Exhibit 99.2

Slide  presentation  by the Company's  Chairman,  President and Chief  Executive
Officer,  Jeff Sterba, at the Edison Electric  Institute's 35th Annual Financial
Conference  on Tuesday,  October 31, 2000  scheduled  to be delivered at 1:30 PM

Powering Up for the 21st Century
Public Service Company of New Mexico

1.  PNM Stock Price Compared to the Philadelphia Utility Index

                                PNM Utility Index

      Date               Price       Return (1)         Price         Return (1)
    10/20/2000           26.06          66.03           365.77          38.91
    10/13/2000           25.88          64.84           369.48          40.32
    10/06/2000           25.38          61.65           355.09          34.85
    09/29/2000           25.89          64.96           374.70          42.12
    09/22/2000           25.56          62.85           352.16          33.57

    09/15/2000           25.02          59.39           372.28          41.15
    09/08/2000           24.59          56.63           363.76          37.84
    09/01/2000           21.88          39.36           335.55          26.92
    08/25/2000           20.69          31.79           323.71          22.41
    08/18/2000           21.50          36.97           329.87          24.56

    08/11/2000           21.44          36.57           326.18          23.02
    08/04/2000           18.63          18.65           320.54          20.58
    07/28/2000           18.00          13.45           303.01          13.79
    07/21/2000           18.06          13.84           304.59          14.38
    07/14/2000           15.50          -2.31           299.52          12.48

    07/07/2000           15.69          -1.12           294.50          10.59
    06/30/2000           15.45          -2.60           283.37           6.36
    06/23/2000           15.50          -2.31           297.24          11.45
    06/16/2000           16.63           4.78           302.98          13.60
    06/09/2000           16.25           2.42           302.31          13.22

    06/02/2000           16.50           4.00           299.74          12.01
    05/26/2000           16.63           4.78           307.25          14.80
    05/19/2000           16.19           2.03           301.60          12.50
    05/12/2000           16.50           4.00           301.16          12.25
    05/05/2000           16.63           4.78           290.89           8.10


                            Exhibit 99.2 (Continued)

                                PNM Utility Index

       Date              Price        Return (1)       Price        Return (1)
    04/28/2000           18.00          13.45          295.53            9.76
    04/21/2000           16.81           4.80          286.23            6.16
    04/14/2000           16.44           2.46          279.86            3.80
    04/07/2000           15.44          -3.77          262.60           -2.60
    03/31/2000           15.75          -1.82          258.69           -4.17

    03/03/2000           15.69          -2.21          255.78           -5.70
    02/25/2000           15.19          -5.33          251.15           -7.52
    02/18/2000           16.19            .91          268.22           -1.33
    02/11/2000           16.00           -.26          276.45            1.54
    02/04/2000           15.75          -1.82          286.41            4.92

    01/28/2000           15.44          -3.77          284.45            4.00
    01/21/2000           15.94          -1.92          287.49            5.11
    01/14/2000           16.06          -1.15          283.32            3.59
    01/07/2000           16.63           2.31          285.31            4.31
    12/31/1999           16.25            .00          273.82             .00

(1)  Return assumes all common stock dividends are reinvested.

2.   PNM Earnings Drivers

     - Energy Delivery
     - Power Marketing/Power Production
     - Technology Initiatives

3.   Energy Delivery

     Customer  focus  supports  a  positive  regulatory  environment  earning an
     appropriate return.

4.   A Proven Approach to Power Marketing:

     Customized  products  in a  commodity  world - a niche  strategy  built  on
     trading  expertise  backed by competitive  generation  assets and effective
     risk management.

5.   Total Electric Sales and Margin

                                     1995        1996       1997       1998       1999        2000 (2)
    Sales-GWh                       2,591       4,575      6,789      8,782     11,148      12,580
    Gross Margin (in millions)     $45.70      $63.32     $77.26     $97.55     $96.33     $123.21

    (2)  Includes estimates for the fourth quarter.


                            Exhibit 99.2 (Continued)

6.  Uniquely Positioned

    1999 Total Sales By Delivery Point:

    Palo Verde/West Wing...............................      58%
    San Juan/Four Corners..............................      24%
    California Oregon Border...........................       2%
    California.........................................       9%
    Blackwater.........................................       2%
    Other Sales........................................       5%

7.  Underground Mining at San Juan

     - $500 Million Savings in Coal Costs
     - $2 Million/Year Reduction in O&M
     - Benefits Begin to Phase-in Next Year
     - New Mine in Full Production 11/02

8.   Growth Targets:  Grow Asset Backed Trading Strategy

     Representative Investment Plan

                                                             Cumulative Amounts
                                              2001       2002       2003      2004       2005
    Combustine Turbine.....................     72         72         72        72         72
    TBD....................................     24         24         24        24         24
    Combustine Turbine.....................      -         63         63        63         63
    Combustine Turbine.....................      -         80         80        80         80
    Combine Cycle/Combustine Turbine.......      -         40         40        40         40
    Combustine Turbine.....................      -         68         68        68         68
    TBD (4-5 projects).....................      -        233        501       549        597
    Combustine Turbine.....................      -          -         40        40         40
    TBD....................................      -          -        256       256        256
    Combine Cycle/Combustine Turbine.......      -          -          -       155        155
    Combine Cycle/Combustine Turbine.......      -          -          -         -        108
                                            -------    -------    -------    ------     ------
    Total MWs..............................     96        580      1,144     1,347      1,503
                                            =======    =======    =======    ======     ======

    $$ (in millions)....................... $197.7     $414.6     $698.0     $776.4     $834.8
                                            =======    =======    =======    ======     ======

9.  Opportunities in Innovative Technology

    - $20 - $30 Million planned investment in late stage ventures.
    - Breakeven by year-end 2002


                            Exhibit 99.2 (Continued)

10.  Deregulation:

     - Price stability is key.  Customers look to us for solutions

11.  2000 - 2001 Earnings Forecast

 Year Ended 2000 Estimate                Year Ended 2001 Estimate
 ------------------------                ------------------------
 -  1999 Reported                        - 2000 Estimated
    Earnings                    $1.92      Earnings               $2.40-$2.50

 -  YTD 9/30/00                          - San Diego Contract         ($0.27)
    Reported Earnings           $2.17    - Retail/Wholesale
 -  One-Time Items (3)         ($0.21)     Sales Growth               Unknown
 -  4th Quarter Earnings                 - Weather                    Unknown
    Estimate              $0.45-$0.55    - Other                      Unknown
                          ------------                            ------------

 -  Estimated Earnings    $2.40-$2.50    - Estimated Earnings     $2.50-$2.60
                          ============                            ============

(3)  One-time items recorded in the nine months ended September 30, 2000 include
     a gain of 21 cents per share  from  settlement  of a  lawsuit,  a gain of 7
     cents per share for the reversal of certain  reserves  associated  with the
     expected  resolution  of two  gas  rate  cases  now  pending  before  state
     regulators  and a one-time  charge of 7 cents per share in connection  with
     acquisition of a new, long-time wholesale customer.

12.  Disclosure Regarding Forward Looking Statements

PNM considers this  presentation to contain  "forward-looking  statements" under
Federal  securities  law. It is prepared to assist the  investment  community in
evaluating PNM and its securities. This presentation does not contain all of the
information material to an evaluation and should be read in conjunction with the
reports,  proxy statements,  and other information PNM files with the Securities
and Exchange Commission.

Important  factors  which could cause  results to differ  materially  from those
forecasted include the following:

- - Adverse  actions  of  utility  regulatory  commissions,
- - Utility  industry restructuring,
- - Failure to recover stranded assets,
- - The inability of the Company to  successfully  compete outside its traditional
  regulated  market,
- - Regional economic  conditions,  which could affect customer
- - Adverse impacts resulting from environmental regulations,


                            Exhibit 99.2 (Continued)

- -  Loss of favorable  fuel supply  contracts or inability to negotiate  new fuel
   supply contracts,
- -  Failure  to  obtain  water  rights  and  rights-of-way,
- -  Operational and environmental problems at generating stations,
- -  The cost of debt and equity capital,
- -  Weather conditions, and,
- -  Technical developments in the utility industry.

In addition,  "Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Financial Conditions and
Results of  Operations"  in the  company's  Form 10-K  should be referred to for
discussion   of  known  trends  and   uncertainties.   The  forecast   data  and
sensitivities  represented herein reflect management's most recent assessment of
the company's future  operations and economic  conditions based upon assumptions
with regard to future events.  The assumptions  may not prove accurate,  and PNM
cautions readers against attributing undue certainty to management's assessment.
The  company  intends  to issue  this  information  periodically,  with  updated
information that reflects actual results and changes in management's  assessment
and  underlying  assumptions.  Otherwise,  PNM does not  undertake to update the
forecast data and sensitivities presented herein. For further information,  call
Barbara  Barsky,  Senior Vice  President of Planning  and  Investor  Services at
