
                                JEFFRY E. STERBA

(the "Agreement") is made and entered into this 22nd day of March,  2000, by and
between  Public  Service  Company of New Mexico  ("PNM" or "the Company" or "the
Employer") and JEFFRY E. STERBA ("Employee").

         WHEREAS,  PNM is the Plan Sponsor of the Public Service  Company of New
Mexico Employees' Retirement Plan (the "Retirement Plan");

         WHEREAS, Employee is a Participant in the Retirement Plan;

         WHEREAS,  eligibility for and entry into the Retirement Plan was frozen
effective January 1, 1998;

         WHEREAS,   Employee  stopped   accruing   Credited  Service  under  the
Retirement Plan as of his Credited Service Termination Date (December 31, 1998);

         WHEREAS,  PNM desires to receive the benefit of  Employee's  knowledge,
experience,  reputation and services  through  Employee's  continued  employment
until at least  February 28, 2005,  and is willing to offer Employee a retention
incentive; and

         WHEREAS,  it is the intent of this Agreement to provide for the payment
of  supplemental  retirement  benefits to Employee,  such that Employee shall be
deemed to accrue the equivalent of Credited  Service  pursuant to the Retirement
Plan, to attain the  equivalent  of thirty (30) years of Credited  Service as of
February 28, 2005 under the terms and conditions set forth below.

         NOW, THEREFORE,  in consideration of the foregoing,  and other good and
valuable  consideration,   the  receipt  and  sufficiency  of  which  is  hereby
acknowledged by the parties hereto, the parties do hereby agree as follows:

         1.  Additional   Retirement  Benefits.   PNM  agrees  to  pay  Employee
supplemental  retirement  benefits equal to the  difference  between the monthly
benefits deemed payable to Employee under the Retirement Plan in accordance with
Section 3 of this  Agreement,  and the benefit  that would have been  payable to
Employee under the  Retirement  Plan,  calculated as though  Employee is granted
additional  Credited Service so as to accrue the equivalent of a total of thirty
(30) years of Credited Service as of February 28, 2005.

         Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary  contained in this Section 1,
in the event that the Employee  voluntarily  terminates  or is terminated by the
Company for Cause prior to February 28, 2005,  the additional  Credited  Service
awarded to Employee under this Agreement shall,  unless otherwise  determined by
the Board, be forfeited. For purposes of this Agreement,  Cause shall be defined

                  (1) The  willful  and  continued  failure of the  Employee  to
         substantially  perform his duties with the Company,  or willful failure
         to report to work for more than thirty (30) consecutive days; or

                  (2) The willful  engaging by the Employee in conduct  which is
         demonstrably  and  materially  injurious to the Company,  monetarily or
         otherwise,  including acts of fraud,  misappropriation  or embezzlement
         for  personal  gain at the  expense  of the  Company,  conviction  of a
         felony, or conviction of a misdemeanor involving immoral acts.

         2. Calculation of Additional Retirement Benefits.  The benefit provided
for in Section 1 of this Agreement shall be calculated based upon the Retirement
Plan in effect on February 28, 2000, as modified by Section 1 above. The monthly
benefit  that would be payable to Employee  under the  Retirement  Plan shall be
calculated disregarding limitations imposed by the Internal Revenue Code of 1986
(the  "Code"),  Sections  401(a)17  and  415 and  similar  Code  and  regulatory

         3. Calculation of Retirement Plan Benefits, No Duplication of Benefits.
The benefits deemed payable under the Retirement Plan shall be calculated:

                  (a)  Assuming a deemed  commencement  date for the  payment of
such  benefits  being the later of: (i) the earliest  date  Employee  could have
begun receiving benefits under the Retirement Plan or (ii) the date the Employee
commences receiving benefits under this Agreement;

                  (b)  Assuming a single life annuity form of payment;

                  (c) Based upon the Retirement  Plan in effect on the date such
benefits are deemed to have  commenced and based on Employee's  actual  Credited
Service and Average  Earnings as provided for in the Retirement  Plan, using the
highest  salary for three  consecutive  years  prior to  January  1,  1998,  the
effective date that the Retirement Plan was frozen; and

                  (d) For purposes of Section 1, Employee  shall not accrue more
than thirty (30) years of Credited  Service pursuant to the terms and conditions
of this Agreement.

         4. Acceleration of Benefits. In the event Employee is terminated by the
Company for any reason other than Cause, is  Constructively  Terminated,  or the
Employee's  termination  is a result of a Change in  Control,  as defined in the
Public  Service  Company of New Mexico  First  Restated  and  Amended  Executive
Retention Plan  effective  December 7, 1998 and as may be  subsequently  amended
from time to time at the  discretion of PNM, prior to the completion of five (5)
years of service,  the  retirement  benefits  available  to Employee  under this
Agreement  shall be accelerated  and Employee shall receive the full  retirement
benefits provided herein as if his date of termination were February 28, 2005.


For  purposes  of this  Agreement,  Constructively  Terminated  or  Constructive
Termination  shall be defined as a termination of employment with the Company as
a consequence of any of the following events:

                  (1) A reduction in base salary;

                  (2) A reduction in title or a reassignment of duties which are
         inconsistent  with  the  status  or  responsibilities  of the  Employee
         immediately prior to such reassignment; or

                  (3) A  relocation  of  Employee's  principal  office more than
         seventy (70) miles from Employee's current work location.

         5.  Severance  Benefits.  In the event the  Employee is  terminated  or
Constructively Terminated by the Company for any reason other than Cause or as a
result of a Change in Control (as defined in paragraph 4, above), Employee shall
receive the following severance benefits in lieu of the Severance Pay provisions
contained in Section 5.4.1.  of the Public Service  Company of New Mexico Second
Restated and Amended Non-Union  Severance Pay Plan effective August 1, 1999, and
as may be subsequently amended from time to time at the discretion of PNM:

             One cash lump sum  payment  equal to twelve (12) months of the
             Participant's Base Salary,  with no additional cost of living,
             promotion,  merit or other  increases;  plus severance pay the
             equivalent  of Regular  Severance Pay in the amount of two (2)
             months of Participant's  Base Salary,  plus two (2) additional
             months of  Participant's  Base Salary,  and one (1) additional
             week of Base Salary for each Year of Service.  For purposes of
             this  Section  5, the years of Service  taken into  account in
             calculating  the  Employee's  severance pay shall be deemed to
             include the years of Credited  Service granted to the Employee
             under this Agreement.

         6. Eligibility for Retiree Medical Benefits.  In the event the Employee
is terminated by the Company for any reason other than Cause, is  Constructively
Terminated,  upon a Change in Control, or upon Retirement, the Employee shall be
eligible  to  receive  retiree  medical  benefits  pursuant  to the terms of the
Retirement Plan and its Retiree Medical Benefits Funding Plan as though Employee
had previously  terminated  employment after attaining his Early Retirement Date
as defined under the Retirement  Plan. If Employee  terminates  employment on or
before  February 28, 2005, the applicable  premium amount shall be determined as
though  Employee  is age 45 and has 20 years of  Credited  Service.  If Employee
terminates  employment  after February 28, 2005,  the applicable  premium amount
shall be  determined  by  including  the  Credited  Service  granted  under this


         7. Form,  Timing and Amount of  Benefit.  Benefits  shall be payable to
Employee upon his retirement eligibility and election, following his termination
of  employment  with PNM,  pursuant  to any  annuity  form  available  under the
Retirement Plan with appropriate actuarial equivalence adjustments as defined in
the  Retirement  Plan,  for forms other than a single life annuity on Employee's

         8.  Designation of Beneficiary.  The latest  designation of beneficiary
form  filed by  Employee  under  the  Retirement  Plan  shall be  deemed to be a
designation  of the person or fiduciary to receive any amount payable under this
Agreement upon Employee's  death. If no beneficiary  designation has been filed,
the  Employee's  spouse  shall be the  designated  beneficiary  or in the  event
Employee has no spouse,  the  Employee  shall be deemed to have  designated  his
estate as beneficiary.

         9. No  Assignment.  This  Agreement  shall inure only to the benefit of
Employee,  Employee's designated beneficiary, and Employee's estate or heirs and
may not be assigned, transferred, pledged or hypothecated in any way by Employee
or  Employee's  personal  representative,  heir,  distributee,  or other  person
claiming  under  Employee and shall not be subject to  execution,  attachment or
similar process.

         10. Source of Payments of Benefits.

             (a) This  Agreement  is a  non-qualified,  unfunded  and  unsecured
deferred compensation arrangement. All benefits owing under this Agreement shall
be paid out of the general  corporate funds of the Employer which are subject to
the  claims  of  creditors,  or out of any trust  Employer  shall  establish  or
authorize;  provided that all assets paid into any such trust shall at all times
prior to actual payment to Employee or his  beneficiaries  remain subject to the
claims of the general creditors of Employer.  Neither  Employee,  his designated
beneficiaries,  his  estate  nor his heirs  shall (i) have any  right,  title or
interest  whatsoever  in, or claim to,  preferred or otherwise,  any  particular
assets of Employer or any trust that  Employer may establish or designate to aid
in  providing  the payment  described  in this  Agreement;  or (ii)  acquire any
interest greater than that of an unsecured creditor in any assets of Employer.

             (b)  Notwithstanding the above, upon a Change in Control as defined
in the First Restated and Amended Executive Retention Plan effective December 7,
1998, incorporated herein by reference, and subject to any subsequent amendments
thereto,  the Company shall  sufficiently fund the Public Service Company of New
Mexico and Paragon  Resources,  Inc. Deferred  Compensation Trust Agreement (the
"Rabbi Trust") to provide in full for any benefits  accrued under this Agreement
as of the date of the occurrence of the Change in Control.

         11. Administrator. This Agreement shall be administered by the Board of
Directors  of PNM or any  individual  or  committee  appointed  by it,  or their
successors, with written notice to Employee.

         12. Amendment. This Agreement may be amended only by written consent of
both parties.


         13. Controlling Law. This Agreement shall be interpreted under the laws
of the State of New Mexico.

         14. Binding  Effect.  This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to
the  benefit  of any  successor  of PNM and any such  successor  shall be deemed
substituted  for  PNM  under  the  terms  of  this  Agreement.  As  used in this
Agreement,  the term "successor" shall include any person, firm,  corporation or
other  business  entity  which,  at any time,  whether  by merger,  purchase  or
otherwise, acquires all or substantially all of the assets or business of PNM.

         IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  parties  hereto,  personally  or  by  their
authorized representatives,  have executed this Supplemental Employee Retirement
Agreement as of the date first above written.

                                    PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NEW MEXICO

                                    By:        /s/ Benjamin F. Montoya
                                                  BENJAMIN F. MONTOYA,
                                          Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

                                              /s/ Jeffry E. Sterba
                                                  JEFFRY E. STERBA
