The  amendments to the PepsiCo Long Term Savings  Program  ("Plan")  attached as
Exhibit 1 are hereby adopted and approved this 21st day of December, 1995. These
amendments  replace  certain  current  pages of the Plan with the  corresponding
attached pages.

                                  PepsiCo, Inc.

                                  By: /s/ J. ROGER KING
                                   J. Roger King


         Alan R. Rockoff
         Law Department

         Sylvestor Holmes
         Tax Department

                                                           EXHIBIT 1

                                  AMENDMENT TO

The PepsiCo Long Term Savings  Program  ("Plan") is hereby  amended by replacing
the current pages of the Plan  identified  for deletion  below with the attached
replacement pages.

Article              Current Pages Deleted               Replacement Pages

II                         II-10                               II-10
Sch. 3                     3-1                                 3-1
App. C                     C-1                                 C-1 through C-2

                  Participants  who have not attained age 19 before the close of
                  the Plan  Year.  If,  as a result of the  application  of such
                  rules, the adjusted $150,000 limitation is exceeded,  then the
                  limitation shall be prorated among the affected individuals in
                  proportion   to  each  such   individual's   Eligible  Pay  as
                  determined under this Section prior to the application of this

  References  in the Plan to  deferrals  of  Eligible  Pay,  or Salary  Deferral
  Contributions  from Eligible Pay, shall be read as referring to deferrals of a
  Participant's  current  Employee  compensation  not in excess of Eligible Pay,
  determined as above.

     (1)  Employee:  Any  person who is:  receiving  remuneration  for  personal
services  currently  rendered in the  employment of an Employer (or who would be
receiving such remuneration except for an Authorized Leave of Absence),  and who
is described in one of the following  paragraphs:  

               (1) A United States  citizen whose primary place of employment is
          within  the  50  states  or the  District  of  Columbia  (collectively
          referred to in this  subsection  as "the U.S.");  

               (2) An  alien  who  has  been  lawfully  admitted  for  permanent
          residence in the U.S.  (referred to in this  subsection as a "resident
          alien") and whose primary place of employment is within the U.S.

               (3) A United States  citizen or resident  alien  relocated by the
          Employer  to a  primary  place of  employment  outside  the  U.S.  and
          classified  by  the  Employer  as an  United  States  expatriate;  

               (4) Effective January 1, 1994, a resident alien:

                    (i) who is employed in a position  that is  classified  as a
               globalist under the personnel practices of an Employer,

                    (ii) who works for an Employer  outside of his home country,
               and II-10

                                   ARTICLE III
                          Eligibility and Participation

     3.1 Eligibility:  Employees described in this subsection or the Appendix as
eligible to participate in the Plan shall be referred to as eligible Employees.

                    (a)  General  Rule:  Subject  to  the  next  sentence,   the
               following Employees shall be eligible to participate in the Plan:
               all  full-time  salaried  Employees  of  the  Company  and of the
               Employers  designated  on the attached  Schedule 3; all full-time
               salaried, hourly,  commissioned sales or transportation Employees
               of the Employers designated on the attached Schedules 1, 2 and 4;
               all full-time hourly  Employees of the Company  designated on the
               attached  Schedule 5; all salaried  part-time  Employees  who are
               currently  eligible to enroll in their  Employer's  Benefits Plus
               Program;  all full-time hourly Employees designated in Article B;
               and all hourly  Employees  designated  in  Article  C;  provided,
               however,  that to be eligible  such  Employee  must be  currently
               eligible  to  enroll  in his  Employer's  Benefits  Plus  Program
               (except in the case of Employees  eligible under Articles B and C
               and  as  otherwise  provided  in  the  Appendix).  The  following
               Employees  or  classes  of  Employees  shall not be  eligible  to
               participate  in this  Plan:  

                    (1) Any Employee  whose terms and  conditions are determined
               by collective  bargaining with a union  representing such persons
               and with  respect  to whom  inclusion  in this  Plan has not been
               specifically   provided   for  in  such   collective   bargaining

                    (2) Any Employee who is a leased employee within the meaning
               of Code  section  414(n);  

                    (3)  Effective  December  1, 1989,  any  Highly  compensated
               Employee  who has not  attained  age 21 and  completed  a Year of

                    (4) Any individual who is an independent contractor; and 

                    (5)Effective  on and after January 1, 1996,  any Employee of
               an Employer  designated on Part I of the attached  Schedule 3 who
               is a Highly 


           Compensated  Employee (or who is reasonably  projected to be a Highly
           Compensated Employee based on the best available date.)

  An  independent  contractor  who is  recharacterized  by the Internal  Revenue
  Service as a common law employee will not be considered described in paragraph
  (4) for periods on and after the recharacterization. Such individual also will
  not  be  considered   described  in  paragraph  (4)  for  periods  before  the
  recharacterization,  unless the Employer had  classified  the individual as an
  independent   contractors   identified  by  similar  work   requirements.   An
  individual's  ineligibility  under the previous sentence shall have no bearing
  on whether  the  individual  is an  excludable  employee  for  purposes of the
  nondiscrimination tests under Code sections 410(b) and 401(a)(4).

           (b) Certain Part-Time Employees: Effective July 1, 1995, any Employee
  who would be an eligible  Employee if he were  classified  by his  Employer as
  full-time  (with no other  changes in his status and  circumstances)  shall be
  eligible to participate in the Plan.

For purposes of this section, an Employee who is an associate, casual, part-time
or temporary employee is not considered to be full-time.

     3.2  Participation:

          (a)  Commencement of Active Participation:  An eligible Employee shall
               become an Active  Participant  upon enrolling in the Plan. 

               (1)  An eligible Employee's  enrollment in the Plan shall be made
                    be  electing  to defer a portion  of his  Eligible  Pay,  in
                    accordance  with  Section  4.1(b).  An  eligible  Employee's
                    qualifying  election  to  participate  actively  in the Plan
                    shall be effective as soon as practicable  for his Employer.
               (2)  Notwithstanding  paragraph  (1) above,  the  election  of an
                    Employee   eligible   under  Section  3.1(b)  shall  not  be
                    effective  until the first January 1 or July 1 following his
                    attainment of age 21 and his completion of a 12-month period
                    of employment  (measured as described  below) in which he is


  credited  with at least  1,000  Hours of  Service  (referred  to as a "year of
  eligibility service"). The 12-month period between the date the Employee first
  completes one Hour of Service and the first anniversary  thereof shall be used
  initially to determine his eligibility to participate in the Plan; thereafter,
  his eligibility to participate in the Plan shall be determined by reference to
  whether  he  completes  1,000 or more  Hours  of  Service  in any  Plan  Year,
  beginning  with the first Plan Year  commencing  after he first  completes one
  Hour of Service  shall be credited with two years of  eligibility  service for
  purposes of this section.

                  (b) Termination of Participation:  An Active Participant shall
  continue to  participate  actively in the Plan until he revokes his enrollment
  or his  enrollment  ends as a  result  of his  Termination  of  Employment  or
  transfer  to a position  that is  ineligible  for  participation.  When active
  participation  ceases,  an individual with a balance in his Plan Account shall
  continue as an Inactive Participant until his Account has been distributed.

                  (c) Recommencement of Active Participation: Subject to Section
  3.3, any individual  whose active  participation  has  terminated  pursuant to
  subsection  (b)  may  return  to  active   participation  by  reinstating  his
  enrollment  (following  his  return to  service as an  eligible  Employee,  if

     3.3 Break in Service:  This section  shall apply in the case of an Employee
  described in Section 3.1(b) who has a break in service,  as defined below.  In
  determining  such  Employee's  post-break   participation  in  the  Plan,  the
  Employee's  pre-break  years  of  eligibility  service  following  his  rehire
  (determined under Section 3.2 as if his employment first commenced on his date
  of  rehire).   For  purposes  hereof,  a  "break  in  service"  shall  mean  a
  12-consecutive-month  computation  period during which an Employee is credited
  with 500 or less Hours of Service. The


  applicable  computation  period for determining breaks in service shall be the
  12-month period  beginning on the Employee's date of employment and Plan Years
  commencing after such date of employement.



                                   SCHEDULE 3
                            LONG TERM SAVINGS PROGRAM
                  Designated Employers for Restaurant Employees
                                 (As of 1/1/94)

Part I:
         Pizza Hut, Inc.(and its  domestic  locations  and  subsidiaries except 
             for locations formerly owned by the Herb Blankenship Franchise; 
             Middleton Enterprises, Inc. and its subsidiaries; and Employees who
             work for Pizza Hut of Cincinnati)
         Kentucky Fried Chicken Corporation  (and  its  domestic  locations  and
             subsidiairies except for locations formerly owned by theFitzpatrick
         KFC Corporation
         KFC Enterprises, Inc.
         KFC National Management Company
         Kentucky Fried Chicken of California, Inc.
         Kentucky Fried Chicken of Southern California, Inc.
         Kentucky Fried Chicken Corporate Holdings, Ltd.
         NKFC, Inc.
         QSR, Inc.
         Taco Bell Corp. (and its domestic subsidiaries)
         Taco Bell Enterprises, Inc.
         Calny, Inc.
         Taco Bell of California, Inc.
         Taco Del Sur, Inc.
         Tenga Taco, Inc.
         PepsiCo,  Inc. (only with respect to those Employees of PepsiCo,  Inc.
          who are (i)  providing  services in Illinois to another  Employer  and
          (ii) working under the supervision of such other Employer)
Part 2:

         PepsiCo Food Systems, a division of PepsiCo, Inc.


                                    ARTICLE C
                           Pizza Hut Hourly Employees

         The terms of this  Article  apply to any Employee who is employed on an
hourly  basis by Pizza  Hut,  Inc.  or its  domestic  restaurant  locations  and
restaurant locations and restaurant  subsidiaries  (collectively  referred to as
"Pizza Hut").  Such Employees are designated as eligible under this Plan only to
the extent applicable pursuant to this Article C.