THIS FIRM NATURAL GAS  STORAGE  AGREEMENT  dated as of October 13,
1995, by  and  between  Avoca  Natural  Gas  Storage,  a  New  York general
partnership  ("Owner")  and   Pennsylvania   Gas   and   Water  Company,  a
Pennsylvania   corporation   ("Customer"),    (singularly,   "Party,"   and
collectively, the "Parties").

                            W I T N E S S E T H

         WHEREAS, Owner plans to construct,  own  and operate a facility in
Avoca, New York (as defined in subsection 1.9 below) for injection, storage
and withdrawal of natural Gas  to  serve markets primarily in the Northeast
United States;

         WHEREAS, Customer  desires  to  purchase  firm  storage service to
enable it to meet the requirements of its various customers; and

         WHEREAS, Owner  is  willing  to  provide  services  to Customer in
accordance with the terms and conditions set forth below.

         NOW, THEREFORE, for and in  consideration  of the premises and the
mutual  covenants  hereinafter  contained,  Owner  and  Customer  agree  as

                                  PART I


                                 Article 1


     1.1    "Agreement"  means  this  Firm  Natural  Gas  Storage Agreement
(including all exhibits  identified  in  the  Schedule of Exhibits attached
hereto ("Exhibits")) as it  may  be  amended  and supplemented from time to

     1.2    "Annual Escalation  Factor"  as  used  in  Exhibit  B  shall be
computed for any Contract Year by the following formula:

     AEF (n) equals AEF (n-1) times (0.5 plus (0.5 times CPI (m) divided by
     CPI (m-1))

where n is the applicable Contract Year; n-1 is the Contract Year preceding
the applicable Contract Year;  CPI  is  the  Consumer Price Index/New York-
Northern New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-CT  All Urban Consumers published by
the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (base year 1982/84
equals 100); and CPI (m)  is  CPI  as  reported  for  the last Month of the
preceding calendar year, and CPI (m-1) is  the CPI as reported for the last
Month of the second preceding  calendar  year.  For purposes of calculating
the AEF, AEF (1) shall equal 1.00.

     1.3    "Approved" or "Approval" means approved by or approval of Owner
unless otherwise stated.

     1.4    "Authorized Overrun Service"  means  the  service  set forth in
Section 4.3 of this Agreement and Section 3 of Rate Schedule FS.

     1.5    "Commencement Date" means the  earlier  of (i) thirty (30) Days
after Owner issues the Notice of  Readiness  or (ii) the first Day Customer
causes Gas to be injected into the Facility.

     1.6    "Contract Year" means (i)  for  the initial year of operations,
the period beginning on the  Commencement Date and continuing through March
31, (ii) for each  successive  year  of  operations, a one-year period from
April 1 of one year  through  March  31  of  the following year except that
(iii) the final Contract Year shall  begin  on April 1 and terminate on the
anniversary of the Commencement  Date.    For  the  first and last Contract
Year, if less than 365  Days,  any calculation in this Agreement determined
by reference to a Contract Year  shall be adjusted by multiplication of the
appropriate figure by a fraction the numerator of which shall be the number
of Days in that Contract Year and the denominator of which shall be 365.

     1.7    "Day" means a  calendar  day,  including Saturdays, Sundays and
holidays, except that  in  the  event  that  an  obligation  falls due on a
Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday in  the  State of New York the obligation
shall be due on the immediately preceding business day.

     1.8    "Dekatherm" or "Dth" means the quantity of heat energy which is
1,000,000 British thermal units.

     1.9    "Electronic Bulletin Board" means  the computer information and
scheduling system established by Owner.

     1.10   "Facility" means the  structure  and  facilities to be designed
and  constructed  by  Owner   for   purposes   of  providing  the  Services
contemplated by this Agreement.

     1.11   "FERC" shall mean Federal  Energy  Regulatory Commission or any
federal commission, agency or other  governmental body or bodies succeeding
to the powers of such commission.

     1.12   "FERC Gas Tariff" means  Owner's  effective, approved tariff on
file at the FERC, which shall  include all Rate Schedules and General Terms
and Conditions.

     1.13   "Financing Agreement" means any agreement between Owner and any
bank, financial institution or  other  entity  relating to the construction
and/or permanent financing of the Facility.

     1.14   "Force Majeure" means an event of Force Majeure as specified in
Article 13.

     1.15   "Fuel Reimbursement  Charge"  means  a  charge  to  be  paid by
Customer to Owner, pursuant to Exhibit B, as compensation for the injection
and withdrawal of natural gas from the Storage Facility.

     1.16   "Gas" means natural Gas  of  a  quality  at  least equal to the
quality specified in Article 7.

     1.17   "Governmental Approvals"  means  all  authorizations, consents,
exemptions, permits, certificates and approvals  from any federal, state or
municipal body  in  the  United  States  having  jurisdiction  or potential
jurisdiction in relation to the  construction and operation of the Facility
or the performance of the obligations contemplated by this Agreement.

     1.18   "Interruptible Storage  Service  Agreement"  means an agreement
between Owner  and  Customer  for  the  provision  of interruptible storage
service pursuant to Rate Schedule IS of Owner's FERC Gas Tariff.

     1.19   "Maximum Daily Injection  Quantity"  means the maximum quantity
of Gas which Customer is entitled  to  inject into the Facility on any Day.
This quantity  shall  equal  one-twentieth  (1/20)  of  the Maximum Storage

     1.20   "Maximum Daily Withdrawal Quantity"  means the maximum quantity
of Gas which Customer is entitled  to  withdraw  on any Day.  This quantity
shall equal one-tenth (1/10) of the Maximum Storage Capacity.

     1.21   "Maximum Storage Capacity" or  "MSC" means the maximum quantity
of Gas which Customer is  entitled  to  store  at the Facility at any given

     1.22   "Month" means a calendar month.

     1.23   "Notice of Readiness" means a  notice  to be issued by Owner to
Customer specifying that the Facility is ready to commence the provision of
Services under this Agreement.

     1.24   "Point of Delivery" means the point where Customer shall inject
Gas into the Facility or  withdraw  Gas  from the Facility, as specified in
Section 5.1.

     1.25   "Price Terms"  means  the  prices  attached  as  Exhibit  B, as
Exhibit B may  be  adjusted  from  time  to  time  in  accordance with this
Agreement, which sets forth  the  payment  obligations  of Customer for the
Services provided pursuant to this Agreement.

     1.26   "Project"  means  this  Avoca   Natural  Gas  Storage  project,
pursuant to which Governmental Approvals will be secured, contracts will be
entered,  Financing  Agreement  will  be  arranged,  the  Facility  will be
constructed, Gas will be  injected  and  withdrawn for Customers' accounts,
and related tasks will be accomplished.

     1.27   "Rate Schedules" means the  rate schedules contained in Owner's
FERC Gas tariff.

     1.28   "Services" means the injection,  storage and withdrawal of Gas,
and any  ancillary  activities,  to  be  performed  by  Owner  for Customer
pursuant to this Agreement.

     1.29   "Site" means the parcel  of  land  located  at Avoca, New York,
under or  through  which  Services  are  to  be  provided  pursuant to this

     1.30   "Term" means the period of time specified in Article 17.

     1.31   "Transporter" means CNG Transmission Corporation, Tennessee Gas
Pipeline Company or such other transporter agreed to by Owner and Customer.

     1.32   "USD" means lawful  currency  of  the  United States of America
expressed in dollars.

         Additional terms indicated by  capitalization and utilized in this
Agreement shall have the meaning ascribed to them where first utilized.

                                 Article 2

                        PRE-OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES

     2.1    Approvals.  This  Agreement  and  the respective obligations of
the Parties hereunder are  subject  to  all  valid  laws, orders, rules and
regulations   of   duly   constituted   authorities   having   jurisdiction
("Applicable Law").

     2.2    Notice of Readiness.  Owner  shall  issue a Notice of Readiness
to Customer at such time as  Owner has accomplished all tasks necessary for
the commencement of operations at the Facility.

     2.3    Outside Date.  Customer commits  that,  in the event the Notice
of Readiness is  issued  on  or  before  December  31,  1997, Customer will
proceed with the performance of  obligations  under this Agreement.  In the
event the Notice of Readiness is not issued by such date, in the absence of
Force Majeure,  Owner  or  Customer,  each  in  its  sole  and unreviewable
discretion, may terminate this Agreement  without further obligation to the
other Party, in which event each  Party shall bear its own costs associated
with the Project without recourse  against  the other for recovery of those
costs; provided, however, that  Customer  may  not terminate this Agreement
(1) if Owner provides a portion of Customer's MSC, in which case Customer's
Monthly Demand Charge as set  forth  in  Exhibit  B shall be applied to the
level of service actually provided  by  Owner  during the period of partial
service or (2) if Owner provides a comparable service to Customer.

                                  PART II


                                 Article 3

                             STORAGE SERVICES

     3.1    Firm Storage.  Customer hereby reserves and Owner hereby agrees
to provide capacity for the storage of Gas owned by Customer on each Day in
an amount up to the Maximum Storage Capacity, as provided in Exhibit A.

     3.2    Authorized Overrun Storage Service.   Owner may permit Customer
to  store  quantities  of  Gas  in  excess  of  Customer's  Maximum Storage
Capacity; provided, however,  that  Customer  has executed an Interruptible
Storage Service Agreement with Owner for such excess quantities.

     3.3    Payment  Schedule.    Customer  shall  pay  Owner  for services
provided pursuant to this Agreement in accordance with the Price Terms.

                                 Article 4

                        INJECTIONS AND WITHDRAWALS

     4.1    Injections.  Customer hereby  reserves  and Owner hereby agrees
to provide facilities and capacity to support the injection of Gas owned by
Customer into the Facility on each Day in an amount up to the Maximum Daily
Injection Quantity.

     4.2    Withdrawals.  Customer hereby  reserves and Owner hereby agrees
to provide facilities and capacity  to  support the withdrawal of Gas owned
by Customer from the Facility on  each  Day  in an amount up to the Maximum
Daily Withdrawal Quantity.

     4.3    Authorized  Injection  and  Withdrawal  Overrun  Service.    If
operating conditions  permit  and  Customer  will  not  exceed  its Maximum
Storage Capacity,  Owner  may  authorize  Customer  to  inject  or withdraw
quantities in excess of  Customer's  Maximum Daily Injection and Withdrawal
Quantities.  The charge for such Authorized Overrun Service is set forth in
Exhibit B.

                                 Article 5


     5.1    Points  of  Delivery  and  Points  of  Redelivery.    Owner and
Customer designate as Exhibit "C," attached  hereto and made a part hereof,
a list  of  the  currently  available  Points  of  Delivery  and  Points of

     5.2    Customer  Scheduling  of  Transportation.    Customer  shall be
solely  responsible  for  making  all   arrangements  and  paying  for  the
transportation of the Gas to the  Point  of Delivery for injection into the
Facility, and for making all arrangements and paying for the transportation
of Gas from the Point of Delivery for Gas for withdrawal from the Facility.
Owner shall have no obligation to  inject  Gas for Customer, or to withdraw
Gas  for  Customer,  to  the  extent  that  Transporter  is  unwilling, not
obligated to, or unable to transport equivalent quantities, as the case may

     5.3    Scheduling  of  Storage   Volumes   and  Intra-Day  Changes  in
Nominations.  Owner and Customer  agree  that  the obligations of Owner and
Customer for scheduling  and  changing  nominations  hereunder  shall be in
accordance with Section 6 of  Owner's  FERC  Gas Tariff's General Terms and

                                 PART III


                                 Article 6


         Owner  and  Customer  agree  that  the  obligations  of  Owner and
Customer as to the pressure of  Gas injected and withdrawn from Avoca shall
be in accordance with Sections 2 and 3 of Owner's FERC Gas Tariff's General
Terms and Conditions.

                                 Article 7


         Owner  and  Customer  agree  that  the  obligations  of  Owner and
Customer as to the quality  of  the  Gas  injected and withdrawn from Avoca
shall be governed by Section 2  of  Owner's FERC Gas Tariff's General Terms
and Conditions.

                                 Article 8


         Owner  and  Customer  agree  that  the  obligations  of  Owner and
Customer as to the measuring of Gas  shall  be governed by Sections 3 and 4
of Owner's FERC Gas Tariff's General Terms and Conditions.

                                  PART V


                                 Article 9

                            BILLING AND PAYMENT

         Owner  and  Customer  agree  that  the  obligations  of  Owner and
Customer as to billing  and  payment  shall  be  governed  by Section 12 of
Owner's FERC Gas Tariff's General Terms and Conditions.

                                Article 10


         Owner shall send Customer an invoice for all taxes attributable to
the injection, storage or withdrawal  of  Customer's Gas and Customer shall
pay such invoice in accordance with Article 9 of this Agreement.

                                Article 11

                                 BASE GAS

         Customer shall provide a quantity  of  the Facility's base gas pro
rated to reflect Customer's MSC.   Customer shall retain title to such base
gas at all times and  shall  be  entitled  to withdraw such contribution of
Base Gas upon the expiration of Customer's contract term.

                                Article 12


         This  Agreement  and  all   terms   and  provisions  contained  or
incorporated herein are  subject  to  the  provisions of Owner's applicable
Rate Schedules and of Owner's General Terms and Conditions on file with the
FERC, or other duly constituted authorities having jurisdiction, and as the
same may be legally amended or superseded, which Rate Schedules and General
Terms and Conditions are by this reference made a part hereof.

                                Article 13

                               FORCE MAJEURE

         Owner and Customer agree  that  Force  Majeure shall be defined in
accordance with Section 11 of  Owner's  FERC Gas Tariff's General Terms and

                                Article 14


     14.1   Possession, Title and Risk of  Loss.   Owner and Customer agree
that the obligations of Owner and Customer as to possession, title and risk
of loss shall  be  governed  by  Section  15  of  Owner's FERC Gas Tariff's
General Terms and Conditions.

     14.2   Warranty.  Owner  and  Customer  agree  that the obligations of
Owner and Customer as to  warranty  of  title  to  Gas shall be governed by
Section 16 of Owner's FERC Gas Tariff's General Terms and Conditions.

                                Article 15


     15.1   Termination for Default.  If (i) either Party shall fail in any
material respect to comply with,  observe,  perform or shall default in any
material respect upon any  obligation  under  this  Agreement (an "Event of
Default"), except due to causes excused by Force Majeure or attributable to
the other's wrongful act or failure to act, and such failure materially and
adversely affects the ability of either  Party to deliver or accept Gas and
(ii) after written  notice  thereof  from  the  Party  claiming  a right to
terminate this Agreement,  such  failure  shall  continue  for  a period of
thirty (30) Days, then the  Party  claiming  the right to terminate may, by

notice in writing, terminate this Agreement as of the date of the notice of
termination; provided, however, that  if  such failure cannot be reasonably
cured within such thirty  (30)  Days,  the  Party  claimed to be in default
shall be entitled to such further  time  as shall reasonably be required to
effect such cure, provided  that  such  Party  commences within such thirty
(30) Days  substantial  efforts  to  effect  such  cure  and  at  all times
thereafter proceeds diligently to complete  such cure.  Notwithstanding the
foregoing, Customer shall give written notice to the Lenders providing debt
financing for the Project (the "Lenders")  or  any agent for the Lenders of
an Event of Default of Owner and  the  Lenders or the agent for the Lenders
shall have the  option,  but  not  the  obligation,  to  cure such Event of
default for a period of 60  days  after the applicable cure period of Owner
under this Section 15.1.

     15.2   Other Rights Preserved.   The  availability  or exercise of the
right to terminate this Agreement pursuant  to this Article shall not serve
to diminish or effect the right of  the Parties to seek damages or specific
performance, for breach of  this  Agreement,  as  provided in Article 17.11

                                Article 16


         This Agreement will be  effective  upon  execution and continue in
full force and effect for  an  initial  term  of twenty (20) years from the
Commencement Date ("Initial  Term").    This  Agreement shall automatically
renew annually following the expiration  of the Initial Term, unless either
Party delivers notice to the other Party  twelve Months prior to the end of
the initial term or any subsequent  one-year extension of this Agreement of
its intention  not  to  renew,  in  which  event  this  Agreement  shall so
terminate; provided, however, that Customer  and Avoca may agree in writing
between one (1) and five (5) years before expiration of the initial term to
extend this Agreement.

                                Article 17

                              LEGAL RELATIONS

     17.1   Entire  Agreement.    This  Agreement,  including  all Exhibits
hereto, contains the entire  understanding  of  the Parties with respect to
the  subject  matter  hereof,  and  supersedes  all  prior  agreements  and
commitments with respect  thereto.    There  are  no oral understandings or
other  terms  or  conditions.      Neither   Party   has  relied  upon  any
representation, expressed or implied, not contained in this Agreement.


     17.3   Amendments.   No  change,  amendment  or  modification  of this
Agreement shall be valid or  binding  upon  the Parties unless such change,
amendment or modification shall  be  in  writing  and  duly executed by the

     17.4   Captions.   The  captions  and  subheadings  contained  in this
Agreement are for convenience  and  reference  only  and  in no way define,
describe, extend or limit  the  scope  or  intent  of this Agreement or the
intent of any provision contained herein.

     17.5   Notice.  Any notice, demand,  offer or other written instrument
required or permitted to be  given  pursuant  to this Agreement, except for
the provisions herein requiring  notice  on  the Electronic Bulletin Board,
shall be in writing signed  by  the  Party  giving such notice and shall be
hand-delivered or sent by  registered  letter, overnight courier provided a
receipt signed by the addressee  obtained,  or  telexed to the other Party.
Unless otherwise  specifically  provided  in  this  Agreement,  any written
notice or other  communication  shall  be  sufficiently  given  or shall be
deemed given on the earlier  of  (1)  the  third business day following the
date on which the same is  mailed  by registered or certified mail, postage
prepaid or  (2)  the  date  of  the  addressee's  receipt  of  such notice,

                       (a)  if delivered to Owner:
                            Avoca Natural Gas Storage
                            One Bowdoin Square
                            Boston, MA   02114

                       (b)  if delivered to Customer:
                            Pennsylvania Gas and Water Company
                            Wilkes-Barre Center
                            39 Public Square
                            Wilkes-Barre, PA   18711-1601

         Each Party shall  have  the  right  to  change  the place to which
notice shall be sent or delivered  by  similar notice or like manner to the
other Party.

     17.6   Severability.    The  invalidity   of   one  or  more  phrases,
sentences, clauses,  or  Articles  contained  in  this  Agreement shall not
affect the validity of the  remaining  portion  of the Agreement so long as
the material purposes of this  Agreement can be determined and effectuated.
In the event that one or  more  phrases, sentences, clauses, or Articles is
held to be invalid and such invalidity affects the remaining portion of the
Agreement to alter its  material  purposes,  the Parties shall negotiate in
good faith to amend this Agreement to  have the same force and effect as if
such phrase, sentence, clause, or Article were not invalid.

     17.7   Assignment.  This Agreement shall  be binding upon, shall inure
to the benefit of, and may  be  performed by, the successors and assigns of
the Parties, except that no  assignment,  pledge, or other transfer of this
Agreement shall operate  to  release  the  assignor, pledgor, or transferor
from any of its  obligations  under  this  Agreement  unless consent to the
release is given in writing by the other Party or such transfer is incident
to a merger or consolidation with,  or transfer of all or substantially all
of the assets of the transferor to, another person or business entity which
shall, as part  of  such  succession,  assume  all  the  obligations of the
transferor under this Agreement.

         Customer acknowledges  that  Owner  intends  to  make a collateral
assignment of this Agreement to  the banks, financial institutions or other
entities  (collectively  the  "Lenders")  in  connection  with  a Financing
Agreement and agrees that if the  Lenders  succeed to the interest of Owner
by foreclosure or otherwise,  Customer  shall  accord  the Lenders the same
rights as Owner hereunder.

         In order to facilitate  the  obtaining of financing or refinancing
for the  Facility,  Customer  shall  execute  such  consents, agreements or
similar documents with respect  to  a  collateral  assignment hereof to the
Lenders  as  Lenders  may   reasonably   request  in  connection  with  the
documentation of the financing or refinancing for the Facility.

     17.8   No Waiver.  The failure of  either  party to enforce any of the
provisions of this  Agreement  or  to  require  compliance  with any of its
terms, at any time during the  pendency  of this Agreement, shall in no way
affect the validity of this Agreement, or any part hereof, and shall not be
deemed a waiver  of  the  right  of  such  Party  thereafter to enforce any
provision of this Agreement.

     17.9   Non-Recourse Obligations.  Customer understands and agrees that
(a) Customer shall have no  recourse  against any participants in Owner and
its sole recourse shall be  against  Owner and Owner's assets, irrespective
of any failure to  comply  with  applicable  law  or  any provision of this
Agreement; (b) no claim shall be  made against any participants in Owner in
connection with this Agreement, except  that the participants may be joined
as  nominal  parties  for  the   purpose  of  enforcing  Customer's  rights
hereunder; (c) Customer shall have no  right to any claim against Owner for
any capital contributions from any  participants  in  Owner not yet due and
owing; and (d) this representation is made expressly for the benefit of the
participants in Owner.

     17.10  Exhibits.  All Exhibits  referenced  in this Agreement shall be
incorporated into this Agreement by  such  reference and shall be deemed to
be an integral part of this Agreement.

     17.11  Liability of Owner and Customer.   In  the event of a breach of
this Agreement by one  Party,  the  other  Party  shall  be entitled to the
remedies available at law or in equity, provided in no event shall Owner or
Customer be liable to  the  other  for  any indirect or consequential cost,
expense or damage, including loss of profits.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties  have  caused this Agreement to be
executed by their duly authorized  representatives effective as of the date
first written above.

                             AVOCA NATURAL GAS STORAGE

                             By:       /s/ James H. Leonard      
                             Title:      Senior Vice President   

                             PENNSYLVANIA GAS AND WATER COMPANY

                             By:      /s/ Joseph F. Perugino     
                             Title: Vice President Gas Supply and Marketing

                                 EXHIBIT A

                         Maximum Storage Capacity

                            500,000 Dekatherms

               (50,000 Dekatherms per day of Deliverability)

                                 EXHIBIT B

                       Price And Payment Provisions

     1.  Price of Services:    For  each  of  the  services  to be provided
hereunder, Customer agrees to pay and shall pay the following charge:

         (a)  Monthly Demand Charge. (1)   Customer agrees to pay and shall
pay the following  charge  to  Owner,  multiplied  by the Annual Escalation

           $3.75/Dth of Maximum Daily Withdrawal Quantity

         (b)  Commodity Injection Charge.   For each Dekatherm injected and
stored for Customer's account,  Customer  agrees  to  pay and shall pay the
following charge:


         (c)  Commodity Withdrawal  Charge.    For  each  Dekatherm  of Gas
withdrawn from Customer's account, Customer agrees to pay and shall pay the
following charge:


         (d)  Authorized Injection  and  Withdrawal  Overrun  Charge.   For
Authorized Injection and Withdrawal  Overrun  Service  rendered by Owner to
Customer pursuant to Article 4.3, Customer  agrees to pay and shall pay the
following charge (in  addition  to  the  otherwise applicable injection and
withdrawal charges specified in Paragraphs (1(b) and (c) of this Exhibit):


     2.  Fuel Reimbursement Charge.    There  shall  be  due and owing from
Customer to Owner a fuel reimbursement  charge equal to two percent (2%) of
the quantities injected by Customer.  Such charge shall be paid by Customer
to Owner in-kind at time of injection.

     3.  Adjustment of Annual Escalation Factor.  In the event that:

         (a)  the Consumer Price Index/New York-Northeastern New Jersey All
Urban Consumers ("CPI") ceases to  be  published  by the U.S. Department of
Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics; or

         (b)  there is a significant  change  in  the components or purpose
and use of the CPI or the way in which it is calculated;


(1)    The  Monthly  Demand  Charge   is   calculated  on  a  per  unit  of
deliverability basis.

then the  Parties  shall  agree  upon  a  substitute  component  for use in
calculating the Annual  Escalation  Factor.    Pending  such agreement, the
Annual Escalation Factor for the  last  month  in  which such factor can be
calculated shall continue to govern  calculation  of the Price.  Any agreed
upon modification shall become effective as  of  the first day of the first
month following such agreement,  subject,  however,  to  the receipt of any
regulatory or governmental approvals required to make such change effective
without modifications (unless  such  modifications  are  acceptable to both

         In  the  event  that  the  Parties  are  unable  to  agree  upon a
substitute component, such determination  shall  be  made by arbitration in
accordance with  Section  4  of  this  Exhibit  B.    The  purpose  of such
arbitration shall be to determine a substitute component which produces the
same results as the Annual Escalation Factor based on the CPI.

         4.   Arbitration.

              (a)  Notice.  In the event that either Party wishes to submit
the adjustment of the Annual  Escalation  Factor to arbitration, such Party
(the "Demanding  Party")  shall  commence  arbitration  by  serving written
notice on the  other  Party.    The  notice  shall  contain  the name of an
arbitrator selected by the Demanding  Party,  a  statement of the matter in
dispute, a request for relief and the grounds therefor.

              (b)  Response to  Demand.    The Party receiving such written
notice shall within thirty (30) days thereafter serve written notice on the
Demanding Party stating the name of an arbitrator selected by the receiving
Party and an answering statement.    The  two arbitrators so selected shall
promptly name a third arbitrator,  provided  that nothing in this Section 4
shall preclude agreement by the  Parties (including the Demanding Party) to
have the arbitration conducted by a single arbitrator.

              (c)    Qualifications  of  Arbitrators.    The  arbitrator(s)
selected to act hereunder shall be  qualified by education or experience to
decide matters  relating  to  the  question  in  dispute  and  shall not be
employees or agents of any Party, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.

              (d)   Arbitration  Procedures;  Place  of  Arbitration.   The
arbitrator(s) selected hereunder shall  promptly  hear and determine (after
giving the Parties due notice of hearing and a reasonable opportunity to be
heard) the  question  submitted  and  shall  render  their decision thereon
within ninety (90) days after appointment  of the third arbitrator.  Except
as otherwise agreed by the  Parties,  the arbitration shall be conducted in
accordance with  the  rules  and  regulations  of  the American Arbitration
Association applicable to commercial disputes.   Unless otherwise agreed by
the Parties, the arbitration shall be held in New York.

              (e)  Effect of Decision.  The decision of the arbitrators, or
a majority thereof, shall be made in writing and shall be final and binding
upon the Parties as to the  question(s)  submitted and shall not be subject
to judicial review.  The written decision  may be issued with or without an
opinion.  If either  Party  requests  a  written  opinion with respect to a
decision, one shall be  issued  expeditiously,  but  its issuance shall not
delay compliance with  and  implementation  of  the  decision.  The Parties
shall abide by and comply with such  decision and a judgment may be entered
upon an arbitration decision in any court of competent jurisdiction.

                                 EXHIBIT C

                      Delivery and Redelivery Points

         The  delivery  and  redelivery   point   shall  be  the  point  of
interconnection  between   the   Avoca   facility   and   CNG  Transmission
Corporation, Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company  or any other pipeline as Owner
and Customer may mutually agree.