CPUC's postretirement benefits
     other  than pensions decision  discussed above.  It  is possible that the
     CPUC  could decide  this issue in  the near  term, and  that the decision
     could have a material adverse effect on the Company.




This Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q contains historical information and certain
forward-looking statements  that involve  potential  risks and  uncertainties.
Pacific Bell's  (the "Company") actual  results could  differ materially  from
those  discussed herein.   Factors  that could  cause or  contribute   to such
differences include,   but  are not  limited  to, those  discussed herein  and
those  discussed  in  "Management's  Discussion and  Analysis  of  Results  of
Operations" included  in the Company's December  31, 1995 Form 10-K.   Readers
are  cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements
which  speak only as of the date hereof.  The Company undertakes no obligation
to  revise or  update these  forward-looking statements  to reflect  events or
circumstances   after  the  date  hereof  or  to  reflect  the  occurrence  of
unanticipated events.


The  following discussions and data  compare the results  of operations of the
Company for the three-month period ended  March 31, 1996 to the  corresponding
period  in  1995. Results  for  the first  three  months  of 1996  may  not be
indicative of results for the full year.

A summary of selected operating data is shown below:

                                                        For the 3 Months Ended
                                                                March 31,     
Operating Statistics                                     1996    1995  Change
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Return on shareowner's equity (%)..................      36.6    15.8       -
Capital expenditures ($mil)........................       487     290    67.9
Total employees at March 31........................    46,817  49,884    -6.1
Telephone network employees at March 31*...........    44,151  47,183    -6.4
Telephone network employees per ten thousand
  access lines*....................................      28.1    31.2    -9.9
* Excludes Pacific Bell Directory and Pacific Bell Mobile Services employees.



- --------

For  first  quarter  1996, the  Company  reported  earnings  of $290  million,
compared to $246 million for first  quarter 1995.  This represents an increase
of 17.9 percent.

The Company's first quarter  results reflect a significant increase  in access
line growth, highlighting the Company's success in marketing additional access
lines for the home and paralleling California's continued economic resurgence.
The California  Public Utilities  Commission  ("CPUC") authorized  facilities-
based  local   services  competition   effective  January  1996,   and  resale
competition  effective March  1996.    As of  March  31, 1996,  this  recently
authorized  local competition  had  not caused  a  significant effect  on  the
Company's  earnings.   Management is  concerned,  however, that  under certain
scenarios such competition  could deprive  the Company of  the opportunity  to
earn a fair rate-of-return depending on  the outcome of certain open issues in
the local competition rules proceeding.

                                                        For the 3 Months Ended
                                                                March 31,     
Volume Indicators                                        1996    1995  Change
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Switched access lines at March 31 (thousands)......   15,716 15,133     3.9
        Residence....................................    9,828  9,533     3.1
        Business.....................................    5,680  5,392     5.3
        Other........................................      208    208       -

  ISDN access lines at March 31......................       65     27   140.7
  (thousands, included in above)

  Interexchange carrier access
   minutes-of-use (millions).........................   15,518 14,096    10.1
        Interstate...................................    8,356  7,873     6.1
        Intrastate...................................    7,162  6,223    15.1

  Toll messages (millions)...........................    1,249  1,163     7.4
  Toll minutes-of-use (millions).....................    3,805  3,567     6.7

  Voice mailbox equivalents at March 31 (thousands)..    1,501  1,200    25.1
  Custom calling services at March 31 (thousands)....    7,343  6,683     9.9



The total  number of  access  lines in  service grew  to  15,716 thousand,  an
increase  of 3.9 percent  for the  twelve months  ended March  31, 1996.   The
residential access line growth  rate increased to 3.1  percent for the  twelve
months ended March 31, 1996 from 1.9 percent last year. Changes in technology,
telecommuting  and  the  Company's  increased marketing  efforts  are  fueling
increased demand for  additional telephone lines  in the home.   Second access
lines  in residences  grew 11.0  percent, from 1,665  thousand lines  to 1,848
thousand  lines.   The growth  rate in  business access  lines climbed  to 5.3
percent for the twelve months ended March 31, 1996 from 4.0 percent last year.
The  growth in business access  lines reflects increased  employment levels in
California. The  number of ISDN  lines in service increased  140.7 percent for
the  twelve months ended March  31, 1996 as  customers increased telecommuting
and  demanded faster  data transmission  and Internet  access.   Sales  of the
Company's high-speed  data transmission products  are growing  rapidly due  to
improved market segmentation and sales training.

Access minutes-of-use represent the volume of traffic carried by interexchange
carriers over the  Company's local  networks.  Access  minutes-of-use for  the
three months ended  March 31, 1996 increased by 10.1 percent compared to a 9.1
percent increase  during the same period  last year due primarily  to economic

Toll messages  and minutes-of-use are comprised  of Message Telecommunications
Service  and  Optional  Calling  Plans ("local  toll")  as  well  as WATS  and
terminating 800 services.   For the  three months ended  March 31, 1996,  toll
minutes-of-use increased by 6.7 percent.   The increase was driven by economic
growth partially offset by competitive losses.

High demand  for the Company's  voice mail products  continued in 1996.  Voice
mailbox equivalents in  service increased 25.1 percent for the 12 months ended
March  31, 1996  to  1,501 thousand.   Similarly,  demand  for Custom  Calling
Services, such as call waiting, grew 9.9 percent for the 12 months ended March
31, 1996  as customers asked  for greater  convenience and  more control  over
their telephone communications.



Operating Revenues
- ------------------
                                                        For the 3 Months Ended
                                                                March 31,     
($ millions)                                             1996    1995  Change
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total operating revenues........................       $2,283  $2,212     $71
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Revenues  for first quarter  1996 increased $71  million from the  same period
last  year primarily due to increased customer  demand of $112 million for the
Company's  telephone  services driven  by  the  strengthening of  California's
economy, partially offset by $30 million  of revenue reductions ordered by the
Federal  Communications Commission  ("FCC").   The  CPUC  issued an  order  in
December 1995 suspending  use of the "inflation  minus productivity" component
of the price cap formula for 1996 through 1998.  This action freezes the price
caps on  most of  the Company's  regulated services  through  1998 except  for
adjustments  due  to exogenous  costs or  price  changes approved  through the
CPUC's application process.

Factors affecting revenue changes for the first quarter of 1996 are summarized
in the following table.
                                          Price                     Change
                                            Cap           Customer    From
($ millions)                             Orders     Misc.   Demand    1995
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Local service........................       $ -       $ 7     $ 22     $29
Network access:
    Interstate.......................       -30        22       20      12
    Intrastate.......................         -        -9       21      12
Toll service.........................         -       -33       31      -2
Other service revenues...............         -         2       18      20
                                          -----     -----    -----    ----
Total operating revenues.............      -$30      -$11     $112     $71

The $22 million increase in customer demand for local service is the result of
the 3.9 percent growth in  access lines and the  9.9 percent growth in  custom
calling services.   These increases were generated by the  improved economy in
California and the Company's focused customer retention efforts. 

The $20 million increase in interstate network access revenues due to customer
demand reflects increased interexchange carrier access minutes-of-use, as well
as increased access lines. The $21 million customer demand-related increase in
intrastate  network  access  revenues  also resulted  from  growth  in  access



The $31 million increase  in customer demand-related toll service  revenues is
driven primarily by increased local toll usage resulting from general economic
growth. The  customer demand-related increase  in local toll  service revenues
was  partially  offset  by  competitive  losses  in  WATS  and  800  services.
Interexchange carriers currently have the competitive advantage of  being able
to offer WATS and 800 services both within and between service areas.

The increase in  other service revenues reflects the continuing success of the
Company's voice mail products and directory operations.

Operating Expenses
- ------------------
                                                      For the 3 Months Ended
                                                             March 31,
($ millions)                                             1996    1995 Change
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total operating expenses.......................        $1,711  $1,742  -$31
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

The decrease in total operating expenses  for the three months ended March 31,
1996  compared to  the same period  in 1995 reflects  the Company's continuing
cost reduction efforts in the core telephone business.  Increased expenses for
new  business initiatives  largely offset  these decreases.   Primary  factors
affecting expense changes are summarized below.

                                Salaries    Employee           Subsi-   Total
($ millions)                    & Wages*   Benefits*  Misc.*  diaries  Change
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cost of products & services....    -$22        -$26    -$ 7     -$ 2     -$57
Customer operations
    & selling expenses.........       6          -5       2       23       26
General, admin. 
    & other expenses...........      -5          -1      13        2        9
Property & other taxes.........       -           -      -1        -       -1
Depreciation & amortization....       -           -     -10        2       -8
                                   ----        ----    ----     ----     ----
Total operating expenses.......    -$21        -$32    -$ 3      $25     -$31
*Excludes Pacific Bell subsidiaries

Salary and wage expense at Pacific Bell, excluding its subsidiaries, decreased
$21  million  for first  quarter 1996  compared to  the  same period  in 1995,
primarily due to the continued force reduction programs and decreased overtime
in  1996 due to  milder weather when  compared to 1995.   The effect  of these
decreases was partially  offset by  wage increases associated  with new  labor
agreements effective August 1995.



Employee  benefits  expense  at  Pacific  Bell,  excluding  its  subsidiaries,
decreased  $32  million  for the  three-month  period  ending  March 31,  1996
compared  to the  same period  in 1995  primarily due  to changes  in employee
benefit plans and benefit plan assumptions.  The effect of these decreases was
partially offset by increased pension expense as a result of discontinuing the
application  of Statement of  Financial Accounting Standards  No. ("SFAS") 71,
"Accounting  for the  Effects  of  Certain  Types  of  Regulation",  that  was
effective  third quarter  1995.   Management expects  the changes  in employee
benefit  plans and  benefit plan  assumptions to  continue to  produce savings
throughout the year.  

Depreciation expense  at Pacific  Bell, excluding its  subsidiaries, decreased
$10 million for the three-month period  ending March 31, 1996 compared  to the
same period  in 1995 primarily due  to the elimination of  the amortization of
certain regulatory assets associated with the discontinued application of SFAS
71.     The  effect   of  this  decrease   was  partially   offset  by  higher
telecommunications plant balances in first quarter 1996.

The  Company's  subsidiaries  total  operating expenses  increased  for  first
quarter 1996 compared  to first quarter 1995 due to  expenses for new business
initiatives,  such as  Personal Communications  Services ("PCS")  and Internet

Interest Expense
- ----------------
                                                      For the 3 Months Ended
                                                             March 31,
($ millions)                                             1996   1995 Change
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interest expense....................................      $88   $108   -$20
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Interest expense for first  quarter 1996 decreased compared to the same period
in 1995 due primarily to lower interest rates and the change in classification
of  interest during construction  from an  item of  miscellaneous income  to a
reduction in interest expense due to the discontinued application of SFAS 71.



Miscellaneous Income (Expense)-Net
- ----------------------------------
                                                      For the 3 Months Ended
                                                             March 31,
($ millions)                                             1996   1995 Change
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Miscellaneous income (expense)-net.....................    $3    $20   -$17
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Miscellaneous  income  decreased for  first  quarter  1996 compared  to  first
quarter  1995 primarily  due to interest  income received  on a  tax refund in
first  quarter  1995  and the  change  in  classification  of interest  during
construction from an  item of miscellaneous income to a  reduction of interest

Income Taxes
- ------------
                                                      For the 3 Months Ended
                                                              March 31,     
($ millions)                                             1996   1995 Change
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income taxes......................................       $197   $136    $61
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

The increase  in income tax expense  for first quarter 1996  compared to first
quarter 1995 is  primarily due to higher  pre-tax income, tax  adjustments and
tax refunds received in 1995.

Status of Reserves
- ------------------

As previously reported, the Company established a restructuring reserve at the
end of 1993 to provide for the  incremental cost of force reductions and other
related costs  to restructure  its internal  business processes  through 1997.
After  new  hires,  net  force  reduction  for  Pacific  Bell,  excluding  its
subsidiaries, was  approximately 190 employees for  the first three  months of
1996.  A total  of $71 million in cash  outlays was charged to the  reserve in
first  quarter 1996.    These costs  were  primarily for  information  systems
reengineering  and facilities consolidation.  As  of March 31, 1996, a balance
of $148 million remained in the restructuring reserve.



Capital Expenditures
- --------------------

The Company  invested $487 million during  the first three months  of 1996, an
increase of 67.9 percent from first quarter 1995, primarily due to investments
in the  Pacific Bell Mobile Services  PCS network and to  modernize and expand
the Company's core telecommunications network.  


In  March 1996, Moody's Investors  Services, Inc. placed  the senior long-term
debt ratings  of the Company under review for possible downgrade.  The ratings
are still under review.  

In April  1996, reflecting the announcement  of the merger agreement  with SBC
Communications Inc. ("SBC"-see below),  Standard & Poor's Corporation's credit
rating outlook  remains negative.   Also  reflecting the  merger announcement,
Duff and  Phelps, Inc. reaffirmed  its ratings of  Duff 1+ and  Double-A-Minus
("AA-") on the Company's commercial paper and debentures, respectively.


On  April 1,  1996, SBC  and  Pacific Telesis,  the Company's  parent, jointly
announced  a definitive agreement whereby Pacific Telesis will become a wholly
owned subsidiary  of SBC. Under terms  of the merger agreement,  each share of
Pacific Telesis common stock will be  exchanged for 0.733 shares of SBC common
stock, subject to adjustment. The transaction, which has  been approved by the
Board  of Directors of  each company,  is intended  to be  accounted for  as a
pooling  of  interests and  be a  tax-free  reorganization. Completion  of the
merger  agreement  is  subject  to certain  conditions,  including  regulatory
approvals and approval by the shareowners of each company.


1996 Interstate Access Charge Filing
- ------------------------------------

In April  1996, the Company filed its 1996 annual  access tariff with the FCC.
That tariff proposes rate  increases of about $24 million for the July 1, 1996
through June 30, 1997 tariff year.



FCC Proposal on Wireless Interconnection
- ----------------------------------------

In January 1996, the FCC released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in which the
FCC proposed to change the arrangement under which the Company and other local
exchange  carriers  ("LECs")  are  compensated for  interconnecting  with  and
terminating  traffic for  Commercial Mobile  Radio Service  ("CMRS") providers
(including  cellular and  PCS providers).   Under  the FCC's proposal,  for an
interim  period the  Company would  no longer  receive compensation  for these
functions.   Each carrier would terminate  traffic for the other  at no charge
("bill  and keep").   LECs  terminate over  four times  more traffic  for CMRS
providers  than CMRS  providers terminate  traffic for  LECs. The  Company has
advocated interconnection  based on negotiated mutual compensation agreements.
It  is possible that  the FCC  could decide  this issue in  the near  term. If
adopted, bill and keep would have a material adverse effect on the Company.




Item 6.  Exhibits and Report on Form 8-K.

  (a)    Exhibits.

         Exhibits identified  in parentheses  below on file  with the
         SEC are incorporated herein by reference as exhibits hereto.
         All  other exhibits are  provided as part  of the electronic

Number                            Description
- -------                           -----------

  4      No  instrument which  defines  the rights  of  holders of  long-  and
         intermediate-term debt of Pacific Bell  is filed herewith pursuant to
         Regulation S-K, Item 601(b)(4)(iii)(A).  Pursuant to this regulation,
         Pacific Bell hereby agrees to furnish  a copy of any such  instrument
         to the SEC upon request.

  15     Letter re unaudited interim financial information.

  27     Article 5 FDS for 1st Quarter 1996 Form 10-Q.

The  Company will  furnish to  a security  holder upon  request a copy  of any
exhibit at cost.

  (b)    Report on Form 8-K.

         Form 8-K,  Date of Report  February 1, 1996,  was filed with  the SEC
         under  Item 7, attaching the Underwriting Agreement dated February 1,
         1996, between Pacific Bell and the Underwriter in connection with the
         5 7/8% Debentures due February 15, 2006 of Pacific Bell.



                                   FORM 10-Q


Pursuant  to the  requirements of  the Securities  Exchange Act  of 1934,  the
registrant has  duly caused this  report to  be signed  on its  behalf by  the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                           Pacific Bell

                               By  /s/ Peter A. Darbee
                                   Peter A. Darbee
                                   Vice President, Chief Financial Officer
                                   and Controller

May 13, 1996



                                 EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibits identified in parentheses below on file with the SEC are incorporated
herein by  reference as exhibits hereto.   All other exhibits  are provided as
part of the electronic transmission.

Number                            Description
- -------                           -----------

  4       No  instrument  which defines  the rights  of  holders of  long- and
          intermediate-term debt of Pacific Bell is filed herewith pursuant to
          Regulation   S-K,  Item   601(b)(4)(iii)(A).     Pursuant   to  this
          regulation, Pacific Bell hereby agrees to furnish a copy of any such
          instrument to the SEC upon request.

  15      Letter re unaudited interim financial information.

  27      Article 5 FDS for 1st Quarter 1996 Form 10-Q.
