Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT

                     PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE

                         SECURITES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

Date of Report (Date of earliest events reported) March 1, 2001
                                                  January 25, 2001

             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

         New Mexico                                          85-0019030
 ---------------------------     Commission              ----------------------
(State or Other Jurisdiction     File Number 1-6986        (I.R.S. Employer
     of Incorporation)                       ------      Identification) Number)

  Alvarado Square, Albuquerque, New Mexico                      87158
  ----------------------------------------                      -----
  (Address of principal executive offices)                    (Zip Code)

                                 (505) 241-2700
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

              (Former name, former address and former fiscal year,
                         if changed since last report)

Item 9.    Regulation FD Disclosure

The following is the transcript of the Company`s press conference to discuss the
Company's year-end earnings results that was broadcast via telephone  conference
and the Company's web site on January 25, 2001 and is being filed  herewith as a
Regulation FD disclosure.

                              PNM/WESTERN RESOURCES

                   HOSTS: Mr. Jeff Sterba & Ms. Barbara Barsky
                             DATE: January 25, 2001
                                  7:00 a.m. MT

Good morning and welcome,  ladies and gentlemen,  to the fourth quarter year-end
earnings release conference call. At this time, I'd like to inform you that this
conference is being recorded for rebroadcast and that all  participants are in a
listen-only mode. At the request of the company,  we will open the conference up
for questions and answers after the presentation.

I will now turn the conference over to Barbara Barsky. Please go ahead, ma'am.

Good  morning.  Thank you for  participating  today in this  tele-conference  to
review  PNM's  year  2000  results.  We'll  also  update  you  on  our  take  on
California's crisis and restructuring in New Mexico. Today's conference call can
also be heard on the web by accessing  our website at  www.PNM.com.  I'm Barbara
Barsky, Investor Relations Officer for PNM.

Joining me today are Jeff Sterba,  Chairman,  President  and CEO, Max Maerki our
CFO, Eddie Padilla, our Senior VP of Bulk Power and John Loyack, Controller.

Yesterday we reported  record  earnings for the fourth quarter and the full year
2000. A press release was issued which included  summary  financial  information
for the fourth quarter and the full year of 2000 and earnings guidance for 2001.
If you have not received this release,  please call 505-241-2868 and we will fax
you a copy immediately. A copy can also be found on our website at PNM.com.

I need to remind you that some of the information we will provide today relative
to revenues,  earnings,  regulatory issues, merger issues and investments should
be considered  forward-looking  statements  within the meaning of Section 21E of
the Securities  and Exchange Act.  Actual results for 2001 will be affected by a
number of factors  including,  but not limited to,  weather,  local and national
economies,  the  competitive  environment  and  the  electric  and  natural  gas
industries,  various  legal and State and  federal  regulatory  and  legislative
outcomes if the company is unable to predict at this time. For more  information
about these uncertainties and risk factors, please consult PNM's 10K, 10Q and 8K
filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission for 1999 and 2000.


I'd now like to introduce Jeff Sterba, who will take about 15 minutes to discuss
PNM's  financial  results  and other  recent  news.  Immediately  following  his
remarks, we will open the conference to questions. Jeff.

Good  morning  and thanks for joining us today.  The fourth  quarter of 2000 was
certainly not a dull time for us in the utility industry,  particularly out here
in the West.  At PNM it marked the climax of a really good year. A year in which
our long-term strategic plan continued to produce solid earnings growth.

We recorded a substantial  increase in our wholesale power  business,  more than
doubling  revenues over the previous  year. Due to that success in the wholesale
market,  continued  retail load growth and effective cost control,  PNM earnings
for the year exceeded our original expectations.

And 2000 was a year in which we also  accelerated  our planned  growth  strategy
with an acquisition  that we believe will make PNM a significant  multi-regional
presence in our industry.

2000 was also a year in which we faced the  challenge  of a  volatile  wholesale
market, driven by events in California and California's difficulties have raised
concerns here in New Mexico about our own State's transition to competition.

PNM has  responded to those  concerns  with a proposed  solution that we believe
will  provide New Mexico  customers  with a sound  transition  to a  competitive
market while  providing  appropriate  protection from the high prices and supply
shortages that  California has  experienced  due to their own disregard of sound
economic and market principles.

At this time, it's really unclear what the outcome will be in New Mexico, but we
will work to ensure that an appropriate  market  structure is put in place,  and
that we are provided the business flexibility necessary to enable us to compete.

Now I'll talk a little  bit more  about  industry  restructuring  in New  Mexico
later, but first let's focus a bit on earnings.

Yesterday we reported net  earnings of $2.53 per diluted  share,  an increase of
21.3 percent over 1999 net earnings of $2.01.  For the fourth quarter,  reported
earnings  were 35 cents per share  compared  to 41 cents per share in the fourth
quarter in 1999.  Excluding  one-time  items and costs  related to our  proposed
Western Resources  acquisition,  PNM earned $2.58 per share compared to $1.92 in
1999. For the last quarter of last year,  earnings that of one-time items was 58
cents compared to 43 cents the year prior.


I'll  come  back to these  one-time  items in a few  moments.  The  increase  in
earnings as I said, is primarily due to three things.

First, the success of our wholesale power marketing  business.  Second, a warmer
summer and colder winter in 2000 than in the previous year. And third, continued
cost control in all areas of our business and lower interest expense.  While PNM
wholesale  sales  for  year  were up 11  percent  in  terms  of  kilowatt-hours,
wholesale revenues more than doubled to $757 million for the year.

The  relatively  small  growth  in sales  compared  to the big jump in  revenues
reflects the high prices and increased  volatility we saw in the Western market,
especially during the second half of 2000.

Although PNM electric retail sales increased about 4.2 percent over 1999 levels,
retail electric revenues were actually down a little less than one percent.  The
sales increase  reflects both  continued  strong  underlying  growth in our home
territory and warmer  temperatures last summer. But those factors were offset by
the $37 million rate reduction we implemented for retail  customers in the third
quarter of 1999.

O & M expenses  were roughly flat in 2000  compared to the  previous  year.  And
interest  expense  for the year  declined  by more  than $5  million  due to the
retirement of $53 million in debt over the past two years.

We were also able to take  advantage of our good cash position to buy back about
a million and a half shares of common stock.

At year end,  PNM recorded a one-time  regulatory  reserve of 17 cents per share
reflecting our view of the probable  treatment of certain  regulatory  assets in
the transition to industry restructuring in New Mexico.

The other  one-time  items in 2000 were in the third quarter and included a gain
of 21 cents from a legal settlement,  a reversal of gas rate reserves of 7 cents
and a charge of 7 cents related to the acquisition of a new long-term  wholesale

As you  know,  the big  news in our  industry  in  recent  months  has  been the
unraveling of industry re-structuring in California. And I want to talk a little
bit about how that situation  impacted our wholesale  business last year and how
we see it affecting us as we move forward into 2001.

We are not a major participant in the California market and only a small part of
our sales are directly into the California PX and ISO. We really don't track our
wholesale  trading  by  State,  but we  estimate  that  about 7  percent  of our
wholesale  transactions  which as you will recall amounted to about $750 million
last year.  About 7 percent of that went to the  California  Power  Exchange and
ISO.  But  California  is the 800 pound  gorilla of the western  market and what
happens there affects all of us in 2000, and again as we move forward in 2001 in
the western market.


First,  let me review our exposure to the California and western market which we
obviously  monitor  quite  closely.  As we've spoken  before,  we take an active
approach to risk management and a strong policy's in place to help us understand
and minimize our exposure to risks in the commodity trading operation.

We received  payment on January 18th from the  California PX for the majority of
the bill due us, but the Exchange is now in default on about $1.7 million  which
we  understand  to be the  SCE,  the  Southern  Cal Ed  portion,  of that  bill.
Additionally,  the Power  Exchange  and ISO owe us about six and a half  million
dollars that will be payable  over the next 90 days.  We don't know what portion
of that may be associated with which utility within California, but some portion
of that we would fully expect is associated with Southern  California,  a larger
portion with PG&E and then some portion with San Diego.

As of two weeks ago,  we  discontinued  trades  with the PX and ISO until we had
greater  assurance of payment.  We have also  transacted  business more recently
with the California Department of Water Resources, but at this time we have also
ceased that trading activity until such time as additional financial security is

Until  then,  we will  trade with these  California  parties  only to the extent
necessary to comply with the  Department of Energy's  directive.  Given that the
greatest  problems of California  appear to be in the northern part of the State
where it's difficult for us to transmit  power, we have only been called on once
in recent  weeks,  that's a nice  tongue  twister,  in recent  weeks  under that

In the fourth  quarter we also booked an eight and a half million dollar reserve
to reflect our exposure to the wholesale market.

Going  forward we expect  that the  disruptions  in the  California  market will
continue  to have an  impact  on PNM's  wholesale  business.  As you  know,  the
fundamental  problem  in  California  is  a  mis-match  in  supply  and  demand,
aggravated by a seriously  flawed market  structure.  While it's too soon to say
how long it will take to straighten out the market problems,  I think it's clear
that it'll take at least a year to  eighteen  months  before any new  generation
that's now in planning stages can begin to address the supply shortage.

And I believe it'll take more like two or three years before power  supplies can
hope to catch up with the  demands of the State.  So we expect  that  demand and
prices  will  remain  strong and risk and  volatility  will  remain  high in the
western market at least for the next year.

California's problems have raised a lot of second thoughts about proceeding with
utility  industry  re-structuring  here in New  Mexico.  A  number  of  parties,
including the legislature who originally  sponsored New Mexico's  re-structuring
legislation  back in 1999 are now  calling for delay of  implementation  or even

We understand  the concern and fear that what has happened in California  not be
allowed to happen in New Mexico  and we agree  with  that.  We believe  that the
combination of the New Mexico law which was developed  after five years of study
with a focus on avoiding the California model.


Second, the desire for New Mexico to be the site of  environmentally-appropriate
new power  generation.  And third,  our proposed plan of transition,  that those
three things can assure that the  California  disease will not infect New Mexico

We and many others continue to believe that  competition and customer choice are
the future of our industry, and that there is no effective back to go back to.

We are urging  regulators  and  legislators  to continue to press  forward  with
implementation while learning from the errors made in California.  New Mexico is
not California and our approach to industry  re-structuring  avoids the pitfalls
that California fell into.

However,  we have also indicated a commitment to work with the  legislature.  If
they feel a short-term  delay is  essential,  provided  that it is structured to
continue  the  development  of a  competitive  supply  market and provide us the
business flexibility necessary to position and compete.

The  legislature  has  several  possible  options.  It can  decline to amend the
re-structuring  law which would leave us on-track for open access beginning next

Alternatively,  the legislature  could choose to let the open access States slip
by one, two or maybe even five years,  but allow PNM and the other  utilities in
the State to  proceed  with  corporate  separation  or  something  similar  that
facilitates  development of a competitive  supply  market,  as well as the other
necessary steps in preparation for customer choice.

Or the legislature  could allow delay of all those  preparatory steps as well as
the open access  States  effectively  calling a time-out that freezes the status
quo. It also raises questions about how will the supply needs be met.

The most  extreme  option  they have would be to repeal the law  altogether  and
attempt  to  return  to  the  old  regulatory  system.  There's  no  doubt  that
California's unfortunate experience has shaken public confidence in the benefits
of  utility  industry  re-structuring.  And  ours is  truly  a  vital  industry,
indispensable to modern life in the twenty-first  century. And people look to us
to provide a reliable supply of energy at affordable prices.

But we also believe that free markets,  properly  structured will continue to do
that and do it better than  regulation.  We  strongly  support  continuing  with
preparing for a competitive  market,  particularly  focusing on the supply side,
even if the actual day for open access is delayed for some period of time.

Now based on our strong results in 2000 and our view of developments  this year,
we are raising  our  earnings  forecast  for 2001 to a range of $2.60 to $2.70 a
share.  We  believe  that the first and  second  quarters  will  exceed the same
quarters of last year.


In part this change  reflects  the pricing in the West during the second half of
2000.  We don't  believe we will see the same  spikes in the second half of this
year as we did in 2000 on a  comparative  basis.  So we look for lower third and
fourth quarters in 2001.

This also assumes that retail sales growth will  continue at 2000 rates and that
we will  continue to see growth in our wholesale  margins.  It also includes the
positive effect of the two gas rate cases settled at the end of the year.

Expenses will  increase due to  inflation,  growth  initiatives  and  regulatory

Significant  capital  additions in 2000 will lead to increased  depreciation  in
2001,  but fewer  shares  outstanding  and reduced  losses in our  non-regulated
businesses will benefit earnings.

At 2.60 to 2.70  earnings for this year, we will be producing an annual 16 to 18
percent earnings growth rate since 1999, and be positioned to achieve our target
growth rate of 10 percent over the next five to six years.

Now we'd be glad to take any questions.

The question and answer session will begin now. If you're using a  speakerphone,
please  pick up the  handset  before  pressing  any  numbers.  Should you have a
question,  please  press  1, 4 on your  pushbutton  phone.  Should  you  wish to
withdraw  your  question,  please press 1, 3. Your question will be taken in the
order it is received. Please standby by your first question.

The first question comes from Jim Von Reisemann.  Please state your affiliation,
followed by your question.

Hi, it's Jim Von Reisemann from Morgan Stanley.  Congratulations, Jeff, Max.

Thank you, Jim.

Three  questions,  if I could.  The first one is does the 13 cent reserve margin
that you booked in the fourth  quarter  included in that 2.58 that you  reported
for on-going earnings for the year?


Could you be specific about the reserve, you said reserve margin.


You said the reserve for,  excuse me, you took a reserve for eight and a half to
reflect the risk in the wholesale  market. Is that included in the 2.58 on-going
earnings that you're reporting for the year?

Yes, it is.


Okay, so ....

Yes.  Yes, it is.

So if I look at this  correctly,  earnings  would have been about 2.70 right had
you not taken this reserve? Or am I looking at it backwards?

That is correct.

Okay. So essentially  you're saying flat earnings 2001 versus 2000 with your new


Okay.  Second thing, one could you talk about the weather a little bit. What the
weather impact was on a per share basis from the retail side in 2000.

It's  difficult  to do it on a per share  basis,  but our cooling  degree days I
believe  and I'm  looking at Roger  Flynn  who's here with me, but I think it is
something  like our average is around  1,100 and I believe  we're at about 1,700
cooling degree days subject to check. So it was a fairly substantial increase in
cooling degree days.

Heating  degree days for the year are up a bit, not quite as  substantial.  Now,
we're going to see if I'm right.



Heating degree,  cooling degree days, I was fairly close. For 1999, it was about
1,118 and for 2000 it was 1,700. So cooling degree days were  substantially  up.
Heating degree days were up, but only by about five percent.

Okay. And then the final question is on the proposed  delays by Senator  Sanchez
of up to five years. I think the PRC Commissioner Pope is on-board as is the AG.
Can you just talk about in general  terms,  I mean what the  likelihood  of that
going through is or if there would be opportunities for some sharing  mechanisms
which some advocacy groups are proposing out there,  especially on the wholesale

Sure. Michael Sanchez has yet to produce  legislation and it is always difficult
to comment  until you know actually what the words are. His press release said a
delay of up, of at least  five  years.  But he's been  quoted in the paper  more
recently as talking about something starting around 2006.

Since I got back into town,  I have not had a chance to talk with the Senator so
I think this is one of these fluid processes.  That the legislature is obviously
concerned  and nervous and learning at the same time. So I think it's other than
the broad parameters that we established, it's difficult to say what I think may

I  think  that  there  is  certainly   momentum  behind  the  delay  within  the
legislature,  out of fear and sometimes imperfect information. And as I've said,
we're willing to work with them provided  that there's  clarity  around the move
and the  commitment to a competitive  wholesale  market,  wholesale  competitive
supply market. And being able to provide the business flexibility  necessary for
us to compete.

So I think that kind of frames  where the forces are.  Now there are some of the
utilities in this State that supported the delay, one particularly does not have
generation and is exposed to the wholesale market as it is today.

There are other  utilities  of which we are one,  that  believe it ought to move
forward at the pace it is today.  I've seen  recently two letters that are going
to, in one of the papers,  that also support no delay. So I, you know, it's hard
to tell where this  actually  ends up, but the momentum is probably  more toward
some form of a delay.

Now in terms of the wholesale  side,  Jim,  that you raised,  a couple things to
keep in mind. A lot of our off-system sales by far the vast majority, comes from
our  excluded  assets and the  at-risk  trading  operation  that we enter  into.
Probably  less than 15 percent  of the  energy  sales that we make in the market
come from  resources  that are included in rates.  In the last rates  settlement
that we entered into,  there's about $41 million of credits for off-system sales
that were included in that.


So I think that what people see,  we're  making a lot of money in the  wholesale
market and they  assume  that  that's  coming out of the sale of energy from our
system,  that's in rates. And that's not the case. So I don't think that there's
a high  probability  that a good argument can be made that some sharing of those
revenues is appropriate.  Our shareholders  have paid of $300 million since 1990
associated  with  excluded  assets in losses.  And we finally hit upon a year in
which we're able to recover our costs for the excluded assets, and start to earn
back a little bit of that loss.

Now we really,  those are not  arguments  or points that we've really had to get
into yet in this State,  but I think it's the first optics about the money being
made in the wholesale market place.

Great.  That's a good clarification.  Thank you very much.

The next  question  comes from Robert  Mullin*.  Please state your  affiliation,
followed by your question.

Rob Mullin  from  Zimmer  Lucas.  Congratulations  on a strong  quarter.  My two
questions.  The first is I think you  mentioned  the 17 cent  reserve  taken for
re-structuring charges and I was curious if re-structuring is delayed, are those
types of  reserves  that we could see being  reversed in the future or are those
linked to the timely implementation of re-structuring?

Okay.  And you had a second question, Robert?

Yeah.  The second was just I was curious,  the targeted  growth rate.  There was
some  confusion in terms of whether it was predicated on the closing of, the ten
percent growth is predicated on the closing of the Western  Resources  merger or
if it's  achievable  on a stand-alone  basis,  and I just wanted to see what the
current thinking was on that.

Okay. First, relative to the reserve. If there's anything other than the process
of re-structuring that causes one to loose hair, it's accounting rules.


And we have had to make an estimate based on the best  information  available of
what we think could happen.



And there's no single scenario that we can say this exactly will happen,  but as
we've  looked  at it and as we've  looked  at what we have put on the  table for
discussion  of  settlement  purposes,  it is our  belief  that  that  amount  of
regulatory  asset which was I think about $6.6 million after tax is not going to
be  recoverable.  But we felt that the  approach  that we have worked with other
parties  on in  negotiating  a  settlement  to the  restructuring  issues was an
appropriate one for the company and for our owners.

So now, are there scenarios that could occur in which it would be reversed and I
guess the answer is yes. For example, if there was a repeal of the Act and we go
back or try to go back to some form of  regulatory  cost-based  rate making then
there  would be an  argument  that that's an asset that should be placed back on
the books.

Now the second question regarding targeted growth rate and the ten percent.  The
acquisition  with  Western  Resources  is an  integral  component  of our growth
strategy and it does it through a couple of bases.

One,  it  introduces  us into a new market  that I think is less robust and less
mature  than the market  we've  operated  in and so we think we can do some very
good efforts in that marketplace.

Second,  it also  provides a bit of a hedge  because  today we're exposed to the
volatility of the western marketplace and the risks of the western  marketplace.
And having some  diversity  helps gives some  comfort to the ability to maintain
those  kinds of growth  rates.  So the ten  percent  that I refer to assumes the
closing of that merger transaction.

Okay.  Thank you very much.

The next question comes from  Rose-Lynn  Perry.  Please state your  affiliation,
followed by your question.

Hi. SAC Capital. I have a couple of questions.  First of all, regarding the 2001
earnings  guidance  of 2.60 to 2.70.  I just want to confirm  that that does not
assume that you're paid by  California  in 2001,  such that if you are paid,  we
could look for that to be added in to the earnings guidance.

No. We have booked the revenue.  We have on our books the  reflection of revenue
being paid for sales made in 2000.  We have not  charged  off  against  earnings
assuming that that will not be made. Okay. So --

Would you be reversing the reserve then in '01?


No.  The  reserve  that we took,  let's try to  clarify  this issue of a reserve
because I think it goes back to the question that Jim asked  earlier.  The eight
and a half million reserve is not a special or one time charge that we've taken.
It is a reserve that recognizes the overall risks  associated with our wholesale
market  operation.  It is now  grown to a size  that  it's  about,  it's over 50
percent of our electric  revenues,  over 60 percent of our sales on the electric
side,  and within  any  commodity  market  there is always  risk,  whether it be
associated with credit, and not just the California situation.

Frankly, there were charges if you will recall a couple of years ago when we had
some traders that went  belly-up and some of the market  players ended up having
to take  charges.  So the eight and a half  million  dollars that we have booked
right now is a result of a fairly  significant set of analysis using basically a
credit var-like* calculation. And recognizing the risks that are inherent in the

In addition,  recognizing  the special  uncertainty  of  California.  So it is a
reserve that could be offset if in fact we don't receive some  payments,  but in
fact we will  redo  that  calculation  about  the  reserve  I would  assume on a
quarterly basis and it may go up or down as we go forward.


But up  until  the  fourth  quarter,  we did not  have  that  kind of a  reserve

Okay.  Thanks for that  clarification.  And then I'm also curious how much power
you've sold  forward for 2001,  what percent of your you know,  total  potential
there  and  whether  or not you  participated  in the  California  auction  that
occurred yesterday, or ended yesterday.

Yeah. Relative to competitive issues, it's not something that we would disclose.
Please judge us by our results as we move forward. But in terms of percentage of
sales,  it's  difficult  to make,  to give you a  percentage  that's going to be
meaningful.  We have sold  forward  and  particularly  in the  first and  second
quarters,  I'm not sure how much we've sold of  significance at all in the third
and fourth quarter already. Eddie Padilla is with us and I'm going to ask him to
give a little information on that.

Yeah. We've always participate in the forward market. The exact amounts would be
a matter of actually a daily change as we trade, buy and resell. So to provide a
forward look of those  assessments  would be a specific point in time assessment
and it changes  constantly.  But we do actively trade forward through  primarily
18-month forward block sales, so we do have quite a bit of forward sales already
into  particularly  Q1, Q2 and I'd say  we're  active in Q3 and then to a lesser
extent Q4 and Q1 of the following year.


Can you tell us generally what your philosophy is towards how much you'd like to
have sold forward versus on-the-spot?

Well again, that strategy we assess daily in our morning strategy meetings,  and
as of this particular  point in time obviously  prices are very strong.  I would
say that, I would point out that we do trade actively in the real-time market so
not only do we look at the  balance  between  day-ahead  and  month-ahead  block
trades, we also balance that with what we think we can do on the hourly market.

Now let me give you one other reference point. In general, and this obviously is
just a guideline  because we as Eddie said it is affected by how we perceive the
market conditions to be.

But in general  we're  targeting  to start to work on having 50 percent or so of
our sales under longer term contracts and that could be a year, two years, three
years.  Probably  you know we'll view  quarter-to-quarter  sales as  obviously a
short-term not just spot. But that's kind of a longer term strategy for us.

Now also  remember  that in this year we lose the San Diego  contract  which was
worth I believe  on an  annualized  basis  something  like 32 cents,  36 cents a
share.  So when people talk about  reasonably  flat, not too much of an increase
earnings going from last year to this year, even with our increased 2.60 to 2.70
frankly, we think that's a hell of a success given the San Diego loss.

Okay.  And the California auction?

We  don't  usually  give  out  information  about  what  transactions  we may be
discussing or negotiating so I would back off on answering that question.

Okay.  Thanks.

Ladies and  gentleman,  again I'd like to remind you should you have a question,
please press 1, 4 on your pushbutton phone.

The next  question  comes from Richard  Haden*.  Please state your  affiliation,
followed by your question.

Good morning. You may have covered this, I apologize. Have you delineated a time
line for the Western Resources?


Well,  we have  talked in terms of we'd like to  envision a closing in the first
quarter of 2002.  Obviously,  the major  issues we need to work  through are the
regulatory  process. As you may know, Western has a rate case going on that will
not, well it will be decided in July,  the second half of July by the Commission
in Kansas.  So the end line for us is we'd like to look at a closing early 2002.
I don't think a closing this calendar year is reasonable.

One  update I guess,  we are  starting  to hone in on when we think  shareholder
approvals will be requested, and it's probably going to be in August. And that's
really  driven by the process,  the SEC process for the approval of the S4 given
that we're going to need audited  financials for year-end.  And so when you work
through that calendar,  it really points that shareholder approval will probably
be in the August time frame.

Thank you.

If anyone again has any further questions or comments, please press 1, 4.

If there are no further questions,  I'll turn the conference back to Jeff Sterba
to conclude.

Well,  I would  just  like to thank you all very much for your time with us this
morning.  Our folks are  certainly  available,  both Debbie  Randall and Barbara
Barsky if you have  further  questions,  and we will keep you  advised as things
change in this ever-fluid market. Thank you.

Ladies and gentlemen, that concludes our conference for today. If you would like
a rebroadcast  of this  conference,  please dial  1-800-428-6051,  international
number  1-973-709-2089  with  an  I.D.  number  of  156101.  Thank  you  all for
participating and have a nice day. All parties may now disconnect.

Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995
Statements made in this filing that relate to future events are made pursuant to
the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Readers are cautioned that
such forward-looking statements with respect to revenues, earnings, performance,
strategies, prospects and other aspects of the business of the Company are based
upon current expectations and are subject to risk and uncertainties,  as are the
forward-looking  statements  with  respect  to the  benefits  of  the  Company's
proposed  acquisition of Western Resources and the businesses of the Company and
Western Resources. The Company assumes no obligation to update this information.


Because  actual results may differ  materially  from  expectations,  the Company
cautions  readers not to place undue reliance on these  statements.  A number of
factors,  including  weather,  fuel  costs,  changes in supply and demand in the
market for electric power,  the performance of generating units and transmission
system, and state and federal regulatory and legislative  decisions and actions,
including rulings issued by the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission pursuant
to the Electric  Utility Industry  Restructuring  Act of 1999 and in other cases
now pending or which may be brought  before the commission and any action by the
New Mexico Legislature to amend or repeal that Act, or other actions relating to
restructuring  or  stranded  cost  recovery,  or  federal  or state  regulatory,
legislative  or legal  action  connected  with the  California  wholesale  power
market,  could cause the Company's results or outcomes to differ materially from
those indicated by such forward-looking statements in this filing.

In addition,  factors that could cause actual results or outcomes related to the
proposed  acquisition  of  Western  Resources  to differ  materially  from those
indicated by such forward looking  statements  include,  but are not limited to,
risks and  uncertainties  relating to: the possibility that  shareholders of the
Company and/or Western  Resources  will not approve the  transaction,  the risks
that the  businesses  will not be  integrated  successfully,  the risk  that the
benefits  of the  transaction  may not be fully  realized  or may take longer to
realize than expected,  disruption from the transaction making it more difficult
to maintain  relationships  with  clients,  employees,  suppliers or other third
parties,   conditions  in  the  financial   markets  relevant  to  the  proposed
transaction,  the receipt of regulatory and other approvals of the  transaction,
that future circumstances could cause business decisions or accounting treatment
to be decided  differently  than now intended,  changes in laws or  regulations,
changing  governmental  policies and regulatory  actions with respect to allowed
rates of return on equity and equity ratio limits,  industry and rate structure,
stranded  cost  recovery,  operation of nuclear power  facilities,  acquisition,
disposal, depreciation and amortization of assets and facilities,  operation and
construction  of plant  facilities,  recovery of fuel and purchased power costs,
decommissioning  costs, present or prospective  wholesale and retail competition
(including  retail  wheeling and  transmission  costs),  political  and economic
risks,  changes  in and  compliance  with  environmental  and  safety  laws  and
policies,  weather  conditions  (including natural disasters such as tornadoes),
population  growth rates and  demographic  patterns,  competition for retail and
wholesale customers,  availability, pricing and transportation of fuel and other
energy commodities,  market demand for energy from plants or facilities, changes
in tax rates or policies or in rates of  inflation or in  accounting  standards,
unanticipated  delays or changes in costs for  capital  projects,  unanticipated
changes  in  operating  expenses  and  capital   expenditures,   capital  market
conditions,  competition for new energy development  opportunities and legal and
administrative  proceedings (whether civil, such as environmental,  or criminal)
and settlements, the outcome of Protection One accounting issues reviewed by the
SEC staff as disclosed in previous Western Resources SEC filings, and the impact
of  Protection  One's  financial  condition on Western  Resources'  consolidated



Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.
                                       PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NEW MEXICO

Date:  March 1, 2001                             /s/ John R. Loyack
                                                    John R. Loyack
                                         Vice President, Corporate Controller
                                             and Chief Accounting Officer
                                              (Officer duly authorized
                                                to sign this report)
