[Spartech Logo] SPARTECH Corporation

Bradley B. Buechler            Randy C. Martin
Chairman, President and        Executive Vice President and
Chief Executive Officer        Chief Financial Officer
(314) 721-4242                 (314) 721-4242




      ST.  LOUIS, December 11, 2003 -- SPARTECH Corporation (NYSE:SEH) announced
today  improved  sales and net earnings for its fourth quarter  which  ended  on
November 1, 2003 and a 10% increase in its quarterly dividend to $.11 per common

     Sales for the fourth quarter of fiscal 2003 were $253.1 million, up 7% from
last  year's  $237.2 million, primarily due to strong volume with our  customers
serving  the  Transportation, Roofing, and Pool & Spa markets,  along  with  the
benefit  of  acquisitions  made during the year.   Operating  earnings  for  the
quarter of $20.8 million also saw a modest 3% increase compared to last year  as
we began to reap some benefits from our August conversion cost reduction efforts
and  the  economy  started  to show some signs of recovery.   Net  Earnings  per
diluted  share  was $.31 for the fourth quarter of fiscal 2003,  slightly  above
last year's $.30, and the analyst consensus estimate of $.29 for the quarter.

      SPARTECH's  fiscal year 2003 sales totaled $956.2 million, a  6%  increase
from last year's $898.3 million. Acquisitions accounted for approximately 3%  of
the  increase  while  internal  volume, in pounds,  grew  by  1%  and  price/mix
accounted  for  the 2% balance of the increase over fiscal 2002.  Strong  growth
markets  for  the Company in fiscal 2003 included Lawn & Garden, Transportation,
and  Pool  & Spa.  However, Operating Earnings dropped by 3% as Middle East  oil
concerns, and the related near record high resin costs during the middle of  the
year, resulted in weak product demand and intense margin pressures in certain of
the  industries  we serve. Several changes recently made in our cost  structure,
targeted  to  reduce  manufacturing costs by $12 million, should  assist  us  in
returning  to  our more traditional, pre-recessionary margins  (10-12%)  in  the

      Commenting  on  the  2003 results & current events,  SPARTECH's  Chairman,
President and CEO, Bradley B. Buechler, stated, "Despite being disappointed with
our relatively flat earnings performance this year, these are exciting times  at
SPARTECH as we transform into a more global company and simultaneously implement
our  new  Accountable and Lean initiatives.  While fiscal 2003  represented  the
third  consecutive  year that all or a majority of our year was  impacted  by  a
depressed  manufacturing economy, we continued to focus on those areas  that  we
could  control--product  marketing,  cost  structure,  product  innovation,  and
strategic expansions.  Our record 9 new Alloy Plastics introductions and 72  new
Product  Transformation successes during 2003 should bode  well  for  us  as  we
tackle  our reasonably aggressive sales & earnings targets for fiscal 2004.   In
addition, our cash flow from operations was strong


once again in fiscal 2003 ($66.7 million) which allowed us to acquire businesses
for  $27.6 million, make approximately $22 million in capital expenditures,  pay
out  $11.7 million in dividends, and still reduce our debt load by nearly  $10.0
million.   As  we carefully plan to become a more global player in the  plastics
market,  while  at the same time implementing lean manufacturing throughout  the
Company, rest assured your management team is determined to take SPARTECH to the
next  level  and generate even more value for our shareholders. In that  regard,
and  as  a show of confidence for the future, our Board of Directors raised  the
Common  Stock Dividend by 10% at today's meeting by declaring our fourth quarter
2003  cash  dividend  at  $.11  per  share, payable  on  January  16,  2004,  to
stockholders of record on January 2, 2004."

     A further discussion of the Company's fourth quarter results by business
segment follows:

     Custom Sheet & Rollstock - Sales in our Custom Sheet & Rollstock group (66%
     of  consolidated  sales) increased by a solid 6% in the fourth  quarter  of
     fiscal  2003,  with  strong  volume  coming  from  our  customers  in   the
     Automotive,  Building  & Construction, and Pool & Spa  markets.   The  Sign
     market  also  began to pickup for us as the year progressed, with  the  BP-
     Amoco  re-signage  program continuing to ramp up.   The  group's  Operating
     Margin  saw a modest--less than .3%--drop in the fourth quarter  of  fiscal
     2003,  as  compared  to last year's similar period, but still  remained  in
     double-digits   at  10.0%  for  the  year.   Shortfalls  in   the   group's
     polyethylene  product  line  margins were basically  offset  by  a  sizable
     turnaround in our cell cast acrylic business/margins compared to the  prior
     year.  Overall Operating Margins during the last two months of the  quarter
     have  improved and it is anticipated that this trend, which benefited  from
     our  August  cost reductions, will continue as we move forward into  fiscal

          (In Millions)
                                  Fourth Quarter          Full Year__
                                2003      2002        2003        2002

           Net Sales           $ 166.6   $ 156.6     $ 628.6     $ 600.5
                               =======   =======     =======     =======
     Operating Earnings        $  16.5   $  15.9     $  63.1     $  62.3
                               =======   =======     =======     =======

     Color & Specialty Compounds - Our Color & Specialty Compounds group (27% of
     consolidated  revenues) saw sales grow by 7% during the fourth  quarter  of
     fiscal  2003.   New  business with certain Automotive  and  Film  Packaging
     industry customers overcame the weak orders from the group's Appliance  and
     Electronics  industry.  However, the segment's Operating Earnings  declined
     by  nearly 20% in the fourth quarter, as capacity utilization rates dropped
     below  80%  for the group. Recent order intake has increased for the  group
     and they should return to better utilization rates and improved margins  as
     fiscal 2004 progresses.

          (In Millions)
                               Fourth Quarter              Full Year__
                                2003       2002         2003     2002

          Net Sales           $   70.8   $   66.3     $ 263.0  $ 235.7
                              ========   ========     =======  =======
          Operating Earnings  $    5.8   $    7.2     $  21.0  $  25.7
                              ========   ========     =======  =======


     Molded  &  Profile  Products - The Molded & Profile Products  group,  which
     represents  approximately  7% of the Company's  annual  sales,  recorded  a
     strong 10% increase in fourth quarter sales, and more importantly, achieved
     a  substantial  turnaround in Operating Earnings.  A  sizable  increase  in
     sales  to  several  Medical and Lawn & Garden market  customers  more  than
     offset  volume shortfalls from last year's exceptional sales to the Plastic
     Fencing market.  Though we are encouraged by the group's sales and earnings
     improvements this year, we continue to stress the need for this segment  to
     find more new volume or further rationalize its capacity.

          (In Millions)
                               Fourth Quarter         Full Year__
                              2003       2002       2003       2002

          Net Sales          $   15.7   $   14.3   $   64.6   $   62.1
                             ========   ========   ========   ========
          Operating Earnings $    1.6   $   ( .2)  $    5.4   $    3.5
                             ========   =========  ========   ========

     Finally, Mr. Buechler stated, "As we enter fiscal 2004, we are beginning to
see  some signs of economic improvement on the horizon.  However, until  we  are
certain  that  a sustainable economic recovery is underway; we will  follow  the
same  straightforward formula that led us to our past successes.  We will  focus
on  producing  internal sales and earnings growth through  our  Alloy  Plastics,
Product  Transformations, and Accountable & Lean Initiatives  to  generate  cash
flow  and  further  reduce  our debt; while, at the same  time,  pursuing  those
acquisitions,   which  complement  existing  product  lines  and   technologies,
particularly  those  that  will  help to expand  our  business  internationally.
Fiscal  2004 operational and financial goals for the Company include  (1)  a  5%
growth  in sales volume; (2) a lowering of our conversion cost by 1-2% of sales;
(3)  a $50 million paydown of our debt excluding any new acquisition financings;
(4)  growth  through  strategic expansions with a  target  of  2-3  acquisitions
completed  within  the  year; and (5) a minimum 15% increase  in  our  operating
earnings.   Our current earnings per share guidance for fiscal 2004, assuming  a
reasonably  stable  resin price environment, is in the  $1.40-1.45  range,  with
distribution between quarters similar to our average of the past two years."

     Spartech  Corporation  is  a leading producer of  engineered  thermoplastic
materials,  polymeric  compounds, and molded & profile products,  which  has  47
facilities  located  throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico,  and  Europe,
with  annual  production  and sales of more than 1.2 billion  pounds  and   $950
million, respectively.

      SPARTECH will hold a conference call with investors and financial analysts
at  2:00 p.m. EST this afternoon, Thursday, December 11, to further discuss  the
Company's  fourth quarter and fiscal 2003 results. Investors can listen  to  the
call  live via a Web cast by logging onto http://www.spartech.com, or via  phone
by  dialing 1-888-520-5981 and entering the confirmation code 77875 followed  by
the "#" key.

Safe Harbor For Forward-Looking Statements
      Statements  contained herein which are not historical facts  are  forward-
looking  statements within the meaning of the Securities Act  of  1933  and  the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 which are intended to be covered  by  the  safe
harbors created thereby. For a summary of important facts, which could cause the
Company's  actual  results  to differ materially  from  those  included  in,  or
inferred by, the forward-looking statements refer to the Company's Form 10-K for
the fiscal year ended November 2, 2002, which is on file with the Securities and
Exchange Commission.

                                -TABLE TO FOLLOW-

                              SPARTECH CORPORATION
               (In Thousands, Except Per Share Amounts, Unaudited)

                            Three Months Ended          Fiscal Year Ended
                       Nov. 1,   Nov. 2,  Percent   Nov. 1,   Nov. 2,   Percent
                        2003_     2002_    Change    2003_     2002_    Change
Operating Results
Net Sales              $253,102  $237,194       7%  $956,160  $898,308        6%
                       ========  ======== ========  ======== ========  ========
Operating Earnings     $ 20,778  $ 20,202       3%  $ 78,286  $ 80,879      (3%)
                       ========  ======== ========  ========  ========   =======
Interest Expense &
Distributions          $  6,107  $  6,377   (  4%)  $ 24,965  $ 26,816      (7%)
On Preferred
                       ========  ======== ========  ========  ========   =======
Income Tax Provision   $  5,414  $  4,977      9%   $ 19,219 $ 19,793       (3%)
                       ========  ======== ========  ========  ========   =======
Net Earnings           $  9,257  $  8,848      5%   $ 34,103 $ 34,270        -%
                       ========  ======== ========  ========  ========   =======
Earnings Per Common
Share-                 $   0.32  $   0.30      7%   $   1.17 $   1.23       (5%)
   Basic               $   0.31  $   0.30      3%   $   1.15 $   1.21       (5%)
   Diluted             ========  ======== ========  ========  ========   =======
Weighted Average
Common Shares            29,679    29,561       -%    29,567   28,379       4%
                       ========  ======== ========  ========  ========   =======


                              SPARTECH CORPORATION
                            (In Thousands, Unaudited)

                                       As of the Fiscal Year Ended
                                        Nov. 1,    Nov. 2,  Percent
                                         2003       2002    Change

Receivables, net                       $ 149,546  $ 124,966     20%
                                       =========  =========  ======
Inventories                            $  99,671  $  95,190      5%
                                       =========  =========  ======
Property, Plant and Equipment, net     $ 283,924  $ 280,474      1%
                                       =========  =========  ======
Accounts Payable & Accrued Liabilities $ 132,764  $ 117,841     13%
                                       =========  =========  ======
Total Debt                             $ 229,180  $ 238,332  (  4%)
                                       =========  =========  ======
Shareholders' Equity                   $ 322,358  $ 290,698     11%
                                       =========  =========  ======

                             Three Months Ended          Fiscal Year Ended
                            Nov. 1,       Nov. 2       Nov. 1,       Nov. 2
                              2003         2002          2003         2002
Select Cash Flow Information
Cash Flow From                 $25,094      $23,640       $66,680      $87,070
                               =======      =======       =======      =======
Capital Expenditures          $  4,267     $ 10,981       $22,009      $28,217
                               =======      =======       =======      =======
Depreciation &                $  8,190     $  7,405       $31,566      $28,120
                               =======      =======       =======      =======
Debt Repayments,
Excluding Acquisition         $ 18,975     $ 12,220       $37,066      $55,072
and Divestitures
                               =======      =======       =======      =======
Dividends on Common           $  2,933     $  2,775       $11,709      $10,661
                               =======      =======       =======      =======
Treasury Stock
Net of Option
Proceeds                      $  (481)     $  1,692     $     131     $  1,173
                               =======      =======       =======      =======