United States Securities and Exchange Commission 
Washington, DC 20549 
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1934, we are  
transmitting the following Preliminary Proxy Statement 
/S/Randy C. Martin 
   Vice President Finance and 
   Chief Financial Officer 


Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )

Filed by the Registrant  [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

Check the appropriate box:
[X] Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ] Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ] Definitive Additional Materials
[ ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to 240.14a-11(c) or 240.14a-12

                      SPARTECH CORPORATION
       (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

          (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[X]  No fee required
[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a- 
     (6)(I)(4) and 0-11.
     1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction 

     2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction 

     3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction
        computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11:

     4) Proposed maximum value of transaction:
5) Total fee paid:

[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by
     Exchange Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which
     the offsetting fee was paid previously.  Identify the previous
     filing by registration statement number, or the Form or
     1) Amount Previously Paid:

2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

3) Filing Party:

4) Date Filed:

7733 Forsyth Boulevard - Suite 1450 
Clayton, Missouri 63105 
    You are cordially invited to attend the 1998 Annual Meeting of Spartech  
Shareholders to be held Wednesday, March 11, 1998, in Clayton, Missouri. 
    Details of the business to be conducted at the Annual Meeting are given  
in the attached Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement. 
    Whether or not you plan to attend, you can be sure your shares are  
represented at the meeting by promptly completing and returning your proxy  
form in the enclosed envelope. 
/S/Bradley B. Buechler  
Bradley B. Buechler 
and Chief Executive Officer 
TO BE HELD MARCH 11, 1998  
    The Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Spartech Corporation will be held  
at the Pierre Laclede Conference Center (Second Floor), 7733 Forsyth  
Boulevard, Clayton, Missouri 63105, on Wednesday, March 11, 1998 at 10:00  
a.m. for the following purposes: 
    1. To elect three Class B directors to serve three-year terms.  
    2. To approve an amendment of the Certificate of Incorporation of the  
Company to increase the authorized number of shares of Common Stock from  
35,000,000 shares to 45,000,000 shares. The additional authorized shares  
would be used (i) to accommodate future exercises of outstanding stock  
options, (ii) to provide flexibility for the issuance of stock options in  
future, and (iii) for other corporate purposes, all as discussed in the  
accompanying Proxy Statement. 
    3. To approve an amendment to the Incentive Stock Option Plan to  
an additional 1,000,000 shares of the Company's Common Stock for issuance  
under the plan in the future. 
    4. To approve an amendment to the Restricted Stock Option Plan to  
continue the deduction for tax purposes of certain compensation under the  
plan and permit members of the Company's Board of Directors to be eligible  
for participation. 
    5. To vote on and approve the incentive bonuses payable under the  
Company's employment agreements with its Chief Executive Officer and Chief  
Operating Officer to continue the deduction of this compensation for tax  
    6. To ratify the selection of Arthur Andersen LLP as independent  
of the Company for the 1998 fiscal year. 
    7. To transact such other business as may properly come before the  
    The Board of Directors has fixed the close of business on January 12,  
1998 as the record date for the determination of shareholders entitled to  
receive notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting and at any and all  
adjournments thereof. 
    Whether or not you plan to attend the Annual Meeting in person, please  
complete, sign, and return the proxy, which you may revoke at any time  
to its use.  A self-addressed envelope, which requires no postage if mailed  
in the United States, is enclosed for your convenience in returning the  
signed proxy. 
                                         By Order of the Board of Directors 
                                         /S/David B. Mueller 
                                         David B. Mueller 
St. Louis, Missouri                      Executive Vice President, 
January 27, 1998                         Chief Operating Officer              
                                         and Secretary 
TO BE HELD MARCH 11, 1998 
To Our Shareholders: 
    The enclosed proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors of Spartech  
Corporation (the "Company" or "Spartech") for use at the Annual Meeting of  
Shareholders of the Company to be held at the Pierre Laclede Conference  
Center (Second Floor), 7733 Forsyth Boulevard, Clayton, Missouri 63105, on  
Wednesday, March 11, 1998 at 10:00 a.m. and at any and all adjournments  
thereof.  All expenses incident to the preparation and mailing of the proxy  
statement and form of proxy will be paid by the Company.  In addition to  
solicitations by mail, a number of regular employees of the Company may  
solicit proxies on behalf of the Board of Directors in person or by  
telephone.  The Company will reimburse banks, brokerage firms and other  
custodians, nominees, and fiduciaries for reasonable costs incurred by them  
in transmitting proxy materials to the beneficial owners of the Company's  
    The persons named in the accompanying proxy were selected by the Board  
of Directors of the Company.  They have advised the Company of their  
intentions, if no contrary instructions are given, to vote the shares  
represented by all properly executed and unrevoked proxies received by them  
for the Board of Directors' nominees for director and for management  
proposals 2 through 6, as set forth in the Notice of Annual Meeting of  
Shareholders, and on any other matter which may come before the meeting in  
accordance with their best judgment. 
    This Proxy Statement and the proxy solicited hereby are being first  
sent or delivered to shareholders of the Company on or about January 29,  
1998.  Any shareholder given a proxy has the right to revoke it by  
notifying the Secretary of the Company of such revocation, in writing, at  
any time before its exercise.  Execution of the proxy will not in any way  
affect the shareholder's right to attend the Annual Meeting and vote in  
    A copy of the Company's Annual Report to Shareholders for the fiscal  
year ended November 1, 1997 accompanies this Proxy Statement. 
    The outstanding voting securities of the Company on January 12, 1998  
consisted of 26,422,448 shares of Common Stock, entitled to one vote per  
    With respect to proposal 1, a plurality of the votes present in person  
or represented by proxy at the meeting is required to elect directors.   
"Plurality" means the nominees who receive the largest number of votes cast  
are elected as directors up to the number of directors scheduled to be  
elected at the Annual Meeting. With respect to proposals 2 through 6, a  
majority of the votes present in person or represented by proxy at the  
Annual Meeting is required to adopt each proposal.  Abstentions and broker  
non-votes are counted for the purpose of determining the presence or  
absence of a quorum for the transaction of business. Abstentions are  
counted in the tabulations of the votes cast on proposals presented to  
stockholders, and therefore have the same effect as negative votes. Broker  
non-votes, however, are not counted for the purpose of determining whether  
a proposal has been approved. 
    Only shareholders of record at the close of business on January 12,  
1998 will be entitled to receive notice of and to vote at the Annual  
Meeting and at any and all adjournments thereof.  A majority of the  
outstanding shares of stock entitled to vote must be represented at the  
Annual Meeting in person or by proxy to constitute a quorum. 
Page 1 
    The Board of Directors is divided into three classes.  Classes A and B  
have three directors each and Class C has two directors.  All directors  
hold office for a term of three years.  Class A directors hold office until  
the Annual Meeting of Shareholders in 2000, Class B directors elected at  
this Annual Meeting will hold office until the Annual Meeting of  
Shareholders in 2001, and Class C directors hold office until the Annual  
Meeting of Shareholders in 1999, and, in each case, until their successors  
are duly elected and qualified. 
    The Board of Directors has nominated Bradley B. Buechler and John R.  
Kennedy, present directors of the Company, and Calvin J. O'Connor to be  
elected Class B directors of the Company.  Vita International Limited  
("Vita"); TCW Special Placements Fund I, TCW Special Placements Fund II,  
and TCW Capital, all California limited partnerships (collectively "The TCW  
Group" or "TCW"); the executive officers; and the directors have informed  
the Company that they intend to cast their votes, aggregating 15,586,924 in  
total, "for" these Board nominees. 
    The members of the Company's Board of Directors and the nominees for  
election to the Board, with certain information about each of them,  
including their principal occupations for the last five years, are listed  
NAME, AGE                 PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION AND                 Director 
                          OTHER DIRECTORSHIPS                       Since 
- -----------------------   --------------------------------------   -------- 
Bradley B. Buechler, 49   President and Chief Executive Officer      1984 
                          of the Company. Mr. Buechler is a CPA  
                          and was Corporate Controller and Vice 
                          President-Finance of the Company from  
                          1981 to 1984, Chief Financial Officer  
                          from 1983 to 1987 and Chief Operating  
                          Officer from 1985 to 1996. He became  
                          President in 1987, and Chief Executive 
                          Officer in 1991.  Mr. Buechler 
                          is a member of the Executive Committee of 
                          the Sheet Producers Division of the  
                          Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc.(SPI) 
                          and also a member of the National Board of  
                          Directors of the SPI. Mr. Buechler currently 
                          stands for re-election. 
Thomas L. Cassidy, 69     Mr. Cassidy has been a Managing            1986 
                          Director of Trust Company of the West 
                          and a senior partner of TCW Capital  
                          since 1984.  Mr. Cassidy also serves on 
                          the Board of Directors of DeVlieg-Bullard, 
                          Inc., Holnam Inc., and Reunion Industries, 
                          Inc.  His term as director expires at  
                          the 2000 Annual Meeting. 
W.R. Clerihue, 74         Chairman of the Company since 1991.  He    1990 
                          is retired from Celanese Corporation, 
                          where he last served as Executive Vice  
                          President and Chief of Staff. Mr.  
                          Clerihue also serves on the Board of  
                          Directors of Reunion Industries, Inc. 
                          His term as director expires at the  
                          1999 Annual Meeting. 
Francis J. Eaton, 58      Mr. Eaton is a polymer technologist and,   1990 
                          after joining British Vita PLC in 1958, 
                          became General Manager of the Industrial 
                          Polymer Division in 1971. He was appointed 
                          to British Vita's Board of Directors in  
                          1975 and became their Deputy Chief  
                          Executive Officer in 1991.  
                          Mr. Eaton is President and a council  
                          member of the British Rubber  
                          Manufacturers' Association in the United  
                          Kingdom. His term as director expires at  
                          the 1998 Annual Meeting and he is being  
                          replaced as a representative from British  
                          Vita by the nomination of Mr. O'Connor as  
                          noted below. 
Page 2 
NAME, AGE                 PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION AND                 Director 
                          OTHER DIRECTORSHIPS                       Since 
- -----------------------   --------------------------------------   -------- 
John R. Kennedy, 67       Mr. Kennedy is retired President and       1997 
                          Chief Executive Officer of Federal  
                          Paper Board Company, Inc. He is also  
                          a Director of International Paper Company; 
                          DeVlieg-Bullard, Inc.; Chase Brass  
                          Industries, Inc.; Holnam Inc.; and  
                          Chairman of Georgetown University's  
                          Board of Directors. Mr. Kennedy  
                          currently stands for re-election. 
David B. Mueller, 44      Executive Vice President, Chief Operating  1994 
                          Officer and Secretary of the Company. 
                          Mr. Mueller is a CPA and was Corporate  
                          Controller of Apex Oil Company from  
                          1981 to 1988.  He became Vice President  
                          and Chief Financial Officer of the Company 
                          in 1988 and was named Secretary in 1991. 
                          He became Executive Vice President and Chief 
                          Operating Officer in 1996.  
                          His term as director expires at the 2000  
                          Annual Meeting. 
Calvin J. O'Connor, 45    Mr. O'Connor is a Charted Accountant       -- 
                          in the United Kingdom. He was appointed  
                          to British Vita PLC's Board of Directors  
                          in June 1996 and became their Finance  
                          Director in November 1996. Prior to joining  
                          British Vita he was the Group Financial  
                          Controller at Courtaulds Textiles PLC. Mr. 
                          O'Connor is being nominated as a director  
                          for a term expiring at the 2001 Annual  
Jackson W. Robinson, 55   Mr. Robinson is President of Winslow      1993 
                          Management Company, an operating division 
                          of Eaton Vance Management, having held  
                          that position since 1983.  He is also  
                          a director of Jupiter International Green 
                          Investment Trust, Jupiter-European  
                          Investment Trust, and a Trustee of  
                          Suffield Academy. His term as director  
                          expires at the 1999 Annual Meeting. 
Alan R. Teague, 50        Mr. Teague is a Director of Vita           1997 
                          International and also the Secretary  
                          of British Vita PLC. His term as  
                          director expires at the 2000  
                          Annual Meeting. 
    The Company's By-Laws require, with respect to certain significant  
matters affecting the Company, the affirmative vote of at least 50% of the  
members of the Board, including at least one director nominated by each of  
Vita and TCW. Matters requiring such vote include: (i) merger or  consolidation 
of the Company with another corporation, (ii) sale or transfer of more than 25%
of the Company's assets or recommended acceptance of any offer or proposal to 
acquire the securities or assets of the Company, (iii) purchase or other 
acquisition of substantially all of another corporation's assets or securities,
(iv) the Company's engaging in any new business or ceasing to engage in an 
existing business, (v) issuance of shares of capital stock or any options or 
warrants to purchase capital stock other than pursuant to exercise or conversion
of outstanding securities of the Company, (vi) approval of, amendments or 
extensions to, or cancellations of employment agreements with executives of the 
Company, (vii) incurrence or renewal of borrowings exceeding $500,000, and 
(viii) redemption of preferred stock or acquisitions of preferred or common 
stock of the Company from an interested shareholder.  Any merger, acquisition or
business transaction with Vita or TCW, or any acquisition or redemption of  
shares of common or preferred stock from Vita or TCW will require the  
affirmative vote of a majority of directors other than directors designated  
by such interested shareholder. 
Page 3 
    There were four regular meetings of the Board and three unanimous  
consents in lieu of special meetings during fiscal 1997.  No director  
attended fewer than 75% of the formal meetings of the Board and Board  
Committees of which he was a member, with the exception of the designees of  
British Vita, who, because of long and costly international travel  
requirements, alternate their attendance at the formal meetings. 
    The Board has an Audit Committee, currently consisting of Messrs.  
Clerihue, Kennedy, and Robinson, which formally met twice during fiscal  
1997.  The Audit Committee's function is to recommend the appointment of  
independent accountants to audit the Company's financial statements and to  
perform other services related to the audit; review the scope and results  
of the audit with the independent accountants; review with management and  
the independent accountants the Company's interim and year-end operating  
results; consider the adequacy of the internal accounting and auditing  
procedures of the Company; and review the non-audit services to be  
performed by the independent accountants and consider the effect of such  
performance on the accountants' independence. 
    The Board has a Compensation Committee, currently consisting of Messrs.  
Cassidy, Clerihue, Eaton,  Kennedy, and Robinson, which formally met three  
times during fiscal 1997.  The Compensation Committee's function is to  
review all compensation arrangements in excess of $125,000 per annum, as  
well as any employment contracts. 
    The Board has a Nominating Committee, currently consisting of Messrs.  
Cassidy, Clerihue, and Robinson, which formally met twice during fiscal  
1997. The Nominating Committee serves the following functions: reviews the  
size and composition of the Board; reviews possible director candidates and  
recommends director nominations for presentation to shareholders; and  
reviews assignments of Board members to various Board committees.  
Shareholders who wish to recommend a candidate for election to the Board  
may submit such recommendation to the Secretary of the Company. Any  
recommendation must include name, address, appropriate background, experience, 
and other pertinent information on the proposed candidate and must be received 
in writing between August 1 and October 1 for consideration at the next  
annual meeting. 
    An annual fee of $27,000 is paid for the services of each non- 
management director, and expenses for attendance at each meeting are  
reimbursed.  In addition, the Company pays an annual fee of $36,000 to  
British Vita PLC for services provided to the Company by its directors.   
Mr. Clerihue, the Company's Chairman of the Board, receives an additional  
$21,000 per annum for service to the Company.  Each non-management director  
also receives $1,200 for each Board or Committee Meeting attended. 
    Certain non-management directors have received options to purchase  
Common Stock of the Company upon membership to the Board and periodically  
during their terms as directors. The options are issued outside of the  
Incentive and Restricted Stock Option plans of the Company, and the terms  
are determined at the time of the grant. In fiscal year 1994, Jackson W.  
Robinson was granted 30,000 options with a five-year term and an exercise  
price at the then fair market value of the Company's Common Stock of $5.00  
per share. No options were granted in fiscal year 1995. In fiscal year  
1996, W.R. Clerihue and Jackson W. Robinson were granted 10,000 and 5,000  
options, respectively, with a ten-year term and an exercise price at the  
then fair market value of the Company's Common Stock of $11.00 per share.  
In fiscal year 1997, John R. Kennedy was granted 30,000 options with a ten- 
year term and an exercise price at the then fair market value of the  
Company's Common Stock of $13.375 per share and W.R. Clerihue, Jackson W.  
Robinson, and John R. Kennedy were granted 20,000, 10,000, and 5,000  
options, respectively, with a ten-year term and an exercise price at the  
then fair market value of the Company's Common Stock of $15.875 per share. 
Page 4 
To Our Shareholders: 
    The Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors is responsible for  
approving compensation levels for all executive officers of the Company and  
for any employee with base compensation in excess of $125,000 per annum or  
for any employee with an employment contract.  Our objective is to provide  
compensation that is fair and equitable to both the employee and the  
Company.  Consideration is given to the employee's overall  
responsibilities, professional qualifications, business experience,  
technical expertise, and their resultant combined value to the Company's  
long-term performance and growth. 
    In establishing compensation levels for the Chief Executive Officer and  
Chief Operating Officer, we consulted an independent survey published by  
the compensation and benefit consulting firm of The Hay Group, entitled   
"The Hay Report" and a survey conducted by Arthur Andersen and sponsored by  
the Financial Executives Institute, entitled "Executive Total Compensation  
Report". Base salaries, when combined with anticipated bonuses, were  
established at levels approximating the average reported for companies of  
comparable size to Spartech Corporation.  Annual bonuses for these two  
employees are based on the operating results of the Company.  
    The Compensation Committee periodically reviews the compensation levels  
we established for each employee for whom we are responsible and approves  
adjustments recommended by the Chief Executive Officer to reflect changes  
in responsibility for various executives of the Company or economic  
conditions.  We believe that by providing fair and equitable compensation  
levels, the Company will continue to attract and maintain qualified  
individuals who are dedicated to the long-term performance and growth of  
Spartech Corporation. The Compensation Committee also reviews the stock  
options to be awarded to all employees. Future stock option awards will be  
granted to individuals based upon performance. 
    In December 1996, the Board authorized broadly based stock ownership  
guidelines for approximately 75 key managers of the Company. Under the  
guidelines adopted by the Board, the Company's Chief Executive Officer is  
expected to hold Company Common Stock equal to four times base pay, the  
Chief Operating Officer three times base pay, and other key managers up to  
two times their base pay. Participants are expected to reach their  
respective goals over a four-year period. Unexercised stock options are not  
counted toward achieving these targets. 
    Section 162(m) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended  
(the "Code"), limits the Company's tax deduction to $1 million per year  
(the "Compensation Cap") for certain compensation paid in a given year to  
the Chief Executive Officer ("CEO") and the four highest compensated  
executives other than the CEO named in the Proxy Statement (the "covered  
executives"). The code and regulations issued under the Code exclude from  
the Compensation Cap amounts based on attainment of pre-established,  
objective performance goals, if certain other requirements are met. The  
Committee's policy is to structure compensation programs, including stock  
option and bonus plan awards, for covered executives that will be  
deductible without limitation. The committee also considers it important to  
retain flexibility to design compensation programs that recognize a full  
range of performance criteria important to the Company's success, even  
where compensation payable under such programs may not be fully deductible.  
In accordance with the technical requirements of the Compensation Cap, the  
Board of Directors is requesting shareholder approval of amendments to the  
Company's Restricted Stock Option Plan to set forth the goals upon which  
performance-based compensation may be based and certain maximum limits for  
awards. These amendments, which are described beginning on page 12, and the  
incentive bonus arrangements described in proposal 5, must be approved by  
the Company's shareholders at the 1998 Annual Meeting in order to preserve  
the Company's tax deduction for future performance-based compensation paid  
under these arrangements. 
                  Thomas L. Cassidy        W.R. Clerihue 
Francis J. Eaton              John R. Kennedy          Jackson W. Robinson 
Page 5 
    The following table summarizes compensation earned by the Company's  
Chief Executive Officer and each other executive officer whose aggregate  
salary and bonus exceeds $100,000 annually.  
                                                          Compen-    All(1) 
                                                          sation     Other 
Name and                      Fiscal Annual Compensation  Options   Compen- 
Principal Position             Year  Salary($)  Bonus($)  Granted(#) sation 
Bradley B. Buechler            1997  $400,524   $497,010   75,000   $65,661 
President and Chief Executive  1996  $359,423   $344,920   55,000   $60,025 
  Officer                      1995  $333,462   $254,870   50,000   $55,078 
David B. Mueller               1997  $246,462   $298,206   60,000   $42,844 
Executive Vice President,      1996  $223,078   $206,952   50,000   $38,625 
  Chief Operating Officer      1995  $201,154   $140,170   45,000   $34,642 
  and Secretary 
Daniel J. Yoder                1997  $147,193    $70,000    9,000   $18,893 
Vice President Engineering     1996  $148,077    $50,000   14,750   $17,687 
  and Technology               1995  $134,039    $55,000   12,000   $18,520 
Randy C. Martin (2)            1997  $119,616    $40,000    9,000   $16,974 
Vice President Finance and     1996  $111,346    $27,500        -    $5,166 
  Chief Financial Officer      1995   $10,577     $5,000   10,000         - 
David G. Pocost (3)            1997  $104,039    $37,500    7,500   $13,480 
Vice President Quality         1996   $80,577    $24,000    5,250   $10,739 
  and Environmental Affairs    1995   $69,578    $17,000    3,000    $9,119 
(1)The amounts disclosed in this column for fiscal year 1997 include  
Company contributions to non-qualified defined contribution  
arrangements on behalf of Mr. Buechler, $61,800; Mr. Mueller, $38,983; Mr.  
Martin, $12,890; Mr. Yoder, $15,000, and Mr. Pocost, $10,170. 
(2)Mr. Martin commenced employment with the Company on September 25, 1995. 
(3)Mr. Pocost was elected as an executive officer in December 1996. 
Page 6 
    The following table summarizes option grants made during fiscal 1997 to  
the executive officers named above. 
            Individual Grants 
                      % of Total 
                       Granted                        Potential Realizable 
           Number of     to                             Value at Assumed 
           Securities  Employees                      Annual Rates of Stock 
           Underlying    in                            Price Appreciation 
           Options      Fiscal  Exercise  Expiration    For Option Term(1) 
Name       Granted(#)    Year     Price     Date        5%($)       10%($) 
Bradley B.  
Buechler    75,000 (2)   14.6%   $10.875   12/08/06   $512,942   $1,299,896 
David B.  
Mueller     60,000 (2)   11.7%   $10.875   12/08/06   $410,354   $1,039,917 
Daniel J. 
Yoder        9,000        1.8%   $10.875   12/08/01   $ 27,041      $59,754 
Randy C. 
Martin       9,000        1.8%   $10.875   12/08/01   $ 27,041      $59,754 
David G. 
Pocost       7,500        1.5%   $10.875   12/08/01   $ 22,534      $49,795 
(1) The rates of appreciation presented of 5% and 10% are set by the  
Securities and Exchange Commission, and therefore, are not intended to  
forecast future appreciation of the Company's stock price. 
(2) These represent options issued under the Restricted Stock Option Plan  
where neither the options or Common Stock acquired may be sold or otherwise  
disposed of for three years after the date of grant of the option. 
    The following table summarizes all options exercised in fiscal 1997 and  
unexercised options at the end of fiscal 1997 for the executive officers  
named above. 
Bradley B. Buechler      69,562     $612,780     854,500 (3)     $9,712,018 
David B. Mueller              -            -     275,000 (3)     $2,727,500 
Daniel J. Yoder               -            -      50,750           $484,968 
Randy C. Martin               -            -      19,000           $133,750 
David G. Pocost               -            -      16,750           $128,405 
(1) The values represent the difference between the exercise price of the  
options and the price of the Company's Common Stock on the date of exercise  
and at fiscal year end, respectively. 
(2) The Board has resolved that at no time will the total unexercised  
to employees be in excess of 10% of the then outstanding common shares. 
(3) These represent options issued under the Restricted Stock Option Plan  
where neither the options or common stock acquired may be sold or otherwise  
disposed of for three years after the date of grant of the option. 
Page 7 
    On November 1, 1997, the Company entered into Amended and Restated  
Employment Agreements (the "Agreements") with Messrs. Buechler and Mueller  
(the "Employees"), which amended and continued the Employees' existing  
employment agreements. Each Agreement will continue until terminated either by 
the Company on three years' notice or by the Employee on one year's notice. 
Notice of termination may not be given before November 1, 2000, except that if a
"Change of Control" (described below) occurs, the Employee may give notice of 
termination at any time on or after November 1, 1998. For 24 months after 
termination of the Agreement, the Employee may not disclose any Company trade 
secrets, solicit the Company's customers, business or employees, or otherwise 
compete directly with the Company. 
    The Agreements provide for compensation consisting of: (i) annual base  
salaries of $390,000 for Mr. Buechler and $250,000 for Mr. Mueller, subject  
to periodic review by the Board, (ii) bonuses equal to 1% (for Mr.  
Buechler) and 0.6% (for Mr. Mueller) of the Company's annual earnings  
before interest and income taxes, subject to certain adjustments and  
exceptions, (iii) one-time stock options of 200,000 shares for Mr. Buechler  
and 150,000 shares for Mr. Mueller, which are in addition to options  
granted under previous versions of their employment agreements and any  
other options which the Board may grant them under the Company's stock  
option plans, and (iv) annual pension plan contributions of 15% of base  
salary plus the amount of premium that would be paid for term life  
insurance of $1,250,000 for Mr. Buechler and $750,000 for Mr. Mueller. 
    If the Company terminates an Employee's employment for any reason other  
than "Cause" (defined below), or if the Employee terminates his employment  
with "Justification" (defined below) or with prior notice (as discussed  
above), then the Employee will receive a cash severance benefit equal to  
two times his then current base salary plus the aggregate amount of the  
bonuses paid or earned by the Employee in the two years before the notice  
of termination is given. However, if a Change of Control has occurred  
before the termination, the severance benefit becomes 2.95 times the sum of base
salary plus one-third of the aggregate amount of bonuses paid or earned by the  
Employee in the three years before the notice of termination is given. In  
either case, if the severance benefit and any other payments received as a  
result of the termination are subject to the excise tax imposed on  
excessive termination payments under the Internal Revenue Code, the Company  
will pay the Employee an additional severance amount so that the Employee  
will receive the same net amount he would have received if there had been  
no excise tax. 
    The Agreements define certain terms, as follows: 
    A "Change of Control" takes place if any of the following occurs: (i)  
the Board of Directors approves and recommends to the Company's  
shareholders (A) any consolidation or merger of the Company where either  
the Company is not the surviving corporation or the Company's shares are  
exchanged and the shareholders do not retain the same proportionate voting  
interest in the Company or its successor, (B) a sale or other transfer of  
all or substantially all of the Company's assets, other than to a  
subsidiary, or (C) the liquidation or dissolution of the Company; (ii) any  
person acquires a majority of the Company's voting stock; (iii) the Board  
of Directors approves any transaction whose purpose or likely effect is to  
cause the Company's Common Stock to be held by fewer than 300 persons or  
not to be listed on any national securities exchange; or (iv) there is a  
change in a majority of the Company's Board of Directors within any 24  
consecutive months, unless each new director was approved by a majority of  
the continuing directors. 
    "Cause" for termination of an Employee's employment by the Company  
occurs only if the Employee is convicted of a felony, or commits an act or  
omission (including failure to follow lawful instructions of the Board of  
Directors) resulting or intended to result in his personal gain at the  
expense of the Company's property or business. However, the Employee will  
not be liable merely for his bad judgment or acts or omissions done in good  
faith or in connection with any tender or merger offer or other  
restructuring proposal. 
    "Justification" for termination of an Employee's employment by the  
Employee occurs only if the Company reassigns or restricts the Employee in  
a way inconsistent with his position, duties, responsibilities and status  
as President and Chief Executive Officer in the case of Mr. Buechler or as  
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer in the case of Mr.  
Mueller, or fails to pay the Employee any salary, option or bonus within  
seven days after the Employee notifies the Company that such amount is due,  
or otherwise adversely affects or materially reduces any other benefits or  
rights of Employee under the Agreement. 
Page 8 
    The Company entered into the following employment agreements: with Mr.  
Yoder on June 30, 1995 through June 29, 1998; with Mr. Martin on March 31,  
1997 through March 30, 1999; with Mr. Pocost on February 1, 1997 through  
January 31, 1999. The annual base compensation, subject to periodic review  
for cost of living and/or merit and other increases for Mr. Yoder, Martin,  
and Pocost was $140,000, $120,000, and $105,000, respectively. In addition,  
the Agreement requires the Company to maintain term life insurance in the  
amount of $250,000 for the employee's designated beneficiaries for the term  
of the Agreement, all premiums thereon to be paid by the Company.  The  
Agreement provides for annual bonuses based upon performance and the  
overall results of the Company's operations. 
    The following graph compares cumulative total Company shareholder  
return for the last five years, with overall market performance, as  
measured by the cumulative return of the Standard & Poor's 500 Stock Index  
and the Standard & Poor's Specialty Chemicals Index, assuming an initial  
investment of $100 at the beginning of the period and the reinvestment of  
all dividends. 
                      10/92   10/93   10/94   10/95   10/96   10/97   CAGR* 
SPARTECH CORPORATION   $100    $150    $230    $255    $446    $653   45.5% 
S&P 500                $100    $112    $113    $138    $168    $218   16.9% 
S&P Specialty  
Chemicals Index        $100    $116    $ 99    $118    $130    $145    7.7% 
* Compound annual growth rate. 
Page 9 
    The table set forth below identifies the aggregate shares of Common  
Stock beneficially owned by each director, by each executive officer, by  
the executive officers and directors as a group, and by each person known  
to the Company as of December 31, 1997, to be the beneficial owner of more  
than 5% of the 26,439,948 shares of Common Stock outstanding as of that  
Directors and Executive Officers: 
 Francis J. Eaton / Alan R. Teague 
 Vita International Limited 
 Soudan Street 
 Middleton, Manchester 
 M24 2DB England                                8,734,987(2)          33.0% 
 Thomas L. Cassidy 
 The TCW Group 
 200 Park Avenue 
 New York, NY 10166                             4,950,767(3)          18.7% 
 Bradley B. Buechler                            1,161,872(4)           4.2% 
 David B. Mueller                                 461,170(5)           1.7% 
 Daniel J. Yoder                                   65,380(6)              * 
 W.R. Clerihue                                     60,000(7)              * 
 Jackson W. Robinson                               52,000(8)              * 
 John R. Kennedy                                   40,000(9)              * 
 Randy C. Martin                                   31,400(10)             * 
 David G. Pocost                                   29,350(11)             * 
 All Directors and Executive 
 Officers as a Group (11 persons)              15,586,926(12)         55.4% 
Other Beneficial Owners 
In Excess of 5% of the  
Common Shares Outstanding: 
 FMR Corp. 
 Fidelity Management & 
 Research Company 
 82 Devonshire Street 
 Boston, MA 02109                               1,411,200(13)          5.3% 
Page 10 
*    Denotes that the percentage of class of security beneficially owned is  
less than 1%. 
(1)Includes shares issuable upon exercise of options as noted for the  
respective owners. 
(2)Messrs. Eaton and Teague, each a director of the Company, are also  
directors of British Vita PLC and Vita International Limited; as such,  
these amounts represent common stock owned by Vita International Limited. 
(3)The TCW Group is comprised of TCW Special Placements Fund I, TCW Special  
Placements Fund II, and TCW Capital, all California limited partnerships.  
Mr. Cassidy, a director, is Managing Director of Trust Company of the West  
and is a senior partner of TCW Capital; as such, this amount represents the  
common stock owned by TCW Group, Inc. The shares of common stock are held  
beneficially by TCW Special Placements Fund I (3,918,988 shares), TCW  
Special Placements Fund II (1,001,820 shares), and TCW  
Capital (29,959 shares), as Investment Manager, pursuant to an investment  
management agreement dated as of June 30, 1987. The TCW Group, Inc. owns  
100% of the stock of TCW Asset Management Company ("TAMCO"). TAMCO is the  
managing general partner of TCW Capital, a general partnership. TCW Capital  
is a general partner of TCW Special Placements Fund I and TCW Special  
Placements Fund II. An investment committee of TAMCO controls the  
investment decisions and voting of the shares of common stock beneficially  
owned by The TCW Group, Inc.; the identities of the members of such  
investment committee are unknown to the Company. 
(4)Includes 1,054,500 shares issuable upon exercise of options presently  
(5)Includes 425,000 shares issuable upon exercise of options presently  
(6)Includes 60,750 shares issuable upon exercise of options presently  
(7)Includes 30,000 shares issuable upon exercise of options presently  
(8)Includes 45,000 shares issuable upon exercise of options presently  
(9)Includes 35,000 shares issuable upon exercise of options presently  
(10)Includes 28,000 shares issuable upon exercise of options  
presently exercisable.  
(11)Includes 25,750 shares issuable upon exercise of options  
presently exercisable.  
(12)Includes 1,704,000 shares issuable upon exercise of options  
presently exercisable.  
(13)Based on information presented as of December 31, 1996 in FMR  
Corp.'s latest available Schedule 13G, FMR Corp. beneficially owned  
1,411,200 shares of Common Stock including 1,003,900 shares beneficially  
owned by Fidelity Management & Research Company as a result of it serving  
as investment adviser to various investment companies and other funds and  
407,300 beneficially owned by Fidelity Management Trust Company as trustee  
or managing agent for various private investment accounts and other funds.  
FMR Corp. has sole voting power with respect to the 407,300 shares and sole  
investment power with respect to the total 1,411,200 shares.  
Page 11 
    The Company's Board of Directors has unanimously determined that the  
following amendment to the Company's Certificate of Incorporation is  
advisable and has unanimously voted to recommend the amendment to the  
Company's shareholders for adoption. The amendment will increase the  
authorized capital stock of the Company designated as Common from  
35,000,000 shares to 45,000,000 shares. The proposed amendment will replace  
the first paragraph of Article Fourth of the Company's Certificate of  
Incorporation with the following: 
     FOURTH: The total number of shares of stock which the  
     Corporation shall have the authority to issue is Forty-Nine Million  
     (49,000,000), of which stock Four Million (4,000,000) shares shall  
     be Preferred Stock, $1.00 per share par value, (hereinafter called  
     "Preferred Stock"), and Forty-Five Million (45,000,000) shares  
     shall be Common Stock, $.75 per share par value (hereinafter called  
     "Common Stock").  
    As of January 12, 1998, there were outstanding 26,422,448 shares of  
Common Stock. In addition, the Company's stock option plans provide for the  
grant of options to acquire additional shares of Common Stock. As of  
January 12, 1998, options to acquire an aggregate of 3,715,800 shares of  
Common Stock have been granted pursuant to option plans. The additional  
authorized shares that would be available for issuance if the proposed  
amendment is approved may be issued for any proper corporate purpose by the  
Board of Directors at any time without further Shareholder approval  
(subject, however, to applicable statutes or the rules of the New York  
Stock Exchange which require Stockholder approval for the issuance of  
shares in certain circumstances). The Board of Directors believes it is  
desirable to give the Company this flexibility in considering such matters  
as stock dividends, raising additional capital, acquisitions or other  
corporate purposes. The authorization of such shares will enable the  
Company to act promptly and without additional delay if appropriate  
circumstances arise which require the issuance of such shares. Other than  
commitments under existing stock option plans, the Company has no present  
agreements or commitments to issue any additional shares. 
    The Board of Directors amended the Incentive Stock Option Plan (" the  
Incentive Plan") effective November 1, 1997, subject to shareholder  
approval, to increase the number of shares which may be made the subject of  
options granted pursuant to the Incentive Plan from 1,000,000 to 2,000,000  
shares. Options for all 1,000,000 shares previously authorized under the  
Incentive Plan have been granted. The purposes of the Incentive Plan are to  
assist the Company in attracting and retaining valuable employees, to  
encourage a sense of proprietorship in those employees, and to stimulate in  
those employees an active interest in the development and financial success  
of the Company, by rewarding improvement in the Company's financial  
performance as reflected in its stock value. The Company's Board of  
Directors believes that stock options have played a critical role in recent  
years in motivating Company management to build a growing, highly  
competitive business while also delivering a consistently strong financial  
performance record with corresponding stock price appreciation. The Board  
believes that for the Company to continue to retain, motivate and attract  
key personnel essential to the continued success of the Company, it is  
necessary to maintain the Company's current practice of providing  
meaningful option grants to key employees. The Board also believes that  
providing management with this program of consistent stock option grants is  
an appropriate method of aligning the interests of management with those of  
its shareholders. 
    The full text of the Incentive Plan, as amended subject to shareholder  
approval, is attached to this Proxy Statement as Exhibit A. 
Page 12 
    The Board of Directors amended the Restricted Stock Option Plan ("the  
Restricted Plan") effective November 1, 1997, subject to shareholders  
approval. The purposes of the Restricted Plan are similar to those of the  
Incentive Plan. The Board believes that the Restricted Plan enhances the  
Company's ability to retain or obtain key executive employees by enabling  
them to acquire shares of the Company's Common Stock through options  
granted under the Restricted Plan. 
    The Board of Directors approved two amendments to the Restricted Plan.  
First, the Board amended the plan to permit the directors of the Company to  
become eligible to participate. The Board believes that the purposes of the  
Restricted Plan can be accomplished even more effectively by permitting the  
directors of the Company to become eligible to participate in the plan.  
Second, the Board amended the plan to limit the amount of options which any  
one individual may receive in any one year to 5% of the number of shares of  
the Company's Common Stock issued and outstanding at the beginning of such  
year. The purpose of this amendment was to permit compensation paid to the  
highest compensated employees of the Company to continue to be deductible  
for federal income tax purposes under the restrictions imposed under  
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code and related regulations.  
Section 162(m) and the related regulations could limit the deductibility of  
compensation paid to certain employees under the Restricted Plan. Imposing  
the limitation on the number of shares which may be granted to any one  
individual in any one year will permit the Company to continue to deduct  
compensation paid to the highest compensated employees under the Restricted  
    The full text of the Restricted Plan, as amended subject to shareholder  
approval, is attached to this Proxy Statement as Exhibit B. 
    As part of its previously announced Common Stock repurchase program,  
the Company currently intends to continue its practice of minimizing the  
dilutive effect of its stock option plans through the acquisition of shares  
to offset option exercises. Since December, 1995 the Company has  
repurchased 800,000 shares of its Common Stock and is currently authorized  
to purchase an additional 1,000,000 shares. 
    The Compensation Committee of the Company's Board of Directors has  
approved the incentive bonus arrangements for Bradley B. Buechler, the  
Company's Chief Executive Officer, and David B. Mueller, the Company's  
Chief Operating Officer. The Compensation Committee believes that these  
arrangements have served their intended purpose and properly reward these  
officers for the performance results achieved. The arrangements for each  
fiscal year of the Company provide these individuals with an annual bonus  
equal to a percentage (1% for the Chief Executive Officer and .60% for the  
Chief Operating Officer) of the Company's earnings before interest and  
income taxes as reported in the Company's audited financial statements for  
each year that their employment agreements are in effect, adjusted,  
however, to exclude profit or loss on extraordinary or nonrecurring items  
and unusual items (such as sale of a significant amount of assets or  
securities other than in the ordinary course of business operations, one- 
time employee separation costs, and significant litigation costs or  
recoveries) ("Adjusted EBIT"). The calculation of Adjusted EBIT is to be  
made by the Company's auditors based on generally accepted accounting  
principles. No such bonuses will be paid with respect to any fiscal year in  
which the Company's Adjusted EBIT is less than 66-2/3% of the Company's  
Adjusted EBIT in its immediately preceding fiscal year. Should the  
employment agreement terminate prior to the close of a fiscal year of the  
Company, the employee will be entitled to a bonus with respect to such  
fiscal year (in addition to other amounts to which he may be entitled on  
termination under other provisions of his employment agreement)  
equal to a proportionate amount of the bonus he would have earned for the  
entire fiscal year based on the number of days he was employed . 
Page 13 
    The Board of Directors of the Company, on the recommendation of the  
Audit Committee, appointed Arthur Andersen LLP as independent auditors of  
the Company for fiscal 1998.  The Board proposes that the shareholders  
ratify at this Annual Meeting the appointment of Arthur Andersen LLP as  
independent auditors for fiscal 1998.  Arthur Andersen LLP has served as  
the Company's independent auditors since fiscal 1986.  The Company has had  
no disagreements with Arthur Andersen LLP on any matters of accounting  
principles or practices, financial statement disclosure, or auditing scope  
or procedures.  In the event a majority of the votes cast at the meeting  
are not voted in favor of the appointment, the Board will reconsider its  
    Arthur Andersen LLP has advised the Company that its representatives  
will be present at the Annual Meeting, where they will have the opportunity  
to make a statement if they desire to do so and will be available to  
respond to appropriate questions. 
    Management does not intend to bring before the Annual Meeting any  
matters other than those disclosed in the Notice of Annual Meeting of  
Shareholders, and it does not know of any business which persons other than  
management intend to present at the meeting. Should any other matter  
requiring a vote of the shareholders arise, the proxies in the enclosed  
form confer upon the person or persons entitled to vote the shares  
represented by such proxies discretionary authority to vote such shares in  
respect of any such other matter in accordance with their best judgment. 
    Proposals of shareholders intended to be presented at the 1999 Annual  
Meeting of the Shareholders of the Company must be received by the Company,  
for inclusion in its proxy statement and form of proxy relating to that  
meeting, by October 1, 1998.  
                                         By Order of the Board of Directors 
                                         /S/David B. Mueller 
                                         David B. Mueller 
                                         Executive Vice President, 
                                         Chief Operating Officer  
January 29, 1998                         and Secretary 
Page 14 
Exhibit A 
                      SPARTECH CORPORATION 
                    INCENTIVE STOCK OPTION PLAN 
    This Incentive Stock Option Plan (the Plans) of Spartech Corporation  
("Spartech") for Spartech and its subsidiaries and affiliated corporations  
(collectively referred to as the "Company") is intended to provide  
employment incentive: 
    (A) For the purposes of retaining in the employ of the Company persons  
with superior training, experience and ability; 
    (B) For attracting new employees whose services are considered  
unusually valuable; and 
    (C) To encourage a sense of proprietorship in all such persons and to  
stimulate in all such persons an active interest in the development and  
financial success of the Company. 
    The Plan is intended to provide for the issuance of options which  
comply with all of the requirements of Section 422 of the Internal Revenue  
Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"). 
    1. ADMINISTRATION OF PLAN. The Plan shall be administered by a  
committee of the Board of Directors of Spartech comprised of two or more  
members of the Board who are not employees of the Company, (the  
"Committee"). No person shall be a member of the Committee if, during one  
year prior to service on the Committee, such person was granted or awarded  
any equity securities of the Company pursuant to this or any other plan of  
the Company, except as permitted by Rule 1 6b-3(c)(2)(i) under the  
Securities Exchange Act of 1934. 
    The Committee shall review and approve the names of all key employees  
to whom options are proposed to be granted, the number of shares to be  
covered by, and within the applicable limits set forth in the Plan, the  
price and terms of any option to be granted hereunder. Subject to the  
provisions of the Plan, the Committee shall be authorized to approve the  
number of options and participants annually and to interpret the Plan, to  
prescribe, amend and rescind rules and regulations, forms, notices and  
agreements relating to the Plan and to make all determinations necessary or  
advisable for the operation of the Plan. All ultimate powers of approval  
shall be vested in the Committee as a body and the Committee shall have  
absolute discretion, subject to the provisions of the Plan, with respect to  
all determinations thereunder. 
    2. SHARES SUBJECT TO THE PLAN. The aggregate number and class of shares  
which may be made the subject of options granted pursuant to the Plan for  
its ten (10) years of operation is Two Million (2,000,000) shares of Common  
Stock of Spartech (par value $.75 per share), subject to adjustment as  
provided in Section 8 below. Such shares may be made available from  
authorized and unissued shares of Common Stock of Spartech. In the event  
that any option granted hereunder shall terminate prior to its exercise in  
full, the shares with respect to which such option shall not have been  
exercised may thereafter again be made the subject of new options granted  
    (A) Employees and executive officers of the Company shall be entitled  
to participation in the Plan, if otherwise eligible under the terms  
hereunder. Any person granted an option hereunder is hereinafter referred  
to as a "Participant". 
    (B) The adoption by the Committee of a resolution granting an option to  
an employee shall complete the necessary corporate action constituting the  
grant of such option, and shall be an offer of such shares for sale to such  
employee under the terms of the Plan. 
    (C) For options granted, the aggregate fair market value, determined as  
of the date of grant of each option, of shares of Common Stock with respect  
to which options are exercisable for the first time by any person during  
any calendar year (under all incentive stock option plans of the Company)  
shall not exceed $100,000. 
    (A) The exercise price per share of options granted under the Plan  
shall not be less than 100% of the fair market value per share of the  
shares subject to such option at the time the option is granted, and such  
exercise price shall be determined in good faith by the Committee at the  
time the option is granted. 
    (B) However, if any option is granted hereunder to any person who owns  
stock possessing more than 10% of the total combined voting power of all  
classes of stock of Spartech (or its parent, if any), or of any subsidiary,  
then, notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan, such option shall  
have an exercise price of at least 110% of the fair market value per share  
of the shares subject to such option at the time the option is granted. 
For the purposes of the foregoing restriction, a person shall be considered  
as owning stock which he may purchase under any outstanding option, as well  
as the stock owned directly or indirectly by or for his spouse, brothers  
and sisters (whether of the whole or half blood), ancestors and lineal  
descendants; and stock owned directly or indirectly by or for a  
corporation, partnership, estate or trust shall be considered as being  
owned proportionately by or for its shareholders, partners or  
    (A) Subject to the provisions of Sections 7 and 8 hereof, the Committee  
shall have absolute discretion in determining the rate at which any option  
granted hereunder may be exercised and whether any option exercisable in  
installments is to be exercisable on a cumulative or noncumulative basis.  
However, no option granted hereunder shall be exercisable in whole or in  
part later than the day preceding the tenth anniversary date of the grant. 
    (B) However, no option granted to any person who owns stock of Spartech  
possessing more that 10% of the total combined voting power of all classes  
of stock of Spartech (or its parent, if any, or a subsidiary) as defined in  
Section 4(B) of this Plan shall be exercisable after the expiration of five  
years from the date such option is granted. 
    (C) If the provisions of Section 422 of the Code defining stock options  
which meet the requirements for benefits accorded to incentive stock  
options under the Code so require (at the time of the granting of any such  
option), then notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraphs (A) and (B),  
no option granted under the Plan to any person shall be exercisable at a  
time while there is outstanding any incentive stock option which was  
granted, before the granting of such option, to such person to purchase  
stock of Spartech or of any corporation which (at the time of the granting  
of any such option) is a parent or subsidiary corporation of Spartech, or  
of any corporation which is a predecessor of any such corporations. For  
purposes of this Plan, an option shall be "outstanding" until it is  
exercised in full or expires by reason of lapse of time. 
    (A) Unless the Committee shall otherwise determine, an option, to the  
extent exercisable under this Plan, may be exercised by delivery to the  
Treasurer or Controller of Spartech, at its principal office, of a written  
notice, signed by the person entitled to exercise such option, specifying  
the number of shares purchasable under the option which the Participant  
then wishes to purchase, (i) accompanied by a certified check in the amount  
of the aggregate option price for such number of shares, or alternatively,  
(ii) the delivery of shares of Spartech Common Stock already owned by the  
Participant having a fair market value equal to the exercise price, or  
(iii) by the delivery of a combination of such shares and certified check. 
    (B) For purposes of Section 6(A) of this Plan, the "fair market value"  
of any shares of Spartech Common Stock tendered by a Participant in  
exercise or partial exercise of an option granted under the Plan shall mean  
the closing bid price of a share of Spartech Common Stock in the exchange  
its Common Stock is traded on the day of exercise of such Option or, if  
there were no sales on such day, the lowest bid price for such stock. 
    (C) In no event shall stock be issued or certificates be delivered  
until full payment shall have been received by Spartech, nor shall the  
Participant have any right or status as a stockholder prior to such  
    (A) If a Participant's employment with the Company terminates as a  
result of permanent and total disability (as defined in Section 22(e)(3) of  
the Code), or if his employment otherwise terminates for any other reason,  
including death or retirement, without having fully exercised any option  
granted to him, he, his executor or administrator or the legatees or  
distributees of his estate, as the case may be, shall have the right, for a  
period of one (1 ) year from the date his employment terminates as a result  
of such disability, or for a period of three (3) months after such  
termination, retirement or from the appointment and qualification of an  
executor or administrator, as the case may be, but not, in any case, later  
than the day preceding the tenth anniversary of the date of the grant of  
such option to exercise such option with respect to all or any part of the  
number of shares to which the option relates, to the extent exercisable at  
the time of his disability, death, retirement, or termination of  
employment, and thereafter such option, to the extent not so exercised  
during such period, shall be deemed to have expired regardless of the  
expiration date otherwise specified therein. 
    (B) For the purposes of this Plan, the transfer of an employee among  
Spartech, its subsidiaries or affiliates, or a leave of absence authorized  
by the Company for military service or sickness not exceeding three (3)  
months, or a leave of absence in excess of three (3) months for military  
service or sickness duly authorized by the Company provided the employee  
has a right to reemployment either by statute or by contract, shall not be  
deemed a termination of employment. 
(A) If the outstanding shares of the Common Stock of Spartech are  
subdivided, consolidated, increased, decreased, changed into, or exchanged  
for a different number or kind of shares or securities of Spartech through  
reorganization, merger, recapitalization, reclassification, capital  
adjustment or otherwise, or if Spartech shall issue Common Stock as a  
dividend or upon a stock split, then the number and kind of shares  
available for purposes of this Plan and all shares subject to the  
unexercised portion of any options theretofore granted and the option price  
of such options shall be appropriately adjusted. However, any such  
adjustment in outstanding options shall be made without change in the total  
exercise price applicable to the unexercised portion of any outstanding  
    (B) If, in the event of a merger or consolidation, Spartech is not the  
surviving corporation, and in the event that the agreement of merger or  
consolidation does not provide for the substitution of a new option for an  
option granted hereunder or for the assumption of such option by the  
surviving corporation, or in the event of the dissolution or liquidation of  
Spartech, the holder of any such option theretofore granted and still  
outstanding shall have the right immediately prior to the effective date of  
such merger, consolidation, dissolution or liquidation to exercise his  
option in whole or in part without regard to any installment provision that  
may have been made part of the terms and conditions of such option;  
provided that any conditions precedent to such exercise set forth in the  
Incentive Stock Option Agreement referred to below, other than the passage  
of time, have occurred. In no event, however, may an option which becomes  
exercisable pursuant to this Section 8 be exercised, in whole or in part,  
later than the day preceding the tenth anniversary date of the grant  
    (C) Adjustments under this Section shall be made by the Committee,  
whose determination as to what adjustments shall be made, and the extent  
thereof, shall be final, binding and conclusive. In computing any  
adjustment under this Section 8, any fractional share which might otherwise  
become subject to  
an option shall be eliminated. 
granted hereunder shall not be transferable except by will or pursuant to  
the laws of descent and distribution and may be exercised during a  
Participant's lifetime, only by him. Unless the shares to be acquired upon  
exercise of any option granted hereunder may, at the time of such  
acquisition, be lawfully resold in accordance with a then currently  
effective registration statement under the Securities Act of 1933, the  
Committee may require, as a condition to the delivery of any shares to be  
purchased upon exercise of such option: 
    (a) That Spartech receive appropriate evidence that the optionee is  
acquiring such shares for investment and not with a view to the  
distribution or public offering of all or any portion thereof, or any  
interest therein, and an agreement to the effect that the optionee shall  
make no sale or other disposition of such shares unless and until Spartech  
(i) shall have received an opinion of legal counsel satisfactory in form  
and substance to it, to the effect that such sale or other disposition may  
be made without registration under the then applicable provisions of the  
Securities Act of 1933 or the regulations of the Securities and Exchange  
Commission thereunder, or (ii) such shares shall thereafter be included in  
a currently effective registration statement or post-effective amendment to  
a registration statement under the Securities Act of 1933; and 
    (b) That the certificate or certificates issued to evidence such shares  
bear an appropriate legend summarizing such restrictions on the further  
sale or other disposition thereof. 
    10. INCENTIVE STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT. Each option granted under the  
Plan shall be evidenced by an Incentive Stock Option Agreement which shall  
set forth the terms and conditions of such option, including, without  
limitation, such terms and conditions, if any, as shall be requisite in the  
judgment of the Committee in order to comply with the provisions of the  
Code defining so-called "incentive stock options". Each such Agreement  
shall expressly incorporate by reference the provisions of this Plan (a  
copy of which shall be attached thereto), and shall state that in the event  
of any inconsistency between the provisions hereof and the provisions of  
such Incentive Stock Option Agreement, the provisions of this Plan shall  
    11. AMENDMENT OR DISCONTINUANCE OF PLAN. The Committee may alter,  
amend, suspend or discontinue the Plan at any time, provided that subject  
to the provision of Section 8, no such action of the Committee may, without  
appropriate shareholder action, increase the maximum number of shares  
subject to the Plan, alter the class of individuals eligible for the grant  
of options hereunder or change the manner of determining the exercise price  
of options granted under the Plan. In addition, without the consent of the  
Participant, no such action shall alter the terms of, or impair the rights  
of such Participant under, any option theretofore granted to him pursuant  
to the Plan, including any such rights with respect to any shares acquired  
upon exercise of such option. 
MAY BE GRANTED. This Plan, as adopted by the Board of Directors on July 26,  
1991 and subject to approval by the shareholders in accordance with the  
applicable provisions of the Corporation Law of the State of Delaware,  
shall become effective on October 1, 1991. No options shall be granted  
pursuant to this Plan prior to October 1, 1991. No grant of an option shall  
be made hereunder after the expiration of ten (10) years from October  
Prior to the termination of any option, the Committee, in its discretion,  
shall have the power to amend the Stock Option Agreement relating to any  
such option in order to reflect an amendment to the Plan which becomes  
effective after the date of grant of any such option. Any such amendment  
shall be effective only with respect to the unexercised portion of any such  
option. Subject to the provisions of Section 8 of the Plan, nothing  
contained in this Section 13 shall be construed to allow the Committee to  
increase the number of shares purchasable pursuant to any such option, to  
reduce the exercise price of any such option or to extend the exercise  
period of any such option beyond the day preceding the tenth anniversary of  
the date of its grant. 
                                         By Order of the Board of Directors 
                                         SPARTECH CORPORATION 
Dated: July 26, 1991 
Exhibit B 
                                   SPARTECH CORPORATION 
                              RESTRICTED STOCK OPTION PLAN 
    1. PURPOSES OF PLAN. The purpose of the Spartech Corporation Restricted  
Stock Option Plan (the "Plan") is as follows: 
    To further the growth, success and interests of Spartech Corporation  
(the "Company") by retaining or obtaining key executive employees of the  
Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates, who have been or will be given  
responsibility for the administration of the affairs of the Company, by  
enabling them to acquire shares of the Company's Common Stock under the  
terms and conditions and in the manner contemplated by the Plan, thereby  
increasing their personal commitment to the Company. 
    2. ADMINISTRATION OF PLAN. The Plan shall be administered by a  
committee of the Board of Directors of Spartech comprised of two or more  
members of the Board who are not employees of the Company, the  
("Committee"). No person shall be a member of the Committee if, during one  
year prior to service on the Committee, such person was granted or awarded  
any equity securities of the Company pursuant to this or any other plan of  
the Company, except as permitted by Rule 1 6b-3(c)(2)(i) under the  
Securities Exchange Act of 1934. 
    The Committee shall review and approve the names of all key employees  
to whom options are proposed to be granted, the number of shares to be  
covered by, and within the applicable limits set forth in the Plan, the  
price and terms of any option to be granted hereunder. Subject to the  
provisions of the Plan, the Committee shall be authorized to approve the  
number of options and participants annually and to interpret the Plan, to  
prescribe, amend and rescind rules and regulations, forms, notices and  
agreements relating to the Plan and to make all determinations necessary or  
advisable for the operation of the Plan. All ultimate powers of approval  
shall be vested in the Committee as a body and the Committee shall have  
absolute discretion, subject to the provisions of the Plan, with respect to  
all determinations thereunder. 
    3. ELIGIBLE PARTICIPANTS. Eligible for participation under the Plan  
shall be (i) the members of the Company's Board of Directors, and (ii)  
those employees of the Company or its subsidiaries, divisions and  
affiliates who exercise key functions and responsibilities including, but  
not limited to, such persons whose position in the Company or its  
subsidiaries, divisions and affiliates bear the following titles: 
   Chairman of the Board                           Treasurer 
   Vice Chairman of the Board                      Secretary 
   President                                       Assistant Vice President 
   Executive Vice President                        Assistant Secretary 
   Group Vice President                            Assistant Treasurer 
   Vice President                                  Assistant Controller 
   Controller                                      Divisional President 
                                                   General Manager 
    The Committee shall have the responsibility, in its sole discretion, of  
determining eligible participants under the plan, and with respect to  
employees shall receive the recommendations of the various officers and  
divisional executives of the Company with respect thereto.    No  
participant may be granted options in any calendar year for a number of  
shares greater than 5% of the number of shares of the Company's common  
stock issued and outstanding at the beginning of such year." 
    4. SHARES SUBJECT TO PLAN. A maximum of up to 10 percent (10%) of the  
outstanding shares (excluding treasury shares) of the Common Stock, $.75  
par value, of the Company shall be available for inclusion in options  
issued for each fiscal year of the Company. However, the number of shares  
issuable for options granted under the Plan with respect to any one fiscal  
year of the Company shall not be cumulative, so that if options for the  
maximum number of shares authorized for issuance under the Plan are not in  
fact issued during any fiscal year, the authority for issuance of options  
not so issued shall be automatically canceled. The number of outstanding  
shares against which the maximum percentage figure is to be applied shall  
be determined as of the applicable fiscal year end. Such shares may come  
either from authorized but heretofore unissued shares or from shares  
reacquired by the Company, including shares purchased in the open market.  
Such number and kind of shares subject to options issued under the Plan  
shall be appropriately adjusted in the event of any one or more stock  
splits, spin-offs, split-ups, split-offs, reverse stock splits, or stock  
dividends in excess of five percent (5%), hereafter paid or declared with  
respect to such shares subject to the Plan. 
    (A) The Committee, in its absolute discretion, shall determine the  
exercise price per share of options granted under the Plan, including the  
discretion to issue options exercisable at prices below market for the  
underlying shares at the time of grant, or option prices reflecting  
impediments to future marketability placed on the shares subject to the  
options, or exercisable for nominal prices, which may be payable in  
services, by note or by other consideration therefor. 
    (B) The Committee shall have absolute discretion in determining the  
rates at which any option granted hereunder shall be exercised in whole or  
in part. However, no option granted hereunder shall be exercisable in whole  
or in part later than the day preceding the 1 0th anniversary date of the  
grant. An option exercisable under this Plan may be exercised by delivery  
to the Treasurer or Controller of Spartech, at its principal office, of a  
written notice, signed by the person entitled to exercise such option,  
specifying the number of shares purchasable under the option, which the  
participant wishes to purchase, accompanied by (i) a certified check in the  
amount of the aggregate option price for such number of shares, or  
alternatively, (ii) the delivery of shares of Spartech Common Stock already  
owned by the participant having a fair market value equal to the exercise  
price, or (iii) by the delivery of a combination of such shares and  
certified check. 
    For purposes of this Plan, the 'fair market value" of any shares of  
Spartech Common Stock tendered by a participant in exercise or partial  
exercise of an option granted under the Plan shall mean the closing bid  
price of a share of Spartech Common Stock in the exchange its Common Stock  
is traded on the day of exercise of such option or, if there were no sales  
on such day, the lowest bid price for such stock. In no event shall stock  
be issued or certificates be delivered until full payment shall have been  
received by Spartech, nor shall the participant have any right or status as  
a stockholder prior to such payment. 
    6. RESTRICTIONS. Options granted hereunder, or shares issued pursuant  
to the exercise of such options granted under the Plan shall be subject to  
the following restrictions: 
    (a) Neither the options granted hereunder nor shares issued pursuant to  
the exercise of such options may be sold or otherwise disposed of until a  
period of at least three (3) years shall have elapsed from the date of  
grant of the option. 
    (b) For a period of three (3) years after options are issued to an  
eligible participant, the options, if unexercised, or the underlying  
shares, if acquired, may, in the sole discretion of the Company, be  
reacquired by the Company at the same price as paid by such participant for  
the options and/or shares, as the case may be, should such participant's  
employment or service with the Company be terminated for fraud,  
misappropriation or similar wrongdoing to the Company. Anything in the  
foregoing to the contrary notwithstanding, this restriction shall not  
permit the Company to reacquire shares upon which the prohibition against  
sale or other disposition has lapsed prior to termination of employment. 
    7. OTHER RESTRICTIONS. The Committee may, in its sole discretion,  
impose such other restrictions (not to exceed three (3) years in duration  
from the date of issuance of any options hereunder) on any shares issued  
pursuant to this Plan as it may deem advisable, including, without  
limitation, restrictions under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or  
under the requirements of any stock exchange upon which such shares or  
shares of the same class are then listed. 
    8. LEGEND. In order to enforce the restrictions imposed upon shares  
hereunder, the Committee may cause a legend or legends to be placed on any  
certificates representing shares issued pursuant to this Plan, which legend  
or legends shall make appropriate reference to the restrictions imposed  
    9. RESTRICTED STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT. Each option granted under the  
Plan shall be evidenced by a Restricted Stock Option Agreement which shall  
set forth the terms and conditions of such option. Each such Agreement  
shall expressly incorporate by reference the provisions of this Plan (a  
copy of which shall be attached thereto), and shall state that in the event  
of any inconsistency between the provisions hereof and the provisions of  
such Restricted Stock Option Agreement, the provisions of this Plan shall  
    10. AMENDMENTS. This Plan may be amended at any time by the Committee;  
provided no such amendment shall increase the maximum number of shares that  
may be issued pursuant to this Plan without the further approval of such  
shareholders (except where such increase results from an anti-dilution  
adjustment as provided in Section 4 hereof). Neither the Committee nor the  
shareholders, by amendment to the Plan, can affect options or shares issued  
to a participant under the Plan prior to such amendment. 
MAY BE GRANTED. This Plan, as adopted by the Board of Directors on July 26,  
1991 and subject to approval by the shareholders in accordance with the  
applicable provisions of the Corporation Law of the State of Delaware,  
shall become effective on October 1, 1991. No options shall be granted  
pursuant to this Plan prior to October 1, 1991. No grant of an option shall  
be made hereunder after the expiration of ten (10) years from October 1,  
1991 or such earlier date as may be determined by the Committee. The  
termination of this Plan, however, shall not affect any restrictions  
previously imposed on shares issued pursuant to this Plan. 
                                        By Order of the Board of Directors 
                                        SPARTECH CORPORATION 
Dated: July 26, 1991, as amended 
November 1, 1997 
Notice of Annual Meeting 
and Proxy Statement 
Annual Meeting of Shareholders 
March 11, 1998 
7733 FORSYTH * SUITE 1450 * CLAYTON, MISSOURI 63105-1817 
    The undersigned hereby appoints W.R. Clerihue and Bradley B. Buechler,  
and each of them with power to act alone and with full power of  
substitution and revocation as attorneys and proxies of the undersigned to  
attend the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Spartech Corporation ("the  
Company" to be held at the Pierre Laclede Conference Center, 7733 Forsyth  
Boulevard, Clayton, Missouri, 63105, on Wednesday, March 11, 1998,  
commencing at 10:00 a.m., CST, and at any and all adjournments thereof, and  
to vote with respect to the following matters, all as set forth in the  
Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders and Proxy Statement, dated January  
29, 1998.   
    This Proxy, when properly executed, will be voted in the manner  
directed herein by the undersigned.  IF NO DIRECTION IS MADE, THIS PROXY  
(Back of Card) 
Election of three Class B Directors to serve until the 2001 Annual Meeting. 
NOMINEES:  Bradley B. Buechler, John R. Kennedy, and Calvin J. O'Connor 
[ ] FOR all the nominees listed above 
[ ] WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to vote for all nominees listed above 
[ ] WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to vote for the nominee(s)that have a line  
through the name above 
[ ] FOR 
[ ] FOR 
[ ] FOR 
[ ] FOR 
[ ] FOR 
ITEM 7 - The proxies are authorized to vote, in discretion, upon such  
other business as properly may come before the Annual Meeting. 
Dated:____________, 19___ 
Signature of Shareholder 
Signature if held jointly 
Please sign exactly as the name appears hereon.  When shares are held by  
joint tenants, both should sign.  When signing as an attorney, executor,  
administrator, trustee, or guardian, please give full title as such.  If a  
corporation, please sign full corporate name by President for other  
authorized officer.  If a partnership, please sign in partnership name by  
authorized person.