Report and Consent of Independent Auditors             EXHIBIT 23

The Board of Directors
PepsiCo, Inc.

The  audits  referred  to in our report dated  February  7,  1995
included  the related financial statement schedule as of December
31,  1994 and December 25, 1993, and for each of the years in the
three-year  period  ended  December  31,  1994  listed   in   the
accompanying  index  at  Item 14(a)2.   The  financial  statement
schedule is the responsibility of the Company's management.   Our
responsibility  is  to  express  an  opinion  on  this  financial
statement  schedule based on our audits.  In  our  opinion,  such
financial statement schedule, when considered in relation to  the
basic   consolidated  financial  statements  taken  as  a  whole,
presents  fairly, in all material respects, the  information  set
forth therein.

We  consent  to  the  use  of  our reports  included  herein  (or
incorporated herein by reference) in the Registration  Statements
on  Form  S-8 (No. 33-35602, No. 33-29037, No. 33-42058, No.  33-
51496,  No. 33-54731 and No. 33-66150, pertaining to the  PepsiCo
SharePower  Stock  Option Plan; No. 33-43189, pertaining  to  the
PepsiCo SharePower Stock Option Plan for Opco Employees; No.  33-
22970,  pertaining to the 1988 Director Stock Plan; No. 33-19539,
pertaining  to  the  1979 Incentive Plan and the  1987  Incentive
Plan;  No.  33-54733, pertaining to the 1994 Long-Term  Incentive
Plan; No. 2-65410, pertaining to the 1979 Incentive Plan; No.  2-
82645 and No. 33-51514, pertaining to the PepsiCo, Inc. Long Term
Savings  Program;  No.  2-93163, No. 2-99532  and  No.  33-10488,
pertaining to the Long Term Savings Programs of Taco Bell  Corp.,
Pizza   Hut,   Inc.  and  Kentucky  Fried  Chicken   Corporation,
respectively) and the Registration Statements on Form S-3 (No. 33-
37271,  pertaining to the Pizza Hut Cincinnati,  Inc.  and  Tri-L
Pizza Huts, Inc. acquisitions; No. 33-35601, No. 33-42122, No. 33-
56666  and  No.  33-66146, pertaining to the  PepsiCo  SharePower
Stock  Option  Plan for Employees of Monsieur Henri Wines,  Ltd.;
No.   33-30658  and  No.  33-38014,  pertaining  to  the  PepsiCo
SharePower  Stock Option Plan for Opco Employees;  No.  33-42121,
pertaining to the PepsiCo SharePower Stock Option Plan  for  PCDC
Employees;  No.  33-66144 pertaining to  the  PepsiCo  SharePower
Stock  Option  Plan for Employees of Chevys, Inc.;  No.  33-66148
pertaining  to  the  PepsiCo SharePower  Stock  Option  Plan  for
Employees of Southern Tier Pizza Hut, Inc. and STPH Delco,  Inc.;
No.  33-30372,  pertaining  to  the Pepsi-Cola  Bottling  Company
Annapolis   acquisition;   No.   33-8677,   pertaining   to   the
$500,000,000 Euro-Medium-Term Notes; No. 33-39283, pertaining  to
the  $2,500,000,000 Debt Securities and Warrants;  No.  33-47527,
pertaining to the Semoran Management Corporation acquisition; No.
33-53232,  pertaining to the $32,500,000 Puerto Rico  Industrial,
Medical  and Environmental Pollution Control Facilities Financing
Authority Adjustable Rate Industrial Revenue Bonds; No. 33-57181,
pertaining  to  the $3,322,000,000 Debt Securities and  Warrants;
No.  33-51389,  pertaining to the $2,500,000,000 Debt  Securities
and  Warrants; No. 33-50685, pertaining to the extension  of  the
PepsiCo  SharePower  Stock  Option Plan  to  Employees  of  Snack
Ventures   Europe,   a  joint  venture  between   PepsiCo   Foods
International  and  General  Mills, Inc.)  and  the  Registration
Statements  on  Form S-4 (No. 33-31844, pertaining  to  the  Erin
Investment Corp. acquisition; No. 33-4635, pertaining to the  A&M
Food Services, Inc. acquisition; No. 33-21607, pertaining to  the
Pizza  Hut Titusville, Inc. acquisition; No. 33-37978, pertaining
to  the  domestic  Kentucky Fried Chicken operations  of  Collins
Foods  International, Inc. acquisition; No. 33-47314,  pertaining
to  the  Pizza Management, Inc. acquisition) and in  the  related

                              KPMG Peat Marwick LLP
New York, New York
March 28, 1995