Exhibit 99.4

                                     FORM OF

                             WESTERN RESOURCES, INC.

                           Certificate of Designations
                        for a Series of Preference Stock

                designated as "7.5% Convertible Preference Stock"
                              (this "Certificate")

                  Pursuant to Section 17-6401(g) of the General
                     Corporation Code of the State of Kansas

     Western  Resources,  Inc., a corporation  of the State of Kansas  (formerly
named  "The  Kansas   Power  and  Light   Company")   (hereinafter   called  the
"Corporation"),  by the  President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer,  an  officer
authorized to exercise the duties ordinarily exercised by a Vice President,  and
an Assistant  Secretary,  DOES HEREBY CERTIFY that the Board of Directors of the
Corporation, at a meeting duly convened and held on November 8, 2000, at which a
quorum was  present  and acting  throughout,  duly and  unanimously  adopted the
following resolutions  authorizing the issuance of a series of the Corporation's
Preference  Stock,  and  fixing  the  designations,  preferences  and  relative,
participating, optional and other rights and the qualifications, limitations and
restrictions  thereof  other  than  those  which  would  apply to all  series of
Preference Stock of the Corporation as follows:

          BE IT RESOLVED, that a new series of the Preference Stock, without par
     value, of the Corporation be, and it hereby is, established;

          FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following be, and it hereby is, a statement
     of the  designation  and  the  powers,  preferences  and  rights,  and  the
     qualifications,  limitations and restrictions,  of such series,  subject to
     the provisions set forth in the Restated  Articles of  Incorporation of the
     Corporation, as heretofore amended (the "Articles") (capitalized terms used
     herein and not  otherwise  defined  herein  shall have the  meanings  given
     thereto in the  Articles;  certain  other  terms used herein are defined in
     Section 9 of this Certificate):

          1.  Designation.  The Preference  Stock created and authorized  hereby
     shall be designated as the "7.5%  Convertible  Preference Stock" (the "7.5%
     Series").  The  number  of shares  constituting  the 7.5%  Series  shall be
     4,000,000  and no more.  The 7.5%  Series  comprises  all of the  4,000,000
     shares of  Preference  Stock that the  Corporation  is  authorized to issue
     pursuant to the Articles.

          2. Dividends. The rate per annum of dividends on the 7.5% Series shall
     be $7.50 per share  and  dividends  thereon  shall be  cumulative  from and
     including the date of issuance. January 1, 2001 shall be the first dividend
     payment date for shares  issued before that date,  and  dividends  shall be
     payable thereafter on the first day of January,  April, July and October of
     each  year.  For any  period  during  which  any  share of such  series  is
     outstanding  less  or  more  than a full  quarterly  dividend  period,  the
     dividends  payable  shall be computed on the basis of twelve  30-day months
     and the actual number of days elapsed in the period for which the dividends
     are payable.

          3. Optional Redemption(a). (a) The shares of the 7.5% Series shall not
     be redeemable  prior to the earlier to occur of (i) the fourth  anniversary
     of the Lobos  Merger  Effective  Time and (ii) the  fourth  anniversary  of
     termination of the Lobos Merger  Agreement,  and on or after such date such
     shares  shall  be  redeemable  in  whole  or in part at the  option  of the
     Corporation,  subject to the  terms,  provisions  and  effect as  generally
     provided for redemption of shares of the Corporation's  Preference Stock in
     the Articles, at the Liquidation Preference,  plus, in each case, an amount
     equal to the  accrued  but unpaid  dividends  on said shares to the date of
     redemption;  provided,  however,  that no  redemption  shall be made if any
     dividends  payable on the 7.5% Series are in arrears,  unless all shares of
     the 7.5% Series are redeemed. In the case of an optional redemption of less
     than all of the  shares  of the 7.5%  Series at the time  outstanding,  the
     Corporation shall select by lot the shares so to be redeemed.

          (b) No sinking fund or redemption, purchase or similar account or fund
     will be provided for shares of the 7.5% Series.

          4.  Liquidation,  Dissolution  or  Winding  Up.  In the  event  of the
     voluntary  or  involuntary  liquidation,  dissolution  or winding up of the
     Corporation,  the holders of the 7.5%  Series  shall be entitled to receive
     from any assets and funds of the Corporation remaining after payment of the
     debts and other  liabilities  of the  Corporation  and after payment to the
     holders of Preferred Stock of the  preferential  amount or amounts to which
     such  holders are  entitled  thereon) for each share an amount equal to the
     Liquidation  Preference,  plus as to each  share,  an  amount  equal to the
     accrued but unpaid dividends thereon to the dates of distribution.

          5. Voting  Rights.  Subject to the special  voting rights  provided to
     holders of the Corporation's  Preferred Stock and the special rights stated
     below as  provided to holders of the  Corporation's  Preference  Stock,  as
     stated  in  replacement  Paragraph  1 of  Section  D of  Article  IV of the
     Articles  (set  forth  in the  Certificate  of  Amendment  to the  Restated
     Articles  dated and filed May 12,  1998) each  holder of shares of the 7.5%
     Series  shall  have one vote for each  share  held by such  holder  for the
     election of  directors  and upon all other  matters  requiring  stockholder
     action; provided, however, that whenever, as provided in or pursuant to the
     Articles, the Preference  Stockholders are entitled to vote separately as a
     class for the election of certain  directors,  each holder of shares of the
     7.5% Series shall be entitled to vote such shares only for the directors to
     be elected by the holders of the Preference Stock.

          As stated in Subdivision (a) of Paragraph 5 of Section D of Article IV
     of the Articles  (said Article IV being the former Article VI which article
     was  renumbered  as specified in the  Certificate  of Amendment to Restated
     Articles dated May 26, 1994).  The holders of all Preference Stock shall be
     entitled to the following special voting rights:

          (a) If at any time, dividends payable on the Corporation's  Preference
     Stock are in default in an amount  equivalent to six or more full quarterly
     dividends,  whether or not  consecutive,  the  holders  of all  outstanding
     shares of the Corporation's  Preference Stock, voting separately as a class
     and without regard to series,  and in the manner provided in Paragraph 1 of
     Section D of Article IV of the Articles,  shall be entitled until, but only
     until,  all dividends in default shall have been paid or deposited in trust
     with a bank or  trust  company  having  the  qualifications  set  forth  in
     Paragraph  3 of Section B of Article IV of the  Articles  for payment on or
     before the next succeeding dividend payment date, to elect two directors to
     the Board of  Directors,  and the  holders of the  Preferred  Stock and the
     Common  Stock,  voting  together,  or voting as  provided  in  Section A of
     Article IV of the  Articles in the event that the holders of the  Preferred
     Stock are then entitled to special  voting rights  pursuant to  Subdivision
     (a) of  Paragraph  6 of  Section A of Article  IV of the  Articles,  and in
     either case in the manner  provided in  Paragraph 1 of Section D of Article
     IV of the Articles,  shall be entitled to elect the remaining directors. If
     and when all  dividends  then in  default  on the  Preference  Stock  shall
     thereafter  be paid (and such  dividends  shall be declared and paid out of
     surplus or net profits  legally  available  therefore as soon as reasonably
     practicable)  the  Preference  Stock  shall  thereupon  be  divested of any
     special  rights to elect such two directors to the Board of Directors,  but
     subject always to the same  provisions for vesting of special rights in the
     Preference Stock in the case of any similar future default or defaults.

               (i) The  foregoing  right of the  Preference  Stock to elect  two
          directors  to  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the  Corporation  may be
          exercised at any annual meeting of stockholders held for such purpose.
          Upon the accrual of such  special  right of the holders of  Preference
          Stock, a meeting (which may be a special  meeting of the  stockholders
          held  pursuant  to  Subdivision  (a) of  Paragraph  6 of  Section A of
          Article IV of the  Articles)  of the holders of the  Preference  Stock
          shall be held upon  notice  promptly  given as provided in the By-laws
          for a special  meeting,  by the  Chairman of the Board,  President  or
          Secretary of the  Corporation.  If, within fifteen (15) days after the
          accrual of such  special  right of the  Preference  Stockholders,  the
          Chairman of the Board,  President  and  Secretary  of the  Corporation
          shall fail to call such  meeting,  then,  upon  request  signed by any
          holder of record of Preference Stock then outstanding delivered to the
          Corporation at its principal office,  the President of the Corporation
          shall call a special meeting of the Preference Stockholders (which may
          be  a  special  meeting  of  the   stockholders   called  pursuant  to
          Subdivision  (a) of  Paragraph  6 of  Section A of  Article  IV of the
          Articles)  to be held within sixty (60) days after the receipt of such
          request  for the  purpose of electing  two  directors  to the Board of
          Directors  by a vote of the  Preference  Stock as above  provided,  to
          serve until the next annual meeting or until their successors shall be
          elected  and  qualified.  The term of office of two of the persons who
          are  directors  of the  Corporation  at the  time  (who  shall  not be
          directors  who have been  elected by the  holders of  Preferred  Stock
          pursuant to Subdivision  (a) of Paragraph 6 of Section A of Article IV
          of the  Articles)  shall be  designated by a majority of the directors
          then in office as the directors  whose terms shall  terminate upon the
          election  of the  two  directors  to the  Board  of  Directors  by the
          Preference Stockholders,  notwithstanding that the term for which such
          two directors have been elected shall not then have expired.

               (ii) At such time as the  Preference  Stock  shall be divested of
          the right to elect two directors to the Board of  Directors,  the term
          of such  directors so elected by the holders of the  Preference  Stock
          shall  terminate and the vacancies in the Board of Directors  effected
          thereby may be filled by a majority of the remaining directors.

               (iii) At any annual or special meeting of  stockholders  held for
          the  purpose  of  electing  directors  at  which  the  holders  of the
          Preference Stock would be entitled to elect two directors to the Board
          of  Directors,  the presence in person or by proxy of the holders of a
          majority  of the  outstanding  Preference  Stock  shall be required to
          constitute a quorum of Preference Stock for the election by such class
          of two directors to the Board of Directors;  provided, however, that a
          majority  of the  holders of the  Preference  Stock who are present in
          person or by proxy  shall have the power to adjourn  such  meeting for
          the purpose of the election of such two  directors by such shares from
          time-to-time without notice other than an announcement at the meeting.
          No delay or failure by the holders of any class of shares to elect the
          members of the Board of  Directors  which such holders are entitled to
          elect shall  invalidate  the election of the remaining  members of the
          Board of  Directors  by the  holders of such other class or classes of
          shares,  and a majority of the  directors  so elected  shall,  in such
          case, constitute a quorum for the transaction of business by the Board
          of Directors.

               (iv) If,  during  any  interval  between  the  annual  meeting of
          stockholders  for the election of directors  and while the  Preference
          Stock shall be entitled to elect two  directors,  a director in office
          who has been elected by the holders of the Preference Stock shall have
          resigned,  died or been removed, then (x) such vacancy shall be filled
          by the  remaining  director  then in  office  who was  elected  by the
          Preference  Stockholders  or who succeeded to the director so elected,
          and (y) if both directors so representing the Preference  Stockholders
          shall have  resigned,  died or been  removed,  or if any vacancy which
          occurred  more than six months  prior to the date of the next  ensuing
          annual  meeting  is not so filled  within  forty  (40) days  after the
          occurrence  thereof,  the  President of the  Corporation  shall call a
          special  meeting  of the  holders  of the  Preference  Stock  and such
          vacancy shall be filled at such special meeting.

               (v) Any director  elected by the holders of Preference  Stock may
          be removed  from  office  only by vote of the holders of a majority of
          the outstanding  shares of Preference  Stock voted for his election or
          for his  predecessor  in cases where such  director was elected by the
          Board of Directors.

          (b) As  stated  in  Subdivision  (b) of  Paragraph  5 of  Section B of
     Article IV of the Articles (as corrected by the  Certificate  of Correction
     to Restated  Articles  dated and filed  January 24,  1992),  so long as any
     shares of Preference  Stock are  outstanding,  the  Corporation  shall not,
     without  the  consent  (given  by vote in  person  or by proxy at a meeting
     called for that purpose) of the holders of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the
     shares of Preference Stock then  outstanding,  voting separately as a class
     and without regard to series,

               (i) Amend,  alter,  change or repeal any of the express  terms or
          provisions  of  then   outstanding   Preference   Stock  in  a  manner
          substantially prejudicial to the holders thereof;  provided,  however,
          that, if any such amendment,  alteration,  change or repeal  adversely
          affects the holders of some but not all of the  outstanding  shares of
          Preference  Stock, only the consent of the holders of two-thirds (2/3)
          of the total number of shares so affected shall be required; or

               (ii) Create any class of stock  ranking  prior to the  Preference
          Stock as to dividends or upon liquidation,  or securities  convertible
          into  shares  ranking  prior  to  the  Preference  Stock  in  respects
          aforesaid;  provided  that no such  consent  shall  be  required  with
          respect to the taking of any such action relating to the Corporation's
          Preferred Stock, par value $100 per share, or Preferred Stock, without
          par value.

               6. Conversion Rights.

               (a)  Right to  Convert.  Each  share of the  7.5%  Series  may be
          converted  at the  option of the  holder  thereof at any time and from
          time to time, and without the payment of any additional  consideration
          therefor,  into that number of fully paid and nonassessable  shares of
          Common  Stock,  $5.00 par value per  share,  of the  Corporation  (the
          "Common Stock") as provided herein.

               (b)  Conversion  Procedures.  Each  holder of the 7.5% Series who
          elects to convert the same into shares of Common Stock shall surrender
          the certificate or certificates therefor, duly endorsed, at the office
          of the Corporation or any transfer agent for the 7.5% Series as may be
          designated by the Board of Directors (the "Transfer Agent"), and shall
          give written notice to the Corporation at such office that such holder
          elects to  convert  the same and shall  state  therein  the  number of
          shares of the 7.5% Series being  converted;  provided,  however,  such
          number  of shares  shall  not be fewer  than  25,000.  Thereupon,  the
          Corporation  shall  promptly  issue and deliver at such office to such
          holder a  certificate  or  certificates  for the  number  of shares of
          Common  Stock to which such holder is entitled  upon such  conversion.
          Such conversion shall be deemed to have been made immediately prior to
          the close of business on the date of such surrender of the certificate
          or  certificates  representing  the  shares  of the 7.5%  Series to be
          converted,  and the person  entitled  to receive  the shares of Common
          Stock issuable upon such conversion  shall be treated for all purposes
          as the record holder of such shares of Common Stock on such date.

               (c)  Conversion  Price.  Each share of the 7.5%  Series  shall be
          convertible  in  accordance  with this  Section  6 into the  number of
          shares of Common  Stock that results  from  dividing  the  Liquidation
          Preference  for the 7.5%  Series by the  conversion  price  that is in
          effect at the time of conversion (the "Conversion Price"). The initial
          Conversion  Price for the 7.5% Series  shall be $32.40 per share.  The
          Conversion  Price shall be subject to adjustment  from time to time as
          provided below.

               (d) Adjustment of Conversion Price. The Conversion Price shall be
          adjusted from time to time as follows:

                    (i) If the Corporation  shall hereafter pay a dividend in or
               make  a  distribution  of  Common  Stock  to all  holders  of any
               outstanding class or series of Common Stock, the Conversion Price
               in effect at the opening of business  on the date  following  the
               date fixed for the  determination  of  stockholders  entitled  to
               receive such dividend or other  distribution  shall be reduced by
               multiplying  such  Conversion  Price by a  fraction  of which the
               numerator   shall  be  the  number  of  shares  of  Common  Stock
               outstanding at the close of business on the Record Date fixed for
               such  determination  and the denominator shall be the sum of such
               number  of  outstanding  shares  and the  total  number of shares
               constituting such dividend or other distribution,  such reduction
               to become effective  immediately after the opening of business on
               the  day   following   the  Record  Date.   If  any  dividend  or
               distribution  of the type  described in this  Section  6(d)(i) is
               declared  but not so paid or made,  the  Conversion  Price  shall
               again be adjusted to the Conversion  Price which would then be in
               effect if such dividend or distribution had not been declared.

                    (ii) If the  Corporation  shall  offer  to issue  rights  or
               warrants to all holders of its outstanding Common Stock entitling
               them to  subscribe  for or purchase  Common  Stock at a price per
               share less than the Current Market Price on the Record Date fixed
               for the  determination  of stockholders  entitled to receive such
               rights or  warrants,  the  Conversion  Price shall be adjusted so
               that the same shall equal the price determined by multiplying the
               Conversion Price in effect at the opening of business on the date
               after such Record Date by a fraction of which the numerator shall
               be the number of shares of Common Stock  outstanding at the close
               of  business  on the  Record  Date  plus the  number of shares of
               Common  Stock  which the  aggregate  offering  price of the total
               number  of  shares  of Common  Stock  subject  to such  rights or
               warrants would purchase at such Current Market Price and of which
               the  denominator  shall be the  number of shares of Common  Stock
               outstanding  at the close of business on the Record Date plus the
               total number of additional shares of Common Stock subject to such
               rights or warrants for subscription or purchase.  Such adjustment
               shall become effective  immediately after the opening of business
               on the day following the Record Date fixed for  determination  of
               stockholders  entitled  to  purchase  or receive  such  rights or
               warrants. For the purposes of this Section 6(d)(ii), the issuance
               of rights or warrants  to  subscribe  for or purchase  securities
               convertible  into Common Stock shall be deemed to be the issuance
               of rights or warrants to purchase the shares of Common Stock into
               which such  securities are  convertible at an aggregate  offering
               price equal to the aggregate  offering  price of such  securities
               plus  the  minimum   aggregate   amount  (if  any)  payable  upon
               conversion of such securities into shares of Common Stock. To the
               extent that shares of Common Stock are not delivered  pursuant to
               such rights or warrants,  upon the  expiration or  termination of
               such  rights or  warrants  the  Conversion  Price  shall again be
               adjusted to be the Conversion Price which would then be in effect
               had the  adjustments  made upon the  issuance  of such  rights or
               warrants been made on the basis of delivery of only the number of
               shares of Common  Stock  actually  delivered.  If such  rights or
               warrants are not so issued,  the Conversion  Price shall again be
               adjusted to be the Conversion Price which would then be in effect
               if such date fixed for the determination of stockholders entitled
               to  receive  such  rights  or  warrants  had not been  fixed.  In
               determining whether any rights or warrants entitle the holders to
               subscribe for or purchase  Common Stock at less than such Current
               Market Price, and in determining the aggregate  offering price of
               such shares of Common  Stock,  there shall be taken into  account
               any consideration received for such rights or warrants,  with the
               value of such consideration, if other than cash, to be determined
               by the Board of Directors.

                    (iii) If the  outstanding  shares of Common  Stock  shall be
               subdivided  into a greater number of shares of Common Stock,  the
               Conversion  Price in effect at the opening of business on the day
               following the day upon which such subdivision  becomes  effective
               shall  be  proportionately  reduced,  and,  conversely,   if  the
               outstanding  shares  of Common  Stock  shall be  combined  into a
               smaller number of shares of Common Stock, the Conversion Price in
               effect at the opening of business  on the day  following  the day
               upon  which  such   combination   becomes   effective   shall  be
               proportionately  increased,  such  reduction or increase,  as the
               case may be, to become effective immediately after the opening of
               business on the day following the day upon which such subdivision
               or combination becomes effective.

                    (iv) If the  Corporation  shall,  by dividend or  otherwise,
               distribute to all holders of its shares of Common Stock shares of
               any class of capital  stock of the  Corporation  (other  than any
               dividends or  distributions  to which Section 6(d)(i) applies) or
               evidences of its  indebtedness,  cash or other assets  (including
               securities,  but  excluding  any  rights  or  warrants  of a type
               referred  to in Section  6(d)(ii)  and  excluding  dividends  and
               distributions  paid exclusively in cash and excluding any capital
               stock, evidences of indebtedness, cash or assets distributed upon
               a merger or  consolidation  to which  Section 7(a)  applies) (the
               foregoing   hereinafter  in  this  Section  6(d)(iv)  called  the
               "Distributed   Securities"),   then,  in  each  such  case,   the
               Conversion Price shall be reduced so that the same shall be equal
               to the price  determined by multiplying  the Conversion  Price in
               effect  immediately  prior to the close of business on the Record
               Date with respect to such distribution by a fraction of which the
               numerator  shall be the Current  Market Price of the Common Stock
               on such date less the fair  market  value (as  determined  by the
               Board of Directors,  whose  determination shall be conclusive and
               described in a resolution of the Board of Directors) on such date
               of the  portion  of the  Distributed  Securities  so  distributed
               applicable to one share of Common Stock and the denominator shall
               be such Current Market Price,  such reduction to become effective
               immediately prior to the opening of business on the day following
               the Record Date; provided,  however,  that, in the event the then
               fair  market  value  (as so  determined)  of the  portion  of the
               Distributed  Securities so distributed applicable to one share of
               Common Stock is equal to or greater than the Current Market Price
               on the Record Date, in lieu of the foregoing adjustment, adequate
               provision  shall be made so that each  holder of the 7.5%  Series
               shall have the right to receive upon conversion of a share of the
               7.5% Series (or any portion  thereof)  the amount of  Distributed
               Securities  such  holder  would  have  received  had such  holder
               converted  such  share of the 7.5%  Series (or  portion  thereof)
               immediately  prior  to such  Record  Date.  If such  dividend  or
               distribution  is not so paid or made, the Conversion  Price shall
               again be adjusted to be the Conversion  Price which would then be
               in effect if such dividend or distribution had not been declared.
               If the Board of Directors determines the fair market value of any
               distribution  for purposes of this Section  6(d)(iv) by reference
               to the actual or when issued  trading  market for any  securities
               comprising all or part of such distribution,  it must in doing so
               consider  the prices in such  market over the same period used in
               computing the Current Market Price to the extent possible.

               Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  this Section  6(d)(iv) shall not
               apply in the event that the Record Date for the  distribution  to
               holders of the  Common  Stock of shares of  Weststar  Industries,
               Inc.  is the same as the  Record  Date for the  receipt  of Lobos
               Parent  Common Stock by holders of the Common  Stock  pursuant to
               the Lobos Merger.

               Rights or warrants  distributed by the Corporation to all holders
               of Common Stock entitling the holders thereof to subscribe for or
               purchase  shares  of  the  Corporation's  Capital  Stock  (either
               initially  or  under  certain  circumstances),  which  rights  or
               warrants,  until the  occurrence  of a specified  event or events
               ("Dilution Trigger Event"): (i) are deemed to be transferred with
               such Common Stock;  (ii) are not exercisable;  and (iii) are also
               issued in respect of future  issuances of Common Stock,  shall be
               deemed not to have been  distributed for purposes of this Section
               6(d)(iv) (and no adjustment  to the  Conversion  Price under this
               Section  6(d)(iv) shall be required)  until the occurrence of the
               earliest  Dilution  Trigger  Event,  whereupon  such  rights  and
               warrants  shall  be  deemed  to  have  been  distributed  and  an
               appropriate adjustment to the Conversion Price under this Section
               6(d)(iv) shall be made. If any such rights or warrants, including
               any such  existing  rights or warrants  distributed  prior to the
               date  hereof,  are  subject  to  subsequent   events,   upon  the
               occurrence of each of which such rights or warrants  shall become
               exercisable  to  purchase  different  securities,   evidences  of
               indebtedness  or other assets,  then the  occurrence of each such
               event shall be deemed to be such date of issuance and record date
               with  respect to new rights or  warrants  (and a  termination  or
               expiration of the existing rights or warrants without exercise by
               the  holder   thereof).   In  addition,   in  the  event  of  any
               distribution (or deemed  distribution) of rights or warrants,  or
               any Dilution Trigger Event with respect thereto, that was counted
               for purposes of  calculating a  distribution  amount for which an
               adjustment to the  Conversion  Price under this Section  6(d)(iv)
               was made,  (1) in the case of any such rights or  warrants  which
               shall all have been redeemed or repurchased  without  exercise by
               any holders  thereof,  the  Conversion  Price shall be readjusted
               upon such final  redemption  or repurchase to give effect to such
               distribution  or Dilution  Trigger Event,  as the case may be, as
               though  it  were a cash  distribution,  equal  to the  per  share
               redemption or repurchase price received by a holder or holders of
               Common  Stock with  respect to such rights or warrants  (assuming
               such holder had retained  such rights or  warrants),  made to all
               holders  of  Common  Stock as of the date of such  redemption  or
               repurchase,  and (2) in the case of such rights or warrants which
               shall have  expired or been  terminated  without  exercise by any
               holders  thereof,  the Conversion Price shall be readjusted as if
               such rights and warrants had not been issued.

               Notwithstanding  any other provision of this Section  6(d)(iv) to
               the  contrary,  capital  stock,  rights,  warrants,  evidences of
               indebtedness,  other securities,  cash or other assets (including
               any rights  distributed  pursuant to any shareholder rights plan)
               shall be deemed not to have been distributed for purposes of this
               Section  6(d)(iv) if the  Corporation  makes proper  provision so
               that each  holder of shares of the 7.5%  Series  who  converts  a
               share of the 7.5% Series (or any portion  thereof) after the date
               fixed for determination of stockholders  entitled to receive such
               distribution  shall be entitled to receive upon such  conversion,
               in addition to the Common Stock  issuable  upon such  conversion,
               the amount and kind of such  distributions that such holder would
               have been  entitled to receive if such  holder  had,  immediately
               prior to such  determination  date,  converted  such share of the
               7.5% Series into Common Stock.

               For  purposes of this Section  6(d)(iv) and Sections  6(d)(i) and
               (ii), any dividend or distribution to which this Section 6(d)(iv)
               is  applicable  that also  includes  Common  Stock,  or rights or
               warrants  to  subscribe  for or  purchase  Common  Stock to which
               Section 6(d)(ii) applies (or both), shall be deemed instead to be
               (1) a dividend or distribution of the evidences of  indebtedness,
               cash, assets,  shares of capital stock,  rights or warrants other
               than (A) such shares of Common Stock or (B) rights or warrants to
               which Section 6(d)(2) applies (and any Conversion Price reduction
               required by this Section  6(d)(iv)  with respect to such dividend
               or distribution shall then be made) immediately followed by (2) a
               dividend or  distribution  of such Common Stock or such rights or
               warrants (and any further  Conversion Price reduction required by
               Section  6(d)(i)  and  (ii)  with  respect  to such  dividend  or
               distribution shall then be made), except that (x) the Record Date
               of such dividend or  distribution  shall be  substituted  as "the
               Record Date fixed for the determination of stockholders  entitled
               to receive  such  dividend or other  distribution",  "Record Date
               fixed  for such  determination"  and  "Record  Date"  within  the
               meaning of Section  6(d)(i) and as "the Record Date fixed for the
               determination of stockholders  entitled to receive such rights or
               warrants",   "the  date  fixed  for  the   determination  of  the
               stockholders  entitled to receive  such rights or  warrants"  and
               "such Record Date"  within the meaning of Section  6(d)(ii),  and
               (y) any  share of  Common  Stock  included  in such  dividend  or
               distribution  shall  not be deemed  "outstanding  at the close of
               business  on the date  fixed for such  determination"  within the
               meaning of Section 6(d)(i).

                    (v) If the  Corporation  shall,  by dividend  or  otherwise,
               distribute to all holders of its Common Stock cash (excluding any
               cash that is distributed  upon a merger or consolidation to which
               Section 7(a) applies or as part of a distribution  referred to in
               paragraph   6(d)(iv))  in  an  aggregate  amount  that,  combined
               together  with  (1)  the  aggregate  amount  of  any  other  such
               distributions to all holders of its Common Stock made exclusively
               in cash  within  the 12 months  preceding  the date of payment of
               such distribution, and in respect of which no adjustment pursuant
               to this Section  6(d)(v) has been made,  and (2) the aggregate of
               any cash plus the fair market value (as  determined  by the Board
               of  Directors,   whose  determination  shall  be  conclusive  and
               described  in  a  resolution   of  the  Board  of  Directors)  of
               consideration  payable  in  respect  of any  tender  offer by the
               Company or a Subsidiary  of the Company for all or any portion of
               the Common Stock  concluded  within the 12 months  preceding  the
               date of payment of such distribution,  and in respect of which no
               adjustment  pursuant to Section  6(d)(vi) has been made,  exceeds
               15% of the product of the Current Market Price on the Record Date
               with respect to such  distribution  times the number of shares of
               Common Stock  outstanding  on such date,  then,  and in each such
               case,  immediately  after the close of business on such date, the
               Conversion  Price  shall be reduced so that the same shall  equal
               the price  determined  by  multiplying  the  Conversion  Price in
               effect  immediately prior to the close of business on such Record
               Date by a fraction  (i) the  numerator of which shall be equal to
               the Current  Market Price on the Record Date less an amount equal
               to the  quotient of (x) the excess of such  combined  amount over
               such 15%  amount  divided  by (y) the  number of shares of Common
               Stock  outstanding on the Record Date and (ii) the denominator of
               which shall be equal to the Current  Market  Price on such Record
               Date;  provided,  however,  that,  if the  portion of the cash so
               distributed  applicable  to one share of Common Stock is equal to
               or greater  than the Current  Market Price of the Common Stock on
               the Record Date,  in lieu of the foregoing  adjustment,  adequate
               provision  shall  be made  so that  each  holder  of  Convertible
               Preferred  Stock shall have the right to receive upon  conversion
               of a  share  of  Convertible  Preferred  Stock  (or  any  portion
               thereof) the amount of cash such holder  would have  received had
               such holder  converted such share of Convertible  Preferred Stock
               (or portion  thereof)  immediately  prior to such Record Date. If
               such  dividend  or  distribution  is not so  paid  or  made,  the
               Conversion  Price shall  again be  adjusted to be the  Conversion
               Price  which  would  then  be  in  effect  if  such  dividend  or
               distribution had not been declared.

                    (vi) If a tender or  exchange  offer made by the  Company or
               any of its  Subsidiaries  for all or any  portion  of the  Common
               Stock expires and such tender or exchange  offer (as amended upon
               the  expiration  thereof)  requires  the payment to  stockholders
               (based on the  acceptance  (up to any  maximum  specified  in the
               terms of the tender  offer) of Purchased  Shares) of an aggregate
               consideration  having a fair market value (as  determined  by the
               Board of Directors,  whose  determination shall be conclusive and
               described  in a  resolution  of the  Board  of  Directors)  that,
               combined  together  with (i) the  aggregate  of the cash plus the
               fair market value (as determined by the Board of Directors, whose
               determination  shall be conclusive  and described in a resolution
               of the Board of  Directors),  as of the expiration of such tender
               offer,  of  consideration  payable in respect of any other tender
               offers by the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  for all or any
               portion  of the  Common  Stock  expiring  within  the  12  months
               preceding  the  expiration of such tender offer and in respect of
               which no  adjustment  pursuant to this Section  6(d)(vi) has been
               made and (ii) the aggregate  amount of any  distributions  to all
               holders of the Common  Stock made  exclusively  in cash within 12
               months  preceding  the  expiration  of such  tender  offer and in
               respect of which no  adjustment  pursuant to Section  6(d)(v) has
               been made, exceeds 15% of the product of the Current Market Price
               as of the last time (the  "Expiration  Time")  tenders could have
               been made  pursuant to such  tender  offer (as it may be amended)
               times the number of shares of Common Stock outstanding (including
               any tendered  shares) at the Expiration  Time,  then, and in each
               such case,  immediately  prior to the  opening of business on the
               day after the date of the Expiration  Time, the Conversion  Price
               shall  be  adjusted  so that  the  same  shall  equal  the  price
               determined  by  multiplying   the  Conversion   Price  in  effect
               immediately  prior to the  close of  business  on the date of the
               Expiration Time by a fraction of which the numerator shall be the
               number  of  shares of Common  Stock  outstanding  (including  any
               tendered shares) at the Expiration Time multiplied by the Current
               Market  Price  of the  Common  Stock  on  the  Trading  Day  next
               succeeding the Expiration Time and the  denominator  shall be the
               sum of (x) the fair market value (determined as aforesaid) of the
               aggregate  consideration  payable  to  stockholders  based on the
               acceptance  (up to any  maximum  specified  in the  terms  of the
               tender offer) of all shares validly tendered and not withdrawn as
               of the Expiration Time (the shares deemed so accepted,  up to any
               such maximum,  being referred to as the  "Purchased  Shares") and
               (y)  the  product  of  the  number  of  shares  of  Common  Stock
               outstanding  (less any Purchased  Shares) at the Expiration  Time
               and the Current  Market  Price of the Common Stock on the Trading
               Day next succeeding the Expiration  Time, such reduction (if any)
               to become effective  immediately prior to the opening of business
               on the day  following  the  Expiration  Time.  If the  Company is
               obligated to purchase  shares  pursuant to any such tender offer,
               but the Company is  permanently  prevented by applicable law from
               effecting any such purchases or all such purchases are rescinded,
               the Conversion Price shall again be adjusted to be the Conversion
               Price which would then be in effect if such tender  offer had not
               been made.  If the  application  of this Section  6(d)(vi) to any
               tender offer would result in an increase in the Conversion Price,
               no  adjustment  shall be made for such  tender  offer  under this
               Section 6(d)(vi).

                    (vii)  No  adjustment  in  the  Conversion  Price  shall  be
               required  unless  such  adjustment  would  require an increase or
               decrease of at least 1% in such price;  provided,  however,  that
               any adjustments  which by reason of this Section 6(d)(vi) are not
               required  to be made  shall be  carried  forward  and taken  into
               account in any subsequent adjustment. All calculations under this
               Section 6(d) shall be made by the  Corporation  and shall be made
               to the nearest cent or to the nearest  one-hundredth  of a share,
               as the case may be.  No  adjustment  need be made for a change in
               the par value or no par value of the Common Stock.

                    (viii)  Whenever the Conversion  Price is adjusted as herein
               provided,  the Corporation  shall promptly file with the Transfer
               Agent an Officers' Certificate setting forth the Conversion Price
               after such  adjustment and setting forth a brief statement of the
               facts requiring such adjustment.  Promptly after delivery of such
               certificate,  the  Corporation  shall  prepare  a notice  of such
               adjustment  of the  Conversion  Price  setting forth the adjusted
               Conversion  Price and the date on which each  adjustment  becomes
               effective  and shall mail such notice of such  adjustment  of the
               Conversion  Price  to each  holder  of the  7.5%  Series  at such
               holder's  last  address  appearing  on the  register  of  holders
               maintained  for that purpose within 20 days of the effective date
               of such  adjustment.  Failure to deliver  such  notice  shall not
               affect the legality or validity of any such adjustment.

                    (ix) In any case in which this Section 6(d) provides that an
               adjustment shall become effective immediately after a Record Date
               for an event,  the  Corporation may defer until the occurrence of
               such event  issuing to the holder of any share of the 7.5% Series
               converted  after such  Record Date and before the  occurrence  of
               such  event  the  additional  Common  Stock  issuable  upon  such
               conversion  by reason of the  adjustment  required  by such event
               over and above the Common  Stock  issuable  upon such  conversion
               before giving effect to such adjustment.

                    (x) For purposes of this Section 6(d),  the number of shares
               of Common Stock at any time outstanding  shall not include shares
               held in the treasury of the  Corporation but shall include shares
               issuable  in  respect  of scrip  certificates  issued  in lieu of
               fractions  of Common  Stock.  The  Corporation  shall not pay any
               dividend  or make any  distribution  on Common  Stock held in the
               treasury of the Corporation.

          7. Corporate Events.

          (a)  Merger.  In  case  of  (i)  any  reclassification  or  change  of
     outstanding  shares of Common  Stock  (other  than a change in par value or
     from par value to no par value or from no par value to par  value,  or as a
     result of a subdivision or combination) or (ii) any consolidation or merger
     of the  Corporation  with one or more other  corporations  (other  than the
     Lobos Merger or any consolidation or merger in which the Corporation is the
     continuing  corporation and which does not result in any  reclassification,
     conversion,  exchange or cancellation of outstanding shares of Common Stock
     issuable upon conversion of the 7.5% Series),  (iii) any sale or conveyance
     to another  corporation or other entity of all or substantially  all of the
     property  of the  Corporation,  or (iv) any other  transaction  which would
     constitute a Change of Control of the Corporation, then the Corporation, or
     such successor  corporation or other entity, as the case may be, shall make
     appropriate  provision  so that the holder of each share of the 7.5% Series
     then outstanding shall have the right thereafter,  to convert such share of
     the 7.5%  Series  into the kind and  amount of  securities,  cash and other
     property    receivable    upon   such    consolidation,    merger,    sale,
     reclassification,  change or conveyance by a holder of the number of shares
     of Common  Stock into which such share of the 7.5%  Series  might have been
     converted   immediately  prior  to  such   consolidation,   merger,   sale,
     reclassification,  change or conveyance,  subject to such adjustment  which
     shall be as nearly  equivalent  as may be  practicable  to the  adjustments
     provided in Section 6(d).  The above  provisions of this Section 7(a) shall
     similarly  apply to  successive  consolidations,  mergers,  conveyances  or

          (b)  Offer to  Repurchase.  In  addition  to the  foregoing,  upon the
     occurrence  of a Change  of  Control  (other  than the Lobos  Merger),  the
     Corporation  shall  make an offer (a  "Change  of  Control  Offer") to each
     holder of shares of the 7.5% Series to  repurchase  all or any part of each
     such holder's  shares of the 7.5% Series at an offer price in cash equal to
     100% of the Liquidation Preference as of the Change of Control Payment Date
     (the  "Change of  Control  Payment");  provided,  however,  such  Change of
     Control  Offer shall be limited to that number of shares of the 7.5% Series
     equal  to the  total  number  of  outstanding  shares  of the  7.5%  Series
     multiplied  by a  quotient  equal to the total cash  consideration  paid to
     stockholders  pursuant to such Change of Control transaction divided by the
     total consideration paid to stockholders pursuant to such Change of Control
     transaction.  The  Corporation  shall comply with the  requirements of Rule
     14e-1 under the Exchange Act and any other  securities laws and regulations
     thereunder  to the  extent  such laws and  regulations  are  applicable  in
     connection  with the repurchase of shares of the 7.5% Series as a result of
     a Change of Control,  and the Corporation shall not be in violation of this
     Certificate  of  Designation  by reason of any act required by such rule or
     other applicable law.

     Within 25 days following any Change of Control,  the Corporation shall mail
     a notice to each holder of shares of the 7.5% Series stating:

               (i) that the Change of Control  Offer is being made  pursuant  to
          this  Section  7.5 and that up to the  stated  number of shares of the
          7.5% Series tendered will be accepted for payment;

               (ii) the purchase price and the purchase date,  which shall be at
          least  30 but no  more  than 60  days  from  the  date  on  which  the
          Corporation  mails  notice of the  Change of Control  (the  "Change of
          Control Payment Date");

               (iii)  that any  shares  of the 7.5%  Series  not  tendered  will
          continue  to accrue  dividends  as  provided  in this  Certificate  of

               (iv) that, unless the Corporation  defaults in the payment of the
          Change of Control Payment,  all shares of the 7.5% Series accepted for
          payment  pursuant to the Change of Control Offer shall cease to accrue
          dividends after the Change of Control Payment Date;

               (v) that  holders of shares of the 7.5%  Series  electing to have
          any  shares  of the 7.5%  Series  purchased  pursuant  to a Change  of
          Control  Offer shall be required to  surrender  the shares of the 7.5%
          Series to the Corporation or its designated agent (the "Paying Agent")
          for such purpose,  at the address specified in the notice prior to the
          close of business on the third  Business Day  preceding  the Change of
          Control Payment Date; and

               (vi) that  holders of shares of the 7.5%  Series will be entitled
          to withdraw  their  election if the  Corporation  or the Paying  Agent
          receives,  not later than the close of business on the second Business
          Day preceding the Change of Control  Payment Date, a telegram,  telex,
          facsimile  transmission or letter setting forth the name of the holder
          of shares of the 7.5% Series,  the number of shares of the 7.5% Series
          delivered  for  purchase,   and  a  statement   that  such  holder  is
          withdrawing his election to have such shares purchased.

          On the Change of Control Payment Date, the  Corporation  shall, to the
          extent  lawful,  (i) accept for  payment all shares of the 7.5% Series
          tendered pursuant to the Change of Control Offer;  provided,  however,
          that if the  number of such  tendered  shares  exceeds  the limits set
          forth  above,  the  Corporation  shall accept such shares pro rata and
          (ii)  deposit  with the Paying  Agent an amount equal to the Change of
          Control  Payment  in  respect  of all  shares  of the 7.5%  Series  so
          accepted for payment.  The  Corporation  shall  promptly  mail to each
          holder of shares of the 7.5% Series so tendered  the Change of Control
          Payment for such shares.  The Corporation  shall publicly announce the
          results of the Change of  Control  Offer on or as soon as  practicable
          after the Change of Control Payment Date.

               (c)  Notice of Record  Date.  In case at any time or from time to
          time (i) the  Corporation  shall  pay any stock  dividend  or make any
          other  non-cash  distribution  to the holders of its Common Stock,  or
          offer for subscription pro rata to the holders of its Common Stock any
          additional  shares of stock of any class or any other  right,  or (ii)
          there shall be any capital  reorganization or  reclassification of the
          Common  Stock of the  Corporation  or  consolidation  or merger of the
          Corporation  with  or  into  another  corporation,   or  any  sale  or
          conveyance to another  corporation of the property of the  Corporation
          as an entirety or substantially  as an entirety,  or (iii) there shall
          be a voluntary or involuntary  dissolution,  liquidation or winding up
          of the  Corporation,  then,  in any  one or more  of  said  cases  the
          Corporation  shall give at least 20 days'  prior  written  notice (the
          time of  mailing  of such  notice  shall be  deemed  to be the time of
          giving  thereof) to the  registered  holders of the 7.5% Series at the
          addresses of each as shown on the books of the Corporation  maintained
          by the Transfer  Agent thereof of the date on which (A) a record shall
          be taken for such stock dividend,  distribution or subscription rights
          or (B) such reorganization,  reclassification,  consolidation, merger,
          sale or conveyance, dissolution,  liquidation or winding up shall take
          place,  as  the  case  may  be;  provided  that,  in the  case  of any
          transaction to which clause (a) applies the Corporation  shall give at
          least 30 days' prior written  notice as  aforesaid.  Such notice shall
          also  specify the date as of which the holders of the Common  Stock of
          record  shall   participate   in  said   dividend,   distribution   or
          subscription  rights or shall be  entitled to  exchange  their  Common
          Stock  for  securities  or  other  property   deliverable   upon  such
          reorganization,  reclassification,   consolidation,  merger,  sale  or
          conveyance or participate in such dissolution,  liquidation or winding
          up,  as the  case  may be.  Failure  to give  such  notice  shall  not
          invalidate any action so taken.

               8. Reservation of Stock Issuable Upon Conversion. The Corporation
          shall at all times reserve and keep  available  out of its  authorized
          but  unissued  shares  of  Common  Stock  solely  for the  purpose  of
          effecting the conversion of the shares of the 7.5% Series, such number
          of its shares of Common Stock as shall from time to time be sufficient
          to effect the  conversion of all then  outstanding  shares of the 7.5%
          Series;  and if at any time the  number  of  authorized  but  unissued
          shares  of  Common  Stock  shall  not  be  sufficient  to  effect  the
          conversion  of all then  outstanding  shares of the 7.5%  Series,  the
          Corporation  will take such  corporate  action as may be  necessary to
          increase its  authorized  but unissued  shares of Common Stock to such
          number of shares as shall be sufficient for such purpose.

               9.  Definitions.  Certain  capitalized  terms  are  used  in this
          Certificate as defined below:

               "Affiliate"  shall mean,  with  respect to any Person,  any other
          Person that directly or indirectly through one or more  intermediaries
          controls or is  controlled  by or is under  common  control  with such
          Person. For the purposes of this definition, "control," when used with
          respect  to any  particular  Person  means  the  power to  direct  the
          management  and  policies  of such  Person,  directly  or  indirectly,
          whether  through  ownership  of  voting  securities,  by  contract  or

               "Beneficial Owner" (and with correlative meanings,  "Beneficially
          Own" and  "Beneficial  Ownership") of any interest means a Person who,
          together  with  his,  her or its  Affiliates,  is or may be  deemed  a
          beneficial  owner of such interest for purposes of Rule 13d-3 or 13d-5
          under  the  Exchange  Act,  or who,  together  with his,  her,  or its
          Affiliates,  has the right to become such a  beneficial  owner of such
          interest (whether such right is exercisable  immediately or only after
          the  passage  of  time)  pursuant  to any  agreement,  arrangement  or
          understanding,  or upon the  exercise,  conversion  or exchange of any
          warrant, right or other instrument, or otherwise.

               "Board of  Directors"  shall mean the board of  directors  of the

               "Business Day" shall mean any day other than a Saturday, a Sunday
          or a day on which banking institutions in The City of New York or at a
          place of payment are authorized by law,  regulation or executive order
          to remain closed.

               "Change of Control" means the occurrence of any of the following:
          (i) any Person becoming the Beneficial Owner,  directly or indirectly,
          of  Voting  Securities,  pursuant  to the  consummation  of a  merger,
          consolidation,  sale of all or substantially  all of the Corporation's
          assets,  share exchange or similar form of  transaction  that requires
          the  approval  of the  Corporation's  stockholders,  whether  for such
          transaction or the issuance of securities in such  transaction,  so as
          to cause such Person's  Voting  Ownership  Percentage to exceed 50% of
          the Total Voting Power; provided, however, that the event described in
          this  clause  (i) shall not be deemed to be a Change of  Control if it
          occurs as a result of the following acquisitions:  (A) by any employee
          benefit  plan  sponsored  or  maintained  by  the  Corporation  or any
          Affiliate,  or (B) by any underwriter  temporarily  holding securities
          pursuant to an offering of such securities; (ii) the consummation of a
          merger,  consolidation,  sale  of  all  or  substantially  all  of the
          Corporation's  assets,  share  exchange or similar  form of  corporate
          transaction  involving the Corporation or any of its subsidiaries that
          requires the approval of the  Corporation's  shareholders  whether for
          such  transaction  or the issuance of securities in such  transaction,
          unless immediately  following such transaction more than 50 percent of
          the total  voting  power of (x) the  corporation  resulting  from such
          transaction,  or (y) if applicable,  the ultimate  parent  corporation
          that directly or indirectly has Beneficial Ownership of 100 percent of
          the voting  securities  eligible to elect  directors of such resulting
          corporation, is represented by Voting Securities that were outstanding
          immediately  prior  to such  transaction  in  substantially  the  same
          proportion  as the voting  power of such Voting  Securities  among the
          holders thereof  immediately prior to such  transaction;  or (iii) the
          consummation  of a plan of complete  liquidation or dissolution of the

               "closing  price" with respect to any  securities on any day means
          the last sale  price on such day or, if no such  sale  takes  place on
          such day, the average of the  reported  high bid and low ask prices on
          such day, in each case on the Nasdaq  National  Market or the New York
          Stock Exchange,  as applicable,  or, if such security is not listed or
          admitted  to  trading  on such  national  market or  exchange,  on the
          principal  national  securities  exchange or quotation system on which
          such  security is quoted or listed or admitted to trading,  or, if not
          quoted or listed or  admitted  to trading on any  national  securities
          exchange or quotation system,  the average of the high bid and low ask
          prices of such security on the  over-the-counter  market on the day in
          question as reported by the National Quotation Bureau  Incorporated or
          a  similar  generally  accepted  reporting  service,  or,  if  not  so
          available,  in such manner as furnished by any New York Stock Exchange
          member firm  selected  from time to time by the Board of Directors for
          that  purpose,  or a price  determined  in good  faith by the Board of
          Directors,  whose determination shall be conclusive and described in a
          resolution of the Board of Directors.

               "Current  Market  Price"  means the average of the daily  closing
          prices per share of Common Stock for the 20  consecutive  Trading Days
          immediately prior to the date in question; provided, however, that (A)
          if the "ex" date (as  hereinafter  defined)  for any event (other than
          the issuance or distribution requiring such computation) that requires
          an adjustment to the  Conversion  Price  pursuant to Section  6(d)(i),
          (ii),  (iii) or (iv) occurs during such 20  consecutive  trading days,
          the closing price for each trading day prior to the "ex" date for such
          other event shall be adjusted by multiplying such closing price by the
          same  fraction  by which the  Conversion  Price is so  required  to be
          adjusted as a result of such other event, (B) if the "ex" date for any
          event  (other  than  the  issuance  or  distribution   requiring  such
          computation)  that  requires an  adjustment  to the  Conversion  Price
          pursuant to Section  6(d)(i),  (ii),  (iii) or (iv) occurs on or after
          the  "ex"  date  for  the  issuance  or  distribution  requiring  such
          computation  and prior to the date in question,  the closing price for
          each trading day on and after the "ex" date for such other event shall
          be adjusted by multiplying such closing price by the reciprocal of the
          fraction by which the  Conversion  Price is so required to be adjusted
          as a result  of such  other  event  and (C) if the  "ex"  date for the
          issuance or  distribution  requiring such  computation is prior to the
          day in question,  after taking into  account any  adjustment  required
          pursuant to clause (A) or (B) of this  proviso,  the closing price for
          each  trading  day on or after  such "ex" date  shall be  adjusted  by
          adding  thereto the amount of any cash and the fair  market  value (as
          determined by the Board of Directors in a manner  consistent  with any
          determination  of such value for purposes of Section  6(d)(iv),  whose
          determination shall be conclusive and described in a resolution of the
          Board of Directors) of the evidence of indebtedness, shares of Capital
          Stock or assets being distributed applicable to one Common Stock as of
          the close of business on the day before such "ex" date.  For  purposes
          of this  paragraph,  the term "ex" date (I) when used with  respect to
          any issuance or distribution, means the first date on which the Common
          Stock trades  regular way on the relevant  exchange or in the relevant
          market from which the closing price was obtained  without the right to
          receive such issuance or  distribution,(II)  when used with respect to
          any  subdivision or combination of Common Stock,  means the first date
          on which the Common  Stock trades  regular way on such  exchange or in
          such market after the time at which such  subdivision  or  combination
          becomes  effective  and (III) when used with  respect to any tender or
          exchange  offer means the first date on which the Common  Stock trades
          regular way on such  exchange or in such market  after the  Expiration
          Time of such offer. Notwithstanding the foregoing, whenever successive
          adjustments  to the  Conversion  Price are called for pursuant to this
          Section 6(d),  such  adjustments  shall be made to the Current  Market
          Price as may be necessary or  appropriate  to effectuate the intent of
          this  Section  6(d) and to avoid  unjust or  inequitable  results,  as
          determined in good faith by the Board of Directors.

               "fair market  value" shall mean the amount which a willing  buyer
          would pay a willing seller in an arm's-length transaction.

               "Record   Date"  shall  mean,   with  respect  to  any  dividend,
          distribution  or other  transaction  or event in which the  holders of
          Common Stock have the right to receive any cash,  securities  or other
          property or in which the Common Stock (or other  applicable  security)
          is exchanged for or converted into any combination of cash, securities
          or other property,  the date fixed for  determination  of stockholders
          entitled to receive such cash,  securities or other property  (whether
          such date is fixed by the Board of Directors  or by statute,  contract
          or otherwise).

               "Exchange Act" shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
          amended,  or  any  successor  federal  statute,   and  the  rules  and
          regulations of the SEC thereunder,  all as the same shall be in effect
          at the time.  Reference  to a  particular  section of the Exchange Act
          shall include reference to the comparable section, if any, of any such
          successor federal statute.

               "Liquidation  Preference"  with  respect  to a share  of the 7.5%
          Series shall mean, as at any date,  $100.00 per share (as adjusted for
          any stock  dividends,  combinations  or splits  with  respect  to such
          share),  plus an amount  equal to all  accrued  but  unpaid  dividends
          (whether or not declared) on such share as at such date.

               "Lobos Parent  Common  Stock" means the common stock,  $0.001 par
          value, of Parent.

               "Lobos  Merger"  means  the  merger  of  Merger  Sub-1  into  the
          Corporation pursuant to the terms of the Lobos Merger Agreement.

               "Lobos  Merger   Agreement"  means  the  Agreement  and  Plan  of
          Restructuring  and Merger  dated as of  November  8,  2000,  among the
          Corporation,  Public  Service  Company of New Mexico,  Parent,  Merger
          Sub-1 and HVNM, Inc., as amended and in effect from time to time.

               "Lobos  Merger  Effective  Time"  means the  "Effective  Time" as
          defined in the Lobos Merger Agreement.

               "Merger Sub-1 means HVK, Inc., a Kansas corporation

               "Person" means any  individual,  "group" (as such term is used in
          sections   13(d)  and  14(d)  of  the  Exchange   Act),   corporation,
          partnership,   joint  venture,  trust,  unincorporated   organization,
          government  or any agency or  political  subdivision  thereof,  or any
          other entity.

               "Parent" means HVOLT Enterprise Inc., a Delaware corporation.

               "Total Voting Power" shall mean, calculated at a particular point
          in time, the aggregate votes  represented by then  outstanding  Voting

               "Trading  Day" shall mean a day on which the  principal  national
          securities exchange on which the Common Stock is listed or admitted to
          trading is open for the transaction of business.

               "Voting  Ownership   Percentage"  shall  mean,  calculated  at  a
          particular  point in time, the Voting Power  represented by the Voting
          Securities  Beneficially  Owned by the Person whose  Voting  Ownership
          Percentage is being determined.

               "Voting  Power" shall mean,  calculated at a particular  point in
          time,  the  ratio,  expressed  as  a  percentage,  of  (a)  the  votes
          represented by the Voting  Securities with respect to which the Voting
          Power is being determined to (b) Total Voting Power.

               "Voting Securities" shall mean the Common Stock and shares of any
          class  of  capital  stock of the  Corporation  then  entitled  to vote
          generally in the election of any member of the Board of Directors,  as
          elected in accordance  with the provisions of the By-laws and Articles
          of the Corporation and shall not include the shares of the 7.5% Series
          prior to its conversion into Common Stock.

     10.  Conflicts.  In the event of a conflict  between any  provision of this
Designation  and the  Articles,  the Articles  shall take  precedence  and shall
control the resolution of such conflict.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  Western  Resources,  Inc. has made this Certificate of
Designations  under its seal and the hand of the President  and Chief  Executive
Officer, an officer authorized to exercise the duties ordinarily  exercised by a
Vice President, and an Assistant Secretary this ____ day of November, 2000.

                                 WESTERN RESOURCES, INC.



                      )   ss:

     BE IT REMEMBERED,  that on this ___ day of November,  2000,  before me, the
undersigned,  a  Notary  Public  in and  for the  County  and  State  aforesaid,
personally came _____________, _________ president of Western Resources, Inc., a
corporation  duly  organized,  incorporated  and existing  under the laws of the
State of  Kansas,  who is  personally  known to me to such  officer,  and who is
personally  known to me to be the same person who  executed as such  officer the
above instrument in writing,  and he duly acknowledged  execution of the same as
_______________ of said corporation.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  I have  hereunto  subscribed  my name and  affixed my
official seal the day and year last above written.

                                                     Notary Public

My commission expires:

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