Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT

                     PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE

                         SECURITES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

Date of Report (Date of earliest events reported) November 9, 2000
                                                  November 9, 2000

             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

         New Mexico                                          85-0019030
 ---------------------------     Commission              ----------------------
(State or Other Jurisdiction     File Number 1-6986        (I.R.S. Employer
     of Incorporation)                       ------      Identification) Number)

  Alvarado Square, Albuquerque, New Mexico                      87158
  ----------------------------------------                      -----
  (Address of principal executive offices)                    (Zip Code)

                                 (505) 241-2700
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

              (Former name, former address and former fiscal year,
                         if changed since last report)

Item 9.    Regulation FD Disclosure

The following is a press  release  issued by the Company on November 9, 2000 and
is being filed herewith as a current event.

                          PNM TO PURCHASE THE ELECTRIC

            Transaction Creates Leading Multi-Regional Energy Company

Albuquerque,  New Mexico and Topeka,  Kansas,  November 9, 2000 - Public Service
Company of New Mexico (NYSE:PNM)  ("PNM") and Western Resources  (NYSE:WR) today
announced  that both  companies'  boards of directors have approved an agreement
under which PNM will acquire the Western Resources  electric utility  operations
in a tax-free, stock-for-stock transaction.

Under the terms of the  agreement,  PNM and  Western  Resources,  whose  utility
operations  consist of its KPL  division  and KGE  subsidiary,  will both become
subsidiaries of a new holding company to be named at a future date. Prior to the
consummation of this  combination,  Western Resources will reorganize all of its
non-utility assets,  including its 85 percent stake in Protection One and its 45
percent  investment in ONEOK,  into Westar  Industries which will be spun off to
its shareholders.

The new  holding  company  will  issue 55  million  of its  shares,  subject  to
adjustment, to Western Resources' shareholders and Westar Industries. Before any
adjustments,   the  new  company  will  have  approximately  95  million  shares
outstanding,  of which  approximately  42.1  percent will be owned by former PNM
shareholders  and  57.9  percent  will be  owned  by  former  Western  Resources
shareholders and Westar Industries.  Westar Industries will receive a portion of
such shares in repayment of a $234 million obligation  currently owed by Western
Resources to Westar Industries.

Based on PNM's  average  closing  price  over the last ten days of  $27.325  per
share,  the indicated  equity value of the transaction is  approximately  $1.503
billion,  including conversion of the Westar Industries obligation. In addition,
the new holding  company will assume  approximately  $2.939  billion of existing
Western Resources' debt, giving the transaction an aggregate enterprise value of
approximately  $4.442  billion.  The  new  holding  company  will  have a  total
enterprise  value of  approximately  $6.5 billion ($2.6 billion in equity;  $3.9
billion in debt and preferred stock). The transaction will be accounted for as a
purchase and is anticipated  to be  immediately  accretive to PNM's earnings per
share and cash flow.

The companies  expect the  transaction to be completed  within the next 12 to 15
months.  The new holding  company  will serve over one million  retail  electric
customers  and 400,000  retail gas  customers  in New Mexico and Kansas and will
have generating capacity of more than 7,000 megawatts. The transaction also will
make the new company a leading  energy  supplier  in the Western and  Midwestern
wholesale markets.


Western  Resources'  trading  presence in six  Midwestern  power pools  provides
opportunities  for PNM to  bring  its 15  years of  successful  power  marketing
experience  and niche  product  development  to new  customers.  PNM  marketers,
working together with the experienced power trading group at Western  Resources,
expect to realize an enhanced position in the wholesale power market.

Jeffry E. Sterba, chairman,  president and chief executive officer of PNM, said,
"This  strategic  transaction  will  give us the  scale  and  scope to raise our
profile  in  the  emerging  energy   marketplace  and  aggressively   seize  new
opportunities in power generation and the wholesale market.

"By joining  forces with Western  Resources,  we will surpass our stated goal of
doubling  our  generation  capacity and tripling our power sales more than three
years  ahead  of  schedule.   The  addition  of  Western  Resources'   low-cost,
high-capacity  generation  facilities  will  quadruple  our  current  production
capabilities,  giving us a competitive  edge in both power plant  operations and
wholesale   electric  sales.   The  addition  of  Western   Resources'   service
territories,  which encompass well-populated,  fast-growing areas with a balance
of residential,  commercial and industrial  customers,  diversifies our business
and geographic  base and enhances the  predictability  of our earnings,"  Sterba

"This transaction will also enable us to realize a number of important financial
improvements,  including a broader,  more  predictable cash flow, solid revenues
and earnings growth, improved access to capital, increased market capitalization
and public market float and cost efficiencies. A key priority for our management
team will be the continuation of our company's successful debt reduction effort.
Over the past seven years,  we have reduced  PNM's debt to capital ratio from 72
percent  to less  than  55  percent,  and we will  maintain  our  balance  sheet
integrity after the  transaction is completed.  We are committed to deleveraging
the combined company.

"We  believe the  combination  of these  strategic,  operational  and  financial
benefits  will  help  position  us to  become a  leading  multi-regional  energy
provider   while  creating   substantial   value  for   shareholders,   tangible
opportunities  and  progress  for  our  employees,  and  stable  rates  for  our
customers.  By drawing on the best  practices,  expertise  and talent that exist
within both of our  organizations,  we are also  confident  that the new company
will be able to deliver  excellent  customer  service  support  and  product and
service  innovation.  At the  local  level,  we intend to  continue  the  strong
traditions of both companies for supporting local communities through charitable
contributions and through the volunteerism of employees," Sterba concluded.

David C. Wittig,  chairman,  president  and chief  executive  officer of Western
Resources,  said,  "We  evaluated  potential  partners  across a broad  range of
criteria,  including financial flexibility,  proven management skills,  superior
operating and technological  capabilities,  excellent  customer  service,  and a
track record for fair dealing on regulatory  issues. We are confident that PNM's
experience, long-term growth strategy and unique geographic position will result
in benefits for shareholders and opportunities for our customers,  employees and
the communities we serve. The creation of a separately  traded Westar Industries
allows the potential of Western Resources'  unregulated  ownership in Protection
One,  Protection  One Europe,  ONEOK and other  investments  to be more directly
realized by shareholders."


The rationale for this  transaction is the  acceleration  of PNM's proven growth
strategy,  consistent  with its  targeted  10 percent  annual  average  earnings
growth.  PNM  expects  only  modest  cost  savings  and does not have a  present
intention  to  have  involuntary   workforce  reductions  as  a  result  of  the
transaction. The new holding company will seek to minimize any workforce effects
through reduced hiring,  attrition, and other appropriate measures. All existing
labor agreements will be honored.

In the transaction,  each PNM share will be exchanged on a one-for-one basis for
shares  in the  new  holding  company.  Each  Western  Resources  share  will be
exchanged for a fraction of a share of the new company. This exchange ratio will
be finalized at closing,  depending on the impact of certain  adjustments to the
transaction consideration.  Since Western Resources and Westar Industries remain
committed to reducing Western  Resources' net debt balance prior to consummation
of the  transaction,  they have  agreed  with PNM on a  mechanism  to adjust the
transaction  consideration based on additional equity contributions.  Under this
mechanism,  Western Resources could undertake  certain  activities not affecting
the  utility  operations  to reduce  the net debt  balance.  The  effect of such
activities  would be to increase the number of new holding  company shares to be
issued to all Western Resources  shareholders  (including Westar  Industries) in
the  transaction.  In  addition,  Westar  Industries  has the  option  of making
additional  equity infusions into Western  Resources that will be used to reduce
its net debt  balance  prior  to  closing.  Up to $407  million  of such  equity
infusions  may be used to purchase  additional  new holding  company  common and
convertible preferred stock.

At closing,  Sterba will become chairman,  president and chief executive officer
of the new holding company, and Wittig will become chairman, president and chief
executive  officer  of  Westar  Industries.  The Board of  Directors  of the new
company  will  consist of six  current PNM board  members  and three  additional
directors,  two of  whom  will be  selected  by PNM  from a pool  of  candidates
nominated  by Western  Resources,  and one of whom will be  nominated  by Westar
Industries.  The new  holding  company  will  be  headquartered  in New  Mexico.
Headquarters for the Kansas utilities will remain in Topeka, Kansas.

Shareholders  of the new holding  company will  receive  PNM's  dividend.  PNM's
current annual dividend is $.80 per share.

The successful  spin-off of Westar Industries from Western Resources is required
prior  to  the  consummation  of  the  transaction.   The  transaction  is  also
conditioned   upon,   among  other  things,   approvals  from  both   companies'
shareholders  and  customary  regulatory  approvals,  including  from the Kansas
Corporation Commission, the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission,  Securities
and Exchange  Commission,  the Nuclear  Regulatory  Commission,  and the Federal
Energy Regulatory  Commission.  The new holding company expects to register as a
holding  company with the  Securities and Exchange  Commission  under the Public
Utility Holding Company Act of 1935.


J.P.  Morgan  & Co.  Incorporated  acted as  financial  advisor,  and  Winthrop,
Stimson,  Putnam & Roberts  and Keleher & McLeod,  PA acted as legal  counsel to
PNM. Chase Securities Inc. and Salomon Smith Barney acted as financial advisors,
and  LeBoeuf,  Lamb,  Greene & MacRae,  LLP acted as legal  counsel  to  Western

About PNM
More than 1.3  million  people in New  Mexico  rely on PNM for the  delivery  of
electric  power and natural gas  service to their  homes and  businesses.  PNM's
1,521megawatts  of generation  capacity  includes  power from coal,  nuclear and
natural  gas-fired  plants.  Selling  electricity  to  other  utilities  is  the
fastest-growing  part of the company's business.  In 1999, wholesale power sales
accounted for nearly a third of PNM's total operating revenues. Through Avistar,
PNM's wholly-owned subsidiary,  PNM is engaged in energy management and advanced
metering  services,   as  well  as  assisting  in  the  development  of  a  new,
Internet-based  energy  auction  system.  In 1999, PNM was featured in a leading
industry  publication  as  one  of  the  five  most  technologically  innovative
utilities in the nation. The company's  commitment to diversity also led Fortune
magazine  to rank  PNM in the top ten on its  list  of the  best  employers  for
minorities  in the U.S. For more  information,  visit the  company's  website at

About Western Resources
Western  Resources is a consumer  services  company with  interests in monitored
services and energy.  The company's  assets include  security  company  holdings
through  ownership of Protection One and Protection One Europe,  which have more
than 1.6  million  security  customers.  Its  utilities,  KPL and  KGE,  provide
electric  service to  approximately  634,000  customers  in Kansas.  Through its
ownership in ONEOK, a Tulsa-based  natural gas company,  Western Resources has a
45 percent interest in one of the largest natural gas distribution  companies in
the nation, serving more than 1.4 million customers. For more information, visit
the company's website at www.wr.com.

Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995
This press release contains forward looking statements within the meaning of the
"safe  harbor"  provisions of the United States  Private  Securities  Litigation
Reform Act of 1995. Investors are cautioned that such forward-looking statements
with respect to revenues, earnings, performance, strategies, prospects and other
aspects of the  businesses of PNM and Western  Resources and with respect to the
benefits of the transaction are based on current  expectations  that are subject
to risk and  uncertainties.  Such  statements are based upon the current beliefs
and  expectations  of the management of PNM and Western  Resources.  A number of
factors could cause actual results or outcomes to differ  materially  from those
indicated by such forward looking statements. These factors include, but are not
limited  to,  risks  and   uncertainties   relating  to:  the  possibility  that
shareholders of PNM and/or Western  Resources will not approve the  transaction,
the risks that the businesses will not be integrated successfully, the risk that
the benefits of the  transaction may not be fully realized or may take longer to
realize than expected,  disruption from the transaction making it more difficult
to maintain  relationships  with  clients,  employees,  suppliers or other third
parties,   conditions  in  the  financial   markets  relevant  to  the  proposed
transaction,  the receipt of regulatory and other approvals of the  transaction,
that future circumstances could cause business decisions or accounting treatment
to be decided  differently  than now intended,  changes in laws or  regulations,
changing  governmental  policies and regulatory  actions with respect to allowed
rates of return on equity and equity ratio limits,  industry and rate structure,
stranded  cost  recovery,  operation of nuclear power  facilities,  acquisition,
disposal, depreciation and amortization of assets and facilities,  operation and
construction  of plant  facilities,  recovery of fuel and purchased power costs,
decommissioning  costs, present or prospective  wholesale and retail competition
(including  retail  wheeling and  transmission  costs),  political  and economic
risks,  changes  in and  compliance  with  environmental  and  safety  laws  and


policies,  weather  conditions  (including natural disasters such as tornadoes),
population  growth rates and  demographic  patterns,  competition for retail and
wholesale customers,  availability, pricing and transportation of fuel and other
energy commodities,  market demand for energy from plants or facilities, changes
in tax rates or policies or in rates of  inflation or in  accounting  standards,
unanticipated  delays or changes in costs for  capital  projects,  unanticipated
changes  in  operating  expenses  and  capital   expenditures,   capital  market
conditions,  competition for new energy development  opportunities and legal and
administrative  proceedings (whether civil, such as environmental,  or criminal)
and settlements, the outcome of Protection One accounting issues reviewed by the
SEC staff as disclosed in previous Western Resources SEC filings,  the impact of
Protection One's financial condition on Western Resources' consolidated results,
and other factors.  PNM and Western Resources  disclaim any obligation to update
any forward-looking  statements as a result of developments  occurring after the
date of this news release.  Readers are referred to PNM's and Western Resources'
most recent reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Additional Information
In connection with the proposed transaction, PNM and Western Resources will file
a  joint  proxy   statement  /  prospectus  with  the  Securities  and  Exchange
IMPORTANT INFORMATION.  Investors and security holders may obtain a free copy of
the joint proxy  statement / prospectus  (when  available)  and other  documents
filed  by PNM and  Western  Resources  with  the SEC at the  SEC's  web  site at
http://www.sec.gov.  Free copies of the joint proxy statement / prospectus, when
available,  and each  company's  other filings with the SEC may also be obtained
from the respective  companies.  Free copies of PNM's filings may be obtained by
directing a request to PNM,  Alvarado  Square,  Albuquerque,  New Mexico  87158.
Phone: (800) 545-4425. Free copies of Western Resources' filings may be obtained
by  directing  a request to Western  Resources,  P.O.  Box 889,  Topeka,  Kansas
66601-0889. Phone: (800) 527-2495.

Participants in Solicitation
PNM,  Western  Resources and certain of their  respective  directors,  executive
officers and other members of their  management and employees,  each of whom may
be considered participants in this transaction under applicable securities laws,
may be soliciting  proxies from their  respective  stockholders  in favor of the
transaction.  Information  concerning  PNM's  directors and  executive  officers
participating  in the  solicitation  is set forth in PNM's Annual Report on Form
10-K  filed  with the  Commission  on March 9, 2000 and  information  concerning
Western  Resources'  directors  and  executive  officers  participating  in  the
solicitation is set forth in Western Resources' Annual Report on Form 10-K filed
with the  Commission  on March 29,  2000 and  amended on April 3, 2000.  Certain


directors and executive officers of PNM and Western Resources may have direct or
indirect  interests in the  transaction due to securities  holdings,  vesting of
options,  and rights to severance  payments if their  employment  is  terminated
following  the  transaction.  In addition,  directors  and  officers,  after the
transaction,  will be indemnified by PNM and Western Resources, and benefit from
insurance  coverage  for  liabilities  that may  arise  from  their  service  as
directors  and officers of PNM or Western  Resources  prior to the  transaction.
Additional   information  regarding  PNM's  and  Western  Resources'  respective
participants  in  the  solicitation   will  be  contained  in  the  joint  proxy

PNM Teleconference and Webcast Information:
There  will be a  teleconference  today  at  9:00  a.m.  (EST)  to  discuss  the
transaction.    It   can   be   monitored    via   the   World   Wide   Web   at
www.dealinfo.com/PNM-WR   or   www.pnm.com   or  by  dialing   (212)   896-6168.
International  callers may dial (212) 676-5069.  A rebroadcast will be available
beginning  11:00 AM today  through  December 4, 2000 by dialing  1-800-633-8284.
International  callers may dial (858) 812-6440.  The reservation  number for the
rebroadcast is 16865318. Real Network's Real Player or Microsoft Media Player is
required to access the webcast.  They can be  downloaded  from  www.real.com  or

Satellite Uplink for PNM B-roll:
Thursday, November 9, 2000                   Thursday, November 9, 2000
9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. (EST)                  1:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. (EST)
Telstar 5 Transponder 16 C-band              Telstar 6 Transponder 9 C-band
Downlink Frequency 4020 Horizontal           Downlink Frequency 3880 Vertical

PNM Investors:                               Western Resources Investors:
Barbara Barsky                               Carl Ricketts
(505) 241-2662                               (785) 575-8427
bbarsky@pnm.com                              investor@wr.com

Debra Randall                                Media:
(505) 241-2649                               Kim Gronniger
drandal@pnm.com                              (785) 575-1927
Bob Hagan
(505) 241-2621

Crystal McClernon
(505) 241-4831


The following is prepared comments for the Company's telephone conference call
to discuss the Company's purchase of the electric utility operations of Western
Resources that was broadcast on November 9, 2000.


Thursday, November 9, 2000:

Barbara  Barsky:  Good  morning.  Thank you for joining us this  morning to talk
about PNM's purchase of the electric  utility  operations of Western  Resources.
Today's  conference call can also be heard live on the Internet by accessing the
link on our web site at  www.pnm.com.  I am Barbara Barsky,  Investor  Relations
Officer for PNM. Joining me today are:

o   Jeff Sterba, Chairman, President and CEO
o   Max Maerki, CFO
o   Pat Ortiz, General Counsel
o   Bill Real, Executive VP, Energy Services and Power Production
o   Ed Padilla, Senior VP, Bulk Power
o   John Loyack, Controller

This morning we issued a press release  announcing this  agreement.  If you have
not received this release,  please call  505-241-2868 and we will fax you a copy
immediately. A copy can also be found on our web site at www.pnm.com.

Additional Information
In connection with the proposed transaction, PNM and Western Resources will file
a  joint  proxy   statement  /  prospectus  with  the  Securities  and  Exchange
IMPORTANT INFORMATION.  Investors and security holders may obtain a free copy of
the joint proxy  statement / prospectus  (when  available)  and other  documents
filed  by PNM and  Western  Resources  with  the SEC at the  SEC's  web  site at
http://www.sec.gov.  Free copies of the joint proxy statement / prospectus, when
available,  and each  company's  other filings with the SEC may also be obtained
from the respective  companies.  Free copies of PNM's filings may be obtained by
directing a request to PNM,  Alvarado  Square,  Albuquerque,  New Mexico  87158.
Phone (800) 545-4425.  Free copies of Western Resources' filings may be obtained
by  directing  a request to Western  Resources,  P.O.  Box 889,  Topeka,  Kansas
66601-0889. Phone: (800) 527-2495.

I need to remind you that some of the information we will provide today relative
to revenues, earnings, performance,  strategies,  prospects and other aspects of
the  businesses of PNM and Western  Resources are based on current  expectations
that are subject to risk and  uncertainties,  and should be  considered  forward
looking  statements,  within the  meaning of Section 21E of the  Securities  and
Exchange Act.

A number of factors could cause actual results or outcomes to differ  materially
from those indicated by such forward-looking  statements.  These factors include
risks and uncertainties  relating to:

o    the possibility that  shareholders of PNM and/or Western Resources will not
     approve the transaction,
o    the risks that the businesses will not be integrated successfully,
o    the risk that the benefits of the  transaction may not be fully realized or
     may take longer to realize than expected,


o    disruption  from the  transaction  making  it more  difficult  to  maintain
     relationships with clients, employees,  suppliers or other third parties,
o    conditions in the financial markets relevant to the proposed transaction,
o    the receipt of regulatory and other approvals of the transaction,
o    that future  circumstances  could cause  business  decisions or  accounting
     treatment to be decided differently than now intended,
o    changes in laws or regulations,
o    changing  governmental  policies  and  regulatory  actions  with respect to
     allowed  rates of return  including but not limited to return on equity and
     equity ratio limits, industry and rate structure,
o    stranded cost recovery,
o    operation of nuclear power facilities,
o    acquisition,  disposal,  depreciation  and  amortization  of the  company's
     assets and facilities,
o    operation and construction of plant facilities,
o    recovery of fuel and purchased power costs,
o    decommissioning costs,
o    present or prospective wholesale and retail competition  (including but not
     limited to retail wheeling and transmission costs),
o    political and economic risks,
o    changes in and compliance with environmental and safety laws and policies,
o    weather conditions (including natural disasters such as tornadoes)
o    population  growth rates and demographic  patterns o competition for retail
     and wholesale customers,
o    availability,   pricing  and   transportation  of  fuel  and  other  energy
o    market demand for energy from plants or facilities,
o    changes in tax rates or policies or in rates of inflation or in  accounting
o    unanticipated delays or changes in costs for capital projects,
o    unanticipated changes in operating expenses and capital expenditures,
o    capital market conditions,
o    competition for new energy development opportunities,
o    legal and administrative proceedings (whether civil, such as environmental,
     or criminal) and settlements
o    and other factors.

For more information about these uncertainties and risk factors,  please consult
PNM's and Western  Resources'  most recent reports filed with the Securities and
Exchange Commission.

I'd now like to introduce Jeff Sterba, who will take about 20 minutes to discuss
this  announcement.   Immediately  following  his  remarks,  we  will  open  the
conference to questions.

Jeff Sterba:  Good  morning.  Today I am very  pleased to announce  that we have
reached an agreement with Western Resources,  of Topeka, Kansas, to acquire that
company's electric utility businesses in a stock-for-stock transaction valued at
$1.485  billion.  As part of the agreement we will also be acquiring  about $2.9
billion worth of Western  Resources  debt,  bringing the total purchase price to
about $4.4 billion.


Through its Kansas  Power and Light and Kansas Gas & Electric  systems,  Western
Resources  serves more than 600,000 retail  electric  customers in north central
and  eastern  Kansas.  Since  PNM now  serves  about  427,000  electric  and gas
customers  here in New  Mexico,  this  combination  will  create a core  utility
business with over one million retail customers in two states.

Both  Western  Resources  and PNM are also very  active in the  wholesale  power
market,  and that is where we see  significant  potential for value  creation in
this combination.

Our new company will own more than 7,000 megawatts of cost-efficient  generation
in Kansas, New Mexico and Arizona.  The strategic location of these assets gives
us access to  wholesale  customers  from  California  to Ohio and from Canada to
Mexico.  With this combination we are creating a multi-regional  energy provider
with the scale and scope needed to succeed in the new energy  marketplace.  This
will be an energy business with $3 billion in annual  revenues,  $6.4 billion in
utility plant, 5,000 employees and exciting prospects for continued growth.

Before I talk more about those new opportunities, however, let me first give you
some more detail about the merger itself.

The Terms

This will be a  stock-for-stock  transaction,  tax-free for shareholders in both

We understand  that Western  Resources  will spin off its  non-electric  utility
assets into a separate,  publicly-traded  company,  Westar Industries.  Stock in
that new company will be distributed to Western Resources shareholders,  so that
they will own shares in both Westar Industries and Western Resources.

Simultaneously,  PNM and Western Resources will become wholly owned subsidiaries
of a new holding company yet to be named.  The new company will issue 55 million
shares of its own stock in  exchange  for all stock in  Western  Resources.  PNM
shareholders will exchange their shares for shares in the new holding company on
a one-for-one basis.

When  these  share  exchanges  are  complete,  the  new  corporation  will  have
approximately  95  million  shares  of  common  stock   outstanding,   of  which
approximately 42 percent will be owned by PNM's former shareholders and about 58
percent owned by Western Resources former shareholders.

In addition, PNM will assume $2.939 billion in Western Resources debt.

Based on PNM's  average  closing  stock  price of $27 per share over the last 10
days, the transaction is valued at approximately $1.485 Billion. The new company
will have a total market cap of about $2.6 billion.

All shareholders will be entitled to PNM's dividend. PNM's current dividend rate
is 80 cents per share annually.


Immediate and Tangible Benefits.

We believe the  combination of Western  Resources and PNM will provide  tangible
benefits to  customers,  to employees  and to  shareholders  in both  companies,
beyond what either company could offer on a stand-alone basis.

For  shareholders,  the new  company  will offer an  attractive  combination  of
predictable  cash flow and steady  revenue  growth from our  expanded  regulated
utility  business  together  with  strong  growth in the  competitive  wholesale
market. We expect that the combination will be immediately  accretive - that is,
earnings per share from the combined  company will be larger than what PNM would
earn by itself. We continue to maintain our goal of achieving earnings growth of
10 percent or more annually over the next five years.

I want to  emphasize  that this  merger is not about  cost-cutting,  it is about
creating a platform for  expansion.  We do expect that by sharing best practices
across the two  organizations,  we will find new ways to control costs,  improve
service, and enhance system reliability.

But the strategic  rationale  underlying this merger lies in the vastly expanded
opportunities it opens up for us in the wholesale markets.

This  transaction  realizes  PNM's  strategic  vision of doubling our generation
capacity and tripling our wholesale power sales.  With the addition of Western's
generation assets, we will have an excellent mix of base-load,  intermediate and
peaking  capacity.  Combining PNM's existing  electric business with the KPL and
KGE systems will give us a total of 7,125MW of net generating capacity, together
with  ownership  of 6,500  miles  of  transmission  lines  and  36,000  miles of
distribution lines.

In 15 years' experience in the wholesale market,  PNM has built on our favorable
position by  implementing  an  asset-based  niche  strategy  focused on offering
products and services tailored to each customer's needs.

That  strategy has paid off with solid  returns for PNM  stockholders  in recent
years.  Our revenues from bulk power sales  tripled from 1996 through 1999,  and
are up another 95 percent in the first nine months of this year.

Now,  with the  addition  of Western  Resources'  strategically  positioned  and
cost-effective  generation  portfolio and its experienced power marketing staff,
we believe we can successfully  penetrate the  mid-continent  market,  using the
same asset-backed, niche strategy that has served us well in the West.

Expanded retail base
At the same time,  adding the KPL and KGE service  territories to PNM's existing
retail base will give our combined company a broader, more predictable cash flow
from its regulated utility operations.


PNM, like KPL and KG&E, has earned a national reputation for reliable,  customer
focused  retail  service.  Strong  local  economies  and  steady  growth in both
territories  enhance the  predictability  of future revenue and earnings growth,
while the geographic  diversification we achieve by operating in both Kansas and
New Mexico  reduces  reliance on local  economic  conditions,  and mitigates the
impact of weather on revenues and earnings.

We also expect the merger will  deliver  some  advantages  from the  increase in
scale achieved in the combination.  Our larger market cap should provide us with
improved access to capital markets,  and an increase in shares  outstanding will
boost  our  market  float.   Also,   we  believe  that  our   increased   market
capitalization  and heightened  visibility  should attract more analyst coverage
and attention from investors.

The increased  capitalization will also be of value as we continue to pursue new
investments in energy-related technology.

We expect that this transaction can be completed within 12 to 15 months,  and we
will begin immediately to prepare the necessary filings to obtain regulatory and
shareholder approvals.

Regulatory agencies that we will be presenting this transaction to include:

   The New Mexico Public Regulation Commission
   The Kansas State  Corporation Commission
   The Federal Energy Regulatory  Commission
   The Securities and Exchange Commission, and
   The Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Also, of course,  the transaction  must be approved by the  shareholders of both

We already have a request  pending  before New Mexico  regulators to allow us to
establish a holding company and place our regulated  utility  operations and our
competitive  power  generation  and  marketing   businesses  into  two  separate
subsidiaries.  We hope that the  substantial  advantages of this proposed merger
should dispose regulators to act favorably on that request.

While the combined  company will be headquartered in PNM's own home state of New
Mexico, we intend to maintain a significant  corporate  presence in Kansas,  and
Kansas directors will be represented on the board of the new holding company.

We don't see any issues  likely to arise at FERC,  the NRC or with other federal
agencies that should delay regulatory approvals beyond the end of next year.

We are in the initial  stages of  establishing a transition  team,  comprised of
Western and PNM personnel, to guide us in integrating the two companies once the
transaction is complete. PNM Executive Vice President Bill Real -- a 20-year PNM
veteran who also happens to be a Kansas native - will head up that team.

Although it is too soon to say what the makeup of the new  management  team will
be, I will become  Chairman  and CEO of the new holding  company.  The new board
will consist of PNM's current directors, plus three members from Kansas.


PNM is taking on a significant  amount of debt in completing  this  combination.
PNM has been successful in moving its own operation back to investment grade and
will continue its strong  commitment to conservative  financial  management.  We
have made  provisions for Western  Resources to reduce its debt through the sale
of  non-utility  assets with the  potential of turning more than $800 million of
debt into equity as common or preferred stock , which would significantly reduce
our  leverage.  The  combined  company's  strong  cash flow will also be used to
quickly achieve investment grade for all units of the new company.

In  summary,  let me say  that we see  substantial  strategic,  operational  and
financial  benefits  flowing from this  combination - benefits that will work to
the advantage of customers, employees and shareholders alike.

This merger will create a mid-sized, multi-regional energy company that combines
both scope and  agility,  a company  large  enough to  compete  in the  national
marketplace but compact enough to respond quickly to new opportunities.

This acquisition both expands our power marketing and generation  capability and
substantially  increases our regulated utility base. It gives us the opportunity
to repeat in the Midwest the same  success we have  achieved in the Western bulk
power  market,  at the same time that it  substantially  adds to PNM's  existing
retail base.

We believe this merger will create  substantial  value for  shareholders of both
companies,  while providing tangible opportunities for our employees, and stable
rates and continued access to affordable,  reliable service for retail customers
in both states.

Thank you. Now I would like to take any questions you may have.


Public Service Company of New Mexico                          Western Resources

                              Transaction Overview

Terms:                 o    PNM  and   Western   Resources   will   become
                            subsidiaries of a new holding company to be named at
                            a future date
                       o    Tax-free, stock-for-stock transaction
                       o    Combination  will be preceded by Western  Resources'
                            spin  off  of  Westar  Industries  (which  will  own
                            Western  Resources'  non-utility  assets) to Western
                            Resources shareholders
                       o    The new holding company will issue 55 million shares
                            to  Western   Resources   shareholders   and  Westar
                       o    Each Western  Resources share will be converted into
                            a fraction of a share (to be  determined at closing)
                            in the new holding  company;  each PNM share will be
                            converted into one new holding company share
                       o    Equity value of transaction is approximately  $1.503
                            billion  (based on PNM's average  closing price over
                            the last ten days of $27.325)
                       o    The   new   holding   company   will   also   assume
                            approximately  $2.939  billion of  existing  Western
                            Resources debt
                       o    Approximately  42% of the new holding  company to be
                            owned by former PNM shareholders;  approximately 58%
                            to be owned by former Western Resources shareholders
                            and Westar Industries
                       o    Additional  consideration  paid to Western Resources
                            shareholders   (including   Westar   Industries)  in
                            exchange  for  additional  equity  contributions  to
                            reduce net debt at Western Resources pre-close
                       o    Transaction will be accounted for as a purchase

Combined Company       o    Total enterprise value of approximately $6.5 billion
Financials                  ($2.6 billion in equity; $3.9 billion in debt and
                            preferred stock)
                       o    Expected to be immediately accretive to earnings per
                            share and cash flow

Dividend:              o    Shareholders of the combined company will receive
                            PNM's dividend. PNM's current annual dividend is
                            $.80 per share

Transaction Benefits:  o    Combined company will serve over one million retail
                            electric customers and 400,000 retail gas customers
                            in two states and will have generating capacity of
                            more than 7,000 megawatts
                       o    Quadruples PNM's current production capabilities
                       o    Diversifies combined company's business mix and
                            geographic base through addition of Western
                            Resources' customers
                       o    Provides  a  broader,  more  predictable  cash flow;
                            solid  revenues  and  potential   earnings   growth;
                            improved  access to capital;  and  increased  market
                            capitalization and public market float
                       o    Opportunities for PNM to bring its 15 years of
                            successful power marketing experience and niche
                            product development to new customers
                       o    Sharing of best practices across both organizations

Management & Board:    o    At closing, Jeffry Sterba will become chairman,
                            president and CEO of the new holding company;
                            David Wittig will become chairman, president and CEO
                            of Westar Industries
                       o    The new holding  company's board will consist of six
                            current  PNM  board  members  and  three  additional
                            directors  (two  selected  by PNM  from  a  pool  of
                            Western  Resources'  candidates;  one  nominated  by
                            Westar Industries)

Approval Process:      o    Successful spin-off of Westar Industries from
                            Western Resources required
                       o    Approval by shareholders of both companies
                       o    Customary regulatory approvals, including from the
                            Kansas Corporation Commission, the New Mexico Public
                            Regulation Commission, Securities and Exchange
                            Commission, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and
                            the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
                       o    The  new  holding  company  expects to register as a
                            holding company with the  SEC  under  the  '35  Act
                       o    Transaction  is expected to be completed  within 12
                            to 15 months

Headquarters:          o    Corporate headquarters will be located in New Mexico
                       o    Headquarters for Kansas utilities will be maintained
                            in Topeka, Kansas


David C. Wittig                       Western Resources, Inc.
Chairman of the Board                 818 Kansas Avenue, P.O. Box 889
President & Chief Executive Officer   Topeka, Kansas  66601-0889
Western Resources, Inc.               www.wr.com

Business Record:  Western Resources, Inc.
                  Chairman of the Board, President & Chief Executive
                    Officer, 1998
                  President, 1996
                  Executive Vice President, Corporate Strategy, 1995
                  Salomon Brothers, Inc.
                  Managing Director, Co-Head of Mergers and Acquisitions, 1991
                  Managing Director, Mergers and Acquisitions, 1989
                  Kidder Peabody & Company, Inc.
                  Managing  Director,  Co-Head of  Investment  Banking,
                  1989   Managing   Director,   Head  of  Mergers   and
                  Acquisitions,   1986
                  Vice  President,   Mergers  and Acquisitions, 1983
                  Assistant Vice President, Mergers and   Acquisitions,  1981
                  Associate,   Mergers  and  Acquisitions,  1979
                  Associate,  National  Individual Sales, 1978
                  H.O. Peet & Company Inc.
                  Analyst, Research Department, 1977

Education:        University of Kansas (with Distinction), B.S., Business
                    Administration and Economics, 1977
                  Shawnee Mission East, Prairie Village, KS, 1973

Outside Activities:   Boards:
                      Boys Harbor
                      Kansas University School of Business
                      Trustee, Kansas University Endowment Association -
                      Member of Finance Committee
                      OMX, Inc.



Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                       PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NEW MEXICO

Date:  November 9, 2000                           /s/ John R. Loyack
                                                    John R. Loyack
                                         Vice President, Corporate Controller
                                             and Chief Accounting Officer
                                              (Officer duly authorized
                                                to sign this report)