Washington, D.C.  20549

                                   FORM 8-K

                                CURRENT REPORT

                      Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of
                      the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                       Date of Report: October 30, 1998

                                 PACIFIC BELL

                           A California Corporation

                          Commission File No. 1-1414

                          IRS Employer No. 94-0745535

        140 New Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California 94105-3705

                        Telephone Number (415) 542-9000

Item 5.  Other Events

On October 29, 1998, SBC Communications Inc. released the following information
regarding Pacific Bell:


      SAN  ANTONIO,  October 29,  1998 - SBC  Communications  (NYSE:  SBC) today
announced that Pacific Bell is commencing fixed spread repurchase offers for any
and  all  of its  outstanding  8.50%  debentures  due  August  15,  2031;  7.75%
debentures due September 15, 2032; and 7.50% debentures due February 1. 2033.
      Each offer will  commence at 2 p.m.  Eastern  Standard  Time on  Thursday,
October  29,  1998 and  expire  at 5 p.m.  Eastern  Standard  Time on  Thursday,
November 5, 1998 unless extended or terminated earlier.
      The securities will be purchased at a price per $1,000 principal amount of
each security purchased.  The repurchase price applicable to securities properly
repurchased  pursuant to the offer will be  calculated  in a manner  intended to
result  in a yield  determined  by  reference  to the yield to  maturity  of the
applicable  U.S.  Treasury  Note as listed  below plus the  corresponding  fixed
spread.  Each price is  calculated  at the time of  acceptance  of an offer.  In
addition, Pacific Bell will pay accrued and unpaid interest on the debentures up
to,  but not  including,  the date of  payment  of the  purchase  price  for the

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Description   Outstanding    Earliest    Reference   Fixed        Hypothetical
of            Principal      Redemption  U.S.        Spread       Purchase
Debentures    Amount         Date        Treasury                 Price*
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8.50% due     $225,000,000   8/15/2001   6.50% due   0.23%        $1,126.64
8/15/2031                                8/31/2001
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7.75% due     $300,000,000   9/15/2002   5.875% due  0.46%        $1,135.80
9/15/2032                                9/30/2002
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7.50% due     $400,000,000   2/01/2003   5.50% due   0.73%        $1,116.80
2/1/2033                                 2/28/2003
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*Hypothetical  purchase  price based on the yield to  maturity of the  reference
note for the securities as of 9:00 EST on October 29, 1998 and a settlement date
of November 3, 1998.

      Information  about the offers will be available on MCM  "Corporate  Watch"
Service  on  Telerate  Page  64160 or  Bloomberg  Page MCM  7885.  Requests  for
documents may be directed to Beacon Hill Partners,  Inc., the information agent,
at 800-755-5001  (toll-free).  Questions regarding the offers should be directed
to  Merrill  Lynch & Co.,  the  exclusive  dealer  manager  for the  offers,  at
888-654-8637  (toll  free) or  212-449-4914  (call  collect).  To accept  offer,
holders should contact Merrill Lynch Corporate Bond Trading Desk at 212-449-4699
(call collect),  Attention:  Michael Regan or Merrill Lynch Dealer Sales Desk at
212-449-4633 (call collect), Attention: Gary Kobes.

      SBC  Communications  Inc.  is a global  leader  in the  telecommunications
industry,  with more than 36.9  million  access  lines and 6.5 million  wireless
customers across the United States, as well as investments in telecommunications
businesses in 11 countries.  Under the  Southwestern  Bell,  Pacific Bell, SNET,
Nevada Bell and Cellular One brands,  SBC,  through its  subsidiaries,  offers a
wide range of innovative services,  including local and long-distance  telephone
service,  wireless  communications,  paging,  Internet access, and messaging, as
well as telecommunications  equipment, and directory advertising and publishing.
SBC  (www.sbc.com)  has  approximately  129,000  employees.  The  combined  1997
revenues of SBC and SNET were $27.1 billion.  SBC's equity market value ranks it
as one of the largest telecommunications companies in the world.
                                        # # #


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                    Pacific Bell

                                    By: /s/ Robert B. Pickering
                                        Robert B. Pickering
                                        Vice President and 
                                        Chief Financial Officer

October 30, 1998