AGREEMENT,  dated as of November 2, 1989,  among Public Service Company
of New Mexico, a New Mexico corporation  ("PNM"), the lender parties hereto (the
"Lenders")  and Chemical Bank as agent (the "Agent") and  collateral  agent (the
"Collateral Agent").


     A. Meadows  Resources,  Inc., a New Mexico  corporation  and a wholly-owned
subsidiary of PNM ("Meadows"),  certain of the Lenders and the Agent are parties
to a Credit  Agreement dated as of June 28, 1988 (as amended,  overridden and in
effect from time to time, the "Credit Agreement").

     B. Meadows,  the Lenders, the Agent and the Collateral Agent are parties to
a Master Collateral Agreement dated as of June 28, 1988 (as amended,  overridden
and in effect from time to time, the "Master Collateral  Agreement").  All terms
defined in or by reference in the Master Collateral  Agreement and not otherwise
defined  herein or by  reference  herein are used herein with the meanings as so

     C. Meadows,  the Lenders, the Agent and the Collateral Agent are parties to
a Consent  and  Override  Agreement  dated as of May 1, 1989 (as  amended and in
effect from time to time, the "Consent and Override Agreement").

     D. The Agent,  the  Collateral  Agent and the  Lenders  assert  that PNM is
liable in  respect  of the  principal,  interest,  expenses  (including  without
limitation  attorneys'  fees and  expenses)  and other  amounts due from Meadows
(such obligations of Meadows, the "Debt") under the Credit Agreement, the Master
Collateral Agreement , the Security Documents and the Existing  Agreements.  The
principal  amount of the Debt as of May 1,  1989  (excluding  expenses  and that
portion of the principal amount of the Chemical Note attributable to accrued but
unpaid  interest on the note of MCB Financial  Group,  Inc.  ("MCB  Financial"),
dated December 10, 1986, in favor of Chemical Bank) was  $127,910,639.00.  As of
the  Effective  Time,  the amount of such  principal  outstanding  (after giving
effect to the payment to the Collateral Agent referred to in paragraph F hereof,
but before giving effect to the payments to the Collateral  Agent referred to in
Sections 1.2 and 3.1(a) hereof) was $63,308,146.

     E. PNM denies the  assertions of the Agent,  the  Collateral  Agent and the
Lenders  described  in  paragraph  D above  and  asserts  that PNM (i) could not
lawfully have guaranteed any  indebtedness of Meadows without the prior approval
of the New Mexico Public Service Commission,  (ii) did not in fact guarantee the
Debt and (iii)  therefore  has no liability in respect of the Debt.  PNM further
asserts  that (i) the Lenders were aware of the  applicable  New Mexico laws and
regulations  regarding a guaranty by a utility at the time Meadows  incurred the
Debt and therefore priced their respective loan  transactions  with Meadows on a
stand-alone  basis,  (ii) that,  given a  reasonable  period of time in which to
dispose  of its  assets,  except  for the notes  (the "BCD  Pledged  Notes")  of
Bellamah Community Development ("Bellamah") pledged by Meadows to the Collateral
Agent  pursuant  to the  Note  Pledge  Agreement,  Meadows  will  be able to pay
substantially  all of the  principal  amount  of the Debt  and  (iii) if the BCD
Pledged Notes are repaid in full, then such Debt will be fully repaid.

     F. Prior to the Effective  Time,  PNM purchased from Meadows for $9,000,000
(the  "Exel  Payment")  the  common  stock of Exel  Limited,  a  Cayman  Islands
corporation  ("Exel"),  owned by Meadows.  Meadows retained  $3,250,000 from the
Exel Payment and remitted the balance  thereof to the  Collateral  Agent,  which
distributed  such  balance to the  Lenders in  accordance  with the  Consent and
Override Agreement.

     G. In  order  to  avoid  the  expense  and  uncertainty  of any  protracted
litigation over the validity of their respective positions,  and in an effort to
improve the relationship between PNM and the Lenders,  PNM, on the one hand, and
the Agent, the Collateral Agent and the Lenders,  on the other,  desire to enter
into this  Agreement  to  compromise  and  settle,  on the terms and  conditions
described herein, all claims,  rights and causes of action which each has or may
have against the other in respect of the Debt.

                              Terms and Conditions

         NOW, THEREFORE,  for good and valuable  consideration,  the receipt and
sufficiency  of which are hereby  acknowledged,  and in reliance upon the mutual
undertakings of the parties hereto, PNM, the Agent, the Collateral Agent and the
Lenders hereby agree as follows:

I. TRANSACTIONS AT EFFECTIVE TIME. Prior to or simultaneously with the execution
and  delivery of this  Agreement  by all of the parties  hereto (the  "Effective
Time"), the following shall occur:

     1.1 Secretary's Certificate. PNM shall deliver to the Agent, the Collateral
Agent and the Lenders a certificate  of the Secretary of PNM,  dated the date on
which the Effective Time occurs,  and certifying that (a) attached  thereto is a
true, correct and complete copy of resolutions duly adopted by the full Board of
Directors of PNM,  authorizing  the execution,  delivery and performance of this
Agreement by PNM and (b) such resolutions  have not been modified,  rescinded or
amended and are in full force and effect.

     1.2 Tax  Payment.  PNM shall pay to  Meadows a tax  sharing  payment in the
amount of $6,500,000 in immediately available funds for immediate payment to the
Collateral  Agent for distribution to the Lenders in accordance with the Consent
and Override Agreement.


     2.1 PNM  Release.  Effective  as of the  Effective  Time,  the  Agent,  the
Collateral Agent and each Lender hereby release and discharge PNM, Utech Venture
Capital  Corp.  ("Utech"),  Exel  and  each  Subsidiary  and  Affiliate  of  PNM
(excluding Meadows and each Meadows Affiliated (as hereinafter defined)) and all
past,   present   and  future   shareholders,   directors,   officers,   agents,
representatives,  attorneys, advisors, employees, successors and assigns of PNM,
Utech,  Exel and each Subsidiary and Affiliate of PNM (PNM and such  individuals
(there being no individuals  excluded  regardless of affiliation with Meadows or
any Meadows Affiliate) and non-excluded  entities,  the "PNM Releases") from any
and  all  actions,  causes  of  action,  suits,  debts,  guaranties,  covenants,

contracts,  agreements,  promises, damages, claims and demands whatsoever, under
the laws of the United  States or of any state,  in equity,  or  otherwise  (the
"Lender  Claims"),  which the Agent,  the Collateral  Agent and such Lender ever
had, now have or hereafter can, shall or may have against any one or more of the
PNM Releases, with respect to all Lender Claims arising out of or related to the
Debt or the circumstances of the incurrence  thereof by Meadows,  other than any
Lender Claim (a)  resulting  from the failure of PNM to perform its  obligations
under this Agreement or the breach of any  representation or warranty of PNM set
forth in this  Agreement or in any  instrument  or document  delivered  pursuant
hereto,  (b) against  Meadows,  Republic Holding Company  ("Republic  Holding"),
Bellamah,  any of the  Affiliated  Subsidiaries  or any other direct or indirect
Subsidiary of Meadows (each such entity,  a "Meadows  Affiliate")  or (c) in the
case of Union Bank, in respect of any letters of credit issued by Union Bank for
the account of MCB Financial.

     2.2  Agent,  Collateral  Agent and  Lender  Releases.  Effective  as of the
Effective  Time, PNM hereby  releases and  discharges the Agent,  the Collateral
Agent,  each Lender and all past,  present and future  shareholders,  directors,
officers, agents,  representatives,  attorneys, advisors, employees,  successors
and  assigns of each of the Agent,  the  Collateral  Agent and such  Lender (the
Agent,  the  Collateral  Agent,  such  Lender  and such  other  individuals  and
entities,  the "Lender  Releasees") from any and all actions,  causes of action,
suits, debts, guaranties,  covenants, contracts,  agreements, promises, damages,
claims and  demands  whatsoever,  under the laws of the United  States or of any
state, in equity,  or otherwise (the "PNM Claims"),  which PNM ever had, now has
or  hereafter  can,  shall or may  have  against  any one or more of the  Lender
Releasees, with respect to all PNM Claims arising out of or related to the Debt,
the  circumstances  of the  incurrence  thereof by  Meadows or the  relationship
between any Lender  Releasee  and Meadows  prior to, at the time of or following
such  incurrence,  other than any PNM Claim  resulting  from the  failure of the
Agent, the Collateral Agent or such Lender to perform its obligations under this
Agreement  or the breach of any  representation  or warranty  of the Agent,  the
Collateral Agent or such Lender set forth in this Agreement or in any instrument
or document delivered pursuant hereto.

     2.3 Sole  Remedy.  In the event that any party hereto shall fail to perform
its obligations hereunder,  the sole remedy for such failure shall be to recover
damages  for the  breach of the  provisions  of this  Agreement  requiring  such


     3.1  Schedule of  Payments.  In  consideration  of the release set forth in
Section  2.1  hereof,  PNM  will  make  payments  to the  Collateral  Agent  for
distribution  to the  Lenders  in  accordance  with  the  Consent  and  Override
Agreement  as set  forth  below.

               (a)  Contemporaneously  with or prior to the Effective  Time, PNM
               will  pay  in  immediately  available  funds  as  damages  to the
               Collateral  Agent for  distribution  to the Lenders in accordance
               with the Consent and Override  Agreement the  difference  between

               $15,356,520 and the aggregate amount of all payments received and
               retained by the Lenders on the Debt on or after  October 31, 1989
               other than proceeds of any sale,  assignment or other disposition
               of all or a  portion  of (i)  Meadows'  interest  in the Santa Fe
               County Ranch Resort,  (ii) the shares of common stock of Republic
               Savings  Bank,  F.S.B.  ("Republic  Savings"),  owned by Republic
               Holding,  (iii) the shares of preferred stock of Republic Savings
               owned  by  Meadows  or (iv)  the  shares,  rights  and  interests
               comprising  Meadows'  venture  capital  portfolio  (the  "Venture
               Capital  Interests"),  including  without  limitation the capital
               stock  of  Meadows  Ventures,   Inc.,  Pulse  Systems,  Inc.,  DH
               Technology,  Inc. and Convex Computers, Inc. owned by Meadows and
               any warrants and royalty rights relating thereto.

               (b) No later than December 29, 1989,  PNM will pay in immediately
               available   funds  as  damages  to  the   Collateral   Agent  for
               distribution  to the Lenders in  accordance  with the Consent and
               Override  Agreement the difference  between  $32,856,520  and the
               aggregate  amount of all  payments  received  and retained by the
               Lenders on the Debt on or after October 31, 1989.

               (c) No later than  March 31,  1990,  PNM will pay in  immediately
               available   funds  as  damages  to  the   Collateral   Agent  for
               distribution  to the Lenders in  accordance  with the Consent and
               Override  Agreement the difference  between  ($37,566,520 and the
               aggregate  amount of all  payments  received  and retained by the
               Lenders on the Debt on or after October 31, 1989.

               (d) No later  than  June 30,  1990,  PNM will pay in  immediately
               available   funds  as  damages  to  the   Collateral   Agent  for
               distribution  to the Lenders in  accordance  with the Consent and
               Override  Agreement the difference  between  $53,211,520  and the
               aggregate  amount of all  payments  received  and retained by the
               Lenders on the Debt on or after October 31, 1989.

               (e) No later than December 31, 1990,  PNM will pay in immediately
               available   funds  as  damages  to  the   Collateral   Agent  for
               distribution  to the Lenders in  accordance  with the Consent and
               Override  Agreement the difference  between  $57,396,520  and the
               aggregate  amount of all  payments  received  and retained by the
               Lenders on the Debt on or after October 31, 1989.

     3.2 Treatment of Certain Amounts; Non-Cash Payments.

               (a) For purposes of (i) Section 3.1 hereof, all payments received
               by  the   Collateral   Agent   from  PNM  and  used  to  pay  the
               out-of-pocket  expenses (including without limitation  attorneys'
               fees and  expenses)  of the Agent,  the  Collateral  Agent or the
               Lenders shall be deemed to have been received and retained by the
               Lenders and (ii) Sections 3.1 and 3.4 hereof,  all sums received,
               prior to November 2, 1989, by the  Collateral  Agent from Meadows
               or from any  liquidation of Meadows'  assets or other  collateral
               for  the  Debt  and  used  to  pay  the  out-of-pocket   expenses
               (including  without  limitation  attorneys' fees and expenses) of
               the Collateral Agent or attorneys' fees and expenses  incurred by
               the  Lenders  shall  not be  deemed  to have  been  received  and
               retained by the Lenders.

               (b) The Agent,  the Collateral Agent and the Lenders hereby agree
               not to accept any payment on the Debt other than in cash  without
               the prior written  consent of PNM,  except to the extent that any
               such non-cash payment is, directly or indirectly,  a distribution
               pursuant to a Bankruptcy  Case (as hereinafter  defined).  In the
               event that any such non-cash distribution is received or proposed
               to be received on the Debt  pursuant to a  Bankruptcy  Case,  the
               parties  hereto  will  consult  in good  faith as to  appropriate
               arrangements   (and  will   endeavor   to   implement   any  such
               arrangements   in  good   faith)  for   protecting,   preserving,
               retaining,  managing,  realizing on, maintaining and distributing
               the property so received,  in order to  effectuate  equitably the
               intent and  purpose of the  sharing  and  recapture  arrangements
               contemplated  in Section  3.4 hereof.  No  non-cash  distribution
               received by the Collateral  Agent or the Lenders shall be treated
               as a payment received and retained by the Collateral Agent or the
               Lenders, except that any net cash proceeds realized, received and
               retained  by  the  Collateral   Agent  or  the  Lenders  on  such
               distribution  shall be treated as  received  and  retained by the
               Collateral  Agent and the Lenders at the time of such realization
               and  receipt.  Unless  otherwise  agreed to by the  parties,  the
               Collateral  Agent  may  hold any such  non-cash  distribution  on
               behalf of the  parties,  as their  interests  may  appear,  until
               realization thereon.

     3.3  Adjustments.  In the event that Meadows,  any Meadows  Affiliate,  any
successor  to or creditor of Meadows or such  Meadows  Affiliate,  any  trustee,
receiver,  conservator or other person acting on behalf of Meadows, such Meadows
Affiliate or the estate,  creditors or equity holders of Meadows or such Meadows
Affiliate or any  regulator of any of the  foregoing,  shall at any time recover
from any Lenders or the Collateral Agent any sums (other than sums received from
PNM pursuant to Section 3.1 hereof) treated as having been received and retained
by the Lenders or the Collateral  Agent under Sections 3.1 and 3.4 hereof or any
sums in  respect  of which  the  Collateral  Agent has made  remittances  to PNM
pursuant  to such  Section  3.4,  (a) the  amount of any such  recovery  will be
treated as never  having  been  received  and  retained by the Lenders and never
having been  received by the  Collateral  Agent on the Debt for purposes of such
Sections  3.1  and 3.4 and  (b)  unless  such  recovery  is  found  by a  final,
non-appealable  order  of a court  of  competent  jurisdiction  to be due to the
misconduct of the Lenders or the Collateral  Agent (which  misconduct  shall not
include actions or omissions (x) attributable to the  transactions  contemplated
by this  Agreement  or any  instrument  or  document  executed or  delivered  in
connection  with this Agreement at or after the Effective Time and (y) occurring
prior to the  Effective  Time and of which PNM or any  Subsidiary  or  Affiliate
thereof (including,  without limitation,  Meadows and any Meadows Affiliate) had
knowledge prior to the Effective Time), PNM will pay promptly, without interest,
(i) in  the  case  of any  such  recovery  from  the  Collateral  Agent,  to the
Collateral  Agent or (ii) in the case of any such recovery from any Lenders,  to
the  Collateral  Agent for  distribution  to such Lenders in  proportion  to the
respective amounts of such recoveries from each of such Lenders, in each case an

amount equal to the amount, if any, which PNM would have owed under such Section
3.1 as of the date of such recovery if the Lenders had not received and retained
the sums  recovered  (or in the case of  recovery of a sum in respect of which a
remittance was made to PNM, the amount of such  remittance).  Any payment by PNM
(a)  pursuant  to clause  (b) (i) of the  immediately  preceding  sentence  may,
notwithstanding   anything  in  the  Credit  Agreement,  the  Master  Collateral
Agreement or the Consent and Override Agreement to the contrary,  be retained by
the  Collateral  Agent  and not  distributed  to the  Lenders  (but  only if the
Collateral  Agent shall have  previously  distributed,  in  accordance  with the
Consent and Override  Agreement or this  Agreement,  as applicable,  the sums in
respect  of which  the  recovery  from the  Collateral  Agent  was made) and (b)
pursuant  to  either  clause  (b) (i) or  clause  (b)  (ii)  of the  immediately
preceding  sentence  will be treated as having been received and retained by the
Lenders for purposes of such Sections 3.1 and 3.4. To the extent that PNM is not
required  to make a payment  under this  Section 3.3 in respect of any such sums
recovered  from the  Collateral  Agent or any  Lender  (other  than  because  of
misconduct),  the Lenders will make  appropriate  arrangements in order to share
the amount of any such recovery pro rata.

         3.4 Recapture.  (a) Subject to Sections 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4(b) hereof,  if
at any time the Agent,  the Collateral  Agent or the Lenders shall have received
and  retained  $115,540,000  after  May 1,  1989 on the Debt  from  any  source,
including  without  limitation  payments from PNM under Section 3.1 hereof,  the
Collateral  Agent  shall  remit  promptly to PNM as a refund of a portion of the
damages  paid by PNM  amounts  equal to any sums  subsequently  received  by the
Collateral Agent in respect of the Debt or of any interest in the residual value
of Meadows allocated to the Lenders in connection with the Meadows Restructuring
Agreement (as hereinafter  defined),  but only to the following extent: (a) 100%
of the sums so received by the  Collateral  Agent from any source other than any
(i) distribution or other realization (a "Bellamah  Distribution") of any nature
in respect of Meadows'  claims against or direct or indirect  equity interest in
Bellamah  or the  obligations  of Bellamah  under the  Guarantee  Agreement  (as
defined in the Credit Agreement),  (ii) sale, assignment or other disposition (a
"Bellamah  Sale") of assets of Bellamah or of such  claims,  equity  interest or
obligations or (iii) distribution of Meadows' residual cash on December 31, 1990
and  December  31,  1991 (or on such other dates as agreed to by Meadows and the
Lenders) as  contemplated  in any term sheet or agreement then in effect for the
restructuring of Meadows' obligations to the Lenders (the "Meadows Restructuring
Agreement") and (b) 50% of the sums so received by the Collateral Agent from any
Bellamah  Distribution  or Bellamah  Sale, in each case until PNM has been fully
reimbursed,  without  interest,  for any payments it has made to the  Collateral
Agent under Sections 3.1 (b), (c), (d) or (e) or Section 3.3 hereof.  Any of the
foregoing  sums received by the  Collateral  Agent in respect of the Debt and on
account of which the  Collateral  Agent (i) is required  to make  payment to PNM
pursuant to the immediately  preceding  sentence shall be paid by the Collateral
Agent to PNM and not distributed to the Lenders and (ii) is not required to make
such payment to PNM shall be distributed by the Collateral  Agent to the Lenders
in accordance with the Consent and Override Agreement.

         (b) Notwithstanding anything in Section 3.4 (a) hereof to the contrary,
if the Debt has been fully  repaid prior to the time at which PNM has been fully
reimbursed  in  accordance  with such  Section 3.4 (a), the payment to which PNM
would be  entitled  from the  Collateral  Agent  under such  Section  3.4 (a) in
respect  of sums  received  by the  Collateral  Agent on  account  of a Bellamah
Distribution  or  Bellamah  Sale shall be limited  so as to ensure  that,  after
giving effect to such payment and the retention by the Collateral  Agent of sums
in respect thereof  pursuant to the second sentence of such Section 3.4 (a), the
Lenders receive 50% of the value of such Bellamah Distribution or Bellamah Sale.

         3.5 PNM Waiver of Claims in Meadows'  Bankruptcy or Reorganization.  In
the event that Meadows shall voluntarily or involuntarily  become the subject of
a case under Title 11 of the United States Code (a  "Bankruptcy  Case"),  to the
extent  that PNM may have or be deemed to have a claim  against  Meadows  in any
such  Bankruptcy  Case, PNM agrees with the Lenders that PNM will waive any such
claim but only to the extent  that such claim may arise or be deemed to arise in
relation  to any  obligation  of or payment by PNM on account of or  measured by
antecedent debt of Meadows in respect of which  antecedent debt payment was made
by Meadows between ninety days and one year before the filing of such Bankruptcy


     4.1 PNM Representations and Warranties.  PNM represents and warrants to the
Agent,  the  Collateral  Agent and the  Lenders  that (a) PNM is  authorized  to
execute, deliver and perform this Agreement,  (b) PNM's execution,  delivery and
performance  of this  Agreement  does not violate any law,  statute,  ordinance,
rule,  regulation,  charter,  bylaw or  agreement  to which PNM is subject or by
which PNM is bound, (c) the persons  executing and delivering this Agreement and
each  instrument  or  document  delivered  pursuant  hereto on PNM's  behalf are
authorized  to do so and (d) this  Agreement  constitutes  the legal,  valid and
binding obligation of PNM, enforceable against PNM in accordance with its terms.

     4.2 Lender  Representations  and Warranties.  Each Lender hereby separately
represents  and warrants to PNM that (a) such Lender is  authorized  to execute,
deliver and perform this Agreement,  (b) such Lender's  execution,  delivery and
performance  of this  Agreement  does not violate any law,  statute,  ordinance,
rule, regulation, charter, bylaw or agreement to which such Lender is subject or
by which such Lender is bound,  (c) the persons  executing and  delivering  this
Agreement and each  instrument  or document  delivered  pursuant  hereto on such
Lender's  behalf are  authorized to do so, (d) this  Agreement  constitutes  the
legal,  valid and binding  obligation of such Lender,  enforceable  against such
Lender in  accordance  with its terms and (e) such  Lender has not  assigned  or
granted  any  participation  in its  portion  of the Debt  (other  than any such
participation  assigned  or granted to another  Lender  pursuant  to the Sharing
Agreement dated as of July 28, 1989 among the Lenders).

     4.3 Agent and Collateral Agent Representatives and Warranties.  Each of the
Agent and the Collateral Agent hereby separately  represents and warrants to PNM
that (a) it is authorized to execute,  deliver and perform this  Agreement,  (b)
its execution,  delivery and  performance of this Agreement does not violate any
law, statute, ordinance, rule, regulation,  charter, bylaw or agreement to which
it is subject or by which it is bound, (c) the persons  executing this Agreement
and each  instrument  or document  delivered  pursuant  hereto on its behalf are
authorized  to do so and (d) this  Agreement  constitutes  the legal,  valid and
binding  obligation of the Agent or the  Collateral  Agent,  as the case may be,
enforceable  against the Agent or the Collateral  Agent,  as the case may be, in
accordance with its terms.


     5.1 Specified Asset Sales. The Lenders agree to waive compliance (a) in the
case of the Banks, with all provisions of the Loan Documents and (b) in the case
of each Existing  Creditor,  with all  provisions of the Existing  Agreements to
which such Existing  Creditor is a party, in each case to the extent and only to
the  extent  necessary  to  permit  the sale of any of the  following  assets of
Meadows  or any  Meadows  Affiliate  for  cash at or  above  the  prices  listed
therefor,  free and clear of any and all claims, liens, charges and encumbrances
in favor of, or created by or through,  the Lenders,  so long as the proceeds of
any such sales are  promptly  remitted  by Meadows to the  Collateral  Agent for
distribution in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement:

         Asset                                                Minimum Price
         -----                                                -------------
         Santa Fe County Ranch Resort                         $    7,200,000
         (as a whole or in parcels at not
         less than $4,000 per acre)

         Venture Capital Interests                            $    2,000,000

         Frontier First Partners                              $      554,000

         Common and preferred stock
         of Republic Savings                                  $   10,800,000

         5.2  Miscellaneous  Asset Sales.  The Lenders agree to waive compliance
(a) in the case of the Banks,  with all provisions of the Loan Documents and (b)
in the case of each  Existing  Creditor,  with all  provisions  of the  Existing
Agreements  to which  such  Existing  Creditor  is a party,  in each case to the
extent and only to the extent necessary to permit the sale or disposition of, or
other  realization  on, any asset of Meadows (other than Meadows' claims against
or direct or indirect equity interest in Bellamah) not identified in Section 5.1
hereof,  including  without  limitation  the preferred  stock of Sunbelt  Mining
Company,  Inc. and all of Meadows'  artwork,  office  furnishings and equipment,
free and clear of any and all claims,  liens,  charges and encumbrances in favor
of, or created by or through,  the Lenders. The Lenders agree that Meadows shall
have the right to retain the proceeds of any such sales,  dispositions  or other
realizations  subject to the provisions of the Meadows  Restructuring  Agreement
(or  any  amendments  or  modifications  thereto)  relating  to  the  subsequent
expenditure and/or distribution of such proceeds by Meadows.


         6.1 Notices.  Notices and other  communications in connection  herewith
shall be in writing and shall be  delivered  (which  delivery may be effected by
telecopy,  facsimile transmission,  telex, graphic scanning or other telegraphic
communications equipment), mailed or addressed.

         (a) if to PNM,  at  Alvarado  Square,  Albuquerque,  New  Mexico  87158
         (telecopy no. (505) 242-6927) Attention:  James B. Mulcock, Jr., Senior
         Vice  President,  with  copies to (i)  Keleher & McLeod,  P.A.,  Public
         Service Building, P.O. Drawer AA, 414 Silver Avenue, S.W., Albuquerque,
         New Mexico 87102 (telecopy no. (505) 764-9643),  Attention:  William B.
         Keleher, Esq. and (ii) Skadden,  Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, 919 Third
         Avenue,  New  York,  New York  10022  (telecopy  no.  (212)  735-3596),
         Attention: Joseph W. Halliday, Esq; and

         (b) if to the Agent, the Collateral Agent or any Lender, at its address
         set forth on Schedule 1 hereto, with a copy to Wachtell,  Lipton, Rosen
         & Katz, 299 Park Avenue,  New York, New York 10171  (telecopy no. (212)
         371-1658), Attention: Harold S. Novikoff, Esq.

         6.2  Successors  and  Assigns.  Whenever in this  Agreement  any of the
parties  hereto is referred  to, such  reference  shall be deemed to include the
successors and assigns of such party, including without limitation the holder of
any  participation  in the Debt  assigned  or  granted  by any  Lender;  and all
covenants,  promises  and  agreements  by or on behalf of PNM,  the  Agent,  the
Collateral  Agent or any Lender that are contained in this Agreement  shall bind
and inure to the benefit of their respective successors and assigns.


         6.4  Waivers;  Amendments.  (a) No  waiver  of any  provision  of  this
Agreement or consent to any departure by PNM, the Agent, the Collateral Agent or
any Lender  therefrom  shall in any event be effective  unless the same shall be
authorized  as  provided  in Section  6.4 (b)  hereof,  and then such  waiver or
consent shall be effective only in the specific instance and for the purpose for
which given. No notice or demand on PNM, the Agent,  the Collateral Agent or any
Lender in any case shall entitle PNM, the Agent,  the  Collateral  Agent or such
Lender,  as the case may be, to any other or further notice or demand in similar
or other circumstances.

         (b) Neither  this  Agreement  nor any  provision  hereof may be waived,
amended or modified  except  pursuant to an agreement or  agreements  in writing
entered into by PNM, the Agent, the Collateral Agent and the Lenders.

         6.5 Counterparts and Signatures.  This Agreement may be executed in two
or more  counterparts,  each of which shall  constitute  an original  but all of
which when taken  together  shall  constitute  but one contract.  This Agreement
shall  be  deemed  executed  and  delivered  by any  party  hereto  if a copy or
facsimile of a signature page hereof  executed by such party is delivered to the
Collateral Agent in accordance with Section 6.1 hereof.

         6.6  Headings.  Article  and  section  headings  used  herein  are  for
convenience of reference only and are not to affect the  construction  of, or to
be taken into consideration in interpreting, this Agreement.

         6.7 Entire  Settlement.  (a) Subject to the next  succeeding  sentence,
this Agreement  constitutes the entire settlement and supersedes all other prior
agreements and understandings, both written and oral, between the parties hereto
with  respect to the subject  matter  hereof.  The  Lenders  will take all steps
necessary and appropriate on the part of the Lenders in good faith to consummate
the  arrangements  contemplated  by (i) the  October  31,  1989 term  sheet (the
"Meadows Term Sheet")  entitled  "Restructuring  of All Senior and  Subordinated
Indebtedness  (the  "Debt") of Meadows  Resources,  Inc.  ("Meadows")"  and (ii)
paragraph  IV of the  October 4, 1989 term sheet  entitled  "Principal  Terms of
Comprehensive  Settlement  between Public Service  Company of New Mexico ("PNM")
and the Lenders (the  "Lenders") to Meadows  Resources,  Inc.  ("Meadows").  The
Lenders  and PNM  understand  and  agree  that  (i) the  Meadows  Term  Sheet is
satisfactory to the Lenders in all material respects, (x) except with respect to
certain  issues   (substantially   intercreditor  in  nature)  relating  to  the
uniformity of interest rates on the  respective  portions of the Debt and (y) so
long as the  Lenders  receive  not less  than 25% of any  residual  cash or cash
equivalents  of Meadows  allocated in the manner  described in paragraph 1(d) of
the Meadows Term Sheet, and (ii) in the event that this Agreement conflicts with
any provision of the Meadows Restructuring Agreement relating directly to PNM or
its rights or obligations  hereunder,  the  provisions of this  Agreement  shall
control.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the  contractual  obligations of the
Lenders with respect to the terms set forth in the term sheets referred to above
shall be only as stated in the definitive  documentation  executed and delivered
by all parties  thereto in connection  with the  evidencing of the  arrangements
contemplated by such term sheets.

         (b) The Agent,  the  Collateral  Agent and the Lenders  hereby agree to
modify the Consent and Override  Agreement by deleting Section 2.3(c) thereof in
its  entirety.  Except  as  otherwise  provided  in  the  immediately  preceding
sentence,  the Consent and Override  Agreement  shall continue in full force and
effect in accordance with the provisions thereof.

         6.8 Use of  Agreement.  Neither this  Agreement  nor any  instrument or
document  delivered  in  connection  herewith,  nor any of the  terms  hereof or
thereof,   nor  any  negotiations  or  proceedings  in  connection  herewith  or
therewith, nor any actions taken pursuant hereto or thereto, shall constitute or
be  construed  as or be deemed to be evidence of an admission on the part of any
party hereto of the truth or falsity of any of the claims or assertions  made by
any party hereto or the merit,  or lack thereof,  of any defenses  thereto,  nor
shall this  Agreement or any such  instrument  or document,  or any of the terms
hereof or thereof,  or any negotiations or proceedings in connection herewith or
therewith,  be  offered  or  received  in  evidence,  or  otherwise  used in any
proceeding,  against any party hereto, except with respect to the enforcement of
this Agreement.

         6.9 Further  Assurances.  PNM, the Agent,  the Collateral Agent and the
Lenders  shall each from time to time do and  perform  any other act,  and shall
each execute,  acknowledge,  deliver, file, register, deposit and record any and
all further  instruments,  required by law or reasonably  requested by any party
hereto for the purpose of proper protection,  to the satisfaction of such party,
of the rights or  interests of such party or for the purpose of carrying out the
intention of this Agreement.

         6.10  Confidentiality.  Each party hereto  separately  agrees that such
party and its employees,  agents and attorneys  shall not,  except (a) as may be
required  by  law,  regulation  or  order  of  government  authority  or  (b) in
connection with the  enforcement of this Agreement,  disclose or communicate the
substance  or terms of this  Agreement  to any other  person  without  the prior
written consent of all parties  hereto,  which consent shall not be unreasonably
withheld. Each party hereto separately grants to each other party hereto consent
to disclose the  provisions of this  Agreement to such other party's  attorneys,
financial or lending institutions, outside auditors and regulatory authorities.

         6.11  Defense  of Certain  Proceedings.  Promptly  upon  receipt by the
Agent,  the Collateral  Agent or any Lender of notice of the commencement of any
action or  proceeding  seeking any  recovery  described in Section 3.3 hereof or
challenging  the validity or priority of any lien  securing the Debt (other than
in respect of the BCD Pledged Notes),  the Agent,  the Collateral  Agent or such
Lender,  as in the  case  may  be,  will  notify  PNM of  such  commencement  (a
"commencement  Notice").  PNM will be entitled to  participate in the defense of
any such action or  proceeding,  and, to the extent that it may elect by written
notice  delivered to the Agent,  the Collateral  Agent and the affected  Lenders
promptly after receiving a Commencement  Notice,  to assume the defense thereof.
In any case,  counsel for the Agent, the Collateral  Agent, the affected Lenders
and, if it chooses to participate in or assume the defense, PNM will be a single
law firm selected by the Collateral Agent after  consultation  with the affected
Lenders,  such counsel to be reasonably  satisfactory  to PNM, and PNM shall pay
the reasonable fees and expenses of such counsel; provided,  however, (i) if PNM
shall, within ten days after receiving a Commencement Notice, give notice to the
Collateral  Agent that PNM has  determined  not to  participate in or assume the
defense of any such action or  proceeding,  the cost of any such  defense by the
Agent,  the  Collateral  Agent or the Lenders shall not be at the expense of PNM
and (ii) if the Collateral Agent after  consultation with the Lenders reasonably
concludes  that  there  may  be  legal  defenses  available  to the  Agent,  the
Collateral  Agent or the Lenders which are different from or additional to those
available to PNM, or that it would be inappropriate  for the counsel selected by
the Collateral  Agent to represent,  in respect of a particular legal or factual
issue or otherwise,  both PNM, on the one hand,  and the Agent,  the  Collateral
Agent and the Lenders,  on the other, the Collateral may after consultation with
the Lenders select additional,  separate counsel, but not at the expense of PNM,
to represent  the Agent,  the  Collateral  Agent and the affected  Lenders.  The
Agent,  the  Collateral  Agent and the Lenders  will,  to the extent  reasonably
requested by PNM and at the expense of PNM,  cooperate in good faith with PNM in
connection with the defense of any such action or proceeding but, in the absence
of any such reasonable request,  will not be required to participate in any such
defense.  None of the  foregoing  shall prevent PNM, the Agent,  the  Collateral
Agent or any Lender from retaining counsel, at its own expense, to represent its
individual interests.

         6.12  Attorneys' Fees and Expenses.  None of the Agent,  the Collateral
Agent or the Lenders will be obligated to pay any attorneys' fees or expenses of
PNM,  and,  other  than as set forth in  Section  6.11  hereof,  PNM will not be
obligated to pay any attorneys'  fees and expenses of the Agent,  the Collateral
Agent or the Lenders,  in each case incurred in connection  with the negotiation
or  documentation  of this Agreement or any  instrument or document  prepared or
delivered  in  connection  herewith or otherwise  in  connection  with the Debt;
provided,  however,  that such fees and  expenses of the Agent,  the  Collateral
Agent and the Lenders may be paid from payments otherwise required to be made by
PNM to the Collateral Agent pursuant to this Agreement.

                  IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have  executed  this
agreement as of the day and year first above written.

                                     PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY
                                     OF NEW MEXICO


                                     CHEMICAL BANK
                                              individually and as
                                              Agent and Collateral Agent


                                     THE BANK OF NEW YORK (formerly
                                     known as Irving Trust Company


                                     BARCLAYS BANK PLC


                                     UNION BANK


                                     FIRST NATIONAL BANK IN


                                     DREXEL BURNHAM LAMBERT
                                              COMMERCIAL PAPER


                                     MORGAN GUARANTY TRUST
                                              COMPANY OF NEW YORK


                                     FIRST INTERSTATE BANK OF


                                     FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF


                                   Schedule 1

                              Addresses for Notice

Name;  Address                                      Telecopy Number
- --------------                                      ---------------

Chemical Bank                                       (212)  308-3825
277 Park Avenue
New York, New York  10172
Attention:  William Gullion

The Bank of New York                                (212)  635-7290
One Wall Street
New York, New York  10015
Attention:  Matthew Gilmartin

Barclays Bank PLC                                   (212)  412-5662
Barclays Bank Building
75 Wall Street
New York, New York  10265
Attention:  Eren Hussein

Union Bank                                          (213)  236-4096
445 South Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, California  90071
Attention:  Philip Flynn

First National Bank in Albuquerque                  (505)  247-2611
40 First Plaza, N.W.
Albuquerque, New Mexico  87102
Attention:  Melvin Hertz

Morgan Guaranty Trust Company                       (212)  837-5005
of New York
60 Wall Street
New York, New York  10260
Attention:  Ronald Carleton

First Interstate Bank of                            (505)  766-6376
320 Gold Avenue, S.W.
Albuquerque, New Mexico  87103
Attention:  David Prysock

First National Bank of Belen                        (505)  864-5705
Post Office Box 4
Belen, New Mexico  87002
Attention:  Tim D. Hargrove

Drexel Burnham Lambert                              (212)  968-9881
Commercial Paper Incorporated
55 Broad Street (2nd Floor)
New York, New York  10004
Attention:  Taylor Wagenseil