Securities and Exchange Commission                    Commission File No. 1-6314
Washington, DC  20549
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(Mark One) [X] Annual Report  Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities
Act of 1934.  For the fiscal year ended  December 31, 1998 [ ]Transition  Report
Pursuant  to  Section  13 or  15(d)  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act  of  1934
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
For the transition  period from  __________ to ____________  Perini  Corporation
(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

Massachusetts                                   04-1717070
(State of Incorporation)                       (IRS Employer Identification No.)

73 Mt. Wayte Avenue, Framingham, Massachusetts 01701
(Address of principal executive offices)       (Zip Code)

(508) 628-2000
(Registrant's telephone number, including area code)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

Title of Each Class                                           Name of each exchange on which registered
- -------------------                                           -----------------------------------------
Common Stock, $1.00 par value                                 The American Stock Exchange
$2.125 Depositary Convertible Exchangeable                    The American Stock Exchange
  Preferred Shares, each representing 1/10th
  Share of $21.25 Convertible Exchangeable
  Preferred Stock, $1.00 par value

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:  None
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes X No

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation  S-K is not contained  herein,  and will not be contained,  to the
best of registrant's  knowledge,  in definitive proxy or information  statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this
Form 10-K. X
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The aggregate  market value of voting Common Stock held by  nonaffiliates of the
registrant is $24,346,000 as of February 22, 1999. The Company does not have any
non-voting Common Stock.

The number of shares of Common Stock, $1.00 par value per share,  outstanding at
February 22, 1999 is 5,444,010.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Documents Incorporated by Reference

Portions of the annual proxy  statement for the year ended December 31, 1998 are
incorporated by reference into Part III.

                               PERINI CORPORATION

                             INDEX TO ANNUAL REPORT

                                  ON FORM 10-K

- ------
Item 1:               Business                                                                           2 - 11
Item 2:               Properties                                                                         11
Item 3:               Legal Proceedings                                                                  12
Item 4:               Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders                                12

Item 5:               Market for the Registrant's Common Stock and Related                               12
                        Stockholder Matters
Item 6:               Selected Financial Data                                                            13
Item 7:               Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial                                  14 - 20
                        Condition and Results of Operations

Item 7A:              Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosure About Market Risk                          20
Item 8:               Financial Statements and Supplementary Data                                        20
Item 9:               Disagreements on Accounting and Financial Disclosure                               20

Item 10:              Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant                                 21 - 22
Item 11:              Executive Compensation                                                             22
Item 12:              Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and                                22
Item 13:              Certain Relationships and Related Transactions                                     22

Item 14:              Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules and Reports on                             23
                        Form 8-K

Signatures                                                                                               24


                                     PART I.

- ------------------


Perini  Corporation  and its  subsidiaries  (the  "Company"  unless the  context
indicates otherwise) provides general contracting,  including building and civil
construction,  and construction  management and design-build services to private
clients and public agencies  throughout the United States and selected  overseas
locations.  The Company is also  engaged in real estate  development  operations
which are  conducted  by  Perini  Land &  Development  Company,  a  wholly-owned
subsidiary with offices currently in Georgia and Massachusetts.  The Company was
incorporated  in 1918 as a successor  to  businesses  which had been  engaged in
providing construction services since 1894.

Because  the  Company's  results  consist  in part of a limited  number of large
transactions in both  construction and real estate,  results in any given fiscal
quarter can vary depending on the timing of transactions  and the  profitability
of the projects being reported. As a consequence,  quarterly results may reflect
such variations.

Information  on lines of  business  and foreign  business is included  under the
following  captions  of this  Annual  Report  on Form  10-K for the  year  ended
December 31, 1998.

                                                                                                  Annual Report
                                                                                                  On Form 10-K
                                          Caption                                                  Page Number
                                          -------                                                  -----------

Selected Consolidated Financial Information                                                          Page 13
Management's Discussion and Analysis                                                              Pages 14 - 20
Note 13 to the Consolidated Financial Statements, entitled Business Segments                      Pages 48 - 50

While the "Selected  Consolidated  Financial Information" presents certain lines
of business information for purposes of consistency of presentation for the five
years  ended  December  31,  1998,  additional  information  (business  segment)
required by Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards No. 131,  "Disclosures
About Segements of an Enterprise and Related  Information",  for the three years
ended  December  31, 1998 is included in Note 13 to the  Consolidated  Financial

A summary of revenues by business segment for the three years ended December 31,
1998 is as follows:

                                                             Revenues (in thousands)
                                                             Year Ended December 31,
                                                              1998        1997          1996
                                                              ----        ----          ----
  Building                                            $   679,296   $ 888,809   $   834,888
  Civil                                                   332,026     387,224       389,540
                                                      ------------  ----------  ------------
    Total Construction Revenues                       $ 1,011,322   $1,276,033  $ 1,224,428
Real Estate                                                24,578      48,458        45,856
                                                      ------------  ----------  ------------
      Total Revenues                                  $ 1,035,900   $1,324,491  $ 1,270,284
                                                      ============  ==========  ============



The general contracting services provided by the Company consist of planning and
scheduling the manpower,  equipment,  materials and subcontractors  required for
the  timely   completion  of  a  project  in  accordance   with  the  terms  and
specifications  contained in a construction contract. The Company provides these
services using the traditional  contracting method as well as under construction
management or design-build contracting arrangements.  The Company was engaged in
over 130  construction  projects in the United States and overseas  during 1998.
The Company has two principal construction operations: building and civil.

The building operation provides its services through regional offices located in
several  metropolitan  areas:  Boston,  serving New England and the Mid-Atlantic
area; and Phoenix and Las Vegas,  serving  Arizona,  Nevada and  California.  In
1992,  the  Company  combined  its  building   operations  into  a  wholly-owned
subsidiary,  Perini Building  Company,  Inc. This company  combines  substantial
resources and expertise to better serve clients within the building construction
market and  enhances  Perini's  name  recognition  in this  market.  The Company
undertakes a broad range of building  construction  projects  including  hotels,
casinos, health care, correctional  facilities,  sports complexes,  residential,
commercial, civic, cultural and educational facilities.

The civil  operation  undertakes  large public civil projects in the East,  with
current  emphasis on major  metropolitan  areas such as Boston and New York City
and selectively,  in other geographic  locations.  The civil operation  performs
construction and rehabilitation of highways,  subways,  tunnels,  dams, bridges,
airports,  marine  projects,  piers and waste water  treatment  facilities.  The
Company has been active in civil operations since 1894, and believes that it has
particular  expertise in large and complex  projects.  The Company believes that
infrastructure  rehabilitation is, and will continue to be, a significant market
in 1999 and beyond.

Perini Management Services, Inc. (formerly Perini International Corporation),  a
wholly-owned  subsidiary,  provides  a broad  range of both  civil and  building
construction  services  to U.S.  government  agencies in the U.S.  and  selected
overseas locations, funded primarily in U.S. dollars. In selected situations, it
pursues other work internationally.

                              Construction Strategy

The  Company's  current  strategy is to  concentrate  on the civil  construction
market  in  the  East  and  specialized  niche  building   construction  markets
throughout  the United  States,  with the goal in both markets to improve profit
margins.  The Company believes the best  opportunities  for growth in the coming
years  for its  civil  construction  business  are in the  urban  infrastructure
market,  particularly in Boston and metropolitan New York and other major cities
where it has a significant presence,  and in other large, complex projects.  The
Company's  strategy in building  construction  is to take  advantage  of certain
market  niches,  and to expand into new markets  compatible  with its expertise.
Internally,  the Company plans to continue to improve  efficiency through strict
attention  to the control of overhead  expenses and  implementation  of improved
project  management  systems.  Finally,  the  Company  continues  to expand  its
expertise  to assist  public  owners to  develop  necessary  facilities  through
creative public/private ventures.

During 1996, the Company also adopted a plan to enhance the profitability of its
construction  operations by emphasizing gross margin and bottom line improvement
ahead of top line revenue growth.  This plan called for the Company to focus its
financial and human resources on construction  operations which are consistently
profitable and to de-emphasize marginal business units. During 1997, the Company
closed or  downsized  and  refocused  four  business  units and combined its two
remaining civil  construction  entities (U.S.  Heavy and  Metropolitan  New York
divisions)  under a  consolidated  management  structure  named "Perini  Civil".
During 1998,  the Company  continued  its plan to enhance  profitability  and to
implement  certain  other  decisions  made in 1997 by closing  down two marginal
business units in the Midwest.



As of December 31, 1998,  the Company's  construction  backlog was $1.23 billion
compared to backlogs of $1.31  billion and $1.52 billion as of December 31, 1997
and 1996, respectively.

                                                          Backlog (in thousands) as of December 31,
                                                          1998                          1997                           1996
                                                          ----                          ----                           ----
Northeast                               $   682,774         55%       $   574,779         44%        $   643,114         42%
Mid-Atlantic                                 45,417          4             97,212          7             113,289          8
Southeast                                    35,801          3             46,629          4              56,925          4
Midwest                                      92,928          8             26,130          2              97,954          6
Southwest                                   294,931         24            481,068         37             425,901         28
West                                         26,843          2             28,707          2             139,079          9
Foreign                                      53,562          4             54,929          4              41,438          3
  Total                                  $1,232,256        100%        $1,309,454        100%         $1,517,700        100%

The  Company  includes a  construction  project in its backlog at such time as a
contract is awarded or a firm letter of commitment is obtained. As a result, the
backlog figures are firm, subject only to the cancellation  provisions contained
in the various contracts.  The Company estimates that approximately $500 million
of its backlog will not be completed in 1999.

The Company's  backlog in the Northeast region of the United States continues to
remain  strong  because  of its  ability  to  meet  the  needs  of  the  growing
infrastructure   construction   and   rehabilitation   market  in  this  region,
(particularly in the metropolitan  Boston and New York City areas). The decrease
in backlog in the Southwest region is due to the timing in signing new contracts
that are being negotiated rather than a longer term trend. Other fluctuations in
backlog are viewed by management as transitory.

                               Types of Contracts

The four general types of contracts in current use in the construction  industry

O       Fixed price contracts ("FP"),  which include fixed unit price contracts,
        usually  transfer more risk to the contractor but offer the opportunity,
        under favorable  circumstances,  for greater profits. With the Company's
        concentration in publicly bid civil construction  projects,  fixed price
        contracts continue to represent the major portion of the backlog.

O       Cost-plus-fixed-fee  or  award  fee  contracts  ("CPFF")  which  provide
        greater safety for the contractor from a financial standpoint, but limit

O       Guaranteed   maximum  price  contracts   ("GMP")  which  provide  for  a
        cost-plus-fee  arrangement up to a maximum agreed price. These contracts
        place risks on the contractor, but may permit an opportunity for greater
        profits than  cost-plus-fixed-fee  contracts through sharing  agreements
        with the client on any cost savings.

O       Construction management contracts ("CM") under which a contractor agrees
        to manage a project  for the owner for an  agreed-upon  fee which may be
        fixed  or  may  vary  based  upon  negotiated  factors.  The  contractor
        generally provides services to supervise and coordinate the construction
        work on a project,  but does not directly purchase  contract  materials,
        provide  construction  labor and equipment or enter into agreements with


Historically,  a high  percentage  of company  contracts  have been of the fixed
price  and GMP  type  contracts.  Construction  management  contracts  remain  a
relatively  small  percentage  of company  contracts.  A summary of revenues and
backlog by type of contract for the most recent three years follows:

       Revenues - Year Ended
           December 31,                                            Backlog As Of December 31,
- -----------------------------------                          -------------------------------------
       1998       1997         1996                                 1998         1997         1996
       ----       ----         ----                                 ----         ----         ----
        50%        58%          59%   Fixed Price                    68%          53%          62%
        50         42           41    CPFF, GMP or CM                32           47           38
       ----       ----         ----                                 ----         ----         ----
       100%       100%         100%                                 100%         100%         100%


During 1998,  the Company was active in the  building,  civil and  international
construction markets. The Company performed work for over 100 federal, state and
local  governmental  agencies or authorities and private  customers during 1998.
Due to the Company's trend toward fewer, but larger  contracts,  a material part
of the Company's  business has been  dependent on a single or limited  number of
private  customers  and/or public agencies in recent years (see Note 13 to Notes
to the Consolidated  Financial  Statements),  the loss of any one of which could
have a materially  adverse effect on the Company.  During the period  1996-1998,
the  portion of  construction  revenues  derived  from  contracts  with  various
governmental agencies was 43% in 1998, 51% in 1997 and 52% in 1996.

                            Revenues by Client Source

                                                 Year Ended December 31,
                                                   1998        1997       1996
                                                   ----        ----       ----
Private Owners                                      57%         49%        48%
Federal Governmental Agencies                        2           5          5
State, Local and Foreign Governments                41          46         47
                                                   ----        ----       ----
                                                   100%        100%       100%


The construction business is highly competitive.  Competition is based primarily
on price, reputation for on time completion,  quality, reliability and financial
strength  of the  contractor.  While the  Company  experiences  a great  deal of
competition  from other large general  contractors,  some of which may be larger
with greater financial  resources than the Company,  as well as from a number of
smaller local contractors,  it believes it has sufficient technical,  managerial
and financial resources to be competitive in each of its major market areas.

The Company will endeavor to spread the financial and/or operational risk, as it
has from  time to time in the  past,  by  participating  in  construction  joint
ventures,  both in a majority  and in a minority  position,  for the  purpose of
bidding  and if awarded,  performing  on  projects.  These  joint  ventures  are
generally based on a standard joint venture  agreement whereby each of the joint
venture  participants is usually committed to supply a predetermined  percentage
of capital,  as required,  and to share in the same predetermined  percentage of
income or loss of the project.  Although  joint ventures tend to spread the risk
of loss, the Company's initial obligations to the venture may increase if one of
the other  participants  is  financially  unable to bear its portion of cost and
expenses. For an example of this situation,  see "Legal Proceedings" on page 12.
For further information regarding certain joint ventures, see Note 2 to Notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements.

While  the  Company's   construction   business  may  experience   some  adverse
consequences if shortages develop or if prices for materials, labor or equipment
increase  excessively,  provisions in certain types of contracts often shift all
or a major portion of any adverse  impact to the  customer.  On fixed price type
contracts, the Company attempts to insulate


itself from the  unfavorable  effects of inflation by  incorporating  escalating
wage and price  assumptions,  where  appropriate,  into its  construction  bids.
Gasoline,  diesel fuel and other  materials  used in the Company's  construction
activities are generally  available  locally from multiple sources and have been
in adequate supply during recent years.  Construction  work in selected overseas
areas primarily employs expatriate and local labor which can usually be obtained
as required. The Company does not anticipate any significant impact in 1999 from
material and/or labor shortages or price increases.

Economic  and  demographic  trends  tend not to have a  material  impact  on the
Company's   civil   construction   operation.   Instead,   the  Company's  civil
construction  markets are dependent on the amount of heavy civil  infrastructure
work funded by various  governmental  agencies which, in turn, may depend on the
condition  of  the  existing   infrastructure  or  the  need  for  new  expanded
infrastructure.  The  building  markets in which the  Company  participates  are
dependent on economic and demographic  trends,  as well as  governmental  policy
decisions as they impact the specific geographic markets.

The Company has minimal exposure to  environmental  liability as a result of the
activities of Perini Environmental  Services, Inc. ("Perini  Environmental"),  a
wholly-owned  subsidiary of the Company that was phased out during 1997.  Perini
Environmental  provided hazardous waste engineering and construction services to
both private clients and public agencies  nationwide.  Perini  Environmental was
responsible  for compliance with applicable laws in connection with its clean up
activities  and  bore the risk  associated  with  handling  such  materials.  In
addition to strict  procedural  guidelines for conduct of this work, the Company
and Perini  Environmental  generally carried insurance or received  satisfactory
indemnification from customers to cover the risks associated with this business.
The Company also owns real estate in seven states and as an owner, is subject to
laws governing  environmental  responsibility  and liability based on ownership.
The  Company is not aware of any  environmental  liability  associated  with its
ownership of real estate property.

The Company has been  subjected  to a number of claims from former  employees of
subcontractors regarding exposure to asbestos on the Company's projects. None of
the claims have been material.  The Company also operates construction machinery
in its business and will, depending on the project or the ease of access to fuel
for such machinery,  install fuel tanks for use on-site. Such tanks run the risk
of leaking hazardous fluids into the environment.  The Company,  however, is not
aware of any emissions  associated  with such tanks or of any other  significant
environmental  liability  associated with its construction  operations or any of
its corporate activities.

Progress  on  projects  in certain  areas may be  delayed by weather  conditions
depending  on the type of  project,  stage of  completion  and  severity  of the
weather.  Such  delays,  if they occur,  may result in more  volatile  quarterly
operating  results  due to less  progress  than  anticipated  being  achieved on

In the  normal  course of  business,  the  Company  periodically  evaluates  its
existing construction markets and seeks to identify any growing markets where it
feels it has the expertise and management  capability to successfully compete or
withdraw from markets which are no longer economically attractive,  which it did
during  1997  with  two  construction   divisions  in  the  Midwest  and  Perini
Environmental referred to above.

Real Estate

The Company's real estate development  operations are conducted by Perini Land &
Development Company ("PL&D"), a wholly-owned subsidiary, which has been involved
in real  estate  development  since the  early  1950's.  PL&D has most  recently
engaged in real estate development in Arizona, California,  Florida, Georgia and

In late 1996,  PL&D  changed  its  strategy  on certain of its  properties  from
maximizing  value  by  holding  them  through  the  necessary   development  and
stabilization  periods to a new  strategy  of  generating  short-term  liquidity
through  an  accelerated  disposition  or bulk  sale.  This  change in  strategy
substantially  reduced the  estimated  future  cash flow from these  properties.
Therefore,  an impairment loss on those properties  resulted in PL&D recording a
non-cash  charge in an  aggregate  amount of  approximately  $80  million  as of
December 31, 1996, in accordance with Statement of Financial


Accounting  Standards  No. 121,  "Accounting  for the  Impairment  of Long-Lived
Assets and for Long-Lived Assets to Be Disposed Of". An estimated  allocation of
the write-down, by geographic areas, was California ($59 million),  Arizona ($18
million), and Florida ($3 million).

Since  January 1, 1998,  in its capacity as managing  general  partner of Rincon
Center Associates ("RCA"), a joint venture which owns Rincon Center, a mixed-use
property in San Francisco  (see Real Estate  Properties  below),  PL&D reached a
nonbinding  agreement on the  restructure  of the existing  financing  and other
obligations on the project, subject to final documentation and final approval of
several  parties.  The agreement  provides,  among other things,  that the joint
venture give up all of its economic  interest in Phase I of Rincon Center.  Once
the  refinancing  agreement is completed,  all  guarantees  provided by RCA, its
partners and the Company,  under the existing  master lease  covering  Rincon I,
would be released at that time in connection  with the termination of the master
lease. In anticipation of the completion of this transaction, a reserve of $17.2
million  against the potential  write-off of a note  receivable and other assets
related to the Phase I portion of the project  was taken by RCA at December  31,
1997.  PL&D's share of that reserve was $7.8 million,  which was charged against
existing  reserves it carries on the project.  Based on a current net realizable
value  analysis,  the Company's  investment in RCA will be recoverable  from the
full  development  and  disposition  of the  remaining  phase  of  the  property
identified as Rincon II.

PL&D  will  continue   periodically  to  review  its  portfolio  to  assess  the
desirability of accelerating  its sales through price  concessions or sale at an
earlier stage of development.  In  circumstances  in which asset  strategies are
changed,  such as in 1997 and  1996,  and  properties  brought  to  market on an
accelerated basis, those assets, if necessary, are adjusted to reflect the lower
of carrying amounts or fair value less cost to sell. Similarly, if the long term
outlook  for a property  in  development  or held for future  sale is  adversely
changed,  the  Company  will  adjust  its  carrying  value  to  reflect  such an
impairment in value.

To achieve full value for some of its real estate  holdings,  in particular  its
investments in Rincon Center,  PL&D may have to hold that property several years
and currently intends to do so.

                              Real Estate Strategy

Since  1990,  PL&D  has  taken a  number  of  steps  to  reduce  the size of its
operations.  In early 1990, all new real estate investment was suspended pending
market improvement,  all but critical capital expenditures were curtailed on on-
going projects, and PL&D's work force was substantially reduced. Certain project
loans  were  extended,  with such  extensions  usually  requiring  pay downs and
increased  annual  amortization of the remaining loan balance.  Since that time,
PL&D has operated with a further  reduced staff and has adjusted its activity to
meet the  demands of the  market.  PL&D  currently  has  offices in Georgia  and

PL&D's  real  estate   development   project  mix  includes  planned  community,
industrial park, commercial office, multi-unit residential,  urban mixed use and
single  family home  developments.  PL&D's  emphasis is on the sale of completed
product and also  developing the projects in its inventory with the highest near
term sales potential.

                             Real Estate Properties

The following is a description of the Company's major  development  projects and
properties by geographic area:


West  Palm  Beach  and  Palm   Beach   County  -  At   Metrocentre,   a  51-acre
commercial/office   park  which  provides  for  570,500  square  feet  of  mixed
commercial  uses at the  intersection  of  Interstate 95 and 45th Street in West
Palm Beach,  no property was sold in 1998.  The park consists of 17 parcels,  of
which 5 acres currently remain unsold.



Perini  Land  &   Development   or  Paramount   Development   Associates,   Inc.
("Paramount"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of PL&D, own the following projects:

Raynham Woods Commerce Center,  Raynham - In 1987, Paramount acquired a 409-acre
site  located  in  Raynham,  Massachusetts.  During  1988,  Paramount  completed
infrastructure  work on a major  portion of the site (330 acres)  which is being
developed as a mixed-use  corporate  campus  style park known as "Raynham  Woods
Commerce  Center".  From 1989 through  1997,  Paramount  sold an aggregate of 58
acres to various users,  including the division of a major U.S.  company for use
as its  headquarters,  to a  developer  who was  working  with a major  national
retailer for a retail site, and to a major insurance company. In 1990, Paramount
built two  commercial  buildings in the park.  The park is planned to eventually
contain  2.5 million  square feet of office,  R&D,  light  industrial  and mixed
commercial  space.  Two land sales totalling 8 acres were closed in 1998,  along
with  the  sale  of  the  two  commercial  buildings  mentioned  above,  leaving
approximately 160 saleable acres to be sold.

Easton Business Center,  Easton - In 1989,  Paramount acquired a 40-acre site in
Easton,  Massachusetts,  which already had been partially  developed.  Paramount
completed the work and is currently marketing the site to  commercial/industrial
users. No sales were closed in 1998.

Wareham - In early 1990,  Paramount  acquired an 18.9-acre parcel of land at the
junction of Routes 495 and 58 in Wareham,  Massachusetts.  The property is being
marketed to both retail and commercial/industrial users. No sales were closed in


The Villages at Lake Ridge,  Clayton  County - During 1987,  PL&D (49%)  entered
into a joint  venture  with 138 Joint  Venture  Partners  to  develop a 348-acre
planned  commercial  and  residential  community in Clayton  County  called "The
Villages at Lake Ridge," six miles south of Atlanta's  Hartsfield  International
Airport.  The  development  plan  calls  for  mixed  residential   densities  of
apartments and moderate priced single-family homes totaling 1,158 dwelling units
in the residential tracts, plus 220,000 square feet of retail and 220,000 square
feet of office space in the commercial tracts. Since its acquisition,  the joint
venture  has put in a  substantial  portion  of the  infrastructure,  all of the
recreational  amenities,  and  through  1997 had sold 312 single  family lots to
builders,  along with a 22.3-acre  tract  designed for 88 lots, a 16-acre parcel
for use as an elementary school and developed a 278-unit apartment complex which
it  later  sold to a third  party  buyer.  In 1998  the  joint  venture  sold an
additional 24 lots and a 5.6-acre tract designed for 16 lots to builders.


Rincon Center,  San Francisco - Major  construction on this mixed-use project in
downtown San Francisco was  completed in 1989 for Rincon  Center  Associates,  a
joint  venture in which PL&D holds a 46% interest  and is the  managing  general
partner.  The project,  constructed in two phases,  consists of 320  residential
units,  approximately 423,000 square feet of office space, 63,000 square feet of
retail space, and a 700-space parking garage.  Following its completion in 1988,
the first phase of the project was sold and leased  backed  under a master lease
by the  developing  partnership.  The  first  phase,  referred  to as  Rincon I,
consists of about 223,000  square feet of office space and 42,000 square feet of
retail  space.  The  Rincon I  office  space is 100%  leased  with the  regional
telephone  directory  company as the major tenant on a lease which runs to 2002.
The retail space is currently 100% leased. Phase II of the project,  referred to
as Rincon II, which began  operations  in late 1989,  consists of  approximately
200,000  square feet of office  space,  21,000  square feet of retail  space,  a
14,000-square foot U.S. postal facility, and 320 apartment units. Currently, 95%
of the office  space,  100% of the retail  space and 97% of the 320  residential
units are leased.  The major  tenant in the office space in Rincon II is a large
national  insurance company which occupies 164,000 square feet. The land related
to this  project is being  leased from the U.S.  Postal  Service  under a ground
lease which expires in 2050.

Two major loans on this property,  in aggregate totaling over $75 million,  were
scheduled to mature in 1993.


During 1993, both loans were extended for five additional years. To extend these
loans,  PL&D provided  approximately  $6 million in new funds which were used to
reduce the  principal  balances of the loans.  Between  1993 and 1998,  PL&D has
continued to provide funding used to further  amortize these loans.  Both loans,
which currently aggregate $48.3 million, matured in 1998 and were not refinanced
pending the debt  restructure  referred to below.  In late 1997,  as part of the
agreement  to extend the letter of credit which  supports the tax exempt  bonds,
PL&D allowed the lender to call the $3.65 million  letter of credit  provided as
support for the Rincon II commercial loan. RCA, the lessor,  and the lender have
reached a nonbinding  agreement on the restructure of the Rincon financing.  The
agreement  is  subject to final  documentation  and final  approvals  of several
parties including the lessor and the Company's  revolving credit facility banks.
The portion of the agreement relating to Rincon I provides,  among other things,
that the joint  venture give up all of its economic  interest in the  commercial
and retail segments of that portion of the property  identified as Rincon I, and
that the joint venture make a one-time  payment of $7.5 million to the lessor of
Rincon I (which  includes a final loan payment of $6.5 million to the lenders of
Rincon I). The  agreement  would also release the joint  venture from all future
liabilities under the master lease,  including the obligation to repurchase that
segment of the property under certain  conditions.  The portion of the agreement
relating to Rincon II provides for, among other things,  a $1.5 million interest
payment, a $2.8 million principal  payment,  amortization of the commercial loan
of  $20,000  per month,  a new  letter of credit in the  amount of $2.0  million
issued to secure the remaining  borrowings at Rincon II and the  elimination  of
further Company or joint venture guarantees.

Total restructure  payments related to Rincon I and II are estimated to be $12.7
million  through  1999,  of which $5.3 million will be funded by the Company and
$7.4  million  will be  funded  by the  other  co-general  partner  of the joint

As part of the Rincon Center Phase I sale and operating lease-back  transaction,
the lease  provides  that if an  additional  financial  commitment to replace at
least $33 million of long-term  financing  (refers to one of the loans mentioned
above) has not been  arranged  by January 1, 1998,  the lessee will be deemed to
have  made an  offer  to  purchase  the  property  for a  stipulated  amount  of
approximately  $18.8  million  in  excess  of  the  then  outstanding  debt.  An
arrangement  has been made to delay this event to allow the  parties to finalize
the financial  restructuring  as described  above and to eventually  cancel this
requirement as part of the terms to the various restructuring agreements.

In  addition  to the  project  financing  and  guarantees  mentioned  above  and
described  in  more  detail  in  Note  11 to  Notes  to  Consolidated  Financial
Statements,  the  Company  has  advanced  approximately  $92.5  million  to  the
partnership  through December 31, 1998, of which  approximately $3.3 million was
advanced  during 1998,  primarily to pay down some of the  principal  portion of
project debt which was  renegotiated  during 1993.  During 1993 PL&D agreed,  if
necessary,  to lend Pacific Gateway  Properties (PGP), the other General Partner
in the  project,  funds to meet its 20% share of cash  calls.  In  return,  PL&D
receives a priority  return from the partnership on those funds and penalty fees
in the  form of  rights  to  certain  distributions  due PGP by the  partnership
controlling  Rincon.  From  1993-1998,  PL&D  advanced  $6.2 million  under this
agreement,  primarily  to meet the  principal  payment  obligations  of the loan
extensions  described  above.  These  funds,  advanced  as loans to PGP,  are in
addition to the advances described above.
Corte  Madera,  Marin  County - After many  years of  intensive  planning,  PL&D
obtained  approval for a 151 single-family  home residential  development on its
85-acre  site in Corte  Madera and, in 1991,  was  successful  in gaining  water
rights for the property.  In 1992, PL&D initiated  development on the site which
was continued into 1993. This  development is one of the last remaining  in-fill
areas in southern  Marin  County.  In 1993,  when PL&D decided to scale back its
operations  in  California,  it also  decided  to  sell  this  development  in a
transaction  which closed in early 1994. The  transaction  calls for PL&D to get
the majority of its funds from the sale of  residential  units or upon the sixth
anniversary of the sale whichever takes place first, and, although  indemnified,
to leave in place certain  bonds and other  assurances  previously  given to the
town of Corte Madera  guaranteeing  performance  in  compliance  with  approvals
previously obtained. Sale of the units began in August of 1995 and by the end of
1997, 76 sales were closed. During 1998, another 54 sales were closed, leaving a
balance of 21 lots remaining.



Perini Central Limited Partnership, Phoenix - In 1985, PL&D (75%) entered into a
joint  venture  with the  Central  United  Methodist  Church to master  plan and
develop  approximately 4.4 acres of the church's property in midtown Phoenix. In
1990,  the project was  successfully  rezoned to permit  development  of 580,000
square feet of office,  37,000 square feet of retail and 162 luxury  apartments.
In early 1998,  the Company  entered  into a  preliminary  agreement to sell the
property which was  terminated  late in 1998.  Negotiations  for the sale of the
property to another prospective buyer are currently in process.

Grove at Black Canyon,  Phoenix - The project consists of an office park complex
on a 30-acre site located off of Black Canyon  Freeway,  a major Phoenix artery,
approximately 20 minutes from downtown Phoenix. When complete,  the project will
include approximately  650,000 square feet of office,  hotel,  restaurant and/or
retail  space.  Development,  which began in 1986,  is  scheduled  to proceed in
phases as market  conditions  dictate.  In 1987,  a  150,000-square  foot office
building was completed  within the park. The building  leased up immediately and
maintained  an average  occupancy  in the low 90% range  until  late  1997.  The
building is now 75% leased with  approximately  half of the building leased to a
major area utility company.  During 1993, PL&D (50%)  successfully  restructured
the  financing  on the  project by  obtaining a seven year  extension  with some
amortization and a lower fixed interest rate. The annual amortization commitment
is not  currently  covered by operating  cash flow. In the near term, it appears
approximately  $700,000  per year of  support to cover  loan  amortization  will
continue to be required. In 1996, the lease covering space occupied by the major
office  tenant  was  extended  an  additional  seven  years to the year  2004 on
competitive  terms.  In 1995, a day care center was  completed on an 8-acre site
along the north  entrance of the park.  In 1997,  a 1.5-acre  site was sold to a
local small business for  development of an owner occupied office building and a
2.7-acre  site  was  sold  to a  national  hotel  chain  for  development  of an
all-suites hotel. Both projects are completed and operating.

During the  latter  part of 1998,  a judgment  was  rendered  against  the joint
venture  which  required  payment of a portion of a note,  related  interest and
expenses which could aggregate  between $1 and 2 million.  The joint venture and
its counsel are in the process of reviewing  the  possibility  of appealing  the

Sabino  Springs  Country  Club,  Tucson  -  During  1990,  the  Tucson  Board of
Supervisors  unanimously  approved  a plan for this  410-acre  residential  golf
course  community  close to the  foothills on the east side of Tucson.  In 1991,
that approval,  which had been  challenged,  was affirmed by the Arizona Supreme
Court.  When fully  developed,  the project  will  consist of 496  single-family
homes.  In 1993,  PL&D  recorded the master plat on the project and sold a major
portion of the  property to an  international  real estate  company.  An 18-hole
Robert Trent Jones,  Jr.  designed  championship  golf course and clubhouse were
completed  within the project in 1995. In 1998,  PL&D settled a lawsuit with the
prior  purchaser of the major  portion of the property  which  required  PL&D to
complete a certain  portion of the  infrastructure  by the end of the Year 2000.
Although it will require some additional infrastructure development before sale,
PL&D still retains 33 estate lots for sale in future years.


The Company's real estate business is influenced by both economic conditions and
demographic  trends. A depressed  economy may result in lower real estate values
and longer absorption periods. Higher inflation rates may increase the values of
current properties, but often are accompanied by higher interest rates which may
result in a slow down in  property  sales  because  of  higher  carrying  costs.
Important demographic trends are population and employment growth. A significant
reduction  in either of these may result in lower real estate  prices and longer
absorption periods.

Generally,  there has been no material impact on PL&D's real estate  development
operations  over the past 10 years due to interest rate increases.  However,  an
extreme and prolonged rise in interest rates could create market  resistance for
all  real  estate  operations  in  general,  and is  always a  potential  market
obstacle.  Historically,  PL&D has,  in some cases,  employed  hedges or caps to
protect itself  against  increases in interest rates on any of its variable rate
debt.  The future use of such  hedges or caps is somewhat  restricted  under the
terms of the New Credit Agreement.

Because  several of the Company's real estate projects have been written down to
net realizable value, future


gross  profits from real estate  sales will be minimal,  which has been the case
during the three year period ended December 31, 1998.

Insurance and Bonding

All of the Company's  properties  and  equipment,  both directly  owned or owned
through  partnerships  or joint ventures with others,  are covered by insurance,
and management believes that such insurance is adequate.

In conjunction with its construction  business, the Company is often required to
provide various types of surety bonds.  The Company has a co-surety  arrangement
with three  sureties,  one of which it has dealt with for over 75 years,  and it
has never been refused a bond.  Although from  time-to-time  the surety industry
encounters  limitations affecting the bondability of very large projects and the
Company  occasionally has encountered limits imposed by its surety, these limits
have not had an adverse impact on its operations.


The total  number of  personnel  employed  by the Company is subject to seasonal
fluctuations,  the volume of construction in progress and the relative amount of
work performed by  subcontractors.  During 1998, the maximum number of employees
employed was approximately 2,700 and the minimum was approximately 1,600.

The  Company  operates as a union  contractor.  As such,  it is a  signatory  to
numerous local and regional collective bargaining agreements,  both directly and
through trade associations,  throughout the country.  These agreements cover all
necessary  union  crafts and are  subject to various  renewal  dates.  Estimated
amounts for wage  escalation  related to the  expiration of union  contracts are
included  in the  Company's  bids on  various  projects  and,  as a result,  the
expiration of any union  contract in the current  fiscal year is not expected to
have any material impact on the Company.

- -------------------

Properties  applicable to the Company's real estate  development  activities are
described in detail by  geographic  area in Item 1.  Business on pages 6 through
10. All other properties used in operations are summarized below:

                                          Owned or Leased       Approximate     Approximate Square
Principal Offices                            by Perini             Acres       Feet of Office Space
- -----------------                            ---------             -----       --------------------
Framingham, MA                                 Owned                  9                 100,000
Phoenix, AZ                                    Leased                 -                  22,700
Hawthorne, NY                                  Leased                 -                  12,500
Atlantic City, NJ                              Leased                 -                     900
Las Vegas, NV                                  Leased                 -                   2,900
Atlanta, GA                                    Leased                 -                     200
Chicago, IL                                    Leased                 -                   1,600
Detroit, MI                                    Leased                 -                   2,800
                                                                    -----               -------
                                                                      9                 143,600

                                          Owned or Leased       Approximate
Principal Permanent Storage Yards            by Perini             Acres
- ---------------------------------            ---------             -----
Bow, NH                                        Owned                 70
Framingham, MA                                 Owned                  6
Las Vegas, NV                                  Leased                 2

The Company's  properties  are generally  well  maintained,  in good  condition,
adequate and suitable for the Company's purpose and fully utilized.

- --------------------------

As previously reported,  the Company is a party to an action entitled Mergentime
Corporation et. al. v. Washington  Metropolitan  Transit  Authority v. Insurance
Company of North America (Civil Action No.  89-1055) in the U.S.  District Court
for the District of Columbia.  The action  involves  WMATA's  termination of the
general contractor, a joint venture in which the Company was a minority partner,
on two contracts to construct a portion of the  Washington,  D.C. subway system,
and certain  claims by the joint venture  against  WMATA for claimed  delays and
extra work.

On July 30, 1993, the Court upheld the termination  for default,  and found both
joint  venturers  and their  surety  jointly and  severally  liable to WMATA for
damages in the amount of $16.5 million,  consisting  primarily of WMATA's excess
reprocurement costs, but specifically deferred ruling on the amount of the joint
venture's  claims  against WMATA.  Since the other joint venture  partner may be
unable to meet its financial  obligations  under the award, the Company could be
liable for the entire amount.

At the direction of the sucessor  judge  presiding  over the action,  during the
third  quarter of 1995,  the  parties  submitted  briefs on the issue of WMATA's
liability  on the joint  venture's  claims for delays and for extra  work.  As a
result of that  process,  the company  established a reserve with respect to the

In July 1997,  the  remaining  issues were ruled on by the sucessor  Judge,  who
awarded  approximately  $4.3 million to the joint venture,  thereby reducing the
net amount payable to  approximately  $12.2 million.  The joint venture appealed
the decision. As a result of the decision,  there was no immediate impact on the
Company's  Statement  of  Operations  because of the  reserve  provided in prior
years.  The actual  funding of net damages,  if any, will be deferred  until the
litigation process is complete.

On February  16,  1999,  the U.S.  Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia
vacated  the April 1995 and July 1997 Orders and  remanded  the case back to the
successor judge with  instructions  for the successor judge to consider  certain
post-trial  motions to the same extent an original judge would have, and to make
findings and conclusions  regarding the unresolved  issues,  giving  appropriate
consideration  to whether or not witnesses  must be recalled.  A final  judgment
will be  entered by the  District  Court upon the  completion  of these  Appeals
Court-directed procedures.

In the ordinary course of its construction  business,  the Company is engaged in
other  lawsuits,   arbitration  and  alternative   dispute   resolution  ("ADR")
proceedings.  The Company believes that such proceedings are usually unavoidable
in major  construction  operations and that their resolution will not materially
affect its results of future operations and financial position.

- ------------------------------------------------------------

                                    PART II.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------

The Company's  Common Stock is traded on the American  Stock  Exchange under the
symbol "PCR". The quarterly market price ranges (high-low) for 1998 and 1997 are
summarized below:

                                                      1998                       1997
                                                      ----                       ----
Market Price Range per Common Share:          High            Low        High            Low
- ------------------------------------          ----            ---        ----            ---
Quarter Ended
  March 31                                      9 1/8   -       7 3/8     9  1/2   -     6   7/8
  June 30                                      11 1/4   -       7 7/8     7  3/4   -     6   1/4
  September 30                                  8 1/2   -           6     8  3/8   -     7
  December 31                                       7   -       4 1/4     9  3/8   -     7  13/16


For  information  on dividend  payments,  see Selected  Financial Data in Item 6
below and  "Dividends"  under  Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis in Item 7

As of February 22, 1999,  there were  approximately  1,144 record holders of the
Company's Common Stock.

- --------------------------------

Selected Consolidated Financial Information
(In thousands, except per share data)

OPERATING SUMMARY                            1998              1997             1996             1995              1994
                                         -------------     ------------     ------------     ------------      -------------
  Construction Operations -
        Building                     $         679,296 $        888,809  $       834,888  $       748,412  $         626,391
        Civil                                  332,026          387,224          389,540          308,261            324,493
                                         -------------     ------------     ------------     ------------      -------------
                                     $       1,011,322 $      1,276,033  $     1,224,428  $     1,056,673  $         950,884
  Real Estate Operations                        24,578           48,458           45,856           44,395             61,161
                                         -------------     ------------     ------------     ------------      -------------
     Total Revenues                  $       1,035,900 $      1,324,491  $     1,270,284  $     1,101,068  $       1,012,045
                                         -------------     ------------     ------------     ------------      -------------
  Cost of Operations                 $         984,871 $      1,275,614  $     1,215,806  $     1,086,213  $         960,248
  Write down of Certain Real Estate
   Assets (Note 4)                                   -                -           79,900                -                  -
                                         -------------     ------------     ------------     ------------      -------------
                                     $         984,871 $      1,275,614  $     1,295,706  $     1,086,213  $         960,248
                                         -------------     ------------     ------------     ------------      -------------
Gross Profit (Loss)                  $          51,029 $         48,877  $       (25,422) $        14,855  $          51,797
General, Administrative & Selling
   Expenses                                     28,780           30,556           33,988           37,283             42,985
                                         -------------     ------------     ------------     ------------      -------------
Income (Loss) From Operations        $          22,249 $         18,321  $       (59,410)  $      (22,428)  $          8,812

Other Income (Expense), Net                       (812)          (1,665)            (492)             814               (856)
Interest Expense                                (8,685)         (10,334)           (9,871)         (8,582)            (7,473)
                                         -------------     ------------     ------------     ------------      -------------
Income (Loss) Before Income Taxes    $          12,752 $          6,322  $       (69,773)  $      (30,196)  $            483
(Provision) Credit for Income Taxes             (1,100)            (950)            (830)           2,611               (180)
                                         -------------     ------------     ------------     ------------      -------------
Net Income (Loss)                    $          11,652 $          5,372  $       (70,603)  $      (27,585)  $            303
                                         -------------     ------------     ------------     ------------      -------------
Per Share of Common Stock:
  Basic and diluted earnings (loss)  $            1.08 $           0.01  $        (15.13)  $        (6.38) $           (0.42)
                                         -------------     ------------     ------------     ------------      -------------
  Cash dividends declared            $               - $               - $              -  $            -  $               -
                                         -------------     ------------     ------------     ------------      -------------
  Book value                         $            4.17 $           2.44  $          2.14   $        17.06  $           23.79
                                         -------------     ------------     -------------    ------------      -------------
Weighted Average Number of
   Common Shares Outstanding                     5,318            5,059             4,808           4,655              4,380
                                         -------------     ------------     ------------     ------------      -------------

Working Capital                      $          57,665 $         76,752  $        56,744  $        36,545  $          29,948
                                         -------------     ------------     ------------     ------------      -------------
Current Ratio                                   1.29:1           1.33:1            1.19:1          1.12:1             1.13:1
                                        -------------     ------------     ------------     ------------      -------------
Long-term Debt, less current
   maturities                        $          75,857 $         84,898  $        96,893  $        84,155  $          76,986
                                         -------------     ------------     ------------     ------------      -------------
Stockholders' Equity                 $          50,558 $         40,900  $        35,558  $       105,606  $         132,029
                                         -------------     ------------     ------------     ------------      -------------
Ratio of Long-term Debt to Equity               1.50:1           2.08:1            2.72:1           .80:1              .58:1
                                         -------------     ------------     ------------     ------------      -------------

Total Assets                         $         378,591 $        414,924  $       464,292  $       539,251  $         482,500
                                         -------------     ------------     ------------     ------------      -------------


Backlog at Year End                  $       1,232,256 $      1,309,454  $     1,517,700  $     1,534,522  $       1,538,779
                                         -------------     ------------     ------------     ------------      -------------


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------

Results of Operations -
1998 Compared to 1997

The Company's  total  operations  produced net income of $11.7 million (or $1.08
per Common  Share) in 1998  compared to net income of $5.4  million (or $.01 per
Common Share) in 1997. This substantially  improved  performance is attributable
to higher margins on the work performed by both the Company's building and civil
operating units, primarily from the hotel/casino market in Nevada and from civil
infrastructure  work in the  Northeast  and  further  reductions  in general and
administrative  and  interest  expense.  These  improvements  more than offset a
decrease in 1998  construction  revenues and  continued  losses from real estate

Revenues  decreased  $288.6  million (or 22%) from  $1,324.5  million in 1997 to
$1,035.9 million in 1998. This decrease resulted from a decrease in construction
revenues of $264.7  million (or 21%) from  $1,276.0  million in 1997 to $1,011.3
million in 1998,  due  primarily  from a decrease in revenues from both building
and civil construction  operations.  Revenues from building operations decreased
$209.5  million (or 24%) from $888.8  million in 1997 to $679.3 million in 1998,
due primarily to the timing of the start up of new hotel/casino  projects in Las
Vegas,  a decrease in revenues from airport  facilities  and a sports complex in
the West, and a decrease in revenues from  correctional  facilities  projects in
the East.  Revenues from civil construction  operations  decreased $55.2 million
(or 14%) from $387.2 million in 1997 to $332.0 million in 1998, due primarily to
the timing in the start up of new work in the Northeast.  The phasing out of two
divisions in the Midwest also  contributed to the decrease in revenues from both
the building and civil operations.  The decline in real estate revenues of $23.9
million (or 49%) is primarily due to the  non-recurring  revenues related to the
1997 sale of the Company's interest in the Resort at Squaw Creek.

In spite of the overall 22% decrease in total revenues  described  above,  total
gross profit  actually  increased by $2.1 million (or 4%), from $48.9 million in
1997 to $51.0  million in 1998,  due  primarily to improved  margins on both the
building and civil  construction  work performed in 1998. Real estate operations
contributed  a gross loss of $2.7  million,  a $1.4 million  increase  over 1997
which was caused primarily by adverse operating results in Arizona.

The decrease in general, administrative and selling expenses of $1.8 million (or
5.9%) from $30.6  million in 1997 to $28.8 million in 1998,  resulted  primarily
from phasing out of two  construction  divisions  in the  Midwest,  efficiencies
achieved by combining  certain other  divisions and  continuation  of downsizing
certain corporate departments.

Other income (expense),  net improved by $0.9 million from a net expense of $1.7
million in 1997 to a net expense of $0.8 million in 1998,  due to an increase in
interest income and a decrease in bank fees.

Interest  expense  decreased by $1.6 million from $10.3  million in 1997 to $8.7
million in 1998, due primarily to lower average levels of borrowing during 1998.

The lower than normal tax rate for the three year period ended December 31, 1998
is due to the utilization of tax loss carryforwards from prior years. Because of
certain accounting limitations,  the Company was not able to recognize a portion
of the tax benefit  related to the operating  losses  experienced in fiscal 1996
and 1995. As a result, an amount estimated to be approximately  $59.0 million of
pretax earnings  subsequent to 1998 should benefit from minimal, if any, federal
tax charges.  The net deferred tax assets reflect  management's  estimate of the
amount that will,  more  likely  than not,  be realized  (see Note 5 to Notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements).

Results of Operations -
1997 Compared to 1996

The Company's total  operations  resulted in net income of $5.4 million (or $.01
per Common Share) in 1997 compared to a net loss of $70.6 million (or $15.13 per
Common  Share) in 1996.  The  improvement  in 1997  results  compared to 1996 is
substantially due to the non-recurring  non-cash write-down in 1996 related to a
change in the  Company's  real  estate  strategy  for  certain  properties  from
maximizing value by holding them through the necessary development and


stabilization  periods to a new  strategy  of  generating  short-term  liquidity
through an  accelerated  disposition or bulk sale (see Notes 1(d) and 4 to Notes
to Consolidated Financial Statements).

Revenues  amounted  to  $1.324  billion  in 1997,  a record  level for the third
consecutive  year,  an  increase of $54.2  million  (or 4.3%),  compared to 1996
revenues of $1.270  billion.  This increase  resulted  primarily  from increased
construction  revenues of $51.6 million (or 4.2%) from $1.224 billion in 1996 to
$1.276  billion in 1997,  due primarily to an increase in revenues from building
construction  operations of $53.9 million (or 6.5%), from $834.9 million in 1996
to $888.8 million in 1997,  which more than offset a slight decrease in revenues
from civil  construction  operations  of $2.3  million  (or 0.6%),  from  $389.5
million in 1996 to $387.2 million in 1997.  These revenue  fluctuations  reflect
the timing in the start-up of new construction  projects,  in particular several
fast track  hotel/casino  projects in the  Southwestern  United States,  several
prison/detention  and medical  facilities  projects in the  Northeastern  United
States,  and several  long-term  infrastructure  rehabilitation  projects in the
metropolitan New York,  Boston and Los Angeles areas.  Revenues from real estate
operations increased $2.6 million from $45.9 million in 1996 to $48.5 million in
1997,  because of revenues related to the sale of the Company's  interest in The
Resort at Squaw Creek.

Gross profit increased by $74.3 million, from a loss of $25.4 million in 1996 to
a profit of $48.9  million in 1997 due to the 1996  non-recurring  $79.9 million
real estate write-down. After adjusting for the 1996 real estate write-down, the
pro forma gross profit  actually  decreased by $5.6 million in 1997,  from $54.5
million in 1996 to $48.9  million in 1997,  in spite of the increase in revenues
described  above,  due primarily to a $5.2 million decrease in gross profit from
construction  operations,  from $55.4  million in 1996 to $50.2  million in 1997
because the increased  profits related to the increase in construction  revenues
was more than offset by  additional  write-downs  related to contracts  from two
unprofitable Midwest construction divisions,  which are being closed. The impact
of these  write-downs  were partially offset by an approximate $3.2 million gain
from the sale of the  Company's  interest in two joint  ventures (see Note 14 to
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements). The gross loss from real estate
operations  was $1.3 million in 1997 compared to an adjusted  gross loss of $0.9
million in 1996.

General, administrative and selling expenses decreased by $3.4 million (or 10%),
from $34.0 million in 1996 to $30.6 million in 1997 primarily due to the closing
out of two  construction  divisions  in the  Midwest  and  Perini  Environmental
Services, Inc., its wholly-owned hazardous waste subsidiary.

Other income (expense),  net increased $1.2 million,  from a net expense of $0.5
million  in 1996 to a net  expense  of $1.7  million  in 1997 due  primarily  to
increased  amortization  of  deferred  debt  expense  related  to the new credit
agreement, a $0.4 million decrease in gains on sales of fixed assets, and a $0.3
million decrease in minority interest.

Interest expense increased by $0.4 million (or 4%), from $9.9 million in 1996 to
$10.3 million in 1997 due to a higher average level of borrowings during 1997.

Financial Condition

Cash and Working Capital

During 1998,  cash generated  from  operating  activities in the amount of $29.7
million,  due  primarily  to  changes in various  elements  of working  capital,
continued  to reflect  improvement  over recent  years.  In  addition,  net cash
provided from investing  activities amounted to $0.3 million which was generated
by net  cash  distributions  to the  Company  from  joint  ventures.  The  funds
generated  were  used  for  financing  activities  ($14.8  million)  to pay down
borrowings and to increase cash on hand by $15.2 million.

During  1997,  the  Company  generated  $12.7  million  in cash  from  operating
activities,  primarily from proceeds  related to the sale of The Resort at Squaw
Creek,  and $14.6 million in cash from  financing  transactions,  due to the net
proceeds  received  on the sale of Series B  Preferred  Stock  less pay downs of
long-term debt.  These funds were used for investing  activities  ($5.7 million)
primarily for joint ventures and to increase the cash on hand by $21.6 million.

During 1996,  the Company used $23.4 million in cash for  operating  activities,
primarily  for changes in working  capital,  and $22.0  million  for  investment
activities, primarily to fund construction and real estate joint ventures. These
uses of


cash  were  provided  by $26.1  million  from  financing  activities,  primarily
increases in  borrowings  under the Company's  Revolving  Credit and Bridge Loan
facilities, and a $19.3 million reduction in cash on hand.

Since  1990,  the  Company  has paid down $50.0  million of real  estate debt on
wholly-owned  real  estate  projects  (from  $50.9  million  to  $0.9  million),
utilizing   proceeds  from  sales  of  property  and  general  corporate  funds.
Similarly,  real estate joint  venture  debt has been reduced by $171.0  million
over the same  period.  As a result,  the  Company  has reached a point at which
revenues  from further real estate  sales that,  in the past,  have been largely
used to retire  real  estate  debt will be  increasingly  available  to  improve
general corporate liquidity subject to certain restrictions contained in the New
Credit  Agreement  referred  to in Note 3 to  Notes  to  Consolidated  Financial
Statements.  With the exception of a major property  (Rincon Center) referred to
in Note 11 to Notes to  Consolidated  Financial  Statements,  this trend  should
continue over the next few years with debt on projects  often being fully repaid
prior to full  project  sell-out.  In  addition,  the  Company  made a strategic
decision  in the  early  1990's  to  change  its  mix of  construction  work  by
increasing  the  relative   percentage  of   potentially   higher  margin  civil
construction   projects.   The  working   capital   required  to  support  civil
construction   projects  is   substantially   more  than  the  normal   building
construction project because of its equipment intensive nature, progress billing
terms imposed by certain public owners and, in some instances,  time required to
process  contract  change  orders.  The Company has addressed  these problems by
relying on corporate  borrowings,  extending  certain maturing real estate loans
(with  such  extensions   usually  requiring  pay  downs  and  increased  annual
amortization  of the remaining loan balance),  suspending the acquisition of new
real estate inventory,  significantly  reducing  development expenses on certain
projects,  utilizing  stock in  payment  of  certain  expenses,  utilizing  cash
internally  generated  from  operations  and  selling  its  interest  in certain
engineering  and  construction  business units that were not an integral part of
the Company's ongoing building and civil  construction  operations.  The Company
also implemented  company-wide cost reduction  programs in the early 1990's, and
which are ongoing,  to improve  long-term  financial  results and  suspended the
dividend on its Common  Stock  during the fourth  quarter of 1990 and  suspended
payment of dividends on its $21.25 Convertible  Exchangeable  Preferred Stock in
the first quarter of 1996.

Effective  January  17,  1997,  the  Company's  liquidity  and  access to future
borrowings,  as required,  during the next few years were significantly enhanced
by the issuance of $30 million in  Redeemable  Series B  Cumulative  Convertible
Preferred Stock (see Note 7 to Notes to Consolidated  Financial  Statements) and
the  New  Credit  Agreement  referred  to in  Note 3 to  Notes  to  Consolidated
Financial Statements.  The aggregate amount available under its revolving credit
agreement increased to $129.5 million at that time, although it has subsequently
been reduced and stands at $96.6  million at December  31, 1998.  In addition to
internally  generated funds, at December 31, 1998, the Company has $21.6 million
available under its revolving credit facility.  The financial covenants to which
the Company is subject include minimum levels of working capital, debt/net worth
ratio,  net worth  level,  interest  coverage and certain  restrictions  on real
estate investments,  all as defined in the loan documents.  Although the Company
would have been in  violation  of  certain  of the  covenants  during  1998,  it
obtained  waivers of such  violations.  Also,  during 1997 and 1998, the Company
made  substantial  progress on a strategy adopted at the end of 1996 that called
for liquidating certain real estate assets which were written down at that time,
resolving several major construction claims and minimizing overhead expenses.

The  working  capital  current  ratio was 1.29:1 at the end of 1998  compared to
1.33:1 at the end of 1997,  and 1.19:1 at the end of 1996.  Of the total working
capital of $57.7 million at the end of 1998, approximately $17.6 million may not
be converted to cash within the next 12 to 18 months.

Long-term Debt

Long-term  debt was $75.9  million at the end of 1998 and  continued to decrease
during the period  under  review,  $9.0  million  during 1998 and $12.0  million
during 1997. The ratio of long-term debt to equity improved substantially during
this same  period to 1.50:1 at the end of 1998 from 2.08:1 and 2.72:1 at the end
of 1997 and 1996,  respectively.  The improvement in the debt to equity ratio is
due  primarily  to a  combination  of the  Company  continuing  to pay  down its
long-term debt and to earnings recorded in both 1998 and 1997.

Stockholders' Equity

The  Company's  book value per Common Share stood at $4.17 at December 31, 1998,
compared to $2.44 per Common Share and $2.14 per Common Share at the end of 1997
and 1996, respectively. The major factors impacting


stockholders'  equity  during the  three-year  period  under review were the net
income recorded in 1998 and 1997, the net loss recorded in 1996 and, to a lesser
extent,  Preferred dividends paid in-kind or accrued and stock issued in partial
payment of certain expenses.

At December 31, 1998,  there were 1,146 Common  stockholders  of record based on
the stockholders list maintained by the Company's transfer agent.


There  were no cash  dividends  declared  or paid on the  Company's  outstanding
Common Stock during the three years ended December 31, 1998.

During 1995, the Company declared and paid the regular  quarterly cash dividends
of $5.3125 per share on the Company's Convertible  Exchangeable Preferred Shares
for an annual total of $21.25 per share  (equivalent  to quarterly  dividends of
$.53125  per  Depositary  Share for an annual  total of  $2.125  per  Depositary
Share).  In conjunction with the covenants of the 1995 Amended  Revolving Credit
Agreement  (see  Note 3 to  Notes to  Consolidated  Financial  Statements),  the
Company  was  required  to suspend the  payment of  quarterly  dividends  on its
Preferred Stock. Therefore,  the dividend that normally would have been declared
during  December of 1995 and payable on March 15,  1996,  as well as  subsequent
quarterly  dividends  in 1996,  1997 and 1998,  have not been  declared  or paid
(although  they have been fully accrued due to the  "cumulative"  feature of the
Preferred  Stock).  A New  Credit  Agreement,  superseding  the loan  agreements
referred to above,  was approved  January 17, 1997 and provides that the Company
may not pay cash dividends or make other  restricted  payments  unless:  (i) the
Company is not in default under the New Credit Agreement; (ii) commitments under
the credit facility have been reduced to less than $90 million; (iii) restricted
payments in any quarter,  when added to  restricted  payments  made in the prior
three quarters,  do not exceed fifty percent (50%) of net income from continuing
operations  for the prior four  quarters;  and (iv) net worth (after taking into
consideration the amount of the proposed cash dividend or restricted payment) is
at least equal to the amount shown below, adjusted for non-cash charges incurred
in connection with any disposition or write-down of any real estate  investment,
provided that net worth must be at least $60 million:

                                                        Net Worth
                                                     (In thousands)
October 1, 1998 to December 30, 1998                    $161,977
December 31, 1998 to March 31, 1999                     $167,303
April 1, 1999 to June 30, 1999                          $170,129
July 1, 1999 to September 30, 1999                      $172,955
October 1, 1999 to January 1, 2000                      $175,781

For  purposes  of the New Credit  Agreement,  net worth  shall  include  the net
proceeds  from the sale of the Series B  Preferred  Stock to the  Investors.  In
addition,  under the terms of the Series B Preferred  Stock, the Company may not
pay any cash  dividends on its Common Stock until after  September 1, 2001,  and
then only to the extent  such  dividends  do not exceed in  aggregate  more than
twenty-five percent (25%) of the Company's consolidated net income available for
distribution to Common  shareholders (after Preferred  dividends).  Prior to any
such  dividends,  the Company must have  elected and paid cash  dividends on the
Series B Preferred Stock for the preceding four quarters.

The  aggregate  amount of dividends in arrears is  approximately  $6,906,000  at
December 31, 1998, which represents  approximately $69.06 per share of Preferred
Stock or  approximately  $6.91 per  Depositary  Share and is  included in "Other
Liabilities"  (long-term) in the Consolidated  Balance Sheet. Under the terms of
the Preferred Stock, the holders of the Depositary  Shares are entitled to elect
two  additional  Directors  since  dividends had been deferred for more than six
quarters and they did so at the May 14, 1998 Annual Meeting.

The Board of Directors  intends to resume  payment of dividends when the Company
satisfies the terms of the New Credit Agreement,  the provisions of the Series B
Preferred Stock and the Board deems it prudent to do so.



O       Construction - Looking ahead,  the overall  construction  backlog at the
        end of 1998 was $1.232  billion,  down 6% from the 1997 year end backlog
        of $1.309  billion.  This  decrease  primarily  reflects a timing lag in
        signing  up  new  work  under  negotiation  at  December  31,  1998  and
        suspension  of work  acquisition  in  certain  divisions  that are being
        closed.  This backlog has a good balance between building and civil work
        and a relatively high overall estimated profit margin. Approximately 47%
        of the current backlog relates to building  construction  projects which
        generally represent lower risk, lower margin work, and approximately 53%
        of the current  backlog  relates to civil  construction  projects  which
        generally represent higher risk, but correspondingly  potentially higher
        margin work. During 1996, the Company also adopted a plan to enhance the
        profitability of its construction operations by emphasizing gross margin
        and bottom line improvement ahead of top line revenue growth.  This plan
        called for the Company to focus its  financial  and human  resources  on
        construction  operations  which are  consistently  profitable and to de-
        emphasize  marginal  business  units.  Consistent  with that  Plan,  the
        Company implemented plans to close or downsize and refocus four business
        units during 1997 and during 1998 it continued to implement these plans.
        The Company believes the outlook for its building and civil construction
        businesses continues to be promising.

O       Real Estate - Because several of the Company's real estate projects have
        been written down to net  realizable  value,  future gross  profits from
        real estate  sales will be  minimal,  which has been the case during the
        three year period ended December 31, 1998. A major objective for 1999 is
        to finalize the  renegotiation  and  extension of debt at Rincon  Center
        (see Note 11 to Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements).

O       Liquidity  - With  the  receipt  of $30  million  from  the  sale of its
        Redeemable  Series B Preferred  Stock and the New Credit  Agreement both
        becoming  effective  on  January  17,  1997,  the  Company's  near  term
        liquidity position improved substantially,  enabling payments to vendors
        to generally be made in accordance  with normal payment terms.  In order
        to generate  cash and reduce the  Company's  dependence  on bank debt to
        fund the working  capital needs of its core  construction  operations as
        well  as  to  lower  the  Company's  substantial  interest  expense  and
        strengthen  the  balance  sheet in the longer  term,  the  Company  will
        continue  to sell  certain  real estate  assets as market  opportunities
        present  themselves;  to actively  pursue the  favorable  conclusion  of
        various  unapproved change orders and construction  claims; to focus new
        construction  work  acquisition  efforts on various  niche  markets  and
        geographic  areas where the Company has a proven history of success;  to
        downsize or close  operations  with marginal  prospects for success;  to
        continue to restrict the payment of cash  dividends on the  Company's $1
        par value Common Stock and $2.125  Depositary  Convertible  Exchangeable
        Preferred  Stock;  and to  continue  to seek  ways to  control  overhead
        expenses.  In  addition,  at the end of 1996,  the  Company  completed a
        review of all of its real estate  assets  which  resulted in a change of
        strategies  related  to  certain of those  assets to a new  strategy  of
        generating short-term liquidity.

        Subsequent  to December  31, 1998,  the Company  reached an agreement in
        principle  with its Bank Group to extend its Revolving  Credit  Facility
        for an  additional  year  from the  beginning  of the  Year  2000 to the
        beginning  of 2001  (see Note 3 to Notes to the  Consolidated  Financial

        Management believes that cash generated from operations, existing credit
        lines,  additional  borrowings and projected sale of certain real estate
        assets  referred to above and timely  resolution  and payment of various
        unapproved  change  orders and  construction  claims  referred  to above
        should be adequate to meet the  Company's  funding  requirements  for at
        least the next twelve months.

O       Year 2000  Disclosure  - Since  many  computers,  related  software  and
        certain devices with embedded microchips record only the last two digits
        of a year,  they may not be able to  recognize  that January 1, 2000 (or
        subsequent  dates) comes after December 31, 1999.  This situation  could
        cause erroneous calculations or system shutdowns,  causing problems that
        could range from merely inconvenient to significant.


        As previously reported, the Company began a project to review all of its
        computer systems in 1995. One factor,  among many to consider,  was what
        impact, if any, Year 2000 would have on computer systems. As a result of
        this project,  the Company  implemented new, fully  integrated,  online,
        construction specific financial systems during the first quarter of 1998
        which are Year 2000 compliant. The cost of these new systems,  including
        the  hardware   which  is  also  Year  2000   compliant,   software  and
        implementation  costs,  approximated  $1.5 million which was capitalized
        and is being amortized over ten years on a straight-line basis.

        The  Company  recognized  that the Year 2000  issue  could be an overall
        business  problem,   not  just  a  technical  problem.   Therefore,   it
        established a Year 2000  Committee  early in 1998 to identify all of the
        other  potential  Year  2000  issues  that  could  impact  the  Company,
        including  readiness  issues for its computer  applications and business
        processes,  non-information  technology  systems  such as  those  of its
        facilities and equipment,  along with  relationships with third parties,
        such as its customers, vendors, subcontractors, joint venture, and other
        business  partners;  develop plans to evaluate the  significance  of the
        potential  problem;  develop  plans to remedy or minimize the  potential
        problem; assign appropriate resources; and monitor the implementation of
        the  plans.  During  the third  quarter of 1998,  the  Committee,  which
        included both the Company's  Chairman and CEO,  designated the Year 2000
        Project  Manager.  The Project  Manager has  organized a Year 2000 Team,
        consisting of specific individuals assigned from each operating unit and
        each corporate department. In addition, the Company developed, published
        and commenced  implementation  of its Year 2000 Readiness Plan which has
        as its  overall  objective  "to  eliminate  or  minimize  the  potential
        internal  and  external  impact  of the Year  2000  issue on the  normal
        business operations of the Company, its subsidiaries, and joint ventures
        in a timely and cost  effective  manner".  In addition to addressing its
        own computer applications,  facilities,  and construction equipment, the
        Plan includes communication with critical third parties as stated above.

        The Year 2000 Plan includes the following phases:  (1) potential problem
        identification,  (2) resource commitment, (3) inventory, (4) assessment,
        (5) prioritization,  (6) remediation, and (7) testing. While the Company
        completed  the problem  identification  and resource  commitment  phases
        during the third  quarter,  and  prioritization  phase during the fourth
        quarter of 1998, it is in various stages of  "inventory",  "assessment",
        "testing",  and "remediation" phases as of December 31, 1998. As part of
        the Plan, the Company is evaluating alternative solutions and developing
        contingency  plans  for  handling  certain  critical  areas in the event
        remediation is unsuccessful. Completion of the Year 2000 Plan, including
        final testing and development of final  contingency  plans, is currently
        on  schedule  and  should be  completed  by its  October  1999  targeted
        completion date. The Company  currently  estimates that costs related to
        the Year 2000 Plan over and above the cost of the new financial  systems
        referred to above will approximate $0.3 million which are being expensed

        The  Company,   as  a  general   contractor,   generally   provides  its
        construction   services  in  accordance  with  detailed   contracts  and
        specifications  provided by its  clients.  Also,  the  Company  recently
        installed  all new mission  critical  financial  system  software on new
        hardware,  all of which are Year 2000 compliant.  In light of the above,
        the Company has defined its most  reasonable  likely worse case scenario
        at this stage of implementing  its Year 2000 Plan to include last minute
        inquiries  and  requests  for  assistance  in   determining   Year  2000
        compliance  by some  limited  number of  clients  who have not  properly
        prepared for this event.  In addition,  the possible filing of frivolous
        lawsuits against the Company,  among others,  by a party or parties that
        claim they were  adversely  impacted by a Year 2000 issue related to one
        of the many  projects  with which the Company was  associated  is also a
        concern. The Company currently plans to have a Year 2000 Urgent Response
        Team  defined and  available  to respond to last minute Year 2000 issues
        raised by clients or others in a timely,  proactive  and cost  effective
        manner. In addition,  the Company currently plans to develop prepackaged
        legal defenses in advance assuming various types of complaints.

Forward-looking Statements

This Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of
Operations, including "Outlook",


"Year  2000  Disclosure"  and other  sections  of this  Annual  Report,  contain
forward-looking  statements  within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities
Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,  including
statements  that are based on current  expectations,  estimates and  projections
about the  industries in which the Company  operates,  management's  beliefs and
assumptions  made  by  management.  Words  such  as  "expects",   "anticipates",
"intends", "plans", "believes",  "seeks", "estimates",  variations of such words
and  similar   expressions   are  intended  to  identify  such   forward-looking
statements.  These  statements  are not  guarantees  of future  performance  and
involve  certain risks,  uncertainties  and  assumptions  which are difficult to
predict. Therefore, actual outcomes and results may differ materially from those
in such  forward-looking  statements.  The Company  undertakes  no obligation to
update  publicly  any  forward-looking  statements,  whether  as a result of new
information, future events or otherwise.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------

The  Company's  exposure to market risk for  changes in interest  rates  relates
primarily  to the  Company's  revolving  credit debt (see Note 3 to Notes to the
Consolidated  Financial Statements) and short-term  investment portfolio.  As of
December 31, 1998,  the Company had $72.0 million  borrowed  under its revolving
credit  agreement  that is  classified  in long-term  debt and $38.2  million of
short-term investments classified as cash equivalents.

The  Company  borrows  under its bank  revolving  credit  facility  for  general
corporate   purposes,   including  working  capital   requirements  and  capital
expenditures.  Borrowings  under the bank credit  facility  bear interest at the
applicable LIBOR or base rate, as defined, and therefore, the Company is subject
to fluctuations in interest rates. If the average  effective 1998 borrowing rate
of 8.0%  changed by 10% (or 0.8%)  during the next  twelve  months,  the impact,
based on the Company's ending 1998 revolving debt balance,  would be an increase
or decrease in net income and cash flow of $576,000.

The  Company's  short-term  investment  portfolio  consists  primarily of highly
liquid instruments with maturities of less than one month.

- ----------------------------------------------------

The  Reports  of  Independent   Public   Accountants,   Consolidated   Financial
Statements,  and Supplementary Schedules, are set forth on the pages that follow
in this Report and are hereby incorporated herein.

- -------------------------------------------------------------



                                    PART III.

Reference  is made to the  information  to be set forth in the section  entitled
"Election of Directors" in the definitive proxy statement  involving election of
directors in connection  with the Annual Meeting of  Stockholders  to be held on
May 13, 1999 (the "Proxy  Statement"),  which section is incorporated  herein by
reference.  The Proxy  Statement  will be filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission  not  later  than  120 days  after  December  31,  1998  pursuant  to
Regulation 14A of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

Listed below are the names,  offices held,  ages and business  experience of all
executive officers of the Company.

Name, Offices Held and Age                 Year First Elected to Present Office 
                                                    and Business Experience
- --------------------------                 ------------------------------------
David B. Perini, Director and              Since January 1, 1998 he serves as a 
Chairman - 61*                             Director and Chairman. Prior to that,
                                           he served as a Director, President, 
                                           Chief Executive Officer and Acting 
                                           Chairman since 1972.  He became 
                                           Chairman on March 17, 1978 and has 
                                           worked for the Company since 1962 in 
                                           various capacities.  Prior to being 
                                           elected President, he served as Vice 
                                           President and General Counsel.

Ronald N. Tutor, Director and Vice         Since January 1, 1998 he serves as a 
Chairman - 58*                             Director and Vice Chairman.  Prior to
                                           that,he served as a Director and 
                                           Acting Chief Operating Officer since 
                                           January 17, 1997. He is the Chairman,
                                           President and Chief Executive Officer
                                           of Tutor-Saliba Corporation, a  
                                           California based construction  
                                           contractor since prior to 1994 and 
                                           has actively managed that company 
                                           since 1966.

Roger J. Ludlam, Director, President       He was elected President and Chief 
and Chief Executive Officer - 56*          Executive Officer effective January 
                                           1, 1998 and has served as a Director 
                                           since May 1998.   Prior to that, he 
                                           served as Senior Vice President, 
                                           Civil Construction since June 1997.  
                                           Prior thereto, he served as Chief 
                                           Executive Officer of Park 
                                           Construction, a Minnesota based civil
                                           construction contractor since January
                                           1994 and in a similar capacity for S.
                                           J. Groves & Sons Company since 1989.

Robert Band, Executive Vice President,     He was elected to his current 
Chief Financial Officer - 51               position in December 1997.  Prior to 
                                           that, he served as President of 
                                           Perini Management Services, Inc. 
                                           since January 1996 and as Senior Vice
                                           President, Chief Operating Officer of
                                           Perini International Corporation 
                                           since April 1995.  Previously, he 
                                           served as Vice President Construction
                                           from July 1993 and in various 
                                           operating and financial capacities
                                           since 1973, including Treasurer from 
                                           May 1988 to January 1990.

*Effective  January  31,  1999,  Mr.  Ludlam  resigned  as  President  and Chief
Executive  Officer of the Company.  Since January 31, 1999,  David B. Perini and
Ronald  N.  Tutor  have  shared  the  responsibilities  of  President  and Chief
Executive  Officer  of  the  Company  pending  the  appointment  of a new  Chief
Executive Officer.
The Company's  officers are elected on an annual basis at the Board of Directors
Meeting  immediately  following  the  Shareholders  Meeting in May, to hold such
offices until the Board of Directors  Meeting  following the next Annual Meeting
of Shareholders and until their  respective  successors have been duly appointed
or until  their  tenure  has been  terminated  by the  Board  of  Directors,  or


- --------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------

In response to Items 11-13, reference is made to the information to be set forth
in the section entitled "Election of Directors" in the Proxy Statement, which is
incorporated herein by reference.


                                    PART IV.



(a)1.   The  following   financial   statements  and   supplementary   financial
        information are filed as part of this report:

Financial Statements of the Registrant

Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 1998 and 1997                                        25 - 26

Consolidated Statements of Operations for each of the three years ended December 31, 1998, 1997     27
and 1996

Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity for each of the three years ended December 31,      28
1998, 1997 and 1996

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for each of the three years ended December 31, 1998, 1997     29 - 30
and 1996

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                                                          31 - 51

Report of Independent Public Accountants                                                            52

(a)2.   The following financial statement schedules are filed as part of this report:


Report of Independent Public Accountants on Schedules                                               53

Schedule I -- Condensed Financial Information of Registrant                                         54 - 59

Schedule II -- Valuation and Qualifying Accounts and Reserves                                       60

        All other schedules are omitted because of the absence of the conditions
        under which they are  required or because the  required  information  is
        included  in the  Consolidated  Financial  Statements  or in  the  Notes

(a)3.   Exhibits

        The exhibits which are filed with this report or which are  incorporated
        herein by reference  are set forth in the Exhibit Index which appears on
        pages 61 through 65. The Company  will furnish a copy of any exhibit not
        included  herewith to any holder of the  Company's  Common and Preferred
        Stock upon request.

(b)     During the quarter  ended  December 31,  1998,  the  Registrant  made no
        filings on Form 8-K.



Pursuant to the  requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934,  the Company has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf
by the undersigned, hereunto duly authorized.

                                                          Perini Corporation
Dated:  March 15, 1999                                    /s/David B. Perini  
                                                          David B. Perini

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report
has been signed below by the  following  persons on behalf of the Company and in
the capacities and on the dates indicated.

                      Signature                                    Title                           Date
                      ---------                                    -----                           ----

(i)   Principal Executive Officer
      David B. Perini                                 Chairman                                March 15, 1999
      /s/David B. Perini                                                                     
      David B. Perini

(ii)  Principal Financial Officer
      Robert Band                                     Executive Vice President,
                                                      Chief Financial Officer                 March 15, 1999
      /s/Robert Band                                                                         
      Robert Band

(iii) Principal Accounting Officer
      Barry R. Blake                                  Vice President and
                                                      Controller                              March 15, 1999
      /s/Barry R. Blake                                                                      
      Barry R. Blake

(iv)  Directors

       David B. Perini                                    )
       Richard J. Boushka                                 )
       Arthur I. Caplan                                   )
       Marshall M. Criser                                 )
       Frederick Doppelt                                  )/s/ David B. Perini                                 
       Albert A. Dorman                                   ) David B. Perini
       Arthur J. Fox, Jr.                                 )
       Nancy Hawthorne                                    )Attorney in Fact
       Michael R. Klein                                   )Dated:  March 15, 1999
       Douglas J. McCarron                                )
       John J. McHale                                     )
       Jane E. Newman                                     )
       Ronald N. Tutor                                    )


Consolidated Balance Sheets
December 31, 1998 and 1997

(In thousands except share data)


                                                                                          1998               1997
                                                                                      -------------      -------------
     Cash, including cash equivalents of $38,175 and $23,585 (Note 1)                 $      46,507      $      31,305
     Accounts and notes receivable, including retainage of $30,450 and $54,234              113,855            139,221
     Unbilled work (Note 1)                                                                  19,585             36,574
     Construction joint ventures (Notes 1 and 2)                                             67,100             71,056
     Real estate inventory, at the lower of cost or market (Notes 1 and 4)                   10,069             25,145
     Deferred tax asset (Notes 1 and 5)                                                       1,076              1,067
     Other current assets                                                                     1,332              1,808
                                                                                      -------------      -------------
         Total current assets                                                         $     259,524      $     306,176
                                                                                      -------------      -------------

     Land held for sale or development (including land development costs) at
          the lower of cost or market                                                 $      15,541      $       7,093
     Investments in and advances to real estate joint ventures
         (Notes 2 and 11)                                                                    89,499             86,598
                                                                                      -------------      -------------
         Total real estate development investments                                    $     105,040      $      93,691
                                                                                      -------------      -------------

     Land                                                                             $         536      $         826
     Buildings and improvements                                                              11,286             13,026
     Construction equipment                                                                   7,600              7,580
     Other equipment                                                                          6,814              8,450
                                                                                      -------------      -------------
                                                                                      $      26,236      $      29,882

         Less - Accumulated depreciation                                                     16,378             19,406
                                                                                      -------------      -------------

         Total property and equipment, net                                            $       9,858      $      10,476
                                                                                      -------------      -------------

     Other investments                                                                $       2,719      $       3,069
     Goodwill (Note 1)                                                                        1,450              1,512
                                                                                      -------------      -------------
         Total other assets                                                           $       4,169      $       4,581
                                                                                      -------------      -------------

                                                                                      $     378,591      $     414,924
                                                                                      =============      =============

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial


Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity

                                                                                         1998                 1997
                                                                                    ---------------      --------------
     Current maturities of long-term debt (Note 3)                                  $         2,956      $       11,873
     Accounts payable, including retainage of $31,859 and $49,884                           127,774             145,118
     Advances from construction joint ventures (Note 2)                                      17,300              29,801
     Deferred contract revenue (Note 1)                                                      14,350              17,117
     Accrued expenses                                                                        39,479              25,515
                                                                                    ---------------      --------------
         Total current liabilities                                                  $       201,859      $      229,424
                                                                                    ---------------      --------------

DEFERRED INCOME TAXES AND OTHER LIABILITIES (Notes 1, 5 & 6)                        $        15,713      $       28,882
                                                                                    ---------------      --------------

LONG-TERM DEBT, less current maturities included above (Note 3)                     $        75,857      $       84,898
                                                                                    ---------------      --------------

MINORITY INTEREST (Note 1)                                                          $         1,064      $        1,064
                                                                                    ---------------      --------------


STOCK (Note 7):
     Authorized - 500,000 shares
     Issued and outstanding - 181,357 shares and 164,300 shares
        (aggregate liquidation preferences of $36,271 and $32,860)                  $        33,540      $       29,756
                                                                                    ---------------      --------------

STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY (Notes 1, 3, 7, 8, 9 and 10):
     Preferred Stock, $1 par value -
          Authorized - 500,000 shares
          Designated, issued and outstanding - 100,000 shares of $21.25 Convertible
            Exchangeable Preferred Stock ($25,000 aggregate liquidation preference) $           100      $          100
          Series A junior participating Preferred Stock, $1 par value -
            Designated - 200,000
            Issued - none                                                                         -                   -
     Stock Purchase Warrants                                                                  2,233               2,233
     Common Stock, $1 par value -
          Authorized - 15,000,000 shares
          Issued - 5,506,341 shares and 5,267,130 shares                                      5,506               5,267
     Paid-in surplus                                                                         49,219              53,012
     Retained earnings (deficit)                                                             (3,642)            (15,294)
     ESOT related obligations                                                                (1,381)             (2,663)
                                                                                    ---------------      --------------
                                                                                    $        52,035      $       42,655
       Less - Common Stock in treasury, at cost - 92,694 shares and 110,084 shares            1,477               1,755
                                                                                    ---------------      --------------
         Total stockholders' equity                                                 $        50,558      $       40,900
                                                                                    ---------------      --------------

                                                                                    $       378,591      $      414,924
                                                                                    ===============      ==============


Consolidated Statements of Operations
For the Years Ended December 31, 1998, 1997 & 1996

(In thousands, except per share data)

                                                                   1998                 1997                 1996
                                                             ----------------      ---------------     ----------------

REVENUES (Notes 2 and 13)                                    $     1,035,900       $    1,324,491      $     1,270,284
                                                             ----------------      ---------------     ----------------

COSTS AND EXPENSES (Notes 2 and 10):
  Cost of operations                                         $       984,871       $    1,275,614      $     1,215,806
  Write down of certain real estate assets (Note 4)                        -                    -               79,900
  General, administrative and selling expenses                        28,780               30,556               33,988
                                                             ----------------      ---------------     ----------------
                                                             $     1,013,651       $    1,306,170      $     1,329,694
                                                             ----------------      ---------------     ----------------

INCOME (LOSS) FROM OPERATIONS (Note 13)                      $        22,249       $       18,321      $       (59,410)
                                                             ----------------      ---------------     ----------------

  Other income (expense), net (Note 6)                                  (812)              (1,665)                (492)
  Interest expense (Note 3)                                           (8,685)             (10,334)              (9,871)
                                                             ----------------      ---------------     ----------------

INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAXES                             $       12,752       $        6,322      $       (69,773)

Provision for income taxes (Notes 1 and 5)                            (1,100)                (950)                (830)
                                                             ----------------      ---------------     ----------------

NET INCOME (LOSS)                                            $        11,652       $        5,372      $       (70,603)
                                                             ================      ===============     ================

COMMON SHARE (Note 1)                                        $          1.08      $          0.01     $         (15.13)
                                                             ================      ===============     ================

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial


Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity
For the Years Ended December 31, 1998, 1997 & 1996
(In thousands, except per share data)

                                          Stock                          Retained       ESOT
                             Preferred   Purchase   Common    Paid-In    Earnings     Related    Treasury
                               Stock     Warrants    Stock    Surplus    (Deficit)  Obligations   Stock       Total
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance - December 31, 1995  $     100  $          $  4,985  $  57,659  $   52,062  $   (4,965)  $ (4,235) $  105,606
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net Loss                              -          -         -          -    (70,603)           -          -    (70,603)
Preferred Stock dividends accrued
($21.25 per share*)                   -          -         -          -     (2,125)           -          -     (2,125)
Treasury Stock issued in
partial payment of incentive
compensation                          -          -         -       (830)          -           -      1,867       1,037
Payment of director fees              -          -         -       (102)          -           -        236         134
Payment of finance fee                -          -        47        353           -           -          -         400
Payments related to ESOT notes        -          -         -          -           -       1,109          -       1,109
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance - December 31, 1996   $     100  $          $  5,032  $  57,080  $  (20,666) $   (3,856) $  (2,132) $   35,558
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Income                            -          -         -          -       5,372           -          -       5,372
Value of Stock Purchase Warrants
issued (Note 3)                       -      2,233         -          -           -           -          -       2,233
Preferred Stock dividends accrued
($21.25 per share*)                   -          -         -     (2,125)          -           -          -      (2,125)
Series B Preferred Stock dividends
in kind issued (Note 7)               -          -         -     (2,830)          -           -          -      (2,830)
Accretion related to Series B
Preferred Stock (Note 7)              -          -         -       (368)          -           -          -        (368)
Common Stock issued in
partial payment of incentive
compensation                          -          -       235      1,466           -           -          -       1,701
Payment of director fees              -          -         -       (211)          -           -        377         166
Payments related to ESOT notes        -          -         -          -           -       1,193          -       1,193
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance - December 31, 1997   $     100  $   2,233  $  5,267  $  53,012  $  (15,294) $   (2,663) $  (1,755) $   40,900
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Income                            -          -         -          -      11,652           -          -      11,652
Preferred Stock dividends accrued
($21.25 per share*)                   -          -         -     (2,125)          -           -          -      (2,125)
Series B Preferred Stock dividends
in kind issued (Note 7)               -          -         -     (3,411)          -           -          -      (3,411)
Accretion related to Series B
Preferred Stock (Note 7)              -          -         -       (373)          -           -          -        (373)
Common Stock issued in
partial payment of incentive
compensation                          -          -       239      2,243           -           -          -       2,482
Payment of director fees              -          -         -       (127)          -           -        278         151
Payments related to ESOT notes        -          -         -          -           -       1,282          -       1,282
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance - December 31, 1998   $     100  $   2,233  $  5,506  $  49,219  $   (3,642) $   (1,381) $  (1,477) $   50,558
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*Equivalent to $2.125 per Depositary Share (see Note 8).

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial


Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
For the Years Ended December 31, 1998, 1997 & 1996

(In thousands)

Cash Flows from Operating Activities:                                       1998             1997              1996
                                                                        ------------     ------------      ------------
  Net income (loss)                                                     $   11,652       $     5,372       $   (70,603)
  Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash from operating 
  activities -                        
    Depreciation                                                             1,463             1,936             2,527
  Amortization of deferred debt expense, Stock Purchase Warrants and other   1,596             2,011               895
  Distributions less than earnings of joint ventures and affiliates           (134)           (1,859)           (4,586)
  Write down of certain real estate properties                                   -                 -            79,900
  Cash provided from (used by) changes in components of working capital other than
  cash, notes payable and current maturities of long-term debt:
        (Increase) decrease in accounts receivable                          25,366            48,899            (7,142)
        (Increase) decrease in unbilled work                                16,989              (974)           (7,296)
        (Increase) decrease in construction joint ventures                  (1,509)              820              (380)
        (Increase) decrease in deferred tax asset                               (9)            2,446             9,526
        (Increase) decrease in other current assets                            476              (153)              849
        Increase (decrease) in accounts payable                             (17,346)         (38,289)          (13,645)
        Increase (decrease) in advances from construction joint ventures    (12,501)         (17,743)           12,714
        Increase (decrease) in deferred contract revenue                     (2,767)          (6,724)              398
        Increase (decrease) in accrued expenses                              11,839           (1,308)           (8,080)
  Non-current deferred taxes and other liabilities                          (13,169)          (4,540)          (21,366)
  Proceeds from sale of interests in real estate joint ventures                   -           20,260                 -
  Real estate development investments other than joint ventures               7,749            3,741             4,500
  Other non-cash items, net                                                     (33)          (1,200)           (1,689)
                                                                        ------------     ------------      ------------
  NET CASH PROVIDED FROM (USED BY) OPERATING ACTIVITIES                 $    29,662      $    12,695       $   (23,478)
                                                                        ------------     ------------      ------------

Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
  Proceeds from sale of property and equipment                          $       608      $       383       $     2,098
  Cash distributions of capital from unconsolidated joint ventures            9,380           16,614             8,753
  Acquisition of property and equipment                                      (1,418)          (1,663)           (1,449)
  Improvements to land held for sale or development                            (339)            (666)             (515)
  Improvements to real estate properties used in operations                       -                -              (123)
  Capital contributions to unconsolidated joint ventures                     (3,531)          (7,063)          (20,224)
  Advances to real estate joint ventures, net                                (3,933)         (13,030)           (7,312)
  Investments in other activities                                              (440)            (273)           (3,206)
                                                                        ------------     ------------      ------------
  NET CASH PROVIDED FROM (USED BY) INVESTING ACTIVITIES                 $       327      $    (5,698)      $   (21,978)
                                                                        ------------     ------------      ------------


Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Continued)
For the Years Ended December 31, 1998, 1997 & 1996

(In thousands)

Cash Flows from Financing Activities:                                       1998             1997              1996
                                                                        ------------     ------------      ------------
  Proceeds from Issuance of Redeemable Series B Preferred Stock, net    $          -     $    26,558       $          -
  Proceeds from long-term debt                                                   155           5,035             27,006
  Repayment of long-term debt                                                (17,575)        (18,897)            (2,435)
  Common stock isued                                                           2,482           1,701                  -
  Treasury Stock issued                                                          151             166              1,171
  Finance fee paid in stock                                                        -               -                400
                                                                        ------------     ------------      ------------
  NET CASH PROVIDED FROM (USED BY) FINANCING ACTIVITIES                 $    (14,787)    $    14,563       $     26,142
                                                                        ------------     ------------      ------------
Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash                                         $     15,202     $    21,560       $    (19,314)
Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Year                                31,305           9,745             29,059
                                                                        ------------     ------------      ------------
Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Year                                $     46,507     $    31,305       $      9,745
                                                                        ============     ============      ============

Supplemental Disclosures of Cash Paid During the Year For:
  Interest                                                              $     8,137      $    10,133       $     9,596
                                                                        ============     ============      ============
  Income tax payments                                                   $       160      $       330       $       221
                                                                        ============     ============      ============

Supplemental Disclosure of Noncash Transactions:
  Dividends paid in shares of Series B Preferred Stock (Note 7)         $     3,411      $     2,830       $         -
                                                                        ============     ============      ============
  Value assigned to Stock Purchase Warrants (Note 3)                    $         -      $     2,233       $         -
                                                                        ============     ============      ============

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial


For the Years Ended December 31, 1998, 1997 & 1996

[1]  Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

[a] Principles of Consolidation The consolidated  financial  statements  include
the accounts of Perini Corporation, its subsidiaries and certain majority- owned
real estate joint  ventures  (the  "Company").  All  subsidiaries  are currently
wholly-owned.  All significant intercompany  transactions and balances have been
eliminated  in  consolidation.  Non-consolidated  joint  venture  interests  are
accounted  for on the equity  method with the  Company's  share of revenues  and
costs in these  interests  included  in  "Revenues"  and  "Cost of  Operations,"
respectively,  in the accompanying  consolidated  statements of operations.  All
significant intercompany profits between the Company and its joint ventures have
been eliminated in consolidation. Taxes are provided on joint venture results in
accordance with Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards  ("SFAS") No. 109,
"Accounting for Income Taxes".

[b] Use of Estimates The preparation of financial  statements in conformity with
generally accepted  accounting  principles requires management to make estimates
that affect the reported  amounts of assets and  liabilities  and  disclosure of
contingent  assets and  liabilities at the date of the financial  statements and
the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting  period.  The
most significant  estimates with regard to these financial  statements relate to
the  estimating  of final  construction  contract  profits  in  accordance  with
accounting for long-term contracts (see Note 1(c) below), estimating future cash
flows of real estate  development  projects (see Note 1(d) below) and estimating
potential liabilities in conjunction with certain contingencies and commitments,
as discussed in Note 11 below. Actual results could differ from these estimates.

[c] Method of Accounting for Contracts Profits from  construction  contracts and
construction joint ventures are generally  recognized by applying percentages of
completion  for each  year to the total  estimated  profits  for the  respective
contracts.  The  percentages of completion are determined by relating the actual
cost of the work  performed to date to the current  estimated  total cost of the
respective  contracts.  When the  estimate on a contract  indicates a loss,  the
Company's  policy  is to  record  the  entire  loss.  The  cumulative  effect of
revisions in estimates of total cost or revenue during the course of the work is
reflected in the  accounting  period in which the facts that caused the revision
become known.  An amount equal to the costs  attributable  to unapproved  change
orders and claims is included in the total estimated revenue when realization is
probable.  Profit from  unapproved  change  orders and claims is recorded in the
year such amounts are resolved.

In accordance with normal  practice in the  construction  industry,  the Company
includes  in  current  assets  and  current   liabilities   amounts  related  to
construction  contracts  realizable  and payable  over a period in excess of one
year.  Unbilled  work  represents  the  excess of  contract  costs  and  profits
recognized  to date on the  percentage  of  completion  accounting  method  over
billings to date on certain contracts.  Deferred contract revenue represents the
excess  of  billings  to date  over the  amount of  contract  costs and  profits
recognized  to date on the  percentage of  completion  accounting  method on the
remaining contracts.

[d] Methods of Accounting  for Real Estate  Operations All real estate sales are
recorded in accordance with SFAS No. 66,  "Accounting for Sales of Real Estate".
Gross profit is not  recognized in full unless the  collection of the sale price
is  reasonably  assured and the  Company is not  obliged to perform  significant
activities after the sale. Unless both conditions exist, recognition of all or a
part of gross profit is deferred.

The gross profit  recognized  on sales of real estate is  determined by relating
the  estimated  total land,  land  development  and  construction  costs of each
development  area to the  estimated  total  sales  value of the  property in the


For the Years Ended December 31, 1998, 1997 & 1996 (continued)

[1]  Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

[d] Methods of Accounting  for Real Estate  Operations  (continued)  Real estate
investments  are stated at the lower of the  carrying  amounts,  which  includes
applicable   interest  and  real  estate  taxes  during  the   development   and
construction phases, or fair value less cost to sell in accordance with SFAS No.
121,  "Accounting  for the  Impairment of Long-Lived  Assets and for  Long-Lived
Assets to Be  Disposed  Of ". SFAS No. 121  requires  that assets to be held and
used be reviewed  for  impairment  whenever  events or changes in  circumstances
indicate  that the  carrying  amount  of an  asset  may not be  recoverable.  An
impairment  has  occurred  when the  carrying  amount of the  assets  exceed the
related  undiscounted  future  cash  flows of a  development.  SFAS No. 121 also
provides  that when  management  has  committed to a plan to dispose of specific
real estate  assets,  the assets should be reported at the lower of the carrying
amount  or fair  value  less cost to sell.  Estimating  future  cash  flows of a
development  involves estimating the current sales value of the development less
the  estimated  costs of  completion  (to the  stage of  completion  assumed  in
determining the selling price), holding and disposal. Estimated sales values are
forecast based on comparable local sales (where applicable),  trends as foreseen
by  knowledgeable  local  commercial real estate brokers or others active in the
business and/or project specific  experience such as offers made directly to the
Company  relating  to the  property.  If the  estimated  future  cash flows of a
development  are less than the carrying  amount of a  development,  SFAS No. 121
requires a provision to be made to reduce the carrying amount of the development
to fair value less cost to sell. In 1996, the Company  changed its strategy with
respect to certain real estate  assets  which  resulted in a write- down that is
described in Note 4 below.

[e]  Depreciable  Property  and  Equipment  Land,  buildings  and  improvements,
construction and computer-related  equipment and other equipment are recorded at
cost.   Depreciation  is  provided  primarily  using  accelerated   methods  for
construction and computer-related equipment and the straight-line method for the
remaining depreciable property.

[f]  Goodwill  Goodwill  represents  the  excess  of the  costs of  subsidiaries
acquired over the fair value of their net assets as of the dates of acquisition.
These amounts are being amortized on a straight-line basis over 40 years.

[g] Income Taxes The Company  accounts for income taxes in accordance  with SFAS
No. 109, "Accounting for Income Taxes," (see Note 5). Deferred income tax assets
and liabilities are recognized for the effects of temporary  differences between
the financial  statement carrying amounts and the income tax basis of assets and
liabilities using enacted tax rates. In addition,  future tax benefits,  such as
net operating loss  carryforwards,  are recognized  currently to the extent such
benefits  are more likely than not to be realized as an economic  benefit in the
form of a reduction of income taxes in future years.

[h] Earnings  (Loss) Per Common Share  Earnings  (loss) per common share amounts
were  calculated in accordance  with SFAS No. 128,  "Earnings Per Share".  Basic
earnings  (loss) per common  share  ("EPS") was  computed by dividing net income
(loss) less dividend and other  requirements  related to Preferred  Stock by the
weighted-average  number of common shares  outstanding.  Diluted earnings (loss)
per common share was computed by giving effect to all dilutive  potential common
shares  outstanding.  The  weighted-average  shares used in the diluted earnings
(loss) per common share  computations were essentially the same as those used in
the basic earnings (loss) per common share  computations (see below).  Basic EPS
equals  diluted EPS for all periods  presented due to the  immaterial  effect of
stock  options  and the  antidilutive  effect  of  conversion  of the  Company's
Depositary Convertible  Exchangeable Preferred Shares, Series B Preferred Shares
and Stock Purchase Warrants.


For the Years Ended December 31, 1998, 1997 & 1996 (continued)

[1]  Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

[h] Earnings  (Loss) Per Common  Share  (continued)  Basic and diluted  earnings
(loss)  per  common  share for the  three  years  ended  December  31,  1998 are
calculated as follows (in thousands except per share amounts):

                                                                           1998               1997               1996
                                                                       ------------      --------------      -------------
Net income (loss)                                                      $    11,652       $       5,372       $    (70,603)
                                                                       ------------      --------------      -------------
  Accrued dividends on $21.25 Senior Preferred Stock (Note 8)          $    (2,125)      $      (2,125)      $     (2,125)
  Dividends declared on Series B Preferred Stock (Note 7)                   (3,411)             (2,830)               ---
  Accretion deduction required to reinstate mandatory redemption
  value of Series B Preferred Stock over a period of 8-10 years               (373)               (368)               ---
  (Note 7)
                                                                       ------------      --------------      -------------
                                                                       $    (5,909)      $      (5,323)      $     (2,125)
                                                                       ------------      --------------      -------------
Earnings available for common stockholders                             $     5,743       $          49       $    (72,728)
                                                                       ============      ==============      =============
Weighted average shares outstanding                                          5,318               5,059              4,808
                                                                       ------------      --------------      -------------
Basic and diluted earnings (loss) per Common Share                     $      1.08       $        0.01       $     (15.13)
                                                                       ============      ==============      =============

[i] Cash and Cash Equivalents 
Cash equivalents  include  short-term,  highly liquid  investments with original
maturities of three months or less.

[j]  Reclassifications  
Certain  prior year amounts have been  reclassified  to be  consistent  with the
current year classifications.

[k]  Impact of Recently Issued Accounting Standards
During 1998, SFAS No. 133, "Accounting for Derivative Financial  Instruments and
Hedging Activities" was issued. The Company will implement the provisions of the
Statement  in the  quarter  ended  March 31,  2000.  The  statement  establishes
accounting and reporting  standards  requiring that every derivative  instrument
(including  certain  derivative  instruments  embedded  in other  contracts)  be
recorded in the balance  sheet as either an asset or  liability  measured at its
fair value. The Statement  requires that changes in the derivative's  fair value
be recognized  currently in earnings unless specific hedge  accounting  criteria
are met. Special  accounting for qualifying  hedges allows a derivative's  gains
and losses to offset related results on the hedged item in the income  statement
and requires that the Company must formally document,  designate, and assess the
effectiveness of transactions  that receive hedge  accounting.  The Company does
not  currently  hold  any  significant   derivative  instruments  or  engage  in
significant hedging activities and, therefore,  the impact of adopting Statement
No. 133 is expected to be immaterial.


For the Years Ended December 31, 1998, 1997 & 1996 (continued)

[2]  Joint Ventures

The Company, in the normal conduct of its business, has entered into partnership
arrangements, referred to as "joint ventures," for certain construction and real
estate development  projects.  Each of the joint venture participants is usually
committed to supply a predetermined  percentage of capital, as required,  and to
share  in a  predetermined  percentage  of the  income  or loss of the  project.
Summary  financial  information (in thousands) for  construction and real estate
joint  ventures  accounted  for on the equity  method for the three  years ended
December 31, 1998 follows:

Construction Joint Ventures

Financial position at December 31,                       1998                  1997                 1996
                                                   -----------------      ---------------      ---------------
  Current assets                                   $        398,061       $      403,058       $      329,999
  Property and equipment, net                                 7,358               11,482               32,145
  Current liabilities                                      (285,197)            (292,184)            (236,752)
                                                   -----------------      ---------------      ---------------
  Net assets                                       $        120,222       $      122,356       $      125,392
                                                   =================      ===============      ===============

Equity                                             $         67,100       $       71,056       $       78,233
                                                   =================      ===============      ===============

Operations for the year ended December 31,               1998                  1997                 1996
                                                   -----------------      ---------------      ---------------
  Revenue                                          $        891,026       $    1,030,347       $      753,214
  Cost of operations                                        844,688              974,571              702,997
                                                   -----------------      ---------------      ---------------
  Pretax income                                    $         46,338       $       55,776       $       50,217
                                                   =================      ===============      ===============

Company's share of joint ventures
  Revenue                                          $        368,733       $      555,363       $      446,793
  Cost of operations                                        343,753              518,576              413,935
                                                   -----------------      ---------------      ---------------
  Pretax income                                    $         24,980       $       36,787       $       32,858
                                                   =================      ===============      ===============

The Company has a centralized cash management  arrangement with two construction
joint ventures in which it is the sponsor.  Under this arrangement,  excess cash
is  controlled  by the Company;  cash is made  available to meet the  individual
joint venture  requirements,  as needed;  and interest income is credited to the
ventures at  competitive  market  rates.  In addition,  certain  joint  ventures
sponsored by other contractors,  in which the Company  participates,  distribute
cash at the end of each quarter to the  participants  who will then return these
funds at the  beginning of the next  quarter.  Of the total cash advanced at the
end of 1998  ($17.3  million)  and 1997  ($29.8  million),  approximately  $13.2
million in 1998 and $20.0 million in 1997 was deemed to be temporary.



For the Years Ended December 31, 1998, 1997 & 1996 (continued)

[2]  Joint Ventures (continued)

Real Estate Joint Ventures

Financial position at December 31,                       1998                  1997                 1996
                                                   -----------------      ---------------      ---------------
  Property held for sale or development            $         11,128       $       11,544       $       12,683
  Investment properties, net                                122,474              125,234              168,833
  Other assets                                               22,902               20,645               64,530
  Long-term debt                                            (57,572)             (61,712)             (69,195)
  Other liabilities*                                       (243,228)            (222,131)            (334,087)
                                                   -----------------      ---------------      ---------------
  Net assets (liabilities)                         $       (144,296)      $     (126,420)      $     (157,236)
                                                   =================      ===============      ===============

  Equity **                                                $(67,088)      $      (58,434)      $     (125,877)
  Advances                                                  158,668              146,332              222,341
                                                   -----------------      ---------------      ---------------
  Total Equity and Advances                        $         91,580       $       87,898       $       96,464
                                                   =================      ===============      ===============
  Total Equity and Advances, Long-term             $         89,499       $       86,598       $       71,253
  Total Equity and Advances, Short-term ***                   2,081                1,300               25,211
                                                   -----------------      ---------------      ---------------
                                                   $         91,580       $       87,898       $       96,464
                                                   =================      ===============      ===============

Operations for the year ended December 31,               1998                  1997                 1996
                                                   -----------------      ---------------      ---------------
  Revenue                                          $         20,897       $       24,486       $       42,921
                                                   -----------------      ---------------      ---------------
  Cost of operations -
    Depreciation                                   $          3,071       $        3,662       $        6,614
    Other                                                    37,672               63,225               64,289
                                                   -----------------      ---------------      ---------------
                                                   $         40,743       $       66,887       $       70,903
                                                   -----------------      ---------------      ---------------
  Pretax income (loss)                             $        (19,846)      $      (42,401)      $      (27,982)
                                                   =================      ===============      ===============

Company's share of joint ventures
  Revenue                                          $          9,567       $       13,252       $       22,502
                                                   -----------------      ---------------      ---------------
  Cost of operations -
    Depreciation                                   $           1,420      $        1,709       $        3,441
    Other ****                                                10,423              12,132               19,127
                                                   -----------------      ---------------      ---------------
                                                   $          11,843      $       13,841       $       22,568
                                                   -----------------      ---------------      ---------------
  Pretax income (loss)                             $          (2,276)     $         (589)      $          (66)
                                                   =================      ===============      ===============

*       Included in "Other liabilities" are advances from joint venture partners
        in the amount of $226.5  million in 1998,  $208.9  million in 1997,  and
        $255.0  million  in 1996.  Of the  total  advances  from  joint  venture
        partners,  $158.7  million in 1998 , $146.3  million in 1997, and $222.3
        million in 1996, represented advances from the Company.

**      When the  Company's  equity in a real estate  joint  venture is combined
        with advances by the Company to that joint  venture,  each joint venture
        has a positive investment balance at December 31, 1998.

***     Included in real estate inventory classified as current.

****    Other costs are reduced by the amount of interest income recorded by the
        Company on its advances to the respective joint ventures.


For the Years Ended December 31, 1998, 1997 & 1996 (continued)

[3]  Long-term Debt

Long-term  debt of the  Company at December  31,  1998 and 1997  consists of the
following (in thousands):

                                                                                        1998                1997
                                                                                   --------------      --------------

Revolving credit loans at an average rate of 8.0% in 1998 and 8.2% in 1997         $      72,000       $      80,000
Less - unamortized deferred value attributable to the Stock Purchase Warrants
(see below)                                                                                 (744)             (1,488)
                                                                                   --------------      --------------
                                                                                   $      71,256       $      78,512
Industrial revenue bonds at various rates, payable in 2005                                 4,000               4,000
ESOT Notes at 8.24%, payable in semi-annual installments (Note 8)                          1,260               2,423
Mortgages on real estate, at rates ranging from 8% to 10.82%,
   payable in installments or release payments                                               446               4,889
Other indebtedness                                                                         1,851               6,947
                                                                                   --------------      --------------
Total                                                                              $      78,813       $      96,771
Less - current maturities                                                                  2,956              11,873
                                                                                   --------------      --------------
  Net long-term debt                                                               $      75,857       $      84,898
                                                                                   ==============      ==============

Payments  required  under  these  obligations,  prior  to the  extension  of the
Revolving Credit Agreement  discussed below,  amount to approximately  $2,956 in
1999, $71,857 in 2000 and $4,000 in 2005.

Effective  January 17,  1997,  the Company  entered into an Amended and Restated
Credit  Agreement  with a group of  major  U.S.  banks.  Under  this New  Credit
Agreement, the previous Revolving Credit Agreement and Bridge Loan Facility were
combined  into a single  $129.5  million  Credit  Facility,  with a $25  million
maximum of such  amount  also being  available  for  letters of credit,  and the
expiration  dates  extended  from  1997 to  January  3,  2000.  The  New  Credit
Agreement, as amended,  provides for scheduled mandatory reductions of the total
$129.5  million  Credit  Facility in the amount of $15.0 million in 1997,  $17.9
million in 1998,  $12.5 million in 1999 and the balance in 2000.  Receipt of 50%
of the net  proceeds  from real estate sales in excess of $20 million and 80% of
net proceeds from the sale of certain other assets  immediately reduce the total
commitment  under  the  Credit  Facility  and can  represent  all or part of the
decrease on the scheduled  mandatory  reduction  dates.  After the 1997 and 1998
reductions  referred to above,  the total Credit  Facility now aggregates  $96.6

The New  Credit  Agreement  provides  that the  Company  can  choose  from three
interest  rate  alternatives  including  a  prime-based  rate,  as well as other
interest  rate  options  based  on LIBOR  (London  inter-bank  offered  rate) or
participating bank certificate of deposit rates.

The  Agreement,  as well as certain other loan  agreements,  provide for,  among
other  things,  maintaining  specified  working  capital and  tangible net worth
levels,  minimum  operating  cash  flow  levels,  as  defined,   limitations  on
indebtedness  and certain  limitations on investment in real estate  development
projects and future cash dividends.  The Agreement also provides that collateral
shall  consist of all  available  assets not  included  as  collateral  in other
agreements and for the  continuation  of the suspension of payment of the 53 1/8
cent per  share  quarterly  dividend  on the  Company's  Depositary  Convertible
Exchangeable  Preferred Shares (see Note 8) until certain financial criteria are

In consideration of the restructuring of the Credit  Facilities,  the Bank Group
received fees in the amount of $444,000 and Stock Purchase Warrants enabling the
participating  banks to purchase up to 420,000  shares of the  Company's  Common
Stock, $1.00 par value, at $8.30 per share, the average fair market value of the
stock for the five business days


For the Years Ended December 31, 1998, 1997 & 1996 (continued)

[3] Long-term Debt (continued)

prior to the January 17,  1997  closing,  at any time during the ten year period
ended  January 17,  2007.  The grant date  present  value of the Stock  Purchase
Warrants  ($2,233,000)  was calculated  using the  Black-Scholes  option pricing
model and was accounted  for by an increase in  Stockholders'  Equity,  with the
offset being a valuation  account  netted against the related  Revolving  Credit
Loans. The valuation account is being amortized over the approximate  three-year
term of the New Credit  Agreement,  with the offsetting charge ($745,000 in 1997
and  $744,000 in 1998)  being to Other  Income  (Expense),  net.  The  remaining
unamortized balance is approximately $744,000 at December 31, 1998.

Subsequent  to December  31,  1998,  the Company  has  reached an  Agreement  in
principle  with its Bank Group to extend the  Revolving  Credit  Agreement  from
January  3, 2000 to  January 3, 2001.  Other  changes  to the  Revolving  Credit
Agreement include,  among other things, a scheduled mandatory reduction of $20.0
million in 1999 and $15.0 million in 2000, with the balance in 2001,  additional
permanent  mandatory  reductions,  as defined,  from the net proceeds  from real
estate  sales,  an interest rate increase of 1/2 of 1% in 1999 and an additional
1/4 of 1% increase in 2000, and a one-time bank fee of $483,000.

[4]  Write Down of Certain Real Estate Assets

As of December 31, 1996, the Company changed its real estate strategy on certain
of its properties  from  maximizing  value by holding them through the necessary
development  and  stabilization  periods to a new strategy of generating  short-
term liquidity  through an accelerated  disposition or bulk sale. This change in
strategy  substantially  reduced  the  estimated  future  cash flow  from  those
properties.  Therefore, an impairment loss on those properties,  in an aggregate
amount  of  $79.9  million,  representing  the  excess  of book  value  of those
properties over their  estimated fair value,  was provided in the fourth quarter
of 1996 in  accordance  with  SFAS  No.  121.  An  estimated  allocation  of the
write-down by  geographic  area was  California  ($59.9  million),  Arizona ($18
million),  and Florida ($2  million).  Revenues and pretax loss related to these
properties included in the 1996 Statement of Operations were approximately $14.6
million and $.5 million, respectively.

[5]  Income Taxes

The Company  accounts for income  taxes in  accordance  with SFAS No. 109.  This
standard  determines  deferred  income taxes based on the  estimated  future tax
effects of differences  between the financial  statement and tax bases of assets
and liabilities, given the provisions of enacted tax laws.

The provision for income taxes is comprised of the following (in thousands):

                       Federal             State             Foreign               Total
                    -------------      -------------      -------------       --------------
 Current               $        -      $       (480)      $       (620)       $      (1,100)
 Deferred                       -                 -                  -                    -
                    -------------      -------------      -------------       --------------
                       $        -      $       (480)      $       (620)       $      (1,100)
                    =============      =============      =============       ==============
 Current               $        -      $       (569)      $       (381)       $        (950)
 Deferred                       -                 -                  -                    -
                    -------------      -------------      -------------       --------------
                       $        -      $       (569)      $       (381)       $        (950)
                    =============      =============      =============       ==============
 Current               $        -      $       (736)      $           -       $        (736)
 Deferred                       -               (94)                  -                 (94)
                    -------------      -------------      -------------       --------------
                       $        -      $       (830)      $           -       $        (830)
                    =============      =============      =============       ==============


For the Years Ended December 31, 1998, 1997 & 1996 (continued)

[5]  Income Taxes (continued)

The table below reconciles the difference  between the statutory  federal income
tax rate and the effective rate provided in the statements of operations.

                                                       1998              1997               1996
                                                  --------------     -------------     --------------

Statutory federal income tax rate                            34%               34%              (34)%
State income taxes, net of federal tax benefit                2                 6                 1
Foreign taxes                                                 5                 6                 -
Change in valuation allowance                               (33)              (33)               34
Goodwill and other                                            1                 2                 -
                                                  --------------     -------------     --------------
Effective tax rate                                            9%               15%                1 %
                                                  ==============     =============     ==============

The  following  is a summary  of the  significant  components  of the  Company's
deferred  tax  assets  and  liabilities  as of  December  31,  1998 and 1997 (in

                                                     1998                                  1997
                                      ----------------------------------     --------------------------------
                                         Deferred            Deferred           Deferred          Deferred
                                           Tax                 Tax                Tax               Tax
                                         Assets            Liabilities          Assets          Liabilities
                                      -------------       --------------     -------------     --------------
Provision for estimated losses        $      9,562        $            -     $       9,527     $            -
Contract losses                                119                     -             4,071                  -
Joint ventures - construction                     -                9,271                 -              8,093
Joint ventures - real estate                      -                8,770                 -              6,243
Timing of expense recognition                   468                    -             1,972                  -
Capitalized carrying charges                      -                1,587                 -              1,894
Net operating loss and
   capital loss carryforwards                27,994                    -            23,798                  -
Alternative minimum tax credit
 carryforwards                                2,442                    -             2,442                  -
General business tax credit
 carryforwards                                3,532                    -             3,532                  -
Foreign tax credit carryforwards                 26                    -               979                  -
Other, net                                    1,025                    -               517                  -
                                      -------------       --------------     -------------     --------------
                                      $      45,168       $       19,628     $      46,838     $       16,230
Valuation allowance for deferred
 tax assets                                 (25,540)                   -           (30,608)                 -
                                      -------------       --------------     -------------     --------------
Total                                 $      19,628       $       19,628     $      16,230     $       16,230
                                      =============       ==============     =============     ==============

The net of the above is deferred  taxes in the amount of $ -0- in 1998 and 1997,
which is classified in the respective Consolidated Balance Sheets as follows:

                                                                                       1998             1997
                                                                                    -----------      -----------
Long-term deferred tax liabilities (included in "Deferred Income Taxes and Other
Liabilities")                                                                       $     1,076      $     1,067
Short-term deferred tax asset                                                             1,076            1,067
                                                                                    -----------      -----------
                                                                                     $     - 0-       $     - 0-
                                                                                    ===========      ===========


For the Years Ended December 31, 1998, 1997 & 1996 (continued)

[5]  Income Taxes (continued)

A valuation  allowance  is provided to reduce the deferred tax assets to a level
which,  more likely than not, will be realized.  The net deferred assets reflect
management's  estimate of the amount which will be realized from future  taxable
income which can be predicted with reasonable certainty.

As a result of not providing  any federal  income tax benefit in 1996 and only a
partial benefit in 1995,  earnings  benefited in 1998 and 1997 by  approximately
$4.3 million and $2.1  million,  respectively,  by not having to provide for any
Federal income tax.  Approximately  $59 million of future pretax earnings should
benefit from minimal, if any, federal tax provisions.

At December 31, 1998,  the Company has unused tax credits and net operating loss
carryforwards  for income tax  reporting  purposes  which  expire as follows (in

                            Unused               Foreign            Net Operating/
                          Investment               Tax               Capital Loss
                         Tax Credits             Credits             Carryforwards
                       ----------------      ---------------      -------------------

1999                   $             --     $             26    $                  --
2001 - 2006                       3,532                   --                    1,404
2007 - 2018                          --                   --                   80,932
                       ----------------      ---------------      -------------------
                       $          3,532       $           26      $            82,336
                       ================      ===============      ===================

Net operating  loss  carryforwards  and unused tax credits may be limited in the
event of certain changes in ownership interests of significant stockholders.  In
addition, approximately $1.4 million of the net operating loss carryforwards can
only be used against the taxable income of the corporation in which the loss was
recorded for tax and financial reporting purposes.

[6]  Deferred Income Taxes and Other Liabilities and Other Income (Expense), Net

Deferred  Income  Taxes and Other  Liabilities  Deferred  income taxes and other
liabilities  at  December  31,  1998  and  1997  consist  of the  following  (in

                                                      1998               1997
                                               -------------     ---------------

Deferred Income Taxes                          $       1,076     $        1,067
Insurance related liabilities                          5,625              8,173
Employee benefit related liabilities                   1,400              2,470
Accrued dividends on $21.25
   Preferred Stock (Note 8)                            6,906              4,781
Other                                                    706             12,391
                                               -------------     ---------------
                                               $      15,713     $       28,882
                                               =============     ===============


For the Years Ended December 31, 1998, 1997 & 1996 (continued)

[6] Deferred Income Taxes and Other Liabilities and Other Income (Expense),  Net

Other Income  (Expense),  Net Other income  (expense)  items for the three years
ended December 31, 1998 consist of the following (in thousands):

                                                1998            1997             1996
                                            ------------     -----------     -----------
Interest and dividend income                $     1,140      $    1,022      $    1,018
Minority interest (Note 1)                           --              75             416
Bank fees                                        (1,833)         (2,172)         (1,906)
Miscellaneous income (expense), net                (119)           (590)            (20)
                                            ------------     -----------     -----------
                                            $      (812)     $   (1,665)     $     (492)
                                            ============     ===========     ===========

[7]  Redeemable Series B Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock

At  a  special   stockholders'  meeting  on  January  17,  1997,  the  Company's
stockholders  approved  two  proposals  that  allowed the Company to close a new
equity  transaction  with a  private  investor  group led by  Richard  C. Blum &
Associates,  L.P. immediately after the meeting. The transaction included, among
other  things,  classification  by the Board of Directors  of 500,000  shares of
Preferred  Stock of the Company as  Redeemable  Series B Cumulative  Convertible
Preferred  Stock, par value $1.00 per share,  (the "Series B Preferred  Stock"),
issuance of 150,150 shares of Series B Preferred Stock at $200 per share (or $30
million) to the investor group,  (with the remainder of the shares set aside for
possible  future  payment-in-kind  dividends  to the  holders  of the  Series  B
Preferred  Stock),  amendments  to the  Company's  By-Laws  that  redefined  the
Executive  Committee and added certain powers  (generally  financial in nature),
including the power to give overall  direction to the Company's  Chief Executive
Officer, appointment of three new members, recommended by the investor group, to
the  Board of  Directors,  and  appointment  of  these  same  new  directors  to
constitute a majority of the Executive Committee referred to above. Tutor-Saliba
Corporation, a corporation controlled by a Director, who is also a member of the
Executive  Committee and an Officer of the Company,  is a participant in certain
construction  joint  ventures  with the  Company  (see  Note 14  "Related  Party

Dividends  on the Series B Preferred  Stock are  generally  payable at an annual
rate of 7% when paid in cash and 10% of the  liquidation  preference  of $200.00
per share when paid  in-kind  with  Series B  Preferred  Stock  compounded  on a
quarterly basis.  According to the terms of the Series B Preferred Stock, it (i)
ranks  junior  in  cash  dividend  and  liquidation  preference  to  the  $21.25
Convertible  Exchangeable  Preferred  Stock and  senior to  Common  Stock,  (ii)
provides  that no cash  dividends  will be paid on any  shares of  Common  Stock
except for certain  limited  dividends  beginning in 2001,  (iii) is convertible
into  shares of Common  Stock at an initial  conversion  price of  approximately
$9.68 per share  (equivalent to 3,101,571 shares on January 17, 1997),  (iv) has
the same voting rights as shareholders of Common Stock  immediately equal to the
number of shares of Common Stock into which the Series B Preferred  Stock can be
converted,  (v)  generally  has a  liquidation  preference  of $200 per share of
Series B Preferred  Stock,  (vi) is  optionally  redeemable by the Company after
three years at a redemption  price equal to the liquidating  value per share and
higher  amounts  if a  Special  Default,  as  defined,  has  occurred,  (vii) is
mandatorily  redeemable  by the Company if a Special  Default has occurred and a
holder of the Series B Preferred  Stock  requests such a  redemption,  (viii) is
mandatorily redeemable by the Company for approximately  one-third of the shares
still  outstanding on January 17, 2005 and one-third of the remaining  shares in
each of the next two years.

The initial proceeds  ($30,030,000) received upon the issuance of 150,150 Series
B  Preferred  Shares were  reduced by related  expenses  of  approximately  $3.5
million. Due to the redeemable feature of the Series B Preferred Stock, this


For the Years Ended December 31, 1998, 1997 & 1996 (continued)

[7] Redeemable Series B Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock (continued)

reduction  has to be  added  back  (or  accreted)  to  reinstate  its  mandatory
redemption  value  over a period of 8-10  years,  with an  offsetting  charge to
paid-in surplus.

An  analysis of Series B Preferred  Stock  transactions  for the two years ended
December 31, 1998 follows:

                                           Number of
                                             Shares                 Amount
                                        ----------------      ------------------
                                                                (in thousands)

Initial issuance on January 17, 1997             150,150      $          30,030
Less - related expenses                              ---                 (3,472)
                                        ----------------      ------------------
                                                 150,150      $          26,558
10% in-kind dividends issued                      14,150                  2,830
Accretion                                            ---                    368
                                        ----------------      ------------------
Balance at December 31, 1997                     164,300      $          29,756
10% in-kind dividends issued                      17,057                  3,411
Accretion                                            ---                    373
                                        ----------------      ------------------
Balance at December 31, 1998                     181,357      $          33,540
                                        ================      ==================

[8]  Capitalization

(a)     $21.25  Convertible  Exchangeable  Preferred  Stock  ("$21.25  Preferred
        Stock") In June 1987,  net proceeds of  approximately  $23,631,000  were
        received from the sale of 1,000,000 Depositary Convertible  Exchangeable
        Preferred Shares (each Depositary Share  representing  ownership of 1/10
        of a share of $21.25  Convertible  Exchangeable  Preferred Stock, $1 par
        value) at a price of $25 per  Depositary  Share.  Annual  dividends  are
        $2.125  per  Depositary  Share  and  are  cumulative.   Generally,   the
        liquidation  preference  value  is $25 per  Depositary  Share  plus  any
        accumulated and unpaid dividends. The Preferred Stock of the Company, as
        evidenced by ownership  of  Depositary  Shares,  is  convertible  at the
        option of the holder, at any time, into Common Stock of the Company at a
        conversion  price of $37.75  per share of Common  Stock.  The  Preferred
        Stock is  redeemable at the option of the Company at any time at $25 per
        share  plus  any  unpaid   dividends.   The  Preferred   Stock  is  also
        exchangeable at the option of the Company,  in whole but not in part, on
        any  dividend  payment  date  into  8  1/2%   convertible   subordinated
        debentures due in 2012 at a rate  equivalent to $25 principal  amount of
        debentures for each Depositary  Share. In conjunction with the covenants
        of the Company's  Amended  Revolving Credit Agreement as well as the New
        Credit  Agreement,  effective January 17, 1997 (see Note 3), the Company
        was required to suspend the payment of quarterly dividends on its $21.25
        Preferred  Stock  (equivalent  to $2.125  per  Depositary  Share)  until
        certain  financial  criteria are met.  Therefore,  the  dividends on the
        $21.25  Preferred Stock have not been declared since 1995 (although they
        have been fully accrued due to the "cumulative" feature of the Preferred
        Stock).  The aggregate  amount of dividends in arrears is  approximately
        $6,906,000 at December 31, 1998, which represents  approximately  $69.06
        per share of Preferred Stock or approximately $6.91 per Depositary Share
        and is included in "Other  Liabilities"  (long-term) in the accompanying
        Consolidated  Balance Sheet. Under the terms of the Preferred Stock, the
        holders of the  Depositary  Shares were entitled to elect two additional
        Directors  since  dividends had been deferred for more than six quarters
        and they did so at the May 14, 1998 Annual Meeting.


For the Years Ended December 31, 1998, 1997 & 1996 (continued)

[8]  Capitalization (continued)

(b)     Series A Junior  Participating  Preferred  Stock  Under the terms of the
        Company's Shareholder Rights Plan, as amended, the Board of Directors of
        the  Company  declared  a  distribution  on  September  23,  1988 of one
        Preferred Stock purchase right (a "Right") for each outstanding share of
        Common Stock. Under certain  circumstances,  each Right will entitle the
        holder thereof to purchase from the Company one one-hundredth of a share
        (a "Unit") of Series A Junior Participating  Cumulative Preferred Stock,
        $1 par value (the "Preferred  Stock"),  at an exercise price of $100 per
        Unit,  subject to  adjustment.  The Rights  will not be  exercisable  or
        transferable  apart from the Common  Stock until the earlier to occur of
        (i) 10 days following a public  announcement  that a person or group (an
        "Acquiring   Person")  has  acquired  20%  or  more  of  the   Company's
        outstanding  Common  Stock  (the  "Stock  Acquisition  Date"),  (ii)  10
        business  days  following  the  announcement  by a person or group of an
        intention  to make an offer that would  result in such  persons or group
        becoming an Acquiring  Person or (iii) the  declaration  by the Board of
        Directors that any person is an "Adverse  Person",  as defined under the
        Plan.  The Rights  will not have any  voting  rights or be  entitled  to

        Upon the occurrence of a triggering event as described above, each Right
        will be  entitled  to that  number  of Units of  Preferred  Stock of the
        Company  having a market  value of two times the  exercise  price of the
        Right.  If the  Company  is  acquired  in a merger or 50% or more of its
        assets or earning power is sold,  each Right will be entitled to receive
        Common Stock of the acquiring company having a market value of two times
        the exercise  price of the Right.  Rights held by such a person or group
        causing  a  triggering  event  may be null  and  void.  The  Rights  are
        redeemable at $.02 per Right by the Board of Directors at any time prior
        to the occurrence of a triggering event.

        On January  17,  1997,  the Board of  Directors  amended  the  Company's
        Shareholder  Rights Plan to (i) permit the  acquisition  of the Series B
        Preferred Stock by certain investors (see Note 7 above),  any additional
        Preferred  Stock issued as a dividend  thereon,  any Common Stock issued
        upon conversion of the Series B Preferred Stock and certain other events
        without  triggering  the  distribution  of the  Rights;  (ii)  lower the
        threshold  for the  occurrence of a Stock  Acquisition  Date from 20% to
        10%; and (iii) extend the expiration date of the Plan from September 23,
        1998 to January 21, 2007.

(c)     ESOT Related  Obligations  In July 1989, the Company sold 262,774 shares
        of its $1 par value Common Stock,  previously  held in treasury,  to its
        Employee  Stock  Ownership  Trust  ("ESOT")  for  $9,000,000.  The  ESOT
        borrowed  the funds via a  placement  of 8.24%  Senior  Unsecured  Notes
        ("Notes")  guaranteed by the Company.  The Notes are payable in 20 equal
        semi-annual installments of principal and interest commencing in January
        1990. The Company's annual  contribution to the ESOT, plus any dividends
        accumulated on the Company's Common Stock held by the ESOT, will be used
        to repay the Notes. Since the Notes are guaranteed by the Company,  they
        are  included  in "Long-  Term Debt"  with an  offsetting  reduction  in
        "Stockholders' Equity" in the accompanying  Consolidated Balance Sheets.
        The  amount   included   in   "Long-Term   Debt"  will  be  reduced  and
        "Stockholders' Equity" reinstated as the Notes are paid by the ESOT (see
        Note 3).  Since the final  repayment  of the Notes is scheduled in 1999,
        the remaining  amount  payable is  classified in "Current  maturities of
        long-term debt" as of December 31, 1998.

[9]  Stock Options

At December 31, 1998 and 1997,  481,610  shares of the Company's  authorized but
unissued  Common Stock were  reserved  for issuance to employees  under its 1982
Stock  Option  Plan.  Options are  granted at fair  market  value on the date of
grant,  as  defined,  and  generally  become  exercisable  in two  equal  annual
installments on the second and third


For the Years Ended December 31, 1998, 1997 & 1996 (continued)

[9] Stock Options (continued)

anniversary  of the date of grant and expire eight years from the date of grant.
Options for 184,000 shares of Common Stock granted in 1992 become exercisable on
March 31, 2001 if the Company achieves a certain profit target in the year 2000;
may become  exercisable  earlier if certain interim profit targets are achieved;
and to the  extent  not  exercised,  expire 10 years  from the date of grant.  A
summary of stock option activity related to the Company's 1982 Stock Option Plan
is as follows:

                                                 Option Price Per Share
                                     Number                         Weighted    Available
                                    of Shares        Range          Average     To Grant
                                    ---------        -----          -------     --------
Outstanding at December 31, 1996       363,500   $10.44-$33.06       $16.48       118,110
  Granted                               10,000   $ 8.00              $ 8.00
  Canceled                             (25,150)  $11.06-$33.06       $28.01
Outstanding at December 31, 1997       348,350   $ 8.00-$24.00       $15.41       133,260
   Granted                             117,500   $ 5.29              $ 5.29
   Canceled                           (100,550)  $10.44-$24.00       $16.39
Outstanding at December 31, 1998       365,300   $ 5.29-$16.44       $11.88       116,310

In addition,  the Company has authorized but unissued  Common Stock reserved for
certain other options granted as follows:

                                            Grant          Options          Exercise
Grantee                                      Date          Granted            Price
- ------------------------------------      ----------     ------------      -----------
Members of Board Executive Committee,
    as Redefined (see Note 7)              01/17/97           225,000      $  8.38
Certain Executive Officers                 01/19/98           225,000      $  8.66
Member of Board Executive Committee        12/10/98            45,000      $  5.29

The terms of these  options are generally  similar to options  granted under the
1982 Plan,  including the exercise  price being equal to fair market  value,  as
defined, at date of grant, and timing of installment  exercise dates, except for
the timing of the  exercisability of the January 1997 options,  which is May 17,

Options  outstanding at December 31, 1998 and related weighted average price and
life information follows:

    Remaining             Grant             Options            Options            Exercise
   Life (Years)           Date            Outstanding        Exercisable            Price
   ------------           ----            -----------        -----------            -----
        1               07/16/91             43,800             43,800             $11.06
        4               12/21/92            184,000             69,000             $16.44
        4               03/22/94             10,000             10,000             $13.00
        7               01/17/97            225,000               --               $ 8.38
        7               07/08/97             10,000               --               $ 8.00
        8               01/19/98            225,000               --               $ 8.66
        8               12/10/98            162,500               --               $ 5.29

When options are exercised,  the proceeds are credited to stockholders'  equity.
In  addition,  the income  tax  savings  attributable  to  nonqualified  options
exercised are credited to paid-in surplus.  The Company elected the optional pro
forma  disclosures  under  SFAS  No.  123 as if the  Company  adopted  the  cost
recognition  requirements  in  1995.  The  Company  has no  options  outstanding
relating to either 1995 or 1996.  The estimated  values shown below are based on
the Black-Scholes option pricing model for options granted in 1997 through 1998.


For the Years Ended December 31, 1998, 1997 & 1996 (continued)

[9] Stock Options (continued)

                                                    Expected         Risk-free
  Grant Date     Fair Value    Dividend Yield      Volatility      Interest Rate    Expected Life
  ----------     ----------    --------------      ----------      -------------    -------------
   01/17/97       $1,070,127         0%                39%             6.50%              8
   07/08/97       $   44,086         0%                38%             6.31%              8
   01/19/98       $1,027,758         0%                37%             5.57%              8
   12/10/98       $  399,485         0%                39%             4.63%              8

If SFAS No. 123 had been fully implemented, stock based compensation costs would
have  decreased  net income in 1998 by $811,481 (or $0.15 per Common  Share) and
decreased net income in 1997 by $335,733 (or $0.07 per Common Share). The effect
of applying SFAS No. 123 in this pro forma  disclosure  may not be indicative of
future amounts.

[10]  Employee Benefit Plans

The Company and its U.S.  subsidiaries  have a defined  benefit plan that covers
its executive,  professional,  administrative and clerical employees, subject to
certain specified service requirements. The plan is noncontributory and benefits
are based on an employee's  years of service and "final  average  earnings",  as
defined.  The plan provides reduced benefits for early retirement and takes into
account offsets for social security  benefits.  All employees are vested after 5
years of service.  Pension and other benefit plan  disclosure as presented below
was determined in accordance with SFAS No. 132,  "Employers'  Disclosures  About
Pension and Other Post-Retirement Benefits".

 Net pension cost for 1998, 1997 and 1996 follows (in thousands):

                                                    1998             1997            1996
                                                  ---------      -----------     ------------
Service cost - benefits earned during the period   $ 1,251       $    1,072      $     1,247
Interest cost on projected benefit obligation        3,601            3,298            3,062
Expected return on plan assets                      (3,341)          (2,991)          (2,718)
Amortization of transition obligation                    6                6                6
Amortization of prior service costs                    (78)             (78)             (78)
Amortization of net loss                               198                -                -
                                                 ---------      -----------     ------------
Net pension cost                                 $   1,637      $     1,307      $     1,519
                                                 =========      ===========     ============

Actuarial assumptions used:
  Discount rate                                   6 1/2% *           7 % **          7 1/2 %
  Rate of increase in compensation                6 %*               4 %             4 %
  Long-term rate of return on assets              8 %                8 %             8 %

*       The  decrease  in the  discount  rate  and the  increase  in the rate of
        increase in compensation were changed  effective  December 31, 1998, and
        resulted in increases in the projected  benefit  obligation  referred to
        below of $3.5 million and $1.8 million, respectively.

**      Rate was changed  effective  December  31,  1997 and  resulted in a $2.8
        million increase in the projected benefit obligation referred to below.

The Company's plan has assets in excess of its accumulated benefit  obligations.
Plan assets  generally  include  equity and fixed income  funds.  The  following
tables  provide a  reconciliation  of the changes of the fair value of assets in
the Plan and Plan benefit  obligations during the two-year period ended December
31, 1998,  and a statement of the funded status as of December 31, 1998 and 1997
(in thousands):


For the Years Ended December 31, 1998, 1997 & 1996 (continued)

[10]  Employee Benefit Plans (continued)

                       Reconciliation of Fair Value of Plan Assets
                                                            1998               1997
                                                        -------------     ---------------
Balance at beginning of year                            $     46,774      $       40,689
Actual return on Plan assets                                   5,912               6,901
Employer contribution                                          3,096               1,625
Benefit payments                                              (2,870)             (2,441)
                                                        -------------     ---------------
Balance at end of year                                  $     52,912      $       46,774
                                                        =============     ===============

                          Reconciliation of Benefit Obligation
                                                            1998               1997
                                                        -------------     ---------------
Balance at beginning of year                            $     50,167      $       44,224
Service cost                                                   1,251               1,072
Interest cost                                                  3,601               3,298
Actuarial loss                                                 6,343               4,014
Benefit payments                                              (2,870)             (2,441)
                                                        -------------     ---------------
Balance at end of year                                  $     58,492      $       50,167
                                                        =============     ===============

                                      Funded Status
                                                            1998               1997
                                                        -------------     ---------------
Funded status at December 31,                           $     (5,580)     $       (3,393)
Unrecognized transition obligation                                12                  18
Unrecognized prior service cost                                 (226)               (304)
Unrecognized (gain) loss                                       3,216                (358)
                                                        -------------     ---------------
Net amount recognized, before additional minimum liability    (2,578)     $       (4,037)
                                                        =============     ===============

The  Company  also has an  unfunded  supplemental  retirement  plan for  certain
employees  whose  benefits under the defined  benefit plan  described  above are
reduced  because of  compensation  limitations  under federal tax laws.  Pension
expense  for this plan was $0.2  million  in each of the last  three  years.  At
December  31,  1998,  the  projected  benefit  obligation  was $1.8  million.  A
corresponding accumulated benefit obligation of $1.3 million, which approximates
the  amount  of vested  benefits,  has been  recognized  as a  liability  in the
consolidated balance sheet.


For the Years Ended December 31, 1998, 1997 & 1996 (continued)

[10]  Employee Benefit Plans (continued)

The Company also has a contributory  Section  401(k) plan and a  noncontributory
Employee Stock  Ownership  Plan (ESOP) which cover its executive,  professional,
administrative  and clerical  employees,  subject to certain  specified  service
requirements.  Under the terms of the Section 401(k) plan, the provision,  which
averaged  $0.2 million for each of the three years ended  December 31, 1998,  is
based on a  specified  percentage  of profits,  subject to certain  limitations.
Contributions  to the related ESOT,  which averaged $1.3 million for each of the
three years ended  December 31, 1998,  are  determined by the Board of Directors
and may be paid in cash or shares of the Company's Common Stock.

In addition,  the Company has an incentive  compensation  plan for key employees
which is generally  based on  achieving  certain  levels of profit  within their
respective business units.

The Company also  contributes to various  multi-employer  union retirement plans
under collective  bargaining  agreements,  which provide retirement benefits for
substantially  all of its union  employees.  The aggregate  amounts  provided in
accordance with the  requirements of these plans were $9.8 million in 1998, $8.8
million  in 1997 and $8.5  million  in 1996.  The  Multi-employer  Pension  Plan
Amendments Act of 1980 defines certain employer obligations under multi-employer
plans.  Information  regarding union retirement plans is not available from plan
administrators  to enable the Company to determine its share of unfunded  vested

[11]  Contingencies and Commitments

In connection with the Rincon Center real estate development joint venture,  the
Company's  wholly-owned real estate subsidiary  currently guarantees the payment
of interest on both mortgage and bond financing  covering the project with loans
totaling  $45.8  million;   has  guaranteed   amortization   payments  on  these
borrowings;  and has guaranteed a master lease under a sale operating lease-back
transaction  under which  management  estimates its future  obligations will not
exceed $2.0 million.

As part of the sale operating lease-back  transaction related to the first phase
of the  project  referred  to as  Rincon  I, the  joint  venture,  in which  the
Company's real estate  subsidiary is a 46% general  partner,  agreed to obtain a
financial  commitment on behalf of the lessor to replace at least $43 million of
long-term financing by July 1, 1993. To satisfy this obligation, the partnership
successfully  extended  existing  financing  to July 1, 1998.  To  complete  the
extension,  the  partnership  had to advance  funds to the lessor  sufficient to
reduce the financing  from $46.5 million to $40.5 million.  Subsequent  payments
through 1998 have further  reduced the loan to $33.1  million.  Under the master
lease,  if by  January  1,  1998,  a further  extension  or new  commitment  for
financing on the property for at least $33 million had not been  arranged,  then
the joint  venture  is deemed to have  offered  to  purchase  the  property  for
approximately  $18.8 million in excess of the then outstanding  debt. As of that
date, no new commitment had been secured although  negotiations with the current
lender were in progress.  In order to allow those  discussions to continue,  the
lessor agreed to temporarily delay the enforcement of the purchase  requirement.
The lessor has issued a notice of default in order to preserve  its rights,  but
has  agreed  temporarily  to delay  the  exercise  of any  remedies  in order to
facilitate a continuation  of the parties'  discussions.  Since January 1, 1998,
the joint venture, the lessor and the lender have reached a nonbinding agreement
on a restructure  of the existing  financing.  The agreement is subject to final
documentation  and final approvals of several  parties  including the lessor and
the Company's  revolving  credit facility banks. The agreement  provides,  among
other things, that the joint venture give up all of its economic interest in the
commercial and retail  portion of the property  identified as Rincon I, and that
the joint  venture  make a  one-time  payment  of $7.5  million to the lessor of
Rincon I (which  includes a final loan payment of $6.5 million to the lenders of
Rincon I). The  agreement  would also release the joint  venture from all future
liabilities under the master lease,  including the obligation to repurchase that
segment of the property.


For the Years Ended December 31, 1998, 1997 & 1996 (continued)

[11]  Contingencies and Commitments (continued)

In 1993,  the  joint  venture  also  extended  $29  million  of the $61  million
financing  then  outstanding  on Rincon II through  October  1,  1998.  Payments
through 1998 reduced the loan to $14.3 million. At the same time that it reached
a nonbinding agreement on the proposed extension of financing under the Rincon I
sale  operating  lease-back  transaction,  the  joint  venture  also  reached  a
nonbinding  agreement  covering the extension of this  financing to December 15,
2001.  The terms of this  proposed  extension  include a $1.5  million  interest
payment, a $2.8 million principal  payment,  amortization of the commerical loan
of  $20,000  per month,  a new  letter of credit in the  amount of $2.0  million
issued to secure the remaining  borrowings at Rincon II and the  elimination  of
further Company or joint venture guarantees. The terms of the proposed extension
still require additional final documentation and final approvals.

Total restructure  payments related to Rincon I and II are estimated to be $12.7
million  through  1999,  of which $5.3 million will be funded by the Company and
$7.4  million  will be  funded  by the  other  co-general  partner  of the joint

In a  separate  agreement  related  to this same  property,  the 20%  co-general
partner  indicated  in prior  years  that it does not have nor does it expect to
have the financial resources to fund its share of capital calls. Therefore,  the
Company's wholly-owned real estate subsidiary agreed to lend this 20% co-general
partner on an as-needed  basis, its share of any capital calls which the partner
cannot meet. In return, the Company's subsidiary receives a priority return from
the  partnership  on those funds it advances for its partner and penalty fees in
the form of rights to certain other distributions due the borrowing partner from
the  partnership.  The severity of the penalty fees increases in each succeeding
year for the next several years.  The  subsidiary  advanced  approximately  $0.8
million  during 1998 and $6.2 million to date under this  agreement.  Subject to
the finalization of the restructuring agreement referred to above, the Company's
real estate subsidiary has entered into an agreement with the co-general partner
which provides,  among other things, to have the co- general partner  contribute
approximately $7.4 million (including  application of approximately $3.7 million
previously  drawn down by the lender under a letter of credit of the  co-general
partner) to the  restructure  transactions  and transfer 3.5% of the  co-general
partner's  general  partnership  interest in the joint  venture to the Company's
real estate  subsidiary  and convert their  remaining  6.5% general  partnership
interest to a limited partnership interest.

During  1997,  a  construction  joint  venture,  in which the  Company  is a 50%
participant,  entered  into a $5 million  line of  credit,  secured by the joint
venture's accounts receivable.  The line of credit is available for the duration
of the joint  venture  and is  guaranteed  by the Company on a joint and several
basis, and as of December 31, 1998, no amounts were outstanding under the line.

On July 30, 1993,  the U.S.  District  Court (D.C.),  in a preliminary  opinion,
upheld   terminations   for  default  on  two  adjacent   contracts  for  subway
construction  between  Mergentime-Perini,  under  two  joint  ventures,  and the
Washington   Metropolitan  Area  Transit  Authority   ("WMATA")  and  found  the
Mergentime  Corporation,  Perini  Corporation and the Insurance Company of North
America,  the surety,  jointly and severally  liable to WMATA for damages in the
amount of $16.5 million,  consisting  primarily of excess reprocurement costs to
complete the projects.  Many issues were left partially or completely unresolved
by the opinion,  including  substantial joint venture claims against WMATA. As a
result of developments in the case during the third quarter of 1995, the Company
established a reserve with respect to the litigation.

In July 1997,  the  remaining  issues  were ruled on by a successor  judge,  who
awarded  approximately  $4.3 million to the joint venture,  thereby reducing the
net amount payable to  approximately  $12.2 million.  The joint venture appealed
the decision. As a result of the decision, there was no additional impact on the
Company's  Statement  of  Operations  because of the  reserve  provided in prior
years.  The actual  funding of net damages,  if any, will be deferred  until the


For the Years Ended December 31, 1998, 1997 & 1996 (continued)

[11]  Contingencies and Commitments (continued)

process is complete.

On February  16,  1999,  the U.S.  Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia
vacated  the April 1995 and July 1997 Orders and  remanded  the case back to the
successor judge with  instructions  for the successor judge to consider  certain
post-trial  motions to the same extent an original judge would have, and to make
findings and conclusions  regarding the unresolved  issues,  giving  appropriate
consideration  to whether or not witnesses must be recalled.  A final  judgement
will be  entered by the  District  Court upon the  completion  of these  Appeals
Court-directed procedures.

Contingent liabilities also include liability of contractors for performance and
completion  of  both  company  and  joint  venture  construction  contracts.  In
addition,  the  Company is a  defendant  in various  lawsuits,  arbitration  and
alternative   dispute  resolution  ("ADR")   proceedings.   In  the  opinion  of
management,  the resolution of these proceedings will not have a material effect
on  the  results  of  operation  or  financial  condition  as  reported  in  the
accompanying financial statements.

[12]  Unaudited Quarterly Financial Data

The following table sets forth unaudited  quarterly financial data for the years
ended December 31, 1998 and 1997 (in thousands, except per share amounts):

                                                         1998 by Quarter
                                     1st              2nd              3rd              4th
                                 ------------     ------------     ------------     ------------

Revenues                         $    229,382     $    278,211     $   251,286      $   277,021
Net income                       $      2,219     $      3,114     $     3,737      $     2,582
Basic and diluted earnings
   per common share              $       0.15     $       0.31     $      0.42      $      0.20

                                                         1997 by Quarter
                                     1st              2nd              3rd              4th
                                 ------------     ------------     ------------     ------------
Revenues                         $   327,219      $   388,924      $   328,169      $   280,179
Net income (loss)                $     1,861      $     2,333      $     2,927      $    (1,749)
Basic and diluted earnings (loss)
   per common share              $      0.15      $      0.19      $      0.30      $     (0.62)

[13]  Business Segments

Business segment  information  presented below was determined in accordance with
SFAS  No.  131,  "Disclosures  About  Segments  of  an  Enterprise  and  Related

The Company is currently engaged in the construction and real estate development
businesses.  The Company provides general contracting,  construction  management
and design-build  services to private clients and public agencies throughout the
United  States and  selected  overseas  locations.  The  Company's  construction
business involves two basic segments: building and civil. The building operation
services both private clients and public agencies from regional  offices located
in Boston, Phoenix, Las Vegas and Detroit and includes a broad range of building
construction  projects,  such as  hotels,  casinos,  health  care,  correctional
facilities,  sports  complexes,  residential,  commercial,  civic,  cultural and
educational  facilities.  The civil operation is focused on public civil work in
the East and  selectively,  in other  geographic  locations and includes  large,
ongoing urban infrastructure repair and replacement projects such as highway and
bridge   rehabilitation,   mass  transit  projects  and  waste  water  treatment
facilities. The Company's real estate development operations are concentrated in
Arizona,  California,  Georgia and Massachusetts;  however,  the Company has not
commenced the  development of any new real estate  projects  since 1990.  During
1998,  the Company's  chief  operating  decision  making group  consisted of the
President & Chief Executive Officer, Chairman, Vice Chairman and the Chief


For the Years Ended December 31, 1998, 1997 & 1996 (continued)

[13]  Business Segments (continued)

Financial Officer which decided how to allocate resources and assess performance
of the business segments.  Generally,  the Company evaluates  performance of its
operating  segments on the basis of pre-tax profit and cash flow. The accounting
policies  applied by each of the segments are the same as those described in the
Summary of Significant  Accounting  Policies (see Note 1). The following  tables
set forth certain business and geographic  segment  information  relating to the
Company's operations for the three years ended December 31, 1998 (in thousands):

1998:                                                  Reportable Segments
                            Building             Civil             Real Estate          Totals         Corporate          Total
                         --------------     ----------------      --------------     -------------   -------------    --------------
Revenues                 $     679,296      $       332,026       $      24,578      $  1,035,900     $        -      $   1,035,900
Income (Loss) from Ops.  $      18,213      $        15,495       $      (4,025)     $     29,683     $   (7,434)*    $      22,249
Assets                   $     116,582      $        96,669       $     116,114      $    329,365     $   49,226 **   $     378,591
Capital Expenditures     $         504      $           914       $       6,276      $      7,694     $        -      $       7,694

1997:                                               Reportable Segments
                            Building             Civil             Real Estate          Totals          Corporate         Total
                         --------------     ----------------      --------------     -------------    -------------   --------------
Revenues                 $     888,809      $       387,224       $      48,458      $  1,324,491     $          -    $   1,324,491
Income (Loss) from Ops.  $      14,638      $        13,849       $      (2,184)     $     26,303     $     (7,982)*  $      18,321
Assets                   $     145,533      $       115,282       $     119,735      $    380,550     $     34,374 ** $     414,924
Capital Expenditures     $         632      $         1,064       $      14,740      $     16,436     $          -    $      16,436

1996:                                               Reportable Segments
                            Building             Civil             Real Estate          Totals           Corporate        Total
                         --------------     ----------------      --------------     -------------     -------------  --------------
Revenues                 $     834,888      $       389,540       $      45,856      $  1,270,284     $          -    $   1,270,284
Income (Loss) from Ops.  $      16,275      $        14,987       $     (82,456)     $    (51,194)    $     (8,216)*  $     (59,410)
Assets                   $     182,143      $       136,190       $     132,215      $    450,548     $     13,744 ** $     464,292
Capital Expenditures     $         734      $           715       $       8,989      $     10,438     $          -    $      10,438

*       In all years, consists of corporate general and administrative expenses.

**      In all  years,  corporate  assets  consist  principally  of  cash,  cash
        equivalents,  marketable  securities and other investments available for
        general corporate purposes.

In 1998, revenues to one customer of the building segment totaled  approximately
$330  million of  consolidated  revenues.  Also in 1998,  revenues  with various
agencies of both the Commonwealth of  Massachusetts  and the City of New York in
the  civil  segment  totaled   approximately  $153  million  and  $115  million,
respectively, of consolidated revenues. In


For the Years Ended December 31, 1998, 1997 & 1996 (continued)

[13]  Business Segments (continued)

1997,  revenues to one customer of the building  segment  totaled  approximately
$276  million of  consolidated  revenues.  Also in 1997,  revenues  with various
agencies of both the Commonwealth of  Massachusetts  and the City of New York in
the  civil  segment  totaled   approximately  $141  million  and  $165  million,
respectively,  of consolidated revenues. In 1996, revenues with various agencies
of the City of New York in the civil segment totaled  approximately $143 million
of consolidated revenues.

Information concerning principal geographic areas was as follows:

                                                          1998                 1997                  1996
                                                     --------------      ----------------      ----------------
United States                                        $   1,007,049       $      1,305,465      $     1,256,323
Foreign                                                     28,851                 19,026               13,961
                                                     --------------      ----------------      ----------------
Total                                                $   1,035,900       $      1,324,491      $     1,270,284
                                                     ==============      ================      ================

                                                                   Income (Loss) from Operations
                                                          1998                 1997                  1996
                                                     --------------      ----------------      ----------------
United States                                        $      27,491       $        24,378       $       (51,972)
Foreign                                                      2,192                 1,925                   778
Corporate                                                   (7,434)               (7,982)               (8,216)
                                                     --------------      ----------------      ----------------
Total                                                $      22,249       $        18,321       $       (59,410)
                                                     ==============      ================      ================

Because a substantial portion of the Company's international revenues is derived
mainly from  construction  management  services,  long-lived  assets outside the
United States are immaterial, and thus, not presented here.

There  have  been no  differences  from the last  annual  report in the basis of
measuring  segment profit or loss,  except for the breakout between segments and
the method of allocating  general,  administrative and selling expenses ("G&A").
The current building and civil segments were  consolidated in prior years as the
construction  segment. In the 1997 Annual Report, an effort was made to allocate
all or part of certain  corporate  G&A expenses  back to the business  segments.
Since SFAS No. 131  encourages  segment  disclosure in  accordance  with how the
Executive  Group controls and evaluates its business  segments,  the practice of
allocating  corporate G&A expenses was  discontinued  for all periods  presented
above and resulted in  increasing  corporate G&A expense by  approximately  $2.0
million  and $3.1  million  in 1997 and 1996,  respectively.  There have been no
material  changes in the amount of assets since the last annual  report,  except
for the breakout between segments.

[14]  Related Party Transactions

Effective with the issuance of the Series B Preferred  Stock described in Note 7
above,  the Company  entered into an  agreement  with  Tutor-Saliba  Corporation
("TSC"),  a California  corporation  engaged in the construction  industry,  and
Ronald N. Tutor, Chief Executive Officer and sole stockholder of TSC, to provide
certain management services, as


For the Years Ended December 31, 1998, 1997 & 1996 (continued)

[14]  Related Party Transactions (continued)

defined.  At January 17, 1997,  TSC held and still holds  351,318  shares of the
Company's $1.00 par value Common Stock which currently represents an approximate
6.5% interest, and participates in active joint ventures with the Company with a
total contract value of approximately  $750 million during 1998 and $800 million
during  1997.  Mr.  Tutor was  appointed  as one of the three new  directors  in
accordance with the terms of the Series B Preferred Stock transaction,  a member
of the Executive Committee of the Board and, during 1997, acting Chief Operating
Officer of the Company.  Effective  January 1, 1998,  Mr. Tutor was elected Vice
Chairman of the Board of Directors.  Compensation  for the  management  services
consists of a monthly payment of $12,500 to TSC and options granted to Mr. Tutor
to purchase 150,000 shares of the Company's $1.00 par value Common Stock at fair
market value (which are included as part of the 225,000  options granted in 1997
as described in Note 9) and additional  options granted to Mr. Tutor to purchase
75,000  shares of the  Company's  $1.00 par value  Common  Stock at fair  market
value,  of which options to acquire  45,000 shares were granted in December 1998
(see Note 9) and the  remaining  options to acquire  30,000  shares were granted
effective in early 1999.

During  1997,  the  Company,  with  the  approval  of its  Board  of  Directors,
consummated a transaction whereby it sold its 20% interest in two joint ventures
to TSC,  the  sponsoring  partner,  for a  negotiated  price  of  $4.5  million,
representing the Company's share of the current total  forecasted  profit less a
discount of approximately  7%. Since one project was  approximately 24% complete
and the other  project was 57% complete as of December  31, 1997,  the impact of
this  transaction  was to  accelerate  approximately  $3.2  million of  contract
profits and receipt of the related cash into 1997.


Report of Independent Public Accountants

To the Stockholders of Perini Corporation:

We  have  audited  the  accompanying   consolidated  balance  sheets  of  PERINI
CORPORATION (a  Massachusetts  corporation)  and subsidiaries as of December 31,
1998  and  1997,  and  the  related   consolidated   statements  of  operations,
stockholders'  equity and cash  flows for each of the three  years in the period
ended December 31, 1998. These financial  statements are the  responsibility  of
the Company's  management.  Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these
financial statements based on our audits.

We  conducted  our  audits  in  accordance  with  generally   accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the consolidated  financial statements referred to above present
fairly, in all material  respects,  the financial position of Perini Corporation
and  subsidiaries  as of December  31,  1998 and 1997,  and the results of their
operations  and their cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended
December 31, 1998, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.


Boston, Massachusetts
February 23, 1999


Report of Independent Public Accountants on Schedules

To the Stockholders of Perini Corporation:

We have audited, in accordance with generally accepted auditing  standards,  the
consolidated  financial  statements  included in this Form 10-K, and have issued
our report thereon dated February 23, 1999. Our audits were made for the purpose
of forming an opinion on the consolidated financial statements taken as a whole.
The  supplemental   schedules   listed  in  the   accompanying   index  are  the
responsibility of the Company's  management and are presented for the purpose of
complying with the Securities and Exchange  Commission's  rules and are not part
of the consolidated financial statements. These schedules have been subjected to
the  auditing  procedures  applied in the audits of the  consolidated  financial
statements  and, in our opinion,  fairly state,  in all material  respects,  the
financial data required to be set forth therein in relation to the  consolidated
financial statements taken as a whole.


Boston, Massachusetts
February 23, 1999


                                                                     Schedule I

                       Perini Corporation (Parent Company)
                  Condensed Financial Information of Registrant
                                  Balance Sheet
                            (In Thousands of Dollars)

                                                                                    December 31,
                                                                                   1998             1997
                                                                                   ----             ----

    Cash and cash equivalents                                                    $  48,930        $  24,789
    Accounts and notes receivable, including retainage of $5,711
      and $8,110, respectively                                                      24,049           24,168
    Unbilled work                                                                   10,783           19,699
    Construction joint ventures                                                     57,433           62,919
    Deferred tax asset                                                               1,076            1,067
    Other current assets                                                             1,105            1,183
                                                                                 ---------        ---------

            Total current assets                                                  $143,376         $133,825
                                                                                  --------         --------


    Investments in subsidiaries                                                   $153,891         $148,444
    Other                                                                            2,469            3,069
                                                                                  --------         --------

            Total investments and other assets                                    $156,360         $151,513
                                                                                  --------         --------


    Land                                                                          $    537         $    826
    Buildings and improvements                                                      11,175           11,868
    Construction equipment                                                           5,501            5,306
    Other                                                                            3,904            5,464
                                                                                 ---------         --------
                                                                                 $  21,117         $ 23,464
    Less:  Accumulated depreciation                                                 12,113           13,976
                                                                                 ---------         --------
            Total property and equipment, net                                    $   9,004         $  9,488
                                                                                 ---------         --------

                                                                                 $ 308,740         $294,826
                                                                                 =========         ========

The  "Notes to  Consolidated  Financial  Statements  of Perini  Corporation  and
Subsidiaries" are an integral part of these statements.  See accompanying "Notes
to Condensed Financial Information of Registrant".


                                                                     Schedule I

                       Perini Corporation (Parent Company)
                  Condensed Financial Information of Registrant
                            Balance Sheet (Continued)
                            (In Thousands of Dollars)

                  Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
                                                                                    December 31,
                                                                                1998             1997
                                                                                ----             ----
    Current maturities of long-term debt                                       $    2,036       $    6,874
    Accounts payable, including retainage of $1,661 and $3,520,
       respectively                                                                 9,212           10,103
    Advances from construction joint ventures                                      12,145           26,501
    Deferred contract revenue                                                       2,038            2,217
    Accrued expenses                                                               25,443           15,103
                                                                               ----------       ----------
            Total current liabilities                                          $   50,874       $   60,798
                                                                               ----------       ----------
DEFERRED INCOME TAXES AND OTHER LIABILITIES                                    $   13,817       $   24,068
                                                                               ----------       ----------
INTERCOMPANY NOTES AND ADVANCES PAYABLE, net                                   $   84,094       $   54,728
                                                                               ----------       ----------
LONG-TERM DEBT, less current maturities included above                         $   75,857       $   84,576
                                                                               ----------       ----------
    Authorized:  500,000 shares
    Issued and Outstanding: 181,357 shares and 164,300 shares
    (aggregate liquidation preference of $36,271 and $32,860)                  $   33,540       $   29,756
                                                                               ----------       ----------
    Preferred Stock, $1 par value:
        Authorized:  500,000 shares
        Designated, issued and outstanding:  100,000 shares
        ($25,000 aggregate liquidation preference)                             $      100       $      100
    Series A junior participating Preferred Stock, $1 par value:
        Designated:  200,000 shares
        Issued:  None
    Stock Purchase Warrants                                                         2,233            2,233
    Common Stock, $1 par value:
        Authorized:  15,000,000 shares
        Issued: 5,506,341 shares and 5,267,130 shares                               5,506            5,267
    Paid-in surplus                                                                49,219           53,012
    Retained earnings (deficit)                                                    (3,642)         (15,294)
    ESOT related obligations                                                       (1,381)          (2,663)
                                                                               ----------       ----------
                                                                               $   52,035       $   42,655
    Less:  Common Stock in treasury, at cost - 92,694 shares and
        110,084  shares                                                             1,477            1,755 
                                                                               ----------       ----------
            Total stockholders' equity                                         $   50,558       $   40,900 
                                                                               ----------       ----------
                                                                               $  308,740       $  294,826 
                                                                               ==========       ==========

The  "Notes to  Consolidated  Financial  Statements  of Perini  Corporation  and
Subsidiaries" are an integral part of these statements.  See accompanying "Notes
to Condensed Financial Information of Registrant".


                                                                      Schedule I

                       Perini Corporation (Parent Company)
                  Condensed Financial Information of Registrant
                             Statement of Operations
                            (In Thousands of Dollars)

                                                                     For the years ended December 31,
                                                                      1998            1997            1996
                                                                      ----            ----            ----

    Construction operations                                         $  32,573      $  44,921        $102,786
    Share of construction joint ventures                              299,619        339,639         276,739
                                                                    ---------      ---------        --------
                                                                    $ 332,192      $ 384,560        $379,525
                                                                    ---------      ---------        --------

    Construction operations                                         $  28,412      $  44,577        $101,107
    Share of construction joint ventures                              278,880        315,508         253,210
                                                                    ---------      ---------        --------
                                                                    $ 307,292      $ 360,085        $354,317
                                                                    ---------      ---------        --------
            GROSS PROFIT FROM OPERATIONS                            $  24,900      $  24,475        $ 25,208
General, administrative and selling expenses                           14,967         17,100          17,758
                                                                    ---------      ---------        --------
            INCOME FROM OPERATIONS                                 $    9,933     $    7,375      $    7,450
Other Income (Expense), net                                              (887)        (1,977)         (1,391)
Interest expense including intercompany interest of $ -,
$7,183 and $1,726, respectively                                        (8,473)       (17,083)        (11,123)
                                                                    ---------      ---------        --------
            SUBSIDIARIES                                          $       573     $  (11,685)     $   (5,064)
Equity in net income (loss) of subsidiaries                            12,179         18,007         (64,709)
                                                                    ---------      ---------        --------
            INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAXES                      $   12,752     $    6,322       $(69,773)
(Provision) Credit for income taxes                                    (1,100)          (950)          (830)
                                                                    ---------      ---------        --------
            NET INCOME (LOSS)                                      $   11,652     $    5,372       $(70,603)
                                                                   ==========     ==========       =========

The  "Notes to  Consolidated  Financial  Statements  of Perini  Corporation  and
Subsidiaries" are an integral part of these statements.  See accompanying "Notes
to Condensed Financial Information of Registrant".


                                                                      Schedule I

                       Perini Corporation (Parent Company)
                  Condensed Financial Information of Registrant
                             Statement of Cash Flows
                            (In Thousands of Dollars)

                                                                    For the years ended December 31,
                                                                      1998           1997           1996
                                                                      ----           ----           ----
    Net income (loss)                                               $  11,652    $    5,372      $(70,603)
    Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net
      cash used by operating activities:
        Depreciation                                                      975         1,110         1,128
        Amortization of deferred debt expense, Stock Purchase
          Warrants and other                                            1,596         2,010           895
        Noncurrent deferred taxes and other liabilities               (12,376)       (1,026)      (20,371)
        Distributions less than earnings of joint
          ventures                                                     (2,794)       (2,092)       (5,734)
        Equity in net (income) loss of subsidiaries                   (12,179)      (18,007)       64,709
        Cash provided from (used by) changes in
          components of working capital other than cash
          and current maturities of long-term debt                      4,390       (22,491)       14,418
        Other non-cash items, net                                        -             (431)         (732)
                                                                    ---------    ----------      --------
            NET CASH USED BY
            OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                   $   (8,736)   $  (35,555)     $(16,290)
                                                                    ---------    ----------      --------
    Proceeds from sale of property and equipment                   $      546    $      906      $  1,359
    Cash distributions of capital from unconsolidated
      construction joint ventures                                       9,305        14,447         4,642
    Acquisition of property and equipment                              (1,037)       (1,189)         (745)
    Capital contributions to unconsolidated
      construction joint ventures                                      (1,397)       (5,013)      (12,920)
    Increase (decrease) in intercompany notes,
      advances and equity                                              36,036        23,687       (23,949)
    Investment in other activities                                       (190)         (463)       (2,995)
                                                                    ---------    ----------      --------
            FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES                              $   43,263    $   32,375      $(34,608)
    Proceeds from issuance of Redeemable Series B Preferred
      Stock, net                                                   $      -      $   26,558      $    -
    Proceeds from long-term debt                                          113         5,035        24,706
    Repayment of long-term debt                                       (13,132)      (16,105)       (1,693)
    Treasury Stock issued                                                 151           166         1,171
    Finance fee paid in stock                                             -             -             400
    Common Stock issued                                                 2,482         1,701           -
                                                                    ---------     ----------     --------
            FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                    $ (10,386)   $   17,355      $ 24,584
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                $  24,141    $   14,175      $(26,314)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                         24,789        10,614        36,928
                                                                    ---------    ----------      --------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                            $  48,930    $  24,789       $ 10,614
                                                                    =========    ==========      ========


                                                         Schedule I (continued)

                       Perini Corporation (Parent Company)
                  Condensed Financial Information of Registrant
                             Statement of Cash Flows
                            (In Thousands of Dollars)

                                                                    For the years ended December 31,
                                                                      1998           1997           1996
                                                                      ----           ----           ----
Supplemental disclosures of cash paid during the year for:
    Interest                                                       $    7,797   $    9,686     $    9,122
                                                                   ==========   ==========     ==========
    Income tax payments                                            $      160   $      330     $      221
                                                                   ==========   ==========     ==========
Supplemental disclosures of noncash transactions:
    Dividends paid in shares of Series B Preferred Stock           $    3,411   $    2,830     $      -
                                                                   ==========   ==========     ==========
    Value assigned to Stock Purchase Warrants                      $      -     $    2,233     $      -
                                                                   ==========   ==========     ==========

The  "Notes to  Consolidated  Financial  Statements  of Perini  Corporation  and
Subsidiaries" are an integral part of these statements.  See accompanying "Notes
to Condensed Financial Information of Registrant".


                                                                      Schedule I


[1]  Basis of Presentation

Pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission,
the Condensed  Financial  Statements of the Registrant do not include all of the
information and notes normally  included with financial  statements  prepared in
accordance with generally  accepted  accounting  principles.  It is,  therefore,
suggested that these Condensed Financial  Statements be read in conjunction with
the  Consolidated  Financial  Statements  and  Notes  thereto  included  in  the
Registrant's Annual Report as referenced in Form 10-K, Part II, Item 8, page 20.
Certain  financial  statement  amounts have been  reclassified to conform to the
1998 presentation.

[2]  Cash Dividends from Subsidiaries

Dividends  of $4.7  million in 1998,  $12.3  million in 1997 and $8.9 million in
1996 were paid to the Registrant by certain  unconsolidated  construction  joint

[3]  Long-term Debt

Payments  required by the  Registrant  amount to the following  (in  thousands):
$2,036 in 1999, $71,857 in 2000, and $4,000 in the year 2005.


                                                                     Schedule II

                       Perini Corporation and Subsidiaries
                 Valuation and Qualifying Accounts and Reserves
              for the Years Ended December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996
                            (In Thousands of Dollars)

                                               Balance at        Charged to         Charged         Deductions           Balance
                                               Beginning           Costs &          to Other           from              at End
Description                                     of Year           Expenses          Accounts         Reserves            of Year
                                             --------------     -------------     ------------     -------------       -----------

Year Ended December 31, 1998
Reserve for doubtful accounts                $           40     $          --     $        ---     $          40 (1)   $        --
                                             ==============     =============     ============     =============       ===========

Reserve for real estate investments          $       23,171     $         400     $         --     $       1,847 (2)   $    21,7
                                             ==============     =============     ============     =============       ===========

Year Ended December 31, 1997
Reserve for doubtful accounts                $          160     $          --     $         --     $        120  (3)   $        40
                                             ==============     =============     ============     =============       ===========

Reserve for depreciation on real estate
 properties used in operations               $           --     $         226     $         --     $         226 (4)   $        --
                                             ==============     =============     ============     =============       ===========

Reserve for real estate investments          $       84,083     $         508     $        --      $     61,420  (2)   $    23,171
                                             ==============     =============     ============     =============       ===========

Year Ended December 31, 1996
Reserve for doubtful accounts                $         351      $          --     $        --      $        191  (3)   $       160
                                             ==============     =============     ============     =============       ===========

Reserve for depreciation on real estate
properties used in operations                $       3,444      $        558      $        --      $      4,002  (5)   $        -
                                             ==============     =============     ============     =============       ===========

Reserve for real estate investments          $      10,497      $     79,900      $        --      $      6,314  (2)   $    84,083
                                             ==============     =============     ============     =============       ===========

(1)     Represents reserve no longer required.

(2)     Represents sales of real estate properties.

(3)     Represents write-off of a bad debt.

(4)     Represents  reserves  reclassified  with  related  asset to "Real estate

(5)     Represents  $265 of reserve  reclassified  with  related  asset to "Real
        estate  inventory",  with the balance  representing sales of real estate


                                  Exhibit Index

The following designated exhibits are, as indicated below, either filed herewith
or have heretofore been filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission under
the Securities Act of 1933 or the Securities Act of 1934 and are referred to and
incorporated herein by reference to such filings.

 Exhibit 3.  Articles of Incorporation and By-laws
             Incorporated herein by reference:

        3.1     Restated  Articles of  Organization - As amended through January
                17, 1997 - Exhibit 3.1 to 1996 Form 10-K as filed.

        3.2     By-laws - As  amended  and  restated  as of January  17,  1997 -
                Exhibit 3.2 to Form 8-K filed on February 14, 1997.

Exhibit 4.  Instruments  Defining  the  Rights of  Security  Holders,  Including

            Incorporated herein by reference:

        4.1     Certificate  of Vote of  Directors  Establishing  a Series  of a
                Class of Stock  determining  the relative rights and preferences
                of the $21.25 Convertible Exchangeable Preferred Stock - Exhibit
                4(a) to Amendment No. 1 to Form S-2 Registration Statement filed
                June 19, 1987; SEC Registration Statement No. 33-14434.

        4.2     Form of Deposit Agreement,  including form of Depositary Receipt
                -  Exhibit  4(b) to  Amendment  No. 1 to Form  S-2  Registration
                Statement  filed June 19, 1987; SEC  Registration  Statement No.

        4.3     Form  of  Indenture  with  respect  to  the 8  1/2%  Convertible
                Subordinated  Debentures  Due June 15, 2012,  including  form of
                Debenture  -  Exhibit  4(c)  to  Amendment  No.  1 to  Form  S-2
                Registration  Statement  filed June 19, 1987;  SEC  Registration
                Statement No. 33-14434.

        4.4     Shareholder  Rights Agreement dated as of September 23, 1988, as
                amended and restated as of May 17, 1990, as amended and restated
                as of January 17, 1997,  between  Perini  Corporation  and State
                Street Bank and Trust Company,  as Rights Agent - Exhibit 4.4 to
                Amendment No. 1 to Registration Statement on Form 8-A/A filed on
                January 29, 1997.

        4.5     Stock Purchase and Sale  Agreement  dated as of July 24, 1996 by
                and among the Company, PB Capital and RCBA, as amended - Exhibit
                4.5 to the  Company's  Quarterly  Report on Form  10-Q/A for the
                fiscal  quarter  ended  September 30, 1996 filed on December 11,

        4.8     Certificate  of Vote  of  Directors  Establishing  a  Series  of
                Preferred  Stock,  dated  January 16, 1997 - Exhibit 4.8 to Form
                8-K filed on February 14, 1997.

        4.9     Stock  Assignment and Assumption  Agreement dated as of December
                13, 1996 by


                                  Exhibit Index

                and among the Company,  PB Capital and ULLICO  (filed as Exhibit
                4.1 to the Schedule 13D filed by ULLICO on December 16, 1996 and
                incorporated herein by reference).

        4.10    Stock  Assignment and Assumption  Agreement  dated as of January
                17,  1997 by and among the  Company,  RCBA and The Common Fund -
                Exhibit 4.10 to Form 8-K filed on February 14, 1997.

        4.11    Voting  Agreement  dated as of January  17, 1997 by and among PB
                Capital,  David B. Perini, Perini Memorial Foundation,  David B.
                Perini  Testamentary  Trust,  Ronald N. Tutor,  and Tutor-Saliba
                Corporation  - Exhibit  4.11 to Form 8-K filed on  February  14,

        4.12    Registration  Rights  Agreement  dated as of January 17, 1997 by
                and among the  Company,  PB Capital and ULLICO - Exhibit 4.12 to
                Form 8-K filed on February 14, 1997.

Exhibit 10.    Material Contracts

               Incorporated herein by reference:

        10.1    1982 Stock  Option and Long Term  Performance  Incentive  Plan -
                Exhibit A to Registrant's  Proxy Statement for Annual Meeting of
                Stockholders dated April 15, 1992.

        10.2    Perini  Corporation   Amended  and  Restated  General  Incentive
                Compensation  Plan (1997) - Exhibit  10.2 to 1997 Form 10-K,  as

        10.3    Perini Corporation  Amended and Restated  Construction  Business
                Unit  Incentive  Compensation  Plan - Exhibit  10.3 to 1997 Form
                10-K, as filed.

        10.4    $125 million Credit Agreement dated as of December 6, 1994 among
                Perini  Corporation,  the Banks listed herein,  Morgan  Guaranty
                Trust  Company of New York, as Agent,  and Shawmut  Bank,  N.A.,
                Co-Agent - Exhibit 10.4 to 1994 Form 10-K, as filed.
        10.5    Amendment No. 1 as of February 26, 1996 to the Credit  Agreement
                dated as of December 6, 1994 among Perini Corporation, the Banks
                listed  herein,  Morgan  Guaranty  Trust Company of New York, as
                Agent, and Fleet National Bank of  Massachusetts  (f/k/a Shawmut
                Bank,  N.A.),  as Co-Agent - Exhibit 10.5 to 1995 Form 10-K,  as

        10.6    Bridge  Credit  Agreement  dated as of  February  26, 1996 among
                Perini  Corporation,  the Bridge  Banks  listed  herein,  Morgan
                Guaranty Trust Company of New York, as Agent, and Fleet National
                Bank of  Massachusetts  (f/k/a Shawmut Bank, N.A.) as Co-Agent -
                Exhibit 10.6 to 1995 Form 10-K, as filed.


                                  Exhibit Index

        10.7    Amendment  No. 2 as of July  30,  1996 to the  Credit  Agreement
                dated as of December 6, 1994 and  Amendment No. 1 as of July 30,
                1996 to the Bridge  Credit  Agreement  dated  February  26, 1996
                among  Perini  Corporation,  the  Banks  listed  herein,  Morgan
                Guaranty Trust Company of New York, as Agent, and Fleet National
                Bank of  Massachusetts,  as  Co-Agent  - Exhibit  10.7 to Perini
                Corporation's Form 10-Q/A for the fiscal quarter ended September
                30, 1996 filed on December 11, 1996.

        10.8    Amendment  No. 2 as of September  30, 1996 to the Bridge  Credit
                Agreement   dated  as  of  February   26,   1996  among   Perini
                Corporation,  the Banks listed  herein,  Morgan  Guaranty  Trust
                Company  of New York,  as  Agent,  and  Fleet  National  Bank of
                Massachusetts,   as   Co-Agent   -   Exhibit   10.8  to   Perini
                Corporation's Form 10-Q/A for the fiscal quarter ended September
                30, 1996 filed on December 11, 1996.

        10.9    Amendment  No. 3 as of  October  2,  1996 to the  Bridge  Credit
                Agreement   dated  as  of  February   26,   1996  among   Perini
                Corporation,  the Banks listed  herein,  Morgan  Guaranty  Trust
                Company  of New York,  as  Agent,  and  Fleet  National  Bank of
                Massachusetts,   as   Co-Agent   -   Exhibit   10.9  to   Perini
                Corporation's Form 10-Q/A for the fiscal quarter ended September
                30, 1996 filed on December 11, 1996.

        10.10   Amendment  No. 4 as of October  15,  1996 to the  Bridge  Credit
                Agreement   dated  as  of  February   26,   1996  among   Perini
                Corporation,  the Banks listed  herein,  Morgan  Guaranty  Trust
                Company  of New York,  as  Agent,  and  Fleet  National  Bank of
                Massachusetts,   as   Co-Agent   -   Exhibit   10.10  to  Perini
                Corporation's Form 10-Q/A for the fiscal quarter ended September
                30, 1996 filed on December 11, 1996.

        10.11   Amendment  No. 5 as of October  21,  1996 to the  Bridge  Credit
                Agreement   dated  as  of  February   26,   1996  among   Perini
                Corporation,  the Banks listed  herein,  Morgan  Guaranty  Trust
                Company  of New York,  as  Agent,  and  Fleet  National  Bank of
                Massachusetts,   as   Co-Agent   -   Exhibit   10.11  to  Perini
                Corporation's Form 10-Q/A for the fiscal quarter ended September
                30, 1996 filed on December 11, 1996.

        10.12   Amendment  No. 6 as of October  24,  1996 to the  Bridge  Credit
                Agreement   dated  as  of  February   26,   1996  among   Perini
                Corporation,  the Banks listed  herein,  Morgan  Guaranty  Trust
                Company  of New York,  as  Agent,  and  Fleet  National  Bank of
                Massachusetts,   as   Co-Agent   -   Exhibit   10.12  to  Perini
                Corporation's Form 10-Q/A for the fiscal quarter ended September
                30, 1996 filed on December 11, 1996.

        10.13   Amendment  No. 7 as of  November  1, 1996 to the  Bridge  Credit
                Agreement   dated  as  of  February   26,   1996  among   Perini
                Corporation,  the Banks listed  herein,  Morgan  Guaranty  Trust
                Company  of New York,  as  Agent,  and  Fleet  National  Bank of
                Massachusetts,   as   Co-Agent   -   Exhibit   10.13  to  Perini
                Corporation's Form 10-Q/A for the fiscal quarter ended September
                30, 1996 filed on December 11, 1996.

        10.14   Amendment  No. 8 as of  November  4, 1996 to the  Bridge  Credit
                Agreement  dated as of February 26, 1996 and  Amendment No. 3 as
                of November 4, 1996 to the Credit  Agreement  dated  December 6,
                1994 among Perini Corporation, the Banks listed


                                  Exhibit Index

                herein, Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York, as Agent, and
                Fleet  National  Bank of  Massachusetts,  as  Co-Agent - Exhibit
                10.14  to  Perini  Corporation's  Form  10- Q/A  for the  fiscal
                quarter ended September 30, 1996 filed on December 11, 1996.

        10.15   Amendment  No. 9 as of November  12,  1996 to the Bridge  Credit
                Agreement  dated as of February 26, 1996 and  Amendment No. 4 as
                of November 12, 1996 to the Credit  Agreement  dated December 6,
                1994 among Perini Corporation,  the Banks listed herein,  Morgan
                Guaranty Trust Company of New York, as Agent, and Fleet National
                Bank of  Massachusetts,  as  Co-Agent - Exhibit  10.15 to Perini
                Corporation's Form 10-Q/A for the fiscal quarter ended September
                30, 1996 filed on December 11, 1996.

        10.16   Management  Agreement  dated as of January 17, 1997 by and among
                the  Company,  Ronald N. Tutor and  Tutor-Saliba  Corporation  -
                Exhibit 10.16 to Form 8-K filed on February 14, 1997.

        10.17   Amended and Restated  Credit  Agreement  dated as of January 17,
                1997  among  Perini  Corporation,  the Banks  listed  herein and
                Morgan  Guaranty Trust Company of New York, as Agent,  and Fleet
                National  Bank,  as Co-Agent - Exhibit 10.17 to 1996 Form 10-K -
                as filed.

        10.18   Amendment  No. 1 as of  November  10,  1997 to the  Amended  and
                Reinstated  Credit  Agreement dated as of January 17, 1997 among
                Perini Corporation,  the Banks listed herein and Morgan Guaranty
                Trust Company of New York, as Agent, and Fleet National Bank, as
                Co-Agent - filed herewith.

        10.19   Amendment  No.  2 as of  August  31,  1998  to the  Amended  and
                Reinstated  Credit  Agreement dated as of January 17, 1997 among
                Perini Corporation,  the Banks listed herein and Morgan Guaranty
                Trust Company of New York, as Agent, and Fleet National Bank, as
                Co-Agent - filed herewith.

        10.20   Amendment  No. 3 as of  September  9,  1998 to the  Amended  and
                Reinstated  Credit  Agreement dated as of January 17, 1997 among
                Perini Corporation,  the Banks listed herein and Morgan Guaranty
                Trust Company of New York, as Agent, and Fleet National Bank, as
                Co-Agent - filed herewith.

        10.21   Amendment  No. 4 as of  September  30,  1998 to the  Amended and
                Reinstated  Credit  Agreement dated as of January 17, 1997 among
                Perini Corporation,  the Banks listed herein and Morgan Guaranty
                Trust Company of New York, as Agent, and Fleet National Bank, as
                Co-Agent - filed herewith.

        10.22   Amendment  No. 5 as of  November  16,  1998 to the  Amended  and
                Reinstated  Credit  Agreement dated as of January 17, 1997 among
                Perini Corporation,  the Banks listed herein and Morgan Guaranty
                Trust Company of New York, as Agent, and Fleet National Bank, as
                Co-Agent - filed herewith.


        10.23   Amendment  No.  6 as of  December  1,  1998 to the  Amended  and
                Reinstated  Credit  Agreement dated as of January 17, 1997 among
                Perini Corporation,  the Banks listed herein and Morgan Guaranty
                Trust Company of New York, as Agent, and Fleet National Bank, as
                Co-Agent - filed herewith.
 Exhibit 21.    Subsidiaries of Perini Corporation - filed herewith.

 Exhibit 23.    Consent of Independent Public Accountants - filed herewith.

 Exhibit 24.    Power of Attorney - filed herewith.

 Exhibit 27.    Financial Data Schedule - filed herewith.

 Exhibit 99.    Additional Exhibits

        99.1    Combined Financial Statements of Significant  Construction Joint
                Ventures - filed herewith.

        99.2    Financial  Statements of Rincon Center Associates,  a California
                Limited Partnership - filed herewith.


                                                                      Exhibit 21

                               Perini Corporation
                         Subsidiaries of the Registrant

                                                                                                     of Interest
                                                                                                      or Voting
                                                                              Place of                  Owned
                              Name                                          Organization
- ----------------------------------------------------------------     ---------------------------    --------------

Perini Corporation                                                   Massachusetts

      Perini Building Company, Inc.                                  Arizona                             100%

      Perini Environmental Services, Inc.                            Delaware                            100%

      International Construction Management  Services, Inc.          Delaware                            100%

            Percon Constructors, Inc.                                Delaware                            100%

      Perini Management Services, Inc. (f/k/a Perini International   Massachusetts                       100%

      Bow Leasing Company, Inc.                                      New Hampshire                       100%

      Perini Land & Development Company                              Massachusetts                       100%

            Paramount Development Associates, Inc.                   Massachusetts                       100%

            Perini Resorts, Inc.                                     California                          100%

            Perland Realty Associates, Inc.                          Florida                             100%

            Rincon Center Associates                                 CA Limited Partnership               46%

            Perini Central Limited Partnership                       AZ Limited Partnership               75%

            Perini Eagle Limited Partnership                         AZ Limited Partnership               50%

            Perini/138 Joint Venture                                 GA General Partnership               49%

            Perini/RSEA Partnership                                  GA General Partnership               50%


                                                                      Exhibit 23

                    Consent of Independent Public Accountants

As independent public accountants,  we hereby consent to the use of our reports,
dated February 23, 1999, included in Perini  Corporation's Annual Report on this
Form  10-K  for the year  ended  December  31,  1998,  and  into  the  Company's
previously  filed  Registration  Statements Nos.  2-82117,  33-24646,  33-46961,
33-53190,  33-53192,   33-60654,  33-  70206,  33-52967,  33-58519,   333-03417,
333-26423 and 333-51911.

Boston, Massachusetts
March 15, 1999


                                                                      Exhibit 24

                                Power of Attorney

We,  the  undersigned,   Directors  of  Perini  Corporation,   hereby  severally
constitute David B. Perini,  Robert Band and Robert E. Higgins, and each of them
singly,  our true and lawful  attorneys,  with full power to them and to each of
them to sign for us, and in our names in the  capacities  indicated  below,  any
Annual  Report on Form 10-K  pursuant  to Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and
any and all amendments to said Annual Report on Form 10-K,  hereby ratifying and
confirming  our  signatures as they may be signed by our said  Attorneys to said
Annual Report on Form 10-K and to any and all  amendments  thereto and generally
to do all such things in our names and behalf and in our said capacities as will
enable  Perini  Corporation  to comply  with the  provisions  of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  and all  requirements  of the  Securities and
Exchange Commission.

WITNESS our hands and common seal on the date set forth below.

/s/David B. Perini                      Director                  March 10, 1999
David B. Perini                                                         Date

                                        Director                  March 10, 1999
Richard J. Boushka                                                      Date

/s/Arthur I. Caplan                     Director                  March 10, 1999
Arthur I. Caplan                                                        Date

/s/Marshall M. Criser                   Director                  March 10, 1999
Marshall M. Criser                                                      Date

/s/Frederick Doppelt                    Director                  March 10, 1999
Frederick Doppelt                                                       Date

/s/Albert A. Dorman                     Director                  March 10, 1999
Albert A. Dorman                                                        Date

/s/Arthur J. Fox, Jr.                   Director                  March 10, 1999
Arthur J. Fox, Jr.                                                      Date

/s/ Nancy Hawthorne                     Director                  March 10, 1999
Nancy Hawthorne                                                         Date

/s/ Michael R. Klein                    Director                  March 10, 1999
Michael R. Klein                                                        Date

                                        Director                  March 10, 1999
Douglas J. McCarron                                                     Date

/s/John J. McHale                       Director                  March 10, 1999
John J. McHale                                                          Date

                                        Director                  March 10, 1999
Jane E. Newman                                                          Date

                                        Director                  March 10, 1999
Ronald N. Tutor                                                         Date
