EXECUTION COPY

                    ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT







                          Dated as of

                         April 26, 1995

                       TABLE OF CONTENTS


ARTICLE 1  DEFINITIONS                                          1
           1.1   Certain Definitions                            1

ARTICLE 2  THE TRANSACTION                                     11
     2.1   Sale and Purchase of Assets                         11
     2.2   Excluded Assets                                     12
     2.3   Assumption of Certain Liabilities                   13
     2.4   Consent of Third Parties                            16
     2.5   Closing                                             16
     2.6   Purchase Price                                      17
     2.7   Deliveries and Proceedings at Closing               19
     2.8   Allocation of Consideration                         21
     2.9   Prorations                                          21

     3.1   Qualification; No Interest in Other Entities        22
     3.2   Authorization and Enforceability                    23
     3.3   No Violation of Laws or Agreements                  23
     3.4   Financial Statements                                24
     3.5   No Changes                                          24
     3.6   Contracts                                           25
     3.7   Permits and Compliance With Laws Generally          26
     3.8   Environmental Matters                               26
     3.9   Consents                                            29
     3.10  Title                                               29
     3.11  Real Estate                                         29
     3.12  Taxes                                               30
     3.13  Patents and Intellectual Property Rights            30
     3.14  Accounts Receivable                                 30
     3.15  Labor Relations                                     30
     3.16  Employee Benefit Plans                              31
     3.17  Absence of Undisclosed Liabilities                  33
     3.18  No Pending Litigation or Proceedings                33
     3.19  Supply of Utilities                                 33
     3.20  Insurance                                           33
     3.21  Relationship with Customers                         34
     3.22  WARN Act                                            34
     3.23  Condition of Assets.                                34
     3.24  Brokerage                                           34
     3.25  All Assets                                          34

     4.1   Organization and Good Standing                      35
     4.2   Authorization and Enforceability                    35
     4.3   No Violation of Laws or Agreements                  36
     4.4   Consents                                            36
     4.5   Financing                                           36
     4.6   Brokerage                                           36

ARTICLE 5  ADDITIONAL COVENANTS                                37
     5.1   Conduct of Business                                 37
     5.2   Negotiations                                        38
     5.3   Disclosure Schedules                                39
     5.4   Mutual Covenants                                    39
     5.5   Filings and Authorizations                          40
     5.6   Public Announcement                                 40
     5.7   Further Assurances                                  41
     5.8   Cooperation                                         41
     5.9   Employees; Employee Benefits                        43
     5.10  Employee Pension Plan                               46
     5.11  Employee Savings Plan                               47
     5.12  Post-Retirement Health Care and Life Insurance      48
     5.13  Taxes                                               48
     5.14  Survey                                              49
     5.15  PEI Guarantees                                      49
     5.16  Assumption of Seller Debt                           50
     5.17  Schedule of Permits                                 50
     5.18  Title Information                                   50
     5.19  Transaction with Related Parties                    50
     5.20  Approval by PEI                                     51
     5.21  Supplemental Information                            51
     5.22  Non-Competition                                     51
     5.23  Insurance                                           51

     6.1   Conditions Precedent to Obligations of Buyer and Parent      52
     6.2   Conditions Precedent to Obligations of Seller Parties 54
     6.3   Termination                                         56
     6.4   Termination Payments                                57

     7.1   Certain Taxes and Expenses                          58
     7.2   Maintenance of Books and Records                    58
     7.3   Survival                                            59
     7.4   Indemnification                                     61
     7.5   UCC Matters                                         66
     7.6   Financial Statements                                66
     7.7   Collection of Receivables                           66

ARTICLE 8  MISCELLANEOUS                                       66
     8.1   Construction                                        66
     8.2   Notices                                             67
     8.3   Successors and Assigns                              68
     8.4   Exhibits and Schedules                              68
     8.5   Governing Law                                       68
     8.6   Consent to Jurisdiction                             68
     8.7   Severability                                        69
     8.8   No Third Party Beneficiaries                        69
     8.9   Entire Agreement                                    69
     8.10  Amendment and Waiver                                69
     8.11  Counterparts                                        70
     8.12  Headings                                            70
     8.13  Definitions                                         70
     8.14  No Implied Representation                           70
     8.15  Construction of Certain Provisions                  70
     8.16  Bulk Sales                                          71

                       List of Schedules

Schedule 1.1.1(a)     Real Estate
Schedule 1.1.1(b)     Common Plant Assets
Schedule 2.2          Excluded Assets
Schedule 2.6.4        Variations in Accounting Principles
Schedule 3.3          No Violation of Laws or Agreements
Schedule 3.4          Financial Statements
Schedule 3.5          No Changes
Schedule 3.6          Contracts
Schedule 3.7          Permits and Compliance with Laws Generally
Schedule 3.8          Environmental Matters - Generally
Schedule 3.8.10-I     Compliance with Water Standards
Schedule 3.8.10-II    Completion of Water Standards Remediation
Schedule 3.9          Seller and PEI Consents
Schedule 3.10         Title
Schedule 3.11         Real Estate Proceedings
Schedule 3.12         Taxes
Schedule 3.15         Labor Relations
Schedule 3.16.1       Employee Benefit Plans
Schedule 3.16.4       Employee Benefit Plans - Compliance
Schedule 3.16.9       Employee Benefit Plans - Extraordinary Benefits
Schedule 3.17         Absence of Undisclosed Liabilities
Schedule 3.18         No Pending Litigation or Proceedings
Schedule 3.19         Supply of Utilities
Schedule 3.20         Insurance
Schedule 3.22         WARN Act
Schedule 3.23         Condition of Assets
Schedule 3.25         All Assets
Schedule 4.3          No Violation of Laws or Agreements
Schedule 4.4          Buyer and Parent Consents
Schedule 5.1          Conduct of Business
Schedule 5.9.1        Employees
Schedule 5.10.2       Actuarial Assumptions and Methods
Schedule 5.12         Former Employees
Schedule 5.15         PEI Guarantee
Schedule 5.17         Schedule of Permits
Schedule 5.22         Non-Competition
Schedule 6.1.4        Required PPUC and Other Consents
Schedule 6.2.4        Required PPUC and Other Consents

                       TABLE OF EXHIBITS

Exhibit A -    Assumption Agreement

Exhibit B -    Assignment and Bill of Sale

Exhibit C -    Deeds

Exhibit D -    FIRPTA Affidavit of Seller

Exhibit E -    Terms of Lease for Common Plant Assets

Exhibit F      -    Opinion of Moses & Gelso

Exhibit G -    Operating Easement

Exhibit H      -    Opinion of Dechert Price & Rhoads

                    ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

      THIS  IS AN ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT (the "Agreement"), dated as of  April
26,   1995,   by  and  among  Pennsylvania  Enterprises,  Inc.,  a  Pennsylvania
corporation   ("PEI"),  Pennsylvania  Gas  and  Water  Company,  a  Pennsylvania
corporation  ("Seller"),  American  Water  Works  Company,  Inc.,   a   Delaware
corporation  ("Parent") and Pennsylvania-American Water Company, a  Pennsylvania
corporation ("Buyer").


      A.   PEI is a holding company which owns all the outstanding common stock,
no  par  value, stated value $10.00 per share, of Seller.  Seller  is  a  public
utility  engaged,  among  other things, in the business of  storing,  supplying,
distributing  and selling water to the public in certain areas  in  northeastern
Pennsylvania  which  business  is regulated by the Pennsylvania  Public  Utility
Commission (the "Business").  Seller and PEI are sometimes hereinafter  referred
to as the "Seller Parties."

      B.    Parent is a holding company which owns all of the outstanding common
stock,  par  value  $5.50  per  share, of  Buyer.   Buyer  desires  to  purchase
substantially  all  of the assets, properties and rights of  the  Business,  and
Seller  desires  to sell, and to cause the sale of, such assets, properties  and
rights on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in this Agreement.


     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual representations, warranties,
covenants  and  agreements contained herein and intending to  be  legally  bound
hereby, the parties hereto agree as follows:

                           ARTICLE 1


           1.1  Certain Definitions.   As  used  in  this
Agreement,  the following terms shall have the respective meanings  ascribed  to
them in this Section:

           1.1.1     "Acquired Assets" means, subject to Section 2.2, all of
Seller's  right,  title,  and interest in, under  and  to  all  of  the  assets,
properties  and  rights exclusively used in the Business as a going  concern  of
every  kind, nature and description existing on the Closing Date, wherever  such
assets,  properties  and rights are located and whether such assets,  properties
and  rights are real, personal or mixed, tangible or intangible, and whether  or
not  any  of  such assets, properties and rights have any value  for  accounting
purposes  or are carried or reflected on or specifically referred to in Seller's
books  or  financial  statements, including all of the  assets,  properties  and
rights exclusively relating to the Business enumerated below:

                    (a)   all  real  property described  in  Schedule  1.1.1(a),
together   with  all  fixtures,  fittings,  buildings,  structures   and   other
improvements erected thereon, and easements, rights of way, water lines,  rights
of  use,  licenses, hereditaments, tenements, privileges and other appurtenances
thereto  or  otherwise exclusively related to the Business (such as  appurtenant
rights in and to public streets) (the "Real Estate");

                    (b)   to  the extent not included in clause (a)  above,  all
water  tanks,  reservoirs,  water works, plant  and  systems,  purification  and
filtration  systems,  pumping  stations,  pumps,  wells,  mains,  water   pipes,
hydrants,  equipment, machinery, vehicles, tools, dies, spare parts,  materials,
water  supplies,  fixtures  and improvements, construction  in  progress,  jigs,
molds,  patterns,  gauges and production fixtures  and other  tangible  personal
property,  in  transit  or  otherwise, used exclusively  in  the  Business  (the
"Equipment and Other Tangible Personal Property");

                    (c)   notwithstanding  the provisions  of  Section  2.2  but
subject  to Section 2.4, all of Seller's water appropriation and flowage  rights
referenced in the Order of Confirmation dated May 11, 1949 from the Pennsylvania
Water  and Power Resources Board other than the water appropriation and  flowage
rights  relating  to  the reservoirs listed on Schedule 2.2; provided,  however,
that  Buyer shall have the right to the water in the Schedule 2.2 reservoirs  in
the event of emergency or drought);

                    (d)  all accounts receivable from customers, accrued utility
revenues,   materials  and  supplies  (at  average  cost  net  of  reserve   for
obsolescence)  and  prepayments attributable in each  case  exclusively  to  the

                    (e)   all  unamortized debt expense (related to the  Assumed
Indebtedness), deferred treatment plant costs and carrying costs, deferred water
utility   billings  and  other  deferred  charges  (excluding   deferred   taxes
collectable)  attributable  exclusively to the Business  of  which  recovery  in
future rates is probable;

                     (f)   Intellectual  Property  and  goodwill,  licenses  and
sublicenses granted and obtained with respect thereto;

                     (g)    subject  to  Section  2.4  hereof,  (i)   contracts,
commitments,  agreements and instruments relating to the  sale  of  any  assets,
services,  properties, materials or products, including all customer  contracts,
operating  contracts  and  distribution contracts relating  exclusively  to  the
conduct  of  the Business; (ii) orders, contracts, supply agreements  and  other
agreements  relating  exclusively  to the  purchase  of  any  assets,  services,
properties,  materials, or products for the Business; (iii) all leases  of  Real
Estate exclusively related to the Business; (iv) all other contracts, agreements
and instruments related exclusively to the Business; and (v) any such contracts,
agreements  and  other  instruments referred to in clauses  (i)-(iv)  inclusive,
entered  into between the date hereof and the Closing Date which are  consistent
with the terms of this Agreement and are entered into in the ordinary course  of
business consistent with past practice, and including in the case of clauses (i)
- -  (iv)  all such contracts, agreements and instruments more specifically listed
or  described  in  Schedule  3.6,  but  specifically  excluding  the  Collective
Bargaining Agreements (whether or not listed on Schedule 3.6) (the "Contracts");

                    (h)   subject to Section 2.4 hereof, franchises,  approvals,
permits,   authorizations,   licenses,  orders,   registrations,   certificates,
variances,  and  other  similar permits or rights obtained  from  any  Authority
relating exclusively to the conduct of the Business and all pending applications
therefor (the "Permits");

                    (i)   books,  records, ledgers, files, documents  (including
originally  executed copies of written Contracts, to the extent  available,  and
copies  to  the  extent  not available), correspondence,  Tax  returns  relating
exclusively  to  the  Business, memoranda, forms,  lists,  plats,  architectural
plans, drawings, and specifications, new product development materials, creative
materials,  advertising and promotional materials, studies, reports,  sales  and
purchase  correspondence,  books  of  account  and  records  relating   to   the
Transferred  Employees (to the extent such transfer is not prohibited  by  law),
photographs,  records  of plant operations and materials used,  quality  control
records  and  procedures, equipment maintenance records,  manuals  and  warranty
information,  research  and  development  files,  data  and  laboratory   books,
inspection processes, in each case,  whether in hard copy or magnetic format, in
each  instance, to the extent exclusively relating to the Business, the Acquired
Assets or the Transferred Employees;

                     (j)   all  rights  or  choses  in  action  arising  out  of
occurrences before or after the Closing Date and exclusively related to  any  of
the  Acquired  Assets, including third party warranties and guarantees  and  all
related  claims,  credits,  rights of recovery and  set-off  and  other  similar
contractual rights,  as to third parties held by or in favor of Seller  or  PEI;
provided,  however,  that  (notwithstanding the  foregoing  provisions  of  this
Section  1.1.1(j)),  to  the extent that Seller pays or discharges  a  liability
related to the Business or any of the Acquired Assets and related to such  right
or chose in action (whether by reason of indemnification under this Agreement or
otherwise),  Buyer will reassign or reconvey to Seller such right  or  chose  in
action to the extent that such right or chose in action relates to a recovery of
amounts paid to Buyer;

                   (k)  all rights to insurance and condemnation proceeds (i) to
the  extent  relating to the damage, destruction, taking or other impairment  of
the Acquired Assets which damage, destruction, taking or other impairment occurs
on  or prior to the Closing but only to the extent that the proceeds exceed  the
amount  of the write-down of the net book value of such Acquired Assets  on  the
books  and records of Seller as a result of such damage, destruction, taking  or
other  impairment, and (ii) to the extent they relate to amounts paid  by  Buyer
for  Damages  to  the  extent  Buyer  does  not  receive  payment  pursuant   to
Section 7.4.1(a); and

                     (l)   the  Benefit  Plan  assets  transferred  to  a  trust
established  under  an employee benefit plan maintained by Buyer  in  accordance
with Sections 5.10, 5.11 and 5.12.

Notwithstanding  the foregoing, the Acquired Assets shall also  include  all  of
Seller's  right, title, and interest in and to the Common Plant Assets described
in Schedule 1.1.1(b).

               1.1.2      "Adjusted  Net Assets" has the meaning  set  forth  in
Section 2.6.4(a) hereof.

               1.1.3      "Affected Participant" has the meaning  set  forth  as
Sections 5.10.1 and 5.11.1 hereof.

               1.1.4     "Affiliate" of any Person means any Person, directly or
indirectly controlling, controlled by or under common control with such Person.

                1.1.5       "Agreement"  has  the  meaning  set  forth  in   the
introduction hereof.

               1.1.6      "American Pension Plan" has the meaning set  forth  in
Section 5.10.1 hereof.

               1.1.7      "American Savings Plan" has the meaning set  forth  in
Section 5.11.1 hereof.

               1.1.8      "Antitrust  Division" has the  meaning  set  forth  in
Section 5.5 hereof.

               1.1.9      "Assumed Benefit Plan" has the meaning  set  forth  in
Section 3.16.6 hereof.

                1.1.10     "Assumed  Indebtedness"  means  the  liabilities  and
obligations  from  and after the Closing Date (except as set forth  below)  with
respect  to  (i) Luzerne County Exempt Facilities Revenue Refunding  Bonds  1992
Series  A  including,  without limitation, the Seller's  obligations  under  the
Amended and Restated Project Facilities Agreement dated as of September 1,  1992
between  Seller  and  the Luzerne County Industrial Development  Authority  (the
"IDA"),  (ii)  Luzerne  County Exempt Facilities Revenue  Bonds  1992  Series  B
including,  without  limitation,  the Seller's  obligations  under  the  Project
Facilities  Agreement dated as of December 1, 1992 between Seller and  the  IDA,
(iii)  Luzerne  County Exempt Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds 1993  Series  A
including, without limitation, the Seller's obligations under the Second Amended
and  Restated Project Facilities Agreement dated as of December 1, 1993  between
Seller  and  the  IDA, (iv) Luzerne County Exempt Facilities  Revenue  Refunding
Bonds  1994  Series  A  including, without limitation, the Seller's  obligations
under  the  Amended  and  Restated  Project Facilities  Agreement  dated  as  of
November  1,  1994  between  Seller  and  the  IDA,  (v)  Loan  Agreement  dated
October  16,  1987  between Seller and the Pennsylvania  Water  Facilities  Loan
Board,  (vi)  two  Loan Agreements dated March 3, 1989 between  Seller  and  the
Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority ("PENNVEST"), (vii) three  Loan
Agreements dated December 3, 1992 between Seller and PENNVEST.  For purposes  of
clarity,  except as set forth in the next sentence below, "Assumed Indebtedness"
shall not include any liability or obligation to the extent accrued prior to the
Closing  Date  or  to  the  extent  arising out  of  or  relates  to  an  event,
circumstance  or  occurrence prior to the Closing Date.  "Assumed  Indebtedness"
shall  include  the  outstanding principal amount and  the  accrued  but  unpaid
interest  owed by Seller on the debt obligations set forth in the first sentence
of this definition.

               1.1.11     "Assumed  Liabilities" has the meaning  set  forth  in
Section 2.3 hereof.

               1.1.12     "Assumption Agreement" has the meaning  set  forth  in
Section 2.3.2 hereof.

               1.1.13    "Authority"  means any federal, state, local or foreign
governmental  or  regulatory  entity (or any department,  agency,  authority  or
political subdivision thereof).

               1.1.14    "Base Cash Purchase Price" has the meaning set forth in
Section 2.6.1 hereof.

               1.1.15     "Beneficiary"  means the Person(s)  designated  by  an
Employee,  by  operation  of  law or otherwise,  as  entitled  to  compensation,
benefits,  insurance coverage, payments or any other goods or services  under  a
Benefit Plan.

                1.1.16      "Benefit  Plans"  has  the  meaning  set  forth   in
Section 3.16.1 hereof.

               1.1.17     "Business" has the meaning set forth in the Background
section hereof.

               1.1.18     "Business Day" means any day other  than  a  Saturday,
Sunday,  or  a  day  on  which  banking  institutions  in  the  Commonwealth  of
Pennsylvania are authorized or obligated by law or executive order to close.

               1.1.19     "Buyer" has the meaning set forth in the  introduction

               1.1.20    "Buyer's Accountants" means Price Waterhouse LLP or any
firm  of  independent  public  accountants hereafter  designated  by  Buyer  for
purposes of this Agreement.

               1.1.21    "Buyer's Adjusted Amount" has the meaning set forth  in
Section 2.6.4(a) hereof.

               1.1.22    "Ceiling" has the meaning set forth in Section 7.4.2(e)

               1.1.23     "CERCLA"  has the meaning set forth in  Section  3.8.2

               1.1.24     "CERCLIS" has the meaning set forth in  Section  3.8.7

               1.1.25     "Closing"  has the meaning set forth  in  Section  2.5

               1.1.26    "Closing Date" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.5

               1.1.27     "Closing Statement of Net Assets" has the meaning  set
forth in Section 2.6.4(a) hereof.

               1.1.28     "Code"  means the Internal Revenue Code  of  1986,  as

               1.1.29    "Collective Bargaining Agreements" means the agreements
identified as such on Schedule 3.6 hereto.

               1.1.30     "Common Plant Assets" means the assets  set  forth  on
Schedule 1.1.1(b).

               1.1.31     "Competing Transaction" has the meaning set  forth  in
Section 5.2.

                1.1.32      "Contracts"   has   the   meaning   set   forth   in
Section 1.1.1(g) hereof.

                1.1.33     "Control"  with  respect  to  any  Person  means  the
ownership, directly or indirectly, of at least a majority of the voting power of
each  class of capital stock of such Person entitled to vote in the election  of
directors of such Person generally.

               1.1.34    "Damages" has the meaning set forth in Section 7.4.1(c)

              1.1.35    "DER" means the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental

              1.1.36    "Disclosure Schedules" means the Schedules referenced in
Articles  3,  4 and 5 of this Agreement, as amended or supplemented pursuant  to
Section 5.3.

               1.1.37    "Employees" has the meaning set forth in Section  5.9.1

               1.1.38     "Environmental  Laws" has the  meaning  set  forth  in
Section 3.8 hereof.

              1.1.39    "Equipment and Other Tangible Personal Property" has the
meaning set forth in Section 1.1.1(b) hereof.

               1.1.40     "ERISA" means the Employee Retirement Income  Security
Act of 1974, as amended.

               1.1.41     "ERISA  Affiliate" means (a) any corporation  included
with any of the Seller Parties in a controlled group of corporations within  the
meaning of Section 414(b) of the Code; (b) any trade or business (whether or not
incorporated)  which  is under common control with any  of  the  Seller  Parties
within  the  meaning  of  Section 414(c) of the  Code;  (c)  any  member  of  an
affiliated  service group of which any of the Seller Parties is a member  within
the  meaning  of Section 414(m) of the Code; or (d) any other person  or  entity
treated as an affiliate of any of the Seller Parties under Section 414(o) of the

              1.1.42    "Excluded  Assets"  has  the  meaning  set  forth  in
Section 2.2 hereof.

              1.1.43    "Excluded Real Estate" means the real property of Seller
other than the real property described on Schedule 1.1.1(a).

               1.1.44   "Financial Statements" has the meaning  set  forth  in
Section 3.4 hereof.

               1.1.45   "FIRPTA  Affidavit"  has  the  meaning  set  forth  in
Section 2.7.1 hereof.

               1.1.46   "Former  Employees"  means  all  salaried  and  hourly
employees  once  employed by Seller or any of its Affiliates,  but  who  are  no
longer so employed on the Closing Date.

               1.1.47   "FTC" has the meaning set forth in Section 5.5 hereof.

               1.1.48   "GAAP" has the meaning set forth in Section 3.4 hereof.

               1.1.49   "Hazardous  Substance" has the meaning  set  forth  in
Section 3.8 hereof.

               1.1.50   "HSR  Act" has the meaning set forth  in  Section  3.9

               1.1.51   "IDA"  shall  mean  the  Luzerne  County  Industrial
Development Authority.

               1.1.52   "IDA Financings" shall mean the indebtedness described
in clauses (i) through (iv) of the definition of Assumed Indebtedness

               1.1.53   "Indemnified  Party" has  the  meaning  set  forth  in
Section 7.4.2(a) hereof.

               1.1.54   "Indemnifying  Party" has the  meaning  set  forth  in
Section 7.4.2(a) hereof.

               1.1.55   "Intellectual Property" means the trademarks, patents,
trade names and copyrights and applications therefor, inventions, trade secrets,
and  confidential  business  information (including  know-how,  formulas,  water
filtration,  purification and pumping processes and techniques, technical  data,
designs, drawings, customer and supplier lists, and business and marketing plans
and  proposals), all computer software (including data and related documentation
and  object  and  source codes), whether in magnetic format or  hard  copy,  and
tangible  embodiments thereof (in whatever form or medium) of  Seller,  in  each
case, utilized exclusively in the Business.

               1.1.56  "Interim Statement of Net Assets" means the statement of
net assets for the Business at December 31, 1994.

               1.1.57  "Interim  Statement  of  Net  Assets   Date"   means
December 31, 1994.

               1.1.58  "IRS"  has  the meaning set forth  in  Section  3.16.2

               1.1.59  "Lien" means any lien, charge, claim, pledge, security
interest, conditional sale agreement or other title retention agreement,  lease,
mortgage,  security  agreement,  right of first  refusal,  option,  restriction,
tenancy,  license,  right of way, easement or other encumbrance  (including  the
filing  of,  or  agreement to give, any financing statement  under  the  Uniform
Commercial Code or statute or law of any jurisdiction).

               1.1.60  "Material Adverse Effect" means a change or effect  (or
series of related changes or effects) which has or is reasonably likely to  have
a  material  adverse  change in or effect upon the business,  assets,  condition
(financial  or  otherwise), or results of operations  of  the  Business  or  the
Acquired Assets, taken as a whole.

               1.1.61   "Mortgage  Indenture" has the  meaning  set  forth  in
Section 6.1.4 hereof.

               1.1.62   "On-site  Conditions" has the  meaning  set  forth  in
Section 2.3.1(d).

               1.1.63   "Operating  Easement" has the  meaning  set  forth  in
Section 6.1.7(a) hereof.

               1.1.64   "OSHA"  has  the meaning set forth  in  Section  3.7.1

               1.1.65   "PCBs"  has  the meaning set forth  in  Section  3.8.6

               1.1.66   "PEI"  has the meaning set forth in  the  introduction

               1.1.67   "PEI  Pension  Plan" has  the  meaning  set  forth  in
Section 5.10.1 hereof.

               1.1.68   "PEI  Savings  Plan" has  the  meaning  set  forth  in
Section 5.11.1 hereof.

               1.1.69   "Permits" has the meaning set forth in Section 1.1.1(h)

               1.1.70   "Permitted Exceptions" has the meaning  set  forth  in
Section  3.10  hereof;  provided,  however, that  from  and  after  the  Closing
Permitted Exceptions shall not include any Lien arising under or resulting  from
the Mortgage Indenture.

               1.1.71   "Person"  means  an  individual,  a  corporation,   a
partnership,  an  association,  an  Authority,  a  trust  or  other  entity   or

               1.1.72   "PPUC" has the meaning set forth in Section 5.5 hereof.

               1.1.73   "Prime  Rate" means the rate per annum announced  from
time  to time during the reference period by Citibank N.A. as its United  States
prime, reference or base rate for commercial loans.

                1.1.74  "Purchase  Price"  has  the  meaning  set  forth   in
Section 2.6.1 hereof.

                1.1.75  "Real  Estate"  has  the  meaning   set   forth   in
Section 1.1.1(a) hereof.

                1.1.76  "Recovery" has the meaning set forth in Section 7.4.2(l)

                1.1.77  "Release" or "Released" has the meaning set  forth  in
Section 3.8 hereof.

                1.1.78  "Remedial  Action"  has  the  meaning  set  forth  in
Section 3.8 hereof.

                1.1.79  "Retained Liabilities" has the meaning  set  forth  in
Section 2.3 hereof.

                1.1.80  "Review  Period"  has  the  meaning  set  forth   in
Section 2.6.4(b) hereof.

                1.1.81  "SEC" has the meaning set forth in Section 5.8.3.

                1.1.82  "Securities  Filings" has the  meaning  set  forth  in
Section 5.8.2 hereof.

                1.1.83  "Seller" has the meaning set forth in the introduction

                1.1.84  "Seller's Accountants" means Arthur Andersen LLP or any
other firm of independent public accountants hereafter designated by Seller  for
purposes of this Agreement.

                1.1.85  "Specified Liabilities" has the meaning set  forth  in
Section 7.4.2(f) hereof.

                1.1.86  "Survey" has the meaning set forth in  Section  5.14.1

                1.1.87  "Taxes"  means any federal, state, local  and  foreign
income,  payroll,  withholding, excise, sales, use, personal property,  use  and
occupancy,  business  and occupation, mercantile, real estate,  gross  receipts,
license,  employment,  severance,  stamp,  premium,  windfall  profits,   social
security  (or  similar unemployment), disability, transfer, registration,  value
added, alternative, or add-on minimum, estimated, or capital stock and franchise
and  other  tax  of  any  kind whatsoever, including any  interest,  penalty  or
addition thereto, whether disputed or not.

                1.1.88  "Third Accounting Firm" has the meaning set  forth  in
Section 2.6.4(b) hereof.

                1.1.89  "Threshold  Amount"  has  the  meaning  set  forth  in
Section 7.4.2(e) hereof.

                1.1.90  "Third  Party  Claim" has the  meaning  set  forth  in
Section 7.4(b)(i) hereof.

                1.1.91  "Transferred Accounts" has the meaning  set  forth  in
Section 5.11.2 hereof.

                1.1.92  "Transaction Documents" has the meaning set  forth  in
Section 3.2 hereof.

                1.1.93  "Transferred Employees" has the meaning set  forth  in
Section 5.9.2 hereof.

                1.1.94  "Union  Employees"  has  the  meaning  set  forth  in
Section 5.9.1 hereof.

                1.1.95  "Utility Code" has the meaning set forth in Section 5.5

                1.1.96  "VEBAs"  has  the meaning set forth  in  Section  5.12

                1.1.97  "WARN Act" means the Worker Adjustment and  Retraining
Notification Act, as codified at 29 U.S.C.  2102 - 2109, as amended.

                           ARTICLE 2

                        THE TRANSACTION

           2.1  Sale and  Purchase  of  Assets.  Subject to the terms and
conditions of this Agreement, at the Closing  referred to  in  Section 
2.5  below, PEI shall cause Seller to sell,  assign,  transfer,
deliver  and  convey  to  Buyer and Parent shall cause  Buyer  to  purchase  the
Acquired Assets for the Purchase Price specified in Section 2.6.

           2.2   Excluded Assets.  The following  assets  of
Seller shall be excluded from the Acquired Assets (the "Excluded Assets"):

                 2.2.1  assets of the Seller used in both the Business and  in
Seller's gas business other than those described on Schedule 1.1.1(b);

                 2.2.2  cash and cash equivalents in transit, in hand or in bank

                 2.2.3  except   as  otherwise  set  forth  herein,   assets
attributable or related to any Benefit Plan;

                 2.2.4  subject  to  Buyer's rights under clause  (c)  of  the
definition of Acquired Assets, the Excluded Real Estate;

                 2.2.5  the stock record and minute books of Seller;

                 2.2.6  Acquired Assets disposed of by Seller after the date of
this  Agreement  to  the  extent such dispositions are not  prohibited  by  this

                 2.2.7  except to the extent set forth in Sections 2.9 and 7.1,
rights  to  refunds  of  Taxes payable with respect  to  the  business,  assets,
properties  or  operations of any of the Seller Parties or  any  member  of  any
affiliated  group  of which any of them is a member, and which  are  treated  as
Retained Liabilities under Section 2.3.3(b) below.

                 2.2.8  security and other deposits held in Seller's accounts;

                 2.2.9  accounts owing by and among Seller and its Affiliates;

                2.2.10  notes  receivable and other  receivables  (other  than
accounts receivable from customers attributable exclusively to the Business);

                2.2.11  all deferred tax assets or collectibles;

                2.2.12  subject  to Buyer's rights under  clause  (c)  of  the
definition of Acquired Assets, the reservoirs listed on Schedule 2.2 hereto; and

                2.2.13  duplicate copies of all books and records transferred to

                2.3     Assumption  of  Certain  Liabilities.

                2.3.1   Buyer shall not assume any liabilities of PEI or Seller
or  any  of  their  Affiliates, except that Buyer  shall  assume  the  following
specific liabilities and obligations:

                    (a)   the  obligations and liabilities set forth in Sections
5.9, 5.10, 5.11 and 5.12 hereof;

                    (b)  all liabilities and obligations of Seller in respect of
the  Contracts  and Permits assigned or transferred to Buyer  pursuant  to  this
Agreement  in  accordance with the respective terms thereof to  the  extent  the
liability or obligation arises from and after the Closing Date;

                   (c)  the Assumed Indebtedness;

                   (d)  any liability, obligation or responsibility of  Seller
for conditions at the Real Estate, whether based on statutory or common law, now
or  hereafter in effect, known or unknown, contingent or actual, relating to  or
arising  from  pollution, contamination or protection of the environment,  human
health  or  safety  or  natural resources or relating to  or  arising  from  the
presence  or  Release  or  threat of Release of Hazardous  Substances  into  the
environment at the Real Estate or into or from any building, structure, pipeline
or  other facility at the Real Estate, including without limitation, any  CERCLA
or similar liability under any federal or state law or regulation, except to the
extent Buyer has given written notice of a claim for indemnification pursuant to
Sections  7.3 and 7.4 hereof prior to the tenth anniversary of the Closing  Date
(and  if  Buyer has given written notice prior to the tenth anniversary  of  the
Closing  Date,  to the extent that such claim is not entitled to indemnification
under Sections 7.3 and 7.4) (the foregoing, the "On-site Conditions");

                    (e)  advances existing on the Closing Date for construction
of facilities relating to the Business; and

                    (f)  liability for accrued but unused vacation pay for  the
Transferred Employees to the extent provided in Section 5.9.2.

               2.3.2  Any  liabilities or obligations which are  assumed  by
Buyer  pursuant  to  Section  2.3.1 above are hereinafter  referred  to  as  the
"Assumed Liabilities."  At the Closing, Parent shall cause Buyer to execute  and
deliver  to  Seller an assumption agreement, in substantially the  form  of  the
Assumption  Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit A (the "Assumption Agreement"),
pursuant  to which Buyer shall assume the Assumed Liabilities.  Each  of  Parent
and  Buyer hereby irrevocably and unconditionally waives and releases the Seller
Parties  from  all  Assumed  Liabilities  and  all  liabilities  or  obligations
exclusively  relating  to  the Business to the extent  arising  from  events  or
occurrences after the Closing, including any liabilities created or which  arise
by  statute or common law, including CERCLA (it being understood that this shall
not constitute a waiver and release of any claims arising out of the contractual
relationships between Buyer and Seller).

               2.3.3  Buyer shall not assume any liabilities, commitments  or
obligations (contingent or absolute and whether or not determinable  as  of  the
Closing) of any of the Seller Parties or any of their Affiliates except for  the
Assumed  Liabilities as specifically and expressly provided for  above,  whether
such liabilities or obligations relate to payment, performance or otherwise, and
all  liabilities, commitments or obligations not expressly transferred to  Buyer
hereunder as Assumed Liabilities are being retained by the Seller Parties,  (the
"Retained  Liabilities").  Each  of the Seller Parties  hereby  irrevocably  and
unconditionally  waives  and  releases  Buyer  from  all  Retained   Liabilities
including  any  liabilities created or which arise by  statute  or  common  law,
including  CERCLA (it being understood that this shall not constitute  a  waiver
and  release of any claims arising out of the contractual relationships  between
Buyer and Seller).

              Without limitation to the foregoing, all of the following shall be
considered Retained Liabilities and not Assumed Liabilities (except as specified
below) for the purposes of this Agreement:

                    (a)  any product liability, toxic tort or similar claim  for
injury to person or property, regardless of when made or asserted, to the extent
that  it  arises  out of or is based upon any express or implied representation,
warranty,  agreement or guarantee made by any of the Seller Parties  or  any  of
their  Affiliates prior to Closing, or alleged to have been made by any of  such
Persons,  or  to  the extent that it is imposed or asserted  to  be  imposed  by
operation  of  law,  in  connection  with  any  service  performed  or   product
distributed or sold by or on behalf of any of the Seller Parties or any of their
Affiliates  prior  to Closing, including any claim referred  to  above  in  this
Section 2.3.3(a) relating to water quality standards, any claim relating to  any
product  delivered  in connection with the performance of services  provided  by
Seller and any claim seeking recovery for consequential damages, lost revenue or

                    (b)  except to the extent set forth in Sections 2.9 and  7.1
any federal, state, foreign or local income or other Tax payable with respect to
the  business, assets, properties or operations of any of the Seller Parties  or
any member of any affiliated group of which any of them is a member.

                    (c)   any  liability  or obligation associated  with  or  in
connection  with  the  common  plant assets  (other  than  the  liabilities  and
obligations exclusively related to the Common Plant Assets set forth on Schedule

                   (d)  except as provided in Section 2.3.1 above, any liability
or  obligation with respect to compensation or employee benefits of  any  nature
owed  to  any employees, agents or independent contractors of any of the  Seller
Parties  or any of their Affiliates, whether or not employed by Buyer after  the
Closing,  that  arises out of or relates to events or conditions to  the  extent
occurring before the Closing Date;

                   (e)  any liability or obligation of any of the Seller Parties
or  any  of their Affiliates existing as a result of any act, failure to act  or
other  state  of facts or occurrence which constitutes a breach or violation  of
any  of  Seller's or PEI's representations, warranties, covenants or  agreements
contained in this Agreement, except to the extent set forth in Section 7.1.

                    (f)  except to the extent set forth in Section 2.3.1(d), any
liability, obligation or responsibility of any of the Seller Parties, or any  of
their Affiliates or predecessors, whether based on statutory or common law,  now
or  hereafter in effect, known or unknown, contingent or actual, relating to  or
arising  from  pollution, contamination or protection of the environment,  human
health  or  safety  or  natural resources or relating to  or  arising  from  the
presence  or  Release  or  threat of Release of Hazardous  Substances  into  the
environment or into or from any building, structure, pipeline or other  facility
or  relating  to  or  arising  from  the generation,  use,  storage,  treatment,
disposal, transport or other handling of Hazardous Substances or sale of product
containing  Hazardous Substances or from violation of any law  relating  to  the
foregoing,  including  without limitation, any (A) CERCLA or  similar  liability
under  any  federal  or  state  law or regulation  or  (B)  any  such  liability
associated  with  businesses  or assets of the Seller  Parties  other  than  the

                    (g)  liabilities and obligations relating to the Business to
the  extent  arising  prior  to Closing (unless otherwise  constituting  Assumed
Liabilities)  arising  by  operation of law under any common  law  or  statutory
doctrine (including successor liability or de facto merger);

                    (h)  any obligation or liability arising under any contract,
commitment, instrument or agreement (1) that is not transferred to Buyer as part
of  the Acquired Assets, or (2) that relates to any breach or default (or to the
extent that it relates to an event which would, with the passing of time or  the
giving  of notice, or both, constitute a default) under any Contract, instrument
or  agreement  or  to  any  services to be provided by  Seller  under  any  such
Contract, instrument or agreement to the extent that it arises out of or relates
to any period prior to the Closing Date;

                    (i)   any liability or obligation in respect of the Excluded
Assets; or

                    (j)  except for the Assumed Liabilities as specifically  and
expressly  set  forth  herein, any liability to the extent  arising  out  of  or
relating  to  the ownership or operation of the Acquired Assets or the  Business
prior  to  the Closing Date (including any predecessor operations), any  claims,
obligations or litigation to the extent arising out of or relating to events  or
conditions occurring before the Closing Date, and any liability associated  with
any business other than the Business.

           2.4 Consent of Third  Parties.   On  the Closing Date, PEI
shall cause Seller to assign to Buyer, and Parent shall  cause
Buyer  to  assume, the Contracts and the Permits which are to be transferred  to
Buyer  as  provided in this Agreement by means of the Assumption Agreement.   To
the  extent that the assignment of all or any portion of any Contract or  Permit
shall  require the consent (or result in a breach or violation thereof)  of  the
other  party  thereto or any other third party, and such consent  shall  not  be
obtained  prior to Closing, this Agreement shall not constitute an agreement  to
assign  any such Contract or Permit included in the Acquired Assets.  In  order,
however,  to  provide Buyer the full realization and value of every Contract  of
the  character  described in the immediately preceding sentence,  Seller  agrees
that  on  and after the Closing, it will, at the request and under the direction
of  Buyer, in the name of Seller or otherwise as Buyer shall specify,  take  all
reasonable  actions (including without limitation the appointment  of  Buyer  as
attorney-in-fact for Seller to proceed at Buyer's sole cost and expense) and  do
or  cause to be done all such things as shall in the reasonable opinion of Buyer
be  necessary  (a)  to assure that the rights of Seller or its Affiliates  under
such Contracts shall be preserved for the benefit of Buyer and (b) to facilitate
receipt of the consideration to be received by Seller or its Affiliates  in  and
under  every such Contract.  To the extent that Buyer does receive the  benefits
of  any such Contract pursuant to the preceding sentence, such Contract shall be
a  Contract "assigned or transferred to Buyer pursuant to this Agreement" within
the  meaning of Section 2.3.1(b) hereof.  Nothing in this Section 2.4  shall  in
any  way  diminish  the obligations of Seller to obtain consents  and  approvals
under this Agreement.

           2.5  Closing.  Subject to the terms and conditions of  this
Agreement,  the  closing of the sale and purchase of the  Acquired  Assets  (the
"Closing")  shall take place at 10 a.m., Philadelphia time, on a  date  mutually
satisfactory  to Buyer and Seller which is no later than the fifth Business  Day
after  satisfaction  (or  waiver) of the conditions  to  Closing  set  forth  in
Sections  6.1  and  6.2 hereof (other than those conditions  which  require  the
delivery of any documents or the taking of other action, at the Closing) at  the
offices  of Dechert Price & Rhoads, 4000 Bell Atlantic Tower, 1717 Arch  Street,
Philadelphia, PA  19103, or on such other date and at such other time  or  place
as may be mutually agreed upon by the parties hereto (the "Closing Date").

          2.6 Purchase Price.

               2.6.1  Purchase Price.  Subject to the terms and conditions of
this Agreement, the aggregate purchase price based on and as of the date of  the
Interim  Statement of Net Assets would be Four Hundred Nine Million One  Hundred
Forty-three  Thousand  Dollars  ($409,143,000).   Subject  to  the   terms   and
conditions of this Agreement, the aggregate purchase price to be paid  by  Buyer
for  the purchase of the Acquired Assets (the "Purchase Price") shall be (I) Two
Hundred  Fifty-Four Million Five Hundred Fifty-Five Thousand  ($254,555,000)  in
cash  (the "Base Cash Purchase Price", the Base Cash Purchase Price as  adjusted
in  accordance with Section 2.6.3 is referred to as the "Initial Cash Payment"),
subject  to  adjustment pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement  (including
Section  2.6.3, Section 2.6.4 and Section 2.9 of this Agreement)  and  (II)  the
assumption by Buyer of the Assumed Liabilities.

               2.6.2  Payment of Initial Cash Payment.  Subject to the  terms
and  conditions  of this Agreement, the Initial Cash Payment shall  be  paid  by
Buyer  on  the  Closing  Date by federal or other wire transfer  of  immediately
available funds to the account designated by Seller in writing at least two  (2)
Business Days prior to the Closing Date.

               2.6.3  Estimated Closing Statement.  At least five (5) business
days prior to the Closing Date, Seller shall deliver to Buyer a statement of net
assets  (the  "Estimated  Statement of Net Assets") reflecting  its  good  faith
calculation of the Adjusted Net Assets of the Business as of the last day of the
latest  calendar  month for which financial statements of Seller  are  available
(the  "Estimated Adjusted Net Assets").  The Estimated Statement of  Net  Assets
shall  be  prepared  in  the  same  manner and  utilizing  the  same  accounting
principles,  policies  and  methods  used in  the  preparation  of  the  Interim
Statement  of Net Assets, except as set forth on Schedule 2.6.4.  The Base  Cash
Purchase  Price shall be increased or decreased on a dollar for dollar basis  by
the  amount, if any, by which the Estimated Adjusted Net Assets is greater  than
or  less  than  Two  Hundred  Forty-Eight Million, Fifty-Five  Thousand  Dollars
($248,055,000)  (such increase or decrease, as the case may be, is  referred  to
herein as the "Estimated Net Asset Adjustment").

              2.6.4     Post-Closing Adjustment to Purchase Price.

                    (a)   Within 90 days after the Closing, Buyer shall  prepare
and  deliver  to  the  Seller Parties a Statement of Net  Assets  (the  "Closing
Statement  of  Net  Assets")  which reflects the  Adjusted  Net  Assets  of  the
Business, as of midnight immediately preceding the Closing Date, based on actual
financial  performance  and calculated in the same manner,  utilizing  the  same
accounting  principles, policies and methods utilized in preparing  the  Interim
Statement  of Net Assets (except as set forth on Schedule 2.6.4), together  with
(A) an audit report of Buyer's Accountants stating that the Closing Statement of
Net  Assets  has been prepared utilizing the same generally accepted  accounting
principles,  policies  and  methods  used in  the  preparation  of  the  Interim
Statement  of  Net  Assets (except as set forth on Schedule  2.6.4)  and  (B)  a
calculation  of Buyer's determination of the amount of increase or  decrease  in
the amount of the Adjusted Net Assets of the Business from the Interim Statement
of  Net  Assets  Date  to  the Closing Date which is derived  from  the  Closing
Statement  of  Net Assets ("Buyer's Adjustment Amount").  For purposes  of  this
Agreement,  "Adjusted Net Assets " with respect to the Business  means  (1)  all
assets  constituting  Acquired Assets minus (2) all Assumed  Liabilities  (other
than liabilities assumed by Buyer pursuant to Sections 5.9, 5.10, 5.11 and 5.12,
but including accrued interest on the Assumed Indebtedness), minus (3) an amount
equal  to  the  aggregate difference between:  (i) the cost of each  Transferred
Employee's  vacation  entitlement  for the year  in  which  the  Closing  occurs
multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of days  in  such
year on or before Closing and the denominator of which is 365, and (ii) the cost
of  the  vacation days each Transferred Employee has taken on or before Closing,
minus  (4)  the  excess  of contributed property related to  the  Business  over
$10,104,000.   Buyer  shall  pay the fees and expenses  of  Buyer's  Accountants
incurred  in  connection with this Section 2.6.4.  The Seller Parties  agree  to
cooperate, and agree to cause Seller's Accountants to cooperate, with Buyer  and
Buyer's  Accountants in connection with the preparation of the Closing Statement
of  Net  Assets and related information, and shall provide to Buyer and  Buyer's
Accountants  such books, records and information as may be reasonably  requested
from  time  to  time, including the work papers of Seller's Accountants.   Buyer
will give Seller and its representatives access during the normal business hours
of  Buyer  to the personnel, books and records of Buyer and the work  papers  of
Buyer's  Accountants to assist Seller in the review of the Closing Statement  of
Net  Assets  and  related matters.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  the  Closing
Statement  of Net Assets, Adjusted Net Assets and the Buyer's Adjustment  Amount
shall  also  be adjusted to reflect the items specified in Section  2.9  to  the
extent  set forth therein.  Buyer agrees that following the Closing through  the
date  on which the Closing Statement of Net Assets is delivered it will not take
any  actions  with  respect  to  any  accounting  books,  records,  policies  or
procedures  on  which the Closing Statement of Net Assets is to  be  based  that
would  make it impossible or impracticable to calculate the Adjusted Net  Assets
in  the manner and utilizing the methods required hereby.  Without limiting  the
generality  of the foregoing, no changes shall be made in any reserve  or  other
account existing as of the date of the Interim Statement of Net Assets except in
the  ordinary course or as a result of events occurring after the  date  of  the
Interim  Statement of Net Assets and, in such event, only in a manner consistent
with past practices of Seller.

                    (b)  Seller may dispute any amounts reflected on the Closing
Statement of Net Assets or in the Buyer's Adjustment Amount, provided,  however,
that  Seller shall notify Buyer in writing of each disputed amount, and  specify
the  amount thereof in dispute and the basis of such dispute, within 30 days  of
the  Seller's  receipt of the Closing Statement of Net Assets, and  the  Buyer's
Adjustment  Amount (such 30 day period hereinafter referred to  as  the  "Review
Period").   In  the event of a dispute with respect to the Closing Statement  of
Net  Assets or the Buyer's Adjustment Amount, Buyer and Seller shall attempt  to
reconcile  their  differences and any resolution by  them  as  to  any  disputed
amounts  shall be final, binding and conclusive on the parties.   If  Buyer  and
Seller  are unable to reach a resolution of such differences within 30  days  of
receipt  of Seller's written notice of dispute to Buyer, Buyer and Seller  shall
submit  the  amounts  remaining  in dispute for  resolution  to  an  independent
accountant  firm of national reputation mutually appointed by Seller  and  Buyer
(such  independent  accounting  firm being herein  referred  to  as  the  "Third
Accounting  Firm"),  which shall be requested to determine  and  report  to  the
parties,  within  30  days after such submission, upon such  remaining  disputed
amounts,  and such report shall be final, binding and conclusive on the  parties
hereto with respect to the amounts disputed.  The fees and disbursements of  the
Third Accounting Firm shall be allocated between Buyer and the Seller Parties so
that  the Seller Parties' share of such fees and disbursements shall be  in  the
same proportion that the aggregate amount of such remaining disputed amounts  so
submitted  by  the  Seller  Parties  to  the  Third  Accounting  Firm  that   is
unsuccessfully  disputed  by the Seller Parties (as finally  determined  by  the
Third  Accounting  Firm)  bears to the total amount of such  remaining  disputed
amounts  so submitted by the Seller Parties to the Third Accounting  Firm.   The
Seller  Parties shall pay the fees and expenses of Seller's Accountants incurred
in connection with this Section 2.6(d).  Buyer's Adjustment Amount, if there are
no disputes with respect thereto, or Buyer's Adjustment Amount as adjusted after
the  resolution  of  all disputes with respect thereto in  accordance  herewith,
shall be referred to as the "Final Net Asset Adjustment."

                    (c)   If  the  Base Cash Purchase Price plus (or  minus,  if
negative) the Final Net Asset Adjustment exceeds the Initial Cash Payment,  then
within five (5) business days after final determination thereof Buyer shall  pay
Seller  the amount of such excess together with interest thereon for the  period
commencing  on  the Closing Date through the date of payment calculated  at  the
Prime  Rate  in cash by federal or other wire transfer of immediately  available
funds,  or  certified  or  bank cashier's check.  If the  Initial  Cash  Payment
exceeds the sum of the Base Cash Purchase Price plus (or minus, if negative) the
Final  Net  Asset  Adjustment, then within five (5) business  days  after  final
determination thereof Seller shall pay Buyer the amount of such excess  together
with interest thereon for the period commencing on the Closing Date through  the
date  of  payment calculated at the Prime Rate in cash by federal or other  wire
transfer of immediately available funds, or certified or bank cashier's check.

            2.  Deliveries  and  Proceedings  at  Closing. Subject to the
terms and conditions of this  Agreement,
at the Closing:

               2.7.1  Deliveries to Buyer.  PEI shall cause Seller to deliver
to Buyer:

                    (a)   bills  of  sale and instruments of assignment  to  the
Acquired Assets, duly executed by Seller, substantially in the form of Exhibit B
hereto and;

                    (b)   the  consents  to  transfer, of  all  transferable  or
assignable  Contracts,  Intellectual Property, Permits (including  Environmental
Permits), to the extent specifically required hereunder;

                    (c)  title certificates to any motor vehicles included in
the Acquired Assets, duly executed by Seller (together with any other transfer
forms necessary to transfer title to such vehicles);

                    (d)  one or more deeds of conveyance to the Real Estate  to
Buyer, without covenant or warranty of title, duly executed and acknowledged  by
Seller  and  in  recordable form, each substantially in the form  of  Exhibit  C

                    (e)  the  Foreign  Investment  in  Real  Property  Tax  Act
Certification and Affidavit for each parcel of Real Estate, duly executed by the
Seller  Parties,  substantially in the form of Exhibit  D  hereto  (the  "FIRPTA

                    (f)  the certificates, opinions and other documents required
to  be  delivered by PEI and Seller pursuant to Section 6.1 hereof and certified
resolutions  evidencing  the authority of Seller as set  forth  in  Section  3.2

                    (g)  all  agreements and other documents required  by  this

                    (h)   a  receipt for the payment of the Initial Cash Payment
duly executed by Seller;

                    (i)   all such other instruments of conveyance as shall,  in
the  reasonable  opinion of Buyer and its counsel, be necessary to  transfer  to
Buyer  the Acquired Assets in accordance with this Agreement and where necessary
or desirable, in recordable form;

                   (j)  a lease of that portion of the Common Plant Assets which
Buyer and Seller shall determine is reasonably required for the operation of the
Business, substantially on terms set forth in Exhibit E; and

                   (k)  the Operating Easement duly executed by Seller.

               2.7.2    Deliveries By Buyer to the Seller Parties.  Buyer  will
deliver to the Seller Parties: 

                    (a)  wire  transfer of immediately available  funds  in  an
amount equal to the Initial Cash Payment;

                    (b)  the Assumption Agreement, duly executed by Buyer;

                    (c)  the Operating Easement duly executed by Buyer;

                    (d)  the certificates, opinions and other documents required
to be delivered by Buyer pursuant to Section 6.2 hereof; and

                    (e)   all such other instruments of assumption as shall,  in
the  reasonable  opinion of Seller and its counsel, be necessary  for  Buyer  to
assume the Assumed Liabilities in accordance with this Agreement.

          2.8 Allocation of Consideration.  Buyer and  Seller  shall
endeavor in good faith to agree upon an  allocation  of  the
consideration paid by Buyer to Seller among the Acquired Assets within  90  days
after  the  Closing  Date;  Buyer and Seller shall endeavor  in  good  faith  to
determine the value of the Acquired Assets subject to real estate transfer taxes
within  90 days after the date hereof.  If Buyer and Seller are unable to  agree
on  the  allocation,  then,  if  Buyer  so requests,  the  allocation  shall  be
determined  by  an  appraiser  selected by Buyer and  reasonably  acceptable  to
Seller; the Buyer shall pay the fees and expenses of such appraisal.  Buyer  and
the  Seller  Parties shall each report the federal, state and local  income  and
other tax consequences of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement (which
for  purposes of this Agreement includes the Transaction Documents) in a  manner
consistent  with such allocation if determined in accordance with the  preceding
two  sentences  including,  but not limited to, the preparation  and  filing  of
Form  8594  under Section 1060 of the Code (or any successor form  or  successor
provision of any future tax law, or any comparable provision of state, or  local
tax  law) with their respective federal, state and local income tax returns  for
the taxable year that includes the Closing Date.

           2.9  Prorations. The parties hereto  agree  that  the
following  expenses shall be calculated and pro rated as of  the  Closing  Date,
with Seller responsible for such expenses for the period up to the Closing Date,
and Buyer to be responsible for the period on and after the Closing Date:

           2.9.1  personal and real property taxes (on the basis on which
the  same were assessed and paid) and sales, occupation and use taxes,  in  each
case, to the extent relating to the Business and except as otherwise provided in
Section 7.1;

           2.9.2  electric,  fuel,  gas, telephone,  sewer  and  utility
charges, in each case, to the extent relating to the Business;

           2.9.3  rentals and other charges under Contracts to be assumed
by   Buyer   pursuant  to  Section  2.3  (except  to  the  extent  provided   in
Section 2.3.3(h); and

           2.9.4  charges  under maintenance and service  contracts  and
other  Contracts  (except to the extent provided in Section 2.3.3(h),  and  fees
under Permits to be transferred to Buyer as part of the Acquired Assets.

           To  the  extent that any taxing authority shall assess  or  otherwise
calculate  real  property taxes on a basis that includes both a portion  of  the
Real  Estate and a portion of the Excluded Real Estate, the parties  agree  that
the  following  allocation  principles shall  apply.   The  parties  shall  each
endeavor  to  obtain  from  the  taxing authority  a  statement  specifying  the
applicable  taxes  each party is obligated to pay.  In the  event  that  such  a
statement  is  not  obtained,  (a) the party  receiving  a  tax  bill  shall  be
responsible  for  paying  the  tax, and the other party  shall  be  required  to
reimburse  the  first party promptly following determination of the  allocation,
(b)  the taxes based on the value of land shall be allocated based on the square
footage of the property owned by each of them, (c) the taxes based on the  value
of improvements shall be allocated based on the assessed value, if known, of the
improvements located on the lands of each party, and (d) all other  taxes  shall
be  allocated  by  mutual agreement in a manner generally  consistent  with  the
foregoing.   The  parties each agree to negotiate in good faith regarding  these

                           ARTICLE 3

                           OF SELLER

     Each of Seller and PEI jointly and severally represent and warrant to Buyer
as follows:

           3.1  Qualification; No Interest in Other Entities. 

                3.1.1  PEI is a corporation duly organized, validly  existing
and  in good standing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and has
all requisite corporate power and corporate authority to own and vote the common
stock, no par value, stated value  $10.00 per share of Seller.

                3.1.2  Seller is a corporation duly organized, validly existing
and  in good standing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and has
all  requisite corporate power and corporate authority to own, lease and operate
the  Acquired Assets and the Business as presently being conducted.   Seller  is
qualified to do business and is in good standing as a foreign corporation in all
jurisdictions  wherein the nature of the business conducted by  it  or  Seller's
ownership  or  use  of  assets and properties make such qualification  necessary
except  such failures to be qualified or to be in good standing, if  any,  which
when  taken  together  with all such other failures of  Seller  do  not  have  a
Material Adverse Effect.

                3.1.3  No shares of any corporation or any ownership or  other
investment interest, either of record, beneficially or equitably, in any  Person
are included in the Acquired Assets.

                3.2    Authorization and Enforceability.  Each of Seller and
PEI has  full  corporate power and corporate authority to execute, deliver
and perform this Agreement and all  other  agreements  and instruments to be
executed  by  them  in  connection herewith  (such other agreements and
instruments being hereinafter  referred  to
collectively  as  the  "Transaction Documents").  The  execution,  delivery  and
performance by PEI and Seller of this Agreement and the Transaction Documents to
which  PEI  and/or Seller is a party have been duly authorized by all  necessary
corporate action on the part of each of them, subject to the approval of each of
Seller's  and  PEI's  respective common (and in the case of  Seller,  preferred)
stockholders.  This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by Seller and
PEI,  and  as of the Closing Date the other Transaction Documents will  be  duly
executed and delivered by Seller and PEI.  This Agreement is a legal, valid  and
binding  obligation  of Seller and PEI, enforceable against them  in  accordance
with  its terms except as such enforceability may be limited by applicable  laws
relating  to  bankruptcy, insolvency, fraudulent conveyance,  reorganization  or
affecting  creditors' rights generally and except to the extent that  injunctive
or  other  equitable  relief is within the discretion of a  court.   As  of  the
Closing Date, each of the other Transaction Documents to which PEI and Seller is
a  party  will  be  duly  executed and delivered by  PEI  and  Seller  and  will
constitute  the  legal,  valid  and  binding  obligations  of  Seller  and  PEI,
enforceable against them in accordance with its respective terms except as  such
enforceability  may  be  limited  by applicable  laws  relating  to  bankruptcy,
insolvency, fraudulent conveyance, reorganization or affecting creditors' rights
generally and except to the extent that injunctive or other equitable relief  is
within the discretion of a court.

               3.3  No Violation of Laws or Agreements.  The execution,
delivery, and performance of this  Agreement and the Transaction Documents
by PEI and/or Seller do  not,  and the  consummation  of the transactions
contemplated by this  Agreement  and  the Transaction  Documents by PEI
and Seller, will not (a) contravene any  provision of  the  Restated
Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws  of  PEI  or  Seller;  or
(b)  except  as set forth on Schedule 3.3, violate, conflict with, result  in  a
breach of, or constitute a default (or an event which would, with the passage of
time or the giving of notice or both, constitute a default) under, or result  in
or  permit the termination, modification, acceleration, or cancellation  of,  or
result  in the creation or imposition of any Lien of any nature whatsoever  upon
any  of  the  Acquired Assets or give to others any interests or rights  therein
under   (i)  any  indenture,  mortgage,  loan  or  credit  agreement,   license,
instrument, lease, contract, plan, permit or other agreement or commitment, oral
or  written, to which PEI or Seller is a party, or by which the Business or  any
of  the  Acquired  Assets may be bound or affected, except for such  violations,
conflicts,  breaches, terminations, modifications, accelerations, cancellations,
Liens, interests or rights which, individually and in the aggregate, do not have
a  Material Adverse Effect or will be cured, waived or terminated prior  to  the
Closing   Date,   or  (ii)  any  judgment,  injunction,  writ,  award,   decree,
restriction,  ruling,  or order of any court, arbitrator  or  Authority  or  any
applicable constitution, law, ordinance, rule or regulation, to which Seller  or
PEI  is subject other than those violations or conflicts which individually  and
in the aggregate would not have a Material Adverse Effect.

           3.4 Financial  Statements.   Seller  has previously  delivered to
Buyer the financial statements of Seller  contained  in  Schedule  3.4
(collectively,  the  "Financial  Statements")  and  the   Interim
Statement  of Net Assets.  The Financial Statements of Seller fairly present  in
all  material  respects the financial position and the results of operations  of
Seller  in  accordance  with generally accepted accounting  principles  ("GAAP")
consistently  applied.   Except  as  set forth  on  Schedule  3.4,  the  Interim
Statement of Net Assets (a) has in all material respects been derived  from  the
books  and  records  of  Seller and reflects the separation  of  the  operations
associated  with the Business from other operations of Seller;  and  (b)  fairly
presents in all material respects the Acquired Assets and Assumed Liabilities as
of  the Interim Statement of Net Assets Date and has been prepared in accordance
with   GAAP.   The  Financial  Statements  as  of  and  for  the  period  ending
December  31, 1994 have been prepared in the same manner and utilizing the  same
accounting principles, policies and methods used in the Financial Statements  as
of  and  for  the  period  ending December 31, 1993 insofar  as  such  Financial
Statements  relate  to  Acquired  Assets or Assumed  Liabilities.   The  Interim
Statement  of Net Assets has been prepared in the same manner and utilizing  the
same   accounting  principles,  policies  and  methods  used  in  the  Financial
Statements  insofar  as the Financial Statements relate to  Acquired  Assets  or
Assumed Liabilities.  The financial statements included in the Annual Report  to
the  PPUC  for  the year ended December 31, 1993 were prepared in  all  material
respects in accordance with the rules and regulations of the PPUC.

           3.5  No Changes.  Since the Interim Statement  of  Net
Assets  Date to the date hereof, Seller has conducted the Business as  presently
operated  only in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice.
Since  the Interim Statement of Net Assets Date, except as disclosed in Schedule
3.5, there has not been:

              3.5.1     any Material Adverse Effect;

              3.5.2     prior to the date of this Agreement, any change in  the
salaries  or other compensation payable or to become payable to, or any  advance
(excluding  advances for ordinary business expenses) or loan to, any Transferred
Employee,  or  material change or material addition to, or material modification
of,  other benefits (including any bonus, profit-sharing, pension or other  plan
in  which  any  of the Transferred Employees participate) to which  any  of  the
Transferred  Employees  may  be  entitled,  or  any  payments  to  any  pension,
retirement,  profit-sharing, bonus or similar plan other than in any  such  case
(i)  in  the ordinary course consistent with past practice, (ii) as required  by
law, or (iii) as required by the Collective Bargaining Agreements;

              3.5.3    any alteration in any material respect of the customary
practices with respect to the collection of accounts receivable of the  Business
or the provision of discounts, rebates or allowances;

              3.5.4    any  disposition of or failure to keep in  effect  any
rights in, to or for the use of any Permit of the Business which individually or
in the aggregate would have a Material Adverse Effect;

              3.5.5    any damage, destruction or loss affecting the Business
which  individually  or  in the aggregate would have a Material  Adverse  Effect
whether or not covered by insurance;

              3.5.6    prior  to the date of this Agreement,  any  change  by
Seller in its method of accounting or keeping its books of account or accounting
practices  with respect to the Business except as required by GAAP  and  is  set
forth on Schedule 3.5; or

              3.5.7    prior to the date of this Agreement, any sale, transfer
or  other  disposition  of  any material assets, properties  or  rights  of  the
Business,  except  in  the  ordinary course of  business  consistent  with  past

           3.6  Contracts.  As of the  date  of  this  Agreement,
Schedule 3.6 contains a list of all Contracts (other than with respect to  which
the  Business' total annual liability or expense is less than (a)  $100,000  per
such  Contract and (b) $3,000,000 per all such Contracts).  Seller has delivered
to  Buyer  a  correct  and  complete copy of each written  agreement  listed  in
Schedule  3.6.   Except  as  disclosed on Schedule 3.6,  with  respect  to  each
Contract, neither Seller nor, to the Seller Parties' knowledge, any other  party
thereto, is in breach or default, and to the Seller Parties' knowledge, no event
has  occurred which with notice or lapse of time would constitute  a  breach  or
default,  or  permit  termination,  modification,  or  acceleration,  under  the
Contract,  except in each case where such breaches, terminations, modifications,
accelerations  or  defaults, individually or in the aggregate,  do  not  have  a
Material  Adverse  Effect.  Except as set forth in Schedule 3.6,  there  are  no
disputes  pending  or to the best of the Seller Parties' knowledge,  threatened,
under  or in respect of any of the Contracts, other than those that individually
and in the aggregate do not have a Material Adverse Effect.

           3.7  Permits  and Compliance With Laws Generally.

               3.7.1      Except as disclosed on Schedule 3.7, Seller  possesses
and  is  in  compliance  with all Permits required to operate  the  Business  as
presently operated and to own, lease or otherwise hold the Acquired Assets under
all  applicable  laws,  rules,  regulations,  ordinances  and  codes,  including
Environmental Laws (as defined below), except to the extent that any failure  to
possess, or to comply with, any Permit, laws, rules, regulations or orders would
not,  individually or in the aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect.   Except
as  disclosed in Schedule 3.7, the Business is conducted by Seller in compliance
with  all applicable laws (including the Occupational Safety and Health Act  and
the rules and regulations thereunder ("OSHA"), zoning, building and similar laws
and  Environmental Laws), rules, regulations, ordinances, codes,  judgments  and
orders, except for such failures to comply which do not individually or  in  the
aggregate have a Material Adverse Effect.  All Permits of Seller relating to the
operation  of  the Business are in full force and effect, other than  those  the
failure of which to be in full force and effect would not individually or in the
aggregate have a Material Adverse Effect.  There are no proceedings pending  or,
to   the  Seller  Parties'  knowledge,  threatened  that  seek  the  revocation,
cancellation,  suspension  or  any  adverse modification  of  any  such  Permits
presently  possessed  by  Seller  other than those  revocations,  cancellations,
suspensions or modifications which do not individually or in the aggregate  have
a Material Adverse Effect.

               3.7.2      Except  as set forth on Schedule 3.7,  no  outstanding
notice, citation, summons or order has been issued, no outstanding complaint has
been  filed,  no  outstanding penalty has been assessed and no investigation  or
review is pending or, to the knowledge of the Seller Parties, threatened, by any
Authority or other Person with respect to any alleged (i) violation by Seller or
any  Affiliate  of Seller relating to the Business of any law, ordinance,  rule,
regulation,  code or order of any Authority; or (ii) failure by  Seller  or  any
Affiliate  to  have any Permit required in connection with the  conduct  of  the
Business  or  otherwise  applicable  to the  Business  (including  the  Acquired
Assets),  except, in each case, where such violations or failures,  individually
or in the aggregate, would not have a Material Adverse Effect.

           3.8  Environmental Matters.  Except as  set forth  on  Schedule
3.8 hereto, and with such exceptions as are  not  reasonably
likely, individually or in the aggregate, to have a Material Adverse Effect:

               3.8.1     Seller has not disposed of or arranged for the disposal
of  or  Released  any  Hazardous  Substances,  other  than  in  conformity  with
applicable laws and regulations, at any Real Estate, or, in connection with  the
Business or Acquired Assets, at any other facility, location, or other site.

               3.8.2      Seller has not received any written notice or  request
for  information  with  respect  to, and to the  best  of  the  Seller  Parties'
knowledge,  Seller  has  not  been designated a  potentially  liable  party  for
remedial action or response costs, in connection with any Real Estate, or, as of
the  date hereof, with respect to the Business or Acquired Assets, at any  other
facility,  location, or other site under the federal Comprehensive Environmental
Response,  Compensation  and  Liability  Act  ("CERCLA")  or  comparable   state

              3.8.3     To the best of the Seller Parties' knowledge, except for
such  use or storage of Hazardous Substances as is incidental to the conduct  of
the Business, which use and storage is or has been in compliance with applicable
laws  and  regulations, and which use and storage has not caused  any  condition
that  requires  Remedial Action, no Real Estate has been used for  the  storage,
treatment,  generation,  processing, production or  disposal  of  any  Hazardous
Substances  or  as a landfill or other waste disposal site in violation  of  any
law, rule or regulation.

              3.8.4     To the best of the Seller Parties' knowledge underground
storage  tanks are not, and have not in the past been, located on or  under  any
Real Estate.

              3.8.5     There are no pending or unresolved claims against Seller
or  the Business for investigatory costs, cleanup, removal, remedial or response
costs,  or  natural resource damages arising out of any Releases  or  threat  of
Release  of  any  Hazardous substances at any Real Estate or,  as  of  the  date
hereof,  with  respect to the Business or the Acquired Assets or  at  any  other
facility, location, or other site.

               3.8.6      To  the  best  of  the Seller Parties'  knowledge,  no
polychlorinated biphenyls ("PCBs") or asbestos-containing materials are  located
at  or  in  any Real Estate in violation of Environmental Laws or which  require
Remedial Action.

               3.8.7      To  the  best  of  the Seller Parties'  knowledge,  no
Hazardous Substance managed or generated by or on behalf of Seller at  the  Real
Estate  or  in connection with the Business or Acquired Assets has  come  to  be
located  at  any  site  that is listed or formally proposed  for  listing  under
CERCLA,  the  Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation  and  Liability
Information System ("CERCLIS"), or any similar state list or that is the subject
of federal, state, or local enforcement actions or investigations.

               3.8.8      The  Seller Parties know of no facts or  circumstances
related  to  environmental matters (i) in connection with the operation  of  the
Business  or  (ii)  concerning the Real Estate, that are  reasonably  likely  to
result  in  any material reduction in the quality or quantity of water available
for supply to the Seller Parties' customers.

               3.8.9     The Seller Parties will within thirty (30) days of  the
date  hereof  provide Buyer with copies of all written environmental  audits  or
investigations of which they are aware (after due inquiry) prepared for the Real
Estate or operations of the Business.

               3.8.10    Except as set forth in Schedule 3.8.10-I or the  Seller
Parties' Annual Reports on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1994:

                     (a)    The  Seller  Parties  (including  for  purposes   of
Section  3.8.10(a) and (b), Affiliates and predecessors of the  Seller  Parties)
are  and  have been for the past three years in full compliance with all federal
and state primary drinking water standards;

                    (b)  The Seller Parties are and have been for the past three
years  in  full  compliance with all federal and state secondary drinking  water
standards; and

                    (c)   As  to all outstanding violations of state or  federal
drinking  water  standards,  as  of the date hereof,  the  Seller  Parties  have
completed  or are in the process of completion in accordance with all applicable
deadlines,  all actions required by Environmental Law or Authorities to  correct
or  otherwise respond to such violations.  The estimated dates of completion  of
such actions are listed on Schedule 3.8.10-II.

              3.8.11    None of the Seller Parties will be required to place any
notice  or restriction relating to the presence of Hazardous Substances  in  the
deed  to  any  Real  Estate,  or  in any written  instrument  accompanying  this
Agreement,  and no Real Estate has such a notice or restriction in its  deed  or
any  other written instrument relating to the purchase, lease or rental of  such

For the purposes of these Sections 3.7 and 3.8:  (A) "Remedial Action" means all
actions  to  (x)  clean up, remove, treat or in any other  way  respond  to  any
presence, Release or threat of Release of Hazardous Substances; (y) prevent  the
Release  or threat of Release, or minimize the further Release of any  Hazardous
Substances  so it does not endanger or threaten to endanger public  or  employee
health or welfare or the environment; or (z) perform studies, investigations  or
monitoring  necessary  or required to investigate the foregoing;  (B)  "Environm
ental Laws" means any common law or federal, state or local law, statutes, rule,
regulation, ordinance, code, judgment or order relating to the protection of the
environment  or  human health and safety and includes, but is  not  limited  to,
CERCLA  (42  U.S.C.   9601, et seq.), the Clean Water Act (33  U.S.C.   1251  et
seq.),  the  Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (42 U.S.C.  6901  et  seq.),
the  Toxic  Substances Control Act (15 U.S.C.  2601 et seq.), the Safe  Drinking
Water  Act  (42  U.S.C.  300f et seq.) and the Oil Pollution  Act  of  1990  (33
U.S.C.   2701  et seq.), each as has been or may be amended and the  regulations
promulgated  pursuant thereto; (C) "Released" means released,  spilled,  leaked,
discharged,  disposed of, pumped, poured, emitted, emptied,  injected,  leached,
dumped  or allowed to escape; and (D) "Hazardous Substances" means hazardous  or
toxic  or  polluting  substance  or  waste or contaminant,  including  petroleum
products, PCBs and radioactive materials.

           3.9  Consents.  No consent, approval or authorization of, or
registration or filing with, any Person (governmental or private) is required in
connection with the execution, delivery and performance by Seller or PEI of this
Agreement,  the  Transaction Documents, or the consummation of the  transactions
contemplated  hereby  or  thereby  by  the  Seller  Parties,  including  without
limitation  in  connection  with the assignment of  the  Contracts  and  Permits
contemplated  hereby, except (i) as required by the Hart-Scott Rodino  Antitrust
Improvements Act of 1976 (the "HSR Act"), (ii) as specified on Schedule 3.9  and
(iii)  for  such  other  consents, approvals, authorizations,  registrations  or
filings the failure of which to obtain or make would not individually or in  the
aggregate have a Material Adverse Effect.

           3.10  Title.  Seller has good and valid title to all  of
the Acquired Assets constituting personal property, good and marketable title in
fee simple to all of the owned Acquired Assets constituting Real Estate and good
and valid leasehold title to all of the leased Acquired Assets constituting Real
Estate,  in  each  case, free and clear of Liens subject only to  the  Permitted
Exceptions.  "Permitted Exceptions" as used herein shall mean (a) the Liens  set
forth   in   Schedule  3.10  hereto,  (b)  Liens  securing  Taxes,  assessments,
governmental  charges  or  levies,  or the  claims  of  materialmen,  mechanics,
carriers and like persons, all of which are not yet due and payable or which are
being contested in good faith or (c) such other Liens which, individually or  in
the  aggregate, do not have a Material Adverse Effect (it being understood  that
to  the  extent  a  Permitted Exception relates to or  arises  from  a  Retained
Liability,  Seller  shall  still be liable for such Retained  Liability  to  the
extent set forth herein).

          3.11  Real Estate.

               3.11.1     As  of  the date hereof, Seller has not  received  any
written or oral notice for assessments for public improvements against the  Real
Estate which remains unpaid, and to the best knowledge of the Seller Parties, no
such assessment has been proposed.  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.11, as  of
the date hereof, there is no pending condemnation, expropriation, eminent domain
or similar proceeding affecting all or any portion of any of the Real Estate and
to the best knowledge of the Seller Parties no such proceeding is threatened.

               3.11.2     Except as disclosed on Schedule 3.11, as of  the  date
hereof,  Seller  is  not  a lessee under any Contract relating  to  the  use  or
occupancy of the Real Estate involving annual payments in excess of $25,000.

          3.12  Taxes.  The Seller Parties have (a) timely filed all
material returns and reports for Taxes, including information returns, that  are
required to have been filed in connection with, relating to, or arising out  of,
the  Business,  (b) paid all Taxes that are shown to have come due  pursuant  to
such returns or reports and (c) paid all other material Taxes not required to be
reported  on  returns in connection with, relating to, or  arising  out  of,  or
imposed  on  the  property of the Business for which a notice of  assessment  or
demand for payment has been received or which have otherwise become due.  To the
best  of  the Seller Parties' knowledge, all such returns or reports  have  been
prepared in accordance with all applicable laws and requirements in all material
respects.   Except to the extent disclosed on Schedule 3.12, none of the  assets
of  the Business or constituting any of the Acquired Assets (a) is property that
is  required  to  be treated as owned by another Person pursuant  to  the  "safe
harbor  lease" provisions of former Section 168(f)(8) of the Code, (b) is  "tax-
exempt  use  property" within the meaning of Section 168(h) of the Code  or  (c)
directly  or  indirectly secures any debt the interest on  which  is  tax-exempt
under Section 103(a) of the Code.

              3.13  Patents    and    Intellectual    Property    Rights.
To the best of Seller's  knowledge, the  operations  of Seller do not make
any unauthorized use of any  Intellectual
Property  except  for any such unauthorized uses which do not  have  a  Material
Adverse Effect.  Assuming the consents listed as items 12 through 17 on Schedule
3.3  are obtained, Buyer will not lose any of Seller's rights to, or be required
to  pay  increased  royalties for, any Intellectual  Property  included  in  the
Acquired  Assets  as  a  result  of the Closing  and  the  consummation  of  the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement, except for any such rights or  such
increased royalties the loss or payment of which would, individually or  in  the
aggregate, not have a Material Adverse Effect.

           3.14  Accounts Receivable.  The accounts receivable  of  Seller
arising from the Business as set forth  on  the  Interim Statement  of  Net
Assets or arising since the date thereof have arisen  out  of bona  fide
sales  and deliveries of goods, performance of  services  and  other
business  transactions in the ordinary course of business consistent  with  past
practice;  the allowance for collection losses on the Interim Statement  of  Net
Assets  has  been  determined  in  accordance with  GAAP  consistent  with  past

          3.15  Labor Relations.  As of the date hereof, except  as  set
forth in Schedule 3.15, to best of the knowledge of  the  Seller
Parties, there has been no union organizing efforts with respect to the Business
conducted within the last three (3) years and there are none now being conducted
with respect to the Business.  Except as set forth in Schedule 3.15, Seller  has
not  at  any time during the three (3) years prior to the date of this Agreement
had, nor, to the best of the Seller Parties' knowledge, is there now threatened,
a  strike,  work  stoppage or work slowdown with respect  to  or  affecting  the
Business  which  had or could reasonably be expected to have a Material  Adverse
Effect.   As  of the date hereof, except as set forth in Schedule 3.15,  (i)  no
Employee is represented by any union or other labor organization and (ii)  there
is  no  unfair  labor practice charge pending or, to the best knowledge  of  the
Seller  Parties, threatened against Seller relating to any of the  Employees  as
related  to  the Business which could reasonably be expected to have a  Material
Adverse Effect.

          3.16  Employee Benefit Plans.

               3.16.1  Schedule 3.16.1 contains a true and complete  list  of
each "employee benefit plan," as defined in Section 3(3) of ERISA (including any
"multiemployer  plan" as defined in Section 3(37) of ERISA),  bonus,  incentive,
deferred  compensation,  excess benefit, employment  contract,  stock  purchase,
stock  ownership, stock option, supplemental unemployment, vacation, sabbatical,
sick-day,  severance  or  other  material  employee  benefit  plan,  program  or
arrangement (other than those required to be maintained by law), whether written
or  unwritten,  qualified  or  nonqualified,  funded  or  unfunded,  foreign  or
domestic,  (i)  maintained  by, or contributed  to  by  Seller  or  any  of  its
Affiliates, in respect of any Employee or Former Employee, or (ii) with  respect
to  which  Seller or any of its Affiliates has any liability in respect  of  any
Employee  or  Former  Employee (the "Benefit Plans").  Except  as  disclosed  on
Schedule  3.16.1, neither Seller nor any of its Affiliates maintains any  bonus,
pension  or welfare benefit plan, program or arrangement, including any deferred
compensation arrangement, for directors, consultants or independent  contractors
of the Business.

               3.16.2  A  true  and complete copy of each  Benefit  Plan  and
related  trust agreements and (to the extent applicable) a copy of each  Benefit
Plan's  current summary plan description and in the case of an unwritten Benefit
Plan,  a written description thereof, has been furnished to Buyer.  In addition,
to  the  extent  applicable, Buyer has been provided a copy of the  most  recent
Internal  Revenue Service ("IRS") determination letter issued  to  each  Benefit
Plan and a copy of the most recent IRS Form 5500 together with all schedules and
accountants' statement filed, and actuarial reports prepared, on behalf of  each
Benefit Plan.

               3.16.3  Each  Benefit Plan which is intended to  be  qualified
under  Section  401(a)  of the Code (as designated on  Schedule  3.16.1)  is  so
qualified  and  any trust forming a part of such a Benefit Plan  is  tax  exempt
under  Section 501(a) of the Code.  Each such Benefit Plan has been amended,  as
and  when  necessary, to comply with the Tax Reform Act of 1986 and upon  timely
filing  of  an Application for Determination with the Internal Revenue  Service,
will  be  eligible to make further such amendments under the "remedial amendment

               3.16.4  Except as disclosed in Schedule 3.16.4,  each  Benefit
Plan  has  been operated and administered in all material respects in accordance
with its terms and all applicable laws, including ERISA and the Code.

               3.16.5  None of the Acquired Assets is subject to a Lien or Tax
under the Code or ERISA.

               3.16.6  Neither  Seller nor any ERISA Affiliate  and,  to  the
knowledge of the Seller Parties, no other Person, has taken any action or failed
to  take  any action with respect to any Benefit Plan that may subject Buyer  or
any   Benefit   Plan  under  which  liabilities  are  assumed  by  Buyer   under
Section 5.10, 5.11 or 5.12 ("Assumed Benefit Plan") to any material liability or
Tax under the Code or ERISA.

               3.16.7  Neither Seller nor any ERISA Affiliate has incurred  or
expects to incur any withdrawal liability with respect to any Benefit Plan which
is  a  "multiemployer plan" within the meaning of Section 4001(a)(3)  of  ERISA,
including  any  withdrawal liability arising from the actions of Seller  or  any
ERISA  Affiliate contemplated by this Agreement.  All contributions that  Seller
or  any ERISA Affiliate have been obliged to make to any Benefit Plan, including
any multiemployer plan, have been duly and timely made.

               3.16.8  There are no pending or, to the knowledge of the Seller
Parties,   threatened   claims  (other  than  routine  claims   for   benefits),
assessments, complaints, proceedings or investigations of any kind in any  court
or  governmental agency with respect to any Benefit Plan which could  reasonably
be expected to give rise to a material liability to Buyer.

               3.16.9  Except as disclosed on Schedule 3.16.9, no Benefit Plan
provides  benefits,  including without limitation, death  or  medical  benefits,
beyond termination of service or retirement other than (i) coverage mandated  by
law,  or (ii) death or retirement benefits under a Benefit Plan qualified  under
Section 401(a) of the Code.  Except as disclosed in Schedule 3.16.9, Seller  has
communicated to retirees that future changes may have to be made to  the  health
care  programs offered to retirees and/or that contributions may be required  of
retirees.  Except as disclosed in Schedule 3.16.9, neither the Vice President of
Human Resources and Customer Services, the Director of Human Resources, nor  the
Vice President of Finance is aware of any representations made on behalf of  the
Company which would limit Seller's ability to change post-retirement benefits.

               3.16.10  With  respect to each Benefit Plan that  is  a  "group
health  plan" within the meaning of Section 607 of ERISA and that is subject  to
Section 4980B of the Code, Seller and each ERISA Affiliate have complied in  all
material  respects with the continuation coverage requirements of the  Code  and

               3.16.11  As  of January 1, 1995, the assets of the PEI  Pension
Plan  exceeded the actuarial present value of the accumulated benefit obligation
thereunder  for  all  participants determined as  described  in  Section  5.10.2

            3.17   Absence  of  Undisclosed  Liabilities17      Absence   of
Undisclosed  Liabilities.  Except as disclosed in Schedule 3.17, Seller  has  no
liabilities  with  respect  to  the  Business  which  would  constitute  Assumed
Liabilities,  either  direct  or indirect, matured  or  unmatured  or  absolute,
contingent or otherwise, except:

               3.17.1  those liabilities set forth on the Interim Statement of
Net  Assets  or  referred to in the notes to the Financial  Statements  and  not
heretofore paid or discharged;

               3.17.2  liabilities arising in the ordinary course of business
under any Contract; and

                3.17.3  those  liabilities  incurred,  consistent  with  past
business  practice,  in  or as a result of the normal  and  ordinary  course  of
business  since  the Interim Statement of Net Assets Date and reflected  in  the
books and records related to the Business;

               3.17.4  the obligations and liabilities set forth in  Sections
5.9, 5.10, 5.11 and 5.12 hereof; and

               3.17.5  those other liabilities, which individually and in  the
aggregate, would not have a Material Adverse Effect.

            3.18  No  Pending  Litigation  or  Proceedings.  Except as
disclosed in Schedule 3.18, there  are  no actions, suits, investigations
or proceedings pending against or, to the best of the  Seller  Parties'
knowledge, threatened against or affecting,  Seller,  the Business  or  any
of  the  Acquired Assets before any court  or  arbitrator  or
Authority which individually or in the aggregate, would have a Material  Adverse
Effect.   Except  as  disclosed  in  Schedule  3.18,  there  are  currently   no
outstanding  judgments,  decrees or orders of any  court  or  Authority  against
Seller  or  PEI, which relate to or arise out of the conduct of the Business  or
the  ownership,  condition or operation of the Business or the  Acquired  Assets
which individually or in the aggregate would have a Material Adverse Effect.

          3.19  Supply of Utilities.  Except as set forth  on  Schedule 3.19,
the Real Estate has adequate arrangements for supplies of  electricity, gas,
oil, coal and/or sewer for all operations at the  1994  or current operating
levels, whichever is greater.  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.19,  there
are no actions or proceedings pending or, to the best of the Seller
Parties'  knowledge,  threatened  that would  adversely  affect  the  supply  of
electricity,  gas,  coal  or sewer to the Real Estate  except  for  those  which
individually and in the aggregate would not have a Material Adverse Effect.

           3.20  Insurance.  Schedule 3.20 lists the  Seller Parties'
policies and contracts in effect as of the date hereof  for  insurance
covering  the  Acquired Assets or Assumed Liabilities and the operation  of  the
facilities  constituting the Business owned or held by Seller or  PEI,  together
with the risks insured against, coverage limits and deductible amounts.

           3.21 Relationship with Customers. As of the date hereof, Seller
does not have any current customer which accounted for  more than 5% of the
net sales of the Business for the immediately preceding
12-month period.

           3.22  WARN Act.  Except as contemplated by Section  5.9
hereby  or as set forth in Schedule 3.22 hereto, within six months prior to  the
date hereof, (i) Seller has not effectuated (a) a "plant closing" (as defined in
the  WARN  Act)  affecting any site of employment or one or more  facilities  or
operating  units within any site of employment or facility of the  Business;  or
(b)  a  "mass  layoff"  (as  defined in the WARN  Act)  affecting  any  site  of
employment  or  one  or more facilities or operating units within  any  site  of
employment or facility of the Business; (ii) Seller has not been affected by any
transaction or engaged in layoffs or employment terminations with respect to the
Business  sufficient in number to trigger application of any  similar  state  or
local  law;  and (iii) none of Seller's employees who are employed in connection
with the Business has suffered an "employment loss" (as defined in the WARN Act)

          3.23  Condition of Assets.  Except as set forth  on  Schedule 3.23,
the buildings, machinery, equipment, tools, furniture, improvements  and
other fixed tangible assets of the Business  included  in  the
Acquired Assets are in good operating condition and repair, reasonable wear  and
tear excepted.

           3.24  Brokerage.  None of the Seller  Parties  or their
Affiliates have made any agreement or taken any other action which  might
cause  any Person to become entitled to a broker's or finder's fee or commission
as  a  result of the transactions contemplated hereunder which could  result  in
liability to Buyer or its Affiliates.

           3.25  All Assets.  Except as set forth on Schedule 3.25  and  for
the  Excluded Assets, the Acquired Assets  include  all  assets, rights,
properties and contracts the use of which is necessary to the continued
conduct of the Business by Buyer substantially in the manner as it was conducted
prior  to  the  Closing Date, including the service of all utility customers  in
substantially  the same manner and at substantially the same service  levels  as
provided by Seller on the date hereof.

                           ARTICLE 4

                           OF BUYER

      Parent and Buyer jointly and severally represent and warrant to Seller  as

                 4.1  Organization and Good Standing

               4.1.1   Parent is a corporation duly organized, validly  existing
and in good standing under the laws of the State of Delaware.

               4.1.2  Buyer is a corporation duly organized validly existing and
in  good standing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and has all
requisite  corporate power and authority to own, lease and operate the  Acquired
Assets  and  the  Business.  Buyer is qualified to do business and  is  in  good
standing in all jurisdictions wherein the nature of the business conducted by it
or  Buyer's  ownership or use of assets and properties make  such  qualification
necessary,  except such failures to be qualified or to be in good  standing,  if
any,  which  when taken together with all such failures of Buyer do not  have  a
material  adverse  effect on its ability to perform its obligations  under  this
Agreement and the Transaction Documents.

             4.2  Authorization and Enforceability.  Each of Buyer and Parent
has full corporate power and corporate authority  to,  execute,  deliver  and
perform  this  Agreement  and  the  other Transaction  Documents  to  which
either of them is  a  party.   The  execution, delivery  and  performance
by  Buyer and  Parent  of  this  Agreement  and  the Transaction  Documents
to which Buyer and/or Parent is a party  have  been  duly authorized by all
necessary corporate action on the part of each of them.   This Agreement  has
been duly executed and delivered by Buyer and Parent, and  as  of
the  Closing  Date  the other Transaction Documents will be  duly  executed  and
delivered  by  Buyer and Parent.  This Agreement is a legal, valid  and  binding
obligation of Buyer and Parent, enforceable against them in accordance with  its
terms,  except as such enforceability may be limited by applicable laws relating
to  bankruptcy, insolvency, fraudulent conveyance, reorganization  or  affecting
creditors'  rights generally and except to the extent that injunctive  or  other
equitable  relief is within the discretion of a court.  As of the Closing  Date,
each  of  the other Transaction Documents to which Buyer and Parent is  a  party
will be duly executed and delivered by Buyer and Parent and will constitute  the
legal,  valid  and binding obligations of Buyer and Parent, enforceable  against
them in accordance with its respective terms, except as such enforceability  may
be  limited  by  applicable laws relating to bankruptcy, insolvency,  fraudulent
conveyance, reorganization or affecting creditors' rights generally  and  except
to the extent that injunctive or other equitable relief is within the discretion
of a court.

           4.3  No Violation of Laws or Agreements.  The execution, delivery
and performance of this Agreement  and  the Transaction Documents by Buyer
and/or Parent do not, and the consummation of the transactions  contemplated
hereby and thereby  will  not,  (a)  contravene  any provision of the
Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws of Buyer or the Certificate
of  Incorporation  or Bylaws of Parent; or (b) except as set forth  on  Schedule
4.3, violate, conflict with, result in a breach of, or constitute a default  (or
an  event which would with the passage of time or the giving of notice, or both,
constitute   a   default)  under,  or  result  in  or  permit  the  termination,
modification, acceleration, or cancellation of (i) any indenture, mortgage, loan
or  credit  agreement,  license,  instrument,  lease,  contract,  plan,  permit,
authorization,  proof of dedication or other agreement or  commitment,  oral  or
written, to which Parent or Buyer is a party, or by which any of their assets or
properties  may  be  bound of affected, except for such  violations,  conflicts,
breaches,  terminations, modifications, accelerations, cancellations,  interests
or rights which, individually or in the aggregate do not have a material adverse
effect  on  their  respective ability to perform their  obligations  under  this
Agreement and the Transaction Documents, or (ii) any judgment, injunction, writ,
award,  decree,  restriction,  ruling, or order  of  any  court,  arbitrator  or
Authority or any applicable constitution, law, ordinance, rule or regulation  to
which Buyer or Parent is subject other than those violations and conflicts which
individually or in the aggregate do not have a material adverse effect on  their
respective  ability to perform their obligations under this  Agreement  and  the
Transaction Documents.

           4.4 Consents.  No consent, approval or authorization of, or
registration or filing with, any Person (governmental or private) is required in
connection with the execution, delivery and performance by Buyer and  Parent  of
this  Agreement,  the  other Transaction Documents, or the consummation  of  the
transactions  contemplated hereby or thereby by Buyer or Parent  except  (i)  as
required  by the HSR Act, (ii) as specified on Schedule 4.4 and (iii)  for  such
consents,  approvals, authorizations, registrations or filings, the  failure  to
obtain  or  make  would  not individually or in the aggregate  have  a  material
adverse  effect  on their respective ability to perform their obligations  under
this Agreement and the Transaction Documents.

           4.5  Financing.  Buyer and Parent  have,  and  at  the
Closing Date, will have sufficient resources to pay the Purchase Price.

           4.6  Brokerage.   None  of  Parents,  Buyer  or  their
Affiliates  have made any agreement or taken any other action which might  cause
any  Person to become entitled to a broker's or finder's fee or commission as  a
result  of  the  transactions  contemplated  hereunder  which  could  result  in
liability to the Seller Parties.

                           ARTICLE 5

                      ADDITIONAL COVENANTS

          5.1 Conduct of Business.  Except (i) as otherwise specifically
permitted by this Agreement, (ii) as set  forth  in  Schedule  5.1
hereto or (iii) with the prior written consent of Buyer, from and after the date
of this Agreement and until the Closing Date, each of Seller and PEI agree that:

               5.1.1     Seller shall conduct the Business as presently operated
and only in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice.

               5.1.2      They  shall promptly inform Buyer in  writing  of  any
specific event or circumstance of which they are aware, or of which they receive
notice,  that has or is likely to have, individually or in the aggregate,  taken
together  with the other events or circumstances, a Material Adverse  Effect  on
the Acquired Assets or the Assumed Liabilities.

              5.1.3     Seller shall not:

                   (a)  change or modify in any material respect existing credit
and  collection  policies,  procedures and practices with  respect  to  accounts

                    (b)   enter into any contract or commitment, waive any right
or  enter into any other transaction (except in the ordinary course of business)
which would have a Material Adverse Effect;

                    (c)   commit  to acquire subsequent to the Closing  Date  on
behalf  of the Business any capital asset or group of capital assets costing  in
excess  of  $1,000,000 which, if so acquired, would be included in the  Acquired
Assets; or sell or lease or agree to sell or lease or otherwise dispose  of  any
assets  included  in the Acquired Assets except in the ordinary  course  of  the
conduct of the Business, consistent with past practice;

                    (d)   except in the ordinary course of business,  consistent
with  past  practice  or as required under any of Seller's debt  instruments  or
indentures, mortgage, pledge or subject to any Lien (other than Permitted Liens)
any of the Acquired Assets;

                    (e)   change  any  compensation or  benefits  or  grant  any
material  new  compensation  or  benefits  payable  to  or  in  respect  of  any
Transferred Employee except (i) as required by law, (ii) in the ordinary course,
consistent with past practice and (iii) as required by the Collective Bargaining
Agreements  in  existence on the date hereof; provided, however,  no  individual
Employee  shall in any event receive a compensation increase in excess of  seven
percent  (7%)  except  as  required by the Collective Bargaining  Agreements  in
existence on the date hereof;

                   (f)  other than in the ordinary course of business consistent
with  past  practice,  sell  or  otherwise transfer  any  assets  necessary,  or
otherwise  material  to  the  conduct of, the Business  which  would  constitute
Acquired Assets;

                    (g)  change the Seller's method of accounting or keeping its
books of account or accounting practices with respect to the Business, except as
required by GAAP; or

                    (h)   intentionally and wilfully take or omit  to  take  any
action  which  if taken or omitted prior to the date hereof would constitute  or
result  in  a breach of any representations or warranties set forth in  Sections
3.1,  3.2,  3.3,  3.4,  3.7, 3.8, 3.10, 3.14, 3.16  and 3.25  hereof  (it  being
understood  that  the  failure to cure a breach shall  not,  by  itself,  be  an
intentional and wilful omission to take action).

           5.2  Negotiations.   Neither PEI nor Seller nor any Person
controlled by PEI or Seller or under common control with PEI  or  Seller
(each  such person being a "Section 5.2 Affiliate"), nor any officer,  director,
employee,  representative or agent of PEI or Seller or any of their Section  5.2
Affiliates,  shall, directly or indirectly, solicit or initiate or  (subject  to
the  fiduciary duties of the Board of Directors of PEI to its stockholders under
applicable  law as advised by counsel) participate in any way in discussions  or
negotiations with, or provide any information or assistance to, or enter into an
agreement with any Person or group of Persons (other than Parent, Buyer  or  any
Person controlled by Parent or Buyer or under common control with Parent,  Buyer
or  any  Persons  providing financing to the parties hereto in  connection  with
facilitating  the  consummation  of  the  transactions  contemplated   by   this
Agreement)  concerning  any  acquisition,  merger,  consolidation,  liquidation,
dissolution,  disposition or other transaction (or series of such  transactions)
that would result in the transfer to any such Person or group of Persons of  ten
percent  (10%)  of the Acquired Assets (as measured by net book  value  of  such
assets  on  the  date  of  each such transaction) or  the  acquisition,  merger,
consolidation,  liquidation, dissolution, disposition or other  transaction  (or
series  of  such  transactions) involving Seller or PEI,  if  such  acquisition,
merger,   consolidation,   liquidation,  dissolution,   disposition   or   other
transaction  (or  series  of such transactions) would be  inconsistent,  in  any
respect,  with  the  obligations of the Seller Parties  hereunder  (any  of  the
foregoing  transactions, a "Competing Transaction").  PEI will  promptly  notify
Buyer  of  the  substance  of  any  inquiry  or  proposal  concerning  any  such
transaction  that may be received by any of the directors or executive  officers
of  PEI  or Seller, their legal counsel or a Vice President or Managing Director
of their financial advisor who is assigned to the Seller Parties account.

           5.3  Disclosure Schedules.  As promptly as practicable,  the
Seller  Parties  will provide  Buyer  with  a  supplement  or amendment  to
the Disclosure Schedules with respect to any matter, condition  or
occurrence  which  is required to be set forth or described  in  the  Disclosure
Schedules.  For the avoidance of doubt, a matter, condition or occurrence  shall
only  be "required" to be set forth or described in the Disclosure Schedules  if
the  failure  to  be  so disclosed would result in a breach  of  the  applicable
representation  or  warranty  (qualified  by  Material  Adverse   Effect   where
applicable)  on  the  date hereof or on the Closing Date.  In  addition,  Seller
shall  have the right at any time and from time to time prior to the Closing  to
supplement  or  amend the Disclosure Schedules.  Seller may  provide  Disclosure
Schedules  with  respect  to any representation or warranty  of  this  Agreement
whether  or  not a specific schedule is referred to therein.  In the event  that
any supplement or amendment of such Disclosure Schedules shall be provided later
than  five (5) business days prior to the Closing Date the Buyer shall have  the
right  to delay the Closing for a period of five (5) business days in order  for
Buyer  to  review such supplement or amendment.  No such supplement or amendment
shall  be  deemed to cure any breach of or alter any representation or  warranty
made  in  this  Agreement  so as to permit the Closing  to  occur  unless  Buyer
specifically  agrees  thereto  in writing.  The Seller  Parties  shall  promptly
inform  Buyer, and Buyer will promptly inform the Seller Parties of any fact  or
event  which  comes  to their attention, the existence of which  constitutes  or
likely  will  constitute a breach in any material respects of any representation
or warranty in this Agreement.  In addition, Buyer will, within five (5) days of
receipt  thereof, forward to Seller (i) any title report Buyer receives  from  a
title company with respect to the Real Estate and (ii) any written communication
regarding  a  specific Lien or title defect affecting a specifically  identified
parcel of the Real Estate sent to the President, Treasurer, General Counsel  and
Secretary  of Parent, the Vice President and Treasurer of American  Water  Works
Service Co., Inc. or the President of Buyer, and sent by a party other than  the
Seller Parties, their legal counsel, financial advisors or representatives.

           5.4  Mutual  Covenants.  The parties mutually covenant from the
date of this Agreement to the Closing Date (and subject to the other terms
of this Agreement, including Section 5.8 hereof):

               5.4.1  to cooperate with each other in determining  whether
filings  are  required to be made or consents required to  be  obtained  in  any
jurisdiction   in   connection  with  the  consummation  of   the   transactions
contemplated  by  this Agreement and in making or causing to be  made  any  such
filings promptly and in seeking to obtain timely any such consents;

               5.4.2  to  use all reasonable efforts to obtain promptly  the
satisfaction  (but  not  waiver)  of  the  conditions  to  the  Closing  of  the
transactions contemplated herein (each party hereto shall furnish to  the  other
and to the other's counsel all such information as may be reasonably required in
order to effectuate the foregoing action); and

               5.4.3  to  advise the other parties promptly  if  such  party
determines that any condition precedent to its obligations hereunder will not be
satisfied in a timely manner.

           5.5  Filings and Authorizations.  The parties  hereto will as
promptly as practicable, make or cause to  be  made  all such filings and
submissions under laws, rules and regulations applicable to  it or  its
Affiliates as may be required to consummate the terms of this Agreement,
including all notifications and information to be filed or supplied pursuant  to
the  HSR  Act  and with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (the  "PPUC")
pursuant to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Code (the "Utility Code").  Any such
filings and supplemental information will be in substantial compliance with  the
requirements  of  the applicable law, rule or regulation.  Each  of  Parent  and
Buyer,  on the one hand, and the Seller Parties, on the other, shall furnish  to
the  other such necessary information and reasonable assistance as the other may
request  in connection with its preparation of any filing or submission  to  the
PPUC  or  which is necessary under the HSR Act.  The Seller Parties, on the  one
hand  and Buyer and Parent, on the other, shall keep each other apprised of  the
status  of  any  communications with, and inquiries or requests  for  additional
information  from, any Authority, including the PPUC, the United States  Federal
Trade  Commission  ("FTC")  and  the Antitrust Division  of  the  United  States
Department of Justice (the "Antitrust Division"), and shall comply promptly with
any such inquiry or request.  Each of PEI, Seller, Parent and Buyer will use its
reasonable efforts to obtain any clearance required under the HSR Act  and  from
the PPUC for the purchase and sale of the Acquired Assets in accordance with the
terms  and  conditions hereof.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing contained
in  this  Agreement  will  require or obligate any  party  or  their  respective
Affiliates  (i)  to  initiate, pursue or defend any  litigation  (or  threatened
litigation)  to which any Authority (including the PPUC, the Antitrust  Division
and  the  FTC)  is  a party; (ii) to agree or otherwise become  subject  to  any
material limitations on (A) the right of Buyer or its Affiliates effectively  to
control  or  operate  the  Business or the right of  Seller  or  its  Affiliates
effectively to control or operate Seller's gas business, (B) the right of  Buyer
or  its Affiliates to acquire or hold the Business or the right of Seller or its
Affiliates  to  hold the Excluded Assets or Seller's gas business,  or  (C)  the
right  of Buyer to exercise full rights of ownership of the Business or  all  or
any  material portion of the Acquired Assets or the right of Seller to  exercise
full rights of ownership of Seller's gas business or all or any material portion
of  the  Excluded Assets; or (iii) to agree or otherwise be required to sell  or
otherwise  dispose of, hold separate (through the establishment of  a  trust  or
otherwise),  or divest itself of all or any portion of the business,  assets  or
operations  of  PEI,  Seller,  Parent, Buyer, any  Affiliate  of  Buyer  or  the
Business.   The  parties agree that no representation, warranty or  covenant  of
Buyer,  Parent, PEI or Seller contained in this Agreement shall be  breached  or
deemed  breached as a result of the failure by Parent and Buyer on the one  hand
or the Seller Parties, on the other, to take any of the actions specified in the
preceding sentence.

           5.6  Public Announcement.  No party hereto shall make or issue, or
cause to be made or issued, any public announcement or written statement
concerning  this  Agreement or the transactions  contemplated  hereby
without  the  prior  written  consent of the other  party  (which  will  not  be
unreasonably  withheld or delayed), unless counsel to such  party  advises  that
such  announcement or statement is required by law (in which  case  the  parties
shall  make reasonable efforts to consult with each other prior to such required

           5.7  Further Assurances.  Each of PEI,  Parent, Buyer  and  Seller,
from time to time after the Closing, at Buyer's or  Seller's request,  will
execute, acknowledge and deliver to the applicable  person  such other
instruments of conveyance and transfer and will take such  other  actions
and  execute  such  other documents, certifications, and further  assurances  as
Buyer  or  Seller,  as  the  case may be, may reasonably  require  in  order  to
transfer,  in  accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement,  more
effectively  in Buyer or to put Buyer more fully in possession  of  any  of  the
Acquired Assets or better to enable Buyer to complete, perform and discharge any
of  the  Assumed  Liabilities.   Each party shall  cooperate  and  deliver  such
instruments  and take such action as may be reasonably requested  by  the  other
party  in  order to carry out the provisions and purposes of this Agreement  and
the transactions contemplated hereby.

          5.8 Cooperation.

               5.8.1   Parent, Buyer, PEI and Seller shall cooperate and shall
cause   their   respective   Affiliates,   officers,   employees,   agents   and
representatives  to cooperate to ensure the orderly transition of  the  Business
from  Seller  to Buyer and to minimize the disruption to the Business  resulting
from the transactions contemplated hereby.

               5.8.2   Without  limiting the foregoing,  neither  Parent  and
Buyer,  nor  PEI and Seller (nor any of their respective Affiliates) shall  make
any  filings pursuant to federal or state securities laws ("Securities Filings")
or  make  any  consent  solicitations to holders of Assumed  Indebtedness  which
include any information about Seller, Buyer (or their respective Affiliates)  or
the  transactions contemplated hereby without the prior written approval of  the
other  party,  which  approval shall not be unreasonably  withheld  or  delayed;
provided, however, that if such consent is withheld or delayed, any party may so
disclose such information in its reasonable judgment to the extent such  party's
counsel advises it that such disclosure is required by applicable law.  Each  of
Parent, Buyer, PEI and Seller shall, and shall cause their respective Affiliates
to,  comply  with all applicable federal and state securities laws in connection
with  this  Agreement  and the transactions contemplated hereby  (including  any
solicitation  of  consents  of  holders  of  Assumed  Indebtedness),   and   all
information  supplied  by any party for inclusion in any  Securities  Filing  or
consent  solicitation, including, without limitation, any proxy  or  information
statement,  or any registration statement on Form S-4 shall be true and  correct
in all material respect and shall not contain any untrue statement of a material
fact  or  omit to state any material fact which is required to be stated therein
or which is necessary to make the statements contained therein not misleading in
light of the circumstances in which they were made.

              5.8.3  If required under applicable law, each of PEI and Seller
shall  prepare a proxy statement (collectively, the "Proxy Statements") for  the
PEI common stock and Seller's preferred stock, file them with the Securities and
Exchange  Commission (the "SEC") under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,  and
use  all reasonable efforts to have them cleared by the SEC.  Parent, Buyer, PEI
and  Seller  shall  cooperate with each other in the preparation  of  the  Proxy
Statements, and the Seller and PEI shall notify Parent and Buyer of the  receipt
of  any  comments  of  the SEC with respect to the Proxy Statement  and  of  any
requests  by  the SEC for any amendment or supplement thereto or for  additional
information  and  shall  provide to Parent and  Buyer  promptly  copies  of  all
material correspondence between PEI and the Seller (or either of them) or any of
their representatives and the SEC.  Each of PEI, Seller, Parent and Buyer agrees
to  use its reasonable efforts, after consultation with the other parties hereto
to  respond  promptly  to  all such comments of and requests  by  the  SEC.   As
promptly as practicable after the Proxy Statements have been cleared by the SEC,
PEI and Seller shall mail the Proxy Statements to their respective stockholders.

               5.8.4   Unless this Agreement has been terminated in accordance
with  Section  6.3  hereof,  each of PEI and the Seller,  acting  through  their
respective Board of Directors, shall, in accordance with applicable law and  its
respective Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws:

                   (a)  after the Proxy Statements have been cleared by the SEC,
          promptly  and duly call, give notice of, convene and hold as  soon  as
          practicable  thereafter following the execution of this  Agreement,  a
          meeting of its common (in the case of PEI) and preferred (in the  case
          of Seller) stockholders for the purpose of voting to approve and adopt
          this  Agreement and the consummation of the transactions  contemplated
          hereby by Seller and PEI;

                    (b)  subject to the fiduciary duties of the directors of PEI
          under  Pennsylvania  law  as advised by counsel  and  subject  to  the
          fiduciary duties of the directors of Seller to the holders of Seller's
          preferred  stock  as advised by counsel, recommend  approval  of  this
          Agreement  and  the  transactions contemplated hereby  by  its  common
          stockholders (and in the case of Seller, preferred) and include in the
          Proxy  Statement  such recommendation, and use reasonable  efforts  to
          solicit and secure such approval.

               5.8.5  During the first 180 days after the Closing Date, Buyer
shall   have  the  right  to  use  all  of  the  logos,  trademarks  and   trade
identification  of Seller as are located at the Real Estate or on  the  Acquired
Assets (collectively, the "Trademarks").  Buyer's use of the Trademarks shall be
in  accordance  with  such  reasonable  quality  control  standards  as  may  be
promulgated  by Seller and provided to Buyer.  If Seller shall notify  Buyer  in
writing  of  Buyer's  material failure to comply with  such  reasonable  quality
control standards and Buyer continues to not comply with such reasonable quality
control  standards  for more than 20 days after receipt of such  notice,  Seller
shall have the right to terminate Buyer's right under this Section 5.8.5 to  use
the Trademarks.

                5.8.6  Seller  shall  give  Buyer  and  its  representatives
(including  Buyer's  Accountants,  consultants,  counsel  and  employees),  upon
reasonable  notice  and  during  normal  business  hours,  full  access  to  the
properties,  contracts, employees, books, records and affairs of Seller  to  the
extent  relating  to the Business and the Acquired Assets, and shall  cause  its
officers,  employees,  agents  and  representatives  to  furnish  to  Buyer  all
documents, records and information (and copies thereof), to the extent  relating
to  the  Business  and  the  Acquired Assets, as Buyer may  reasonably  request.
Except  to  the extent disclosed in the Disclosure Schedules in accordance  with
Sections  5.3  and  8.4,  no investigation or receipt of  information  by  Buyer
pursuant  to, or in connection with, this Agreement, shall diminish  or  obviate
any of the representations, warranties, covenants or agreements of Seller or PEI
under  this  Agreement or the conditions to the obligations of Parent  or  Buyer
under  this  Agreement.  All information provided to Buyer under this  Agreement
shall  be  held  subject  to  the terms and conditions  of  the  Confidentiality
Agreement dated March 23, 1995 between PEI and Parent.

          5.9 Employees; Employee Benefits.

               5.9.1  Schedule 5.9.1 lists divisions and the number  of  all
salaried  and  hourly  employees actively employed  (as  of  the  date  of  this
Agreement)  in  each division by Seller or any of its Affiliates  whose  primary
responsibilities   relate   to  the  Business.    Schedule   5.9.1   lists   job
classifications  and  number of employees in each job  classification  of  those
employees  whose terms and conditions of employment are subject to a  Collective
Bargaining  Agreement  ("Union  Employees").  All  individuals  referred  to  on
Schedule  5.9.1 are herein referred to as the "Employees."  As soon as practical
after the execution of this Agreement, Buyer and Seller shall determine at least
294  of  the  Employees to whom Buyer will offer employment and such  additional
number  of  Employees,  if  any,  whom  Buyer  also  wishes  to  employ.    Upon
determination of such Employees, Seller will supplement Schedule 5.9.1 with  the
name,  job title, unused vacation, current base salary or hourly wage,  date  of
hire and assigned location of each Transferred Employee (as that term is defined
below).   At  the Closing, Seller shall provide an updated Schedule 5.9.1  which
shall  disclose all the information required under the preceding sentence as  of
the most recent practicable date prior to Closing.

                5.9.2   Effective  as  of  the  Closing,  Buyer  shall  offer
employment  to at least 294 of those employees included on Schedule 5.9.1.   All
Employees  to  whom Buyer offers employment and who accept such  employment  are
herein  referred to as the "Transferred Employees."  In the event any  Employees
do  not accept Buyer's offer of employment, Buyer shall offer employment to such
additional  employees  (the identity of whom shall be determined  by  Buyer  and
Seller)  as are necessary to bring the total number of Transferred Employees  to
at  least  294.   Subject  to the provisions of this Section  5.9,  Buyer  shall
provide each Transferred Employee with compensation and employee benefits  which
are  substantially comparable to those provided by Buyer to its other  similarly
situated employees.  Buyer agrees (i) to waive any waiting period or limitations
regarding  pre-existing  conditions with respect to  Transferred  Employees  and
their  Beneficiaries  under  any  group-health  or  long-term  disability   plan
maintained  by  Buyer  (and/or any of its Affiliates) for  the  benefit  of  any
Transferred  Employee,  (ii)  to  credit any  covered  expenses  incurred  by  a
Transferred  Employee  or Beneficiary of a Transferred Employee  under  Seller's
group  health plan prior to the Closing towards any deductibles or limits  under
any group health plan maintained by Buyer (and/or any of its Affiliates) for the
benefit  of  any  Transferred  Employee, (iii) to credit  the  service  of  each
Transferred Employee with Seller and its Affiliates before the Closing, for  all
purposes  under all employee benefit plans and arrangements maintained by  Buyer
(and/or  any  of  its  Affiliates) for the benefit of any Transferred  Employee,
other  than  for  purposes of benefit accrual under any "defined benefit  plan",
within the meaning of Section 3(35) of ERISA (iv) to provide accrued vacation to
Transferred  Employees in the year in which the Closing  occurs,  equal  to  the
excess, if any, of the accrued vacation to which the Transferred Employee  would
otherwise  be  entitled under Seller's vacation plan during that year  over  the
amount of accrued vacation the Transferred Employee had taken during that  year,
and,  thereafter, to provide vacation to Transferred Employees on the same basis
as  provided  to similarly situated employees of Buyer, with service  credit  as
provided  in  (iii),  hereof, (v) to provide severance benefits  to  Transferred
Employees terminated by Buyer without cause within two years of Closing that are
substantially  comparable  to  those benefits provided  by  Buyer  to  similarly
situated  employees  and (vi) to comply with all applicable  legal  requirements
with  respect  to Union Employees (including without limitation  any  applicable
duty  to bargain with those employees' bargaining representative).  Buyer  shall
be  responsible for providing to each Transferred Employee vacation in an amount
equal to the Transferred Employee's vacation entitlement for the year of Closing
reduced by the number of vacation days such Transferred Employee has taken on or
before  Closing.  Nothing in this Section 5.9 shall limit Buyer's  authority  to
terminate  the  employment  of any Transferred Employee  at  any  time  and  for
whatever  reason.   Until the second anniversary of the  Closing  Date,  neither
Seller  nor any of its Affiliates shall directly or indirectly solicit or  offer
employment to any Transferred Employee then employed by Buyer or its Affiliates.

               5.9.3  Except as specifically provided in Section  5.9.6  and
Section  5.12,  Seller shall be solely responsible for any liability,  claim  or
expense  (including  reasonable  attorneys' fees)  related  to  compensation  or
employee benefits incurred by Buyer as the result of any claims against Buyer or
its  Affiliates  that  are  made by any Employees or Former  Employees  (or  the
Beneficiary  of  any  Employee or Former Employee) who are not  made  offers  to
become  employees  of  Buyer  or its Affiliates including,  without  limitation,
claims asserted against Buyer as a result of their termination by Seller or  its

                5.9.4  Except   as  otherwise  specifically   provided   in
Section  5.9,  5.10,  5.11 or 5.12, Seller shall be solely responsible  for  any
liability, claim or expense with respect to compensation or employee benefits of
any  nature (including, but not limited to, workers compensation claims  or  the
benefits  provided  under the Benefit Plans, whether paid before  or  after  the
Closing)  owed to any Transferred Employee or the Beneficiary of any Transferred
Employee  that  arises  out  of  or relates to (i) the  employment  relationship
between  Seller  or  any  of  its Affiliates and such  Transferred  Employee  or
Beneficiary,  or (ii) any benefit claim or expense (including medical  expenses)
incurred before Closing under any Benefit Plan.  For purposes of this Agreement,
a  medical expense shall be deemed to be incurred when the services giving  rise
to  a  claim are rendered, regardless of when billed or paid.  Without  limiting
the  foregoing,  Seller  shall be responsible for the payment  of  any  employee
benefits  that  become due to any Transferred Employees as  a  result  of  their
termination by Seller.

               5.9.5  Buyer  shall be solely responsible for any  liability,
claim or expense with respect to compensation or employee benefits of any nature
(including,  but  not limited to, workers compensation, claims or  the  benefits
provided under any employee benefit plan or arrangement of Buyer incurred  after
Closing)  owed  to  any Transferred Employee or Beneficiary of  any  Transferred
Employee  that  arises  out  of  or relates to (i) the  employment  relationship
between Buyer or any of its Affiliates and any Transferred Employee or (ii)  any
benefit  claim  or  expense (including medical expense) incurred  after  Closing
under any employee benefit plan sponsored or contributed to by Buyer or an ERISA
Affiliate  after  Closing.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Buyer  shall  not  be
responsible  for  the payment of any employee benefits that become  due  to  any
Transferred  Employees under any Benefit Plan (other than  the  Assumed  Benefit

               5.9.6  Seller currently allocates 420 of the Employees to  the
Business.  Buyer agrees to reimburse Seller for 50% of the amount paid by Seller
as  severance under Seller's severance plan as in effect on the date  hereof  to
any  such Employees provided (i) Buyer does not offer to hire such Employees  in
accordance  with the provisions of Sections 5.9, 5.10, 5.11 and  5.12  and  (ii)
Seller  provides notice to those Employees on or shortly after the Closing  Date
to  the effect that their employment will be terminated on or shortly after  the
Closing  Date.  Buyer will pay such reimbursement to Seller within 5 days  after
receipt of a list of the Employees showing which are entitled to severance  pay,
the  amounts of that severance pay and certifying that those amounts  have  been

               5.9.7  Until the second anniversary of the Closing Date, Buyer
shall  not  directly  or indirectly solicit or offer employment  to  any  active
employee of Seller or PEI, other than the Transferred Employees.

              5.10  Employee Pension Plan.

               5.10.1  Effective upon the date of the transfer  described  in
Section  5.10.2,  subject to the terms and conditions of this  Agreement,  Buyer
shall cause the American Water System Pension Plan (the "American Pension Plan")
to  assume  the  liability  of the Employees' Retirement  Plan  of  Pennsylvania
Enterprises, Inc. (the "PEI Pension Plan") for benefits accrued to  the  Closing
Date by those Transferred Employees participating in the PEI Pension Plan on the
Closing  Date (the " Affected Participants").  From and after the Closing  Date,
the  Affected  Participants will accrue additional benefits under  the  American
Pension  Plan,  as if they were newly hired on the Closing Date,  provided  that
they  shall  be  given  credit for service with Seller and  its  Affiliates  for
eligibility  and vesting, but not benefit accrual purposes, to the  same  extent
that credit for such service has been given by Seller and its Affiliates.

              5.10.2  Buyer shall deliver to Seller as soon as  practicable,
but  in no event later than ninety (90) days after Closing (i) a certified  copy
of  the  American  Pension Plan and any amendment necessary  to  effectuate  the
transfer of assets and the assumption of benefit liabilities in accordance  with
this Section 5.10, (ii) a certified copy of the trust agreement for the American
Pension Plan; (iii) the most recent favorable determination letter from the  IRS
with  respect  to  the American Pension Plan; and (iv) an opinion  from  Buyer's
legal  counsel  acceptable  to  Seller that the American  Pension  Plan,  as  so
amended,  complies  or  will  comply  on a  timely  basis  with  the  applicable
provisions  of  the Code relating to the qualification of, and the  transfer  of
assets  and  assumption  of benefit liabilities by, the American  Pension  Plan.
Seller shall deliver to Buyer as soon as practicable, but in no event later than
ninety  (90)  days  after  Closing,  an  opinion  from  Seller's  legal  counsel
acceptable  to  Buyer that the PEI Pension Plan complies or  will  comply  on  a
timely  basis  with  the  applicable provisions of  the  Code  relating  to  the
qualification  of  the  PEI  Pension Plan, and the transfer  of  assets  to  and
assumption of benefit limitations by, the American Pension Plan.  Promptly  (but
in  any event within 120 days after Closing), PEI shall cause the trustee of the
PEI  Pension  Plan  to  transfer  in cash and such  other  property  as  may  be
acceptable to Parent to the trustee of the American Pension Plan an amount equal
to  the  sum of (i) the actuarial present value of accumulated plan benefits  of
the Affected Participants as of the Closing Date using the actuarial methods and
assumptions   listed  on  Schedule  5.10.2,  reduced  by  the  amount   of   any
distributions to Affected Participants, and (ii) an additional amount  equal  to
interest  at the Prime Rate on the amount described in the preceding clause  (i)
for  the  period from the Closing Date to the date of such transfer.   Both  the
Seller  Parties  and Parent will file any IRS Form 5310A that is  required  with
respect  to the transfer contemplated by this Section 5.10 at least thirty  (30)
days  prior  to  the  transfer.   Upon  the asset  transfer  described  in  this
Section  5.10, Buyer and the American Pension Plan shall be responsible for  all
benefits to which Transferred Employees were entitled under the PEI Pension Plan
as  of the Closing Date, and Seller and the PEI Pension Plan shall cease to have
any liability, contingent or otherwise, for such benefits.

          5.11  Employee Savings Plan.

               5.11.1  Effective upon the date of the transfer  described  in
Section  5.11.2,  subject to the terms and conditions of this  Agreement,  Buyer
shall cause the Savings Plan for Employees of American Water Works Company, Inc.
(the  "American  Savings  Plan")  to assume the liability  of  the  Pennsylvania
Enterprises, Inc. Employees' Savings Plan (the "PEI Savings Plan") for that part
of  account  balances of those Transferred Employees participating  in  the  PEI
Savings  Plan  on  the  Closing  Date  (the  "Affected  Participants")  that  is
transferred  to  the  American Savings Plan.  As of the Closing  Date,  Affected
Participants  shall  be  100% vested in their account  balances  under  the  PEI
Savings  Plan.  Transferred Employees shall be given credit under  the  American
Savings  Plan  for  service with Seller and its Affiliates for  eligibility  and
vesting,  to  the  same extent that credit for such service has  been  given  by
Seller and its Affiliates.

               5.11.2  Buyer shall deliver to Seller as soon as  practicable,
but  in no event later than ninety (90) days after Closing (i) a certified  copy
of  the  American  Savings Plan and any amendment necessary  to  effectuate  the
transfer  of  assets and the assumption of account balances in  accordance  with
this Section 5.11, (ii) a certified copy of the trust agreement for the American
Savings Plan; (iii) the most recent favorable determination letter from the  IRS
with  respect  to  the American Savings Plan; and (iv) an opinion  from  Buyer's
legal  counsel  acceptable  to  Seller that the American  Savings  Plan,  as  so
amended,  complies  or  will  comply  on a  timely  basis  with  the  applicable
provisions  of  the Code relating to the qualification of, and the  transfer  of
assets  and  assumption  of benefit liabilities by, the American  Savings  Plan.
Seller shall deliver to Buyer as soon as practicable, but in no event later than
ninety  (90)  days  after  Closing,  an  opinion  from  Seller's  legal  counsel
acceptable  to  Buyer that the PEI Savings Plan complies or  will  comply  on  a
timely  basis  with  the  applicable provisions of  the  Code  relating  to  the
qualification  of  the  PEI Savings Plan, and the transfer  of  assets  to,  and
assumptions of benefit limitations by, the American Savings Plan.  PEI shall (i)
allow  the Affected Participants to elect whether to have their entire  accounts
under  the PEI Savings Plan transferred to the American Savings Plan or to  have
their  accounts  under the PEI Savings Plan other than their PEI stock  accounts
transferred to the American Savings Plan and to retain their PEI stock  accounts
in  the  PEI  Savings Plan (the portion of the PEI Savings Plan accounts  to  be
transferred pursuant to the Affected Participant's elections is hereinafter  the
"Transferred Accounts") and (ii) as soon as practicable, but in any event within
120 days after Closing, cause the trustee of the PEI Savings Plan to transfer in
cash,  including,  for those Affected Participants who elect to  transfer  their
entire  accounts,  the cash value of any PEI stock held in their  accounts,  and
promissory notes representing outstanding loans to Affected Participants to  the
trustee  of the American Savings Plan an amount equal to the sum of the  account
balances  of the Transferred Accounts calculated as of the most recent valuation
date  under  the PEI Savings Plan (which shall, in any event, be  within  thirty
(30) days of the transfer).  Both the Seller Parties and Buyer will file any IRS
Form  5310A that is required with respect to the transfer contemplated  by  this
Section  5.11  date at least 30 days prior to the transfer.  Upon  the  transfer
described  in  this Section 5.11, Buyer and the American Savings Plan  shall  be
responsible for all benefits attributable to the Transferred Accounts  to  which
Transferred Employees were entitled under the PEI Savings Plan as of such  date,
and  Seller  and  the  PEI  Savings Plan shall  cease  to  have  any  liability,
contingent  or otherwise, for such benefits.  Sellers and the PEI  Savings  Plan
shall  retain  responsibility for all benefits attributable to the  portion,  if
any,  of  each  Affected Participant's PEI Savings Plan  accounts  that  is  not
included  in  the Transferred Accounts and Buyer and the American  Savings  Plan
shall have no liability, contingent or otherwise, for such benefits.

           5.12  Post-Retirement Health Care and Life Insurance.   Within
sixty (60) days of the  Closing,  Seller agrees to transfer to trusts
established  by  Buyer  under Section 501(c)(9) of the Code ("Buyer's VEBAs")
the amount held under any  trust established by Seller under Section
501(c)(9) of the Code ("Seller's VEBAs")  to fund post-retirement health care
and life insurance benefits attributable to the Former  Employees identified
pursuant to the method set forth on  Schedule  5.12 and  any Transferred
Employees.  Buyer agrees to provide post-retirement  health care and life
insurance benefits to the Former Employees listed on Schedule 5.12
and,  as applicable, Transferred Employees who become eligible for such benefits
after  Closing  and further agrees that Buyer's VEBAs will apply  an  amount  at
least  equal  to the sum of the assets (and earnings thereon calculated  at  the
rate  of  return generated by Buyer's VEBAs) transferred from Seller's VEBAs  to
provide  post-retirement  health  care and  life  insurance  benefits  for  such
employees.  Upon Closing, Buyer shall be responsible for all obligations of  the
Seller  Parties  to  provide  post-retirement health  care  and  life  insurance
benefits "incurred" (within the meaning of Section 5.9.4) after the Closing  and
the  Seller  Parties shall cease to have any liability, contingent or otherwise,
for such benefits.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Buyer shall not pay and shall
not assume any obligation or responsibility of Seller to provide post-retirement
health care and life insurance benefits attributable to Former Employees to  the
extent  that  the  PPUC  has not authorized recovery for  the  expense  of  such
benefits in Seller's water rates as of the Closing.

           5.13  Taxes.  The Seller Parties, on the one hand, and Parent  and
Buyer,  on the other, shall (a) each provide the  other  with  such
assistance  as may reasonably be requested by either of them in connection  with
the  preparation of any Tax return, any audit or other examination by any taxing
authority  or any judicial or administrative proceeding with respect  to  Taxes;
(b)  each  retain  and provide the other with any records or  other  information
which may be relevant to such return, audit, examination or proceeding, and  (c)
each  provide  the  other with any final determination  of  any  such  audit  or
examination, proceeding or determination that affects any amount required to  be
shown  on  any Tax return of the other for any period (which shall be maintained
confidentially).  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,  Parent  and
Buyer,  on  the  one hand, and the Seller Parties, on the other,  shall  retain,
until  the  applicable statutes of limitations (including all  extensions)  have
expired,  copies of all Tax returns, supporting workpapers, and other books  and
records or information which may be relevant to such returns for all Tax periods
or  portions thereof ending before or including the Closing Date, and shall  not
destroy  or  dispose of such records or information without first providing  the
other party with a reasonable opportunity to review and copy the same.

          5.14     Survey.

               5.14.1  Within  180  days after the date hereof  Seller  shall
obtain  at  its sole cost and expense and deliver to Buyer a final  survey  (the
"Survey") of the Real Estate listed on Schedule 1.1.1(a), and a final mapping of
those  portions of the Excluded Real Estate as may be required to be  mapped  in
connection  with the Operating Easement.  The Survey shall (A) be  prepared  and
sealed  by  a  Professional Land Surveyor, registered  in  the  Commonwealth  of
Pennsylvania,  who  may  be  an employee of Seller, (B)  be  referenced  to  the
Pennsylvania  Plane  Coordinate  System  (North  Zone),  and  where   reasonably
feasible, to existing permanent structures such as dams, buildings, roadways and
abutments,  and  (C) contain a legal description of the Real  Estate,  including
metes  and bounds, sufficient in detail for the preparation of recordable deeds.
The  mapping of the Excluded Real Estate shall be sufficient in detail to permit
the recordation of the Operating Easement.

               5.14.2  Buyer shall have 60 days after it receives the  Survey
and  make  such adjustments in the Survey as it, in its reasonable,  good  faith
discretion,  determines  are  necessary  to  operate  the  Business.   Upon  the
expiration  of  such 60 day-period Buyer will notify Seller in writing  of  such
adjustments.  In the event that Seller disputes any such adjustments  and  Buyer
and  Seller are unable to resolve such dispute within 30 days, Seller and  Buyer
shall each have the right to terminate this Agreement.

               5.14.3  The Seller Parties shall keep Buyer reasonably informed
at  all  times  as to its progress with respect to the subdivision approval  for
which  Seller  makes application (other than proceedings before  the  PPUC)  and
shall  provide Buyer with an opportunity to participate in such approval process
including  the  right to approve any changes in boundary lines or conditions  or
restrictions imposed upon the Real Estate as a condition of any such subdivision

           5.15  PEI Guarantees.  Each of Parent and Buyer  shall  use  its
reasonable efforts to assist PEI in  obtaining  full  and complete  releases
on the guarantees listed on Schedule 5.15  made  by  PEI  of Seller's
obligations with respect to certain of the Assumed Indebtedness.   For
purposes  of this Section 5.15 and Section 5.16, reasonable efforts:  (a)  shall
include Buyer's assumption of the Assumed Indebtedness on the terms set forth in
this Agreement; (b) shall not be deemed to include any obligation on the part of
Parent  to  provide  a  guarantee of Buyer's obligations under  each  such  debt
instrument  assumed  by Buyer at Closing; (c) shall include  the  obligation  of
Buyer  to  provide  a  debt obligation to the IDA satisfactory  to  the  IDA  in
replacement  of and in substitution for Seller's obligations to  the  IDA  under
Seller's outstanding tax-exempt financings; and (d) shall not impose on Buyer or
Parent any obligation to issue any debt obligation under Section 5.16 other than
an  obligation (i) on terms substantially similar to Buyer's outstanding general
first  mortgage bond indebtedness (other than interest rate, fees and  maturity)
and  (ii) bearing interest at rates, and with fees and maturities, equal to  the
Seller's indebtedness to the IDA.

           5.16   Assumption of Seller Debt. Each  of  Buyer  and  Parent
shall use its reasonable  efforts  (as  defined  in Section  5.15) to assist
Seller in obtaining all consents and taking such  other actions  as  may  be
required to enable Buyer to assume at the  Closing  all  of Seller's
liabilities  and  obligations under the Assumed  Indebtedness  to  the
extent provided in Section 2.3.

          5.17  Schedule of Permits.  Within ninety (90)  days  following
the execution of this Agreement,  PEI  and  Seller  shall deliver to Buyer a
schedule, to be identified as Schedule 5.17, which sets forth all  material
Permits  required for the use of  the  Acquired  Assets  and  the
operation  of  the  Business by Buyer substantially in  the  manner  as  it  was
conducted prior to the date hereof.  For purposes of this Section 5.17  material
Permits shall include those required for the service of all utility customers at
substantially the same service levels as provided by Seller on the date of  this
Agreement.  All Permits listed on Schedule 5.17 that are required to  be  listed
on Schedule 3.3 or Schedule 3.9 shall be so designated.  Seller has made or will
make  prior  to the Closing Date timely applications for renewals  of  all  such
Permits  listed on Schedule 5.17 which under applicable law must be filed  prior
to  the  Closing Date to maintain the Permits listed on Schedule  5.17  in  full
force and effect.

           5.18  Title Information.  Within sixty (60)  days  following  the
execution of this Agreement,  Seller  shall  use  its reasonable efforts to
deliver to Buyer true, correct and complete copies of  all existing  title
policies,  surveys, leases, deeds, instruments  and  agreements
relating to title to the Real Estate in Seller's possession.

           5.19  Transaction with Related Parties.   Effective as of the
Closing Date, Seller shall have  terminated and cancelled  all  contracts,
commitments  and  agreements  (including  employment relationships) relating
to the Acquired Assets or the Business, between  Seller, any  Affiliate of
Seller (including PEI), any officer or director of  Seller  or PEI,  or any
Affiliate of the foregoing.  Seller shall be solely liable for  any
contractual  or other claims, express or implied arising out of the  termination
and cancellation of any of the foregoing raised by any party thereto.

           5.20  Approval by PEI.  Upon approval of this Agreement and the
transactions contemplated hereby by the common stockholders of PEI  as
contemplated by Section 5.8.4 hereof, PEI shall, as the sole  owner  of
common stock of Seller, vote all of such shares of common stock to approve  this
Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby.

          5.21  Supplemental Information.

               5.21.1  Seller shall provide Buyer, within five (5) days of the
execution  or  the date of receipt thereof, a copy of (a) each  Contract  (other
than  with  respect to which the Business' total annual liability or expense  is
less  than  $50,000  per such Contract) entered into by Seller  after  the  date
hereof  and  prior  to the Closing Date; (b) a copy of any  written  notice  for
assessments for public improvements against the Real Estate received  after  the
date  hereof  and  prior to the Closing Date; (c) a copy of the  filing  of  any
condemnation, expropriation, eminent domain or similar proceeding affecting  all
or  any  portion  of any of the Real Estate received after the date  hereof  but
prior  to  the Closing Date; and (d) a copy of any Contract where  Seller  is  a
lessee  relating  to  the use or occupancy of the Real  Estate  and  where  such
Contract  involves annual payments in excess of $25,000 entered into  by  Seller
after the date hereof and prior to the Closing Date.

               5.21.2  Within  five  (5) days of the  receipt  of  notice  of
violation  Seller  shall  notify Buyer of any violations  of  state  or  federal
drinking  water standards which, if such violations existed on the date  hereof,
would  be required to be disclosed pursuant to Section 3.8.10 hereof, and  shall
promptly  notify Buyer of the actions proposed to be taken by Seller to  correct
or otherwise respond to such violations.

          5.22  Non-Competition.  Except as set forth on Schedule 5.22, the
Seller Parties agree that for a period of fifteen (15)  years after  the
Closing Date neither Seller Party nor any Affiliate of a Seller Party
shall directly or indirectly own, manage, operate, control or participate in the
ownership, management, operation or control of or be otherwise connected in  any
substantial manner with any entity engaged in the business of storing, supplying
and  distributing water in Pennsylvania, whether or not such business is subject
to regulation by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (it being understood
that  the individual directors of Seller and PEI are not Affiliates of a  Seller

          5.23  Insurance.  Seller or PEI shall arrange,  to the  reasonable
satisfaction of Buyer, for the first insurance policy listed  on Schedule
3.19  (or  any  successor or replacement policy  thereto)  to  provide
coverage for events or occurrences occuring prior to Closing but reported within
five years of the Closing Date.

                           ARTICLE 6


            6.1  Conditions  Precedent to Obligations of Buyer and Parent.
The  obligations  of Buyer and Parent to cause the purchase the Acquired
Assets and the assumption of the  Assumed  Liabilities and to consummate the
other transactions  contemplated hereby are subject to the satisfaction, on
or prior to the Closing Date, of each of  the  following conditions
(any one or more of which may be waived in writing in whole or in part by
Buyer and Parent in their sole discretion):

            6.1.1  Performance of Agreements; Representations and Warranties.
Seller and PEI shall have performed or complied  in  all  material
respects  with  all agreements and covenants required by this  Agreement  to  be
performed  or  complied  with  by  them at or prior  to  the  Closing;  and  the
representations and warranties set forth in this Agreement made  by  Seller  and
PEI  shall be true and correct on and as of the Closing Date with the same force
and effect as though such representations and warranties had been made on and as
of  the Closing Date, except for representations and warranties that speak as of
a specific date or time other than the Closing Date (which need only be true and
correct  as of such date or time), other than, in all such cases (except Section
3.25),  such  failures to be true and/or correct as would not in  the  aggregate
reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect, provided however, that
if  any  such representation or warranty is already qualified in any respect  by
materiality  or  as  to  material adverse effect, for  purposes  of  determining
whether  this condition has been satisfied, such materiality or material adverse
effect qualification will be in all respects ignored and such representation  or
warranty  shall  be  true  and correct in all respects without  regard  to  such
qualification  (but  subject to the overall exception  as  to  material  adverse
effect  set  forth immediately prior to this proviso).  Buyer  shall  have  been
furnished  with a certificate of the President or Vice President of  Seller  and
PEI dated the Closing Date, certifying to the foregoing.

             6.1.2  Opinion  of Counsel.  Buyer shall have  received  from
Moses & Gelso, counsel to Seller and PEI, an opinion dated the Closing Date,  in
form  and substance satisfactory to Buyer, to the effect set forth in Exhibit  F

             6.1.3  HSR Act.  The applicable waiting period under the  HSR
Act  with respect to the transactions contemplated hereby shall have expired  or
been terminated.

             6.1.4  Required PPUC and Other Consents.  The PPUC shall  have
issued  an  order approving the transactions contemplated hereby  and  affirming
that  the regulatory treatment with respect to the Business in existence  as  of
the  date of this Agreement afforded to Seller (including without limitation  as
to  the  recovery  of  deferred treatment plant costs and recovery  of  deferred
billings) shall be continued following the transactions contemplated hereby, and
such order shall not contain any restrictions or conditions (other than those in
effect  on  the date hereof) which would have a Material Adverse Effect  on  the
Acquired Assets or the Business, and such order shall be final and unappealable;
Seller  shall have obtained the statutory and regulatory consents and  approvals
listed  on Schedule 6.1.4 hereto and all other statutory and regulatory consents
and  approvals  which are required under the laws or regulations of  the  United
States   and   other  Authorities  in  order  to  consummate  the   transactions
contemplated  hereby and to permit Buyer to conduct the Business in  the  manner
contemplated  by Section 3.25 hereof other than those the failure  of  which  to
obtain  would not have a Material Adverse Effect (it being understood  that  the
failure  to obtain subdivision approval from any Authority other than  the  PPUC
shall  not  be considered a required approval unless after the date  hereof  but
prior  to the Closing Date, there is any court decision or any change in, or  in
the  interpretation by an appropriate Authority of, any law or regulation to the
effect  that  subdivision approval from an Authority  other  than  the  PPUC  is
legally  required  for the subdivision of the Real Estate).  Seller  shall  have
also  obtained (i) all consents and legal opinions required to enable  Buyer  to
assume  the IDA Financings (without any change in the tax-exempt status  of  the
IDA  Financings) and all consents required pursuant to the Indenture of Mortgage
of  Deed of Trust dated as of March 15, 1946 from Seller to First Trust  of  New
York, National Association, as successor to Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New
York, as trustee, as supplemented (the "Mortgage Indenture") to enable Seller to
sell  the  Acquired  Assets  and  to grant and transfer  the  rights  under  the
Operating  Easement to Buyer at the Closing, free and clear of all  Liens  other
than  Permitted Exceptions (and specifically free and clear of any Lien  arising
under  or  pursuant to the Mortgage Indenture) and (ii) the consents  listed  on
Schedule 6.1.4 hereto.

              6.1.5  Injunction;  Litigation.   (i)   No  statute,   rule,
regulation or order of any court or Authority shall be in effect which restrains
or  prohibits  the transactions contemplated by this Agreement  or  which  would
limit  or  materially adversely affect Buyer's ownership of all or any  material
portion  of  the Acquired Assets, nor (ii) shall there be pending or  threatened
any  litigation, suit, action or proceeding by any party which would  reasonably
be expected to materially limit or materially adversely affect Buyer's ownership
of the Acquired Assets.

             6.1.6  Documents.   Seller and PEI shall have  delivered  the
Survey  and all of the certificates, instruments, contracts and other  documents
specified  to  be delivered by it hereunder, including pursuant to  Section  2.7
hereof  and  shall have made arrangements satisfactory to Buyer  to  deliver  to
Buyer  as  promptly  as practicable after the Closing, such  records  (including
customer and employee records) necessary to own and operate the Business.

             6.1.7  Real Estate.

                    (a)   Seller and Buyer shall have executed and delivered  an
access and maintenance easement agreement substantially in the form of Exhibit G
hereto (the "Operating Easement").

                    (b)   The IDA shall have transferred to Seller title to  the
Project Facilities as set forth in Exhibit A to the Project Facilities Agreement
dated as of December 1, 1992 between Seller and the IDA.

                    (c)   As  of the Closing Date, the Real Estate, as  surveyed
pursuant  to  Section 5.14 hereof, together with the rights  granted  under  the
Operating Easement, as subject to the Permitted Exceptions, will be adequate  to
operate the Business consistent with past practice, including the service of all
utility customers in substantially the same manner and at substantially the same
service levels as the Seller has heretofore provided, and Buyer shall have  been
furnished  with a certificate of the President or Vice President of  Seller  and
PEI  dated  the  Closing Date, certifying to the foregoing, which  certification
shall not survive the Closing.

                6.1.8  Shareholder  Approval.   This  Agreement   and   the
transactions  contemplated hereby shall have been approved by the holders  of  a
majority  of the issued and outstanding shares entitled to vote thereon  of  (i)
common  stock of PEI, (ii) common stock of Seller and (iii) preferred  stock  of

          6.2 Conditions Precedent to Obligations of Seller Parties.  The
obligations  of  the  Seller Parties  to  cause the sale of the Acquired
Assets and to consummate  the  other transactions contemplated hereby are
subject to the satisfaction, on or prior to the  Closing Date, of each of the
following conditions (any one or more of which may be waived in writing in
whole or in part by the Seller Parties in their sole

             6.2.1  Performance of Agreements; Representations and
Warranties.   Parent and Buyer shall have performed or complied in all  material
respects  with  all agreements and covenants required by this  Agreement  to  be
performed  or  complied  with  by  them at or prior  to  the  Closing;  and  the
representations  and warranties set forth in this Agreement made  by  Buyer  and
Parent  shall be true and correct on and as of the Closing Date, with  the  same
force and effect as though such representations and warranties had been made  on
and as of the Closing Date, except for representations and warranties that speak
as  of  a specific date or time other than the Closing Date (which need only  be
true and correct as of such date or time), other than, in all such cases (except
Section  4.2),  such  failures to be true and/or correct as  would  not  in  the
aggregate  reasonably  be  expected to have a material  adverse  effect  on  the
respective  ability of Buyer and Parent to perform their obligations under  this
Agreement  and the Transaction Documents, provided, however, that  if  any  such
representation or warranty is already qualified in any respect by materiality or
as  to  material  adverse  effect,  for purposes  of  determining  whether  this
condition  has  been  satisfied, such materiality  or  material  adverse  effect
qualification  will  be  in  all respects ignored  and  such  representation  or
warranty  shall  be  true  and correct in all respects without  regard  to  such
qualification  (but  subject to the overall exception  as  to  material  adverse
effect  set  forth immediately prior to this proviso).  Seller shall  have  been
furnished  with a certificate of the President or Vice President of  Parent  and
Buyer, dated the Closing Date, certifying to the foregoing.

               6.2.2  Opinion of Counsel.  Seller shall have  received  from
Dechert Price & Rhoads, counsel to Buyer, an opinion dated the Closing Date,  in
form and substance satisfactory to Seller, to the effect set forth in Exhibit  H

               6.2.3  HSR Act.  The applicable waiting period under the  HSR
Act  with respect to the transactions contemplated hereby shall have expired  or
been terminated.

               6.2.4  Required PPUC and Other Consents.  The PPUC shall  have
issued  an  order approving the transactions contemplated hereby and such  order
shall  not  contain any restrictions or conditions which would have  a  material
adverse effect on Seller or PEI, and such order shall be final and unappealable;
Seller  shall have obtained the statutory and regulatory consents and  approvals
listed  on Schedule 6.2.4 hereto and all other statutory and regulatory consents
and  approvals  which are required under the laws or regulations of  the  United
States   and   other  Authorities  in  order  to  consummate  the   transactions
contemplated hereby, other than those the failure of which to obtain  would  not
have  a  material adverse effect on the Seller or PEI after the Closing.  Seller
shall have obtained (i) all consents and legal opinions required to enable Buyer
to  assume  the  IDA  Financings and Seller shall  have  obtained  all  consents
required  pursuant  to  the  Mortgage Indenture to enable  Seller  to  sell  the
Acquired Assets to Buyer at the Closing, free and clear of all Liens other  than
Permitted Exceptions (and specifically free and clear of any Lien arising  under
or pursuant to the Mortgage Indenture), and (ii) the consents listed as items 1-
4,  7,  9  and 17-19 of Schedule 3.3.  Seller and Buyer shall each have obtained
all consents required to enable Buyer to grant and transfer the rights under the
Operating  Easement to Seller free and clear of all Liens other than the  "Buyer
Permitted  Exceptions."  "Buyer Permitted Exceptions" as used herein shall  mean
(a)  the  Liens  set  forth in Schedule 3.10 hereto, (b) Liens  securing  Taxes,
assessments,  governmental  charges or levies, or  the  claims  of  materialmen,
mechanics,  carriers and like persons, all of which are not yet due and  payable
or  which  are  being  contested in good faith or (c) such  other  Liens  which,
individually or in the aggregate, do not have a change or effect (or  series  of
related changes or effects) which has or is reasonably likely to have a material
adverse  change in or effect upon the business, assets, condition (financial  or
otherwise), or results of operations of the business of the Seller Parties taken
as a whole.

                6.2.5  Injunction;  Litigation.   (i)  No  statute,   rule,
regulation or order of any court or Authority shall be in effect which restrains
or  prohibits  the transactions contemplated by this Agreement  or  which  would
limit  or materially adversely affect PEI's or Seller's ownership of all or  any
material  portion  of  its  properties, nor  (ii)  shall  there  be  pending  or
threatened  any litigation, suit, action or proceeding by any party which  could
reasonably be expected to materially limit or materially adversely affect  PEI's
or Seller's ownership of any of its properties.

               6.2.6  Operating  Easement.   Seller  and  Buyer  shall  have
executed and delivered the Operating Easement.

               6.2.7  Documents.  Parent and Buyer shall have delivered  all
the  certificates, instruments, contracts and other documents  specified  to  be
delivered by it hereunder, including pursuant to Section 2.7 hereof.

               6.2.8  Shareholder  Approval.   This  Agreement   and   the
transactions  contemplated hereby shall have been approved by the holders  of  a
majority  of the issued and outstanding shares entitled to vote thereon  of  (i)
common  stock of PEI, (ii) common stock of Seller and (iii) preferred  stock  of

           6.3  Termination.  This Agreement may be terminated  at
any time prior to the Closing Date:

               6.3.1  by mutual written consent of the Seller Parties,  Buyer
and Parent;

               6.3.2  by any of the Seller Parties on five (5) business  days
notice if PEI or Seller receives a proposal to acquire from PEI or Seller all or
most  of  the assets of PEI or Seller or the Business or at least a majority  of
the  outstanding securities of PEI or Seller with general voting rights to elect
directors  of  PEI  or Seller, as the case may be, or any  right  or  option  to
acquire  any of the foregoing that PEI's Board of Directors determines  in  good
faith  is more favorable to the common stockholders of PEI than the transactions
contemplated hereby;

              6.3.3  by any of the Seller Parties, Parent or Buyer if (i) the
vote  of  the  stockholders of PEI or the preferred stockholders  of  Seller  to
approve  this  Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby shall  not  be
obtained at any meeting, and/or any adjournments thereof, called therefor;  (ii)
any  governmental or regulatory body the consent of which is a condition to  the
obligations  of  the  Seller  Parties,  Parent  and  Buyer  to  consummate   the
transactions contemplated hereby shall have determined not to grant its  consent
and  all  appeals  of  such determination shall have been taken  and  have  been
unsuccessful;  (iii) any court of competent jurisdiction shall  have  issued  an
order,   judgment   or  decree  (other  than  a  temporary  restraining   order)
restraining,  enjoining  or otherwise prohibiting the transactions  contemplated
hereby  and  such  order,  judgment  or  decree  shall  have  become  final  and
nonappealable;  or  (iv)  the  Closing shall not  have  occurred  on  or  before
April 26, 1996;

               6.3.4  by Buyer or Parent if (i) PEI or Seller fail to perform
its  obligations  under  Sections 5.8.3 with respect to  preparing,  filing  and
clearing  the  Proxy Statements with the SEC, or 5.8.4, and if, after  ten  (10)
days  written notice by Parent or Buyer of any such failure, PEI or Seller  fail
to  cure  (in  the  determination of Parent and Buyer) such  failure,  (ii)  the
directors  of  PEI  or  Seller fail at the time of  the  mailing  of  the  Proxy
Statements to their respective stockholders pursuant to Section 5.8.3 or at  any
time  thereafter  to  recommend  approval of this  Agreement  or  withdraw  such
recommendation,  or  modify  in  a  manner  adverse  to  Parent  and  Buyer  its
recommendations  or  approval or (iii) PEI or Seller enter into  any  letter  of
intent or definitive agreement regarding a Competing Transaction; or

              6.3.5  by Seller or Buyer pursuant to Section 5.14.2.

              6.3.6  If  this Agreement is terminated and the  transactions
contemplated  hereby  are  abandoned as described  in  this  Section  6.3,  this
Agreement shall become void and of no further force and effect, except  for  the
provisions of Section 5.6 relating to publicity, Section 6.4 relating to certain
payments,  Section 3.24 and 4.6 relating to brokerage, and Section 8.6  relating
to  jurisdiction.  Nothing in this Section 6.3 shall be deemed to release either
party  from any liability for any willful breach by such party of the terms  and
provisions of this Agreement.

          6.4 Termination Payments.

               6.4.1   If  (i)  PEI  or Seller terminates this  Agreement  in
accordance  with  Section  6.3.2;  (ii) the  Seller  Parties,  Parent  or  Buyer
terminates this Agreement in accordance with Section 6.3.3(i), and either PEI or
Seller  enter into any letter of intent or definitive agreement with respect  to
or  consummate a Competing Transaction within three months of the date  of  such
termination;  or  (iii)  Buyer or Parent terminates this Agreement  pursuant  to
Section  6.3.4  and  either PEI or Seller has entered into or  enters  into  any
letter  of  intent  or  definitive agreement with respect to  or  consummates  a
Competing Transaction within six months of the date of such termination; then in
any  such  case within five (5) business days after the date of such termination
(or,  if applicable, the date PEI or Seller enters into any letter of intent  or
definitive  agreement with respect to a Competing Transaction, or  the  date  of
consummation of a Competing Transaction) Seller shall pay to Buyer  the  sum  of

               6.4.2  In addition, in any circumstances under which Buyer  is
entitled  to a payment pursuant to Section 6.4.1, Seller shall pay to Buyer  all
reasonable  out  of pocket expenses incurred by Buyer and Parent  in  connection
with  the transactions contemplated hereby up to a maximum expense reimbursement
of  $1,500,000.  Seller shall not be required to make any expense  reimbursement
contemplated by this Section 6.4.2 unless and until it shall have  a  list  from
Parent  or  Buyer  stating the amount of its Expenses and copies  of  supporting

                           ARTICLE 7


           7.1  Certain Taxes and Expenses.  The Seller  Parties, on the one
hand, and Buyer and Parent, on the other hand  shall be  equally  responsible
for  all state and local sales,  use,  transfer,  real property transfer,
documentary stamp, recording and other similar taxes  arising from  and with
respect to the sale and purchase of the Acquired Assets.   Except as
otherwise provided in this Agreement, each of the parties hereto shall  each
bear  its respective accounting, legal and other expenses incurred in connection
with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

           7.2  Maintenance of Books and Records.   The  Seller Parties, on
the one hand, and Buyer and  Parent,  on  the other  hand,  shall cooperate
fully with each other after the  Closing  so  that (subject  to  any
limitations  that are reasonably  required  to  preserve  any applicable
attorney-client privilege) each party has  access  to  the  business
records,  contracts  and  other information existing at  the  Closing  Date  and
relating in any manner to the Acquired Assets or the Assumed Liabilities or  the
conduct  of  the  Business (whether in the possession of the Seller  Parties  or
Buyer  or Parent).  No files, books or records existing at the Closing Date  and
relating  in  any manner to the Acquired Assets or the conduct of  the  Business
shall be destroyed by any party for a period of six years after the Closing Date
without  giving  the other party at least 30 days prior written  notice,  during
which  time  such  other party shall have the right (subject to  the  provisions
hereof)  to  examine and to remove any such files, books and  records  prior  to
their destruction.  The access to files, books and records contemplated by  this
Section 7.2 shall be during normal business hours and upon not less than two (2)
business  days  prior  written  request, shall be  subject  to  such  reasonable
limitations  as  the  party  having custody or control  thereof  may  impose  to
preserve  the  confidentiality of information contained therein, and  shall  not
extend  to  material subject to a claim of privilege unless expressly waived  by
the party entitled to claim the same.

          7.3 Survival.

               7.3.1      Subject  to  this Section 7.3,  Section  7.4.2(g)  and
Section  7.4.2(j),  all  representations, warranties, covenants  and  agreements
contained in this Agreement or the Transaction Documents shall survive (and  not
be  affected in any respect by) the Closing, any investigation conducted by  any
party  hereto  and any information which any party may receive.  Notwithstanding
the foregoing,

                    (a)  the covenants contained in Sections 5.1, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5,
5.8.2 through 5.8.6 and 5.21 and the related indemnity obligations contained  in
Section 7.4 shall terminate on, and no action or claim with respect thereto  may
be brought after, the third anniversary of the Closing Date;

                    (b)   the covenants contained in Section 5.2 and the related
indemnity obligations contained in Section 7.4 shall terminate on, and no action
or claim with respect thereto may be brought after, the Closing Date;

                   (c)  the representations and warranties contained in Sections
3.12  and  3.16 and the related indemnity obligations contained in  Section  7.4
shall  terminate on, and no action or claim with respect thereto may be  brought
following the expiration of the applicable statute of limitations (or extensions
or waivers thereof);

                    (d)  the representations and warranties contained in Section
3.2 and the related indemnity obligations contained in Section 7.4 shall survive
for an unlimited period of time;

                    (e)  the representations and warranties contained in Section
3.10  and  the  related  indemnity obligations contained in  Section  7.4  shall
terminate on, and no action or claim with respect thereto may be brought  after,
the tenth anniversary of the Closing Date;

                     (f)   the  representations  and  warranties  contained   in
Section  3.7  and  3.17  and  the  related indemnity  obligations  contained  in
Section 7.4 shall terminate on, and no action or claim with respect thereto  may
be brought after, the fifth anniversary of the Closing Date;

                   (g)  the representations and warranties contained in Sections
3.3, 3.5, 3.6, 3.8, 3.9 and 3.25 and the related indemnity obligations contained
in  Section 7.4 shall terminate on, and no action or claim with respect  thereto
may be brought after, the third anniversary of the Closing Date;

                    (h)  the representations and warranties contained in Section
3.11  and the certificate delivered pursuant to Section 6.1.7(c) and the related
indemnity obligations contained in Section 7.4 shall terminate on, and no action
or claim with respect thereto may be brought after, the Closing Date;

                    (i)  the representations and warranties contained in Section
4.2 and the related indemnity obligations contained in Section 7.4 shall survive
for an unlimited period of time;

                   (j)  the representations and warranties contained in Sections
4.3 and 4.4 and the related indemnity obligations contained in Section 7.4 shall
terminate on, and no action or claim with respect thereto may be brought  after,
the third anniversary of the Closing Date;

                    (k)  the representations and warranties contained in Section
4.5  and  the  related  indemnity obligations contained  in  Section  7.4  shall
terminate on, and no action or claim with respect thereto may be brought  after,
the Closing Date; and

                    (l)   all other representations and warranties contained  in
this  Agreement and the related indemnity obligations contained in  Section  7.4
shall  terminate on and no further action or claim with respect thereto  may  be
brought after, the second anniversary of the Closing Date;

                    (m)   such representations and warranties specified  in  the
foregoing  clauses (c) through (k), and the covenants contained in Section  5.1,
5.2,  5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.8.2 through 5.8.6 and 5.21 and the liability of any party
with respect thereto, shall not terminate with respect to any claim, whether  or
not fixed as to liability or liquidated as to amount, with respect to which such
party has been given written notice setting forth the facts upon which the claim
for  indemnification  is based and, if possible, a reasonable  estimate  of  the
amount  of the claims prior to the relevant anniversary of the Closing  Date  or
the  30th day after the expiration of the applicable statute of limitations  (or
extensions or waivers thereof), as the case may be.

If  any  claim for indemnification is asserted or could be asserted with respect
to a breach or asserted breach of Section 3.17 (Undisclosed Liabilities) and the
Buyer or Parent is also entitled to indemnification in respect of that claim for
breach  or  asserted  breach of any other representation  or  warranty  in  this
Agreement for which there is a shorter survival period, such shorter period will
apply to such claim except to the extent that such claim is a product liability,
toxic  tort  or similar claim (as described in Section 2.3.3(a))  brought  by  a
private party litigant.

               7.3.2      No  claim  for indemnity under Section  7.4  shall  be
brought  or  made  by  Buyer  or  Parent pursuant  to  Sections  7.4.1(a)(B)  or

                   (a)  after the tenth anniversary of the Closing Date, for any
action or claim with respect to the On-site Conditions;

                    (b)   after  the twentieth anniversary of the Closing  Date,
with respect to the presence of Hazardous Substances at any locations other than
the Real Estate; and

                   (c)  after the fifth anniversary of the Closing Date, for any
action or claim with respect to any other Retained Liability;

provided,  however, that the foregoing time limitations shall not apply  to  any
such  claims which have been the subject of a written notice from Parent  and/or
Buyer  to  the Seller Parties prior to such period setting forth the facts  upon
which  the  claim  for indemnification is based and, if possible,  a  reasonable
estimate of the amount of the claims; and, provided, further, that the foregoing
time limitations shall also not apply to any such claims:
Paragraphs (u) through (z) are typed as text.
                   (u)  with respect to Taxes;

                    (v)   with respect to any liability of the types that appear
as  "Current  Liabilities" (other than "Other") on the Financial  Statements  of
Seller (other than the Assumed Indebtedness);

                    (w)   not exclusively related to the Acquired Assets or  not
exclusively related to the Business; and

                    (x)   with  respect  to  any  of the  matters  discussed  in
Section 3.16 hereof.

           7.4  Indemnification.  Seller, PEI,  Parent  and Buyer agree as

              7.4.1     General Indemnification Obligations.

                   (a)  Seller and PEI shall, indemnify Buyer and its directors,
officers  and other Affiliates (including Parent) and hold Buyer and such  other
parties  harmless  from  and  against any and all  Damages  arising  out  of  or
resulting  from  (A)  any breach of any representation,  warranty,  covenant  or
agreement  made  by the Seller Parties in this Agreement or in any  document  or
certificate  required  to be furnished to Buyer by any  of  the  Seller  Parties
pursuant to this Agreement (including the Transaction Documents); (B) subject to
Section  7.3.2,  any  Excluded Assets or Retained Liabilities;  (C)  subject  to
Section 7.3.2 the ownership, operation or use of any of the businesses or assets
of  the  Seller  Parties  or their Affiliates other than  the  Business  whether
before,  on or after the Closing Date; and (D) the failure of Seller  to  obtain
subdivision  approvals for the transfer of the Real Estate from  all  applicable

                    (b)   Buyer and Parent shall indemnify Seller, PEI and their
directors, officers and other Affiliates and hold Seller and such other  parties
harmless  from and against any and all Damages arising out of or resulting  from
(A)  any  breach of any representation, warranty, covenant or agreement made  by
Parent or Buyer in this Agreement or in any document or certificate required  to
be  furnished to Seller by Parent or Buyer pursuant to this Agreement (including
the  Transaction Documents); (B) any Assumed Liabilities after the Closing Date;
(C)  the  ownership,  operation or use of the Business after  the  Closing  Date
(except  to  the  extent resulting from Retained Liabilities or  to  the  extent
resulting  from  breaches by the Seller Parties of representations,  warranties,
covenants  or  agreements hereunder or in the other Transaction Documents);  and
(D)  any  claim  by a Transferred Employee or a Former Employee referred  to  on
Schedule  5.12  or the Beneficiary of any such employee or former  employee  for
post-retirement  health care or life insurance benefits "incurred"  (within  the
meaning of Section 5.9.4) after the Closing.

                   (c)  For purposes of this Agreement, "Damages" shall mean any
and  all  losses, liabilities, obligations, damages (including any  governmental
penalty  or  punitive  damages assessed or asserted against  the  party  seeking
indemnification and including costs of investigation, clean-up and remediation),
deficiencies,  interest,  costs and expenses and any claims,  actions,  demands,
causes of action, judgments, costs and reasonable expenses (including reasonable
attorneys'  fees  and all other reasonable expenses incurred  in  investigating,
preparing  or  defending any litigation or proceeding, commenced or  threatened,
incident  to  the  successful enforcement of this Agreement).  For  purposes  of
determining any breach of, and calculating the amount of Damages incurred by the
Indemnified  Party  arising  out  of  or  resulting  from,  any  breach   of   a
representation, covenant or agreement by any party hereto, the references  to  a
"Material Adverse Effect" or materiality (or other correlative terms)  shall  be
disregarded.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Damages shall not include the  loss
of  profits of the party seeking indemnification, or punitive damages unless the
party  seeking  indemnification has had punitive damages  assessed  or  asserted
against it.

              7.4.2     General Indemnification Procedures.

                    (a)   A  party  seeking  indemnification  pursuant  to  this
Section  7.4  (an "Indemnified Party") shall give prompt written notice  to  the
party from whom such indemnification is sought (the "Indemnifying Party") of the
assertion  of  any claim, the incurrence of any Damages, or the commencement  of
any  action,  suit or proceeding, of which it has knowledge and  in  respect  of
which  indemnity  may be sought hereunder, and will give the Indemnifying  Party
such  information with respect thereto as the Indemnifying Party may  reasonably
request, but failure to give such required notice shall relieve the Indemnifying
Party  of any liability hereunder only to the extent that the Indemnifying Party
has  suffered actual prejudice thereby.  The Indemnifying Party shall  have  the
right,  exercisable by written notice to the Indemnified Party after receipt  of
notice  from  the Indemnified Party of the commencement of or assertion  of  any
claim  or  action,  suit  or proceeding by a third party  in  respect  of  which
indemnity may be sought hereunder (a "Third Party Claim"), to assume the defense
of  such  Third  Party Claim which involves (and continues  to  involve)  solely
monetary damages; provided, that (A) the Indemnifying Party expressly agrees  in
such  notice that, as between the Indemnifying Party and the Indemnified  Party,
solely  the  Indemnifying Party shall be obligated to satisfy and discharge  the
Third  Party  Claim, (B) such Third Party Claim does not include  a  request  or
demand  for  injunctive or other equitable relief by an Authority  and  (C)  the
Indemnifying Party makes reasonably adequate provision to assure the Indemnified
Party of the ability of the Indemnifying Party to satisfy the full amount of any
adverse monetary judgment that is reasonably likely to result.  The Indemnifying
Party shall be deemed to have satisfied the condition set forth in clause (C) of
the proceeding sentence if it is a regulated utility.

                   (b)  Neither the Indemnified Party nor the Indemnifying Party
shall  settle  any Third Party Claim without the prior written  consent  of  the
other, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

                    (c)  The Indemnifying Party or the Indemnified Party, as the
case  may be, shall have the right to participate in (but not control),  at  its
own  expense,  the  defense of any Third Party Claim which the  other  party  is
defending as provided in this Agreement.

                    (d)   Amounts paid in respect of indemnification obligations
of the parties shall be treated as an adjustment to the Purchase Price.

                    (e)   Subject to Section 7.4.2(f), neither Parent nor  Buyer
(and  the  other Persons for which they can claim indemnity hereunder) shall  be
entitled to indemnification for Damages incurred unless the aggregate amount  of
Damages  incurred by Parent or Buyer (or the other Persons for  which  they  can
claim  indemnification)  exceeds $3,000,000 in  the  aggregate  (the  "Threshold
Amount"),  in  which  case Seller and PEI shall then be liable  for  Damages  in
excess  of  the  Threshold Amount.  Subject to Section 7.4.2(f), the  cumulative
aggregate  indemnity obligation of PEI and Seller under this Section  7.4  shall
not  exceed  $40,000,000 (the "Ceiling) and the cumulative  aggregate  indemnity
obligation  of  PEI  and  Seller  under Section  7.4.1(a)(D)  shall  not  exceed

                    (f)   Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties acknowledge
that  Parent or Buyer (and the other Persons for which they can claim  indemnity
hereunder)  shall  be  entitled to indemnification for  Damages  in  respect  of
intentional and wilful breaches of covenants or agreements in this Agreement  or
any   of   the   Retained  Liabilities  other  than  the  Specified  Liabilities
irrespective  of the Threshold Amount or the Ceiling, and that Parent  or  Buyer
(and  the  other Persons for which they can claim indemnity hereunder) shall  be
entitled   to  indemnification  for  Damages  pursuant  to  Section  7.4.1(a)(D)
irrespective  of the Threshold Amount (it being understood that the  failure  to
cure  a  breach shall not, by itself, be an intentional and wilful breach).   As
used  herein,  the  "Specified Liabilities" shall mean the Retained  Liabilities
arising  from  claims made after the Closing Date which (i)  do  not  relate  to
matters within the scope of clauses (u), (v), (w) and (x) of Section 7.3.2; (ii)
were  unknown,  after due inquiry, on or prior to Closing to  any  officer,  any
accounting  supervisor or any manager of a water system of Seller or PEI;  (iii)
relate  exclusively to the Acquired Assets or the Business prior to the  Closing
Date;  and  (iv) are not within the scope of coverage or policy limits  (without
giving  effect  to  any  deductible or retention) of the insurance  policies  of
Seller  or  PEI.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section  7.4,
Parent  or Buyer (or the other Persons for which they can claim indemnification)
shall  be  entitled to indemnification for Damages in respect  of  a  breach  of
Section 3.2, 3.12 or 3.16 irrespective of the Threshold Amount or the Ceiling.

                   (g)  Except to the extent provided in the Operating Easement,
the  rights and remedies of PEI, Seller, Parent and Buyer under this Section 7.4
are  exclusive and in lieu of any and all other rights and remedies  which  PEI,
Seller, Parent and Buyer may have under this Agreement or otherwise for monetary
relief  with  respect  to  (x) the inaccuracy of any  representation,  warranty,
certification or other statement made (or deemed made) by PEI, Seller, Parent or
Buyer  in  or pursuant to this Agreement or any of the Transaction Documents  or
(y)  any  breach or failure to perform any covenant or agreements set  forth  in
this Agreement or any of the Transaction Documents.

                   (h)  Except to the extent provided in Section 7.4.2(j) below,
no right to indemnification under this Section 7.4 shall be limited by reason of
any  investigation or audit conducted before or after the Closing of  any  party
hereto  including,  without limitation, the Survey and  the  adjustment  thereof
referred to in Section 5.14 hereof, or the knowledge of such party of any breach
of any representation, warranty, agreement or covenant by the other party at any
time, or the decision by such party to complete the Closing.

                   (i)  No party shall have any liability to another party under
this Section 7.4 for Damages to the extent that:

                         (A)  the  Indemnified Party recovers insurance proceeds
covering the Damages; or

                         (B)  the  Indemnified Party's Tax liability is actually
reduced  as  a  result of a tax benefit to which the Indemnified  Party  becomes
entitled in respect of the Damages;

                    (j)   Seller  and PEI shall have no liability or  obligation
under  this Section 7.4 for any Damages resulting from the inaccuracy or  breach
of  any representation or warranty if such inaccuracy or breach is disclosed  by
Seller or PEI pursuant to and in accordance with Sections 5.3 and 8.4 hereof;

                   (k)  Buyer agrees that (i) if it receives payment from Seller
or  PEI  for Damages arising under or pursuant to a breach of the representation
and  warranty  set forth in Section 3.10, and (ii) if Buyer has  obtained  title
insurance which may cover the claim or matter giving rise to such Damages,  then
(iii)  Buyer  will make a claim under the title insurance if such claim  can  be
made  in  good  faith.   Buyer  shall be under no  obligation  to  obtain  title
insurance or prosecute such claim (other than the initial filing of such claim).

                    (l)   If  at  any  time  subsequent to  the  receipt  by  an
Indemnified Party of an indemnity payment hereunder, such Indemnified Party  (or
any  Affiliate  thereof)  receives any recovery,  settlement  or  other  similar
payment with respect to the Damages for which it received such indemnity payment
(including insurance proceeds pursuant to Section 7.4.2(i)(A) and a tax  benefit
pursuant to Section 7.4.2(i)(B)) (the "Recovery"), such Indemnified Party  shall
promptly  pay  to the Indemnifying Party an amount equal to the amount  of  such
Recovery,  less  any  expense  incurred  by  such  Indemnified  Party  (or   its
Affiliates)  in  connection with such Recovery, but in no event shall  any  such
payment exceed the amount of such indemnity payment;

                    (m)   In  the event of any indemnification claim under  this
Section 7.4 involving the claim of any third party, the Indemnified Party  shall
cooperate  fully  (and shall cause its Affiliates to cooperate fully)  with  the
Indemnifying  Party  in the defense of any such claim under  this  Section  7.4.
Without  limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Indemnified  Party  shall
furnish  the  Indemnifying Party with such documentary or other evidence  as  is
then  in its or any of its Affiliates' possession as may reasonably be requested
by  the  Indemnifying Party for the purpose of defending against any such claim.
Whether  or not the Indemnifying Party chooses to defend or prosecute any  claim
involving  a third party, all the parties hereto shall cooperate in the  defense
or   prosecution  thereof  and  shall  furnish  such  records,  information  and
testimony, and attend such conferences, discovery proceedings, hearings,  trials
and appeals, as may be reasonably requested in connection therewith.

           7.5  UCC Matters.  From and after the  Closing  Date,
Seller  will  promptly  refer all inquiries with respect  to  ownership  of  the
Acquired Assets or the Business to Buyer.  In addition, Seller will execute such
documents and financing statements as Buyer may reasonably request from time  to
time  to  evidence transfer of the Acquired Assets to Buyer in  accordance  with
this Agreement, including any necessary assignment of financing statements.

           7.6 Financial  Statements.   Seller,  at Buyer's  expense,
shall  provide Buyer, within 90 days  after  Buyer's  written request
therefor,  with  the  following audited  financial  statements:  (i)  a
statement  of net assets of the Business as of the end of the last  fiscal  year
prior  to Closing and (ii) a statement of income of the Business and a statement
of  cash flows or its equivalent of the Business for the last fiscal year  prior
to  Closing including opinions thereon of independent public accountants and the
following  unaudited financial statements (i) a statement of net assets  of  the
Business  as of the end of the last fiscal quarter prior to Closing and  (ii)  a
statement  of  income  of the Business and a statement  of  cash  flows  or  its
equivalent of the Business, for the period from the end of the last fiscal  year
through  the end of the last fiscal quarter prior to Closing in connection  with
the  preparation and filing of any registration statement or periodic report  of
Buyer or its Affiliates pursuant to such laws.

           7.7  Collection of  Receivables. Seller  agrees that it shall
promptly (and in any event no later than  five  (5) Business  Days  following
receipt) deliver all such payments  with  respect  to accounts  receivable
from customers of the Business received on  and  after  the Closing  Date
(including but not limited to negotiable instruments  tendered  in
payment  of accounts receivable assigned to Buyer hereunder which shall be  duly
endorsed by Seller to the order of Buyer) to Buyer.  Seller shall cooperate with
Buyer  in  coordinating the transfer of collection agents and customers  of  the
Business  who pay their bills through the Automated Clearinghouse (ACH)  process
to Buyer.

                           ARTICLE 8


           8.1 Construction.  Parent, Buyer and the Seller Parties
have participated jointly in the negotiation and drafting of this Agreement  and
the Transaction Documents.  In the event any ambiguity or question of intent  or
interpretation  arises, this Agreement and the Transaction  Documents  shall  be
construed as if drafted jointly by Parent, Buyer and the Seller Parties, and  no
presumption or burden of proof shall arise favoring or disfavoring any party  by
virtue  of  the  authorship of any of the provisions  of  this  Agreement.   Any
reference to any federal, state, local or foreign statute or law shall be deemed
also  to  refer to all rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, unless  the
context  requires otherwise.  The word "including" in this Agreement shall  mean
including  without limitation.  Words in the singular shall be held  to  include
the  plural and vice versa and words of one gender shall be held to include  the
other  genders  as  the  context requires.  The terms  "hereof,"  "herein,"  and
"herewith"  and  words  of  similar import shall, unless  otherwise  stated,  be
construed  to refer to this Agreement as a whole (including all of the Schedules
and  Exhibits hereto) and not to any particular provision of this Agreement, and
Article,  Section,  paragraph,  Exhibit  and  Schedule  references  are  to  the
Articles, Sections, paragraphs, Exhibits and Schedules to this Agreement  unless
otherwise specified.  The word "or" shall not be exclusive.  Provisions of  this
Agreement  shall apply, when appropriate, to successive events and transactions.
Section references refer to this Agreement unless otherwise specified.

           8.2  Notices.  Any notice, request, demand, waiver, consent,
approval  or other communication which is required or permitted to be  given  to
any  party  hereunder  shall be in writing and shall be  deemed  given  only  if
delivered  to  the  party  personally or sent  to  the  party  by  telecopy,  by
registered  or  certified  mail  (return receipt  requested)  with  postage  and
registration  or  certification  fees thereon  prepaid,  or  by  any  nationally
recognized  overnight courier addressed to the party at its  address  set  forth

              If to Buyer:

              Pennsylvania-American Water Company
              c/o American Water Works Company
              1025 Laurel Oak Road
              P.O. Box 1770
              Voorhees, New Jersey  08043
              Fax:  (609) 346-8229
              Attention:  Counsel

              with a copy to:

              Dechert Price & Rhoads
              4000 Bell Atlantic Tower
              1717 Arch Street
              Philadelphia, PA  19103-2793
              Fax:  (215) 994-2222
              Attention:  George W. Patrick, Esq.

              If to Seller or PEI:

              Pennsylvania Enterprises, Inc.
              Wilkes-Barre Center
              39 Public Square
              Wilkes-Barre, PA  18711-0601
              Attention:  President

              with a copy to:

              Hughes Hubbard & Reed
              One Battery Park Plaza
              New York, NY  10004
              Attention:  Garett J. Albert, Esq.
              Fax:  (212) 422-4726

           8.3  Successors and Assigns.  The provisions of  this Agreement
shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and
their respective successors and permitted assigns; provided, however,
that  no  party may assign, delegate or otherwise transfer any of its rights  or
obligations under this Agreement without the consent of the other party hereto.

           8.4  Exhibits and Schedules.  All  Exhibits and  Disclosure
Schedules  annexed hereto or  referred  to  herein  are  hereby
incorporated  in  and  made a part of this Agreement as if  set  forth  in  full
herein.   Disclosure  of  any  fact or item in  any  Schedule  referenced  by  a
particular paragraph or Section in this Agreement shall, should the existence of
the  fact  or item or its contents be clearly related to any other paragraph  or
section,  be  deemed  to be disclosed with respect to that  other  paragraph  or

           8.5  Governing Law.  This Agreement shall be governed
by   and  construed  in  accordance  with  the  laws  of  the  Commonwealth   of
Pennsylvania, without giving effect to the conflicts of laws principles thereof.

           8.6  Consent to Jurisdiction.  Each of  the Seller   Parties,
Parent  and  Buyer  irrevocably  submits  to  the   exclusive
jurisdiction  of  (a) the Court of Common Pleas situated in any  county  in  the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and (b) any United States District Court  situated
in  the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for purposes of any suit, action or  other
proceeding arising out of this Agreement or any transaction contemplated  hereby
(and  agrees  not  to  commence any action, suit or proceeding  relating  hereto
except  in  such courts).  Each of the Seller Parties, Parent and Buyer  further
agrees  that  service  of  any  process, summons, notice  or  document  by  U.S.
registered  mail  to such party's respective address set forth  in  Section  8.2
shall  be  effective service of process for any action, suit or proceeding  with
respect to any matters to which it has submitted to jurisdiction as set forth in
the  immediately  preceding sentence.  Each of the Seller  Parties,  Parent  and
Buyer  irrevocably and unconditionally waives any objection  to  the  laying  of
venue  of  any action, suit or proceeding arising out of this Agreement  or  the
transactions  contemplated hereby in (a) the Court of Common Pleas  situated  in
any  county  in  the   Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or (b)  any  United  States
District Court situated in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and hereby  further
irrevocably and unconditionally waives and agrees not to plead or claim  in  any
such  court  that any such action, suit or proceeding brought in any such  court
has been brought in an inconvenient forum.

           8.7  Severability.  The parties  agree  that  (a)  the
provisions of this Agreement shall be severable in the event that any  provision
hereof  is  held  by a court of competent jurisdiction to be  invalid,  void  or
otherwise  unenforceable,  (b)  such invalid, void  or  otherwise  unenforceable
provision  shall  be  automatically replaced by another provision  which  is  as
similar  as  possible in terms to such invalid, void or otherwise  unenforceable
provision  but  which is valid and enforceable and (c) the remaining  provisions
shall remain enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.

           8.8  No Third Party  Beneficiaries. Nothing herein expressed or
implied is intended or should be construed to confer upon  or  give to any
Person other than the parties hereto and their  successors
and  permitted  assigns  any  rights or remedies under  or  by  reason  of  this

           8.9  Entire Agreement.  This Agreement, together with the
Schedules and Exhibits hereto and the other Transaction Documents,  the
Confidentiality Agreement dated March 23, 1995 between PEI and Parent,  and  the
Standstill  Agreement dated the date hereof between PEI and  Parent,  constitute
the  entire  understanding of the parties with respect  to  the  subject  matter
hereof, supersede any prior agreements or understandings, written or oral, among
the  parties  with respect to the subject matter hereof and is not  intended  to
confer  upon  any  Person other than the parties hereto any  benefit,  right  or

           8.10  Amendment and Waiver.  The parties may, by mutual
agreement, amend this Agreement in any respect, and any party, as
to  such  party,  may  (i) extend the time for the performance  of  any  of  the
obligations  of  the other party; (ii) waive any inaccuracies in representations
and  warranties  by the other party; (iii) waive compliance by the  other  party
with any of the covenants or agreements contained herein and performance of  any
obligations by the other party; and (iv) waive the fulfillment of any  condition
that  is  precedent to the performance by such party of any of  its  obligations
under this Agreement.  To be effective, any such amendment or waiver must be  in
writing  and be signed by the party providing such waiver or extension,  as  the
case  may be.  The waiver by any party hereto of any breach of any provision  of
this  Agreement shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any  subsequent
breach, whether or not similar.

          8.11  Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in  two  or
more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an  original,  but
which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

          8.12  Headings.  The headings preceding the text of the
sections  and  subsections  hereof  are  inserted  solely  for  convenience   of
reference,  and  shall not constitute a part of this Agreement  nor  shall  they
affect its meaning, construction or effect.

          8.13  Definitions.  For purposes of this Agreement, "to  the
best  of  the knowledge of the Seller Parties" shall mean  the  actual
knowledge  possessed  by  any of the directors of  the  Seller  Parties  or  the
following officers or employees of Seller:  Chairman, President, Vice President-
Finance,  Vice President-Human Resources and Customer Services, Vice  President-
Water  Resources,  [Director of Field Operations], Vice President-Administration
and Secretary, Controller and water treatment plant managers.

          8.14  No Implied  Representation. NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING

           8.15  Construction  of Certain  Provisions.  It is understood
and agreed that neither the specification of  any  dollar amount in the
representations and warranties contained  in  this Agreement nor the
inclusion of any specific item in the Schedules or Exhibits is
intended to imply that such amounts or higher or lower amounts, or the items  so
included or other items, are or are not material, and none of the parties  shall
use  the fact of the setting of such amounts or the fact of any inclusion of any
such item in the Schedules or Exhibits in any dispute or controversy between the
parties  as to whether any obligation, item or matter is or is not material  for
purposes hereof.

          8.16  Bulk Sales.  Buyer agrees that it shall  not make  any
filings under the Pennsylvania tax bulk sales provisions with  respect
to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

      IN  WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement  to  be
executed on the day and year first written above.


                     Name:  Dean T. Casaday
                     Title:  President


                     Name:  Dean T. Casaday
                     Title:  President


                     Name:  George W. Johnstone
                     Title:  President and Chief Executive Officer


                     Name:  Robert M. Ross
                         Title:  President