EXHIBIT 10(bb)

                                February 2, 2005


                            SHARE TRANSFER AGREEMENT




                           SECURICOR INTERNATIONAL BV


                             BRINK'S LUXEMBOURG S.A.


                              BRINK'S, INCORPORATED


1.   DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION............................................4

2.   SALE AND PURCHASE OF SALE SHARES..........................................8

3.   PURCHASE PRICE............................................................9

4.   PRE-COMPLETION ACTIONS....................................................9

5.   COMPLETION...............................................................11



8.   OTHER OBLIGATIONS OF THE WARRANTORS......................................28

9.   REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF THE BUYER..............................33

10.  INDEMNIFICATION..........................................................34

11.  FLOOR THRESHOLD AND CEILING..............................................37

12.  DURATION OF INDEMNIFICATION..............................................38


14.  MISCELLANEOUS............................................................41


                            SHARE TRANSFER AGREEMENT

                   This agreement is made on February 2, 2005


1. Group 4 Securicor  Holdings  Limited,  with an  authorised  share  capital of
(pound)50,000,000  - (divided into ordinary  shares of 5 pence each all of which
such authorised shares have been issued) - registered in England and Wales under
number  05026978,  having  its  registered  office at The  Manor,  Manor  Royal,
Crawley,  West Sussex RH10 9UN,  represented by S0ren  Lundsberg  Nielsen,  duly
authorised  for the purposes  hereof by a  resolution  of the Board of Directors
dated 28 January 2005, a copy of which is set forth in Schedule1,

(hereinafter "G4S") and

2.  Securicor  International  BV,  with  an  authorised  share  capital  of  EUR
90,756.04.-  (of which EUR  36,801.58.-  has been issued),  registered  with the
Chamber of Commerce of Rotterdam,  The  Netherlands  under the number  33292199,
having its registered office at Bovendijk 132, 3045 PC Rotterdam, represented by
Nigel  Griffiths duly  authorised for the purposes hereof by a resolution of the
Board  of  Directors  dated 31  January  2005,  a copy of which is set  forth in
Schedule 2,

(hereinafter the "Seller")

                                                               ON THE FIRST HAND


3.  Brink's  Luxembourg  S.A.,  a societe  anonyme  with a share  capital of EUR
372,000,  registered  with the Companies and  Commercial  Registry of Luxembourg
under the number B 43.970,  having its registered  office at Zone  Industrielle,
L-8287,  represented by Mr. Bernard  Dumoulin,  duly authorised for the purposes
hereof by a resolution of the Board of Directors  dated 31 January 2005 , a copy
of which is set forth in Schedule 3,

(hereinafter the "Buyer") and

4. Brink's,  Incorporated,  a company  organised  under the laws of the State of
Delaware with its principle office at 1801 Bayberry Court,  Richmond,  VA 23226,
USA and represented by Mrs. Mari Jo Flanagan,  Vice President and Secretary,  as
indicated in the  officer's  certificate  delivered  by  Elizabeth  C.  Restivo,
Assistant  Secretary,  dated 24  January  2005,  a copy of which is set forth in
Schedule 4,

(hereinafter "BI").

                                                              ON THE SECOND HAND



(A)  The share capital of the  Company is divided  into  23,000.-  shares of EUR
     24.79.- each, all of which are owned by the Seller.

(B)  The Seller is a Subsidiary of G4S.

(C)  The  principal activity  of the Company and its Subsidiary is the provision
     of security services.

(D)  The Seller  has  agreed to  transfer  its  shareholding  in the  Company in
     accordance  with  the conditions  and  with the  giving  of the  warranties
     and undertakings  set out below, which  for the Buyer,  have  an  essential
     and  determining  influence  on its  undertaking  to  purchase the Company.



1.1       Definitions In this Agreement:

"Accounts" means the annual accounts  (balance sheets,  profit and loss accounts
and annexes) of each of the Companies as at 30 September 2004;

"Accounting  Methods and  Principles"  means the generally  accepted  accounting
methods and  principles  in Luxembourg  or such other  international  body as is

"Agreement" means this document and the Schedules hereto;

"Assets"  means the raw materials,  assets,  movable  goods,  installations  and
equipment  used  by the  Companies  in the  carrying  out  of  their  activities
including  those  assets  specified in the  Seller's  commitments  to the Europe

"Authorisations"  means all  authorisations,  licences,  permits,  certificates,
approvals or other documents  delivered to the Companies,  by an  administrative
authority or any other  authority or by a  professional  entity set-up in one of
the  countries  where the Companies  carry on their  activities or are owners of
assets at any given time;

"Business  Day" means a day other than a Saturday or Sunday or public holiday in

"Buyer" has the meaning given to it above;

"Clauses" means the clauses of this Agreement;


"Clearance"  means the formal  confirmation by the European  Commission that the
Transactions  fulfil the  obligations  of Group 4 Falck A/S and  Securicor  plc,
pursuant to their written  commitments to the European  Commission  dated 28 May
2004, to enter into final binding sale and purchase  agreements  for the sale of
the Securicor Luxembourg Divestment Business and the UK CIT Divestment Business,
as such terms are defined in the said commitments;

"Companies"  means the Company and the Subsidiaries or any one of them according
to the context;

"Company" means Securicor  Luxembourg S.A. registered in Luxembourg under Number

"Completion"  means  completion of the transfer of the Sale Shares in accordance
with Clause 5;

"Completion  Statement"  means a statement  showing the  turnover  and profit or
loss, for the period from the Last  Accounting Date to Completion and the assets
and  liabilities  of the  Companies as at  Completion  in the same format as the
current  "monthly  reporting  pack"  produced by the  Companies  in the ordinary
course of their business, such Completion Statement being prepared in accordance
with  Accounting  Methods  and  Principles  and  with all  available  supporting

"Confidentiality   Agreement"  means  the  confidentiality   agreement  dated  2
September 2004 between G4S and Brink's EMEA S.A.S;

"Customers'   Accounts"  means  all  customer  funds  held  by  the  Company/ies
immediately prior to Completion;

"Date of this Agreement" means the date on which this Agreement is signed;

"Disclosure  Schedule"  means the Seller's  disclosures  to the  warranties  and
representations set out in Schedule 6;

"Encumbrance"  means  all  liens,  sureties,  interest,  charges,  restrictions,
options, promises or third party right or interest;

"G4S plc" means Group 4 Securicor plc;

"Intellectual Property Rights" means trademarks,  patents,  designs,  models and
author's  rights and  generally  all the rights giving their owner the exclusive
rights of use, together with all trading names,  registered names,  know-how and
processes used by the Companies in the carrying out of their activities;

"Last  Accounting  Date" means 30 September  2004, the financial year end of the


"Loss"  means all losses,  costs,  expenses,  penalties  and any other damage of
whatever nature, including all professional and advisory fees;

"Management  Accounts" means the last available monthly  management  accounts of
the Company prior to Completion;

"Material Adverse Change" means any event, fact, deed, action or circumstance of
whatsoever  nature which,  individually or in the aggregate,  (i)  fundamentally
affects or endangers the Companies,  their operation or profitability,  such as,
but not limited to, (a) the loss of one or several Material  Contracts except if
such loss results from the normal  expiry or the  customer's  decision not renew
the Material  Contract at its expiry date,  (b) the loss of the Vehicles  fleet,
(c)  the  loss  of the  Premises,  (d)  any  material  condition  imposed  by an
administrative  or  judicial  authority  with a  view  to the  closing  of  this
Agreement;  or which (ii) fundamentally  affects or endangers the due fulfilment
by the Warrantors of any of their obligations under this Agreement,  such as any
insolvency proceedings affecting the Warrantors;  or a material difference of an
adverse nature in the assets or liabilities of the Companies as from the Date of
this Agreement to the date of Completion as found in the Management Accounts.

"Material Contracts" have the meaning given to them in Clause 7.16.2;

"Monitoring  Trustee" means the trustee monitoring the compliance of the merging
parties,  Group 4 Falck A/S and Securicor plc, with their  commitments under the
European Commission's ruling of 28th May 2004;

"Parties"  means  collectively  G4S,  the Seller,  the Buyer and BI, and "Party"
means one or the other of the aforesaid;

"Premises" means the premises over which the Companies have possession by virtue
of real property leases with an option to purchase;

"Purchase  Price" means the sum of EUR  27,500,000  (Twenty  Seven  Million Five
Hundred Thousand Euros);

"Real Property" means the buildings owned by the Companies;

"Rented Premises" means the premises over which the Companies have possession by
virtue of leases;

"Rented Vehicles" means the vehicles over which the Companies have possession by
virtue of leases with or without an option to purchase;

"Sale Shares" means 23,000.-.  shares  comprising the whole of the share capital
of the Company (a Sale Share being one of the Sale Shares);


"Schedule" means each Schedule to this Agreement,  and "Schedules" means all and
every Schedule;

"Seller" has the meaning given to it above;

"Shares" means the Sale Shares and the Subsidiaries' Securities;

"Subsidiaries"  means  the  subsidiary  company  or  companies,  as the  context
requires,  directly or  indirectly  controlled by the Company and which are more
fully  described in Schedule 7, the term "control" being construed in accordance
with  article  309 (1) of the  Company Law of 10th  August,  1915 on  commercial
companies as amended;

"Subsidiaries'   Securities"  means  the  securities  comprising  all  or  part,
accordingly,  of the  share  capital  of the  Subsidiaries  and  which  are held
directly or indirectly by the Company;

"Taxes" or "Impositions"  means all direct or indirect taxes including,  without
limitation,  income,  gross receipts,  capital gains,  net worth,  capital duty,
franchise,  property, value added,  employment,  and withholding taxes, stamp or
registration duties, fiscal,  contributions,  customs and excise duties, licence
fees and social security contributions, for which the Companies are liable under
all laws and regulations  applicable to them,  whatever the basis for recovering
the fee or the entity  responsible  for  recovering  such fee and  generally all
additional  amounts  imposed  with  respect  to  the  foregoing,  including  all
interest,  fines, penalties, and other charges relating to it, and including any
transferee or secondary  liability in respect of the foregoing  (whether by law,
contractual agreement or otherwise);

"Tax  Regulations"  means all  legislation  with respect to Taxes as well as any
applicable regulation or other official pronouncement of the applicable rules in
a  country  having  taxing  jurisdiction  over  the  Companies,  as  well as any
international  treaty  (including  directives,  regulations or other  applicable
treaties in the relevant country), and any other binding authority applicable in
a taxing jurisdiction;

"Transactions"  means the sale by the  Seller  to the  Buyer of the Sale  Shares
pursuant to this Agreement and the sale by Group 4 Securitas Holdings Limited to
Brink's  Limited of the whole of the issued share  capital of Group 4 Falck Cash
Services UK Limited pursuant to an agreement of even date with this Agreement;

"Vehicles" means the vehicles owned by the Companies;

"Warrantors" means G4S and the Seller.

"Warrantors' Group Affiliate" means an entity directly or indirectly  controlled
by the  Warrantors or which  directly or indirectly  controls the  Warrantors or
which is  directly  or  indirectly  controlled  by one or  several  undertakings
controlled  by the  Warrantors,  and  "control" is to be construed in accordance
with article 309 (1) of the Law of 10th August, 1915 on commercial  companies as
amended and "Warrantors'  Group  Affiliates" means all of such affiliates of the


1.2       Clause and schedule headings do not affect the interpretation of  this

1.3       A person includes a corporate or unincorporated body.

1.4       Words in the singular include the plural and in the plural include the

1.5       A reference to  one gender  includes a  reference to the other gender.

1.6       A reference to a statute or  statutory provision  is a reference to it
          as it is in force for the time being taking  account of any amendment,
          extension,  or re-enactment  and includes any subordinate  legislation
          for the time being in force made under it.

                          SECTION I - SALE AND PURCHASE


2.1       Subject  to  the  provisions of Clause 6, the Seller agrees to sell to
          the Buyer, and the Buyer agrees to purchase from the Seller,  the Sale
          Shares at Completion.

2.2       At Completion the Seller owns and will transfer to the Buyer with full
          title guarantee, the Sale Shares, free of any Encumbrance.

2.3       At  Completion, the   Buyer  will  have  the  retrospective  right  in
          respect  of the  period  following  the  Last  Accounting  Date to all
          dividends,  interim  dividends  and  other  distributions  payable  in
          respect of the Sale  Shares in  respect  of the period  since the Last
          Accounting  Date (other than any dividend  required in order to ensure
          that the Companies are cash free in accordance  with Clause 2.4),  and
          will benefit from  subscription and allocation  rights attached to the
          Sale Shares from this same date.  For the avoidance of doubt the Buyer
          shall  have no right to the  dividend  paid in 2004 in  respect of the
          financial year ended 30 September 2004.


2.4       At Completion, the Companies shall be cash free and shall be free from
          inter company loans,  bank or other third party loans or finance (save
          for lease  agreements  or finance in the ordinary  course of business)
          and lines of credit.


3.1       It  has been agreed that the Sale Shares  will be  transferred  to the
          Buyer in consideration for a sum equal to the Purchase Price, in other
          words,  the total sum of EUR  27,500,000  (Twenty  Seven  Million Five
          Hundred Thousand Euros).

3.2       The Buyer shall pay the Purchase Price by means of a transfer into the
          following bank account:

          Account Name  : Group 4 Securicor plc

          Account Number: 76962522

          Bank          : Barclays Bank plc

                          Fleet Street

                          London EC4

          Sort Code     : 20-30-19

          SWIFT         : BARCGB22

          IBAN          : GB36BARC20301976962522


4.1       Notification to Authorities

          The  Seller  shall  forthwith  after  the  date of  execution  of this
          Agreement notify this Agreement to the European Commission  requesting
          Clearance prior to the Date of Completion.

4.2       Cash and Coin Inventory

4.2.1     On the Date of  Completion, but  immediately preceding  Completion,  a
          joint  inspection team composed of  representatives  of the Seller and
          the Buyer will, in a process to be jointly  agreed prior to Completion
          ("the Reconciliation Process"),  conduct a physical count of the total
          cash and coin inventory (to include any overage account) maintained by
          the Company and will compare the result of the physical count


          referred to in this Clause 4.2.1 (the "Physical  Inventory")  with sum
          of  all  individual  Customers'  Account  balances  announced  to  the
          relevant Customers on the Date of Completion  pursuant to Clause 4.2.2
          (the "Administrative Inventory"). Any discrepancy between the Physical
          Inventory and the Administrative Inventory will be agreed by the joint
          inspection  team  but no  payment  will be made  by the  Buyer  to the
          Seller,  or vice  versa,  in  respect  of such  discrepancy  except in
          accordance with Clause 4.2.3.

4.2.2     On  the  date of  Completion, the  Company  shall  inform  each of its
          customers, where relevant, of its Customer's Account balance and other
          inventory  held by the Company on behalf of such  customer and request
          that the customer confirm its Customer Account balance to the Company.

4.2.3     If  following  completion of the Reconciliation  Process there  is any
          claim by a customer with respect to such customer's account balance as
          referred  to in  Clause  4.2.1,  then  that  claim  shall  be the sole
          responsibility  f the  Seller.  The Seller  shall  indemnify  and hold
          harmless  the Buyer from and against any  liabilities  resulting  from
          such claims by customers,  provided,  however, that neither the Buyer,
          nor the Seller,  nor the Company  shall  settle nor agree to settle or
          compromise any such claim,  without the other's consent (which consent
          shall not be  unreasonably  withheld  or  delayed) In the event of any
          such claim by a customer,  the Seller shall have full and unrestricted
          access to the  relevant  documents  and records of the Company and the
          Buyer  shall  procure  that  the  relevant  employees  shall p  rovide
          reasonable  assistance  to the  Seller  in  order to  investigate  the
          customer's complaint.

          The Seller  shall  only be liable to  indemnify  the Buyer  under this
          Clause 4.2.3 if, and to the extent that,  the  aggregate of all claims
          brought  under this  Clause  4.2.3  exceeds  the amount of any overage
          account held by the Company at  Completion.  The amount of the overage
          will be clearly shown in any schedules  comprising the  Reconciliation
          Process on Completion.

4.2.4     In  respect of the period prior to Completion, the Buyer shall have no
          obligation and no  responsibility  for the Customers  Accounts and the
          Seller shall hold the Buyer harmless from all  complaints,  claims and
          suits of customers  with respect to such Customer  Accounts in respect
          of such period.

4.2.5     Any  claims  made  by customers relating to Losses  incurred following
          Completion will be the sole responsibility of the Buyer.


5.        COMPLETION

5.1       Date and location of Completion

5.1.1     Subject to the provisions of Clauses 6.1,and 6.2, Completion will take
          place within two weeks from the date upon which Clearance is obtained,
          such  Completion  to take place on such date within that period as the
          Buyer and the Seller agree, or failing such  agreement,  to take place
          on the fourteenth day following the date of such Clearance,  such date
          being a Business Day or, if such day is not a Business  Day, the first
          Business Day following the expiry of the fourteen day period.

5.1.2     Completion will take place at  the  offices of the  Company, or in any
          other location agreed to in  writing between the Buyer and the Seller.

5.2       Operation of Completion

5.2.1     At  Completion, the  Seller  shall give to the Buyer the shareholders'
          registers of the Company showing the transfer of the Sale Shares.

5.2.2     At Completion the Seller shall provide to the Buyer evidence of:

          (a)  discharge of any intergroup liabilities  owing to and/or from the
               Company, by means of the production of a funds flow chart, a copy
               of which  will  have  been  shown  to the  Buyer  in  advance  of
               Completion for consultation; and

          (b)  evidence of satisfaction of a debt owed to Dexia-BIL.

5.2.3     At  Completion,  the  Buyer  shall transfer the Purchase  Price to the
          Seller in accordance with Clause 3.2.

5.2.4     At  Completion, the Buyer and the  Seller  grant a  special  power  of
          attorney to to an  appropriate  individual  or firm whose name will be
          notified  to the Buyer to update  the  shareholders'  register  of the
          Company  and to  register  the  Buyer as  shareholder  of the  Company
          according  to Article 40 of the Company  Law dated  August 10, 1915 as
          amended and to Article 1690 of the Civil Code.

5.3       The  Seller  will provide the Completion Statement to the Buyer within
          two weeks of Completion.



6.1       This  Agreement,  including  but  not limited  to  the  provisions  of
          Clause 8.3, shall  automatically  terminate  without  liability on the
          part of the Buyer or the Seller on the earliest of :

6.1.1     the date that a formal  decision is given by the  European  Commission
          that Clearance will not be given;

6.1.2     subject to any  extension of  time  agreed  between the Buyer and  the
          Seller,  on 30 June 2005 if  Clearance  has not been  obtained by that

6.1.3     the termination of either of the  Transactions pursuant to Clause 6.2.
          of the relevant sale agreement;

          SAVE  THAT  upon  such  termination  the  confidentiality   provisions
          contained  in the  Confidentiality  Agreement  shall  continue in full
          force and effect.

6.2       The Buyer and  the Seller  will have the  option upon giving the other
          written  notice not to  purchase or sell (as the case may be) the Sale
          Shares if prior to Completion:

          (a)  there  has  been  a  decision  from  a  legal  or  administrative
               authority  prohibiting  or modifying the  acquisition of the Sale
               Shares or imposing  conditions on the  Transactions in such a way
               as  to  make  such   Transactions   materially  more  onerous  or

          (b)  the  Seller or  the  Buyer (as the  case may be) has not complied
               with its obligations under this Agreement;

          (c)  the representations and  warranties of the  Warrantors, the Buyer
               or BI (as  the case may be) contained  in  this  Agreement or the
               content of the  Schedules  are  incorrect or incomplete in such a
               way as to cause significant  detriment to the Buyer or the Seller
               as the  case  may be  save  for  events  having  occurred  in the
               ordinary course of business;

          (d)  the information contained in the Schedules  changes in such a way
               as  to  cause  significant  detriment  to the Buyer or the Seller
               as the case may be other than for  reasons  within  the  ordinary
               course of business; or

          (e)  A Material  Adverse Change has occurred  between the date of this
               Agreement and the Date of Completion.


6.3       The Seller and the Buyer shall  use  all reasonable endeavours (so far
          as lies within their respective  powers) to procure that the Clearance
          is obtained as soon as practicable and in any event:

          (a)  no later than 6.00pm (CET) on 30 June 2005; or

          (b)  at such  later time and date as may be agreed in  writing  by the
               Seller and the Buyer

6.4       The  Buyer  and  the  Seller  shall co-operate  fully  in all  actions
          necessary to procure the Clearance including,  but not limited to, the
          provision by all Parties of all  information  reasonably  necessary to
          make any  notification  or  filing  or as  requested  by any  relevant
          authority,  keeping  all  parties  informed  of  the  progress  of any
          notification or filing and providing such assistance as may reasonably
          be required.



          The  Warrantors  warrant  and  represent  that  at the  Date  of  this
          Agreement as well as at Completion the warranties and  representations
          set out in this Clause 7 and the  information set out in the Schedules
          including  the  Disclosure  Schedule are true and  complete  except as
          qualified by any matter fairly disclosed in the Disclosure Schedule.

7.1       Capacity of the Warrantors

7.1.1     The  Warrantors  have  full capacity to enter into this Agreement,  to
          perform their obligations under this Agreement and to benefit from the
          rights contained herein.

7.1.2     The Warrantors have not been and are not subject to any reorganisation
          ("gestion   controlee"),   bankruptcy   ("faillite")   or  liquidation
          procedure and there are no grounds for making the  Warrantors  subject
          to such procedure.

7.1.3     There exists no  consent, authorisation or judicial  decision which is
          necessary for the Warrantors to execute and to perform its obligations
          under this Agreement and which has not yet been obtained.

7.1.4     This Agreement  validly binds  the Warrantors in  accordance  with its


7.2       Incorporation of the Companies

7.2.1     The  Companies  have  been  duly  incorporated  and  their by-laws are
          up-to-date, copies of which are attached in Schedule 9.

7.2.2     The corporate bodies of the Companies operate in  accordance with  the
          laws and  regulations  which are  applicable to them and all corporate
          decisions have been made and published in accordance  with  applicable
          regulations.  All the  registers,  books and  documents of each of the
          Companies  have  been  and are  regularly  maintained  and  truly  and
          correctly  reflect the  activities  of each of the  Companies  and the
          corporate  decisions  made by each of  them  to the  extent  that  the
          regulations and legislation in force require.  The documents,  notably
          in relation to accounting matters,  and written  correspondence,  have
          been  maintained  by the  Companies for a period of at least ten years
          and are  archived  in such a way that they can be easily  and  quickly
          retrieved, if need be.

7.3       Share capital

7.3.1     An up to date list of the  shareholders of each of the Companies as at
          the date of this Agreement is set out in Schedule 10.

7.3.2     The Sale  Shares make up all of the share capital  of  the  Companies.
          The Sale  Shares are  freely  transferable  and are the only  moveable
          financial  assets  issued by the  Company.  The Sale Shares have never
          been quoted on any regulated or non-regulated stock exchange.

7.3.3     The Sale Shares are free from all Encumbrances.

7.3.4     There is no agreement or  contract  in  respect  of  the  Sale  Shares
          binding the shareholders or partners of the Companies.

7.4       Participation - Profit sharing agreements

7.4.1     The Company is the owner of the Subsidiaries.

7.4.2     Except for the Subsidiaries and  interests set out in Schedule 11, the
          Companies  are not the owners of any direct or  indirect  interest  of
          whatever  amount in a  company  or in an  entity  where the  partner's
          liability is indefinite  and have never been partners or  shareholders
          of  entities  of this  nature in  respect  of which  they may still be

7.4.3     The Companies are not bound nor have  they undertaken to be  bound  by
          any  contract  or  agreement  seeking  to  share  all or part of their
          profits with any third party.


7.5       Accounts

7.5.1     The Accounts of the Companies as at the Last  Accounting Date, set out
          in Schedule 12, have been prepared in accordance  with the  Accounting
          Methods and  Principles  and are in accordance  with those methods and
          principles  used by the  Companies to date.  The Accounts are true and
          accurate and give a fair view of the  financial  situation  and of the
          assets and liabilities of the Companies as at the Last Accounting Date
          as well as the operating result for the financial period to which they
          relate.  The  Accounts as of 30  September  2004 are  certified by the
          statutory auditors of the Companies  notwithstanding  the absence of a
          specific statement of such certification.

7.5.2     The Management Accounts have been prepared in good faith and with  due
          diligence in accordance with the same accounting  policies  adopted in
          the preparation of the Accounts and on bases and principles  which are
          consistent with those used in the  preparation of previous  management
          accounts of the Company.

7.6       Liabilities

7.6.1     All  material   liabilities,   whether  or  not  contingent,  of   the
          Companies  are duly  reflected in the Accounts  and/or the  Completion
          Statement and are adequately provided for.

7.6.2     The  Companies  have  not  granted  any security,  charge,  guarantee,
          encumbrance  r letter of comfort for the  performance  of  contractual
          undertakingseither  by third  parties  or by the  Companies  or by the
          Warrantors or one of the Warrantors' Group Affiliates.

7.6.3     The Warrantors and/or the  Warrantors' Group Affiliates have not given
          any security,  charge, guarantee, pledge for the performance of any of
          the undertakings of the Companies.

7.6.4     There exist no material off-balance sheet liabilities other than those
          listed in Schedule 14.

7.7       Personnel and corporate officers of the Companies

7.7.1     The  list  of  salaried  employees  and  corporate  officers  of   the
          Companies set out in Schedule 15 contains true and complete details of
          their age, seniority,  category and classification as the case may be,
          as well as their  remuneration  (including all bonuses and benefits in


          All amounts due or accrued for all remuneration of any kind, including
          but not  limited to salary  remuneration  for  over-time  work or work
          performed  at  night,  on  Sundays  or  legal  holidays,  relating  to
          employees and corporate officers, as well as former employees,  of the
          Companies have been calculated and paid in due time in conformity with
          their  respective  contract of employment,  collective  agreements and
          with any other  applicable  legal and tax rules. The Companies have no
          debt or contingent liability whatsoever towards the employees.

          Except for any increase rendered  mandatory pursuant to any collective
          agreement  or an  employment  agreement,  the  Companies  are under no
          obligation to increase the current rates of  remuneration or grant any
          bonus or any advantage to any of its employees at any future date.

7.7.2     Schedule  16   defines  for  each  of  the  Companies  the  applicable
          collective  agreements  and details in respect of each Company and for
          each distinct entity:

          (a)  The collective agreements and the applicable internal agreements;

          (b)  The systems of remuneration including bonuses,  commissions,  and
               benefits in kind in favour of all personnel or certain categories
               of salaried employees;

          (c)  Participation   agreements,   profit  sharing   and   saving-plan

          (d)  The customs and practices giving rise to supplementary collective
               benefits  and   those  arising  out  of  law  or  the  collective

          There is no pension, pre-retirement, post-retirement or profit sharing
          scheme,  life insurance policy,  medical insurance scheme or any other
          contract for the benefit of any of the Company's  employees other than
          as set forth in Schedule 16.

7.7.3     Set out in  Schedule  17 for   each  of  the Companies  are  true  and
          complete copies of:

          (a)  Standard work contracts of employees;

          (b)  Work contracts of salaried executives;

          (c)  Agreements  signed  with the  salaried  employees  and  corporate
               officers of the Companies;

          (d)  All  undertakings,  other than those contained in the  agreements
               referred to in (c) above, given to salaried employees  concerning
               supplementary  benefits   and  those  provided   for  by  law  or
               collective agreements  in relation  to  notices,  termination  of
               redundancy payments or other similar undertakings.


          The terms and conditions of the work  contracts  binding the Companies
          to their employees comply with the legal and regulatory provisions and
          the collective  agreements  (conventions  collectives) applying to the
          Companies and, consequently,  do not contain any provision contrary to
          the usual legal  dispositions or customary  practices,  in particular,
          but not limited to, any retirement or departure benefits.

7.7.4     The  Companies have  at all times completely  and faithfully  complied
          with all applicable  employment laws, including but not limited to the
          statutory    requirements   relating   to   works   councils   (comite
          d'entreprise), trade unions and employee representation in general.

7.7.5     The  corporate  officers or  managers of the  Companies do not benefit
          from any  employment  contract,  service  contract with any one of the
          Companies  or  from  any  particular  benefit  given  by  any  of  the
          Companies.   Similarly,   no  corporate   agent  has   collected   any
          remuneration on behalf of any of the Companies.

7.7.6     Schedule 18 sets out the current  litigation  in relation to personnel
          and  details the  parties  who are  subject to such  proceedings,  the
          subject-matter  of the litigation,  the stage of the proceedings,  the
          sums claimed from the Company or the Subsidiaries  concerned,  as well
          as the amount of the provision made in good faith for such proceedings
          in the Accounts.

          The  Companies  are not  liable  to make any  payment  to any of their
          employees or any former employee for damages or compensation  for loss
          of office or  employment  or for  redundancy  or dismissal  other than
          those contained in Schedule 18.

          There  are no  labour  troubles  (including  without  limitation,  any
          grievances or  arbitration)  or strikes,  existing or - to the best of
          the  knowledge  of  Warrantors  -  threatened  adversely  affecting or
          potentially  affecting  the  financial  situation or operations of the

7.7.7     All  employees  are  fully  qualified  and  trained  to  exercise  the
          activities  they  have  been  employed  for and hav  obtained  all the
          authorisations,   permit  and  licenses  necessary  to  exercise  such
          activities.  These  authorisations,  permits and  licenses are in full
          force and effect and the activities of the Companie are carried out in
          accordance with such authorisations, permit and licenses.


7.8       Real Property

7.8.1     The  Companies  have  full and complete ownership of the Real Property
          set out in  Schedule  19.  The Real  Property  is not  subject  to any
          restriction on title such as restrictions on the transfer of ownership
          or on the use or the  destination  of the Real  Property,  options  to
          sell, pre-emption rights,  limitations of use, resolutions,  proposals
          or decisions for compulsory acquisition (expropriation),  emphyteusis,
          building rights (superficie), usage rights or other rights in rem. The
          rights of ownership of the  Companies  over the Real  Property are not
          capable of being successfully challenged by any third party.

          The Real Property is not subject to any  encroachment  (above or under
          the surface) onto neighbouring properties or vice versa.

          The Real  Property is not subject to any  easements  or  neighbourhood
          agreements other than the one listed in Schedule 19 Agreement dated 29
          January 2001 with Mr Roger Balthazar.

7.8.2     The Companies  have  not entered into any lease or right of occupation
          over the Real  Property  and no interest of this nature has been given
          or agreed to by the Companies.

7.8.3     The Real  Property  is not  subject to any  statutory or  conventional
          mortgage or charge.  The  Companies  are not bound to register any new

7.8.4     The  Real  Property and its  use  by the  Companies, are in accordance
          with the applicable planning rules and regulations.  The Real Property
          is fully  connected  to road and media  access,  such as water,  waste
          water and electricity.  All parking spaces required in accordance with
          the applicable  planning rules and regulations and/or building permits
          are available.

7.8.5     All   required   operating   permits   (commodo-incommodo)  for    the
          construction  of the buildings on the Real Property and the use of the
          Real Property  have been obtained and are in force.  The Real Property
          complies in all substantial aspects with the commodo-incommodo permits
          and regulations.

          The Warrantors  guarantee that in case the reception of the facilities
          as imposed by the commodo-incommodo permits is not fully accomplished,
          they will undertake at their cost the steps  necessary to proceed with
          a final and satisfactory reception. In particular, the Warrantors will
          bear any costs  associated with remedying works necessary to bring the
          facilities  in  compliance  or any costs  associated  with  requesting
          amendments to the existing commodo-incommodo permits.


7.8.6     The  Companies  occupy the  Premises  of  which  a list  is set out in
          Schedule 20 by virtue of financial  leases or by contracts  containing
          an option to purchase.  The Companies will validly be able to exercise
          at the appropriate  date the options that they hold in accordance with
          the terms of the financial  leases or contracts  containing a purchase
          option and which relate to the Premises.

7.8.7     The Companies are tenants of the Rented Premises listed in Schedule 21
          by virtue of the lease  agreement  attached in Schedule 22. Such lease
          agreement  is valid,  legally  binding  and  enforceable.  Neither the
          landlord,  nor the  Companies are in breach or default of any material
          provision of this  agreement.  The Companies have not given,  nor have
          they received,  any notice of ordinary or  extraordinary  termination;
          all  payments of rental and service  charges  have been made.  No oral
          amendments to this agreement have been concluded.  The lease agreement
          has been duly registered with the  Administration de  l'Enregistrement
          et des Domaines and all registration duties have been paid.

7.8.8     The Real Property, the Premises and the Rented Premises constitute all
          the real  property  necessary  for the  Companies  to carry  out their
          activities  whatever  such  activities  may be and  there  is no other
          lease,  financial lease or other title of occupation in respect of the
          fixed assets other than the Real Property, the Premises and the Rented

7.9       Assets

          The Companies have good title to all the Assets used in their activity
          except  those  Assets which they use and which are subject to lease or
          hire. The Assets are free from any Encumbrance or third party rights.

          None of the assets which are either  rented or leased by the Companies
          have been repossessed by their owners and the Companies have committed
          no breach  which would allow the owner of the said assets to repossess

7.10      Vehicles

          The Companies have good title to all the Vehicles  (listed in Schedule
          23) used in their  activity  except  the  Rented  Vehicles  (listed in
          Schedule  24) which  they use and which are  subject to lease or hire.
          The Vehicles and the Rented  Vehicles are free from any Encumbrance or
          third party rights.

          The  Vehicles  listed  in  Schedules  23 and 24 are in good  state  of
          maintenance and repair,  taking into consideration usual wear and tear
          and have passed all technical controls required for their use.


          None  of the  Vehicles  which  are  either  rented  or  leased  by the
          Companies have been repossessed by their owners and the Companies have
          committed no breach  which would allow the owner of the said  Vehicles
          to repossess them.

7.11      Intellectual  property  rights, know  how, technical and  confidential
          information, trade secrets and computer hardware and software

7.11.1    The  Companies  are  without  restriction  legitimate  owners  of  the
          Intellectual  Property  Rights  that  they use in  carrying  out their
          activities  and  which  are  free  of  any  encumbrances.  A  list  of
          Intellectual   Property  Rights   indicating  their   registration  in
          Luxembourg, overseas and internationally and when such registration is
          required by the  applicable  legislation,  is set out in Schedule  25.
          These  registrations are valid and enforceable and, to the best of the
          Seller's knowledge and belief, cannot be the subject of opposition.

7.11.2    The Companies do not use any Intellectual  Property Right belonging to
          third  parties  and have  never  been  informed  of any  claim in this

7.11.3    The  Companies  have  not given  to any  third  party  any  licence or
          other  authorisation to use the Intellectual  Property Rights and have
          never been informed of any use by a third party of such rights.

7.11.4    The Companies  benefit from  licences in respect  of  the Intellectual
          Property  Rights set ou t in Schedule  26.  These  licences are valid,
          have been validly  granted to the  Companies  and the  Companies  have
          complied with all their  obligations  in this  respect.  The Companies
          undertake that these licences have also been validly  registered  with
          the competent  authorities in compliance with the relevant  applicable
          laws. The Companies have not granted any sub-licence.

7.11.5    The Companies are entitled to  use without  payment  all material know
          how and other material technical  information used by it in connection
          with its business or businesses  and all  information  concerning  the
          methods  and  processes  used  by  the  Companies,  and no  rights  to
          disclosure  or use of any  material  know  how or  material  technical
          information  used by the Companies  have been granted to or claimed by
          any third party.

7.11.6    None  of  the  processes,  products  of  the  Companies,  know  how or
          technical or other information used by the Companies infringes, to the
          best of the Seller's knowledge and belief,  any intellectual  property
          or  any  right  of  any  other  person,   relating  in  particular  to
          intellectual  property, or involves the unlicensed use of confidential
          information  disclosed to the Companies by any person in circumstances
          which might entitle that person to make a claim against the Companies.


7.11.7    There   are   no    outstanding   claims  against  the   Company   for
          infringement of any intellectual property or of any rights relating to
          it used (or which has been used) by the  Companies  and no such claims
          have been  settled by the giving of any  undertakings  which remain in
          force.  The Companies have not received any actual or threatened claim
          that any of the Intellectual Property Rights is invalid.

7.11.8    Confidential information, including know-how and trade secrets used by
          the Companies are kept strictly  confidential.  The Companies have not
          disclosed any of their  confidential  information  to any other person
          save   where  a  legally   binding   and  of  full  force  and  effect
          confidentiality  agreement in respect of such  disclosure is in place.
          The   Sellers   and  the   Companies   are  not   aware  of  any  such
          confidentiality having been breached.

7.11.9    The computer software owned  by the Companies or in  respect of  which
          the  Companies   have  been  granted  a  license  is  sufficient   and
          appropriate   to  enable  the  Companies  to  exercise  their  present

7.11.10   The  computer   hardware  has   been  satisfactorily   maintained  and
          supported  and has  the  benefit  of an  appropriate  maintenance  and
          support agreement.

7.11.11   Disaster recovery plans are in effect and are adequate to ensure  that
          the computer  hardware,  computer software and/or data can be replaced
          or  substituted  without  material  disruption  to the business of the

7.11.12   The Companies have adequate procedures to ensure internal and external
          security  of  the  computer  hardware,  computer  software  and  data,
          including (without limitation) procedures for preventing  unauthorised
          access,  preventing the  introduction  of a virus,  taking and storing
          on-site and off-site back-up copies of the computer software and data.

7.11.13   The computer  hardware  and  the  computer  software  have  not in the
          period  of 12  months  immediately  prior to  Completion  been  unduly
          interrupted  or hindered the running or  operation  of the  Companies'

7.12      Insurance

7.12.1    The  Companies have at  all times  maintained  insurance coverage of a
          type and level reasonably appropriate to the businesses carried out by
          them in respect  of, in  particular  but not  limited  to,  their Real
          Property,  Assets  and  Vehicles,  whether  owned  or  rented,  Rented
          Premises, Premises, activities and operations.


7.12.2    Schedule  27   lists   the  insurance  policies  entered  into by  the
          Companies and which will be available  after the  Completion  together
          with the  insurance  policies  entered into by the Companies and which
          will not be available after Completion.

7.12.3    These  policies  cover all  the normal conditions  of the property and
          extend to all risks which have to be or are normally  insured  against
          in respect of the activities carried out by the Companies.

7.12.4    Schedule  28  sets  out  the  incidents  for  the  previous  three (3)
          accounting  periods in respect of which the Companies have made claims
          under the policies set out in Schedule 27 together  with the amount of
          payments made under such policies.

7.12.5    The Companies are  up-to-date  with the  payment of their  premiums in
          respect of the  policies  mentioned  in Schedule 27 and have  complied
          with  all  formalities  and  contractual  clauses  contained  in  such
          policies;  none of the  Companies  has been  informed by the insurance
          companies concerned of their intention to increase the premiums, or to
          terminate the policies or not to renew them.

7.13      Environment

          The  Companies  have  complied  with and are not in  violation  of the
          Luxembourg regulations in respect of classified facilities, protection
          of the  environment  and  nature,  waste,  water,  soil  and  sub-soil
          pollution,  storing, labelling,  packaging and transport of hazardous,
          radioactive or carcinogenic  materials,  substances,  preparations and

          To the Sellers and the  Companies'  knowledge  there are no  hazardous
          materials contained in the soil, groundwater, or buildings of the Real
          Property which could lead to a danger, material disadvantage, nuisance
          to  individuals or the public or otherwise  requiring  instantly to be
          removed  or  otherwise  cured  pursuant  to  any  presently   existing
          mandatory law or any existing or threatened  governmental or municipal

7.14      Litigation

7.14.1    None  of  the Companies  are subject to any claim from third  parties,
          contentious  or   non-contentious,   in  respect  of  any  default  in
          performance of its obligations resulting from contracts, agreements or
          undertakings signed by it.


7.14.2    The Companies  are  not subject  to any litigation, legal proceedings,
          investigation or administrative proceedings or arbitration,  and there
          is no fact or event which suggests that such proceedings may arise.

7.14.3    The  Companies  are not currently  party to  any  proceedings  in  any
          judicial or arbitral  jurisdiction or otherwise  relating to an amount
          in excess of ten  thousand  euro (EUR  10,000) and have not, as at the
          date hereof,  received any writ,  summons,  citation or  notification,
          informing  either  of  them  that  such  proceedings  have  or will be
          instituted against it, nor to the best of the Companies' knowledge, is
          any such proceeding threatened.

7.14.4    The Companies are  not, and have not been, parties  to or concerned by
          any  agreement,  decision  or  practice by Article 81 of the Treaty of
          Rome,  nor is it abusing  nor has it abused,  a dominant  position  as
          prohibited by Article 82 of the Treaty of Rome.

7.15      Customers and suppliers

7.15.1    Schedule 29 contains  a list of  the twenty (20) main customers of the

7.15.2    Schedule 30 contains a list of the twenty (20) main  suppliers of  the

7.16      Contracts

7.16.1    Schedule  31  contains  a  list of  the contracts entered  into by the

          (a)  with their  customers  and  involving  an amount  of one  hundred
               thousand euro (EUR 100,000) or more per annum;

          (b)  with their suppliers  and  involving an amount of fifty  thousand
               euro (EUR 50,000) or more per annum.

7.16.2    The   Contracts   referred   to  in   Clause  7.16.1  (the   "Material
          Contracts")  are  sufficiently   legally   documented  to  enable  the
          Companies to exercise their rights hereunder.  The Material  Contracts
          are in full force and effect and are not subject to any contentious or
          non-contentious   claim.   The  Companies  have  complied  with  their
          contractual obligations and to the Seller's knowledge, there exists no
          event which may give rise to  termination or render the contracts void
          or which may authorise a third party to demand prompt  payment or give
          rise to any liability on the part of the Companies or their  officers,
          directors or employees.


7.16.3    Neither  the execution  of  this Agreement  nor the performance of the
          Agreement  contemplated  herein  will  violate  or  conflict  with the
          constitutional  documents of the Companies, or violate or constitute a
          default under any material  contract,  agreement,  mortgage,  or other
          instrument or order, judgement or ruling of any governmental authority
          to which the Companies  are a party or to which any of their  property
          is bound.

7.16.4    There  exists  no  contract or  undertaking containing  a  termination
          clause or a prompt payment clause or a modification  to the provisions
          in the event of a change of direct or indirect control,  as defined in
          article  309  (1) of the  Law  of  10th  August,  1915  on  commercial
          companies as amended, within the Companies.

7.17      Tax Regulations

7.17.1    The Companies  have paid all Taxes  owing  under  any Tax  Regulations
          (whether or not  reflected on any tax return),  and have  withheld and
          paid all Taxes  required to have been  withheld and paid in connection
          with amounts paid or owing to any  employee,  independent  contractor,
          creditor, shareholder, or other party, and have collected and paid all
          Taxes  required to have been  collected  and paid in  connection  with
          amounts charged to customers or other parties, and adequate provisions
          have been made in the Accounts for all future Taxation relating to the
          period before Completion. For purposes of determining whether adequate
          provisions  have  been  made  in the  Accounts,  Tax  items  shall  be
          apportioned  between  pre-Completion  activities  and  post-Completion
          activities  based  upon a  closing  of the books  and  records  of the
          Companies as of Completion  (or, if an actual closing is not feasible,
          on an equitable pro forma basis that has a comparable  economic result
          to the  result  that would have been  obtained  had an actual  closing

7.17.2    The Companies have satisfied all filing  requirements  for tax returns
          or other  declarations  required  by the Tax  Regulations  in the form
          required within the necessary time limit.

7.17.3    The   Companies  have   always  complied   with   all  applicable  Tax
          Regulations whether Luxembourg or foreign.

7.17.4    The  Companies  are   not  subject  to  any  current or  proposed  tax
          examination  in  relation  to Taxes and the  Companies  are not aware,
          directly or indirectly,  of any tax examination in respect of Taxes or
          any enquiry  instigated by an  administrative  authority  leading,  or
          likely to lead to the  payment of a Tax or a  reassessment  of any Tax
          basis.  The Companies have not received any notice of reassessment nor
          have they  otherwise  been  informed  (in  writing  or  orally) by any
          administrative   authority   of  its   intention   to  carry  out  any
          reassessment whatsoever. The Companies are not and do not expect to be
          involved in any dispute relating to Tax.


7.17.5    The  Companies  have  not  entered  into  any  agreement, transaction,
          arrangement,  or  scheme  which  might  be  reassessed,   rejected  or
          re-qualified  on the grounds  that the  Companies  have  attempted  to
          evade,  circumvent  or reduce its Tax  obligations  or that of another

7.17.6    The  Companies  have  not  entered  into  any  agreement, transaction,
          arrangement,  or scheme  or  obtained  any  concession,  allowance  or
          abatement in respect of a Tax,  with any  administrative  or political
          authority  whatsoever that is not based on a strict application of the
          Tax Regulations.

7.17.7    The  Companies  incorporated  under  the  laws of  Luxembourg are  and
          have always been exclusively resident in Luxembourg for the purpose of
          Taxes,  and  have  no  permanent  establishments,  as  defined  by Tax
          Regulations, in any country outside of Luxembourg.

7.17.8    The Companies  possess  all documents  evidencing  their decisions  in
          respect of the  application  of the Tax  Regulations  and comply  with
          their  obligations in respect of the time periods for  maintaining the
          documents  as  such  time  periods  are  defined  by  the   commercial

7.17.9    No  liens for  Taxes (other  than  for current Taxes  not  yet due and
          payable) are imposed upon the Companies' assets.

7.17.10   There  are  no  outstanding rulings of, or  requests for rulings with,
          any taxing authority addressed to the Companies that are, or if issued
          would  be,  binding  upon  the  Companies  for  any  period  following

7.17.11   The Companies  have not  agreed to the  extension of time with respect
          to the filing of any tax return or other  declaration,  the payment of
          any Taxes,  or any  limitation  period  regarding  the  assessment  or
          collection of any Taxes.

7.17.12   No  item of  income  or  gain   reported  for  Tax   purposes  in  any
          pre-Completion  tax period  will be required to be included in taxable
          income  for any  post-Completion  tax  period,  including  any item of
          income or gain  related to the  Companies'  change in its  election to
          file consolidated Tax returns.

7.17.13   The  Companies  have  not  within  the  period of six  years ending on
          the date of this  Agreement  paid or become liable to pay any penalty,
          fine, surcharge or interest in connection with any Tax.

7.17.14   The amount  of Tax chargeable on the  Companies during  any accounting
          period  ending on or within the six years  before  Completion  has not
          depended on any  concessions,  agreements  or other formal or informal
          arrangements with any taxing authority.


7.17.15   All applications  for  clearance or  consent by  the  Companies  or on
          their behalf or affecting  the Companies has been made and obtained on
          the  basis of full and  accurate  disclosure  to the  relevant  taxing
          authority of all relevant material facts and  considerations;  and for
          any  transaction  for which  clearance or consent was  required,  such
          clearance  or consent and the  relevant  transaction  was carried into
          effect only in accordance with the terms of the relevant  clearance or

7.17.16   The Companies have filed all requests, forms and applications to get a
          Tax refund, a Tax reduction,  credit for Taxes paid or accrued,  input
          tax  relief,  tax loss carry  forwards  or any other Tax  benefit in a
          timely manner.

7.17.17   The   Company   has   not   undertaken,  or  agreed  to undertake, any
          transaction  or made any  provision  which is otherwise  than on fully
          arm's  length terms and there are no  circumstances  which could cause
          any taxation authority to make or require to be made any adjustment to
          the terms on which such  transactions are or such provision is treated
          as  taking  place.  Documentation  is  available  to  demonstrate  the
          criteria  taken into  account in  determining  arm's  length terms for
          transactions to the extent required by law.

7.18      Bank accounts, delegations of power, etc.

7.18.1    Schedule 32 lists the bank accounts and safety deposits in the name of
          the Companies and sets out the  authorised  signatories as well as the
          required  conditions,  in particular in relation to joint signatories,
          for the operation of the accounts and access to the safety deposits.

7.18.2    Schedule 33 contains a list of all  nominated signatories, delegations
          of power,  proxies  and  authorisations  of  whatever  nature and form
          granted by the  Companies  to any person for other  purposes  than the
          operation of bank accounts.

7.19      Authorisations and other permits

          The Companies have all the Authorisations  necessary to exercise their
          present activities and all Authorisations for valid ownership of their
          assets.  These  Authorisations  are in full  force and  effect and the
          activities of the  Companies  are carried out in accordance  with such
          authorisations  and permits.  The Companies  undertake  that they have
          made  all  required   notifications  to  the  competent   authorities,
          including,  but not  limited  to, all  notifications  to the  National
          Commission for Data Protection, as required by the law.


7.20      Effect of the transfer of the Sale Shares

          The  transfer  of the Sale  Shares to the Buyer  will not affect in an
          adverse  way the legal  situation  of the  Companies  and will have no
          effect on the rights and  obligations  of the  Companies in respect of
          any person;  in  particular,  the transfer of the Sale Shares will not
          give  rise  to any  event  of  default  or  termination  of any of the
          contracts to which the Companies are a party.

7.21      Material adverse change

          Since the Last Accounting Date:

          (a)  Other  than  for  purposes  of  Section  2.4,  there  has been no
               distribution  to  shareholders,  nor  any  depreciation, increase
               or reduction in capital in the respect of the Companies;

          (b)  The Companies have been managed in a reasonable way ("en bon pere
               de famille") and no  undertaking or  obligation has been  entered
               into which  is  outside the  usual management of the Companies or
               has been entered into in unusual circumstances;

          (c)  The activities  of the  Companies  have been  carried  out in the
               ordinary  and  normal  course of  business  in such a  way as  to
               ensure their continuity;

          (d)  The Companies have in no way amended the  Accounting  Methods and
               Principles and have not revalued any assets,  nor written-off any
               debt   in   excess   of   seven   thousand  five   hundred  Euros

7.22      Representations, Warranties and Schedules true and correct

          The  representations  and warranties  contained herein, as well as the
          Schedules  attached,  are true,  exact and  complete as of the Date of
          this Agreement.

          There is no undisclosed  fact,  agreement or document which, if it had
          been disclosed,  would be reasonably expected to have caused the Buyer
          not to enter into this  Agreement  or to enter into this  Agreement on
          materially different terms.

7.23      G4S  warrants  that  it  is  the parent of  substantially all  of  the
          operating  businesses of the Group 4 Securicor  group of companies and
          in the event that it ceases to be so prior to the expiry of the period
          referred to in Clause 12.1 and Clause  12.2,  it will procure that its
          obligations hereunder shall be assumed by another member of such group
          which is, at the relevant time, the parent of  substantially  all such



8.1       Management of the Companies up to Completion

8.1.1     The  Warrantors  warrant  and  represent that from  the Date  of  this
          Agreement until Completion:

          (a)  No decision will be taken by the Companies which affects or could
               affect in a material  and  adverse way the  financial  assets and
               liabilities the situation or  the profitability of the Companies;

          (b)  No decision on the  declaration  or payment of  dividends  or any
               other   distribution  to  shareholders,   nor  any  depreciation,
               increase or  reduction in capital will be taken in respect of the

          (c)  The Companies will be  managed in a  reasonable way ("en bon pere
               de famille") and no  undertaking  or  obligation  will be entered
               into outside the usual  management  of the  companies  subject to
               unusual conditions;

          (d)  The activities of the  Companies  will be managed in the ordinary
               and  normal  course  of  business  and in such a way as to ensure
               their continuity;

          (e)  The Companies will use their commercially  reasonable  efforts to
               preserve their  relationship with their customers,  suppliers and
               others having a business relationship with the Companies;

          (f)  The Companies will not modify in any way the  Accounting  Methods
               and Principles and will not revalue any assets, nor write-off any

8.1.2     Without limitation to the general character of Clause 8.1.1 above, the
          following  decisions  will  require the prior  written  consent of the
          Buyer but so long as such  consent  is given,  will not  constitute  a
          breach of Clause 8.1.1  provided  that the Buyer may not  unreasonably
          withhold such consent if the Seller demonstrates that such decision is
          necessary   to   ensure   the   full   viability,   marketability   or
          competitiveness of the Company:

          (a)  A single payment exceeding in total EUR 50,000-  (Fifty  thousand
               Euros),  with the exception of reimbursements  previously made by
               the Seller and of which the Buyer is aware and excluding payments
               in respect of salaried employees, Taxes and rents;


          (b)  The  granting  of  or  application  by  the Companies for a loan,
               credit or money facility;

          (c)  The granting of or application  by the Companies for a guarantee,
               charge,  pledge or other  encumbrance  and the  execution  of any
               letter of intent or letter of comfort;

          (d)  The entering  into of any agreement  with  corporate  officers or
               salaried   employees  of  the   Companies  and  any  increase  in
               remuneration  not  imposed by law or a  contract  in force at the
               Date of this  Agreement,  as well as the  granting of any benefit

          (e)  The recruitment of all management  and indirect  employees  (such
               term  having the same  meaning as in the  Information  Memorandum
               relating  to the  Companies  issued  in  August  2004) and of CIT
               employees (whether direct or indirect), or the negotiation of any
               agreement  whatsoever  in relation to  collective  agreements  of
               salaried employees of the Companies;

          (f)  Salary increases  of  salaried  employees  having a gross  annual
               remuneration in excess of EUR 30,000- (Thirty thousand Euros);

          (g)  The entering  into new  employment  contracts  that  would have a
               material impact or materially  modify the terms and conditions of
               the current employment agreements;

          (h)  The launching of new activities or new products;

          (i)  The entering  into of all  contracts  in  excess  of a sum of EUR
               50,000- (Fifty thousand Euros) or with a fixed duration exceeding
               twelve (12) months;

          (j)  The termination  by the Companies of all contracts in excess of a
               sum of  EUR  50,000-  (Fifty  thousand  Euros)  or  with a  fixed
               duration exceeding twelve (12) months;

          (k)  All changes in the activity  or in the by-laws of the  Companies;

          (l)  Transfer of any assets of the Companies.

8.1.3     From  the  date of  this Agreement  until  the Date of Completion, the
          Warrantors  will  notify the Buyer (i) of any  emergency  or  material
          change in the normal  conduct of the  Companies and (ii) of the threat
          or the  initiation of any litigation  against the Companies,  and will
          keep the Buyer fully  informed of  developments  with  respect to such
          events and  afford  the  Buyer's  representatives  full  access to all
          materials in its possession relating thereto.


8.2       Situation at Completion

8.2.1     The Warrantors  warrant that all the  representations  and  warranties
          contained  in Clause 7 and the  information  set out in the  Schedules
          including  the  Disclosure  Schedule  will be  true  and  complete  at
          Completion as if such  representations  and  warranties had been given
          and granted as that date.

8.2.2     The Warrantors may update  the Schedules of this Agreement in order to
          take into account  changes  arising  prior to Completion or matters in
          relation  to which the Buyer has  given its  consent.  The  Warrantors
          shall  notify the Buyer of all changes to the  Schedules  and wherever
          reasonably  practicable the changes to the Schedules shall be made and
          notified to the Buyer at least 48 hours prior to Completion.

8.3       Non-competition, non-solicitation and confidentiality undertaking

8.3.1     Except as  provided in  Clause 8.4.2 or as  compelled  by law or legal
          authority,  with  effect  from  the Date of this  Agreement  and for a
          period of three  years  from the date of  Completion,  the  Warrantors
          undertake  that  neither  the  Warrantors  nor the  Warrantors'  Group
          Affiliates for whom they are  responsible,  shall at any time directly
          or indirectly by themselves or in conjunction  with any other party or
          venture,  unless first authorised by the Buyer, utilize or disclose to
          any third  party  any  commercial  secret,  know-how  or  confidential
          information   belonging  to  the   Companies   or  their   activities.
          Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  save as  compelled  by law or  legal
          authority,  in no  circumstances  may such  information be utilised or
          disclosed for a period of 6 months following Completion.

8.3.2     From the  Date of this  Agreement and for a  period of six months from
          the date of  Completion,  the  Warrantors  undertake  that neither the
          Warrantors  nor the  Warrantors'  Group  Affiliates  for whom they are
          responsible, shall at any time directly or indirectly by themselves or
          in  conjunction  with any other party or  venture,  canvass or solicit
          orders  for  the  supply  of  services  substantially  similar  to  or
          otherwise  competing  with  those  supplied  by  the  Companies  as at
          Completion  in the normal course of business from any person who was a
          customer  of the  Companies  as at 28 May 2004 or is a customer at the
          date of  Completion,  or induce or seek to induce  any such  person to
          cease being a customer of the Companies.


8.3.3     From the Date of this Agreement and for a period of two years from the
          date  of  Completion,   the  Warrantors  undertake  that  neither  the
          Warrantors  nor the  Warrantors'  Group  Affiliates  for whom they are
          responsible, shall at any time directly or indirectly by themselves or
          in  conjunction  with any other party or  venture,  solicit any of the
          employees of the Companies whose names are listed below to leave their
          present or future functions within the Companies or employ directly or
          indirectly  such  employees.  The  employees  in respect of whom these
          provisions apply are:

          G. Wagner

          C. Weisen

          A. Eschenbrenner

          D. Douret

          A. Kubiak

          A. Kurt

          V. Adam

          P. Collignon

          J. Resibois

          M. Folignioni

8.4       Undertaking of exclusivity

8.4.1     Except  as  provided in Clause 8.4.2 the  Seller undertakes neither to
          transfer  Sale Shares to a third  party,  nor to grant any third party
          any rights over the Sale Shares nor to take any steps nor to engage in
          any  negotiation  in relation to acquiring any interest in the capital
          of the Companies, nor take any action, whether directly or indirectly,
          with the intention of impeding or preventing the Buyer from purchasing
          the  Sale  Shares,  until  Completion,  or until  termination  of this

8.4.2     It is understood that the Seller shall not be precluded from advancing
          discussions  with  prospective   alternative  buyers  of  the  Company
          provided however that the Seller shall:

          (i)  enter  into  all  necessary  and   appropriate   legally  binding
               confidentiality undertakings with all  such   other   prospective
               alternative buyers;


          (ii)  fully coordinate all discussions with, and hold such discussions
                only  with, the  Monitoring  Trustee  approval.  Any  action  or
                disclosure of  information  shall  be  limited  to what  the the
                Monitoring Trustee deems permissible, with a view to:

                (a) ensuring  that   no   information   is  provided   that   is
                commercially sensitive or that could  endanger the viability and
                stability of the Business; and

                (b)  preserving  the  current and future  competitiveness of the

          (iii) inform all  alternative  buyers of  the fact that the Seller has
                entered into a legally  binding and  confidential agreement  for
                the  sale of  the  Shares  to  the  Buyer,  subject  only  to EU
                Commission approval.  Accordingly,  all  prospective alternative
                buyers shall be made  specifically  aware  that their engagement
                in the sale process  is  only  as  an  alternative in  the event
                that the Transactions with the Buyer fail to close;

          (iv)  be  precluded  from  providing  prospective  alternative  buyers
                access  to   management  and  employees  of   the   Company  and
                Company site visits;

          (v)   not develop  or  discuss  any  potential   transaction  with  an
                alternative buyer  beyond  a  stage  that  could  reasonably  be
                characterised as  preliminary  drafting based on the first draft
                Sale and Purchase Agreement provided initially to the Buyer. For
                the  avoidance of doubt, no final  documents  shall be agreed or
                exchanged,  regardless  of  whether  or  not  they  are  legally

          (vi)  together with the Buyer, use their respective best endeavours to
                coordinate  and   promptly  take  any   action  that  is  deemed
                reasonably  necessary or  advisable by the parties to facilitate
                the  EU  Commission  approval of  the  Seller's  submission  and
                request for approval of this Transaction; and

          (vii) refer prospective  alternative  buyers only to Graham Foster and
                S0ren  Lundsberg-Nielsen  both  of G4S  plc,  who  shall  be the
                only  authorised  individuals  to  deal  with   any  prospective
                alternative buyers.

8.5       Transitional period for use of name

          The Companies  shall be  authorised,  subject to their entering into a
          trade  mark  licence  in the form  set out in  Schedule  34,  during a
          maximum period of six months from the date of Completion,  to continue
          to use all patents,  trademarks,  service marks,  trade names,  logos,


          company names, designs and models, know-how, copyrights and industrial
          property  rights  which are  currently  registered  in the name of the
          Companies  or used by the  Companies,  including  the  stationery  and
          uniforms,  but only in the same  manner and for the same  purposes  as
          they were used prior to the date of Completion.

          For the avoidance of doubt, no other rights  whatsoever are granted to
          the Company or the Buyer in respect of the names  "Securicor",  "Group
          4" or any associated trademarks.

          Neither the Warrantor nor any  Warrantors'  Group  Affiliate  shall be
          authorised  to  use  the  name  "Securicor"  in  the  Grand  Duchy  of
          Luxembourg  (i) as a combined  name for a period of 12 months from the
          Date of  Completion  or (ii) as a stand  alone  name for a period of 2
          years from the Date of Completion.


9.1       The Buyer  represents and  warrants to the Seller  that the Buyer is a
          company which is duly  incorporated  and  registered,  that it validly
          exists under Luxembourg law, is not in administration  proceedings and
          is  not  subject  to a  voluntary  liquidation  procedure;  the  Buyer
          represents  and  warrants  equally  that  it is  not  subject  to  any
          proceedings  whether or not criminal  which  restricts  the Buyer from
          purchasing  the Sale  Shares  in  accordance  with  the  terms of this
          Agreement and that its directors and other corporate  officers are not
          subject to any criminal  proceedings  restricting them from exercising
          the powers or functions they may exercise on behalf of the Buyer.  The
          Buyer  represents  and warrants that the signing of this Agreement has
          been duly  authorised by its corporate  bodies and that this Agreement
          constitutes  for it an agreement  which is binding in accordance  with
          its terms.

9.2       In  order  to  ensure  full and  complete information, the  Seller has
          delivered to the Buyer and its advisors, the documents and information
          listed in Schedule 35, such documents and  information  contain legal,
          financial, accounting and commercial data. It is on the basis of these
          documents and this information  delivered to and reviewed by the Buyer
          that the Buyer has decided to purchase  the Sale Shares in  accordance
          with the terms of this Agreement.

          It  has  been   expressly   agreed   between  the  Parties   that  the
          representations  and  warranties of the Buyer in this  Agreement  will
          have no effect on the scope of the  representations  and warranties of
          the Warrantors  contained in Clause 7 and, save for the warranty given
          in Clause 9.3, on the effectiveness of the indemnification  procedures


          contained in this  Agreement  and in particular in Clause 10. Only the
          information  contained in this Agreement or in its Schedules  attached
          (as it exists of the Date of this  Agreement  or which is  updated  in
          accordance  with Clause  8.2.2 may release the  Warrantors  from their
          liability in accordance with Clause 10.

9.3       The Buyer and BI hereby warrant to the Seller that they have no actual
          knowledge of a breach of or  inconsistency  with any of the warranties
          or representations  set out in Clause 7, except for matters set out in
          the  Disclosure  Schedule and except for the fact that the Company has
          not charged VAT on certain  cash  processing  services;  to the extent
          that  this  fact  may be a  breach  or  inconsistency  with any of the
          warranties and representations, the Buyer would have a claim.

9.4       The Buyer acknowledges that it has not been induced to enter into this
          Agreement,  nor has it relied upon anything other than the entirety of
          this Agreement;  including but not limited to, the  representations or
          warranties set out in this Agreement.

                          SECTION III - INDEMNIFICATION


10.1      Principle

10.1.1    The Warrantors undertake to jointly and severally indemnify the Buyer,
          or any other person nominated by the Buyer, against:

          (a)  any Loss that the Companies or the  Buyer may suffer by virtue of
               a  reduction  in the value of an item of assets or an increase in
               the value of an item of  liabilities  resulting  from a liability
               not being  specifically  accounted for or insufficient  provision
               being made for it in the Accounts, as long as the cause or origin
               of this  reduction  in assets or increase in  liabilities  arises
               prior to Completion;

          (b)  any Loss that  the Companies or the  Buyer suffer as  a result of
               any inaccuracy or omission in the  representations and warranties
               contained in Clause 7 or of the non-performance by the Warrantors
               of any of their obligations under this Agreement, as long as such
               loss has not been indemnified in full by the provisions of Clause
               10.1.1 (a) above.

          (c)  any Loss that the Companies suffer in respect of Taxes (including
               a Loss  arising  out of the fact that the Company has not charged
               VAT on certain cash processing services) following any enquiry or
               adjustment applying to a period prior to Completion which has not
               been accounted or provided for in the Accounts.


10.1.2    The obligation to  indemnify applies as well to all events which occur
          between the Date of this  Agreement and  Completion and which have the
          effect of rendering the  representations,  warranties and undertakings
          contained  in Section II incorrect  or  incomplete  whether or not the
          Loss suffered could not be ascertained  or was not  ascertained  until
          after Completion.

10.1.3    If the Loss to  which the  provisions of Clause 10.1.1 applies relates
          to  Taxes,  the  undertaking  of the  Seller  under  Clause  10.1.1 to
          indemnify the Buyer is agreed to be an undertaking to pay to the Buyer
          an amount equal to the liability to Taxes.

10.2      Net loss

          The  Warrantors  are only liable to  indemnify  the net Loss.  In this
          respect,  the total  indemnity  under this clause  will be  calculated
          taking into account the following factors:

          (a)  If the event which forms the basis of a request for an  indemnity
               of loss  has  given  rise to the  making  of a  provision  in the
               Accounts, the amount of the indemnifiable Loss will be reduced by
               the amount of the provision in the Accounts  specifically  booked
               to cover such Loss;

          (b)  If the event gives rise to  an insurance  claim and recovery paid
               to  any  of  the  Companies  or  to  the  Buyer,  the  amount  of
               indemnifiable Loss shall be reduced by such payment;

          (c)  Any tax adjustment  which has the sole effect of  transferring an
               expense  or an  income  from  one  financial  year  to  the  next
               financial  year will only be taken  into  account  in  respect of
               interest  and late  payment  penalties  on the  transfer  of such
               expenditures or income.

          (d)  All amounts paid by the Warrantors to the Buyer,  as the case may
               be,  under  the  terms  hereof  shall be  treated  to the  extent
               permitted under applicable tax law as adjustments to the Purchase
               Price for all Tax  purposes,  and to the extent not so permitted,
               the amount of any such  payment  shall be  increased to take into
               account  the Tax,  if any,  resulting  from the  receipt  of such


10.3      Limitations of Liability

10.3.1    The Warrantors  shall not be liable to  indemnify  the Buyer  pursuant
          to Clause 10.1 or  for a breach of the  warranties  or representations
          set out in Clause 7;

 To the extent that the claim relates to any matter  disclosed
          in the Disclosure Schedule;

 To the extent that a claim arises:-

          (a)  wholly or partly from an act or omission occurring at the request
               of or with the  written  consent of the Buyer or (on or after the
               Date of Completion) the Company;

          (b)  wholly   or   partly   from   an  act  or omission since the Last
               Accounting Date compelled by law;

          (c)  wholly or partly as a result of any increase in rates of taxation
               since the Last Accounting Date;

          (d)  wholly or  partly as a result of the  passing after Completion of
               an  enactment or other  government regulation  with retrospective

 to the extent that the subject of the claim:

          (a)  has been or is made good or is otherwise compensated  for without
          cost to the Buyer or the Company; or

          (b)  is, or but for this Agreement would be, recoverable by any of the
          Companies by insurance in place at  Completion,  or would have been so
          recoverable  but for any  change in the terms of  insurance  since the
          date of Completion.

10.4      Where the Buyer and/or the Company are at any time entitled to recover
          from some other person any sum in respect of any matter giving rise to
          a claim under Clause 10.1 or under any of the other provisions of this
          Agreement  the Buyer shall and shall  procure  that the Company  shall
          undertake all  reasonable  steps to enforce such a recovery and in the
          event that the Buyer or the Company shall recover any amount from such
          other person the amount of the claim against the  Warrantors  shall be
          reduced by the amount recovered PROVIDED THAT:


          (i)  the costs and expenses of such action are paid for by the Seller;

          (ii) time for bringing a claim against the Seller  pursuant to Clauses
               12.1  or  12.2  is   extended  to  a   period  of  three   months
               following cessation of such third party claim.

10.5      If the Warrantors  pay at any  time to the Buyer or to the Company any
          amount  pursuant  to a claim  pursuant to Clause 10.1 and the Buyer or
          the Company  subsequently  recovers  from some other person any sum in
          respect  of any  matter  giving  rise to such  claim the  Buyer  shall
          procure that the Company shall  forthwith  repay to the  Warrantors so
          much of the  amount  paid by them to the Buyer or the  Company as does
          not exceed the sum  recovered  from such other  person less all costs,
          charges  and  expenses  incurred  by  the  Buyer  or  the  Company  in
          recovering that sum from such other person.

10.6      Each  of  the  Buyer  and BI  undertakes to  indemnify  the Warrantors
          against  any  Loss  that the  Warrantors  suffers  as a result  of any
          breach,  inaccuracy or omission in the  representations and warranties
          contained in Clause 9 or of the  non-performance by the Buyer or BI of
          any of their obligations under this Agreement.

10.7      The Buyer accepts that it has a general duty to mitigate its Loss.


11.1      Floor

          The Warrantors  will only be liable to indemnify  under Clause 9 or 10
          if an individual  indemnifiable  Loss under this Agreement exceeds the
          sum of EUR 10,000 (ten thousand euro).

11.2      Threshold

          The Warrantors  will only be liable to indemnify  under Clause 9 or 10
          if the  cumulative  total of  indemnifiable  Loss under this Agreement
          exceeds the sum of EUR 100,000 (one hundred thousand euro).

11.3      Ceiling

          The total  indemnity for which the Warrantors may be liable under this
          Agreement  shall not  exceed  an  amount  which is equal to 35% of the
          Purchase Price.

11.4      Exception

          The floor, threshold and ceiling in this Clause 11 will not apply:


          (a)  in  the   case  of  fraudulent  or  intentional  conduct  of  the
               Warrantors  in the  context  of the  operations  set  out in this

          (b)  to claims arising  from a violation  of Clause 7.17 (Tax) of this

          (c)  to claims  arising from a  violation of Clause 7.13 (Environment)
               of this  Agreement,  where the  ceiling  for such claim shall not
               exceed an amount equal to 50% of the Purchase Price;

          (d)  to  claims arising from customers of  the Company alleging a loss
               or shortfall in the Customer Accounts.


12.1      Requests for indemnification  pursuant to this Agreement in respect to
          Taxes must be received before the expiration of a period of five years
          (save where the  relevant  limitation  period  applicable  to Taxes is
          increased beyond five years with  retrospective  effect, in which case
          such increased period shall be applicable) plus three (3) months, from
          the date of Completion.

12.2      Save  as  otherwise  specifically  provided  any  other  requests  for
          indemnification pursuant to this Agreement must be received before the
          expiration  of a  period  of  eighteen  (18)  months  from the Date of
          Completion.  Claims under Clause 8.3 of this Agreement are not subject
          to this  limitation  on the period  during  which  such  claims may be

12.3      The  Buyer  shall  not  lose  its  right  to  indemnification  at  the
          expiration of the limitation  periods referred to above as long as the
          requests pursuant to this Agreement (or the events which may give rise
          to a claim for  indemnification) are notified before the expiration of
          such periods  PROVIDED  THAT the liability of the  Warrantors  for any
          claim shall  absolutely cease (unless the amount payable in respect of
          a claim has been agreed by the Warrantors  within 6 months of the date
          of written notice given pursuant to Clause 12.1 or Clause 12.2 (as the
          case may be)) if legal proceedings have not been instituted in respect
          of such  claim  within 6 months of the date of  written  notice  given
          pursuant  to Clause  12.1 or Clause  12.2 (as the case may be)(or such
          later date as the Buyer and Seller may agree).



13.1      Principle

13.1.1    Any  event  capable  of giving  rise to an  obligation to indemnify in
          accordance  with this  Agreement  must be  notified  in writing by the
          Buyer to either of the  Warrantors  forthwith  upon the Buyer becoming
          aware of the same, specifying the reasons for which the Buyer requests
          indemnification  from  the  Warrantors  as  well  as  the  sum  of the
          indemnifiable Loss incurred, if determinable.

13.1.2    Except in the event that  written objection is sent  by the Warrantors
          to the Buyer within two (2) months of the receipt by the Warrantors of
          the notification above, and save where a claim is being made against a
          third  party in  accordance  with  Clause  10.4,  the  indemnification
          requested  shall be  considered  due and shall  give rise to  interest
          accruing  after the date of reception by the Warrantors of the request
          for  indemnity by the Buyer (the  interest  being  payable at the same
          time as the  indemnity).  The relevant  interest  rate shall be 5% per

13.1.3    If on the contrary, the Warrantors notify an objection to the Buyer in
          the time-limits set out above,  the dispute shall be settled  pursuant
          to Clause 14.11.

13.2      Third party requests

13.2.1    In the event of  any legal or administrative  action filed by  a third
          party against either of the Companies as well as of a tax reassessment
          issued  against the  Companies,  which would give rise to a request by
          the Buyer to the Seller, the Buyer or the Companies shall give written
          notice to the Seller as soon as is  reasonably  practicable  following
          either of the Companies becoming aware of such action. It is expressly
          understood  that any delay by the Buyer or the  Companies in informing
          the Seller will only give rise to the payment of damages to the Seller
          in an  amount  equal  to the loss  suffered  by the  latter,  but such
          limitation of the Buyer's  liability  shall be applicable  only if the
          Buyer's   or  the   Companies'   delay   in   providing   notification
          significantly  compromised the Seller's  ability to participate in the
          defence  of such  action  and the Seller  was  otherwise  entitled  to
          participate in the defence under the terms of this Agreement.

13.2.2    In  the  event the  Seller does not notify in writing the Buyer of its
          intentions  in respect of the conduct of the legal action  referred to
          above within 30 (thirty)  Working Days of receipt of the  notification
          referred to above,  the Seller  shall be deemed to have decided not to
          take part in the  defence of the  Companies  against  the third  party


13.2.3    It is expressly  agreed that the Buyer shall be authorised to commence
          any  urgent  action to  defending  the  Companies'  interests  without
          consulting  the Seller,  if the Seller's  advice  cannot be reasonably
          obtained  considering  the nature of the legal  action to be conducted
          and/or the time-limits for response set out by the third party.

13.2.4    In  the  event of a disagreement on the strategy to be implemented, or
          if  the  Seller  chooses  not  to  intervene  in  the  defence  of the
          Companies,  the  Companies  will  keep  ultimate  management  of their
          defence for their own benefit and that of interested parties as is set
          out above.

13.2.5    Subject to the second sentence of this Clause  13.2.5,  the  Companies
          shall control any audits, disputes, administrative,  judicial or other
          proceedings related to Taxes imposed upon the Companies.  In the event
          an  adverse   determination   would   result  in  the  Seller   having
          responsibility  for any amount of Taxes,  the Seller shall be entitled
          to participate, through the Buyer or the Companies, in that portion of
          the  proceedings  relating  to the Taxes with  respect to which it may
          incur  liability.  Neither the Buyer nor the Companies shall settle or
          agree to settle any Tax liability or compromise any claim with respect
          to Taxes,  which  settlement or compromise may affect the liability of
          the Seller for Taxes,  without the  Seller's  consent  (which  consent
          shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed). Any amended Tax return
          or claim for Tax refund for any period shall be filed, or caused to be
          filed, only by the Buyer, who shall not be obligated to make (or cause
          to be made) such filing.

13.2.6    The Seller on the  one hand, and the Buyer  and the  Companies on  the
          other, shall cooperate with each other and with each other's agents in
          connection with Tax matters related to the Companies, including making
          all relevant Tax information and documents in its possession available
          to the other  party and  including  in  connection  with any  transfer
          pricing inquiry.

13.3      Beneficiary of indemnification

          The obligation to  indemnify shall  remain in force in the case of any
          winding up, absorption,  contribution or disposal of all or any assets
          of the Companies.


                           SECTION IV - MISCELLANEOUS


14.1      Substitution - Transfer and Survival of Warranties and Representations

          The provisions of Sections II and III will remain in force even though
          the  Company/Companies  or their  assets  concerned  are  assigned  or
          transferred by a Company or the Buyer after Completion,  in particular
          if the  Buyer  or a  Company  as part  of the  transfer  gives  to the
          transferee of a Company (or of its assets) representations, warranties
          or undertakings.

14.2      Entire Agreement

14.2.1    This  Agreement represents the entire agreement between the Parties as
          do the provisions of the recitals and the Schedules attached.

14.2.2    This  Agreement  supersedes  and   replaces  all  letters  of  intent,
          agreements  or other  arrangements  between the Parties  entered  into
          prior to the date of this Agreement.

14.2.3    No party may assign, or grant any  Encumbrance  or  security  interest
          over, any of its rights under this Agreement.

14.3      Further Assurance

          Each of the  Parties  will do, or  procure  the doing of, all acts and
          things and execute,  or procure the execution of, all documents as any
          other party reasonably  considers necessary to give full effect to the
          terms of this Agreement.

14.4      Amendments

          The Parties agree that this Agreement shall be amended only in writing
          such amendment to be signed by the parties or by their duly authorised
          representatives.  Neither  Party will be deemed to have waived a right
          unless expressly specified in accordance with this Agreement.

14.5      Confidentiality

          This Agreement is confidential between the Parties.  Consequently, the
          Parties  agree to keep this  Agreement  confidential  (except  for the
          specific  disclosure   permitted  by  Clause  8.4.2  (iii))  and  more
          generally  not to disclose any  information  directly or indirectly in
          relation to this  Agreement,  unless the disclosure is required by law
          or  by  regulations  or in  order  to  preserve  its  rights.  Without
          prejudice to the  generality  of this clause,  the  provisions  of the
          Confidentiality  Agreement shall remain in force  notwithstanding  the
          execution of this Agreement.


14.6      Announcement

14.6.1    Any announcement or press release  in respect of  this Agreement or to
          the content of this  Agreement will not be issued without prior mutual
          written  consent  between  the  Buyer  and  the  Warrantors  not to be
          unreasonably withheld.

14.6.2    If  the  announcement  or  the  press  release  is required  by law or
          applicable administrative procedure including, without limitation, any
          regulation of any stock exchange upon which the shares of any party or
          any of their  respective  affiliates are traded,  the consent from the
          other party is not required, it being understood that the existence of
          said  requirement  shall  be  notified  to the  other  party  within a
          reasonable time and the content of such  announcement or press release
          shall be discussed by reference to this Article.

14.7      Notices

14.7.1    All  notices  required in respect  to this Agreement or to the related
          operations   shall  be  either   delivered  by  hand  personally  with
          acknowledgement of receipt or sent by registered mail or special mail;
          the notice may be faxed on the condition that a confirmatory hard copy
          is sent by  registered  mail with  acknowledgement  of  receipt  or by
          special mail (at the latest one business day after the fax).

14.7.2    All notices shall  be  addressed  to  the  parties  at  the  following

          (a)  To the Buyer             :   Brink's Luxembourg S.A.

                                            Zone Industrielle

                                            L-8287 Kehlen


               For the attention of     :   General Manager

               Fax n                    :   + (352) 30 54 39

               With a copy to           :   Brink's, Incorporated

                                            1801 Bayberry Court

                                            P O Box 18100

                                            Richmond, VA 23226-8100



               For the attention of     :   Chief Financial Officer

               Fax n                    :   + 804 289 9761

               and                      :   Brink's EMEA S.A.S.

                                            15, Rue Lafayette

                                            Paris, 75009


               For the attention of     :   Vice President Finance

               Fax n                    :   +33 1 55 07 99 21

          (b)  To the Seller and/or G4S :   Group 4 Securicor plc

                                            The Manor

                                            Manor Royal


                                            West Sussex RH10 9UN


               For the attention        :   Group General Counsel

               Fax n                    :   00 44 1293 554500

14.7.3    The Buyer  and the Warrantors  will be authorised to amend at any time
          their  relevant  address,  addressee  or fax number  above  subject to
          informing the other party in accordance with this Article.

14.8      Costs and Expenses

14.8.1    Any  registration  fees and  stamp  duties payable on the execution of
          this Agreement shall be borne by the Buyer.

14.8.2    Each Party shall bear the fees, costs and commissions of its own legal
          advisers and agents.


14.9      Language

          The Parties  acknowledge that the negotiations have been conducted and
          the drafts of the Agreement  have been written in English  (except for
          the  Schedules,  which  shall be in English  or  French,  respectively
          followed  by an English  or French  translation  in case of  originals
          drafted in a different language).

14.10     Severability

          Should any provisions of this Agreement be declared  invalid,  illegal
          or  unenforceable,  such  invalidity,  illegality or  unenforceability
          shall not affect  the  validity,  legality  or  enforceability  of the
          remaining  provisions  of this  Agreement,  which shall remain in full
          force and effect.

          This Agreement may only be amended by a written instrument executed by
          all the Parties hereto. Therefore the tolerance also reiterated of any
          defaults  or  delayed  performance  of  this  Agreement  shall  not be
          interpreted as a tacit revocation of the provisions hereto.

14.11     Implementation

14.11.1   The  Parties  agree to provide  any information and documents required
          for the performance of this Agreement and to sign this Agreement.

14.11.2   This  Agreement (other  than obligations  that have already been fully
          performed) remains in force after Completion.

14.12     Applicable law and settlement of disputes

14.12.1   This  Agreement  shall  be governed  and construed  in accordance with
          Luxembourg law.

14.12.2   Any disputes concerning the validity, interpretation or enforceability
          of this  Agreement  which may arise from this Agreement may be finally
          settled by arbitration in accordance  with the Rules of Arbitration of
          the  International  Chamber  of  Commerce  applicable  at the  time of
          arbitration  except that  termination as a result of failure to obtain
          Clearance  shall  not be the  subject  of  arbitration.  The  arbitral
          tribunal  shall  be  composed  of  three   arbitrators   appointed  in
          accordance  with such  rules.  The  arbitration  shall  take  place in
          Luxembourg. The arbitrators shall be fluent in English and French, and
          documents  may  be  submitted  in  English  and  French   without  any
          translation.   The  above-mentioned   arbitration  provisions  do  not
          preclude   the  Parties  from   exercising   their  right  to  request
          provisional relief or protective measures before any competent court.


14.13     Counterparts

          This Agreement  may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of
          which is an  original  and which  together  have the same effect as if
          each party had signed the same document.


This Agreement has been made in London,  executed and signed in as many original
copies as there are  parties,  at the date  mentioned  at the  beginning of this

/s/ N. Griffiths                                 /s/ B. Dumoulin
- -----------------------------------              -------------------------------
Securicor International BV                        Brink's Luxembourg S.A.

By: Nigel Griffiths                               By: Bernard Dumoulin

Capacity: Managing Director                       Capacity: Authorized signatory

/s/ Soren Lundsberg Nielsen                      /s/ Mari Jo Flanagan
- -----------------------------------              -------------------------------
Group 4 Securicor Holdings Limited                Brink's Incorporated

By: S0ren Lundsberg Nielsen                       By: Mari Jo Flanagan

Capacity: Authorised under Power of               Capacity: Authorized signatory
