(AMENDMENT NO.         )

Filed  by  the  Registrant                            /X/
Filed  by  a  party  other  than  the  Registrant     / /

Check  the  appropriate  box:

/ /   Preliminary  Proxy  Statement
/ /   Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
/ /   Definitive  Proxy  Statement
/X/   Definitive  Additional  Materials
/ /   Soliciting  Material  Pursuant  to  Rule  14a-12

                            MERCER INTERNATIONAL INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

Payment  of  Filing  Fee  (Check  the  appropriate  box):

/X/   No  fee  required.

/ /   Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

      (1)  Title  of  each  class  of securities to which transaction applies:

      (2)  Aggregate  number  of  securities  to  which  transaction  applies:

      (3)  Per  unit  price  or other underlying value of transaction computed
           pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the  amount  on which
           the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

      (4)  Proposed  maximum  aggregate  value  of  transaction:

      (5)  Total  fee  paid:

/ /   Fee  paid  previously  with  preliminary  materials.

/ /   Check  box  if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
      Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
      paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement
      number, or the  Form  or  Schedule  and  the  date  of  its  filing.

      (1)  Amount  Previously  Paid:

      (2)  Form,  Schedule  or  Registration  Statement  No.:

      (3)  Filing  Party:

      (4)  Date  Filed:

                                   FOR:            MERCER INTERNATIONAL INC.

                                   APPROVED  BY:   Jimmy S.H. Lee
                                                   Chairman, Chief Executive
                                                   Officer & President
                                                   (41) 43 344-7070

                                                   FD Morgen-Walke
                                                   Investors:  Eric Boyriven/
                                                               Paul Johnson
                                                  (212) 850-5600


     NEW  YORK,  New  York,  June  24, 2003 - Mercer International Inc. (Nasdaq:
MERCS, TSX: MRI.U, Nasdaq-Europe: MERC GR) announced it has received notice that
a  hedge  fund, Greenlight Capital Inc., has filed a preliminary proxy statement
to  nominate  two  persons  to  the  Company's  Board  of Trustees at its annual
shareholders'  meeting  scheduled  for  July  15,  2003.

     The  Company  stated  that  its  Board  and  advisors will be reviewing the
preliminary  filing  and  will  respond  to  it in detail shortly.  Based on its
initial  review,  the  Company  believes  that  the  filing contains a number of

     The Company further announced that as a result of  the  action of the hedge
fund,  its  effort  to  complete  a  previously-announced  private  offering  of
approximately $65  million  of convertible notes or equity based  securities  is
currently being put  on  hold.

     Jimmy  Lee,  the  CEO  and  President  of  the  Company,  stated:

- -    *   "Mercer's goal has always been to build long-term shareholder value. In
         recent  years,  the  Company  has  undertaken  significant  actions  to
         position Mercer as an efficient, low-cost  producer,  which  management
         and the Board believe to be the  proper  strategy  to generate value in
         a commodity marketplace where prices  are  subject  wide  fluctuations.
         Through a significant capital project we converted our  Rosenthal  mill
         into a competitive state-of-the art market  kraft  pulp  mill.  We  are
         currently  right  in  the middle of a two-year project to fundamentally
         transform our business by significantly increasing our assets, revenues
         and earnings potential through the construction of a  new  state-of-the
         art  552,000  tonne  kraft  pulp  mill  at a cost of approximately E1.0
         billion near Stendal, Germany.  Once the  Stendal mill is completed, we
         will operate two of the most efficient and lowest cost global NBSK pulp
         facilities, almost triple our pulp production  capacity  and become one
         of the largest global market pulp producers."

     He  further  stated:

     *   "In connection with overall  strategy, we have also implemented various
         concurrent measures to reflect the expansion of our business. On May 7,
         2003, we  announced  engaging  a new accounting firm, Deloitte & Touche
         LLP, to  be nominated  for  appointment  as  auditor  at  our  upcoming
         shareholders' meeting.  We voluntarily  adopted  a company-wide Code of
         Ethics in advance of the prescribed time.  We also  engaged  a  leading
         investment bank to assist with  our proposed  offering  of  convertible
         notes  to  refinance  the bridge loans incurred in connection with  the
         Stendal project.  Further, consistent with our emerging position as one
         of  the  largest  market  pulp  producers  in the world, the Company is
         taking  steps  to  strengthen  its Board with individuals who can bring
         superior  experience  and  help  enhance  value.  We've  recruited  Per
         Gundersby,  a  new  nominee,  to  our  Board.  Mr.  Gundersby  has over
         twenty-five years experience at the most  senior levels of the European
         pulp  and  paper  industry.  His  knowledge  and  experience with large
         capital projects such as the Stendal mill, including as the former head
         of  the  international  consulting  firm,  Jaako  Poyry,  will  be very
         valuable  to  us  as  we  complete  the  most  significant  step in our
         Company's evolution  and  growth."

     Mr.  Lee  concluded:

     *   "We  are  disappointed  by  the  apparent  opportunistic  action of one
         shareholder  to  try to take control over a part of the Board at such a
         critical point in our development and growth.   The hedge fund nominees
         do not  appear  to  have  any  executive experience in operating public
         companies,  any  experience  in  the  pulp  and  paper  industry or any
         European business experience.  Further, the very  lucrative  short-term
         remuneration   packages   being  paid  to  such  nominees  directly  by
         Greenlight, makes us question whether  such  nominees'  interests  will
         be  aligned  with  other  shareholders  or only those of one particular
         minority shareholder who is rewarding them.  We remain committed to our
         core  objective of building long-term value and significantly expanding
         our business and operations by completing the E1.0 billion Stendal pulp
         mill  project."


     Mercer International Inc. is a European pulp and paper manufacturing

     The  preceding  includes forward looking statements which involve known and
unknown  risks  and  uncertainties  which  may  cause Mercer's actual results in
future  periods  to  differ  materially from forecasted results.  For a list and
description of such risks and uncertainties, see Mercer's reports filed with the
Securities  and  Exchange  Commission.

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