OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

Filed by the Registrant   /  X /

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant    /    /

Check the appropriate box:

/    /   Preliminary Proxy Statement   /    /  Confidential, for Use of the Com-
                                               mission Only (as permitted by
                                               Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
/  X /    Definitive Proxy Statement

/    /   Definitive additional materials

/    /   Soliciting material pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                                  PEPSICO, INC.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

Payment of filing fee (Check the appropriate box):

  / X / No fee required.

  /   / Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

   (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   (3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant
to  Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set  forth the amount on which the  filing  fee is
calculated and state how it was determined):
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   (5)  Total fee paid:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   /   / Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

   /   / Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided  by Exchange Act
Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee was paid
previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement  number, or
the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

   (1)  Amount Previously Paid:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   (3)  Filing Party:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   (4)  Date Filed:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Purchase, New York 10577-1444


         PepsiCo  will  hold  its  Annual  Shareholders'  Meeting  at our  World
Headquarters at 700 Anderson Hill Road, Purchase, New York, on Wednesday, May 5,
1999, at 11:00 A.M. Eastern Daylight Saving Time, to:

      0   Elect directors.
      0   Approve the appointment of independent auditors.
      0   Act  upon  one shareholder  proposal  described in the  attached Proxy
      0   Transact any other business that may properly come before the Meeting.

         If you own shares of PepsiCo  Capital Stock as of the close of business
on March 12, 1999 (the Record  Date),  you can vote those  shares by proxy or at
the Meeting.

         If you plan to attend the  Meeting,  please check the box on your proxy
card, so that we may send you an admission card.


March 26, 1999                                             ROBERT F. SHARPE, JR.

PepsiCo, Inc.
Purchase, New York 10577-1444
                                                                  March 26, 1999

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

         The Board of  Directors  of PepsiCo,  Inc.  ("PepsiCo")  is  soliciting
proxies  to be  voted  at the  Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders  to be  held on
Wednesday,  May 5, 1999, and at any  adjournment of the Meeting.  We are sending
this Proxy Statement in connection with the proxy solicitation.

         At March 12, 1999, the record date, there were 1,475,878,212  shares of
PepsiCo  Capital Stock  outstanding  and entitled to one vote each at the Annual
Meeting.  These shares were registered in the names of 227,480 shareholders and,
as far as we know, no person owns  beneficially  more than 5% of the outstanding
Capital Stock.

         PepsiCo is making its first mailing of this Proxy Statement on or about
March 26, 1999.


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

PROXY ITEM NO. 1 - ELECTION OF DIRECTORS................................................ 2

Ownership of Capital Stock by Directors and Executive Officers.......................... 5
Board Meetings and Committees of the Board.............................................. 5
Directors' Compensation................................................................. 6
Executive Compensation
         Compensation Committee Report.................................................. 6
         Summary Compensation Table..................................................... 9
         Aggregated Option Exercises in Last Fiscal Year and FY-End Option Values.......10
         Option Grants in Last Fiscal Year..............................................11
         Performance Graph..............................................................12
         Pension Plan Table.............................................................12
Compliance with Exchange Act Reporting Requirements.....................................13

PROXY ITEM NO. 2 - APPROVAL OF AUDITORS.................................................13

         Report on Executive Compensation - Financial and Social Accountability.........13

Other Matters...........................................................................15
Quorum and Voting 15
Year 2000 Shareholders' Proposals.......................................................16


                    ELECTION OF DIRECTORS (PROXY ITEM NO. 1)

         The  Board of Directors  proposes the following  fourteen  nominees for
election as directors at the Annual Meeting. The directors will hold office from
election  until  the  next  Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders,  or  until  their
successors are elected and qualified.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

JOHN F. AKERS,  64, former Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive  Officer of
International  Business  Machines  Corporation,  has been a member of  PepsiCo's
Board  since  1991.  Mr.  Akers  joined IBM in 1960 and was  Chairman  and Chief
Executive Officer from 1986 until 1993. He is also a director of Hallmark Cards,
Inc.,  Lehman  Brothers  Holdings,  Inc.,  The New York Times  Company,  Springs
Industries, Inc., W.R. Grace & Co. and Zurich Insurance Company--U.S.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ROBERT E. ALLEN, 64, former Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of
AT&T Corp., has been a member of PepsiCo's Board since 1990. He began his career
at AT&T in 1957 when he joined Indiana Bell. He was elected  President and Chief
Operating  Officer of AT&T in 1986, and was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
from 1988 until 1997. He is also a director of Bristol-Myers  Squibb Company and
DaimlerChrysler Corp.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ROGER A. ENRICO,  54, was elected as PepsiCo's Chief Executive Officer in April,
and  Chairman of the Board in  November  1996.  Mr.  Enrico has been a member of
PepsiCo's  Board since 1987,  and was elected Vice  Chairman in 1993.  He joined
PepsiCo in 1971, and became President and Chief Executive  Officer of Pepsi-Cola
USA in  1983,  President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer  of  PepsiCo  Worldwide
Beverages in 1986,  Chairman and Chief Executive  Officer of Frito-Lay,  Inc. in
1991 and  Chairman and Chief  Executive  Officer of PepsiCo  Worldwide  Foods in
1992.  In  addition,  he was  Chairman  and  Chief  Executive  Officer,  PepsiCo
Worldwide  Restaurants,  from 1994 until the  spin-off of  PepsiCo's  restaurant
businesses  in 1997.  Mr. Enrico is a member of the Board of Directors of Dayton
Hudson  Corporation,  the A. H. Belo  Corporation  and The Prudential  Insurance
Company of America.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PETER FOY,  58,  former  Chairman of Baring  Brothers  International  Ltd.,  the
corporate  finance  section  of ING  Group's  investment  bank,  was  elected to
PepsiCo's Board in July 1997. He joined  McKinsey & Co., Inc. in 1968,  became a
director  and head of its U.K.  Consumer  Goods  Practice in 1980,  the managing
director of McKinsey U.K. in 1983, and Senior Partner from 1990 until 1996, when
he became  Chairman of Baring  Brothers,  a position he held until he retired in
December  1998.  Mr. Foy is also a director of The Peninsular and Oriental Steam
Navigation Company.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


RAY L. HUNT, 55,  Chairman and Chief  Executive  Officer of Hunt Oil Company and
Chairman,  Chief Executive Officer and President,  Hunt Consolidated,  Inc., was
elected to PepsiCo's Board in 1996. Mr. Hunt began his association with Hunt Oil
Company  in 1958 and has held his  current  position  since  1976.  He is also a
director of Halliburton Company,  Security Capital Group, Ergo Science, Inc. and
Electronic  Data  Systems  Corporation,  and a Class C Director  for the Federal
Reserve Bank of Dallas.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ARTHUR C.  MARTINEZ,  59, has been  Chairman of the Board,  President  and Chief
Executive  Officer of Sears,  Roebuck  and Co.  since  1995.  Mr.  Martinez  was
Chairman and Chief Executive  Officer of the former Sears Merchandise Group from
1992 to 1995, and he served as Vice Chairman and a director of Saks Fifth Avenue
from 1990 to 1992. Mr.  Martinez is Deputy  Chairman of The Federal Reserve Bank
of Chicago. He is also a director of Ameritech Corporation.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

JOHN J. MURPHY,  67, former Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of
Dresser  Industries,  Inc.,  was elected a director  of PepsiCo in 1984,  and is
Chairman of the  Compensation  Committee.  Mr. Murphy joined Dresser in 1952 and
was elected its Chairman and Chief Executive  Officer in 1983. Mr. Murphy served
as Chief  Executive  Officer until November 1995, and as Chairman until December
1996. He is also a director of Kerr-McGee  Corporation,  CARBO Ceramics Inc., W.
R. Grace & Co. and Shaw Industries Ltd.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FRANKLIN  D.  RAINES,  50, has been  Chairman  of the Board and Chief  Executive
officer of Fannie Mae since January 1999. Mr. Raines was previously Chairman and
CEO-Designate  of Fannie Mae from May 1998 and  Director  of the U.S.  Office of
Management and Budget from September 1996 to May 1998. From 1991 to 1996, he was
Vice  Chairman of Fannie Mae.  Prior to joining  Fannie  Mae,  Mr.  Raines was a
general  partner at Lazard Freres & Co., an investment  banking firm. Mr. Raines
is also a director of America Online, Inc. and Pfizer, Inc.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

STEVEN S REINEMUND, 50, is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Frito-Lay
Company.  He was elected a director of PepsiCo in 1996. Mr.  Reinemund began his
career with PepsiCo as a senior operating officer of Pizza Hut, Inc. in 1984. He
became President and Chief Executive Officer of Pizza Hut in 1986, and President
and  Chief  Executive  Officer  of Pizza Hut  Worldwide  in 1991.  In 1992,  Mr.
Reinemund became President and Chief Executive  Officer of Frito-Lay,  Inc., and
assumed his current  position in April 1996.  He is also a director of Provident
Life & Accident Insurance Co. and Service Master Management Corporation.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


SHARON PERCY  ROCKEFELLER,  54, was elected a director in 1986. She is President
and Chief  Executive  Officer of WETA public  stations in  Washington,  D.C.,  a
position she has held since 1989,  and was a member of the Board of Directors of
WETA from 1985 to 1989.  She is a member  of the  Board of  Directors  of Public
Broadcasting  Service,  Washington,  D.C.  and  was a  member  of the  Board  of
Directors  of  the  Corporation  for  Public   Broadcasting   until  1992.  Mrs.
Rockefeller is also a director of Sotheby's Holdings, Inc.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FRANKLIN A.  THOMAS,  64, was elected to PepsiCo's  Board in 1994.  From 1967 to
1977,  he was President and Chief  Executive  Officer of the  Bedford-Stuyvesant
Restoration Corporation. From 1977 to 1979 Mr. Thomas had a private law practice
in New York City. Mr. Thomas was President of the Ford  Foundation  from 1979 to
April 1996 and is  currently a consultant  to the TFF Study Group,  a non-profit
organization  assisting development in southern Africa. He is also a director of
ALCOA,  Citicorp,   Conoco,  Inc.,  Cummins  Engine  Company,  Inc.  and  Lucent

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

P. ROY VAGELOS, 69, retired Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of
Merck & Co.,  Inc.,  has been a member of  PepsiCo's  Board since  1992,  and is
Chairman of the  Nominating  Committee.  Dr.  Vagelos  joined  Merck in 1975 and
became  President and Chief  Executive  Officer in 1985. He became a director in
1984 and Chairman in 1986,  retiring from that position in 1994.  Dr. Vagelos is
also a director of The Estee Lauder  Companies  Inc., The  Prudential  Insurance
Company of America and Chairman of the Board of Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

KARL M. VON DER  HEYDEN,  62, was  elected a director  and Vice  Chairman of the
Board in  September  1996.  He also  served  as  Chief  Financial  Officer  from
September  1996 until March 1998. Mr. von der Heyden was  Co-Chairman  and Chief
Executive Officer of RJR Nabisco from March through May 1993 and Chief Financial
Officer from 1989 to 1993. He served as President and Chief Executive Officer of
Metallgesellschaft  Corp.  from  1993 to  1994.  Mr.  von der  Heyden  is also a
director of Federated Department Stores, Inc. and Zeneca Group PLC.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ARNOLD R. WEBER,  69, was elected to PepsiCo's Board in 1978, and is Chairman of
the Audit Committee.  Dr. Weber is President-Emeritus of Northwestern University
and was the  University's  President  from 1985 to 1995. He is also President of
the Civic  Committee  of the  Commercial  Club of  Chicago.  Dr.  Weber has held
various government  positions including Executive Director of the Cost of Living
Council and  Associate  Director of the Office of Management  and Budget.  He is
also a director of Aon Corp.,  Burlington  Northern,  Inc.,  Deere & Co., Inland
Steel Company and The Tribune Co.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         If any of these nominees for director becomes unavailable,  the persons
named in the enclosed  proxy intend to vote for any alternate  designated by the
present Board.

following table shows, as of March 12, 1999, the shares of PepsiCo Capital Stock
beneficially  owned  by  each  director  (including  nominees),  by  each  named
executive officer individually, and by all directors and executive officers as a

             Name of Individual or                           Number of Shares
         Number of Persons in Group                     Beneficially Owned(1)(2)

    John F. Akers..................................................    47,480
    Robert E. Allen................................................    46,281
    Roger A. Enrico................................................ 2,017,037
    Peter Foy......................................................     8,562
    Ray L. Hunt....................................................    47,054
    Arthur C. Martinez.............................................     2,000
    John J. Murphy.................................................    40,210
    Franklin D. Raines.............................................     1,000
    Steven S Reinemund.............................................   977,178
    Sharon Percy Rockefeller.......................................    77,881
    Franklin A. Thomas.............................................    20,729
    P. Roy Vagelos.................................................    59,190
    Karl M. von der Heyden.........................................   352,890
    Craig E. Weatherup............................................. 2,769,807(3)
    Arnold R. Weber................................................    54,007
    Robert F. Sharpe, Jr. .........................................     1,000
    All directors and executive officers as a group (20 persons) .. 7,107,007
- -----------------------

         (1) Certain directors or executive officers share voting and investment
power over  977,178  shares of  PepsiCo  Capital  Stock  with  their  spouses or
children.  The shares shown include  6,205,818  shares of PepsiCo  Capital Stock
which certain directors and executive officers have a right to acquire within 60

         (2)  The shares shown do not include  27,010 shares held by children or
spouses of  directors  or  executive  officers,  or by trusts for the benefit of
directors or executive officers, as to which beneficial ownership is disclaimed.
The shares  shown also include the  following  number of PepsiCo  Capital  Stock
equivalents, which are held in PepsiCo's deferred income program: John F. Akers,
4,564 shares;  Robert E. Allen, 31,113 shares; Roger A. Enrico,  316,416 shares;
Peter Foy, 428 shares; Ray L. Hunt, 4,564 shares; John J. Murphy,  8,173 shares;
Franklin A.  Thomas,  8,710  shares;  P. Roy  Vagelos,  4,564  shares;  Craig E.
Weatherup,  112,821 shares; Arnold R. Weber, 4,963 shares; and all directors and
executive officers as a group, 496,316 shares.

         (3)  These shares include 923,591 shares which may be acquired pursuant
to stock options which become  exercisable if the public  offering of a majority
of the common stock of The Pepsi Bottling Group, Inc. is completed.

         Directors  and  executive  officers  as a  group  own  less  than 1% of
outstanding Capital Stock.

         BOARD  MEETINGS AND COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD.  PepsiCo's  Board held six
regular  meetings  and one  telephonic  meeting  during  the year.  All  outside
directors serve on the three Board Committees.


         The  Audit Committee,  which was established in 1967, held two meetings
in 1998.  The Audit  Committee  reviews  external and  internal  audit plans and
activities,  the Corporation's  annual financial  statements,  and its system of
internal  financial  controls.  The Audit Committee approves the fees for audit,
audit-related and nonaudit services  provided by the independent  auditors,  and
recommends to the Board the annual selection of independent auditors.

         The Compensation Committee, which has been active since 1955, held four
meetings during 1998. The Compensation Committee administers PepsiCo's incentive
plans, sets policies that govern executives'  annual  compensation and long-term
incentives,  and reviews management performance,  compensation,  development and

         The  Nominating  Committee,  which was  established  in 1997,  held two
meetings  during the year. The Nominating  Committee  identifies  candidates for
future  Board  membership  and  proposes   criteria  for  Board  candidates  and
candidates to fill Board vacancies, as well as a slate of directors for election
by the shareholders at each annual meeting.  The Committee annually assesses and
reports to the Board on Board and Board Committee performance and effectiveness;
reviews and makes recommendations to the Board concerning the composition,  size
and structure of the Board and its Committees;  and annually reviews and reports
to the Board on Directors'  compensation  and benefits.  The Committee  does not
solicit  director  nominations,  but will consider  recommendations  sent to the
Secretary of PepsiCo at 700 Anderson Hill Road, Purchase, New York 10577.

         Average  attendance  by  incumbent  directors  at Board  and  Committee
meetings was approximately 98%. No incumbent director attended fewer than 75% of
the total number of Board and Committee meetings.

         DIRECTORS'  COMPENSATION.   Directors  who  are  employees  receive  no
additional  pay for serving as  directors.  All other  directors  receive  their
annual retainer and other compensation  entirely in stock options granted at the
current market price to purchase shares of PepsiCo Capital Stock. At the time of
the grant,  directors may elect to exchange a portion of these stock options for
cash or PepsiCo  Capital  Stock.  The cash or PepsiCo  Capital Stock received is
equal to 1/3 of the  exercise  price of the  option.  If a  director  elects  to
exchange the maximum allowable, he or she would receive $70,000 in cash, $30,000
worth of PepsiCo Capital Stock and options to purchase  $30,000 worth of PepsiCo
Capital Stock. Directors may also choose to defer payment of any cash or PepsiCo
Capital  Stock  otherwise  receivable  by them  as a  result  of  this  exchange
election. If a stock grant is deferred,  the only investment option available is
PepsiCo Capital Stock  equivalents,  which are payable in cash at the end of the
deferral  period.  If cash is  deferred,  the  directors  may elect  deferral in
PepsiCo  Capital Stock  equivalents  or in investment  options  similar to those
offered under PepsiCo's  401(k) program.  Deferral may not be made for less than
one year.

         PepsiCo paid Wayne Calloway,  PepsiCo's former Chief Executive Officer,
$48,077 in salary and $1,750,000 as a retirement payment in 1998.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

             Compensation Committee Report on Executive Compensation

Executive Pay Policy

         PepsiCo's executive  compensation programs are designed to enable it to
recruit,  retain and motivate a large group of talented and diverse domestic and
international  executives.   This  is  essential  for  PepsiCo  to  achieve  its
challenging  worldwide  performance   objectives  and  to  continue  to  achieve

outstanding  shareholder returns. As a result, the Committee has determined that
executive  compensation  opportunities,  including  those  for  PepsiCo's  Chief
Executive Officer ("CEO"), should create incentives for superior performance and
consequences for below target performance.

         The Compensation  Committee annually examines  short-term and long-term
compensation  levels for the CEO and other senior executives against a survey of
the compensation  practices of a group of leading  consumer  product  companies.
This review is  validated  against  surveys of the  compensation  practices of a
broader  range of major  companies,  including  the Fortune 50.  Together  these
companies are referred to as the "survey  companies." These reviews also compare
PepsiCo's  short  and  long-term  results  with the  performance  of the  survey
companies, to ensure a pay for performance linkage. The survey companies include
some,  but not all,  of the  companies  covered  in the  Standard  & Poor's  500
Beverage and Food Indices included on the Performance Graph on page 12.

         The Committee  believes that our executive  compensation  programs have
met their objectives.  PepsiCo has been able to attract and retain the executive
talent  necessary to support a  corporation  with a long-term  history of strong
sales growth and superior shareholder returns.

Specific Compensation Programs

         PepsiCo's  executive  compensation  mix includes a base salary,  annual
cash  bonus  awards,  and  long-term  incentive  compensation  in  the  form  of
performance units and stock options.  Overall, these programs are intended to be
performance-oriented,  with the  principal  portion  of  executive  compensation
opportunities  tied to  achievement  of  earnings,  sales  volume  and cash flow
objectives and long-term  shareholder  returns. It is the Committee's  intention
that  substantially all executive  compensation be deductible for federal income
tax purposes.

         Salary ranges for the CEO and the other executive officers are based on
the underlying accountabilities of each executive's position, which are reviewed
on a regular basis and benchmarked  against  similar  positions among the survey
companies.  These  salary  ranges are  targeted  above the average  salaries for
similar  positions at the survey  companies.  However,  individual  salaries are
capped at $1 million.

         Bonus awards for PepsiCo's CEO and executive officers are paid based on
PepsiCo's overall  performance against specified earnings targets set in advance
in  accordance   with  the   shareholder   approved  1994  Executive   Incentive
Compensation  Plan.  The amount of the award an executive is eligible to receive
will increase if higher earnings per share targets are achieved. No payment will
be made if the minimum  earnings target is not met. Once those earnings  targets
are  achieved,  the Committee  exercises  its  discretion to determine the exact
amount of the bonus to be paid to each executive  officer.  In  determining  the
bonus  of  executive  officers  other  than  the CEO,  the  Committee  considers
PepsiCo's earnings and sales volume performance. The CEO's bonus is based on the
Committee's  subjective  assessment  of a broad range of  performance  measures,
including  PepsiCo's  financial results,  strategic  position,  market share and
performance  compared  to the broad  range of  companies  included in the survey

         Long-term  awards,  made under the shareholder  approved 1994 Long-Term
Incentive  Plan (the  "LTIP"),  are  generally  granted  annually in the form of
performance  units  and  stock  options.   Pro  rata  and  special  awards  have
occasionally been made off-cycle to participants.  Performance units may be paid
after three years based on achieving  cash flow and sales volume  targets set in
advance by the Committee.  Stock options are granted at market value on the date
of grant and increase in value only to the extent of  appreciation  in PepsiCo's
Capital  Stock.  Most  become  exercisable  at the end of three  years,  and are
exercisable  thereafter  for seven years.  PepsiCo's CEO and, in general,  other
executive  officers are given the  opportunity  to choose the mix of performance
units and stock options in their long-term  awards.  The CEO and most executives
have elected 100% stock options.


         PepsiCo's  executives  may also  participate  in the Company's  benefit
programs,  including the Company's  retirement  plans, its medical,  savings and
other  benefit  plans and its  SharePower  Stock  Option  Plan,  under which all
full-time  employees  receive  grants of options to  purchase  shares of PepsiCo
stock equal in amount to 10-15% of that individual's  previous year's salary and
bonus. Executive officers receive their annual SharePower awards under the LTIP.
In addition,  executives  are eligible to  participate  in the Company's  income
deferral programs.

Performance Evaluation

         The Committee  meets without the CEO to evaluate his  performance,  and
with the CEO to evaluate the performance of other executive  officers.  The 1998
salaries,  bonuses and long-term  incentive awards for the corporation's CEO and
executive officers set forth on page 9 were reviewed and approved at meetings of
the Compensation Committee held during 1998 and in January 1999.

         At Mr.  Enrico's  request,  the Committee again approved a reduction in
Mr.  Enrico's annual salary from $900,000 to $1, and recommended to the Board of
Directors that it consider using the savings to support front line employees. In
January  1999,   the  Board  approved   annual   charitable   contributions   of
approximately  $1,000,000  to  fund  additional  scholarships  for  children  of
PepsiCo's front line employees.

         Decisions on executive  officers'  salaries and salary  increases  were
based on individual  performance  evaluations.  As described above, decisions on
senior  executive  officers'  bonus awards were based on  PepsiCo's  performance
against earnings and sales volume results.

         The primary performance measures used to determine the CEO's 1998 bonus
award were  earnings  per share  growth and  revenue  results,  the  strength of
PepsiCo's  strategic  position,  and total return to shareholders as compared to
the  survey   companies.   The  overall   performance   measures  were  weighted
subjectively by each member of the Compensation Committee.

         Long-term  incentive awards were made to executive  officers last year.
Long-term  incentive  levels for PepsiCo's CEO and other executive  officers are
based on  comparisons  of award levels at the survey  companies.  The  long-term
awards which are intended as incentives for future  performance are not based on
past  corporate  performance,  and are targeted  above the average of awards for
similar positions at the survey companies.

         The  Performance  Graph  on  page  12  compares   PepsiCo's  five  year
cumulative  total  return  to the  Standard  & Poor's  500  Stock  Index and the
Standard & Poor's 500 Beverage and Food  Indices.  PepsiCo's  compounded  annual
total shareholder return for the five years ended December 26, 1998 was 18.3%.

                             COMPENSATION COMMITTEE:

             JOHN F. AKERS                    SHARON PERCY ROCKEFELLER
             ROBERT E. ALLEN                  FRANKLIN A. THOMAS
             PETER FOY                        P. ROY VAGELOS
             RAY L. HUNT                      ARNOLD R. WEBER
             JOHN J. MURPHY


                                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE
                                              Annual Compensation                       Compensation
                                                                                  Awards        Payouts
                                                                  Other Annual     lying       Long-Term        All Other
Name and Principal                                                Compensation    Options   Incentive Plan      Compensa-
Position                        Year      Salary ($)    Bonus($)       ($)         (#)        Payouts ($)       tion($)(5)
- -------------------------       ----      ----------    --------  ------------  ----------  ---------------     ----------

Roger A. Enrico                 1998         1(1)      2,000,000     154,725(4)     334,795    1,925,000(2)       2,592
   Director; Chairman of the    1997       900,000     1,800,000     106,559(4)       0            0              2,051
   Board and Chief              1996       880,500     1,300,000     910,408(4)   1,864,303    1,745,029(3)       2,281
   Executive Officer

Steven S Reinemund              1998       792,307       648,000      76,545(4)     155,741    1,909,090(2)        0
Director; Chairman and          1997       750,000     1,044,300       8,860           0            0              0
   Chief Executive Officer,     1996       715,769     1,053,005       7,263      1,231,116      120,940(3)        0
   Frito-Lay Company

Craig E. Weatherup              1998       792,307       844,000     131,182(4)     156,486        0             11,698(6)
Director; Chairman and          1997       750,000     1,134,150     133,822(4)       0            0             15,402(6)
   Chief Executive Officer,     1996       723,346       925,025      59,553(4)   1,169,441        0              5,789(6)
   The Pepsi Bottling Group

Karl M. von der Heyden          1998       395,577       450,000         0            4,504        0               0
Director and Vice Chairman      1997       550,000       855,530         0          107,630        0               0
                                1996       158,654       200,000         0          215,260        0               0

Robert F. Sharpe, Jr. (7)       1998       475,000       294,380       4,915        216,603        0               0
Senior Vice President, Public   1997          -            -              -            -           -               -
   Affairs, General Counsel     1996          -            -              -            -           -               -
   and Secretary
- ---------------

         (1)      In  November,  1997, at Mr. Enrico's request, the Compensation
Committee  approved a reduction in Mr.  Enrico's  annual salary from $900,000 to
$1, and recommended to the Board of Directors that it consider using the savings
to support front line employees.

         (2)      This amount is  based on an  award granted in 1994 that vested
as a result of  PepsiCo's achievement of a predetermined cumulative earnings per
share growth target over the four-year period from 1994 to 1997.  Mr.  Reinemund
deferred payment of this amount.

         (3)      This  amount is based on an award granted in 1992 that  vested
as a result of PepsiCo's achievement of a predetermined  cumulative earnings per
share  growth  target  over the  four-year  period from 1992 to 1995. Mr. Enrico
deferredpayment of this amount.

         (4)      This  amount  includes  benefits  from  the  use of  corporate
transportation  ($114,894 in 1998,  $68,552 in 1997, and $92,929 in 1996 for Mr.
Enrico;  $42,617 in 1998 for Mr. Reinemund;  $107,153 in 1998, $106,310 in 1997,
and  $35,435  in 1996  for Mr.  Weatherup.  It also  includes  reimbursement  of


relocation and tax related  expenses  incurred by Mr. Enrico in connection  with
his new responsibilities as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer in 1996).

         (5)      PepsiCo  pays a portion of the annual  cost of life  insurance
policies on the lives of its key employees.  These amounts are included here. If
a covered employee dies while employed by PepsiCo, PepsiCo is reimbursed for its
payments from the proceeds of the policy.

         (6)      Of  this amount,  $2,086 is for life  insurance  (see (5)) and
$9,612 is preferential  earnings on income deferred by Mr. Weatherup since 1986.
In  1997,   these  amounts  were  $1,248  for  life  insurance  and  $14,154  is
preferential  earnings on income.  In 1996, these amounts were $1,471 and $4,318
respectively.  In order to earn a preferential  return,  Mr. Weatherup elected a
risk feature under which, if he terminated his employment,  he would forfeit all
his  deferred  income.  Earnings for 1997 and 1998 on Mr.  Weatherup's  deferred
income were for four quarters.

         (7)      Mr. Sharpe began  his  employment  with PepsiCo as Senior Vice
President, General Counsel and Secretary in January 1998.

                                          AND FY-END OPTION VALUES(1)

                            Shares Ac-                     Number of Securities Under-
                            quired on                    lying Unexercised Options at     Value of Unexercised In-the-
          Name              Exercise(#)   Value Realized              FY-End                  Money Options at FY-End
- ------------------------    -----------   -------------- ------------------------------   ----------------------------
                                                          Exercisable   Unexercisable    Exercisable    Unexercisable
                                                          -----------   -------------    -----------    -------------

Roger A. Enrico               349,916      10,666,566(2)   1,637,957      2,105,885       52,949,094      23,883,517
Steven S Reinemund              4,591         122,075        641,526      2,025,108       16,635,586      30,482,908

Craig E. Weatherup            565,057      18,521,040      1,236,238      1,945,326(3)    31,842,379      35,860,759

Karl M. von der Heyden            0              0           322,890          4,504        3,300,588          17,735

Robert F. Sharpe, Jr.             0              0               0          216,603            0             852,874

- ----------

     (1)  The  closing price of PepsiCo  Capital Stock on December 24, 1998, the
last trading day prior to PepsiCo's fiscal year end, was $40.4375.

     (2)  Mr.Enrico deferred this amount into PepsiCo Capital Stock equivalents.

     (3)  If the public  offering of a majority of the common stock of The Pepsi
Bottling Group, Inc. is completed, 453,901 of these options will be canceled and
the remainder will become exercisable on the date of the offering.


                                              OPTION GRANTS IN LAST FISCAL YEAR

                                                                                    Potential Realizable Value
                                                                                     at Assumed Annual Rates
                                                                                  of Stock Price Appreciation for
                               Individual Grants                                           Option Term

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------   -------------------------------------
                            Number of      % of Total
                            Securities      Options
                              Under-       Granted to    Exercise
                              lying         Employees    or Base
                             Options        in Fiscal     Price     Expiration
          Name            Granted (#)(1)     Year(2)      ($/Sh)       Date        5% ($)(3)        10% ($)(3)
- -----------------------     ----------   --------------   --------    -------      ---------        ----------

Roger A. Enrico              334,795         1.085        36.50      1/31/08       7,685,103        19,475,561

Steven S Reinemund           155,741         0.505        36.50      1/31/08       3,574,981         9,059,703

Craig E. Weatherup           156,486         0.507        36.50      1/31/08       3,592,082         9,103,041

Karl M. von der Heyden         4,504         0.015        36.50      1/31/08         103,388`          262,005

Robert F. Sharpe, Jr.        216,603         0.709        36.50      1/31/08       4,972,047        12,600,143

- ----------

     (1)  These options become exercisable on February 1, 2001.

     (2)  Includes  approximately  14,700,000  options  granted to approximately
86,000 employees under PepsiCo's SharePower Stock Option Plan.

     (3) The 5% and 10%  rates of  appreciation  were set by the SEC and are not
intended  to  forecast  future  appreciation,  if any, of  PepsiCo's  stock.  If
PepsiCo's stock does not increase in value,  then the option grants described in
the table will be valueless.

         In addition to the option  grants to  executive  officers  named in the
table above,  each of these  officers may receive an additional  option grant or
cash payment  based upon  achievement  of PepsiCo  performance  objectives.  The
payment and option grants, if any, would be made on or about February 1, 2001.


         PERFORMANCE  GRAPH.  The S&P Average of Three Industry  Groups is based
upon  PepsiCo's  sales in its three lines of business  during each quarter.  The
return to PepsiCo is calculated  through  PepsiCo's  fiscal year end on December
26, 1998.  The return for the S&P 500 and the S&P Average  indices is calculated
through December 31, 1998.

                                            CUMULATIVE TOTAL RETURN,
                                       using quarterly revenue weightings

                        Dec-93    Dec-94    Dec-95    Dec-96    Dec-97    Dec-98
                        ------    ------    ------    ------    ------    ------

PepsiCo, Inc.           $100        $90      $142      $151      $196       $232

S&P 500                 $100       $101      $139      $171      $229       $294

S&P Avg. of Ind. Grps.  $100       $107      $154      $177      $231       $245

                               PENSION PLAN TABLE

         When an  executive  retires  at the  normal  retirement  age (65),  the
approximate  annual benefits payable after January 1, 1999 for the following pay
classifications and years of service are:

    Remuneration                                   Years of Service
   --------------         ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- ----------------- ----------------
                                20                 25               30                35               40
                          ---------------- ----------------- ---------------- ----------------- ----------------

      $750,000                    297,160           333,950          370,740           407,530          445,030
    $1,000,000                    397,160           446,450          495,740           545,030          595,030
    $1,250,000                    497,160           558,950          620,740           682,530          745,030
    $1,500,000                    597,160           671,450          745,740           820,030          895,030
    $1,750,000                    697,160           783,950          870,740           957,530        1,045,030
    $2,000,000                    797,160           896,450          995,740         1,095,030        1,195,030
    $2,250,000                    897,160         1,008,950        1,120,740         1,232,530        1,345,030
    $2,500,000                    997,160         1,121,450        1,245,740         1,370,030        1,495,030
    $2,750,000                  1,097,160         1,233,950        1,370,740         1,507,530        1,645,030
    $3,000,000                  1,197,160         1,346,450        1,495,740         1,645,030        1,795,030
    $3,250,000                  1,297,160         1,458,950        1,620,740         1,782,530        1,945,030


     The pay covered by the Pension Plans noted below is based on the salary and
bonus  shown in the Summary  Compensation  Table on page 9 for each of the named
executive officers.  The years of credited service as of January 1, 1999 for the
executive officers named on the Summary  Compensation Table who are eligible for
retirement  benefits  are as  follows:  Roger A.  Enrico -- 27  years;  Steven S
Reinemund -- 14 years;  Craig E.Weatherup -- 24 years; and Robert F. Sharpe, Jr.
- -- 0 years.

     Computation of Benefits. PepsiCo's executive officers generally participate
in PepsiCo's  Retirement Plan and PepsiCo's Pension Equalization Plan (which has
been  adopted  to  provide  benefits  that  would  have been  payable  under the
Retirement Plan except for ERISA limitations). The annual benefits payable under
these two Pension  Plans to employees  with 5 or more years of service at age 65
are, for the first 10 years of credited service,  30% of the employee's  highest
consecutive  five-year  average  annual  earnings  plus an  additional 1% of the
employee's  highest  consecutive  five-year  average  annual  earnings  for each
additional  year of credited  service over 10 years,  less .43% of final average
earnings not to exceed Social Security covered compensation  multiplied by years
of service (not to exceed 35 years).

the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 requires PepsiCo's  directors and executive
officers  to file  reports of  ownership  and  changes in  ownership  of PepsiCo
Capital Stock. To the best of PepsiCo's knowledge, all required forms were filed
on time,  except that one  transaction in PepsiCo  Capital Stock  equivalents by
Indra  K.  Nooyi,  PepsiCo's  Senior  Vice  President,  Corporate  Strategy  and
Development,  was not timely reported on Securities and Exchange Commission Form
4. The omission was subsequently reported on Form 5.

                     APPROVAL OF AUDITORS (PROXY ITEM NO. 2)

         The Audit  Committee  recommends  that KPMG LLP  continue as  PepsiCo's
independent  auditors for 1999.  They have been PepsiCo's  independent  auditors
since  1990.   They  were  paid   approximately   $8.1  million  for  audit  and
audit-related  services rendered for 1998.  Representatives  of KPMG LLP will be
available  to  answer  questions  at the  Annual  Meeting  and are  free to make
statements during the meeting.



         If proposals are submitted by more than one  shareholder,  PepsiCo will
only list the primary  filer's name,  address and number of shares held. We will
provide  information  about  co-filers  promptly if we receive a request for the

     Report on Executive Compensation - Financial and Social Accountability

         The School Sisters of St. Francis,  US Province,  4127 N. Central Park,
Chicago,  IL, 60618,  who own 200 shares of PepsiCo Capital Stock,  have,  along
with other religious groups or institutions,  submitted the following resolution
for the reasons stated:


                  "We believe that both social and financial  criteria should be
         factors in fixing  compensation  packages for top  corporate  officers.
         Public scrutiny on compensation is reaching a new  intensity--not  just
         for the Chief Executive Officer, but for all executives. Too often, top
         executives receive considerable increases in compensation packages even
         when   corporate   financial   performance  is  mediocre  or  poor  and
         stockholders watch dividends slip and stock prices drop.

                  Increases   in  CEO   compensation   continue   to  dwarf  the
         compensation increases enjoyed by employees. Between 1990 and 1996, CEO
         cash  compensation  rose 90  percent,  vastly  exceeding  a 19  percent
         increase on factory  wages and S&P 500  earnings  growth of 78 percent.
         (Business  Week  Survey  of  Executive  Compensation;  Bureau  of Labor

                  In 1995,  U.S.  CEOs  earned on average  209 times the average
         factory  workers  pay, a dramatic  rise from the 42 times  reported  in

                  Shareholders  need to be vigilant and challenge  executive pay
         packages  that reward bad social or  financial  corporate  performance,
         asking  themselves:  if top  officers'  pay for a given year  should be
         reduced if the company  suffers from poor  corporate  citizenship  that
         harms our corporate image or costly fines, protracted litigation,  loss
         of government  contracts,  or significant loss of market share on their
         watch; if CEO  compensation  should be affected if the company is faced
         with consumer  boycotts or public  relations  problems  because of what
         American  Indians  and other  people of color call  racially  offensive
         images;  if a pattern of  discrimination or sexual harassment should be
         grounds for a decreased compensation package.

                  Companies, including Bristol-Myers Squibb, Eastman Kodak, IBM,
         and Procter  and Gamble,  have  reported  to  shareholders  on how they
         integrate these factors into their compensation packages, understanding
         the importance of being socially responsible.

                  We believe these questions deserve the careful scrutiny of our
         Board of Directors  and the  Compensation  Committee and go beyond what
         the SEC requires a company include in the annual proxy statement.

                  RESOLVED:  Shareholders  request the Board institute a special
         Executive  Compensation  Review  and  prepare  a  report  available  to
         shareholders four months from the date of the annual meeting,  with the
         results of the review and recommended changes in practice.  This review
         shall  cover  pay,  benefits,   perks,   stock  options,   and  special
         arrangements  in the  compensation  packages  for top  executives.  The
         review should focus on the following questions:

                  1.  Ways  to  link  executive  compensation  more  closely  to
         financial performance with proposed criteria and formulae.
                  2. Ways to link  compensation to social corporate  performance
         (e.g.,  incentives  given for meeting or surpassing  certain social and
         performance standards).
                  3.  Comparison of compensation  packages for company  officers
         with lowest paid company employees in the U.S. and around the world.
                  4.  Whether  there  should  be a  ceiling  on top  executives'
         salaries to prevent our company from paying excessive compensation or a
         ratio linking the top salary and the lowest salary.
                  5.  Whether  compensation  should  be  frozen in  the event of
         massive layoffs."


         BOARD OF  DIRECTORS'  RESPONSE:  PepsiCo's  executive  compensation  is
already  closely  tied to  corporate  financial  performance  as detailed in the
Compensation Committee Report on Executive Compensation, and individual salaries
are already  capped.  In fact, in 1999 Mr. Enrico again requested a reduction in
his  annual  salary  to $1 and  recommended  to the Board of  Directors  that it
consider using the savings to fund  scholarships for children of PepsiCo's sales
people,  truck  drivers,  manufacturing  plant  workers  and  other  front  line
employees. Overall, PepsiCo's compensation programs are competitive and fair.

         PepsiCo has long  recognized  the  importance of being a good corporate
citizen  and acts in a  manner  consistent  with  that.  It  meets or  surpasses
generally  accepted social and performance  standards,  and has been a leader in
many  social  areas.  Accordingly,  PepsiCo has not  suffered  from the sorts of
problems suggested. In fact, all PepsiCo executives sign a Code of Conduct which
reflects the company's strong commitment to its employees and the communities in
which it operates.


                                  OTHER MATTERS

         The Board of Directors  knows of no other matters to be brought  before
the Meeting. If matters other than the ones listed in this Proxy Statement arise
at the Meeting,  the persons named in the proxy will vote the shares represented
by the proxy according to their judgment.

                                QUORUM AND VOTING

         QUORUM.  Under North Carolina law,  abstentions and broker nonvotes are
counted to determine whether a quorum is present at the Meeting. (Under New York
Stock Exchange rules, a broker may, if the broker does not have instruction from
a beneficial  owner,  vote shares on routine  proposals.  A broker does not have
discretionary  voting  power with  respect to  nonroutine  proposals,  such as a
merger. If the broker has not received voting instructions  regarding nonroutine
proposals from the beneficial  owner, the broker cannot vote on those proposals.
This is referred to as a broker nonvote.)

         VOTING.  Any  shareholder  returning a proxy may revoke it by casting a
ballot at the  Meeting.  Any proxy not revoked will be voted as specified by the
shareholder. If no choice is indicated, a proxy will be voted in accordance with
the Board of Directors' recommendations.

         Under PepsiCo's  By-Laws,  at all shareholder  meetings,  with a quorum
present,  matters  shall be decided by the vote of the  holders of a majority of
the shares of Capital  Stock  present in person or by proxy and entitled to vote
(except  that  Directors  shall  be  elected  by  a  majority  of  votes  cast).
Abstentions are not counted as "for" or "against"  votes, but are counted in the
total  number of votes  present and  entitled to vote for passage of a proposal.
This has the effect of requiring a higher vote for passage.  Broker nonvotes are
not shares  entitled to vote, are not counted in the total number of votes,  and
have no effect on the outcome of voting.

         Participants  cannot  vote  shares  held in  PepsiCo's  Employee  Stock
Ownership Plan (the "ESOP") unless a proxy card is signed and returned. If cards
representing  shares held in the ESOP are not  returned,  the trustees will vote
those  shares in the same  proportion  as the shares for which  signed cards are
returned by other participants.


         CONFIDENTIALITY.   PepsiCo's   policy  is  that   proxies   identifying
individual  shareholders are private except as necessary to determine compliance
with law or assert or defend legal claims, or in a contested proxy solicitation,
or in the event that a shareholder makes a written comment on a proxy card or an
attachment  to it.  PepsiCo  retains an  independent  organization  to  tabulate
shareholder votes and certify voting results.

                        YEAR 2000 SHAREHOLDERS' PROPOSALS

         PepsiCo welcomes  comments or suggestions from its  shareholders.  If a
shareholder  wants to have a proposal  formally  considered  at the 1999  Annual
Shareholders'  Meeting, and included in the Proxy Statement for that Meeting, we
must  receive  the  proposal in writing on or before  November  27,  1999.  If a
proposal is received by February 10,  2000,  PepsiCo may include it in the Proxy
Statement  and, if it does, may use its  discretionary  authority to vote on the
proposal.  For proposals  that are not submitted by February 10, PepsiCo may use
its  discretionary  voting  authority  when the proposal is raised at the Annual
Meeting, without inclusion of the proposal in its Proxy Statement.


         PepsiCo will pay the costs relating to this Proxy Statement,  the proxy
and the Annual Meeting.

         In addition to the solicitation of proxies by mail,  PepsiCo intends to
ask brokers and bank nominees to solicit proxies from their  principals and will
pay the brokers and bank nominees their expenses for the solicitation.

         To be  sure  that we have  the  necessary  quorum  to hold  the  Annual
Meeting,  PepsiCo  has hired the firm of  Georgeson  & Company,  Inc. to help in
soliciting proxies by mail,  telephone and personal interview for fees estimated
at approximately $21,000.

         Employees  of PepsiCo may also solicit  proxies.  They will not receive
any additional pay for the solicitation.

         The Annual Report to  Shareholders  for 1998 and  financial  statements
were  mailed  with  this  Proxy  Statement  or  were  previously   delivered  to
shareholders  and are not part of the material for the  solicitation of proxies.
To reduce postage costs,  we sent materials at bulk mail rates.  If you have not
received the Annual Report by the time you receive your Proxy Statement,  please
write or call PepsiCo's  Manager of  Shareholder  Relations,  at PepsiCo,  Inc.,
Purchase, NY 10577 or (914) 253-3055.

         Please  complete,  sign, and date the enclosed proxy card, which can be
revoked  by  voting  at the  meeting,  and  mail  it  promptly  in the  enclosed
postage-paid envelope.

                                       By order of the Board of Directors,

                                                  ROBERT F. SHARPE, JR.

                            APPENDIX -- PROXY CARD 

                                 PEPSICO, INC.

                                March 26, 1999

                       YOUR PROXY CARD IS ATTACHED BELOW.


                                                 V  FOLD AND DETACH HERE  V                        

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

/    /  


1.  Election of Directors     FOR all nominees  /  /        WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to vote /  /      *EXCEPTIONS  /  /
                              listed below                  for all nominees listed below

Nominees:  J.F. Akers, R.E. Allen, R.A. Enrico, P. Foy, R.L. Hunt, A.C. Martinez, J.J. Murphy, F.D. Raines, S.S Reinemund, 
           S.P. Rockefeller, F.A. Thomas, P.R. Vagelos, K.M. von der Heyden, A.R. Weber


2. Approval of Auditors                                      THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS RECOMMENDS A VOTE AGAINST ITEM No. 3.
                                                             3. Shareholders' Proposal   (Proxy Statement p. 13) 
FOR   /  /    AGAINST    /  /     ABSTAIN    /  /            FOR   /  /    AGAINST    /  /     ABSTAIN    /  /                     

Where no voting instructions are given, the                      I PLAN TO ATTEND MEETING
shares represented by this Proxy will be                         If you check this box to the       /  /
VOTED FOR Items No. 1 and 2 and VOTED                            right an admission card will
AGAINST Item No. 3.                                              be sent to you

                                                                 Receipt is hereby acknowledged of the PepsiCo Notice of Meeting and
                                                                 Proxy Statement. 
                                                                 IMPORTANT: Please sign exactly as your name or names appear on this
                                                                 Proxy. Where shares are held jointly, both holders should sign. 
                                                                 When signing as  attorney,  executor, administrator, trustee or 
                                                                 guardian,  please give your full title as such.  If the holder is a
                                                                 corporation, execute in full corporate name by authorized officer.




(Please sign, date and return this proxy card in the             VOTES MUST BE INDICATED    / X /
enclosed envelope.)                                              (X) in black or blue ink    


                               PURCHASE, NEW YORK




West Side  Highway/Henry  Hudson  Parkway to Cross  County  Parkway  East.  Take
Hutchinson River Parkway  Northbound to Exit 28 (Lincoln Avenue,  Port Chester).
Left on Lincoln Avenue and proceed one (1) mile to PepsiCo on right.


East Side Drive to Bronx via Triboro Bridge.  Take the Bruckner Expressway (278)
North to the Hutchinson  River Parkway Exit 28 (Lincoln  Avenue,  Port Chester),
and follow directions above.


Hutchinson  River Parkway North to Exit 28 (Lincoln Avenue,  Port Chester),  and
follow directions above.


Van Wyck Expressway  (678) to the Bronx  Whitestone  Bridge to Hutchinson  River
Parkway  North.  Take  Exit  28  (Lincoln  Avenue,  Port  Chester),  and  follow
directions above.


Grand Central Parkway East to Whitestone  Expressway  Exit. Cross the Whitestone
Bridge North to Hutchinson  River Parkway North.  Take Exit 28 (Lincoln  Avenue,
Port Chester), and follow directions above.


Long Island Expressway or the Grand Central Parkway to the Cross Island Parkway.
Cross Island  Parkway  West to the Throgs Neck Bridge.  Cross Throgs Neck Bridge
North and travel North on New England  Thruway  (Route 95) to  Hutchinson  River
Parkway North to Exit 28 (Lincoln Avenue,  Port Chester),  and follow directions


Cross Tappan Zee Bridge South. Follow Cross Westchester (Interstate 287) to Exit
8E. (Route 127 Harrison,  Westchester  Avenue).  Stay on Westchester  Avenue and
turn left onto  Anderson  Hill Road.  Proceed about four (4) miles to PepsiCo on


Take the Merritt Parkway South,  which becomes the Hutchinson River Parkway,  to
Exit 28 (Lincoln Avenue,  Port Chester).  Turn right and proceed one (1) mile to
PepsiCo on right.


Follow  the New  England  Thruway  to Exit  for  Cross  Westchester  Expressway,
Westbound.  Take Exit 9 North,  Hutchinson  River  Parkway,  to Exit 28 (Lincoln
Avenue, Port Chester). Turn left onto Lincoln Avenue and proceed one (1) mile to
PepsiCo on right.


Take 684 South to Westchester  Airport Exit,  Route 120 South.  Left on Purchase
Street to Anderson Hill Road, left on Anderson Hill Road to PepsiCo on right.

                                  PEPSICO, INC.
                                   May 5, 1999

     The undersigned hereby appoints Roger A. Enrico and Robert F. Sharpe,  Jr.,
and each of them, proxies for the undersigned,  with full power of substitution,
to vote all shares of PepsiCo,  Inc.  Capital Stock which the undersigned may be
entitled to vote at the Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  of PepsiCo,  Inc.,  in
Purchase,  New  York,  on  Wednesday,  May 5,  1999  at  11:00  A.M.,  or at any
adjournment  thereof,  upon  the  matters  set  forth  on the  reverse  side and
described in the  accompanying  Proxy  Statement and upon such other business as
may properly come before the meeting or any adjournment thereof.


(Continued and to be signed on other side)


                                             PEPSICO, INC.
                                             P.O. BOX 11001
                                             NEW YORK, NY  10203-0001