PEPSICO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES

     Years Ended December 30, 1995, December 31, 1994, December 25, 1993,
                   December 26, 1992 and December 28, 1991
                      (in millions except ratio amounts)

                               52 Weeks    53 Weeks          52 Weeks
                               --------    --------   -------------------------
                                1995        1994       1993     1992    1991(a)
                               ------      ------     ------   ------   -------


Income from continuing
 operations before income
  taxes and cumulative
   effect of accounting
    changes ..............   $2,432       $2,664     $2,423   $1,899    $1,660

Joint ventures and minority
 interests, net (b).......       11          (19)        (6)      (1)       (6)

Amortization of
 capitalized interest.....        6            5          5        5         5

Interest expense .........      682          645        573      586       614

Interest portion of net
 rent expense (c).........      156          150        134      122       103
                             ------       ------     ------   ------    ------

Earnings available for
 fixed charges............   $3,287       $3,445     $3,129   $2,611    $2,376
                             ======       ======     ======   ======    ======

Fixed Charges:

Interest expense .........   $  682       $  645    $  573   $  586     $  614

Capitalized interest......       10            5         7        7         10

Interest portion of net
 rent expense (c).........      156          150       134      122        103
                             ------       ------    ------   ------     ------

   Total fixed charges....   $  848       $  800    $  714   $  715     $  727
                             ======       ======    ======   ======     ======

Ratio of Earnings
 to Fixed Charges.........     3.88         4.31      4.38     3.65       3.27
                             ======       ======    ======   ======       ====

(a)  To improve  comparability,  the 1991 amounts have been  restated to report,
     under  the  equity  method  of   accounting,   the  results  of  previously
     consolidated  snack food  businesses in Spain,  Portugal and Greece,  which
     were  contributed  to the new Snack  Ventures  Europe  joint  venture  with
     General Mills, Inc. in late 1992.
(b)  Prior year  amounts  have been  restated to adjust for the effects of joint
     ventures and minority interests.  The inclusion of these items did not have
     a material  impact on the  previously  reported  ratio of earnings to fixed
(c)  One-third of net rent expense is the portion deemed  representative  of the
     interest factor.