The Brink's Company
                                                              Richmond, Virginia

                       Directors' Stock Accumulation Plan


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


PREAMBLE ....................................................................  1

ARTICLE I               DEFINITIONS..........................................  2

ARTICLE II              ADMINISTRATION.......................................  5

    SECTION 1              Authorized Shares.................................  5

    SECTION 2              Administration....................................  5

ARTICLE III             PARTICIPATION........................................  6

ARTICLE IV              ALLOCATIONS..........................................  6

    SECTION 1              Initial Allocation................................  6

    SECTION 2              Additional Allocations............................  6

    SECTION 3              Supplemental Allocations..........................  7

    SECTION 4              Conversion of Existing Incentive Accounts
                           to Brink's Units..................................  7

    SECTION 5              Adjustments.......................................  7

    SECTION 6              Dividends and Distributions.......................  8

ARTICLE V               DISTRIBUTIONS........................................  8

    SECTION 1              Entitlement to Benefits...........................  8

    SECTION 2              Distribution of Shares............................  9

ARTICLE VI              DESIGNATION OF BENEFICIARY........................... 10

ARTICLE VII             MISCELLANEOUS........................................ 11

    SECTION 1              Nontransferability of Benefits.................... 11

    SECTION 2              Limitation of Rights of Non-Employee Director..... 12

    SECTION 3              Term, Amendment and Termination................... 12

    SECTION 4              Funding........................................... 12

    SECTION 5              Governing Law..................................... 13

SCHEDULE A                                                                    14

             The Brink's Company Directors' Stock Accumulation Plan
                  As Amended and Restated as of March 11, 2004


     The Brink's Company Directors' Stock  Accumulation Plan,  effective June 1,
1996, is designed to more closely align the interests of non-employee  directors
to the long-term interests of The Brink's Company and its shareholders. The Plan
is intended to replace the Pittston  Retirement Plan for Non-Employee  Directors
which was  terminated as of May 31, 1996,  with the consent of the  participants
therein,  and  the  benefits  accrued  thereunder  as  of  May  31,  1996,  were
transferred to the Plan.

     Effective  January 14,  2000,  the Plan was amended and restated to reflect
the exchange of .4848 of a share of Brink's  Common  Stock for each  outstanding
share of Pittston BAX Group Common Stock and .0817 of a share of Brink's  Common
Stock for each outstanding share of Pittston Minerals Group Common Stock.

     Effective  May 5, 2003,  the Plan was amended  and  restated to reflect the
Company's name change from "The Pittston Company" to "The Brink's Company."

     Effective March 11, 2004, the Plan was amended and restated to increase the
maximum  number of units  that may be  offered  under the Plan,  subject  to the
approval of the Company's shareholders,  and to provide for a fixed term for the
Plan, unless it is extended by the Company's shareholders.

     The Plan continues to provide a portion of the overall compensation package
of participating  directors in the form of deferred stock equivalent units which
will be  distributed  in the form of Brink's Common Stock upon the occurrence of
certain events.

                                    ARTICLE I


     Wherever  used in the Plan,  the  following  terms shall have the  meanings

     Account: The account maintained by the Company for a Non-Employee  Director
to document  the amounts  credited  under the Plan and the Units into which such
amounts shall be converted.

     BAX Exchange Ratio: The ratio whereby .4848 of a share of Brink's Stock was
exchanged for each outstanding share of BAX Stock on the Exchange Date.

     BAX Stock: Prior to the Exchange Date, Pittston BAX Group Common Stock, par
value $1.00 per share.

     BAX  Unit:  The  equivalent  of  one  share  of  BAX  Stock  credited  to a
Non-Employee Director's Account.

     Board of Directors: The board of directors of the Company.

     Brink's Stock: The Brink's Company Common Stock, par value $1.00 per share.

     Brink's Unit:  The  equivalent of one share of Brink's Stock  credited to a
Non-Employee Director's Account.

     Change in  Control:  A Change in Control  shall be deemed to occur (a) upon
the  approval of the  shareholders  of the  Company (or if such  approval is not
required,  the approval of the Board of Directors) of (i) any  consolidation  or
merger of the Company in which the Company is not the  continuing  or  surviving
corporation  or pursuant to which the shares of Brink's Stock would be converted
into cash,  securities or other property other than a consolidation or merger in
which  holders of the total  voting  power in the  election of  directors of the
Company of Brink's Stock outstanding  (exclusive of shares held by the Company's
affiliates) (the "Total Voting Power") immediately prior to the consolidation or


merger will have the same  proportionate  ownership of the total voting power in
the election of directors of the  surviving  corporation  immediately  after the
consolidation or merger,  or (ii) any sale,  leases,  exchange or other transfer
(in one transaction or a series of transactions) of all or substantially all the
assets of the Company, (b) when any "person" (as defined in Section 13(d) of the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Act") other than the Company,
its affiliates or an employee benefit plan or trust maintained by the Company or
its affiliates,  shall become the  "beneficial  owner" (as defined in Rule 13d-3
under the Act),  directly or  indirectly,  of more than 20% of the Total  Voting
Power,  or (c)  if at any  time  during  a  period  of  two  consecutive  years,
individuals  who at the  beginning  of such  period  constituted  the  Board  of
Directors shall cease for any reason to constitute at least a majority  thereof,
unless the election by the Company's  shareholders  of each new director  during
such  two-year  period  was  approved  by a vote of at least  two-thirds  of the
directors  then  still in office who were  directors  at the  beginning  of such
two-year period.

     Committee: The Administrative Committee of the Company.

     Company: The Brink's Company.

     Effective Date: June 1, 1996.

     Exchange: The exchange of Brink's Stock for outstanding shares of BAX Stock
and Minerals Stock as of the Exchange Date.

     Exchange  Date:  January  14,  2000,  the  date as of  which  the  Exchange

     Initial Allocation: The amount set forth in Schedule A.

     Minerals  Exchange  Ratio:  The ratio  whereby  .0817 of a share of Brink's
Stock was exchanged for each outstanding share of Minerals Stock on the Exchange


     Minerals Stock: Prior to the Exchange Date,  Pittston Minerals Group Common
Stock, par value $1.00 per share.

     Minerals  Unit: The equivalent of one share of Minerals Stock credited to a
Non-Employee Director's Account.

     Non-Employee  Director:  Any member of the Board of Directors who is not an
employee of the Company or a Subsidiary.

     Plan: The Brink's Company  Directors' Stock  Accumulation Plan as set forth
herein and as amended from time to time.

     Shares:  On and after  January 19, 1996,  and prior to the  Exchange  Date,
Brink's Stock,  BAX Stock or Minerals Stock, as the case may be and on and after
the Exchange Date, Brink's Stock.

     Subsidiary:  Any  corporation,  whether or not  incorporated  in the United
States of America,  more than 80% of the  outstanding  voting  stock of which is
owned by the Company,  by the Company and one or more  subsidiaries or by one or
more subsidiaries.

     Unit:  On and after  January 19, 1996,  and prior to the  Exchange  Date, a
Brink's  Unit,  BAX Unit or Minerals  Unit, as the case may be, and on and after
the Exchange Date, a Brink's Unit.

     Year  of  Service:  Each  consecutive  12-month  period  of  service  as  a
Non-Employee  Director,  commencing  on the date  that a  Non-Employee  Director
commences  service on the Board of  Directors,  including  periods  prior to the
Effective Date. Years of Service prior to the Effective Date shall be rounded to
the nearest year.


                                   ARTICLE II


     SECTION  1.  Authorized  Shares.  The  maximum  number of Units that may be
credited  hereunder  from and after May 7, 2004 is 109,654  Brink's  Units.  The
number of Shares that may be issued or otherwise  distributed  hereunder will be
equal to the number of Units that may be credited hereunder.

     In the event of any  change  in the  number  of  shares  of  Brink's  Stock
outstanding  by reason of any stock  split,  stock  dividend,  recapitalization,
merger,  consolidation,  reorganization,  combination,  or  exchange  of shares,
split-up,   split-off,   spin-off,   liquidation  or  other  similar  change  in
capitalization,   any  distribution  to  common  shareholders  other  than  cash
dividends, a corresponding adjustment shall be made to the number of shares that
may be deemed issued under the Plan by the Committee.  Such adjustment  shall be
conclusive and binding for all purposes of the Plan.

     SECTION 2.  Administration.  The  Committee is  authorized  to construe the
provisions of the Plan and to make all  determinations  in  connection  with the
administration of the Plan. All such  determinations made by the Committee shall
be  final,  conclusive  and  binding  on  all  parties,  including  Non-Employee
Directors participating in the Plan.

     All authority of the Committee  provided for in, or pursuant to, this Plan,
may also be exercised by the Board of Directors. In the event of any conflict or
inconsistency between  determinations,  orders,  resolutions or other actions of
the Committee and the Board of Directors taken in connection with this Plan, the
actions of the Board of Directors shall control.


                                   ARTICLE III


     Each  Non-Employee  Director  on the  Effective  Date shall be  eligible to
participate in the Plan on such date.  Thereafter,  each  Non-Employee  Director
shall  be  eligible  to  participate  as of the  date  on  which  he  becomes  a
Non-Employee Director.

                                   ARTICLE IV


     SECTION 1. Initial Allocation. As of the Effective Date, an amount equal to
the Initial  Allocation  was credited to his or her Account.  The amount of each
Non-Employee  Director's  Initial  Allocation  was  converted  into Units in the
following  proportions:  50% was converted into Brink's Units, 30% was converted
into BAX  Units and 20% was  converted  into  Minerals  Units.  The  Units  were
credited to each Non-Employee  Director's Account as of June 3, 1996. The number
(computed to the second  decimal  place) of Units so credited was  determined by
dividing the portion of the Initial Allocation for each Non-Employee Director to
be allocated to each class of Units by the average of the high and low per share
quoted sale prices of Brink's Stock,  BAX Stock or Minerals  Stock,  as the case
may be, as reported on the New York Stock Exchange Composite Transaction Tape on
June 3, 1996.

                  SECTION 2. Additional Allocations. As of June 1, 1997, and as
of each subsequent June 1, each Non-Employee Director (including Non-Employee
Directors elected to the Board of Directors after the Effective Date) shall be
entitled to an additional allocation to his or her Account (which allocation
shall be in addition to any retainer fees paid in cash) equal to (a) for each
Non-Employee Director who, as of such June 1 has accrued less than eight Years
of Service, 50% of the annual retainer in effect for such Non-Employee Director


on such June 1 and (b) for each Non-Employee Director who, as of such June 1,
has accrued eight or more Years of Service, 25% of the annual retainer in effect
for such Non-Employee Director on such June 1. For each calendar year after
1999, such additional allocations shall be converted on the first trading day in
June into Brink's Units. The number (computed to the second decimal place) of
Brink's Units so credited shall be determined by dividing the amount of the
additional allocation for each Non-Employee Director for the year by the average
of the high and low per share quoted sale prices of Brink's Stock, as reported
on the New York Stock Exchange Composite Transaction Tape on the first trading
date in June.

     SECTION  3.  Supplemental  Allocations.  As of the  effective  date  of any
increase in a Non-Employee  Director's annual retainer after the Effective Date,
the number of Units to be  allocated  to each  Non-Employee  Director's  Account
shall be multiplied  by a fraction,  the numerator of which is the amount of the
annual retainer after the increase and the denominator of which is the amount of
such retainer immediately prior to such increase.

     SECTION 4. Conversion of Existing  Incentive  Accounts to Brink's Units. As
of the  Exchange  Date,  all BAX  Units  and  Minerals  Units in a  Non-Employee
Director's  Account were converted into Brink's Units by multiplying  the number
of BAX Units and Minerals Units in the  Non-Employee  Director's  Account by the
BAX Exchange Ratio or the Minerals Exchange Ratio, respectively.

     SECTION 5.  Adjustments.  The  Committee  shall  determine  such  equitable
adjustments  in the Units  credited  to each  Account as may be  appropriate  to
reflect   any   stock   split,   stock   dividend,   recapitalization,   merger,
consolidation,  reorganization,  combination,  or exchange of shares,  split-up,
split-off, spin-off,  liquidation or other similar change in capitalization,  or
any distribution to common shareholders other than cash dividends.


     SECTION 6.  Dividends  and  Distributions.  Whenever a cash dividend or any
other  distribution is paid with respect to shares of Brink's Stock, the Account
of each  Non-Employee  Director will be credited  with an  additional  number of
Brink's  Units,  equal to the  number  of  shares  of  Brink's  Stock  including
fractional  shares (computed to the second decimal place),  that could have been
purchased  had such dividend or other  distribution  been paid to the Account on
the payment date for such dividend or distribution based on the number of Shares
giving rise to the dividend or distribution represented by Units in such Account
as of such  date and  assuming  the  amount  of such  dividend  or value of such
distribution had been used to acquire  additional Brink's Units. Such additional
Units  shall be deemed to be  purchased  at the  average of the high and low per
share  quoted  sale prices of Brink's  Stock,  as reported on the New York Stock
Exchange  Composite  Transaction  Tape on the payment  date for the  dividend or
other  distribution.  The value of any  distribution  will be  determined by the

                                    ARTICLE V


     SECTION  1.  Entitlement  to  Benefits.   Each  Non-Employee  Director  who
completes  at least five Years of Service as a  Non-Employee  Director  shall be
entitled to receive a  distribution  in Brink's Stock in respect of all Units in
his or her Account if,  after  completion  of such five Years of Service,  he or

     (a) retires from the Board of Directors on or after attaining age 70;

     (b)  retires  from the Board of  Directors  prior to age 72 at the end of a
full term of office in  anticipation  of  attaining  such age during  what would
otherwise be such individual's next full term of office as a director;


     (c) retires from the Board of Directors prior to age 70 but after attaining
age 65, as a result of ill health,  relocation  (residence or principal place of
business) or entering  into any  governmental,  diplomatic  or other  service or
employment  if, in the opinion of outside  legal  counsel,  his or her continued
service on the Board of Directors might create a conflict of interest;

     (d) retires from the Board of  Directors at any time  following a Change in


     (e) dies while serving as a Non-Employee Director.

     In the event a  Non-Employee  Director  terminates  service on the Board of
Directors for any reason not described  above,  all Units shall be forfeited and
all rights of the  Non-Employee  Director to the related Shares shall  terminate
without further obligation on the part of the Company.

     Section  2.  Distribution  of Shares.  Each  Non-Employee  Director  who is
entitled to a  distribution  of Shares  pursuant to Section 1 of this  Article V
shall receive a distribution  in Brink's Stock, in respect of all Units standing
to the credit of such  Non-Employee  Director's  Account,  in a single  lump-sum
distribution as soon as practicable  following his or her termination of service
as a Non-Employee Director;  provided, however, that a Non-Employee Director may
elect, at least 12 months prior to his or her termination of service, to receive
distribution  of the  Shares  represented  by the Units  credited  to his or her
Account in substantially equal annual installments (not more than 10) commencing
on the first day of the month next following the date of his or her  termination
of  service  (whether  by death,  disability,  retirement  or  otherwise)  or as
promptly as practicable  thereafter.  Such Non-Employee Director may at any time
elect to change the manner of such  payment,  provided that any such election is
made at least 12 months in  advance  of his or her  termination  of service as a
Non-Employee Director.


     The number of shares of Brink's  Stock to be included  in each  installment
payment shall be determined  by  multiplying  the number of Brink's Units in the
Non-Employee  Director's  Account  (including  any  dividends  or  distributions
credited to such Account  pursuant to Section 6 of Article IV whether  before or
after  the  initial  installment  payment  date) as of the lst day of the  month
preceding the initial installment payment and as of each succeeding  anniversary
of such date by a fraction, the numerator or which is one and the denominator of
which  is  the  number  of  remaining   installments   (including   the  current

     Any fractional Units shall be converted to cash based on the average of the
high and low per share  quoted sale  prices of the Brink's  Stock as reported on
the New York Stock Exchange Composite  Transaction Tape, on the last trading day
of the month preceding the month of distribution and shall be paid in cash.

                                   ARTICLE VI

                           Designation of Beneficiary

     A Non-Employee  Director may designate in a written election filed with the
Committee a beneficiary  or  beneficiaries  (which may be an entity other than a
natural person) to receive all  distributions  and payments under the Plan after
the Non-Employee  Director's  death. Any such designation may be revoked,  and a
new election may be made, at any time and from time to time, by the Non-Employee
Director  without the consent of any beneficiary.  If the Non-Employee  Director
designates more than one  beneficiary,  any  distributions  and payments to such
beneficiaries  shall  be made  in  equal  percentages  unless  the  Non-Employee


Director has designated otherwise,  in which case the distributions and payments
shall be made in the percentages  designated by the Non-Employee Director. If no
beneficiary  has  been  named by the  Non-Employee  Director  or no  beneficiary
survives the Non-Employee  Director,  the remaining Shares (including fractional
Shares) in the Non-Employee Director's Account shall be distributed or paid in a
single  sum  to  the  Non-Employee   Director's   estate.  In  the  event  of  a
beneficiary's  death,  the remaining  installments  will be paid to a contingent
beneficiary,  if any, designated by the Non-Employee Director or, in the absence
of  a  surviving  contingent   beneficiary,   the  remaining  Shares  (including
fractional  Shares) shall be  distributed  or paid to the primary  beneficiary's
estate  in a single  distribution.  All  distributions  shall be made in  Shares
except that fractional shares shall be paid in cash.

                                   ARTICLE VII


     SECTION 1.  Nontransferability  of Benefits.  Except as provided in Article
VI, Units  credited to an Account shall not be  transferable  by a  Non-Employee
Director or former  Non-Employee  Director (or his or her  beneficiaries)  other
than by will or the laws of descent and  distribution  or pursuant to a domestic
relations  order.  No  Non-Employee  Director,  no  person  claiming  through  a
Non-Employee  Director,  nor any other  person  shall have any right or interest
under  the  Plan,  or in its  continuance,  in the  payment  of  any  amount  or
distribution  of any Shares under the Plan,  unless and until all the provisions
of the  Plan,  any  determination  made  by the  Committee  thereunder,  and any
restrictions  and  limitations  on the payment  itself have been fully  complied
with. Except as provided in this Section 1, no rights under the Plan, contingent
or  otherwise,  shall be  transferable,  assignable  or subject to any pledge or
encumbrance of any nature,  nor shall the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries be
obligated,  except as otherwise  required by law, to recognize or give effect to
any such transfer, assignment, pledge or encumbrance.


     SECTION 2. Limitation on Rights of Non-Employee  Director.  Nothing in this
Plan shall confer upon any  Non-Employee  Director the right to be nominated for
reelection to the Board of Directors.  The right of a  Non-Employee  Director to
receive any Shares shall be no greater than the right of any  unsecured  general
creditor of the Company.

     SECTION 3. Term, Amendment and Termination.

     (a)  The  Plan  shall  terminate  on May 15,  2014,  unless  the  Company's
shareholders approve its extension.

     (b) The  Corporate  Governance  and  Nominating  Committee  of the Board of
Directors may from time to time amend any of the  provisions of the Plan, or may
at any time terminate the Plan; provided,  however, that the allocation formulas
included  in  Article  IV may not be  amended  more than  once in any  six-month
period.  No  amendment  or  termination  shall  adversely  affect  any Units (or
distributions in respect thereof) which shall  theretofore have been credited to
any  Non-Employee  Director's  Account  without the prior written consent of the
Non-Employee Director.

     SECTION 4.  Funding.  The Plan shall be unfunded.  Shares shall be acquired
(a) from the trustee under the Employee  Benefits Trust  Agreement made December
7, 1992,  as amended  from time to time,  (b) by purchases on the New York Stock
Exchange or (c) in such other manner,  including  acquisition  of Brink's Stock,
otherwise  than on said  Exchange,  at such prices,  in such amounts and at such
times as the Company in its sole discretion may determine.


     SECTION 5.  Governing  Law. The Plan and all  provisions  thereof  shall be
construed  and  administered  according  to  the  laws  of the  Commonwealth  of


                                   Schedule A

     The Initial  Allocation for each Non-Employee  Director shall be the amount
set forth in a report prepared by Foster Higgins dated February 7, 1996.
