Exhibit 4-d


Unless this  certificate  is presented by an  authorized  representative  of The
Depository Trust Company,  a New York corporation  ("DTC"),  to Pacific Bell, or
its agent for registration of transfer, exchange or payment, and any certificate
issued  is  registered  in the name of Cede & Co.  or in such  other  name as is
requested  by an  authorized  representative  of DTC (and any payment is made to
Cede  &  Co.  or  to  such  other  entity  as  is  requested  by  an  authorized
OTHERWISE  BY OR TO ANY PERSON IS  WRONGFUL  inasmuch  as the  registered  owner
hereof, Cede & Co., has an interest herein.

This  Security  is a  Global  Security  within  the  meaning  of  the  Indenture
hereinafter  referred  to and is  registered  in the name of a  Depository  or a
nominee of a  Depository.  Unless and until it is  exchanged in whole or in part
for  Securities in  definitive  form in  accordance  with the  provisions of the
Indenture  and the terms of the  Securities,  this  Global  Security  may not be
transferred  except as a whole by the  Depository to a nominee of the Depository
or by a nominee of the  Depository to the  Depository or another  nominee of the
Depository or by the Depository or any such nominee to a successor Depository or
a nominee of such successor Depository.

Registered                                            Principal Amount
No. A-                        PACIFIC BELL            CUSIP

                           MEDIUM-TERM NOTE, SERIES A
                  Due Nine Months or More From Date of Issue

If  applicable,  the "Total  Amount of OID,"  "Yield to  Maturity"  and "Initial
Accrual  Period  OID"  (computed  under the  Approximate  Method)  below will be
completed  solely for the purpose of applying  the federal  income tax  Original
Issue Discount ("OID") rules.

Issue Price:                        Maturity Date:

Original Issue Date:                Total Amount of OID:

Interest Rate:                      Yield to Maturity:

Record Dates:                       Initial Accrual Period OID:

Interest Payment Dates:             Initial Redemption Date:

Specified Currency:                  The  Optional  Redemption  Price  shall be
                                     ___% of the principal amount of this Note
                                     to be redeemed and shall decline at each
                                     one year anniversary of the
Minimum Denominations:               Initial Redemption Date by ___% of the
(Applicable only if Specified        principal amount  to  be redeemed until the
Optional Currency is other than      Redemption Price is 100% of such principal
U.S. dollars)                        amount.

Additional terms:                   Exchange Rate Agent:

PACIFIC BELL, a California corporation (herein called "the Company"),  for value
received,  hereby  promises to pay to Cede & Co.,  or  registered  assigns,  the
principal  sum  of  _________________________   dollars  ($___________)  on  the
Maturity Date specified above, and to pay interest on said principal sum, on the
Interest  Payment Dates specified above and on the Maturity Date,  commencing on
the next Interest  Payment Date  succeeding  the Original  Issue Date  specified
above, at the Interest Rate specified above, from the Original Issue Date or the
most recent date to which interest has been paid or duly provided for, until the
principal hereof becomes due and payable,  and on any overdue  principal and (to
the extent that the payment of such interest  shall be legally  enforceable)  on
any overdue  installment  of  interest at the  Interest  Rate.  The  interest so
payable,  and punctually paid or duly provided for on any Interest Payment Date,
will be paid to the person in whose name this Note is registered on the close of
business on the Record Date  specified  above (whether or not a Business Day (as
defined below)) next preceding such Interest  Payment Date,  unless the Original
Issue Date occurs  between such Record Date and such  Interest  Payment Date, in
which case the interest will be paid on the Interest  Payment Date following the
next succeeding Record Date to the Person in whose name the Note shall have been
registered on the Original Issue Date. Principal,  premium, if any, and interest
payable on the Maturity Date or the date fixed for  redemption,  as the case may
be, will be payable to the Person in whose name this Note is  registered  on the
Maturity Date or the date fixed for redemption, as the case may be.

Payment of the principal,  premium, if any, and interest on this Note due at the
Maturity  Date or upon  redemption  will  be made at the  Maturity  Date or upon
redemption,  as the case may be, upon  presentation of this Note, in immediately
available  funds,  at the office or agency of the  Company  maintained  for that
purpose in the Borough of Manhattan,  the city of New York.  Payment of interest
on this Note due on an Interest  Payment Date will be paid, if the Note is not a
Global  Security,  by check mailed to the address of the Person entitled thereto
as  such  address  shall  appear  in  the  Note  Register  (notwithstanding  the
foregoing, a holder of U.S. $10,000,000 or more in aggregate principal amount of
Notes  of like  tenor  and  term (or a holder  of the  equivalent  thereof  in a
Specified  Currency  other than U.S.  dollars) shall be entitled to receive such
interest  payments  in  immediately  available  funds,  but only if  appropriate
instructions  have been  received in writing by the Paying  Agent on or prior to
the  applicable  Record  Date),  and if the Note is a Global  Security,  by wire
transfer to The Depository Trust Company or its nominee,  in accordance with the
Medium-Term  Notes,  Series  A  Administrative   Procedures.  Any  interest  not
punctually  paid or duly  provided  for  shall be  payable  as  provided  in the
Indenture.  Interest  will be computed on the basis of a 360-day  year of twelve
30-day months.

As used herein,  "Business  Day" means any day, other than a Saturday or Sunday,
on which banks in the city of New York are not required or  authorized by law to

All payments in respect of this Note will be made in U.S. dollars  regardless of
the Specified  Currency  shown above unless the Holder hereof makes the election
described  below.  If the  Specified  Currency  shown  above is other  than U.S.
dollars,  the  Company or its agent will  arrange to  convert  all  payments  in
respect hereof into U.S.  dollars in the manner described on the reverse hereof;
provided,  however,  that the Holder hereof may, if so indicated above, elect to
receive all payments in such Specified Currency by delivery of a written request
to the  Company's  paying  agent (the  "Paying  Agent") in the city of New York,
which must be received by the Paying Agent on or prior to the applicable  Record
Date or at least  fifteen  calendar  days prior to the Maturity Date or the date
fixed for  redemption,  as the case may be. Such  election will remain in effect
unless and until changed by written  notice to the Paying Agent,  but the Paying
Agent  must  receive  written  notice  of any  such  change  on or  prior to the
applicable  Record Date or at least fifteen  calendar days prior to the Maturity
Date or the date fixed for  redemption,  as the case may be. Until the Notes are
paid or payment  therefor  is provided  for,  the  Company  will,  at all times,
maintain a Paying Agent in the city of New York capable of performing the duties
described herein to be performed by the Paying Agent. If the Company  determines
that the  Specified  Currency is not  available  for making  payments in respect
hereof due to the imposition of exchange controls or other circumstances  beyond
the  Company's  control,  or is no longer used by the  government of the country
issuing  such  currency  or  for  the  settlement  of   transactions  by  public
institutions of or within the international  banking community,  then the Holder
thereof may not so elect to receive payments in the Specified Currency,  and any
such outstanding  election shall be automatically  suspended,  until the Company
determines  that the  Specified  Currency  is again  available  for making  such

In the event of an  official  redenomination  of the  Specified  Currency  shown
above,  the  obligations  of the Company  with  respect to payments on this Note
shall,  in all cases, be deemed  immediately  following such  redenomination  to
provide for payment of that amount of  redenominated  currency  representing the
amount of such obligations immediately before such redenomination.  In no event,
however,  shall any  adjustment  be made to any amount  payable  hereunder  as a
result of any change in the value of the Specified Currency shown above relative
to any other currency due solely to fluctuations in exchange rates.

Reference  is made to the  further  provisions  of this  Note  set  forth on the
reverse  hereof,  which shall have the same effect as though  fully set forth at
this place.

This Note shall not be valid or obligatory for any purpose until the certificate
of authentication hereon shall have been manually signed by the Trustee.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  PACIFIC BELL has caused this instrument to be signed in its
name by the  facsimile  signatures  of its Vice  President and Treasurer and has
caused a facsimile of its corporate seal to be imprinted hereon.

Dated: __________________                PACIFIC BELL

                                          Donald E. Kiernan
                                          Vice President

                                          Roger W. Wohlert

Trustee's Certificate of Authentication

This is one of the Medium-Term Notes of the series designated herein referred to
in the within-mentioned Indenture.


By: ____________________________
    Authorized Signature

Agency for transfer, exchange and payment:          THE BANK OF NEW YORK

                        REVERSE OF GLOBAL FIXED RATE NOTE

                                  PACIFIC BELL
                           MEDIUM-TERM NOTE, SERIES A

This  Note is one of a duly  authorized  issue  of  notes  of the  Company  (the
"Securities") of the series specified on the face hereof (hereinafter called the
"Notes") limited in aggregate  principal amount to U.S.  $1,750,000,000  (or the
equivalent thereof in one or more currencies or currency units), issued or to be
issued under and pursuant to an indenture,  dated as of October 7, 1997, between
the  Company and The Bank of New York,  as Trustee  (the  "Trustee,"  which term
includes any successor Trustee under the Indenture),  to which indenture and all
indentures  supplemental thereto  (collectively,  the "Indenture")  reference is
hereby made for a description of the rights, limitations of rights, obligations,
duties and immunities  thereunder of the Trustee, the Company and the holders of
the  Securities.  The  Securities  may be  issued in one or more  series,  which
different  series  may be issued in various  aggregate  principal  amounts,  may
mature at different times, may bear interest, if any, at different rates, may be
subject to different  covenants and Events of Default and may otherwise  vary as
provided in the Indenture.

Unless otherwise  specified on the face hereof,  the authorized  denominations
of Notes  denominated  in U.S.  dollars  will be U.S.  $1,000  and any  larger
amount  that  is  an  integral   multiple  of  U.S.  $1,000.   The  authorized
denomination  of Notes  denominated  in a currency or currency unit other than
U.S. dollars will be set forth on the face hereof.

References  herein to "U.S.  dollars" or to "U.S.$" are to the currency of the
United States of America.

If the  Specified  Currency is other than U.S.  dollars,  the amount of any U.S.
dollar  payment to be made in respect  hereof will be determined by the Exchange
Rate Agent based on the highest firm bid quotation for U.S.  dollars received by
the Exchange Rate Agent at approximately  11:00 a.m., New York City time, on the
second  Business Day preceding the applicable  payment date (or, if no such rate
is quoted on such date, the last date on which such rate was quoted), from three
recognized  foreign  exchange  dealers in the city of New York  selected  by the
Exchange  Rate  Agent  and  approved  by the  Company  (one of which  may be the
Exchange Rate Agent) for the purchase by the quoting  dealer,  for settlement on
such payment date, of the aggregate amount of the Specified  Currency that would
otherwise  be  payable  on  such  payment  date  in  respect  of all  Securities
denominated in such Specified Currency. If no such bid quotations are available,
payments will be made in the Specified  Currency unless such Specified  Currency
is unavailable as provided below.

If the Specified  Currency is other than U.S. dollars and the Specified Currency
is  unavailable  due  to  the  imposition  of  exchange  controls  or  to  other
circumstances beyond the Company's control, the Company will be entitled to make
payments in U.S. dollars on the basis of the noon buying rate in the city of New
York for cable  transfers in the  Specified  Currency as  certified  for customs
purposes by the Federal  Reserve Bank of New York (the "Market  Exchange  Rate")
for such Specified  Currency on the second  Business Day prior to the applicable
payment date. In the event such Market Exchange Rate is not then available,  the
Company will be entitled to make payments in U.S.  dollars (i) if such Specified
Currency  is not a  composite  currency,  on the  basis  of  the  most  recently
available  Market  Exchange  Rate for such  Specified  Currency  or (ii) if such
Specified  Currency  is a composite  currency,  in an amount  determined  by the
Exchange  Rate Agent to be the sum of the results  obtained by  multiplying  the
number of units of each component currency of such composite currency, as of the
most  recent  date on which  such  composite  currency  was used,  by the Market
Exchange Rate date for such component  currency on the second Business Day prior
to such payment date (or if such Market Exchange Rate is not then available,  by
the most recently available Market Exchange Rate for such component currency).

All currency  exchange  costs will be borne by the Company  unless the Holder of
this Note has made an election to receive all  payments in a Specified  Currency
other than U.S.  dollars.  In that case,  the Holder of this Note shall bear its
pro-rata  portion of currency  exchange  costs,  if any, with all other electing
Holders by deductions from payments otherwise due.

This  Note may be  redeemed  prior to its  Maturity  Date at the  option  of the
Company on and after the Initial  Redemption  Date specified on the face hereof,
as a whole or in part, at an Optional  Redemption  Price determined as specified
on the face  hereof,  together  with  accrued  interest  to the date  fixed  for
redemption;  provided,  however,  that  if  no  Initial  Redemption  Date  is so
specified,  then  this  Note may not be  redeemed  prior to its  Maturity  Date;
provided,  further,  that  installments  of interest  on this Note whose  stated
maturity is on or prior to any such date fixed for redemption will be payable to
the  Holder of this Note of record  at the  close of  business  on the  relevant
Record Dates  referred to on the face hereof,  all as provided in the Indenture.
Notice of redemption,  if applicable,  will be given by mail to Holders of Notes
not less than 30 nor more than 60 days prior to the date  fixed for  redemption,
all as provided in the Indenture.

In case an Event of Default,  as defined in the  Indenture,  with respect to the
Notes,  shall have  occurred  and be  continuing,  the  principal  hereof may be
declared,  and upon such  declaration  shall  become,  due and  payable,  in the
manner, with the effect and subject to the conditions provided in the Indenture.

If this Note is an OID Note,  the amount  payable in the event of  redemption or
acceleration  of the Maturity  Date, in lieu of the principal  amount due at the
stated Maturity Date hereof,  shall be the Amortized Face Amount of this Note as
of the Redemption  Date or the date of such  acceleration.  The "Amortized  Face
Amount" of this Note shall be the  amount  equal to (a) the Issue  Price (as set
forth on the face hereof) plus (b) that  portion of the  difference  between the
Issue  Price and the  principal  amount  hereof that has accrued at the Yield to
Maturity  (as set  forth  on the  face  hereof)  (computed  in  accordance  with
generally accepted United States bond yield computation  principles) at the date
as of which the Amortized Face Amount is  calculated,  but in no event shall the
Amortized Face Amount of this Note exceed its stated principal amount.

The Indenture  contains  provisions  permitting the Company and the Trustee with
the  written  consent of the Holders of a majority  in  principal  amount of the
outstanding Securities of each series affected by a supplemental indenture (with
each series voting as a class),  to enter into a  supplemental  indenture to add
any  provisions to or to change or eliminate any  provisions of the Indenture or
to modify, in each case in any manner not covered by provisions in the Indenture
relating to amendments and waivers without the consent of Holders, the rights of
the Holders of each such series.  The Holders of a majority in principal  amount
of the outstanding  Securities of each series affected by such waiver (with each
series voting as a class), by notice to the Trustee, may waive compliance by the
Company  with any  provisions  of the  Indenture or the  Securities  of any such
series  except a default in the payment of the  principal  of or interest on any
Security.  Any such  consent  or  waiver by the  Holder  of this  Note  shall be
conclusive and binding upon such Holder and upon all future Holders of this Note
and of any Note issued upon the  registration  of transfer hereof or in exchange
hereof or in lieu hereof,  whether or not a notation of such waiver is made upon
this Note.

No  reference  herein to the  Indenture  and no provision of this Note or of the
Indenture shall alter or impair the respective obligations of the Company, which
are absolute  and  unconditional,  to pay the  principal of and interest on this
Note  at the  times,  place  and  rate,  and in the  coin  or  currency,  herein

The Notes are issued in registered form without coupons.

When Notes are  presented  to the  Registrar  with a request to  register  their
transfer or to  exchange  them for an equal  principal  amount of Notes of other
authorized  denominations  and like tenor,  the  Registrar  shall  register  the
transfer or make the exchange if its requirements for such transactions are met.
The  Company  will not make any  charge  for any  registration  of  transfer  or
exchange but may require the payment by the party  requesting such  registration
of  transfer  or  exchange  of a sum  sufficient  to  cover  any  tax  or  other
governmental charge payable in connection therewith.

Ownership  of Notes  shall be proved by the  register  for the Notes kept by the
Registrar.  The Company,  the Trustee and any agent of the Company may treat the
person in whose name a Note is registered as the absolute  owner thereof for all

No director,  officer,  employee or  stockholder,  as such, of the Company shall
have any  liability  for any  obligations  of the Company  under this Note,  the
Indenture  or for any  claim  based  on,  in  respect  of or by  reason  of such
obligations  or their  creation.  Each Holder by accepting  this Note waives and
releases  all  such   liability.   The  waiver  and  release  are  part  of  the
consideration for the issue of this Note.

All terms used in this Note which are  defined in the  Indenture  shall have the
meanings assigned to them in the Indenture.

The  Indenture  and this Note shall be governed by and  construed in  accordance
with the laws of the state of New York.

FOR VALUE RECEIVED the undersigned  hereby sell(s),  assign(s) and transfer(s)


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(please print or typewrite name and address including postal zip code of

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
the within Note and all rights  thereunder,  hereby  irrevocably  constituting
and appointing

________________________________________________________________   attorney   to
transfer said Note on the books of the Company,  with full power of substitution
in the premises.

Date: ________________________   Signature:____________________________________

                                 NOTICE:  The signature to this  assignment must
                                 correspond  with the name as  written  upon the
                                 face  of  the   within   instrument   in  every
                                 particular,  without  alteration or enlargement
                                 or any change whatever.