Exhibit 99.1

PNM Earnings Nearly Triple Over Same Quarter Last Year

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. July 17, 2001 - PNM, Public Service Company of New Mexico
(NYSE:PNM) today reported net earnings for the three months ended June 30, 2001,
of $49.6 million, or $1.24 per share of common stock (diluted). In the
comparable three months in 2000, earnings were $18.0 million, or $0.45 per
diluted share. Operating revenues for the quarter totaled $666.1 million, more
than doubling from the $329.0 million of the previous year.

PNM net earnings for the first six months of 2001 totaled $113.1 million, or
$2.84 per diluted share, up from net earnings of $39.9 million, or $1.00 per
diluted share, in the comparable period last year.

Earnings for the quarter and first six months of 2001 benefited from continued
strong energy demand in the Western U.S., according to PNM Chairman, President
and Chief Executive Officer Jeff Sterba.

"Over the past 18 months, our power marketing people have demonstrated their
ability to adapt successfully to the demands of a rapidly changing market,"
Sterba said. The latest change in market dynamics was initiated by the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) June 19 order capping wholesale power prices
in the region, Sterba noted.

"It is still too early to fully quantify the impact of that order on PNM
revenues and earnings going forward, " Sterba said. "Nevertheless, for the full
year 2001, PNM earnings are expected to be between $4.25 and $4.50 per share. We
continue to believe that, underlying our recent exceptionally strong results,
this company can produce sustainable earnings beginning in 2002 in the range of
$3.50 per share annually."

Included in PNM second quarter results is an unrealized loss of $27.3 million,
or $0.41 per diluted share, reflecting the reduced current market value of
trading contracts held by the company's power marketing business.

Second quarter earnings were also reduced by a charge of $3.6 million, or $0.06
per diluted share, related to the company's proposed transaction with Western
Resources. PNM net earnings excluding those charges were $1.30 per diluted
share. Other non-recurring items affecting second quarter results reduced
earnings by approximately $18.0 million, or $0.27 per diluted share. These
non-recurring charges include the write-off of certain non-recoverable coal mine
decommissioning costs and donations to the PNM Foundation. Ongoing earnings were
$1.57 per diluted share for the second quarter 2001 and $3.21 per diluted share
for the year to date. There were no non-recurring items recorded during the
first and second quarters of 2000.

Retail electric revenues totaled approximately $128.6 million for the quarter
and $254.9 million for the six months ended June 30, compared to $125.4 million
in the second quarter of 2000 and $246.8 million in the first half of 2000. PNM
believes it has adequate generation resources with a sufficient reserve margin
to serve its jurisdictional customers.

Retail electric sales in the first six months of 2001 totaled almost 3.5 million
megawatt hours, up 3.3 percent from the comparable period last year. Wholesale
sales for the six months ended June 30, 2001, totaled 6.3 million megawatt
hours, unchanged from the comparable period in the previous year.


Gross margin (operating revenues less fuel and purchased power expenses)
increased $83.5 million, or 56.5 percent, in the second quarter compared to the
same period last year. Non-fuel operations and maintenance expenses increased
$7.4 million, or 8.8 percent for the quarter, including increased pension costs
of $5.0 million, relating to lower than expected investment returns.

PNM is a combined electric and gas utility serving approximately 1.3 million
people in New Mexico. The company also sells power on the wholesale market in
the Western U.S. PNM stock is traded primarily on the NYSE under the symbol PNM.


                            Exhibit 99.1 (continued)

                                           PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NEW MEXICO & SUBSIDIARIES
                                                    CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF EARNINGS

                                                    Three Months Ended            Six Months Ended          Twelve Months Ended
                                                          June 30                      June 30                     June 30
                                                    2001           2000           2001         2000          2001         2000
                                                                     (In thousands except per share amounts)
Operating Revenues:
  Utility                                         $  223,629    $ 184,833    $  550,087   $   05,477   $  1,003,999   $  780,341
  Generation and Trading                             524,758      221,911     1,015,923      398,208      1,692,893      803,601
  Unregulated                                          1,277        1,343         1,277        1,692          1,743        6,847
  Intersegment eliminations                          (83,573)     (79,046)     (164,666)    (155,045)      (335,072)    (317,103)
     Total operating revenues                        666,091      329,041     1,402,621      650,332      2,363,563    1,273,686
Operating Expenses:
  Cost of energy sold                                433,841      180,394       930,939      348,117      1,532,702      661,706
  Operation and  maintenance expenses                 91,726       84,263       181,516      167,382        361,626      349,959
  Depreciation and amortization                       23,929       22,633        48,148       46,642         94,565       92,877
  Taxes, other than income taxes                       7,839        8,465        15,056       16,131         33,330       32,046
  Income taxes, net                                   28,209        5,632        69,115       13,459        109,619       22,733
     Total operating expenses                        585,544      301,387     1,244,774      591,731      2,131,842    1,159,321
     Operating income                                 80,547       27,654       157,847       58,601        231,721      114,365
Other Income and Deductions, Net of Tax              (14,588)       6,753       (11,954)      14,258          7,702       32,048
Income before interest charges                        65,959       34,407       145,893       72,859        239,423      146,413
Net Interest Charges                                  16,362       16,421        32,744       32,921         65,265       68,163
Net Earnings                                          49,597       17,986       113,149       39,938        174,158       78,250
Preferred Stock Dividend Requirements                    147          147           293          293            586          586
Net Earnings Applicable to Common Stock         $     49,450    $  17,839    $  112,856   $   39,645   $     73,572   $   77,664

Earnings Per Share of Common Stock (Basic)      $       1.26    $    0.45    $     2.89   $     1.00   $       4.43   $     1.93
Average Shares Outstanding (Basic)                    39,118       39,536        39,118       39,754         39,171       40,266

Earnings Per Share of Common Stock (Diluted)    $       1.24    $    0.45    $     2.84   $     1.00   $       4.37   $     1.93
Average Shares Outstanding (Diluted)                  39,966       39,597        39,782       39,799         39,704       40,321

Dividends Paid Per Share of Common Stock        $       0.20    $    0.20    $     0.40   $     0.40   $       0.80   $     0.80
