Exhibit 10.07


THIS  INDENTURE,  made this 15th day of April,  1988,between
GEOFFREY ETHERINGTON, II, of Jupiter, Florida, (herein-after
called "Landlord") and USP COMPOSITES, INC. whose address is
172 East Aurora Street, Waterbury, Connecticut, (hereinafter
called "Tenant").

             W I T N E S S E T H

That for and in consideration of the payment by Tenantof the
rent  hereinafter reserved and the performance by Tenant  of
the  covenants  and  agreements  hereinafter  agreed  to  be
performed  by  Tenant  in  accordance  with  the  provisions
hereinafter set forth, Landlord does hereby let  and  demise
unto  Tenant  and  Tenant does hereby  take  and  hire  from
Landlord,  that certain real property (hereinafter  referred
to  as  the  'leased premises"), described  in  Exhibit  "A"
attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference, for the
term commencing on April 15, 1988 and ending on December 31,
1992 at a rent of $175,380.00 per annum, payable to Landlord
in  equal  monthly  installments of $14,615.00  in  advance,
without  notice, on the first day of each month  during  the
term of this Lease. Tenant shall have the one time right  to
extend the term of this Lease for a period of up to five (5)
years  by written notice given not later than June 30, 1992.
During such extended term all of the terms and conditions of
the  Lease shall remain in full force and effect except that
the  rent  during such extended term shall be fixed  at  one
time  and  shall  be  the fair market rent  for  the  leased
premises  for such extended term (but in no event less  than
$175,380.00 per annum).

If  Tenant,  not later than June 30, 1992, shall have  given
written notice as aforesaid of the exercise of its right  to
extend the term of this Lease, then, for the purposes of the
foregoing,  "fair  market  rent'  shall  be  determined   as
follows:  Landlord shall make the initial  determination  of
fair  market rent. Landlord shall give notice to  Tenant  of
Landlord's determination of fair market rent prior  to  July
15,  1992. If Tenant shall dispute Landlord's determination,
Tenant shall give notice of such dispute within fifteen (15)
days  after  receipt  of  Landlord's  determination.  Within
fifteen (15) days thereafter, if both parties fail to  agree
as  to fair market rent then both parties shall agree to the
appointment   of  a  disinterested  person   of   recognized
competence in the field as an appraiser. The appraiser  thus
appointed  shall  as  promptly as  possible  determine  fair
market  rent.  If Tenant shall dispute any determination  by
the appraiser, or if both parties cannot agree as to an
appraiser prior to September 1, 1992, fair market rent shall
be determined by arbitration before the American Arbitration
Association of Hartford, Connecticut, in accordance with its
rules  then obtaining. All costs of any arbitration pursuant
to  the  foregoing  shall be borne by  Landlord  and  Tenant
equally.  In  the event of any arbitration pursuant  to  the
foregoing, or in the event that Landlord and Tenant for  any
reason  fail  to  agree  as to fair  market  rent  prior  to
September  1,  1992, then notwithstanding  anything  to  the
contrary  contained herein, the last date upon which  Tenant
shall  have  the  right to give notice of  exercise  of  the
option  to  purchase  provided for in  Paragraph  20(A)(iii)
hereof shall be extended from December 31, 1992 until a date
which  is 45 days after fair market rent has been determined
by such arbitration or Landlord and Tenant have agreed as to
fair  market rent. In the event that the Closing (as defined
in  Paragraph  20(A))  shall be  scheduled  to  occur  after
December  31,  1992, Tenant shall be entitled to  remain  in
occupancy of the leased premises until the Closing (but  not
beyond  June  30,  1993 unless this Lease  shall  have  been
extended  for  the extended term as provided above),  during
which  pre-Closing period all provisions of this Lease shall
continue in effect as if this Lease had been so extended and
Tenant  shall  pay  the  fair market  rent.  Notwithstanding
anything in this Lease to the contrary, if Tenant shall give
notice  of its exercise of its option to purchase the leased
premises  on  or after June 30, 1992 and Tenant  shall  have
given  written notice of the exercise of its right to extend
the  term of this Lease not later than June 30, 1992, Tenant
may  (a)  delay the Closing to a date not more than 45  days
after  the  fair market rent shall have been  determined  or
agreed  upon  as  aforesaid and (b)  rescind  such  purchase
option exercise at any time during such 45-day period.

In  the  event  during the initial term or any renewal  term
hereof,  any  monthly installment of rental reserved  herein
shall  not be paid within ten (10) days after the same shall
become due, Tenant shall pay to Landlord a late charge which
shall  be  equal  to two percent (2%) of the rental  payment

If,  however,  the date on which Tenant is given  possession
begins on a date other than the first day of any month, then
the  rental  payment  for  the  period  from  the  date   of
possession to the beginning of the term shall cover the  pro
rata  rent for a fractional part of the month from the  date
possession  begins  through the last day  of  that  calendar

This  Lease  is  made upon the foregoing and  the  following
agreements, covenants, and conditions, all and every one  of
which  Landlord and Tenant agree to keep and perform  during
the initial term of this Lease and any renewal thereof:

1.   USE  OF  PREMISES Tenant may use and occupy the  leased
premises  for  any  lawful business  purposes.  Tenant  will
comply  with  any  and  all  laws, ordinances,  orders,  and
regulations   of  any  governmental  authority   which   are
applicable to his use of the leased premises.

all  real  estate taxes, assessments, licenses, permits  and
charges  of any nature which are levied, imposed or assessed
upon  or  against  the leased premises by  any  governmental

        Tenant  shall  pay all charges for sewage  disposal,
janitorial  services, electricity, water and  gas  or  other
fuel  or  other  utilities consumed by it  upon  the  leased

        It  is  the intent of the parties hereto  that  this
Lease  shall  be a pure net lease and that Landlord  receive
all rents hereunder free of any and all impositions, charges
or  expenses relating to the leased premises in any part  or
aspect   thereof   (excepting  only  mortgages,   liens   or
encumbrances placed (or suffered to be placed) on the leased
premises by Landlord) all of which shall be paid by Tenant.

3.   INSURANCE Tenant shall procure and maintain a  standard
fire  insurance policy with extended coverage and additional
extended coverage in an amount equal to the full replacement
value from time to time of building and improvements on  the
leased premises naming Landlord as an additional insured and
the  loss  payee  with  respect to the leased  premises  and
covering  all  mortgagees  on  the  leased  premises   under
standard Connecticut
mortgagee  endorsements. "Full replacement  value"  for  the
purpose  of  this  Lease shall.be deemed  to  be  $3,250,000
(subject to a deductible not exceeding $100,000), which full
replacement value will be adjusted annually based  upon  the
recommendation  of  the  insurer  as  to   the   then   full
replacement value of the leased premises.

      Tenant shall also procure and maintain in force during
the period of time this Lease is in effect general liability
insurance insuring the Landlord and Tenant (naming them both
in  the  policy) against any liability whatsoever occasioned
by  accident  on  or  about  the  leased  premises,  or  any
appurtenances thereto, such policy to be in an amount of not
less than Five Million ($5,000,000.00) Dollars in respect to
injury, including death, of any one person, and in amount of
not less than Five
Million  ($5,000,000.00)  Dollars  in  respect  to  any  one
accident   and   not   less  than  Five   Hundred   Thousand
($500,000.00) Dollars for property damage.

       The  original policies of fire insurance and  general
liability   insurance  referred  to  above  or  certificates
thereof  shall be furnished by Tenant to the Landlord  prior
to  the commencement of the term of this Lease, with a  copy
thereof  to  be  provided  to  the  Connecticut  Development
Authority  as promptly thereafter as practicable,  and  said
policies  shall be renewed from time to time not  less  than
ten  (10) days prior to the expiration date of the policies,
certificates  of  renewals to be promptly furnished  to  the
Landlord, and the Connecticut Development Authority.

4.   MAINTENANCE  AND REPAIRS Tenant at its  sole  cost  and
expense shall at all times maintain and keep in good  repair
and   condition  and  make  all  necessary  repairs  to  and
replacements  of  all  or any part of the  leased  premises,
including,  but  not limited to, all glass, all  electrical,
heating,  air conditioning and plumbing systems and,  during
the  initial  term  of  this Lease, all structural  members,
exterior walls and roof; provided, however, that, during the
renewal  term  of this Lease, Tenant shall provide  ordinary
maintenance for all structural members, exterior  walls  and
roof,  and  Landlord shall be responsible for all  necessary
repairs  to  and  replacements of said  structural  members,
exterior  walls and roof unless the same is necessitated  by
Tenant's act or omission (other than ordinary wear and tear)
or  those  or  its agents, employees or contractors.  Tenant
shall commit no waste nor suffer the same to be committed on
the leased premises.

       Tenant  shall bear all risk of loss from the use  and
occupation of the leased premises, except as provided in the
preceding  paragraph and except loss for  which  Tenant  has
obtained fire and extended coverage insurance protection but
only  to  the extent that Landlord receives sums  from  such
insurance  carriers  on account of any such  loss.  Landlord
shall  assign  to Tenant all manufacturers' warranties  upon
the roof and the heat@ing and cooling equipment if any. Upon
the  commencement of the renewal term Tenant shall  reassign
to Landlord such warranties as relate to the roof.

      Landlord shall have the right to enter upon the leased
premises from time to time in order to inspect the same, but
this  right  shall  be exercised in such manner  as  not  to
interfere  with  Tenant's use and enjoyment  of  the  leased
premises  and shall be subject to any and all laws,  orders,
or  regulations  of  the  United States  Government  or  any
department   or  agency  thereof,  relating  to  information
affecting the national security which may at any time  apply
to Tenant's use of the leased premises.

       Tenant  shall  comply  with  the  requirements,  with
respect  to  the  use, occupancy and/or maintenance  of  the
leased premises, of the Connecticut Development Authority as
contained  in  the  Mortgage Deed  between  the  Connecticut
Development  Authority and Landlord  dated  June  19,  1981,
provided,  however,  that Tenant, unless otherwise  provided
herein,  shall not be obligated in any way with  respect  to
the  note secured by such Mortgage Deed, any tax obligations
contained  in such Mortgage Deed, any insurance  obligations
contained   in   such   Mortgage  Deed  including,   without
limitation,  any  insurance for the  loan  secured  by  such
Mortgage  Deed,  any  insurance on the  leased  premises  or
improvements thereto and any insurance on the life  or  well
being of any person) and any other obligations contained  in
such  Mortgage Deed which do not relate directly to the use,
occupancy  and/or maintenance of the leased  premises  by  a
tenant  thereof,  and further provided  that  the  foregoing
shall not in
any  way be deemed to be an assumption by Tenant of  any  of
Landlord's obligations under such Mortgage Deed.

5.   ACTION  OF  PUBLIC AUTHORITIES In the  event  that  any
exercise  of the power of eminent domain by any governmental
authority, Federal, State, County, or Municipal, or  by  any
other party vested by law with such power shall at any  time
prevent  the  full use and enjoyment of the leased  premises
Tenant for the purposes set forth in Section 1, Tenant shall
have  the  right thereupon to terminate this Lease.  In  the
event of any such action both Landlord and Tenant shall have
the   right  to  claim,   recover,  and  retain   from   the
governmental authority or other party taking such action the
damages  suffered by them respectively as a result  of  such

6.   IMPROVEMENTS BY TENANT Tenant, upon receipt of approval
from  or  failure to object after a reasonable time  by  the
Connecticut Development Authority after due notice  thereto,
shall   have   the   right  to  make  such  structural   and
non-structural alterations, additions, or improvements in or
to  the  leased premises as it shall consider  necessary  or
desirable for the conduct-of its business, provided that all
such  work  shall be done in a good and workmanlike  manner,
and  the structural integrity of the building shall  not  be
impaired,  and  that  no liens shall  attach  to  Landlord's
interest in the leased premises by reason thereof. Upon  the
termination of this lease, Tenant's alterations,  additions,
or  improvements  shall at the option of  the  Landlord  (1)
become  the property of Landlord, or (2) be removed  by  the
Tenant  at Tenant's expense and Tenant shall restore to  its
original  condition any part of the leased premises  damaged
by   the   removal  of  such  alterations,   additions,   or
improvements,  reasonable  wear  and  tear  being  excepted.
Tenant  may,  at Tenant's expense, raise the height  of  the
roof  of the treater room approximately 25 feet over an area
of  approximately 1,000 square feet. If Tenant  raises  said
roof  then  upon the termination of this Lease Tenant  shall
not be required to lower said roof to its original height.

7.   FIXTURES  AND  SIGNS Tenant shall  have  the  right  to
install  in  or place on the leased premises such  fixtures,
machines,  tools,  or  other equipment  (including  but  not
limited to trade fixtures, lighting fixtures, water coolers,
or  other  equipment)  as  it  may  choose.  Such  fixtures,
machines, tools or other equipment shall at all times remain
the personal property
of  Tenant  regardless of the manner or degree of attachment
thereof-to  the  leased premises and may be removed  at  any
time  by Tenant whether at the termination of this Lease  or
otherwise; provided, however, that Tenant shall make  proper
restoration  of  the leased premises in the event  that  any
damage is done thereto in the removal of any such property.

      Tenant shall have the right to install or erect on the
leased premises or to affix to the building which is a  part
of  the leased premises, such signs as it may deem necessary
or  appropriate to advertise its name and business; provided
that  such  signs  comply with all appropriate  governmental
regulations and provided that upon the termination  of  this
Lease,  Tenant shall remove all signs placed upon the leased
premises  and  restore  any  part  of  the  leased  premises
affected  by  the removal of Tenant's sign to  its  original

8.  DEFAULT If Tenant shall fail to pay any rent to Landlord
when  the  same is due and payable under the terms  of  this
Lease  and such default shall continue for a period  of  ten
(10)  days  after written notice thereof has been  given  to
Tenant  by Landlord, or if the Tenant shall fail to  perform
any  other duty or obligation imposed upon it by this  Lease
and  such default shall continue for a period of thirty (30)
days  after written notice thereof has been given to  Tenant
by  Landlord  except that if such default  cannot  be  cured
within  thirty  (30)  days Tenant shall  not  be  deemed  in
default by reason thereof unless Tenant fails to commence to
cure  such  default within said thirty (30) day  period  and
thereafter diligently prosecute the curing of such  default,
or if the Tenant shall be adjudged bankrupt, or shall make a
general assignment for the benefit of its creditors, or if a
receiver  of  any property of Tenant in or upon  the  leased
premises be appointed in any action, suit, or proceeding  by
or  against Tenant and such appointment shall not be vacated
or  annulled  within sixty (60) days, or if the interest  of
Tenant  in the leased premises shall be sold under execution
or  other legal process, then and in any such event upon ten
(10)  days written notice by Landlord to Tenant and Tenant's
failure to cure such default within said ten (10) day period
the  balance  of  all rentals then due and/or  provided  for
under the terms
hereof shall become immediately due and payable and Landlord
shall  have the right to enter upon the leased premises  and
again have, possess, and enjoy the same as if this Lease had
not  been  made,  and thereupon this Lease shall  terminate,
without  prejudice,  however, to the right  of  Landlord  to
recover  from Tenant all rent due under this Lease  together
with all costs of collection and legal expenses including  a
reasonable attorney's fee. In the event of any such  default
and re-entry, Landlord shall attempt  in good faith to relet
the  leased premises for the remainder of the then  existing
term whether such term be the initial term of this Lease  or
any  renewed  or  extended term for the  highest  rent  then
obtainable   and   permitted  by   Connecticut   Development
Authority, and to recover from Tenant the difference between
the  rent  reserved  by this Lease and the  amount  obtained
through   such   reletting  less  the  costs  and   expenses
reasonably incurred by Landlord.

9.   ASSIGNMENT: SUBLETTING Tenant shall have the  right  to
assign  this Lease or to sublet the leased premises  or  any
part thereof subject to the written consent of Landlord  and
of the Connecticut Development Authority which consent shall
not  unreasonably  be withheld; provided, however,  that  no
such assignment or subletting shall relieve Tenant from  its
duty  to  perform  all  of  the agreements,  covenants,  and
conditions set forth in this Lease, and Tenant shall  remain
primarily   liable  hereunder  provided  that  if   Tenant's
assignee  defaults hereunder Tenant shall have the right  to
be reinstated as the Tenant under this Lease.

10.  TITLE Landlord covenants and warrants that Landlord has
lawful  title  and right to make this Lease,  that  Landlord
will maintain Tenant in full and exclusive possession of the
leased premises, and that, if Tenant shall pay the rent  and
perform   all  the  agreements,  covenants,  and  conditions
required  by  this Lease to be performed by it,  Tenant  may
freely,  peaceably, and quietly occupy and enjoy the  leased
premises   without  molestation  or  hindrance,  lawful   or
unlawful, of any person or entity whomsover.

11.  SURRENDER When this Lease shall terminate in accordance
with  the  terms hereof, Tenant shall quietly and  peaceably
deliver  up  possession  to  Landlord  without  notice  from
Landlord. Tenant expressly waives the benefits of  all  laws
now  or  hereafter in force requiring notice  from  Landlord
with  respect  to  termination.  Tenant  shall  deliver   up
possession of the leased premises in as good order,  repair,
and  condition  as the same are in at the beginning  of  the
term of this Lease except for reasonable wear and tear,  and
subject to such damage or destruction or condition as Tenant
is  not required to restore or remedy under other terms  and
conditions of this Lease.

12.   NOTICE Any notice or demand required by the  provision
of the Lease to be given to Landlord shall be deemed to have
been  given adequately if sent by Certified mail to Landlord
at the following address:

          Geoffrey Etherington, II
          P.O. Box 706
          New Haven, Connecticut 06503

          With a copy to:
          Arthur S. Sachs, Esq.
          Sachs, Berman, Rashba & Shure, P.C.
          One Church Street
          New Haven, Connecticut 06510

          Any notice or demand required by the provisions of
this  Lease  to be given to Tenant shall be deemed  to  have
been given adequately if sent by Certified Mail to Tenant at
the following address:

          USP Composites, Inc.
          172 East Aurora Street
          Waterbury, Connecticut

          With a copy to:
          Park Electrochemical Corp.
          5 Dakota Drive
          Lake Success, New York 10042
          Attn: Harry Linzer

     Any notice or demand required by the provisions of this
Lease  to  be given to the Connecticut Development Authority
shall  be  deemed to have been given adequately if  sent  by
Certified  Mail to the Connecticut Development Authority  at
the following address:

          Stanley Piorkowski, Esq.
          Connecticut Development Authority
          217 Washington Street
          Hartford, Connecticut

     Any party shall have the right to change its address as
above designated by giving to the other parties fifteen (15)
days' notice of his or its intention to make such change and
of the substituted address at which any notice or demand may
be directed.

13.   SUBORDINATION  Tenant agrees to subordinate  and  does
hereby subordinate this Lease to the lien of any mortgage or
mortgages (the only one of which, as of the date hereof,  is
granted to the Connecticut Development Authority) now on the
leased  premises or hereafter placed on the leased  premises
provided that Tenant shall enjoy all of its rights under the
Lease  regardless  of  any inconsistent  provision  in  such
mortgage  and  provided  further that  the  holder  of  such
mortgage shall enter into a written agreement, in recordable
form,  with Tenant to the effect that as long as  Tenant  is
not  in  default  in  the payment of  rental  or  any  other
material convenants or conditions of this Lease, the  rights
of  Tenant under this Lease shall not be terminated and  the
possession of Tenant shall not be disturbed by the holder of
any  such  mortgage or by any proceedings on the debt  which
any  such  mortgage  secures, or  by  any  person,  firm  or
corporation whose rights were acquired as a result  of  such
proceedings  or by virtue of a right or power  contained  in
any such mortgage or the bond or note secured thereby.

14.   ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATE Tenant agrees to execute at  such
times   as   Landlord   may  request,  estoppel   statements
certifying, among other things and if such be the case, that
Tenant  is  in possession of the leased premises,  that  all
rental payments and other charges required hereunder  to  be
paid  by Tenant have been paid, that this Lease has not been
amended  or  modified,  that  Landlord  is  not  in  default
hereunder and that Tenant has no defense or set-offs against
Landlord hereunder.

15.  ATTORNEYS' FEES In the event either party to this Lease
shall default in any of the terms and conditions hereof  and
the other party shall be required to obtain the services  of
an  attorney to enforce the provision hereof, whether or not
such  enforcement  shall result in a court proceeding,  then
the  defaulting  party agrees to pay to  the  non-defaulting
party  all  reasonable costs of such enforcement,  including
attorneys'  fees  and  attorneys'  fees  on  appeal  or  for
services rendered in any bankruptcy proceeding.

16.   CONSTRUCTION  It is distinctly understood,  covenanted
and  agreed  that  the terms "Landlord" and "Tenant"  herein
employed  shall  be  construed to include  all  individuals,
corporations  and any and all other person or entities,  and
the   respective  heirs,  executors,  administrators,  legal
representatives,  successors  in  assigns  of  the   parties
hereto, and all those holding under either of them, whenever
and  wherever  the  context so admits or requires;  and  the
pronouns used herein shall include, when appropriate, either
gender and both singular and plural.

of  the  agreements,  covenants,  and  conditions  contained
herein  shall be binding upon Landlord and Tenant  and  upon
their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors
and assigns.

18.  LIMITATION OF LIABILITY Except as specifically provided
to  the  contrary in Paragraph 20(C) hereof,  Tenant  agrees
that it shall look solely to the estate and property of  the
Landlord  in  the land and buildings comprising  the  leased
premises and subject to the prior rights of any mortgagee of
the  Premises for the collection of any judgment  (or  other
judicial process) requiring the payment of money by Landlord
in  the  event  of  any default or breach by  Landlord  with
respect  to  any of the terms, covenants, and conditions  of
this Lease to be observed and/or performed by Landlord,  and
no  other  assets of the Landlord shall be subject to  levy,
execution  or  other  procedures  for  the  satisfaction  of
Tenant's  remedies and no action shall be brought by  Tenant
respecting this Lease against Landlord.

TRIAL  The  Tenant, for itself and for all persons  claiming
through  or  under it, hereby acknowledges that  this  Lease
constitutes  a commercial transaction as such term  is  used
and  defined  in  Chapter  903a of the  Connecticut  General
Statutes (the 'Act") and hereby expressly waives any and all
rights which are or may be conferred upon the Tenant by  the
Act  to any notice or hearing prior to a prejudgment remedy.
Tenant further waives any and all rights which are or may be
conferred  by any present or future law to redeem  the  said
leased  premises,  or  to any new trial  in  any  action  of
ejectment  under  any  provision  of  law,  after   re-entry
thereupon,  or  upon any part thereof, by the  Landlord,  or
after  any  warrant  to  dispossess  or  final  judgment  in
ejectment. If the Landlord shall acquire possession  of  the
said leased premises by summary proceedings, or in any other
lawful  manner  without judicial proceedings,  it  shall  be
deemed a re-entry within the meaning of that word as used in
this Lease.

In the event that Landlord commences any summary proceedings
or  action for non-payment of rent or other charges provided
for  in  this  Lease,  the Tenant shall  not  interpose  any
counterclaim of any nature or description in any  proceeding
or action. The Tenant and the Landlord both waive a trial by
jury  of  any  or  all  issues  arising  in  any  action  or
proceeding  between the parties hereto. or their successors,
under   or  connected  with  this  Lease,  or  any  of   its


    (A)   Tenant shall have an option to purchase the leased
    premises  at  the  applicable  option  price  set  forth
    below,  which  option  shall be exercisable  by  written
    notice  given  to  Landlord in the  manner  provided  in
    paragraph  12  at any time on or prior to  December  31,
    1992. Such notice shall be given not later than six  (6)
    months  prior  to the proposed date of purchase  of  the
    leased   premises.  The  option  price   shall   be:   M
    $2,800,000 if Tenant exercises said option on or  before
    December  31,  1990; Hi) $3,000,000 if Tenant  exercises
    option  between January 1, 1991 and December  31,  1991,
    and  Hii)  $3,200,000  if Tenant exercises  said  option
    between  January 1, 1992 and December 31, 1992;  payable
    in  each  case  all in current funds at the  closing  of
    such purchase (the "Closing").

    (B)   Prior to the execution of this Lease, Landlord has
    provided  Tenant  with a Commitment for Title  Insurance
    (the  "Commitment'),  issued  by  Connecticut  Attorneys
    Title  Insurance Company (the "Title Insurance Company")
    respecting    the   leased   premises,   which    Tenant
    acknowledges  to  be  in  all respects  satisfactory  to
    Tenant.  If  Landlord  conveys the  leased  premises  to
    Tenant  at  the Closing by Connecticut form of  warranty
    deed  showing the leased premises to be subject only  to
    the  encumbrances  described in the Schedule  A  annexed
    hereto  as 'Permitted Encumbrances" and provides Tenant,
    at  Tenant's  cost,  with a Policy  of  Title  Insurance
    (issued  by the Title Insurance Company) insuring  title
    to   the   leased  premises  in  compliance  with   said
    Commitment    (subject    only    to    the    Permitted
    Encumbrances),  then Landlord shall have  fulfilled  all
    of  Landlord's  obligations hereunder  with  respect  to
    such  conveyance. If Landlord shall H) not  be  able  to
    convey  the leased premises to Tenant at the Closing  by
    such  deed  showing the leased premises  to  be  subject
    only  to  the Permitted Encumbrances or Hi) not be  able
    to  provide  Tenant, at Tenant's cost, with such  Policy
    of  Title  Insurance,  Tenant may  waive  the  foregoing
    non-compliance   and   all   related   warranties    and
    representations  and  consummate the  Closing  hereunder
    notwithstanding such non-compliance. If  Landlord  shall
    fail  to consummate the Closing when obligated to do  so
    hereunder,   then,  notwithstanding  the  provision   of
    Paragraph   18  above,  Tenant  shall  be  entitled   to
    specific  performance of conveyance hereunder,  but  not
    to  any  action for personal liability against Landlord.
    Landlord  shall  pay  for the cost of  Landlord's  title
    search  and  the  cost, if any, of said  Commitment  and
    Tenant shall pay for said Policy of Title Insurance.

    (C)  On or before six months (but not before six months,
    unless Tenant shall so consent) after receipt of Tenant's
    notice that it has elected to purchase the leased premises,
    Landlord  shall convey the leased premises to Tenant  by
    Connecticut  form  of warranty deed  bearing  sufficient
    federal, state or local documentary stamps and with payment
    by Landlord of any other tax or imposition charged by any
    jurisdictional authority upon the transfer of real property
    and as provided in Paragraph 20(B). During the term of this
    Lease, Landlord covenants and agrees that no mortgage will
    be placed upon the leased premises unless (a) same is with a
    bank or insurance company, (b)such mortgage provides that
    same  is  prepayable at any time, (c)the holder of  such
    mortgage   executes  a  non-disturbance   agreement   in
    substantially the form provided for in Paragraph 13 of this
    Lease, and W the aggregate principal indebtedness under any
    such mortgage or mortgages, taken together with all other
    mortgages, liens and encumbrances upon the leased premises,
    will  not  exceed the minimum option price set forth  in
    Paragraph 20(A) above. The foregoing covenant and agreement
    in this Paragraph 20(C) and the agreement of Landlord not to
    encumber the leased premises in any other way that  will
    frustrate Tenant's consummation of the Closing following
    Tenant's exercise of its option to purchase, shall be  a
    personal    liability   and   obligation   of   Landlord
    notwithstanding the limitation upon such liability set forth
    above in Paragraph 18. Landlord agrees that, at the Closing,
    Tenant may apply its payment of the option price to  the
    discharge of the indebtedness secured by such mortgages,
    liens and other encumbrances.

    (D)   Tenant  shall have sixty (60) days, after  receipt
    by  Landlord of Tenant's notice that it has  elected  to
    purchase   the   leased  premises,  to  engage   Goldman
    Environmental Consultants, Inc. ("Goldman")  or  another
    reputable     environmental    consultant     reasonably
    satisfactory  to  Landlord (such consultant  so  engaged
    being  hereinafter referred as the 'Tenant's  Engineer")
    to  perform certain environmental studies of the  leased
    premises  of  such scope and degree as are  satisfactory
    to  Tenant  and to report the results thereof to  Tenant
    (the  "Environmental  Report").Tenant  shall  deliver  a
    copy of the Environmental Report to Landlord within  ten
    (10)  days of Tenant's receipt thereof.If Tenant is  not
    satisfied,  in  its sole discretion, with the  condition
    of  the  leased  premises as shown in the  Environmental
    Report,  Tenant  may,  by sending  Notice  to  Landlord,
    received  by Landlord within thirty (30) days after  the
    Environmental  Report  is  received  by  both   parties,
    rescind  the option to purchase. In addition, if  Tenant
    has  not  elected  to rescind such option  to  purchase,
    Landlord  shall  have the right, by  sending  notice  to
    Tenant  within  30  days after the Environmental  Report
    is.   received  by  both  parties,  to  cancel  Tenant's
    exercise  of  such purchase option if the  Environmental
    Report  shall  indicate  the presence  of  environmental
    contamination,    the   cost   of   investigation    and
    remediation  of which may reasonably exceed $250,000  in
    additional  costs  not theretofore  spent  by  Landlord,
    provided,  however, that Landlord shall  not  have  such
    right  if Tenant shall agree to pay the excess  of  such
    costs above $250,000.

      If Tenant shall not rescind this option to purchase as
aforesaid, it shall be irrefutably presumed that Tenant  and
Park  Electrochemical Corp. are satisfied with the condition
of  the leased premises from an environmental standpoint and
therefore,  except as to those liabilities  and  obligations
allocated to Etherington Industries, Inc. ("EI") pursuant to
Paragraphs   25(A)  and  25(B)  hereof,  Tenant   and   Park
Electrochemical  Corp. shall, upon the Closing  and  without
any  further action by either of them: M assume, jointly and
severally,  effective as of the Closing, all  liability  and
obligations  relating to the following  (the  'Environmental
Conditions"):  Any  Spill,  Release,  Hazardous  Waste   (as
defined   in  Conn.  Gen.  Stat.  Sec  22a-115),   Hazardous
Substance  (as  defined in 42 U.S. Code Sec. 9601  et  seq.)
and/or  environmental  contamination  of  any  sort  at   or
emanating from the leased premises; and the presence of  any
underground storage tanks (or the contents thereof)  on  the
leased  premises;  and  (ii)  agree,  effective  as  of  the
Closing,  to  indemnify,  jointly  and  severally,  Landlord
against  and  hold Landlord harmless of and from  all  loss,
costs, claims, damages, charges, fines, liens, liability and
expense  (including, but not limited to,  consultant's  fees
and  attorneys' fees) arising from or in connection with any
of the Environmental Conditions.


    (A)    In  case  of  casualty  to  the  leased  premises
    resulting   in  damage  or  destruction,  Tenant   shall
    promptly   give  written  notice  thereof  to  Landlord.
    Tenant  shall,  to the extent of the insurance  proceeds
    received  by it from Landlord, restore, repair,  rebuild
    or  alter  the same as nearly as possible to the  value,
    condition   and  character  of  the  same  as   it   was
    immediately  prior  to such damage or destruction.  Such
    restorations,   repairs,  replacements,  rebuilding   or
    alternations shall be commenced promptly and  prosecuted
    with reasonable diligence, unavoidable delays excepted.

    (B)  All insurance money paid to Landlord on account  of
    such  damage or destruction, less the actual cost,  fees
    and  expenses,  if  any,  incurred  in  connection  with
    adjustment  of  the loss, shall be applied  by  Landlord
    (or  reimbursed to Tenant if Tenant has advanced  moneys
    pursuant  to Paragraph 21(A) hereof) to the  payment  of
    the  cost  of  the  aforesaid  demolition,  restoration,
    repairs,   replacement,   rebuilding   or   alterations,
    including  the  cost to Landlord of  those  repairs  for
    which,  under the terms of Paragraph 4, Landlord may  be
    liable  ("Structural Repairs"), the  cost  of  temporary
    repairs  or  for the protection of property pending  the
    completion    of    permanent   restoration,    repairs,
    replacements  rebuilding or alterations  (all  of  which
    Structural  Repairs,  temporary repairs,  protection  of
    property    and    permanent    restoration,    repairs,
    replacement,  rebuilding or alterations are  hereinafter
    collectively  referred  to as  the  "Restoration"),  and
    shall  be paid out from time to time as such Restoration
    progresses  pursuant to the terms of  the  Mortgage,  if

22.   ADDITIONAL  RENT In addition to the foregoing  minimum
rent,  all  other payments to be made by Tenant pursuant  to
the  terms  of  this Lease shall be deemed to be  and  shall
become additional rent hereunder whether or not the same  be
designated as such; and shall be due and payable  on  demand
or  together with the next succeeding installment  of  rent;
whichever  shall first occur together with interest  thereon
at  the then prevailing legal rate; and Landlord shall  have
the  same  remedies for failure to pay the  same  as  for  a
nonpayment  of rent. Landlord, at its election,  shall  have
the   right  to  pay  or  do  any  act  which  requires  the
expenditure of any sums of money by reason of the failure or
neglect  of Tenant to perform any of the provisions of  this
Lease,  and in the event Landlord shall at its election  pay
such  sums  or  do  such acts requiring the expenditures  of
moneys, Tenant agrees to pay Landlord, upon demand, all such
sums,  and  the  sum  so  paid by  Landlord,  together  with
interest  thereon, shall be deemed additional  rent  and  be
payable as such.

23.   LIENS  Should any mechanic's or other  lien  be  filed
against  the  leased premises or any part  thereof  for  any
reason whatsoever by reason of Tenant's acts or omissions or
because  of a claim against Tenant, Tenant shall  cause  the
same  to  be cancelled and discharged of record by  bond  or
otherwise within thirty (30) days after notice by Landlord.

24.   LIABILITY In addition to any other indemnity by Tenant
of Landlord herein, Tenant shall indemnify Landlord and save
it  harmless  from  suits, actions, damages,  liability  and
expense  in  connection with the loss  of  life,  bodily  or
personal  injury or property damage arising from or  out  of
the  use  or  occupancy of the leased premises or  any  part
thereof,  or  occasioned wholly or in part  by  any  act  or
omission  of  Tenant,  its  agents, contractors,  employees,
servants, invitees, licensees, or concessionaires.


    (A)   EI,  without  cost  or expense  to  Tenant,  shall
    present,  either  prior  to or within  sixty  (60)  days
    after  the  date of execution of this Lease by  Landlord
    and  Tenant,  to the Attorney General of  the  State  of
    Connecticut  (the "Attorney General"),  with  copies  to
    Tenant  and  the Connecticut Department of Environmental
    Protection Hazardous Waste Management Unit (the  "DEP"),
    a  study  (the  "EI Study') regarding the  environmental
    condition  of  the  leased  premises  prepared  by   HRP
    Associates,    Inc.   ("HRP"),   or   other    reputable
    environmental   engineer  (the   "Other   Engineer').The
    February  1988  report  on  such  premises  prepared  by
    Goldman(the "Goldman Report'), which has been  furnished
    by  EI  to HRP or the Other Engineer, shall be furnished
    by  EI  to  the  Attorney General  and  the  DEP  as  an
    appendix  to the EI Study. EI shall furnish Tenant  with
    copies  of  the receipts issued by the Attorney  General
    and  the  DEP  acknowledging the furnishing  of  the  EI
    Study,  including  the Goldman Report,  to  them,  which
    copies   shall  be  furnished  promptly  following   the
    receipt of the EI Study by the Attorney General and  the
    DEP.  EI shall, without cost or expense to or obligation
    of   Tenant  (except  as  provided  in  Paragraph  25(C)
    hereof),  perform  such  further  investigation   and/or
    remedial  actions  (including  without  limitation,  the
    remediation  of  environmental  contamination   of   any
    sort-)  as  may  be  ordered or directed  judicially  or
    administratively  (after  right  to  appeal  shall  have
    lapsed)  or agreed to by EI with the DEP and  any  other
    governmental    authority    concerning    environmental
    contamination of the leased premises present thereon  at
    the  time of execution of this Lease; provided that  the
    degree,  extent  and  composition of such  environmental
    contamination shall have been reported in writing to  EI
    by  HRP, the Other Engineer, the Goldman Report,  or  is
    reported  by  Tenant's  Engineer  in  the  Environmental
    Report.  A  compliance  letter from  the  DEP  or  other
    governmental authority shall be compliance hereunder.

    (B)   EI further agrees that, upon the execution of this
    Lease  by  Landlord, without any further action  on  the
    part  of  EI, and except as provided in Paragraph  25(C)
    hereof,  EI  shall  indemnify Tenant  against  and  hold
    Tenant  harmless from all loss, costs, claims,  damages,
    charges,    fines,   liens,   liability   and    expense
    (including,  but not limited to, consultant's  fees  and
    attorneys'  fees) that may arise from  (i)  any  of  the
    environmental conditions as to which EI is obligated  to
    investigate  or  remediate pursuant to  Paragraph  25(A)
    hereof  and  (ii)  any breach by EI of  its  obligations
    under Paragraph 25(A) hereof.

    (C)    Tenant  acknowledges  that  investigation  and/or
    remediation  of environmental contamination may  require
    physical-    disturbance   of   the   leased   premises.
    Consequently,  and  notwithstanding  anything   to   the
    contrary  in this Lease or elsewhere, Tenant  agrees  to
    release  and discharge Landlord, EI and their employees,
    agents,   contractors,  consultants,  officers,   heirs,
    successors  and  assigns from any  and  all  claims  and
    liabilities  (other than arising from  their  negligence
    or   willful   misconduct)  resulting   from   temporary
    disruption   to  Tenant's  normal  use  of  the   leased
    premises  or  from physical disturbance  of  the  leased
    premises   arising   from   or   in   connection    with
    investigation   and/or  remediation   of   environmental
    contamination   of   the  leased   premises;   provided,
    however,  that  Landlord and EI  shall  use  their  best
    efforts to cause the leased premises to be restored,  as
    expeditiously as practicable, to a condition which  will
    permit  the  resumption of Tenant's normal  use  of  the
    leased   premises   and  provided,  further,   that   if
    investigation   and/or  remediation   of   environmental
    contamination  shall  require a  suspension  of  all  of
    Tenant's  operations at the leased  premises,  the  rent
    under  this Lease shall be abated and forgiven  for  the
    period of such suspension.


    (A)   Landlord and its authorized representatives  shall
    be   entitled   to   enter  the  leased   premises   for
    inspection,  repair,  compliance  with  laws  and   with
    Tenant's  obligations  hereunder,  and  (to  the  extent
    otherwise  permitted by this Lease) improvement  of  the
    leased  premises, and for the exhibition of said  leased
    premises  to  prospective mortgagees and to existing  or
    prospective tenants or purchasers. Any inspection by  or
    on   behalf   of  prospective  tenants  and  prospective
    purchasers, and to existing and prospective  tenants  or
    prospective purchasers, as the case may be, shall  occur
    only  during the six (6) months preceding the expiration
    of  this  Lease or the expiration of Tenant's option  to
    purchase the leased premises, as the case may be.

    (B)   Tenant  shall  permit  inspection  of  the  leased
    premises  by  any  federal, state, county  or  municipal
    officer  or  representative of Landlord to determine  if
    the  leased premises shall comply with any relevant  law
    or  are  in  need  of repair, correction,  addition,  or

27.  LANDLORD SIGNS Landlord shall be permitted to affix  to
any  outer wall or walls of the leased premises one or  more
"For Rent' or "For Sale" signs (or be fastened to a door  or
window),  but  only during the six (6) months preceding  the
expiration  of  this  Lease or the  expiration  of  Tenant's
option  to purchase the leased premises. Tenant agrees  that
such signs shall remain unmolested.


    (A)   Landlord shall be entitled to make any repairs  or
    perform  any work or construction mentioned in Paragraph
    26  or  27,  whether  such repairs  or  performance  are
    required  of  Landlord or Tenant by law or  this  Lease;
    provided,  however, that Landlord shall not unreasonably
    interfere  with  Tenant's use of  the  leased  premises.
    Landlord  and EI shall also have the right to enter  the
    leased   premises   to   perform  investigation   and/or
    remedial  actions  with  respect  to  any  environmental
    contamination related to the leased premises,  including
    but  not  limited to that investigation and/or  remedial
    actions,   if   any,   required  of   Tenant   or   Park
    Electrochemical  Corp. pursuant  to  Paragraph  29,  (if
    Tenant  or Park Electrochemical Corp. shall have  failed
    to  perform its obligations thereunder). Such repairs or
    other performance, if made by Landlord or EI, shall  not
    constitute  a  waiver by Landlord or EI  of  M  Tenant's
    default   in  failing  to  perform  the  same  or   (ii)
    Landlord's  or EI's right to payment therefor,  as  such
    event  of  default or right of payment may be set  forth
    elsewhere in this Lease.

    (B)   During  the  course of any repair,  investigation,
    remediation, work or construction which the Landlord  or
    EI  is  other-wise  entitled to perform  in  the  leased
    premises,   Landlord  or  EI  may  store   therein   all
    necessary  materials, tools, supplies and equipment.  No
    inconvenience,   annoyance,   disturbance,    loss    of
    business,  or  other damage suffered by  Tenant  or  any
    subtenant by reason of such repairs, remediation,  work,
    or  construction, or storage of materials, shall, unless
    constituting    negligence   or   willful    misconduct,
    constitute  an  element  of an  actual  or  constructive
    eviction  of  Tenant,  or result  in  any  liability  of
    Landlord or EI, and the obligations of the Tenant  under
    this Lease shall not be affected thereby.

    (C)   Any  right given Landlord or EI by this  paragraph
    to  enter the leased premises shall be exercised, to the
    extent  practicable and permitted by  law,  only  during
    ordinary  business  hours,  and  subject  to  reasonable
    advance   notification  and  the   Tenant's   reasonable
    security   precautions;  except   that   if   there   is
    reasonable ground to believe an emergency exists  or  is
    threatened,  Landlord or EI shall be  entitled  to  take
    such  actions and to proceed at such times that Landlord
    or EI shall deem appropriate.

    (D)  Except as otherwise provided herein, the rights  of
    Landlord or EI given or mentioned in this paragraph do not
    impose, nor does Landlord or EI assume by reason thereof,
    any responsibility for the care, maintenance or supervision
    of the leased premises, or any part thereof.


    (A)   Subject  to  the  provisions of  Paragraph  29(C),
    below:  (i) Tenant and Park Electrochemical Corp.  will,
    at  their cost and expense, promptly comply with any and
    all  state,  federal or local laws, regulations,  rules,
    standards,  guidelines, ordinances, orders,  agreements,
    or  any such authority, (all, the "Regulations'),  which
    regulate  or  protect  or  in any  way  pertain  to  the
    environment  or to human health or to human safety,  or,
    without  limiting the foregoing, to underground  storage
    tanks,  hazardous wastes, or hazardous substances  (all,
    the  "Environmental matters"), and which  relate  to  or
    affect  the leased premises after the date of  execution
    of  this  Lease. Without limiting the foregoing,  Tenant
    agrees  to  (and  Park Electrochemical Corp.  agrees  to
    cause  Tenant  to)  comply with any and  all  applicable
    Regulations  which  in  any  way  pertain  to   Tenant's
    generation,  recycling,  reclaiming,  reusing,  storage,
    handling,  treatment,  transportation,  or  disposal  of
    "Hazardous  Substances" (as defined in  42  U.S.C.  Sec.
    9602  et seg.), "Hazardous Wastes' (as defined in  Conn.
    Gen.  Stat. (Sec. 22a-115), or oil or petroleum products
    after  the date of execution of this Lease; (ii)  Tenant
    agrees  to  (and  Park Electrochemical Corp.  agrees  to
    cause  Tenant  to)  timely deliver  to  the  appropriate
    persons  and  authorities, at  Tenant's  sole  cost  and
    expense,  such declaration, certification, and/or  other
    representation   as   may  be   required   pursuant   to
    Connecticut  General Statutes Section 22a-134  et  seg.,
    as  may  be  hereafter amended, in connection  with  any
    transfer of ownership of the Tenant's operations  or  of
    the  leased  premises during the Term of this  Lease  as
    the  same may be extended, as well as at the end of said
    Term  or  at any other time that the Tenant vacates  the
    leased  premises for any reason; (iii)Tenant  agrees  to
    (and  Park Electrochemical Corp. agrees to cause  Tenant
    to)  install, (subject to the Landlord's approval, which
    shall  not be unreasonably withheld), any and all under-
    ground  storage  tanks and/or underground  storage  tank
    systems   (both  'USTs')  on  the  leased  premises   in
    accordance  and  compliance with any and all  applicable
    Regulations,  and to use, maintain and  remove  any  and
    all  USTs  on  the  leased premises  in  accordance  and
    compliance with any and all applicable
    Regulations;   (iv)   Tenant   agrees   to   (and   Park
    Electrochemical  Corp. agrees to cause Tenant  to)  take
    any  and all steps necessary whenever required to do  so
    pursuant to the foregoing (or at the Landlord's  written
    request)  to promptly respond, remove, remedy, mitigate,
    or   otherwise   abate  the  existence   or   threatened
    existence  of any Hazardous Waste, Hazardous  Substance,
    or  oil  or  petroleum Spill or Release,  or  any  other
    environmental  contamination (all,  'Contamination")  of
    or  from the leased premises after the date of execution
    of  this  Lease;  and  (v) Tenant agrees  to  (and  Park
    Electrochemical  Corp. agrees to cause Tenant  to)  send
    to  Landlord  copies  of any and all materials  received
    and/or  sent  by  Tenant  to or  from  any  governmental
    authority  which pertain in any way to any environmental
    matter  or  any  Hazardous Substance,  Hazardous  Waste,
    Spill, or Release affecting the leased premises.

    (B)   Subject  to  the  provisions of  Paragraph  29(C),
    below,  Tenant  and Park Electrochemical Corp.,  jointly
    and  severally,  agree  to indemnify  against  and  hold
    harmless  the  Landlord from any  and  all  obligations,
    losses,  costs, claims, damages, charges,  fines  liens,
    liabilities   and   expenses  (including   environmental
    consultant's  fees  and/or attorneys'  fees)  under  the
    Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42  U.S.
    Code  Section  6901  et seg., the Federal  Comprehensive
    Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability  Act,
    42  U.S. Code Section 9601 et seq., Chapter 446K of  the
    Connecticut   General  Statutes,  or  other   applicable
    federal,  state or local laws, regulations,  ordinances,
    orders  or regulations either related to waste disposal,
    and/or  related to environmental protection with respect
    to  hazardous,  toxic,  or  other  wastes  generated  or
    produced   at-  and/or  transported  from   the   leased
    premises  during the term of this Lease, and/or  related
    to  environmental protection with respect to  conditions
    created, events occurring or discharges made during  the
    term of this Lease.

    (C)   Notwithstanding anything contained  in  Paragraphs
    29(A)  or (B), above, the Tenant shall not be liable  or
    otherwise   responsible   for   the   liabilities    and
    obligations  allocated  to  EI  pursuant  to  Paragraphs
    25(A) and/or 25(B) of this Lease.


      The  Tenant further agrees that Tenant will  not  (and
Park  Electrochemical  Corp.  will  cause  Tenant  not   to)
generate,  handle, transport, use recycle or store materials
that constitute or contain Hazardous Substances or Hazardous
Wastes,   oil  or  petroleum  products,  or  other  chemical
liquids,  solids  or  gases except in  accordance  with  all
applicable     management     and     other     regulations,
laws,.standards,   ordinances,   orders   and    agreements,
including  but not limited to Chapters 445 and 446K  of  the
Conn.  Gen.  Statutes  or  other performance  standards  for
management of Hazardous Waste on or after the effective date
of  this  Lease  that  may be required  pursuant  to  Leslie
Carothers, Commissioner v. U.S, Prolam, Cv 88-03400946.

IN  WITNESS WHEREOF, Landlord and Tenant have executed  this
Lease on the day and year above written.

Signed, Sealed and Delivered
in the presence of

Geoffrey Etherington, II


By:/s/Andrew M. Esposito

The undersigned does hereby accept
and confirm the obligation of
the undersigned as provided in
Paragraphs 25(A), @5(B), 25(C)
and 28 of this Lease:



The undersigned does hereby
accept and confirm the ob-
ligation of the undersigned
as provided in Paragraphs
20(D), 28(A), 29 and 30:


By:/s/Harry Linzer
      Vice President & Secretary

                         SCHEDULE A


Permitted Encumbrances are those matters described in  pages
2-3  of  Schedule  A  of the attached Commitment  for  Title
Insurance  No.  CN15505  issued  by  First  American   Title
Insurance Company, with an effective date of April 7,  1988,
(the  "Commitment"),  and the following  matters  listed  on
Schedule B of the Commitment: Items 1, 2, (but only as to an
accurate survey made as of April 15, 1988), 7, 12,  13,  14,
17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24; and

Taxes due to the City of Waterbury; and

Water and sewer use charges; and

Fire service charges.

Form 548 (9/73) Commitment    Policy CN-15505

                              ISSUED BY

           First American Title Insurance Company

the  Company, for valuable consideration, hereby commits  to
issue  its  Policy  or  policies  of  title  insurance.   as
identified  in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed  Insured
named  in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the ovate  or
interest covered hereby In the land described or referred to
in  Schedule  A.  upon payment of the premiums  and  charges
therefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B
and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof.

      This  Commitment  shall be off active  only  when  the
identity  of  the  proposed Insured and the  amount  of  the
policy  or  policies  committed for  haw  been  inserted  in
Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of  the
issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endorsement.

      This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such
policy or policies of title insurance and all liability  and
obligations  hereunder  shall cease and  terminate  six  (6)
months after the effective date hereof or when the policy or
policies committed for shall issue, whichever first  occurs,
provided  that the failure to issue such policy or  policies
is  not the fault of the Company. This Commitment shall  not
be  valid  or  binding until countersigned by an  authorized
officer or agent.

IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Commitment
to  be signed and sealed, to become valid when countersigned
by  an  authorized officer or agent of the Company.  all  in
accordance with its By-Laws. This Commitment Is effective as
of the date shown in Schedule A as "Effective Date."

First American Title Insurance Company

By_________________________ President

By_________________________ Secretary

By_________________________ Countersigned

                         SCHEDULE A

Commitment No. CN-15505

1.  Effective Date: April 7, 1988 at 9;00 A.M.

2.  Policy or Policies to be issued:
    ALTA Owner's Policy
    Proposed Insured:USP Composites, Inc.
    Amount: $3,200,000.00

    ALTA Loan Policy
    Proposed Insured:

    Proposed Insured:

3.  The estate or interest in the land described or referred
to  in this Commitment and covered herein is fee simple  and
title thereto is at the effective date hereof vested in:

Geoffrey Etherington, II

4.  The land referred to in this Commitment is located at:

    City/Town: Waterbury
    County:    Now Haven
    State of Connecticut

and is further described in SCHEDULE A attached.



                             SCHEDULE A

A   certain  place  or  parcel  of  land  situated  on   the
northwesterly  aide of East Aurora Street and  the  easterly
side  of  land  now  or  formerly of the  Penn  Central  Co.
(Watertown Branch), in the City of Waterbury, County of  New
Haven  and  State of Connecticut, bounded and  described  as

Beginning  at  a  point in the northwesterly  line  of  Cast
Aurora  Street and the easterly line of land now or formerly
of  the Penn Central Co., being the southwesterly corner  of
the  within described land, thence running northeasterly  in
the  northwesterly  line of East Aurora Street  481.59  felt
thence.  running-northerly  at  right  angles  to  the  last
described  line  12.46  feet to a  point  of  curve,  thence
running  northerly in a line curving to the right  having  a
radius  of  375.00 feet and a central angle  of  350  001  a
distance  of  229.07 feet to the point of tangency,  thence,
running  northerly  and  tangent to the  curve  92.47  feet,
thence  making  an interior angle of 894 541 with  the  last
described line and running westerly 321.00 foot to land  now
or  formerly  of  the Penn Central Cor,;  thence  making  an
interior  angle of 899 57' 30' with the I&at described  line
and  running southerly in the easterly line of land  now  or
formerly of the Penn Central Co., 593.44 feet to East Aurora
Street  and  the point of beginning the last described  line
making  an  interior angle, of 55' 08' 30'  with  the  first
described line. Bounded;

Northerly  by  land  now or formerly of The  Bristol  Flowed
Casket Company;

EASTERLY by land now or formerly of Harold Stein, Trustee;

SOUTHEASTERLY by East Aurora Street: and

WESTERLY  by  land now or formerly of the Penn  Central  Co.
(Watertown Branch).

Said promises are more particularly shown on a map entitled:
'Map  of  Land of Geoffrey Etheringtons XI Waterbury,  Conn.
The  A.J. Patton Co. Surveyor, Waterbury, Conn, Nov. 51 1980
scaler  11&201 Rev.  May 12, 1961' which map  was  filed  on
June 22, 1981 with the, Town Clerk of Waterbury, Drawer  XI,
Page 53.

Together  with  and  subject to rights and  agreements  with
respect  to a 20 foot right of way running north  from  East
Aurora  Street  an  net forth in deeds  from  Peter  Marcuse
Trustee  to Cellular Industries Incorporated dated  June  1,
1967  recorded in Volume 911, Page 605 of the Waterbury Land
Records; Harold Stein Trustee dated June 1, 1967 recorded In
Volume 911, Page 629 of the Waterbury Land Records, and  The
Bristol Flowed Gasket Company dated June l, 1967 recorded in
Volume 911, Page 629 of the Waterbury Land Records.

Together  also  with  the rights, if  any,  In  and  to  the
agreements set forth in the aforementioned deeds recorded in
Volume  911,  pages 605, 621 and 629 of the  Waterbury  Land
Records, and in deeds recorded in Volume 911, Pages 608  and
627 of the Waterbury land Records.

Being  the  same premises described in a warranty deed  from
The   Fairmont  Corporation  of  Connecticut   to   Geoffrey
Etherington II dated July 24, 1980 recorded in Volume  1456,
page 284 of the Waterbury Land Records.4

Commitment No. CN-15505


The  policy or policies to be issued will contain  exception
to  the  following unless the same are disposed  of  to  the
satisfaction of the Company:

1.  Rights of tenants and parties in possession.

2.   Any state of facts which an accurate survey or personal
inspection of the premises would disclose.

3.   Any  lien,  or. right to lien, for services,  labor  or
materials theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law
and not shown by the public record.

4.   Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims  or  other
matters,  if  any, created, first appearing  in  the  public
record  or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof
but  prior  to  the  date the proposed insured  acquires  of
record,  for  value,  the  estate or  interest  or  mortgage
thereon covered by this commitment.

5.   Taxes on the List of October 1, 1987, not yet  due  and
payable,  and taxes for prior list years as may be  due  the
City of Waterbury.

6.   Water and sewer use charges, now or hereafter  due  and

7.  Such Assessments as may be due the City of Waterbury.

8.   Open End Mortgage, $5,000,000.00, Geoffrey Etherington,
II  to  Connecticut Development Authority  dated  April  30,
1985, recorded in Volume 1766,Page 131. Assigned to Colonial
Bank  by  instrument  dated April 29,1985  and  recorded  in
Volume 1767,Page 1 of the Waterbury Land Records.

9.   Open End Mortgage, $5,277,397.00, Geoffrey Etherington,
II  to  the  First National Bank of Boston dated  April  30,
1985, recorded in Volume 1767, Page 2 of the Waterbury  Land

10.   UCC-1  Financing  Statement,  U.S.  Prolam,  Inc.   to
Connecticut Development Authority recorded April 30, 1985 in
Volume 1767, Page 92. Assigned by UCC-2 to Colonial Bank  on
April  30,  1985 in Volume 1767 at Page 95 of the  Waterbury
Land Records.

11.   UCC-1  Financing Statement, U.S. Prolam, Inc.  to  The
First  National Bank of Boston recorded April  30,  1985  in
Volume 1767, Page 98 of the Waterbury Land Records.

12.   UCC-1  Financing Statement and Assignment, U.S.Prolan,
Inc.  to  Air Compressor Engineering Co., Inc., assigned  to
Ingersoll-Rand  Financial Corp. recorded July  22,  1987  in
Volume 2124, Page 121 of the Waterbury Land Records.

13.  Notice  of Air Compliance Order, U.S. Prolam,  Inc.  to
Connecticut  Department  of Environmental  Protection  dated
August  25, 1987, recorded in Volume 2150, Page 315  of  the
Waterbury Land Records.

14.  Notice  of Air Compliance Order, U.S. Prolam,  Inc.  to
Connecticut  Department  of Environmental  Protection  dated
August  25, 1987, recorded in Volume 2150, Page 316  of  the
Waterbury Land Records.

15.   Attachment,  $6,500.00, U.S.Prolam,  Inc.,  et  al  to
Carmine and Theresa Capozzi d/b/a The Floor Store dated  and
recorded September 25, 1987 in Volume 2161, Page 316 of  the
Waterbury Land Records.

16.   The lien for current fire service charges, not yet due
and payable.

17.  Building lines: 5 foot setback from street established.
Volume  1,  Page  460  of the Waterbury Building  Lines  and

18.   Slope  rights established - benefits and damage  equal
Volume 2 Page 268 of the Waterbury Land Records.

19.   A pole license from the Waterbury Tool Company to  The
Connecticut  Light  and Power Company  dated  May  31,  1940
recorded  in  Volume  504 Page 263  of  the  Waterbury  Land

20.   An easement from Cellular Industries, Incorporated  to
The  Connecticut  Light and Power Company dated  August  29,
1967  and  recorded in Volume 917 Page 211 of the  Waterbury
Land Records.

21.   A  right  of way over a ten foot strip of the  subject
premises along the easterly boundary, being part of a twenty
foot  right  of way, as granted in deeds from Peter  Marcuse
Trustee to Harold Stein, Trustee dated June 1, 1967 recorded
in  Volume 911 at Page 621 of said Land Records and  to  The
Bristol Flowed Gasket Company dated June 1,1967 recorded  in
Volume 911 Page 629 of said Land Records, which right of way
is  to  be kept open and unobstructed. Said Right of way  is
reserved  in a deed from Peter Marcuse, Trustee to  Cellular
Industries, incorporated dated June 1, 1967 and recorded  in
Volume 911 at Page 605 of the said Land Records.

22.   The obligation of a joint maintenance of a twenty foot
right  of  way  as  described in deeds from  Peter  Marcuse,
Trustee  to  Harold  Stein,,  Trustee  (dated  June   1,1967
recorded in Volume 911.

Page  621 of said Land Records), from Peter Marcuse  Trustee
to  The  Bristol Flowed Gasket Company dated  June  1,  1967
recorded  in  Volume 911 Page 629 of the said Land  Records,
and  from  Peter  Marcuse, Trustee  to  Cellular  Industries
Incorporated  (the  instant  premises)  dated  June   1,1967
recorded in Volume 911 at Page 605 of the said Land  Records
in the ratio of 4:4:3 as to the owners of plants 1, 2 and  3

23.  A possible encroachment of a building of plant no. 2 on
the twenty foot right of way described above.

24.   Agreements contained in deeds above described recorded
in  Volume 911 Pages 605, 608, 621, 627 and 629 of the  said
Land Records.

25.   Mortgage  from Geoffrey Etherington IT to  Connecticut
Development Authority in the principal amount of $850,000.00
dated June 19, 1981 recorded in Volume 1509 Page 199 of  the
said Land Records.

26.   Collateral  Assignment  of  Leases  and  Rentals  from
Geoffrey   Etherington.   II  to   Connecticut   Development
Authority ' dated June 19, 1981 recorded in Volume  1509  at
Page 219 of the said Land Records.

27.   Financing statement from U.S. Prolam. to Colonial Bank
recorded n April 26, 1985, Doc. No. 680572.

NOTE:   A mortgage from Geoffrey Etherington 11 to The First
National   Bank  of  Boston  in  the  principal  amount   of
$5,277,397  dated April 30, 1985 was recorded in  said  Land
Records.  Under the terms of Section l(b) of  said  mortgage
(exception  #9),  and  Section  l(B)  of  the  mortgage   in
Exception  #8,  both  mortgages are  deemed  to  have  equal
priority of lien with the other, and shall be in pari passu.


Conditions and Stipulations

1.   The  term  "mortgage." when used herein, shall  include
deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument.

2.  If the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge
of  any  defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim  or  other
matter  affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon
covered  by  this  Commitment  other  than  those  shown  in
Schedule 8 hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge
to  the  Company in writing, the Company shall  be  relieved
from liability for any less or damage resulting from any act
of reliance hereunto the extent the Company Is prejudiced by
failure  to  so  disclose such knowledge,  If  the  proposed
Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or  if
the  Company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of any such
defect,  lien,  encumbrance, adverse claim or other  matter,
the  Company  at  its option may amend Schedule  8  of  this
Commitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve
the  Company from liability previously incurred pursuant  to
paragraph 3 of than Conditions and Stipulations.

3.   Liability of the Company under this Commitment  "II  be
only to the named proposed Insured and such parties included
under  the  definition of Insured in the form of  policy  or
policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred  In
reliance  hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to  comply
with the requirements hereof, or (b) to eliminate exceptions
shown  in Schedule 8, or (c) to acquire or create the estate
of   interest   or  mortgage  thereon    covered   by   this
Commitment.  In  no  event shall such liability  exceed  the
amount  stated  in  Schedule A for the  policy  or  policies
committed for and such liability is subject to the  Insuring
provisions, exclusion from coverage, and the Conditions  and
Stipulations  of  the form of policy or  policies  committed
for  in  favor  of  the proposed Insured  which  are  hereby
incorporated  by  reference and are  made  a  part  of  this
Commitment except as expressly modified herein.

4.   Any  claim of loss or damage, whether or not  based  on
negligence, and which arises out of the status of the  title
to  the  estate  or  interest or the  lien  of  the  insured
mortgage covered hereby or any action asserting such  claim,
shall  be  restricted to the provisions and  conditions  and
stipulations of this Commitment.
